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Ses 1993 Personnel Monitoring Annual Rept.W/
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1993
From: Burski R
W3F1-94-0020, W3F1-94-20, NUDOCS 9403070346
Download: ML20063L716 (4)


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l Entergy Operations,Inc.

. -=.ENTERGY m s> a 4.

K41kana LA 70006 j

Tel 504 739 6774 R. F. Burski


Uac< vsr


iktem Sawy wr.m n W3F1-94-0020 A4.05

.PR February 25, 1994 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN:

Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Personnel Monitoring Reports Gentlemen:

Attached are the following 1993 personnel monitoring annual reports submitted pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR20.407(a)(2) and (b) and Technical Specification


1. - Summary of Personnel Monitoring ending December 31, 1993.
2. - Work and Job Function Exposure Tabulation - 1993
Report, h


$ffl-r 9403070346 931231



PDR ADOCK 0500 2

R l

, Personnel Monitoring Reports W3F1-94-0020 Page 2 February 25, 1994 Should you have any questions on the monitoring reports, please contact C.J. Thomas at (504) 739-6531.

Very truly yours,

+AY R,

Barski rector Nuclear Safety RFB/CJT/ssf Attachments cc:

L.J. Callan, NRC Region IV D.L. Wigginton, NRC-NRR N.S. Reynolds R.B. McGehee J.T. Wheelock (INP0 Records Center)

NRC Resident Inspectors Office i

l i

i Attachment I to


W3F1-94-0020 summary of personnel monitoring ending dec. 31, 1993 entergy operations, inc.

waterford 3 ses killona, louisiana 70066 i

1s-3824-101 (la) (nrc) docket # 50-382 estimated whole body number of exposure range individuals in (rems) each range l

no measurable exposure

.................... 1036 l

measurable exposure less than 0.1 160 O.1 to 0.25 29 0.25 to 0.50 6

0.50 to 0.75 0

0.75 to 1

0 1

to 2

0 2

to 3

0 3

to 4

0 4

to 5

0 5

to 6

0 6

to 7

O l

7 to 8

0 8

to 9

0 9

to 10 0

10 to 11 0

11 to 12 0

12 to 12+

0 l

total number of personnel monitored 1231

. to W3F1-94-0020 Entergy Operations, Inc.

page 1 I

4 technical specification end of year report 1993

  1. personnel (;iOO mrem) total man-rem work & job function station utility contrct station utility contrct reactor operations & surveillance maintenance & construction 0

0 0



.256 operations 3

0 0



.117 health physics & lab 0

0 1



.182 supervisory & office staff 0

0 0

.000 000

.000 engineering staff 0

0 0



.000 routine plant maintenance maintenance & construction 0

0 6


.000 2.148 operations 0

0 0



.021 health physics & lab 1

2 1

.424 1.520

.511 l

supervisory & office staff 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 0



.000 inservice i nspection maintenance & construction 0

1 0



.000 operations 0

6 0

.079 1.970

.000 health physics & lab 0

0 0



.006 supervisory & of fice st af f 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 0



.000 special plant maintenance maintenance & cor.struction 0

0 0



.132 operations 0

0 0



.002 health physics & lab 0

0 0

.086 000

. 131 supervisory & office staff 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 0



.000 waste processing maintenance & construction 2

4 1



.247 operations 0

0 1



.268 health physics & lab 1

0 0



.058 supervisory & office etaff 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 0



.000 refueling maintenance & const ruct ion 0

0 0

.000 000

.000 operations 0

0 0



.000 health physics & lab 0

0 0



.002 supervisory 4 of'fice staff 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 0


,000 000 totals maintenance & construction 4

5 7

2.209 1.170 2.866 operations 4

6 1

1.880 2.029

.420 health physics & lab 2

2 2

.772 1.565

.917 supervisory & office staff 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 0



.000 grand totals 10 13 10 4.862 4.764 4.203 4



