Letter Sequence Other |
EPID:L-2022-DOT-0007, E-61283 Enclosure 5, Orano NPS Statement of Proprietary Information for the Application for the Validation Request for the FCC-3 Package (Approved, Closed) |
Other: ML22271A186, ML22271A189, ML22271A190, ML22271A450, ML22271A452, ML22271A454, ML22271A455, ML22271A458, ML22271A460, ML22271A461, ML22271A463, ML22271A465, ML22271A466, ML22271A468, ML22271A470, ML22271A471, ML22271A472, ML22271A474, ML22271A476, ML22271A477, ML22271A479, ML22271A481, ML22271A482, ML22271A484, ML22271A486, ML22271A487, ML22271A636, ML22271A637, ML22271A638, ML22271A639, ML22271A640, ML22271A641, ML22271A642, ML22271A643, ML22271A644, ML22271A645, ML22271A646, ML22271A647, ML22271A648, ML22271A649, ML22271A650, ML22271A675, ML22271A677, ML22271A678, ML22271A686, ML22271A688, ML22271A790, ML22271A791, ML22271A792, ML22271A793... further results
MONTHYEARML22271A6411998-08-19019 August 1998 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009h1 Ap 2.1-8 TFXDC2108EN Npv, Revision B, Modified RCC Container - Proto 2 - Regulatory Test Programme (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6392004-05-0404 May 2004 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009G1 AP 2.1-7 TFXEDC2104-NPV, Rev. E, Modification of FCC Containers Choice of Prototype 2 Drop Configurations for Regulatory Tests (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8002004-10-29029 October 2004 E61283, Enclosure 4, 013c1 Appendix 2.5-3, Document No. FF/DC/01106 Revision a, E0, Safety/Criticality Study of FCC3v2 Containers 14 X 14 8 Foot and 14 X 14 10 Foot Assemblies (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8022007-12-19019 December 2007 E61283, Enclosure 4, 013d1 Appendix 2.5-4, FF DC 04191, Revision B, Safety/Criticality Study for FCC4 Packages & 17x17XL Assemblies Justification for an Increased Cavity Cross Section (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6462009-01-0101 January 2009 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009c1 Ap 2.1-3 Document No. NTC-08-00135891E-NPV, Revision No. 01E, Analysis of the Fatigue Strength of the FCC3/FCC4 Containers (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4702009-05-0101 May 2009 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009a1 Appendix 2.1-1, FFDC05090-A EN Npv, FCC3 Containers - Lashing Diagrams (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8162009-06-27027 June 2009 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010d1 Appendix 2.2-4, NTC-08-00118662E-NPV, Rev. 1E, Note on the Characterization of Resin Fs 69 Project stage: Other ML22271A6442010-07-0101 July 2010 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009b1 Ap 2.1-2 F2, Document No. NEEL-F 2008 DC 117EN, Revision B, FCC3 Containers for Fresh Fuel Assemblies Data for the Fatigue Strength Analysis of the Lifting Boxes and Upper Shell (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8152012-04-0202 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010d Appendix 2.2-4 DOS-13-00081778-204-NPV, Rev. 00, Reference to 10373-B-1, Revision 3, Summary Note on the Characterization of Fs 69 Resin Project stage: Other ML22271A4712012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009b Appendix 2.1-2, Document No. DOS-13-00081779-102-NPV, Revision 00, FCC3 Containers for Fresh Fuel Assemblies – Data for Fatigue Resistance Analysis of Lifting Boxes and Upper Shell (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4682012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009a Appendix 2.1-1, Document No. DOS-13-00081779-101-NPV, Revision 00, Table of Contents, FCC3 Containers - Tie-down Diagrams, Areva (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4542012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 003d Appendix 1.4-4, Document No. DOS-13-00081779-044-NPV, Revision 00, Table of Contents, Photographs of the FCC3 Package (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4522012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 003c Appendix 1.4-3, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-043-NPV, Revision 00, Table of Contents, Summary of Toughness Tests Project stage: Other ML22271A4772012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002a Appendix 1.3-1,Document No. DOS-13-00081779-031-NPV, Revision 00, Appendix 1.3-1 - Description of Fuel Rod Boxes for FCC3 Containers (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4792012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002b Ap 1.3-2 DOS-13-00081779-032-NPV, Revision 00, Appendix 1.3-2 - Drawing of Fuel Rod Boxes for FCC3 Containers (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6432012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009j Ap 2.1-10 DOS-13-00081778-110-NPV, Revision 00, Container Prototype No. 2, Drop Test Report (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6422012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009i Ap 2.1-9 DOS-13-00081778-109-NPV, Revision 00, Container Prototype No. 1, Drop Test Report (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6402012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009h Ap 2.1-8 DOS-13-00081778-108-NPV, Revision 00, Modified RCC Container - Prototype 2 - Regulatory Test Programme (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4842012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002d Appendix 1.3-4, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-034-NPV, Revision 00, Appendix 1.3-4 - Test Report Leaching of Enriched Reprocessed Uranium (Eru) Pellets (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6382012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009g Ap 2.1-7 DOS-13-00081778-107-NPV, Modification of RCC Containers - Selection of Drop Configurations for Prototype 2 in the Context of Regulatory Tests (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8012012-09-0303 September 2012 E61283, Enclosure 4, 013d Appendix 2.5-4 (FCC3-FCC4), DOS-13-00081778-504-00-NPV, Rev. 00, Reference to Ffdc 04191, Rev. B, Safety/Criticality Study for FCC4 Packages and 17x17 Xl Assemblies Justification for an Increased Cavity Cross Secti Project stage: Other ML22271A4502012-09-30030 September 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 003b Appendix 1.4-2. Document No. DOS-13-00081779-042-NPV, Revision 1, Drawings of the FCC3 Package, Version 2 (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6452013-04-30030 April 2013 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009c Ap 2.1-3, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-103-NPV, Revision 00, Analysis of the Fatigue Behaviour of FCC3/FCC4 Containers, Tn International Document (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A7902016-03-31031 March 2016 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010e Appendix 2.2-5, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-205-NPV, Revision 00, Safety / Criticality Study of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers – Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8092017-09-0101 September 2017 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009m Ap 2.1-13 DOS-13-00081778-113-NPV, Revision 2, Appendix 2.1-13 Complimentary Analysis of FCC Package Behaviour in Accidental Drop Conditions (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6372021-10-0808 October 2021 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009f1 Ap 2.1-6 FFDC04223-EN Npv Revision 4.0, Transportation in FCC Container Mechanical Aspects Related to a Change in the Fuel Assembly Materias (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A7992022-04-29029 April 2022 E-61283, Enclosure 4, 013c Appendix 2.5-3, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-503-NPV, Revision 00, Reference Document No. Ffdc 01106, Rev. a, Criticality-safety Analysis of FCC3 Containers Version 2 – Assembly Types 14x14 8-foot and 14x14 10-foo Project stage: Other ML22271A1892022-05-10010 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 1, Certificate of the French Competent Authority F/347/AF-96 (Gy), FCC-3 Transport Package (English Version) Project stage: Other ML22271A1902022-05-10010 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 2, Certificate of the French Competent Authority F/347/AF-96 (Gy), FCC-3 Transport Package (French Version) (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A6502022-05-13013 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009e1 Ap 2.1-5, Framatome, Document No. D02-ARV-01-186-616, Revision a, FCC 3 - Containers for Fresh Fuel Assemblies - Stacking Behaviour (Non-proprietary) Project stage: Other ML22271A4742022-05-16016 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, DOS-19-021165-001-NPV, Version 2.0, Chapter 1.2, Administrative Information (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4762022-05-18018 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002 DOS-19-021165-002-NPV, Chapter 1.3, Specifications Relating to Radioactive Content (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8072022-05-18018 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009k Appendix 2.1-11, Document No. DOS-19-021165-011-NPV, Version 1.o, Justification of the Performance of the FCC3 Shell Fasteners During a 9m Vertical Drop (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4822022-06-0303 June 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 3, 002c1 Ap 1.3-3 Dwg FFDC05098-EN Npv, Revision 3.0, STR - Study Report (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A1862022-07-21021 July 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 6, Document No. DOS-18-016471-000, Versions 1.0 and 5.0, Summary of Changes Between Version 1.0 to Version 2.0 for Safety Analysis Report for FCC-3 (File: Nte 22-005637-000-2.0-FCC3) (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A4552022-08-0202 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 003e Appendix 1.4-5, Document No. DOS-19-021166-010-NPV, Revision 0, Analysis of the Ageing Mechanisms of the Fcc3 and FCC4 Package Models (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A1842022-08-0202 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 5, Orano NPS Statement of Proprietary Information for the Application for the Validation Request for the FCC-3 Package Project stage: Request ML22271A8142022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010c Appendix 2.2-3, FS1-0062270, Rev. 1 (DOS-18-016472-017 (En), Rev. 1), Behavior of Rod Made of M5 Framatome or Zircaloy-4 Alloy Subjected to the IAEA Thermal Test in FCC Packaging (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A1882022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283, Transmittal Letter from Orano to DOT, Application for Validation of French Competent Authority Certificate F/347/AF-96 for Model No. FCC-3 Transport Package Project stage: Request ML22271A8112022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010 Chapter 2.2, Document No. DOS-19-021165-013-NPV, Version 1.0, Thermal Analysis (New Reference DOS-19-021165-013, Revision 1.0) (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A7912022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010f Appendix 2.2-6 Document No. DOS-13-00081778-206-NPV, Revision 0, Thermal Behaviour of the FCC Packaging Under Normal Conditions of Transport (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8132022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283, Enclosure 4, 010a1 Ap 2.2.1 FFP_D02-ARV-01-198-455, Revision a, Justification by CFO Simulation of the Thermal Behavior of the FCC Container; Replacing Former Chapters 2.2-1 (Pved DC 04 055) and 2.2-2 (NEPL-F 2018 DC 152) (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8122022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283, Enclosure 4, 010a Appendix 2.2-1, DOS-19-021165-018-NPV, Version 1.0, Reference to D02-ARV-01-198-455 (Translation of D02-ARV-01- 167-814), Justification by Cfd Simulation of the Thermal Behavior of the FCC Container Project stage: Other ML22271A6772022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013a1 Appendix 2.5-1, Document No. FF/DC/00817 E0, Safety/Criticality Study of of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers 15x15 and 17x17 Assemblies 17x17 Xl, 17x17 EPR, 16x16 and 18x18 Assemblies (Non-Proprietary) Project stage: Other ML22271A6782022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013b Appendix 2.5-2, Document No. DOS-19-021165-016, Version 1.0, Safety / Criticality Study of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers – Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes Project stage: Other ML22271A8102022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009n Appendix 2.1-14 DOS-19-021165-012-NPV, Version 1.0, Variation in the Mechanical Properties of Shell and Screw Steels Between 40°C …(Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A7922022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 012 Appendix 2.4, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-400, Revision 1, Analysis of External Dose Rates (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8062022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013f, Appendix 2.5-6, Document No. FFDC00561EN, Criticality Safety Study-Fresh UO2 Fuel Transportation casks-Determining the Uncertainties Using Cristal, Revision 4 (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A8082022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009l Appendix 2.1-12 DOS-13-00081778-112-NPV, Rev. 1, Appendix 2.1-12 FCC Packaging Rod Boxes - Proof of the Mechanical Strength of Box Equipment (Public) Project stage: Other ML22271A7982022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013b1 Appendix 2.5-2, Document No. FFDC01046E E0, Non-Proprietary, Safety/Criticality Study of Fcc3 and Fcc4 Containers Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes (Public) Project stage: Other 2013-04-30
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Category:Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)
MONTHYEARML22271A8032023-08-0303 August 2023 E-61283, Enclosure 4, 013e Appendix 2.5-5, DOS-13-00081778-505-NPV, Revision 00, Reference to FS1-0012857, Rev. 1.0, Criticality-Safety Study FCC4 Containers Justification of the Increase in the Cross Section of the Cavity (Public) ML22271A4722022-10-0606 October 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 000 DOS-19-021165-000-NPV, Version 2.0, Table of Contents, FCC-3 Package (Public) ML22271A6752022-10-0303 October 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013a Appendix 2.5-1 DOS-19-021165-015-NPV, Version 1.0, Safety Criticality Study of FCC-3 and FCC-4 Containers-15x15 and 17x17 Assemblies-17x17 Xl, 17x17 EPR, 16x16 and 18x18 Assemblies (Public) ML22271A6482022-09-28028 September 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009d1 Ap 2.1-4, Document No. D02-ARV-01-186-614, Revision a, FCC 3 - Containers for Fresh Fuel Assemblies - Lifting Points Mechanical Verification (Public) ML22271A6862022-09-28028 September 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013e1 Appendix 2.5-5, Document No. FS1-0012857 E0, Revision 1.0, Safety Criticality Analysis FCC4 Fuel Shipping Casks Justification of the Enlarged Neutronic Cavity Section (Public) ML22271A6882022-09-28028 September 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013f1 Appendix 2.5-6, Document No. FFDC00561 E2 (Np), Revision 4.0, Safety-Criticality Study Fresh UO2 Fuel Fuel Transportation Casks Determining the Uncertainties to Apply to the Criticality Studies Performed Using Cri ML22271A6492022-09-28028 September 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009e Ap 2.1-5, Document No. DOS-19-021165-020-NPV, Revision 1.0, Update of the Calculation Note on the Stacking Strength (Public) ML22271A6472022-09-28028 September 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009d Ap 2.1-4, Document No. DOS-19-021165-019-NPV, Revision 1.0, Update of the Calculation Note on the Lifting Points Sizing (Public) ML22271A8052022-09-28028 September 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013f Appendix 2.5-6, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-506-NPV, Rev. 00, Criticality Safety Study, Transport Package for Fresh UO2 Fuel Determination of Uncertainties to Be Applied to Criticality Studies Performed with Crist ML22271A6362022-08-18018 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009f Appendix 2.1-6, Document No. DOS-19-021165-017-NPV, Version 1.0, Appendix 2.1-6 - Transportation in FCC Container Mechanical Aspects Related to a Change in the Fuel Assembly Materials (Public) ML22271A4872022-08-18018 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 003a Appendix 1.4-1, Document No. DOS-19-021165-009-NPV, Version 1.0, Appendix 1.4-1 - Drawings of the FCC3 Packaging (Public) ML22271A7942022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013a Appendix 2.5-1, Document No. DOS-19-021165-015-NPV, Version 1.0, Safety Analysis Report (Public) ML22271A6772022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013a1 Appendix 2.5-1, Document No. FF/DC/00817 E0, Safety/Criticality Study of of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers 15x15 and 17x17 Assemblies 17x17 Xl, 17x17 EPR, 16x16 and 18x18 Assemblies (Non-Proprietary) ML22271A6782022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013b Appendix 2.5-2, Document No. DOS-19-021165-016, Version 1.0, Safety / Criticality Study of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers – Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes ML22271A8112022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010 Chapter 2.2, Document No. DOS-19-021165-013-NPV, Version 1.0, Thermal Analysis (New Reference DOS-19-021165-013, Revision 1.0) (Public) ML22271A7912022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010f Appendix 2.2-6 Document No. DOS-13-00081778-206-NPV, Revision 0, Thermal Behaviour of the FCC Packaging Under Normal Conditions of Transport (Public) ML22271A7922022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 012 Appendix 2.4, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-400, Revision 1, Analysis of External Dose Rates (Public) ML22271A7932022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013 Chapter 2.5, Version 1, Document No. DOS-19-021165-014-NPV, Safety Analysis Report-Criticality-Safety Analysis (Public) ML22271A8062022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013f, Appendix 2.5-6, Document No. FFDC00561EN, Criticality Safety Study-Fresh UO2 Fuel Transportation casks-Determining the Uncertainties Using Cristal, Revision 4 (Public) ML22271A7962022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013a1 Appendix 2.5-1, FF/DC/00817 E0, Revision 4, Safety/Criticality Study of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers 15x15 and 17x17 Assemblies 17x17 Xl, 17x17 EPR, 16x16 and 18x18 Assemblies (Public) ML22271A7972022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013b Appendix 2.5-2, Document No. DOS-19-021165-016-NPV, Version 1.0, Safety Analysis Report-Reference Ffdc 01046 E0, Version 3.0, Safety/Criticality Study of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers –Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes (P ML22271A7982022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 013b1 Appendix 2.5-2, Document No. FFDC01046E E0, Non-Proprietary, Safety/Criticality Study of Fcc3 and Fcc4 Containers Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes (Public) ML22271A8142022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010c Appendix 2.2-3, FS1-0062270, Rev. 1 (DOS-18-016472-017 (En), Rev. 1), Behavior of Rod Made of M5 Framatome or Zircaloy-4 Alloy Subjected to the IAEA Thermal Test in FCC Packaging (Public) ML22271A8122022-08-0303 August 2022 E-61283, Enclosure 4, 010a Appendix 2.2-1, DOS-19-021165-018-NPV, Version 1.0, Reference to D02-ARV-01-198-455 (Translation of D02-ARV-01- 167-814), Justification by Cfd Simulation of the Thermal Behavior of the FCC Container ML22271A4762022-05-18018 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002 DOS-19-021165-002-NPV, Chapter 1.3, Specifications Relating to Radioactive Content (Public) ML22271A8072022-05-18018 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009k Appendix 2.1-11, Document No. DOS-19-021165-011-NPV, Version 1.o, Justification of the Performance of the FCC3 Shell Fasteners During a 9m Vertical Drop (Public) ML22271A4742022-05-16016 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, DOS-19-021165-001-NPV, Version 2.0, Chapter 1.2, Administrative Information (Public) ML22271A6502022-05-13013 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009e1 Ap 2.1-5, Framatome, Document No. D02-ARV-01-186-616, Revision a, FCC 3 - Containers for Fresh Fuel Assemblies - Stacking Behaviour (Non-proprietary) ML22271A1892022-05-10010 May 2022 E-61283 Enclosure 1, Certificate of the French Competent Authority F/347/AF-96 (Gy), FCC-3 Transport Package (English Version) ML22271A7992022-04-29029 April 2022 E-61283, Enclosure 4, 013c Appendix 2.5-3, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-503-NPV, Revision 00, Reference Document No. Ffdc 01106, Rev. a, Criticality-safety Analysis of FCC3 Containers Version 2 – Assembly Types 14x14 8-foot and 14x14 10-foo ML22271A6372021-10-0808 October 2021 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009f1 Ap 2.1-6 FFDC04223-EN Npv Revision 4.0, Transportation in FCC Container Mechanical Aspects Related to a Change in the Fuel Assembly Materias (Public) ML22271A7902016-03-31031 March 2016 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010e Appendix 2.2-5, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-205-NPV, Revision 00, Safety / Criticality Study of FCC3 and FCC4 Containers – Transport of Fuel Rods in Boxes (Public) ML22271A6452013-04-30030 April 2013 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009c Ap 2.1-3, Document No. DOS-13-00081778-103-NPV, Revision 00, Analysis of the Fatigue Behaviour of FCC3/FCC4 Containers, Tn International Document (Public) ML22271A8012012-09-0303 September 2012 E61283, Enclosure 4, 013d Appendix 2.5-4 (FCC3-FCC4), DOS-13-00081778-504-00-NPV, Rev. 00, Reference to Ffdc 04191, Rev. B, Safety/Criticality Study for FCC4 Packages and 17x17 Xl Assemblies Justification for an Increased Cavity Cross Secti ML22271A6432012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009j Ap 2.1-10 DOS-13-00081778-110-NPV, Revision 00, Container Prototype No. 2, Drop Test Report (Public) ML22271A6422012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009i Ap 2.1-9 DOS-13-00081778-109-NPV, Revision 00, Container Prototype No. 1, Drop Test Report (Public) ML22271A6402012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009h Ap 2.1-8 DOS-13-00081778-108-NPV, Revision 00, Modified RCC Container - Prototype 2 - Regulatory Test Programme (Public) ML22271A6382012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009g Ap 2.1-7 DOS-13-00081778-107-NPV, Modification of RCC Containers - Selection of Drop Configurations for Prototype 2 in the Context of Regulatory Tests (Public) ML22271A4792012-04-30030 April 2012 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 002b Ap 1.3-2 DOS-13-00081779-032-NPV, Revision 00, Appendix 1.3-2 - Drawing of Fuel Rod Boxes for FCC3 Containers (Public) ML22271A8162009-06-27027 June 2009 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 010d1 Appendix 2.2-4, NTC-08-00118662E-NPV, Rev. 1E, Note on the Characterization of Resin Fs 69 ML22271A6462009-01-0101 January 2009 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009c1 Ap 2.1-3 Document No. NTC-08-00135891E-NPV, Revision No. 01E, Analysis of the Fatigue Strength of the FCC3/FCC4 Containers (Public) ML22271A8002004-10-29029 October 2004 E61283, Enclosure 4, 013c1 Appendix 2.5-3, Document No. FF/DC/01106 Revision a, E0, Safety/Criticality Study of FCC3v2 Containers 14 X 14 8 Foot and 14 X 14 10 Foot Assemblies (Public) ML22271A6411998-08-19019 August 1998 E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009h1 Ap 2.1-8 TFXDC2108EN Npv, Revision B, Modified RCC Container - Proto 2 - Regulatory Test Programme (Public) 2023-08-03
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01 Page 1 / 9 TN International TableofContents Revisionshistory 2
- 1. Purpose 4
- 2. Descriptionofthepackage 4
- 3. Evaluationunderroutineconditionsoftransport 4
- 4. Evaluationundernormalconditionsoftransport 4
- 5. Impactofthesmoothwalleddummyonradiationprotection 6
- 6. Conclusion 6
- 7. References 6
Listoffigures 7
DOS-13-00081778-400-NPV Rev.:
01 Page 2 of 9 Non-proprietary version Revisions history Rev.
Date Purpose and record of changes Prepared by / Checked by 0
04/2012 First issue Revision and amplification of Appendix 16 of the Safety Analysis Report TFXDC 2158 revision H (FCC4) and Appendix 17 of TFXDC 2159 revision G (FCC3) 1 See first page Update of the maximum mass of the loaded FCC4 package to 5,550 kg Correction to the distance value of the fuel assembly - external shell for FCC3 under NCT Addition of impact of the smooth-walled dummy
DOS-13-00081778-400-NPV Rev.:
01 Page 3 of 9 Non-proprietary version
The purpose of this Chapter is to describe the analysis of external dose equivalent rates for the FCC3 and FCC4 model packages in routine and normal conditions of transport in accordance with the regulations (reference <1>) applicable to industrial type containers loaded with fissile materials.
The dose equivalent rate criteria applicable to industrial type packages loaded with fissile materials are as follows:
Routine conditions of transport: 2 mSv/h in contact with the package.
Normal conditions of transport: less than 20% increase in the maximum radiation intensity in contact with the package.
The evaluation of radiation intensities in contact with the package gives the following results:
Routine transport conditions (maximum) mSv/ h < 2 mSv/h mSv/ h < 2 mSv/h Variation in maximum radiation intensity under normal transport conditions 9.0 % < 20%
9.7 % < 20%
The regulatory criteria are satisfied.
I !-------------------
DOS-13-00081778-400-NPV Rev.:
01 Page 4 of 9 Non-proprietary version
- 1.
Purpose The purpose of this Chapter is to describe the analysis of external dose equivalent rates for the FCC3 and FCC4 model packages in routine and normal conditions of transport in accordance with the regulations (reference <1>) applicable to industrial type containers loaded with fissile materials.
The dose equivalent rate criteria applicable to industrial type packages loaded with fissile materials are as follows:
Routine conditions of transport: 2 mSv/h in contact with the package, Normal conditions of transport: less than 20% increase in the maximum radiation intensity in contact with the package.
- 2.
Description of the package A description of the FCC3 and FCC4 packagings is given in Chapter 1.4 of this Report. A description of the contents of FCC3 and FCC4 package models is given in Chapter 1.3 of this Report.
- 3.
Evaluation under routine conditions of transport 3.1. Radiation level in contact with the package Figure 2.4-2 gives the variation in dose equivalent rate versus the fuel assembly surface-shell surface distance.
The shortest distance between the fuel assembly and the surface of the shell is mm for the FCC4 packaging and mm for the FCC3 packaging (see figure 2.4-1).
Thus the dose rate at the surface of the package is:
Distance between fuel assembly and outer shell (mm)
Dose equivalent rate (Sv/h)
These radiation level values are below the criterion of 2 mSv/h.
- 4.
Evaluation under normal conditions of transport It is demonstrated that during tests simulating normal conditions of transport the increase in the maximum dose rate in contact with the package is less than 20%.
The regulatory tests, designed to prove the capacity of the package to resist NCT, are as follows:
water spray test, free-fall drop test, stacking test and penetration test.
The water spray test has no negative effect on the behaviour of the packaging in relation to radiation protection risks. On the contrary, water would have a slight effect of biological shielding by decreasing the dose rate.
Chapter 2.1 of the safety analysis reports for the FCC3 and FCC4 packagings shows that the stacking test does not result in any damage or deformation of the container. There is therefore no variation in the dose rate on the surface of the package following this test.
The penetration test which consists of dropping a 6 kg bar from a height of 1 metre can produce local deformation of the shell but without rupturing it (see Chapter 2.1 of this Report). This deformation remains less than that observed during a free drop of the package.
For this reason the conservative case corresponds to the free drop test. The following analysis is therefore based solely on this configuration.
DOS-13-00081778-400-NPV Rev.:
01 Page 5 of 9 Non-proprietary version The principle of this demonstration is to assess the effects of a 1.2 metre drop (FCC3) or a 0.9 metre drop (FCC4) on the geometry of the packaging based on the observations made following the 9-metre drop of prototype 2 (FCC4) and to deduce therefrom the variation in maximum radiation intensity at the surface of the package. This approach is conservative for the FCC3 package model in that the deformation observed on the prototype is representative of the deformation of an FCC4 package model for which the potential drop energy is greater.
The types of damage which can have an impact on the maximum radiation intensity are deformation of the outer shell and deformation of the cradle which can reduce the distance between the fuel assembly and the external surface of the packaging.
The minimum distance between the fuel assembly and the outer shell is the distance between the corner of the door and the shell (see Figure 2.4-1). This distance is used below and it will be assumed that the deformation of the shell is directly related to the drop energy (i.e. the potential drop energy of the package).
The mass of prototype 2
is 5262 kg. The crushing observed after the drop test are also corrected by determining the ratio of the maximum masses of the FCC3 package (4385 kg) and the FCC4 package (5550 kg) and the mass of prototype 2.
The deformation after the 1.2 metre or 0.9 metre drop is calculated by applying the following ratio of the deformation of the shell after the 9-metre drop.
Reduction ratio proto package M
M h
2 1
h1: the distance between the middle of the packaging (lowest point) and the ground, for the 1.2 metre or 0.9 metre drop; where h1 is dependent on the packaging in question.
h2: the distance between the middle of the packaging (lowest point) and the ground, for the 9 m drop; where h2 is calculated from the real value of the drop height for Prototype 2 (or 9.14 m). h2 is determined from Prototype 2 = 9.14+ = m.
The lowest point in the middle of the packaging is calculated taking into account the inclination of the packaging and the reduction ratios for the FCC3 and FCC4 packagings are as follows:
FCC3 reduction ratio
FCC4 reduction ratio
According to Appendices 4 and 5 to the Prototype 2 Test Report attached as Appendix 2.1-10 to this Safety Analysis Report, the combination of deformation of the outer shell facing the frame and the frame-door assembly leads to a maximum reduction of the distance between the outer shell and the assembly of mm, which thus means a maximum reduction of this distance of mm after the 1.2-metre drop for the FCC3 packaging and mm after the 0.9 metre drop for the FCC4 packaging. Deformation shapes at the ends of the shell are ignored as the dose equivalent rates are maximised in the continuous section of the packaging, opposite the fuel assemblies being transported.
Figure 2.4-2 gives the variation in maximum dose rate depending on the distance between the fuel assembly and the outer shell. Maximum radiation intensities after the drop representative of normal conditions of transport are therefore evaluated:
DOS-13-00081778-400-NPV Rev.:
01 Page 6 of 9 Non-proprietary version Distance between fuel assembly and outer shell (mm)
Dose rate (Sv/h)
FCC4, before drop FCC4, after drop FCC3, before drop FCC3, after drop This corresponds to a maximum increase in radiation intensity of 9.7 % for the FCC4 package model and 9.0 % for the FCC3 package model.
Following the drop representative of normal conditions of transport, the maximum increase in radiation intensity in contact with the surface of the packaging is below 20%.
- 5.
Impact of the smooth-walled dummy on radiation protection The inclusion of the smooth-walled dummy has no impact on regulatory dose equivalent rates around the package, since it is made up of an inert material.
- 6.
Conclusion The evaluation of radiation intensities in contact with the packaging gives the following results:
Routine transport conditions (maximum) mSv/ h < 2 mSv/h mSv/ h < 2 mSv/h Variation in maximum radiation intensity under normal transport conditions 9.0 % < 20%
9.7 % < 20%
The regulatory criteria are satisfied.
- 7.
<1> Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials - at the revision indicated in Chapter 1.2.
DOS-13-00081778-400-NPV Rev.:
01 Page 7 of 9 Non-proprietary version List of figures Figure Title No. of pages 2.4-1 Location of the shortest distance between the surface of the assembly and the surface of the package 1
2.4-2 Variation in dose rate versus the distance between the assembly surface and the package surface 1
DOS-13-00081778-400 Rev.:
01 Page 8 of 9 This document and the information that it contains are the property of TN International and may not be communicated, reproduced or used without its prior written authorisation.
Figure 2.4-1 Location of the shortest distance between the surface of the assembly and the surface of the package Shortest distance between assembly surface and shell surface before drop Shortest distance between assembly surface and shell surface after drop Section A-A Scale: 1/5 CONFIGURATION FOR 14-FOOT ASSEMBLIES OF THE XLR TYPE CONFIGURATION FOR 14-FOOT ASSEMBLI ES OF THE XL TYPE OR CHANNEL FOR NON-ASSEMBLED RODS See drawing No. 220 K 0400 UPPER SHELL assgmbly See drawing No. 220 K 041 0 RIGHT HAND DOOR sub-assembly See drawing No. 220 K 0400 LEFT HAND DOOR sub-assembly See drawing No. 220 K 0470 SUPPORT FRAME sub-assembly See drawing No. 220 K 0445 CRADLE sub-assembly See drawing No. 220 K 0430 INTERIOR EQUIPMENT assembly See drawing No. 220 K 041 5 LOWER SHEU asS8mbly S9e drawing No. 220 K 0405
DOS-13-00081778-400 Rev.:
01 Page 9 of 9 Non-proprietary version Figure 2.4-2 VARIATION IN DOSE RATE VERSUS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE ASSEMBLY SURFACE AND THE PACKAGE SURFACE The values of dose equivalent rates are calculated by varying the distance between the surface of the assembly and the outer shell of the package. The variation of this distance simulates the denting of the shell following the drop of the package.
The calculations were performed using the qualified MICROSHIELD computer code version 5.05.
The calculations were made assuming a package loaded with ERU type fuel assemblies with a U235 enrichment of 4.95% and a proportion of U232 of 50 ppb (main parameter influencing the dose equivalent rate).
The equation given above the Figure corresponds to the trend curve established from the dose rate values calculated versus the assembly-shell distance.