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Affidavit of Mr. Kenneth J. Karwoski Concerning Foes Claims Regarding Staffs March 27, 2012 CAL Issued to SCE (Attachment to NRC Staff Answering Brief Dated 1/30/13)
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2013
From: Karwoski K
Division of Engineering
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML13030A494 List:
RAS 24063, 50-361-CAL, 50-362-CAL, ASLBP 13-924-01-CAL-BD01
Download: ML13030A495 (12)






) Docket Nos. 50-361-CAL, 50-362-CAL



(San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units


2 and 3)




I am employed as the Senior Level Advisor for Steam Generator Integrity and Materials Inspection, Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, at the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). A statement of my professional qualifications is attached. My responsibilities include providing technical advice and assistance to the Division of Engineering on a variety of technical, regulatory and policy issues related to steam generators and materials engineering, including advising Staff who are reviewing steam generator issues at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3.


This affidavit is prepared in response to Friends of the Earths (FOE) January 11, 2013 Opening Brief in the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Units 2 and 3 Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) proceeding.1 1 See Opening Brief of Petitioner Friends of the Earth (Jan. 11, 2013) (ADAMS Accession No. ML13011A303(public)) (FOEs Opening Brief). FOEs Opening Brief included 4 attachments: 1) Affidavit of John Large (ADAMS Accession No. ML13011A304 (non-public)); 2) Curriculum Vitae and Affidavit of Arnold Gundersen (ADAMS Accession No. ML13011A306 (public)); 3) Hirsch Report (ADAMS Accession No. ML13011A305 (public)); and 4) FOEs June 18, 2012 Petition to Intervene (ADAMS Accession No. ML13011A307 (public)).

Affidavit of Mr. Kenneth J. Karwoski


Among other duties, I am the NRC's technical contact for NRC Generic Letter 2006-01, "Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Associated Technical Specifications" (January 20, 2006). I am familiar with the Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) TSTF-449, Steam Generator Tube Integrity, and Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 97-06, Steam Generator Program Guidelines. Technical Specifications based upon these documents are performance-based in that they focus on ensuring the tubes satisfy performance criteria that are commensurate with assurance of adequate tube integrity. This approach can be readily adapted to new or unexpected degradation mechanisms and advances in nondestructive examination technology.

This approach includes programmatic elements to ensure that tubes are adequately monitored and maintained relative to the structural and leakage performance criteria.


The technical specifications for SONGS Units 2 and 3, are, like most pressurized water reactors, modeled on TSTF-449, and are consistent with NEI 97-06.


I have reviewed the NRC's March 27, 2012, Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL),2 which confirmed the information in the licensee's March 23, 2012, "Steam Generator Return-to-Service Action Plan" (SCEs Return to Service Plan).3


I have reviewed FOEs Opening Brief and the attachments thereof, in which FOE claims that the March 27, 2012 CAL issued to SCE constitutes a de facto license amendment. I have also reviewed NRDCs amicus brief dated January 18, 2013.

4 2 Letter from Elmo E. Collins, Regional Administrator, Region IV, USNRC, to Peter T. Dietrich, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Southern California Edison Company, subject:

Confirmatory Action Letter - San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3, Commitments to Address Steam Generator Tube Degradation, (Mar. 27, 2012) (ADAMS Accession No. ML12087A323)


3 Letter from Peter T. Dietrich, Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Southern California Edison Company to Elmo E. Collins, Regional Administrator, Region IV, USNRC, subject: Docket Nos.

50-361 and 50-362, Steam Generator Return-to-Service Action Plan, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (March 23, 2012) (ADAMS Accession No. ML12086A182) (SCEs Return to Service Plan).

Affidavit of Mr. Kenneth J. Karwoski


In this declaration, I present my views with respect to the purpose and effect of the March 27, 2012 CAL issued to SCE.


The March 27, 2012 CAL confirmed actions that SCE proposed to take under its existing license. Specifically, the CAL confirmed actions listed in SCEs March 23, 2012 submittal. Attachment 1 to this Affidavit, Comparison of SCE's March 23 Return-to-Service Action Plan with NRC's March 27 Confirmatory Action Letter and Existing Licensing Bases for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 (Attachment 1), dated January 30, 2013, demonstrates that the March 27, 2012 CAL did not contemplate any action beyond SCEs existing license.


As Attachment 1 makes clear, SCE's actions listed in the NRC's CAL, which confirmed the information in the SCEs Return to Service Plan, may all be performed as part of the existing steam generator program. No change to the technical specifications is needed to perform the steps outlined in the CAL. Moreover, SONGS Units 2 and 3 must continue to meet the technical specifications tabulated in Attachment 2 to this Affidavit, Summary of Relevant Technical Specifications for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 dated January 30, 2013.


In light of the foregoing, I conclude that the March 27, 2012 CAL has no effect on SCEs licensing authority. The CAL is not an order, suspension, exemption, or amendment, and does not give SCE any additional authority under its existing license. Specifically, the CAL did not change any of the requirements associated with SONGS Units 2 and 3 steam generator programs and associated technical specifications, including all surveillance requirements and limiting conditions for operation.

(...continued) 4 Natural Resources Defense Councils Amicus Response in Support of Friends of the Earth (Jan.

18, 2013) (ADAMS Accession No. ML13018A445) (NRDCs Amicus Brief).

Affidavit of Mr. Kenneth J. Karwoski


I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Executed in Accord with 10 CFR 2.304(d)

Kenneth J. Karwoski Senior Advisor for Steam Generator Integrity and Materials Inspection Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-9 H6 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (301) 415-2752 Executed in Rockville, Maryland this 30th day of January 2013

January 28, 2013 Karwoski 1

Statement of Professional Qualifications Kenneth J. Karwoski Senior Level Advisor for Steam Generator Integrity and Materials Inspection Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Summary Mr. Kenneth J. Karwoski, is the Senior Level Advisor for Steam Generator Integrity and Materials Inspection in the Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), in Washington, District of Columbia (DC). His academic credentials include a Bachelors of Science degree in chemistry and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science. Mr. Karwoski also qualified as an Engineering Officer of the Watch in the U.S. Navys nuclear power program. His technical background includes extensive involvement in several materials engineering issues related to safe nuclear power plant operations including welding and steam generator integrity issues. Mr. Karwoski has numerous publications and has extensive experience in making presentations to a variety of technical and public audiences, including the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards. Mr.

Karwoski has been a participant in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Working Group on Welding and Special Repair Processes, the subgroup on Repair and Replacement Activities, and the Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards. Mr. Karwoski is also the NRCs Dam Safety Officer.


Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan), Chemistry, BS, 1985 University of Maryland University College (College Park, Maryland), Computer Science, BS, 1993 Experience:

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission July 2001 to Present:

Senior Level Advisor for Steam Generator Integrity and Materials Inspection Division of Engineering / Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation This position involves providing advice and guidance to management, division and higher, related to steam generator integrity issues. My official responsibilities include the technical, safety, and regulatory compliance reviews of a variety of steam generator submittals. I provide advice to management, supervisors and staff to support the activities of the division, including review of license renewal applications. This included providing advice and guidance to the staff related to adoption of new steam generator technical specification requirements contained in TSTF-449, Revision 4, Steam Generator Tube Integrity. It also included preparing U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 2006-01, Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Associated Technical Specifications, to facilitate adoption of these new technical specification requirements at all pressurized water reactors in the U.S. and peer reviewing/reviewing most of the plant-specific submittals adopting these new technical specification requirements.

January 28, 2013 Karwoski 2

January 2001 to July 2001 Assistant Branch Chief Engineering Research and Applications Branch / Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research This position included supervising a multi-disciplined group of approximately 15 engineers and scientists responsible for research in the areas of mechanical, civil, structural, geotechnical, and electrical (instrumentation and control) engineering.

April 2000 to October 2000 Acting Assistant Branch Chief Materials Engineering Branch / Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research This position included supervising approximately 15 individuals responsible for evaluating issues associated with pressurized thermal shock, environmentally assisted corrosion, steam generator tube integrity, electrical engineering (cable degradation), and dry cask integrity.

April 1999 to April 2000 and October 2000 to January 2001 Technical Assistant Division of Engineering / Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation This position involved assisting the Division Director on administrative and technical tasks including developing and implementing an Operating Plan for use by Division management.

This position also involved coordinating and developing the Divisions response on various generic licensing and policy issues.

October 1991 to April 1999 Materials Engineer Materials and Chemical Engineering Branch / Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation This position involved reviewing plant-specific steam generator tube integrity issues. In addition, it involved writing or being a significant contributor to Information Notices and Generic Letters that informed stakeholders of recent events and trends. This position also involved providing guidance to junior members of the branch, briefing senior management on safety-significant issues, and participating in NRC inspection activities of licensees steam generator tube inspections.

DuPont August 1990 to October 1991 Area Consultant Deepwater, New Jersey This position involved ensuring product quality met customer specifications and supervising numerous technical projects. The primary focus was making my business unit more cost effective while maintaining safety. Specific projects included upgrading analog instrumentation

January 28, 2013 Karwoski 3

to digital, improving the mechanical utility of a waste water treatment system, developing the design for dilution facilities and chemical emissions control systems, developing techniques for operators use to ensure optimal performance of the product line, and designing and constructing a waste water treatment system.

U.S. Navy Lieutenant July 1984 to June 1990 This position involved serving as the Chemistry and Radiological Controls Assistant and Main Propulsion Assistant on-board a nuclear submarine and supervising approximately 35 highly trained technical specialists in both a refueling overhaul and operational environment ensuring the proper operation and maintenance of the reactor coolant system, steam generating system, steam propulsion plant, and associated auxiliaries. Specific accomplishments included revising and writing numerous technical procedures, supervising the initial criticality of a new reactor core in a highly scrutinized and political environment, directing at-sea testing of propulsion plant equipment following a refueling overhaul, and formally instructing and certifying all mechanical watchstanders.


NRC Performance Awards: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002 NRC High Quality Increase / Special Act Awards: 2007, 2006, 2004, 1998 (2), 1996, 1994, 1992 Certificates of Appreciation: 2012 U.S. Navy Achievement Medal: 1990 Commander Submarine Group Six Commendation: 1989 Admiral A.I. McKee Award: 1987 Publications:

Author, co-author, peer reviewer of hundreds of NRC reviews/documents, including:

NUREG-1841, U.S. Operating Experience with Thermally Treated Alloy 690 Steam Generator Tubes, August 2007 NUREG-1771, U.S. Operating Experience with Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubes, April 2003 NUREG-1604, Circumferential Cracking of Steam Generator Tubes, April 1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Issue Summary 2009-04, Steam Generator Tube Inspection Requirements, April 3, 2009, ML083470557 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Issue Summary 2007-20, Implementation of Primary-to-Secondary Leakage Performance Criteria, August 23, 2007, ML070570297

January 28, 2013 Karwoski 4

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 2006-01, Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Associated Technical Specifications, January 20, 2006, ML060200385 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 2004-01, Requirements for Steam Generator Tube Inspections, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 95-03, Circumferential Cracking of Steam Generator Tubes, April 28, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2012-07, Tube-to-Tube Contact Resulting in Wear in Once-Through Steam Generators, July 17, 2012, ML120740578 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2010-21, Crack-Like Indication in the U-Bend Region of a Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube, October 6, 2010, ML102210244 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2010-05, Management of Steam Generator Loose Parts and Automated Eddy Current Data Analysis, February 3, 2010, ML093640691 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2008-07, Cracking Indications in Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubes, April 24, 2008, ML080040353 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2007-37, Buildup of Deposits in Steam Generators, November 23, 2007, ML072910750 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2005-09, Indications in Thermally Treated Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubes and Tube-to-Tubesheet Welds, April 7, 2005, ML050530400 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2004-16, Tube Leakage Due to a Fabrication Flaw in a Replacement Steam Generator, August 3, 2004, ML041460357 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2004-10, Loose Parts in Steam Generators, May 4, 2004, ML041170480 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2002-02, Supplement 1, Recent Experience with Plugged Steam Generator Tubes, July 17, 2002, ML021980191 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 2002-02, Recent Experience with Plugged Steam Generator Tubes, January 8, 2002, ML013480327 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 9749, "B&W Once-Through Steam Generator Tube Inspection Findings," July 10, 1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Notice 9638, "Results of Steam Generator Tube Examinations," June 21, 1996.

January 30, 2013 Comparison of SCE's March 23 Return-to-Service Action Plan with NRC's March 27 Confirmatory Action Letter and Existing Licensing Bases for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 SONGS Unit/

RTS Plan Action #/

Corresponding CAL Action #

Description (from RTS Action Plan Commitment List1)

Examples of Relevant Authority or Licensing Information2 Unit 2 RTS Plan 1 CAL Action N/A The mechanisms causing steam generator tube wear in Unit 2 have been identified, and all tubes for which testing indicated wear in excess of SGPR and EPRI guidelines have been plugged.

SCE also plugged all tubes adjacent to the retainer bars, whether worn or not, as a preventive measure. SCE has documented these issues in its Corrective Action Program (CAP) for analysis and resolution 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, SR (verify tubes are plugged when criteria met)

TS, "Steam Generator Program."

Unit 2 RTS Plan 2 CAL Action 1 SCE will determine the cause(s) of the tube-to-tube interactions that resulted in steam generator tube wear in Unit 3, and will implement actions in accordance with the CAP to prevent loss of integrity due to these potential causes in the Unit 2 steam generator tubes. Once these actions have been determined, SCE will establish a protocol of inspections and/or operational limits for Unit 2, including plans for a mid-cycle shutdown for further inspections.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

1 Attachment 1 to Letter from Peter T. Dietrich, Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Southern California Edison Company to Elmo E. Collins, Regional Administrator, Region IV, USNRC, subject: Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362, Steam Generator Return-to-Service Action Plan, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (March 23, 2012) (ADAMS Accession No. ML12086A182) (SCEs Return to Service Plan).

2 No regulations, TS, or license conditions prohibit the actions. The cited authority either affirmatively directs that such actions occur (e.g. Criterion XVI), or shows that such actions are a contemplated part of the licensee's actions (e.g. Unit 3 TS 3.4.17 requires plugging in accordance with the Steam Generator Program).


RTS Plan Action #/

Corresponding CAL Action #

Description (from RTS Action Plan Commitment List1)

Examples of Relevant Authority or Licensing Information2 Unit 2 RTS Plan 3 CAL Action 2 Prior to entry of Unit 2 into Mode 2, SCE will, in a joint meeting, provide the NRC the results of our assessment of Unit 2 steam generators, the protocol of inspections and/or operational limits including schedule dates for a mid-cycle shutdown for further inspections, and the basis for SCE 's conclusion that there is reasonable assurance, as required by NRC regulations, that the unit will operate safely.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

LCO 3.4.17.B (requiring Mode 5 if SG Tube integrity not maintained)

LCO 3.0.4 (Prohibiting Mode Changes in Specified Circumstances)

Unit 2 RTS Plan 4 CAL Action N/A Both prior to and after entry of Unit 2 into Mode 2, the protocol and inspection time frames described in Action 2 above will be adjusted, as necessary, to account for the results of ongoing inspections and analyses of the causes of tube-to-tube interactions in the Unit 3 steam generators. NRC will be notified of any proposed changes to this protocol.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

Unit 3 RTS Plan 5 CAL Action 3 SCE will complete in-situ pressure testing of tubes with potentially significant wear indications in accordance with the EPRI Steam Generator In-Situ Pressure Test Guidelines and will plug tubes in accordance with those guidelines 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

Unit 3 RTS Plan 6 CAL Action 4 SCE will plug all tubes with wear indications in excess of SGPR and EPRI guidelines as well as perform preventive plugging or take other Corrective Action to address retainer bar-related tube wear in Unit 3.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, SR (verify tubes are plugged when criteria met)

TS, "Steam Generator Program."


RTS Plan Action #/

Corresponding CAL Action #

Description (from RTS Action Plan Commitment List1)

Examples of Relevant Authority or Licensing Information2 Unit 3 RTS Plan 7 CAL Action 5 SCE will determine the cause(s) of tube-to-tube interaction and implement actions in accordance with the Corrective Action Program to prevent recurrence of loss of integrity in the Unit 3 steam generator tubes while operating.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

Unit 3 RTS Plan 8 CAL Action 6 SCE will establish a protocol of inspections and/or operational limits for Unit 3, including plans for a mid-cycle shutdown for inspections.

The protocol is intended to minimize the progression of tube wear, and ensure that tube wear will not progress to the point of degradation that could cause tubes to not meet leakage and structural strength test criteria.

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

Unit 3 RTS Plan 9 CAL Action 7 Prior to entry of Unit 3 into Mode 4, SCE will, in a joint meeting, provide the NRC the results of our assessment of Unit 3 steam generators, the protocol of inspections and/or operational limits including schedule dates for a mid-cycle shutdown for further inspections, and the basis for SCE's conclusion that there is reasonable assurance, as required by NRC regulations, that the unit will operate safely.3 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective

Action, TS 3.4.17, "Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity, TS, "Steam Generator Program."

LCO 3.4.17.B (requiring Mode 5 if SG Tube integrity not maintained)

LCO 3.0.4 (Prohibiting Mode Changes in Specified Circumstances) 3 CAL Action 7 did not discuss a joint meeting, but stated that the results were to be provided "in writing."

January 30, 2013 Summary of Relevant Technical Specifications for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 TS paragraph Requirement1 Table 1.1-2 (Modes)

Defines modes of operation from Mode 1 (Power Operation) through Mode 6 (Refueling)

LCO 3.0.4 (LCO Applicability)

Prohibits changing into a Mode if continued operation is not permitted under the Mode.

SR 3.0.4 (SR Applicability)

Prohibits changing into a Mode if associated surveillance requirements are not met.

3.4.17 (SG Tube Integrity)

Maintain SG tube integrity and plug tubes that meet the repair criteria in the SG program (i.e. TS unless in Operational Mode 5 (Cold Shutdown) or 6 (Refueling).

LCO 3.4.17.B (SG Tube Integrity)

If SG tube integrity not maintained, go to Mode 5.

SR (SG Tube Integrity)

Verify SG tube integrity in accordance with the Steam Generator Program.

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Provisions for condition monitoring assessments. Includes evaluation of the "as-found" condition of SG tubing to confirm that the performance criteria for structural integrity and accident induced leakage are met.

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Performance Criteria for SG Tube Integrity TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Structural integrity performance criterion.

The criterion states in part that all in-service steam generator tubes shall retain structural integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions and design basis accidents, including retaining a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full power operation primary-to-secondary pressure differential.

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Accident induced leakage performance criterion.

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Operational LEAKAGE performance criterion (which is located in LCO 3.4.13, "RCS Operational LEAKAGE).

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Provisions for SG tube repair criteria.

This provision states when tubes are to be plugged.

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Provisions for SG tube inspections.

TS (SG Program)

Steam Generator Program Provisions for monitoring operational primary to secondary leakage.

TS 5.7.2 (Special Reports)

Requires submission of a Special Report of the results of the SG program inspection.

1 The listed requirements are not all-inclusive but represent some license requirements regarding SGs.