WBL-19-016, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2018

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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2018
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/2019
From: Anthony Williams
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19135A023 (64)


{{#Wiki_filter:M Tennessee Valley Authority, P.O. Box 2000, Spring City, Tennessee 37381-2000 wBL-19-016 May 15, 2A19 10 cFR 50.4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-90 and NPF-96 NRC Docket Nos. 50-390 and 50-391 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report - 2018 Enclosed is the subject report for the period of January 1,2A18, through December 31,2018. This report is being submitted as required by Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Units 1 and 2, Technical Specification (TS) 5.9.2, "Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," and the WBN Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Administrative Control Section 5.1. This report is required to be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by May 15 of each year. There are no new regulatory commitments in this letter. lf you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Kim Hulvey, WBN Licensing Manager, at (423) 365-7720. Respectfully, Anthony L. Williams IV Site Vice President Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Enclosure. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating cc: see Page 2 Report - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 2018

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 May 15, 2019 cc (Enclosure): NRC Regional Administrator - Region ll NRC Project Manager - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant NRC Senior Resident lnspector - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

ENCLOSURE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 2418

Envi ron menta I Ope rati ng Ten nessee Va I ley Authority Prepared under contract by Chesapeake Nuclear Services, lnc. and GEL Laboratories, LLC 201 B Annual Radiological Report Watts Bar Nuclear Plant May 2OI9 Emluooratories uc Spanempeake Nuclerr serulcer a member orrhe GEL Gtoup rruc

TABLE OF CONTENTS Naturally Occurring and Background Radioactivity........... ...........2 Electric Power Production.. ...................3 Site and Plant Description............. ............5 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program ........7 Direct Radiation Monitoring............. ......10 Measurement Techniques ..................10 Atmospheric Monitoring.. ....................... 13 Sample Collection and Analysis ..........13 Sample Collection and Analysis ..........15 Liquid Pathway Monitorin9.................. ....................... 17 Sample Collection and Analysis ..........L7 Assessment and Evaluation............... .........................19 Appendix A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and Sampling Locations.......................21 Appendix B Program Modifications.................. .........................32 Appendix C Program Deviations... ......34 Appendix D Analytical Procedures .........................36 Appendix E Lower Limits Of Detection ..................38 Appendix F Quality Assurance / Quality Control Program...... .......................42 Appendix G Land Use Census .............45 Appendix H Data Tables and Figures. .....................49 Appendix I Errata to Previous Annual Environmental Operating Reports.... ....................58 tiI



This report describes the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) near the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) during the 2018 monitoring period. The program is conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements to monitor the environment per 10 CFR 20, 10 CFR 50, applicable NUREGs (U.S. NRC, 1991) and WA requirements (TVA, 2018). The REMP includes the collection and subsequent determination of radioactive material content in environmental samples. Various types of samples are collected within the vicinity of the plant, including air, water, food crops, soil, fish and shoreline sediment, and direct radiation levels are measured. The radiation levels of these samples are measured and compared with results at control stations located outside the plant's vicinity and data collected at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant prior to operations (preoperational data). This report contains an evaluation of the potential impact of WBN operations on the environment and the general public. All environmental samples in support of the REMP were collected by WA and contractor personnel. All environmental media were analyzed by GEL Laboratories, LLC except for environmental dosimeters which were analyzed by Landauer. The evaluation of all results and the generation of this report was performed by Chesapeake Nuclear Services, lnc. and GEL Laboratories. Most of the radioactivity measured in environmental samples in the WBN program can be attributed to naturally occurring radioactive materials. There is no indication that WBN activities increased the background radiation levels normally observed in the areas surrounding the plant, as measured by environmental dosimeters. ln 2018, trace quantities of cesium-137 (Cs-137) were measured in some soil samples from both indicator and control locations. The concentrations were typical of the levels expected to be present in the environment from past nuclear weapons testing. The fallout from accidents at the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine in 1985 and the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011 may have also contributed to the low levels of Cs-137 measured in environmental samples. Tritium (H-3) was detected in one atmospheric moisture indicator sample and some surface water samples collected from Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 517.9 (Washington Ferry Rd.) and TRM 523.1 (Breedenton Ferry Rd.). Some drinking water samples from TRM 473.0 (CF lndustries) and TRM 503.8 (Dayton, TN) were positive for tritium, as well as some samples from onsite groundwater wells. Similar levels of tritium were detected in both control and indicator locations, indicating that any plant contribution to the natural background level is small. The measured tritium levels were very low and a small fraction of the EPA drinking water limit. Some drinking water and well water samples identified gross beta, which can be attributed to natural occurring radioactivity. Only naturally occurring radioactivity was identified in all shoreline sediment, pond sediment, milk, fish and food products samples. These levels of radioactive elements detected do not represent a significant contribution to the radiation exposure to members of the public. t1l

INTRODUCTION This report describes and summarizes the results of radioactivity measurements made near WBN and laboratory analyses of samples collected in the area. The measurements are made to comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, Criterion 54 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix l, Section lV.B.2, lV.B.3 and lV.C and to determine potential effects on public health and safety. This report satisfies the annual reporting requirements of WBN TechnicalSpecification 5.9.2 and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Administrative Control 5.1. ln addition to reporting the data prescribed by specific requirements, other information is included to help correlate the significance of results measured by this monitoring program to the levels of environmental radiation resulting from naturally occurring radioactive materials Natu ra I lv Occurrins a nd Backgrou nd Radioactivitv Most materials in our world today contain trace amounts of naturally occurring radioactivity. Potassium-40 (K-40), with a half-life of 1.3 billion years, is a common radioactive element found naturally in our environment. Approximately 0.01 percent of all potassium is radioactive potassium-40. Other examples of naturally occurring radioactivity are beryllium -7 (Be-71, bismuth-212 and 274 (Bi-272 and Bi-214), lead-210 and 2L4 (Pb-2LO and Pb-214), thallium-208 (Tl-208), actinium-228 (Ac-2281, uranium-235 and uranium-238 (U-235 and U-238), thorium-234 (Th-234), radium-226 (Ra-225), radon-220 and radon-222 (Rn-220 and Rn-222), carbon-14 (C-14), and hydrogen-3 (H-3, commonly called tritium). These naturally occurring radioactive elements are in the soil, our food, our drinking water, and our bodies. Radiation emitted from these materials make up part of low-level natural background radiation exposures. Radiation emitted from cosmic rays is the remainder. It is possible to get an idea of the relative significance by examining the amount of radiation the U.S. population receives from the different source of radiation exposure in our environment. The information in Table 1 is primarily adapted from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC, February 1995) and National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP, March 2009). l2l

Natural Background Dose Equivalent Cosmic 33 Terrestria I 2L In the body 29 Radon 228 Total 3 L1 Medical (effective dose equivalent) 300 Nuclear energy 0.28 Consumer Products 13 TOTAL 624.28 Toble L - U.S. General Populotion Average Dose Equivolent Estimstes i One-thousandth of a Roentgen Equivalent Man (rem). By comparison, the NRC's annual radiation dose limit for the public from any licensed activity, such as a nuclear plant, is 100 mrem As can be seen from the data presented above, natural background radiation dose equivalent to the U.S. population exceeds that normally received from nuclear plants by several thousand times. This illustrates that routine nuclear plant operations result in population radiation doses that are insignificant compared to the dose from natural background radiation. lt should be noted that the use of radiation and radioactive materials for medical uses has resulted in a similar effective dose equivalent to the U.S. population as that caused by natural background cosmic and terrestrial radiation. Electric Power Production Nuclear power plants are similar in many respects to conventional coal burning (or other fossil fuel) electricalgenerating plants. The basic process behind electrical power production in power plants is that fuel is used to heat water to produce steam which provides the force to turn turbines and generators. ln a nuclear power plant, the fuel is uranium and heat is produced in the reactor through the fission of the uranium. Nuclear plants include many complex systems to control the nuclear fission process and to safeguard against the possibility of reactor malfunction. The nuclear reactions produce radionuclides commonly referred to as fission and activation products. Very small amounts of these fission and activation products are released into the plant systems. This radioactive material can be transported throughout plant systems and some of it may be released to the environment. Paths through which radioactivity from a nuclear power plant is routinely released are monitored. Liquid and gaseous effluent monitors record the radiation levels for each release. These monitors also provide alarm mechanisms to prompt termination of any release above limits. t3l

Releases are monitored at the onsite points of release. The radiological environmental monitoring program, which measures the environmental radiation in areas around the plant, provides a confirmation that releases are being properly controlled and monitored in the plant and that any resulting levels in the environment are within the established regulatory limits and a small fraction of the natural background radiation levels. ln this way, the release of radioactive materials from the plant is tightly controlled, and verification is provided that the public is not exposed to significant levels of radiation or radioactive materials as the result of plant operations. The WBN ODCM, which describes the program required by the plant technical specifications, prescribes limits for the release of radioactive effluents, as well as limits for doses to the general public from the release of these eff!uents. The NRC's annual dose limit to a member of the public for all licensees is 1fi) mrem. The NRC's regulations for nuclear power plants require implementing a philosophy of "as low as reasonably achievable," where the dose to a member of the public from radioactive materials reteased from nuclear power ptants to unrestricted areas is further limited on a per unit operating basis to the following: Liquid Effluents Total body Any organ Gaseous Effluents Noble gases: Gamma radiation Beta radiation Pa rticu lates: Any organ S 3 m rem/yr < 10 mrem/yr < 10 millirad (rnrad) /Vr < 20 mrad/yr < 15 mrem/yr ln addition to NRC's regulations, the EPA standard forthe total dose to the pubtic in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant, established in the Environmental Dose Standard of 40 CFR 19Q are as follows: Total body Thyroid Any other organ 3 25 mrem/yr 375 mrem/yr < 25 mrem/yr Table E-1 of this report presents and compares the nominal lower limits of detection (LLD) for the WBN monitoring program with the regulatory limits for maximum annual average concentration reteased to unrestricted areas. The table also presents the concentrations of radioactive materials in the environment which would require a special report to the NRC and the detection limits for measured radionuclides. lt should be noted that the levels of radioactive materials measured in the environment are typically betow or only slightly above the lower limit of detection. 14l

SITE AND PLANT DESCRIPTION The WBN site is in Rhea county, Tennessee, on the west bank of the Tennessee River at Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 528. Figure 1 shows the site in relation to other TVA projects. The WBN site, containing approximately 1770 acres on Chickamauga Lake, is approximately 2 miles south of the Watts Bar Dam and approximately 31 miles north-northeast of TVA's Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) site. Also located within the reservation are the Watts Bar Dam and Hydro-Electric Plant, the Watts Bar Steam plant (not in operation), the TVA Central Maintenance Facility, and the watts Bar Resort Area. Approximately 18,500 people live within 10 miles of the WBN site. More than 80 percent of these live between 5 and 10 miles from the site. Two small towns, Spring City and Decatur, are in this area. Spring City, with a population of approximately 2,200, is northwest and north-northwest from the site, while Decatur, with about 1,500 people, is south and south-southwest from the plant. The remainder of the area within 10 miles of the site is sparsely populated, consisting primarily of small farms and individual residences. The area between 10 and 50 miles from the site includes portions of the cities of Chattanooga and Knoxville. The largest urban concentration in this area is the city of Chattanooga, located to the southwest and south-southwest. The city of Chattanooga has a population of about 77O,OOO, with approximately g0 percent located between 40 and 50 miles from the site and the remainder located beyond 50 miles. The city of Knoxville is located to the east-northeast, with not more than 10 percent of its 185,000 plus people living within 50 miles of the site. Three smaller urban areas of greater than 20,000 people are located between 30 and 40 miles from the site. Oak Ridge is approximately 40 miles to the northeast, the twin cities of Alcoa and Maryville are located 45 to 50 miles to the east-northeast, and Cleveland is located about 30 miles to the south. Chickamauga Reservoir is one of a series of highly controlled multiple-use reservoirs whose primary uses are flood control, navigation, and the generation of electric power. Secondary uses include industrial and public water supply and waste disposal, fishing, and recreation. Public access areas, boat docks, and residential subdivisions have been developed along the reservoir shoreline. WBN consists of two pressurized water reactors. WBN Unit 1 received a low power operating license (NPF-20) on November 9, 1995 and achieved initial criticality in January 1995. The full power operating license (NPF-90) was received on February 7,7996. Commercial operation was achieved May 25,7gg;. WBN Unit 2 was deferred October 24,2OOO, in accordance with the guidance in Generic Letter 87-15, "Policy Statement on Deferred Plants." On August 3,2007, WA provided notice of its intent to reactivate and complete construction of WBN Unit 2. WBN Unit 2 resumed construction in late 2007. Oclobet 22, 2015 the operating license was issued. lnitialcriticality was achieved on May 23,2OL6 and commercial operation was achieved on October t9,20L6. tsl

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TENNESSEE VALLEY REGION \\ CTW NUCLEAR PLANT SITES) '\\, .) \\. ,v.. a, \\S'( motr M O. t 5 \\, \\t --- ,ri s} se -r'r(./,') r---(.--. ,f{:I \\ N.no1fttr-'" ^trF ^rv--. )' -\\\\-\\\\r_f\\ aH.,r?sv*t T' \\n,n_ i ,/i,u ,.'C A R' \\- 1r-'-l i .') I -l .r-^\\ yO" I/ xt rPxrS I tIr I \\ ta-L \\-r/ w.r' 'i ^ ! La t-l i S C A R. Ixtr?qvn r G- .-- -t-a-r-:t.ff.rr' \\ A LA BA,uV,a \\i oEoRcrA lH:H.f,n#i!:f,f*il' \\ lH:Sbif;[o$i.ffitelIhlXl LEGEND M I S S. \\ \\ t5l

RADIOLOG I CAL E NVI RON M ENTAL M ON ITORI NG PROG RAM Most of the radiation and radioactivity generated in a nuclear reactor is contained within the reactor systems. Plant effluent radiation monitors are designed to monitor radionuclides released to the environment. Environmental monitoring is a finalverification that the systems are performing as planned. The monitoring program is designed to monitor the pathways between the plant and the people in the immediate vicinity of the plant. Sample types are chosen so that the potential for detection of radioactivity in the environment will be maximized. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) and sampling locations for WBN are outlined in Appendix A. There are two primary pathways by which radioactivity can move through the environment to humans: air and water (reference Figure 2). The air pathway can be separated into two components: the direct (airborne) pathway and the indirect (ground or terrestrial) pathway. The direct airborne pathway consists of direct radiation and inhalation by humans. ln the terrestrial pathway, radioactive materials may be deposited on the ground or on plants and subsequently ingested by animals and/or humans. Human exposure through the liquid pathway may result from drinking water, eating fish, or by direct exposure at the shoreline. The types of samples collected in this program are designed to monitor these pathways. Many factors were considered in determining the locations for collecting environmental samples. The locations for the atmospheric monitoring stations were determined from a critical pathway analysis based on weather patterns, dose projections, population distribution, and land use. Terrestrialsampling stations were selected after reviewing such things as the locations of dairy animals and gardens in conjunction with the air pathway analysis. Liquid pathway stations were selected based on dose projections, water use information, and availability of media such as fish and sediment. Table A-2 lists the sampling stations and the types of samples collected. Modifications made to the WBN monitoring program in 2018 are reported in Appendix B. Deviations to the sampling program during 2018 are included in Appendix C. To determine the amount of radioactivity in the environment prior to the operation of WBN, a preoperational radiological environmental monitoring program was initiated in December L976 and operated through December 1995. Measurements of the same types of radioactive materials that are measured currently were assessed during the preoperational phase to establish normal background levels for various radionuclides in the environment. The preoperationalmonitoring program is a very important part of the overallprogram. Duringthe 1950s, 1960s, and L97Os, atmospheric nuclear weapons testing released radioactive material to the environment, causing fluctuations in background radiation levels. Knowledge of preexisting radionuclide patterns in the environment permits a determination, through comparison and trending analyses, of the actual environmental impact of WBN operation. The determination of environmental impact during the operating phase also considers the presence of control stations that have been established in the environment. Results of environmental samples taken at control stations (far from the plant) are compared with those from indicator stations (near the plant) to aid in the determination of the impacts from WBN operation. ln 2018 the sample analyses were performed by a contracted laboratory, GEL Laboratories, LLC, based in Charleston, SC. Analyses were conducted in accordance with written and approved procedures and are 17l

based on industry established standard analytical methods. A summary of the analysis techniques and methodology is presented in Appendix D. The radiation detection devices and analysis methods used to determine the radionuclide content of samples collected in the environment are very sensitive and capable of detecting small amounts of radioactivity. The sensitivity of the measurement process is defined in terms of the lower limit of detection (LLD). A description of the nominal LLDs for the radioanalytical laboratory is presented in Appendix E. The laboratory applies a comprehensive quality assurance/quality control program to monitor laboratory performance throughout the year. One of the key purposes of the AA/aC program is to provide early identification of any problems in the measurement process so they can be corrected in a timely manner. This program includes instrument checks, to ensure that the radiation detection instruments are working properly, and the analysis of quality control samples. As part of an interlaboratory comparison program, the laboratory participates in a blind sample program administrated by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics. A complete description of the program is presented in Appendix F. Appendix G contains the results of the annual land use census. Data tables summarizing the sample analysis results are presented in Appendix H. Finally, Appendix I contains any errata from previous AREORs. t8I

Figure 2 - Environmentol Exposure Pathways ENVIHC,NIVIENTAL E)(FCI3UFE PATHWAYC] CtF lvtAN E'UE TC, HELEAEEE] ClF FIAEIIC,ACTI\\,E MATEHIAL TCl THE AT]VIOEPHEHE ANE' LA!(E. Airborne Beleares S PIume ErposurG Liquid Belcases Diluted By Lahe MAN Amimals Itilk,teatl cor*rrt Gonsumed By tan Shoreline Erposule By Animals Drinking Watcr Fish llegetation Uptake From Soil teI

DIRECT RADIATION MON ITORI NG Direct radiation levels are measured at various monitoring points around the plant site. These measurements include contributions from cosmic radiation, radioactivity in the ground, fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted in the past, and any radioactivity that may be present from plant operations. Because of the relatively largevariations in background radiation as compared to the small levels from the plant, contributions from the plant may be difficult to distinguish. Measurement Technioues The Landauer lnLight environmental dosimeter is used in the radiological environmental monitoring program for the measurement of direct radiation. This dosimeter contains four elements consisting of aluminum oxide detectors with open windows as well as plastic and copper filters. The dosimeter is processed using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology to determine the amount of radiation exposure. The dosimeters are placed approximately one meter above the ground, with two at each monitoring location. Sixteen monitoring points are located around the plant near the site boundary, one location in each of the 16 compass sectors. One monitoring point is also located in each of the 1G compass sectors at a distance of approximately four to five miles from the plant. Dosimeters are also placed at additional monitoring locations out to approximately 15 miles from the site. The dosimeters are exchanged every three months. The dosimeters are sent to Landauer for processing and results reporting. The values are corrected for transit and shielded background exposure. An average of the two dosimeter results is calculated for each monitoring point. The system meets or exceeds the performance specifications outlined in American National Standards lnstitute (ANSI) N545-1975 and ANSI N 13.37-2014 for environmental applications of dosimeters. WBN TechnicalSpecification 5.9.2, Annual Radiological EnvironmentalOperating Report, requires that the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report identify dosimeter results that represent collocated dosimeters in relation to the NRC's program and the exposure period associated with each result. The NRC collocated environmental dosimetry program was terminated by the NRC at the end of 1997, therefore, there are no results that represent collocated dosimeters included in this report. Results All results for environmental dosimeter measurements are normalized to a standard quarter (91 days). The monitoring locations are grouped according to the distance from the plant. The first group consists of all monitoring points within 2 miles of the plant. The second group is made up of all locations greater than 2 miles from the plant. Past data have shown that the average results from the locations more than 2 miles from the plant are essentially the same. Therefore, for purposes of this report, monitoring points 2 miles or less from the plant are identified as "onsite" stations and locations greater than 2 miles are considered "offsite." The quarterly and annualgamma radiation levels determined from the dosimeters deployed around WBN in 2018 are summarized in Table 2. For comparison purposes, the average direct radiation measurements made in the preoperational phase of the monitoring program are also shown. [10]

Toble 2 - Average Externol Gomma Rodiotion Levels at Various Distonces from WBN for Eoch Quarter 2018 Averase External Gamma Radiation Levels Q1 Q2 (mrem /qtrl (mrem /qtrl Q3 Q4 (mrem /qtrl (mrem lqtrl Annual Preoperational (mrem lVrl (mR/yr) Average 0-2 miles (onsite)' Average >2 miles (offsite)' 20.2 19.4 19.3 L7.4 [1U 18.5 7 4.4 L7.4 59.9 t7.2 L5.7 65 57 NOTES

a. Average of the individual measurements in the set The data in Table 2 indicate that the average quarterly direct radiation levels at the WBN onsite stations are approximately 1.1 mrem/quarter higher than levels at the offsite stations. This equates to 4.6 mrem/year increase at the onsite locations, which is not statistically different than that measured during the preoperational program. Even considering this 4.6 mrem/yr increase for onsite locations attributable to plant operations, ]t falls well below the 25 mrem total body limit for 40 CFR 190. As identified, the difference in onsite and offsite averages is consistent with levels measured for the preoperationat and construction phases of TVA nuclear power plant sites, where the average levels onsite were slightly higher than levels offsite. Figure 3 compares plots of the data from the onsite stations with those from the offsite stations over the period from L977 through 2018. Landauer lnLight Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeters have been deployed since 20o7, replacing the Panasonic UD-814 dosimeters used during the previous years. Beginning with 2018, the methodology for evaluating and reporting the environmental direct radiation exposure was modified, to reflect recommendations contained in ANSI N13.37-2014. A study was performed to determine the dose received by dosimeters that are used as unexposed controls to account for the transit dose to all dosimeters and the shielded storage dose to the unexposed control dosimeters. This in turn was used to more accurately account for the extraneous dose that should be removed from the gross measurements as measured by the field dosimeters.

Figure j - Averoge Direct Radiation Direct Radiation Levels Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Four Quarter Moving Average oE.ltc, Eo E 12.0 7975 [-;;*" -*";;;-l The data in Table H-1 contains the results of the individual monitoring stations. The results reported in 2018 are consistent with historical and preoperational results, indicating that there is no measurable increase in direct radiation levels in the offsite environment attributable to the operation of WBN. There is no indication that WBN activities increased the background radiation levels normally observed in the areas surrounding the plant. lLzl

ATMOSPH ERIC MO N ITORI NG The atmospheric monitoring network is divided into three groups identified as local, perimeter, and remote. Four local air monitoring stations are located on or adjacent to the plant site in the general directions of greatest wind frequency. Four perimeter air monitoring stations are located between 5 to 11 miles from the plant, and two air monitors are located out to 15 miles and used as control or baseline stations. The monitoring program and the locations of monitoring stations are identified in the tables and figures of Appendix A. Results from the analysis of samples in the atmospheric pathway are presented in Table H-2 through Table H-5. Radioactivity levels identified in this reporting period are consistent with background and preoperational program data. There is no indication of an increase in atmospheric radioactivity due to WBN operations. Sample Collection and Analvsis Air particulates are collected by continuously sampling air at a flow rate of approximately 2 cubic feet per minute (cfm) through a 2-inch glass fiber filter. The sampling system consists of a Vacuum Florescent Display (VFD), an oil-less carbon vane vacuum pump and a precision-machined mechanical differential pressure flow sensor. lt is equipped with automatic flow control, on-board data storage, and alarm notifications for flow, temperature, or higher filter differential pressure. This system is housed in a weather resistant environmental enclosure approximately 3 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet. The filter is contained in a sampling head mounted on the outside of the monitoring building. The filter is replaced weekly. Each filter is analyzed for gross beta activity about 3 days after collection to allow time for the natural background radon daughters to decay. Every 4 weeks composites of the filters from each location are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Gaseous radioiodine is sampled using a commercially available cartridge containing Triethylenediamine (TEDA)-impregnated charcoal. This system is designed to collect iodine in both the elementalform and as organic compounds. The cartridge is in the same sampling head and downstream of the air particulate filter. The cartridge is changed at the same time as the particulate filter and samples the same volume of air. Each cartridge is analyzed for l-131 by gamma spectroscopy. Atmospheric moisture sampling is conducted by pulling air at a constant flow rate through a column loaded with approximately 400 grams of silica gel. Every two weeks, the column is exchanged on the sampler. The atmospheric moisture is removed from silica gel by heating and analyzed for tritium. Results The results from the analysis of air particulate samples are summarized in Table H-2. Gross beta activity in 2018 was consistent with levels reported in previous years. The average gross beta activity measured for air particulate samples was 0.033 pCi/m3 for indicator locations and 0.032 pCi/m3 for control locations. The annualaverages of the gross beta activity in air particulate filters at these stations forthe period 7977-2018 are presented in Figure H-1. lncreased levels due to fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing are evident in the years prior to 1981 and a small increase from the Chernobyl accident can be seen in 1986. These patterns are consistent with data from monitoring programs conducted by WA at [13]

other nuclear power plant construction sites. ln 2018, the annual average gross beta particulate activity has increased. However, this increase is consistent across both control and indicator locations, so is not considered a result of any WBN operational activities. Only natural radioactive materials were identified by the monthly gamma spectral analysis of the air particulate samples (see Table H-3). As shown in Table H-4, l-131 was not detected in any charcoal cartridge samples collected in 2018. The results for atmospheric moisture sampling are reported in Table H-5. Tritium in atmospheric moisture was detected in one sample from an indicator location, and one sample from a control location. The highest concentration from the indicator locations was 0.032 pCi/m3. [14]

TE RRESTRIAL MON ITOR I NG Terrestrial monitoring is accomplished by collecting samples of environmental media that may transport radioactive material from the atmosphere to humans. For example, radioactive material may be deposited on a vegetable garden and be ingested along with the vegetables or it may be deposited on pasture grass where dairy cattle are grazing. When the cow ingests the radioactive material, some of it may be transferred to the milk and consumed by humans who drink the milk. Therefore, samples of milk, soil, and food crops are collected and analyzed to determine potential impacts from exposure through this pathway. The results from the analysis of these samples are shown in Table H-6 through Table H-8. A land use census is conducted annually between April and October to identify the location of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest garden of greater than 500 square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables in each of 16 meteorological sectors within 5 miles from the plant. This land use survey satisfies the requirements 10 CFR 50, Appendix l, Section lV.B.3. The results of the 2018 land use census are presented in Appendix G. Sample Collection and Analvsis Milk samples are collected every two weeks from indicator dairies and from at least one control dairy. Milk samples are placed on ice for transport to the radioanalytical laboratory. A radiochemical separation analysis for l-131 and gamma spectroscopy are performed on each sample and a Sr-89 and Sr-90 analysis is performed quarterly. The monitoring program includes a provision for sampling of vegetation from locations where milk is being produced and when milk sampling cannot be conducted. There were no periods during this year when vegetation sampling was necessary. There were changes to the milk sampling in 2018. The control location (& Bacon Farm, lD 3321)was last sampled in January of 2018. ln October 20L8, a new control location was established (Sweetwater Valley Farm, lD 33221. One indicator location (Hornsby Farm, lD 3166) ceased milk production in September 2018. lt is no longer part of the WBN REMP. Soil samples are collected annually from the area surrounding each air monitoring station. The samples arecollectedwitheithera"cookiecutte/'oranaugertypesampler. Afterdryingandgrinding,thesample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. When the gamma analysis is complete, the sample is analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90. Samples representative of food crops raised in the area near the plant are obtained from individual gardens. Types of foods may vary from year to year due to changes in the local vegetable gardens. Samples of cabbage, corn, green beans, and tomatoes were collected from local vegetable gardens and/or farms. Samples of the same food products grown in areas that would not be affected by the plant were obtained from area produce markets as control samples. The edible portion of each sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Results The results from the analysis of milk samples are presented in Table H-6. No radioactivity attributable to WBN Plant operations was identified. All l-131 values were below the established nominal LLD of 1.0 tlsI

pCi/liter. The gamma isotopic analysis detected only naturally occurring radionuclides. Milk samples are analyzed quarterly for Sr-89 and Sr-90. No analyses identified any positive results for Sr-89 or Sr-90. Cs-137 was detected in some annual soil samples collected in 2018. The maximum concentration of G-137 was 43L pCi/kg, identified at a control location. The concentrations were consistent with levels previously reported from fallout. All other radionuclides reported were naturally occurring isotopes. The results of the analysis of soil samples are summarized in Table H-7. A plot of the annual average Cs-137 concentrations in soil is presented in Figure 4. This figure only averages the Cs-137 concentrations of identified positive results. Samples that were not positive for Cs-L37 are not included. Concentrations of Cs-137 in soil are steadily decreasing as a result of the cessation of weapons testing in the atmosphere, the 30-year half-life of Cs-L37, and transport through the environment. Figure 4 - Radiooctivity in Soil Annual Cs-137 Radioactivity in Soil Watts Bar 0.9m 0.800 0.700 0.500 0.500 0 400 0.3m 02m 0 100 0 000 L97 5 1985 1990 1995 2m0 2010 2015 2020 O-lndicator -Control ln 2018, cabbage, corn, green beans and tomatoes were sampled from both indicator and control locations. The only radionuclides measured in these food samples were naturally occurring. The results are reported in Table H-8. t an (J o. .=;(J IE ,9 .!o G G, N ro F{ I th(-) t15I

LIQU I D PATHV/AY MON ITORI NG Potential exposures from the liquid pathway can occur from drinking water, ingestion of fish, or from direct radiation exposure from radioactive materials deposited in the shoreline sediment. The aquatic monitoring program includes the collection of samples of river (surface) water, ground water, drinking water supplies, fish, and shoreline sediment. lndicator samples were collected downstream of the plant and control samples collected within the reservoir upstream of the plant or in the next upstream reservoir (Watts Bar Lake). Sample Collection and Analvsis Samples of surface water are collected from the Tennessee River using automatic sampling systems from two downstream stations and one upstream station. A timer turns on the system at least once every two hours. The line is flushed and a sample is collected into a composite container. A one-gallon sample is removed from the container at 4-week intervals and the remaining water is discarded. Each sample is analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides and tritium. Samples are also collected by an automatic sampling system at the first two downstream drinking water intakes. These samples are collected in the same manner as the surface water samples. These monthly samples are analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides, gross beta activity, and tritium. The samples collected by the automatic sampling device are taken directly from the river at the intake structure. Since these samples are untreated water collected at plant intake, the upstream surface water sample is used as a control sample for drinking water. Ground water is sampled from one onsite well down gradient from the plant, one onsite well up gradient from the plant, and four additional onsite ground water monitoring wells located along underground discharge lines. The onsite wells are sampled with a continuous sampling system. A composite sample is collected from the onsite wells every four weeks and analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides, gross beta activity, and tritium content. Samples of commercial and game fish species are collected semiannually from each of two reservoirs: the reservoir on which the plant is located (Chickamauga Reservoir) and the upstream reservoir (Watts Bar Reservoir). The samples are collected using a combination of netting techniques and electrofishing. The ODCM specifies analysis of the edible portion of the fish. To comply with this requirement, filleted portions are taken from several fish of each species. The samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Samples of shoreline sediment are collected from recreation areas near the plant. The samples are dried, ground, and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. Results The gamma isotopic analysis of all surface water samples identified only naturally occurring radionuclides. Low levels of tritium were detected in some surface water samples. The highest average tritium concentration was 417 pCi/liter at an indicator location. This tritium concentration is considered background and represents only a smallfraction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)drinking water limit of 20,000 pCi/liter. A summary table of the results for surface water samples is shown in Table H-9. lLTl

No fission or activation products were identified by the gamma analysis of drinking water samples from the two downstream monitoring locations. Gross beta was not identified in the control locations, but one sample at a downstream (indicator) station identified 3.23 pCi/liter gross beta. Low levels of tritium were detected in some of the samples collected from the two downstream public water sampling locations. The highest tritium concentration was 363 pCi/liter. The tritium levels were significantly below the EpA drinking water limit of 20,000 pci/liter. The results are shown in Tabte H-10. The gamma isotopic analysis of ground water samples identified only naturally occurring radionuclides. Gross beta concentrations in samples from the onsite indicator tocations averaged 3.5G pCi/liter. No samples from control locations identified any positive results for gross beta activity. Tritium was detected in samples from the onsite monitoring wells located near plant discharge lines. The tritium in onsite ground water was the result of previously identified leaks from plant systems. Repairs have been made to resolve the leak, but the plume of contaminated ground water continues to move slowly across the site toward the river. The highest tritium concentration in samples from these monitoring locations was 533 pCi/liter. There was no tritium detected in the onsite up gradient well. The results are presented in Table H-11. ln 2018, game fish (largemouth bass) and commercialfish (channel catfish).were sampled and analyzed from both controland indicator locations. No fission or activation products were identified in any of the samples. The results are summarized in Table H-12. ln past years, Cs-137 activities consistent with the concentrations present in the environment as the result of past nuclear weapons testing or other nuclear operations in the area was measured in shoreline sediment samples or on-site pond sediment samples. ln 2018, no plant related nuclides were identified in either shoreline or on-site pond sediment samples. The results are summarized in Table H-13 and Table H-14. [18]

ASSESSM ENT AN D EVALUATION Potential doses to the public are estimated from measured effluents using computer models. These models were developed by WA and are based on guidance provided by the NRC in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for determining the potential dose to individuals and populations living near the plant. The results of the effluent dose calculations are reported in the Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report. The doses calculated are a representation of the dose to a "maximum exposed individual." Some of the factors used in these calculations (such as ingestion rates) are maximum expected values which will tend to overestimate the dose to the "hypothetical" person. The calculated maximum dose due to plant effluents are small fractions of the applicable regulatory limits. The expected dose to actual individuals is significantly lower. Based on the very low concentrations of radionuclides present in plant effluent, the calculated doses as a result of plant operations are small fractions of regulatory limits and the natural background radiation dose. The results for the radiological environmental monitoring conducted for WBN in 2018 operations confirm this expectation. Results As stated earlier in this report, the estimated increase in radiation dose equivalent to the general public resulting from the operation of WBN is insignificant when compared to the dose from natural background radiation. The results from each environmental sample are compared with the concentrations from the corresponding control stations and appropriate preoperational and background data to determine influences from the plant. During this report period, Cs-137 was detected in soil collected for the WBN program. The Cs-137 concentrations were consistent with levels measured during the preoperational monitoring program. The levels of tritium measured in water samples from the Tennessee River represented concentrations that were a smallfraction of the EPA drinking water limit. The levels of tritium detected in the onsite ground water monitoring wells do not represent an increased risk of exposure to the public. These radionuclides were limited to the owner-controlled area and would not present an exposure pathway forthe general public. Conclusions The 2018 radiological environmental monitoring program results demonstrate that exposure to members of the general public, which may have been attributable to WBN, is a small fraction of regulatory limits and essentially indistinguishable from the natural background radiation. The radioactivity reported herein is primarily the result of fallout or natural background. Any activity which may be present in the environment as a result of plant operations does not represent a significant contribution to the exposure of members of the public. [1s]

REFERENCES GEL. (2018). 2078 Annuol Quolity Assurance Report for the Radiologicol Environmentol Monitoring Progrom (REMP). Charleston, SC. NCRP. (March 2009). Report No. 760, lonizing Rodiotion Exposure of the Populotion of the tJnited Stotes. NCRP, Washington, D.C. TVA. (2018). Two Unit Offise Dose Colculotion Manua (ODCM), Revision 3. U.S. NRC. (1991). NUREG-1301Offsite Dose Colculotion Manuol Guidonce: Stondord Rodiological Effluent Controls for Pressurized Woter Reactors, Generic Letter 89-07, Supplement 1. Washington, D.C.: USNRC. Retrieved from http://www.nrc.govldocs/M 10910/M1091050061.pdf U.S. NRC. (February 1996). lnstruction Concerning Riskfrom OccupationolExposure. USNRC, Washington, D.C. t20I


APPENDIX A Table A Wotts Bor Nuclear Power Plant Exposure Pathwav and r Sample Radiological Environ mentol Monitoring Progrom Number of Samples and Locations' Sampling and Collection Frequencv

a. Pa rticu lates
b. Radioiodine
c. Atmospheric Moisture
d. Soil 4 samples from locations (in different sectors) at or near the site boundary (LM-l, 2,3 and 4) 4 samples from communities approximately 5-10 miles from plant (PM -2,3,4 and 5) 2 samples from control locations > 10 miles from the plant (RM-z and 3)

Samples from same locations as air particulates 4 samples from locations (in different sectors) at or near the site boundary (LM-l, 2,3, and 4) 2 samples from communities approximately 4-L0 miles distance from the plant (PM-2, 5). 2 samples from contro! location greater than 10 miles from the plant (RM-2 and RM-3). Samples from same location as air particulates Continuous sam pler operation with sample collection weekly (more frequently if required by dust loading) Continuous sam ple operation with filter collection weekly. Conti nuous sam pler operation with sample collection biweekly. Annually Tvpe and Frequencv of Analvsis Analyze for gross beta radioactivity > 24 hours following filter cha nge. Perform gamma isotopic analysis on each sample if gross beta > 10 times yearly mean of control sample. Composite at least once per 31 days (by location) for gamma spectroscopy. l-131 at least once per 7 days. Analysis is performed by gamma spectroscopy. Analyze each sample for tritiu m. Ga mma spectroscopy, Sr-89, Sr-90 annually l22l

APPENDIXA Toble A Wotts Bor Nucleot Powet Plont Rodiologicol Environmentdl Monitoing Prcgrom (Continued) Exoosure Pathwav End/orsamole Number ofsamoles and locations Samolim and Colledion Tvoe and F]eouencv of Frcouencv Analvsis

a. Dosimete6 2 ormorc doslmete6 plaaed atornearthe site Quartedy (once per92 days) Gamma dose quarterly (at boundary in each ofthe 16 sciors.

least once per 92 days) 2 or more dosimeters placed at stations located approximately 5 miles from the plant in each of the 16 sectors. 2 or more dosimeters in at least 8 additional locations of special interest, including at least 2 control stations.

a. Surface Water 2 samples downstream from plant discharge Collected by automatic Gross beta, gamma (TRM 517.9 and TRM 523.1).

sequential-type samplef with spectroscopy, and tritium composite samples collected analysis of each sample. 1 sample at a control location upstream from over a period of approximately the plant discharge (TRM 529.3). 31 days.

b. Ground water Five sampling locations from ground water Collected by automatic Gross beta, gamma monitoring wells adjacent to the plant (Wells sequential-type sampler'with spectroscopy, and tritium No. 7, A, B, C, and F).

composite samples collected analysis of each sample. over a period of approximately 1 sample from ground water source up gradient 31 days. (WellNo.5). [23]

APPENDIXA Toble A WotE Bor Nucleot Powet Plont Radblogicol Ehvhonmental Monitoting Progtum (Continued) Exoosuc Pathwav and/o. Semole Number of Samoles and locations Samollna and Collection Tvpe and Freouend, of Frcouencr Analvsis

c. DrinkintWater l sample at the firsttwo potable sudace water Collected byautomatlc Gaoss beta, gamma scan, and supplies, downstram from the plant (TRM squential-typ samplef with tritium analysis ofeach 503.8 and IRM 473.0).

.ohposite sample collected sample. l sample at a contol location (TRM s29.3)c monthlv'

d. Shoreline Sediment 1 sample downstream from plant discharge Semi-Annually (at least once Gamma spectroscopy of each (TRM 513.0) per 184 days) sample 1 sample from a control location upstream from plant discharge (TRM 530.2)
e. Pond Sediment 1 sample from at least three locations in the Annually Yard Holding Pond 4, INGESTION
a. Milk Gamma spectroscopy of each sample l-131 and gamma spectroscopy on each sample.

Sr-89 and Sr-90 quarterly. 1 sample from milk producing animals in each Every 2 weeks of 1-3 areas indicated by the cow census where doses are calculated to be highest. 1 or more samples from control locations

b. Fish One sample of commercially important species Semi-Annually (at least once Gamma spectroscopy on and one sample of recreationally important per 184 days) edible portions species. One sample of each species from Chickamauga and Watts Bar Reservoirs.
c. Vegetationd Samples from farms producing milk but not Monthly (at least once per 31 l-131 anatysis and gamma (Pasturage and grass) providing a milk sample days) spectroscopy of each sample 1241

Tabte A Wotts Bar Nuclear power ptont Radiological Environmentdl Monitoring Progrom (continued) Number of SamPles and Locations 1 sample each of principal food products grown at private gardens and/or farms in the vicinity of the plant. A control sample from similar food products grown 15 to 30 km distant in the least prevalent wind direction. Sam pline and Collection Frequencv At least once per 355 daYs at the time of harvest. The tYPes of foods will vary. Following is a list of typical foods which maY be available: o Cabbage a nd/or lettuce o Corn o Green Beans o Potatoes o Tomatoes i APPENDIX A Tvpe and Frequencv of Analvsis Gamma scan on edible portions Exposure Pathwav and ' 'SamPle

d. Food Products

'Sample locatlons are shown on Figur A_1thmu8h FlSure A_3. b Samples sh.ll be colle.ted bY collectlng en allquot at lnteruals not e,rceeding 2 hours . The s.mples collcted at TRMS g)3.8 and 4?3.0 are taken from the r.w wier $rpply, therefofe, the upstreem surfac w.ter sample wlll b consldercd the control sample for drinklng watr. d vegetaiton sampltng ts applicable only Io. f.rms that met the fflte.la for mllk sampling.nd when mllksampling cennot be performed [2s]

Toble A Watts Bor Nuclear Power Plant REMP Sampling Locations lndicator (lf or Control (Cl APPENDIX A Samoles Collected? AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S AP, CF, S AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S, AM AP, CF, S, AM W M W SW SW SW, PWE PW Map Location Numbera 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 18 20 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 35 37 38 39 81 82 83 84 85 85 88 Sector NW NNE N E/EN E. S SW NNW SSW NNE NNE SE S ESE Distance lmilesl 7.0 10.4 7.5 8.0 15.0 15.0 0.5 0.4 L.9 0.9 0.6 4.L 0.s g.gd 4.7d 1.5d 54.9d 14.9d 2.4d 24.Od Onsite 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 L.4 23.4 Station PM.2 PM.3 PM.4 PM.5 RM-2 RM-3 1M.1. LM.2 LM-3 LM.4 Well S7 Farm N Well S5 TRM 5L7.9 TRM 523.L TRM 529.3 TRM 473.0 (C. F. lndustries) TRM 513.0 TRM 530.2 TRM 503.8 (Dayton) TRM 522.8-527.8 (downstream of WBN) TRM 471-530 (Chickamauga Lake) TRM 530-502 (Watts Bar Reservoir) Yard Pond Well A Well B Well C Well F Farm HH Farm SV c I I c I SS SS PW ssE/s/ssw SSE SSE ESE SE SSW ENE F PS W W W W M,W M ' See Figure A-1 through Figure A-3 b Sample Codes: AM = Atmospheric moisture AP = Air particulate filter F - Fish CF = Charcoal Filter PW = Public water PS = Pond sediment $ = Soil lll = Milk Shoreline sediment Surface water Well water Vegetation SS= SW= !!= [= 'Station located on the boundary between these two sectors. d Distance from the ptant discharge at Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 527.8 'The surface water sample is also used as a control for public water. l26I

APPENDIX A Table A Watts Bar Environmental Dosimeter Locations Map Location Number" 2 3 4 5 5 7 10 11 L2 L4 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 55 57 58 59 50 62 53 64 55 55 67 68 59 70 7T Station NW.3 NNE.3 EN E-3 s-3 SW-3 NNW-4 NNE-1A SE-1A SSW.2 w-2 N-1 N-2 NNE-1 NNE.2 NE-1 N E.2 NE-3 EN E-1 ENE-2 E-1 E-2 ESE.1 ESE-2 SE-2 SSE-1A SSE-2 s-L s-2 ssw-1 SSW.3 SW-1 SW-2 WSW-1 WSW.2 w-1 WNW-1 WNW-2 NW-1 NW-2 NNW-1 NW NNE NE/ENE S SW NNW NNE SE ssw W N N NNE NNE NE NE NE ENE ENE E E ESE ESE SE ssE SSE S S SSW SSW SW 5W WSW WSW W WNW WNW NW NW NNW Sector Distance (milesl 7.0 10.4 7.6 7.9 15.0 15.0 1.9 0.9 1.3 4.9 L.2 4.7 L,2 4.L 0.9 2.9 6.L 0.7 5.8 1.3 5.0 L.2 4.4 5.3 0.6 5.8 0.7 4.9 0.8 5.0 0.8 5.3 0.9 3.9 0.9 0.9 4.9 L.L 4,7 1.0 Onsite or Offsiteb off off off off off off On On On off On off On off On off off On off On off On off off On off On off On off On off On off On On off On off On 1271

APPENDIX A Toble A-i - Wotts Bar Environmental Dosimeter Locations (Continued) Map Location Number 72 73 74 75 76 77 .78 79 Station NNW-2 NNW-3 EN E-2A SE.2A S-2A W-2A NW-2A SSE-1 Distance (milesl 4.5 7,0 3.5 3.1 2.O 3.2 3.0 0.5 Onsite or Offsite off off off off off off off On Sector NNW NNW ENE SE S W NW SE a See Figure A-1 through Figure A-3. b Dosimeters designated "onsite" are located 2 miles or less from the plan! "offsite" are located more than 2 miles from the plant t28l

APPENDIX A Figure A-1,- REMP Sampling Locotions Within 1, Mile of Plant wNw 24t.25 w 258.75 wsw 303.75 236.25 f! n.2s 56.25 ENE 79,75 E f o 1.25 ESE 123.75 SE t 46.25 Scrb Offlcr WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT [2s]

APPENDIX A Figure A REMP Sampling Locations from 1 to 5 Miles from Plant t t>-- wATTs BAR NUcLEen p[arur, I I t --).<li t30I

APPENDIX A Figure A REMP Sampling Locations Greater Than 5 Miles from Plant t31I


APPENDIX B Radiolorical Environmental Monitoring Prorram Modifications Milk The milk control location at B. Bacon Farm (lD 3321) was last sampled on L/3Ol2Ot8 and is no longer part of the WBN REMP. A new milk control location was established at Farm MFF, Sweetwater Valley Farm (lD gglll. Sampting at Sweetwater Valley Farm began on tOl23/2OLS. The milk indicator location at Farm HH, Hornsby Farm (lD 3165) was tast sampled on 9lttl21L8 and is no longer part of the WBN REMp. Well (Groundf Water The well water indicator location Well #1 (on-site, lD 3121) was last sampled on 7/LOl2OL8 and is no longer part of the WBN REMP. lt was replaced by wellwater indicator location Welt#7 (on-site, lD 3120) which was first sampled on8l7/2OL8. 133l


APPENDIX C Media Location Date CR Issue Direct Radiation NNW-3 LO/LS/2018 (1e A/B) 151 L420 The 3" Quarter OSLDs, 19A and 198, located at the Spring City Water Treatment Plant were missing. The entire "cricket tube" was missing. Relocated to be hidden from plain view to prevent recurrence. Air Filter and Charcoa! Cartridge RM.2 L2/24/20L8 L49s778 Missing gross beta and I-131 sample. No power at location. Atmospheric Moisture PM-2 PM-5 LM.3 LM-4 RM-3 RM-2 3127 /2018 151L423 While putting caps on the scintillation vials, the analyst bumped the rack by accident and the rack tipped over, spilling the samples onto the counter top. The background vial and the other 2 samples were the only ones with caps on them. The silica gel did not have enough moisture remaining to extract and a nalyze for tritiu m. Not enough moisture collected from silica gel to analyze. PM-2 41L312018 151158s Ground water Farm HH LLlLl2018 L5L4736 Ground water samples from Farm HH were not collected in August and October 2018. After correction to software scheduler, all other samples have been taken. No plant related radionuclides have been identified in the 10 samples taken from this location in 20L9. [3s]


APPENDIX D Analytical Procedures Analyses of environmental samples are performed by GEL Laboratories, LLC in Charleston, SC. Analysis of environmental dosimeters is performed by Landauer, lnc. in Glenwood, lL. Analysis procedures are based on accepted methods and summarized below. The gross beta measurements are made with an automatic low background counting system. Normal counting times are 50 minutes. Water samples are prepared by evaporating 400 milliliter (mL) of samples to near dryness, transferring to a stainless steel planchet, and completing the evaporation process. Air particulate filters are counted directly in a shallow planchet. The specific analysis of l-131 in milk is performed by first isolating and purifoing the iodine by radiochemical separation and then counting the final precipitate on a beta-gamma coincidence counting system. The normal count time is 480 minutes. When the l-131 counted in a gamma spectroscopy utilizing high resolution Hp-Ge detectors. After a radiochemical separation, milk samples analyzed for Sr-89, 90 are counted on a low background beta counting system. The sample is counted a second time after a minimum ingrowth period of six days. From the two counts, the Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentrations can be determined. Watersamples are analyzed fortritium content byfirst distilling a portion of the sample and then counting by liquid scintillation. A commercially available scintillation cockail is used. Gamma analyses are performed in various counting geometries depending on the sample type and volume. Allgamma counts are obtained with germanium type detectors interfaced with a high-resolution gamma spectroscopy system. The charcoal cartridges used to sample gaseous radioiodine are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy using a high-resolutio n ga mm a s pectroscopy system wit h germa niu m detectors. Atmospheric moisture samples are collected on silica gel from a metered air flow. The moisture is released from the silica gel by heating and a portion of the distillate is counted by liquid scintillation for tritium using commercially available scintillation cocktail. The necessary efficiency values, weight-efficiency curves, and geometry tables are established and maintained on each detector and counting system. A series of daily and periodic quality control checks are performed to monitor counting instrumentation. System Iogbook and control charts are used to document the resuhs of the quality control check. The Landauer tnLight Environmental Dosimetry System is used for measuring direct radiation in the REMP. Landauer has performed type testing of this system in accordance with ANSI N13.37-2014 standards. [37]


APPENDIX E Lower Limits of Detection Many factors influence the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) for a specific analysis method, including sample size, count time, counting efficiency, chemical processes, radioactive decay factors, and interfering isotopes encountered in the sample. The most probable values for these factors have been evaluated for the various analyses performed in the environmental monitoring program. The nominal LLDs are calculated from these values, in accordance with the methodology prescribed in the ODCM. The current nominal LLD values achieved by the radioanalytical lab are listed in Table E-2 and Table E-3. For comparison, the maximum values for the lower limits of detection specified in the ODCM are given in Table E4. Toble E Comparison of Progrom Lower Limits of Detection with the Regulotory Limits for Moximum Annual Averoge Effluent Concentration Released to Unrestricted Areas and Reporting Levels Concentrations in Water (pCi/Literl Concentrations in Air (pCi 3l Analvsis H-3 Cr-51 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-55 Sr-89 Sr-90 N b-95 Zr-95 Ru-103 Ru-105 t-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ce-L44 Ba-L4O La-140 10 cFR 20 Effluent Concentration Reporting Limj!' levelb' 1,000,000 20,000 500,000 30,000 1000 10,000 400 20,000 1000 3,000 300 5,000 300 9,000 s00 30,000 400 20,000 400 30,000 3,000 1,000 2 900 30 1,000 50 3,000 8,000 200 9,000 200 10 cFR 20 Lower Effluent Limit of Concentration Detectiond Limit 270 100,000 45 30,000 5 1,000 10 500 5 1,000 s50 10 400 1,000 5 5 2,000 10 400 5 900 40 20 o.4 200 5 200 5 200 30 40 25 2,000 10 2,OOO Lower Reporting Limit of Level ry* 0.02 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 o.ooo, 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.9 0.03 10 0.005 20 0.005 0.01 0.0L5 0.01 " Source: Table 2 of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001-2O.24OL b For those reporting levels and lower limits of detection that are blank, no value is given in the reference " Source: WBN Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Table 2.3-2 d Source: Table E-2 and Table E-3 of this report t3sI

APPENDIX E Table E Nominal LLD Values - Radiochemical Analvsis Gross beta H-3 t-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Analvsis Ce-141 Ce-L44 Cr-51 t-131 Ru-103 Ru-105 Cs-134 Cs-137 Zr-95 Nb-95 Co-58 Mn-54 Zn-65 Co-50 K-40 Ba-140 La-140 Fe-59 Be-7 Pb-2L2 Pb-2L4 and Vesetation Milk (pCi ' (PCi /Ll wetl 10 35 30 115 45 200 10 50 525 40 190 s30 525 10 45 530 520 520 10 45 520 100 400 25 130 10 50 10 40 45 200 15 40 20 80 Airborne Particulate or Gases (PCi 3l 0.002 3.0 Airborne Cha rcoa I Particu late Filter (PCi 3l (pCi 3) 0.005 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.02 0.15 0.005 0.03 0.005 0.02 0.02 0.L2 0.005 0.02 0.005 0.02 0.005 0.03 . 0.005 0.02 0.005 0.02 0.005 0.o2 0.005 0.03 0.005 0.02 0.04 0.30 0.015 0.07 0.01 0.04 0.005 0.04 o.o2 0.15 0.005 0.03 0.005 0.07 Water (pCi 'I 1.9 270 0.4 0.4 3.5 2.0 Water Wet Wet Vegetation ry 5.0 Sediment and Soilry 0.4 Milk (pCi 'I Table E Nominol LLD Values - Gommo Analysis Sediment and Soil (pCi 'ke. dry) 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.25 0.03 0.20 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.75 0.30 0.20 0.05 0.25 0.10 0.15 Fish (pCi/ks. wet) o.o7 0.15 0.30 0.20 0.03 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.25 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.09 0.25 0.04 0.10 Food Products (pCi ' wet) 20 60 95 20 25 90 10 10 45 10 10 10 45 10 250 50 25 25 90 40 80 [40]

Toble E Nominol LLD Volues - Gamma Analysis (continued) Water Wet and Vesetation Milk (pCi ' (PCi I wetl Analvsis Bi-2L4 Ba-zL2 Tl-208 Ra-224 Ra-226 Ac-228 Pa-234m Analvsis Gross beta H-3 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58, 50 Zn-55 Zr-95 Nb-gs t-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Sediment and Soil (pCi 'l dry) 0.15 0.45 0.06 o.75 0.15 0.25 4.0 Fish (pCi 'l'e. wet) 0.10 0.25 0.03

0. L0 APPENDIX E Food Products (pCi/ke.

wetl 40 130 30 Airborne Charcoal Particulate Filter (PCi 3t (PCi 3) 0.005 0.05 0.02 0.20 0.002 0.02 20 50 10 55 250 30 0.01 o.o7 Airborne Particulate or Gases (PCi 3t 0.01 o,o7 0.05 0.06 20 70 800 Fish (pCi/ke. we!) 130 260 130 260 130 150 Food Products ry 50 60 80 Sediment ry 150 180 50 Table E Moximum Values for Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) Water (pCi 'Ll 4 20004 15 30 15 30 30 15 1u 15 18 50 15 MiIK Ipgl!) 15 18 50 15 Notes

a. lf no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/t may be used
b. lf no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/L may be used.



APPENDIX F Qualitv Assurance / Qualitv Control Prosram A quality assurance program is employed by the offsite vendor laboratory to ensure that the environmental monitoring data are reliable. This program includes the use of written, approved procedures in performing the work, provisions for staff training and certification, internal self-assessments of program performance, audits by various external organizations, and a laboratory quality controlprogram. The quality control program employed by the radioanalytical laboratory is designed to ensure that the sampling and analysis process is working as intended. The program includes equipment check and the analysis of quality control samples, along with routine field samples. lnstrument quality control checks include background count rate and counts reproducibility. ln addition to these two general checks, other quality control check are performed on the variety of detectors used in the laboratory. The exact nature of these check depends on the type of device and the method it uses to detect radiation or store the information obtained. Quality control samples of a variety of types are used by the laboratory to verifo the performance of different portions of the analytical process. These quality control samples include blanks, field duplicates, process duplicates, matrix spikes, laboratory control samples, and independent cross-checks. Blanks are samples which contain no measurable radioactivity of the type being measured. Such samples are analyzed to determine whether there is any contamination or cross-contamination of equipment, reagents, processed samples, or interferences from isotopes other than the ones being measured. Duplicate field samples are generated at random by the sample computer program which schedules the collection of the routine samples. For example, if the routine program calls for four milk samples every week, on a random basis each farm might provide an additional sample several times a year. These duplicate samples are analyzed along with other routine samples. They provide information about the variability of radioactive content in the various sample media. lf enough sample is available for a particular analysis, the laboratory staff can split the sample taking two individual aliquots, known as process duplicates. Duplicate samples provide information about the variability of the entire sampling and analytical process. Matrix spikes are field samples that have been spiked with known low levels of specific target isotopes. Recovery of the known amount allow the analyst to determine if any interferences are exhibited from the field sample's matrix. Laboratory control samples are another type of quality control sample. A known amount of radioactivity is added to a sample medium and processed along with the other QC and field samples in the analytical batch. Laboratory control samples provide the assurance that all aspects of the process have been successfully completed within the criteria established by Standard Operating Procedure. Another category of quality control samples are cross-check. The laboratory procures single-blind performance evaluation samples from Eckert & Ziegler Analfics to verify the analysis of sample matrices processed at the laboratory. Samples are received on a quarterly basis. The laboratory's Third-Party Cross-Check Program provides environmental matrices encountered in a typica! nuclear utility REMP. Once performance evaluation samples have been prepared in accordance with the instructions from the performance evaluator provider, samples are managed and analyzed in the same manner as t43I

APPENDIX F environmental samples. These samples have a known amount of radioactivity added and are presented to the lab staff labeled as cross-check samples. The laboratory does not know the amount of radioactivity added to the sample. Such samples test the best performance of the laboratory by determining if the laboratory can find the "right answer." These samples provide information about the accuracy of the measurement process. Further information is available about the variability of the process if multiple analyses are requested on the same sample. Like matrix spikes or laboratory control samples, these samples can also be spiked with low levels of activity to test detection limits. The analysis results for internal cross-check samples met program performance goals for 2018. The quality control data are routinely collected, examined and reported to laboratory supervisory personnel. They are checked fortrends, problem areas, or other indications that a portion of the analytical process needs correction or improvement. The resuh is a measurement process that provides reliable and verifiable data and is sensitive enough to measure the presence of radioactivity far below the levels which could be harmfulto humans. Per the GEL 2018 Annual Environmental Quality Assurance (QA) Report (GEl. 2018), forty-five (45) radioisotopes associated with seven (7) matrix types (air filter, cartridge, water, milk, soil, liquid and vegetation) were analyzed under GEL's Performance Evaluation program in participation with ERA, MAPEP, and Eckert & Ziegler Analytics. Matrix types were representative of client analyses performed during 2018. Of the four hundred fifty-two (452) total results, 98.4% (445 of 452) were found to be acceptable within the PT providers three sigma or other statistical criteria. For the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross Check Program, GEL was provided ninety-two (92) individual environmental analyses. The accuracy of each result reported to Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, lnc. is measured by the ratio of GEL's result to the known value. All results fell within GEL's acceptance criteria l1,OOoA withi n accepta nce). The radioanalytical lab performance in 2018 meets the criteria described in Reg. Guide 4.15 and ANSI/HpS N13.37-2014. 144l


APPENDIX G Land Use Census A land use census was conducted in accordance with the provisions of ODCM Control 1.3.2 to identify the location of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest garden of greater than 500 square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables in each of 15 meteorological sectors within a distance of 5 miles (8 kmlfrom the plant. The land use census was conducted between April 1 and October 1 using appropriate techniques such as door-to-door suryey, mail survey, telephone survey, aerial survey, or information from locat agricultura! authorities or other reliable sources. There were no changes to the nearest resident or garden in 2018. The survey of milk producing locations performed in 2018 identified that the previous nearest milk production location no longer is producing milk. There is currently just one milk production location within 5 miles of Watts Bar. Toble G Wotts Bor Lond Use Census Resu/ts Nearest MiIK Production (meters) 3080 3 138 2456 2055 4742 Meteorologica! Sector Nearest Resident Nearest Garden (meters) meters) [45]

APPENDIX G Toble G Proiected Annual Air Submersion Dose to the Nearest Residence (mrem/yr) 2OL8 (L7921TPC + NonTPC Distance Dose Sector (meters) (mrem/yrlsite) N 4474 NNE NE ENE ESE SE SSE ssw SW WSW WNW NW NNW 3750 3399 3072 4654 1409 L646 1832 8100 2422 L448 2055 4376 L.27E-OL 3.56E-0L 4.71E-01 5.O2E-01 2.62E-01 2.45E-01 1.20E+00 5.73E-01 6.88E-01 5.45E-01 4.54E-O2 3.18E-01 8.83E-02 3.16E-01 1.34E-01 4.LLE-02 E 4388 s 1550 w 2901 Toble G-3'Proiected Annuol lngestion Dose to Child's Bone from Home-Grown Foods (mrem/yr) 2018 (L7921TPC + NonTPC Distance Dose Sector (meters) (mrem lVr/site) N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 6295 s030 3561 3072 4656 7297 1409 LTLL 2349 2286 8100 3080 3 138 2955 2065 4742 2.50E+00 5.43E+00 7.95E+00 8.77E+00 5.01E+00 3.29E+00 1.95E+01 1.08E+01 9.39E+00 9.98E+00 2.35E+00

5. t0E+00 2.76E+00 2.94E+00 3.65E+00 2.L3E+00 l47l

APPENDIX G Toble G Relotive Proiected Annuol Dose to Receptor Thyroid from lngestion of Milk Cows Distance X/q 2OL8 (L7921TPC + NonTPC Location Sector (meters) (s lm'l Dose (mrem lyr/sitel Farm N ESE 6706 1.35E-05 2.20E+OO [48]


Map Loc. No. Station Number Dir. (desreesl Distance (milesl Q1 2018 a2 2018 Q3 2018 q4 2018 Annual Exposure (mrem/yrl (mrem/qtrl 2 NW-3 3L7 7.0 1,8.9 22.7 2L.t 1,8.3 81.0 3 NNE.3 L7 10.4 15.4 L7.2 L7.1. L7.8 67.5 4 EN E-3 55 7.6 L4.4 L4.7 13.5 18.3 51.0 5 s-3 185 7.8 L4.2 17.2 L7.6 16.8 5s.8 5 SW-3 225 1,5.0 t4.4 17.2 L6.L L7.L 64.8 7 NNW.4 337 15.0 L3.4 L7.7 16.1 16.3

53. s 10 N N E.14 22 L.9 L5.2 L9.7 L7.6 15.8 59.3 11 SE.14 138 0.9 L8.2 2L.7 18.1 19.3 77.3 t2 SSW-2 200 1.3 L4.9 L9.2 19.5 L7.3 7L.0 L4 w-2 277 4.8 L2.9 L8.2 L7.L 15.8 55.0 40 N-1 10 L.2 L8.4 L8.7
19. L 17.8 7 4.0 4L N-2 350 4.7 L7.9 20.7 16.1 19.8 7 4.5 42 NNE.1 27 L.2 L7.4 23.9 20.9 19.3 81.5 43 NNE-2 20 4.t L6.4 L9.2 L7.L 15.3 68.0 44 NE-1 39 0.9 20.9 22.2 19.5 L7.3 80.0 45 N E.2 54 2.9 L4.4 20.7 L7.L 18.8 7L.O 46 N E-3 47 5.1 L2.4 L5.2 13.1 15.8 55.5 47 ENE.1 74 0.7 15.9 2L.2 16.6 19.3 73.O 48 ENE-2 69 5.8 L3.4 L7.7 15.4 18.5 55.0 49 E-1 85 1.3 15.9 L8.7 18.1 19.8 72.5 50 E-2 92 5.0 16.9 t9.2
19. 1 19.3 74.5 51 ESE-1 109 L.2 L3.4 L7.2 L4.L 16.3 61,.0 52 ESE.2 105 4.4 18.4 2L.2 19.6 L7.3 75.5 54 SE.2 L28 5.3 15.4 L9.7 15.6 L7.3 58.0 55 SSE.1A 151 0.6 L3.4

\\7.2 L4.6 16.3 61.5 55 SSE-2 155 5.8 L4.9 22.2 20.5 19.3 77.0 57 s-1 L82 0.7 15.4 L7.2 18.1 16.8 67.5 58 s-2 185 4.8 15.4 L8.2 16.5 13.8 64.0 59 SSW.1 199 0.8 2L.4 23.4 2L.9 18.8 85.6 50 SSW-3 199 5.0 L3.4 L7.2 1s.5 13.3 59.5 62 SW.1 225 0.8 18.9 2L.7 20.6 18.8 80.0 53 SW.2 220 5.3 L7.4 24.2 20.5 18.8 81.0 64 WSW-1 255 0.9 L6.4 L8.2 18.1 L7.8 70.5 55 WSW-2 247 3.9 L9.4 L9.2 19.1" 19.3 77.0 55 w-1 270 0.9 15.4 20.7 L7.6 L7.3 7L.0 67 WNW-1 294 0.9 23.4 25.2 25.6 25.8 100.0 58 WNW-2 292 4.9 18.4 23.7 L7.L 19.3 78.5 69 NW.1 320 1.1 15.9 L8.7 15.1 L7.3 59.0 70 NW.2 313 4.7 L9.4 23,2 18.5 2L.3 82.5 7L NNW.1 340 1.0 15.9 L9.7 L4.L 18.8 58.5 72 NNW.2 333 4.5 L5.4 20.2 L9.1 19.8 7 4.5 73 NNW-3 329 7.0 L4.9 75.2 N/A 13.3 43.5 74 E N E-2A 69 3.5 74.9 L7.2 L5.5 15.3 53.0 75 SE.2A L44 3.1 15.9 22.7 19.5 19.3 77.5 76 S.2A L77 2.0 L9.4 ?L,2 18.6 20.3 79.5 77 W-2A 258 3.2 15.4 20.2 18.1 15.8 59.5 78 NW.2A 32L 3.0 L4.4 L9.7 t7.t 15.3 65.s 79 SSE-1 L46 0.5 t6.4 L9.2 19.1 20.3 75.0 APPENDIX H Table H lndividuol Dosimeter Stations at Wotts Bar Nucleor Plant Is0]

APPENDIX H Tsble H Weekly Airborne Particulate 6ross Beto Sample Pathway {Measurement Unit} Type and Number of Analysis Performed Lower Limit of Detection ([Dla All lndicator Locations Mean (Count) Range Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Locations Mean (Countl Range Non-routine Reported Measurements Name, Distance and Direction Mean (Range) Air Filter lnhalation (pCi/m3) Gross Beta 519 0.01 0.033 (4L5/4L6]l (0.00s - a.077]. PM.3, 10.4 Mi. NNE 0.034 (s2/s2l (0.01_7 - 0.ose) 0.032 (103/103) (0.017 - 0.0s3) 0 NOTES

a. LLD is the a priori limit as prescribed by the ODCM.

Table H weekly Airborne lodine-131" Radioactivity NOTES

a. The term "< LLD" as used means that results had no identified activity above the minimum detectable.

Toble H Quorterly Airborne Composite Particulote Gamma Radioactivity NOTES

a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in quarterly composite air samples in 2018.
b. See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

Sample Pathway (Measurement Unitl Type and Number of Analysis Performed Lower Limit of Detection (rLDl All lndicator Locations Mean (Count) Range Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Locations Mean (Countl Range Non-routine Reported Measurements Name, Distance and Direction Mean (Range) Activated Charcoal lnhalation (pCi/rn3l t-131 519 0.07 < LLD ^ (0/41,51 LLD < LLD < LLD (0/103) 0 Sample Pathway (Measurement Unit! Type and Number of Analysis Performed Lower Limit of Detection (Lt Dl All lndicator Locations Mean (Countl Range Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Locations Mean (Countl Range Non-routine Reported Measurements Name, Distance and Direction Mean (Rangel Air Filter lnhalation (pCi/m3) Gamma Isotopic ' 130 Various < LLD (011,04l, < LLD < LLD < LLD (0/261 0 [s 1]

APPENDIX H Figure H-L - Averoge Gross Beta in Air Filters 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.02 Annual Average Beta Activity in Watts Bar Air Fifters \\ rn E (J o. it' .= .= +. L} ca-(u qo f-(u L975 1980 1985 1990 1995 -{t-Indicatgf (- COntrOl 2000 2005 2010 .,....... Prgoperational Avgrage 2015 2020 [s2]

APPENDIX H Table H Biweekly Atmospheric Moisture Radioactivity 0.32 (LlL44l 0.32 - 0.32 LM-4, 0.9 mi SE 0.32 (Ll24l 0.32 - 0.32 o.o2 luqel 0.02 - 0.02 Toble H Biweekly Milk Radioactivity Milk lngestion (pci/t l Gamma lsotopic a < LLD (0/4s) < LLD (0/81 < LLD l0lTl < LLD (0/U < LLD (0/1) < LLD (0/4s) < LLD (o/S) NOTES

a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in milk samples in 2018.


APPENDIX H Table H Annual Soil Radioactivity Soi! Direct Radiation (pcilkel Gamma lsotopic ' 10 < LLD (0/8) < LLD (Ol2l 274 (3/81 L74 - 32s RM-3, 15 mi NW 431 (Llll 431 - 431 431 lLlzl 431 - 43L < LLD (o/81 < LLD (Ol2l < LLD (0/8) < LLD (Ol2l NOTES

a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in soil samples in 2018.

Table H Annual Local Crop Radioactivity Cabbage lngestion (pci/el Gamma lsotopic ' 2 Various < LLD (o/U < LLD < LLD < LLD (0/1) 0 Corn lngestion (pc"/sl Gamrna lsotopic 2 Various < LLD (o/U < LLD < LLD < LLD (0/u 0 Green Beans lngestion (pG/Sl Gamma tsotopic 2 Various < LLD (o/1) < LLD < LLD < LLD (OlU 0 Tomatoes lngestion (pc/sl Gamma lsotopic 2 Various < LLD (0/U < LLD < LLD < LLD (o/U 0 f{oTEsa. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in local crop samples ln 2018.

b. See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nomlnal L.lDs for indlvidual radionuclides via gamma isotoplc analysis.



a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in surface water samples in 2018.

Toble H Monthty Public Drinking Woter Rodiooctivity Table H Monthly Surface Water Radioactivity NOTESa. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in public drinking water samples in 2018. [ss] Surface Water Direct Exposure (pG/tl Gamma lsotopic a < LLD lolzsl < LLD (0/13) Tritium 38 380 (slzsl 249 - 570 TRM 523.1 (Breedenton Ferry) 4.7 miles 4L7 (3l1-2l 288 - 570 < LLD (0/131 Drinking Water lngestion (pct/tl 3.23 lLlzfil 3.23 - 3.23 TRM 503.8 (Dayton, TN) 20.1 miles 3.23 (u13) 3.23 - 3.23 < LLD (olLzl Gamma lsotopic a < LLD (0126l < LLD (0/13) Tritium 39 3oo (51261 232 - 363 TRM 473 302 (3/13) 266 - 336 < LLD 1s/r3)

APPENDIX H Table H Monthly Well (Ground) Water Radioactivity Ground Water Ingestion (pci/tl 3.s6 lzl7sl 3.35 - 3.77 Well #7 E 3.77 (u6) 3.77 -3.77 < LLD 1s/13) < LLD l0l75l < LLD (0/r3) Tritium 88 4s6 (6l7sl 199 - 533 Well B 0.5 miles SSE so8 (s/13) 315 - s33 < LLD (0/13) NOTES

a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in surface water samples in 2018.

Toble H Semi-Annual Fish Radioactivity Gamma lsotopic e Various < LLD l0l4',t < LLD (Ol2l Gamma lsotopic 10 < LLD (o/2) NOTES

a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in fish samples in 2018.


APPENDIX H NOTESa. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in shoreline sediment samples in 201E. Table H Annual Pond Sediment Rodioactivity Table H Semi-Annual Shoreline Sediment Rodiooctivity NOTES

a. Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in pond sediment samples in 2018.

Shoreline Sediment Direct Radiation hct/rcl < LLD (Ol2l < LLD (Ol2l < LLD (014I, [s7]

lesl sluodlu 9Ntlvuldo lvlNlt^lNoutANl tvnNNV snot^lud ot_ vlvuul I xtoNlddv

APPENDIX I Errata to Previous AREORs There are no identified errors in previous AREORs. Iss]}}