RNP-RA/13-0089, Supplemental Submittal to Correct TS Pages Re Request for Revision to Steam Generator Program Inspection Frequencies & Tube Sample Selection & Application of Permanent Alternate Repair Criteria

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Supplemental Submittal to Correct TS Pages Re Request for Revision to Steam Generator Program Inspection Frequencies & Tube Sample Selection & Application of Permanent Alternate Repair Criteria
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/2013
From: Wheeler-Peavyhouse S
Duke Energy Progress
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13249A028 (5)


&Wu.W A.." SA..o,.ov H.a Robkw*wM Elc* P*w *U 0"W- -&*WUMA E 3881 V"WErnWVO Road Hff" SC 20WO a:843W ? 14 F: 843 857 1319 Serial: RNP.W113.0089 10 CFR 50.90 AUG 2 2 2013 ATTN: Document CWrol Desk U.S. Nuc**er Regulaory Commission wasimngton, DC 2058-0001 H.B.RO8INSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50-261/RENEWED LICENSE NO. DPR-23 SUPPLEMENTAL SUBMITTAL TO CORRECT TS PAGES REGARDING REQUEST FOR GENERATOR PROGRAM INSPECTION FREQUENCIES AND RTEI TUBE SAPE TO REVISION STEAM AM.

LECION 6PP!AIQN QpE MMAWN ALTERNATE REPARN Byl,*t daled AW* 29,2012, (Pgncyw* Docmens Access and Management Sytem (AAMS) M u No. WLI2S );d wtAo 10 CFRW5.90, Carolina Power and Light Cormpn requested an amendmetqto he ifB. Rb: no Steami6 6" c" ~stU NO.

rewwedfaclly opsrutln Ucane bPft-23.lAppendlx A,T~chhkcI Spcfctot(TSY SOctlo 5.5.9, Steamn Generator (5(3) Program.

By leter dated February 4,2013, (ADAMS Accession No. ML13017A288) the NRC stff reqwiesed oddltjonl Informatli (RAJ) needed to continue its review of the proposed liceme By Ietter d Apt", 2013 (ADAMAoessa'aon No. MbLt&123Ai221) Duke Energy Progress, Inc. formerly known as CaroWnaPowwnd Light Company provided It response to the NRCs request for additional information.

Atteched please find reilacment TS pages (pages 5.0-13 and 5.0-28)for the co n d TS pages in A#ment 2 to the Apr*l 9,2013 letter. The eplaemen of these page does not affect the concusions of elther* 10-CFR 50.92 No $ Oa Hazards Consderation imaem"InaIo ortlhe Envirompiotol~Cakk ofmncnluided VAIft u losur to.the April9;W2013 submittal leter. There awe no other changes or addition to the Abd emrs to April 9, 2013 lettW:r h presesn the proposed TS page markups, toe retyped TS pages, and mark.ed up TS Buse pag (for Wnform on oty This documnent conlltains no new Regulatory Commitmenft.

Inaccordance w*th10 COR 50i1(ti) aop oflthsaplcain sbe poiddthstsib SaeOf South Carolina. f you' haew an tiiosredI uir~lt, p please contact Mr. Richad Iiil$we~

upryso - ces g/ tryPr~rs~ t~438-9i29 H11"

United StlMt Nuclear Regulatory Commi*Aon Sewd: FRNP.x13-0069 Poew 2of 2 1declae under penalty of pe"ur tha fthforegong ts Mme a" correct. Executed On:______

sin-eel, Sharon WheI!)Pavytou**

-WK _ Suipport services - Nuclear SWP/$c


Rp"lacemen Pages for TS Page 5.0-13 anid 5.0-28 of Afttachment 2 of RNP-RAil 3-0030.

Af,. E.Jenkins. MangrW nfecftiou an Radioactiv Wast Mangeen Section (SC) cc:M.-

Mr V. M.McCrea, NRC Regom If Mr. S. P. ungm, NRC Prje Manaer, NRR NRC Resident Inspecto. HORSEP Mr. A.Wln, Attorney General (SC)

Unftd $Wms Nodge Regpdioy Comm*Ww Attschmnt bo Ser: RNP4WAI3-OOS 3 PsgW, xincudntVcoverpeg*

ATTACHMENT ftpkmvnwi Pap* for TS Paoes &.0.13 anW 5.0-28 of Attachment 2 of RNP-RAI3-0030

Programs and Manuals 5.5 5.5 PBoWns and MA ... ..

5.5.9 amDO1SO Mal EfggNM (continued)

C. Provision for SG tube pluggin criteia. Tubes found by Inservice inspection to contain flaws with a depth equal to or exceeding the following criterta sal be plugged: 47% of the nominal tube wall thickness Ifthe next inspection inlerval of that tube Is< 12 month and a 2% reduction Inthe plugging criteria for each 12 month period until the next inspection of the tube.

I The following anler tube plugging criteria shall be applied as an alternative to the precd citeria:

Tube with - edloed h flaws located greater than 18.11 inches below the top of the tubhe do not require plugging. Tubes with service-induced flaws located in the portion of the tube from the top of the tubesheet to 18.11 inches below the top of the tubeshest shall be plugged upon daetctio.

d. fPvso for S itube inspections. Periodic SG ue inspections Shall be perfore. The number and portions of the Iubes Inspected and methods of inspection shall be performed wth the objectve of detecting flaws of any type (e.g., volumetric flaws, axial and ia cracks) that may be eiset awon the length of the tube, from the ftu 4*ubhtW weld at the tube Inlet to the tube4otubesheet weld at the tube outlet and that may satisfythe applicable tube plugg criteria. The tub4otubesheht wekl is not part of the tube. Inaddition to fmeen the requirements of d.1, d.2, and d.3 below, the Inspection scope, inspection methods, and Inspection Intervals shal be such as to ensure that SQ tube integrity Is maintained until the neod SO Inspection. Adegradation aseasment shall be performed to dOemine the type and location of flews to which the tubes may be susceptible ard, based on this assessment, to determine which inspection methods need to be employed and at what locations.
1. Inspect 100% of the tubes in each SG during the firstefueling outage following SG Installation.
2. After toe first refueling outage following SG installation, inspect each SO at West every 48 effecti full power monft or at least every other refueling outae (Whichever results Inmore *equent inspections). In additin, the minimum number of tubes inspected at each scheduled Inspection shall be te number of tubes in at SOs dvided by the number of SG inspection ouages sheduled in each Inspecion period as defined In a, b, and c below. Ifa degradation aseesIete indicates the potential for a type of degradation to occur at a location not previous Inspected with a technique capable of detecting Othi type of degradation at Othi location and that may satisfy rvNO AMA I 5Ao.

HOMP 5.0-13 Aftvwxftnent No.

Reportng Requirements 5.6 5.6 Rbork Rakaum-nta (cotnud 5.8.7 IvMO Tendon M FfRem a, Notification of a pending sample tendon test, along with detailed acceptice criteria, shae be submted to the NRC at last two month prior to the actual test

b. A report containing the sample tendon test eveaation shall be submitted to the NRC within six monft of condkci te test 5.8.8 StM eE nom . TUS mscionM A report shall be suWbmitd within 180 days after the initial entry into MODE 4 followin completion of an Inspection performed inaccordance with the Specification 5.5.9, Stam Generator (SO) Program. The report shell incluie:
a. The scope of inspectons performed on each $0.
b. Degradation mehnssfound.
c. em1u tchniques utilized for each degradation mechanism.
d. Location, orientation (Iflinewa), and measured sizes (Ifavailable) of service Induced indications.
e. Number of tube plugged during the Inspection outage for each degadation mechanism.
f. The number vnd percentage of tubes plugged to date, and the effctive pluggng percentaep Ineach steam geerwator.
g. The results of condition monitoring, inclufd Ot results of tube pulls an isu test.
h. The primary to econdry leakage rate observd Ineach SG (IfIt is not practical to assi*n th leakage to an niiulu SG, the entire primary to secondary leakage should be conservatively assumed to be from one SG) during the cycle preceting the Inspection that Isthe subject of the repor.

I. The aluMl accident induced leakage rate from the portion of the tubes below 18.1 Inchxem fom the top of the tubesheet for the most limiting accident in the most lmiting SG. In addition, Ifthe calculated accident induced lakap rate from the most imitng ascldent is les than 1.87 times the maximum operational primary to secondary lakag rate. the report should describe how it was determined, and H SE Unit No. 2 5.0-28 Amerximent No.