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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000029/19990024 August 1999Insp Rept 50-029/99-02 on 990411-0714.One Violation Noted & Being Treated as Ncv.Major Areas Inspected:Safe Operation of Sf Pool,Radiological Controls,Organization & Mgt Controls & Auditing & C/As for Decommissioning ActivitiesHigh Radiation Area
IR 05000029/19990015 May 1999Insp Rept 50-029/99-01 on 990101-0411.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Cold Weather Preparations for Spent Fuel Pool,Radiological Controls & self-assessment & Auditing & Corrective Actions for Decommissioning ActivitiesSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
IR 05000029/19980031 October 1998Insp Rept 50-029/98-03 on 980601-0731.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Decommissioning Activities,Including Mods to Spent Fuel Pool Bldg & Radiological Controls
IR 05000029/199800124 June 1998Insp Repts 50-029/98-01 & 50-029/98-02 on 980101-0331.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mod to SFP Bldg, Radiological Controls & Decommissioning ActivitiesHigh Radiation Area
IR 05000029/199700223 September 1997Insp Rept 50-029/97-02 on 970401-0814.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Activities Re DecommissioningHigh Radiation Area
IR 05000029/199700116 May 1997Insp Rept 50-029/97-01 on 970301-31.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Facility OperationsHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
PNO-I-97-026, on 970427,Yankee Atomic Electric Will Begin Shipment of Reactor Vessel for Disposal.First Phase of Shipment Will Involve Heavy Haul Truck from Rowe,Ma Site to Railway Approx Six Miles Away Near Hoosac Tunnel25 April 1997PNO-I-97-026:on 970427,Yankee Atomic Electric Will Begin Shipment of Reactor Vessel for Disposal.First Phase of Shipment Will Involve Heavy Haul Truck from Rowe,Ma Site to Railway Approx Six Miles Away Near Hoosac Tunnel
IR 05000029/199600424 January 1997Insp Rept 50-029/96-04 on 961119-21.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Insp Verified by Observation, Documentation Review &/Or Discussions W/Responsible or Involved Plant StaffHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
IR 05000029/199600316 October 1996Insp Rept 50-029/96-03 on 960827-29.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Rp Program,Including Operations,Staffing,Mgt & Licensee Experience in Identifying & Correcting Weaknesses Re Control of Radioactive MatlsHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
ML20059D64428 December 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930826-1118.Violation Noted:On 930826,inspector Found Several Examples of High Radiation Areas Where Licensee Did Not Barricade or Properly Control Access to Prevent Inadvertent EntryHigh Radiation Area
IR 05000029/199300728 December 1993Insp Rept 50-029/93-07 on 930826-1118.Violation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Posting of Radiological Areas & Other Controls,Organization & Staffing,Exposure ALARA Program & Radiological Info Available to Workers
PNO-I-93-070, on 931208,last Four SGs from Yankee Rowe Plant Transported by Heavy Hauler Truck & Trailer to Rail Line Approx Six Miles from Plant.One Protester Observed.States of Ma & VT Informed9 December 1993PNO-I-93-070:on 931208,last Four SGs from Yankee Rowe Plant Transported by Heavy Hauler Truck & Trailer to Rail Line Approx Six Miles from Plant.One Protester Observed.States of Ma & VT Informed
PNO-I-93-067, on 931207,painted-over School Bus Containing Protestors from Citizen Awareness Network & Greenpeace Blocked Yankee Rowe Access Route in Effort to Prevent Off Site Transport of Third of Four SGs7 December 1993PNO-I-93-067:on 931207,painted-over School Bus Containing Protestors from Citizen Awareness Network & Greenpeace Blocked Yankee Rowe Access Route in Effort to Prevent Off Site Transport of Third of Four SGs
ML20059M57715 November 1993PNO-1-93-064A:on 931116 & 17,util Plans to Ship Two of Four Steam Generators from Plant to Radwaste Depository at Barnwell,Sc.Licensee Will Evaluate Weather Conditions on Morning of Transportation.Commonwealth of Ma Informed
IR 05000029/19930089 November 1993Insp Rept 50-029/93-08 on 931018-19.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support & Audits Protected Area Barriers,Detection & Assessment Aids Protected Area Access Control of Personnel,Alarm Stations & Communications
IR 05000029/199300518 August 1993Insp Rept 50-029/93-05 on 930510-0731.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint Engineering & Plant Support,Including Radiological Controls,Security,Fire Protection & Housekeeping & Administration
IR 05000029/19920115 February 1993Insp Rept 50-029/92-11 on 921114-930201.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Radiological Control, Security,Engineering & Technical Support & Safety Assessment & Quality VerificationCoatings
IR 05000029/199201023 November 1992Insp Rept 50-029/92-10 on 921104-06.One Open Items Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Contamination Monitoring of Guardhouse,Postings & Other Controls,Radiological Control of Work in Progress & Organization & StaffingHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
ML20127F10523 November 1992Corrected Cover Page for Insp Rept 50-029/92-10 on 921104-06.No Radiological Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Contamination Monitoring at Guardhouse,Postings & Other Controls Observed During Tours
IR 05000029/19900235 December 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-23 on 901105-09.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Controls & Radiological Environ Monitoring Programs
ML20062H08019 November 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-21 on 901015-19.Noncited Violation Noted.Areas Inspected:Response to Bulletin 79-14 Re Seismic Analysis of as-built safety-related Piping Sys
PNO-I-90-096, on 901109,reactor Manually Tripped Following Receipt of Alarms Indicating Automatic Scram Occurred9 November 1990PNO-I-90-096:on 901109,reactor Manually Tripped Following Receipt of Alarms Indicating Automatic Scram Occurred
ML20197H7156 November 1990Notice of Violation from Insp on 900821-1001.Violation Noted:Corrective Action Implemented as Result of Failures of Emergency Lighting Surveillance Test Failed to Preclude Repetition of FailuresEmergency Lighting
IR 05000029/19900166 November 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-16 on 900821-1001.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Daytime & Backshifts in Areas of Plant Operations,Radiological Controls,Maint & Surveillance, Emergency Preparedness,SecuritySafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fitness for Duty
Loop seal
Emergency Lighting
Commercial Grade
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML20058D28719 October 1990Notice of Violation from Insp on 900802-27.Violation Noted:Failure to Adequately Test EDGs After Major Overhaul
IR 05000029/199008128 September 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-81 on 900709-20 & 0806-10.Weaknesses & Unresolved Item Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Program
IR 05000029/199001224 September 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-12 on 900619-0820.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Radiological Controls,Maint & Surveillance,Security,Engineering/Technical Support,Safety Assessment/Quality Verification & Repts
ML20058D36514 September 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-17 on 900730-0803.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Audit of Licensee Action in Response to Recommendation Described in Generic Ltr 88-17
ML20059K7177 September 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-14 on 900802-27.Violations Noted Re Failure to Demonstrate Emergency Diesel Generators Operability at Required Capacity Under Design Basis Conditions.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Diesel Generator
IR 05000029/19900133 August 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-13 on 900709-13.One Noncited Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of Radiation Protection Program During Current Refueling Outage & Review of Training & Qualification of Contractor Technicians
IR 05000029/19900111 August 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-11 on 900619-22.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Safety Injection Tank Design & Replacement Procedures Together W/Walkdown of Safety Injection Sys Pumps,Valves & Piping
IR 05000029/199000624 July 1990Exam Rept 50-029/90-06OL on 900619-21.Exam Results:All Three Candidates Passed Exams & Issued Licenses
IR 05000029/199000916 July 1990Insp Rept 50-029/90-09 on 900515-0618.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety,Plant Operations, Radiological Controls,Maint & Surveillance,Emergency Preparedness,Security & Engineering/Technical Support
PNO-I-90-042, on 900519,security Discovered Unauthorized Firearm Behind Seat of Contractor Truck in Protected Area. Driver Stated Weapon Hidden Under Numerous Other Items & Slipped His Mind.Firearm Almost Rusted Closed21 May 1990PNO-I-90-042:on 900519,security Discovered Unauthorized Firearm Behind Seat of Contractor Truck in Protected Area. Driver Stated Weapon Hidden Under Numerous Other Items & Slipped His Mind.Firearm Almost Rusted Closed
IR 05000029/199000516 February 1990Physical Security Insp Rept 50-029/90-05 on 900207-09.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of Safeguards Info & Personnel Access Control Programs at Corporate Ofc
IR 05000029/198901128 August 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-11 on 890626-0731.Unresolved Items Noted Re Plant Operations Review Committee Actions to Address Task Force Investigation Results of 890725 Loss of Emergency Bus.Areas Investigated:Security & LERsSafe Shutdown
Temporary Modification
PNO-I-89-073, on 890825,when Tagging Removed on 5-inch Diameter Bypass Line,Pressure Boundary Leakage Discovered from Defect in Socket Weld Connection Between Vent & Bypass Lines.Plant Shutdown.Leakage Rate Less than 1 Gpm25 August 1989PNO-I-89-073:on 890825,when Tagging Removed on 5-inch Diameter Bypass Line,Pressure Boundary Leakage Discovered from Defect in Socket Weld Connection Between Vent & Bypass Lines.Plant Shutdown.Leakage Rate Less than 1 GpmPressure Boundary Leakage
IR 05000029/198901323 August 1989Physical Security Insp Rept 50-029/89-13 on 890724-28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Action on Findings of NRC Regulatory Effectiveness Review,Mgt Support,Security Program Plan,Audits & Protected & Vital Area Physical
PNO-I-89-071, on 890816,licensee Began Controlled Power Reduction to 20% of Rated Power to Investigate Leaking Inlet Flange of Safety Valve Located on Bypass Line of Main Coolant Loop 2.Flange Become Encrusted W/Solidified Boron17 August 1989PNO-I-89-071:on 890816,licensee Began Controlled Power Reduction to 20% of Rated Power to Investigate Leaking Inlet Flange of Safety Valve Located on Bypass Line of Main Coolant Loop 2.Flange Become Encrusted W/Solidified Boron
IR 05000029/198901515 August 1989Emergency Preparedness Insp Rept 50-029/89-15 on 890731-0803.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Changes to Emergency Preparedness Program & Facilities, Equipment,Instrumentation & Supplies
ML20246Q03010 August 1989Insp Repts 50-029/89-14 & 50-271/89-10 on 890717-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Corporate Engineering & Offsite Support for Plants & Implementation of Mods
IR 05000029/19890039 August 1989Requalification Exam Rept 50-029/89-03OL on 890620-30.Exam Results:Six Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) & Six Reactor Operators Passed Exams.Three SROs Failed One or More Portions of ExamsSafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Job Performance Measure
IR 05000029/19890121 August 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-12 on 890710-14.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Solid Radwaste Sys, Transportation & Liquid & Gaseous Effluents Programs, Including:Mgt Controls,Audits,Qa & Program ImplementationOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
IR 05000029/198900925 July 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-09 on 890522-0625.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Daytime & Backshifts of Previous Insp Findings,Operational Safety,Security,Plant Operations,Maint & Surveillance,Engineering Support & LERsSafe Shutdown
Packing leak
Missed surveillance
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000029/198901020 July 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-10 on 890705-07.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operational Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Including Mgt Controls & Licensee Program for QC of Analytical Measurements
ML20247B08014 July 1989Notice of Violation from Insp on 890410-0521.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Properly Restore Circuitry Configuration of Module in Control Room Main Fire Panel During Surveillance Testing
IR 05000029/198900614 July 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-06 on 890410-0521.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Actions on Previous Insp Findings, Operational Safety,Security,Plant Operations,Maint & Surveillance,Engineering Support & Radiological ControlsSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
IR 05000029/19890086 July 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-08 on 890530-0601.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Fire Protection/Prevention Program, Including Program Admin & Organization,Admin Control & Combustibles & Admin Control of Ignition SourcesFire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
IR 05000029/19890077 June 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-07 on 890524-26.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Actions on Previous Findings, Changes in Radiation Protection Program & ALARA
IR 05000029/19890024 May 1989Insp Rept 50-029/89-02 on 890228-0410.No Unacceptable Conditions Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operation Safety, Security,Plant Operation,Maint & Surveillance,Engineering Support & Radiological ControlsSafe Shutdown
Operability Assessment