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1994 Personnel Monitoring Annual Repts, for Period Ending 941231
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/1995
From: Burski R
A4.05, W3F1-95-0016, W3F1-95-16, NUDOCS 9503010285
Download: ML20079A621 (4)


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~=== ENTERGY Pa"e """ " '"*'

Kilkria. LA 70066 Tel 504 739 6774 R. F. Burski Dwector.

ruwv sem VUr* ford 3 W3F1-95-0016 A4.05 PR February 27, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Personnel Monitoring Reports' Gentlemen:

Attached are the following 1994 personnel monitoring annual reports submitted pursuant to the requirements of Technical Specification

1. - Summary of Personnel Monitoring ending December 31, 1994.
2. - Work and Job Function Exposure Tabulation - 1994 Report.

01G322 R\\

9503010295 950227-PDR ADOCK 05000382 R


-s. y.

~ Personnel-Monitoring Reports

.W3F1-95-0016 Page 2

'f February 27, 1995

- Should you have any questions on the monitoring reports, please contact R.W. Prados at (504) 739-6632.

Very truly yours, 7l g

R.. Burski i

Director Nuclear Safety j

RFB/RWP/ssf Attachments cc:

L.J. Callan, NRC Region IV C.P. Patel, NRC-NRR N.S. Reynolds R.B. McGehee J.T. Wheelock (INP0 Records Center)

NRC Resident Inspectors Office I


~ "~ to W3F1-95-0016 i

Entergy Operation, Inc.

Waterford 3 SES Killona, Louisiana 70066 c

license 1s.3824 101 (la) licenses npf.38 (nrc) license: docket # 50 382 technical specification end of year report 1994 estimated whole body number of exposure range individuals in (rens) each range no measurable exposure...........................................

1235 i

measurable exposure less than 0.1 556 0.1 to 0.25 396 0.25 to 0.50 154 0.50 to 0.75 51 0.75 to 1

6 1

to 2

8 i

2 to 3

0 3

to 4

0 4

to 5

0 5

to 6

0 6

to 7

O i

to 8

O 8

to 9

O i

9 to 10 0

10 to 11 0

11 to 12 0

12 to 12+

O Total number of personnel monitored 2406 I

i l


.* to W3F1-95 0016 Entergy Operation, Inc.

WaterTord 3 SES K111ons, Louisians 70066 License: 1s.3824 101 la) npf.38 docket i(nrc License:


50 382 technical specification and of year report 1994 i personnel (>100 mRen) total man.ree work & Job functica station uC111ty contract station utility contract Reactor Operations and Surveillsace maintenance & construction 15 0

35 9.156 0.000 19.348 operations 11 0

8 4.094 0.000 3.834 health physics & lab 6

0 22 2.335 0.000 6.672 supervisory & office staff 0

0 0

0.026 0.000 0.000 engineering staff 1

0 1

0.564 0.045 0.523 Routine Plant Maintenance anintenance & construction 8

0 21 3.664 0.000 12.516 operations 32 0

2 7.251 0.000 1.296 health physics & lab 12 0

$1 3.790 0.099 11.568 supervisory & office scalf 0

0 0

0.285 0.005 0.036 engineering staff 0

0 0

0.520 0.009 0.218 ection Inservice Insp& construction maintenance 15 0

119 5.062 0.000 38.726 operations 1

0 12 0.636 0.000 3.118 health physics & lab 2

0 34 0.442 0.000 6.500 supervisory & office staff 2

0 0

0.387 0.000 0.097 engineering scaff 0

0 0

0.031 0.000 0.359 Special Plant Maintenance anJncenance & construction 0

0 9

0.137 D.000 2.863 operations 3

0 4

0.699 0.000 0.953 health physics & lab 1

0 0

0.169 0.000 0.169 supervisory & office staff 1

0 0

0.504 0.000 0.036 engineering staff 1

0 6

0.302 0.000 1.186 Waste Processing maintenance & construction 16 0

69 4.642 0.000 20.008 operations 2

0 3

0.611 0.000 0.956 health physics & lab 0

0 0

0.124 0.000 0.502 supervisory & office staff 1

0 0

0.143 0.000 0.000 engineering scaff 0

0 20 0.028 0.000 6.675 Refueling maintenance & construction 1

0 1

0. 715 0.000 0.431 operations 2

0 1

0.689 0.000 1.362 health physics & lab 0

0 1

0.265 0.000 0.552 supervisory & office staff 0

0 0

0.005 0.000 0.000 engineering staff 0

0 0

0.000 0.000 0.000 Totals anintenance & construction 55 0

254 23.375 0.000 93.892 operations

$1 0

30 13.980 0.000 11.520 health physics & lab 21 0

108 7.125 0.099 25.964 i

supervisory & office staff 4

0 0

1.351 0.005 0.169 engineering staff 2

0 27 1.445 0.054 8.960 Grand Totals 133 0

419 47.276 0.158 140.505