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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML13231A29718 August 2013Citizens Oversight'S Answer to Motion Vacate Ruling of ASLB on Petition to Intervene and Request a Hearing and the Subsequent Appeal of That RulingSurveillance Frequency Control Program
ML13183A5402 July 2013NRC Staff'S Answer to Motion to Submit Brief Amici Curiae
ML13168A43117 June 2013Friends of the Earth'S Motion for an Extension of Time in Which to File an Answer to Staff'S Motion to Vacate
ML13154A3953 June 2013NRC Staff'S Answer to Foe & Nrdc'S Motion to Convene a Board and Consolidate License Amendment Proceedings
ML13154A5203 June 2013Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Motion to Notice a De Facto License Amendment Proceeding, Convene a Board, Consolidate License Amendment Proceedings, and Prohibit No Significant Hazards Consideration Determinations
ML13130A37410 May 2013Notice of Withdrawal for Maxwell C. Smith
ML13130A37210 May 2013Notice of Withdrawal of Maxwell C. Smith, on Behalf of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the Matter of San Onofre, Units 2 and 3
ML13070A47011 March 2013Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Friends of the Earth'S Motion to Bar Board Notifications
ML13059A64528 February 2013NRC Staff'S Answer Opposing Sce'S Motion to Strike Portions of the Declaration of John Large
ML13059A47328 February 2013Friends of the Earth'S Answer to Southern California Edison Company'S Motion to Strike Portions of Declaration of John Large
ML13044A84013 February 2013Reply Brief of Petitioner Friends of the Earth
ML13039A1088 February 2013Southern California Edison Company'S Answer in Opposition to the Citizens Oversight Petition for Review of LBP-12-25Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
ML13039A1938 February 2013NRC Staff Answer to Citizens Oversight AppealProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Large early release frequency
ML13036A1255 February 2013Friends of the Earth'S Answer Opposing Motion by Nuclear Energy Institute for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief
ML13032A0481 February 2013Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Petitioner'S Extension Request
ML13031A54731 January 2013Friend'S of the Earth'S Motion for Extension of Time
ML13030A46230 January 2013SCE Brief on Issues Referred by the Commission, Attachments 12 - 24Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fitness for Duty
Ultimate heat sink
Commercial Grade Dedication
Enforcement Discretion
Cyber Security
Incorporated by reference
Finite Element Analysis
High Energy Line Break
Significance Determination Process
Feedwater Heater
Stress corrosion cracking
Safeguards Contingency Plan
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
Power change
Flow Induced Vibration
Coast down
Power Uprate
Overspeed trip
Eddy-Current Testing
ML13030A45130 January 2013SCE Brief on Issues Referred by the Commission, Attachments 1 to 5, Including Affidavits of Richard Brabec, Vickram Nazareth, Confirmatory Action Letter CAL 4-12-001Eddy Current Testing
Through-Wall Leak
Eddy-Current Testing
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML13030A46730 January 2013SCE Brief on Issues Referred by the Commission, Attachments 25 to 37Safe Shutdown
Non-Destructive Examination
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Design basis earthquake
Foreign Material Exclusion
Eddy Current Testing
Operability Determination
Through-Wall Leak
Flow Induced Vibration
Power Uprate
Operational leakage
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML13030A49530 January 2013Affidavit of Mr. Kenneth J. Karwoski Concerning Foe'S Claims Regarding Staff'S March 27, 2012 CAL Issued to SCE (Attachment to NRC Staff Answering Brief Dated 1/30/13)Nondestructive Examination
ML13030A49830 January 2013Appendix 1 to NRC Staff Answering Brief - Documents That Provide Material Support for Staff'S ArgumentsSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fitness for Duty
High winds
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Non-Destructive Examination
Stroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Water Inventory Control
Time to boil
Weld Overlay
Post Accident Monitoring
Enforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fire impairment
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Functionality Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Finite Element Analysis
High Energy Line Break
Tornado-Generated Missile
Significance Determination Process
Local Leak Rate Testing
Foreign Material Exclusion
Large early release frequency
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Operability Determination
Code Reconciliation
License Renewal
Turbine Missile
Fuel cladding
Liquid penetrant
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Offsite Circuit
Fire Protection Program
DM weld
Substantial potential for overexposure
Power change
Flow Induced Vibration
Uranium Hexafluoride
Unidentified leakage
Power Uprate
Overspeed trip
Operational leakage
ML13030A50130 January 2013Corrected Certificate of Service for NRC Staff'S Answering Brief in the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station CAL Proceeding
ML13030A44130 January 2013Southern California Edison Company'S Brief on Issues Referred by the CommissionEddy Current Testing
Through-Wall Leak
Power Uprate
Operational leakage
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML13030A49630 January 2013NRC Staff'S Answering Brief in the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station CAL ProceedingSafe Shutdown
Anticipated operational occurrence
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Enforcement Discretion
License Renewal
Fire Protection Program
Power Uprate
Operational leakage
ML13028A11428 January 2013NRC Staff'S Answer to Southern California Edison'S (Sce'S) Motion for Sanctions
ML13025A19725 January 2013Friends of the Earth'S Answer to Southern California Edison Company'S Motion for Sanctions Against Friends of the Earth
ML13023A13722 January 2013Corrected Attachment 1 to Opening Brief of Petitioner -Affidavit of John H. LargeSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Incorporated by reference
Fuel cladding
Flow Induced Vibration
Operational leakage
ML13018A44518 January 2013Natural Resources Defense Council'S Amicus Response in Support of Friends of the Earth Opening Brief
ML13011A30811 January 2013Opening Brief of Petitioner, Friends of the Earth (Non-Proprietary)Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operational leakage
ML13011A30511 January 2013Attachment 3 to Opening Brief of Petitioner - Hirsch Report
ML13011A30711 January 2013Attachment 4 to Opening Brief of Petitioner - Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing by Friends of the Earth
ML13011A3069 January 2013Attachment 2 to Opening Brief for Petitioner - Curriculum Vitae and Affidavit of Arnold GundersenAging Management
Turbine Missile
ML12354A53019 December 2012NRC Staff'S Answer to Citizens Oversight'S Objection to the Use of Nondisclosure Agreements
ML12354A47619 December 2012Petitioner'S Reply to Answers of NRC Staff and SCE to Motion to Amend the Proposed Scheduling Order and Clarify Scope of DisclosureTemporary Modification
ML12349A02314 December 2012NRC Staff'S Answer to Petitioner'S Motion to Amend the Proposed Scheduling Order and Clarify Scope of Disclosure
ML12349A11614 December 2012Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Citizens Oversight'S Objection to the Board'S December 10, 2012 Protective Order
ML12348A50713 December 2012Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Petitioner'S Motion to Amend the Board'S December 7, 2012 OrderAffidavit
ML12318A32213 November 2012Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing by Citizens OversightSurveillance Frequency Control Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
ML12299A51325 October 2012NRC Staff'S Response to Request That the NRC Decide Petition to Intervene and Application to Stay Restart Decision
ML12297A48723 October 2012Southern California Edison Company'S Response to Request That the NRC Decide Petition to Intervene and Application by Friends of the Earth to Stay Any Decision to Restart Units 2 or 3 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating StationPower Uprate
ML12258A08414 September 2012Notice of Withdrawal for Lauren Woodall in the Matter of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
ML12202B21120 July 2012Supplemental Declaration of Lyn Harris Hicks
ML12202B21220 July 2012Reply to Sce'S and NRC Staff'S Answer to Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing by Friends of the EarthSpent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
ML12195A33013 July 2012NRC Staff'S Answer to Petition to Intervene and Request for Hearing by Friends of the Earth on the Restart of the San Onofre Reactors
ML12195A02413 July 2012Southern California Edison Company'S Answer Opposing Friends of the Earth'S Hearing Request and the Natural Resources Defense Council Response Regarding San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3Affidavit
ML12180A65128 June 2012Southern California Edison'S Answer Opposing Friends of the Earth'S Application to Stay Any Decision to Restart Units 2 or 3 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
ML12180A50828 June 2012Notice of Appearance for Lauren Woodall
ML12118A54127 April 2012Joint Answer Opposing Hearing Requests Regarding Sufficiency of Order EA-12-051 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Spent Fuel Pool InstrumentationSpent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
ML12118A54027 April 2012Notices of Appearance of Paul M. Bessette and Stephen J. Burdick
ML13030A45625 June 2009SCE Brief on Issues Referred by the Commission, Attachments 6 to 11Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Post Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Design basis earthquake
Eddy Current Testing
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Through-Wall Leak
Through-Wall Leakage
Power change
Flow Induced Vibration
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage