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Annual Environ Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1995
From: James Fisicaro
W3F1-96-0061, W3F1-96-61, NUDOCS 9605020182
Download: ML20108A239 (3)


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g Operations xmoce ta roces Toi 504-739-6650 W3F1-96-0061 A4.05 a

PR April 30,1996 i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Subje ;i.

Waterford 3 SES 3

Docket No. 50-382 i

License No. NFF-38 Annual Environmental Operating Report - 1995 1


Attached is the Annual Environmental Operating Report for the subject facility. This report is submitted pursuant to section 5.4.1 of the Environmental Protection Plan (Appendix B to the Operating License).

Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Jeff Thomas at (504)739-6531.

Very truly yours, paz~

J.J. Fi ro Director Nuclear Safety JJF/CJT/ssf Attachment cc:

L.J. Callan (NRC Region IV), C.P. Patel (NRC-NRR),

R.B. McGehee, N.S. Reynolds, R.H. Gibson (EPA),

L.K. Levy (LA DEQ), NRC Resident inspectors Office gj 9605020182 951231 DR ADOCK 0500 2


Attachment to W3F1-96-0061 Page 1 of 2 WATERFORD 31995 ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT This report describes implementation of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the calendar year 1995, and provides the information required by the EPP.


Summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities reauired by EPP subsection 4.2:

This section of the EPP provides protection of the two cultural resources areas on the Waterford 3 site. There were no activities which affected either the Plantation Overseer's House site or the Plantation Quarter's site, both eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, during this reporting period.


EPP noncompliance's and the corrective actions taken to remedy them:

There were no noncompliance's with the requirements of the EPP during this reporting period.


A discussion of chances in station desian or operation. tests. or experiments made in accordance with the EPP subsection 3.1 which involved a potential sianificant unreviewed environmental cuestion:

There were no changes in station design or operation, tests, or experiments made in accordance with EPP subsection 3.1 which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question.


Nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with subsection 5.4.2:

There were no non routine reports submitted in accordance with subsection 5.4.2 during this reporting period.


Chanaes reauired for compliance with other Environmental Reaulations not subject to the reauirements of subsection 3.1 (For Informatior Ontvh 1.

Waterford 3 SES NPDES Permit No. LA0007374 was modified by the US EPA, Region VI on July 21,1995. This modification included permission to discharge in plant effluents alternate amines and buffers utilized in the control of secondary plant chemistry, and, the elimination of monitoring for surfactants in laundry tank discharges.

Attachment to W3F1-96-0061 Page 2 of 2 2.

Based upon permission from Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and US EPA Region VI, Waterford 3 SES treated its Once Through Cooling Water for zebra mussels on September 21,1995.- Betz Clamtrol CT-2 was injected into the cooling water inlet and was neutralized by bentonite clay in the cooling water outlet. Composite samples, one taken before and l

one taken during the treatment episode, underwent static biomonitoring testing. Statistical analysis of survival for both testing events after a 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> exposure to effluent concentrations yielded a Median Lethal Concentration (LC50) of Greater Than l

(GT) 53% effluent for Daphnia pulex and Pimephales promelas tests. Additionally, Bio-Box testing showed a 92.5% zebra mussel l.

mortality rate.

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