ML16110A335 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | La Crosse File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png |
Issue date: | 04/06/2016 |
From: | Nick B Dairyland Power Cooperative |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards |
References | |
CAC L53102, LAC-14380 | |
Download: ML16110A335 (3) | |
President and CEO April 6, 2016 In reply_, please refer to lAC*14380 o.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commlssfon ATIN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20SSS*0001 SUSJEct: Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC)
La Crosse Soiling Water Reactor {1.ACBWR)
Possession-Only license No DPR-45 Docket Nos: S0.40S and 72*046 Response to Request for Additional tnfQrmat~on Regarding the Request for Review and Approval of Revision 29 to the Quality Assurance Program Destription (CAC NO. l.53102)
(1) NRC letter {AAI), Madayna Voilaferto Barbara Nick, dated Marth 17, 2016
{2) November 17, 2015 letter from DPC to 1"RC~ Revisions 29 of the 1.AC8WR Quality Assurance Program Destrlption This submittal responds to the reference RAJ, requesting additional information related to the request for review and approval of Revision 29 t<> the Quality Assurance Program Oescription {OAPD). The RAI noted that the proposed revision contained a reduction in .commitments for PetSonnel Training and Qualification.
SpeclflcaUy, Revision 28 of the Q.APO specitaed minimum qualifications for members of the Operational Review Committee (ORC) allowed for ~utvatent qualiflcatfons in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard 1a.1A191l ... Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel. Revision 29 of the CAPO replaced the ORC with the Qualifled Technical Review (QTR) .
Process and allows for equivalent qualifications to be determined on a case by case basis.
After discussion with NRC staff, it was determined that Revision 29 of the QAPD will be modified. The use of equivalent experience and quaHfctatlons wlll be consistent With the intent of Regulatory Guide 1.8*1977 which directs that the criteria for selecting personnel in ANSI N18.1 Is generally acceptable.
Please replace page 10 of the QAPD, document submitted per Reference 2, with the attached modified Page 10._!.fease contact Cheryl Olson at 608*689-4207 if you have any further questions.
Barbara Nick President and CEO Enclosure A Touchstone Etlergy'° Cooperative ~'i~~ .(
3200 East Ave. S. o PO Box 817 o La Crosse, WI 54602-0817 <<- 608*787*1258 o 608-787-1469 fax-<> Dairyland Power Cooperative fs an equal opportunlty provider and employer.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission April6,2016 Page2 LAC*14380 cc: Martayna vaaler Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Cynthia Pederson Regional Administrator, Region Hl U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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the five year minimum may be substituted on a one-for-one basis towards the academic degree requirement (four years of technical experience being equivalent to .a four year academic degree).
- Academic and technical experience must total a minimum of nine years.
- c. The position of Qualified Technical Reviewers shalt meet the following minimum quaJifications:
- Qualified Technical Reviewers shaU be knowledgeable in the subject area being reviewed.
- Qualified Technical Reviewers shaft be individuals without direct responsibility for the documeot under r~view; these reviewers may be from the same functionally cognizant organization as the individual or group performing the original work.
- Qualified Technioat Reviewers shall have at feast 5 years of professional experience and either a Bachelor's degree in
- Engineering or the Physical Sciences or shall have equivafent experience and qualifications which are consistent with the jntent of Regulatory Guide 1.8-1977. the Project Manager shall appoint Qualified Technical Reviewers for decommi$Sioning aetivitie& and the Site Manager, Genoa shall appoint Qualified Technical Reviewers for ISFSl-related activities.
Ill. D'SIGH CONIBQI: AND R§\!IEW A. General This section establishes the requirements to assure that Important To Safety (ITS) structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of the LACBWR tSFSI are added, deleted, changed or modified in accordance with the codes~ standarda, and regulations that-governed the original design, except as amertded and approved. Measures shall be established for the review, evaluation, and approval of all design changes governing ISFSI SSCs. The Engineering Manager (EM) shalt ensure that the design control and review for JTS SSCs shaH be performed by the appropriate Dest9n Authority (ref. Appendix A) utilizing their approved 10 CFR 50 Appendix B or 10 CFR 72 Subpart G Quality Assurance Program.
Design, fabrication, or modification of storage and shipping casks used for shipment of radioactive materials wiU not be conducted under this section.
B. Responsibilities
- 1. The DPC staff is responsible for establishing procedures to implement QAPO 10 Rev. 29
President and CEO April 6, 2016 In reply_, please refer to lAC*14380 o.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commlssfon ATIN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20SSS*0001 SUSJEct: Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC)
La Crosse Soiling Water Reactor {1.ACBWR)
Possession-Only license No DPR-45 Docket Nos: S0.40S and 72*046 Response to Request for Additional tnfQrmat~on Regarding the Request for Review and Approval of Revision 29 to the Quality Assurance Program Destription (CAC NO. l.53102)
(1) NRC letter {AAI), Madayna Voilaferto Barbara Nick, dated Marth 17, 2016
{2) November 17, 2015 letter from DPC to 1"RC~ Revisions 29 of the 1.AC8WR Quality Assurance Program Destrlption This submittal responds to the reference RAJ, requesting additional information related to the request for review and approval of Revision 29 t<> the Quality Assurance Program Oescription {OAPD). The RAI noted that the proposed revision contained a reduction in .commitments for PetSonnel Training and Qualification.
SpeclflcaUy, Revision 28 of the Q.APO specitaed minimum qualifications for members of the Operational Review Committee (ORC) allowed for ~utvatent qualiflcatfons in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard 1a.1A191l ... Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel. Revision 29 of the CAPO replaced the ORC with the Qualifled Technical Review (QTR) .
Process and allows for equivalent qualifications to be determined on a case by case basis.
After discussion with NRC staff, it was determined that Revision 29 of the QAPD will be modified. The use of equivalent experience and quaHfctatlons wlll be consistent With the intent of Regulatory Guide 1.8*1977 which directs that the criteria for selecting personnel in ANSI N18.1 Is generally acceptable.
Please replace page 10 of the QAPD, document submitted per Reference 2, with the attached modified Page 10._!.fease contact Cheryl Olson at 608*689-4207 if you have any further questions.
Barbara Nick President and CEO Enclosure A Touchstone Etlergy'° Cooperative ~'i~~ .(
3200 East Ave. S. o PO Box 817 o La Crosse, WI 54602-0817 <<- 608*787*1258 o 608-787-1469 fax-<> Dairyland Power Cooperative fs an equal opportunlty provider and employer.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission April6,2016 Page2 LAC*14380 cc: Martayna vaaler Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Cynthia Pederson Regional Administrator, Region Hl U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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the five year minimum may be substituted on a one-for-one basis towards the academic degree requirement (four years of technical experience being equivalent to .a four year academic degree).
- Academic and technical experience must total a minimum of nine years.
- c. The position of Qualified Technical Reviewers shalt meet the following minimum quaJifications:
- Qualified Technical Reviewers shaU be knowledgeable in the subject area being reviewed.
- Qualified Technical Reviewers shaft be individuals without direct responsibility for the documeot under r~view; these reviewers may be from the same functionally cognizant organization as the individual or group performing the original work.
- Qualified Technioat Reviewers shall have at feast 5 years of professional experience and either a Bachelor's degree in
- Engineering or the Physical Sciences or shall have equivafent experience and qualifications which are consistent with the jntent of Regulatory Guide 1.8-1977. the Project Manager shall appoint Qualified Technical Reviewers for decommi$Sioning aetivitie& and the Site Manager, Genoa shall appoint Qualified Technical Reviewers for ISFSl-related activities.
Ill. D'SIGH CONIBQI: AND R§\!IEW A. General This section establishes the requirements to assure that Important To Safety (ITS) structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of the LACBWR tSFSI are added, deleted, changed or modified in accordance with the codes~ standarda, and regulations that-governed the original design, except as amertded and approved. Measures shall be established for the review, evaluation, and approval of all design changes governing ISFSI SSCs. The Engineering Manager (EM) shalt ensure that the design control and review for JTS SSCs shaH be performed by the appropriate Dest9n Authority (ref. Appendix A) utilizing their approved 10 CFR 50 Appendix B or 10 CFR 72 Subpart G Quality Assurance Program.
Design, fabrication, or modification of storage and shipping casks used for shipment of radioactive materials wiU not be conducted under this section.
B. Responsibilities
- 1. The DPC staff is responsible for establishing procedures to implement QAPO 10 Rev. 29