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ML20141K41320 May 1997Submits Evaluation of Ameron Corrective Action Status Rept to Wolf Creek Supplier Quality Audit Findings
ML20141K40428 March 1997Informs That Wolf Creek Evaluated Ameron Response to Findings Identified During Audit Conducted on 970122-23 & 970128-31.Evaluation Found Responses to Findings Ron 01/97-001-011 Conditionally AcceptedCoatings
ML20141K64427 February 1997Forwards WCNOC Supplier Quality Rept of NUPIC Joint Audit Performed by Wcnoc,Union Electric & TVA of Brea,California Facility on 970122-23 & Little Rock,Ar Facility on 970128-31Coatings
ML20081D5081 March 1995Forwards Analysis Summary Rept Re RCS Drain Down Event,Rept Summarizes Analyses to Determine RCS & ECCS Conditions During Actual Event
ML20077K45125 July 1991Forwards Chapter 14 to Updated Sar,Initial Startup Rept, Documents in Response to Item 4,operating License for Facility & Milestone Schedule,Per NRC
ML20072P01613 July 1983Informs That No Changes to Emergency Plan Adopted Since Nov 1982 Rev,In Response to .Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20076L60111 July 1983Discusses Status of 830406 Proposed Stipulation of Contentions.No Agreement Reached Amongst Counsel at 830427 Conference Call.Fema Cannot Commit Resources to Preparing Testimony for 830830 Prefiling
ML20076L57811 July 1983Discusses Status of 830406 Proposed Stipulation of Contentions.No Agreement Reached Amongst Counsel at 830427 Conference Call.Fema Cannot Commit Resources to Preparing Testimony for 830830 Prefiling
ML20083P37613 January 1983Advises of Establishment of Task Force to Oversee Completion of Bm,Ef & Eg Sys,Preparation & Completion of Associated Quality Documentation & Review of Documentation.Task Force Will Commence on 830120 & Be Chartered for 30 Days
ML20049J58611 March 1982Requests Status Rept on Util Implementation of Revised Restoration Plan
ML20010J57929 September 1981Forwards Applicant Further Response to Financial Qualifications Discovery Requests of Intervenor Kansans for Sensible Energy.Related Correspondence
ML20010D19017 August 1981Ack Receipt of 810813 Ltr Requesting Rescheduling of Osann Deposition.Lists Available Dates for Rescheduling.Related Correspondence
ML20010B4136 August 1981Responds to Rj Vollen 810803 Ltr Re 810731 Press Releases on Util Financial Repts.Qualified Audit Rept Will Be Available on or Before 810831.Press Release Encl
ML20009H42031 July 1981Confirms That Rj Bohn Deposition Will Continue on 810814 & AP Severance Depositon Will Commence on 810821,per 810730 Telcon.Related Correspondence
ML20009E21221 July 1981Forwards Proposed Agreement Per ASLB 810522 Memorandum & Order Granting Protective Order to Ge,For Review & Reply. Relevant Documents Available for Insp
ML20009E09321 July 1981Forwards Bohn Deposition Exhibit 2.W/o Encl
ML20009B7958 July 1981Ack Receipt of Ah Petersen,Fg Hiple & CR Kulawinski 810629 Notice of Depositions.Util Pending Motion Suggests Depositions Not Be Scheduled After 810731.Earlier Date Requested
ML20008G10924 June 1981Ack Receipt of Wh Eichhorn 810623 Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors' 810615 Request for Documents Filed W/ NRC Per Generic Ltr 81-23.Requests Documents When & If Available.Related Correspondence
ML20004F76915 June 1981Requests That Any Repts from Facility Submitted to NRC Per Generic Ltr 81-23 Also Be Submitted to Porter County Chapter Intervenors.Related Correspondence
ML20004F63515 June 1981Informs That Wh Eichhorn Furnished Copy of Answers of People of State of Il to Licensee Second Set of Interrogatories. Requests Correction of Svc List Used by Il.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20004C64929 May 1981Forwards Northern in Public Svc Co Latest Cost Estimate & Documents in Supplementary Response to Item 6(a) of Third Request for Production of Documents.Requests Prompt Return of Documents.Related Correspondence.W/O Encl
ML19350E29029 May 1981Ack Receipt of Constituent Ltr.Subj of Ltr Does Not Fall within DOE Purview & Will Be Forwarded to NRC
ML20005B33129 May 1981Informs That 810529 Ltr Forwarding Constituent 810320 Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Allowing Interim Licensing of Nuclear Reactors Before Safety Procedure Completion Has Been Sent to NRC
ML19352A95029 May 1981Comments on Revision 1 to Environ Rept for Facility,Per 810506 Request.Lists Species Present in Proposed Project Area.Nrc Should Evaluate Possible Effects of Const on Listed Endangered Species
ML19346A05328 May 1981Poses Addl Questions Re Const Permit Extension to Obtain Info Omitted from First Set of Interrogatories.First Set of Answers Were Not Sufficiently Detailed.Related Correspondence
ML20004B70219 May 1981Responds to 810428 Ltr Re Motion to Compel Answers to Porter County Chapter Intervenors' First Set of Interrogatories to Util.Ltr Is Not Proper Substitute for Answer to Interrogatory
ML19347F42214 May 1981Advises That Proposed Action Re Revision 1 to Environ Rept Does Not Affect Ongoing or Planned Water & Power Projects
ML19345H5857 May 1981Ack Receipt of 810505 Ltr Demanding Documents.Documents Requested Will Be Delivered During Week of 810511.Two Documents Beyond Discovery Scope,One Proprietary Document & One Other Document Removed.Related Correspondence
ML20008G1205 May 1981Requests Prompt Delivery of Documents Per Porter County Chapter Intervenors Second & Third Requests to Produce Directed to Util
ML20003J37828 April 1981Discusses Concerns Re Util Answers to Porter County Chapter Intervenors' First Set of Interrogatories.Prefers Settling Differences W/O ASLB Ruling
ML20126H94410 April 1981Forwards Util 810410 First Set of Interrogatories Re Dewatering Effects on Lakeshore,Expert Witnesses to Be Called & Documents to Be Introduced Into Evidence or Used in cross-examination.Related Correspondence
ML20126H97610 April 1981Forwards Util 810410 First Set of Interrogatories Re Dewatering Effects on Lakeshore,Expert Witnesses to Be Called & Documents to Be Introduced Into Evidence or Used in cross-examination.Related Correspondence
ML19345G8868 April 1981Responds to 810403 Ltr Requesting Addl Info Re Production of Documents.All Documents Produced in Response to Paragraphs 9,10 & 11 Available for Insp.Page Count of Documents to Be Produced Not Available.Related Correspondence
ML19347D9603 April 1981Ack Receipt of 810325 Ltr.Requests to Be Informed of Possibility of Documents from Second Request & Quantity of Addl Info to Be Produced
ML19345G53025 March 1981Responds to 810313 Ltr Re Documents Identified in First & Second Requests for Production of Documents Per ASLB 801120 Order.Documents Tending to Prove or Disprove Any Assertion Not to Be Produced.Related Correspondence
ML19350E30320 March 1981Requests Congressional Assistance to Require NRC to Expedite Licensing of Nuclear Power Plants.Facility Fuel Load Delays Discussed.Aif Ltr Dtd 810217 Forwarded
ML20003E20713 March 1981Requests Production by 810406 of CP Extension Documents Requested in ASLB 801120 Discovery Order
ML20003E24513 March 1981Submits Formal Request That Listed Documents Be Produced on or Before 810406,per ASLB 801120 Order Re Discovery
ML19347D23418 February 1981Forwards Response to Util 801208 Ltr Re Site Groundwater Analysis.D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers Rept Criticizing USGS Contains Only Repetition of Known & Ack Methodology Limitations.Internal Doi Memos Encl
ML19351G27612 February 1981Forwards Sargent & Lundy 781030 Rept, Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Const Dewatering,Bailly Generating Station, Nuclear 1. Other Requested Documents Have Already Been Produced.Certificate of Svc Encl.W/O Rept
ML20126E7475 February 1981Ack Receipt of Re Comments on Dewatering Rept. Panel Completed Work.No Plans Made to Reconvene Group. Studies of Cowles Bog & Wetlands & Effects of Dewatering on Lakeshore Will Continue.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19344B32412 August 1980Informs That Council Has Reviewed 800527 Ltr Re Application of NEPA Future Decisions Concerning Facility.Council Concludes That NRC Should Prepare & Circulate Suppl to EIS on CP Prior to Rendering Decision
ML19309A51421 March 1980Forwards Three Sargent & Lundy Repts & 780413,790629 & 0814 Ltrs,Re H-pile Foundations in Response to NRC Request.W/O Encl
ML19322E79429 February 1980Responds to Eichhorn 800227 Ltr.Arrangements Will Be Made Re Pick Up of Applicant Responses to Supplemental Petitions at Convenient Time.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19270G17827 April 1979Supports Nationwide Halt to Nuclear Plant Const.Cites Wolf Creek Controversy as Example
ML20027A49830 November 1978Presents Results of Review of Low Strength Values for Facility Base Mat 90-day Concrete Cylinders.Base Mat Concrete Meets Spec Requirements & All Matls Used in Mix Are Acceptable
ML20027A50019 April 1978Forwards Dh Campbell & Lm Meyer Repts W/Results of Petrographic Examination,Compressive Strengths & Chem Analysis of Concrete Cylinders & Other Samples.Basemat Concrete Probably Exceeds 5000 Psi Strength Requirement