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ML20217E08818 October 1999Order (Granting Discovery Extension Request).* Board of Commission of Orange County 991013 Motion for Extension of 991031 Discovery Deadline,Granted,In That Parties Shall Have Up to 991104.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 991018
ML20216E20429 July 1999Memorandum & Order (Granting Request to Invoke 10CFR Part 2, Subpart K Procedures & Establishing Schedule).* Board Grants Carolina Power & Light Co 990721 Request to Proceed Under Subpart K.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990730
ML20209D17912 July 1999Memorandum & Order (Ruling on Standing & Contentions).* Grants Petitioner 990212 Hearing Request Re Intervention Petition Challenging CP&L 981223 Request for Increase in Sf Storage Capacity.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990712Chernobyl
ML20196A87522 June 1999Order (Corrections to 990513 Prehearing Conference Transcript).* Proposed Corrections to Transcript of Board 990513 Initial Prehearing Conference Submitted by Petitioner & Application.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990622
ML20206R87320 May 1999Memorandum & Order (Transcript Corrections & Proposed Restatement of Contention 3).* Any Participant Wishing to Propose Corrections to Transcript of 990513,should Do So on or Before 990527.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990520
ML20205Q81221 April 1999Order (Granting Motion to Relocate Prehearing Conference).* Initial Prehearing Conference Will Be Held in District Court of Orange County Courtroom,Chapel Hill,Nc on 990513 as Requested.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990421
ML20205E3101 April 1999Memorandum & Order (Protective Order).* Grants 990326 Motion of Petitioner for Approval of Proposed Protective Order to Govern Use & Dissemination of Proprietary or Other Protected Matls.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990203Affidavit
ML20204C31519 March 1999Order (Granting Extension Request).* Board of Commissioners of Orange County 990317 Motion to Extend Date for Filing Protective Order Granted.With Certificate of Svc. Served on 990319
ML20207G25911 March 1999Order (Schedule for Responses to Motion to Relocate Prehearing Conference).* Responses to Change Location of Initial Prehearing Conference Shall Be Filed on or Before 990316.With Certificate of Svc.Served on 990311
ML20210N4829 February 1987Order.* Denies Motion for Stay of ASLB 861231 Final Decision.Served on 870210
ML20207L9069 January 1987Order CLI-87-1.* Order Granting Issuance of Full Power OL to Applicant.Served on 870112
ML20214T2515 December 1986Memorandum & Order Denying W Eddleman Request for Hearing on Util Exemption Request from Full Participation Exercise within 1 Yr Prior to OL Issuance.Served on 861205Exemption Request
ML20215L84128 October 1986Order Extending Time Until 861031 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-843.Served on 861028
ML20215H58121 October 1986Order Extending Time Until 861028 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-843.Served on 861022
ML20211C09716 October 1986Memorandum & Order Denying Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris,W Eddleman & Conservation Council of North Carolina 860915 Motion to Reopen Record in OL Proceeding.Served on 861017Affidavit
ML20214R62124 September 1986Order Extending Time Until 861013 for Util to Respond to Commission 860912 Order.Served on 860924
ML20209J26015 September 1986Order Extending Time Until 861024 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-843.Served on 860915
ML20209H88112 September 1986Order Denying W Eddleman/Conservation Council of North Carolina 860609 Request for Stay of All Power Operations Authorized by Aslb.Eddleman/Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris 860804 Petition Also Denied.Served on 860912
ML20209H96612 September 1986Order for W Eddleman & Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris to File Brief Identifying Matl Issues of Fact Re Emergency Exercise by 860929.Response by Util & NRC Should Be Filed by 861006 & 09,respectively.Served on 860912Exemption Request
ML20209A7715 September 1986Order Extending Time Until 860912 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-837.Served on 860905
ML20203L93429 August 1986Order Extending Time Until 860919 for Commission to Act to Review Aslab 860711 Order.Served on 860829
ML20203K0614 August 1986Order Extending Time for Commission to Review ALAB-837 Until 860905.Served on 860805
ML20202F95211 July 1986Memorandum & Order Advising That Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris Improper Party to Seek Stay of Any ASLB Action in OL Proceeding,Due to Denial of Intervention Petition.Motion Denied.Served on 860711
ML20199K5798 July 1986Order Requiring Applicant to File Update to on Present Status of Offsite Emergency Planning by 860718.All Other Parties Wishing to Respond Are to Do So by 860725. Served on 860708
ML20206P56230 June 1986Order Extending Time Until 860807 for Commission to Review ALAB-837.Served on 860630
ML20199B16513 June 1986Memorandum & Order Rejecting Conservation Council of North Carolina & W Eddleman 860422 Late Proposed Contention Re Alleged Falsification of Radiation Exposure Records.Served on 860613Affidavit
ML20198E36022 May 1986Memorandum & Order Declining Consideration of Confidential Alleger Concerns,Rejecting Sua Sponte Harassment Contention Possibility & Providing Limited Opportunity to Obtain Alleger Consent.Related Info Encl.Served on 860523
ML20198E03420 May 1986Order Extending Time Until 860609 in Which to File Comments Per 10CFR2.764(f).Served on 860521
ML20197G81914 May 1986Order Directing Reply by 860526 to Applicant & Staff 860508 & 13 Motions,Respectively,Responding to Joint Intervenor Request for Admission of Proposed Contention WB-4.Served in May 1986
ML20203L54925 April 1986Order Forwarding Advance Courtesy Copy of Board Final Decision for Info Only in Proceeding.Decision Should Only Be Discussed W/Other recipients,co-counsel & Clients.W/O Encl. Served on 860429
ML20138B00619 March 1986Order Granting Applicant Motions for Summary Disposition of Eddleman Contentions EPX-2 & EPX-8.Eddleman Motion to Reconsider Rejection of Contention EPX-5 Denied.Served on 860319Siren
ML20137X2063 March 1986Order Granting Applicant Motion for Extension of Time Until 860317 to File Brief.Nrc Brief Shall Be Filed by 860327. Served on 860304
ML20140C64024 January 1986Order Setting Dates for Prehearing Filings & Hearing Re Eddleman Contention 57-C-3.Discovery Dispute Between Eddleman & FEMA Will Be Resolved in Futher Telcon
ML20137J31616 January 1986Memorandum & Order Reopening Record on Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 Based on Gaps & Ambiguities Re Number of People Who Would Be Alerted by Sirens in Different Parts of Emergency Planning Zone.Served on 860117Siren
ML20212H82010 January 1986Order Re Ex Parte Communication from P Miriello.Ltr Being Served on Counsel for Parties in Drug Contention WB-3. Objections to Making Ltr Publicly Available Must Be Received by 860124
ML20136J4599 January 1986Order Advising That Supplemental Briefs,Addressing Listed Questions Re Consolidated Appeal of Board 850220 Partial Initial Decision,Must Be Filed by 860127.Served on 860110
ML20141F8137 January 1986Memorandum & Order Denying Eddlemen 850301 Motion for Reconsideration & Rejecting Revised Contention Re Medical Svc Proffered in 851223 Response.Served on 860108
ML20138R11826 December 1985Order Requesting Tech Specs for Sirens & Recording of siren- Produced Sound Levels at Any Location in Emergency Planning Zone Where Peak Sound Levels Are 80 Dbc & Where Length Is 5 Minutes or More.Served on 851227Siren
ML20138P48519 December 1985Order Scheduling Oral Argument on Joint Intervenors Appeal of ASLB 850820 Partial Initial Decision,On 860205 in Bethesda,Md.Name of Counsel for Each Party Requested by 860124.Served on 851220
ML20137Z3339 December 1985Order Re Eddleman Motion to Reconsider Contention 57-C-7 Concerning Arrangements for Medical Svcs.If Eddleman Wishes to Press Motion,Parties Should File Pleadings on Listed Dates.Served on 851210Overexposure
ML20138R98915 November 1985Order Reflecting Cancellation of Unit 2 Effective 831221. Served on 851115
ML20138N13431 October 1985Order Denying Applicant 851025 Motion to Strike Section III of Conservation Council of North Carolina,W Eddleman & Joint Intervenors 851008 Brief.Served on 851101
ML20138H25425 October 1985Order Extending Time Until 851122 for Util to File Brief. NRC Brief Shall Be Filed No Later than 851202.Served on 851025
ML20137P99318 September 1985Order Confirming Procedures Established on 850913 for 850930 Bifurcated Hearing on Contention WB-3 Re Drug Use.Served on 850919Affidavit
ML20135C0299 September 1985Memorandum & Order Denying FOIA Request for Confidential Documents,Including Qa/Qc Const Inspector Review Panel Rept & Documents Re Quality Check Program,Per 10CFR2.790.Served on 850909Affidavit
ML20134N5273 September 1985Concluding Partial Initial Decision LBP-85-35 on Emergency Planning Hydrogen Control & Diesel Generator Contentions & Authorizing NRR to Issue OLs W/Listed Conditions.Served on 850904Safe Shutdown
Finite Element Analysis
Eddy Current Testing
Fuel cladding
Liquid penetrant
ML20133L9089 August 1985Order Amending Filing & Hearing Dates for Conservation Council of North Carolina Contention WB-3 & Eddleman Contention 57-C-3.Served on 850809
ML20132F39915 July 1985Order Allowing Counsel for Eddleman to File Response to 850711 Applicant Pleading Opposing Eddleman Request for Production of Certain Documents Under Foia,Per 850715 Discussion.Served on 850717
ML20127K65825 June 1985Order Directing Each Party to Inform Board by 850819 of Name of Counsel Presenting Oral Argument on 850828 Re Appeal of ASLB 850220 Partial Initial Decision.Served on 850625
ML20126B95512 June 1985Memorandum & Order Dismissing Eddleman Contentions 41-G Re Alleged Harassment of C Van Vo & 227-CC Re Emergency Planning.Served on 850613Affidavit