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E-61283 Enclosure 4, 009k Appendix 2.1-11, Document No. DOS-19-021165-011-NPV, Version 1.o, Justification of the Performance of the FCC3 Shell Fasteners During a 9m Vertical Drop (Public)
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Site: Orano USA
Issue date: 05/18/2022
From: Boyle R, Shaw D
TN International
Division of Fuel Management
Garcia-Santos N
Shared Package
ML22271A128 List: ... further results
A33010, L-2022-DOT-0007
Download: ML22271A807 (60)


Unrestricted Orano


Orano NPS APPENDIX 2.1-11 SAFETY ANALYSIS JUSTIFICATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FCC3 SHELL REPORT FASTENERS DURING A 9 M VERTICAL DROP orano Preparation Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 FCC3/FCC4 verified by Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 1 / 60 Contents

1. Introduction 3
2. Methodology 3
3. Method for calculating the loads in a screw 4
4. Results for the FCC3 mockup model 11
5. Result for the FCC3 packaging model 12
6. Behaviour of the packaging during a drop at 40°C 13
7. Strength of the packaging screws 13
8. Conclusion 14
9. References 15 Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 2 of 60 Status of revision Version Date Purpose and record of revisions Prepared by / Verified by Old reference: DOS-13-00081778-111 0 04/2012 First issue New reference: DOS-19-021165-011 1.0 See 1st page Document rewrite Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 3 of 60

1. Introduction A 9 m vertical drop test on prototype 1 with top side impact was performed and is described in appendix 2.1-9. The two half-shells remained joined after this test. Only a few half-shell screws on the impacted face were slightly twisted. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that, taking into account the combination of NCT and ACT drops and the mechanical properties of the packaging materials versus the NCT temperature ranges, the half-shells of the FCC3 and FCC4 packagings remained joined.
2. Methodology In order to restrict this analysis to the packaging whose half-shell screws are the most loaded, the following ratio is compared between the FCC3 and the FCC4 packagings:

NCT ACT FCC3 FCC4 FCC3 FCC4 Number of screws between the half-shells Mass of loaded package (kg)

Drop height (kg)

As the following ratio for the FCC3 packaging is larger than for the FCC4 packaging, both in NCT and in ACT, the screws of the FCC3 packaging half-shells are the most-loaded with regard to the total package mass for the regulatory drops in NCT and ACT. The FCC3 packaging is therefore considered for this study and covers the FCC4 packaging.

A 9 m vertical drop test with first impact on the top side was performed with a prototype representative of a FCC3 packaging (9 m vertical drop test on prototype 1 described in appendix 2.1-9). A numerical drop calculation model representative of the test prototype, called the FCC3 mock-up model, was built in order to determine the loads experienced by the half-shell closure screws during the test.

A numerical drop calculation model representative of the FCC3 packaging was also built with the mechanical properties defined in chapter 1.4 and taking into account the temperatures reached by the packaging components at °C (maximum temperature in NCT; see chapter 2.2). This model, called the FCC3 packaging model is used to determine the loads experienced by the half-shell closure screws for a drop height of 10.2 m (worst-case height covering the regulatory conditions for the loaded FCC3 and FCC4 packagings). Combining the drops for the packaging is especially conservative with regard to the behaviour of the screws as this approach combines two consecutive kinetics (NCT drop then ACT drop), whereas the latter are in fact completely separate. This ensures upper-bound loads in the packaging screws. Moreover, evidence is provided in section 6 justifying the behaviour of the screws for a drop at - 40 °C with regard to the analyses of the steel properties conducted in chapter 2.1-14.

The loads experienced by the half-shell closure screws of prototype 1 are compared with those experienced by the FCC3 packaging, taking into account the different mechanical properties of the prototype and the packaging. This comparison confirms the performance of the FCC3 packaging half-shell closure screws, since the prototype 1 screws did not break (see appendix 2.1-9).

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3. Method for calculating the loads in a screw For the modelling of the screws (shown in figure 4), an equivalent stress was calculated via the formula:

3 ² With the following components:

F F S d 4 where d 10.68 9,85 /2 10.265 mm, for the M12 screws fastening the half-shells, according to Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable.;

The tensile force F corresponds to the maximum force measured in the beam elements; M d 2 where I d /64 I

The bending moment M corresponds to the resultant of the components in the plane; F

S The shearing force F corresponds to the resultant of the components in the plane.

This equivalent stress is used to define an equivalent load level, taking overall account of the load orientations in the screw (longitudinal or transverse); it enables a direct comparison between the load level in the mock-up screws and that in the packaging screws.

3.1. Geometry 3.1.1. FCC3 mock-up model The geometry and mesh of the FCC3 mock-up model are shown in figure 1.

The geometry of the FCC3 mock-up model is based on the drawings in appendix 1.4-1 of the FCC3 safety analysis report (particularly for the upper and lower half-shells, upper lifting boxes, closure flanges connecting the half-shells, the upper and lower half-shell reinforcements and the frame structure) or As-Built drawings if the dimensions are available.

The geometry of the internal equipment is simplified; the latter is modelled by a rigid parallelepiped conforming to its overall dimensions, as per the drawings in appendix 1.4-1.

However, drop prototype 1 differs from the drawings in appendix 1.4-1 as follows:

The geometries of the upper plate and the lifting ring of the internal fittings are differently designed. For the drop prototype, they correspond to the detail drawings of the doors on the internal fittings of the RCC packagings <4>,

The geometry of the cylindrical type internal shock-absorber matches the As-Built drawing of the shock absorber for the RCC packagings procured for the drop tests


Wooden pads are fixed to the lower part of the frame and their geometry matches the detail drawing of the RCC packagings <6>.

3.1.2. FCC3 packaging model The geometry and mesh of the FCC3 packaging model are shown in figure 6.

The geometry of the FCC3 packaging model is in compliance with the drawings in appendix 1.4-1 and matches that of the FCC3 mock-up model. However, there are Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 5 of 60 differences between the two models for the following items (as detailed below and in figure 1 and figure 6):

The geometry of the upper plate, of the lifting ring and of the internal fittings and of the shock absorber, lP [f@[p)[f0@U~IT1f lP [f@[p)[f0@U~IT1f 1rU1J[f@ 1rU1J[f@

FCC3 mock-up model FCC3 packaging model Axial position of the internal fittings, lP [f@[p) [f0@U~ IT1f lP [f@[p) [f0@U~ IT1f f Ull[f@ 1rU1J[f@

FCC3 mock-up model FCC3 packaging model Geometry of the lower frame part.

lP [f@[p) [f0@U~ IT1f lP [f@[p) [f0@U~ IT1f f Ull[f@ 1rU1J[f@

FCC3 mock-up model FCC3 packaging model 3.2. Modelling assumptions The modelling assumptions for the FCC3 mock-up model and the FCC3 packaging model are as follows:

The weld on the upper half-shell is modelled as common nodes with its closure flange. The shell reinforcements and the lifting boxes are stuck to the outer surface.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 6 of 60 The weld on the lower half-shell is modelled as common nodes with its closure flange. The gasket groove is only modelled along the main packaging length and emerges on the front and rear faces. The shell reinforcements are modelled as stuck to the outer surface.

The frame welds with the cradles in the lower part are modelled as common nodes. The weld between the cradles and the lower shell is modelled by bonding.

The balsa shock absorber is modelled with its casing plate. The shock absorber fastening to the upper half-shell is simplified by bonds in the screw mounting zone.

The bolted connection of the two shells is modelled as follows (see figure 4):

The screw head as rigid elements, The screw body as beam elements (M12 class , see §3.3),

The screw base fixed to the lower flange (as common nodes),

The washer is not modelled.

The lower flange zones corresponding to the screw bases (four elements around the screw base) are modelled via rigid elements to block the rotational degrees of freedom of the screw (and therefore allow the forces to be transmitted).

The screws are modelled with allowance for prestressing corresponding to the preload applied to the screws (see §3.6, for the modelling method used for this prestress).

The metal structural materials are modelled by bilinear power laws (see appendix 1).

The balsa model is detailed in <1> and <2>.

The shock mountings are considered broken from the beginning of the 9 m drop calculation.

For the packaging: A gap of mm between the wooden internal shock absorber and the contents is taken into account for the delayed impact. As shown in appendix 2.1-13, this gap bounds all possible configurations.

For the mock-up: a bounding gap of mm between the wooden internal shock absorber and the contents is taken into account for the delayed impact.

This list is combined with the wooden pad behaviour law assumption for the relevant calculation cases (FCC3 mock-up). The pads initially procured in beech-wood were conservatively modelled as oak-wood, which exhibits a harder behaviour in ambient conditions. The oak-wood model is detailed in <1>.

3.3. Materials The material models used are as follows:

Elements LS-DYNA law Metal items (structural plates, bolted connection, internal shock absorber plate, *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY screws)

Wood used for the internal shock absorber

  • MAT_MODIFIED_HONEYCOMB and pads Internal fittings + content *MAT_RIGID Contact skins *MAT_NULL Lower flange (at the base of the screws) (1) *MAT_RIGID (1) Model details in §3.2.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 7 of 60 For the metal elements of the FCC3 mock-up model, the materials are as follows:

Re Rm A E Elements Material

[MPa] [MPa] [%] [GPa] [kg/m3]

Plates and structure (support angles, (th. < mm) flanges, lifting steel box, etc.) of the upper and lower (th. > mm) shells (1)

Steel Bolted Class connection (M12 between the two screw) half-shells (1) Class (nut)

Internal shock absorber plate Steel (2)

(1) Data derived from chapter 1.4; the As-Built values are not precisely known.

(2) As-Built values from drop test FCC3 prototype 1.

For the internal shock absorber material of the FCC3 mock-up model, the following As-Built characteristics of prototype 1 are used:

Crush stress parallel to Maximum crush rate Material the direction of fibres stress parallel to the Density [kg/m3]

[MPa] direction of fibres [%]

Balsa For the metal elements of the FCC3 packaging model, the relevant materials considered at a high temperature (NCT temperature = °C) are as follows:

Re Rm A E Elements Material

[MPa] [MPa] [%] [GPa] [kg/m3]

Plates and structures (support angles, Steel (th. < mm) (th. < mm) flanges, lifting box, etc.) of (th. > mm) (th. > mm) the upper and lower shells Class Bolted (M12 connection screw) between the two shells Class (Nut)

Internal shock Steel absorber plate Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 8 of 60 For the internal shock absorber material, the following characteristics are used:

Maximum crush rate Crush stress parallel to the Density Material stress parallel to the direction of fibres [MPa] [kg/m3]

direction of fibres [%]

Balsa at a high temperature

( °C)

Balsa at a cold temperature

( °C) 3.4. Mass balance 3.4.1. Mass balance for the FCC3 mock-up model The mass balance of the FCC3 mock-up model is given in the following table:

Drop mock-up mass Mass of numerical Elements Difference (kg) model [kg]

Internal fittings +

(1)  %

content Total loaded (2)  %

without pads Total loaded with (3)  %

pads (1) As per appendix 2.1-7 (2) As per appendix 2.1-9 (3) In the absence of data for the effective mass of the wooden pads during the drops, the mass is assumed to be equal to the total mass without pads The difference between the mass of the FCC3 mock-up model and the mass of the drop mock-up is negligible.

3.4.2. Mass balance of the FCC3 packaging model The similar mass balance for the set of FCC3 packaging calculation cases is presented below:

Mass of numerical Elements Theoretical mass (kg) Difference model [kg]

Content (1)  %

Loaded (2)  %

packaging (1) As per appendix 1.4-1 (2) As per chapter 1.4 The difference between the mass of the FCC3 packaging model and the maximum permissible theoretical mass is negligible.

3.5. Preloads The preload due to the screw tightening torque according to Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable.; the preloads used in this appendix are given below:

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 9 of 60 Nominal Minimum Maximum Maximum Tightening torque C Nom = N.m C Mini. = N.m C Maxi. = N.m C Maxi. = N.m Friction Nominal Maximum Minimum Minimum coefficient in the threads (non- µ threads nom. = µ threads maxi. = µ threads mini. = µ threads mini. =

lubricated screw) (1)

Preload (kN) (2)

(1) Bounding minimum friction coefficient related to screw coating.

(2) The preload calculation is shown in appendix 2.

3.6. Load limit conditions The models are complete 3D models.

Gravity is taken into account by applying a gravitational field of 9.81 ms-2 .

3.6.1. FCC3 mock-up model The relevant top side drop height is 9 m, i.e. an initial velocity of m.s-1.

The screws are tightened by the initial penetration method to a preload value of kN. This preload value corresponds to a nominal torque of N.m and a nominal friction coefficient in the threads of for non-lubricated screws.

3.6.2. FCC3 packaging model The top side drop height conservatively corresponds to a combined NCT and ACT drop.

An additional height of m is also included in order to take into account, on an arbitrary basis, the supplementary drop energy of the FCC4 packaging contents affecting the internal shock absorber of the FCC4 packaging in comparison with that of the FCC3 packaging (see chapter 2.1-13). However, this consideration is very conservative, as chapter 2.1-13 shows the absence of compaction of the wood used in the internal shock absorber of the FCC4 and FCC3 packagings for the combined NCT and ACT drops; accordingly, the load transmitted to the packaging by the contents via the wooden internal shock absorber does not depend on this modelling difference, because the force transmitted by the contents via the wood of the internal shock absorber is constant.

On this basis, the calculation height for the packaging is conservatively assumed to be

m. + m = m, i.e. an initial velocity of m.s-1.

The screws are tightened by the initial penetration method to a preload value which depends on the relevant calculation case (see § 3.5 and § 3.8.2).

3.7. Contacts The contacts are of the penalty type, with a friction coefficient of for all interfaces.

Unlike the FCC3 mock-up model, in the FCC3 packaging model, the friction coefficients under the screw head are adjusted to a preload value depending on the relevant calculation case, see § 3.8 for non-lubricated screws.

3.8. Calculation case The calculations are performed with LS-DYNA smp d R6.1.1 Rev. 78769.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 10 of 60 3.8.1. Calculation case for the FCC3 mock-up model The investigated drop configuration corresponds to a vertical drop of 9 meters with top side impact. This configuration is shown in figure 2. The cases analysed are presented in the table below:

Plate hardening Presence of wooden Case Objective coefficient (1) pads on the frame Obtain a model comparable to the drop test: comparison of M.1 x internal shock absorber No crushing measurements.

Assessment of model M.2 x robustness.

Estimate the impact of the pad M.3 x on screw stresses Yes Estimate the impact of the pad M.4 x on screw stresses (1) Multiplying factor applied to Re and Rm (excluding internal shock absorber plate); the factor of is considered in order to take into account high plate procurement characteristics, given that the As-Built values are not precisely known.

Assumptions M.1 to M.4 (presence or absence of pads, variation of the plates mechanical properties) are used to evaluate the impact on the loading variations for the mock-up half-shell closure screws according to the mock-up-related uncertainties.

3.8.2. Calculation case for the FCC3 packaging model The investigated drop configuration corresponds to a vertical drop of metres with top side impact. This configuration is shown in figure 7. The calculation cases analysed are presented in the table below:

Balsa Plate Screw preload (see § 3)

µ under screw Case crushing hardening Type Value head stress (MPa) coefficient (1) (Torque /µ threads) (kN)

E.1 x

E.2 Nominal E.3 (Cnom /µ threads nom.)

E.4 E.5 Maximum E.6 (C Maxi. /µ threads mini.)

E.7 x E.8 Minimum E.9 (C Maxi. /µ threads mini.)

Maximum E.10 (2)

(C Maxi. /µ threads mini.)

(1) Multiplying factor applied to Re and Rm (excluding internal shock absorber plate); the factor of is considered in order to take into account high plate procurement characteristics.

(2) Calculated with the minimum friction coefficient µ threads mini. = bounding value related to screw coating.

The various cases are used to investigate the influence of the internal shock absorber balsa crush stress, the plate hardening coefficient and screw preload on the loads sustained by the half-shell closure screws.

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4. Results for the FCC3 mock-up model The calculations are archived under <1>.

4.1. Energy balances The energy balances are shown in figure 3.

4.2. Equivalent stresses in the screws The numbering of the screws is shown in figure 4.

The maximum stress values in the screws are presented in figure 5. In all cases, the maximum value is reached in the central screw on the impact side. This is shown in the following table:

Plate Presence of Stress in the shell screws [MPa]

Case hardening wooden pads on coefficient the frame Screw (*) Other screws M.1 x (screw )

No M.2 x (screw )

M.3 x (screw )

Yes M.4 x (screw )

(*) Screw is positioned in the centre of the impacted face, between the impact surface and the internal shock absorber (see figure 4).

4.3. Conclusion The maximum load is observed on the screw number located in the centre of the impacted face for the four calculation cases analysed. Apart from this screw number , the stresses are lower for all the calculation cases.

As a reminder, no screw fracture was observed during the test described in appendix 2.1-9.

Only the half-shell screws on the impacted surface were slightly twisted.

On a worst-case basis, in the remainder of the study, we shall take case M.3. as the reference case whose stress must not be exceeded. This calculation case minimises the maximum stress value in the screws ( MPa) and corresponds to the procurement of plates with properties equal to the minimum standard values specified in chapter 1.4, which is conservative. Indeed, it can be reasonably assumed that when the drop mock-up was manufactured, the mechanical properties of the procured plates were higher than the minimum values required by the standards.

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5. Result for the FCC3 packaging model The calculations are archived under <2>.

5.1. Energy balance The energy balances for each calculation case are shown in figure 8.

5.2. Equivalent stresses in the screws The numbering of the screws is shown in figure 4.

The linearised maximum stress values are presented in figure 9. In all cases, the maximum value is reached in the central screw on the impact side. This is shown in the following table:

Stress in the shell Plate Preload Balsa µ under screws [MPa]

Case hardening (MPa) Value screw head Screw Other coefficient Type (kN) (*) screws E.1 (screw


x E.2 (screw Nominal )

E.3 (screw )

E.4 (screw )

E.5 (screw )

E.6 Maximum (screw )

x E.7 (screw )

E.8 (screw )

Minimum E.9 (screw )

E.10 Maximum (screw )

(*) Screw is positioned in the centre of the impacted face, between the impact surface and the internal shock absorber (see figure 4).

The calculated load levels are compared with those given by the calculations for the FCC3 mock-up model presented in § 4.2.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 13 of 60 The influence of the balsa crush stress and that of the plate hardening coefficient are shown in figure 9 pages 1 and 2 (cases E.1, E.2, E.3 and E.4).

The influence of the screw preload on the maximum screw stresses is shown in figure 9 pages 2, 3 and 4 (cases E.4, E.5 and E.8).

The influence of the friction coefficient under the screw head with maximum preload on the maximum screw stresses is shown in figure 9 pages 3 and 4 (cases E.5, E.6 and E.7).

The influence of the friction coefficient under the screw head with minimum preload on the maximum screw stresses is shown in figure 9 pages 4 and 5 (cases E.8 and E.9).

Broadly, screw load variations show little scatter for the various calculation cases studied. The worst cases are cases E.1 and E.2, which are nonetheless performed with extreme characteristics, particularly for the minimum plate properties that are considered at the minimum values given in standards, which is unlikely in packaging manufacturing. Apart from these extreme cases, (particularly E.1 which is very slightly higher than the reference value used for the mock-up (MPa, or about + %)), all the cases exhibit screw loads less than or equivalent (cases E.2 and E.7 - i.e. a negligible difference of  %) to the mock-up reference case.

Moreover, in view of the large number of screws closing the half-shells ( for the FCC3 packaging and for the FCC4 packaging), it is appropriate to consider that the screws are generally tightened; thus, the maximum load level in the closure screws of the packaging half-shells remains broadly equivalent to that of the most-loaded screw in the drop prototype, which did not break.

5.3. Conclusion The screw number located on the surface impacted during the drop exhibits stress values which are systematically higher than the other screws, for all the calculation cases. The loads remain of the same order of magnitude as those in the FCC3 mock-up model calculation case.

For the screw number and the other screws, the load levels are lower than those affecting the mock-up.

6. Behaviour of the packaging during a drop at - 40°C According to appendix 2.1-14, over the - 40°C to °C range, the decrease in energy absorption capacity between -40°C and °C for the plates of the half-shells and the flanges is less than %

and the decrease in energy absorption capacity for the flange screws is less than %. On this basis, the findings proving that the half-shells on the FCC3 packaging model remain joined at °C are applicable at -40 °C.

7. Strength of the packaging screws According to feedback for the screws procured during the manufacturing of prototype 1 (before and during the year 1998), the ultimate tensile strengths (Rm) of the screws in class were between and MPa.

Concerning the FCC3 and FCC4 packaging lots manufactured since 2001, for 14 procurement lots corresponding to screws procured for FCC3 and FCC4, the minimum measured Rm was MPa, which is at least % higher than the characteristics of the screws installed on prototype 1.

The maximum loads of the screws closing the half-shells of the FCC3 packaging (covering the FCC4 packaging) are no higher than the maximum load sustained by the screws in the drop prototype, considering a drop height corresponding to the NCT and ACT drops combined.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 14 of 60 Between 20°C and °C, the effects of temperature induce a decrease in the ultimate tensile strength of - = MPa (see tables in section 3.3), which represents a decrease of about %.

However, the difference between the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength of the half-shell closure screws at °C is - = MPa (see tables in section 3.3).

Lastly, during the prototype 1 drop test, only a few screws located in the impact zone were deformed during the drops, without breaking; the other screws did not undergo any plastic deformation, showing that their loads remained below the yield strength.

In view of all these considerations, the fracture of the most-loaded screw during the FCC3 packaging drop is unlikely and no other packaging screw can break because of the margin between the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of the screws for the NCT temperature range

(- 40°C to °C), irrespective of possible variations in screw tightening forces and possible variations in packaging material properties.

8. Conclusion To investigate the performance of the screws closing the half-shells of the FCC3 and FCC4 packagings following the combination of NCT and ACT drops, the FCC3 packaging was used as it covers the FCC4 packaging considering the number of screws loaded with respect to the package mass.

For this purpose, LS-DYNA numerical models of the FCC3 packaging and of drop prototype 1 were built. The maximum loads in the screws during drops are calculated for prototype 1 during a 9 m drop and for the FCC3 packaging during a m drop at the maximum temperature of the materials in NCT (°C), taking into account possible variations in the mechanical properties of the materials and possible variations in tightening forces.

The maximum loads of the screws closing the half-shells of the FCC3 packaging (covering the FCC4 packaging) are lower than the maximum load affecting the screws in the drop prototype, considering a drop height covering the NCT and ACT drops combined, irrespective of possible variations in screw tightening forces and possible variations in packaging material properties.

In view of the mechanical properties of the screws in prototype 1 and the variations in the mechanical properties of the packaging screws between 20°C and °C, it is shown that the half-shells remain joined.

Evidence is also provided that the study findings are applicable for an NTC temperature of - 40°C.

Margins in terms of methods also exist. Specifically, the FCC3 packaging was selected for the calculations on the basis of a drop of m. The combination of drops for the packaging is especially conservative with regard to screw behaviour because it combines two consecutive kinetics (NTC drop then ACT drop), whereas they are in fact quite separate: the FCC3 packaging drops by m then m and the FCC4 packaging drops by m then m. Further, the screws are considered at the maximum NCT packaging temperature (+ °C).

On this basis, this study demonstrates that, taking into account the combination of NCT and ACT drops together with the mechanical properties of the packaging materials at a given temperature, the half-shells of the FCC3 and FCC4 packagings remain joined.

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9. References

<1> FCC3 mock-up storage L:\Archivage\08S.CDE3111183.01\Dynamique\NTE-20-030525-002-2.0 Model: FCC3 mock-up Presence of Case Multiplier for plate properties Description Status pads 1 No 2 No Models + results

+ post- Verified 3 Yes processing 4 Yes

<2> FCC3 packaging storage L:\Archivage\08S.CDE3111183.01\Dynamique\NTE-20-030525-003-1.0 Balsa Plate Preload Friction coeff.

Archive Type stress hardening under the screw (MPa) coeff. Type Value (kN) head Packaging x Nominal Packaging x Nominal Packaging x Nominal Packaging x Nominal Packaging x Maximum Packaging x Maximum Packaging x Maximum Packaging x Minimum Packaging x Minimum Packaging x Maximum


<4> Detail drawings of doors of RCC internal fittings - 229 K TFXDB0580 rev. B and TFXDB0583 rev. A

<5> As-Built drawing of the RCC internal shock absorber - LPM00179001 rev. A

<6> Drawing of the wooden pads - 900 MWe fresh fuel container - 229 CSY 1930 rev. B Non-proprietary version


Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 17 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (1/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 18 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (2/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 19 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (3/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 20 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (4/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

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Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 21 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (5/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 22 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (6/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 23 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (7/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 24 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (8/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 25 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (9/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 26 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (10/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 27 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (11/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 28 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (12/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 29 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (13/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 30 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (14/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 31 of 60 FIGURE 1 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (15/15)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 32 of 60 FIGURE 2 DROP CONFIGURATION OF FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 33 of 60 FIGURE 3 ENERGY BALANCE OF FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (1/2)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 34 of 60 FIGURE 3 ENERGY BALANCE OF FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL (2/2)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 35 of 60 FIGURE 4 SCREW IDENTIFICATION FOR EQUIVALENT STRESSES For all cases Screw numbering Composition of a screw

~rr@~rrD@U~lfW fMlf@

~rr@~rrD@U~lfW Each screw stem is composed of 4 beam elements.


The stress shown in FIGURE 5 is the maximum equivalent stress value sustained by these elements over time.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 36 of 60 FIGURE 5 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL SCREWS (1/2)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 37 of 60 FIGURE 5 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 MOCK-UP MODEL SCREWS (2/2)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 38 of 60 FIGURE 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (1/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 39 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (2/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 40 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (3/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 41 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (4/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 42 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (5/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 43 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (6/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 44 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (7/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 45 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (8/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 46 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (9/10)

Dimensions in millimetres (mm). Measurements at the neutral axis for the plates.

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 47 of 60 Figure 6 GEOMETRY AND MESH OF THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (10/10)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 48 of 60 FIGURE 7 DROP CONFIGURATION OF FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 49 of 60 FIGURE 8 ENERGY BALANCE OF FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (1/4)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 50 of 60 Figure 8 ENERGY BALANCE OF FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (2/4)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 51 of 60 Figure 8 ENERGY BALANCE OF FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (3/4)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 52 of 60 Figure 8 ENERGY BALANCE OF FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL (4/4)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 53 of 60 FIGURE 9 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL SCREWS (1/5)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 54 of 60 FIGURE 9 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL SCREWS (2/5)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 55 of 60 FIGURE 9 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL SCREWS (3/5)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 56 of 60 FIGURE 9 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL SCREWS (4/5)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 57 of 60 FIGURE 9 EQUIVALENT STRESSES IN THE FCC3 PACKAGING MODEL SCREWS (5/5)

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 58 of 60 APPENDIX 1 POWER-TYPE BEHAVIOUR LAW FOR METALLIC MATERIALS (1/2)

Metallic materials follow a behavioural law defined by a strictly increasing strain hardening curve, extrapolating beyond necking using a power law and class C1 continuity at the connection.

This law corresponds to the type material model of LS-DYNA "MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_


Conventional quantities (Re, Rp1%, Rm, A) are converted into true quantities (y, 1%, 1%, u, u) :

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 59 of 60 APPENDIX 1 POWER-TYPE BEHAVIOUR LAW FOR METALLIC MATERIALS (2/2)

Calculation of coefficients n and k for the power law ( type equation).

Calculation of the coordinates of points of the power law:

The point (EPS2; ES2) is not used here as the quantity Rp1% is not available.

In this case, coefficients n and k become:

Non-proprietary version

Form: PM04-4-MO-6 rev. 03 Unrestricted Orano Orano NPS Identification: DOS-19-021165-011-NPV Version 1.0 Page 60 of 60 APPENDIX 2 CALCULATION OF SCREW PRELOAD (1/1)

The minimum and maximum preload in the screws can be calculated using the screw tightening torques (see section 3), as follows (as per Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable.):

1 0577 2


F0: the preload due to the tightening torque applied to the screw (N);

C: screw tightening torque (N.m) C= Nm; C : uncertainty for the tightening torque (%): C = %;

the friction coefficient at the screw threads and under the screw head (see §3.5);

p: screw pitch (m) p= mm; d2: screw thread flank diameter (m), d2 = mm as per Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable.;

d: nominal diameter of the screw: d= mm (m);

rm: mean radius of the contact zone under the screw head (m),  ;

de: outer diameter of the contact surface under the screw head (m):

de = de screw for screws without washer; de = min (de screw ; de washer) for screws with washer; de screw : outer diameter of screw head (m);

de washer : outer diameter of washer (m);

di: inner diameter of the contact surface under the screw head (m):

di = db for screws without washer; di = max (db; di washer) for screws with washer (for screws with captive washer, di = db);

db: diameter of the screw hole (m);

di washer : inner diameter of washer (m).




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