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E-61283 Enclosure 4, 006 Chapter 1.7, Document No. DOS-19-021165-006-NPV, Version 1.0, Chapter 1.7 - Instruction for Use of Packaging (Public)
Person / Time
Site: Orano USA
Issue date: 08/18/2022
From: Shaw D
Orano USA
Division of Fuel Management
Garcia-Santos N
Shared Package
ML22271A128 List: ... further results
A33010, EPID L-2022-DOT-0007
Download: ML22271A461 (9)


Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS 0

SAFETY ANALYSIS CHAPTER 1.7 REPORT INSTRUCTION FOR USE OF PACKAGING Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rév. 03 Prepared by FCC3 orano Verified by Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Version : 1.0 Page 1 / 9 Table of contents Status of revision 2

1. Purpose 3
2. Requirements applicable before first use 3
3. Requirements applicable before each shipment 3
4. Empty packaging 4
5. Requirements for loading/unloading the contents into/from the FCC3 packagings 5
6. Quality assurance provisions 8 Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 2 of 9 Status of revision English French Date Purpose and record of revisions Prepared by / Verified by version version Old reference: DOS-13-00081779-070 First issue 00 00 04/2012 - Revision of § 8.1 and Appendix 15 of summary note TFXDC 2159 Rev. G

- Quality Assurance provisions added 1 1 10/2016 - Addition of new requirements prior to shipment New reference: DOS-19-021165-006 Precision on the uncertainty of the tightening torque of the two half-shells hold-down bolt Addition of the recommendations concerning the torquing procedure 1.0 05/2021 when the packaging is being closed Addition of the verification of the gasket condition at §3.2 1.0 Precision concerning the quality assurance provisions Addition of precision:

On the verification of regulatory dose rate before transport 2.0 See 1st page On the loading procedure of non-assembled rods On the package lifting equipment Formal updates Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 3 of 9

1. Purpose The purpose of this Chapter is to describe the requirements applicable to the use of FCC3 packages.
2. Requirements applicable before first use The checks to be carried out before the packaging is put into service are defined in § 8 of Chapter 1.4 of this Report.
3. Requirements applicable before each shipment The list of checks to be carried out to prior to each shipment is given below. The sequence of this list may be adapted to suit operational requirements.

3.1. Content inspection Compliance of shipped products:

Compatibility between the packaging and the content to be transported.

3.2. Packaging inspection Check packaging validity date with respect to the periodic inspections referred to in § 2.2 of Chapter 1.8 of this Report.

Check allowable deformation of the shock absorbers (defined in Chapter 1.4 of this Report).

Check allowable indentation of the container enclosure (defined in Chapter 1.4 of this Report).

Check allowable deformation of reinforcements and gripping zones (defined in Chapter 1.4 of this Report).

Check for the absence of water or unauthorised foreign objects in the base of the bottom shell.

Check for the absence of flaking paintwork on the uninterrupted sections of the packaging.

Check gasket condition between the half-shells : replace it if needed.

3.3. Checks during loading During and after loading of the assemblies or rod channels:

Check placement and locking of all ball-lock pins.

Check wedging of fuel rods in the channel.

Check maximum number of fuel rods loaded into the channels.

Check wedging of fuel assemblies and/or rod channels.

Check for internal contamination which must not exceed the following limits:

4 Bq/cm2 for beta and gamma radiation emitters and low-toxicity alpha emitters; and 0.4 Bq/cm2 for all other alpha emitters.

These limits are average limits applicable over any area of 300 cm² of any part of the surface.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 4 of 9 On the closed package:

Check correct placement of the lid and check all bolts during torquing to ensure that the torque is N.m +/-  %. The torquing recommendations are given in §5.4.

Check the regulatory compliance of labels and markings on the packagings.

Check on the respect of regulatory criteria of dose rates and of external surface contamination (packaging and means of transport).

Measure of the dose rate at 1 m for determination of the transport index.

Loading of packages:

Wedging and tie-down of the packages, strap attachment points on the packaging body must satisfy the following criteria:

The positioning of straps on the lifting boxes can be carried out over the full length of the box.

A tie-down arrangement with 2 straps on the lifting boxes and 2 straps in proximity to the 2 central reinforcing hoops of the container is also acceptable.

A tie-down arrangement with 2 straps placed on the upper half-shell reinforcement, in proximity to the "inner" reinforcing angle bar of the lifting box is also acceptable.

Any strapping position less than 100 mm from the reinforcement is considered to be in proximity to the reinforcing hoop.

The placement of straps between 2 reinforcing hoops is expressly prohibited.

The safe working load of the straps is 5 tonnes maximum.

Check that the mode of transport is compatible with the transport index, the criticality safety index and the activity of the contents (e.g.: 100 A2 for river transport).

4. Empty packaging The empty packaging is transported as an "excepted package" subject to the following requirements:

The packaging is closed and supported in accordance with the requirements in Chapter 1.8 of this Report.

The internal and external contamination levels meet the following criteria:

4 Bq/cm2 for beta and gamma radiation emitters and low-toxicity alpha emitters; and 0.4 Bq/cm2 for all other alpha emitters.

These limits are average limits applicable over any area of 300 cm² of any part of the surface.

The labelling is no longer visible.

The markings are compliant with regulatory requirements.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 5 of 9

5. Requirements for loading/unloading the contents into/from the FCC3 packagings Loading the packaging with fuel assemblies or non-assembled rods.

5.1. Opening of the packaging Unscrew the connecting screws between the two shells.

Lift the upper shell (lid).

Raise the cradle + internal equipment slightly using a bridge crane to position the support system, enabling a rigid connection between the cradle and the bottom shell.

Detach the internal equipment from the cradle (eye bolts).

Open the top plates.

Deploy the two stabilizers; lock them into place and adjust on the ground.

Lift and pivot the internal equipment at the top end using the bridge crane.

Lock the internal equipment in the vertical position.

Remove the ball-lock pins and open the doors.

Check for cleanliness, absence of loose parts, removal of pads.

5.2. Loading of fuel assemblies Transfer the fuel assembly using the bridge crane.

Place the assembly in the right-hand or left-hand cavity.

Press the assembly against the bottom plate.

Close the door and lock to the frame by means of the ball-lock pins.

5.2.1. Fuel assemblies without rod control clusters Bring the pads into contact with the fuel assembly end grids and tighten with a torque wrench.

Repeat the above operations for the second assembly or the dummy Secure the internal equipment handling lug to the bridge crane.

Unlock the support leg locking mechanism.

Slowly lower the internal equipment to the horizontal position using the bridge crane.

Pin the top plates to the doors and the frame.

Clamp all the spacer grid pads to ensure radial restraint.

Axially tighten the assembly with the top plate pad or with the bottom plate clamping system.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 6 of 9 5.2.2. Fuel assemblies with rod control clusters Actuate the fuel assembly axial restraint system via the bottom nozzle (rotation and pulling).

Bring the pads into contact with the fuel assembly end grids and tighten with a torque wrench.

Repeat the above operations for the second assembly or the dummy.

Secure the internal equipment handling lug to the bridge crane.

Unlock the support leg locking mechanism.

Slowly lower the internal equipment to the horizontal position using the bridge crane.

Pin the RCCA-specific top plates to the doors and frame.

Clamp all the spacer grid pads to ensure radial restraint.

Tighten the control rod cluster axially against the assembly with the top plate clamping system.

5.3. Loading of non-assembled rods Non-assembled rods are placed in specially adapted channels positioned in the container instead of fuel assemblies.

The rods loading into the channels can be perform:

- Outside the container ;

- Or into the channel which was placed beforehand into the container.

The absence of loose parts or foreign materials is checked visually before the rods loading into the channels In the case where the rods are the same length as the box:

Position the rod end support plate on the bottom of the box, Place the rods in the channel in successive rows without exceeding the maximum number per row and per channel as indicated in Chapter 1.3 Table 1.3-3, If necessary, complete any rows using inert rods (stainless steel rods or empty cladding tubes); the total number of rods (fuel and inert) must conform to the content listed in the applicable approval certificate, Adjust the length by means of the nut/locknut on the end support plate.

In the case where the rods are shorter than the box:

Fit the axial spacers adapted to the rod configuration, Place the rod end support plates on the bottom of the box, Place the rods in the channel in successive rows without exceeding the maximum number per row and per channel as indicated in Chapter 1.3 Table 1.3-3, Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 7 of 9 If necessary, complete any rows using inert rods (stainless steel rods or empty cladding tubes); the total number of rods (fuel and inert) must conform to the contents listed in the applicable approval certificate, Adjust the length by using the nut/lock nut on the axial spacers, Place the support plates adapted to the length of the rods, Place the lifting lugs, Place the channel on the frame, with the door open (container and frame horizontal),

Position the rod box spacers, Position the radial spacers - if necessary add row compensating plates to achieve a height as close as possible to mm max.,

Close the container door, Position the top plate of the container, Tighten the door pads to ensure contact, Axially clamp the box using the top plate pad, Check that the stabiliser bars are retracted and close the container in the same way as for the "assembly" content.

Once loaded, the package is handled in the same way as for the "assembly" content.

5.4. Closure of package Raise the internal equipment slightly at the bottom end to retract the support bars.

Secure the internal equipment to the cradle using the swing bolts.

Fit the upper shell.

Secure the 2 shells by tightening all bolts to a torque of N.m +/-  %.

Check that the security seals are present and that the labelling and marking are compliant.

It is recommended that the final torquing be performed by hand.

It is recommended that the torquing be preceded by a pree-screw of lower torque.

It is also recommended to use a torquing method that distributes the preloads in a homogeneous way, for example with two operators in opposite positions performing simultaneously the torquing operations.

5.5. Loading of packages Lift the package using the handling system. The lifting by chain type slings is prohibited.

Transfer the package to the loading bay.

Set the package down at the designated location making sure the skids are flat.

Tie down the package in accordance with the tie-down drawing.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 8 of 9 5.6. Storage and shipment The stacking height is limited to a maximum of 2 packages.

Loading operations are performed in accordance with detailed instructions specifying the positions depending on the number of packages, lifting points, tie-down devices and means of transport.

Compliance of the tie-down arrangement must be checked before each shipment.

6. Quality assurance provisions The provisions common to all activities and applicable to packaging operation and manufacturing activities are described in Chapter 1.9 of this Report.

6.1. Requirements specific to the manufacturing activity For activities starting before 30th September 2013, the rules and classification defined in section 7 of the Safety Analysis Report TFX DC 2159 Revision G are applied.

6.1.1. Conformity of the production documentation The conformity between all equipment manufacturing documentation (including working drawings and acceptance test programme) and the definition of the package model as given in the Safety Analysis Report must be verified.

The party responsible for operations (manufacturer) is responsible for the conformity of the documentation produced (procedures, etc.) with reference to the safety analysis report requirements provided either directly or through documents written by a third party.

This third party must then guarantee the conformity of their documents to the Safety Analysis Report.

At the issue of each new approval certificate (renewal or extension), the compliance of all documents must be certified once any changes have been taken into account.

6.1.2. Validation of manufacturing Manufacturing quality surveillance must be formally defined. A report must be produced for every inspection made. This report must be identified and classified.

When the supplier has completed its services, the acceptance shall apply to the services and the associated documentation. The conformity of the results of the acceptance tests with the requirements specified in the safety analysis report must be checked by the manufacturer using the production specifications provided by the designer.

Inspections must be carried out by qualified personnel for this activity.

6.2. Arrangements specific to operational activities Conformity between all packaging operation documents (documents produced by the designer and/or the users) and the instructions for use of the package model given in the safety analysis report must be verified.

When using the package, the party responsible for the operations (plant operator, carrier, etc.)

is required to ensure the conformity of the documentation issued (operating procedures, etc.)

with the requirements of the safety analysis report received either directly or through documents written by a third party. This third party must then guarantee the conformity of their documents to the Safety Analysis Report.

Non-proprietary version

Formulaire : PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification : DOS-19-021165-006-NPV Vers. 1.0 Page 9 of 9 At the issue of each new approval certificate (renewal or extension), the compliance of all packaging user manuals must be certified once any changes have been taken into account.

These verifications must be recorded.

Non-proprietary version