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Annual Environ Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1996
From: Ewing E
W3F1-97-0084, W3F1-97-84, NUDOCS 9704300181
Download: ML20138C714 (3)



Enter Operations, Inc.

Killona. LA 70066 Tel 504 739 6242 Earty C. Ewing, til a Safety & Regulatory AMaws W3F1-97-0084 A4.05 PR i

April 28, 1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk j

Washington, D.C. 20555



Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 i

Annual Environmental Operating Report - 1996 j


Attached is the Annual Environmental Operating Report for the subject facility. This report is submitted pursuant to section 5.4.1 of the Environmental Protection Plan (Appendix B to the Operating License).

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Tim Gaudet at (504) 739-6666 or Roy Prados at (504) 739-6632.

Very truly yours,



_ w E.C.

wing Director Nuclear Safety & Regulatory Affairs

{COl ECE/RWP/ssf Attachment cc:

E.W. Merschoff (NRC Region IV), C.P. Patel (NRC-NRR),

R.B. McGehee, N.S. Reynolds, R.H. Gibson (EPA),

L.K. Levy (LA DEO), NRC Resident inspectors Office 29020R

ga2%n Pa8nei lli ll ll llllllll ll R

PDR y.

Attachm:nt to I

W3F1-97-0084 Page 1 of 2 WATERFORD 31996 ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT This report describes implementation of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the calendar year 1996, and provides the information required by the EPP.

It should be noted that on August 27,1996 the administration of the NPDES Program was transferred from the US EPA to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ). LDEQ now has lead responsibility for all compliance and enforcement issues for Waterford 3 under the Clean Water Act with the EPA functioning in an oversight capacity.


Summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities reauired " v EPP subsection 4.2:

o This section of the EPP provides protection of the two cultural resources areas on the Waterford 3 site. There were no activities which affected either the Plantation Overseer's House site or the Plantation Quarter's site, both eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, during this reporting period.


EPP noncompliances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them:

There were no noncompliances with the requirements of the EPP during this reporting period.


A discussion of chanaes in station desian or operation. tests. or experiments made in accordance with the EPP subsection 3.1 which involved a potential sianificant unreviewed environmental cuestion:


In the renewal of its current NPDES permit, Waterford 3 requested increases in the instantaneous circulating water temperature from 110 F to 114 F, daily heat limitation from 8.5 x 10' BTU /hr to 1.31 x 10' BTU /hr, and daily maximum boron limitation from 0.2 mg/l to 0.3 mg/l with respect to Entergy's plan to uprate the power output of Waterford 3. LDEQ did not grant the requested permit limit increases; however, LDEQ did approve the Waterford 3 power uprate in a letter of "No objection" as long as the current limitations and conditions in the permit are met.


Based upon permission from LDEQ and US EPA Region VI, Waterford 3 SES treated its once through cooling water for zebra mussels on October 1,1996. Betz Clamtrol CT-2 was injected into the cooling water inlet and was neutralized by bentonite clay in the cooling water outlet. Composite samples, one taken before and one taken during the treatment episode,

Attechm:nt to W3F1-97-0084 Page 2 of 2 underwent static biomonitoring testing. Statistical analysis of these samples indicated nearly 100% survival for Daphia pulex and Pimephales promelas, which are the NPDES permit required test species.

Additionally, Bio-Box testing showed a 100% zebra mussel mortality rate.


Nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with subsection 5.4.2:


On November 17,1996, Waterford 3 notified LDEQ of periodic cooling tower spill over, which is then pumped via a level control sump pump to the stormwater ditches. The ditches are NPDES permit monitored outfalls 04A and 04B, Stormwater Runoff Effluent. In that Waterford 3 was designing system modifications to prevent this cooling tower spill over, LDEQ had no objection. Design completion and implementation is anticipated to occur during Waterford 3's next operating cycle.

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