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Refers to GL 92-01,Rev 1,Supplement 1, Rv Structural Integrity, Issued in May 1995.RAI Re Plant 971013 Submittal of Revised Rv Weld Chemistry Valves Encl.Response Requested within 90 Days of Receipt of Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1998
From: Wichman K
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Bateman W
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
GL-92-01, GL-92-1, NUDOCS 9805260188
Download: ML20247M163 (4)



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%;f MEMORANDUM TO:, LWilliam H. Bateman, Director Project Directorate IV-2 Division of Reactor Projects lil & IV FROM:

eith R. Wichman, Chief Section A Materials and Chemical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering


REVISED FORT CALHOUN STATION REACTOR VESSEL WELD CHEMISTRY VALUES The NRC issued Generic Letter (GL) 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1 (GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1),

" Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity"in May 1995. The purpose of this GL was to request licensees to identify, collect, and report any new data pertinent to the analysis of the structuralintegrity of their RPVs and to assess the impact of those data on their RPV integrity analyses relative to the applicable requirements.

By letter dated August 17,1995, the licensee committed to participate in a Combustion Engineering Owners Group (CEOG) Reactor Vessel Working Group (RVWG) task performing a comprehensive eva!uation of best estimate copper and nickel values for CE fabricated reactor vessel welds. In July 1997 the CEOG issued the report that contains the results of this evaluation. By [[letter::LIC-97-0159, Forwards Revised FCS Reactor Vessel Weld Chemistry Values. Table Summarizes Original Values Submitted in OPPD for FCS Versus Revised Copper,Nickel & Chemistry Factors Resulting from Use of Rev 2 to CE-NPSD-1039|letter dated October 13,1997]], the licensee submitted revised Fort Calhoun Station reactor vessel weld chemistry values.

The staff requires further information to complete its assessment of the Fort Calhoun submittal.

In the attached Request for Additional Information (RAl), the staff has listed the outstanding questions. The NRC staff requests that you provide a response to the attached request for additionalinformation within 90 days of receipt of this letter Docket No.: 50-285


As stated cc: R. Wharton, PM


A. D. Lee, NRR (301)415-2735 DISTRIBUTION:

IFile Center r SSheng EMCB RF MMitchell EJSullivan PUBLIC MKhanna AHiser JMedoff G:\\ LEE \\CLHN_RAI.WPD To receive a copy of this document, indics.te in the box C= Copy w/o attachment / enclosure E= Copy with attachment / enclosure N = No copy sh2. RJrtut_,


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.May 14, 1998 l


William H. Bateman, Director Project Directorate IV 2 Division of Reactor Projects 111 & IV FROM:

Keith R. Wichman, Chief Section A Materials and Chemical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering





The NRC issued Generic Letter (GL) 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement 1 (GL 92-01, Rev.1, Supp.1),

" Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity"in May 1995. The purpose of this GL was to request licensees to identify, collect, and report any new data pertinent to the analysis of the structural integrity of their RPVs and to assess the impact of those data on their RPV integrity analyses relative to the applicable requirements.

By letter dated August 17,1995, the licensee committed to participate in a Combustion Engineering Owners Group (CEOG) Reactor Vessel Working Group (RVWG) task performing a comprehensive evaluation of best estimate copper and nickel values for CE fabricated reactor vessel welds. In July 1997 the CEOG issued the report that contains the results of this evaluation. By [[letter::LIC-97-0159, Forwards Revised FCS Reactor Vessel Weld Chemistry Values. Table Summarizes Original Values Submitted in OPPD for FCS Versus Revised Copper,Nickel & Chemistry Factors Resulting from Use of Rev 2 to CE-NPSD-1039|letter dated October 13,1997]], the licensee submitted revised Fort Calhoun Station reactor vessel weld chemistry values.

The staff requires further information to complete its assessment of the Fort Calhoun submittal.

In the attached Request for Additional Information (RAI), the staff has listed the outstanding questions. The NRC staff requests that you provide a response to the attached request for additionalinformation within 90 days of receipt of this letter Docket No.: 50-285


As stated cc: R. Wharton, PM CONTACT:

A. D. Lee, NRR (301)415-2735 l

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The limiting material for the Fort Calhoun RPV changed from the 3-410 tandem weld heat 27204/27204 to the tandem heat 27204/12008 as a result of the licensee's evaluation of the new CEOG RVWG data. The [[letter::LIC-97-0159, Forwards Revised FCS Reactor Vessel Weld Chemistry Values. Table Summarizes Original Values Submitted in OPPD for FCS Versus Revised Copper,Nickel & Chemistry Factors Resulting from Use of Rev 2 to CE-NPSD-1039|letter dated October 13,1997]], indicates that the RTers value of the limiting materialincreased from 267'F to 269'F. The docketed information which the licensee supplied in response to GL 92-01, Revision 1 cited 249'F as the current RTers value for the limiting material. The docketed information received to date does not account for the change in the RTers value from 249'F to 267'F. In order to have accurate values for assessing RPV embrittlement, please complete the attached Table for the limiting vessel weld. Include a reference for the fluence value that was used in the new assessment. The information provided will be used in updating the Reactor Vessel Integr'ty Database (RVID).


Note that RPV integrity analyses utilizing newly identified data could result in the need for license amendments in order to maintain compliance with 10 CFR Part 50.60,10 CFR 50.61 (pressurized thermal shock, PTS), and Appendices G and H to 10 CFR Part 50, and to address any potential impact on low temperature overpressure (LTOP) limits or pressure-temperature (P-T) limits, if additionallicense amendments or assessments are necessary, please provide a schedule for such submittals.


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