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ML19343C21823 December 1975AO 50-219/75-33:on 751212,during 6-month Load Test on Station a batteries,125 Volt Dc Distribution Ctr de-energized.Caused by Personnel Error in Following Procedure.Distribution Ctr re-energized
ML20090C99912 December 1975AO 75-33:on 751212,125-volt Dc Distribution Ctr of Station a Battery Inadvertently de-energized.Caused by Failure to Establish Proper Breaker Lineup Preparation for Conducting Battery Load Test.Procedure changed.W/751219 Memo
ML19343C21911 December 1975AO 50-219/75-32:on 751203,during Testing,Emergency Diesel Generator 1 Failed to Start When Simulated Loss of Power Condition Applied to Fast Start Logic Circuit.Caused by Failure of Relay to Operate Due to Varnish on Armature
ML20126E8283 December 1975AO 50-219/75-31:on 751124,during Operability Test of Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breakers,Alarm Sys 2 Failed to Annunciate in Control Room When V-26-4 Opened.Caused by Failure of Relay Due to Contacts Being Detective.Relay Replaced
ML20090D00725 November 1975AO 75-31:on 751124,drywell Vacuum Breaker Alarm Sys II Failed to Annunciate When Vacuum Breaker V-26-4 Opened. Caused by Component Failure.Corrective Action Under Investigation
ML20090D0167 November 1975AO 75-30:on 751106,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches Re 17 a & C Tripped at Pressure Less than Min Required Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Pressure Switches Recalibr
ML20090D0606 November 1975AO 75-29:on 751027,torus Drywell Vacuum Breakers Alarm Sys II Failed to Annunciate When Vacuum Breaker V-26-8 Opened. Caused by Sticking Microswitch
ML20090D07628 October 1975AO 75-29:on 751027,torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Alarm Sys II Failed to Annunciate When Vacuum Breaker V-26-8 Opened.Caused by Component Failure.Corrective Action Under Investigation
ML20090D09424 October 1975AO 75-28:on 751015,standby Gas Treatment Sys 1 Inoperable. Caused by Air Solenoid Valve Coil Failure.Defective Solenoid Coil Replaced
ML20090D11417 October 1975AO 75-27:on 751008,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches RE17B & D Tripped at Pressure Less than Min Required Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability. Pressure Switches Recalibr
ML20090D10416 October 1975AO 75-28:on 751015,standby Gas Treatment Sys 1 Inoperable. Caused by Air Solenoid Valve Coil Failure.Defective Solenoid Coil replaced.W/751016
ML20090D1348 October 1975AO 75-27:on 751008,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches RE17B & D Tripped at Pressures Less than Min Required Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability. Pressure Switches Recalibr
ML20090D15023 September 1975AO 75-26:on 750923,emergency Svc Water Pump 52C Failed to Start Automatically During Routine Surveillance Test of Containment Spray Sys Ii.Caused by Failure of Contact Switch in Time Delay Relay 16 K4B.Relay Replaced
ML19291C2648 September 1975AO 73-19:when Closing Signal Was Applied to Breaker S1A,loss of Power Occurred at 4160-volt Ac Bus 1A Causing Trip of Various Pumps.Caused by Incorrect Setting of Current Transformer Ratio Matching Taps.Taps Set Properly
ML20090D1948 September 1975AO 75-25:on 750829,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Monitor Stack Releases Continuously While Reactor Was in Unisolated Condition.Caused by Malfunctioning Pump Lubricator.Thermal Overload Protection Reset
ML20090D2078 September 1975AO 75-24:on 750829,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83C & 1A83D Tripped at Pressures in Excess of Max Allowable Value.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Repeatability. Switches Reset
ML20090D2012 September 1975AO 75-25:on 750829,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Monitor Stack Releases Continuously While Reactor Was in Unisolated Condition.Caused by Malfunctioning Pump Lubricator.Thermal Overload Protection Reset
ML20090D2152 September 1975AO 75-24:on 750829,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83C & 1A83D Tripped at Pressures in Excess of Max Allowable Value.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Repeatability. Switches Reset
ML20090D22421 August 1975AO 75-23:on 750817-20,stack Effluent for Iodine & Particulates Not Monitored.Caused by Personnel Error.Filter Installed in Operating Stack Gas Sampling Train
ML20090D22611 August 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-22:on 750810,stack Gas Sample Line Low Flow Alarm Received.Caused by Stack Gas Sample Pump a Not Running.Thermal Overload Protection Reset
ML20090D2474 August 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-21:on 750801,during Routine Surveillance on B Isolation Condensor Sys,Steam Line Valve V-14-32 Failed to Close on Simulation of Steam Line High Flow.Caused by Low Torque Switch Setting.Torque Increased
ML20090D25217 July 1975AO 50-219/75-19:on 750708,during Monthly Surveillance Test on Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors,Re 03A,B,C & D, A,B & D Tripped Above Normal Trip Points.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Sensors Recalibr
ML20085E9559 July 1975AO BFAO-50-260/759T:on 750709,broken Stem Found on second- Stage Pilot of Main Steam Release Valve 1.Break Point Just Under Lock Nut Above Actuating Piston.Site Inspector Advised
ML20090D2569 July 1975Preliminary AO 50-219/75-19:on 750708,during Monthly Surveillance Test on Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors,Re 03A,B,C & D,A,B & D Tripped Above Normal Trip Points.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Sensors Recalibr
ML20084E1151 July 1975RO 50-219/75-18:on 750623,two 8-1/2 Inch Handhole Covers in Standby Gas Treatment Filter Train Not in Place.Cause Unknown.Handhole Covers Repositioned & Secured
ML20090D27427 June 1975AO 50-219/75-17:on 750619,during Surveillance Test,Core Spray Sys Parallel Isolation Valve V-20-15 Failed to Demonstrate Operability.Caused by Broken Tab on B Phase of Valve Motor Breaker Stab.Stab Replaced
ML20090D27824 June 1975AO 50-219/75-16:on 750614,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83P & E Tripped at Pressures Exceeding Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Drift.Switches Reset
ML20090D26624 June 1975Preliminary AO 50-219/75-18:on 750623,handhole Covers in Standby Gas Treatment Filter Train 1-1 Not in Place.Cause Under Investigation.Covers Repositioned & Secured
ML20090D27319 June 1975Preliminary AO 50-219/75-17:on 750619,during Surveillance Test,Core Spray Sys Parallel Isolation Valve V-20-15 Failed to Demonstrate Operability.Caused by Broken Tab on B Phase of Valve Motor Breaker Stab.Stab Replaced
ML20090D29016 June 1975Preliminary AO 50-219/75-16:on 750614,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83B & E Tripped at Pressure Exceeding Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Drift.Switches Reset
ML20090D6566 June 1975AO-50-219/75-14:on 750529,during Surveillance Test of Containment Spray Pump Operability,Essential Svc Water Pump 1-2 Failed to Develop Sufficient Discharge Pressure.Caused by Dirt in Check Valve V-3-68.Valve Cleaned & Repaired
ML20090D2976 June 1975AO 50-219/75-15:on 750530,calculations of TIP Traces Indicated Total Peaking Factor in One Core Location in Excess of Value of Pf Given in Tech Specs.Caused by Lack of Operating Experience W/New Core Loading
ML20090D2982 June 1975Preliminary AO 50-219/75-15:on 750530,calculations of TIP Traces Indicated Total Peaking Factor in One Core Location in Excess of Value of Pf Given in Tech Specs.Caused by Lack of Operating Experience W/New Core Loading
ML20090D65830 May 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-14:on 750529,during Surveillance Test of Containment Spray Pump Operability,Essential Svc Water Pump 1-2 Failed to Develop Sufficient Discharge Pressure.Caused by Dirt in Check Valve V-3-68.Valve Cleaned
ML20090D66114 May 1975AO-50-219/75-13:on 750507,during Surveillance Test,Time Delay Relay 6Kll Failed to de-energize within 15 After Pressure Sensor RE-15C Tripped.Caused by Component Failure.Relay 6Kll Replaced
ML20090D6647 May 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-13:on 750507,during Surveillance Test,Time Delay Relay 6Kll Failed to de-energize within 15 After Pressure Sensor RE-15C Tripped.Caused by Component Failure.Relay 6Kll Replaced
ML20090D6536 May 1975AO-50-219/75-12:on 750426,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches Re 17B & C Found to Trip at Pressure Less than Tech Spec Value.Caused by Switch Repeatablilty.Switches Recalibr
ML20090D67028 April 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-12:on 750426,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches Re 178 & C Found to Trip at Pressure Less than Tech Spec Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Switches Recalibr
ML20090D67518 April 1975AO-50-219/75-11:on 750410,leakage of Main Line Drain & Bypass Line Exceeded Tech Spec Rate.Caused by Failure of Packing on Valve V-1-110.Valve to Be Repacked
ML20090D70014 April 1975AO-50-219/75-10:on 750404,reactor Bldg to Torus Vacuum Breaker Valves V-26-16 & 18 Leak Rates Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Component Failure.Valves Adjusted &/Or Repaired
ML20090D68111 April 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-11:on 750410,leakage of Main Line Drain & Bypass Line Exceeded Tech Spec Rate.Caused by Failure of Packing on Valve V-1-110.Valve to Be Repacked
ML20090D7138 April 1975AO-50-219/75-09:on 750329,breaker 1C Tripped Resulting in Fault on Bus 1C.Caused by Fault on Cable 86-25.Cables Replaced
ML20090D7067 April 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-10:on 750404,reactor Bldg to Torus Vacuum Breaker Valves V-26-16 & 18 Leak Rates Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Component Failure. Valves Adjusted &/Or Repaired
ML20090D7273 April 1975AO-50-219/75-08:on 750325,power Operation Continued W/ Average Linear Heat Generation Rate of Fuel Assemblies in Excess of Max Linear Heat Generation Rate.Caused by Failure to Properly Monitor Reactor Core.Rate Reduced
ML20090D72131 March 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-09:on 750329,breaker 1C Tripped Due to Fault on Bus 1C.Caused by Fault on Cable 86-25.Cables Replaced
ML20090D76527 March 1975AO-50-219/75-07:on 750319,during Standby Gas Treatment Sys (SGTS) Test,Dehumidifying Heater EHC-1-5 in SGTS 1 Failed to Energize.Caused by Plugged Orifice in Air Supply to Controller.New Type of Differential Relay Installed
ML20090D73626 March 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-08:on 750325,power Operation Continued W/Average Linear Heat Generation Rate of Fuel Assemblies in Excess of Max Linear Heat Generation Rate. Caused by Improper Reactor Core Monitoring.Rate Reduced
ML20090D77620 March 1975Preliminary AO-50-219/75-07:on 750319,during Stanby Gas Treatment Sys (SGTS) Test,Dehumidifying Heater EHC-1-5 in SGTS 1 Failed to Energize.Caused by Plugged Orifice in Air Supply to Controller.New Type of Relay Installed
ML20090D78019 March 1975AO-50-219/75-06:on 750310,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Continuously Monitor Stack Releases While Reactor in Unisolated Condition.Caused by Circuit Design.Request to Modify Circuit for Stack Gas Sample Pumps Submitted
ML20090D79013 March 1975AO-50-219/75-05:on 750306,during Monthly Surveillance Test, Containment Spray Pump 51A Failed to Start When Subjected to Simulated Signals.Caused by Breaker Trip Bar Failing to Reset After Previous Breaker Trip.Trip Bar Bushings Cleaned