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E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002 DOS-19-021165-002-NPV, Chapter 1.3, Specifications Relating to Radioactive Content (Public)
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Site: Orano USA
Issue date: 05/18/2022
TN International
Division of Fuel Management
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ML22271A128 List: ... further results
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Unrestricted Orano 0

Orano NPS SAFETY ANALYSIS CHAPTER 1.3 REPORT SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO RADIOACTIVE CONTENT Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rév. 02 orano Prepared by FCC3 Checked by Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 1 / 28 Table of contents Status of revision 2

1. Purpose 3
2. Description of the Content 3
3. Thermal power 5
4. Activity 5
5. Definition of maximum radioactive contents 8
6. Conclusion 8
7. References 9 List of figures 10 List of tables 11 List of appendices 12 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 2 of 28 Status of revision English French Date Purpose and record of revisions Prepared by / Verified by version version Old reference: DOS-13-00081779-030 Initial issue:

- Merging and updates to the following documents: Paragraph 2 of summary note TFXDC 2158 Rev. H and document FFDC05083 Rev. B

- Information added relating to replacement rods

- ERU isotope spectrum updated with U234 increased from 0.25 % to 0.3 % and U236 increased from 3.2 % to 4 %.

0 0 04/2012

- Limited values of A2 taken into account for Enriched Natural Uranium (ENU)

- Fission products taken into account in activity calculations

- Verification of compliance with leaching criterion added

- Demonstration of compliance of the criterion relating to radiation intensity at 3 m.

- Analysis of the effect of ERU ageing

- Inclusion of the potential presence of a maximum of 5 g of glycerine on the fuel assemblies.

1 1 12/2015

- Inclusion of the presence of an instrumentation tube for the 14x14 (8 and 10 feet) assemblies.

- Addition of creep laws for M5 claddings

- Update of the mechanical properties of the fuel rod cladding materials 2 2 10/2016

- Definition of maximum radioactive contents

- Addition of authorisation for the presence of a desiccant New reference: DOS-19-021165-002

- Added possibility to define the package as type A I 1.0 1.0 02/2019 - Revised calculation of ENU activity § 4.2

- Corrected IAEA article § 4.3. and 4.5 I

- Update of the mechanical properties of the fuel rod cladding materials 2.0 04/2019

- Addition of creep law for Zircaloy-4 claddings

- Added possibility to have a Chrome coating thickness up to 30 µm on the 3.0 10/2020 zirconium alloy cladding.

2.0 - Addition of a note on Zr-4 and Zy-4 designations

- Correction of a unit error on the specific activity (A2/gU in place of A2/gUO2) of See 1st ERU in section 4.6 4.0 page - Removal of IAEA section 601 in section 4.4

- Addition of the wedging description of non-assembled rods in rod box.

- Formal corrections Brand names AFA 3G, M5, Q12, MONOBLOC, TRAPPER, AGORA, HTP, HMP and ROBUST FUELGUARD are brands or registered brands of Framatome or its subsidiaries, in the USA or in other countries.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 3 of 28

1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the radioactive content transported in the FCC3 packaging. Limitations in terms of activity and thermal power are analysed.
2. Description of the Content 2.1. Description of radioactive materials The following table describes the various radioactive materials authorised for transport in the FCC3 packaging model.

Characteristics of radioactive materials in the content Maximum thermal power emitted W (See section 3) per packaging

, for fuel containing ENU Emitted radiation

, , (the latter being the principal) for fuel containing ERU U 232 5,0.10-10 (g/gU)

U 234 5,5.10-4 (g/gU)

Isotopic vector of ENU per 1 g of U 235 5,0.10-2 (g/gU) uranium U 236 5,0.10-4 (g/gU)

U 238 balance U 232 5,0.10-8 (g/gU)

U 234 3,0.10-3 (g/gU)

Isotopic vector of ERU per 1 g of U 235 5,0.10-2 (g/gU) uranium U 236 4,0.10-2 (g/gU)

U 238 balance Sintered UO2 pellets and/or mix of UO2 and material acting Physical state and chemical form as neutron poison.

MaximumU235 enrichment 5%

Maximum density 100 % of UO2 theoretical density: 10.96 Special form No 2.2. Description of fuel assemblies The various types of fuel assembly to be transported differ either in the number and diameter of the fuel rods they contain, or in their length.

Detailed characteristics of the fuel assemblies to be transported, together with the corresponding weights, are given in Table 1.3-1.

The general composition of the assemblies, common to all types, is illustrated in Figures 1.3-1 to 1.3-4. It comprises:

an inert supporting structure (skeleton) composed of zirconium alloy guide tubes (and an instrumentation tube for type 14x14, 15x15 and 17x17 assemblies) fixed at their ends to 2 stainless steel nozzles. Zirconium alloy grids with a square-shaped honeycomb structure are arranged at regular intervals along the tubes. These act both as spacers for the tubes and as a restraining structure for the fuel rods. Some assemblies may be equipped with mid-span mixing grids (MSMG) which are additional to the support grids.

fuel rods, consisting of zirconium alloy claddings (receiving a plug at each end), filled with sintered UO2 pellets and/or a mixture of UO2 and neutron poison material. This stack of pellets held in place by a compression spring constitutes the fissile column. The rods are pressurised with helium to a maximum absolute pressure of 32.7 bar at room temperature.

They are held in place by spacer grids within the fuel assembly.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 4 of 28 During transportation, the fuel assemblies may contain accessories referred to as "rod clusters" designed to facilitate the control of the nuclear reactions or of the heat exchanges in the reactor. These are illustrated in Figure 1.3-5. These rod clusters are made up of rods which insert into the guide tubes and are of 3 types:

RCCAs consisting either of absorber rods whose stainless steel claddings are filled with

() and (), or absorber rods containing and inert rods (stainless steel claddings containing stainless steel).

"poison" rod clusters which are "thimble plug" assemblies in which steel bars have been replaced by stainless steel claddings containing .

"inert" so-called "thimble plug" assemblies whose rods are stainless steel bars.

"primary source" rod clusters (without source rod) comprised of steel bars and for which the free location(s) are intended to accommodate the source rod(s) after unloading of the packagings.

In the case of incomplete fuel assemblies, the missing UO2 rods are replaced by gadolinium-bearing rods, rods containing depleted uranium or a metallic material, or even solid bars of metallic material (materials such as graphite and beryllium are strictly excluded). The presence of neutron poison in the metal bars is permitted. The pellets may contain chromium oxide.

Type 14x14, 15x15, and 17x17 fuel assemblies may be transported with excess rods (additional fuel rods may be inserted in the guide tubes).

A maximum of 5 g of glycerine may also be present in each of the assemblies.

2.3. Description of non-assembled rods Fuel rods are constituted of zirconium alloy tubular cladding (with a plug at both ends), filled with sintered UO2 uranium oxide pellets and/or sintered fuel pellets constituted by a mixture of UO2 and a neutron poison material. This stack of pellets, held in place by a compression spring, forms the fissile column (active length). The rods are pressurised with helium up to an absolute pressure of 32.7 bar maximum at room temperature. The characteristics of the rods are given in Table 1.3-2.

These non-assembled rods are grouped in FCC3 version rod boxes, as described in detail in Appendix 1.3-1, which are inserted in place of fuel assemblies in the FCC3 version 1 packagings. These FCC3 version rod boxes are designed for the transportation of 12-foot, 10-foot and 8-foot rod types. The rods are placed at the center of the rod box thanks to axial and radial wedges. The axial wedges are placed at the box ends and manually tightened in order to hold the rods axially. These wedges are fixed to the rod box with an adjustable screw-nut system. Additional end plates are screwed on the axial wedges between rods and the axial wedge. For the radial wedging, the space above rods is filled by a system of support plates, radial wedges, and compensation wedges. The radial wedges, compensation wedges and support plates are held by the door pads.

The box is filled with full rows of rods. Where a row of fuel rods is incomplete, the row is made up with inert rods or solid stainless steel or Zirconium alloy bars having a nominal diameter between:

and mm for 17x17 fuel rods, and mm for 15x15 and 14x14 fuel rods.

An outline drawing of the radial wedging is given in Figure 1.3-6. A detailed description of the rod box and wedging system is given in Appendix 1.3-1 accompanied by drawings in Appendix 1.3-2. Table 1.3-3 gives the rod box characteristics.

2.4. Mechanical properties of the fuel rod claddings The cladding material is a Zirconium alloy which conforms to one of the following three criteria:

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 5 of 28 1 2 Rp0,2 % (MPa) 520 250 and Rm (MPa) 710 400 and At (% sur 50 mm) 12 25 The mechanical behaviour of the zirconium alloys meeting the above criteria, at -40°C, is analysed in the document in Appendix 1.3-3.

The cladding may be possibly pre-oxidised (addition of a thin oxide layer to the cladding tube);

this pre-oxidation of the cladding has no impact on the activity and thermal power calculations presented below.

The claddings may be possibly coated with a chrome thickness up to 30 µm.

The thermal properties of the cladding are detailed in Appendix 2.2-1.

2.5. Zircolay-41 and M5FRAMATOME alloy creep law The laws used to analyse creep-related risks to Zircolay-4 and M5FRAMATOME alloys are presented in Paragraph 2.4 of Chapter 2.2-3 of this report.

2.6. Other particularities The presence of cloth desiccant bags is permitted outside of the cavity.

3. Thermal power The thermal power released by the fresh fuel is calculated using the ORIGEN code for the following isotope composition (% by weight) of ERU:

U232:  %,

U234:  %,

U235:  %,

U236:  %

U238: balance for ERU.

The thermal power released per tonne of Uranium is therefore less than W. The isotope composition taken into account is different from that described in § 2.1 but the differences in composition are not such as to call into question the result obtained. A thermal power of W is therefore assumed for the loading of a FCC3 packaging.

4. Activity The weights used for the activity calculations are given in the summary tables. For type 17x17 assemblies it is possible to transport rods inserted into the guide-tubes, thereby covering all loading cases.

The activity calculations are therefore carried out for the following configurations:

ENU or ERU fuel Assemblies with rods in the guide tubes, 1

The Zr-4 and Zy-4 abbreviations used in the safety analysis report to designate the cladding material appoint the same material, that is to say Zircaloy-4 which is an alloy with zirconium.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 6 of 28 Assemblies without rods in the guide tubes (standard configuration),

Non-assembled rods shipped in rod boxes (also called rod channels).

For ENU and ERU, assembly types 17x17, 15x15, 14x14 (8 and 10-foot) and all types of non-assembled rods are analysed with a U235 enrichment of 5% in accordance with Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2.

4.1. Activity due to fission products (ERU) 4.2. Activity for ENU According to table 2 of reference [1], the A2 value for ENU with an enrichment up to 20% is unlimited.

Thus, the radioactive materials can be classified as LSA-II according to article 409 of the regulation [1]. Moreover, they contain fissile matters.

The matter is therefore classified as fissile and of Low Specific Activity: LSA-II according to the regulation [1].

Moreover, the number of A2 contained in the radioactive materials is zero, which allows to transport them in a type A package, according to article 429 of [1].

4.3. Activity calculation for ERU In the case of transportation of enriched reprocessed uranium (ERU), the isotope composition given in the table calls for the consideration of a mixture. The A2 value of the mixture is calculated in accordance with Article 405 of reference [1] including fission products (5000 Bq/gU - see paragraph 4.1):

1 232 234 235 236 238 232 234 235 236 238 The activity of the package is determined based on the isotope compositions of ERU as described in § 2.1, the specific activity of the various isotopes determined per reference [1],

and the characteristics of the rods (assemblies or rod channels).

The isotope composition, the specific activity of ERU and the A2 values (including the A2 value of the mixture) are given in Table 1.3-7.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 7 of 28 Activity calculations for ERU are given in Table 1.3-8 for assemblies with and without rods in the guide tubes and in Table 1.3-9 for the rod channels.

The total maximum activity per packaging of radioactive materials included in the various ERU contents of the FCC3 container is 0.887 TBq or 237 A2 (content comprising type 17x17 12-foot assemblies + 24 rods in the guide tubes).

The maximum specific activity of the material for ERU is 2.27x10-4 A2/g (Content: non-assembled rods transported in the rod channels).

The mean specific activity of the material is therefore less than 2x10-3 A2/g - criterion for type III material of low specific activity (Article 409 of reference [1]).

Depending on the isotopic composition, the LSA-II classification is also permitted subject to compliance with the A2/g criterion for specific activity.


The material (uranium oxide) is in solid form and uniformly distributed in the solid.

The material is fissile.

The material is classified as Fissile and of Low Specific Activity:

LSA-III according to the Regulation reference [1].

4.4. Compliance with leaching criterion The article 703 of the Regulation reference [1] specifies that the maximum value of activity lost through leaching for an LSA-III category material must be less than 0.1 A2 = 3.75x10-4 TBq (see Table 1.3-7). A leaching test for agitated water, presented in Appendix 1.3-4, was carried out on a ERU pellet, and led to the assumption that the activity lost by leaching is less than Bq for an UO2 mass of 10.86 g. The isotopic vector of this pellet is not precisely defined, and it is subsequently assumed, in order to increase the dissolved pellet mass, that the latter is made up of ENU.

According to Table 1.3-4, a pellet of ENU weighing 10.86 g has an activity of 10.86x1.45x105 Bq = 1,57.106 Bq. Thus it is assumed, as a worst-case estimate, that the fraction of activity released during the leaching test (irrespective of the isotopic vector) is

/1.57x106 = .

This fraction of activity released is therefore applied to the maximum calculated activity given in Tables 1.3-8 and 1.3-9, that is 0.887 TBq, which gives 0.887x = TBq, which is well below the criterion of 0.1 A2 = 3.75x10-4 TBq.

4.5. Compliance with dose rate at 3 metres For the sake of conservatism, the case of enriched reprocessed uranium (ERU) is addressed in this section. Article 517 of reference [1] specifies that the radiation intensity at 3 metres from the unprotected material must not exceed 10 mSv/h.

The dose rate at 3 metres from the material is estimated based on the definition of the A1 value.

The A1 value corresponds to the point wise activity of a source, producing a DER of 0.1 Sv/h at 1 m. Thus, assuming the contents of the FCC3 package to be a point wise source, an activity of 0.9 A1 will therefore result in a maximum dose equivalent rate at 3 metres of 0.9x1/9x0.1 = 10 mSv/h.

The calculation of A1 for ERU defined in paragraph 2.1 is given in Table 1.3-7. The A1 value of the mixture is calculated in accordance with Article 405 of reference [1] plus the fission products (5000 Bq/gU - see paragraph 4.1):

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 8 of 28 1

232 234 235 236 238 232 234 235 236 238 The A1 value of the mixture is therefore 17.5 TBq. According to Table 1.3-7 the activity per 1 g of ERU is 8.51x10-7 TBq. An activity of 0.9 A1 therefore corresponds to 18,464 kg of uranium.

The contents described in this chapter can give rise to a maximum uranium mass of 1 042 kg.

Compliance with dose rate criterion at 3 metres is therefore assured.

4.6. Effect of decay of ERU The activity of an ERU assembly is calculated for a period of 5 years after manufacturing in order to evaluate the variation in maximum activity of the contents.

Any impurities and daughter products do not participate in the chemical conversion reaction of UF6 to UO2; as a result, in the production cycle for new ERU-based assemblies the instant T0 corresponds to the conversion and does not therefore take account of daughter products and impurities. Moreover, given that the manufacture of ERU-based assemblies takes place during specific production runs, the production and shipping lead time for these assemblies once the conversion is complete is very short, i.e. less than 6 months. The period of 5 years is therefore considered highly conservative.

The decay calculation is carried out using the ORIGEN code described in reference [4] for 521 kg of ERU with 5% enrichment corresponding to a 17x17 12-foot assembly + 24 rods in the guide tubes. Only those isotopes with an activity greater than 1x106 Bq were retained, the others having negligible impact on the total activity of the contents. Fission products were also taken into account in the activity calculation.

The calculation results are presented in Table 1.3-10.

At the end of 5 years it is found that the ERU has an activity of A2/gUO2 which here corresponds to A2 for 521 kg of ERU at 5% enrichment.

The activity limit for the LSA-III classification of content is 2x10-3 A2/gU. Thus, inclusion of the daughter products of uranium arising from reprocessing has no impact on the classification of the contents of the FCC3 model packages.

5. Definition of maximum radioactive contents The maximum radioactive content (see paragraph 617 of [1]) is defined by fuel assemblies, enriched to a maximum of 5% U235 and a maximum U232 content of 50 ppb (or 0.5x10-6%, the principal parameter influencing the dose equivalent rate).

The package model, with this maximum radioactive content, provides sufficient protection to guarantee, during routine transport conditions, that the intensity of the radiation at any point on the external surface of the package remains below the regulatory criterion for non-exclusive use (2mSv/h).

(In fact, Chapter 2.4 highlights significant margins with respect to this criterion, for a U235 enrichment of 4.95% and a max. U232 content of 50 ppb.

6. Conclusion This chapter describes the contents transported in the FCC3 packaging. In particular, the characteristics of the radioactive materials, fuel assemblies and non-assembled rods are presented.

The maximum thermal power for the content is W.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 9 of 28 The transported fissile material arising from natural uranium is classed as a fissile material of low specific activity (LSA-II).

The transported fissile material arising from reprocessed uranium is classed as a fissile material of low specific activity (LSA-III).

7. References

[1] Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials - at the revision indicated in Chapter 1.2.

[2] Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material -

Safety Guide - at the revision indicated in Chapter 1.2

[3] CRT C996-10: Standard Specification for Uranium Hexafluoride Enriched to Less Than 5 %


[4] ORIGEN ARP: ORNL/TM - 2005/39, Version 6, vol. I, sect. D1.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 10 of 28 List of figures Figure Title No. of pages 1.3-1 Fuel assembly type 17x17 foot 1 1.3-2 Fuel assembly type 15x15 1 1.3-3 Fuel assembly type 14x14 foot 1 1.3-4 Fuel assembly type 14x14 foot 1 1.3-5 Example of control rod cluster 1 1.3-6 Fuel rod channel 1 TOTAL 6 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 11 of 28 List of tables Table Title No. of pages 1.3-1 Characteristics of fuel assemblies and rods transported in FCC3 packagings 1 1.3-2 Characteristics of non-assembled fuel rods transported in FCC3 packagings 1 1.3-3 Fuel rod channels 1 1.3-4 Activity of enriched natural uranium fuel (ENU) 1 1.3-5 Maximum activity of ENU assemblies 1 1.3-6 Maximum activity in ENU channels 1 1.3-7 Activity of enriched reprocessed uranium fuel (ERU) 1 1.3-8 Maximum activity of ERU assemblies 1 1.3-9 Maximum activity in ERU channels 1 1.3-10 Decay of ERU for a 17x17 foot assembly + 24 rods in the guide tubes 1 TOTAL 10 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 12 of 28 List of appendices Appendix Title No. of pages 1.3-1 Appendix 1.3-1 DOS-13-00081779-031 "Description of fuel rod boxes for FCC3 containers" 6 1.3-2 Appendix 1.3-2 DOS-13-00081779-032 "Drawings of fuel rod boxes for FCC3 containers" 2 Framatome document FFDC 05098 revision 3 1.3-3 "Toughness of Zr alloys. Proposal for the specification of cladding materials in transportation 2+8 approval" Test report SQ/95/602Pbo/CC 1.3-4 2+4 "Leaching tests on enriched reprocessed uranium pellets (ERU)"

TOTAL 24 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 13 of 28 Figure 1.3-1 FUEL ASSEMBLY TYPE 17X17 FOOT Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 14 of 28 Figure 1.3-2 FUEL ASSEMBLY TYPE 15X15 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 15 of 28 Figure 1.3-3 FUEL ASSEMBLY TYPE 14X14 FOOT Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 16 of 28 Figure 1.3-4 FUEL ASSEMBLY TYPE 14X14 FOOT Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 17 of 28 Figure 1.3-5 Example of control rod cluster Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 18 of 28 Figure 1.3-6 Fuel rod channel Row compensation upper wedge Row compensation intermediate wedge Radial wedge 134 maxi Dimensions in mm Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 19 of 28 TABLE 1.3-1 Characteristics of fuel assemblies and rods transported in FCC3 packagings 17x17 - 12 feet (**) 15x15 (**) 14x14 - 8 feet (**) 14x14 - 10 feet (**)

Assembly Top nozzle section (mm)

Bottom nozzle section (mm)

Nominal length (mm)

Maximum weight tolerances 691 675 405 503 (kg)

Nominal weight tolerances (kg)

RCCA max weight (kg) 66 74 - -

Grille Minimum number Envelope (mm)

Guide-tubes Number 24 20 16 16 Zirconium Material Zirconium alloy Zirconium alloy Zirconium alloy alloy Nominal outside diameter (mm)

Nominal inside diameter (mm)

Instrumentation tube Zirconium Material Zirconium alloy Zirconium alloy Zirconium alloy alloy Nominal outside diameter (mm) - -

Nominal inside diameter (mm) - -

Fuel rods Number per assembly 264 204 179 179 Pitch (mm) 12.6 14.3 14.1 14.1 Zirconium Cladding material Zirconium alloy Zirconium alloy Zirconium alloy alloy Min. outside diameter (mm) 9.4 10.68 10.68 10.68 Min. thickness (mm) 0.52 0.57 0.57 0.57 Fissile material (*)

Type of fuel ENU or ERU ENU or ERU ENU or ERU ENU or ERU Maximum pellet diameter (mm) 8.30 9.40 9.40 9.40 Rod active length (mm) 3658 3658 2413 3048 Max. weight of heavy metal per 521 519 305 385 assembly (kg)

Max. weight of UO2 per 591 589 346 437 assembly (kg)

U 235 enrichment (%) 5 5 5 5 Maximum density of UO2 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 pellets (100%)

Fissile cross-section (mm)

Note: here the term zirconium alloy is understood to mean any non-irradiated zirconium alloy used as a constituent of a PWR fuel assembly. When used for fuel rod cladding this alloy must also meet the conditions specified in § 2.4.


The pellet height is not a safety feature. In all the criticality studies, it is the height of the fissile column that is modelled.


Residues of glycerine (a maximum of 5 grams) may be present on each of the assemblies.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 20 of 28 TABLE 1.3-2 CHARACTERISTICS OF NON-ASSEMBLED FUEL RODS TRANSPORTED IN FCC3 PACKAGINGS 17x17 12- 14x14 8- 14x14 10-Type of rods 15x15.

foot foot foot Zirconium Zirconium Zirconium Material Zirconium alloy alloy alloy alloy Minimum Cladding external 9.40 10.68 10.68 10.68 diameter (mm)

Minimum thickness 0.52 0.57 0.57 0.57 (mm)

Nominal active length 3658 3658 2413 3048 (mm)

Maximum uranium 235 enrichment per 5 5 5 5 rod (%)

Maximum pellet diameter (mm) 8.30 9.40 9.40 9.40 Total nominal length of rod (mm)

Rod mass at maximum tolerances (kg)

Rod mass at nominal tolerances (kg)

Maximum pellet density (100 % of UO2 10.96 10.96 10.96 10.96 theoretical density)

Note: here the term zirconium alloy is understood to mean any non-irradiated zirconium alloy used as a constituent of a PWR fuel assembly. When used for fuel rod cladding this alloy must also meet the conditions specified in § 2.4.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 21 of 28 Table 1.3-3 Fuel rod channels 14x14 8 Type of rods 17x17 12-foot 15x15 and 10-foot Maximum number of rods per channel 185 148 204/167 Maximum mass of heavy metal per channel (kg) 335 343 319/330 Maximum mass of UO2 per channel (kg) 380 389 362/374 Rod mass at max tolerances (kg) 461 470 433/443 Rod mass at nominal tolerances (kg)

Maximum total mass (kg) 751 751 751 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 22 of 28 Table 1.3-4 Activity of enriched natural uranium fuel (ENU)

Quantity Specific Activity per 1 g Activity per 1 g A2 (TBq)

Isotope (g/g of activity [2] of uranium of uranium IAEA [1]

uranium) (Bq/g) (Bq) (TBq)

U232. 5.00x10-10 7,935.10+11 3.97x10+02 3.97x10-10 -

U234. 5.50x10-04 2,317.10+08 1.27x10+05 1.27x10-07 -

U235. 5.00x10-02 8,014.10+04 4.01x10+03 4.01x10-09 -

U236. 5.00x10-04 2,399.10+06 1.20x10+03 1.20x10-09 -

U238. 9.49x10-01 1,246.10+04 1.18x10+04 1.18x10-08 -

Total (g) 1 1.45x10+05 1.45x10-07 unlimited Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 23 of 28 TABLE 1.3-5 Maximum activity of ENU assemblies 17x17 12-foot + 15x15 + 20 rods 14x14 8-foot + 14x14 10-foot +

24 rods in the in the guide 16 rods in the 16 rods in the guide tubes tubes guide tubes guide tubes Enrichment (% U235) 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%

Maximum number of rods 288 224 195 195 Max mass of U (kg) 521 519 305 385 Max mass of UO2 (kg) 591 589 346 437 Max activity per assembly 7.5x10-02 7.5x10-02 4.44x10-02 5.56x10-02 (TBq)

Max activity per packaging 0.151 0.150 0.088 0.112 (TBq)

Total activity of a packaging expressed in 0 0 0 0 A2 Average specific activity of the material (UO2 mass) 0 0 0 0 (A2/g)

Criterion of average specific activity for an LSA-II 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 material (A2/g)

Material classification LSA-II LSA-II LSA-II LSA-II 17x17 foot 15x15. 14x14 foot 14x14 foot Enrichment (% U235) 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%

Maximum number of rods 264 204 179 179 Max mass of U (kg) 478 473 280 353 Max mass of UO2 (kg) 542 536 318 401 Max activity per assembly 6.9x10-02 6.9x10-02 4.1x10-02 5.10x10-02 (TBq)

Max activity per 0.138 0.137 0.081 0.102 packaging (TBq)

Total activity of a packaging expressed in 0 0 0 0 A2 Average specific activity of the material (UO2 mass) 0 0 0 0 (A2/g)

Criterion of average specific activity for an LSA-II 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 material (A2/g)

Material classification LSA-II LSA-II LSA-II LSA-II Their activity being 0 A2 < 1 A2, these assemblies can all be transported in type A packages.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 24 of 28 TABLE 1.3-6 Maximum activity in ENU channels 185 rods 17x17 222 rods 14x14 167 rods 14x14 148 rods 15x15 12-foot 8-foot 10-foot Enrichment (% U235) 5.00 % 5.00 % 5.00 % 5.00 %

Number of rods per channel 185 148 222 167 Max mass of U (kg) 335 343 347 330 Max mass of UO2 (kg) 380 389 394 374 Max activity per 0.097 0.099 0.101 0.096 packaging (TBq)

Total activity of a packaging expressed in 0 0 0 0 A2 Average specific activity of the material (UO2 mass) 0 0 0 0 (A2/g)

Criterion of average specific activity for an LSA-II 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 1.00x10-4 material (A2/g)

Material classification LSA-II LSA-II LSA-II LSA-II Their activity being 0 A2 < 1 A2, these rods loadings can all be transported in type A packages.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 25 of 28 Table 1.3-7 Activity of enriched reprocessed uranium fuel (ERU)

Quantity Activity per 1 g Specific activity Activity per 1 g A2 (TBq)**

Isotope (g/g of of uranium

[2] (Bq/g) of uranium (Bq) IAEA [1]

uranium) (TBq)

U232. 5.00x10-08 7.9350x10+11 3.9675x10+04 3.9675x10-08 1.00x10-03 U234. 3.00x10-03 2.3170x10+08 6.9510x10+05 6.9510x10-07 6.00x10-03 U235. 5.00x10-02 8.0140x10+04 4.0070x10+03 4.0070x10-09 unlimited U236. 4.00x10-02 2.3990x10+06 9.5960x10+04 9.5960x10-08 6.00x10-03 U238. 9.07x10-01 1.2460x10+04 1.1301x10+04 1.1301x10-08 unlimited FP* - - 5000 5.00x10-09 9.00x10-05 Total (g) 1 8.51x10+05 8.51x10-07 3.75x10-03

  • According to table 3 of reference [1], the A2 of fission products is equal to 9x10-5 (, emitters).
    • Table 2 of reference [1] for isotopes of U.

Quantity Activity per 1 g Specific activity Activity per 1 g A1 (TBq)**

Isotope (g/g of of uranium

[2] (Bq/g) of uranium (Bq) IAEA [1]

uranium) (TBq)

U232. 5.00x10-08 7.9350x10+11 3.9675x10+04 3.9675x10-08 10 U234. 3.00x10-03 2.3170x10+08 6.9510x10+05 6.9510x10-07 40 U235. 5.00x10-02 8.0140x10+04 4.0070x10+03 4.0070x10-09 unlimited U236. 4.00x10-02 2.3990x10+06 9.5960x10+04 9.5960x10-08 40 U238. 9.07x10-01 1.2460x10+04 1.1301x10+04 1.1301x10-08 unlimited FP* - - 5000 5.00x10-09 0.2 Total (g) 1 8.51x10+05 8.51x10-07 17.5

  • According to table 3 of reference [1], the A1 of fission products is equal to 0.2 (, emitters).
    • Table 2 of reference [1] for isotopes of U.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 26 of 28 TABLE 1.3-8 Maximum activity of ERU assemblies 17x17 12-foot + 15x15 + 20 rods 14x14 8-foot + 14x14 10-foot +

24 rods in the in the guide 16 rods in the 16 rods in the guide tubes tubes guide tubes guide tubes Enrichment (% U235) 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%

Maximum number of rods 288 224 195 195 Max mass of U (kg) 521 519 305 385 Max mass of UO2 (kg) 591 589 346 437 Max activity per assembly 0.443 0.442 0.260 0.328 (TBq)

Max activity per packaging 0.887 0.883 0.519 0.655 (TBq)

Total activity of a 237 A2 236 A2 139 A2 175 A2 packaging expressed in A2 Average specific activity of the material (UO2 mass) 2.00x10-04 2.00x10-04 2.00x10-04 2.00x10-04 (A2/g)

Criterion of average specific activity for an LSA-III material 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 (A2/g)

Material classification LSA-III LSA-III LSA-III LSA-III 17x17 foot 15x15. 14x14 foot 14x14 foot Enrichment (% U235) 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%

Maximum number of rods 264 204 179 179 Max mass of U (kg) 478 473 280 353 Max mass of UO2 (kg) 542 536 318 401 Max activity per assembly 0.407 0.403 0.238 0.300 (TBq)

Max activity per packaging 0.814 0.805 0.477 0.601 (TBq)

Total activity of a 217 A2 215 A2 127 A2 160 A2 packaging expressed in A2 Average specific activity of the material (UO2 mass) 2.00x10-04 2.00x10-04 2.00x10-04 2.00x10-04 (A2/g)

Criterion of average specific activity for an LSA-III material 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 (A2/g)

Material classification LSA-III LSA-III LSA-III LSA-III Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 27 of 28 TABLE 1.3-9 MAXIMUM ACTIVITY OF ERU CHANNELS 185 rods 148 rods 222 rods 167 rods 14x14 17x17 12-foot 15x15 14x14 8-foot 10-foot Enrichment (% U235) 5.00 % 5.00 % 5.00 % 5.00 %

Number of rods per 185 148 222 167 channel Max mass of U (kg) 335 343 347 330 Max mass of UO2 (kg) 380 389 394 374 Max activity per channel 0.285 0.292 0.295 0.281 (TBq)

Max activity per packaging 0.570 0.584 0.591 0.562 (TBq)

Total activity of a packaging expressed in 152 A2 156 A2 158 A2 150 A2 A2 Average specific activity of the material (UO2 2.27x10-04 2.27x10-04 2.27x10-04 2.27x10-04 mass) (A2/g)

Criterion of average specific activity for an 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 2.00x10-03 LSA-III material (A2/g)

Material classification LSA-III LSA-III LSA-III LSA-III Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6E rev. 02 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-002-NPV Vers. 2.0 Page 28 of 28 TABLE 1.3-10 DECAY OF ERU FOR A 17X17 FOOT ASSEMBLY + 24 RODS IN THE GUIDE TUBES Non-proprietary version