Category:Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts
MONTHYEARML23348A3572023-12-14014 December 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology – Slides and Affidavit for Pre-Submittal Meeting ML22231B1762022-09-0707 September 2022 Pre-Submittal Meeting - 10 CFR 50.69 and TSTF-505 License Amendment Requests (EPID L-2022-LRM-0065) (Slides) ML21314A0642021-11-10010 November 2021 Pre-submittal Presentation: River Bend Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Relief Request to Adopt Performance Based Testing for Pressure Isolation Valves (Pivs); November 10, 2021 ML21309A0622021-11-0909 November 2021 NRC Slides for November 9, 2021, Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project Public Meeting ML21312A0342021-11-0909 November 2021 Combined Slides for November 9, 2021, Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project Public Meeting ML21266A1122021-08-16016 August 2021 August 16 Predecisional Enforcement Conference Redacted License Slide - September 22, 2021 ML21200A1792021-07-31031 July 2021 Scale/Melcor Non-LWR Source Term Demonstration Project - High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor ML21013A0022021-01-25025 January 2021 Public Meeting Slides - River Bend Waste LAR Pre-Sub 1-25-2021 ML20269A3452020-09-28028 September 2020 Pre-submittal Meeting for Request for One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Biennial EP Exercise (Offsite) Due to COVID-19- Entergy Presentation Slides ML20262H2662020-09-22022 September 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting - Request for One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix E Biennial Emergency Preparedness Evaluated Offsite Exercise Requirements Due to COVID-19 Pandemic ML19346C9042019-12-17017 December 2019 Pre-Submittal Meeting - Proposed License Amendment Request - Incorporate Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator (TMRE) Into the River Bend Licensing Basis December 17, 2019 ML18275A2722018-09-13013 September 2018 Enclosure 2 - River Bend Station Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis of Boraflex Storage Racks with NETCO-SNAP-IN Rack Inserts ML18283B9402018-09-13013 September 2018 Revised Proprietary Identification for Gnf Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation on River Bend Station Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis of Boraflex Storage Racks with NETCO-SNAP-IN Rack Inserts ML18228A7432018-08-23023 August 2018 Pre-Submittal Meeting Proposed License Amendment Request Spent Fuel Pool Neutron Absorber Inserts and Criticality Safety Analysis ML18107A7642018-04-17017 April 2018 Additional Topic for the April 18, 2018 Public Telephone Conference with Entergy on River Bend Station, Unit 1 License Renewal Application ML18107A3342018-04-10010 April 2018 Tech Spec Change Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation Slides ML18099A2362018-04-0909 April 2018 Topics for the April 10, 2018 Public Call with Entergy on River Bend Station, Unit 1 License Renewal Application ML17283A3102017-10-12012 October 2017 10/12/2017, Meeting Slide Regarding NRC Pre-application Meeting River Bend Station Spent Fuel Pool Inserts and Criticality Safety Analysis ML17293A5032017-09-12012 September 2017 License Renewal Application Review Public Scoping Meeting 9-19-2017 ML17142A3552017-05-25025 May 2017 05/25/2017 River Bend Station (RBS) License Renewal Application (LRA) NRC Presentation ML17074A3522017-03-29029 March 2017 3/29/2017, Entergy Presentation for River Bend Station Pre-submittal Meeting for Control Building Air Conditioning New Technical Specification License Amendment ML16119A3422016-04-28028 April 2016 Summary of Regulatory Conference to Discuss Safety Significance of River Bend Station Control Building Chilled Water System Apparent Violation ML16092A0342016-04-0101 April 2016 Evaluation of RBS Remote Shutdown Panel Rooms ML16092A0292016-04-0101 April 2016 Technical Paper on Loss of AC Bus Initiator for RBS ML16092A0362016-04-0101 April 2016 Calc Control Sheet Attachment 22 ENTR-078-CALC-003, Rev 4 Page 216 of 219 ML16092A0322016-04-0101 April 2016 PRA Change Summary for Reg Conf Letter 3-22 Final ML16092A0302016-04-0101 April 2016 Response to NRC Concern with Temperature Effects on Safety-Related Electronics in Main Control Room ML16092A0372016-04-0101 April 2016 Potential Greater than Green (a)(4) Violation ML12275A5492012-10-0101 October 2012 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss the Performance of the Subject Facilities, Recent Organizational Changes, and Current Regulatory Issues ML1117906392011-06-28028 June 2011 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Operations Inc ML1117901522011-05-20020 May 2011 Summary of Annual Performance Assessment Meeting for River Bend Station ML1029403512010-10-19019 October 2010 10/182010 Summary of Public Meeting with Entergy Operations to Discuss Initiatives to Improve Plant Reliability ML0935201272009-12-18018 December 2009 Nrc/Entergy Operations, Inc., Management Meeting ML0920907732009-07-28028 July 2009 July 28, 2009 Meeting Slides from Entergy Operations(River Bend Station) to Discuss Ri ISI ML0812801922008-05-0606 May 2008 04-29-2008 River Bend End-of-Cycle Meeting Summary ML0712005272007-04-30030 April 2007 Nrc/Entergy Operations, Inc. Management Meeting to Discuss the Performance of Arkansas Nuclear One, Cooper, Grand Gulf, River Bend and Waterford, Unit 3 ML0712005252007-04-30030 April 2007 Summary of Annual Performance Assessment Meeting for River Bend Station ML0514501982005-05-25025 May 2005 Summary of Annual Performance Assessment Meeting for River Bend Station ML0510304092005-04-13013 April 2005 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. River Bend Station Performance and Improvement Initiatives ML0328101732003-09-25025 September 2003 Entergy Operations, Inc.'S Presentation for Management Meeting Held on 09/25/2003. See ML032801514 for Cover Letter and Attendance List ML0323705292003-08-22022 August 2003 Summary of Nrc/Entergy Operations, Inc. Management Meeting ML0229700492002-10-0808 October 2002 Handouts of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., Re Alternative Souce Term License Amendment Application ML0208107562002-03-19019 March 2002 Operator Licensing Workshop Meeting Summary 2023-12-14
[Table view] Category:Slides and Viewgraphs
MONTHYEARML23348A3572023-12-14014 December 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology – Slides and Affidavit for Pre-Submittal Meeting ML22231B1762022-09-0707 September 2022 Pre-Submittal Meeting - 10 CFR 50.69 and TSTF-505 License Amendment Requests (EPID L-2022-LRM-0065) (Slides) ML22164A8012022-06-13013 June 2022 Entergy Fleet (GGNS, RBS, and WF-3) - Code Case N-752 RR 6-14-22 Pre-Submittal Public Meeting Presentation Slides ML21319A2452021-11-15015 November 2021 Natrium Energy Island Decoupling Strategy - 11-17-2021 ML21314A0642021-11-10010 November 2021 Pre-submittal Presentation: River Bend Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Relief Request to Adopt Performance Based Testing for Pressure Isolation Valves (Pivs); November 10, 2021 ML21306A3162021-11-0909 November 2021 Digital IC Presentation 11/09/2021 ML21309A0622021-11-0909 November 2021 NRC Slides for November 9, 2021, Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project Public Meeting ML21312A0342021-11-0909 November 2021 Combined Slides for November 9, 2021, Technology Inclusive Content of Application Project Public Meeting ML21266A1122021-08-16016 August 2021 August 16 Predecisional Enforcement Conference Redacted License Slide - September 22, 2021 ML21200A1792021-07-31031 July 2021 Scale/Melcor Non-LWR Source Term Demonstration Project - High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor ML21013A0022021-01-25025 January 2021 Public Meeting Slides - River Bend Waste LAR Pre-Sub 1-25-2021 ML20269A3452020-09-28028 September 2020 Pre-submittal Meeting for Request for One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Biennial EP Exercise (Offsite) Due to COVID-19- Entergy Presentation Slides ML20262H2662020-09-22022 September 2020 Pre-Submittal Meeting - Request for One-Time Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix E Biennial Emergency Preparedness Evaluated Offsite Exercise Requirements Due to COVID-19 Pandemic ML19346C9042019-12-17017 December 2019 Pre-Submittal Meeting - Proposed License Amendment Request - Incorporate Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator (TMRE) Into the River Bend Licensing Basis December 17, 2019 ML18283B9402018-09-13013 September 2018 Revised Proprietary Identification for Gnf Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation on River Bend Station Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis of Boraflex Storage Racks with NETCO-SNAP-IN Rack Inserts ML18275A2722018-09-13013 September 2018 Enclosure 2 - River Bend Station Spent Fuel Pool Criticality Analysis of Boraflex Storage Racks with NETCO-SNAP-IN Rack Inserts ML18228A7432018-08-23023 August 2018 Pre-Submittal Meeting Proposed License Amendment Request Spent Fuel Pool Neutron Absorber Inserts and Criticality Safety Analysis ML18107A3342018-04-10010 April 2018 Tech Spec Change Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation Slides ML18075A1232018-03-20020 March 2018 Entergy Nuclear Operations - March 20, 2018, Presentation Slides for Surveillance Frequency Control Program, UFSAR Change Considerations ML17283A3102017-10-12012 October 2017 10/12/2017, Meeting Slide Regarding NRC Pre-application Meeting River Bend Station Spent Fuel Pool Inserts and Criticality Safety Analysis ML17293A5032017-09-12012 September 2017 License Renewal Application Review Public Scoping Meeting 9-19-2017 ML17249A2502017-09-0606 September 2017 Updated Entergy Handout for River Bend and NRC Public Conference Call on September 11, 2017, to Discuss Technical Specification Task Force Traveler 542 ML17187A0462017-08-0202 August 2017 License Renewal Pre- Application Coordination Meeting 1 River Bend Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 - Summary of Meeting Held on April 25, 2017 ML17187A0272017-08-0202 August 2017 License Renewal Application, NRC Presentation Summary of Meeting Held on May 25, 2017 ML17142A3552017-05-25025 May 2017 05/25/2017 River Bend Station (RBS) License Renewal Application (LRA) NRC Presentation ML17074A3522017-03-29029 March 2017 3/29/2017, Entergy Presentation for River Bend Station Pre-submittal Meeting for Control Building Air Conditioning New Technical Specification License Amendment ML16119A3422016-04-28028 April 2016 Summary of Regulatory Conference to Discuss Safety Significance of River Bend Station Control Building Chilled Water System Apparent Violation ML12275A5492012-10-0101 October 2012 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss the Performance of the Subject Facilities, Recent Organizational Changes, and Current Regulatory Issues ML1134706402011-12-13013 December 2011 Predecisional Enforcement Conference Summary NRC Investigation Report 4-2010-064 ML1117901522011-05-20020 May 2011 Summary of Annual Performance Assessment Meeting for River Bend Station ML1032601252010-11-19019 November 2010 Presentation Slides for the RBS Decommissioning Pec Public Meeting ML1029403512010-10-19019 October 2010 10/182010 Summary of Public Meeting with Entergy Operations to Discuss Initiatives to Improve Plant Reliability ML0935201272009-12-18018 December 2009 Nrc/Entergy Operations, Inc., Management Meeting ML0920907732009-07-28028 July 2009 July 28, 2009 Meeting Slides from Entergy Operations(River Bend Station) to Discuss Ri ISI ML0719002022007-07-0909 July 2007 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., Regarding Discussion of River Bend Station Plans for Improving Human Performance and Corrective Action Program ML0617802712006-03-0707 March 2006 RIC 2006 Presentation - T2E - Vincent Coulehan - Use of Operating Experience (Regulator/Operator/Licensee) ML0615902322006-03-0707 March 2006 2006/03/07- - RIC 2006 Presentation - T1F - Garry G. Young - License Renewal ML0615901582006-03-0707 March 2006 03/07/2006 - RIC 2006 Presentation - T1E - John F. Mccann - License Renewal ML0607204302006-03-0101 March 2006 March 1, 2006 Public Meeting Slides for Proposed Generic Letter Post-Fire Safe-Shutdown Circuit Analysis Spurious Actuations. ML0532206852005-11-17017 November 2005 Nrc/Entergy Operations, Inc. Management Meeting 11/10/05 ML0514501982005-05-25025 May 2005 Summary of Annual Performance Assessment Meeting for River Bend Station ML0510304092005-04-13013 April 2005 Summary of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. River Bend Station Performance and Improvement Initiatives ML0422602762004-08-12012 August 2004 Meeting Summary of the August 8, 2004 Public Workshop - Region IV Operator Licensing Feedback ML0323705292003-08-22022 August 2003 Summary of Nrc/Entergy Operations, Inc. Management Meeting ML0318902592003-07-0202 July 2003 Summary of Regulatory Conference with Entergy Operations, Inc. River Bend Station ML0314003602003-04-17017 April 2003 Meeting Summary for Annual Performance Assessment for River Bend Station 2023-12-14
[Table view] |
River Bend Station Pre-Submittal Meeting 10 CFR 50.69 and TSTF-505 License Amendment Requests September 7, 2022
2 Agenda PRA Model Technical Adequacy 10 CFR 50.69 License Amendment Request (LAR) Overview TSTF-505 LAR Overview Current Schedule Closing Remarks
3 PRA Model Technical Adequacy Internal Events and Internal Flooding
- Finding closure review (per Appendix X to NEI 05-04/07-12/12-13) (2020)
- Finding closure review per Appendix X (2021)
- All internal events (including internal flooding) PRA model finding-level facts and observations (F&Os) are closed
4 PRA Model Technical Adequacy Fire
- The full-scope peer review was conducted against all technical elements in Part 4 of the ASME/ANS PRA Standard
- Focused-scope peer review of the at-power internal events human reliability analysis high level requirements HLR-HR-D and HLR-HR-I for specific pre-initiator human error probabilities modified for the fire PRA (2019)
- Self-assessment and finding closure review per Appendix X (2020)
- All fire PRA model finding-level F&Os are closed
5 PRA Model Technical Adequacy FLEX Strategies Credited in PRA Models
- FLEX strategies were incorporated into the PRA models via the PRA maintenance process (not a PRA upgrade)
- FLEX equipment data was developed using generic values in PWROG-18042-P, Rev. 1 and NUREG/CR-6928
- Plan to submit the results of a FLEX sensitivity study
- Independent review of the FLEX modeling was performed in 2022
6 PRA Model Technical Adequacy Uncertainty
- PRA models were reviewed for key sources of uncertainty using NUREG-1855 (Rev. 1), EPRI TR-1026511, and EPRI TR-1016737
- Each potential key source of uncertainty was evaluated specifically for each application (50.69 & RICT)
PRA Maintenance
- Regularly scheduled PRA updates will occur every two fuel cycles
- Categorization results and impacts to the RICT program will be evaluated for issues that result in significant impacts to the model (25% increase for CDF/LERF or a factor of three increase in the corrected Birnbaum value of a monitored MSPI train or component)
7 10 CFR 50.69 LAR Overview Requested Change to the Operating License Entergy is approved to implement 10 CFR 50.69 using the processes for categorization of Risk-Informed Safety Class (RISC)-1, RISC-2, RISC-3, and RISC-4 Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) using: Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) models to evaluate risk associated with internal events, including internal flooding, and internal fire; the shutdown safety assessment process to assess shutdown risk; the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 (ANO-2) passive categorization method to assess passive component risk for Class 2 and Class 3 and non-Class SSCs and their associated supports; the results of the non-PRA evaluations that are based on the IPEEE Screening Assessment for External Hazards updated using the external hazard screening significance process identified in ASME/ANS PRA Standard RA-Sa-2009 for other external hazards except seismic; and the alternative seismic approach as described in Entergys original submittal letter dated [DATE], and all its subsequent associated supplements as specified in License Amendment No. [XXX] dated [DATE].
8 10 CFR 50.69 LAR Overview
- Non-PRA evaluations such as external events screening and shutdown assessment
- Alternative approach for seismic risk categorization (Tier 1) using EPRI 3002022453
- Seven qualitative criteria in Section 9.2 of NEI 00-04
- Defense-in-depth assessments
- Passive categorization using ANO-2 methodology
- Incorporates industry learnings
9 10 CFR 50.69 LAR Overview External Hazards
- Updated using criteria in ASME/ANS PRA Standard RA-Sa-2009
- All external hazards screened from applicability except internal flooding, internal fire, and seismic activity
- Future identification of unscreened hazards will follow NEI 00-04, Figure 5-6
10 10 CFR 50.69 LAR Overview Seismic Risk
- Approach for seismic categorization per EPRI Final Report 3002022453 issued in Sep. 2021
- RBS meets the criteria for Tier 1 methodology; for Tier 1 plants, the Ground Motion Response Spectrum (GMRS) is either very low or similar to the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) such that unique seismic categorization insights are expected to be minimal
- EPRI Report 3002022453 uses the same methodology for Tier 1 that was reviewed and approved by the NRC (Calvert Cliffs Amendment 332/ML19330D909)
- The development process for the EPRI Final Report is depicted below
11 10 CFR 50.69 LAR Overview Shutdown Risk and Integral Assessment
- Shutdown risk follows the process illustrated in NEI 00-04, Figure 5-7
- Will use the shutdown safety management plan described in NUMARC 91-06
- Integral Assessment performed manually using NEI 00-04, Section 5.6
12 10 CFR 50.69 LAR Overview Integrated Decision-Making Panel (IDP)
- Categorization results are used as inputs to arrive at a preliminary component categorization, which are presented to the IDP
- Once the IDP confirms the process was followed appropriately, the final Risk Informed Safety Class (RISC) can be assigned
- The IDP composition will be composed of a group of at least five experts and will have collective experience in plant operation, design, systems, safety analysis, and PRA
- At least three members will have a minimum of five years of experience at the plant
- At least one member will have a minimum of three years experience in the modeling and updating of the plant-specific PRA models
13 TSTF-505 LAR Overview
- Risk-Informed Completion Time (RICT) program methodology consistent with NEI 06-09-A; adherence to NEI 06-09-A will be required by the RICT program
- RICT will apply to MODES 1 and 2 only
- River Bend previously adopted TSTF-439 (elimination of second completion times), which is necessary to adopt TSTF-505, Rev. 2
- Incorporates industry learnings (admin. controls paragraph e, PRA maintenance, discussion on RMAs in Enclosure 12, etc.)
14 TSTF-505 LAR Overview Request the Addition of TS 5.5.16 - Risk Informed Completion Time Program
- Administrative controls are consistent with TSTF-505, Revision 2 and incorporates improved phrasing for paragraph e, which is provided below:
- e. The risk assessment approaches and methods shall be acceptable to the NRC. The plant PRA shall be based on the as-built, as-operated, and maintained plant; and reflect the operating experience at the plant, as specified in Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 2. Methods to assess the risk from extending the Completion Times must be PRA methods approved for use with this program in Amendment No. [###], or other methods approved by the NRC for generic use; and any change in the PRA methods to assess risk that are outside these approval boundaries require prior NRC approval.
15 TSTF-505 LAR Overview Seismic Risk Addressed Using a Conservative Penalty
- RBS is more robust than was credited in the safety/risk assessment for Generic Issue 199 due to conservatisms in the NRCs assumption that the plant high confidence low probability of failure (HCLPF) is equal to the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) (0.1g)
- RBS conducted a re-assessment of seismic CDF and calculated revised fragility values by two independent methods (1) hybrid method (HCLPF = 0.5g) and (2) separation of variables method (HCLPF = 0.3g)
- The revised plant-level fragility used in calculating SCDF is the more conservative fragility (HCLPF = 0.3g)
- The conservative estimate for SCDF uses a HCLPF of 0.3g and convolves the corresponding failure probabilities as a function of the seismic hazard level for RBS
- This is a commonly used approach to conservatively estimate SCDF when a seismic PRA is not available (Section 10-B.9 of the ASME/ANS PRA Standard)
- The CDF and LERF penalties will be applied to each RICT calculation
16 TSTF-505 LAR Overview Real Time Risk Model
- The RICT program will utilize the Configuration Risk Model used for existing Maintenance Rule a(4) program
- PHOENIX Risk Analysis Software
- Incorporates RICT calculation feature
- Utilizes single fault tree, all hazard model, re-quantified for each configuration
- One-Top model will be validated to produce identical results to individual hazards
17 TSTF-505 LAR Overview Variations from TSTF-505, Rev. 2
- RBS TS based on NUREG-1434, with some minor and administrative differences (e.g.,
numbering, formatting)
- Notes are added, where appropriate, to preclude use of RICT during a TS loss of function
- Improved phrasing for RICT program administrative controls in TS 5.5.16
- A RICT is proposed for some plant specific Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) and justifications are included
18 TSTF-505 LAR Overview Example Variation - TS 3.7.7 - Control Building Air Conditioning (CBAC) System
19 TSTF-505 LAR Overview Example Variation - TS - Low-Low Set (LLS) Valves
20 Current Schedule Plan to submit 10 CFR 50.69 LAR by the end of September 2022 Plan to submit TSTF-505 LAR by the end of November 2022 Approval requested within 13 months (1 month NRC acceptance jjjjreview, 12 month LAR review)
Plan to implement the amendment within 60 days (50.69) and 180 jjjjdays (TSTF-505) following approval
21 Closing Remarks 10 CFR 50.69 LAR PRA models are technically adequate SSC categorization follows NEI 00-04 and EPRI Tier 1 method for seismic TSTF-505 LAR Consistent with TSTF-505, Rev. 2 and NEI 06-09-A Minimal variations (e.g., RBS specific TS)
Uses same PRA models and PRA maintenance process Will not use RICT during a TS loss of function A penalty will be applied to each RICT to account for seismic risk