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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20011E5578 February 1990Forwards Us Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Tennessee Orders & Memorandum on Debtors Motion to Alter or Amend Order & Opinion Re Status of Sales Agreement Between DOE & Alchemie.Doe Believes Agreement Expired on 890821
ML19325E9801 November 1989Requests That Author Name Be Placed on Distribution List Re Schedule of Hearing in Alchemie Case.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 891101
ML19327A84411 October 1989Forwards Pleadings,Motions & Orders Filed in Alchemie Reorganization Action.Alchemie Currently Preparing Reorganization Plan Which Will Serve as Framework for Future Company Business Activities
ML19327A8515 October 1989Forwards Wh Arowood 890907 Ltr & Other Supplemental Info to Replace Info Previously Filed
ML20247R76327 September 1989Informs That Latest Completion Date for CP CPEP-1 Currently 891103.Application Should Show Good Cause & Fee Should Be Encl
ML20248C83120 September 1989Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action
ML19327A8697 September 1989Submits Info Re Alchemie & Anderson County Bank Financing Transaction
ML20247F41231 August 1989Advises That Response to Order Modifying Licenses & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked Will Be Sent. Responses to NRC Three Basic Questions Re Status of Licensee Finances & Rationale for Having License Provided
ML20246C71018 August 1989Forwards Order,Effective Immediately,Modifying CPs CPEP-1 & CPEP-2 to Require Notification of Commission Before Taking Possession of Any Classified Equipment & to Show Cause Why CPs Should Not Be Revoked
ML20246C69411 August 1989Discusses Key Issues Affecting Technology Transfer of Classified Gas Centrifuge Equipment & Technology from DOE to Alchemie.Requests That DOE Give Alchemie Necessary Time to Consummate Few Remaining Matters in Appropriate Fashion
ML20246C67411 August 1989Informs That DOE Will Not Extend Sales Agreement & Will Discontinue Discussions of Sale of Centrifuge Equipment
ML20246B1678 August 1989Forwards Response to 890717 Request for Info Re Filings W/ Us Bankruptcy Court & Financial Capabilities.Ownership of Unclassified Equipment Remains UnchangedAffidavit
ML20246P01817 July 1989Forwards Request for Addl Info Re 890620 Filing for Reorganization in Us Bankruptcy Court.Nrc Will Initiate Proceeding for Suspension or Revocation of CPs Should Licensee Fail to Respond by 890815
ML20245C11520 June 1989Issues Amend 1 to CP CPEP-1,specifying 891103 as Latest Date of Completion of Mods to Facility.Ser Encl
ML20247Q55224 May 1989Notifies That J Smelser Contract Ended,Effective 890517. Mgt of Company by Listed Board of Director Members Will Continue Until New Chief Executive Officer Selected
ML20246H37712 May 1989ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512
ML20246K7098 May 1989Forwards Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Amend to CPEP-1
ML20246A1451 May 1989Responds to 890418 Request for Extension of Completion Date to 891103 for Mod to Be Performed Under CP CPEP-1.CP Will Remain in Effect Until Determination Made W/Respect to Request
ML20245A64518 April 1989Requests Extension of Latest Completion Date from 890503 to 891103,to Allow Time for Negotiations,Mods & Settlement of Financial Issues W/Doe
ML20246P42623 March 1989Advises That 890210 Condition III.6 of CP Issued to Alchemie Re Financial Assurances for Protection of Common Defense & Security by Control of Classified Machinery Not Applicable. Record Copy
ML20246P41723 March 1989Advises That 890210 Condition III.6 of CP Issued to Alchemie Re Financial Assurances for Protection of Common Defense & Security by Control of Classified Machinery Not Applicable
ML20246P40023 March 1989Advises That Financial Assurances for Protection of Common Defense & Security Provided by Alchemie Accepted.Notifies That Any Activities by Alchemie Involving Access to Classified Machines & Info Must Be Under DOE Security
ML20235N98022 February 1989Forwards Notices of Issuance of CPs for Alchemie Centrifuge Plan Demonstration & Oliver Springs Facilities
ML20235W01821 February 1989Forwards Proprietary Rev 7 to Security Plan for Alchemie, Inc,Alchemie Facility 1 - Cpdf Oak Ridge,Tn. Rev Incorporates Revised Security Fencing Arrangement & Reduces Number of Employees Requiring Clearances.Rev Withheld
ML20235N34215 February 1989Responds to 890201 Request for Estimates for Centrifuge Plant Demonstration Facility (Cpdf) & Oliver Springs Plus Cpdf.Doe Intends to Ensure That Sufficient Finances Exist for Decontamination & Decommissioning Liabilities
ML20196E6665 December 1988Discusses Survey of Flora & Fauna Conducted at Oliver Springs Site on 881111.Area Not Appropriate Habitat for Any Federally Threatened or Endangered Plant Species.List of Endangered Plant Species Known to Occur on Reservation Encl
ML20196D1802 December 1988Confirms 881202 Telcon Re Draft Trust Agreement Provided on 881129.Agreement in Concert W/Ltr of Credit Acceptable in Principle & Meets NRC Decommissioning Rule Amends
ML20206M92323 November 1988Lists Questions Raised by Board Study of Licensee Environ Repts on Facilities,For Responses & Comments.Served on 881125Fatality
ML20195J23421 November 1988Forwards Alchemie Facility 2 - Oliver Springs Ecological Survey, Per 881117 Request Re Evidence of Threatened or Endangered Species
ML20206J64416 November 1988Requests Responses to Listed Questions Re Proceeding, Including Explanation of Environ Consequences Caused by Movement of Centrifuges from State of Oh to State of Tn. Served on 881117
ML20206D62411 November 1988Forwards Projected Decommission Costs of Centrifuge Machines to Be Transferred to New Facility at Oliver Spring,Tn. Licensee Will Be Able to Offset Total Decommissioning Costs by Setting Aside Annual Decommissioning Cost Plus Reserve
ML20206J57410 November 1988Forwards H Thompson as Balance of NRC Response to State of Tn Re Enrichment of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Proposed Facilities,Per NRC
ML20206C5909 November 1988Forwards Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested Party,Per 10CFR2.715(c).Requests That Mh Mobley Remain on Svc List for Purpose of Receiving All Pertinent Correspondence,Filings & Notices
ML20206J5579 November 1988Forwards NRC Review & Evaluation of Facilities Security Plans Discussing Equipment & Procedures Used by Applicant to Meet Requirements in 10CFR95.W/o Encl
ML20206C0637 November 1988Responds to Re Enrichment of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Proposed Alchemie Facilities.Company Advised That Facilities Subj to State of Tn Regulations
ML20205T6497 November 1988Ack Receipt of to Chairman Zech Re Alchemie Applications to Operate Facility for Separation of Stable Isotopes at Oak Ridge,Tn & Construct Similar Facility at Oliver Springs,Tn
ML20205T5997 November 1988Requests Survey of Proposed Oliver Spring Site to Look for Evidence of Threatened or Endangered Species
ML20205R6734 November 1988Forwards NRC Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries of 881018 & Two Attachments.Related Correspondence
ML20205R7173 November 1988Requests 880912 Submittal Re Ability to Assure Funding for Decontamination Over Entire Period of License Be Revised. NRC Expects That Sale of Unneeded,Unclassified Matl Will Realize Sufficient Funds to Cover Costs of Removal of Matl
ML20205P9511 November 1988Forwards Rev 6 to Security Plan for Alchemie Facility 1 - Cpdf,Oak Ridge,Tn & Rev 6 to Security Plan for Alchemie Facility 2 - Oliver Springs,Oliver Springs,Tn. Revs Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d))
ML20195E42931 October 1988Forwards Numbers 1-5 of Rev 5 to Alchemie Security Plans. Requests Replacement of Pages 23-25 & 35 & Encl Rev Page
ML20205T00028 October 1988Requests Assistance to Expedite Alchemie,Inc Licensing Application Re Transferring DOE Gas Centrifuge to Vendor. Served on 881107
ML20205N36928 October 1988Advises That ASLB Tentatively Calling for Telcon on 881109 W/Parties & State of Tn to Discuss Need for Further Prehearing Conference & Other Scheduling Matters,Per 881026 Request.Served on 881031
ML20205N33027 October 1988Forwards Sketch of Feed Sys,Withdrawal Sys Refrigeration Cart & Typical Withdrawal,Large & Small,Pumping Stations
ML20205K33226 October 1988Forwards SER Re Const Mod & Licensing of & Application for CP for Facilities.Nrc Review of Safeguards/Security Plans for Two Proposed Facilities Sent to Board & Applicant.Telcon to Discuss Scheduling Matters Requested.W/O Encls
ML20205Q56625 October 1988Forwards SERs Re Company 871117 Application for Authority to Construct & Operate Facilities to Enrich Stable Isotopes at Facility-1 Cpdf & to Construct Facility for Same Purpose at Facility-2 Oliver Springs
ML20155H36218 October 1988Requests Addl Info Re NRC Environ Assessments Submitted on 880914 for Uncontested Proceedings,To Complete Review of Adequacy of NEPA Assessments.Served on 881018
ML20204G07417 October 1988Forwards Mh Mobley from State of Tn to NRC Not Received Until 881014.NRC Will Address Matters in Ltr in SER
ML20207M06929 September 1988Comments on Environ Assessments & Finding of No Significant Impact Documents Re Alchemie Facilities.Blind Approach of Addressing Stable Isotope Enrichment Appalling
ML20154P39627 September 1988Forwards Info in Preparation for ACRS Subcommittee on Safeguards & Security 881006 Meeting.Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)