ML21137A341 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/18/2021 |
From: | Gregory Roach NRC/RGN-III/DRS/OLB |
To: | |
Roach G | |
Shared Package | |
ML20136A266 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML21137A341 (36) | |
Davis-Besse DB1LOT21 NRC Exam Admin JPM A1.1
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 1 of 8 Facility: Davis-Besse Task No:
005-012-04-0100 Task
Identify required notifications for a contaminated injured person K/A
2.1.38 (3.8) Job Performance Measure No: A1.1 (New)
NRC Examiner:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance ___
Actual Performance _X_
Classroom _X_
Simulator ___
Plant ___
Read to the examinee:
I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.
When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Task Standard:
Identify all notifications required by regulatory requirement and their associated reporting time requirements for a contaminated injured person and associated news release.
Required Materials:
NOP-OP-1015, Event Notifications NOBP-OP-1015, Event Notifications NOBP-OP-1015-01, Event Notification Review Aid General
None Initiating Cue:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Time Critical Task:
No Alternate Path:
No Validation Time:
45 minutes
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 2 of 8 EXAMINER COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
The plant is operating in Mode 1 at 100% power A News Release is being drafted at this time for the following event A mechanic, working on Makeup Pump 1, fell and injured their back The First Aid Team responded and treated the individual RP reported the injured person is contaminated The contaminated injured person was transported by ambulance to the local hospital and admitted as a patient for further treatment INITIATING CUES:
You are the Shift Manager, document below all required notifications for the above items AND the associated time limits IAW NOP-OP-1015, Event Notifications (Hand Candidate a copy of NOP-OP-1015, Event Notifications NOBP-OP-1015, Event Notifications NOBP-OP-1015-01, Event Notification Review Aid)
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 3 of 8 CANDIDATE COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
The plant is operating in Mode 1 at 100% power A News Release is being drafted at this time for the following event A mechanic, working on Makeup Pump 1, fell and injured their back The First Aid Team responded and treated the individual RP reported the injured person is contaminated The contaminated injured person was transported by ambulance to the local hospital and admitted as a patient for further treatment INITIATING CUES:
You are the Shift Manager, document below all required notifications for the above items AND the associated time limits IAW NOP-OP-1015, Event Notifications
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 4 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE: Critical steps denoted with a "C". Failure to meet any one of these standards for this item constitutes failure. Sequence is NOT critical unless denoted in the "Comments".
START TIME: _________
NOTE: Steps can be performed in any order
- 1.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Reviews NOBP-OP-1015-01, Event Notification Review Aid STANDARD: Uses the Event Notification Review Aid to Identify and circle potential Event Numbers Identifies the associated shortest Notification Times Identifies the associated NOBP Attachment Numbers Identifies if a Notification is required NOTE: May elect to not use NOBP-OP-1015-01, Event Notification Review Aid CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 2.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Reviews NOP-OP-1015, Event Notifications STANDARD: Identifies ATTACHMENT 1: EVENTS OF POTENTIAL PUBLIC INTEREST Goal of 60 Minute Response Timeframe:
Radiation exposure to an individual in excess of regulatory limits, or the transfer of a radioactive contaminated individual to an off-site medical facility.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 5 of 8
- 3.
- 1. Duty Team, SLT, ELT See NOBP-OP-1015, Event Notifications, Attachment 9 Notification O1.2 Table 1 for notification requirements Table 1 Triggers:
All medical emergencies responded to by the First Aid Team, Emergency Medical Technicians, or the Health Center Events of Potential Public Interest (EPPI) or NRC Reportable Event NOBP-OP-1015 O1.2
- 2. NRC Resident Any event or condition that causes entry into the emergency plan, emergency plan off-normals, Abnormal Operating Procedures, Off Normal Instructions, or Emergency Operating Procedures Any condition that requires a 10 CFR 50.72 notification Any notification to the NRC Headquarters duty officer NOBP-OP-1015 O1.3
- 3. Area OSHA Office Work related fatality, in-patient hospitalization or an employees amputation or an employees loss of an eye, because of a work-related incident.
NOBP-OP-1015 O1.18
- 4. NRC Operations Center Any event requiring the transport of a radioactively contaminated person to an offsite medical facility for treatment.
NOBP-OP-1015 R1.9 News release or notification to other government agency. Any event or situation related to the health and safety of the public or onsite personnel or protection of the environment, for which a news release is planned or notification to other government agencies has been or will be made.
NOBP-OP-1015 O1.12
- 5. Various Event of Potential Public Interest (EPPI)
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 6 of 8
- 4.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Review NOBP-OP-1015, Event Notifications STANDARD: Identifies the following Attachments
- 1. Attachment 9 - O1.2 Duty Teams, SLT and ELT Notifications
- 2. Attachment 10 - O1.3 NRC Resident Notification
- 4. Attachment 39 - R1.9 Transport of Radioactively Contaminated Person (NRC Operations Center)
- 5. Attachment 19 - O1.12 News Release or Notification to Other Government Agency (NRC Operations Center)
- 6. Attachment 14 - O1.7 Event of Potential Public Interest CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 5.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determines notification requirements and time limit STANDARD: Determines that a notification must be made to the Duty Team, SLT, and ELT (O1.2)
Time Limit: As Soon As Possible (ASAP). No specific notification time requirements however, notifications need to be completed to allow timely support CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 6.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determines notification requirements and time limit STANDARD: Determines that a notification must be made to the NRC Resident (O1.3)
Time Limit: No specific time restrictions but it is the sites responsibility to ensure that the NRC Resident has required information to perform his role and brief the region on the event, as necessary.
NOTE: N/A is an acceptable Time Limit, NOBP-OP-1015-01 Event Notification Review Aid CUE: None SAT UNSAT
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 7 of 8
- 7.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determines notification requirements and time limit
STANDARD: Determines that a notification must be made to OSHA (O1.18)
Time Limit: Within twenty-four (24) hours NOTE: Eight (8) hours is also acceptable, NOBP-OP-1015-01 Event Notification Review Aid CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 8.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determines notification requirements and time limit
STANDARD: Determines to notify the NRC Operations Center (O1.12 and R1.9)
Time Limits:
- 1. The licensee shall notify the NRC as soon as practical and, in all cases, within eight (8) hours of occurrence of any event requiring the transport of a radioactively contaminated person to an offsite medical facility for treatment.
- 2. The licensee shall notify the NRC as soon as practical and in all cases, within four (4) hours of the occurrence of any event or situation, related to the health and safety of the public or onsite personnel, or protection of the environment, for which a news release is planned or notification to other government agencies has been or will be made.
NOTE: Both notifications can be made at the same time, within the 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> time limit.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 8 of 8
- 9.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determines notification requirements and time limit STANDARD: Determines other notifications are required due to EPPI (O1.7 NOP-OP-1015 Attachment 1)
Time Limit: Goal of 60 Minutes NOTE: The candidate must identify that notifications are required IAW O1.7. The specific agencies are NOT required to be listed. They will be contacted by the Duty Team.
CUE: None SAT UNSAT TERMINATING CUES: This JPM is complete (Terminated by the examinee)
Davis-Besse DB1LOT21 NRC Exam Admin JPM A1.2
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 1 of 6 Facility: Davis-Besse Task No: 333-014-01-0300 Task
Perform review of a Boric Acid Batch Calculation K/A
2.1.37 (4.6)
Job Performance Measure No: A1.2 (OPSJPM307)
NRC Examiner:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance ___
Actual Performance _X_
Classroom _X_
Simulator ___
Plant ___
Read to the examinee:
I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.
When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Task Standard:
Perform review of a Boric Acid Batch Calculation, identify and correct the incorrect information in the calculation.
Required Materials:
DB-OP-06001, Boron Concentration Control Attachment 2 (completed) and Attachment 7 DB-NE-06201, Reactor Operator Curve Book Procedure Straight edge, Calculator General
None Initiating Cue:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Time Critical Task:
No Alternate Path:
No Validation Time:
19 minutes
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 2 of 6 EVALUATOR COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
A plant startup is in progress TI RC 7 indicates Tavg is 582 F PRS RC2A1 indicates RCS Pressure is 2155 PSIG PZR Level is 220 inches RCS Boron concentration is 1000 PPM INITIATING CUE:
Reactor Engineering recommends lowering RCS boron concentration to 975 PPM to ensure Control Rod index is adequate to complete the power increase to 100%
A Reactor Operator has performed a batching calculation per DB-OP-06001, Boron Concentration Control, Attachment 2: Batching Equations.
The Shift Manager directs you to perform a review of the boric acid batching calculation and approve the batch addition or make any corrections if necessary.
The batch will be made from CWMT 1 with a boron concentration of 0 ppm (Provide examinee a copy of completed Attachment 2 and Attachment 7 of DB-OP-06001 and DB-NE-06201)
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 3 of 6 CANDIDATE COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
A plant startup is in progress TI RC 7 indicates Tavg is 582 F PRS RC2A1 indicates RCS Pressure is 2155 PSIG PZR Level is 220 inches RCS Boron concentration is 1000 PPM INITIATING CUE:
Reactor Engineering recommends lowering RCS boron concentration to 975 PPM to ensure Control Rod index is adequate to complete the power increase to 100%
A Reactor Operator has performed a batching calculation per DB-OP-06001, Boron Concentration Control, Attachment 2: Batching Equations.
The Shift Manager directs you to perform a review of the boric acid batching calculation and approve the batch addition or make any corrections if necessary.
The batch will be made from CWMT 1 with a boron concentration of 0 ppm Document the results of your review on this page.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 4 of 6 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE: Critical steps denoted with a "C". Failure to meet any one of these standards for this item constitutes failure. Sequence is NOT required unless denoted in the "Comments".
- 1.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Verify RCS temperature recorded on Attachment 2 STANDARD: RCS average temperature recorded: 582 F CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 2.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Verify RCS pressure recorded on Attachment 2 STANDARD: RCS Pressure recorded: 2155 + 14.7 = 2169.7 to 2170 PSIA CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 3.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Verify RCS Volume recorded on Attachment 2 STANDARD: DB-NE-06201, Figure 7, RCS Volume: 11375 to11385 ft3 CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 4. PERFORMANCE STEP: Determine the RCS Specific Volume from Attachment 7 of
DB-OP-06001 value recorded on Attachment 2 is incorrect STANDARD: Determine RCS Specific Volume recorded is incorrect. From bottom of Attachment 7 of DB-OP-06001, determine actual value is 0.02245 ft3 /lbm NOTE: May also interpolate a value for Specific Volume = 0.02240 to 0.02250 CUE: None SAT UNSAT
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 5 of 6
- 5.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Verify RCS Boron concentration recorded on Attachment 2 STANDARD: Initial RCS Boron concentration: 1000 PPM CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 6.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Desired RCS Boron concentration recorded on Attachment 2 STANDARD: Desired RCS Boron concentration: 975 PPM CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 7.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Batch Solution Boron concentration recorded on Attachment 2 STANDARD: Batch Solution Boron concentration: 0 PPM CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 8.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determine calculated mass of the RCS is incorrect and calculate
........C........ correct value STANDARD: Determine calculated mass of the RCS is incorrect.
Calculate the mass of the RCS by dividing the RCS Volume by the Specific Volume as follows:
(11375 to11385) ft3 (0.02240 to 0.02250) ft3 /lbm = 505555 to 508259 lbm CUE: None SAT UNSAT
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A1.2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 6 of 6
- 9.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determine the total calculated mass is incorrect and calculate
........C........ correct value STANDARD: Determine the total calculated mass is incorrect.
Calculate the total mass by adding the mass of the RCS to the constant for the mass of the MU System as follows:
(505555 to 508259) lbm+ 23765 lbm = (529320 to 532024) lbm CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 10. PERFORMANCE STEP: Determine the calculated batch size is incorrect and calculate
the correct value STANDARD: Determine the calculated batch size is incorrect.
Calculate the batch size as follows:
(.12) (529320 to 532024) (975 - 1000) = (1628 to 1637) gallons (0 - 975)
This JPM is complete (Terminated by examinee)
END TIME: ____________
Davis-Besse DB1LOT21 NRC Exam Admin JPM A2
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 1 of 5 Facility: Davis-Besse Task No:
005-012-04-0100 Task
Initiate a Short Term Configuration Change to isolate MU6 K/A
2.2.14 (4.3) Job Performance Measure No: A2 (OPSJPM211)
NRC Examiner:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance ___
Actual Performance _X_
Classroom _X_
Simulator ___
Plant ___
Read to the examinee:
I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Task Standard:
Initiate a Short-Term Configuration Change to isolate MU6 Identify required isolation point Identify second SRO approval is required Required Materials:
NOP-OP-1014 Plant Status Control Ops Schematics, OS-002 SH 1 General
DB-OP-06006 Makeup and Purification Procedure Initiating Cue:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Time Critical Task:
No Alternate Path:
No Validation Time:
21 minutes
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 2 of 5 EXAMINER COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
The plant is at full power with all systems in normal alignment MU4 Letdown Block Orifice Isolation is open MU6 Letdown Flow Control valves positioner leads are making intermittent contact, causing RCS inventory control problems due to MU6 spurious repositioning The ATC Reactor Operator requests isolation of MU6 until the FIN Team corrects the problem with MU6 positioner leads The alignment should exist for less than one shift The FIN Team does NOT require Clearance Tags hung to repair MU6 positioner signal leads INITIATION CUE:
You are the Unit Supervisor Initiate a Short Term Configuration Change to isolate MU6 and document required log entry below.
(Hand Candidate a copy of NOP-OP-1014 Plant Status Control and Ops Schematic OS-002 SH 1)
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 3 of 5 CANDIDATE COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
The plant is at full power with all systems in normal alignment MU4 Letdown Block Orifice Isolation is open MU6 Letdown Flow Control valves positioner leads are making intermittent contact, causing RCS inventory control problems due to MU6 spurious repositioning The ATC Reactor Operator requests isolation of MU6 until the FIN Team corrects the problem with MU6 positioner leads The alignment should exist for less than one shift The FIN Team does NOT require Clearance Tags hung to repair MU6 positioner signal leads INITIATION CUE:
You are the Unit Supervisor Initiate a Short Term Configuration Change to isolate MU6 and document required log entry below.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 4 of 5 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE: Critical steps denoted with a "C". Failure to meet any one of these standards for this item constitutes failure. Specific sequence is NOT required.
START TIME: _________
- 1.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Determine isolation point for MU6
STANDARD: Determines MU85 and/or MU86 is required to be closed CUE: If asked, provide DB-OP-06006 Makeup and Purification Procedure SAT UNSAT
- 2.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Evaluate the effect of the Short Term Configuration Change from Normal Configuration on the following:
Personnel safety Technical Specification related equipment Unit load (Step 4.6.2)
STANDARD: Determines no effect on Personnel safety, Technical Specification related equipment, or Unit load NOTE: Technical Specification related equipment and Unit load effects would require additional log entries if applicable. Personnel safety issues would be discussed at the pre-job brief May request RP assistance to determine dose rate and RWP requirements CUE: If asked, the Field Supervisor will request RP support SAT UNSAT
- 3. PERFORMANCE STEP: Obtain a second SRO/Shift Managers concurrence
(Step 4.6.3)
STANDARD: Request for SRO/Shift Managers concurrence, makes Unit Log entry to document concurrence (Request for concurrence is not critical if it is documented in the log entry)
CUE: (As SM/SRO) I agree with the Short Term Configuration Change SAT UNSAT
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A2 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 5 of 5
- 4. PERFORMANCE STEP: Enter authorization into the Unit Log (Step 4.6.4)
STANDARD: 1. Obtain the Shift Managers approval to place the component(s) in a Non-Normal position
- 2. Enter the authorization (two SRO's) to position MU85 and/or MU86 to a Non-Normal position into the Unit Log, describing both the normal (OPEN) and as-left position (CLOSED), and the reason for the desired change in status NOTE: Candidate may also make log entries for positioning and restoration.
CUE: None SAT UNSAT TERMINATING CUES: This JPM is complete (Terminated by the examinee)
Davis-Besse DB1LOT21 NRC Exam Admin JPM A3
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A3 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 1 of 4 Facility: Davis-Besse Task No:
333-008-01-0300 Task
Review and Approve a Waste Gas Release Permit K/A
2.3.6 (3.8) Job Performance Measure No: A3 (JPM 175)
NRC Examiner:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance ___
Actual Performance _X_
Classroom _X_
Simulator ___
Plant ___
Read to the examinee:
I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.
When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Task Standard:
Review Waste Gas Release Permit and identify errors Required Materials:
DB-OP-03012, Radioactive Gaseous Batch Release, complete to step 4.3.14 Wallboard General
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Initiating Cue:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Time Critical Task:
No Alternate Path:
No Validation Time:
45 minutes
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A3 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 2 of 4 EXAMINER COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
Plant is at 100% power.
Waste Gas RE 1822A and RE 1822B are Non-Functional No other radioactive gaseous batch release is being performed INITIATING CUES:
You have just assumed the watch and are requested to approve a Waste Gas (Waste Gas Decay Tank 3) Release Permit per step 4.3.14 of DB-OP-03012, Radioactive Gaseous Release Review the release permit and approve the release or identify on this sheet any discrepancies preventing release authorization Step 4.2.2, Verify Applicable Surveillance Requirements are Current has already been peer checked by another SRO Provide the following,
- 1. DB-OP-03012, Radioactive Gaseous Batch Release, completed up to step 4.3.14
- 2. E-Plan Wallboard
- 3. ODCM
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A3 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 3 of 4 CANDIDATE COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
Plant is at 100% power.
Waste Gas RE 1822A and RE 1822B are Non-Functional No other radioactive gaseous batch release is being performed INITIATING CUES:
You have just assumed the watch and are requested to approve a Waste Gas (Waste Gas Decay Tank 3) Release Permit per step 4.3.14 of DB-OP-03012, Radioactive Gaseous Release Review the release permit and approve the release or identify on this sheet any discrepancies preventing release authorization Step 4.2.2, Verify Applicable Surveillance Requirements are Current has already been peer checked by another SRO
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A3 NUREG-1021, Revision 11 Page 4 of 4 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE: Critical steps denoted with a "C". Failure to meet any one of these standards for this item constitutes failure. Sequence is NOT assumed unless denoted in the "Comments".
START TIME: _______
- 1.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Recognize the permit is not approved by Environmental and
___C____ Chemistry Supervisor IAW step 4.2.1.
STANDARD: Identify item 4.h of Attachment 1 has not been signed.
- 2.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Recognize Step 4.3.12 performed incorrectly
STANDARD: Identify steps 4.3.12 b. and 4.3.12 c.2. were not performed NOTE: May also identify that steps 4.3.12 a. and 4.3.12 c.1. should not have been performed CUE: None SAT UNSAT
- 3.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Recognize a 2nd tank sample has not been analyzed
STANDARD: Identify a 2nd tank sample has not been analyzed Comment: Section 4.12 Sampling and Analysis, step 4.12.4 identifies steps for Chemistry documenting second sample analysis NOTE: May also identify steps 4.12.12 and 4.13.2 should not be N/A CUE: None SAT UNSAT Termination Cue: This JPM is complete. (Terminated by the Examinee).
Davis-Besse DB1LOT21 NRC Exam Admin JPM SRO-A4
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 1 of 8 Facility: Davis-Besse Task No: 334-004-05-0300 Task
Notify State and Counties of an Unusual Event K/A
2.4.43 (3.2/3.8)
Job Performance Measure No: SRO A4 (JPM 241)
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance ____
Actual Performance __X__
Classroom ___
Simulator _X__
Plant ____
Read to the examinee:
I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.
When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Task Standard:
Notify State and Counties of an Unusual Event Required Materials:
Filled out forms,
- Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant Initial Notification Form (DBEP-010)
- Davis-Besse Emergency Notification Coversheet (DBEP-012).
None Initiating Cue:
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
Time Critical Task:
Yes Alternate Path:
No Validation Time:
10 minutes
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 2 of 8 SIMULATOR INSTRUCTIONS INITIAL CONDITION:
This JPM is not dependant on any specific simulator initial conditions since the task is administrative in nature.
The plant conditions are specified in the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cues.
If this JPM is not conducted in the simulator, the following references need to be available to the examinee:
RA-EP-02110, Emergency Notification Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Telephone Directory NOTE: The 4-way phone is currently OOS in the CTRM and the Simulator.
If the candidate uses the 4-way phone, appropriate cues will be given to the applicant by the evaluator.
If the desk phone is used, the I.F. instructor will provide the appropriate cues.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 3 of 8 EXAMINER COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
You are a spare Senior Reactor Operator in the Control Room.
The plant is being shut down due to a Reactor Coolant System (RCS) leak calculated to be 35 gpm.
The Shift Manager has declared an Unusual Event based on RCS leakage.
The Shift Manager directs you to make an initial notification to the state and counties of the emergency in accordance with RA-EP-02110, Emergency Notifications.
CUE: Provide the candidate with filled out forms,
- Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant Initial Notification Form (DBEP-010)
- Davis-Besse Emergency Notification Coversheet (DBEP-012).
CUE: This is a time critical JPM. Write in the current time and date on DBEP-010 block 3 as the classification time and date. The time critical clock starts now.
NOTE: The 4-way phone is currently OOS in the CTRM and the Simulator.
If the candidate uses the 4-way phone, appropriate cues will be given to the applicant by the evaluator.
If the desk phone is used, the I.F. Instructor will provide the appropriate cues.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 4 of 8 CANDIDATE COPY INITIAL CONDITIONS:
You are a spare Senior Reactor Operator in the Control Room.
The plant is being shut down due to a Reactor Coolant System (RCS) leak calculated to be 35 gpm.
The Shift Manager has declared an Unusual Event based on RCS leakage.
The Shift Manager directs you to make an initial notification to the state and counties of the emergency in accordance with RA-EP-02110, Emergency Notifications.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 5 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE: Critical steps denoted with a "C". Failure to meet any one of these standards for this item constitutes failure. Sequence is NOT assumed unless denoted in the Comments".
- 1.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Locate the correct procedure for emergency notification.
STANDARD: Obtains RA-EP-02110, Emergency Notification.
NOTE: Not required to use RA-EP-02110, Emergency Notification. May use instructions that are on form DBEP-012, Davis-Besse Emergency Notification Cover Sheet.
- 2.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Reviews the Initial Notification Form (DBEP-010) and Davis Besse Notification Cover Sheet (DBEP-012) and ensures Initial Notification Form is signed by the Shift Manager (DB-EP-02110 Step 6.3.4)
(DBEP-012 Communicator: Step 1)
STANDARD: Fills in the current time and date on DBEP-010 block 3 as the classification time and date per Initiating Cue.
Reviews the Initial Notification Form (DBEP 010) and Davis Besse Notification Cover Sheet (DBEP-012) and ensures Initial Notification Form is signed by the Shift Manager CUE: None SAT UNSAT
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 6 of 8
- 3.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Make Initial Notification NOTE:
The 4-way phone is currently OOS in the CTRM and the Simulator.
If asked, the applicant should be directed to use the phone that he has been trained on.
If the applicant uses the 4-way phone, appropriate cues will be given to the applicant by the evaluator.
If the desk phone is used, the I.F. Instructor will provide the appropriate cues.
Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher does NOT answer initial call.
4-Way Phone Cues
- 1. When applicant picks up handset.
Cue: You here a dial tone.
- 2. After the RED speed dial button at the bottom of the phone is pressed.
Cue: Enter your PIN to be connected to your Bridge.
- 3. After the PIN has been entered.
- a.
You are the only participant on the call. Please wait while the other participants join the call.
- b.
This is Ottawa County.
- c.
This is Lucas County.
- 4. When applicant reads information from notification form.
Cue: Repeat back the information as it is communicated.
Desk Phone Cues
- 1. When applicant dials the phone number listed on the operator aid the I.F. phone will ring.
Cue: Enter your PIN to be connected to your Bridge.
- 2. After the PIN has been entered.
- a.
This is Ottawa County.
- b.
This is Lucas County.
- 3. When applicant reads information from notification form.
Cue: Repeat back the information as it is communicated.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 7 of 8
- 3.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Make Initial Notification using the 4-Way Phone or Desk Phone.
(DB-EP-02110 Step 6.3.5 a. and b.)
(DBEP-012 Communicator: Steps 2-5)
STANDARD: Picks up the 4-Way Phone or Desk phone in the Control Room.
- As agencies answer, identifies self by name and facility
- Record the Time of initial contact for Ottawa County and Lucas County on the Davis-Besse Emergency Notification Coversheet (DBEP-012)
- Reads the information from Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant Initial Notification Form (DBEP-010)
- Records Completion Time of Call
- Records if the 4-Way Phone was used when making the notification COMMENT: Critical Items
- 4-Way Phone must be picked up within 15 minutes of the event declaration time
- Correctly reporting the data to the initial local phone recipients and recording the information on the DB-EP-012 is also critical CUE:
As described above Time 4-Way Ring-Down phone is picked up: __________
- 4.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Notify Shift Manager that the Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher was not notified.
STANDARD: Informs Shift Manager that the Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher did not answer the 4-Way Ring-Down Circuit.
COMMENT: This step may not be needed if applicant proceeds to use alternate notification methods without being prompted.
If notified, tell the applicant to continue with notifications as directed by procedure RA-EP-02110, Emergency Notification.
Appendix C, Rev. 11 Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Admin JPM A4 Page 8 of 8
- 5.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Sign the Davis-Besse Emergency Notification Coversheet (DBEP-012) and check the location on the form.
(DB-EP-02110 Step 6.3.6)
STANDARD: Sign the Davis-Besse Emergency Notification Coversheet (DBEP-012) and check the location on the form.
COMMENT: This step may be performed after JPM Step 6.
- 6.
PERFORMANCE STEP: Contact Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher.
(DB-EP-02110 Step 6.3.7)
STANDARD: Locates the Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher (614) 466-2660 or Administrative Office (614) 644-7622 telephone number.
COMMENT: The phone numbers are in the Immediate Notification Numbers tab of the Davis-Besse Emergency Plan Telephone Directory. Have the applicant point out and then dial one of the numbers.
NOTE: The 4-way phone or desk phone may be used to make this call.
Answer the phone as either the Ohio Highway Patrol Dispatcher or the Administrative Office depending on who was dialed.
SAT UNSAT TERMINATING CUES: This JPM is complete. (Terminated by the evaluator).