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-Docket No.
10-280-..Unit 1 Date December 17, 1979
*Completed By Telephone (215) 921-6579 DA'?AVERAGE DAILY POWER LE'<EL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL OMe-Net)ONe-Net).-5 1-5 17 2-4 18-5./. .' .-. , --3;- 3-5 19. , , , h-5-5 20 5-5-5 21___6-5-5 22_7-5-5 23 8-5 24-5 , n-5-5 gg-5-5 lo 26 n-5-5 27 12-5-5 28 13-5-5 29.14-5-5 30 15-5-5 31 16-5 1634 014.,..,. J 79122 00 3(o f
    ,                                       AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL
,..o.a."Ow*,' ~+ --~., ,._-. ..% .% . . . ~
~-.Ja-s- fe Q M g *e? Y," .
Docket No.               10-280
%_, " *?c''* ~ _' - Qf, ' hh,f h' .',.,h~Q7h$1 k f.? '"k{-h" 3 ,-
                                                                                                                      .   .
Unit             1 Date         December 17, 1979
50-289*, Date December 17, 1979
* Completed By Telephone           (215) 921-6579 DA'?     AVERAGE DAILY POWER LE'<EL                 DAY           AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL OMe-Net)                                                     ONe-Net)
'Completed By J.R.Stair OPEF.ATING STATUS Telephone (215) 021_As70 1.Unit Name: Three Mile Island Nuclear Station 2.F.eporting Period: November
-e 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):
1                 -5                             17
2535 k.Nameplate Rating (Gross MRe):
871 5 Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
                                                                                                                          ./. .' .
819 6.Max. Dependable Capacity (Gross Mwe): 8h0 7 Max. Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):
776 8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items No. 3 through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
                                                                                                                                          . , -
9 Power Level to which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
2                -4                              18                              -5                    -
10.Reasons for Restrictions, If Any:
3               ;- 3
*?__w..Month Yr. to date Cumulative 11.Ecurs in Reporting Period 720.8016.46705, 12.No. of Hours Reactor was Critical 0.0 1128.0 31731.8 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 838.5 14.Hours Generator On-Line 0.0 1128.0 31130.9 15 Unit Reserve Shutdevn Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated UGH) 0.2828hh8.76531071.17 Gross Elect. Energ7 Generated (!GH)
                                                            ,        19
O.94599o.25h8h330.18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (IGH)
                                                                                                      -5                               . , ,
-3510.848301.23840316.19 Unit Service Factor 0.0 14.1 66.8.20.Unit Availability Factor 0.0 14.1 66.8 _21.Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)
h                 -5                             20                                -5 5                 -5                 ___
-0.6 13.6 64.7 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)
21                              -5 6                -5                             22                                -5
-0.6 12.9 6'3 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 100.0 85.4 2,.7" , 2h.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, anu Duratica of Each):
i 25 If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup;
7                  -5                             23
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Cc=mercial Operation):
                                                                                                      -5 8                   -5                             24                               -5
-INITIAL ELECTRICITY COMERCIAL OPERATION t$~._1634:015--.e e e.e ee==ee%.a.em--mm e*-he m e m-em e , e.  
n                   -5                             gg                              -5 lo                    -5                             26
                                                                                                      -5 n                     -5                             27
50-289 Unit Name TMI-1*'.REPORT MONTH November Date Dece'mber 17. 1979
                                                                                                      -5 12                   -5                             28
-' . *Completed By J,'R.Stair*'Telephone (215) 921-6579 l No.Date Type cu System Component Cause and Corrective
                                                                                                      -5 13                   -5                             29
-Code 4 Code 5 Action to-j gg og gg n g ggo g,g Prevent Recurrence
'j ,"#$8 80j 5$$$MM=1 1 11 / 1 / 7 9 F 720 D 1.Regelatory Restraint Order j 1 t , 1..j d u , i 1 ,, , n.2 eason: 3 mn " - Ine E ' S,,5 i'I: Forced F R Methods S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain)
##P***"~14fanu al'*B-Maintenance or Tc':t
14                   -5                             30
"''24fanual Scram.
                                                                                                      -5 15                   -5                             31
Event . m t (LER, -
                                                                                                      -5 16                   -5
j C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram.
                                .         ,.
-'" D-Regulatory Restriction h-Other (Explain)
1634 014
'E-Operator Training & Licensee Examination
-#F-Administrative 1 5 Exhibit 1 - Srme Scurce G-Operational Error (Explain) g H-Other (Explain}
                                                                                    ,. J     79122 00 3(o f                               ,
p<-Ch JI[j 4 .,.__,._  
                                                                                                                              .         .
o.a."Ow*       ,
        ' ~+ --~     .,
                                                                          ,.                     _
                                                                                                                - . .         .% .% . . . ~
  .Ja-   s- fe Q M gh*e? Y," .   % ,-        _, " " *?       c'' * ~ _' - Qf, ' hh,f h' .',. ,h     ~Q7h$1 k               f.? '"k{-       3
              ,                                    OPERATING DATA REPORT         Docxet ho.       50-289
Date December 17, 1979 Completed By     J. R. Stair OPEF.ATING STATUS                                                       Telephone   (215) 021_As70
: 1.     Unit Name: Three Mile Island Nuclear Station
: 2.     F.eporting Period: November                                                       e
: 3.     Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):           2535
: k.     Nameplate Rating (Gross MRe):             871 5       Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):           819
: 6.     Max. Dependable Capacity (Gross Mwe): 8h0 7       Max. Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):           776
: 8.     If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items No. 3 through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9       Power Level to which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):
: 10.       Reasons for Restrictions, If Any:
                                                                                                            ?             __
                                                                                                              .                   w.
Month       Yr. to date             Cumulative
: 11.       Ecurs in Reporting Period                           720.         8016.               46705,
: 12.       No. of Hours Reactor was Critical                       0.0       1128.0                 31731.8
: 13.       Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                           0.0         0.0                   838.5
: 14.       Hours Generator On-Line                                 0.0       1128.0                 31130.9 15       Unit Reserve Shutdevn Hours                             0.0         0.0                           0.0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated UGH)                             0. 2828hh8.             76531071.
17       Gross Elect. Energ7 Generated (!GH)                       O. 94599o.             25h8h330.
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (IGH)                   -3510.       848301.             23840316.
19       Unit Service Factor                                       0.0         14.1                     66.8             .
: 20.     Unit Availability Factor                                 0.0         14.1                     66.8 _
: 21.     Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                   -0.6             13.6                     64.7
: 22.     Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                   -0.6             12.9                     6'3
: 23.     Unit Forced Outage Rate                               100.0   ,
85.4                     2,.         7" 2h.     Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, anu Duratica of Each):
i 25       If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup;
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Cc=mercial Operation):                   FORECAST         ACHIEVED INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY
                                                                                                                .            $~
_                                                                                1634:015               -
e     e e. e               ee==ee%
a.em--mm e   * -he   m e m-em e ,               e     .
                                              ;                     .
UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER' REDUCTIONS               Docket No.     50-289
* Unit Name     TMI-1
                                          '.           REPORT MONTH   November
Date Dece'mber 17. 1979
Completed By       J,'R. Stair
* Telephone     (215) 921-6579 No.     Date       Type l        cu                       System       Component                 Cause and Corrective                   -
gg    n        og  gg        Code 4         Code 5                         Action to Prevent Recurrence
j g         ggo g,g                                                                                   'j
                                      "         #$8
80j MM=
5 1
1     11 / 1 / 7 9 F     720     D       1                                           .Regelatory Restraint Order                   j 1
                                                                                                                                      .j d
mn " - Ine E ' S,,5
i I:F Forced             2Reason:                                          3 Methods S: Scheduled         A-Equipment Failure (Explain)                       14fanu al
                                                                                                      ##       P*   **     "~
B-Maintenance or Tc':t                                                   "        '
                                                                                                                      '*                      '
24fanual Scram.       Event . m t (LER, -                 j C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram.     "
D-Regulatory Restriction                           h-Other (Explain)                 '
E-Operator Training & Licensee Examination                                                                       -
F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Explain)                                           5 Exhibit 1 - Srme Scurce            1 g
-                            H-Other (Explain}                                                                                         p<
Ch                                                                                                                                     JI
[j 4 .,
                                                                        .__                               ._


Unit I remained in cold' shutdown with the"B" Decay Heat Removal System providing core cooling.
Unit I remained in cold' shutdown with the "B" Decay Heat Removal System providing core cooling.
MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE Spent Fuel piping indications #13, 14, and 22 were repaired satisfactorily.
MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE Spent Fuel piping indications #13, 14, and 22 were repaired satisfactorily. The repair included removal of the indication, weld prep of the pipe and installation of a spool piece or dutchmen (included fit up, welding). The repairs were performed without adversely affecting the cooling of the spent fuel pools.
The repair included removal of the indication, weld prep of the pipe and installation of a spool piece or dutchmen (included fit up, welding).
The repairs were performed without adversely affecting the cooling of the spent fuel pools.
i634 017
.i634 017.  
1.Name of Facility:
.Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1
.Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown:
. . *
2.Unknown Scheduled F. ate for restart following refueling:
      *                                                                                                         .
3.Unknown Will refueling or resu=ption of operation thereafter require a technical 4.specification change or other license amendment?
: 1. Name of Facility:                                                                           .
Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1
: 2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown:
Unknown 3
Scheduled F. ate for restart following refueling:
: 4. Will refueling or resu=ption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?
If answer is yes, in general, what vill these'be?
If answer is yes, in general, what vill these'be?
.If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Consittee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Ref. 10 CFR Section 50.59)?
If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Consittee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Ref. 10 CFR Section 50.59)?
If no such review has taken place, when is it scheduled?
If no such review has taken place, when is it scheduled?
A=endnent No. 50, Cycle 5 reload, was approved on 3-16-79 Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and suppcrting 5 infor=ation:
A=endnent No. 50, Cycle 5 reload, was approved on 3-16-79 Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and suppcrting 5
N/A Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g. new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or perfor=ance 6.analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures:
N/A , The nunber of fuel assemblies (a) in the core, and (b) in the spent fuel pool:
.(a) 177 1634 018 (b) 208 The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size ofany increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is 8.planned, in number of fuel assemblies:
: 6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g. new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or perfor=ance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures:
N/A                                 ,
The nunber of fuel assemblies (a) in the core, and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool:
(a) 177 1634 018 (b) 208
: 8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capaci planned, in number of fuel assemblies:
There are no planned increases The present licensed capacity is 752.
There are no planned increases The present licensed capacity is 752.
at this tine.
at this tine.
The Projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent 9 fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:
9 The Projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:
1986 is the last refueling discharge which allovs full core off-load capacity (177 fuel assemblies).
1986 is the last refueling discharge which allovs full core off-load                             ,
,. . .. .. . ?-"'..n.__.' ' ~ " ~-~- - - ~-. . _ , . . _ : . y ,'
capacity (177 fuel assemblies).                                     . .. . ?        -          ...
_, ;y .- ._;}}
  "         '.             .n.__.       ' ' ~ " ~         -~       - - - ~   -
                                                                                          . . _ , . . _ : . y ,'
                                                                                                                        , ;y . - .}}

Revision as of 13:11, 19 October 2019

Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1979
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/1979
From: Stair J
Shared Package
ML19211A647 List:
NUDOCS 7912200368
Download: ML19211A648 (5)







Docket No.10-280

. .

Unit 1 Date December 17, 1979

  • Completed By Telephone (215) 921-6579 DA'? AVERAGE DAILY POWER LE'<EL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL OMe-Net) ONe-Net)


1 -5 17


./. .' .


. , -

2 -4 18 -5 -

3  ;- 3

, 19

-5 . , ,

h -5 20 -5 5 -5 ___

21 -5 6 -5 22 -5


7 -5 23

-5 8 -5 24 -5


n -5 gg -5 lo -5 26

-5 n -5 27

-5 12 -5 28

-5 13 -5 29



14 -5 30

-5 15 -5 31

-5 16 -5

. ,.

1634 014


,. J 79122 00 3(o f ,

. .

o.a."Ow* ,


' ~+ --~ .,


,. _

- . . .% .% . . . ~

.Ja- s- fe Q M gh*e? Y," .  % ,- _, " " *? c * ~ _' - Qf, ' hh,f h' .',. ,h ~Q7h$1 k f.? '"k{- 3


, OPERATING DATA REPORT Docxet ho. 50-289


Date December 17, 1979 Completed By J. R. Stair OPEF.ATING STATUS Telephone (215) 021_As70

1. Unit Name: Three Mile Island Nuclear Station
2. F.eporting Period: November e


3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 2535
k. Nameplate Rating (Gross MRe): 871 5 Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 819
6. Max. Dependable Capacity (Gross Mwe): 8h0 7 Max. Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 776
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items No. 3 through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:

9 Power Level to which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):

10. Reasons for Restrictions, If Any:

? __

. w.

Month Yr. to date Cumulative

11. Ecurs in Reporting Period 720. 8016. 46705,
12. No. of Hours Reactor was Critical 0.0 1128.0 31731.8
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 838.5
14. Hours Generator On-Line 0.0 1128.0 31130.9 15 Unit Reserve Shutdevn Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated UGH) 0. 2828hh8. 76531071.

17 Gross Elect. Energ7 Generated (!GH) O. 94599o. 25h8h330.

18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (IGH) -3510. 848301. 23840316.

19 Unit Service Factor 0.0 14.1 66.8 .

20. Unit Availability Factor 0.0 14.1 66.8 _
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) -0.6 13.6 64.7
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) -0.6 12.9 6'3
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 100.0 ,

85.4 2,. 7" 2h. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, anu Duratica of Each):

i 25 If Shut Down at End of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup;




. $~


_ 1634:015 -


e e e. e ee==ee%


a.em--mm e * -he m e m-em e , e .




  • Unit Name TMI-1

'. REPORT MONTH November


Date Dece'mber 17. 1979


Completed By J,'R. Stair

  • Telephone (215) 921-6579 No. Date Type l cu System Component Cause and Corrective -

gg n og gg Code 4 Code 5 Action to Prevent Recurrence


j g ggo g,g 'j


" #$8


80j MM=

5 1

1 11 / 1 / 7 9 F 720 D 1 .Regelatory Restraint Order j 1





.j d







mn " - Ine E ' S,,5


i I:F Forced 2Reason: 3 Methods S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 14fanu al

    1. P* ** "~

B-Maintenance or Tc':t " '

'* '


24fanual Scram. Event . m t (LER, - j C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram. "

D-Regulatory Restriction h-Other (Explain) '

E-Operator Training & Licensee Examination -

F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Explain) 5 Exhibit 1 - Srme Scurce 1 g

- H-Other (Explain} p<


[j 4 .,

.__ ._





Unit I remained in cold' shutdown with the "B" Decay Heat Removal System providing core cooling.

MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE Spent Fuel piping indications #13, 14, and 22 were repaired satisfactorily. The repair included removal of the indication, weld prep of the pipe and installation of a spool piece or dutchmen (included fit up, welding). The repairs were performed without adversely affecting the cooling of the spent fuel pools.


i634 017



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1. Name of Facility: .

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1


2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown:

Unknown 3

Scheduled F. ate for restart following refueling:



4. Will refueling or resu=ption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?


If answer is yes, in general, what vill these'be?

If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Consittee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Ref. 10 CFR Section 50.59)?

If no such review has taken place, when is it scheduled?

A=endnent No. 50, Cycle 5 reload, was approved on 3-16-79 Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and suppcrting 5



6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g. new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or perfor=ance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures:

N/A ,


The nunber of fuel assemblies (a) in the core, and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool:


(a) 177 1634 018 (b) 208

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capaci planned, in number of fuel assemblies:

There are no planned increases The present licensed capacity is 752.

at this tine.

9 The Projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:

1986 is the last refueling discharge which allovs full core off-load ,

capacity (177 fuel assemblies). . .. . ? - ...

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