ML21160A018 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Framatome ANP Richland |
Issue date: | 04/19/2021 |
From: | NRC/RGN-II |
To: | Framatome |
References | |
EPID I-2021-002-0115 IR 2021002 | |
Download: ML21160A018 (4) | |
Framatome, Inc.
Framatome, Inc. - Richland Facility Docket Number:
07001257 License Number:
SNM-1227, Amendment 13 Inspection Report Number:
2021-002 Enterprise Number:
EPID: I-2021-002-0115 Inspection Dates:
May 17-23, 2021 Inspection Procedure(s):
IP 86740 - Inspection of Transportation Activities IP 88015 - Nuclear Criticality Safety Inspector(s):
Fuel Facility Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Region II Office P: 404-997-4432 E: Gregory Goff Fuel Facility Inspector U.S. NRC Region II Office P: 404-997-4744 E:
Inspection Document Request for NRC Inspection at Framatome, Inc. - Richland Facility The following is a broad list of documents the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspectors are interested in reviewing prior to the on-site inspection visit. The current version of these documents is expected unless specified otherwise. Electronic media such information to facilitate the selection of specific inspection samples. Some of the information requested may not apply to the facility. The licensee is not required to provide documents that are already available in ADAMS. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the information requested, please contact the NRC inspection team lead.
A. IP 86740 - Inspection of Transportation Activities (G. Goff)
(See ML20328A116 for new procedure revision)
- 1. Documents Requested for In-Office Preparation
- a. Organization chart for the transportation department
- b. Listing the type(s) of package(s) used by the licensee
- c. Inspection, operation, and maintenance implementing procedures applicable to the preparation and packaging for the type(s) of package(s)
- d. Registration for the type(s) of package(s)
- e. Safety Analysis/Evaluation Report(s) for the type(s) of package(s)
- f. Drawings for the packages the licensee uses
- g. Manifests and records for the last shipments and the type of package used for each shipment
- h. List of condition reports for last 12 months (or since last inspection) pertaining to radioactive material (RAM) shipment and transportation activities
- i.
Any independent audits or assessments of the RAM transportation program (most recent report or QA surveillance)
- 2. Documents/Support Requested for On-site Inspection
- a. Any 71.95 reports since the last inspection, in progress, or planned for the near future (the next 90 days)?
- b. Training records for individuals responsible for RAM shipping and transportation
- c. Inspection checklist for the last outgoing RAM shipments include contents of the package, to include weight, isotope, and physical form.
- d. Radiological survey records for the packages for the last shipments as well as the survey records for the delivery vehicle
- e. Receipt inspections/surveys for the packages for the last shipments and the delivery vehicle
- f. Any transportation activities scheduled for the week of the inspection B. Inspection Procedure 88015 - Nuclear Criticality Safety (D. Edwards)
(See ML20213C588 for new version)
- 1. Documents Requested for In-Office Preparation
- a. Any new or revised NCS program procedures since the last NCS inspection (if none, please indicate)
- b. List of corrective actions program entries or internal events since the last NCS inspection related to NCS issues
- c. List of changes in the NCS organization in the last 12 months that were subject to the position-specific requirements of the license.
- d. List of qualified [UO2 - Reprocessing/Recovery], operators
- e. List of plant modifications in the [UO2 - Reprocessing/Recovery] in past 12 months
- f. Time/location of operations shift turnover for [UO2 - Reprocessing/Recovery]
- g. NCS Evaluation(s) covering [UO2 - Reprocessing/Recovery]
- h. List of areas/processes that will not be operating during the inspection
- i.
Schedule showing IROFS-related activities planned for the week of the inspection
- j.
The current CAAS detector placements calculation report
- k. Validation Reports if new or revised
- i. The licensee's response to the 2/26/21 SCALE User Notification of a cross section error concerning the h-poly material.
- l.
Audit(s) and self-assessment(s) of the NCS program since the last NCS inspection if any.
- n. Any other CAAS tests or maintenance records (since the last inspection)
- o. Procedure for putting compensatory measure in place when CAAS is out
- p. Evacuation procedure, maps, and training material (current/most recent)
- q. Post-criticality dose assessment procedure
- 2. Information to be provided onsite to the inspector during the inspection week.
- b. Qualification and training records for any NCS staff that have completed an NCS qualification since the last NCS inspection.
- c. Supporting documents for areas to be selected. (HAZOPS, P&ID drawings, etc.)
- d. Any updates to the program that have occurred since the inspection information request.
- e. A list of any IROFS maintenance CAAS maintenance, plant modification work, or unusual activities going on during the week inspectors are onsite.
Activities to be performed after entrance meeting/During the inspection.
- 1. Tour of the areas of interest with most senior area operator
- 2. Accompany NCS auditor on weekly audit Miscellaneous Requests
- 1. Provide NRC inspectors access to the Framatome condition report system.