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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24170A63917 June 2024Notification of Inspection and Request for Information
ML24123A0882 May 2024NRR E-mail Capture - Correction Acceptance Review Results for the Browns Ferry, Sequoyah, and Watts Bar License Amendment Request to Revise TS 5.4.1 or 5.7.1 (L-2024-LLA-0039)
ML24122B48730 April 2024NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for the Browns Ferry, Sequoyah, and Watts Bar License Amendment Request to Revise TS 5.4.1 or 5.7.1 (L-2024-LLA-0039)
ML24116A20117 April 2024Nrctva ISFSI CBS (RFI)
ML24047A27915 February 2024RAI Related to the Exemption Request for 10 CFR 37.11Exemption Request
ML24045A02714 February 2024NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to the Exemption Request for the 10 CFR Part 73 Enhanced Weapons RuleTime of Discovery
Exemption Request
ML23355A22021 December 2023Radiation Protection Inspection - Inspection Report 2024-01Process Control Program
ML23332A00427 November 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to Proposed Revised Alternative 0-ISI-47EVT-1
ML23319A1662 November 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Exemption Request Related to 10 CFR 37.11(c)(2)Exemption Request
ML24074A41712 October 20232024 EP Inspections RFI Email Confirmations: Redacted
ML23243A98929 August 2023Inspection Information RequestCondition Adverse to Quality
ML23208A08726 July 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry 1, 2, and 3, Alternative Request 0-ISI-47 to Use an Alternative to ASME Code, Section XI, Examination Requirements for Examination Categories B-N-1 and B-N-2
ML23124A0083 May 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to Proposed Alternative Requests for the 5th 10-Year Inservice Testing Interval for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3Incorporated by reference
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML23117A07026 April 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry, 1, 2, and 3, License Amendment Request to Revise Tech Specs Surveillance Requirements and Safety Relief Valves (BFN TS-540)
ML23097A0176 April 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, and 3, License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-566-A and TSTF-580-A, Revision 1
ML23075A05010 March 2023TVA Intentions on EA-22-122 - Choice Letter Response Email Message and TVA Intentions on EA-22-122 - Choice Letter Response Email Message -- NRC Acknowledgement
ML23073A20710 March 2023TVA Intentions on EA-22-122 - Choice Letter Response Email Message - NRC Acknowledgement
ML23073A20810 March 2023TVA Intentions on EA-22-122 - Choice Letter Response Email Message
ML23052A07921 February 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review for Browns Ferry and Sequoyah License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-541
ML23041A0029 February 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to TVA Alternative Request BFN-0-ISI-32 (CNL-22-025)VT-2
Incorporated by reference
ML23013A15113 January 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, Request to Use Later ASME OM Code Edition and Alternative Requests BFN-IST-01 Through BFN-IST-05Incorporated by reference
ML23013A03812 January 2023NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) State Consultation for Alabama - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3; Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2; and Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2, License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-529, Revision 4 (L-2022-LLA-0088)
ML23013A03612 January 2023NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) State Consultation for Alabama - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3; Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2; and Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2, License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-554-A, Revision 1 (L-2022-LLA-0100)Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML23017A00612 January 2023Initial Information Request Inspection Report: 2023001Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML23004A0354 January 2023NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, and 3, License Amendment Request to Delete TS by Adopting TSTF-478
ML22348A09714 December 2022NRR E-mail Capture - State Consultation - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3; Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2; and Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2, License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-529, Revision 4 (L-2022-LLA-0088)
ML22348A04413 December 2022NRR E-mail Capture - State Consultation - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3; Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2; and Watts Bar, Units 1 and 2, License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-554-A, Revision 1 (L-2022-LLA-0100)Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML22304A18531 October 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, and 3, License Amendment Request to Remove Site Acreage Description from TS 4.1
ML22299A02926 October 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information for Relief Request BFN-2-ISI-003 Re Weld Examination Coverage
ML22292A27219 October 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to Tva'S Request to Adopt TSTF-505 and TSTF-439 for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3Safe Shutdown
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Offsite Circuit
ML22265A14921 September 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, Alternative Request BFN-0-ISI-32
ML22259A03914 September 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Browns Ferry TSTF-505 Audit Questions - Part 5
ML22259A03814 September 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Browns Ferry TSTF-505 Audit Questions - Part 4
ML22259A03713 September 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Browns Ferry TSTF-505 Audit Questions - Part 3Safe Shutdown
ML22238A06724 August 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Browns Ferry TSTF-505 Audit Questions - Part 2
ML22238A06519 August 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Browns Ferry TSTF-505 Audit QuestionsInternal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Offsite Circuit
Very Early Warning Fire Detection
ML22215A2753 August 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for TVA Fleet License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-554Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML22208A21715 July 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to TVA Relief Request BFN-21-ISI-02 (CNL-21-081)
ML22194A87613 July 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for TVA Fleet License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-529
ML22173A16821 June 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Relief Request BFN-2-ISI-003
ML22168A08017 June 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Confirmation of Information and Additional Information Related to Tva'S Request to Use Control Bay Chiller Cross-TieGOTHIC
ML22160A4743 June 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Request for Additional Information Re LAR to Use Advanced Framatome Methodologies in Support of Atrium 11 FuelStroke time
Anticipated operational occurrence
Abnormal operational transient
ML22146A33425 May 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Relief Requests (EPID L-2022-LLR-0045 - 0047)
ML22168A03913 May 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Draft Request for Confirmation of Information and Additional Information Related to Tva'S Request to Use Control Bay Chiller Cross-Tie
ML22144A10012 May 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Related to Tva'S Request to Revised the TVA Plants' Radiological Emergency PlansOperating Basis Earthquake
ML22131A1693 May 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-505 and TSTF-439
ML22091A1948 March 20222022 BFN POV Inspection Information RequestSquib
Power-Operated Valves
Power Operated Valves
ML22055A07722 February 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Results of NRC SUNSI Review of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 29
ML22047A16116 February 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information Regarding Tva'S Request to Expand the SFP Criticality Safety Analysis for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3Commercial Grade
Power Uprate
ML22038A1884 February 2022NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results for TVA Fleet License Amendment Request to Revise the TVA Radiological Emergency Plan