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Idaho State University Response to the 09/13/2020 RAI
Person / Time
Site: 07001374
Issue date: 08/25/2020
From: Lybecker D
Idaho State University
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
OSPerez NMSS/DFM/FFL 301.415.7827
Shared Package
ML20268A201 List:
Download: ML20268A202 (7)


  • IdahoState niversity August 25, 2020 ATTN:Document Control Desk
Director, Office of Nuclear MaterialSafety andSafeguards U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington,DC 20555-0001 RE:Additionalinformation for updated roster DocketNumber(70-1374)

DearMr.Siurano-Perez Inresponsetoyour letter dated August 13, 2020, regardingoursubmission ofan updatedroster associated with SNMLicense Number 1373, Iamwriting tosupply additional information.

Asyounoted, Attachment IVofourlicense application datedSeptember26, 2016 (ADAMSAccession Number ML16279A282) states that the minimum qualificationsfor theResponsible University Officer (currently theVicePresident ofResearch) areas follows:

a.PhDorequivalent education ina scientific/engineering/technology field, and b.Atleast5years ofsupervisory/administrative experience.

Ihaveattached mycurriculum vitae indicating morethan 5years of administrative experience.MyPhDisinpolitical science with anemphasis inenvironmental policy, whichisscience related. Inaddition, Iamsupported byDr. David Rodgers, the Associate Vice President for Research, whoholds a PhDinGeology. Theguidance for a ResponsibleUniversity Official for a broad scope license states theindividual must be a member ofsenior management. AtISU, theVice President forResearch isa member ofthesenior management teamandcanindependently ensure resources areavailable tosupporttheISUradiation safety program asnecessary.

Attachment IVofourlicense application further states that theminimum qualifications fortheReactor Supervisor asfollows:

a.BSinanengineering orphysical science field.

b.Atleast2 years ofexperience related tonuclear reactor operations (need nothave powerreactor experience).

c.Passtherequirements, orequivalent, for having a Reactor Operator License, and obtain a Senior Reactor Operator License within oneyear ofqualifying for theReactor OperatorLicense.

d.Mustmaintain certification asa Senior Reactor Operator.

921South8thAve.Stop8130I Pocalio,ID83209-8130 I(208)282-2592I

TheCV (attached) for Mr.Jonathan Scott, ourReactor Supervisor indicates inTraining, thathe has a.B.S. and M.S. degrees innuclear engineering; b.Four years ofexperience asa licensed reactor attheMissouri operator Universityof Science andTechnology; andtherefore c.Meets therequirements tobea licensed operator reactor Theshutdown ofourcampus inMarch of2020 duetotheCOVID-19pandemic resulted incancelling theoperator license exams scheduled Mayof2020.

for Mr.Scott was planningtotest for anSRO license. Theexams havebeenrescheduled for September 2020,atwhich time Mr.Scott will test for anSROlicense. Until Mr.Scott an obtains SROlicense, Dr. MaryLouDunzik-Gougar willcontinue toactasReactor Supervisor.

Ifyouhave anyadditional questions, please contact meviaemail at iybecjonnwjsm.e@

Sincerely, (D ^

t)D Donna Lybecker '

ActingVice President forResearch IdahoState University Pocatello, Idaho 83209 CC.

Mr.OsirisSiurano-Perez, NRC(email),

Mr.Kevin Ramsey, NRC(email),

Dr.MaryLouDunzik-Gougar, ISU(email),

Dr.John Longley, ISU(email),

Dr.Jonathan Scott, ISU(email)

Dr.Donna L.Lybecker Acting Vice Presidentfor Research Idaho University State Campus Box8073 Idaho Pocatello, 208-282-3331 RESEARCH ANDTEACHING F1ELDS:


Environmental Politics Public Policy Relations International Border Politics Politics Comparative Latin AmericanPolitics EDUCATION DOCTORALSTl'DIES Colorado University.,

State Ph.D. inPolitical Science, August 2003 Dissertation: ofMexican "Decentralization Environmental andWater Policy: California Baj.a and Sonora" MASTERSDEGREE Tulane M.A.inPolitical University, Science, August 1996 UNDERGRADUATESTUDIES Grinnell College, Grinnell, lowa, B.A.Religious StudiesandB.A. LatinAmerican Studies, May1992 Universidad Iberoamericana.MexicoCity, D.F., Mexico, StudyAbroad Program, 1991 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CURRENTPOSITION Acting VicePresident forResearch,IdahoState University,2020topresent.

Idaho Professor, StateUniversity, Department ofPoliticalScience, 201S topresent.

PAST ACADEMIC POSITIONS Idaho Chair, StateUniversity, ofPolitical Department Science, 2014 to2020.

Assistant Dean,IdahoState University, Graduate School,August2018 toJuly 2019.

Associate Idaho Professor, StateUniversity, Department ofPolitical Science, 2011 to2015.

Assistant Idaho Professor, State University, Department ofPolitical Science, 2007to2011 Assistant ThePennsylvania Professor, University, State Altoona College: Aug2004 toJune 2007.

D.LLybecker 2 SELECT RESEARCH POSITIONS ANDEXPERIENCE National Advisory Committee (NAC) member U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2016- present.

= Investigated andevaluated environmental issues among NAFTA/USMCAcountries

= Evaluate reports ondomestic environmental issues a Serve asenvironmental issuearea expert Academic Researcher Joint Venture Agreement with USDA,U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, FortCollins, CO: August 2004 toDecember 2005

  • Quantitative Analysis ofPublic Values, Objective, Beliefs andAttitudes Related to Forests andRangelands (SAS) a identification and Analysis of Longitudinal Values, Objective, Beliefs andAttitudes Data a Author ofArticles onthe Values Data andPublic andManagement Opinions for Management Scientific Technician 11 Johnson Controls, Inc. forU.S. Geological Survey, Ft. Collins, CO:July 2001 toDecember 2004 a Investigated andevaluated institutional and trans-boundary issuesonAz-Sonora border a Wrote reports onU.S.-Mexico border environmental issues a Wrote reports forthe Environmental Impact Statement for Cabeza PrietaNtl.

Wildlife Refuge a Analyzed environmental concerns inCabeza PrietaNational Wildlife Refuge RESEARCH ACTIVITY SELECT RECENT PL:BLICATIONS: REFEREED JOliRNAl ARTICI ES Wolters, Erika Allen, DonnaL.Lybecker, Frances Fahy, andMonica L.Hubbard. 2019.

"Willingness tosupport environmental actions andpolicies: A comparative study," Social Science Journal. (Available online 31May2019:

m uun AwA acomi Am A 1 A v A 4 41o" W * .)

LiHuang, Felix Hiefent Liao,Kathleen A.Lohse, Danielle M.Larson, Michail Fragkias, Donna L.Lybecker, Colden V Baxter. 2019. "Land conservation canmitigate freshwater ecosystem services degradation due toclimate change ina semiarid catchment: Thecaseof thePortneuf River catchment, Idaho. l!SA,Science of the I'otalEnvironment, Vol.651(Part 2):1796-1809.

Christopher Felt, Michail Fragkias, Danielle Larson, Felix Heifent Liao, Kathleen A.Lohse, DonnaL.Lybecker. 2013. A comparative study of u rban fragmentation patterns insmall and mid-sized citiesof I daho.Urban Ecosystems, Vol 2 1, Issue 5: 805-816.

MarkK.McBeth andDonna L.Lybecker. 2018. "TheNarrative Policy Framework, Agendas, andSanctuary Cities: TheConstruction ofa Public Problem." Policy StudiesJournal (Symposium: Advances inthe Narrative Policy Framework), Vol. 868-893.


DonnaL.Lybecker, MarkILA4cBeth, AdamBrewer, andCarine DeSy.2018. TheSocial Construction of a Border. The US-Canada Border." Journal of B orderlandsStudies, Vol.33, No.4:529-547.


E Lybecker, D.L.(Principal),"Extension toGlobal Nuclear Energy LandscapeSupport BEA Energy Policy Post Doc," Battelle Energy Alliance LLC-BEA-1NL, $10,000.00. September (start:

2019, end: December 2020). Funded Lybecker, D.L. (Principal), "Global Nuclear Energy Landscape Support-BEA Energy Policy Post Doc," Battelle Energy Alliance LLC-BEA-INL, $104,745.00. November (start: 2018, end:

December 2019).Funded Lohse, K.A.(Principal),Larson, D.(Co-investigator), Baxter, C.(Co-investigator),


L.(Co-Investigator), Fragkias, M. (Co-Investigator), Liao, F. "Towards (Co-investigator),

ONEIdaho: An investigation of socialecological system boundaries anddomains acrossMILES sites.,"National Science Foundation EPSCoR idaho, $238,852.00. (start: end:

2015, June 30, 2017). Funded.

Goodwin, P.(Principal), Rodgers, D.(Co-Principal), Boll, J.(Co-Principal), Benner,S.(Co-Principal), Lohse, K.A.(Supporting), Delparte, D. M (Supporting), Baxter,C.(Supporting),

Lybecker, D.L.(Supporting), Kobs, S.E.(Supporting) "EPSCOR Track RII L Managing Idaho's Landscapes for Ecosystem Services," National Science Foundation, $20,000,000.00.

(start:June 2013, end:,/une 2018). Funded.

Jonathan Scott 5208 Rock Hollow Lane (573)466-279 Idaho Falls, ID83401 EDUCATIONAND TRAINING Missouri University of Science andTechnology, Rolia, MO M.S. Nuclear Engineering Thesis:Diagnosis ofOral Cancer using Time-Step CTImages Missouri University ofScience and Technology, Rolla, MO B.S. Nuclear Engineering Minor: Mathematics RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Idaho State University ReactorSupervisor Octalier 20/9 Presert Responsibilities: Prepare, andenforce prornulgate, administrative controls including all rules,regulations,instructions, andoperating procedures toensurethat the reactor facility isoperated in a safe competent, andauthorized mannerat all times.

Direct the activities oftheoperators andtechnicians in the daily operation andmaintenance ofthereactor; schedule reactor operations andmaintenance; beresponsible for the preparation, authentication, and ofall storage prescribed logs andoperating authorize records; all experiments, procedures, and changes thereto which havereceived the approval ofthe Reactor Safety Committee and/or the Radiation Safety Committee andthe Reactor Administrator.

Hold avalid SeniorReactor Operator'slicense issued bytheU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Fluor Marine Propulsion Instmetor October2018 September 2019 Responsibilities: Develop andteach radiological andenvironmental safety classes Createvarious scenarios totest the effectiveness ofvarious andqualifications.

classes Manage several internalSharePoint for various groupsand sites departments.

Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation Instmctor September2017 Septernber 2018 Responsibilities: Develop andteach radiological andemdronmental safety classes. Createvarious scenariostotest the effectiveness ofvarious andqualifications.

classes Manage several internalSharePoint sitesvarious for groups and departments.

Missouri University ofScience andTechnology MSTR: Reader Operator April 2014 December 2016 Responsibilities: Licensed tooperatetheMissouri S&TReactor without supervision ofthe senior reactoroperator.

Conduct pre-startup checidist,weeklychecklist, anddaily logs. Assist with teaching reactortraining fornewoperators, maintenance ofreactor, andaid variousexperitnents conducted atthe reactor. Helped change the coreconfiguration to increase excess reactivityofthereactorcore.

Missouri UniversityofScience andTechnology Graduate Assistant June20 13-December 2016 Responsibilities: Conductresearch inthearea oforal cancerinanattempt todevelopanalgorithm that can automatically diagnose oral cancer. Inaddi tiontodeveloping apersonal algorithm, other Iassisted graduate students with their research. Assistwith teaching sheN uclearEngineering senior class.

design Nuclear Regulatory Commission Student Engineer June20 15 August 20/5 Responsibilities: Redesignthe Department ofReactor Licensing(DORL) information andcontent distribution system toincrease theeffectiveness and efficiency ofNRCemployees, andpresented toDORLBranch results Chiefs.

Assisted Project Managers withroutine review and ofnuclear verification documentation.

reactor Interfaced with Commissioner Baran toassist withemergency preparedness exercise. Attended and passed theNRCcourseon radiation andcontamination safety PUBLICATIONS AND PROCEEDINGS ANSWinter Meeting andNuclear Technology Expo, 2014 (Anaheim, CA):

Jonathan Computer T.Scott, Aided Diagnosis of Oral C ancer: Using Time-Srep CTImages.

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Nuclear Society (2011-Present)

Women InNuclear (2011-Present)