NL-15-1392, Enclosure 12 - Vogtle (Units 1 and 2) Justification Matrix

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Enclosure 12 - Vogtle (Units 1 and 2) Justification Matrix
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Site: Hatch, Vogtle, Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2015
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of New Reactors, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15246A045 List:
Download: ML15246A057 (217)


Southern Nuclear Operating Company Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2;Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2;Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 1 and 2;Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 Enclosure 12 Vogtle (Units 1 and 2) Justification Matrix This enclosure contains 216 pages.

VOGTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT UNIT 1&2 JUSTIFICATION MATRIX Purpose The purpose of this attachment is to identify the commitments in the current Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Emergency Plan Revision 63, identify the equivalent or modified commitment in the integrated Fleet Emergency Plan and Vogtle Site Annex, and justified on a commitment-by-commitment basis the proposed License Amendment.

Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix CHANGE MATRIX Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 PREFACE Annex 1.1 Facility Description The commitment wording was standardized and The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) relocated to the Site Annex.(VEGP) is a two-unit pressurized Units 1 and 2 are a two-unit pressurized water water reactor operated by Southern reactor. The plant site, to include VEGP Units Nuclear 1-4, is on a 3,169-acre site located in the Operating Company (SNC). The eastern portion of Burke County, Georgia, plant is on a 3169-acre site located approximately 23 river miles upstream from the in the eastern portion of Burke intersection of the Savannah River with U.S.County, Georgia, approximately 23 Highway 301.river ml upstream from the intersection of the Savannah River with U.S. Highway 301, as shown on figure i. Figure ii shows the site and the locations of the buildings on the site. The locations of the VEGP*emergency facilities are shown on fig4.1.1ure ii.This Emergency Plan is applicable to Annex 1.2 Emergency Planning Zones The commitment wording was standardized and VEGP, Units 1 and 2, and to its (SEP J.5) relocated to the Site Annex.environs as specified by the Annex 1.2.1 Plume Exposure Pathway (SEP emergency planning zones (EPZs): a J.7)plume exposure pathway EPZ, which The 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)nominally consists for VEGP approximates a 10-mile radius of the area within approximately 10 around the plant site and is depicted in Figure ml of the plant, and an ingestion 1 .2.A. Georgia and South Carolina, as well as exposure pathway EPZ, which the counties (Burke County in Georgia and extends to 50 mi. These distances Aiken, Barnwell, and Allendale Counties in are reckoned from a point midway South Carolina) are located within the plume between the centers of the Unit 1 exposure pathway EPZ. The major portion of and Unit 2 containment buildings for the plume exposure pathway EPZ in South the 10 mile EPZ map. The two EPZs Carolina is within the Department of Energy's are shown in figures iii and iv. Savannah River Site (SRS).E12-2 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

The EPZ for ingestion exposure Annex 1.2.2 Ingestion Pathway (SEP J.7) The commitment wording was standardized and includes an area within 50 mi of The area between the 10-mile and 50-mile relocated to the Site Annex.VEGP. Planning for the ingestion radius is considered the Ingestion Pathway exposure pathway is a responsibility Zone (IPZ). The 50-mile IPZ is depicted in of the States of Georgia and South Figure 1 .2.B. Planning for the ingestion Carolina.

More information about exposure pathway is a responsibility of the the ingestion exposure pathway EPZ states of Georgia and South Carolina.

More can be obtained from the States' information about the IPZ can be obtained Radiological Emergency Plans. from the states' Radiological Emergency Plans.Section A.1: Vogtle Electric EP introduction:

Detailed procedures The commitment wording was standardized and Generating Plant (VEGP) accepts concerning the implementation of the SNC EP relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the responsibility of maintaining an are in the Emergency Plan Implementing effective Emergency Plan and Procedures (EPIPs).maintaining proper preparedness SNC has overall responsibility for maintaining a through the maintenance of formal state of readiness to implement this Plan for the procedures for implementing the protection of plant personnel, the general public Plan as identified in appendix 9, the and property from hazards associated with any training of personnel in accordance*

facility operated by the company. The authority with section 0, the maintenance of for planning, developing, and coordinating necessary equipment, and emergency control measures is derived from continuing relationships with various being the Nuclear Regulatory Commission governmental agencies and private (NRC) license holder for the nuclear power organizations as identified in this plants operated by SNC.section. ________________________

E12-3 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revision 63 Section A.I: The following tasks are part of VEGP's responsibility:

  • Recognize and declare the existence of an emergency condition.
  • Classify the event in accordance with the methodology described in seotion D of this Plan.* Notify appropriate VEGP personnel and offsite authorities.
  • Take corrective actions to mitigate the severity of the accident.* Request additional support as deemed necessary.
  • Establish and maintain effective communications within VEGP and with offsite response groups as described in section F.* Continuously assess the status of the accident and periodically communicate the status information to the appropriate response groups. This includes the collection and evaluation of onsite and offsite radiological monitoring data.* Take protective measures onsite and recommend protective measures to offsite authorities.
  • Monitor and control radiation exposures of all personnel responding to the emergency and under the direction of VEGP.* Provide emergency information to the public through periodic press briefings in conjunction with State and local officials.

Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification EP


SNC has overall responsibility for maintaining a state of readiness to implement this Plan for the protection of plant personnel, the general public, and property from hazards associated with any facility operated by the company. The authority for planning, developing, and coordinating emergency control measures is derived from being the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license holder for the nuclear power plants operated by SNC.The SNC Emergency Plan describes the organization and facilities, training, and maintenance of both onsite and off-site facilities and equipment that will be used to address a wide spectrum of accidents ranging from minor onsite incidents to those that could affect the general public.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.E12-4 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section Al1: The VEGP emergency EP B.1.1: The Shift Manager (SM) is in direct The commitment wording was standardized and response is carried out under the charge of shift plant operations and is directly relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.control of the emergency director.

responsible for the actions of the on-shift crew.In an emergency, the SM assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Director (ED)and takes necessary actions to identify and respond to the emergency until relieved by another qualified ED.A.2.1 PRINCIPAL AGENCIES OF EP A.2.2.1 Georgia Emergency The commitment wording was standardized and THE STATE OF GEORGIA Management Agency (GEMA) relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.The following State agencies are GEMA is responsible for general state assigned lead responsibility emergency planning and overall direction and for radiation emergencies and for control of emergency or disaster operations as overall State preparedness, assigned by executive order and in respectively:

accordance with the Georgia Emergency 1. GEORGIA EMERGENCY Operations Plan (GEOP). GEMA has MANAGEMENT AGENCY responsibilities for coordinating the state of a. GEMA is responsible for general Georgia response to emergencies at nuclear State emergency planning and power plants.exercises overall direction and control of emergency or disaster operations as assigned by Executive order.b. The director of emergency management as the State disaster coordinator coordinates emergency activities of DNR with overall State response efforts. _________________________________________

E12-5 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 1. GEORGIA EMERGENCY Annex 1.3 The commitment wording was standardized and MANAGEMENT AGENCY (cont) Upon notification of an emergency condition, relocated to the Site Annex.c. During an emergency, the State of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency Georgia, acting through GEMA, and will implement the "State of Georgia the State of South Carolina, acting Radiological Emergency Plan." The Georgia through the South Carolina Emergency Management Agency has the Emergency authority and responsibility for coordinating the Preparedness Division, will efforts of local and state agencies in Georgia coordinate their emergency to provide for the health and safety of the response efforts including such general public in the event of a radiological matters as radiological dose incident.assessment, protective action An agreement is in place with the state of decisions, and activation of the Georgia to provide available resources and prompt notification system for equipment to support the mitigation and alerting the public. .response to an emergency at Plant Vogtle, d. On behalf of the Governor, including Hostile Action Based events. These activate all or portions of the GEOP resources include, but are not limited to, Local to provide the necessary overall Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA) assets, fire coordinated response.

fighting assets, medical support resources e. Provide communications for the (including transportation), and coordination State Operations Center (SOC), as through an Incident Command Post. Requests required, through 24-hour radio for offsite resources and equipment will be network, commercial telephone, communicated from the control room to the National Warning Burke County 911 center, the county EOC, or System (NAWAS), or other through the Incident Command Post, as communications systems, applicable, based on the nature and timing of Communication links will be the event.established in accordance with existing procedures with the SOC in Atlanta as well as with additional State and local emergency response personnel within the plume exposure pathway and ingestion EPZs. These functions will initially be handled from the SOC and will then be transferred to the Forward Emergency Operations Center (FEOC) once activated._________________________________________

E12-6 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 1. GEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (cont)f. Establish the FEOC if necessary.

The EEOC will be established at the Burke County Emergency Operations Center (EQOC) Building, on the corner of Georgia Highway 24 and Perimeter Road in Waynesboro.

Upon the decision of the GEMA director to activate the FEOC, the GEMA Mobile Communications Vehicle (MCV) may be dispatched to Burke County and arrive within driving time plus 30 mai for mobilization.

When dispatched, it may be used to transport certain State responders.

The GEMA MCV will be located adjacent to the Burke County EOC and will provide support services to State agencies at the FEOC. The Burke County EOC has the necessary electrical hook-ups to provide long term electrical services to the vehicle.In addition to providing backup for the communications described in the preceding paragraph, the MCV provides backup communications for State agencies other than GEMA (Department of Transportation, the Georgia State Patrol, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources

-Law Enforcement Section, and the Georgia Forestry Commission).

In addition, the MCV has an onboard weather station that can provide wind speed and direction, barometric pressure and relative humidity.

It also has micro down-link capabilities and a video camera system. _______________________

E12-7 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 1. GEORGIA EMERGENCY

'MANAGEMENT AGENCY (cont)g. Maintain liaison with DNR radiation emergency coordinator (REC).h. Activate public emergency warning and/or evacuation procedures, as needed, pursuant to the GEOP.i. Assist radiological monitoring and provide instrumentation.

j. Provide radiological monitoring training assistance.
k. Assist in area security and control;request National Guard assistance if needed.I. Provide for the coordination of land and air transportation for emergency personnel as requested.
m. Coordinate public information releases in cooperation with State and local agencies.n. Communication links will be established with the state of South Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division and DOE-SRS to ensure efficient coordination of emergency response activities.


E12-8 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _________________________________________

2. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL EP A.2.2.2 Department of Natural The wording was standardized and relocated to the RESOURCES Resources Environmental Protection Division SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.a. DNR is assigned primary (ON R-EPD)responsibility by Executive Order for The DNR-EPD has primary responsibility for implementation and administration of implementation and administration of the state the State radiological emergency radiological emergency response function.response function.DNR will: Annex 1.3: Upon notification of an emergency (1) Dispatch radiation emergency condition, the Georgia Emergency t2ea foms rasedd.aio suvyaManagement Agency will implement the "State (2)nPerormaiatonsrvyn of Georgia Radiological Emergency Plan." The (3) Provide radiation safety training.

Georgia Emergency Management Agency has (4) Direct recovery/reentry operation the authority and responsibility for coordinating and provide health physics control of the efforts of local and state agencies in contaminated areas. Georgia to provide for the health and safety of b. A radiation emergency coordinator the general public in the event of a radiological (REC) in the Environmental Protection incident.Division (EPD) interacts with An agreement is in place with the state of appropriate State, local, and Federal Georgia to provide available resources and agencies and private organizations to equipment to support the mitigation and direct all necessary radiation control response to an emergency at Plant Vogtle, actions. The REC is on call 24 h and including Hostile Action Based events. These will be notified by the GEMA duty resources include, but are not limited to, Local officer. Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA) assets, fire c. In situations beyond local fighting assets, medical support resources government control, DNR provides (including transportation), and coordination program assistance in the application through an Incident Command Post. Requests of available personnel, equipment, and for offsite resources and equipment will be technical expertise as required.

communicated from the control room to the d. DNR requests State support agency(s) and Federal assistance Burke County 911 center, the county EOC, or pursuant to the GEOP as required.

through the Incident Command Post, as a. DNR will provide for health physics applicable, based on the nature and timing of escort of media and other personnel the event.within the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) as conditions allow if access controls have been established.

E12-9 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.2.2 State Support Agencies in Annex 1.3: Upon notification of an emergency The wording was standardized and relocated to Georgia condition, the Georgia Emergency SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.The following State agencies are Management Agency will implement the "State prepared to provide related of Georgia Radiological Emergency Plan." The The specific agencies for the state of Georgia were support of this function as indicated Georgia Emergency Management Agency has not listed in the SNC Standard Emergency pursuant to the GEOP: the authority and responsibility for coordinating Plan/Annex due to frequent reorganization and 1. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN the efforts of local and state agencies in name changes at the recommendation of state RESOURCES Georgia to provide for the health and safety of authorities.

The overall responsibilities of the state Coordinate emergency health and the general public in the event of a radiological are unchanged by the SNC Standard Emergency social assistance pursuant to the incident.

Plan.GEOP. An agreement is in place with the state of 2. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Georgia to provide available resources and SAFETY equipment to support the mitigation and a. As applicable, assume control response to an emergency at Plant Vogtle, over the onsite situation until the including Hostile Action Based events. These arrival of radiation safety personnel.

resources include, but are not limited to, Local b. Maintain liaison with DNR REC. Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA) assets, fire c. Provide communication linkage as fighting assets, medical support resources required. (including transportation), and coordination

d. Provide land or air transportation through an incident Command Post. Requests or escort as available for radiation for offsite resources and equipment will be safety personnel, other necessary communicated from the control room to the personnel, or equipment.

Burke County 911 center, the county EOC, or e. Assist in radiological monitoring as through the incident Command Post, as required.

applicable, based on the nature and timing of f. Provide law enforcement the event.assistance for area security or recovery of lost or stolen radioactive material.g. Coordinate with DNR law enforcement and local police.h. Assist in public warning or evacuation as required.E12-10 Enclosure l2 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.2.2 State Support Agencies in Annex 1.3: Upon notification of an emergency The wording was standardized and relocated to Georgia condition, the Georgia Emergency SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.(cont) Management Agency will implement the 'State 3. DEPARTMENT OF of Georgia Radiological Emergency Plan." The The specific agencies for the state of Georgia were AGRICULTURE Georgia Emergency Management Agency has not listed in the SNC Standard Emergency a. Collect samples of food products, the authority and responsibility for coordinating Plan/Annex due to frequent reorganization and livestock, produce, and dairy the efforts of local and state agencies in name changes at the recommendation of state products, as necessary.

Georgia to provide for the health and safety of authorities.

The overall responsibilities of the state b. Restrict the sale, production, the general public in the event of a radiological are unchanged by the SNC Standard Emergency distribution, and warehousing of incident.

Plan.livestock, produce, dairy, and An agreement is in place with the state of processed food products Georgia to provide available resources and contaminated beyond safe equipment to support the mitigation and consumption, response to an emergency at Plant Vogtle, c. Assist in disposal of contaminated including Hostile Action Based events. These products, resources include, but are not limited to, Local d. Coordinate these activities with Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA) assets, fire United States Department of fighting assets, medical support resources Agriculture (USDA) personnel. (including transportation), and coordination

e. Maintain liaison with DNR REC for through an Incident Command Post. Requests assessing degree of contamination, for offsite resources and equipment will be 4. DEPARTMENT OF communicated from the control room to the TRANSPORTATION Burke County 911 center, the county EOC, or a. Assist in traffic control and routing, through the Incident Command Post, as accident assessment, and recovery applicable, based on the nature and timing of operations in transportation the event.incidents.
b. As requested, provide land, air, or water transportation for radiation safety personnel, other necessary personnel, or equipment.
c. Provide communications linkage as required.d. Assist State Patrol and DNR law enforcement in security and radioactive material escort as requested.
e. Provide heavy equipment and personnel as required.E12-11 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

A.2.2 State Support Agencies in Georgia (cent)5. FORESTRY COMMISSION

a. Provide land or air transportation as requested for radiation safety personnel, other necessary personnel, or equipment.
b. Provide personnel and heavy equipment as required to assist in recovery operations.
c. Provide communication linkage as necessary.
6. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES a. Provide for expeditious approval and purchase of equipment and supplies essential to emergency operations.
b. Provide land transportation vehicles for emergency personnel.
c. Provide emergency communications equipment and repair. ________________________

E12-12 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.3 BURKE COUNTY, GEORGIA EP A.2.4 Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) The wording was standardized and relocated to the All the area within the plume Counties SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.exposure pathway EPZ in the State The Emergency Management Agencies of Georgia falls within Burke County. representing the counties of Aiken, Allendale, The responsibility for overall Appling, Barnwell, Burke, Early, Henry, radiological emergency response Houston, Jeff Davis, Tattnall, and Toombs planning rests with the chairman, have the responsibility for notification and Burke County Board of providing direction to residents in the event of Commissioners, It is the chairman's an emergency that affects their respective responsibility to initiate actions and jurisdiction.

The 24-hour notification points provide direction and control at a have the responsibility to notify necessary local level consistent with the specific civil support groups in the event of an accident.incident.

Agencies within Burke The County is responsible for protection of the County which have a primary role in public and can provide personnel and radiological emergency planning and equipment for evacuation, relocation and response include the Emergency isolation.

Management Agency and the Sheriff's Department.

A detailed discussion of the Burke County response is contained in Annex 0 to Annex 1.5.1 Burke County Georgia (SEP the Georgia Radiological Emergency A.2.4)Response Plan. The chairman, The area within the plume exposure pathway Burke County Board of (EPZ) in the state of Georgia falls within Burke Commissioners, or his County. The responsibility for overall predesignated alternate (the vice radiological emergency response planning chairmen, any of three other rests with the Chairman, Burke County Board commissioners, the county of Commissioners.

It is the chairman's administrator, or the EMA director), responsibility to initiate actions and provide may declare an emergency and direction and control at a level consistent with implement offsite protective actions, the specific incident.However, upon the declaration of an emergency situation or the decision to implement protective actions the emergency management agency director is authorized to represent the chairman, Burke County Board of Commissioners.



E12-13 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.3 BURKE COUNTY, GEORGIA Annex 1.7 Hostile Action Based Events The wording was standardized and relocated to the (cont) Agreements are in place with the state of Site Annex.A.3.1 Emergency Management Georgia, Burke County, Georgia, Aiken, Agency Allendale, and Barnwell Counties in South Principal activities include the Carolina to provide available resources and following:

equipment to support mitigation and response 1. Receive notification from VEGP to an emergency at Plant Vogtle to include and GEMA. Hostile Action Based events. These resources 2. Maintain communications with include, but are not limited to, Local Law VEGP on emergency situation Enforcement Agency (LLEA) assets, status. firefighting assets, medical support resources 3. Provide information to other Burke (including transportation), and coordination County response elements, to the through an Incident Command Post. Requests media, and to the public, for offsite resources and equipment will be 4. Activate the public notification communicated from the control room to Burke system, if required.

County 911 Center or through the Incident 6. Coordinate Burke County Command Post as applicable based on the emergency response activities, nature of the event. Copies of these 7. Activate and direct operations at agreements are maintained in accordance with the designated reception and care Emergency Plan procedures.

facility.8. Implement protective action recommendations as requested by GEMA or the chairman of the Burke County Board of Commissioners or his predesignated designee.A.3.2 Sheriffs Department Principal activities include the following:

1. Provide backup public notification.
2. Control access to the plume exposure pathway EPZ.3. Provide traffic control and law enforcement measures in the event of an evacuation.


E12-14 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan 1 Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63]A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA The State of South Carolina has developed the South Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Plan (SCORERP) which provides guidance to state and local governments on procedures, organization, and responsibilities for preventing and mitigating the effects of a nuclear power plant incident or disaster.

The SCORERP provides for the radiological emergency response in the event of a radiological accident at a fixed nuclear facility located in the state or in states contiguous to South Caroline.

The SCORERP describes the South Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Organization, which consists of the Office of the Adjutant General (Emergency Management Division (EMD), the Department of Health and Environmental Control (Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Nuclear Emergency Planning (NEP) Section), and those state resources available to local government(s) during a fixed nuclear facility radiological accident.State radiological emergency response forces will be operational upon notification of a radiological emergency.

The response functions of involved agencies are described in the SCORERP and the South Carolina Technical Radiological Emergency Response Plan (SCTRERP).

A VEGP Site Specific Radiological Emergency Response Plan (Part 5 to SCORERP)addresses those matters that pertain directly to VEGP.EP A.2.3 State of South Carolina EP A.2.3.1 Emergency Management Division (EMD)The EMD is assigned the responsibility for coordinating the emergency planning efforts of state, county, and municipal agencies in accordance with the South Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Plan (SCORERP);

conducting a preparedness program to assure capability of the government to execute the plan; establishing and maintaining a state EOC and providing support of the state emergency staff and work force;and establishing an effective system for reporting, analyzing, and disseminating emergency information.

EP A.2.3.2 Department of Health and Environmental Control (OHEC), Nuclear Emergency Planning Section The Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) maintains a radiological hazard assessment capability and provides technical support, coordination, and guidance for the state and local governments.

It will conduct and/or coordinate radiological surveillance and monitoring in coordination with DOE-Savannah River Site (SRS) and nuclear power plants. DHEC will obtain and coordinate radiological assistance resources from the federal government, other states, and the nuclear industry as required.EP A.2.3.3 Other South Carolina State Agencies Responsibilities of the other state agencies are described in the South Carolina Radiological Emermencv Resoonse Plan (SCORERP1.

The wording was standardized and relocated to the Site Annex.E12-15 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Annex 1.4 State of South Carolina (SEP The wording was standardized and relocated to the (cont) A.2.3) Site Annex.Upon being advised by EMD that a The state of South Carolina has developed the radiological emergency exists, the South Carolina Radiological Emergency Governor or his designated Response Plan (SCORERP), which provides representative declares an guidance to state and local governments on emergency condition.

Under the procedures, organization, and responsibilities Governor's direction, the total and for preventing and mitigating the effects of a combined efforts of the state and nuclear power plant incident or disaster.local governments will be utilized to The SCORERP describes the South Carolina nullify or reduce the effects of offsite Radiological Emergency Response radiological hazards resulting from a Organization, which consists of the Office of nuclear plant accident.

As deemed the Adjutant General (Emergency necessary, the Governor may Management Division) (EMD), the Department transfer the direction, personnel, or of Health and Environmental Control (Bureau functions of state agencies.

All of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Nuclear radiological emergency response Emergency Planning (NEP) Section), and organizations are prepared to react those state resources available to local on a 24-h basis, and they are government(s) during a fixed nuclear facility capable of continuous operations for radiological accident.a protracted period. Directors of The response functions of involved agencies state agencies, departments, and are described in the SCORERP and the South commissions are responsible for Carolina Technical Radiological Emergency ensuring that their agencies' Response Plan (SCTRERP).

radiological emergency response Annex 1.4.1 Office of the Governor (A.2.3.1)responsibilities are accomplished.

In the event of the declaration of a radiological Designated county officials are emergency, the EMD, Department of Health responsible for emergency response and Environmental Control (DHEC), and other within their jurisdictions.

state agencies are activated.

The legal basis and authority for the emergency response of the State of South Carolina include: 1. South Carolina Constitution, Article IV, Annex 17, Appendix A 2. South Carolina Code of Laws ANN, 25-1-420 through 25-1-460.



E12-16 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Annex 1.4.2 Office of the Adjutant General -The wording was standardized and relocated to the (cont) Emergency Management Division (EMD) (SEP Site Annex.3. Regulation 58-1, Local A.2.3.1)Government Preparedness The EMO is responsible for coordinating the Standards; and Regulation 58-101, emergency planning efforts of all state, county, State Emergency Preparedness and municipal agencies in developing a state Standards, South Carolina Code of emergency plan. Additional responsibilities Regulations, include conducting a preparedness program to 4. The South Carolina Emergency assure capability of the state government to (SCEP).execute the plan; establishing and maintaininga Operations Plan (SEP.state EOC and providing support of the slate 5. The South Carolina Operational emergency staff and work force; and establishing Radiological Emergency Response an effective system for reporting, analyzing, and Plan (SCORERP).

disseminating emergency information.

6. The South Carolina Technical Annex 1.4.3 Department of Health and Radiological Emergency Response Environmental Control (DHEC) (A.2.3.2)Plan (SCTRERP).

DHEC maintains a radiological hazard The duties and responsibilities of the assessment capability and provides technical principal and support agencies of the support, coordination, and guidance for the state State of South Carolina are and local governments.

It will conduct and/or summarized below, coordinate radiological surveillance and A.4.1 Principal Agencies of the State monitoring in coordination with DOE-Savannah of South Carolina The following state River Site (SRS) and VEGP.agencies are assigned primary Annex 1.4.4 Other State Support Agencies responsibilities for overall state (A.2.3.3)radiological emergency management Other state agencies described in the South and response operations.

Carolina Emergency Operating Plan (SCEOP)1. Office of the Governor and South Carolina Operational Radiological

a. Upon being advised that a Emergency Response Plan (SCORERP) will radilogcal merenc exitsthe provide related support pursuant to each plan.Geradoogidcalarsa emergencyexsth Those agencies include: Govenor eclres n eergecy Department of Public Safety (Highway Patrol condition which results in the Division).

actiatin ofEMD DHE, ad oter State Law Enforcement division (SLED).state agencies to deal with the Frsr omsin situation, in accordance with their Dprmn fNtrlRsucs emergency response plans.

  • Department of Social Services.* Department of Agriculture.
  • Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.E12-17 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA (cont)b. The Governor's press secretary or authorized representative will direct and control public information service activities and serve as the Governor's official representative/spokesperson regarding the preparation and release of emergency information by state government.
2. Office of the Adjutant General Emergency Management Division a. The EMD is assigned the responsibility for coordinating the emergency planning efforts of all state, county, and municipal agencies in developing a State emergency plan; conducting a preparedness program to assure capability of the government to execute the plan; establishing and maintaining a State EOC and providing support of the State emergency staff and work force; and establishing an effective system for reporting, analyzing, and disseminating emergency information.
b. The director of EMD is the principal advisor to the Governor for emergency response.

He coordinates with OHEC the recommended protective measures based on DHEC evaluation and assessment of the radiological emergency at VEGP. _________________________________________

E12-18 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA (cont)3. Department of Health and Environmental Control a. The Department of Health and Environmental Control (OHEC)maintains a radiological hazard assessment capability and provides technical support, coordination, and guidance for the State and local governments.

It will conduct and/or coordinate radiological surveillance and monitoring in coordination with DOE-SRS and VEGP. DHEC will obtain and coordinate radiological assistance resources from the Federal Government, other states, and the nuclear industry as required.b. The Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Nuclear Emergency Planning (NEP) Section within OHEC has the direct responsibility to provide technical assistance and resources necessary to evaluate and assess the consequences of a radiological incident and to provide protective action guidance to State and local authorities.

NEP is responsible for radiological surveying and monitoring of the environment, including the collection and analyses of samples of soil, air, water, milk, and crops.c. The Manager, Nuclear Emergency Planning Section is the individual responsible for implementing the SCTRERP; providing EMD with recommended protective actions as well as recovery and reentry guidelines.

NEP has 24-h accident response capability withEMO. __________________________________________

E12-19 Enclosure l2 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan 1 Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 ____________________1_____________________

A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA (cont)A.4.2 State Support Agencies in South Carolina The following state agencies are prepared to provide related support pursuant to SCEOP and SCORERP.1. Department of Public Safety (Highway Patrol Division)a. Regulate and control traffic on the highways of the state.b. Have its Highway Patrol warning point serve as the backup means of notification from the VEGP.c. Provide for a 24-h communication system with VEGP, EMD, and DHEC.d. Support the Stats Law Enforcement Division in security and other law enforcement activities.

e. Assist in transportation accident assessment and recovery operations.
f. As requested, provide transportation for radiation safety personnel, other emergency response personnel, or equipment.
g. Provide heavy equipment and personnel as requested.
2. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED)a. Coordinate law enforcement activities, particularly during evacuation.
b. Assume control of areas suspected of contamination until the arrival of radiation safety personnel.
c. Assist in search and rescue.d. Coordinate and assist in securing the SEOC, waterways and evacuated areas.f. Augment communication system and wamino ooints operation.

E12-20 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan 1 Revised SNC Emergency Plan IJustification Revision 63 __1 _____________

_____A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA (cont)3. Forestry Commission

a. Provide land or air transportation as requested for emergency response personnel or equipment.
b. Provide fire control service.c. Assist in decontamination, in coordination with DHEC.d. Provide radio operators for the SEOC to operate permanently installed Forestry Commission radio equipment.
e. Maintain radio contact with all Forestry Commission elements in affected counties.4. Department of Natural Resources a. Coordinate search and rescue operations.
b. Provide air transportation in support of radiological monitoring operations.
c. Augment public warning operations and public information services.d. Assist in law enforcement.
5. Department of Social Services a. Coordinate shelter operations which includes registration of evacuees.b. Coordinate all emergency welfare services to evacuees such as feeding, clothing, and information.
c. Administer and maintain individual and family assistance program.d. Augment public information service to evacuees.E12-21 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix.Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA (cont)6. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service a. Maintain updated agricultural data required for radiological assessment in support of OHEC.b. Assist in locating contaminated livestock, feed, milk, and other farm products for disposal or decontamination by DHEC.7. Department of Agriculture
a. Restrict the sale, production, distribution, and warehousing of livestock, produce, dairy and processed food products contaminated beyond safe consumption.
b. Assist DHEC in disposal of contaminated products.d. Coordinate these activities with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).E12-22 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.5 AIKEN, BARNWELL, AND EP A.2.4 Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) The wording was standardized and relocated to the ALLENDALE COUNTIES, SOUTH Counties SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.CAROLINA The Emergency Management Agencies Most of the plume exposure pathway representing the counties of Aiken, Allendale, EPZ within South Carolina falls within the site boundary of the Savannah River Site Appling, Barnwell, Burke, Early, Henry, (SRS). The United States Department of Houston, Jeff Davis, Tattnall, and Toombs Energy is responsible for the direction have the responsibility for notification and and control of all emergency response providing direction to residents in the event of actions on the SRS. an emergency that affects their respective There are limited portions of Aiken, jurisdiction.

The 24-hour notification points Bamwell, and Allendale counties which have the responsibility to notify necessary local are outside of the SRS but within the civil support groups in the event of an accident.plume exposure pathway EPZ of VEGP. The County is responsible for protection of the These counties are similarly organized, with the responsibility for overall public and can provide personnel and radiological emergency response equipment for evacuation, relocation, and planning resting with the chairman of the isolation.

county council in each case. It is the Annex 1.5.2 Aiken, Barnwell, and Allendale chairman's responsibility to initiate Counties South Carolina (SEP A.2.4)actions and provide direction and control Most of the plume exposure pathway EPZ at a level consistent with the specific within South Carolina falls within the site incident, boundary of the Savannah River Site (SRS).Agencies within these counties which The United States Department of Energy is have a primary role in radiological emergency planning and response responsible for the direction and control of all include the Emergency (Disaster) emergency response actions on the SRS.Preparedness Agency (EPA) and the Limited portions of Aiken, Barnwell, and Sheriff's Department.

A detailed Allendale counties are outside of the SRS but discussion of the county response is within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of contained in Annex 02 to each county's VEGP. These counties are similarly emergency operations plan. organized, with the responsibility for overall The chairman of the county council, or radiological emergency response planning his predesignated alternate (the vice resting with the Chairman of the County chairman, county administrator, or EPA Council in each case.director) may declare an emergency within his respective county and implement offsite protective actions. The chairman or his designee is available 24 h per day. The locations of the county EOCs are indicated in Table C-2.Principal emergency response activities include the following:

E12-23 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.5 AIKEN, BARN WELL, AND ALLENDALE COUNTIES, SOUTH CAROLINA (cant)A.5.1 Aiken County Emergency Preparedness Division, Allendale County Emergency Preparedness Agency, Bsrnwell County Emergency Management Agency.a. Maintain comlmunications with South Carolina EMO and VEGP on emergency situation status, b. Provide information to other county response elements.c. Activate the county EOC.d. Activate public notification system if required.a. Coordinate county emergency response activities.

f. Activate and direct operations at the designated reception facility.g. Implement protective actions as requested by South Carolina EMO or the chairman, county council, or his predesignated designee.A.5.2 Sheriff's Department
a. In Bamwell and Aiken Counties, receive notification from VEGP and South Carolina EMD, as primary warning points. This function is performed by the Allendale County Central Dispatch.b. Provide backup public notification.
c. Provide traffic control and law enforcement in the event of an evacuation.
d. Coordinate access to the plume exposure pathway EPZ.a. Provide security at EOC.Other county resources, including Fire Department, Public Works Department, Emergency Medical Services, and Department of Social Services, may be mobilized as described in the county emergency operations plan.E12-24 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.5 AIKEN, BARNWELL, AND ALLENDALE COUNTIES, SOUTH CAROLINA (cont)Other county resources, including Fire Department, Public Works Department, Emergency Medical Services, and Department of Social Services, may be mobilized as described in the county emergency operations plan.A.6 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY -Annex 1.6 Department of Energy (DOE) -The wording was standardized and relocated to the SAVANNAH RIVER SITE Savannah River Site (SRS) (SEP A.1.4) Site Annex.A significant portion of the plume The DOE-Savannah River Site (SRS) will exposure pathway EPZ falls within provide the necessary response within the the site boundary of the Savannah SRS reservation in accordance with the SRS River Site (SRS). The United States Emergency Plan. The DOE will exercise Department of Energy -Savannah overall responsibility, jurisdiction, and authority River Operations consists of lands for conducting response operations on the owned or leased by the Federal Savannah River Site to protect the health and government.

As such, DOE-SR is safety of SRS personnel.

DOE will provide for responsible for the direction and emergency notification and, as needed, control of all emergency response evacuation, monitoring, decontamination, and actions on the SRS. See immediate lifesaving medical treatment of non-memorandum of agreement between SRS personnel on the Savannah River Site.DOE -Savannah River Operations DOE will also provide access control for SRS Office and Georgia Power Company, assigned to SNC, (appendix 5). ____________________


E12-25 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section A.7: VEGP has established EP B.6.2: Agreements with ambulance The commitment wording was standardized and agreements with the Burke County services are in place to transport injured relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan, EMA to provide ambulance service personnel from the plants to the designated and details of services provided were moved to the for the transportation of injured medical facility.

Training is provided for the Site Annex.personnel, including people who may transport of contaminated personnel, and be radioactively contaminated, to qualified utility personnel may accompany the hospital facilities for treatment.


Annex 2.3.3: VEGP has established agreements with the Burke County Emergency Management Agency to provide ambulance service for the transportation of injured personnel, including people who may be radioactively contaminated, to hospital facilities for treatment.

Section A.7: For radiological EP B.6.3: Prior arrangements have been made The commitment wording was standardized and medical emergency training, for medical treatment at a variety of facilities.

relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan agreements have been established SNC-operated nuclear power plants are and details of services provided were moved to the with Tetra Tech. supported, and sites offer training to the Site Annex medical staff in dealing with contaminated injured personnel.

Details on the services offered are in the SNC plant's site-specific Annex.Annex 2.3.2: Agreements are in place with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)Hospital, Burke Medical Center, Doctors Hospital, and Burke County Emergency Management Agency, to provide assistance for injured personnel, including cases involving radioactive contamination.

This assistance will be requested whenever necessary in accordance with plant procedures.

Medical Specialists, Inc., a group of medical professionals, has agreed to provide treatment services through Burke Medical Center and___________________________Doctors Hospital.


E12-26 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section A.8.1: GPC/SNC has EP A.3.2: SNC has established an agreement The commitment wording was standardized and established an agreement with with Bechtel Power Corporation to obtain relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Bechtel Power Corporation to obtain engineering and construction services which engineering and construction may be required following an A.8.2: SNC has EP A.3.3: SNC has established an agreement The commitment wording was standardized and established an agreement with with Westinghouse to obtain general services relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Westinghouse to obtain general related to nuclear steam supply system (NSSS)services related to nuclear steam operations during and following an accident supply system (NSSS) operations situation.

Westinghouse provides the during and following an accident capability to respond on a 24-hour-a-day basis.situation.

Westinghouse provides a capability to respond on a 24-hour-a-day basis.Section A.8.3: SNC is a signatory to EP A.4: The Institute of Nuclear Power The commitment wording was standardized and two comprehensive agreements Operations (INPO) aids nuclear utilities in relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.among electric utility companies:

the obtaining resources beyond their usual Nuclear Power Plant Emergency capabilities during recovery from an Response Voluntary Assistance emergency.

As one of its roles, INPO will Agreement and the Voluntary assist affected utilities by applying the Assistance Agreement By and resources of the nuclear industry to meet the Among Electric Utilities Involved in needs of an emergency.

Transportation of Nuclear Materials.

Section A.9: The emergency director EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and is specifically authorized to request delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Federal assistance on behalf of

  • Request federal assistance as needed.VEGP under the provisions of the National Response Plan.Section C.2: Requests for Federal assistance are directed as needed by the emergency director.____________________________________________

E12-27 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.10 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and The emergency preparedness delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.program for VEGP requires the

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and coordinated response of several approval of state, local, and NRC organizations.

The emergency notifications.

organization for VEGP is described in detail in section B of this plan. The emergency director is the key individual in the VEGP emergency organization; one of his nondelegable responsibilities is the decision to notify the NRC and authorities responsible for offsite emergency measures.

The interfaces among the emergency organizations are shown on figure A-1.Section A.10.: The emergency EP B.1.1: The ED has the responsibility and The commitment wording was standardized and director will initiate the activation of authority to immediately and unilaterally initiate relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the emergency response emergency actions, including providing organization by contacting the states notification of Protective Action of Georgia and South Carolina, Recommendations (PAR) to state and local counties within the plume exposure government organizations responsible for pathway EPZ, the SRS, and the implementing off site emergency measures.NRC. The ED, at their discretion or when Section A.10.2.4:

The State is procedurally required, activates the ERO.notified of an emergency at VEGP by the VEGP emergency director.Section A.10.3.3:

The state and counties are notified of an emergency at VEGP by the VEGP emergency director.E12-28 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 A.10.1 Continuous Communication EP F.1.2 SNC-operated plants maintain the The wording was standardized and relocated to the Capability capability to make initial notifications to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Annex The emergency director will initiate designated offsite agencies 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.the activation of the emergency Offsite notifications can be made to state and response organization by contacting county warning points and Emergency the states of Operations Centers from the Control Room, Georgia and South Carolina, Technical Support Center, and Emergency counties within the plume exposure Operations Facility using the ENN. Reliable pathway EPZ, the SRS, and the backup methods have been written into NRC. All these organizations can be procedures.

State and county warning points contacted 24 h a day. The state and are continuously staffed.local agencies have continuously manned communication links for the purpose of receiving notification of a Annex 4.1.1 Notification Process (SEP radiological emergency.

The SRS is E.2.2.1)a continuously operating facility and State and local warning points are staffed 24 can be contacted at all times. The hours per day. State and local counties Federal agencies which may be surrounding VEGP to be notified within 15 requested by VEGP to provide minutes of the declaration of an emergency assistance can be notified by condition are: contacting the NRC on a dedicated State of Georgqia: communication link, the Emergency

  • Georgia Emergency Management Agency Notification System (ENS) line. (GEMA)Georgia County Authorities:
  • Burke -Burke County Emergency Management Agency State of South Carolina:* Emergency Management Division (EMD)South Carolina County Authorities:
  • Bamwell and Aiken County -Sheriff's Department
  • Allendale County -County Central Dispatch Department of Energy -Savannah River Site (DOR-SRS)* DOE-SRSOperationsCenter


E12-29 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B: Initial staffing of the onsite EP 6.1: Normal Plant Organization The commitment wording was standardized and emergency organization will be The normal onsite organization of an SNC- relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.provided from personnel normally operated nuclear power plant provides a staff The staffing table, documenting the results of the employed at the site, capable of providing the initial response to an On-Shift Staffing Assessment required by Part 50 emergency event. The On-Shift staff was Appendix E.IV.9, is in Section 2, Table 2.2.A of the validated by performing a detailed staffing Site Annex.analysis as required by Part 50 Appendix E.IV.9. Organizational structures for each of the sites and the On-Shift~staffing tables are provided in the Site-Specific Annex. The number and ERO position titles of personnel available within 75 minutes following declaration of an Alert or higher classification is shown in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5.SNC plants maintain 24-hour emergency response capability.

The normal on-shift complement provides the initial response to an emergency.

This group is trained to respond to emergency situations until the augmented Emergency Response Organization (ERO)arrives. The ERO is composed of personnel with specialties in operations, maintenance, engineering, radiochemistry, radiation protection, fire protection, and security.Annex 2.2: An On-Shift Staffing Analysis was completed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E IV.A.9.This analysis forms the basis for the on-shift staff as described in Table 2. A copy of the analysis is maintained in the SNC document management system.Annex Table 2.2.A E12-30 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Figure B-1 EP B.1: The normal onsite organization of a The commitment wording was standardized and Section B.I: The normal operating SNC-operated nuclear power plant provides a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.crew for two units includes a shift staff capable of providing the initial response to The staffing table, documenting the results of the supervisor, licensed plant operators, an emergency event. The On-Shift staff was On-Shift Staffing Assessment required by Part 50 and non-licensed plant operators.

A validated by performing a detailed staffing Appendix E.IV.9, is in Section 2, Table 2 of the Site shift manager is also on shift during analysis as required by Part 50 Appendix Annex.operation (as defined in the E.IV.9. Organizational structures for each of Technical Specifications), the sites and the On-Shift staffing tables are provided in the Site-Specific Annex.Annex 2.2: An On-Shift Staffing Analysis was completed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E IV.A.9.This analysis forms the basis for the on-shift staff as described in Table 2. A copy of the analysis is maintained in the SNC document management system.Annex Table 2.2.A Section B.1 : Personnel from the EP B.1: The normal onsite organization of a The commitment wording was standardized and Chemistry and Health Physics, SNC-operated nuclear power plant provides a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Maintenance, and Security staff capable of providing the initial response to The staffing table, documenting the results of the Departments are also on site an emergency event. The On-Shift staff was On-Shift Staffing Assessment required by Part 50 continuously, validated by performing a detailed staffing Appendix E.IV.9, is in Section 2, Table 2.2.A of the analysis as required by Part 50 Appendix Site Annex.E.IV.9. Organizational structures for each of the sites and the On-Shift staffing tables are provided in the Site-Specific Annex.Annex 2.2: An On-Shift Staffing Analysis was completed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E IV.A.9.This analysis forms the basis for the on-shift staff as described in Table 2. A copy of the analysis is maintained in the SNC document management system._________________________Annex Table 2.2.A Section B.2: The emergency EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and director has the responsibility to delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.classify an event in accordance with

  • Event classification in accordance with the the emergency classification system emergency classification system. ______________________

E12-S1 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 6.1: The organizational EP B.1: The normal onsite organization of a The commitment wording was standardized and structure shown on figure B-1 SNC-operated nuclear power plant provides a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.represents the pooi of personnel staff capable of providing the initial response to The staffing table, documenting the results of the available on site during normal an emergency event. The On-Shift staff was On-Shift Staffing Assessment required by Part 50 working hours. validated by performing a detailed staffing Appendix E.IV.9, is in Section 2, Table 2 of the Site analysis as required by Part 50 Appendix Annex.E.IV.9. Organizational structures for each of the sites and the On-Shift staffing tables are provided in the Site-Specific Annex.Annex 2.2: An On-Shift Staffing Analysis was completed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E IV.A.9.This analysis forms the basis for the on-shift staff as described in Table 2. A copy of the analysis is maintained in the SNC document management system.Annex Table 2 Section 6.2: For an NUE, the EP B.1.1:The Shift Manager (SM) isin direct The commitment wording was standardized and emergency director assigns charge of shift plant operations and is directly relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.responsibility for making the responsible for the actions of the on-shift crew.appropriate notifications and In an emergency, the SM assumes the directing the proper response.

responsibility of the Emergency Director (ED)and takes necessary actions to identify and respond to the emergency until relieved by another qualified ED. The ED has the responsibility and authority to immediately and unilaterally initiate emergency actions, including providing notification of Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and local government organizations responsible for implementing off site emergency measures.E12-32 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 8.2: If the event is classified EP H.I: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and as an Alert, the technical support have established a Technical Support Center relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency (TSC), operations support (TSC) and an onsite Operations Support Center center (OSC), and Emergency (OSC), which are staffed and activated within Operations Facility (EOF) will be 75 minutes of the declaration of an Alert or activated, higher classification.

EP H.2.1: Staffing and activation of the EOF is mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

Section B.2: For a Site Area EP H.1: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and Emergency or General Emergency, have established a Technical Support Center relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.the emergency organization and (TSC) and an onsite Operations Support Center EOF will be fully activated. (Figure B- (OSC), which are staffed and activated within 3) 75 minutes of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

EP H.2.1: Staffing and activation of the EOF is mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

Appendix 7 G.1 .1 : A training matrix EP 0.4: SNC ERO personnel who are The commitment wording was standardized and for corporate personnel assigned to responsible for implementing this plan receive relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the ERO is shown in Table 2, and specialized course summaries are EP 0.4.1: ERO members will receive presented in Table 3. Emergency Plan training on an annual basis.Section B.2.1 : Following an Alert or EP Figures B.2.B, B.2.C, B.2.D and B.2.E The commitment wording was standardized and higher emergency declaration, the illustrate the standard Emergency Organization relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.positions shown on figures B-2 and at the three sites.B-3 will be filled by VEGP or SNC EP H.I: SNC-operated nuclear power plants personnel, have established a Technical Support Center (TSC) and an onsite Operations Support Center (OSC), which are staffed and activated within 75 minutes of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

EP H.2.1: Staffing and activation of the EOF is mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or_____________________________higher classification.________________________

E12-33 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B.2.1.1: The emergency EP 8.1.1: In an emergency, the SM assumes The commitment wording was standardized and director has the authority, the responsibility of the Emergency Director relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency ability, and knowledge (ED) and takes necessary actions to identify to assume the overall responsibility and respond to the emergency until relieved by for directing VEGP staff in an another qualified ED. The ED has the emergency situation, responsibility and authority to immediately and unilaterally initiate emergency actions, including providing notification of Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and local government organizations responsible for implementing off site emergency measures.Section B.2.1.1: Initially this position EP 8.1.1: In an emergency, the SM assumes The commitment wording was standardized and (Emergency Director) will be filled by the responsibility of the Emergency Director relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the shift manager or the shift (ED) and takes necessary actions to identify supervisor if the shift manager can and respond to the emergency until relieved by not be located expeditiously, another qualified ED. The ED has the responsibility and authority to immediately and unilaterally initiate emergency actions, including providing notification of Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and local government organizations responsible for implementing off site emergency measures.Section B.2.1.1: The responsibility EP 8.1.1: In an emergency, the SM assumes The commitment wording was standardized and for emergency direction will be the responsibility of the Emergency Director relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.transferred to the plant manager or (ED) and takes necessary actions to identify an alternate after receiving an and respond to the emergency until relieved by appropriate briefing and becoming another qualified ED. The ED has the familiar with the current status of responsibility and authority to immediately and events, unilaterally initiate emergency actions, including providing notification of Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and local government organizations responsible for implementing off site emergency measures.E12-34 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section Turnover with the EP B.1.1: In an emergency, the SM assumes The SNO Standard Emergency Plan maintains the accompanying briefing will include, the responsibility of the Emergency Director commitment to staff the position and defines the but is not limited to, the following: (ED) and takes necessary actions to identify responsibilities.

Conduct of the turnover is Review of logs and status boards. and respond to the emergency until relieved by completed in accordance with site-specific EPIPs.Discussion with the incumbent another qualified ED.including emergency classification, summary of events, offsite notifications, plant status, equipment status, outstanding orders, any noted deficiencies and completed checklist items.Discussion with staff, as needed.Section Following relief (of EP B.i.1: In an emergency, the SM assumes No equivalent Plan Statement.

The SNC Standard ED) announcement will be made to the responsibility of the Emergency Director Emergency Plan maintains the commitment to staff staff of the transfer of responsibility (ED) and takes necessary actions to identify the ED initially by the Shift Manager and perform and respond to the emergency until relieved by relief in accordance with Plan commitments.

another qualified ED. Conduct of the turnover is procedural level information.

Section They (Emergency EP 0.1: The ERO Training Program ensures The commitment wording was standardized and Directors) will receive training as the training, qualification, and requalification of relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.specified in table 0-2 of this plan individuals who may be called on for assistance prior to becoming qualified to fill this during an emergency.

Specific emergency position, response task training, prepared for response positions, is described in lesson plans and study guides. The lesson plans, study guides, and written tests are contained in the ERO Training__________________________Program.


E12-35 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B.2.1.1: The emergency EP B.1.1 : The Shift Manager (SM) is in direct The commitment wording was standardized and director manages the following charge of shift plant operations and is directly relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.activities for the duration of the responsible for the actions of the on-shift crew.emergency:

In an emergency, the SM assumes the Notification and communication:

responsibility of the Emergency Director (ED)directs the notification of VEGP, SNC and takes necessary actions to identify and and GPC personnel and notifies and respond to the emergency until relieved by maintains open communications with another qualified ED. The ED has the offsite authorities regarding all aspects responsibility and authority to immediately and of emergency response.

nltrlyiiiteeegnyatos Emergency response facilities:

uiaeal ntaeeegnyatos oversees the activation and staffing including providing notification of Protective and requests additional assistance, as Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and needed, local government organizations responsible for Emergency operations:

has authority implementing off site emergency measures.over those actions taken to mitigate The ED, at their discretion or when the emergency condition or reduce the procedurally required, activates the ERe.threat to the safety of plant personnel The Emergency Director's non-delegable or the public, including the duties include: recommendation of protective actions

  • Event classification in accordance with the to offasite authorities, emergency classification system.Emergency services:

provides overall

  • Perform the duties and responsibilities of direction for management of Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)procurement of site needed materials, determination.

equipment, and supplies;

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and documentation; accountability; and approval of state, local, and NRC security functions.

oiictos Emergency operations planning:

ntfctos provides overall direction for the ° Authorization of emergency exposures in management of planning for excess of federal limits.procedure, equipment, and system ° Issuance of potassium iodide (KI) to plant development to support emergency employees as a thyroid blocking agent.operations.

  • Request federal assistance as needed.Discretionary authority:

can modify emergency implementing procedures; may tailor the emergency organization to fit the specific staffing needs on a case by case basis. ______________________

E12-36 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix CurrenitVogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B.2.1.1 : The emergency EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and director may not delegate the delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.following responsibilities:

= Event classification in accordance with the The decision to notify offsite emergency classification system.emergency response agencies.

o Perform the duties and responsibilities of The decision to recommend Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)protective actions to offsite determination.


° Notifications of offsite agencies and Declaration of emergency approval of state, local, and NRC classifications, notifications.

Authorization for plant personnel to ° Authorization of emergency exposures in exceed 10 CFR 20 radiation excess of federal limits.exposure limits. = issuance of potassium iodide (KI) to plant The decision to terminate the employees as a thyroid blocking agent.emergency.

  • Request federal assistance as needed.Request for Federal assistance.

The decision to order site dismissal of non-involved personnel from the site at an Alert classification level.The decision to order non-involved personnel to proceed to a reception center and receive radiological monitoring.

E12-37 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B.2,1,.2.a:

The TSC EP B.2.1.2: The TSC Manager reports to the The commitment wording was standardized and manager performs the following TSC ED and is responsible for coordinating relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.activities:

activities between the TSC and other Coordination of inputs and emergency response facilities, directing the recommendations from technical and activities of the TSC staff, and ensuring corrective action advisors, communications are established with Direction of onsite emergency applicable offsite agencies.personnel involved in restoration of the plant to a safe condition.

Technical assistance and operations guidance to control room personnel.

Direction of TSC staff in analysis of problems, design and planning for temporary modifications, and development of temporary emergency operating procedures.

Recommendation of protective actions to the emergency director based on plant conditions.

Providing recommendations on emergency classifications to the emergency director.Section B.2.1 .2.b: The TSC support EP B.2.1.15:

The Support Coordinator reports The commitment wording was standardized and coordinator directs the clerical and to the TSC Manager and directs the clerical relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.logistic activities in the TSC. and logistic activities in the TSC, ensures support staff, including clerks, status board keepers, and communicators, are available in sufficient numbers, and ensures office supplies, drawings, and other documents are available to TSC and OSC personnel.

Section B.2.1.2.c:

The engineering EP B.2.1.7: The Engineering Supervisor The commitment wording was standardized and supervisor directs a staff of reports to the TSC Manager. The TSC relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.engineers with expertise in reactor Engineering Supervisor is responsible for the engineering, thermal and hydraulic overall direction of Engineering Group activities analysis, instrumentation and and assessment.

The Engineering Supervisor control, and mechanical and also directs the analysis of plant problems and electrical systems, core damage, and provides recommendations for plant modifications to mitigate the effects of_________________________the accident.E12-38 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B.2.1.2.d:

The maintenance EP B.2.1.4: The Maintenance Supervisor The commitment wording was standardized and supervisor manages the planning reports to the TSC Manager and is responsible relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and coordination of repair, damage for planning and coordination of repair, control, and plant modification damage control, and plant modification activities, activities.

The Maintenance Supervisor works closely with the Engineering Supervisor in planning for plant modifications and repairs.Section 8.2.1 .2.e: The operations EP The Operations Supervisor reports The commitment wording was standardized and supervisor analyzes problems to the TSC Manager. Major position functions relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.associated with systems operations include evaluating plant conditions and and provides recommendations for initiating mitigation actions, coordinating TSC procedures for mitigating the efforts in determining the nature and extent of emergency situation, plant conditions affecting plant equipment, actions to limit or contain the emergency, invoking the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(x) if appropriate, assisting the OSC Manager in determining the priority assigned to 030 activities, and timely completing offsite notifications.

Section 8.2.1 .2.h: The TSC security EP B.2.1.14:

The Security Supervisor reports The commitment wording was standardized and supervisor coordinates the security to the TSC Manager. The TSC Security relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.functions including accountability Supervisor is responsible for carrying out the and site access control. When plant security and Access Control program, directed by the emergency director, maintaining personnel accountability onsite, will request assistance from civil law and assisting in evacuation of onsite areas.enforcement authorities, as required.Section B.2.1.3.a:

The 05C EP The OSC Manager reports to the The commitment wording was standardized and manager directs composition of the TSC Manager and directs a staff in providing relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.teams to ensure that appropriately labor, tools, protective equipment and parts qualified personnel are assigned.

needed for emergency repair, damage control, He will also maintain firefighting, search and rescue, first aid, and communications with the teams that recovery.remain assigned to the 0S0 and monitor the status of their activities.


E12-39 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section B.2.1.2.ft The health physics EP The RP Supervisor reports to the The commitment wording was standardized and supervisor is responsible for onsite TSC Manager and supervises the activities of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and in-plant radiological controls.

the radiation protection staff and Health Physics Network (HPN) Communicator.

The RP Supervisor assists the Radiation Protection/Chemistry Group Lead in the OSC in determining the extent and nature of radiological or hazardous conditions and coordinates offsite dose assessment and offsite Field Monitoring Teams prior to EOF activation.

Section B.2.1.2.g: -The chemistry EP

The TSC Chemistry Support The Chem Supervisor was replaced with supervisor is responsible for reports to the RP Supervisor.

The TSC Chemistry Support position reporting to the RP directing and evaluating in-plant Chemistry Support is responsible for directing Supervisor in the TSC. This change was to chemistry and analyses, directing and evaluating in-plant chemistry and facilitate the standardization of the ERO across the and evaluating post accident analyses, directing and evaluating posh- Fleet.sampling, and assisting in core accident sampling, and assisting in core damage assessment, damage assessment.

The duties of the equivalent Chemistry Support position will remain the same.Section B.2.1,3.b:

The following EP The following emergency teams The commitment wording was standardized and emergency teams will be formed as may be formed by OSC personnel, as relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.necessary:


Backup fire brigade.

  • Search and rescue. The site provides a trained qualified fire brtgade in Search and rescue.
  • Repair. accordance with the Fire Plan. The duties of the First aid.
  • Post-accident sampling.

Fire Brigade are validated by staffing analyses Damage assessment.

  • Internal survey. performed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix Damage control.
  • Field monitoring.

E.IV.A.9.Repair and modification.

Field monitortng.

Back-up fire brigade support is provided by offsite fire companies as maintained by the Letters of Agreement.

Section B.3.b: Depending on the EP Selected personnel report to the The commitment wording was standardized and nature of the emergency, personnel OSC, as directed.

Emergency personnel from relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.from the Maintenance, Operations, the Maintenance, Operations, and Chemistry and Health Physics RP/Chemistry Departments are directed to Departments will be directed to report to the to the E12-40 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section

Each team will be EP OSC teams are headed by a The commitment wording was standardized and headed by a designated team designated team leader, who maintains relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.leader, who will maintain communication with the OSC.communications with the OSC, TSC, or EOF.Section B.2.2: Table B-2 identifies by EP Figures 2.2.6 through B.2.E illustrate the The commitment wording was standardized and title the individuals who will fill the ERO organization relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.key emergency positions.

Section 6.2.2: A sufficient number of EP 6.1: SNC plants maintain 24-hour The commitment wording was standardized and people are identified to ensure that emergency response capability.

The normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.all emergency positions on table 6-2 on-shift complement provides the initial will be filled, response to an emergency.

This group is trained to respond to emergency situations until the augmented Emergency Response Organization (ERO) arrives. The ERO is composed of personnel with specialties in operations, maintenance, engineering, radiochemistry, health physics, fire protection,___________________________and security.


E12-41 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 4. EOF STAFF EP B.30Offsite Emergency Response The commitment wording was standardized, the*The EOF staff is described in Organization (ERO) offsite ERO integrated into the Base Plan, and Appendix 7 The EOF and JIC Organizations consist of staff relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.members from the SNC, Alabama Power Company and Georgia Power Company corporate offices. This organization is responsible for providing offsite emergency response support and resources as needed.The EOF and JIC Organizations are displayed in Figures B.1 .D and B.1 .E.EP B.3.1 EOF Organization The EOF Organization consists of selected management and staff members located in the SNC Corporate Office. This organization is responsible for providing offsite emergency response support and resources, as needed.The EOF Organization is displayed on Figure B.1 .0. When the EOF is activated, EOF staff electronic devices are activated, and EOF personnel are expected to report to the EOF.Personnel who are not needed to augment positions are briefed and dismissed with a standby status.E12-42 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section B.2.3.1 : Arrangements have EP A.3.2. Bechtel Power Corporation The commitment wording was standardized and been made to obtain support SNC has established an agreement with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency from Bechtel Power Bechtel Power Corporation to obtain Corporation and Westinghouse.

engineering and construction services which may be required following an accident.EP A.3.3 Westinghouse SNC has established an agreement with Westinghouse to obtain general services related to nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) operations during and following an accident situation.

Westinghouse provides the capability to respond on a 24-hour-a-day basis.EP Under established contracts, the following will supply available engineering expertise, specialized equipment, and other services identified as needed and deemed appropriate to provide in an emergency situation:

  • General Electric (GE) Nuclear Energy.* Westinghouse Electric Company.Section B.2.3.2: Agreements are in Annex 2.3.2: Agreements are in place with the The commitment wording was standardized and place with Tetra Tech, Burke Medical University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) relocated to the Site Annex.Center, Doctors Hospital, and Burke Hospital, Burke Medical Center, Doctors County Emergency Management Hospital, and Burke County Emergency Agency to provide assistance and Management Agency to provide assistance for training for injured personnel, injured personnel, including cases involving including cases involving radioactive radioactive contamination.

This assistance will contamination, be requested whenever necessary in accordance with plant procedures.

Medical Specialists, Inc., a group of medical professionals, has agreed to provide treatment services through Burke Medical Center and Doctors Hospital.E12-43 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Table B-i : All EP B.I: SNC plants maintain 24-hour The commitment wording was standardized and Section L.I: Personnel to perform emergency response capability.

The normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.first aid and decontamination will be on-shift complement provides the initial available 24-h a day as identified in response to an emergency.

This group is Section B, Table B-I. trained to respond to emergency situations until the augmented Emergency Response Organization (ERO) arrives.Annex Table 2.2.A Table B-2: All No Equivalent Plan Table The table was not carried forward to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan. Specific responsibilities are maintained as discussed throughout this section of the Justification Matrix.Section B: Figure B-i EP Figure P.1 The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.C.1 STATE AND LOCAL EP A.2.2.1 Georgia Emergency The wording was standardized and relocated to the GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT Management Agency (GEMA) SNC Standard Emergency Plan.The State of Georgia through the GEMA is responsible for general state Georgia Emergency Management emergency planning and overall direction and A more detailed description of state support is Agency (GEMA) has the lead agency control of emergency or disaster operations as provided in the references to the left.responsibility for responding to assigned by executive order and in emergency situations throughout accordance with the Georgia Emergency Georgia. Under the procedure Operations Plan (GEOP). GEMA has established by the Georgia responsibilities for coordinating the state of Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), Georgia response to emergencies at nuclear which was developed pursuant to the power plants.Governor's Executive Order, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)radiological emergency response team in coordination with GEMA assesses the radiological conditions at the site of an incident and determines whether a state of emergency should be declared.

The Governor of the State of Georgia or GEMA can declare an emergency based upon the assessment made by GEMA and/or DNR.E12-44 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 The South Carolina agencies EP A.2.3 State of South Carolina The wording was standardized and relocated to the responsible for responding to a EP A.2.3.1 Emergency Management SNC Standard Emergency Plan.radiological emergency are the Division (EMD)Office of the Adjutant The EMD is assigned the responsibility for A more detailed description of state support is General, Emergency Management coordinating the emergency planning efforts of provided in the references to the left.Division (EMD) and the Department state, county, and municipal agencies in of Health and Environmental Control accordance with the South Carolina (DHEC). The Nuclear Emergency Radiological Emergency Response Plan Planning Section within DHEC is (SCORERP);

conducting a preparedness given the primary role in responding program to assure capability of the government to the technical aspects of a nuclear to execute the plan; establishing and accident:

assessment of the maintaining a state EOC and providing support radiological consequences and of the state emergency staff and work force;provision of protective action and establishing an effective system for guidelines to state and local reporting, analyzing, and disseminating authorities, through the EMD. The emergency information.

EMD is assigned primary responsibility for the planning effort and for coordinating the state response operations.

Jointly with DHEC, EMD determines whether a state of emergency should be declared.

Upon EMD's advising the Governor of South Carolina that a radiological emergency exists, the Governor declares an emergency.



E12-45 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNO Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Agreements are in place with the EP A.2.4 Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) The wording was standardized and relocated to the State of Georgia, Burke County, Counties SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.Georgia, and Aiken, Allendale, and The Emergency Management Agencies Barnweii Counties in South Carolina, representing the counties of Aiken, Allendale, to provide available resources and 'Appling, Bamweil, Burke, Early, Henry, Houston, equipment to support the mitigation Jeff Davis, Tattnall, and Toombs have the and response to an emergency at responsibility for notification and providing Plant Vogtle to include Hostile Action direction to residents in the event of an Based events. These resources emergency that affects their respective are ot lmite to, jurisdiction.

The 24-hour notification points have include, but aeotlmedo, the responsibility to notify necessary local civil Local Law Enforcement Agency support groups in the event of an accident.

The (LLEA) assets, Firefighting assets, County is responsible for protection of the public medical support resources (including and can provide personnel and equipment for transportation) and coordination evacuation, relocation, and isolation.

through an Incident command Post. Annex 1.5.1 Burke County Georgia (SEP Requests for offsite resources and A.2.4)equipment will be communicated The area within the plume exposure pathway from the control room to the Burke (EPZ) in the state of Georgia fails within Burke County 911 Center or through the County. The responsibility for overall radiological Incident Command Post as emergency response planning rests with the*applicable based on the nature and Chairman, Burke County Board of timing of the event. Copies of these Commissioners, It is the chairman's agreements are maintained in the responsibility to initiate actions and provide SNC document management system direction and control at a level consistent with the and are included by reference in specific incident.Appendix 2. Annex 1.5.2 Aiken, Barnwell, and Allendale Counties South Carolina (SEP A.2.4)Most of the plume exposure pathway EPZ within South Carolina fails within the site boundary of the Savannah River Site (SRS). The United States Department of Energy is responsible for the direction and control of all emergency response actions on the SRS.Limited portions of Aiken, Barnwell, and Allendale counties are outside of the SRS but within the plume exposure pathway EPZ of VEGP. These counties are similarly organized, with the responsibility for overall radiological emergency response planning resting with the Chairman of____________________________the County Council in each case.E12-46 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 C.2 FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL SECTION A: ASSIGNMENT OF The commitment was standardized and relocated SUPPORT RESPONSIBILITY to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site In addition to coordination with EP A.1 Primary Federal Organizations Annex.State/county governmental entities in EP A.1.1 Nuclear Regulatory Commission an emergency situation, VEGP may (NRC)require assistance from certain The NRC acts as the lead federal agency for Federal agencies in the areas of technical matters during a nuclear incident, communications, radiological with the Chairman of the Commission as the monitoring and laboratory analysis, senior NRC authority for response.

The transportation, and disaster relief. Chairman can transfer control of emergency Requests for Federal assistance are response activities when deemed appropriate.

directed as needed by the Incident Response Centers have been emergency director, and usually established at the four NRC regional offices these requests are channeled and NRC headquarters, to centralize and through GEMA. The exceptions to coordinate NRC's emergency response.this procedure are direct contacts Provision is made for NRC personnel at the between the VEGP Emergency plant's Technical Support Center and the Organization, the Nuclear Regulatory Emergency Operations Facility.Commission (NRC), and Department EP A.1.2 Department of Homeland Security of Energy, Savannah River (DOE- (DHS)SR). In accordance with the National Response Framework (NRF), OHS is responsible for the overall coordination of a multi-agency federal response to a significant radiological incident.EP A.1.3 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FE MA)The primary role of FEMA is to support the states by coordinating the delivery of federal non-technical assistance.

FEMA coordinates state requests for federal assistance, identifying which federal agency can best address specific needs. If deemed necessary, FEMA will establish a nearby Joint Field Office from which it will manage its assistance



E12-47 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 C.2 FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL EP A.1.4 Department of Energy (DOE)SUPPORT (cant) The DOE provides radiological assistance on request, and has radiological monitoring equipment and personnel resources that it can assemble and dispatch to the scene of a radiological incident.

Following a radiological incident, DOE operates as outlined in the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan (FRMAP). The Radiological Assistance Team can be expected to respond to SNC-operated sites as directed by the Savannah River Operations Office of DOE.EP A.1.5 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)Support from the FBI is available through its statutory responsibility, based in public law and the US code, and through a memorandum of understanding for cooperation with the NRC.Notification to the FBI of emergencies in which they would have an interest will be through the provisions of a plant security plan, or by the NRC.EP A.1.6 National Weather Service (NWS)NWS provides meteorological information during emergency situations, if required.

Data available will include existing and forecasted wind directions, wind speeds, and ambient air temperatures.

EP A.1.7 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)The EPA can assist with field radiological monitoring, sampling, and non-plant related recovery and reentry guidance.E12-48 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 C.2 FEDERAL GOVERNMENTAL Annex 1.6 Department of Energy (DOE) -SUPPORT (cont) Savannah River Site (SRS) (SEP A.1.4)The DOE-Savannah River Site (SRS) will provide the necessary response within the SRS reservation in accordance with the SRS Emergency Plan. The DOE will exercise overall responsibility, jurisdiction, and authority for conducting response operations on the Savannah River Site to protect the health and safety of SRS personnel.

DOE will provide for emergency notification and, as needed, evacuation, monitoring, decontamination, and immediate lifesaving medical treatment of non-SRS personnel on the Savannah River Site.DOE will also provide access control for SRS areas.C.3 VEGP SUPPORT EP H.1.2: The TSC is sized to accommodate The commitment wording was standardized and VEGP provides space, telephone ERO responders and NRC Representatives, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan communications, and administrative EP H.2.1: The EOF is capable of and Site for NRC and FEMA accommodating designated SNC personnel personnel at the TSC and EOF. Up and offsite local, state, and federal responders to five NRC representatives can be including NRC and FEMA.accommodated EP Figure H.2.A: EOF Layout at the TSC. In the EOF, space is Annex 5.1.2: The TSC provides plant provided for nine NRC personnel management and technical support personnel and one FEMA representative.

NRC with a facility from which they can assist plant representatives may also be present operating personnel located in the control in the control room. room during an emergency.

The emergency director and NRC director will be co-located to ensure proper communications.

Annex Figure 5.1.A: TSC Layout EP Figure H.2.A: EOF Layout EP H.2.1: The EOF is capable of accommodating designated SNC personnel and offsite local, state, and federal responders

_________________________including NRC and FEMA. _____________________

E12-49 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section C.3 Emergency notification EP F.1.4.1: This communications line provides The commitment wording was standardized and system (ENS) telephones and a communications link to the NRC Operations relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.commercial telephones are available Center in Rockville, Maryland, and is used for in the control room, TSC, and EOF. continuous communications in a classified The current design of the FTS system allows any emergency.

EP F Table 5 phone with long distance capability be used as the specific phone as previously indicated.

The specific locations of the phones are no longer needed.Section C.3: Health physics network EP F.1t.4.2:

This communications line provides The commitment wording was standardized and (HPN) telephones are available in a communications link with the NRC to provide relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the TSC and the EOF. radiological information.

EP F Table 5 The current design of the FTS system allows any phone with long distance capability be used as the specific phone as previously indicated.

The specific locations of the phones are no longer needed.Section C.4: The onsite laboratory is EP C.3: The onsite laboratory/counting room at The commitment wording was standardized and equipped to analyze all normal in- SNC-operated nuclear power plants are the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.plant samples. primary facility for radiation monitoring and Section C.4: The equipment includes analysis effort. The onsite laboratory is the an ion chromatograph, gas central point for receipt and analysis of onsite chromatograph, gamma samples and includes equipment for chemical spectrometer, and other analytical and radiological analyses.

The plant support equipment.

laboratories have the capability of quantitative analysis of marine and air samples, and qualitative analysis of terrestrial samples.Section C.4: Field samples will be EP 1.7: The environmental monitoring The commitment wording was standardized and taken by VEGP field monitoring equipment includes portable survey, counting, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.teams. and air sampling instrumentation and other Section C.4: These teams will take radiological monitoring equipment and supplies direct radiation readings and will to be used by the FMTs.collect air samples, soil samples, vegetation samples, and water samples as directed by the dose assessment manager.Section C.4: The samples will be EP H.1O: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and scanned with field instrumentation have designated a point as the location for relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and will then be taken to VEGP for receipt and analysis of field monitoring team laboratory analyses.

environmental samples.E12-50 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision_63


Section 0.4: Environmental samples EP H.6,2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and will be collected by corporate have a Radiological Environmental Monitoring relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.personnel.

These samples will be Program (REMP) consisting of locations with obtained from the current fixed dose recording devices and air sampling The specification that the sampling was conducted environmental program. equipment.

by corporate personnel was eliminated.

However, EP 1.7: The capability to take offsite soil, water, the commitment to maintain the program was and vegetation samples is provided by a maintained.

minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams_______________________(FMTs).

Section C.4: In-plant samples such EP H-.5.2.2:

The process sampling system The commitment wording was standardized and as effluent and air samples will be consists of the normal sampling system and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.analyzed using a gamma additional sampling panels located throughout spectrometer located in the counting the plant. Pre-designated monitoring and The specific wording to perform the analysis by room. sampling points are listed in site procedures.

gamma spectroscopy was eliminated to permit Sampling systems are installed or can be flexibility as new equipment is developed and modified to permit reactor coolant and processes revised. The commitment to maintain containment atmosphere sampling even under the ability to perform the analysis is maintained in severe accident conditions.

The system can the Plan.provide information on post-accident plant conditions to allow operator actions to mitigate and control the course of an accident.

Various chemical analyses and radiological measurements on these samples can be performed, including the determination of__________________________radionuclide concentrations.

Section D.I: The described emergency classes and the emergency action levels which determine them are agreed on by VEGP and State and local authorities.

The emergency action levels will be reviewed by these parties annually.EP D.1.1.1: The classification scheme is provided to and discussed by Southern Nuclear Company, agreed upon bY state and county governmental authorities and approved by the NRC.Annex 3.1.1: The described emergency classes and the emergency action levels that determine them are agreed on by SNC and state and local authorities.

The emergency action levels will be reviewed by these (state and officials annually.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.E12-51 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section VEGP ACTIONS EP 5.1: SNC plants maintain 24-hour The commitment wording was standardized and (NUE) emergency response capability.

The normal relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.a. Inform State and local offsite on-shift complement provides the initial authorities of the nature of the response to an emergency.

This group is The SNO Standard Emergency Plan was unusual event within 15 min. of trained to respond to emergency situations standardized to address overall response classifying the emergency.

Notify until the augmented Emergency Response requirements rather than repeat listings by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Organization (ERO) arrives. Classification Level. No change was made in the (NRC) as soon as possible (ASAP) EP E.1.1: SNC-operated plants maintain the expectations/commitments for response.but no later than 1 h following capability of notifying state and local agencies classification of the emergency.

within 15 minutes of a declared emergency as b. Augment on-shift resources, required by 10OCFR5O Appendix E, section as needed. IV(D)(3).

NRC will be notified, via the c. Assess and respond to the Headquarters Operations Officer, immediately event. following state and local notifications, but d. Escalate to a more severe within an hour of an emergency classification.

class, if appropriate, or close out with EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in a verbal summary to offsite the site-specific Annexes shall be notified authorities followed by a written within fifteen (15) minutes of: summary within 24 h.

  • The initial emergency classification.
  • Classification change.* The issuance of, or change to, a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR).E12-52 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised 8NC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section VEGP ACTIONS EP B.I: SNC plants maintain 24-hour The commitment wording was standardized and (Alert) emergency response capability.

The normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.a. Within 15 mai. of classification, on-shift complement provides the initial inform State and local offsite response to an emergency.

This group is The SNC Standard Emergency Plan was authorities of Alert Emergency and trained to respond to emergency situations standardized to address overall response reasons for emergency.

Notify the until the augmented Emergency Response requirements rather than repeat listings by NRC ASAP but no later than 1 h Organization (ERO) arrives. Classification Level. No change was made in the following classification of the EP E.1.1: SNC-operated plants maintain the expectations/commitments for response.emergency.

capability of notifying state and local agencies b. Augment resources and activate within 15 minutes of a declared emergency as the emergency response facilities required by 10CFR50 Appendix E, section (e.g. Technical Support Center IV(D)(3).

NRC will be notified, via the (TSC), Operational Support Center Headquarters Operations Officer, immediately (OSC), and the emergency operating following state and local notifications, but facility (EOF). These actions may be within an hour of an emergency classification.

delayed for security based events at EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in the discretion of the emergency the site-specific Annexes shall be notified director.

within fifteen (15) minutes of: c. Assess and respond to the

  • The initial emergency classification.


  • Classification change.d. Mobilize, and dispatch if
  • The issuance of, or change to, a Protective necessary, onsite survey teams. Action Recommendation (PAR).e. Provide periodic plant status EP E.2.3: The Emergency Response Data updates to offsite authorities.

System ERDS will be initiated within one hour f. Provide periodic meteorological of the declaration of an Alert or higher assessments to offsite authorities classification.

and, if any emergency releases are occurring, field monitoring team readings or dose estimates for actual releases.g. Activate the Emergency Response Data System for the affected unit within 1 h following declaration of the Alert.h. Escalate to a more severe class, if appropriate, or close out emergency class by verbal summary to offsite authorities followed by written summary within 8 h of closeout.


E12-53 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section VEGP ACTIONS EP B.1: SNC plants maintain 24-hour The commitment wording was standardized and (SAE) emergency response capability.

The normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.a. Within 15 min. of classification, on-shift complement provides the initial inform State and local offsite response to an emergency.

This group is The SNC Standard Emergency Plan was authorities of Site Area Emergency trained to respond to emergency situations standardized to address overall response and reasons for emergency.

Notify until the augmented Emergency Response requirements rather than repeat listings by the NRC ASAP but no later than 1 h Organization (ERO) arrives. Classification Level. No change was made in the following classification of the EP E.1.1: SNC-operated plants maintain the expectations/commitments for response.emergency.

capability of notifying state and local agencies b. If necessary, provide protective within 15 minutes of a declared emergency as action recommendations to State required by 10OCFR50 Appendix E, section and local authorities.


NRC will be notified, via the c. Augment resources and activate Headquarters Operations Officer, immediately the emergency response facilities following state and local notifications, but (e.g. Technical Support Center within an hour of an emergency classification.(TSC), Operational Support Center EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in (OSC), and the Emergency the site-specific Annexes shall be notified Operating Facility (EOF. These within fifteen (15) minutes of: actions may be delayed for security o The initial emergency classification.

based events at the discretion of the ° Classification change.emergency director.

  • The issuance of, or change to, a Protective
d. Assess and respond to the Action Recommendation (PAR).emergency.
e. Dispatch as necessary onsite and offsite survey teams.f. Dedicate individuals for plant status updates to offsite authorities and periodic press briefings.
g. On a periodic basis, make senior technical and management staff available for consultation with the NRC and State officials.

E12-54 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revision 63 Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Section D.2.2.3: VEGP ACTIONS (SAE) (Continued)

h. Provide meteorological data and field monitoring team readings or dose estimates to offsite authorities.
i. Provide release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies.
j. Activate the Emergency Response Data System for the affected unit within 1 h following declaration of the Site Area Emergency.
k. Escalate to General Emergency, if appropriate, or close out emergency class by briefing of offsite authorities followed by written summary within 8 h of closeout or class reduction.

EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in the site-specific Annexes shall be notified within fifteen (15) minutes of:* The initial emergency classification.

  • Classification change.* The issuance of, or change to, a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR).EP E.2.3: The Emergency Response Data System EROS will be initiated within one hour of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

E12-55 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section VEGP ACTIONS EP B.1: SNC plants maintain 24-hour The commitment wording was standardized and (GE) emergency response capability.

The normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.a. Within 15 mai. of classification, on-shift complement provides the initial inform State and local offsite response to an emergency.

This group is The SNC Standard Emergency Plan was authorities of General Emergency trained to respond to emergency situations standardized to address overall response and reason for emergency.

Notify until the augmented Emergency Response requirements rather than repeat listings by the NRC ASAP but no later than 1 h Organization (ERO) arrives. Classification Level. No change was made in the following classification of the EP E.1.1: SNC-operated plants maintain the expectations/commitments for response.emergency.

capability of notifying state and local agencies b. Provide protective action within 15 minutes of a declared emergency as recommendations to State and local required by 10CFR50 Appendix E, section authorities based upon plant IV(D)(3).

NRC will be notified, via the conditions and/or actual or projected Headquarters Operations Officer, immediately releases of radioactive material, following state and local notifications, but c. Augment resources and activate within an hour of an emergency classification.

the emergency response facilities EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in (e.g. Technical Support Center the site-specific Annexes shall be notified (TSC), Operational Support Center within fifteen (15) minutes of: (OSC), and the Emergency

  • The initial emergency classification.

Operating Facility (EOF)). These

  • Classification change.actions may be delayed for security
  • The issuance of, or change to, a Protective based events at the discretion of the Action Recommendation (PAR).emergency director.

EP E.2.3: The Emergency Response Data d. Assess and respond to the System EROS will be initiated within one hour emergency.

of the declaration of an Alert or higher e. Dispatch onsite and offsite survey classification.

teams.f. Dedicate an individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities and periodic press briefings.

g. On a periodic basis, make senior technical and management staff available for consultation with the NRC and State officials.

E12-56 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section VEGP ACTIONS EP B.1: SNO plants maintain 24-hour (GE) emergency response capability.

The normal (Continued) on-shift complement provides the initial h. Provide meteorological data and response to an emergency.

This group is field monitoring team readings or trained to respond to emergency situations dose estimates to offsite authorities until the augmented Emergency Response for actual releases.

Organization (ERG) anrives.i. Provide release and dose EP E.1.1: SNC-operated plants maintain the projections based on plant condition capability of notifying state and local agencies and foreseeable contingencies, within 15 minutes of a declared emergency as j. Activate the Emergency Response required by 1 0CFR50 Appendix E, section Data System for the affected unit IV(D)(3).

NRC will be notified, via the within1 h following declaration of the Headquarters Operations Officer, immediately General Emergency.

following state and local notifications, but k. Close out emergency class by within an hour of an emergency classification.

briefing of off'site authorities followed EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in by written summary within S h of the site-specific Annexes shall be notified closeout or class reduction, within fifteen (15) minutes of:* The initial emergency classification.

  • Classification change.* The issuance of, or change to, a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR).EP E.2.3: The Emergency Response Data System ERDS will be initiated within one hour of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

Section 0.3: The procedure by which Annex Appendix C Fleet functional EPIPs to be developed to support the plant operational staff classifies the SNC Standard Emergency Plan as part of the emergencies is EPIP 91001-C, approval process. Procedural direction for"Emergency Classification And Classification will be provided.

The transition to Implementing Instructions.'

the revised EPIPs will be conducted in accordance with the approval of the Plan by the Commission and the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(q).E12-57 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 0.3: The SNC policy is that EP D.2.5: The SNC policy is that once an The commitment wording was standar'dized and once an emergency classification is emergency classification is made, it cannot be relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.made, it cannot be downgraded to a downgraded to a lower classification.

lower classification.

Termination criteria contained in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures shall be completed for an event to be terminated.

At termination, on an event specific basis, the site can either enter normal operating conditions or enter a recovery condition with a recovery organization established for turnover from the ERO.Section 0.3: Termination criteria EP D.2.5: The SNC policy is that once an The commitment wording has been standardized contained in the Emergency Plan emergency classification is made, it cannot be and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency implementing Procedures shall be downgraded to a lower classification.

Plan.completed for an event to be Termination criteria contained in the terminated.

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures shall be completed for an event to be terminated.

At termination, on an event specific basis, the site can either enter normal operating conditions or enter a recovery condition with a recovery organization established for turnover from the ERO.E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.i Notification Methodology The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES EP E.i.1 SNC, in cooperation with state and and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency This section describes the plan for county authorities, has established methods Plan.notification of onsite and offsite and procedures for notification of offsite Vogtle Electric Generating Plant respcnse organizations consistent with the (VEGP) response personnel and emergency classification and emergency State, local, and Nuclear Regulatory action level scheme. These notifications Commission (NRC) emergency include a means of verification or response centers. authentication.

The methods used for authentication are developed and mutually agreed to by the utility and off-site authorities.

The primary notification method will be by a__________________________dedicated communications system._______________________

E12-58 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.1.1: SNC-operated plants maintain the The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) capability of notifying state and local agencies and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency within 15 minutes of a declared emergency as Plan.required by 1OCFR50 Appendix E, section IV(D)(3).

The methods and forms used for notifying state and county authorities are site-specific, and detailed in plant specific Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs).E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.1.1: NRC will be notified by the The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) Headquarters Operations Officer, immediately and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency following state and local notifications, but Plan.within an hour of an emergency classification.


  • E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.1.1: When multiple units of a multi-unit The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) site are affected by an emergency, the and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency classification shall be reported as applicable to Plan.all affected units. In situations where multiple units of a multi-unit site are affected by emergency events, but the events are not related and the classification for each unit is different, notification will be made for the highest classification.

E12-59 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emerg'ency Plan Justification Revision 63 E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.1.1: An accelerated call to the NRC The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) Headquarters Operations Officer will be made and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency following discovery of an imminent threat or Plan.attack against a plant. During a plant transient or an imminent threat situation requiring physical security response, plant personnel are primarily responsible for stabilizing the plant and keeping it safe. An accelerated notification will not interfere with plant or personnel safety or physical security response.The accelerated notification will be completed after or concurrent with notification of local law enforcement agencies.

The goal will be to initiate the notification within 15 minutes of discovery of an imminent threat or attack against a plant. The information provided in the accelerated notification will be limited to the following:

  • Site name.* Emergency classification if determined prior to the accelerated notification.
  • Nature of the threat and the attack status.E12-60 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2 Notification of Personnel The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) EP E.2.1 Notification of Onsite Personnel and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency The Emergency Director is responsible for Plan.classifying an event into the appropriate emergency classification and then notifying on-site personnel of the emergency declaration in accordance with procedures.

This notification may consist of the use of the plant emergency alarm signal, announcements over the plant public address system, or activation of the recall system.Emergency Response personnel respond to their assigned Emergency Response Facilities upon notification of an Alert or higher classification level. In the event of a Design Basis Threat, personnel may be directed to respond to alternative facilities.

Notification of persons who are in the public access areas, on or passing through the site, or within the controlled area, will be performed by the Security Department.

Such notifications will be in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs).Visitors within the protected area are escorted by a permanently badged individual.

This individual is responsible for informing the visitors of emergencies when they occur and for taking action to evacuate the visitors from the site, as necessary.

Notification procedures include notification of Emergency Response Organization Personnel (ERO) not on site or during backshift hours.ERO members will be notified by means of an automated callout system activated by en-shift____________________________personnel.


E12-61 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.2 Notification of State and Local The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) Authorities and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency A dedicated ENN will normally be used to Plan.accomplish state and local notifications.

Backup means of communication are described in Section F, Emergency Communication, of this plan.E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) the site-specific Annexes shall be notified and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency within fifteen (15) minutes of: Plan.* The initial emergency classification.

  • Classification change.* The issuance of, or change to, a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR).E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.2.2 Initial Notification Message Form The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) In conjunction with state and county and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency authorities, SNC-operated plants have Plan.established the contents of the initial and subsequent state notification message forms to be used during an emergency.

These forms are described in EPIPs. The content of the forms has been reviewed and agreed on by the respective Offsite Response Organizations.

E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.2.3 Follow-up Emergency Message The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) The Emergency Director is responsible for the and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency completion of a follow-up emergency message. Plan.The appropriate ERO personnel will ensure the emergency communicator(s) periodically provide follow-up messages to the appropriate offsite federal, state, and local authorities.

E12-62 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.3 Notification of the Nuclear The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) Regulatory Commission (NRC) and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency The NRC is notified via the ENS. If the ENS is Plan.inoperative, the required notification will be made using alternate means in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The Emergency Response Data System ERDS will be initiated within one hour of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

Specific information on the notifications to the NRC for emergency events is detailed in the reporting requirements of 10 CFR 50.72.E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.4 Notification of Other Federal The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) Agencies and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Notification of other federal agencies will be Plan.made in accordance with site-specific



E12-63 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 E. NOTIFICATION METHODS AND EP E.2.5 Notification of the Public The commitment wording has been standardized PROCEDURES (cont) Prompt alerting and notification of the public and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency within the plume exposure pathway EPZ is the Plan.obligation of state and local govemnment or other responsible authority.

The responsibility for ensuring the means exist to carry out this purpose rests with Southern Nuclear Operating Company. An overview of these means excluding the Savannah River Site is listed in the site-specific Annex of this Plan.Initial notification of the public will occur in a manner consistent with assuring the public health and safety. The design objective for the system is to meet the acceptance criteria provided in a subsequent section of the FEMA approved design report for each SNC-operated plant. The design objective does not constitute a guarantee that prompt notification can be provided for everyone with 100 percent assurance, or that the system when tested under actual field conditions will meet the design objectives.

In the event of an emergency, the Emergency Director is responsible for notifying appropriate state and local response organizations, plant emergency response organization and plant personnel.

E12-64 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Actual methods and sequencing of Annex Appendix C Fleet functional EPiPs to be developed to support notifications are covered in the SNC Standard Emergency Plan as part of the appropriate implementation approval process. Procedural direction for procedures (Procedure 91002-C, Notification will be provided.

The transition to the Emergency Notifications, and revised EPIPs will be conducted in accordance Procedure 91204-C, Emergency with the approval of the Plan by the Commission Response Communications), and the provisions of 10 CER 50.54(q).Section E: Tables E-1 and E-2 and EP F Table 8 The commitment wording has been standardized figure E-1 and relocated to the SNC Standard Emer~gency Plan.Section E.I: The emergency director EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording has been standardized is responsible for classifying an delegable duties include: and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency event (section 0) into the appropriate

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval Plan.emergency class and then notifying of state, local, and NRC notifications.

onsite and offsite personnel EP E.2.1: The Emergency Director is accordingly.

responsible for classifying an event into the appropriate emergency classification and then notifying on-site personnel of the emergency declaration in accordance with site-specific procedures.

E12-65 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section El1: The primary means for EP E.2.i: This notification may consist of the The commitment wording has been standardized notification of personnel within the use of the plant emergency alarm, and relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency protected area is the public address announcements over the plant public address Plan.(PA) system. system, or activation of the recall system.Section E.l: Upon declaration of a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE), an Alert, a Site Area Emergency, or a General Emergency, the emergency director will order an announcement of the emergency.

Section E.1: This notification will EP E.2.1: The Emergency Director is The commitment wording has been standardized involve sounding the appropriate responsible for classifying an event into the and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency plant emergency alarm signal, appropriate emergency classification and then Plan.making appropriate announcements notifying on-site personnel of the emergency over the plant public address declaration in accordance with site-specific system, activation of the recall procedures.

This notification may consist of system and using appropriate plant the use of the plant emergency alarm, telephone system. announcements over the plant public address Section F.7: As described in section system, or activation of the recall system.E, notification of onsite personnel at VEGP will be completed through a combination of public address system announcements, tone signals, and proceduralized

_telephone calls. ______________________

Section E.I1: The supervisor nuclear EP E.2.1: Notification of persons who are in the The commitment wording has been standardized security is responsible for notifying public access areas, on or passing through the and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plant Wilson, the training center, the site, or within the controlled area, will be Plan.visitors center, and recreation park performed by the Security Department.

Such staff, notifications will be in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs).E12-66 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section E.I: Security will activate the EP E.2.1: The Emergency Director is The commitment wording has been standardized site siren to notify personnel on site, responsible for classifying an event into the and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency outside the protected area of an appropriate emergency classification and then Plan.evacuation order. notifying on-site personnel of the emergency declaration in accordance with site-specific procedures.

This notification may consist of the use of the plant emergency alarn, announcements over the plant public address system, or activation of the recall system.EP E.2.1: Notification of persons who are in the public access areas, on or passing through the site, or within the controlled area will be performed by the Security Department.

Such notifications will be in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs).Section E.1: The Security EP E.2.1: Notification of persons who are in The commitment wording has been standardized Department will also be responsible the public access areas, on or passing through and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency for evacuating all visitors and the site, or within the controlled area, will be Plan.nonessential personnel from the performed by the Security Department.

Such Plant Vogtle Recreational Park and notifications will be in accordance with the for the verification of the evacuation Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures of all nonessential personnel from (EPIPs).Plant Wilson, the training center, and the remaining areas inside the owner controlled area.______________________

Section El1: Visitors within the EP E.2.1: Visitors within the protected area The commitment wording was standardized and protected area are escorted by a are escorted by a permanently badged relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.permanently badged individual, individual.

E12-67 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section E.1: Plant and contractor EP 0.4.8: GET will include general training in The commitment wording was standardized and personnel will be trained on actions emergency preparedness for plant and other relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency be taken in an emergency prior to site personnel.

GET will include classification, their work assignment.

Otherwise, individual response, signals, accountability, and The general training requirements include visitor they must be escorted by an site evacuation procedures.

control. SNC provides emergency preparedness individual who has been trained in training appropriate to the individual's emergency procedures.

responsibilities as required by Appendix E. General employee training and specialized training are provided as required.

The visitor program is maintained as part of the approved Security Plan ensuring all non-badged individuals receive the appropriate training.Section El1: The training includes EP 0.4.8: GET will include general training in The commitment wording was standardized and instructions on the methods of emergency preparedness for plant and other relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.personnel notification and the site personnel.

GET will include classification, required personnel actions in the individual response, signals, accountability, and event of an emergency, site evacuation procedures.

Section El1: Notification of the Annex Appendix C Fleet functional EPIPs are to be developed to corporate staff is performed in support the SNC Standard Emergency Plan as part accordance with NMP-EP-002,/

of the approval process. Procedural direction for NMP-GM-036.

Notification will be provided.

The transition to the revised EPIPs will be conducted in accordance with the approval of the Plan by the Commission and the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(q).Section E.l: The notification EP E.2.1: Notification procedures include The commitment wording was standardized and procedure includes notification of notification of Emergency Response relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Emergency Response Organization Organization Personnel (ERG) not on site or Personnel (ERG) not on site. during backshift hours. ERG members will be notified by means of an automated callout system activated by on-shift personnel.

Section E.I1: ERG members will be EP E.2.1: Notification procedures include The commitment wording was standardized and notified by means of an autodialer notification of Emergency Response relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.system activated by on-shift Organization Personnel (ERG) not on site or personnel, during backshift hours. ERG members will be notified by means of an automated callout__________________________system activated by on-shift personnel.


E12-68 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section E. 1: In addition to those EP E.2.1: Notification procedures include The commitment wording was standardized and personnel recalled; Operations, notification of Emergency Response relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Maintenance, and Security Organization Personnel (ERO) not on site or personnel required to report shall be during backshift hours. ERO members will be contacted by on-shift personnel from notified by means of an automated callout their own respective department.

system activated by on-shift personnel.

Section E.2: The emergency director EP E.2.2.1: State and local agencies listed in The commitment wording was standardized and is responsible for the completion of the site-specific Annexes shall be notified relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan the Initial Message Form (see figure within fifteen (15) minutes of: and Site Annex.E-1 for a sample form) and for the

  • The initial emergency classification.

notification of the following within 15

  • Classification change.min of the declaration of an
  • The issuance of, or change to, a Protective emergency:

Action Recommendation (PAR).* Georgia Emergency Annex 4.1.1 Notification Process Management Agency State of Georgqia: Emergency Operations Center

  • Georgia Emergency Management Agency (EOC) communicator. (GEMA)* Burke County Emergency Georgqia County Authorities:

Operations Center (EOC)

  • Burke -Burke County EMA communicator.

State of South Carolina:* South Carolina warning point.

  • Emergency Management Division (EMD)* Aiken County sheriff dispatcher.

South Carolina County Authorities:

  • Barnwell County sheriff
  • Barnwell and Aiken County -Sheriffs dispatcher.


  • Allendale County central
  • Allendale County-. County Central Dispatch dispatch.

Department of Enerqy -Savannah River Site* Department of Energy-Savannah (DOR-SRS)River (DOE SR) Operations Cente

  • DOE-SRS Operations Center communicator.

Section E.2: A dedicated telephone EP E.2.2: A dedicated ENN will normally be The commitment wording was standardized and system, known as the Emergency used to accomplish state and local relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Notification Network (ENN), will notifications.

normally be used to accomplish these notifications._____________________

E12-69 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan -Justification Revision 63 Section E.4: It is the responsibility of EP E.2.S: Prompt alerting and notification of The commitment wording was standardized and VEGP to provide adequate means the public within the plume exposure pathway relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan for notifying the public, or to be EPZ is the obligation of state and local and Site Annex.assured that such means are government or other responsible authority.


The responsibility for ensuring means exist to carry out this purpose rests with Southern Nuclear Operating Company.Annex 4.2: Within the 10 mile Exposure Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), there exist provisions for alerting and providing notification to the public.Section E.4. Administrative and Annex 4.2: Two approved, independent, The commitment wording was standardized and physical means have been complementary alerting systems are installed relocated to the Site Annex.established for providing early initial in the EPZ to alert the public, consisting of a warning and subsequent clear network of fixed sirens or tone-alert radios.instructions to the populace within Provisions for transient population notification the plume exposure pathway are also included in state and county plans. In emergency planning zone (EPZ). the event of an emergency declaration at the VEGP, DOE-Savannah River Site has agreed to provide prompt notification of all persons on the SRS within VEGP's plume exposure pathway EPZ.Section E.4: The alert notification EP E.2.S.2: Capability for both an alerting The commitment wording was standardized and system, except for the Savannah signal and an informational or instructional relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan River Site (SRS), is described in message to the population on an area-wide and Site Annex.appendix 3; this system has the basis throughout the plume exposure pathway capability to complete the initial alert EPZ, within 15 minutes.notification of rbsidents within the Annex 4.2: Within the 10 mile Exposure plume EPZ in about 15 mmn. Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), there exist provisions for alerting and providing notification to the public.Section E.5: The emergency director EP E.2.2.3: The Emergency Director is The commitment wording was standardized and is responsible for the completion of a responsible for the completion of a follow-up relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.follow up emergency message. emergency message. _____________________

E12-70 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section E.6: All notification EP E.2.7: The SNC emergency notification The commitment wording was standardized and messages must be verified, form is transmitted electronically to the relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.responsible state and local agencies using a secure data sharing system provided by SNO.Once transmitted to the OROs the receipt of this information is confirmed using a dedicated communications link.Section F.1.1: Commercial EP F.1.3: Provisions exist for continuous The commitment wording was standardized and telephones and a Southern communications with state and local relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Company Communications in Atlanta governments within the Emergency Planning and Site Annex.provide backup for the dedicated Zones, as detailed above. At least one onsite telephone circuits, and one offsite communications system is maintained, each with a backup power source to ensure continuous communications.

Annex 5.3.2: Commercial telephones or land lines provide backup for the ENN. ______________________

Section E.2: Figure E-1 presents the EP E.1.1: SNC, in cooperation with state and The commitment wording was standardized and sample initial message form for county authorities, has established methods relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.making notifications to these and procedures for notification of offsite response centers. This form has response organizations consistent with the been developed in conjunction with emergency classification and emergency appropriate offsite agencies, action level scheme.Section E.6: All notification EP E.1.1: These notifications include a means The commitment wording was standardized and messages must be verified.

When of verification or authentication, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the ENN is used, verification is EP E.2.7: The SNC emergency notification form accomplished by roll call, is transmitted electronically to the responsible state and local agencies using a secure data sharing system provided by SNC. Once transmitted to the OROs, the receipt of this information is confirmed using a dedicated communications link.E12-71 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 VIogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix;Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section E.3: The emergency director EP 5.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and is responsible for ordering delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan notification calls to the DOE-SR

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval and Site Annex.Operations Center by ENN and to of state, local, and NRC notifications.

the NRC Operations Center by the EP E.2.3: The NRC is notified via the Emergency Notification System Emergency Notification System (ENS).(ENS). Annex 5.3.1: The primary means of communication between VEGP, the states of Georgia and South Carolina, as well as Burke, Aiken, Allendale and Barnweli Counties and the Savannah River Site, is the Emergency Notification Network (EN N).Section E.2: The emergency director EP 8.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and is responsible for the completion of delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the Initial Message Form (see figure

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval E-1 for a sample form) and for the of state, local, and NRC notifications.(initial notification) within 15 mai of the declaration of an emergency.

Section E.4: VEGP will provide EP E.2.6: State and local authorities have The commitment wording was standardized and offsite authorities with supporting developed procedures and messages to be relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.information for their messages to the provided to the public in the event of an public. Such messages, consistent emergency at an SNC-operated nuclear power with the emergency classification plant.scheme, will provide the public with instructions in regard to specific protective actions to be taken by occupants of affected areas.Section E: Table E-1. EP F Table S The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Section E: Table E-2: All EP F Table 5 The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Section P.1 .1: The primary means of Annex 5.3.1: The primary means of The commitment wording was standardized and communication between the VEGP communication between VEGP, the states of relocated to the Site Annex.and the State of Georgia is the Georgia and South Carolina, as well as Burke, Emergency Notification Network Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties and (ENN). the Savannah River Site, is the Emergency___________________________Notification Network (ENN). ______________________

E12-72 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.1.: Extensions for this EP F.1.2: Offsite notifications can be made to The commitment wording was standardized and system are located in the control state and county warning points and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency, technical support center Emergency Operations Centers from the (TSC), emergency operations facility Control Room, Technical Support Center, and (EOF). Emergency Operations Facility using the ENN.EP P Table 5 Section F.1.1 : The plant telephone EP F.1.1 : Reliable primary and backup means The commitment wording was standardized and backup power is supplied by a of communication have been established.

0] relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.battery system.Section F.1.1 An Administrative Decision Line (AOL) connects the EOF, SRS Operations Center, the GEMA FEOC, the SEOCs of both states and the three South Carolina counties.Section Fli.: The ENN system is EP P.1.2: SNC-operated plants maintain the The commitment wording was standardized and available and manned 24 h per day. capability to make initial notifications to the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Section F.1.2: The ENN is available designated offsite agencies 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.and manned 24 h per day. State and county warning points are Section F.3: The ENN system is continuously staffed.0]

available and manned 24 h per day.E12-73 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SCEegnyPlnJustification Section F.2.1: The primary means of communication between the VEGP and South Carolina is the ENN, a dedicated telephone system from the plant to South Carolina emergency response agencies.Section F.2.2: The primary means of communication between VEGP and the South Carolina counties is the ENN, a dedicated telephone system which includes the plant and Aiken, Barnwell, and Allendale County emergency response agencies.Annex 4.1.1 Notification Process State of Georgia:* Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA)Georgqia County Authorities:

  • Burke County Emergency Management Agency State of South Carolina:* Emergency Management Division (EMD)South Carolina County Authorities:
  • Barnwell and Aiken County -Sheriff's Department
  • Allendale County -County Central Dispatch Department of Energqy -Savannah River Site (DO E-SRS)* DOE-SRS Operations Center Annex 5.3.1: The primary means of communication between VEGP, the states of Georgia and South Carolina, as well as Burke, Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties and the Savannah River Site, is the Emergency Notification Network (ENN). The ENN is a dedicated communications system from the plant to the EOC at GEMA headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, the South Carolina Warning Point in the SEOC, and the Burke County EOC; and the Savannah River Operations Center. Extensions for this system are located in the Control Room. the TSC. and the EOF.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the Site Annex.E12-74 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.1.1: Commercial EP F.1.3: At least one on-site and one offsite The commitment wording was standardized and telephones and a Southern communications system is maintained, each relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Company Communications in Atlanta with a backup power source to ensure and Site Annex.provide backup for the dedicated continuous communications.

telephone circuits.

Annex 5.3.2: Commercial telephones or land Section F.1 .2: Commercial lines provide backup for the ENN.telephones and the Burke County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) radio network provide backups for the ENN.Section F.2.1: Commercial telephones provide the backup for the ENN.Section F.2.2: Commercial telephone is the backup means of communication.

Section F.3: Commercial telephones

_rovide a backup for the ENN.Section F.1.2: The primary means of Annex 5.3.1: The primary means of The commitment wording was standardized and communication between VEGP and communication between VEGP, the states of relocated to the Site Annex.Burke County is the ENN. Georgia and South Carolina, as well as Burke, Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties and the Savannah River Site, is the Emergency Notification Network (ENN).Section F.3: The primary means of Annex 5.3.1: The primary means of The commitment wording was standardized and communication between VEGP and communication between VEGP, the states of relocated to the Site Annex.the Savannah River Site (SRS) is the Georgia and South Carolina, as well as Burke, ENN. Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties and the Savannah River Site, is the Emergency Notification Network (EN N).Section F.1 .2: Commercial Annex 5.3.2: Commercial telephones or land The commitment wording was standardized and telephones and Southern Company lines provide backup for the ENN relocated to the Site Annex.Communications provide_backups for the ENN..____________________________________________

E12-75 Enclosure l2 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section Fi1.1 The ENN system is EP F.1.2: Offsite notifications can be made to The commitment wording was standardized and available and manned 24 h per day. state and county warning points and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Emergency Operations Centers from the Control Room, Technical Support Center, and Emergency Operations Facility using the ENN.Reliable backup methods have been written into procedures.

State and county warning points are continuously staffed.Section F.1.2: At the plant, the EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and emergency director is in charge of delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan communications to the Burke County

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval and Site Annex.EOC. of state, local, and NRC notifications.

Annex 4.1.1: State and local warning points are staffed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day. State and local counties surrounding VEGP to be notified within 15 minutes of the declaration of an emergency condition are: Georoqia County Authorities:

  • Burke -Burke County Emergency Management Agency Section F.2.1: An AOL connects the No corresponding statement in the Plan or Communication line is utilized by offsite agencies EOF, the SRS Operations Center, Annex. and is listed in the Offsite Emergency Plan. As the the GEMA FEOC, the SEOCs of line is not utilized by SNC for official notification both states, and the three South purposes, it is not included in the SNC Standard.Carolina counties.

Emergency Plan or Annexes Section F.3: At VEGP, the EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and emergency director is in charge of delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan communications to the SRS

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval and Site Annex.Operations Centers. of state, local, and NRC notifications.

Annex 5.3.1: The primary means of communication between VEGP, the states of Georgia and South Carolina, as well as Burke, Aliken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties and the Savannah River Site, is the Emergency Notification Network (ENN). _____________________

E12-76 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.4: The primary means of EP F.1.4.1: This communications line provides The commitment wording was standardized and communication between VEGP and a communications link to the NRC Operations relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Center in Rockville, Maryland, and is used for (NRC) is the emergency notification continuous communications in a classified system (ENS). emergency.


Section F.4: Emergency notification EP P.1.4.2: This communications line provides The commitment wording was standardized and system phones are located in the a communications link with the NRC to provide relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.control room, TSC, and EOF. radiological information.

Section F.4: Health physics network The design of the current FTS system allows any phones are located in the TSC and EP F Table 5 phone with long distance capability to be linked to EOF. any FTS bridge. Specific phone locations are no longer needed.Section F.4: In the TSC, the HPN EP

The HPN Communicator reports The commitment wording was standardized and telephone is located in the to the RP Supervisor and is responsible for relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.communications room and will be providing radiological and environmental attended by VEGP personnel until an information to the NRC on the HPN Line. The design of the current FTS system allows any NRC representative arrives. EP P.1.4.2: This communications line provides phone with long distance capability to be linked to a communications link with the NRC to provide any FTS bridge. Specific phone locations are no radiological information, longer needed.Section F.4: The Emergency EP E.2.3: The Emergency Response Data The commitment wording was standardized and Response Data System (ERDS) is System ERDS will be initiated within one hour relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the primary means by which the of the declaration of an Alert or higher transmission of plant parameters classification.

occurs. EP P.1.4.8: EROS is a dedicated network and Section H.4.4: In accordance with is a direct near real-time electronic data link the requirements of 10 CFR 50, between the plant's on-site computer system Appendix E,Section VI and NUREG and the NRC Operations Center. It provides for 1394, Revision 1, means are the automated transmission of a limited data provided to transmit critical plant set of selected parameters.

variables from the onsite computer system to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center via a dedicated communications link.Section F.4: Commercial telephone EP P.1.4: Commercial telephone lines serve as The commitment wording was standardized and lines and the Southemn Company the backup to the ENS and other FTS lines, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Communications serve as backups to the ENS and HPN. ________________________________________

E12-77 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.5: Communications among EP F.1.1: At SNO-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and the control room, TSC, OSO, and plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.EOF can be completed using communication are available, during both dedicated telephone circuits, normal normal and emergency conditions, to transmit plant telephones, and radio, using and receive information among the Control the plant network. Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations onsite and offsite including the Joint Information Center near the SNC site. Reliable primary and backup means of communication have been established.

EP F Table S Section F.5: The radio system is also EP F.i1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and used for communications with the plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.radiological monitoring teams. communication are available, during both normal and emergency conditions, to transmit and receive information among the Control Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations onsite and offsite including the Joint Information Center near the SNC site. Reliable primary and backup means of communication have been established.

EP F Table 5 ____________________

E12-78 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.5: Communications EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and available at each emergency plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.response facility are as follows: communication are available, during both CONTROL ROOM normal and emergency conditions, to transmit Dedicated telephone circuits to the and receive information among the Control TSC, EOF, and OSC (one for each Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations location).

onsite and offsite including the Joint The ENN. Information Center near the SNC site. Reliable The NRC ENS. primary and backup means of communication Normal plant phones. have been established.

In-plant radio console EP F Table S Sound-powered phones.Plant page system.Commercial dial.Southern Company Communications.


Section F.5: TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER Dedicated telephone circuits to the control room, EOF, and OSC (one to each location).

The ENN.The ENS.Two FTS EROS lines.The HPN.Facsimile.

Normal plant phones.In-plant radio.Sound-powered phones.Plant page system.Field team radio remote.Additional ETS lines.Commercial dial.Burke County radio remote.South Carolina radio remote.Southern Company Communications.______________________


E12-79 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.5: OPERATIONS EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording has been standardized SUPPORT CENTER plants, several modes of reliable and relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Dedicated voice telephone circuits to communication are available, during both Plan.the EOF and TSC (one for each normal and emergency conditions, to transmit location), and receive information among the Control Normal plant phones. Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations In-plant radio transceiver.

onsite and offsite including the Joint Plant page system. Information Center near the SNC site. Reliable Commercial dial. primary and backup means of communication have been established.

EP F Table 5 Section F.5: EMERGENCY EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and OPERATIONS FACILITY plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Dedicated telephone circuits to the communication are available, during both control room, OSC, and TSC (one normal and emergency conditions, to transmit each to the control room, OSC, and receive information among the Control TSC). Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations The ENN. onsite and offsite including the Joint The ENS. Information Center near the SNC site. Reliable The HPN. primary and backup means of communication Facsimile, have been established.

Normal plant phones. EP F Table 5 Commercial dial.Additional FTS lines.Southern Company Communications.

ENC hotline.Field team radio remote.ADL prearranged conference.

E12-80 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Pian Justification Revision 63 Section F.5: Joint Information Center EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and Southern Company plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Communications.

communication are available, during both GPC general office dial. normal and emergency conditions, to transmit Commercial dial. and receive information among the Control VEGP dial. Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations Facsimile.

onsite and offsite including the Joint Information Center near the SNC site. Reliable primary and backup means of communication have been established.

Section F.6: Communications with EP F.2 Medical Emergency Communications Columbia Doctors Hospital or the Communications have been established Burke County Hospital will be by between the primary and backup medical commercial telephone.

Radio hospitals and transportation services with contact through the Burke County SNC-operated plants.EOC serves as a backup._________________________________________

E12-81 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 ___________________

Section F.8: Communication EP F.3 Communications Tests The commitment wording was standardized and channels with the State of Georgia, Communications tests will be conducted on the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Burke County, the State of South frequency specified below. Each of these tests Carolina, Aiken County, Barnwell includes provisions to ensure participants in County, Allendale County, SRS, and the test are able to understand the content of the NRC will be tested monthly, the messages in the test.using the extensions in the control

  • Communications with state and local room, TSC, and EOF. governments within the plume exposure pathway will be tested monthly.* Communications with federal response organizations and state governments within the plume exposure pathway will be tested quarterly.
  • Communications between SNC-operated nuclear power plants, state Emergency Operating Centers and local Emergency Operations Centers, and radiation monitoring teams will be tested annually.* Communication from the Control Room, TSC, and EOF to the NRC Operations Center will be tested monthly.* The Emergency Response Data System (EROS) will be tested on a quarterly basis.-The fixed siren portion of the Alert and Notification System (ANS) will be tested and verified in accordance with existing FEMA approvals.

Section F.8: Emergency Response EP F.3: The Emergency Response Data The commitment wording was standardized and Data System computers are tested System (EROS) will be tested on a quarterly relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.once per quarter, or as dictated by basis.NUREG 1394.Section F.8: Communications No specific Plan Statement is provided.

The Plan specifies tests for existing systems procedures and systems are also consistent with NUREG-0654 Revision 1. The tested biennially during a Plan commits to a drill program that will include communications drill, communications capabilities.

Section F.8: The communication No specific Plan Statement is provided.

The Drill programmed maintained will ensure system for communicating between specific testing of the Field Monitoring systems the TSC, EOF, and VEGP field without a specific communications test monitoring teams is tested quarterly, requirement.

E12-82 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section F.8: Communications EP F.3: Communications with state and local The commitment wording was standardized and systems that link the control room, governments within the plume exposure relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.TSC, EOF, State EOC's and GEMA pathway will be tested monthly.FEOC, County EOC's and SRS EOC are tested quarterly.

Section F.9: in-plant monitoring Specific communications frequencies between the teams will communicate with the OSC and dispatched response teams are event Health Physics or OSC specific and determined on a case by case basis communicator at least every half for the event. A Plan commitment is not hour per Procedure 91302-C, In- appropriate and could actually hinder effective Plant Samplingj and Surveys, response.Section F.9: Field monitoring teams Specific communications frequencies between the will communicate with the EOF or OSC and dispatched response teams are event TSC communicator at least every specific and determined on a case by case basis half hour per Procedure 91303-C, for the event. A Plan commitment is not Field Sampling and Surveys, appropriate and could actually hinder effective response.Section F.9: The field monitoring The capability to dispatch teams and for those team radio covers the entire plume teams to function is maintained in the SNC exposure pathway EPZ. Standard Emergency Plan. This statement of radio coverage is not required.

The required drills and equipment tests ensure the capability to effectively communicate is maintained.

Section F.9: Remote stations for EP F Table S The commitment wording was standardized and communicating with the field relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.monitoring teams are located in the TSC and the EOF.Table F-i: All EP F Table 5 The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.E12-83 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section G: Georgia Power Company EP G.8: The goal of the public information The commitment wording was standardized and (GPC) and Southern Nuclear program is to acquaint the general public with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Operating Company (SNC) in the emergency plans for the operation of coordination with State and local APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and officials will provide information to actions they should in the event of a plant the public at least annually regarding emergency.

how they will be notified and what Emergency information is disseminated each their actions should be in an calendar year for residents and transients in the emergency.

plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone.Section G: The means for EP G.8: Emergency information is The commitment wording was standardized and disseminating this information disseminated each calendar year for residents relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.include information on siren poles, and transients in the plume exposure pathway signs, notices in public areas, and Emergency Planning Zone.publications distributed at least annually.Section G: All materials will be EP G.8: The goal of the public information The commitment wording was standardized and updated as necessary and printed program is to acquaint the general public with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.material distributed annually, the emergency plans for the operation of Based on experience, the most effective means of Section G: Information is distributed APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and communicating with the EPZ citizens may no annually to residents in the plume actions they should in the event of a plant longer be the calendar.

The SNC Standard exposure pathway emergency emergency.

Emergency Plan maintains the commitment to planning zone (EPZ) through an Emergency information is disseminated each provide the required information and allows the emergency information calendar calendar year for residents and transients in the flexibility to provide other means of distributing the entitled, "The Plant Vogtle plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning information.

Emergency Information Calendar".

Zone.E12-84 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section G: The text of the calendar Annex 2.3.6: Several communications The commitment wording was standardized and addresses the following subjects:

methods may be used to acquaint the public relocated to the Site Annex.Summary -What to do if you are with plans for their protection during a Plant warned of an emergency at Plant emergency.

Effort will be concentrated on Vogtle. providing information to the public by written Emergency response plans. material that is likely to be available in local When an emergency will affect you. residences and in locations frequented by How you will be told about an transients.

The information will also provide emergency.

instructions on which local media will be What actions you might need to take. providing additional information in the event of What if you are told to shelter. an emergency.

What if you are told to evacuate.Steps to be prepared for an emergency.

Steps for using map and chart of evacuation area.Steps to take to get ready for the trip.Classes of accidents.

Where to get more information or other help.What radiation is.Special needs card.A joint message from Southern Nuclear Operating Company, the states of Georgia and South Carolina, and Burke, Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell counties explaining the contents of the calendar, asking that they read the emergency information, requesting that they keep it in a handy place, and giving contacts for further information.

E12-85 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision_63


Section G.1: Signs and notices Annex 2.3.6: Several communications The commitment wording was standardized and providing information to methods may be used to acquaint the public relocated to the Site Annex.transients are placed in public with plans for their protection during a Plant recreation areas as well as other emergency.

Effort will be concentrated on public places in the plume EPZ providing information to the public by written material that is likely to be available in local suchas irenpols, te Pant residences and in locations frequented by Vogtle Visitors Center, and in transients.

The information will also provide commercial establishments; for instructions on which local media will be example, motels, restaurants, providing additional information in the event of and gas stations, an emergency.

Section G.1: Finally, a Vogtle emergency information brochure will be made available within the EPZ to transients at commercial establishments, churches, motels, hunting clubs, Creek and Cawden Plantations, the Plant Vogtle Visitors Center, and through residents whose land is used by nonresidents Section G.1: Outside the EPZ, the brochure will be made available to timber company offices.Section G.I: (Outside the EPZ, the brochure will be made available) to the Waynesboro Office of the Agriculture Stabilization

&Conservation Service for distribution to farmers who farm, but do not reside, in the EPZ.E12-86 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section G.1: This material will Annex 2.3.6: Several communications The commitment wording was standardized and include the following information:

methods may be used to acquaint the public relocated to the Site Annex.How people will be wamned of an with plans for their protection during a Plant emergency, emergency.

Effort will be concentrated on What to do if warned of an providing information to the public by written emergency.

material that is likely to be available in local A list of radio and television stations residences and in locations frequented by to tune to for further information. , transients.

The information will also provide instructions on which local media will be providing additional information in the event of an emergency.

Section G: In addition, public EP G.8: The goal of the public information The commitment wording was standardized and information personnel provide public program is to acquaint the general public with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency programs to the the emergency plans for the operation of community.

APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and actions they should in the event of a plant emergency.

Emergency information is disseminated each calendar year for residents and transients in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone. _____________________

Section G: All materials used to The SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site provide emergency planning Annex retain the commitment to provide the information to the public (information information.

The mechanics of performing the brochures, advertisements, signs commitment are best controlled by administrative and notices, etc.) will be reviewed by procedures.

GPC and SNC on an annual basis._______________________

E12-87 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section G.2: The JIG will EP H.2.2: The JIG, located at the Atlanta or The SNG Starpdard Emergency Plan provides an accommodate public information Birmingham corporate headquarters building of updated structure and functional capability for representatives from SNC, GPO, Georgia Power Company or Alabama Power Information Management to the public in the event State, local and Federal response Company, as appropriate, is the official of a classified emergency.

The new system is agencies, location for coordination and issuance of news described and supported separately in the announcements and responses to news media technical analysis of this submittal.


The JIG is the point of contact with the news media during a declared emergency.

The JIG facilities, which coordinate the dissemination of information to the media, will be established to accommodate public information representatives from the licensee, and federal, state, and local response agencies.

News releases and media briefings are coordinated to the maximum extent possible.

Following activation of the JIG in Atlanta or Birmingham, the Public Information Director will evaluate the nature of the event, If it is determined that the event will be prolonged, is likely to escalate, or is likely to result in significant media attention, the Public Information Director will direct that JIG operations move to a forward near site location, If the decision is made to move the JIG function to the near site location the existing Atlanta or Birmingham location will maintain media coordination until the JIG is operational at the near site location.E12-88 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section G.2: GPO will utilize the EP H-.2.2: The JIC, located at the Atlanta or The commitment wording was standardized and Corporate Headquarters Building at Birmingham corporate headquarters building of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan 241 Ralph McGill Boulevard, NE, Georgia Power Company or Alabama Power and Site Annex.Atlanta, Georgia, to serve as a Company, as appropriate, is the official location temporary information center until for coordination and issuance of news the JIC in Waynesboro is activated, announcements and responses to news media inquiries The JIC is the point of contact with the news media during a declared emergency.

The JIC facilities, which coordinate the dissemination of information to the media, will be established to accommodate public information representatives from the licensee, and federal, state, and local response agencies.

News releases and media briefings are coordinated to the maximum extent possible.

Following activation of the JIC in Atlanta or Birmingham, the Public Information Director will evaluate the nature of the event. If it is determined that the event will be prolonged, is likely to escalate, or is likely to result in significant media attention, the Public Information Director will direct that JIC operations move to a forward near site location.

If the decision is made to move the JIC function to the near site location the existing Atlanta or Birmingham location will maintain media coordination until the JIC is operational at the near site location.Annex 5.1.6: The JIC is the central location for the coordination and dissemination of information to news media, and responses to media inquiries.

Details of the JIC for VEGP are in section H of the Emergency Plan. If the decision is made to move the JIC function forward to a near site location from the Atlanta location, the Atlanta facility will maintain media coordination until the JIC is operational at the near site location.

The near site location is in Waynesboro, Georgia.E12-S9 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revision 63 Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Section G.2: The Company EP B.3.1.17:

The Nuclear Spokesperson The SNO Standard Emergency Plan provides an spokesperson position is filled by speaks on behalf of the company, providing updated structure and functional capability for individuals who, under normal plant status updates during news briefings.

Information Management to the public in the event operations, hold supervisory The Spokesperson also may do one-on-one of a classified emergency.

The new system is positions on the SNO Corporate or media interviews.

The position works with the described and supported separately in the plant staff and are technically and Technical Assistant in keeping abreast of the technical analysis of this submittal.

professionally qualified to perform event status and keeps the PlO posted on that this important function, status.Section G.2: The Company EP 6.3 .1.17: The Nuclear Spokesperson The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides an spokesperson has access to all speaks on behalf of the company, providing updated structure and functional capability for information and telephone contact plant status updates during news briefings.

Information Management to the public in the event with the emergency director through The Spokesperson also may do one-on-one of a classified emergency.

The new system is the EOF Manager. He briefs the media interviews.

The position works with the described and supported separately in the media on plant status and Company Technical Assistant in keeping abreast of the technical analysis of this submittal.

emergency activities, event status and keeps the PlD posted on that status.Section G.2: In addition, technical EP

The Technical Assistant reports The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides an briefers have been designated who to the Nuclear Spokesperson and is updated structure and functional capability for can provide general and background responsible for gathering accurate and timely Information Management to the public in the event information, information about the event and the plant's of a classified emergency.

The new system is status from displays, the ERF Communicator, described and supported separately in the ENN Forms, and direct contact with the EOF technical analysis of this submittal.

Manager.Section G.3: GPC and SNC will The SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site provide timely and accurate Annex provide an updated structure and functional information to local, State and capability for Information Management to the public federal agencies, in the event of a classified emergency.

The new system is described and supported separately in the technical analysis of this submittal.

Section G.4: In an emergency, a EP The Public Response Staff reports The commitment wording was standardized and rumor control network will be to the Public Response Coordinator and is relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.activated, responsible for coordinating and developing responses to rumors and public inquiry.Section 0.4: News media will be The SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site monitored to detect and respond to Annex provide an updated structure and functional misinformation.

capability for Information Management to the public in the event of a classified emergency.

The new system is described and supported separately in________________________

_____________________________the technical analysis of this submittal.

El2-9O Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section G.5: GPC will offer an EP G.2: A program will be offered each The commitment wording was standardized and annual program to acquaint the news calendar year to acquaint the news media with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency with the methodology for the methodology for obtaining information obtaining information about overall during an emergency and with overall emergency preparedness at Vogtle. emergency preparedness at APC/GPC nuclear Training will include information plants, as appropriate.

Training will include about the plant, radiation, and the information about the plant, emergency role of the emergency news center, response and the role of the JIC, as well as opportunities to participate in drill activities.

H.1 EMERGENCY FACILITIES EP H.1.2 Technical Support Center (TSC) The commitment wording was standardized and 1. TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER SNC-operated nuclear power plants have relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.(TSC) established a TSC for use during emergency The TSC has been established situations by plant management, technical, and consistent with NUREG 0696, as engineering support personnel.

The TSC is described below. The TSC is shared procedurally required to be activated within 75 by bothminutes following the declaration of an Alert or units and is located adjacent to the higher classification.

Activation for Unusual Unit 1 control room at el 220 ft. The Events or unclassified incidents is optional.The TSC covers about 5900 ft 2 and EP H.i.2: The TSC is sized to accommodate The commitment wording was standardized and can accommodate 25 people. ERO responders and NRC Representatives, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex._________________________Annex Figure 5.1.A _____________________

612-91 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 The TSC has been established EP H.i.2 Technical Support Center (TSC) The commitment wording was standardized and consistent with NUREG 0696. SNO-operated nuclear power plants have relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.established a TSC for use during emergency situations by plant management, technical, and The wording was updated to provide more specific engineering support personnel.

The TSC is capabilities for the facility.procedurally required to be activated within 75 minutes following the declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

Activation for Unusual Events or unclassified incidents is optional.When activated, TSC functions include:* Support for the Control Room's emergency response efforts.* Performance of response management functions when in Command & Control.* Continued evaluation of event classification.

  • Assessment of the plant status and potential offsite impact.* Coordination of emergency response actions.* Notification of appropriate corporate and plant management.
  • Notification and update of the NRC via the Emergency Notification System (ENS).* Notification and update of the NRC via Health Physics Network (HPN).E12-92 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 The TSC has been established EP H,1.2: The TSC is the onsite location used The commitment wording has been standardized consistent with NUREG 0696. (cont) to support the Control Room for assessment of and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency plant status and for implementation of Plan.emergency actions. TSC personnel provide technical data and information to the EQF.Each TSC provides reliable voice and .communications to the Control Room, the OSC, the EOF, the NRC, and state Emergency Operations Centers.The TISC is sized to accommodate ERO responders and NRC Representatives.

State and county personnel are not expected to report to the TSC. Personnel in the TSC are protected from radiological hazards, including direct radiation and airbomne contaminants under accident conditions, with similar radiological habitability standards as Control Room personnel.

To ensure adequate radiological protection, radiation monitoring equipment has been installed in the TSC, or periodic radiation surveys are conducted.

These systems, indicate radiation dose rates and airborne radioactivity inside the TSC while in use. in addition, potassium iodide (KI) is available for use.The TSC has access to a controlled set of drawings and other records, including general arrangement diagrams, piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), and electrical schematics.

The TSC has the capability to display vital plant data, in real time, to be used by knowledgeable individuals responsible for engineering and management support of reactor operations, and for implementation of emergency procedures.

Details of the TSC configuration and location___________________________are in the site-specific Annexes. ______________________

E12-93 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Walking time from the TSC to the Based on drill/exercise evidence and the ongoing control room is less than 2 min. improvement in inter-facility communication capabilities since the requirement for walking time was developed the effectiveness of the facility is not impacted by walking proximity.

While the statement is removed based on demonstration the walking time is no longer a needed commitment the physical location of the TSC has not been changed as a result of this__________________________submittal.

The TSC provides plant EP H.1.2: The TSC is sized to accommodate The commitment wording was standardized and management and technical support ERO responders and NRC Representatives, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan personnel (including five Nuclear Annex 5.1.2: The TSC provides plant and Site Annex.Regulatory Commission (NRC) management and technical support personnel personnel) with a facility from which with a facility from which they can assist plant they can assist plant operating operating personnel located in the control personnel.

room during an emergency.

The emergency director and NRC director will be co-located to ensure proper communications.

The emergency director and NRC Annex 5.1.2: The Emergency Director and The commitment wording was standardized and director will be located in close NRC director will be co-located to ensure relocated to the Site Annex.proximity to ensure proper proper communications.


The TSC is equipped with a Annex 5.1.2: The TSC is equipped with a The commitment wording was standardized and computer system, which provides computer system, which provides source term relocated to the Site Annex.source term and meteorological data and meteorological data and technical data and technical data displays to allow displays to allow TSC personnel to perform TSC personnel to perform detailed detailed analysis and diagnosis of abnormal analysis and diagnosis of abnormal plant conditions, including assessment of any plant conditions, including significant release of radioactivity to the assessment of any significant environment.

In addition, the TSC has ready release of radioactivity to the access to plant records, some of which are environment, stored in the TSC and some in the control Section Hi1.: In addition, the TSC room.has ready access to plant records. ____________________

E12-94 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 The TSC structure and ventilation EP H.1 .2: Personnel in the TSC are protected The commitment wording was standardized and system are designed to ensure that from radiological hazards, including direct relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan the TSC personnel are protected radiation and airborne contaminants under and Site Annex.from radiological hazards. accident conditions, with similar radiological habitability standards as Control Room personnel.

Annex 5.1.2: TSC structure and ventilation system are designed to ensure that the TSC personnel are protected from radiological hazards. The TSC ventilation is a separate system and not a part of the control room ventilation system.The air supply is filtered by high Annex 5.1.2: The air supply is filtered by high The commitment wording was standardized and efficiency particulate air (HEPA) and efficiency particulate air (HEPA) and charcoal relocated to the Site Annex.charcoal filters, filters.During accident conditions the Annex 5.1.2: During accident conditions the The commitment wording was standardized and filtration system provides filtered filtration system provides filtered cooling air relocated to the Site Annex.cooling air meeting the following meeting the following exposure design criteria: exposure design criteria:

5 remn -5 remn -whole body; 30 rem -thyroid; and 75 whole body; 30 rem -thyroid; and 75 rem -skin dose for a 30 day occupancy.

rem -skin dose for a 30 day._occupancy.

The. air filtration system will be Annex 5.1.2: The air filtration system will be The commitment wording was standardized and placed in service when required by placed in service when required by site relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Procedure 91110-C, Duties of the procedures.

and Site Annex.Health Physics Supervisor (TSC).The procedure reference is deleted. The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the commitment to provide the appropriate radiological protection of_________________________TSC responders.

The ventilation system can be Annex 5.1.2: The venfilation system can be The commitment wording was standardized and manually controlled from the TSC. manually controlled from the TSC. relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.The procedure reference is deleted. The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the commitment to provide the appropriate radiological protection of_________________________TSC responders.

E12-95 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification The air filtration system will also be Annex 5.1.2: The air filtration system will also The commitment wording was standardized and placed in the filtration mode be placed in the filtration mode automatically relocated to the Site Annex.automatically whenever the control whenever the control room HVAC is isolated.

The specific mechanical functioning of the roomHVACis solaedventilation system is not required in the Emergency Plan.The air filtration system, when Annex 5.1.2: The ventilation system will be The commitment wording was standardized and activated, automatically processes designed to maintain exposures to occupants relocated to the Site Annex.all of the outdoor air together with at or below 5 rem total effective dose The specific mechanical functioning of the 25 percent of the equivalent (TIEDE) for the duration of the ventilation system is not required in the Emergency recirculated air through the filtration accident.

Plan.unit.In the initial actuation of the air Annex 5.1.2: The continuous influx of outdoor The commitment wording was standardized and filtration system, a parallel signal is air with no positive exhaust is designed to relocated to the Site Annex.initiated to deenergize the onsite pressurize the area to 0.125 in. WG. The specific mechanical functioning of the technical support center battery ventilation system is not required in the Emergency room and toilet exhaust fans and Plan.dampers.The continuous influx of outdoor air Annex 5.1.2: The continuous influx of outdoor The commitment wording was standardized and with no positive exhaust is designed air with no positive exhaust is designed to relocated to the Site pressurize the area to 0.125 in. pressurize the area to 0.125 in. WG. The specific mechanical functioning of the WG. ventilation system is not required in the Emergency Plan.When the TSC is activated, there will EP H.1.2: To ensure adequate radiological The commitment wording was standardized and be a portable radiation monitor protection, radiation monitoring equipment has relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.placed in the TSC to alert personnel been installed in the TSC, or periodic radiation of the presence of high radiation surveys are conducted.

These systems levels, indicate radiation dose rates and airborne radioactivity inside the TSC while in use. In addition, potassium iodide (KI) is available for use.In addition, portable radiation Annex 5.1.2: In addition, portable radiation The commitment wording was standardized and monitors are available for personnel monitors will be available for personnel in relocated to the Site transit from the TSC to other transit from the TSC to other areas.areas. __________________________________________

E12-96 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 The TSC normal lighting is supplied Annex 5.1.2: The TSC normal lighting is The commitment wording was standardized and from normal offsite power through a supplied from normal offsite power through a relocated to the Site Annex.motor control center backed up by motor control center backed up by the security the security diesel generator.

diesel generator.

Self-contained, battery-operated Annex 5.1.2: Self-contained, battery-operated The commitment wording was standardized and emergency lighting is provided as a emergency lighting is provided as a backup to relocated to the Site Annex.backup to the normal lighting for the normal lighting for ingress and egress only ingress and egress only. and is located in the TSC hallway. ______________________

Power for TSC vital equipment is Annex 5.1.2: Power for TSC vital equipment is The commitment wording was standardized and provided from either the motor provided from either the motor control center relocated to the Site Annex.control center backed up by the backed up by the security diesel generator, or security diesel generator or from a from a battery-backed uninterruptible power battery-backed uninterruptible power supply system.Power to the dc system is provided Annex 5.1.2: Power to the DC system is The commitment wording was standardized and via battery chargers, one of which is provided by battery chargers, one of which is relocated to the Site Annex.powered from this same motor powered from this same motor control center.control center.___________________________________________

E12-97 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Separate copies of the following Annex 5.1.2: The records storage is shared by The commitment wording was standardized and documents will be stored in the the control room and the TSC. These records relocated to the Site Annex.control room complex and in the can be accessed on a digital records system.TSC: This system is supplied backup power from an Technical Specifications.

uninterruptible power supply to allow retrieval Plant Operating Procedures.

of records in the event of a loss of power.Final Safety Analysis Report. These records include but are not limited to: Emergency Plan.

  • Technical Specifications.

Emergency Plan Implementing

  • Plant Operating Procedures.


  • Final Safety Analysis Report.*Emergency Plan.The following documents are

Generating Plant (VEGP) Document

  • Plant operating records.Control:*

System piping and instrumentation Plant operating records. diagrams; heating, ventilation, and air--Plant Review Board records and conditioning (HVAC) flow diagrams.reports.

  • Electrical one-line, elementary, and wiring* System piping and instrumentation digas diagrams and heating, ventilation, digas and air-conditioning (HVAC) flow
  • Control logic and ioop diagrams.diagams.The above records are updated as necessary* Piping area drawings.

to ensure currency and completeness.

  • Electrical one-line, elementary, and wiring diagrams.* Control logic and ioop diagrams.* Technical Specifications.
  • Final Safety Analysis Report.* Emergency Plan.* Records needed to perform the functions of the emergency operating facility (EQOF) when it is not operational.

E12-98 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 2. OPERATIONS SUPPORT EP H.1.3 Operations Support Center (OSC) The commitment wording was standardized and CENTER (OSC) The OSC has been established to provide an relocated t'o the SNC Standard Emergency Plan The OSC has been established to be area for coordinating and planning activities and Site Annex.consistent with NUREG 0696 as and staging personnel and equipment.

The described below. The OSC is located OSC responders include groups such as on the second floor of the Instrument and Control Technicians, maintenance building in the lunch Mechanics, Electricians, Nuclear Chemistry room. The lunch room is located in and RP Technicians, Operations personnel, the southeast~corner of the second and oncoming shift personnel.

Additional floor and is accessed via the south space is available to accommodate personnel stairwell or the east stairwell.

Figure as required.

If the OSC is deemed H-2 defines the OSC layout and uninhabitable, the OSC may be moved to other shows access stairwells.

The OSC locations as deemed appropriate by the OSC is where operational support Manager.personnel (such as instrument Annex 5.1.3: Operations Support Center technicians, engineers, mechanics, The OSC is located in the Maintenance electricians, chemical/radiation Building.

The OSC is where operational technicians, equipment operators, support personnel (such as instrument incoming shift personnel, etc.) technicians, engineers, mechanics, assemble to aid in the response to electricians, chemical/radiation technicians, an emergency.

equipment operators and incoming shift personnel) assemble to aid in the response to an emergency.

E12-99 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 The OSO has been established to be EP H.1.3: The OSC has been established to The commitment wording was standardized and consistent with NUREG 0696. provide an area for coordinating and planning relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.activities and staging personnel and equipment.

The OSC responders include The wording was updated to provide more specific groups such as Instrument and Control capabilities for the facility.Technicians, Mechanics, Electricians, Nuclear Chemistry and RP Technicians, System Operators, and oncoming shift personnel.

Additional space is available to accommodate personnel as required.

If the OSC is deemed uninhabitable the OSO may be moved to other locations as deemed appropriate by the OSC Manager.Emergency supplies are maintained in the OSC. When an emergency condition exists at one SNC-operated nuclear power plant, additional supplies can be obtained from other unaffected plants and SNC resources upon request.Details of the OSC configuration and location are in the site-specific Annexes.Members of the team will be EP B.2.2.7: OSC teams are headed by a The commitment wording was standardized and selected by the OSC manager based designated team leader, who maintains relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.on the type of work to be conducted, communication with the OSC. The following emergency teams may be formed by OSC personnel, as necessary:

  • Search and rescue.* Repair.* Post-accident sampling.* Internal survey.* Field monitoring.

E12-100 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Preparations for dispatching EP B.2.2.1: The OSC Manager reports to the The commitment wording was standardized and maintenance teams to the plant will TSC Manager and directs a staff in providing relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.include the following steps as described labor, tools, protective equipment, and parts in Procedure 91104, Duties of the OSC needed for emergency repair, damage control, The commitment to perform OSC operations is Manager, and Procedure g1202, frfgfnsac n ece is iad mitie nhne yteSCSadr Activation and Operation of the OS ieihCg.erh n ece is i, n ananducage yteSCSadr A. Members of the team will be selected recovery.

Emergency Plan. The responsibility of conducting by the OSC manager based on the type EP 1-.1.3: The 0S0 has been established to OSC operations is included in Section B job of work to be conducted, provide an area for coordinating and planning descriptions of the various OSC leaders. The OSC B. The work will be preplanned by the activities and staging of personnel and Manager's job description contains the overall maintenance personnel.


The OSC responders include unchanged intent of job operations.

Specifics in C. Drawings, manuals, and other groups such as Instrument and Control each area (RP, Maint, Ops, etc.) are included in procedures will be obtained from the Technicians, Mechanics, Electricians, Nuclear the remainder of the job descriptions in 6.2.document control room or maintenance Chemistry and RP Technicians, System building.

If the equipment manuals are Oeaos n noigsitpronl not available in either facility, a complete Addiationalspace iscavailablefto accomodatel set of manuals is available in the service Adtoa pc saalbet comdt building, personnel as required.

If the OSC is deemed D. Dosimetry will be obtained from the uninhabitable, the OSC may be moved to other OSC emergency kit or at the HP control locations as deemed appropriate by the OSC*point. Manager.E. Protective clothing and equipment, radios, and other supplies will be obtained from the emergency kit stored in the OSO or the health physics control point. All equipment will be checked before leaving the OSC or health physics control point.F. A radiation work permit (RWP) will be completed in accordance with standard practices at the health physics control point, TSC, or OSC. Standard procedures include emergency RWPs.Procedure 91301-C, Emergency Exposure Guidelines, provides instruction for emergency exposures.

G. The tools and equipment needed to conduct repairs and take corrective actions will be determined.

This...E12-101 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised 8NC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 G. (Continued)

... equipment may be Continued from above The commitment wording was standardized and available in the auxiliary building tool relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.crib or in the maintenance building.Arrangements for tools and The commitment to perform OSC operations is equipment not located onsite will be maintained unchanged by the SNC Standard made in coordination with the Emergency Plan. The responsibility of conducting support coordinator OSC operations is included in Section Bljob H. ALARA and job briefings will be descriptions of the various OSC leaders. The OSC held with each team in the OSC, the Manager's job description contains the overall TSC, or at the health physics control unchanged intent of job operations.

Specifics in point, as appropriate.

Work to be each area (RP, Maint, Ops, etc.) are included in performed, special precautions, plant the remainder of the job descriptions in 8.2.conditions, and radiological information will be included in the briefings.

I. Upon completion of the job, the team members will be debriefed and their exposures recorded.Status boards containing plant Specific reference to status boards was eliminated conditions and emergency from the SNC Standard Emergency Plan due to classification will be available in the the ongoing enhancements in communications OSC. display capabilities.

Emergency kits containing radiation Annex 5.1.3: Emergency kits containing The commitment wording was standardized and monitoring equipment, first aid radiation monitoring equipment, first aid relocated to the Annex supplies, decontamination supplies, supplies, decontamination supplies, breathing breathing apparatus, portable apparatus, portable lighting, and portable lighting, and hand-held radios are radios are stored in the OSC.stored in the OSC.In the event that this facility becomes Annex 5.1.3: In the event this facility becomes The commitment wording was standardized and uninhabitable, the functions of the uninhabitable, the functions of the OSC will be. relocated to the Site Annex.OSC will be conducted from the conducted from the Outage Execution Center Clearance and Tagging (C&T) (OEC) located in the control building.located in the control building.

Evacuation of the OSC will be conducted according to emergency plan implementing


E12-102 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vlogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Evacuation of the OSC will be Annex 5.1.3: Evacuation of the OSC will be New EPIPs will be developed to support the SNO conducted according to Procedure conducted according to emergency plan Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex. These 91202-C, Activation and Operation of implementing procedures.

procedures will be developed consistent with the the 030. approval of the new Plan by the NRC and in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 5 0.43(q).3. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS EP H.20Offsite Emergency Facilities The wording was standardized and relocated to the FACILITY EP H.2.1 Emergency Operations Facility SNC Standard Emergency Plan.The Emergency Operations Facility The EOF is the central location for management is described in Appendix 7. of the offsite emergency response, coordination See Justification Matrix for Appendix 7 below for of radiological assessment, and management of specific documentation.

initial recovery operations.

The EOF is a dedicated facility located in Birmingham, Alabama, and serves as the EOF for SNC sites (VEGP, FNP, and HNP). Staffing and activation of the EOF is mandatory upon declaration of an_____________________________Alert or higher classification.


E12-I03 Enclosure l2 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

4. ALTERNATIVE FACILITY EP H.i.4: An Alternative Facility for staging of The wording was standardized and relocated to the During a security related event or ERO personnel has been designated at the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.other event that precludes onsite sites. In the event of a Security or Hostile access, the TSC and OSC ERO staff Action threat or event, the designated will be directed to an alternative Alternative Facility may also serve as an facility.

This facility is located in the evacuation location for TSC and OSO Plant Vogtle JIC building.

The personnel.

The Alternative Facility is designed alternative facility is located in the to be accessible in the event of an onsite HAB rear conference room of the JIC and event and has the capability to: is equipped with the necessary

  • Communicate with the Control Room, communications and data links to Security, and the communications with the
  • Conduct engineering assessment control room, site security, and the activities including damage control EOF. team planning and preparation.

The functions of Notification and PARs will be performed from the EOF should the Alternative Facility be activated.

Details of Altemnative Facilities can be found in the Site-Specific Annex.Annex 5.1.4: During a security-related event or other event that precludes onsite access, the TSC and OSC ERO staff will be directed to an alternative facility.

This facility is located in the rear of the near site media center in Waynesboro, Georgia. The alternative facility is equipped with the necessary communications and data links to support communications with the control room, site__________________________security, and the EOF. _____________________

E12-104 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 H.2 NEWS CENTER FACILITIES EP H.2.2 Joint Information Center (JIC) The wording was standardized and relocated to the The Joint Information Center is The JIC, located at the Atlanta or Birmingham SNC Standard Emergency Plan.described in appendix 8. corporate headquarters building of Georgia Power Company or Alabama Power Company, The License Amendment Request contains a as appropriate, is the official location for detailed description of the Joint Information System coordination and issuance of news requested by this submittal.

announcements and responses to news media inquiries.

The JIC is the point of contact with the news media during a declared emergency.

The JIC facilities, which coordinate the dissemination of information to the media, will be established to accommodate public information representatives from the licensee and federal, state, and local response agencies.

News releases and media briefings are coordinated to the maximum extent possible.

Following activation of the JIC in Atlanta or Birmingham, the Public Information Director will evaluate the nature of the event, If it is determined that the event will be prolonged, is likely to escalate, or is likely to result in significant media attention, the Public Information Director will direct that JIC operations move to a forward near site location.

If the decision is made to move the JIC function to the near site location the existing Atlanta or Birmingham location will maintain media coordination until the JIC is operational at the near site location.E12-105 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vagtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 H.3 ACTIVATION AND STAFFING EP H.I: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and OF EMERGENCY FACILITIES have established a Technical Support Center relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.During the initial stages of an (TSC) and an onsite Operations Support Center emergency situation, emergency (OSC), which are staffed and activated within The SNC Standard Emergency Plan requests ERO activities at VEGP are directed from 75 minutes of the declaration of an Alert or augmentation be revised to 75 minutes as part of the control room. For a Notification of higher classification, this submittal.

That justification is provided in the Unusual Event, no other facilities Technical Analysis Section of this submittal rather need be activated.

than repeated in the table each place it is For security related events, the referenced.

activation of emergency facilities may be delayed as described in section B.Section H.4.1 .a: (Meteorological)

Annex 5.6.1: A meteorological monitoring The commitment wording was standardized and Parameters measured and program is in place at VEGP. Instruments are relocated to the Site Annex.transmitted to the control room mounted on a 60-meter tower located to the include: south-southwest of the power block. Met Tower modified under DCP SNC143331 which Windspeed (10 m and 60 in). Parameters measured and transmitted to the was evaluated per 10 CFR 50.54 (q) VEGP-15-Wind direction (10 m and 60 in). control room include: 003-02. This DCP provided to channels of Standard deviation of horizontal wind

  • Windspeed (10 in and 60 in). instrumentation on the primary tower and deleted direction (10 in). ° Wind direction (10 m and 60 in). the back-up tower.Vertical temperature difference (10
  • Standard deviation of horizontal wind mn and 60 in). direction (10 in).Ambient temperature (10 in).
  • Vertical temperature difference (10Gm and 60 Dewpoint temperature (10 in). in).Precipitation (base).
  • Ambient temperature (10 in).Section 1.4: In the event the primary
  • Dewpoint temperature (10 in).instruments are unavailable, the
  • Precipitation (base).backp mteorlogcal owe is Additionally, meteorological information can be equipped with instruments at the 10- obtained from the National Weather Service to in level to provide parameters supplement onsite data and provide a backup relevant to atmospheric dispersion to the plant meteorological monitoring program calculations (i.e., windspeed, wind on an as-needed basis.direction, and sigma theta).E12-106 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section H.4.1 .a: (Meteorological)

Annex 5.6.1: A meteorological monitoring The commitment wording was standardized and Parameters measured and program is in place at VEGP. Instruments are relocated to the Site Annex.transmitted to the control room mounted on a 60-meter tower located to the include: south-southwest of the power block.Windspeed (10 m and 60 in). Parameters measured and transmitted to the Wind direction (10 m and 60 in). control room include: Standard deviation of horizontaliwind

  • Windspeed (10Dm and 6D m).direction (10 in).
  • Wind direction (10 m and 60Dm).Vertical temperature difference (10
  • Standard deviation of horizontal wind in and 60 in). direction (10 in).Ambient temperature (10 in).
  • Vertical temperature difference (10Dm and 60 Dewpoint temperature (10 in). in).Precipitation (base).
  • Ambient temperature (10 in).* Dewpoint temperature (10 in).__________________________

Precipitation (base).Section H.4.1 .a: The system is Annex 5.6.1: The system is powered by an The commitment wording was standardized and powered by an uninterruptible power uninterruptible power supply consisting of wet relocated to the Site consisting of wet cell cell batteries, charger, and inverter for high batteries, charger, and inverter for availability.

high availability.

Section H.4.3: The meteorological system power is provided with a wet cell battery backup.E12-107 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H: Table H-I: All EP 1.1: Some of the key plant parameters The commitment wording was standardized and monitored in the Control Room are assembled relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan into a single display on the Safety Parameter and Site Annex.Display System (SPDS). The SPDS monitors such parameters as reactor coolant system pressure, reactor or pressurizer water level, containment pressure, suppression pool water level and temperature, reactor power, safety system status, containment radiation level, and effluent monitor readings.Annex Section 5.6: The plant instrumentation and monitors perform indicating, recording, and protective functions.

The Reactor Protection System and associated plant instrumentation provide the ability to maintain plant safety from shutdown to full power operations, and to monitor and maintain key variables such as reactor power, flow, temperature, and radioactivity levels within predetermined safe limits at both steady state conditions and during plant transients.

Plant instrumentation and control systems also provide means to cope with abnormal operating conditions.

The control and display of information of these various systems are centralized in the unit Control Room. This instrumentation provides the basis____________________________for initiation of protective actions. ______________________

E12-I08 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.4: In the event both the Annex 5.6.1: Additionally, meteorological The commitment wording was standardized and primary and backup meteorological information can be obtained from the National relocated to the Site are unavailable, Weather Service to supplement onsite data meteorological data will be obtained and provide a backup to the plant by commercial telephone directly meteorological monitoring program on an as-from the National Weather Service needed basis.located In Columbia, South Carolina.Section H.5.1: The National Weather Service (NWS) maintains an automated observation station at the airport (Augusta);

and windspeed, wind direction, cloud cover, and ceiling height can be obtained.information from this automated observation station as well as forecast information can be obtained from the NWS in Columbia, S. C.Section H.4.3: In the event the data transmission system fails, data will Procedural level steps to obtain tertiary sources be obtained by sending a person to are not needed in the SNC Standard Emergency the meteorological shack to collect Plan.the information and phone it back to the plant.Section H. 4.1 .c: Seismic monitoring Annex 5.6.1: Seismic monitoring The commitment wording was standardized and instrumentation for VEGP consists of instrumentation for VEGP consists of relocated to the Site Annex.time-history accelerographs, central time-history accelerographs, central control unit, and free-field ETNA. control unit, and free-field ETNA.A strong-motion accelerometer A strong-motion accelerometer (SMA)(SMA) is installed in the containment is installed in the containment tendon tendon gallery on the basemat. gallery on the basemat. The second SMA is located on the containment operating floor at elevation 220 feet.Activation of the time history accelerographs causes visual and audible annunciation in the control room to alert the plant operator that an earthquake has occurred.E12-109 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.4.1 .c: Activation of the Annex 5.6.1: Activation of the time history The commitment wording was standardized and time history acceierographs causes accelerographs causes visual and audible relocated to the Site Annex.visual and audible annunciation in annunciation in the control room to alert the the control room to alert the plant plant operator that an earthquake has operator that an earthquake has occurred.occurred Section H.4.1 .d: The fire-detection EP H.5.4: The Fire Detection System is The commitment wording was standardized and system at VEGP includes smoke, designed to detect products of combustion or relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.flame, and temperature detectors heat in designated areas of the plant. The fire and manual fire alarms, alarm communication systems and subsystems are located at strategic points throughout the plant to warn personnel of a fire or other emergency conditions.

Additional description of the fire system is provided in the FSAR.Section H.4.1.d: Fire-detection EP H.5.4: The Fire Detection System is The commitment wording was standardized and systems are provided in all areas designed to detect products of combustion or relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.with safe shutdown equipment.

heat in designated areas of the plant. The fire alarm communication systems and subsystems are located at strategic points throughout the plant to wamn personnel of a fire or other emergency conditions.

Additional description of the fire system is provided in the FSAR.Section H.4.1 .d: In addition to EP H-.5.4: The Fire Detection System is The commitment wording was standardized and initiating fire-suppression systems, designed to detect products of combustion or relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.indications from the fire-detection heat in designated areas of the plant. The fire system are transmitted to the control alarm communication systems and subsystems room. are located at strategic points throughout the plant to warn personnel of a fire or other emergency conditions.

Additional description of the fire system is provided in the FSAR.E12-110 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.4.2: The post-accident EP H.5.2.2: The process sampling system The commitment wording was standardized and radiation monitors provide radiation consists of the normal sampling system and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.monitoring after an accident, additional sampling panels located throughout the plant. Pre-designated monitoring and sampling points are listed in site procedures.

Sampling systems are installed or can be modified to permit reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling even under severe accident conditions.

The system can provide information on post-accident plant conditions to allow operator actions to mitigate and control the course of an accident.

Various chemical analyses and radiological measurements on these samples can be performed, including the determination of radionuclide concentrations.

Section H.4.2: The monitors are EP H.5.2.1: Radiation monitoring instruments The commitment wording was standardized and comprised of area, airborne, and air are located at selected areas within the plant relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.particulate monitors, to detect, measure, and record radiation levels.The monitors are comprised of area, airborne, and air particulate monitors.Section H.4.2: Area monitors EP H.5.2.1: Radiation monitoring instruments The commitment wording was standardized and respond to gamma radiation photons are located at selected areas within the plant relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.within any energy range from 60 keV to detect, measure, and record radiation 3 MeV. The monitors are comprised of area, airborne and air particulate monitors.* Area monitors respond to gamma radiation.

  • Airborne monitors detect and measure radioactive gaseous effluent concentrations.

Section H.4.2: Airborne monitors are EP H.5.2.1: Radiation monitoring instruments The commitment wording was standardized and capable of detecting and measuring are located at selected areas within the plant relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.radioactive gaseous effluent to detect, measure, and record radiation levels.concentrations with compositions The monitors are comprised of area, airborne, ranging from fresh equilibrium noble and air particulate monitors.gas fission product mixtures to 10-day old mixtures._____________________


E12-111 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.4.2: Power to post- The SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Site accident monitors is diesel generator Annex retain the commitment to provide sampling backed. capability.

Section H.4.3: The IPC serves as the EP H.5.3: Process Monitors The commitment wording was standardized and primary data acquisition system for The Control Room and redundant backup relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.emergency response, acquiring, locations are equipped with extensive plant processing, and feeding data to the process monitors for use in both normal and TSC and SPDS. emergency conditions.

These indications Section H.4.3: In addition, data links include reactor coolant system pressure and are provided to other locations temperatures, containment pressure and including the EOF. temperature, and various liquid levels, flow Section H.4.5: The SPDS provides a rates, status or lineup of equipment display of plant parameters from components.

which the status of operation can be EP H.5.3.1: A plant monitoring/information assessed, in the control room and system provides the data acquisition and TSC. The EOF accesses SPDS via database capability for performing plant the IPC gateway, monitoring and functions.

The system is Section H.4.5: Duplicate SPOS designed to scan, convert to engineering units, displays are located in the TSC and make sensor range and alarm limit checks, EOF. apply required transformations, store for recall and analysis, and display the reading of transformed data from plant instrumentation.

The system scans flows, pressures, temperatures, fluid levels, radiation levels, equipment, and valve status at required frequencies.

EP H.5.3.2: Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)The SPDS parameters are available during normal and abnormal operating conditions in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF.E12-112 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Pian Justification Revision 63 Section H.4.3: The IPC has the EP H.5.3.1: A plant monitoring/information The commitment wording was standardized and required data storage capability to system provides the data acquisition and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency the guidelines of NUREG- database capability for performing plant 0J696, which specifies 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of pre- monitoring and functions.

The system is events data, 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> of post event designed to scan, convert to engineering units, data, and 2 weeks of additional post- make sensor range and alarm limit checks, event data within reduced-time apply required transformations, store for recall resolution, and analysis, and display the reading of transformed data from plant instrumentation.

The system scans flows, pressures, temperatures, fluid levels, radiation levels, equipment, and valve status at required frequencies.

Section H.4.3: The IPC hardware EP H.20Offsite Emergency Facilities The commitment wording was standardized and and software are protected against EP H.2.1 Emergency Operations Facility relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.unauthorized manipulation of, or Normal power to the EOF is from a reliable interference with, input signals, data offsite source. Emergency lighting is provided processing, data storage, and data by battery-operated lights. Backup power for output the EOF is supplied by onsite diesel generation.

Essential equipment is backed up by the diesel generation system.Section H.4.3: The required IPC EP H.20Offsite Emergency Facilities The commitment wording was standardized and equipment (processor, workstations, EP H.2.1 Emergency Operations Facility relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.printer, video copiers, and network Normal power to the EOF is from a reliable devices) are powered by a battery offsite source. Emergency lighting is provided system (uninterruptible power). by battery operated lights. Backup power for the EOF is supplied by onsite diesel generation.

Essential equipment is backed up by the diesel____________________________generation system.E12-113 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.4.3: The EOF is located in EP H.2.1: The EOF is the central location for The commitment wording was standardized and Birmingham, Alabama. It contains management of the offsite emergency relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.workstations and computer network response, coordination of radiological equipment required for assessment, and management of initial communicating with the main IPC recovery operations.

The EOF is a dedicated processors via the IPC gateway. facility located in Birmingham, Alabama, and serves as the EOF for SNC sites (VEGP, FNP, and HNP). Staffing and activation of the EOF is mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or higher classification.

The EOF provides for:* Management of overall emergency response.* Coordination of radiological and environmental assessments.

  • Protective Action Recommendations.
  • Notification of Offsite Agencies.* Management of recovery operations.
  • Notification and update of the NRC via Emergency Notification System (ENS).* Notification and update of the NRC via Health Physics Network (HPN).* Coordination of emergency response activities with federal, state, and local agencies.Section H.4.5 The SPDS is in EP H.5.3.2: The SPDS parameters are The commitment wording was standardized and operation during normal and available during normal and abnormal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.abnormal operating conditions, operating conditions in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF.Section H.4.6: Liquid samples from EP H.5.2.2: The process sampling system The commitment wording was standardized and the reactor coolant system and the consists of the normal sampling system and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.containment sumps, and air samples additional sampling panels located throughout from the containment atmosphere the plant. Pre-designated monitoring and may be taken during accident sampling points are listed in site procedures.


Sampling systems are installed or can be modified to permit reactor coolant and containment atmosphere sampling even under severe accident conditions.

The system can provide information on post-accident plant conditions to allow operator actions to mitigate and control the course of an accident.E12-114 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 ___________________

Section H.5.3:VEGP has laboratory EP C.3.1: The onsite laboratory/counting room The commitment wording was standardized and facilities for analysis of radioactive at SNC-operated nuclear power plants are the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.samples. The major pieces of primary facility for radiation monitoring and equipment include a solid-state analysis effort. The onsite laboratory is the gamma spectrometer and a central point for receipt and analysis of onsite beta/gamma gas proportional samples and includes equipment for chemical counter. and radiological analyses.

The plant laboratories have the capability of quantitative analysis of marine and air samples, and qualitative analysis of terrestrial samples.Additional facilities for counting and analyzing samples are available at the other SNC-operated nuclear plants or state and federal laboratory services.

These laboratories can act as backup facilities in the event that the affected nuclear power plant's counting room and laboratory become unusable or the capacity or capability of the plant's laboratory is exceeded.EP H.5.2.3: SNC sites have a laboratory facility for analysis of radioactive samples.Section H.5.3: The GPC EP A.3.5: Radiological monitoring in the plant The commitment wording was standardized and environmental laboratory located in and in the environs, both onsite and offsite, will relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Smyrna, GA has the capability to be augmented by outside vendors as perform isotopic analyses of drinking necessary.

Initial radiological monitoring will be water, river water, milk, vegetation, performed by available Southemn Company sediment, and biological samples, as resources (e.g., Georgia Power Company well as tritium and gross-beta (GPC) Central Laboratory).


EP H.6.3: Extemnal facilities for counting and Section H.5.3: In addition, analyzing samples, and for dosimetry processing of environmental TLDs processing, can be provided by other SNC-will be handled by this laboratory.

operated plants including the GPC Central Laboratory, state, federal, or contracted laboratories.

Outside analytical assistance may be requested from state and federal agencies, or through contracted vendors. The DOE, through the Radiological Assistance Program___________________________(RAP) has access to any national laboratory.


E12-I15 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.5.3: Backup laboratory EP H.6.3: External facilities for counting and The commitment wording was standardized and facilities are available at Plant Hatch. analyzing samples, and for dosimetry relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.processing, can be provided by other SNC-operated plants including the GPO Central Laboratory, state, federal, or contracted laboratories.

Outside analytical assistance may be requested from state and federal agencies, or through contracted vendors. The DOE, through the Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) has access to any national laboratory.

Section H.5.2: VEGP will have EP 1.7: The capability to take offsite soil, water, The commitment wording was standardized and sufficient portable equipment and and vegetation samples is provided by a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.trained personnel to field three field minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams monitoring teams. (FMTs). The modification of the commitment to provide two vs. three field teams aligns with industry standards.

The bases for the original commitment to deploy three field teams cannot be determined at this____________________________point.

Section H.6: Emergency kits are EP H.9: Emergency kits are available at SNC- The commitment wording was standardized and located in the TSC (for control room operated nuclear power plants. Designated site relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan also), the OSC, the health physics or department procedures identify the and Site Annex.control point, the EOF and other equipment in the various emergency kits.plant locations.

Details as to kit locations are found in the plant-Section H.6: An ambulance kit will be specific procedures.

carried by the VEGP health physics Annex 5.6: Emergency supplies and technician who accompanies the equipment are located in the TSC (also for the ambulance.

control room), the OSC, the radiation protection control point, and other plant locations.

Procedures require an inspection and operational check of equipment in these kits on a quarterly basis and after each use.Equipment in these kits is calibrated in accordance with procedures.

A set of spares of certain equipment is also maintained to replace inoperative or out-of-calibration


E12-116 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.6: Procedures require an EP H.8: Emergency facilities and equipment are The commitment wording was standardized and inspection and operational check of inspected and inventoried using appropriate relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency in these kits on a administrative or department procedures.

quarterly basis and after each use. These procedures provide information on Section H.6: Equipment in these kits location and availability of emergency is calibrated in accordance with the equipment and supplies.suppliers' recommendations.


Section H.6: A set of spares of EP H.8: Sufficient reserves of instruments and The commitment wording was standardized and certain equipment is also maintained equipment are maintained to replace those relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency replace inoperative or out-of- removed from emergency kits or lockers for calibration equipment.

calibration or repair. ______________________

Section I: Initial assessment actions EP B.1: The normal onsite organization of a The commitment wording was standardized and are the responsibility of the shift SNC-operated nuclear power plant provides a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.superintendent and/or the shift staff capable of providing the initial response to The responsibility was relocated to Section B supervisor, using available shift an emergency event. The normal on-shift description of on-shift staff and ED responsibilities.


complement provides the initial response to an emergency.

The On-Shift staff was validated by performing a detailed staffing analysis as required by Part 50 Appendix E.IV.9.Organizational structures for each of the sites and the On-Shift staffing tables are provided in the Site-Specific Annex.EP B.1.i: The Shift Manager (SM) is in direct charge of shift plant operations and is directly responsible for the actions of the on-shift crew.In an emergency, the SM assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Director (ED)and takes necessary actions to identify and respond to the emergency until relieved by another qualified ED. The ED has the responsibility and authority to immediately and unilaterally initiate emergency actions, including providing notification of Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and local government organizations responsible for__________________________implementing off site emergency measures.


E12-117 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section I: Subsequent assessment EP B.I: The Shift Manager (SM) is in direct The commitment wording was standardized and actions are directed by the charge of shift plant operations and is directly relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.emergency director with assistance responsible for the actions of the on-shift crew.from the control room, technical In an emergency, the SM assumes the support center (TSC), emergency responsibility of the Emergency Director (ED)operations facility (EOF), and and takes necessary actions to identify and emergency teams, as necessary, respond to the emergency until relieved by another qualified ED. The ED has the responsibility and authority to immediately and unilaterally initiate emergency actions, including providing notification of Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) to state and local government organizations responsible for implementing off site emergency measures.The ED, at their discretion or when procedurally required, activates the ERO.The Emergency Director's non-delegable duties include:* Event classification in accordance with the emergency classification system.* Perform the duties and responsibilities of Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)determination.

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval of state, local, and NRC notifications.
  • Authorization of emergency exposures in excess of federal limits.* Issuance of potassium iodide (KI) to plant employees as a thyroid blocking agent.* Request federal assistance as needed.After being relieved as Emergency Director, the Shift Manager directs the activities of the operating crew and is responsible for the safe operation of the plant.E12-118 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.2: The containment high- EP H.5.2.1: Radiation monitoring instruments The commitment wording was standardized and range radiation monitor and are located at selected areas within the plant to relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.containment hydrogen monitor are detect, measure, and record radiation levels.used to provide an eariy indication of The monitors are comprised of area, airborne, the quantity of radioactivity available and air particulate monitors.for release from the containment.
  • Area monitors respond to gamma radiation.
  • Airbomne monitors are capable of detecting and measuring radioactive gaseous effluent____________________________


Section 1.2: Emergency procedures EP H.5.2.1: Emergency response procedures The commitment wording was standardized and (Procedure 91502-C) include a provide methods for determining relationships relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.correlation between the monitor between monitor readings and releases, reading and the extent of core material available for release and extent of damage. core damage.Section 1.2: A more detailed assessment of core damage is then performed using Procedures 91502-C and 91503-C, which are also based on the WOG methodology.

Section 1.2: Samples can be EP H.5.2.2: Sampling systems are installed or The commitment wording was standardized and obtained for reactor coolant, can be modified to permit reactor coolant and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.containment sump, and containment containment atmosphere sampling even under atmosphere and are used for all severe accident conditions.

The system can radiochemical analyses.

provide information on post-accident plant conditions to allow operator actions to be taken to mitigate and control the course of an accident.Section 1.2: Grab samples can be EP H.5.2.2: Sampling systems are installed or The commitment wording was standardized and transported in a shielded cask. can be modified to permit reactor coolant and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.containment atmosphere sampling even under severe accident conditions.

The system can provide information on post-accident plant conditions to allow operator actions to be taken to mitigate and control the course of an accident.Section 1.4: Computer dose EP 1.3: The dose calculation model is provided The commitment wording was standardized and calculation systems will be located in in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF for use in relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.both the TSC and EOF for offsite projecting potential offsite doses.dose assessment purposes.E12-119 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392

-Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNO Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.4: Initial dose projections EP 1.3: SNC-operated nuclear power plants use The commitment wording was standardized and can be made within 15 min of a an offsite dose assessment program that relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.radiological release utilizing the estimates doses from radiological accidents for computer system. comparison with the EPA Protective Action Guidance and acute health effect thresholds.


Section 1.4: Subsequent dose EP 1.3: SNO-operated nuclear power plants use The commitment wording was standardized and projections will be made an offsite dose assessment program that relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.approximately every 15-30 min estimates doses from radiological accidents for depending on the variability of comparison with the EPA Protective Action The commitment is to maintain the comparison meteorological conditions and/or Guidance and acute health effect thresholds.

with EPA PAGs. The time reference is not radioactive releases.

required to support the PAR process.Section 1.4: Default release rates are EP 1.3: The program estimates reactor source The commitment wording was standardized and available for possible accidents in term, atmospheric transport, and doses relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.the event that measured source term resulting from radiological emergencies, and data are not available or the case can be used to assist in making protective where bounding calculations are action determinations The system desired, supplements assessments based on plant conditions and quick estimates based on hand-calculation methods.The model was developed to allow consideration of the dominant aspects of source term, transport, dose, and consequences.

Because the program is designed to be used during a radiological emergency, it is assumed that the amount of activity being released and the meteorological conditions will not be precisely known.EP 1.6: Unmonitored Release Dose projections can be made during a release through use of sample data in situations where effluent monitors are either off-scale, inoperative, or the release occurs by an unmonitored flow path. In the absence of effluent sample data, a computerized offsite dose projection can be performed by___________________________specifying the accident category as a default. ______________________

E12-120 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.4: When precipitation is EP 1.3: The model was developed to allow The commitment wording was standardized and predicted or occurring in the area of consideration of the dominant aspects of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the plume, the potential for source tern, transport, dose, and significantly increased rates of consequences.

Because the program is Precipitation is part of the standard modeling radioactivity deposition will be designed to be used during a radiological techniques and a specific discussion in the Plan is considered by increasing the scope emergency, it is assumed that the amount of not required.of environmental sampling as activity being released and the meteorological required.

conditions will not be precisely known.Section 1.4: The VEGP staff will EP J.50Offsite Protective Action The deposition doses will be calculated in the calculate the 50-mile ingestion Recommendations (PARs) intermediate phase under the direction of the pathway doses from the deposition Plant conditions, projected dose and dose Offsite Response Organization.

The utility retains of specific radionuclides.

rates, field monitoring data, and evacuation the commitments to make Ad Hoc Protective time estimates are evaluated to develop PARs Action Recommendations beyond the 10 mile EPZ for preventing or minimizing exposure to the in Section J of the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.public. PARs are provided to the offsite agencies responsible for implementing protective actions for the public within the 10-mile EPZ. The Emergency Director will approve PARs. The PAR decision making flowcharts are site-specific in nature, and are provided in the site-specific implementing procedures.

SNO-operated plants have the capability to provide state and local agencies a PAR for beyond the 10-mile EPZ.Section 1.4: The VEGP field EP 1.7: In addition to the capabilities and The commitment wording was standardized and monitoring team will collect sufficient resources described in Section H, SNO- relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.environmental data to characterize operated nuclear power plants have the ability the initial deposition of activity, the to take offsite air samples and to directly peak activity in pasture grass and measure gamma dose rates from a radioactive milk, and total intake of 1-131, Cs- material release. The capability to take offsite 137, Sr-90, and Sr-89. soil, water, and vegetation samples is provided by a minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs).E12-121 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.4: The dose assessment EP J.5 Offsite Protective Action The deposition doses will be calculated in the computer program will 'be used to Recommendations (PARs) intermediate phase under the direction of the calculate the projected deposition of Plant conditions, projected dose and dose Offsite Response Organization.

The utility retains radionuclides and associated doses rates, field monitoring data, and evacuation the commitments to make Ad Hoc Protective in the ingestion pathway based on time estimates are evaluated to develop PARs Action Recommendations beyond the 10 mile EPZ release data and meteorological for preventing or minimizing exposure to the in Section J of the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.conditions.

public. PARs are provided to the offsite agencies responsible for implementing protective actions for the public within the 10-mile EPZ. The Emergency Director will approve PARs. The PAR decision making flowcharts are site-specific in nature, and are provided in the site-specific implementing procedures.

SNC-operated plants have the capability to provide state and local agencies a PAR for beyond the 10-mile EPZ.Section 1.4: The results of all EP B.3.1.4: The Dose Assessment Supervisor The commitment wording was standardized and analyses will be provided to the reports to the EOF Manager and provides relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.States of Georgia and South oversight of dose assessment, field team Carolina by the dose assessment control, and protective action recommendation supervisor.

activities in the EOF; and coordinates communication of results with offsite agencies.Section I-4: Data from the primary EP 1.3: The dose calculation model is provided The commitment wording was standardized and meteorological monitoring system in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF for use in relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.can be accessed directly from the projecting potential offsite doses.control room, TSC, and EOF, and EP 1.8: SNC-operated nuclear power plants are also available to NRC personnel have a meteorological monitoring system and State representatives at the site. sufficient to acquire and evaluate meteorological information for accident assessment.

This information can be accessed in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF, and is transmitted by the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) for NRC and offsite authorities use.E12-122 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section H.5.2: VEGP will have EP 1.7: In addition to the capabilities and The commitment wording was standardized and sufficient portable equipment and resources described in Section H, SNO- relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.trained personnel to field three field operated nuclear power plants have the ability monitoring teams. to take offsite air samples and to directly The modification of the commitment to provide two Section 1.5: The emergency director measure gamma dose rates from a radioactive vs. three field teams aligns with industry standards.

or his designee can deploy up to material release. The capability to take offsite The bases for the original commitment to deploy three teams for field monitoring, soil, water, and vegetation samples is provided three field teams cannot be determined at this by a minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring point.Teams (FMTs).Section 1.5: Initially, the emergency EP 1.7: In addition to the capabilities and The commitment wording was standardized and director can activate at least one resources described in Section H, SNO- relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency from on-shift personnel.

operated nuclear power plants have the ability to take offsite air samples and to directly Table 2 designating the required minimum on-shift measure gamma dose rates from a radioactive staffing retains the commitment to support one material release. The capability to take offsite environmental team from on-shift personnel.

soil, water, and vegetation samples is provided by a minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs).Table 2.2.A -Vogtle Electric Generating Plant On-Shift Staffing Section H.5.2: Results of the offsite EP The RP Supervisor reports to the The commitment wording was standardized and monitoring activities will be provided TSC Manager and supervises the activities of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency the TSC until the dose the radiation protection staff and Radiation assessment activities are transferred Protection Network (HPN) Communicator.

The from the TSC to the EOF. RP Supervisor assists the Radiation Section 1.5: They will be controlled Protection/Chemistry Group Lead in the OSC by the TSC until the responsibility is in determining the extent and nature of transferred to the EOF. radiological or hazardous conditions and coordinates offsite dose assessment and offsite Field Monitoring Teams prior to EOF_____________________________activation.

E12-123 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.2: In addition to the onsite EP O.3.1: Additional facilities for counting and The commitment wording was standardized and capabilities for radiological analyzing samples are available at the other relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.assessment, Framatome SNC-operated nuclear plants or state and Technologies has agreed to provide federal laboratory services.

These backup analysis of high radioactivity laboratories can act as backup facilities in the level samples per the agreement in event that the affected nuclear power plant's appendix 2. counting room and laboratory become Appendix 7 F.2.4: The GPC Central unusable or the capacity or capability of the Laboratory has personnel and plant's laboratory is exceeded.

0]facilities available to provide offsite EP H.6.3: External facilities for counting and monitoring, sample analysis, and analyzing samples, and for dosimetry dosimetry processing for the affected processing, can be provided by other SNC-site. operated plants including the GPO Central Appendix 7 F.8 Contract Laboratory, state, federal, or contracted Laboratories laboratories.

Outside analytical assistance may Teledyne Isotopes, Inc. for be requested from state and federal agencies, emergency analytical services.

or through contracted vendors. The DOE, Framatome ANP for emergency through the Radiological Assistance Program analytical services (RAP) has access to any national laboratory.

Section 1.2: The TSC manager will The statement of process was eliminated.

approve and direct the transport of Procedural control for the release of material offsite the grab sample to Framatome.

is maintained by existing site non-emergency


Section H.5.2: Each team will include EP Table 3 The commitment wording was standardized and two people who will obtain an EP 1.7: The capability to take offsite soil, water, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.emergency monitoring kit. and vegetation samples is provided by a Section 1.5: Monitoring teams of at minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams least two people are formed and (FMTs)dispatched at the OSC or TSC as appropriate.

Section 1.5: Field monitoring kits are EP 1.7: The capability to take offsite soil, water, The commitment wording was standardized and available to the teams in and vegetation samples is provided by a relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.predetermined locations as minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams described in 91702-C. (FMTs). The environmental monitoring Section 1.5: The kits will include anti- equipment include portable survey, counting, contamination suits, respirators, a and air sampling instrumentation and other two-way radio, meters for measuring radiological monitoring equipment and supplies gamma and beta/gamma dose rates, to be used by the FMTs.and air samplers.E12-124 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.5: Designated vehicles may EP 1.7: The capability to take offsite soil, water, The commitment wording was standardized and be used which are equipped with and vegetation samples is provided by a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.two-way radios on plant-dedicated minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring Teams frequencies. (FMTs). The environmental monitoring Section 1.5: Handheld radios will also equipment include portable survey, counting, be available as a backup. and air sampling instrumentation and other Section 1.5: Vehicles will be available radiological monitoring equipment and supplies 24 h oer day. to be used by the FMTs.Section H.5.2: VEGP monitoring The conduct of sampling operations is event teams will remain on the Georgia specific and Plan direction not considering the side of the Savannah River. environmental and release considerations are potentially inconsistent with appropriate deployment.

Section 1.5: It is estimated that teams Table 2.2.A -Vogtle Electric Generating Table 2.2.A of the Site Annex directs the capability will be in the field and performing Plant On-Shift Staffing to be maintained for a single team with on-shift monitoring tasks within about 1 h of personnel.

The submittal supports the response of the determination of the need for a second team at 75 minutes.field monitoring.

Section 1.5: Monitoring teams are Procedural guidance for the conduct of sampling instructed to contact the monitoring will be relocated to EPIPs developed to support team communicator approximately implementation of the Plan.every half hour.Section 1.5: The teams will inspect EP H-.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and their field monitoring kits, perform maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.survey equipment operation checks, radiological monitoring equipment.

These obtain dosimeters, and establish supplies are located at each staging point for Procedural guidance for the conduct of sampling radio communications with the Field Monitoring Teams. will be relocated to EPIPs developed to support monitoring team communicator, implementation of the Plan.Section 1.6: Copies of the map EP 1.7: Samples are taken at predetermined The commitment wording was standardized and showing the locations will be in the locations as well as those locations specified relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.field monitoring kits, the TSC and during and after a release.EEO, E12-125 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised 8NC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section H.5.2: The kits will include EP 1.9: Field monitoring equipment has the The commitment wording was standardized and dosimeters, a two-way radio, meters capability to detect and measure airborne relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.for measuring gamma and radiolodine in the presence of noble gases.beta/gamma dose rates, and air samplers for collecting particulates and iodines.Section 1.5: The emergency monitoring kits contain a portable air sampler, silver zeolite cartridges, and counters to provide the capability to detect and measure radioiodine concentrations in the air as low as 10-7 ijCi/cc.Section 1.5: Prior to leaving for the The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the field, the dose assessment commitment to dispatch Field Teams and use the supervisor, or designee, will normally environmental information for radiological direct and brief the teams on the assessment as previously described.

The initial survey and sample locations, information here is appropriate to procedural suggested travel routes, control of the teams.meteorological conditions, and team identification name or number for communication purposes.


Section 1.5: The teams will obtain The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the their briefing from the health physics commitment to dispatch Field Teams and use the supervisor in the TSC or in the OSG environmental information for radiological by the OSC manager. assessment as previously described.

The information here is appropriate to procedural control of the teams.Section 1.5: In-transit dose rate The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the measurements will be made. commitment to dispatch Field Teams and use the environmental information for radiological assessment as previously described.

The information here is appropriate to procedural

_________________________control of the teams.E12-126 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.5: If the dose rate exceeds The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the 100 mrem/h, off-centerline commitment to dispatch Field Teams and use the measurements will be made. environmental information for radiological assessment as previously described.

The information here is appropriate to procedural

_________________________control of the teams.Section 1.5: The total sample volume The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the and the limiting background count commitment to dispatch Field Teams and use the rate allow for a LLD of at least 10-7 environmental information for radiological pJCi/cc. assessment as previously described.

The information here is appropriate to procedural

_________________________control of the teams.Section 1.5: The Dose Assessment EP 1.7: The environmental monitoring The commitment wording was standardized and Team at the EOF will collate field equipment include portable survey, counting, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.monitoring data for VEGP dose and air sampling instrumentation, and other projection purposes.

radiological monitoring equipment and supplies to be used by the FMTs. Samples are taken at predetermined locations as well as those locations specified during and after a release.Environmental measurements are used as an aid in determining and assessing protective actions for the general public and recovery_________________________actions for the plant.Section 1.6: In addition to direct EP 1.7: In addition to the capabilities and The commitment wording was standardized and monitoring and air sampling, the resources described in Section H, SNC- relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.assessment program includes an operated nuclear power plants have the ability emergency environmental sampling to take offsite air samples and to directly program. measure gamma dose rates from a radioactive material release. The capability to take offsite soil, water, and vegetation samples is provided by a minimum of two (2) Field Monitoring

_______________________Teams (FMTs).E12-127 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section 1.6: Direct radiation is EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and measured by thermoluminescent maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.dosimeters (TLDs) which are radiological monitoring equipment.

These exchanged and analyzed (read) for supplies are located at each staging point for gamma dose quarterly.

Field Monitoring Teams.SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a Radiological Environmental Monitoding Program (REMP) consisting of locations with dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.


Section 1.6: The (airbomne radiolodine EP H,16,2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and and particulates for environmental maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.sample) cartridge and filter are radiological monitoring equipment.

These changed weekly. supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

Section 1.6: Filters are composited EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and quarterly by location for gamma maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.isotopic analysis.

radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling__________________________equipment.

Section 1.6: Quarterly composites, EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and which are obtained from the monthly maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.composites, are analyzed for tritium. radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

E12-128 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.6: Composite samples (of EP H-.6.2: SNO-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and drinking water) from each location maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.are collected monthly. radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNO-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling___________________________equipment.

Section 1.6: Grab samples of finished EP H.6.2: SNO-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and drinking water are taken monthly. maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling___________________________equipment.

Section 1.6: Monthly samples are EP H.6.2: SNO-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and analyzed for gross beta and gamma maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.isotopics, radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNO Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling___________________________equipment.

E12-129 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.6: Quarterly composites, EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and which are prepared from the monthly maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.samples, are analyzed for tritium. radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

Section 1.6: Sediment from the EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and Savannah River is collected maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.semiannually from control and radiological monitoring equipment.

These indicator locations using manual supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the grab sampling techniques.

Sediment Field Monitoring Teams, commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed samples are analyzed for gamma SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of isotopics Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling____________________________equipment.

Section 1.6: Milk samples are EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and collected semimonthly by taking grab maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.samples from milk supplies at control radiological monitoring equipment.

These and indicator stations.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the samples are analyzed for gamma Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed isotopics.

SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

E12-130 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.6: Vegetation is sampled EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and monthly during the growing season. maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams, commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

Section 1.6: Vegetation samples are EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and analyzed for gamma isotopics.

maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan., radiological monitoring equipment.

These supplies are located at each staging point for The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Field Monitoring Teams. commitment to maintain the capability for the fixed SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a environmental program. The procedural aspects of Radiological Environmental Monitoring maintenance of the program are not needed in the Program (REMP) consisting of locations with Plan.dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

Section 1.6: During and/or EP H.6.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and subsequent to emergency maintain a sufficient supply of portable offsite relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.conditions, the routine environmental radiological monitoring equipment.

These monitoring program will be modified supplies are located at each staging point for to collect and analyze additional Field Monitoring Teams.samples from existing stations.

SNC-operated nuclear power plants have a Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) consisting of locations with dose recording devices and air sampling equipment.

E12-131 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 1.6: The GPC environmental EP H.6.3: External facilities for counting and The commitment wording was standardized and laboratory, located in Smyrna, analyzing samples, and for dosimetry relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Georgia, has the capability to processing, can be provided by other SNC-perform isotopic analyses of drinking operated plants including the GPC Central water, river water, milk, vegetation, Laboratory, state, federal, or contracted sediment, and biological samples as laboratories.

Outside analytical assistance well as tritium and gross beta may be requested from state and federal analysis.

agencies, or through contracted vendors. The DOE, through the Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) has access to any national laboratory.

Section J.1 .2: Emergency response EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within the The commitment wording was standardized and personnel in the protected area Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.badge into their emergency minutes of the declaration of Site Area response facility (TSC, OSC, or Emergency or higher, and maintained control room) using their ACAD continuously thereafter, using Protected badge and also sign in on a Area(s) boundary access control as described personnel roster (TSC and OSC in the Security Plan. If there are station only), personnel who are unaccounted for, the public Section J. 1.2: Thereafter, the address system or other suitable emergency response facility communication methods are used to locate the managers of the control room, TSC, personnel, or, in extreme cases such as fire, and operations support center shall toxic gas release, explosions, or structural be responsible for periodically damage, trained search and rescue personnel assuring that accountabilities in their are deployed to search for and assist the facilities are being maintained, missing personnel.


E12-132 Enclosure 12 to NL-l15-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1 .2: The security computer EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within the The commitment wording was standardized and system performs an initial of all Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan persons in the protected area. minutes of the declaration of Site Area and Site Annex.Section J.1 .2: The Security Emergency or higher, and maintained Department accounts for each continuously thereafter, using Protected person inside the protected area at Area(s) boundary access control as described the start of an emergency by using in the Security Plan. If there are station the security computer system. personnel who are unaccounted for, the public address system or other suitable communication methods are used to locate the personnel, or, in extreme cases such as tire, toxic gas release, explosions, or structural damage, trained search and rescue personnel are deployed to search for and assist the missing personnel.

Annex 4.3.2: Personnel assembly is mandatory at the Site Area Emergency or higher level classification.

Upon activation of the plant emergency alarm, plant personnel assigned specific emergency responsibilities will proceed to their designated emergency response locations.

Assembly of site personnel outside of the Protected Areas is accomplished by non-essential personnel reporting to designated assembly areas.Assembly may be initiated at any time site management deems it appropriate for personnel safety reasons.Nonessential plant personnel located within the Protected Area will exit the Protected Area upon hearing the Site Area or the General Emergency alarm arid report to designated assembly areas. Visitors, contractors, and escorted personnel will leave the protected___________________________area during an Alert or higher declaration.


E12-133 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1 .2: Accountability reports EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within The commitment wording was standardized and are made periodically to the the Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan emergency director by the Security minutes of the declaration of Site Area and Site Annex.Department.

Emergency or higher, and maintained continuously thereafter, using Protected The SNC Standard Emergency Plan retains the Area(s) boundary access control as described commitment to perform and maintain in the Security Plan. If there are station accountability.

The procedural aspects of e of the personnel who are unaccounted for, the public process are not needed in the Plan.address system or other suitable communication methods are used to locate the personnel, or, in extreme cases such as fire, toxic gas release, explosions, or structural damage, trained search and rescue personnel are deployed to search for and assist the__________________________missing personnel.


Section J. 1.2: Assignment logs and EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within the The commitment wording was standardized and required periodic communications Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.between emergency response teams minutes of the declaration of Site Area maintain accountability.

Emergency or higher, and maintained The SNO Standard Emergency Plan retains the continuously thereafter, using Protected commitment to perform and maintain Area(s) boundary access control as described accountability.

The procedural aspects of e of the in the Security Plan. If there are station process are not needed in the Plan.personnel who are unaccounted for, the public address system or other suitable communication methods are used to locate the personnel, or, in extreme cases such as fire, toxic gas release, explosions, or structural damage, trained search and rescue personnel are deployed to search for and assist the__________________________missing personnel.

E12-134 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1 .2: This method provides EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within the The commitment wording was standardized and for accountability of all individuals Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan inside the protected area within minutes of the declaration of Site Area about 30 min. of the emergency Emergency or higher, and maintained declaration page announcement, continuously thereafter, using Protected Area(s) boundary access control as described in the Security Plan. If there are station personnel who are unaccounted for, the public address system or other suitable communication methods are used to locate the personnel, or, in extreme cases such as fire, toxic gas release, explosions, or structural damage, trained search and rescue personnel are deployed to search for and assist the missing personnel.

Section J.1 .3: If protected area EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within the The commitment wording was standardized and accountability reveals a missing Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.person, the emergency director minutes of the declaration of Site Area assembles a search and rescue Emergency or higher, and maintained team per emergency response continuously thereafter, using Protected procedures (Procedure 91401-C, Area(s) boundary access control as described Assembly and Accountability), in the Security Plan. If there are station personnel who are unaccounted for, the public address system or other suitable communication methods are used to locate he personnel, or, in extreme cases such as fire, toxic gas release, explosions, or structural damage, trained search and rescue personnel are deployed to search for and assist the missing personnel.

E12-135 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1 .3: A search of likely EP J.4.2: Accountability of personnel within the The commitment wording was standardized and areas is conducted until the missing Protected Area is accomplished within 30 relocated to the Site Annex.individual is located. minutes of the declaration of Site Area Emergency or higher, and maintained continuously thereafter, using Protected Area(s) boundary access control as described N in the Security Plan. If there are station personnel who are unaccounted for, the public address system or other suitable communication methods are used to locate the personnel, or, in extreme cases such as fire, toxic gas release, explosions, or structural damage, trained search and rescue personnel are deployed to search for and assist the missing personnel.

Section J.1 .4: Site dismissal, with or EP J.4.3: if a Site Evacuation is required, The commitment wording was standardized and without monitoring, of non-involved personnel are directed to either assemble within relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.personnel on-site (if feasible) is designated Assembly Areas or immediately ordered by the emergency director leave the site. Personnel will be directed to whenever a Site Area or General either proceed to their homes or reassemble at Emergency is declared, designated locations.

Visitors to the plant wUil assemble with and follow the instructions of their escorts. Personal transportation will normally be used and established evacuation routes will be followed.

Personnel without transportation will be identified and provided transportation as necessary.

Evacuation of personnel is usually conducted immediately after accountability if a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared and no impediments exist. Evacuation shall commence as directed by the Emergency Director.E12-136 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1 .4: Personnel on site will EP J.4.3: If a Site Evacuation is required, The commitment wording was standardized and be notified by public address, site personnel are directed to either assemble within relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.siren, or other communication that designated Assembly Areas or immediately dismissal of non-involved personnel leave the site. Personnel will be directed to to the applicable reception center will either proceed to their homes or reassemble at take place and specify the route. designated locations.

Visitors to the plant will assemble with and follow the instructions of their escorts. Personal transportation will normally be used and established evacuation routes will be followed.

Personnel without transportation will be identified and provided transportation as necessary.

Evacuation of personnel is usually conducted immediately after accountability if a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared and no impediments exist. Evacuation shall commence as directed by the Emergency Director.Section J.1 .4: Security will dispatch EP E.2.1: Notification of persons who are in The commitment wording was standardized and security officers to work areas the public access areas, on or passing through relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.outside the protected area to ensure the site, or within the controlled area, will be all non- involved personnel have left performed by the Security Department.

Such the owner-controlled area, notifications will be in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs).E12-137 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1.5: Onsite protection of EP J.4: Onsite protection of employees during The commitment wording was standardized and employees during hostile action hostile action involves a combination of relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan involves a combination of restricted restricted movement, movement to safe and Site Annex.movement, movement to safe locations, and site evacuation depending on locations, and site evacuation the nature of the hostile event and advance depending on the nature of the warning. Site-specific procedures provide hostile event and advance warning, specific actions to take during hostile action or severe weather events. During a hostile action or severe weather event, Assembly and Accountability actions may be delayed in favor of other onsite protective actions required to ensure the safety of the site and its personnel.

In these cases, accountability will be completed once safe conditions have been established.

Annex 4.3.3: Onsite protection of employees during security events involves a combination of restricted movement, movement to safe locations, and site evacuation depending on the nature of the event and advance warning.Specific actions to be taken during such events are included in site procedures.

E12-138 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section J.1 .5: These actions will be EP J.4: Onsite protection of employees during The commitment wording was standardized and communicated to onsite personnel hostile action involves a combination of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan via the plant PA system and other restricted movement, movement to safe and Site Annex.communications means as locations, and site evacuation depending on applicable, the nature of the hostile event and advance warning. Site-specific procedures provide specific actions to take during hostile action or severe weather events. During a hostile action or severe weather event, Assembly and Accountability actions may be delayed in favor of other onsite protective actions required to ensure the safety of the site and its personnel.

In these cases, accountability will be completed once safe conditions have been established.

Annex 4.3.3: Onsite protection of employees during security events involves a combination of restricted movement, movement to safe locations, and site evacuation depending on the nature of the event and advance warning.Specific actions to be taken during such events are included in site procedures.

E12-139 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1.6: When an Alert is EP J.4.3: If a Site Evacuation is required, The commitment wording was standardized and declared and site dismissal with no personnel are directed to either assemble within relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan monitoring is anticipated, personnel designated Assembly Areas or immediately and Site Annex.who have left the protected area are leave the site. Personnel will be directed to monitored by portal monitors.

either proceed to their homes or reassemble at designated locations.

Visitors to the plant will assemble with and follow the instructions of their escorts. Personal transportation will normally be used and established evacuation routes will be followed.

Personnel without transportation will be identified and provided transportation as necessary.

Evacuation of personnel is usually conducted immediately after accountability if a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency has been declared and no impediments exist. Evacuation shall commence as directed by the Emergency Director.Annex 4.3.4: When an Alert is declared but no site evacuation is anticipated, personnel who have left the protected area are monitored by portal monitors.

If necessary, decontamination is completed using the plant decontamination facilities located in the Control building or other onsite locations.

When site evacuation with monitoring is expected and release of radioactivity has occurred, monitoring is performed by Burke County emergency workers at an established reception center.E12-140 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section J.1 .6: A supply of potassium EP J.4: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and iodide is stored in the TSC for TSC are responsible for maintaining a supply Of KI relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and control room use, OSO, main at their respective site. The Emergency control point, or health physics room. Director has the responsibility for approval of Section J.1 .6: The health physics issuing KI to site emergency workers.supervisor will direct the issuance of potassium iodide when the projected thyroid exposure is greater than 25 rem.Section J.1.6: The health physics supervisor will direct radiological survey personnel to distribute potassium iodide and record the name and social security number of those individuals who are issued potassium iodide.Section J.1 .6: Potassium iodide will EP J.4: SNO-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and be issued In 130-mg doses daily for are responsible for maintaining a supply of KI relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency least 3 days, but not more than 10 at their respective site. The Emergency days. Director has the responsibility for approval of issuing KI to site emergency workers.Section J.1 .6: Issuance will be EP J.4: SNC-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and performed immediately prior to are responsible for maintaining a supply of KI relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.exposure not longer than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> at their respective site. The Emergency after exposure.

Director has the responsibility for approval of__________________________issuing KI to site emergency workers.Section J.1 .6: At the time potassium EP J.4: SNO-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and iodide is distributed, an iodine are responsible for maintaining a supply of KI relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.sensitivity check will be made by at their respective site. The Emergency querying each individual concerning Director has the responsibility for approval of known reactions to iodine, issuing KI to site emergency workers.E12-141 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Table J-1: Emergency equipment EP H.9: Emergency kits are available at SNC- The commitment wording was standardized and locations, operated nuclear power plants. Designated site relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan or department procedures identify the and Site in the various emergency kits.Details as to kit locations are found in the plant-specific procedures.

Annex 5.5: Emergency supplies and equipment are located in the TSC (also for the control room), the OSC, the health physics control point, and other plant locations.

An ambulance kit will be carried by the VEGP Radiation Protection technician who accompanies the ambulance.

Procedures require an inspection and operational check of equipment in these kits on a quarterly basis and after each use. Equipment in these kits is calibrated in accordance with the suppliers' recommendations.

A set of spares of certain equipment is also maintained to replace inoperative or out-of-calibration equipment.

Section J.2.2: The emergency EP 6.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and director is responsible for providing delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.protective action recommendations

  • Event classification in accordance with the to State and local officials as part of emergency classification system.initial notifications and follow-up
  • Perform the duties and responsibilities of communications.

Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)determination.

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval of state, local, and NRC notifications., Authorization of emergency exposures in excess of federal limits.* issuance of potassium iodide (KI) to plant employees as a thyroid blocking agent.* Request federal assistance as needed. ____________________

E12-142 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Pian Justification Revision 63 Section J.2.2: Using available EP J.5: Plant conditions, projected dose and The commitment wording was standardized and information on plant conditions, dose rates, field monitoring data, and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.projected dose estimates, and any evacuation time estimates are evaluated to available monitoring data, the develop PARs for preventing or minimizing emergency director recommends exposure to the public. PARs are provided to whether the public should be advised the offsite agencies responsible for to seek shelter or evacuate, implementing protective actions for the public within the 10-mile EPZ. The Emergency Director will approve PARs. The PAR decision making flowcharts are site-specific in nature, and are provided in the site-specific implementing procedures.

SNC-operated plants have the capability to provide state and local agencies a PAR for beyond the 10-mile EPZ.There are various types of protective actions that can be recommended to the state and counties.

They may include the following:

  • Evacuation.
  • Shelter in place.* Monitor and prepare.* Thyroid blocking agent (consider the use of KI (potassium iodide)) in accordance with state Plans and Policy.Section J.2.2: Site dismissal of non- EP J.4.3: Evacuation of personnel is usually The commitment wording was standardized and involved station personnel and conducted immediately after accountability if a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.evacuation and/or sheltering the Site Area Emergency or General Emergency general public is recommended for a has been declared and no impediments exist.General Emergency even though Evacuation shall commence as directed by the there has not been a release of Emergency Director.radioactivity from the plant. EP J.5: There are various types of protective actions that can be recommended to the state and counties.

They may include the following:

  • Evacuation.
  • Shelter in place.* Monitor and prepare.* Thyroid blocking agent (consider the use of KI (potassium iodide)) in accordance with state Plans and Policy.E12-143 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revision 63 Section J.3: Determination of the benefit of evacuation must take into account the time needed to complete the evacuation.

Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification

+ 4 EP J.5: Plant conditions, projected dose and dose rates, field monitoring data, and evacuation time estimates are evaluated to develop PARs for preventing or minimizing exposure to the public. PARs are provided to the offsite agencies responsible for implementing protective actions for the public within the 10-mile EPZ. The Emergency Director will approve PARs. The PAR decision making flowcharts are site-specific in nature, and are provided in the site-specific implementing procedures.

EP J.6: An independent ETE report has been performed for SNC-operated nuclear power plants, which provides estimates of the time required to evacuate resident and transient populations surrounding the plant for various times of the year under favorable and adverse conditions.

ETEs for evacuation of the plume exposure EPZ surrounding SNC-operated nuclear power plants are summarized in the site-specific Annex and detailed in the ETE report.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Section K. 1: Decisions as to EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and appropriate exposures, considering delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the action required and relative risks,

  • Authorization of emergency exposures in will be made by the emergency excess of federal limits.director in consultation with health

employees as a thyroid blocking agent.EP K.I: The Emergency Director has responsibility for authorizing personnel exposure levels under emergency conditions using the guidance in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 400-R-92-001, "Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents.'

E12-144 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.1: When necessary, the EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and emergency director can authorize delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.emergency exposures in excess of

  • Authorization of emergency exposures in 10 CFR 20 limits but within the limits excess of federal table K-I.Section K.2: Where possible, the EP K.3.3: Where possible, the normal radiation The commitment wording was standardized and normal radiation work permit (RWP) work permit procedure will be used to control relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.procedure will be used to control exposures.


Section K.2: If time and urgency do EP K.3.3. Based on conditions and urgency The commitment wording was standardized and not allow this procedure to be Radiation Protection supervision may approve relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.followed, the health physics emergency radiological work permit controls.supervisor may approve emergency RWP controls.Section K.2: in all cases, a briefing is EP K.2: SNC-operated plants have a Radiation The commitment wording was standardized and given to the emergency team by Protection Program. The Emergency Director relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency physics staff, and each team may authorize emergency workers to receive is accompanied by a qualified health doses in excess of the administrative dose physics technician who meets the levels. In some situations, it is possible that qualifications of ANSI 18.1 criteria certain activities or duties for the protection of set out in the VEGP Technical persons or the substantial protection of Specifications.

property may result in doses in excess of 10 CFR 20.1201 limits.Section K.2: This briefing includes a EP K.2: SNC-operated plants have a Radiation The commitment wording was standardized and discussion of the hazards involved in Protection Program. The Emergency Director relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the planned action, as well as may authorize emergency workers to receive protective actions to be taken. doses in excess of the administrative dose levels. In some situations, it is possible that certain activities or duties for the protection of persons or the substantial protection of property may result in doses in excess of 10 CFR 20.1201 limits.Section.K.2:

A record of individual EP K.3.1: Exposure records will be maintained The commitment wording was standardized and and collective exposure received for emergency response personnel who are relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.during the emergency will be issued dosimetry.

maintained by the dosimetry team. _________________________________________

E12-145 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.2: An individual's dose EP K.2: SNO-operated plants have a Radiation The commitment wording was standardized and margin will be assessed by Protection Program. The Emergency Director relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.determining the difference between may authorize emergency workers to receive the updated exposure and current doses in excess of the administrative dose administrative limit; these margins levels. In some situations, it is possible that are used to determine emergency certain activities or duties for the protection of assignments.

persons or the substantial protection of property may result in doses in excess of 10 CFR 20.1201 limits.Section K.2: In situations where EP K.2: SNC-operated plants have a Radiation The commitment wording was standardized and exposures in excess of 10 CFR 20 Protection Program. The Emergency Director relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.limits are authorized, the following may authorize emergency workers to receive considerations will be made prior to doses in excess of the administrative dose emergency team selection:

levels. In some situations, it is possible that 1. Declared pregnant female certain activities or duties for the protection of employees shall not be allowed to persons or the substantial protection of participate, property may result in doses in excess of 10 2. For doses greater than 25 rem, CFR 20.1201 limits. Decisions to accept personnel shall be volunteers and be doses in excess of occupational limits will be fully aware of the risks involved, on a volunteer basis and prospective volunteers shall be made aware of the risks.Section K.: All emergency exposures EP K.3.1: In an emergency situation, onsite The commitment wording was standardized and will be included in personnel personnel, offsite support personnel and local relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.radiation exposure records. governmental emergency response personnel may be issued monitoring devices. Exposure records will be maintained for emergency response personnel who are issued dosimetry.

Section K.2: Emergency dosimetry is EP K.3.1 : In an emergency situation, onsite The commitment wording was standardized and provided to each member of the personnel, offsite support personnel and local relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.emergency response organization governmental emergency response personnel for both onsite and offsite may be issued monitoring devices. Exposure organizations as required by the records will be maintained for emergency radiological conditions existing at the response personnel who are issued dosimetry.

time. _____________________

E12-146 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.2: Emergency response No direct statement is made for reading direct personnel will be made aware that reading dosimetry.

The original Plan statement self reading dosimeters should be was intended for pocket dosimeters requiring checked every 15 to 30 min. during specific action of the ERO individual.

Modem the emergency.

dosimetry provides alarm functions to support awareness.

Section K.2: Appendix 4 presents EP K.3.1: Plant Radiological Protection Groups The commitment wording was standardized and information on the types of dosimetry have the equipment and personnel to provide relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.available in each emergency 24-hour capability to determine and control response facility and other locations, radiation exposures of emergency organization personnel.

Equipment to perform the following functions:

  • Radiation detection devices.* Personnel monitoring.
  • Record keeping equipment.

Section K.2: There is the capability EP K.3.1: Plant Radiological Protection Groups The commitment wording was standardized and to read TLDs within 24 h. have the equipment and personnel to provide relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.24-hour capability to determine and control radiation exposures of emergency organization personnel.

Equipment to perform the following functions:

  • Radiation detection devices.* Personnel monitoring.
  • Record keeping equipment.

Section K.2: A record of individual EP K.3.1: Exposure records will be maintained The commitment wording was standardized and and collective exposure received for all emergency response personnel who are relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.during the emergency will be issued dosimetry.

maintained by the dosimetry team.Section K.3: The action levels for EP K.5: During normal conditions or an The commitment wording was standardized and determining the need for emergency, guidelines to follow for relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.decontamination of personnel, contamination limits are established by the site equipment, and areas are delineated radiation protection plant admin. and health physics procedures._______________________________________________

E12-147 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.3: The facility EP K.8: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and (decontamination area) has vertical decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.showering and normal wash sinks, various plant locations.

Section K.3: Instrumentation to survey personnel during and after decontamination is located at the health physics station.Section K.3: Waste generated EP K.5: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and through the use of the decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.decontamination facilities is collected various plant locations.

and processed by the plant liquid Procedures and equipment for material radwaste system. decontamination are available at the plant, as specified in the site radiation protection program.Section K.3: If decontamination EP K.6: The Radiation Protection Group will be The commitment wording was standardized and activities are required, a controlled responsible for controlling or minimizing direct relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.access area will be established by or subsequent internal exposure from roping off the area. radioactive materials deposited on the ground or other surfaces, and for determining the extent of contamination in controlled and normally uncontrolled areas. During normal conditions or an emergency, guidelines to follow for contamination limits are established by the site radiation protection program.Facilities and supplies for decontaminating personnel are available at various plant locations.

Personnel leaving the Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) or leaving a contaminated area will be monitored for contamination.

During emergencies, other onsite personnel will be checked for contamination as necessary.

Designated personnel, under the direction of the Radiation Protection Group, are responsible for performing material decontamination.

Procedures and equipment for material decontamination are available at the plant, as specified in the site radiation protection program. ______________________

E12-148 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.3: Supplies of clean EP K.5: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and clothing will be made available, decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.__________________________various plant locations.

Section K.3: Decontamination of EP K.5: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and personnel will be conducted in decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.accordance with standard health various plant locations.

physics practices.

Section K.3: Personnel decontamination will be accomplished using water washes or other methods for extreme cases as described in plant health physics procedures.

Section 1.3: Decontamination of Annex 2.3.2: Agreements are in place with the The commitment wording was standardized and serious wounds will be accomplished University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) relocated to the Site Doctors Hospital or the Burke Hospital, Burke Medical Center, Doctors Medical Center as described in Hospital, and Burke County Emergency section L of this Plan. Management Agency, to provide assistance for injured personnel, including cases involving radioactive contamination.

This assistance will be requested whenever necessary in accordance with plant procedures.

Medical Specialists, Inc., ,a group of medical professionals, has agreed to provide treatment services through Burke Medical Center and Doctors Hospital.Section K.3: It (equipment and area EP K.5: Designated personnel, under the The commitment wording was standardized and decon) is accomplished as described direction of the Radiation Protection Group, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency plant health physics procedures are responsible for performing material and ranges from vacuum cleaning to decontamination.

Procedures and equipment wash downs with water and acid or for material decontamination are available at caustic solutions, the plant, as specified in the site radiation protection program.Section K.3: Personnel exiting the EP K.5: Personnel leaving the Radiological The commitment wording was standardized and radiation-controlled area will be Controlled Area (RCA) or leaving a relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.monitored for contamination by contaminated area will be monitored for stand-up monitoring booths or by a contamination.

whole-body scan with a hand-held probe.E12-1.49 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.4: Access control is B.2.1.14 Security Supervisor The commitment wording was standardized and provided by the Security Department The Security Supervisor reports to the TSC relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.during emergency conditions.

Manager. The TSC Security Supervisor is responsible for carrying out the plant security and Access Control program, maintaining personnel accountability onsite, and assisting__________________________in evacuation of onsite areas.Section K.3: Plant areas that require EP K.5: The Radiation Protection Group will be The commitment wording was standardized and access to facilitate recovery responsible for controlling or minimizing direct relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.operations will be surveyed with or subsequent internal exposure from portable instruments equipped with radioactive materials deposited on the ground Beta/Gamma detectors.

or other surfaces, and for determining the Section K.4: Emergency monitoring extent of contamination in controlled and teams are responsible for normally uncontrolled areas. During normal determining the need for onsite conditions or an emergency, guidelines to access control and establishing the follow for contamination limits are established proper method through discussions by the site radiation protection program.with technical support center (TSC) Facilities and supplies for decontaminating personnel, personnel are available at various plant Section K.4: Plant procedures used locations.

Personnel leaving the Radiological for determining contaminated areas Controlled Area (RCA) or leaving a will be used for determining the need contaminated area will be monitored for for access control. contamination.

During emergencies, other onsite personnel will be checked for contamination as necessary.

Designated personnel, under the direction of the Radiation Protection Group, are responsible for performing material decontamination.

Procedures and equipment for material decontamination are available at the plant, as specified in the site radiation__________________________protection program.E12-150 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section K.3: The standard health EP K.5: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and physics contamination limits will be decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.used for release of personnel.

various plant locations.

Personnel leaving the Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) or leaving a contaminated area will be monitored for contamination.

During emergencies, other onsite personnel will be checked for contamination as necessary.

Section K.4: The emergency health EP K.5: The Radiation Protection Group will be The commitment wording was standardized and physics supervisor is responsible for responsible for controlling or minimizing direct relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.permitting return of onsite areas and or subsequent intemnal exposure from equipment to normal use once radioactive materials deposited on the ground monitoring and decontamination are or other surfaces, and for determining the completed, extent of contamination in controlled and normally uncontrolled areas. During normal conditions or an emergency, guidelines to follow for contamination limits are established by the site radiation protection program.Section Li1: There are personnel on EP K.1.2.1 : Selected plant workers at SNC- The commitment wording was standardized and shift and in the Emergency operated plants have received first aid and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Organization trained in first aid and decontamination training.decontamination procedures.

EP 0.3: individuals assigned as First Aid Table 2 of the Site Annex retains the commitment responders shall maintain qualifications for first for on-shift capability to perform the function.aid and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training.Section L.I: The onsite personnel EP K.1.2.1: Selected plant workers at SNC-responsible for responding to a operated plants have received first aid and The commitment wording was standardized and medical emergency have had decontamination training, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency per the OSHA standard 29 EP 0.3: Individuals assigned as First Aid CFR 1910.151 and directive OSHA responders shall maintain qualifications for first Table 2 of the Site Annex retains the commitment 3317-iJ6N, Fundamentals of a aid and Cardlo-Puimonary Resuscitation for on-shift capability to perform the function.Workplace First-Aid Program (CPR) training.Section L.i1: Health physics EP K.1.2.1: Selected plant workers at SNC- The commitment wording was standardized and technicians will be assigned to first operated plants have received first aid and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.aid teams in accordance with decontamination training.Procedure 70302-C, Reporting and EP 0.3: Individuals assigned as First Aid Table 2 of the Site Annex retains the commitment Documenting Occupational Injuries responders shall maintain qualifications for first for on-shift capability to perform the function.Or illnesses, aid and Cardlo-Pulmonary Resuscitation

__________________________(CPR) training.E12-151 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section L.1: Personnel found to be EP K.5: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and externally contaminated but not decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.requiring immediate medical various plant locations.

Personnel leaving the attention will undergo Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) or leaving decontamination in accordance with a contaminated area will be monitored for plant procedures.


During emergencies, other onsite personnel will be checked for contamination as necessary.

Section L.2: Injured and EP L.I: In addition to the on-site first aid The commitment wording was standardized and contaminated personnel requiring response, arrangements have been made with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan hospital medical attention will be local hospitals for treatment and evaluation of and Site Annex.transported to Doctors Hospital, serious injuries or sicknesses.

Augusta, or Burke County Hospital, SNC-operated nuclear power plants have Waynesboro, by the Burke County arranged for hospital and medical services Ambulance Service. Letters of having the capability to evaluate radiation agreement pertaining to these exposure and uptake, including assurance that services are located in Appendix 2. persons providing these services are adequately prepared to handle contaminated individuals.

Annex 5.8.1: Agreements are in place with Burke Medical Center, Doctors Hospital, and Burke County Emergency Management Agency to provide assistance for injured personnel, including cases involving radioactive contamination.

This assistance will be requested whenever necessary in accordance with plant procedures.

Annex 5.8.2: Ambulance service is provided by the Burke County Emergency Management Agency.Section L.I: In addition, an onsite EP K.5: Facilities and supplies for The commitment wording was standardized and first aid and decontamination area decontaminating personnel are available at relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.equipped with decontamination various plant locations.

supplies and other specialized EP L.2: SNC-operated nuclear power plants equipment is located near the health maintain onsite first aid supplies and physics station on the 220 ft equipment necessary for the treatment of elevation in the control building, contaminated and/or injured persons._______________________

E12-152 Enclosure 12Wt NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revision 63 Section L.2: All contaminated materials will be properly packaged and returned to the site for disposal.Section L.2: A health physics technician (HPT) will accompany the patient to the hospital.Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification EP L.4: Contaminated and injured persons are transported to a facility specified for SNC-operated nuclear power plants. Arrangements have been made by nuclear power plants for ambulance transport of persons with injuries involving radioactivity to designated hospitals.

Such services are available on a 24-hour-per-day basis and are confirmed by letters of agreement.

Radiation monitorihig services are provided by SNC plant personnel whenever it becomes necessary to use an ambulance service for the transportation of contaminated nersons.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.4 _______________________________________________________

EP L.4: Radiation monitoring services are provided by SNO plant personnel whenever it becomes necessary to use an ambulance service for the transportation of contaminated nersons.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan and Site Annex.___________________________________________

-- I-Section A.7: VEGP has established agreements with the Burke County EMA to provide ambulance service for the transportation of injured personnel, including people who may be radioactively contaminated, to hospital facilities for treatment.

Annex 5.8.2: Injured/externally contaminated personnel who require medical attention will normally be transported by ambulance to the cooperating hospitals.

Ambulance crews are trained to handle external contamination cases, and an RP technician accompanies any contaminated patients to the hospital.Ambulance service is provided by the Burke County Emergency Management Agency.The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the Site Annex.E12-153 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vagtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section L.2: Injured and Annex 5.8.1: Agreements are in place with The commitment wording was standardized and contaminated personnel requiring Burke Medical Center, Doctors Hospital, and relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency medical attention will be Burke County Emergency Management transported to Doctors Hospital, Agency to provide assistance for injured Augusta, or Burke County Hospital, personnel, including cases involving Waynesboro, by the Burke County radioactive contamination.

This assistance will Ambulance Service, be requested whenever necessary in Section L.3: Arrangements for accordance with plant procedures.

treating externally contaminated patients have been made with the Doctors Hospital in Augusta, Georgia, and Burke County Hospital in Waynesboro, Georgia, (appendix 2).Section L.3: The medical staff of the EP L.1: The hospitals are equipped and The commitment wording was standardized and hospital is trained to treat externally hospital personnel trained to address relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.contaminated patients or individuals contaminated injured individuals.

Training of who have received high exposures.

medical support personnel at the agreement hospitals includes basic training on the nature of radiological emergencies, diagnosis and treatment, and follow-up medical care.Section L.2: The HPT will perform Annex 5.8.2: Injured/externally contaminated The commitment wording was standardized and radiation surveys of the patient, personnel who require medical attention will relocated to the Site Annex.ambulance, and attending hospital normally be transported by ambulance to the staff and assist in maintaining cooperating hospitals.

Ambulance crews are contamination control in the hospital.

trained to handle external contamination Section L.3: Trained plant radiation cases, and an RP technician accompanies any protection personnel will assist contaminated patients to the staff when plant personnel Ambulance service is provided by the Burke are being evaluated.

Count Emergency Management Agency E12-154 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section L.2: The ambulance will also Annex 5.8.2: Injured/externally contaminated The commitment wording was standardized and be decontaminated at VEGP if personnel who require medical attention will relocated to the Site Annex.required.

normally be transported by ambulance to the cooperating hospitals.

Ambulance crews are trained to handle external contamination cases, and an RP technician accompanies any contaminated patients to the hospital.Ambulance service is provided by the Burke_________________________County Emergency Management Agency.Section L.3: Following Annex 5.8.1: Agreements are in place with The SNC Standard Emergency Plan commits to decontamination, personnel Burke Medical Center, Doctors Hospital, and maintaining agreements supporting the treatment suspected to have ingested Burke County Emergency Management of contaminated and/or injured personnel.

Medical radionuclides will undergo whole Agency to provide assistance for injured experts will determine the course of treatment and body counting at VEGP. personnel, including cases involving subsequent monitoring.

A specific commitment for radioactive contamination.

This assistance will internal monitoring at the site may or may not be be requested whenever necessary in included in this post event treatment.

__________________________accordance with plant procedures.

Section L.3: Arrangements have also EP L.3: The states of Alabama and Georgia The commitment wording was standardized and been made with local doctors to have developed lists of facilities that can relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan render medical assistance, both provide medical support for treating injured, and Site Annex.onsite and offsite, and to assume contaminated individuals.

Details are found in responsibility for the medical the respective state emergency plan.supervision of the patient (appendix Annex 2.3.2: Agreements are in place with the 2, Letters of Agreement).

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)Hospital, Burke Medical Center, Doctors Hospital, and Burke County Emergency Management Agency to provide assistance for injured personnel, including cases involving radioactive contamination.

This assistance will be requested whenever necessary in accordance with plant procedures.

Medical Specialists, Inc., a group of medical professionals, has agreed to provide treatment services through Burke Medical Center and__________________________Doctors Hospital.


E12-155 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNG Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section L.4: The VEGP training EP 0.1.1: Annually, training will be offered for The commitment wording was standardized and department conducts training hospital personnel, ambulance and rescue relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.sessions at least once per calendar personnel, police, and fire departments.

The year (for onsite and offsite personnel training shall include the procedures for who have medical support notification, basic radiation protection, and responsibilities), their organizations' expected role.Section L.4: In addition, drills and EP N.2.4: A medical emergency drill, involving The commitment wording was standardized and exercises are an integral part of the a simulated contaminated individual, and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency program and are conducted containing provisions for participation by local as specified in section N, Exercises support services organizations including and Drills, ambulance response, are conducted annually at the nuclear plants. Local support service organizations that support more than one plant shall only be required to participate once each calendar year.Section M.I: The emergency director EP M.1: Upon termination of the emergency The commitment wording was standardized and will determine when the recovery phase and at the discretion of the Emergency relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.phase begins. Director, following consultation with offsite authorities, the SNO Emergency Organization will shift to the Recovery Phase Organization.

E12-156 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.I: The following EP MI: The following guidelines, as The commitment wording was standardized and guidelines, as applicable to the applicable to the specific situation, will be relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.specific situation, will be observed addressed prior to terminating the emergency:

prior to terminating the emergency:

  • The affected reactor is in a stable condition 1. The affected reactor is in a stable and can be maintained in that condition condition and can be maintained in indefinitely.

that condition indefinitely.

  • Plant radiation levels are stable or are 2. Plant radiation levels are stable or decreasing with time.are decreasing with time.
  • Releases of radioactive material to the 3. Releases of radioactive material to environment have ceased or are being the environment have ceased or are controlled within permissible limits.being controlled within permissible
  • Fire or similar emergency conditions no limits, longer constitute a hazard to safety-related
4. Fire or similar emergency systems or equipment or personnel.

conditions no longer constitute a

  • For a site area emergency or general hazard to safety-related systems or emergency, discussions with plant equipment or personnel.

management, applicable members of the 5. For a site area emergency or SNC emergency organization, or offsite general emergency, discussions with authorities do not result in identification of plant management, applicable any valid reason for not terminating the members of the VEGP emergency emergency.

organization, offsite authorities including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); Georgia Emergency Management Agency, Burke County Emergency Management Agency director; South Carolina Emergency Management Division director; and Savannah River Site (SRS) emergency staff do not result in identification of any valid reason for not terminating the emergency.

E12-157 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section Ml1: He (ED) will direct that EP M.3: Members of the ERO will be informed The commitment wording was standardized and all elements of the emergency when Recovery is initiated.

The recovery relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan response organization be advised of organization may be structured like the the change in status via the emergency response organization with Emergency Notification Network additional modifications depending on the (ENN), Emergency Notification nature of the accident, post-accident conditions, System (ENS), and other pertinent and other factors.communications systems. The state EQOC will be advised when the plant deems it safe to begin the reentry phase of the offsite recovery operation.

If the governor ordered an evacuation, the law requires the governor to officially rescind the order before any return can be made to evacuated areas.The states are responsible for coordinating reentry procedures for the offsite population.

EP M.5: Following the completion of the Recovery Phase, the site will transition to an Outage Organization to complete necessary repairs.Section M.1: At this time, the EP M.1: The Emergency Director will designate The commitment wording was standardized and emergency director will designate a a recovery manager to constitute the recovery relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.recovery manager to constitute the organization.

recovery organization.

E12-158 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Individuals will be EP M.1 : The Recovery Manager will structure The commitment wording was standardized and assigned to specific positions by the the recovery organization to accomplish the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.recovery manager, depending on the following general objectives:

nature and extent of damage to the

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation plant. surveillance of the site until levels return to normal.* Control access to the affected area of the plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.
  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concerning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of___________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media._______________________

E12-159 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2 :He (Recovery EP M.1: The Recovery Manager will structure The commitment wording was standardized and Manager) will structure the recovery the recovery organization to accomplish the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.organization to accomplish the following general objectives:

following general objectives:

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation 1. Maintain comprehensive radiation surveillance of the site until levels return to surveillance of the site until levels normal.return to normal.
  • Control access to the affected area of the 2. Control access to the affected plant and exposures to workers.area of the plant and exposures to
  • Decontaminate affected areas and workers. equipment.
3. Decontaminate affected areas and
  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in equipment.

accordance with the plantVs standard 4. Conduct activities in radiation radiation work practices.

areas in accordance with the plant's

  • isolate and repair damaged systems.standard radiation work practices.
  • Document proceedings of the accident and 5. isolate and repair damaged review the effectiveness of the emergency systems. response organization in mitigating plant 6. Document proceedings of the damage and reducing radiation exposures to accident and review the the public.effectiveness of the emergency
  • Provide offsite authorities with plant status response organization in mitigating reports and information concerning the plant plant damage and reducing radiation recovery organization.

exposures to the public.

  • Provide assistance with recovery activities 7: Povie ofsit autoriies ith undertaken by state and county authorities, if plant status reports and information requested.

concerning the plant recovery

  • Provide public information on the status of organization.
8. Provide assistance with recovery recovery operations in releases to the media.activities undertaken by State and county authorities, if requested.
9. Provide public information on the status of recovery operations via releases to the media.E12-160 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Recovery manager: EP M1.1: Guidance for determining the transition The Statement on return to normal operations is has overall responsibility for from Emergency to Recovery Organization is not appropriate for the Plan. Normal operations, restoring the station to a normal provided in the plant Emergency Plan extended shutdown, or decommissioning are all operating configuration.

Implementing Procedures.

The composition of potential outcomes of events involving activation of the Recovery Organization will depend on the the Emergency Plan. The outcome will be nature of the accident and the conditions determined on a site-specific basis through following the accident, transition from the Emergency Phase.The SNC Emergency Plan addresaes general principles that serve as guides for developing a Recovery Plan.It is the responsibility of the Emergency Director (ED) to determine that the facility and surroundings are safe for reentry. The Emergency Director will designate a recovery manager to constitute the recovery organization.

The following guidelines, as applicable to the specific situation, will be addressed prior to terminating the emergency:

  • The affected reactor is in a stable condition and can be maintained in that condition indefinitely.
  • Plant radiation levels are stable or are decreasing with time.* Releases of radioactive material to the environment have ceased or are being controlled within permissible limits.* Fire or similar emergency conditions no longer constitute a hazard to safety-related systems or equipment or personnel.
  • For a site area emergency or general emergency, discussions with plant management, applicable members of the SNC emergency organization, or offsite authorities do not result in identification of any valid reason for not terminating the emergency.

EP M1.5: Following the completion of the Recovery Phase, the site will transition to an Outage_____________________________Organization to complete necessary repairs. _______________________

E12-161 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Plant operations EP M.I: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a manager: manages day-to-day in- the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall plant operations and during following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery recovery, is responsible for ensuring

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.that repairs and modifications will surveillance of the site until levels return to optimize post recovery plant normal. The specific event will drive individual operational effectiveness and safety.
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concemning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of___________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media. ______________________

E12-162 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Design and EP M.I: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a construction support manager: the recovery organization to accomplish the " likely recovery organization and provides overall focuses necessary engineering, following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery design, and construction resources

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.on those aspects of plant recovery surveillance of the site until levels return to requiring redesign, modifications, or normal. The specific event will drive individual new construction.
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information conceming the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of__________________________
  • recovery operations in releases to the media. _____________________

E12-163 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Chemistry manager: EP M.I: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a develops plans and procedures to the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall process and control liquid, gaseous, following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery and solid wastes to minimize

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.adverse effects on the health and surveillance of the site until levels return to safety of the public and plant normal. The specific event will drive individual recovery personnel.
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concerning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of___________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media._______________________

E12-164 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Health physics EP M.1: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a manager: responsible for As Low As the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery planning, execution, and monitoring;

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.plans and manages decontamination surveillance of the site until levels return to of affected areas and equipment; normal. The specific event will drive individual supervises and directs all special
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

radiological controls required to plant and exposures to the recovery operation.

  • Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.
  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concerning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of_____________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media. ________________________

E12-165 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Pian Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Technical support EP M.1: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a manager: provides analyses, plans, the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall schedules, and procedures in direct following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery support of plant operations.

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.surveillance of the site until levels return to normal. The specific event will drive individual
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant*damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concerning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of___________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media._______________________

E12-166 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Quality assurance EP M.1: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a manager: ensures that the overall the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall conduct of recovery operations is following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery performed in accordance with

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.corporate policy and rules and surveillance of the site until levels return to regulations governing activities normal. The specific event will drive individual which may affect public health and
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

safety. plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concerning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of__________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media.E12-167 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revision 63 Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Section M.2: Scheduling/planning manager: prepares plans and schedules and tracks/expedites recovery operations.

EP M.I: The Recovery Manager will structure the recovery organization to accomplish the following general objectives:

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation surveillance of the site until levels return to normal.* Control access to the affected area of the plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.
  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concemning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of recovery operations in releases to the media.The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a likely recovery organization and provides overall responsibility for the event under the Recovery Manager.The specific event will drive individual responsibilities.

E12-168 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Administration/logistics EP M.I: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a manager: supplies administrative, the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall logistic, communications, and following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery personnel support for the recovery

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.operation, surveillance of the site until levels return to normal. The specific event will drive individual
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • Isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information conceming the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of___________________________

recovery operations in releases to the media._______________________

E12-169 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.2: Public information EP M.I: The Recovery Manager will structure The SNC Standard Emergency Plan provides a director:

coordinates the flow of the recovery organization to accomplish the likely recovery organization and provides overall media information concerning following general objectives:

responsibility for the event under the Recovery recovery operations.

  • Maintain comprehensive radiation Manager.surveillance of the site until levels return to normal. The specific event will drive individual
  • Control access to the affected area of the responsibilities.

plant and exposures to workers.* Decontaminate affected areas and equipment.

  • Conduct activities in radiation areas in accordance with the plant's standard radiation work practices.
  • isolate and repair damaged systems.* Document proceedings of the accident and review the effectiveness of the emergency response organization in mitigating plant damage and reducing radiation exposures to the public.* Provide offsite authorities with plant status reports and information concerning the plant recovery organization.
  • Provide assistance with recovery activities undertaken by state and county authorities, if requested.
  • Provide public information on the status of recovery operations in releases to the media.Section M.3: If the accident situation EP M.1 : Recovery operations wUIl be The commitment wording was standardized and involved a release of radioactivity, conducted in compliance with normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan appropriate areas of the plant and operational radiation exposure level limits as site will be monitored to determine specified in 10 CFR 20. When possible, any contamination and radiation levels, necessary releases of radioactive materials or effluent during recovery will be planned, controlled, evaluated in advance for radiological impact, and appropriate offsite organizations and agencies informed of the__________________________scheduled releases and estimated impact. _______________________

E12-170 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.3: Identifying and EP M.1: Recovery operations will be The commitment wording was standardized and controlling access to these areas will conducted in compliance with normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan be in accordance with normal plant operational radiation exposure level limits as procedures.

specified in 10 CFR 20. When possible, any necessary releases of radioactive materials or effluent during recovery will be planned, controlled, evaluated in advance for radiological impact, and appropriate offsite organizations and agencies informed of the scheduled releases and estimated impact.Section M.3: When reentry to a EP M.I: Recovery operations will be The commitment wording was standardized and radiation area is required for conducted in compliance with normal relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan inspection or work, the activity will be operational radiation exposure level limits as preplanned and plant radiation work specified in 10 CFR 20. When possible, any practices and As Low As necessary releases of radioactive materials or Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) effluent during recovery will be planned, program principles will be followed, controlled, evaluated in advance for radiological impact, and appropriate offsite organizations and agencies informed of the scheduled releases and estimated impact.Section M.4: All personnel who EP M.A: Recovery operations will be The commitment wording was standardized and require access to the plant or to conducted in compliance with normal relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan radiation areas on site during the operational radiation exposure level limits as recovery phase will be issued specified in 10 CFR 20. When possible, any dosimetry, as appropriate, necessary releases of radioactive materials or effluent during recovery will be planned, controlled, evaluated in advance for radiological impact, and appropriate offsite organizations and agencies informed of the scheduled releases and estimated impact.E12-171 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section M.4: The criteria for reading EP M.I: Recovery operations will be The commitment wording was standardized and TLDs and assessing radiation dose conducted in compliance with normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan will be in accordance with standard operational radiation exposure level limits as health physics practices.

specified in 10 CFR 20. When possible, any necessary releases of radioactive materials or effluent during recovery will be planned, controlled, evaluated in advance for radiological impact, and appropriate offsite organizations and agencies informed of the__________________________scheduled releases and estimated impact.Section M.4: The results of the EP M.1: Recovery operations will be The commitment wording was standardized and dosimeter readings, including conducted in compliance with normal relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan integrated exposures (i.e., man- operational radiation exposure level limits as reins) will be reported to the specified in 10 CFR 20. When possible, any recovery{

manager, the necessary releases of radioactive materials or radcon/radwaste manager, and effluent during recovery will be planned, others in the plant organization who controlled, evaluated in advance for normally receive such reports radiological impact, and appropriate offsite organization's and agencies informed of the scheduled releases and estimated impact.Section M.4: VEGP will provide EP M.4: It is anticipated that the Federal Section B of the Standard Emergency Plan retains radiological information including Radiological Monitoring and Assessment the commitment to provide environmental field estimated quantity of radioactivity Center (FRMAC) will make a total population teams.released, isotopic composition of exposure calculation, based on estimated dose The progression of the overall planning process released material, and rates and population representing exposed has shifted the long term responsibilities for offsite meteorological data to assist the areas, radiological assessment to the FRMAC.governmental authorities in their determinations.


E12-172 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section N.I: Exercises are EP N.I: SNC-operated nuclear power plants will The commitment wording was standardized and conducted every two calendar years, conduct a biennial exercise and additional relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan and are designed to include the periodic drills. An exercise is an event that tests demonstration of response to a integrated capability, and a major portion of the major portion of the basic elements basic elements of emergency preparedness of the emergency preparedness plans and organizations.

Drills and exercises plans of the participating shall: organizations.

  • Test the adequacy of timing and content of implementing procedures and methods.* Test emergency equipment and communications networks.* Test the public notification system.* Ensure emergency organization personnel are familiar with their duties.E12-173 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Section N.I: The exercise program EP N.1.2: Full participation exercises will The commitment wording was standardized and for VEGP consists of an 8 year cycle include, as appropriate, offsite local and state relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and incorporates the following authorities and SNC personnel actively The wording has been updated to reflect the features:

participating in testing the integrated capability Enhanced Emergency Preparedness Rulemaking

1. A full participation exercise which to assess and respond to an accident at a (November 23, 2011)tests as much of the Plant Vogtle, nuclear power plant. Additionally, full State, and local emergency plans as participation exercises will include, as is reasonable achievable without appropriate, testing the major observable mandatory public participation will be portions of the onsite and offsite emergency conducted on a biennial basis and plans and mobilization of state, local, and SNC evaluated by NRC and FEMA. personnel and other resources in sufficient
2. Biennial exercise scenarios will be numbers to verify the capability to respond to submitted to the NRC under § 50.4 the accident least 60 days before use in the EP N.2.1 : During these drills, activation of the biennial exercise, licensee's emergency response facilities TSC 3. Each biennial exercise scenario OSC, and the EOF would not be necessary, will provide the opportunity for the the ERO would have the opportunity to ERO to perform their key skills as consider accident management strategies, applicable to their emergency supervised instruction would be permitted, response duties in the CR, TSC, operating staff in participating facilities would OSC, OEO, and joint information have the opportunity to resolve problems center to implement the EP principal (success paths) rather than have controllers functional areas, intervene, and the drills may focus on the onsite exercise training objectives.

EP N.1.4: The Exercise planning cycle will consist of eight (8) successive calendar years.EP N.3: SNC sites submit Biennial Exercise scenarios under 10 CFR 50.4 for NRC review___________________________60 days prior to the exercise.


E12-174 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.1 (Continued)

EP N.3: During the exercise planning cycle 4. Biennial evaluated exercises will described in Section N.1 .4, SNC sites vary the be varied such that the following content of exercise scenarios to provide ERO scenario elements are demonstrated members the opportunity to demonstrate over the course of an 8 year exercise proficiency in key skills necessary to respond cycle: to several specific scenario elements including:

  • Hostile action directed at the plant
  • Hostile Action directed at the plant
  • No radiological release or unplanned* No radiological release or an release that does not require public unplanned minimal radiological protective actions.release that does not require public ° An initial classification of or rapid protective actions, escalation to a Site Area Emergency or* Initial classification of or rapid General Emergency.

escalation to a Site Area Emergency

  • Implementation of strategies, procedures, or General Emergency.

and guidance developed in 50.54(hh), (i.e.,* Implementation of strategies, potential aircraft threat, explosion or large procedures, and guidance developed fire).under 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(2).

  • Integration of offsite resources with onsite* Integration of offsite resources with response onsite response.
  • A drill initiated between the hours of 6 p.m.and 4 a~m.*Drills using essentially 100 percent of Initiating Conditions in the 8-year cycle.EP N.2.2: Hostile Action Based (HAB) drills involving an air, land, or water based attack scenario will be conducted at sites on a frequency of at least once every 8 years.EP N.2.7: Accountability drills are conducted annually.EP N.2.9: At least one per drill cycle, a scenario resulting in an initial classification of, or rapid escalation to a Site Area or General Emergency, will be conducted.

EP N.2.10: At least once per drill cycle, a scenario resulting in no radiological release, or an unplanned minimal release resulting in a classification of a Site Area Emergency but not requiring declaration of a General Emergency,__________________________shall be conducted.

E12-175 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.1 (Continued)

EP N.1.3: States within an ingestion exposure The commitment wording was standardized and 5. An ingestion pathway exercise will pathway EPZ, are expected to exercise its relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan be conducted on a frequency to plans and preparedness related to ingestion ensure the applicable States have exposure pathway measures at least once the opportunity to participate in an every 8 years. Opportunities are provided to ingestion pathway exercise at least any state or local government located within once every exercise cycle, the plume exposure pathway EPZ to participate in annual drills and biennial exercises when requested by that state or local___________________________government.________________________

E12-176 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.2.1 : At least one of these EP N.2.1: SNO-operated nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and drills will be conducted during the shall ensure adequate emergency response relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan calendar year when there is no capabilities are maintained during the interval biennial exercise and shall involve a between biennial exercises by conducting combination of some of the principal drills, including at least one drill involving a functional areas of the onsite combination of some of the principal functional emergency response capabilities, areas of the licensee's onsite emergency response capabilities.

The principal functional areas of emergency response include:* Management and coordination of emergency response.* Accident assessment.

  • Event classification.
  • Notification of offsite authorities.
  • Assessment of the onsite and offsite impact of radiological releases.* Protective action recommendation development.
  • Protective action decision making.* Plant system repair and corrective actions.During these drills, activation of the licensee's emergency response facilities (TSC, OSO, and the EOF) would not be necessary, the ERO would have the opportunity to consider accident management strategies, supervised instruction would be permitted, operating staff in participating facilities would have the opportunity to resolve problems (success paths) rather than have controllers intervene, and the drills may focus on the onsite exercise training objectives.

E12-177 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.2.1 : The ERO (not EP N.3: During the exercise planning cycle The commitment wording was standardized and necessarily each ERO team) will be described in Section N.1 .4, SNC sites vary the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.provided the opportunity to content of exercise scenarios to provide ERO demonstrate key skills in response to members the opportunity to demonstrate Section EP N.2.1 is directed to types of the following scenario elements in proficiency in key skills necessary to respond drills/exercises.

The existing requirement to drills or exercises, to several specific scenario elements including:

respond to essentially 100% of initiating conditions

  • All functions in each ERF (e.g., all
  • Hostile Action directed at the plant site. is moved to Section N.3 of SNO Standard ERFs that are responsible for dose
  • No radiological release or unplanned release Emergency Plan.assessment perform those duties in that does not require public protective response to a radiological release).

actions.* Use of alternative facilities to stage ° An initial classification of or rapid escalation the ERO for rapid activation during to a Site Area Emergency or General hostile action. Emergency.

  • Real-time staffing of facilities during
  • Implementation of strategies, procedures, off hours (i.e., 6:00 p.m. to 4:00 and guidance developed in 50.54(hh), (i.e., a.m.), potential aircraft threat, explosion or large* Providing medical care for injured, fire).contaminated personnel (every 2
  • Integration of offsite resources with onsite years). response* Response to essentially 100
  • A drill initiated between the hours of 6 p.m.percent of initiating conditions and 4 a.m.identified in the site emergency plan
  • Drills using essentially 100 percent of clsificametiong pofeedrgencies Initiating Conditions in the 8-year cycle.clasifiatio ofemerences.

EP N.2.4: A medical emergency drill, involving a simulated contaminated individual, and containing provisions for participation by local support services organizations including ambulance response, are conducted annually at the nuclear plants EP N.3:. During the exercise planning cycle described in Section N.1 .4, SNC sites vary the content of exercise scenarios to provide ERO members the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in key skills necessary to respond to several specific scenario elements including:

  • A drill initiated between the hours of 6 p.m._______________________

and 4 a.m. ________________

E12-178 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current yogtle Emergency Pian Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.2.1 (Continued)

EP N.2.2:Hostile Action Based (HAB) Drills* Response to actual industry event Hostile Action Based (HAB) drills involving an sequences appropriate for the air, land, or water based attack scenario will be nuclear plant technology (e.g., conducted at sites on a frequency of at least BWR). once every 8 years.* Use of procedures developed in EP N.3: During the exercise planning cycle response to an aircraft threat and in described in Section N.1 .4, SNC sites vary the compliance with 10 CFR content of exercise scenadeos to provide ERO 50.54(hh)(1).

members the opportunity to demonstrate

  • Use of the strategies associated proficiency in key skills necessary to respond to with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(2) to mitigate several specific scenario elements including:

spent fuel pool damage scenarios

  • Implementation of strategies, procedures, (all strategies, such as makeup, and guidance developed in 50.54(hh), (i.e., spray, and leakage control, but not potential aircraft threat, explosion or large every variation of a given strategy).

fire).* Use of the strategies associated EP N.3: During the exercise planning cycle with 10 CFR 50.54 9(hh)(2) to described in Section N.1 .4, SNC sites vary the mitigate reactor accidents and content of exercise scenarios to provide ERO maintain containment), members the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in key skills necessary to respond to several specific scenario elements including:

  • Hostile Action directed at the plant site.* No radiological release or unplanned release that does not require public protective actions.* An initial classification of or rapid escalation to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency.
  • Implementation of strategies, procedures, and guidance developed in 50.54(hh), (i.e., potential aircraft threat, explosion or large fire).* Integration of offsite resources with onsite response* A drill initiated between the hours of 6 p.m.and 4 a.m.* Drills using essentially 100 percent of_____________________________

InitiatingConditions in the_8-year cycle. _______________________

E12-179 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.2.2.b: Communication EP F.3: Communications tests will be The commitment wording was standardized and drills among the control room, conducted on the frequency specified below, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan technical support center (TSC), Each of these tests includes provisions to operations support center (OSC), ensure participants in the test are able to emergency operations facility (EOF), understand the content of the messages in the emergency news center, general operations center, the States

  • Communications with state and local of Georgia and South Carolina, govemnments within the plume exposure Burke, Aiken, Barnwell, and pathway will be tested monthly.Allendale Counties, SRS, and VEGP
  • Communications with federal response field monitoring teams are conducted organizations and state governments within every two years. the plume exposure pathway will be tested quarterly.
  • Communications between SNC-operated nuclear power plants, state Emergency Operating Centers and local Emergency Operations Centers, and radiation monitoring teams will be tested annually.* Communication from the Control Room, TSC, and EOF to the NRC Operations Center will be tested monthly.* The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) will be tested on a quarterly basis.* The fixed siren portion of the Alert and Notification System (ANS) will be tested and verified in accordance with existing FEMA approvals.

Section N.2.2: To ensure that EP F.3: Communications tests will be The commitment wording was standardized and emergency communication channels conducted on the frequency specified below, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan between VEGP and offsite Each of these tests includes provisions to authorities are operable, periodic ensure participants in the test are able to drills are conducted.

understand the content of the messages in the test. _________________________

Section N.2.2: For drills, the EP P.3: Communications tests will be The commitment wording was standardized and communication is initiated at VEOP conducted on the frequency specified below, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan using the actual message format in Each of these tests includes provisions to accordance with the applicable plan ensure participants in the test are able to and procedure.

understand the content of the messages in the test.E12-180 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.2.3: As discussed in the EP N.2.3: Fire drills will be conducted at nuclear The commitment wording was standardized and FSAR, the program involves plants in accordance with Plant Technical relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan quarterly (fire) drills, at least one of Specifications and Plant procedures.

which is unannounced.

Section N.2.3: The quarterly drills EP N.2.3: Fire drills will be conducted at nuclear The commitment wording was standardized and are scheduled so that each member plants in accordance with Plant Technical relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan of the fire brigade participates in at Specifications and Plant procedures.

least two drills per year.Section N.2.3: In addition, an annual EP N.2.3: Fire drills will be conducted at nuclear The commitment wording was standardized and practice is conducted which requires plants in accordance with Plant Technical relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan extinguishing a fire. Specifications and Plant procedures.

Section N.2.4: A medical emergency EP N.2.4: A medical emergency drill, involving a The commitment wording was standardized and drill involving a simulated simulated contaminated individual, and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan contaminated person is conducted containing provisions for participation by local each calendar year. support services organizations including ambulance response, are conducted annually at the nuclear plants. Local support service organizations that support more than one plant shall only be required to participate once each calendar year.Section N.2.5: Plant environs and EP N.2.5: Plant environs and radiological The commitment wording was standardized and radiological monitoring drills are monitoring drills are conducted annually.

These relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan conducted each calendar year per drills include collection and analysis of sample Procedure NMPEP-303, Drill and media and provisions for communications and Exercise Standards.

record keeping. These drills also evaluate the response to, and analysis of, simulated airbomne and direct radiation measurements in the environment.

Section N.2.6: Semiannual health EP N.2.6: Radiation Protection Drills involving a The commitment wording was standardized and physics drills will be conducted per response to, and analysis of, simulated airbomne relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Procedure NMP-EP-303, Drill and and liquid samples and direct radiation Exercise Standards.

measurements are conducted semi-annually.

At least annually, these drills shall include a demonstration of the sampling system____________________________capabilities, as applicable.


E12-181 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units I & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.2.6: Post accident Vogtle executed the PASS elimination as approved sampling under simulated accident by NRC SER in a letter dated November 12, 2001 conditions will be demonstrated each calendar year. The annual sampling requirement in the description of Radiation Protection drills in EP N.2.6 ensures accident sampling capabilities are__________________________maintained.

Section N.3: Each drill and exercise EP N.3: When a major drill or exercise is The commitment wording was standardized and is conducted in accordance with a required, the Emergency Preparedness (EP) relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan scenario, group will coordinate the preparation of a scenario.

The EP group will also coordinate efforts with appropriate federal, state, and local emergency organizations and agencies, schedule a date to conduct the drill or exercise, and assign qualified controllers.

Section N.3: The preparation of EP N.3: When a major drill or exercise is The commitment wording was standardized and exercise scenarios is directed by the required, the Emergency Preparedness (EP) relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan emergency preparedness supervisor group will coordinate the preparation of a who enlists the assistance of scenario.

The EP group will also coordinate personnel from other departments, efforts with appropriate federal, state, and local as required, to assist in this task. emergency organizations and agencies, schedule a date to conduct the drill or__________________________exercise, and assign qualified controllers.

E12-182 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section N.3: Scenarios include the EP N.3: A scenario, prepared in advance, will The commitment wording was standardized and following information:

govern the conduct of exercises and drills, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Objectives.

Scenarios will include the following:

Date, time period, place, and

  • Objectives of the drill or exercise; a participating organizations, measurable and observable objective must Controller/evaluator assignments.

be specified for each major problem and Time schedules of real and solution.simulated initiating events.

  • Dates, time period, places, personnel, and Messages describing equipment participating organizations.

malfunctions, personnel injuries, and = Simulated events.other non plant events, as = Time schedule of real and simulated initiating appropriate, events.Narrative summary describing the

  • Narrative summary describing the conduct of conduct of the drill or exercise, the exercise or drill, including simulated Radiological data for onsite facilities casualties, offsite fire department assistance, and offsite field monitoring teams. rescue of personnel, use of protective clothing and associated equipment, deployment of personnel and radiological


teams, and public information activities.


E12-183 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Reie N mrec lnJustification Section N.4: All drills and exercises are evaluated.

Section N: For periodic drills, the process consists of the following steps: 1. Drills will be evaluated by controllers/evaluators selected on the basis of expertise and availability.

2. Improper or incorrect performance during the drill may be corrected by the controller/evaluator and the proper method pointed out or demonstrated.
3. The exercise or drill controllers assemble the players at the conclusion of activities for a critique.Players are encouraged to identify areas where improvements are required.

The drill controllers also presents their observations to the players.4. The site emergency preparedness supervisor submits a list of corrective actions, responsibilities, and schedule information to the site support manager for approval.5. The emergency preparedness supervisor assigns action items and monitors the status of completion of corrective actions. Significant problems will be brought to the attention of appropriate plant management.

Exercise evaluation and corrective action are carried out in similar fashion.EP N.4: A critique shall be conducted at the conclusion of the exercise, to evaluate the organization's ability to respond as_ called for in the SNC Standard Emergency Plan. Qualified personnel will observe and perform a critique of exercises and drills. Provisions will be made for federal, state, and local observers, as well as SNC personnel, to observe and critique required exercises.

Biennially, representatives from the NRC observe and evaluate the licensee's ability to conduct an adequate self-critical critique.

For partial and full offsite participation exercises, the NRC and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), will observe, evaluate, and critique.Drill and exercise performance objectives will be evaluated against measurable demonstration criteria.

As soon as possible following the conclusion of the drill or exercise, a critique is conducted to evaluate the ability of the Emergency Response Organization (ERO)to implement the emergency plan and procedures, and a formal evaluation will result from the critique.A written critique report is prepared by the Emergency Preparedness group following a drill or exercise involving the evaluation of designated objectives or following the final simulator set with ERO participation.

The report will evaluate the ability of the ERO to respond to a simulated emergency situation.

The report will also contain corrective actions and recommendations.

The commitment wording was standardized and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan E12-184 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 0: All VEGP badged EP 0.4.8: GET will include general training in The commitment wording was standardized and personnel will receive General emergency preparedness for plant and other relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Employee Training at inception of site personnel.

GET will include classification, onsite duties. individual response, signals, accountability, Section 0.3: All badged VEGP and site evacuation procedures.

workers will receive general training in emergency preparedness.

Section 0: GET will include EP 0.4.8: GET will include general training in The commitment wording was standardized and emergency classification, individual emergency preparedness for plant and other relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan response, signals, accountability, site personnel.

GET will include classification, and site dismissal procedures.

individual response, signals, accountability, and site evacuation procedures.


Section 0: All VEGP emergency EP= 0.4.1: ERO members will receive The commitment wording was standardized and response organization personnel will Emergency Plan training on an annual basis. relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan receive specialized training per Personnel identified receive training Table 0-2. appropriate to their position in the areas of: Section 0.3: Selected individuals on

  • Accident assessment.

site and off site will annually receive

  • Accident mitigation.

specialized training.

  • Notifications.
  • Emergency Classifications.
  • Protective Action Recommendations.
  • Emergency Action Levels.* Emergency Exposure Control.E12-185 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 0: All VEGP emergency EP 0.4: SNC ERO personnel who are The commitment wording was standardized and response organization personnel will responsible for implementing this plan receive relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan receive specialized training per specialized training.

The training program for Table 0-2. emergency response personnel is developed Section 0.1: As a minimum, training based on the requirements of 10 CFR 50, will be provided in the subject areas Appendix E and position-specific shown in table 0-1 to various responsibilities.

personnel according to their Requalification training for onsite ERO emergency response position as members consists of an annual review of the shown on table 0-2. Emergency Plan in the form of a general Section 0.1: Those designated to overview.

In addition to SNO Emergency Plan receive training in each subject area overview training, personnel assigned to onsite are indicated in table 0-2. emergency response positions will receive training specific to their position.EP 0.4.1: Emergency Response Organization (ERO)EP 0.4.2: Active Senior Licensed Control Room Personnel EP 0.4.3: Radiological Field Monitoring Teams EP 0.4.4: Fire Brigade Training EP 0.4.5: Operations, Maintenance, Chemistry and Radiation Protection Training EP 0.4.6: Medical Support EP 0.4.7: News Media Training EP 0.4.8: General Employee Training (GET)Section 0.1 : The training will be EP 0.1: The ERO Training Program ensures The commitment wording was standardized and conducted in accordance with lesson the training, qualification, and requalification of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan plans, individuals who may be called on for assistance during an emergency.

Specific emergency response task training, prepared for response positions, is described in lesson plans and study guides. The lesson plans, study guides, and written tests are contained in the ERO Training Program.Section Records of the EP 0.1: Responsibilities for implementing the The commitment wording was standardized and attendance and examination scores training program are contained in plant relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan will be retained in the training files, procedures.


E12-186 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 0.1 : Upon completion of EP 0.1: Responsibilities for implementing the The commitment wording was standardized and each training session or drill, the training program are contained in plant relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan participants will be asked to critique procedures.

the training in order to ensure continued improvement.

Section 0.1: Radiological emergency EP 0.1: The ERO Training Program ensures The commitment wording was standardized and response training is offered the training, qualification, and requalification of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan throughout the year, with each individuals who may be called on for training course being covered at assistance during an emergency.

Specific least once per calendar year. emergency response task training, prepared for response positions, is described in lesson plans and study guides.Section 0.1: Annual retraining EP 0.4: Requalification training for onsite ERO The commitment wording was standardized and consists of initial training material members consists of an annual review of the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan reinforcement and appropriate Emergency Plan in the form of a general lessons learned from the previous overview.

In addition to SNC Emergency Plan year's operating experience.

overview training, personnel assigned to onsite emergency response positions will receive training specific to their position.Section 0: All VEGP emergency EP 0.4: SNO ERO personnel who are The commitment wording was standardized and response organization personnel will responsible for implementing this plan receive relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan receive specialized training per specialized training.

The training program for Table 0-2. emergency response personnel is developed based on the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E and position-specific



E12-187 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 0: Offsite response groups EP 0.1: Personnel from nuclear power plants The commitment wording was standardized and who may support onsite situations, annually offer to train those non-SNC relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan such as fire or personnel injury, will organizations referenced in the Plant Annexes be offered annual training in that may provide specialized services during a notification, expected roles, site nuclear plant emergency.

The training offered orientation, security procedures, and will acquaint the participants with the special basic radiation protection, problems potentially encountered during a Section 0: Selected state and local nuclear plant emergency, notification emergency response management procedures, and their expected roles.personnel with offsite emergency Organizations that must enter the site shall response roles will be offered a also receive site-specific emergency response seminar/training course in specific training and be instructed as to the identity of areas; (1) the VEGP emergency those persons in the onsite organization who classification system; (2) the VEGP will control their support activities.

protective action recommendation Training of state and local offsite emergency criteria and their relationship to plant response organizations is described in their conditions; and (3) the VEGP respective radiological emergency plans, with emergency response organization, support provided by SNC if requested.

Section 0: These offsite EP 0.1.1: A training opportunity will be offered management personnel will be annually for offsite organizations and agencies offered initial training and annual as specified in respective agreements and retraining, understandings.

In addition, those offsite organizations and agencies that may provide onsite emergency assistance will be encouraged to become familiar with the general layout of SNC plants, and will be invited to attend applicable Emergency Plan training and orientation courses.Annually, training will be offered for hospital personnel, ambulance and rescue personnel, police, and fire departments.

The training shall include the procedures for notification, basic radiation protection, and their organizations' expected role.E12-188 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section 0.2: Mandatory training for EP 0.1: To achieve and maintain an The commitment wording was standardized and emergency positions held: acceptable level of emergency preparedness, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan All ERO personnel shall be trained training will be conducted for members of the per table 0-2 within the last 15 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) and months, except for post accident those offsite organizations that may be called sampling and first aid training, which on to provide assistance in the event of an is to be within 36 months. emergency.

The ERO Training Program ensures the training, qualification, and requalification of individuals who may be called on for assistance during an emergency.

Specific emergency response task training, prepared for response positions, is described in lesson__________________________plans and study guides.Section P: The Executive Vice EP P: The President/Chief Executive Officer The commitment wording was standardized and President/Chief Nuclear Officer (CEO) Southern Nuclear Operating Company relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan (CNO) Southern Nuclear Operating (SNC) has direct responsibility for the Company (SNC) has overall operation and maintenance of the SNC Plants.responsibility and authority for all nuclear activities, including emergency planning (EP) programs.Section P: The vice president-EP P.1: The Vice President

-Regulatory The commitment wording was standardized and regulatory affairs is responsible for Affairs is responsible for the overall relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan administration of the corrective coordination of the corporate emergency action program in the corporate preparedness programs and Emergency headquarters, the overall Plans.coordination of the corporate emergency preparedness programs (including the common Emergency Operations Facility), Emergency Plans, and site emergency response communication.

Section P: The Fleet Emergency EP P.1: The Fleet Emergency Preparedness The commitment wording was standardized and Preparedness Manager is Director is responsible for the oversight of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan responsible for overseeing Emergency Preparedness activities and emergency planning activities offsite coordinating those activities with Licensee, and coordinating those activities with federal, state, and local response Licensee, Federal, State and local organizations.

response organizations.

E12-l89 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Section P: Vice President- (Plant) is EP P.2: The Vice President-(Site) is The commitment wording was standardized and responsible for the site Emergency responsible for the site Emergency relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Preparedness aspects of the Preparedness aspects of the program at each program. site.Section P: The Emergency EP P.2: The Emergency Preparedness The commitment wording was standardized and Preparedness Supervisor is Supervisor is responsible for coordinating relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan responsible for coordinating onsite emergency preparedness activities and emergency preparedness activities supports offsite emergency preparedness onsite and supports offsite activities in the plant vicinity.emergency preparedness activities in the vicinity of the plant.Section P: The Emergency EP P.3: EPIPs and administrative procedures The commitment wording was standardized and Preparedness for the Emergency Preparedness function are relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan Supervisor is responsible for the maintained by the Fleet Emergency implementation of the Emergency Preparedness Director with a designated EP Plan and procedure development staff member as the principal contact.and maintenance.

Section P: The Fleet Emergency EP P.3. The Emergency Plan, agreements, The commitment wording was standardized and Preparedness Manager performs a and the EPIPs are reviewed once per calendar relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan review of the site specific emergency year and updated, as needed.plan annually and all onsite EPIPs biennially.

The review includes the letters of agreement, which are updated as necessary.

Section P: The Emergency plans EP P.3. The Emergency Plan, agreements, The commitment wording was standardized and and EPIPs are revised in accordance and the EPIPs are reviewed once per calendar relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan with applicable site procedures.

year and updated, as needed.Section P: As required by 10 CFR EP P.3: An independent review of the EP The commitment wording was standardized and 50.54(t), an annual independent program is conducted, as required by 10 CFR relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan audit of the emergency 50.54(t).preparedness program is conducted by the SNC Fleet Oversight Department.

Section P: The interval from the EP P.3: An independent review of the EP The commitment wording was standardized and previous audit may be shortened but program is conducted, as required by 10 CFR relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan may not be extended beyond 15 50.54(t).months. ______________________________________________

E12-190 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Section P: Audits are performed in EP P.3: An independent review of the EP The commitment wording was standardized and accordance with SNC Fleet program is conducted, as required by 10 CFR relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Section P: Records of these audits EP P,3: The results of the review, along with The commitment wording was standardized and and exercise findings are maintained recommendations for improvements, are relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan management and to appropriate offsite agencies.Section P: The Fleet Emergency EP P.3. The Emergency Plan, agreements, The commitment wording was standardized and Preparedness Manager performs a and the EPIPs are reviewed once per calendar relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan review of the emergency plans for year and updated, as needed.Southern Nuclear once each calendar year.Appendix 2: All Criteria added to body of SNO Standard Emergency Plan. Individual Annex no longer required.Appendix 3: In the event of an EP 5.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and emergency the Emergency Director delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan at VEGP is responsible for notifying

  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval appropriate State and local response of state, local, and NRC notifications.

organizations, plant emergency personnel, and DOE's Savannah River Site.E12-191 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: Initial alerting will be EP E.2.5: Prompt alerting and notification of The commitment wording was standardized and made primarily by both tone-alert the public within the plume exposure pathway relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan radios and a system of fixed sirens. EPZ is the obligation of state and local and Site Annex Appendix 3: In the event of a serious government or other responsible authority.

emergency at VEGP, the primary The responsibility for ensuring the means exist means for alerting and providing to carry out this purpose rests with Southern initial instructions to the public will be Nuclear Operating Company. An overview of by a combination of tone-alert radios these means excluding the Savannah River and a system of fixed sirens. Site is listed in the site-specific Annex of this Appendix 3: The siren system Plan.consists of a network of 47 rotating Annex 4.2: Two approved independent, electronic sirens mounted on poles complementary alerting systems are installed strategically located throughout the in the EPZ to alert the public, consisting of a populated area of the plume network of fixed sirens or tone-alert radios.exposure EPZ. Provisions for transient population notification are also included in state and county plans.The Alert and Notification System (ANS)description is provided in the FEMA approved Alert and Notification System Design Report located in the SNC document management system.Appendix 3: Based upon Appendix 3 Annex 4.2: Two approved independent, The commitment wording was standardized and of NUREG-0654 and FEMA REP-10, complementary alerting systems are installed relocated to the Site Annex.the system is designed to provide a in the EPZ to alert the public, consisting of a minimum of 60 dBC coverage to all network of fixed sirens or tone-alert radios.residences within the plume Provisions for transient population notification exposure EPZ, plus adequate are also included in state and county plans.coverage for people outdoors in all The ANS system includes administrative and other areas of the plume exposure physical means for a backup method of public EPZ open to the public, alerting and notification capable of being used in the event the primary method of alerting and notification is unavailable during an emergency to alert or notify all or portions of the plume exposure pathway EPZ population.

The backup method has the capability to alert and notify the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ, but may not meet the 15-minute design objective for the primary prompt public alert and notification system. ______________________

E12-192 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: Assurance of continued EP E.2.5.2: The testing and maintenance of The commitment wording was standardized and notification capability will be verified the public alerting sirens are the responsibility relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.on a statistical basis similar to of SNC. The maintenance program will consist engineering calculation DOE J- of both periodic routine checks and, as HX20081 00234-MO01.

required, corrective maintenance.

Appendix 3: Southern Nuclear EP E.2.5.2: The testing and maintenance of The commitment wording was standardized and Operating Company, and/or the the public alerting sirens are the responsibility relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.State and local governments will of SNC. The maintenance program will consist survey a sample of the residents in of both periodic routine checks and, as the plume exposure pathway EPZ. required, corrective maintenance.

Appendix 3: The survey results shall be used to assess the public's ability to hear the alerting signal and their awareness of the meaning of the prompt notification message, as well as the availability of information on what to do in an emergency.

Appendix 3: In response to the EP E.2.6.2: The testing and maintenance of The commitment wording was standardized and findings of these surveys, the public alerting sirens are the responsibility relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.appropriate corrective measures will of SNC. The maintenance program will consist be taken to provide reasonable of both periodic routine checks and, as assurance that the required required, corrective maintenance.

coverage is maintained.

E12-193 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: The communications Annex 1.6: Primary offsite authorities provide The commitment wording was standardized and system between the plant and the a 24-hour per day staffing of communications relocated to the Site Annex responsible authorities (Federal, links as follows: State and local) features the State of Georgia: following capabilities:

  • Georgia Emergency Management Agency Twenty-four hour coverage at VEGP (GEMA)and at the primary points to receive Georoia County Authorities:

and act upon notification.

  • Burke -Burke County EMA VEGP assumes primary State of South Carolina: responsibility for net control since
  • Emergency Management Division (EMD)effectively all of the emergency South Carolina County Authorities:

information originates at VEGP.

  • Barnwell and Aiken County -Sheriff's Department
  • Allendale County -County Central Dispatch Department of Energy -Savannah River Site (DOR-SRS)* DOE-SRS Operations Center _____________________

E12-194 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtie (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: WNithin the plume Annex 4.2: Two approved independent, The commitment wording was standardized and exposure pathway EPZ, the prompt complementary alerting systems are installed relocated to the Site Annex alerting and notification system will in the EPZ to alert the public, consisting of a provide an alerting signal and network of fixed sirens or tone-alert radios.notification by NOAA radio and an Provisions for transient population notification alerting signal by fixed sirens. are also included in state and county plans.Appendix 3: Southern Nuclear The ANS system includes administrative and Operating Company in conjunction physical means for a backup method of public with Georgia Power Company alerting and notification capable of being used provides NOAA radio receivers for all in the event the primary method of alerting and known establishments (residence, notification is unavailable during an emergency businesses, schools, etc.) within the to alert or notify all or portions of the plume plume exposure pathway EPZ who exposure pathway EPZ population.

The choose to accept them. backup method has the capability to alert and notify the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ, but may not meet the 15-minute design objective for the primary prompt public alert and notification system.The Alert and Notification System (ANS)description is provided in the FEMA approved Alert and Notification System Design Report located in the SNC document management system.Appendix 3: During the distribution to EP G.8: The goal of the public information The commitment wording was standardized and those accepting the radios, a program is to acquaint the general public with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan brochure is handed out. the emergency plans for the operation of and Site Annex APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and actions they should take in the event of a plant The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios emergency.

is conducted in accordance with the FEMA Emergency information is disseminated each approved Design Report.calendar year for residents and transients in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone.E12-195 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: That brochure will be EP G.8: The goal of the public information The commitment wording was standardized and redistributed on an annual basis to program is to acquaint the general public with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan NOAA recipients, the emergency plans for the operation of and Site Annex APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and actions they should take in the event of a plant The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios emergency.

is conducted in accordance with the FEMA Emergency information is disseminated each approved Design Report.calendar year for residents and transients in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone.Appendix 3: This brochure includes EP G.8: The goal of the public information The commitment wording was standardized and the following information:

program is to acquaint the general public with relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan What is NOAA. the emergency plans for the operation of and Site Annex Why NOAA radios are provided.

APC/GPC nuclear plants, as appropriate, and Information they will receive on the actions they should take in the event of a plant The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios NOAA radio. emergency.

is conducted in accordance with the FEMA When the alert system will be Emergency information is disseminated each approved Design Report.activated, calendar year for residents and transients in Who makes NOAA broadcasts.

the plume exposure pathway Emergency Where to place the radio. Planning Zone.Backup battery power for power failures.What to do if the NOAA radio doesn't work.How to replace radio batteries.

Appendix 3: A public information Annex 2.3.6: Several communications The commitment wording was standardized and calendar entitled 'The Plant Vogtle methods may be used to acquaint the public relocated to the Site Annex Emergency Information Calendar" with plans for their protection during a Plant will be distributed on an annual basis emergency.

Effort will be concentrated on to the NOAA radio recipients, providing information to the public by written material that is likely to be available in local residences and in locations frequented by transients.

The information will also provide instructions on which local media will be providing additional information in the event of an emergency.

E12-196 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: SNC will replace any Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and defective radios upon request or (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan discovery that the radios are approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex defective.

Report located in the SNC document management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: SNC will also annually Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and distribute replacement batteries to all (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan recipients of tone alert radios, approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex Report located in the SNC document management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: SNC will maintain a Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and register of all radio recipients.

CANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex Report located in the SNC document management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: The Emergency Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and Communications staff distributes CANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan tone alert radios to any new approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex residents and updates the register of Report located in the SNC document radio recipients periodically, management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: The Emergency Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and Communications staff also (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan determines whether there are any approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex permanent Burke County plume EPZ Report located in the SNC document residents without electricity.

A list of management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios these residents is maintained.

is conducted in accordlance with the FEMA________________________

______________________________approved Design Report.E12-197 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: A survey of the Burke Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and County portion of the plume EPZ will (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan be made annually by the Emergency approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex Communications staff to assure that Report located in the SNO document the list of any such residents is management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios current. is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: Rather, annual surveys Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and of the entire South Carolina portion (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan of the plume EPZ will be made approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex directly by the Emergency Report located in the SNC document Communications Staff. management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: The effectiveness of the Annex 4.2 The Alert and Notification System The commitment wording was standardized and tone alert radios will be tested and (ANS) description is provided in the FEMA relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan evaluated at least once a year per approved Alert and Notification System Design and Site Annex procedure 91706-C, Alert Notification Report located in the SNC document System. management system. The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: The testing and EP E.2.5.2: The testing and maintenance of The commitment wording was standardized and maintenance of the public alerting the public alerting sirens are the responsibility relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan sirens in the VEGP EPZ are the of SNC.responsibility of VEGP.Appendix 3: The maintenance EP E.2.6.2: The maintenance program will The commitment wording was standardized and program will consist of both periodic consist of both periodic routine checks and, as relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan routine checks and, as required, required, corrective maintenance.

corrective maintenance.

Appendix 3: This program will be EP P.1: Emergency Preparedness The commitment wording was standardized and under the direction of the VEGP Coordinator(s) coordinate functional elements relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan emergency preparedness of the emergency preparedness program for coordinator, the SNC fleet under the direction of the Fleet__________________________Emergency Preparedness Director.E12-198 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: SNC will replace any EP E.2.5.2: Unsatisfactory conditions detected The commitment wording was standardized and defective radios upon request or by any means will be promptly repaired.

relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.discovery that the radios are defective.

The combination of Sirens and Tone Alert Radios is conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.Appendix 3: The periodic routine EP The periodic routine maintenance The commitment wording was standardized and maintenance program will be based and test program will be based on the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan on the manufacturers' manufacturers' recommendations and recommendations and experience experience gained with the installation.

gained with the installation.

Appendix 3: It will consist of quarterly EP E.2.5.2: The periodic routine maintenance The commitment wording was standardized and inspections to verify the proper and test program will be based on the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan physical condition of each siren manufacturers' recommendations and location and checks to verify the experience gained with the installation.

proper operation of each location utilizing the built-in test and monitoring features of this system.Appendix 3: The periodic test EP E.2.8.2: Annually the system will be The commitment wording was standardized and program will consist of a weekly activated in the normal mode. Advance notice relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan silent test, from the county activation of the test will be provided to the public.points, and an annual full scale Activation of sirens will be verified by the activation of the system. system. Reports of siren failures will be investigated and repaired by the respective SNO site.Appendix 3: The weekly silent test EP E.2.5.2: The periodic routine maintenance The commitment wording was standardized and will consist of activation of the siren and test program will be based on the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan from the County EQOC. manufacturers' recommendations and and Site Annex experience gained with the installation.

The testing will be conducted in accordance with the FEMA approved Design Report.E12- 199 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: Proper activation of EP E.2.5.2: Annually the system will be The commitment wording was standardized and each siren is confirmed utilizing a activated in the normal mode. Advance notice relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.monitoring system. of the test will be provided to the public.Activation of sirens will be verified by the The testing will be conducted in accordance with system. Reports of siren failures will be the FEMA approved Design Report.investigated and repaired by the respective SNC site.Appendix 3: Once each year the EP E.2.5.2: Annually, the system will be The commitment wording was standardized and system will be activated from the activated in the normal mode. Advance notice relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.associated county EOC in the of the test will be provided to the public.normal mode. Activation of sirens will be verified by the The testing will be conducted in accordance with system. Reports of siren failures will be the FEMA approved Design Report.investigated and repaired by the respective SNC site.Appendix 3: Advance notice of the EP E.2.5.2: Annually, the system will be The commitment wording was standardized and test will be provided to the public, activated in the normal mode. Advance notice relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan of the test will be provided to the public.Activation of sirens will be verified by the The testing will be conducted in accordance with system. Reports of siren failures will be the FEMA approved Design Report.investigated and repaired by the respective SNC site.Appendix 3: Activation of each siren EP E.2.5.2: Annually, the system will be The commitment wording was standardized and will be verified by the WSMRFC. activated in the normal mode. Advance notice relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan of the test will be provided to the public.Activation of sirens will be verified by the The testing will be conducted in accordance with system. Reports of siren failures will be the FEMA approved Design Report.investigated and repaired by the respective SNC site Appendix 3: Reports of siren failures EP E.2.5.2: Annually, the system will be The commitment wording was standardized and or inadequate coverage will be activated in the normal mode. Advance notice relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan investigated by VEGP. of the test will be provided to the public.Activation of sirens will be verified by the The testing will be conducted in accordance with system. Reports of siren failures will be the FEMA approved Design Report.investigated and repaired by the respective

________________________SNC site. ___________________

E12-200 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 3: Unsatisfactory EP E.2.5.2: Unsatisfactory conditions detected The commitment wording was standardized and conditions detected by any means by any means will be promptly repaired.

relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan will be promptly repaired by Southern Company Services The testing will be conducted in accordance with maintenance or contract personnel the FEMA approved Design Report.under the direction of the VEGP emergency preparedness coordinator.

Appendix 4: All EP H-.9: Emergency kits are available at SNC- The commitment wording was standardized and operated nuclear power plants. Designated relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan site or department procedures identify the equipment in the various emergency kits.Details as to kit locations are found in the plant-specific procedures.

Annex 5.5: Emergency supplies and equipment are located in the TSC (also for the control room), the OSC, the radiation protection control point, and other plant locations.

Procedures require an inspection and operational check of equipment in these kits on a quarterly basis and after each use.Equipment in these kits is calibrated in accordance with procedures.

A set of spares of certain equipment is also maintained to replace inoperative or out-of-calibration


Appendix 9: All Annex Appendix C. New Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures are to be developed following submittal of SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Annexes. The EPIPs will be developed consistent with the NRC approval of the Plan and the criteria of 10 CFR 50.54(q)Appendix 7 A.3: Upon notification of EP H-.2.1: Staffing and activation of the EOF is The commitment wording was standardized and an ALERT or higher classification or mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan as directed by the ED, the EOF will higher classification.

be activated as described in emergency implementing procedures.

E12-201 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 A.3: Offsite support EP

The Support Coordinator reports The commitment wording was standardized and personnel and equipment will be to the TSC Manager and directs the clerical relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan dispatched to the site Operations and logistic activities in the TSC and ensures Support Center (OSC) or Technical that support staff, including clerks, status board Support Center (TSC) upon request keepers, and communicators, are available in from the specific site Emergency sufficient numbers and that office supplies, Director.

drawings, and other documents are available to TSC and OSC personnel.

Appendix 7 A.3: The corporate The commitment wording was standardized and emergency organization will provide relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.offsite emergency response support and resources to SNC sites 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> The SNC Standard Emergency Plan integrates the per day until the emergency has Corporate response as part of the trained and been terminated, qualified ERO. A separate statement is not necessary.

Appendix 7 A.3: The EOF will be EP H.2.1 : Staffing and activation of the EOF is The commitment wording was standardized and activated for an ALERT, SITE AREA mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.or GENERAL emergency higher classification.


Appendix 7 A.3: This facility (EOF) EP B.2: Augmentation of on-shift staffing will The commitment wording was standardized and will be operational within about an occur within 75 minutes of event classification relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.hour of the initial notification, by the Emergency Response Organization (ERO). ERO positions for the TSC, Operations The change in activation times will be justified Support Center (OSC), Emergency Operations separately in the Technical Analysis Section of this Facility (EOF), and JIC are detailed below. License Amendment Request.Appendix 7 A.3: SNC's goal is to The SNC Standard Emergency Plan moves to a begin notification of all required on- commitment to activate facilities within a timeframe call Emergency Response of 75 minutes. Notification df the responding ERO Organization (ERO) personnel as is a step in the overall process and not needed as soon as practicable, within 15 a separate commitment.

minutes, following the declaration of an Alert emergency or higher The change in activation times will be justified emergency classification at any SNC separately in the Technical Analysis Section of this site. _____________________License Amendment Request.E12-202 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan 'Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 A.3: Minimum EOF staff EP Figure B.2.D The commitment wording was standardized and for facility activation will include the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.EOF Manager, the Dose Assessment Supervisor, the Dose Analyst, the Field Team Coordinator, the ENN Communicator, and the Licensing Support Coordinator.

Appendix 7 A.3: Access control for EP H.2.1 : Access to the EOF is controlled The commitment wording was standardized and the EOF is established through the through the use of electronic card readers. relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.use of electronic card readers.Appendix 7 A.3: The emergency EP B.1.1: The Emergency Director's non- The commitment wording was standardized and director is responsible for the delegable duties include: relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency of the emergency

  • Event classification in accordance with the response.

Specific duties and emergency classification system.responsibilities are provided in the

  • Perform the duties and responsibilities of site specific Emergency Plan and Protective Action Recommendation (PAR)Emergency Plan Implementing determination.


  • Notifications of offsite agencies and approval of state, local, and NRC notifications.
  • Authorization of emergency exposures in excess of federal limits.* Issuance of potassium iodide (KI) to plant employees as a thyroid blocking agent.* Request federal assistance as needed.Appendix 7 A.3: ... the EOF can be EP 2.2: Augmentation of on-shift staffing will The commitment wording was standardized and quickly accessed and made occur within 75 minutes of event classification relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.operational within about an hour of by the Emergency Response Organization the initial notification and is safe- (ERO). ERO positions for the TSC, OSC, The change in activation times will be justified guarded against unauthorized EOF, and JIC are detailed below, separately in the Technical Analysis Section of this personnel.

EP H.2.1: Access to the EOF is controlled License Amendment Request.through the use of electronic card readers.Appendix 7 A.3: The building itself EP H.2.1: Access to the EOF is controlled The commitment wording was standardized and (EOF building) has posted security through the use of electronic card readers. relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.guards and video surveillance cameras.E12-203 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 A.3: Any outside doors EP H.2.1: Access to the EOF is controlled The commitment wording was standardized and that do not have security guards are through the use of electronic card readers. relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.accessible only by SNC ID badges.Appendix 7 A.3: If an event were to EP H.2.1: Access to the EOF is controlled No equivalent Plan statement.

occur during off-normal hours, a through the use of electronic card readers.guard will be posted at the main NRC has indicated Security concerns over entrance to Building 40 to allow buildings accessible to the general public and may access to offsite agency or other want a more positive statement of building control responders without pre-designated ID access.Appendix 7 B: The EOF EP Figure S.2.D EOF Organization Chart The commitment wording was standardized and Organization is displayed in Figure 1 EP B.3 Listing of typical duty assignments.

relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and typical duty assignments are shown on Table 1.Appendix 7 B: Each of the following EP 0.1: The ERO Training Program ensures The commitment wording was standardized and EOF positions has site-specific the training, qualification, and requalification of relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.personnel designated:

individuals who may be called on for EOF Manager assistance during an emergency.

Specific EOF Technical Supervisor emergency response task training, prepared for response positions, is described in lesson___________________________plans and study guides. ______________________

Appendix 7 B: In order to augment EP 8.2: Augmentation of on-shift staffing will General statement on activation of the ERO is additional staff that may be needed occur within 75 minutes of event classification sufficient for the unlikely event of a multi-site by the Emergency Response Organization accident, SNC will re-activate its (ERO). ERO positions for the TSC, Operations ERO notification system. Support Center (OSC), Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), and JIC are detailed below.Appendix 7 B: When the EOF is EP 6.2: Augmentation of on-shift staffing will The commitment wording was standardized and activated, all EOF staff pagers are occur within 75 minutes of event classification relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.activated, and all EOF personnel are by the Emergency Response Organization expected to report to the EOF. (ERO). ERO positions for the TSC, Operations Support Center (OSC), Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), and JIC are detailed below.E12-204 Enclosure 12 to NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 B.I: The EOF Managers EP 0.1 Training The commitment was modified to required qualified will typically have either previous To achieve and maintain an acceptable level of personnel.

plant specific SRO background or emergency preparedness, training will be long-term supervisory/management conducted for members of the Emergency experience.

Response Organization (ERO) and those offsite organizations that may be called on to provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

The ERO Training Program ensures the training, qualification, and requalification of individuals who may be called on for assistance during an emergency.

Specific emergency response task training, prepared for response positions, is described in lesson plans and study guides. The lesson plans, study guides, and written tests are contained in the ERO Training Program. Responsibilities for implementing the training program are contained in plant procedures.

Offsite training is provided to support organizations that may be called upon to provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

Appendix 7 B.1 :The duties and EP B.3.i.1: The EOF ED has overall The commitment wording was standardized and responsibilities of the EQF Manager coordinating authority for Southern Nuclear relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.are as follows: (As listed in App. 7, Company resources.

Upon EOF activation, 14 items listed) the EOF ED accepts responsibility for Notification and Protective Action Recommendation functions from the Control Room. The EOF ED is also responsible for keeping SNC corporate management informed regarding the emergency response and Classification upgrades.Appendix 7 B.2: The EOF Technical The commitment was modified to required qualified Supervisor will typically have plant personnel.

specific long-term engineering/design experience.


E12-205 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 B.2: The duties and EP B.3.1.19:

The Technical Supervisor reports The commitment wording was standardized and responsibilities of the EOF Technical to the EOF Manager and is responsible for relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Supervisor are as follows: (As listed providing engineering expertise during an in App. 7, 7 items listed) emergency event at an SNC-operated plant.This may include interacting with non-SNC response groups, developing mitigation and recovery plans and coordinating work performed by SNC and non-SNC engineering groups.Appendix 7 B.3: The duties and EP B.3.1.3: The Support Coordinator reports to The commitment wording was standardized and responsibilities of the EOF Support the EOF Manager. The duties and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Coordinator are as follows: (As listed responsibilities of the Support Coordinator in in App. 7, 8 items listed). The the EOF include providing oversight of the individuals designated to assume the News Writer, providing assistance to the position will be indicated on a Support Coordinator in the Technical Support predetermined rotational schedule.

Center (TSC) for ordering equipment and materials, and logistics arrangements for support personnel called in to assist in the emergency, including communications hardware, transportation, food, and lodging.Appendix 7 8.4: The TSC will initially EP B.2.1.5: The RP Supervisor assists the The commitment wording was standardized and be responsible for dose projection Radiation Protection/Chemistry Group Lead in relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.and field team control activities, the OSC in determining the extent and nature of radiological or hazardous conditions and coordinates offsite dose assessment and offsite Field Monitoring Teams prior to EOF activation.

Appendix 7 B.4: When the EOF is Figure B.2.A Figure B.2.A describes the transfer of non-activated and ready to assume delegable responsibilities between the ER~s.functions of dose projection/

EP B.30Offsite Emergency Response Section 8.3 provides the overall responsibility of assessment activities, then the EOF Organization (ERO) EQF responders.

Dose Assessment Supervisor will coordinate transfer of dose The commitment wording was standardized and assessment, field team control, and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.protective action determination from the TSC to the EOF. _________________________________________

E12-206 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 B.4: The duties and EP B.3.1.4: The Dose Assessment Supervisor The commitment wording was standardized and responsibilities of the EOF Dose reports to the EOF Manager and provides relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Assessment Supervisor are as oversight of dose assessment, field team follows: (As listed in App. 7, 7 items control, and protective action recommendation listed). The individuals designated to activities in the EOF; and coordinates assume the position will be indicated communication of results with offsite agencies.on a predetermined rotational schedule.Appendix 7 8.5: The duties and EP B.3.1.11:

The Security Coordinator reports The commitment wording was standardized and responsibilities of the Security to the EOF Manager. The duties and relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Coordinator are as follows: (As listed responsibilities of the Security Coordinator will in App. 7, 3 items listed). The be assumed by SNC corporate security individuals designated to assume the personnel.

Responsibilities include supporting position will be indicated on a the plant security manager, keeping the EOF predetermined rotational schedule.

Manager informed of any security events or issues, communication of Security Related information to the NRC using the Security Bridge line, and establishing and maintaining

___________________________access control for the EOF._______________________

Appendix 7 B.6: The duties and EP B.3.1.12:

The Offsite Response The commitment wording was standardized and responsibilities of the Offsite Coordinator reports to the EOF Manager. The relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Response Coordinator are as duties and responsibilities of the Offsite follows: (As listed in App. 7, 2 items Response Coordinator include coordination of listed). The individuals designated to activities for the dispatch and update of assume the position will be indicated technical liaisons to state and local authorities on a predetermined rotational and monitoding EOF functional areas to schedule, facilitate coordination between the licensee__________________________and state and local agencies.Appendix 7 C: Initial notifications or EP E.2.1: Emergency Response personnel The commitment wording was standardized and emergency response personnel will respond to their assigned Emergency relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.follow the guidelines specified in the Response Facilities upon notification of an site specific Emergency Plan and Alert or higher classification level.Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

Appendix 7 C.1: The On-call EOF EP E.2.1: Emergency Response personnel The commitment wording was standardized and Manager will be notified of all respond to their assigned Emergency .relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.emergencies classified at any SNC Response Facilities upon notification of an site. Alert or higher classification level.E12-207 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 0.1: The EOF is located EP H.2.1: The EOF is a dedicated facility The commitment wording was standardized and in Birmingham, Alabama and serves located in Birmingham, Alabama, and serves as relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency the EOF for all SNC sites (VEGP, the EOF for SNC sites (VEGP, FNP, and HNP).FNP, and HNP).Appendix 7 0.1 : The EOF will be EP H.2.1: Staffing and activation of the EOF is The commitment wording was standardized and activated as prescribed in the site mandatory upon declaration of an Alert or relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.specific Emergency Plan higher classification.

implementing procedures.

Appendix 70D.1: Plant systems EP H.5.1: A permanent meteorological The commitment wording was standardized and information, radiological data, and monitoring station is located near the plant for relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.meteorological data are provided via the acquisition and recording of wind speed, the SNC Integrated Data Display wind direction, ambient and differential System to EOF personnel.

temperatures for use in making offsite dose projections.

Meteorological information is displayed in the CR, TSC, and EOF.EP H.5.3.2: The SPDS parameters are available during normal and abnormal operating conditions in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF.Appendix 7 D.1: Data displays are EP H.S.1: Meteorological information is The commitment wording was standardized and located in the main caucus area of displayed in the CR, TSC, and EOF by means relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the EOF, dose assessment area, of the plant computer system.plant status area, and engineering EP H.6.3.2: The SPDS parameters are area within the facility, available normal and abnormal operating conditions in the Control Room, TSC, and EOF.Appendix 7 D.I: Data is also EP H.2.l Emergency Operations Facility The commitment wording was standardized and available to all state agencies The EOF is capable of accommodating relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.responding to the EOF. designated SNC personnel and offsite local, state, and federal responders including NRC and FEMA. It is anticipated that representatives from the state(s) of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, or Florida may be dispatched to the EOF for an event at specific SNC site(s).Responders from state and local agencies have access to plant parameters through the various data displays available in the EOF. See Figure_______________________H.2.A.


E12-208 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 _____________________

Appendix 7 D.I: This data is SECTION I: ACCIDENT ASSESSMENT The commitment wording was standardized and available to state and local EP 1.1 Systems and Parameters Monitored relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.authorities via a secure network Select plant parameters are available to state dedicated to data distribution among and local authorities via a secure network the various offsite emergency dedicated to data distribution among the various response facilities.

offsite emergency response facilities.

Appendix 70D.1 : Data may also be EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and obtained manually via telephone plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.from the Control Room and the TSC communication are available, during both to the EOF. normal and emergency conditions, to transmit and receive information among the Control Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations onsite and offsite including the Joint Information Center near the SNC site.Appendix 7 D.1: Contained within the EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and facility will be the manpower and plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan equipment necessary to provide communication are available, during both dedicated direct communication links normal and emergency conditions, to transmit to the plant site(s). and receive information among the Control Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations onsite and offsite including the Joint Information Center near the SNC site.EP Section B: ERF Communicators Appendix 7 D.I: In addition, there EP F.1.1: Reliable primary and backup means The commitment wording was standardized and are commercial and company wide of communication have been established, relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan phone systems to and from the Annex 5.3.2: Commercial telephones or land and Site Annex site(s), lines provide backup for the ENN.Appendix 7 D.1 :A communication EP F.1.1: At SNC-operated nuclear power The commitment wording was standardized and link will be established and plants, several modes of reliable relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.maintained between the Emergency communication are available, during both Operations Facility and the Technical normal and emergency conditions, to transmit Support Center (TSC) until the and receive information among the Control emergency director determines that Room, TSC, OSC, EOF, and other locations the communication link is no longer onsite and offsite including the Joint needed. Information Center near the SNC site.Appendix 70.1I: Computer No equivalent Plan statement.

workstations are dedicated for performing dose assessment for multiple sites.E12-209 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 0.1: The EOF is sized to EP H.2.1: The EQF is capable of The commitment wording was standardized and accommodate 35 persons, including accommodating designated SNC personnel relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.25 pre-designated persons, 9 and offsite local, state, and federal responders persons from the NRC, and 1 person including NRC and FEMA.from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).Appendix 7 0.1: Table 4 provides EP F Table 6 The SNC Standard Emergency Plan and Annex additional information concemning provide commitments to maintain the EOF communications capabilities.

communications capabilities within the ERO, required offsite responders, and the public through the execution of the Joint Information System. The detailed physical description of equipment maintaining those commitments is subject to change and not necessary to ensure the effective_______________________implementation of the Emergency Plan.Appendix 70D.1: Upon activation of The SNC Standard Emergency Plan incorporates the EOF, Corporate personnel will the EOF as part of the general ERO supporting provide staffing 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day ongoing operations.

The separate statement is not until directed otherwise by the required.Emergency Director.Appendix 7 D.I: The EOF is a EP H.2.1: The EOF is a dedicated facility The commitment wording was standardized and dedicated facility, located in Birmingham, Alabama, and serves relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency the EOF for SNC sites (VEGP, FNP, and HNP).Appendix 7 0.1 : Back-up power for EP H.2.1: Backup power for the EOF is The commitment wording was standardized and the EOF is supplied by onsite diesel supplied by onsite diesel generation.

Essential relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.generation.

All essential equipment equipment is backed up by the diesel is backed up by the diesel generation system.generation system.E12-210 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency.

Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 0.1: The following EP H.2.1: The EOF is located at SNC The commitment wording was standardized and records or information are available:

Corporate Headquarters with the document relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Technical Specifications, management section for SNC. The following Selected plant operating procedures.

records or information are available:

Emergency Plans.

  • Technical Specifications.

Emergency Plan Implementing

  • Selected plant operating procedures.


.Emergency Plans.FSARs.

State and local emergency response

  • Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSARs).plans.
  • System piping and instrumentation Savannah River Site Emergency diagrams and HVAC flow diagrams.Plan.
  • Electrical one-line, elementary, and wiring diagrams.Appendix 7 0.2: In the unlikely event Egress of personnel from the EPZ fall under the that individuals should need to provisions of the state Plan. A statement in the respond to the EOF from within the SNC Standard Emergency Plan is not required.10 mile EPZ of any SNC plant, they would be surveyed prior to release by local emergency authorities.

Appendix 7 0.2: In the unlikely event The corporate EOF is located outside the that the EOF becomes reasonable expectation for damage based on a uninhabitable, resources and naturally occurring event beyond the design basis personnel will be transferred to the of the site. Should the EOF be so damaged the Corporate Headquarters of Alabama site can re-assume control of the event.Power Company.Appendix 7 E.1: Provisions have EP F.1.4: Communication with the Nuclear The commitment wording was standardized and been made to have direct NRC FTS Regulatory Commission (NRC) is on the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.lines in the TSC and the EOF during Federal Telephone System (FTS) telephone an emergency.

network that connects the SNC plant site and EOF with the NRC Operations Center.E12-211 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 F.2.4: The GPC Central EP H.6.3: External facilities for counting and The commitment wording was standardized and Laboratory has personnel and analyzing samples, and for dosimetry relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.facilities available to provide offsite processing, can be provided by other SNC-monitoring, sample analysis, and operated plants including the GPC Central dosimetry processing for the affected Laboratory, state, federal, or contracted site. laboratories.

Outside analytical assistance may be requested from state and federal agencies, or through contracted vendors. The DOE, through the Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) has access to any national laboratory.


Appendix 7 G.1 .1 : Corporate EP 0.4: SNC ERO personnel who are The commitment wording was standardized and personnel identified in the responsible for implementing this plan receive relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Emergency Response Organization specialized training.

The training program for receive training, emergency response personnel is developed based on the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E and position-specific responsibilities.

Appendix 7 G.1 .1 : The training EP 0.4: SNC ERO personnel who are The commitment wording was standardized and consists of familiarization with the responsible for implementing this plan receive relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.Site Emergency Plans and specialized training.

The training program for applicable emergency implementing emergency response personnel is developed procedures required to carry out their based on the requirements of 10 CFR 50, specific functions.

Appendix E and position-specific responsibilities.


E12-212 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 G.1.: A training matrix EP 0.4: SNC ERO personnel who are The commitment wording was standardized and for corporate personnel assigned to responsible for implementing this plan receive relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.the ERO is shown in Table 2, and specialized training.

The training program for training course summaries are emergency response personnel is developed presented in Table 3. Training will based on the requirements of 10 CFR 50, be documented in accordance with Appendix E and position-specific established practices.


EP 0.4.1: ERO members will receive Emergency Plan training on an annual basis.Personnel identified receive training appropriate to their position in the areas of:* Accident assessment.

  • Accident mitigation.
  • Notifications.
  • Emergency Classifications.
  • Protective Action Recommendations.
  • Emergency Action Levels.* Emergency Exposure Control.Appendix 7 G.1.: The corporate The SNC Standard Emergency Plan maintains the emergency planning coordinator(s) commitment to conduct the training for corporate are responsible for assuring that personnel.

Who conducts the training may depend training is conducted for corporate on specific areas of expertise and provides no emergency response personnel each purpose in the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.calendar year.Appendix 7 G.1 .2: Drills/ exercises The SNC Standard Emergency Plan incorporates will be conducted each calendar year the EOF into the base Plan response.

The Drill to test the performance of criteria of the Plan and Annex. Separate drill implementing procedures, personnel, criteria for the EOF are no longer required.and emergency equipment.

These drills/exercises will be conducted with each SNC site.Appendix 7 G.1 .2: EOF activation is The SNC Standard Emergency Plan incorporates required at least 3 times annually (1 the EOF in~to the base Plan response.

The Drill scenario per site per year). criteria of the Plan and Annex. Separate drill_________________________

_______________________________criteria for the EOF are no longer required.E12-213 Enclosure 12Wt NL-15-1392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix Current Vogtle Emergency Plan Revised SNC Emergency Plan Justification Revision 63 Appendix 7 G.1 .2: At least 1 The SNO Standard Emergency Plan incorporates activation every 5 years will require a the EOF into the base Plan response.

The Drill concurrent EOF support response criteria of the Plan and Annex. Separate drill for more than one SNC site. criteria for the EOF are no longer required.Appendix 7 G.1.2: Each drill/exercise EP N.I: Drills and exercises shall: The commitment wording was standardized and will test, as a minimum, the

  • Test the adequacy of timing and content of relocated to the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.communication links and notification implementing procedures and methods.procedures.
  • Test emergency equipment and communications networks.* Test the public notification system.* Ensure that emergency organization personnel are familiar with their duties.Appendix 7 G.1 .2: Provisions are EP N.4: A critique shall be conducted at the The commitment wording was standardized and made for critique of all conclusion of the exercise, to evaluate the relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.drills/exercises, organization's ability to respond as called for in the SNO Standard Emergency Plan.Appendix 7 G.1 .2: Critique items will EP N.5: The Emergency Preparedness group The commitment wording was standardized and be forwarded to the site emergency is responsible for evaluating recommendations relocated to the SNC Standard Emergency Plan.preparedness coordinator for and comments, determining which items will be processing in the site specific incorporated into the program or require corrective action program. corrective actions, and for scheduling, tracking, and evaluating item resolution.

Whenever exercises or drills indicate deficiencies in the SNC Standard Emergency Plan, site-specific Annexes, corresponding implementing procedures, or training lesson plans, such___________________________documents will be revised as necessary.


E12-214 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix VEGP 1 & 2 Site On-Shift Table Comparison Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title I Expertise 0654 VEGP 1&2 VEGP 1&2 VEGP I&2 Table B-I Rev 5 Rev 63 Proposed on-shift*Plant Operation and Shift Supervisor (SRO) 1 1 1 1 Assessment of Operation Shift Foreman (SRO) 1 1 2 2 Aspects Control Room Operators 2 (per unit) 2 4 4 Auxiliary Operators 2 (per unit) 2 7 7 Shift Support Supervisor 1 1 Emergency Direction and Shift Technical Advisor, Shift 1"1 1"**1*Control (Emergency Supervisor or designated facility Coordinator)

      • manager _____Notification

/ Communication Notify state/local and federal 1**2 2** 1"**.... ____________personnel, maintain communication Radiological Accident In-Plant surveys HP Technicians 1 1 1 1 Assessment and Support of Chemistry

/ Radiochemistry ChemlHP Technicians 1 1 1 2 Operational Accident Offsite Surveys onsite (out of plant) Chemistry Technicians, System 5 2 1 Assessment Operator or other trained personnel FMT Communicator 1 Plant System Engineering Technical support Shift Technical Advisor 1 1 1 * " Repair and Corrective Repair and Corrective Actions Maintenance Supervisor 1 Actions Mechanical Maintenance 1" 1 1 1 Electrical Maintenance 1"* 1 1 1 l & CTechnician 1 1 1 Protective Actions (In-Plant)

Radiation Protection:

HP Technicians 2* 2 2 1 a. Access Control b. HP Coverage for repair, corrective actions, search and rescue first-aid

& firefighting

c. Personnel monitoring
d. Dosimetry Firefighting Fire Brigade per Tec Specs5*Rescue Operations and First- 2* 2** 2** 2**Aid Site Access Control and Security, firefighting communications, Security personnel per security plan Personnel Accountability personnel accountability

_____Total On-Shift 10 22 25 24 E12-215 Enclosure 12 to NL-1 5-1 392 Vogtle (Units 1 & 2) Justification Matrix VEGP I & 2 Site 60 Minute Augmented ERO Table Comparison Major Functional Area Major Tasks Position Title I Expertise Table B-I VEGP VEGP 1&2 VEGP 1&2 Augment 1&2 Rev 63 Proposed Rev 5 (60 min) (75 min)Emergency Direction and 9 Control Notification I Notify state/local and federal 22211 Communication personnel, maintain communication Radiological Accident EOF Director Senior Manager 11 1 }(a)....Assessment and Support of Dose Assessment HP Expertise 3 Operational Accident Offsite Surveys HP Technicians 2 4 35 Assessment O-ieSresH ehiin On-Plate Surveys HP Technicians 1 Chemisntsreys

/adchmtr CemHP Technicians 1112 PlnytmEgneig TChnmicaly Supr Eichmsty Cec/PTrical ian 1 1 12 Mln ytmEgneig TcnclSpotEechanical 1 1 11 EniernMuehisiona___

1____ 2 Corie Termal! Hyderauiio 2 RearadCretie Rpionroretv cin eThanical Maintenanlc 1 1 RpianCorcie RpranCorcvActions RecadiWast Opeaitornc 1 1 1 1__Electrical Maintenance 1 1 1 1____I&C Technician 1 __Maintenance Supervision 2 Protective Actions (In-Plant)

Radiation Protection:

HP Technicians 2223 a. Access Control b. HP Coverage for repair, corrective actions, search and rescue first-aid


c. Personnel monitoring
d. Dosimetry Total Augmented ERO 15 15 14 43*For each unaffected unit, maintain at least 1 SF, 1 CR0, 1 AO.**May be provided by shift personnel assigned other functions.
        • May be performed by engineering aid to shift supervisor.(a) EOF Emergency Director counted in Emergency Direction and Control.E12-216