W3P86-0196, Annual Environ Operating Rept,1985

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Annual Environ Operating Rept,1985
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1985
From: Drummond F
To: Knighton G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
W3P86-0196, W3P86-196, NUDOCS 8605050010
Download: ML20203N068 (3)



t 142 DELAAONDE STREET # PQ BOX 6000 P O W E R & L 1 G H T! NEW OALEANS LOUISIANA70174-6008 G (504)368-2345 UTauTIES SYSTEM April 30,1986 W3P86-0196 3-A1.01.04 ,

A4.05 QA 1

Mr. G. W. Knighton, Director PWR Project Directorate Number 7 Division of PWR Licensing-B ,

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation  !

Washington, D. C. 20555


Waterford Steam Electric Station-Unit Number 3 Docket Number 50-382 Operating License NPF-38 Annual Environmental Operating Report - 1985

Dear Mr. Knighton:

Attached is the 1985 Annual Environmental Operating Report for the subject facility. This report is submitted pursuant to Section 5.4.1 of the Environmental Protection Plan (Appendix B to the Operating License).

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Chadi D. Groome at (504) 595-2846.

Very truly ours, j

% .u F. J. Drummond Nuclear Services Manager FJD/CDG/j al Attachment cc: B. W. Churchill, W. M. Stevenson, R. D. Martin, J. Wilson, NRC Resident Inspector', Offica (L73) g 8605050010 851231 6, PDR ADOCK 05000382 V R PDR g NS20536 )}I O .

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1985 ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT This report describes implementation of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the calendar year 1985, and provides the information required by the EPP including as appropriate, a list of EPP noncompliances and corrective actions, changes in station design or operation, and tests or experiments which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question; and a list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2 of the EPP. Activities involving an unreviewed environmental question require NRC approval prior to implementation.

While not involving potentially significant unreviewed environmental

! questions, discussions of the NPDES permit modifications and tie-in to the municipal sewage treatment facility are included in Section C of this report for completeness.

A. Summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by EPP Subsection 4.2:

1 This section of the EPP provides protection of the cultural resources on the Waterford 3 site. There were no activities which affected eitber the Plantation Overseer's House site or the Plantation Quarter's site, both eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, during this reporting period.

B. EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them:


There were no noncompliances with the requirements of the EPP during this reporting period.

C. A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, or experiments made in accordance with EPP Subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question:

An NPDES permit modification request was submitted to the EPA on March 1, 1985. Requested modifications included increased flow 4

limitations for the Circulating Water System (CWS), Boron Management System (BMS), Waste Management System (WMS), and Primary Water Treatment System (PWTS); increased discharge of boron from the BMS and WMS; and addition of a new outfall for direct discharge of steam generator blowdown to the CWS. All but the boron related modifications were approved and the permit was modified effective September 24, 1985.

Both an EPA Administrative Order and an Emergency Technical Specification Change were granted in May 1985 to permit the direct discharge of steam i generator blowdown. Louisiana Power and Light. Company (LP&L) letter

number W3P85-0552, which as required by EPP Subsection 3.2 was

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transmitted to the NRC at the same time it was submitted to the EPA, discussed the details of the requested modifications. As none of the approved modifications involve a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question, the discussion will not be reiterated in this report.

Construction was completed to tie in to the Killona Municipal Sewage Treatment Facility, and a number of package extended aeration units serving office areas and the Waterford 3 Administration Building were removed from service in July 1985. This reduced the number of wastewater discharges from Waterford 3, and does not involve a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.

D. Nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2:

1. Oil spill notifications to the State of Louisiana Department of Conservation (dated October 7,1985), and the Water Pollution Control Division (dated October 10, 1985), for a September 27, 1985 discharge of approximately 100 gallons of oil which did not leave LP&L property.
2. Oil spill notifications to the State of Louisiana Department of Conservation and the Water Pollution Control Division (both dated October 15, 1985) for an October 3,1985 discharge of approximately 200 gallons of oil which did not leave LP&L property.

Both incidents -a also reported to the EPA as noncompliances as the discharges were made ti.r an MDDES permitted outfall (the yard oil separator - Outfall 002).