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 Issue dateTitle
ML22255A14012 September 2022Information Request to Support Upcoming Problem Identification and Resolution (Pi&R) Inspection at Clinton Power Station
IR 05000373/202200522 August 2022Updated Inspection Plan for Lasalle County Station (Report 05000373/2022005; 05000374/2022005)
IR 05000254/202200522 August 2022Updated Inspection Plan for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station (Report 05000254/2022005; 05000265/2022005)
IR 05000461/202200522 August 2022Updated Inspection Plan for Clinton Power Station (Report 05000461/2022005)
IR 05000237/202200522 August 2022Updated Inspection Plan for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (Report 05000237/2022005; 05000249/2022005)
IR 05000373/202200210 August 2022County Station - Integrated Inspection Report 05000373/2022002 and 05000374/2022002
IR 05000254/20220029 August 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2022002 and 05000265/2022002
IR 05000254/20220908 August 2022NRC Inspection Report 05000254/2022090 and 05000265/2022090; Preliminary White Finding
IR 05000237/20220028 August 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2022002; 05000249/2022002 and 07200037/2022002 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion
IR 05000461/202200227 July 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2022002
ML22178A13628 June 2022Information Request to Support Upcoming Problem Identification and Resolution (Pi&R) Inspection at Quad Cities Station
ML22158A3108 June 2022Summary of May 31, 2022, Public Outreach to Discuss NRC 2021 End of Cycle Performance Assessment of Dresden Power Station, Units 2 and 3, and Quad Cities Power Station, Units 1 and 2
ML22140A29123 May 2022Summary of Public Outreach to Discuss the NRC 2021 End-Of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment of Clinton, Unit 1, and Lasalle, Units 1 and 2
ML22137A31918 May 2022Notice of Significant Public Mtg to Discuss End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment of Dresden, Units 2 and 3, and Quad Cities, Units 1 and 2, for 2021 Calendar Year
ML22138A14218 May 2022Notice of Information Meeting (Public Webinar) with a Question-and-Answer Session to Discuss NRC 2021 End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment of Dresden, Units 2 & 3, and Quad Cities, Units 1 & 2
IR 05000254/202200111 May 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2022001 and 05000265/2022001
ML22130A04410 May 2022Notice of Public Meeting Letter for 2021 End-of-Cycle Assessment Meeting for Clinton and LaSalle Stations
ML22124A2714 May 2022Notice of Significant Public Meeting to Discuss NRC End of Cycle Performance Assessment of Clinton and LaSalle Nuclear Plants for Performance for 2021 Calendar Year
IR 05000461/202200128 April 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2022001
IR 05000373/202200126 April 2022County Station - Integrated Inspection Report 05000373/2022001 and 05000374/2022001
IR 05000237/202200120 April 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2022001 and 05000249/2022001
IR 05000237/20210062 March 2022Annual Assessment Letter (Report 05000237/2021006 and 05000249/2021006)
IR 05000461/20210062 March 2022Annual Assessment Letter for Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 (Report 05000461/2021006)
IR 05000373/20210062 March 2022Annual Assessment Letter (Report 05000373/2021006 and 05000374/2021006)
IR 05000254/20210062 March 2022Annual Assessment Letter for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000254/2021006 and 05000265/2021006)
IR 05000237/20210047 February 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2021004 and 05000249/2021004
IR 05000373/20210047 February 2022County Station Integrated Inspection Report 05000373/2021004 and 05000374/2021004
IR 05000461/20210044 February 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2021004
IR 05000254/20210042 February 2022Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2021004 and 05000265/2021004
IR 05000373/202101320 January 2022County Station Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000373/2021013 and 05000374/2021013
IR 05000373/20210038 November 2021County Station Integrated Inspection Report 05000373/2021003; 05000374/2021003 and 07200070/2021001
IR 05000237/20210031 November 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2021003 and 05000249/2021003
IR 05000373/20210021 November 2021County Station Integrated Inspection Report 05000373/2021002 and 05000374/2021002
IR 05000461/202100329 October 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2021003
IR 05000254/202100328 October 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2021003 and 05000265/2021003
ML21286A58513 October 2021Information Request to Support Upcoming Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution (Pi&R) Inspection at Lasalle County Station, Units 1 and 2
IR 05000373/20210051 September 2021Updated Inspection Plan for Lasalle County Station, Units 1 and 2; Report 05000373/2021005 and 05000374/2021005
IR 05000237/20210051 September 2021Updated Inspection Plan for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3, Report 05000237/2021005 and 05000249/2021005
IR 05000461/20210029 August 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2021002
IR 05000254/20210029 August 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2021002 and 05000265/2021002
IR 05000237/20210029 August 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2021002 and 05000249/2021002
IR 05000254/202140328 June 2021Quad Nuclear Power Station - Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000254/2021403 and 05000265/2021403
IR 05000254/202100126 April 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2021001 and 05000265/2021001
IR 05000461/202100126 April 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2021001
IR 05000237/202100113 April 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2021001 and 05000249/2021001
IR 05000237/20200064 March 2021Annual Assessment Letter for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 (Report 05000237/2020006 and 05000249/2020006)
IR 05000237/202000410 February 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000237/2020004 and 05000249/2020004
IR 05000461/20200049 February 2021Integrated Inspection Report 05000461/2020004; 07201046/2020001
IR 05000254/202001024 November 2020Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Reportt 05000254/2020010 and 05000265/2020010
IR 05000254/20200039 November 2020Integrated Inspection Report 05000254/2020003; 05000265/2020003 and 07200053/2020001