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{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES
  March 4, 2011  
                                NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                REGION II
Carolina Power and Light Company ATTN: Mr. Robert J. Duncan, II Vice President H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2  
                              245 PEACHTREE CENTER AVENUE NE, SUITE 1200
3581 West Entrance Road Hartsville, SC 29550  
                                      ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-1257
                                            March 4, 2011
Dear Mr. Duncan:  
Carolina Power and Light Company
On February 9, 2011, the NRC staff completed its end-of-cycle performance review of the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2. The NRC reviewed the most recent quarterly performance indicators (PIs) in addition to inspection results and enforcement actions from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. This letter informs you of the NRC's assessment of your facility during this period and its plans for future inspections at your facility. This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter will include NRC's assessment of your performance in the Security Cornerstone and its security-related inspection plan.  
ATTN: Mr. Robert J. Duncan, II
Vice President
H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2
3581 West Entrance Road
Hartsville, SC 29550
                PLANT, UNIT 2 (REPORT 05000261/2011001)
Dear Mr. Duncan:
On February 9, 2011, the NRC staff completed its end-of-cycle performance review of the H. B.
Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2. The NRC reviewed the most recent quarterly
performance indicators (PIs) in addition to inspection results and enforcement actions from
January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. This letter informs you of the NRCs assessment
of your facility during this period and its plans for future inspections at your facility. This
performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A
separate letter will include NRCs assessment of your performance in the Security Cornerstone
and its security-related inspection plan.
The NRC determined the performance at Robinson Unit 2 during the most recent quarter was
within the Degraded Cornerstone column of the NRCs Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Action
Matrix because the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours performance indicator crossed
the threshold from Green to White in the third quarter of 2010, and three findings classified as
having low to moderate safety significance (White) were active in the Mitigating Systems
cornerstone. Two of the three White inspection findings were identified in the third quarter of
2010 and the third finding was identified in the fourth quarter of 2010. The first White finding
was identified for your failure to correct a condition adverse to quality in B Emergency Diesel
Generator output breaker 52/27B. The second White finding was identified for your failure to
adequately design and implement operator training based on learning objectives as required by
10 CFR 55.59(c), in that training lesson material failed to identify the basis of a procedural
action involving reactor coolant pump seal cooling in licensee procedure PATH-1, as required
by the definition of systems approach to training, Element 3 in 10 CFR 55.4. The third White
inspection finding was identified for your failure to adequately implement requirements of
multiple procedures required by Technical Specification 5.4.1, during a cooldown of the Reactor
Coolant System and subsequent safety injection after a reactor trip on March 28, 2010.
The performance of Robinson Unit 2 during the first and second quarter of 2010 was within the
Licensee Response Column of the NRCs ROP Action matrix because all inspection findings
were classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and all PIs indicated performance
at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). On November 12, 2010, the NRC
issued an assessment follow-up letter due to the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours

The NRC determined the performance at Robinson Unit 2 during the most recent quarter was within the Degraded Cornerstone column of the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Action Matrix because the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours performance indicator crossed the threshold from Green to White in the third quarter of 2010, and three findings classified as
CP&L                                         2
having low to moderate safety significance (White) were active in the Mitigating Systems cornerstone.  Two of the three White inspection findings were identified in the third quarter of 2010 and the third finding was identified in the fourth quarter of 2010.  The first White finding was identified for your failure to correct a condition adverse to quality in "B" Emergency Diesel Generator output breaker 52/27B.  The second White finding was identified for your failure to
performance indicator crossing the green-to-white threshold. As a result of our assessment
adequately design and implement operator training based on learning objectives as required by 10 CFR 55.59(c), in that training lesson material failed to identify the basis of a procedural action involving reactor coolant pump seal cooling in licensee procedure PATH-1, as required by the definition of systems approach to training, Element 3 in 10 CFR 55.4.  The third White inspection finding was identified for your failure to adequately implement requirements of
review, Robinson Unit 2 performance was assessed to be in the Regulatory Response Column
multiple procedures required by Technical Specification 5.4.1, during a cooldown of the Reactor Coolant System and subsequent safety injection after a reactor trip on March 28, 2010. 
of the NRCs ROP Action Matrix. An additional assessment follow-up letter was issued on
The performance of Robinson Unit 2 during the first and second quarter of 2010 was within the Licensee Response Column of the NRC's ROP Action matrix because all inspection findings were classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and all PIs indicated performance at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green).  On November 12, 2010, the NRC issued an assessment follow-up letter due to the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours 
January 31, 2011. The NRC updated its assessment of Robinson Unit 2 to be in the Degraded
CP&L 2   performance indicator crossing the green-to-white threshold. As a result of our assessment review, Robinson Unit 2 performance was assessed to be in the Regulatory Response Column of the NRC's ROP Action Matrix. An additional assessment follow-up letter was issued on January 31, 2011. The NRC updated its assessment of Robinson Unit 2 to be in the Degraded  
Cornerstone Column of the NRCs Action Matrix, effective the third quarter of calendar year
Cornerstone Column of the NRC's Action Matrix, effective the third quarter of calendar year 2010 due to the three white findings in the Mitigating System Cornerstone.    
2010 due to the three white findings in the Mitigating System Cornerstone.
On February 1, 2011 your staff notified the NRC of your readiness, as of March 11, 2011, for us to conduct a supplemental inspection to review the actions taken to address the White  
On February 1, 2011 your staff notified the NRC of your readiness, as of March 11, 2011, for us
performance indicator. Therefore, in addition to ROP baseline inspections, the NRC plans to conduct a supplemental inspection in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95001, "Inspection for One or Two White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area," beginning on March 21 for the review of the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 critical hours White performance indicator. Also, on February 1, 2011, your staff notified the NRC of your readiness, as of May 9, 2011, for us to conduct a supplemental inspection to review the actions taken to address three White inspection findings. Therefore, the NRC plans to conduct a supplemental inspection in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002, "Inspection for One Degraded Cornerstone or Any Three White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area," beginning on May 31 for the review of these inspection findings.  
to conduct a supplemental inspection to review the actions taken to address the White
The NRC identifies substantive cross-cutting issues (SCCIs) to communicate a concern with the  
performance indicator. Therefore, in addition to ROP baseline inspections, the NRC plans to
licensee's performance in a cross-cutting area and to encourage the licensee to take appropriate actions before more significant performance issues emerge.
conduct a supplemental inspection in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95001, Inspection
  The NRC identified a cross-cutting theme in the Resources component of the Human Performance cross-cutting area. Specifically, four Green inspection findings were identified as having the cross-cutting aspect of complete, accurate and up-to-date design documentation, procedures, and work packages, and  
for One or Two White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area, beginning on March 21 for the
correct labeling of components, H.2(c). The NRC determined that an SCCI exists because the NRC has a concern with your staff's progress in addressing the cross-cutting theme. Specifically, your staff's actions have not yet proven effective in substantially mitigating the cross-cutting theme as it relates to procedure quality. The SCCI will remain open until the NRC has confidence that your corrective actions are sufficient, based in part on a reduction in the  
review of the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 critical hours White performance indicator. Also, on
number of findings below the SCCI threshold. The NRC will monitor your staff's progress in addressing the SCCI during the 95002 supplemental inspection and we will perform focused annual problem identification and resolution reviews of the actions to address this cross-cutting theme.
February 1, 2011, your staff notified the NRC of your readiness, as of May 9, 2011, for us to
The enclosed inspection plan lists the inspections scheduled through June 30, 2012. Routine inspections performed by resident inspectors are not included in the inspection plan. The inspections listed during the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the mid-cycle performance review. The NRC provides the inspection plan to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues. The NRC will contact you as soon as possible to discuss changes to the inspection plan should circumstances warrant any changes.  
conduct a supplemental inspection to review the actions taken to address three White
inspection findings. Therefore, the NRC plans to conduct a supplemental inspection in
accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002, Inspection for One Degraded Cornerstone or
Any Three White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area, beginning on May 31 for the review of
these inspection findings.
The NRC identifies substantive cross-cutting issues (SCCIs) to communicate a concern with the
licensees performance in a cross-cutting area and to encourage the licensee to take
appropriate actions before more significant performance issues emerge. The NRC identified a
cross-cutting theme in the Resources component of the Human Performance cross-cutting area.
Specifically, four Green inspection findings were identified as having the cross-cutting aspect of
complete, accurate and up-to-date design documentation, procedures, and work packages, and
correct labeling of components, H.2(c). The NRC determined that an SCCI exists because the
NRC has a concern with your staffs progress in addressing the cross-cutting theme.
Specifically, your staffs actions have not yet proven effective in substantially mitigating the
cross-cutting theme as it relates to procedure quality. The SCCI will remain open until the NRC
has confidence that your corrective actions are sufficient, based in part on a reduction in the
number of findings below the SCCI threshold. The NRC will monitor your staffs progress in
addressing the SCCI during the 95002 supplemental inspection and we will perform focused
annual problem identification and resolution reviews of the actions to address this cross-cutting
The enclosed inspection plan lists the inspections scheduled through June 30, 2012. Routine
inspections performed by resident inspectors are not included in the inspection plan. The
inspections listed during the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be
revised at the mid-cycle performance review. The NRC provides the inspection plan to allow for
the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues. The NRC will
contact you as soon as possible to discuss changes to the inspection plan should
circumstances warrant any changes.
Based on plant performance over the cycle, we plan to conduct the inspections as described
above in addition to the reactor oversight process (ROP) baseline inspections at your facility.
We also plan on conducting Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/179, Verification of Licensee
Responses to NRC Requirements for Inventories for Materials Tracked in the National Source
Tracking System (NSTS).

Based on plant performance over the cycle, we plan to conduct the inspections as described above in addition to the reactor oversight process (ROP) baseline inspections at your facility.  We also plan on conducting Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/179, Verification of Licensee Responses to NRC Requirements for Inventories for Materials Tracked in the National Source
CP&L                                       3
Tracking System (NSTS). 
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its
CP&L 3   In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).  
enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public
Please contact Randall A. Musser at 404-997-4603 with any questions you may have regarding this letter.  
Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document
Sincerely,         /RA/   Victor M. McCree       Regional Administrator  
system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at
Docket No.: 50-261   License No.: DPR-23  
rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
Please contact Randall A. Musser at 404-997-4603 with any questions you may have regarding
Enclosure: Robinson Inspection/Activity Plan (03/01/2011 - 06/30/2012)  
this letter.
cc w/encl.: (See page 4)
                                            Victor M. McCree
                                            Regional Administrator
Docket No.: 50-261
License No.: DPR-23
Enclosure: Robinson Inspection/Activity Plan
              (03/01/2011 - 06/30/2012)
cc w/encl.: (See page 4)

_LTR: ML110630055 PKG: ML110630051        __  X  SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE    OFFICE RII:DRP RII:DRP RII:DRP RII:ORA RII:ORA  SIGNATURE JGW1 RAM RXC2 LXW1 VMM  NAME *JWorosilo *RMusser *RCroteau LWert VMcCree  DATE 02/28/2011 02/28/2011 02/28/2011 03/01/2011 03/03/2011  E-MAIL COPY?    YES NO  YES NO  YES NO  YES NO  YES NO  YES NO  YES NO 
CP&L 4  cc w/encl.:
Division of Radiological Health TN Dept. of Environment & Conservation Electronic Mail Distribution

R. J. Duncan, II Vice President H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2 Carolina Power & Light Company
_LTR: ML110630055 PKG: ML110630051            __              X SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE
Electronic Mail Distribution
OFFICE            RII:DRP        RII:DRP        RII:DRP        RII:ORA        RII:ORA
  Sandra Threatt, Manager Nuclear Response and Emergency Environmental Surveillance Bureau of Land and Waste Management Department of Health and Environmental  
SIGNATURE        JGW1            RAM            RXC2            LXW1            VMM
Control Electronic Mail Distribution
NAME              *JWorosilo      *RMusser        *RCroteau      LWert          VMcCree
  Vacant Vice President
DATE                02/28/2011      02/28/2011      02/28/2011      03/01/2011      03/03/2011
Nuclear Operations Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution
E-MAIL COPY?        YES        NO YES        NO  YES        NO  YES        NO YES        NO YES      NO YES    NO
  Brian C. McCabe
Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Electronic Mail Distribution
CP&L                                      4
Christos Kamilaris
cc w/encl.:
Director Fleet Support Services Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution
Division of Radiological Health              S. D. West
TN Dept. of Environment & Conservation      Superintendent Security
Curt A. Castell Supervisor Licensing/Regulatory Programs Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution
Electronic Mail Distribution                H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant
B. C. White
                                            Progress Energy
Manager Support Services - Nuclear Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution
R. J. Duncan, II                            Electronic Mail Distribution
  S. D. West Superintendent Security H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant  
Vice President
Progress Energy Electronic Mail Distribution  
H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2  Joseph W. Donahue
Joseph W. Donahue Vice President  
Carolina Power & Light Company              Vice President
Nuclear Oversight Carolina Power and Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution  
Electronic Mail Distribution                Nuclear Oversight
David T. Conley Associate General Counsel Legal Dept.  
                                            Carolina Power and Light Company
Progress Energy Service Company, LLC Electronic Mail Distribution  
Sandra Threatt, Manager                      Electronic Mail Distribution
John H. O'Neill, Jr. Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge  
Nuclear Response and Emergency
2300 N. Street, NW Washington, DC   20037-1128  
Environmental Surveillance                  David T. Conley
Susan E. Jenkins Director, Division of Waste Management  
Bureau of Land and Waste Management          Associate General Counsel
Bureau of Land and Waste Management S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control Electronic Mail Distribution  
Department of Health and Environmental      Legal Dept.
Control                                      Progress Energy Service Company, LLC
Tom Cosgrove Plant General Manager Carolina Power & Light Company Electronic Mail Distribution  
Electronic Mail Distribution                Electronic Mail Distribution
Vacant                                      John H. O'Neill, Jr.
Robert P. Gruber Executive Director Public Staff - NCUC 4326 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC   27699-4326  
Vice President                              Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
cc w/encl.: (continued next page)  
Nuclear Operations                          2300 N. Street, NW
Carolina Power & Light Company              Washington, DC 20037-1128
Electronic Mail Distribution
                                            Susan E. Jenkins
Brian C. McCabe                              Director, Division of Waste Management
Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs          Bureau of Land and Waste Management
Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.              S.C. Department of Health and
Electronic Mail Distribution                Environmental Control
                                            Electronic Mail Distribution
Christos Kamilaris
Director                                    Tom Cosgrove
Fleet Support Services                      Plant General Manager
Carolina Power & Light Company              Carolina Power & Light Company
Electronic Mail Distribution                Electronic Mail Distribution
Curt A. Castell                              Robert P. Gruber
Supervisor                                  Executive Director
Licensing/Regulatory Programs                Public Staff - NCUC
Carolina Power & Light Company              4326 Mail Service Center
Electronic Mail Distribution                Raleigh, NC 27699-4326
B. C. White                                  cc w/encl.: (continued next page)
Support Services - Nuclear
Carolina Power & Light Company
Electronic Mail Distribution

CP&L                               5
CP&L 5   cc w/encl.: (continued)
cc w/encl.: (continued)
  W. Lee Cox, III Section Chief  
W. Lee Cox, III
Radiation Protection Section N.C. Department of Environmental Commerce & Natural Resources Electronic Mail Distribution  
Section Chief
Radiation Protection Section
Mark Yeager Division of Radioactive Waste Mgmt. S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control Electronic Mail Distribution  
N.C. Department of Environmental
Public Service Commission  
Commerce & Natural Resources
State of South Carolina P.O. Box 11649 Columbia, SC   29211  
Electronic Mail Distribution
Mark Yeager
North Carolina Utilities Commission Electronic Mail Distribution  
Division of Radioactive Waste Mgmt.
Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  
S.C. Department of Health and
H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant 2112 Old Camden Rd  
Environmental Control
Hartsville, SC   29550  
Electronic Mail Distribution
Public Service Commission
State of South Carolina
P.O. Box 11649
CP&L 6   Letter to Robert Duncan from Victor M. McCree dated March 4, 2011  
Columbia, SC 29211
North Carolina Utilities Commission
Electronic Mail Distribution
Senior Resident Inspector
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant
2112 Old Camden Rd
Hartsville, SC 29550
CP&L                                       6
Letter to Robert Duncan from Victor M. McCree dated March 4, 2011
                PLANT, UNIT 2 (REPORT 05000261/2011001)
Distribution w/encl.:
Distribution w/encl.:
C. Evans, RII EICS
RidsNrrPMRobinson Resource ROP Reports Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
OE Mail
RidsNrrPMRobinson Resource
ROP Reports
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

Latest revision as of 03:28, 13 November 2019

Annual Assessment Letter (Report 05000261/2011001)
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/2011
From: Mccree V
Region 2 Administrator
To: Duncan R
Carolina Power & Light Co
Shared Package
ML110630051 List:
Download: ML110630055 (7)

See also: IR 05000261/2011001







March 4, 2011

Carolina Power and Light Company

ATTN: Mr. Robert J. Duncan, II

Vice President

H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2

3581 West Entrance Road

Hartsville, SC 29550


PLANT, UNIT 2 (REPORT 05000261/2011001)

Dear Mr. Duncan:

On February 9, 2011, the NRC staff completed its end-of-cycle performance review of the H. B.

Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2. The NRC reviewed the most recent quarterly

performance indicators (PIs) in addition to inspection results and enforcement actions from

January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. This letter informs you of the NRCs assessment

of your facility during this period and its plans for future inspections at your facility. This

performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A

separate letter will include NRCs assessment of your performance in the Security Cornerstone

and its security-related inspection plan.

The NRC determined the performance at Robinson Unit 2 during the most recent quarter was

within the Degraded Cornerstone column of the NRCs Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Action

Matrix because the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours performance indicator crossed

the threshold from Green to White in the third quarter of 2010, and three findings classified as

having low to moderate safety significance (White) were active in the Mitigating Systems

cornerstone. Two of the three White inspection findings were identified in the third quarter of

2010 and the third finding was identified in the fourth quarter of 2010. The first White finding

was identified for your failure to correct a condition adverse to quality in B Emergency Diesel

Generator output breaker 52/27B. The second White finding was identified for your failure to

adequately design and implement operator training based on learning objectives as required by

10 CFR 55.59(c), in that training lesson material failed to identify the basis of a procedural

action involving reactor coolant pump seal cooling in licensee procedure PATH-1, as required

by the definition of systems approach to training, Element 3 in 10 CFR 55.4. The third White

inspection finding was identified for your failure to adequately implement requirements of

multiple procedures required by Technical Specification 5.4.1, during a cooldown of the Reactor

Coolant System and subsequent safety injection after a reactor trip on March 28, 2010.

The performance of Robinson Unit 2 during the first and second quarter of 2010 was within the

Licensee Response Column of the NRCs ROP Action matrix because all inspection findings

were classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and all PIs indicated performance

at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). On November 12, 2010, the NRC

issued an assessment follow-up letter due to the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours

CP&L 2

performance indicator crossing the green-to-white threshold. As a result of our assessment

review, Robinson Unit 2 performance was assessed to be in the Regulatory Response Column

of the NRCs ROP Action Matrix. An additional assessment follow-up letter was issued on

January 31, 2011. The NRC updated its assessment of Robinson Unit 2 to be in the Degraded

Cornerstone Column of the NRCs Action Matrix, effective the third quarter of calendar year

2010 due to the three white findings in the Mitigating System Cornerstone.

On February 1, 2011 your staff notified the NRC of your readiness, as of March 11, 2011, for us

to conduct a supplemental inspection to review the actions taken to address the White

performance indicator. Therefore, in addition to ROP baseline inspections, the NRC plans to

conduct a supplemental inspection in accordance with Inspection Procedure 95001, Inspection

for One or Two White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area, beginning on March 21 for the

review of the Unplanned Scrams per 7000 critical hours White performance indicator. Also, on

February 1, 2011, your staff notified the NRC of your readiness, as of May 9, 2011, for us to

conduct a supplemental inspection to review the actions taken to address three White

inspection findings. Therefore, the NRC plans to conduct a supplemental inspection in

accordance with Inspection Procedure 95002, Inspection for One Degraded Cornerstone or

Any Three White Inputs in a Strategic Performance Area, beginning on May 31 for the review of

these inspection findings.

The NRC identifies substantive cross-cutting issues (SCCIs) to communicate a concern with the

licensees performance in a cross-cutting area and to encourage the licensee to take

appropriate actions before more significant performance issues emerge. The NRC identified a

cross-cutting theme in the Resources component of the Human Performance cross-cutting area.

Specifically, four Green inspection findings were identified as having the cross-cutting aspect of

complete, accurate and up-to-date design documentation, procedures, and work packages, and

correct labeling of components, H.2(c). The NRC determined that an SCCI exists because the

NRC has a concern with your staffs progress in addressing the cross-cutting theme.

Specifically, your staffs actions have not yet proven effective in substantially mitigating the

cross-cutting theme as it relates to procedure quality. The SCCI will remain open until the NRC

has confidence that your corrective actions are sufficient, based in part on a reduction in the

number of findings below the SCCI threshold. The NRC will monitor your staffs progress in

addressing the SCCI during the 95002 supplemental inspection and we will perform focused

annual problem identification and resolution reviews of the actions to address this cross-cutting


The enclosed inspection plan lists the inspections scheduled through June 30, 2012. Routine

inspections performed by resident inspectors are not included in the inspection plan. The

inspections listed during the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be

revised at the mid-cycle performance review. The NRC provides the inspection plan to allow for

the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues. The NRC will

contact you as soon as possible to discuss changes to the inspection plan should

circumstances warrant any changes.

Based on plant performance over the cycle, we plan to conduct the inspections as described

above in addition to the reactor oversight process (ROP) baseline inspections at your facility.

We also plan on conducting Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/179, Verification of Licensee

Responses to NRC Requirements for Inventories for Materials Tracked in the National Source

Tracking System (NSTS).

CP&L 3

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its

enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public

Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document

system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at

rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Please contact Randall A. Musser at 404-997-4603 with any questions you may have regarding

this letter.



Victor M. McCree

Regional Administrator

Docket No.: 50-261

License No.: DPR-23

Enclosure: Robinson Inspection/Activity Plan

(03/01/2011 - 06/30/2012)

cc w/encl.: (See page 4)

_LTR: ML110630055 PKG: ML110630051 __ X SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE



NAME *JWorosilo *RMusser *RCroteau LWert VMcCree

DATE 02/28/2011 02/28/2011 02/28/2011 03/01/2011 03/03/2011


CP&L 4

cc w/encl.:

Division of Radiological Health S. D. West

TN Dept. of Environment & Conservation Superintendent Security

Electronic Mail Distribution H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant

Progress Energy

R. J. Duncan, II Electronic Mail Distribution

Vice President

H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2 Joseph W. Donahue

Carolina Power & Light Company Vice President

Electronic Mail Distribution Nuclear Oversight

Carolina Power and Light Company

Sandra Threatt, Manager Electronic Mail Distribution

Nuclear Response and Emergency

Environmental Surveillance David T. Conley

Bureau of Land and Waste Management Associate General Counsel

Department of Health and Environmental Legal Dept.

Control Progress Energy Service Company, LLC

Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution

Vacant John H. O'Neill, Jr.

Vice President Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge

Nuclear Operations 2300 N. Street, NW

Carolina Power & Light Company Washington, DC 20037-1128

Electronic Mail Distribution

Susan E. Jenkins

Brian C. McCabe Director, Division of Waste Management

Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Bureau of Land and Waste Management

Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. S.C. Department of Health and

Electronic Mail Distribution Environmental Control

Electronic Mail Distribution

Christos Kamilaris

Director Tom Cosgrove

Fleet Support Services Plant General Manager

Carolina Power & Light Company Carolina Power & Light Company

Electronic Mail Distribution Electronic Mail Distribution

Curt A. Castell Robert P. Gruber

Supervisor Executive Director

Licensing/Regulatory Programs Public Staff - NCUC

Carolina Power & Light Company 4326 Mail Service Center

Electronic Mail Distribution Raleigh, NC 27699-4326

B. C. White cc w/encl.: (continued next page)


Support Services - Nuclear

Carolina Power & Light Company

Electronic Mail Distribution

CP&L 5

cc w/encl.: (continued)

W. Lee Cox, III

Section Chief

Radiation Protection Section

N.C. Department of Environmental

Commerce & Natural Resources

Electronic Mail Distribution

Mark Yeager

Division of Radioactive Waste Mgmt.

S.C. Department of Health and

Environmental Control

Electronic Mail Distribution

Public Service Commission

State of South Carolina

P.O. Box 11649

Columbia, SC 29211


North Carolina Utilities Commission

Electronic Mail Distribution

Senior Resident Inspector

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant

2112 Old Camden Rd

Hartsville, SC 29550

CP&L 6

Letter to Robert Duncan from Victor M. McCree dated March 4, 2011


PLANT, UNIT 2 (REPORT 05000261/2011001)

Distribution w/encl.:

C. Evans, RII EICS

OE Mail



RidsNrrPMRobinson Resource

ROP Reports

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)