ML20248L161 | |
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Site: | Oyster Creek |
Issue date: | 06/04/1998 |
From: | NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned) |
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ML20248L157 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9806100467 | |
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MONTHYEARML20195C4271998-11-0606 November 1998
[Table view]Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Ocnpp Mod to Install Core Support Plate Wedges to Structurally Replace Lateral Resistance Provided by Rim Hold Down Bolts for One Operating Cycle ML20154L3051998-10-14014 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Request to Defer Insp of 79 Welds from One Fuel Cycle at 17R Outage ML20248L1611998-06-0404 June 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 195 to License DPR-16 ML20217A4631998-03-23023 March 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Use of Three Heats/Lots of Hot Rolled XM-19 Matl in Core Shroud Repair Assemblies Re Licenses DPR-16 & DPR-59,respectively ML20199E4561997-11-13013 November 1997 Safety Evaluation Accepting Ampacity Derating Analysis in Response to NRC RAI Re GL-92-08, Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers, for Plant ML20149F9961997-07-18018 July 1997 Safety Evaluation Re Gpu Nuclear Operational Quality Assurance Plan,Rev 10 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station,Unit 1 & Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20133E1681997-01-0707 January 1997 Safety Evaluation Re Third 10-yr Interval ISI Plan,Rev 1 to Relief Request R11 for Plant.Proposed Alternative to ASME Requirements Authorized ML20128L1601996-10-0303 October 1996 Safety Evaluation Accepting Third 10-yr Interval Inservice Insp Plan Request for Relief R15 ML20128F4791996-10-0101 October 1996 Safety Evaluation Accepting Rev to Inservice Testing Program Re Leakage Testing of Containment Isolation Valves ML20056H2651993-08-24024 August 1993 SE Re Inservice Testing Program Requests for Relief ML20056E0911993-08-0404 August 1993 SE Re Util 930614 Response to Bulletin 93-03, Resolution of Issues Related to Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation in Bwrs. Util Justification for Not Implementing Addl Short Term Actions Acceptable ML20128P4651993-02-18018 February 1993 Safety Evaluation Accepting Util Justification for Cancelling Commitment on Five Plant Control Room Human Engineering Discrepancies Re Relocation of Shift Supervisor Ofc ML20128F1361993-02-0505 February 1993 Safety Evaluation Re Leak on Core Spray in-vessel Annulus Piping.Plant Can Be Safely Operated for One Fuel Cycle W/O Repairing Observed Leak at Listed 1/4-inch Fillet Weld ML20125C3901992-12-0707 December 1992 Safety Evaluation Re Upper Reactor Bldg & Nonsafety Architectural Components Subjected to tornado-wind Loading ML20127P2251992-11-23023 November 1992 Safety Evaluation Accepting Response to SBO Rule ML20058A7621990-10-18018 October 1990 SE Accepting Util Insp & Repairs for Igscc,Per Generic Ltr 88-01 ML20246M7561989-08-30030 August 1989 Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 890624 Response to Integrated Plant Safety Assessment Section 4.11, Seismic Design Consideration, Items 4.11(1), Piping Sys & 4.11(3), Electrical Equipment ML20247A7061989-07-17017 July 1989 Safety Evaluation Supporting Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.2 Re Periodic on-line Testing of Reactor Trip Sys ML20245C1711989-06-15015 June 1989 Safety Evaluation Re Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3 Re Reactor Trip Sys Reliability for All Domestic Operating Reactors ML20244C8501989-06-12012 June 1989 Safety Evaluation Accepting Util Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.3 Re on-line Testing for Reactor Trip Sys NUREG-1000, Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 831114 & 851023 Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Part 1),confirming That All Applicable Components Identified as safety-related1989-04-0303 April 1989 Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 831114 & 851023 Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Part 1),confirming That All Applicable Components Identified as safety-related ML20235X1281989-03-0606 March 1989 Safety Evaluation Supporting Licensee Request to Extend Second 10-yr Inservice Insp & Testing Interval Until 911014 ML20205P5291988-11-0404 November 1988 Safety Evaluation Supporting Util Submittal Re Compliance W/Atws Rule 10CFR50.62 Concerning Alternate Rod Injection & Recirculation Pump Trip Sys ML20207L0831988-10-11011 October 1988 Safety Evaluation Re Systematic Evaluation of Ipsar Topic VII-1.A, Isolation of Reactor Protection Sys from Non-Safety Sys. Issue Resolved IR 05000219/19840311988-03-0404 March 1988 Safety Evaluation Concluding Util Compliance W/Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.1,3.1.2,3.2.1,3.2.2 & 4.5.1,based on Util 831114,850809,0509,1023 & 871223 Descriptions of Planned & Completed Actions & Insp Rept 50-219/84-31 on 841126-30 ML20149L6381988-02-18018 February 1988 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Standby Liquid Control Sys Operation ML20236Q5311987-11-0606 November 1987 Safety Evaluation Re Safety Limit Violation on 870911.Safety Significance Considered Low Due to Adequate Core Cooling & Low Decay Heat Levels.Basis for Conclusion Elaborated in Encl Insp Rept 50-219/87-29 ML20235E0661987-09-22022 September 1987 Safety Evaluation Re Corrosion of Drywell Shell.Licensee Meets NRC Requirements as Specified in 861224 Safety Evaluation ML20207S2311987-03-13013 March 1987 Safety Evaluation Re Generic Ltr 84-09 Re Hydrogen Recombiner Capability.Licensee Should Provide Nitrogen Containment Atmosphere Dilution Sys Capable of Isolating Air from Containment Whenever Isolation Signal Occurs ML20212M3561987-03-0303 March 1987 Safety Evaluation Rejecting Util Schedule for Completion of Mark I Containment Program Re Vacuum Breaker Integrity. Required Vacuum Breaker Parts Should Be Replaced Prior to Startup from Cycle 12 Refueling Outage ML20207M2081986-12-29029 December 1986 Safety Evaluation Re Corrosion of Drywell Shell Line Break in Isolation Condenser.Operation of Plant for Cycle 12 Safe W/Drywell Steel Plates Not Fully in Conformance W/Fsar.Util Shall Provide Plans for Mitigating Problem by 870630 ML20215F3681986-12-15015 December 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Util Response to IE Bulletin 86-002 Re Static O-Ring Differential Pressure Switches ML20211M3911986-11-28028 November 1986 Safety Evaluation Re Deferment of NRC Required Mods from Cycle 11R Outage,Including SPDS Implementation,Isolation Condenser Makeup Pump,Intake Canal Level Instrumentation & Masonry Wall Mods.Request Acceptable ML20214A5571986-11-14014 November 1986 Safety Evaluation Re Insp & Repair of Reactor Coolant Piping Sys & Supporting Return to Operation for Next Operating Cycle ML20213G5551986-10-31031 October 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 860903 Submittal Re Insp of Core Spray Sparger Sys in Current Cycle 11 Refueling Outage.Licensee Satisfied Requirements of License Condition 2.C.(7) for Current Cycle 11 Refueling Outage NUREG-0822, Safety Evaluation Finding Integrated Plant SAR (NUREG-0822), Section 4.12 Complete W/Exception of Three Issues,Including Evaluation of Drywell for Concrete Subj to High Temps & Thermal Transients1986-10-29029 October 1986 Safety Evaluation Finding Integrated Plant SAR (NUREG-0822), Section 4.12 Complete W/Exception of Three Issues,Including Evaluation of Drywell for Concrete Subj to High Temps & Thermal Transients ML20197B8801986-10-10010 October 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 850924 Proposal Not to Replace Existing Containment Purge & Vent Isolation Valves W/New Clow Valves ML20215E7261986-10-0101 October 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Cancellation of Torus Pool Temp Indication & Thermal Mixing Mods ML20204F9721986-07-28028 July 1986 Corrected Page 3 to 860522 Safety Evaluation Re Integrated Plant Safety Assessment Rept,Section 4.38, Locas. Correction Concerns Licensee Maint to Repack Four MSIVs Each Refueling Outage ML20210K2481986-04-22022 April 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 831114 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 1.2, Post-Trip Review,Data & Info Capability ML20141D4261986-03-31031 March 1986 Safety Evaluation Re Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Post-Maint Testing (Program Description & Procedure). Tech Specs Incorporating post-maint Testing of Reactor Protection Sys Components Should Be Proposed ML20141N0451986-02-24024 February 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Deferment of Feedwater Nozzle Insps Until Cycle 12R Outage Scheduled for 1988 ML20205H7981986-01-21021 January 1986 Safety Evaluation Re Venting & Purging Containment During Plant Operation.Rationale Utilized for Design & Operation of Purge/Vent Sys Acceptable ML20136A9351985-12-23023 December 1985 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Response to Items 2(b) & 3 of IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design. Licensee 850726 Request Re Wall Mods to Be Completed During Operating Cycle 11 Not Addressed ML20137Q7621985-11-22022 November 1985 Safety Evaluation Supporting Determination That Max 150 F Drywell Temp Acceptable for Containment Safety,Drywell Steel & Concrete Structural Components & Normal Plant Operations. Tech Specs Re Limiting Factors Requested ML20128H5241985-05-28028 May 1985 Safety Evaluation Supporting Environ Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety.Proposed Resolutions for Environ Qualification Deficiencies Acceptable ML20126K1221981-03-29029 March 1981 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 54 to License DPR-16 1998-06-04 Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT MONTHYEARML20217K4451999-09-30030 September 1999
[Table view]Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20211P6731999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20211A7051999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station.With ML20209G0631999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20212H5491999-06-18018 June 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 4 to HI-981983, Licensing Rept for Storage Capacity Expansion of Oyster Creek Spent Fuel Pool ML20195E7961999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20206N7431999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20205P5401999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20204C8201999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20195E8321998-12-31031 December 1998 10CFR50.59(b) Rept of Changes to Oyster Creek Sys & Procedures, for Period of June 1997 to Dec 1998.With ML20199E4671998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20198D2091998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20195J8591998-11-12012 November 1998 Rev 11 to 1000-PLN-7200.01, Gpu Nuclear Operational QA Plan ML20195C4271998-11-0606 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Ocnpp Mod to Install Core Support Plate Wedges to Structurally Replace Lateral Resistance Provided by Rim Hold Down Bolts for One Operating Cycle ML20155J3021998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20154R4981998-10-20020 October 1998 Core Spray Sys Insp Program - 17R ML20154L3051998-10-14014 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Request to Defer Insp of 79 Welds from One Fuel Cycle at 17R Outage ML20154L5571998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20154Q3371998-09-30030 September 1998 Rev 8 to Oyster Creek Cycle 17,COLR ML20237D5691998-08-31031 August 1998 Rev 0 to MPR-1957, Design Submittal for Oyster Creek Core Plate Wedge Modification ML20151V6311998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20237D5711998-08-18018 August 1998 Rev 0 to SE-000222-002, Core Plate Wedge Installation ML20237B0131998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20236R0511998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20248L1611998-06-0404 June 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 195 to License DPR-16 ML20249B2981998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station 05000219/LER-1998-009, :on 980501,fire Program Requiring Testing Was Missed.Caused by Inadequately Transferring Test Requirements Into Procedures.B HVAC Sys Was Returned to Service on 980502 W/Fire Watch Posted as Required1998-05-29029 May 1998
ML20151Y4651998-03-31031 March 1998 Non-proprietary Version of Rev 1 to GENE-E21-00143, ECCS Suction Strainer Hydraulic Sizing Rept ML20216K0341998-03-31031 March 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20217A4631998-03-23023 March 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Use of Three Heats/Lots of Hot Rolled XM-19 Matl in Core Shroud Repair Assemblies Re Licenses DPR-16 & DPR-59,respectively ML20212E2291998-03-0404 March 1998 Rev 11 to 1000-PLN-7200,01, Gpu Nuclear Operational QAP, Consisting of Revised Pages & Pages for Which Pagination Affected ML20216J0841998-02-28028 February 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20203B2781998-02-16016 February 1998 10CFR50.59(b) Rept of Changes to Oyster Creek Systems & Procedures ML20203A3801998-01-31031 January 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generation Station ML20217C7591997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Environmental Operating Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20198P1791997-12-31031 December 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1997 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station ML20197E9131997-11-30030 November 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1997 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station ML20199E4561997-11-13013 November 1997 Safety Evaluation Accepting Ampacity Derating Analysis in Response to NRC RAI Re GL-92-08, Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers, for Plant ML20199D4381997-10-31031 October 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1997 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station ML20202E8511997-10-21021 October 1997 Rev 0 to Scenario 47, Gpu Nuclear Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Emergency Preparedness (Nrc/Fema Evaluated) 1997 Biennial Exercise. Pages 49 & 59 of Incoming Submittal Were Not Included ML20211M9481997-10-0303 October 1997 Supplemental Part 21 Rept Re Condition Effected Emergency Svc Water Pumps Supplied by Bw/Ip Intl Inc to Gpu Nuclear, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generation Station.No Other Nuclear Generating Stations Effected by Notification ML20198J7361997-09-30030 September 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1997 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20211B7461997-09-24024 September 1997 Part 21 Rept Re Failure of Emergency Service Water Pump Due to Threaded Flange Attaching Column to Top Series Case Failure.Caused by Dissimilar Metals.Pumps in High Ion Svc Will Be Upgraded to 316 Stainless Steel Matl ML20210V0181997-08-31031 August 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1997 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 1999-09-30 |