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Final Task List:Control Room Operator
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/17/1986
Shared Package
ML20237H956 List:
NUDOCS 8708250241
Download: ML20237H993 (90)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .

      -                                   PACE 1 0F 90 FINAL TASK LIST:

Control Room Operator l

                                            <      \                                  ~

prepared for Rancho Seco Training t be e General Physics 8708250241 870828 PDR ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ V ADOCK 05000312 ppg

l PAGE 2 0F 90 l

          '                                                                 i NED - Name Editor / General Physics Corporation RANCHO SECO CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR Survey sheet names / Page 1 / 01-17-1986 001    CONTROL RCD DRIVE SYSTEM 002    REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM
  * ~






PAGE 3 0F 90 I t NED - Name Editor / General Physics Corporation



             '          081           HYDROGEN (H2) GAS STORAGE SYSTEM                         '




e i- lPAGE-4 0F'90 -

                                                                                                                        -l SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics-Corporation l

Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #001: CONTROL ROD DRIVE. SYSTEM l l' l l l ,001/001/01/01/000 -- for Estab1'ish. initialE conditions at the operator pane a Reactor,Startup. y l !. 001/001/02/01/000 -- Perf orm control rod exercises.. l' e001/002/01/01/000 - Perf orm estimated critical position calculations ' and reactivity balance calculations

         *001/002/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform control rod programming verification:
          .001/005/01/01/000 -- Energice CRD systems.

001/003/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm the f ull length control rod assembly drop time test. 001/004/01/01/000 - - Perf orm shutdown margin calculations, 001/204/02/01/000 -- Disconnect 'and connect control rod drive shaf t from control rod. 001/005/01/01/000 -- Start up the Control Rod Drive system. 601/006/01/01/000 -- Perf orm rod group latching and position- indication alignment. 001/007/01/01/000 -- Perf orm saf ety group transf er operations between the DC hold and auxiliary power supplies.. l l 001/006/01/01/000 -- Operate control rods to shape axial. power.  ; 001/209/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Control Rod Drive System. 001/010/01/01/000 -- Manually trip the Reactor. l 001/011/01/01/000 -- Perf orm individual rod transf er operations between the normal 'and auxiliary power supplies. j 001/012/01/01/000 -- between Perf orm regulating group transf er. operations the normal and auxiliary ' power supplies.

            ~001/013/01/01/000 -- De-energice a control rod drive mechanism.

001/014/01/01/000 -- Perform a dropped rod recovery. 001/015/01/01/000 -- Recover from a sequence inhibit situation. i l 201/016/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Adjust overlap betwe3n sequLntial rods. 201/017/01/01/000 -- Recover from a loss of safety rod out-limit si tuati on. 001/018/01/01/000 -- Perform a Group 1 rod withdrawal. l l 001/019/01/01/000 -- Operate the Control Rod Drive system to bring the Reactor critical. 001/020/01/01/000 -- Shift the Control Rod Drive mode of control from manual sequential to automatic sequential. j 001/001/01/01/000 -- Shift Control Rod Drive mode of control between auto sequence & manual group or manual' individual . l j 001'CCO/01/01/0D0 -- (DELETE) Reset rod control l ogi c while at power. l \

                                                                                                                      'I l                                                                                                                         !

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PAGE-5 0F 90.
          .                                                                                                                                                                      .i 101/024'/01/01/000 -- Transf er rods to/f rom tha DC hold pow 2r - cupply.                                                                                              l 70:/005/01/01/000 -- Operate control rods manually at power.                                                                                                             1 l

l 001/005/01/01/000 - -(DELETE)-Adjust rod speeds.

         .301/029/01/01/000 - Operate the Control Rod Drive system to shutdown the' Reactor.'

001/030/01/01/000 -- Level a control rod while in the ' manual mode of control. j

        ' 501/032/01'/01/000 -- Shutdown the Control Rod Drive mechanism system.

49 dumber ' of tasks in' this surveys. 32 I l' 4 i


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  • PAGE 6 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physi cs ' Corporati on
  -                                     Print Date: 01-17-1986 5arvey sheet #002: REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM l

002/001/01/01/000 -- Perform lineups on the Reactor Coolant System. j ' ' 002/001/02/01/000 -- Perform RC System water inventory balance.

  ,.002/202/01/01/000 -- Fill the Reactor Coolant System.

002/003/01/01/000 -- Add nitrogen to the pressurizer. 002/004/01/01/000 - "ent the Control Rod Drive mechanisms. 002/004/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Inservice Hydro of RCS. . 002/005/01/01/000 -- Drain the Reactor Coolant System. 002/005/02/01/000 -- Degass RCS via pressurizer. 002/006/01/01/000 -- Drain steam generators (primary side) .

    ,.002/007/01/01/000 -- Drain the ref ueling cavity.

002/005/01/01/000 -- Fill the ref ueling cavity.

        '002/009/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Reactor Coolant System.

002/010/01/01/000 -- Establish natural circulation. 002/011/01/01/000 -- Heat up the Reactor Coolant System. . l l 002/012/01/01/000 -- Cool down the Reactor Coolant System. l l , 002/013/01/01/000 -- Establish steam bubble in pressurizer. 002/014/01/01/000 -- Establish cold overpressure protection. Number of tasits in this survey 17 1 e

PAGE 7 0F 90

                ,,                                                                                                  l SED - Survey Sheet Editor     / General. Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986-5arvey sheet #00; REACTOR COOLANT PUMP i

000/001/01/01/000 -- Start a Reactor Coolant Pump. 803/002/01/01/000 -- Monitor the opebations of the Reactor Coolant Pumps.

                   +303/003/01/01/000 -- Perf orm a normal Reactor Coolant Pump shutdown.

000/004/01/01/000 -- Perform an emergency Reactor Coolant Pump. shutdown. 300/007/01/01/200 -- Establish' Reactor Coolant Pump seal flow. 000/00B/01/01/000 -- Determine Reactor Coolant Pump seal ~ 1eakoff flo'w, .i 300/009/01/01/000 -- Establish Reactor Coolant Pump / pressurizer. spray flow.

                      ,000/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Establish electrical lineup necessary to start a reactor coolant pump j
                        + Number of tasks in this survey 8                                                           i i

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l PAGE 8 Of 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #004: MAKEUP PURIFICATION AND LETDOWN SYSTEM 004/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Makeup Purif zcation and

    ~~                           Letdown System.

004/001/02/01/000 -- Perf orm boration system flowpath verification. Fill and vent the Makeup Purification and Letdown

     .004/002/01/01/000 -- System.                                                        I 004/002/02/01/000 -- Perform boration flowpath temperature determination.                                          i
     '~004/005/01/01/000 -- Startup the Makeup Purification and Letdown System.

Perform borated water source operability I 004/005/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) verification. 004/004/01/01/000 -- Nitrogen purge the Makeup Tank l 004/004/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm boric acid pump f unctional test. , 004/005/01/01/000 -- Perform hydrogen purge and establish hydrogen overpressure on the Makeup Tank 004/006/01/01/000 -- Perf orm boron concentrate on change calculations. 804/007/01/01/000 --the Perform boron Reactor concentration Coolant System. dilution (bleed) of 304/008/01/01/000 -- Perform boration (f eed) of the Reactor Coolant i System. l 004/010/01/01/000 -- Operate a mixed bed demineralized. 004/014/01/01/000 -- Deborate startup. to a critical condition during Reactor j i 004/015/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Makeup Purification and Letdown System operation. 004/016/01/01/000 -- Perf orm excess letdown to either the Makeup Tank or rad waste 004/017/01/01/000 -- Perf orm excess letdown to the Flash Tank and coolant radwaste system I ! 004/019/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate the CVCS to collapse the steam bubble in the pressurizer. 304/020/01/01/000 -- Operate the demineralized pre-filters. 004/C21/01/01/000 -- Switch the makeup filters (post-demi neral i = er filters). 004/002/01/01/000 -- Operate letdown coolers. F 004/02 /01/01/000 -- Operate seal injection subsystem (auto-manual operation of seal injection control valve).

            .004/004/01/01/000 -- Vent a Make-up Tank 004/005/01/01/200 -- Manually make-up to the Make-up Tank Perf orm low-pressure purification using the decay CD4/C27/01/01/000 -- heat removal system.
             ;;;'02E/01/01/C00   - Degas the' Reactor Cool ant System through the Makeup Tank i

l l l

PAGE 9 OE 90 3D4/029/01'/01/000 -- Shutdown the Makeup Purification and Letdown



            ' 004/030'01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Adjust charging flow rate.

004/0~2'01/01/000 -- Adjust letdown flow rate. 394/P'O/01/01/000 -- Operate the Makeup Purification and Letdown System to increase the primary system pressure. 004/030/01/01/000 -- Add chemicals to Reactor Coolant System.


004/034/01/01/200 -- Backflush the letdown filter. 004/035/01/01/000 -- Establish emergency makeup from BWST. l 004/006/01/01/000 -- Establish HPI/ Pressurizer spray flows , 004/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognite and mitigate the eff ects of letdown cooler coil f ailure

  • I Number of tasks in this survey 35 yn a

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PAGE 10 0F 90 n SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #CC5: DECAY HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM 1 005/001/01/01/000 -- Perform lineups of the Decay Heat Removal System 1 ' 005/201/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform Decay Heat Removal System automatic closure and interlock verification.

   ,_005/002/01/01/000 -- Fill and vent the Decay Heat Removal System.

005/002/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform shutdown cooling return heater valve test 005/OC3/01/01/000 -- Start up the Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System. 005/003/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform the DHR system operability test. l during refueling operations. 005/204/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform the DHR system MOV cycling test. 005/005/01/01/000 -- Operate a Decay Heat Removal heat exchanger. j

        ,005/005/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform operability check of core cooling-systems 005/006/01/01/000 -- Perform purification of the DHR system during                j l

shutdown cooling. 005/207/01/01/000 -- Operate the DHR system with the f uel pool cooling system. 005/008/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Decay Heat Removal System. l 005/009/01/01/000 -- Add baron to the Decay Heat Removal System. 005/010/01/01/000 -- Operate the Decay Heat Removal System to supply high pressure injection pumps. 005/011/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Decay Heat Removal System. , I 005/012/01/01/000 -- Drain the Decay Heat Removal System for , maintenance. j 005/015/01/01/000 -- Fill the ref ueling cavity /tra'nsf er canal using the DHR system.

       '*005/014/01/01/000 -- Drain the ref ueling cavity usitig Decay Heat Removal System.

005/015/01/01/000 -- Establish si mul taneous DHR/RCP flow. Number of tasks in this survey 19 I l 4 j l b i l i l l 1 l l i l

               '                                   PAGE 11 0F 90 l

SED + Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #006: EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (ECCS) 006/001/01/01/000 -- Perform lineups of the ECCS J 006/001/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm ECCS pump Operability checks and vent the High Pressure Injection and Low ' 006/002/01/01/000 --Pressure Fill Inje tion Systems 006/002/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform Emergency Core Cooling System ) flowpath verification. 006/200/01/01/000 -- Fill the Core Flood Tanks. Perf orm Core Flooding System Isolation , 906/000/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Valves Alarms Actuation test. 006/004/01/01/000 -- Drain the Core Flood Tanks. Perform Core Flooding System Check Valve 006/004/02/01/000 -- (DA FTE)

    '*                               demonstration.

006/005/01/01/000 -- Adjust Core Flood Tank pressure. 006/205/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform Emergency Core Cooling System Isak rate test. 006/207/01/01/000 -- Perform a lineup to sample Core Flood Tank. 006/007/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform High Pressure Injection Flow Verification test. 006/008/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Fill the Boron Injection Tank. 006/005/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm Makeup Tank Outlet Isolat$on Valve test. l 006/209/01/01/000 -- Prepare ECCS f or a normal plant startup.

            ,_006/009/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform ECCS MOVs.

006/010/01/01/000 -- Fill the Berated Water Storage Tank. 006/011/01/01/000 -- Recirculate and/or purify the BWST. 006/012/01/01/000 -- Fill the Decay Heat Removal system from the Berated Water Storage Tank. -

             .006/013/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Manually initiate Saf ety , Injection.

4 006/014/01/01/000 -- Adjust High Pressure Injection Flow. 006/01N/01/01/000 -- Monitor the ECCS operation

          . 006/016/01/01/000 -- Operate HP1 and LPI in the long term cooling mode 006/017/01/01/000 -- Prepare HPI system for normal plant shutdown 006/018/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the HPI and LPI systems Ocz/01c/01/01/000 -- Drain ECCS for maintenance

e PACE 12 0F 90 306/020/01/01/000 -- Shift LPI suction from BWST to Em;rgan:.3' Sump. 00:/021/01/01/000 -- Establich HPI core cooling. I C06/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Establish dilution flow to prevent boren precipitation y l Number of tasks in this surveys 29 I i i I 1 n l l 9 J d

 "           '                                 PAGE 13 0F 9n                                                                                             i l

SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #007: PRESSURIZER RELIEF TANK 007/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Pressuri er Relief Tank. 007/002/01/01/000 - Fill the Pressurizer Relief Tank. l 007/003/01/01/000 - Monitor Pressurizer Relief Tank. 007/204/01/01/000 - Trartsf er the Pressurizer Relief Tank contents.

          ~007/005/01/01/000 - Add nitrogen to Pressuri=er Relief Tank.
                                                                                                                                            .            l
          007/006/01/01/000 - Vent nitrogen from Pressuri er Relief Tank.                                                                               1 007/207/01/01/000 - Recirculate Pressurizer Relief Tank.


       , Number of tasks in this surveyt 7
                                                                                                   '                                                     l 4

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 '             '                                       PAGE 14 0F 90:


  • SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Dates' 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #008: COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM q

008/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Component Cooling System l s

   "                                  (CCW).

Fill the Component Cooling Water System. 008/202/01/01/000 --

   .dO28/003/01/01/200 -- Fill the CCW System components..

008/004/01/01/000 -- Startup the CCW System. l 008/005/01/01/000 - .(DELETE) Add chemicals to the CCW System.- 008/206/01/01/000 -- Operate Component Cooling; Water, System pumps. in different combinations. 008/207/01/01/000 -- Operate Control ~ Rod DriveLcooling' pumps. 008/008/01/01/200 -- (DELETE). Operate CCW heat exchangers in different


combinations. l

            ,008/009/01/01/000 -- Monitor Component Cooling Water System. operation..                         -l 008/010/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm CCW flow balance.
            -008/011/01/01/000 -- Coordinate bleed and f eed of Component . Cooling Water System f or chemistry control.                                       >

008/012/01/01/000 -- Determine RCS to CCW system leak rate . J 008/013/01/01/200 -- Shut down segments of the CCW System. l l 008/014/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Drain segments of the CCW System. ) j 008/015/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Change CRDM filters. I

        ._008/016/01/01/000 -- Drain the CCW System components.                                                   !

l t ! -008/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm lineups of the Control Rod . Drive Cooling System

        '008/091/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize. and mitigate the ef f ects of a loss of Component Cooling Water flow                                            ;

i l Number of tasks in this_ surveys is ' i l



                                             'PAGE 15 0F 90                         l SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet 41009: REACTOR COOLANT CHEMICAL AND HYDROGEN ADDITION SYSTEM 009/001/01/01/000 -- Perform boric acid makeup to Boric Acid Storage         ;

t Tank. i 009/002/01/01/000 -- Add boric acid to various systems. 909/00'/01/01/000 -- (DrtrTE) Transfer caustic from storage tank to various tanks and domineralizers. s 309/005/01/01/000 -- Add lithium hydroxide to the Makeup Purification and Letdown System. 309/006/01/01/000 -- Add hydra:ine to the Makeup Purification and Letdown System. 009/008/01/01/000 -- Operate the Foxboro Panel , 309/009/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Reactor Ccolant Chemical and Hydrogen Addition System 1 i Numbe,r of tasks in this survey 7 l O 4 m

q l

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                                                                              .PAGE 16 0F 90
       $*t SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print.Date: 01-17-1986 3arvey sheet #010: PRESSURIZER PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM 910/001/01/01/000 -- Control.                          pressurizer pressure: in individual manual      l mode (using heaters or spray manually).                          l Transf er the Pressurizer Spray Valve f rom manual               !

210/203/01/01/000 -- to automatic pressure control. J010/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor Pressurizer pressure. ~ i 310/005/01/01/000 -- Heat up the pressuri=er with'the pressurizer heatwrs. 210/006/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineup on the Pressurizer System 010/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Pressurizer System. , 010/008/01/01/000 -- Set EMOV pressure control for Hi pressure or Lo , 1 pressure operatfon. 010/009/01/01/000 -- '(DELETE) Establish spray bypass flow. 1 010/010/01/01/000 -- Establish spray from HPI or DHR. l l I Transfer the pressurizer heaters f rom manual 010/090/01/.01/000 -- '(ADD) to automatic pressure control Number of tasks in this surveys 10 j 1 i e l L_.____.__________.___._____________o___________.___.______..._____.__ ___. __ _ _ . _

PAGE 17 0F 9n SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General. Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 6.trvey sheet #C11: PRESSURIZER LEVEL CONTROL' SYSTEM 4 r *, J 011/001/01/01/000 - Operate Pressurizer (PIR) Level Control in manual. 311/002/01/01/000 - Transf er from manual to autesmatic Pressurizer Level Control. Level Control System.

,011/003/01/01/200 - Monitor the Pressur =or i


 ' Number of tasks in this survey: 3 d

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                                                                                                          .EED - Survey Sheet Edi. tor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 sv.rvey sheet #012: REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM 012/001/01/0 /000 -- Energize the Reactor Protection System (RPS).

912/002/01/01/000 -- Place a Reactor Protection channel in.the tripped condition.

                                       . 012/003/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Bypass a trip condition on a Reactor Protection panel.

212/004/01/01/000 -- De-energize the Reactor Protection System. 312/005/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Reactor Protection System.. 012/008/01/01/000.-- Operate the Reactor Trip Breakers (open and shut). , 312/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Reset all RPS bistables 9 umber of tasks in this survey: 7 l i l l l e hW l i I.

1 PAGE 19 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation j Print Date: 01-17-1986 l Jurvey sheet #01! SAFETY FEATURES ACTUATION SYSTEM l i 013/001/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Safety Fe'tures a Actuation System 313/002/01/01/000 -- Manually initiate all f our saf ety f eatures digital

        "                          channels 00 -- Reset saf ety f eatures digital and analog channels
       ,,013/003/01/01/0                                                                                                       i' 313/000/02/01/000 -- Perf     orm ref ueling interval integrated plant response to engineered saf ety f eatures actuation.                                          l' 013/204/01/01/000 -- Bypass SFAS analog channels 01~/004/02/01/000 - -(DELETE) Perform integrated engineered safety                                                ,

f features test. 313/205/01/01/000 -- Energi:e Analog and Digital Subsystems Perform engineered safety features logic 013/005/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) and performance test. 313/206/01/01/000 -- De-energize Analog and Digital Subsystems 010/006/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform engineered safety features equipment response time test. 013/007/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm saf ety f eatures equipment operability surveillance

          '013/000/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm saf ety f eatures equipment I

inservice performance test.

            . Number of tasks in this survey: 12                                                                                !

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1 PAGE 20 0F 90 l T* EED - Survey Sheet Editor

                                             / General Physics Corporation Print Datei 01-17-1956 lurvey sheet #014: RCD POSITION INDICATION SYSTEM                                      !

I I Indi cati on B14/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Start up the Rod Position f j System Perf orm a position indication alignment during a l D14/202/01/01/000 -- . reactor startup. l Indication System.

  ,014/B03/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Rod Position l


  .214/004/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Shutdown the Rod Position Indication

System 214/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Bypass individual RPI input to group average indication " Mumber of tasks in this surveyt 5 e 2* n . kW O f 4

PAGE 21 0F 90 i EED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #015: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION' SYSTEM 015/001/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm a reactivity balance calculation. r r~ 085/203/02/01/200 -- Perf orm a power imbalance calculation comparison

     .015/204/02/01/000 -- Perf orm a quadrant power tilt calculation comparison 815/005/01/01/000 -- Monitor NI System.


         ~015/007/02/01/000 -- Perf orm heat balance calculation.

015/010/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform 0 map computer printouts. . ' Mumber of tasks in this survey 6 1 1 1 l j 4 1 ee m O O

i PAGE 22 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet 4t0le NON-NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION 016/001/01/01/000 -- Lineup the Non-nuclear Instrumentation System. 316/002/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Non-nuclear Instrumentation System. 016/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the effects of a partial or complete loss of NNI power 316/091/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the effects of a loss of subccoled natural circulation flow Number of tasks in this survey: 4 , i  ! l i r h 6

PAGE 23 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 5.trvey sheet #017: IN-CORE TEMPERATURE MONITORS In-core Temperature Monitor. 017/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate the B17/002/01/01/000 -- Monitor In-core Temperatures Recogni:e and mitigate the effects of 317/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) inadequate core cooling 4 umber of tasks in this survey 3 4 k e 4

PAGE 24 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet 44021: CONTAINMENT ENTRY AND EXIT 021/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate the personnel entry hatch / airlock (motor operated air lock doors). 221/005/01/01/000 -- Operate portable radiation monitoring equipment. 021/004/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Don and remove anti-contamination clothing 221/005/01/01/000 -- Record / report personal dosimetry. 321/006/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform containment entry and exit. 021/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor containment integrity. , i Number of tasks in this survey 6 e l l f __________________________________________J

PAGE 25 0F 90 EED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Jurvey sheet #022: REACTOR BUILDIlJG VENTILATION 022/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Reactor Building normal and emergency coolers. the Reactor Building normal and Fill and vent 322/002/01/01/000 --emergency coolers Start the Reactor Building normal _ and emergency 022/003/01/01/000 -- coolers l the Reactor Building normal and emergency J22/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor { cool ers tair and water sides) . 122/005/01/01/000 -- Operate Reactor cavity cooling f ans. 022/006/01/01/000 -- Operate containment cooler f ans. 322/007/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate spray water pumps. f 022/00B/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Reactor Building normal and emergency I coolers 822/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Operate the Control Rod Drive service structure cooling fans

     .4 umber of tasks in this survey    9 O

PAGE 26 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / Gener al Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1956 Eurvey sheet #026: CONTAINMENT BUILDING SPRAY SYSTEM 026/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineup of the Containment Building Spray System 326/002/01/01/000 -- Fill the Containment Building Spray System. t 026/002/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm containment spray and recirculation spray systems valve test. l 226/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Fill the Containment Building Spray ! Chemical Additive Tank 026/002/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm the recirculation spray subsystem pumps test. 226/004/02/01/000 -- (DF.LETE) Perf orm containment spray valves , f unctional test l 026/005/01/01/000 -- Manually initiate containment spray. 026/006/01/0"./000 -- Monitor Containment Building Spray System (Eductor type system). 326/007/01/01/000 -- Perform post accident recirculation. 026/008/01/01/000 -- Secure containment spray. 326/009/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Isolate the' Containment Building Spray System 026/010/01/01/000 -- Drain the Containment Building Spray System l Number of tasks in this survey: 12 4 i e

I 1 . PAGE 27 0F 9n SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 survey sheet #C27: (Delete) CONTAINMENT IODINE REMOVAL SYSTEM 027'/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate the Containment Iodine Removal


unit 327/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Monitor the Containment Iodine Removal units 027/003/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Test the Containment Iodine Removal units 4 umber of tasks in this surveyt 3 i l l i I 6 l 1 9

PAGE 28 OF 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 survey sheet 6028: HYDROGEN MONITOR AND PURGE SYSTEM 028/001/01/01/000 -- Perform line ups of the Hydrogen Purge System. (HPS). 928/003/01/01/000 -- Start up the Hydrogen Purge System

   .028/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Hydrogen Purge System.

328/005/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Hydrogen Purge System.

   328/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD)

Place the hydrogen analyzers in standby-028/091/01/Wi/000 -- (ADD) Place the hydrogen service . B28/092/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Monitor the hydrogen analyzers 028/093/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Shutdown the hydrogen analyzers Number of tasks in this survey: 8 1 4 O e 4

    -                                       PAGE 29 0F 90
                   . SED - Survey Sheet Editor /~ General Physics Corporation
                                    . Print Date: 01-17-1986 Gurvey sheet #029: CONTAINMENT PURGE SYSTEM

029/001/01/01/000 -- Perform lineups of the' Containment Purge System. j 929/002/01/01/000 -- Startup the Containment' Purge System - l-l- I 929/003/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Containment Purge System. e29/004/01/01/000 -- Equalize the Containment Building.- ) Number of tasks in this survey: 4 1 l 1 l


! l l l 1 e e

o , PAGE 30 0F 90 ] SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #C33: SFENT FUEL COOLING SYSTEM l


005/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups on the Spent Fuel Cooling System

                                                                                                           -i 033/001/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) pump                         '

operability check. ) 003/202/01/01/000 -- Fill the Spent Fuel Pools. 000/005/01/01/000 -- Start up the Spent. Fuel Cooling System. 300/004/01/01/000 -- Perform Spent Fuel Pool purification 003/005/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform SFP purification using a ' demineralized 033/007/01/01/000 -- Isolate and drain SFP filter,

             .030/008/01/01/000 -- Replace resin in Spent Fuel Pool domineralizer 030/009/01/01/000 -- Operate Spent Fuel Cooling System between refueling pool and Spent Fuel Pool.

030/010/01/01/000 -- Operate the SFP Skimmer System 1 l 033/911/01/01/000 - , Monitor Spent Fuel Cooling System operation. 033/012/01/01/000 -- Perform Borated Water Storage Tank purification using the Spent Fuel Cooling Systhm 033/013/01/01/000 - -(DELETE) Perf orm Borated Water Storage Tank purification using domineralizer. [ 033/014/01/01/000 -- Recirculate the SFP. 003/015/01/01/000 -- Lower refueling pool level (f uel transf er canal) . 033/016/01/01/000 -- Fill and vent SFP Purification System. 330/017 /01/01/dOO - Perf orm Spent Fuel Peel leakage test. 8:3/018/01/01/000 -- F211 the Fuel Transfer Canal. I I 000/019/01/01/000 -- Drain the Fuel Transf er Canal . 002./020/01/01/000 -- Perf orm Fuel Transf er Can.1 a purification. 033/021/01/01/000 -- Recirculate the Fuel Transf er Canal. 003/022/01/01/000 -- Perf orm Spent Fuel Pool cooling using a Decay Heat Removal System. 055/005/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Spent Fuel Cooling System. 033/024/01/01/000 -- Fill the upender pit. 000/005/01/01/000 -- Drain the upender pit. O!!/006/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Conduct Air mining of Spent Fuel Cooling Demineralized resin.

PAGE 31 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics' Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #034: FUEL HANDLING EQUIPMENT 834/001/01/01/000 --' Operate the Spent Fuel Handling bridge

     '334/002/01/01/000 -- Op'erate the new Fuel Elevator.

334/002/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Spent Fuel Bridge interlocks test. (f uel 034/003/01/01/000 -- Operate the Main Fuel Handling Bridge element change). 334/003/O' !41/000 -- Perf orm Main and Auxiliary Bridge interlocks test, 034/204/01/01/000 -- Operate Main Fuel Handling Bridge (conter1 rod f rod change) 334/004/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Main and Auxiliary Fuel Handling Bridge load test 034/205/01/01/000 -- Operate the Fuel Transfer Carriages and'Upenders 034/005/02/01/000 - Perform SFP Bridge load test. 034/006/01/01/000 -- Operate the Auxiliary Building Overhead Crane. 0~4/006/02/01/000 -- Perform New Fuel Elevator load test. 034/007/01/01/000 -- Operate the Auxiliary Fuel Handling Bridge Number of tasks in this survey: 12 [ I I I i O l L: - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

c 3 l , r

  • PAGE 32 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet' Editor / Genera 1' Physics Corporation 1

Print Date: 01-17-1986  ! I Survey sheet.#C35: ONCE THROUGH STEAM GENERATOR. SYSTEM =

      -035/001/01/01/000 --- Perf orm lineups on OTSG System.
     -035/202/01/01/000 -- Fill the OTSG (secondary).
     -035/003/01/01/000 --- Recirculate the OTSG during wet layup.

035/004/01/01/000 -- Remove the OTSG f rom wet l ayup. recirculation.

     '~035/005/01/01/000 -- Add chemicals to the OTSG                         -

035/206/01/01/000 -- Monitor the OTSG operation. 035/207/01/01/000 -- Drain the OTSG (secondary). l Number of tasks in this survey 7 l t I I l i , S l. l e

t PAGE 33 0F 90 r,- l SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation ' Print Date: 01-17-1966 Survey sheet #036: TURBINE PLANT SAMPLING SYSTEM 036/201/01/01/200 - Perform System. lineups on the Turbine Plant Sampling 036/022/21/01/000 - (DELETE) Monitor the Turbine Plant continuous sampling instrumentation. l Number of tasks in this surveys 2 , j l I H i a l l l l i l 1


i. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_______ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _


 *         -'                                 PAGE 34 0F 90                        i
                    . SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 3

Eurvey-sheet #038: STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN SYSTEM  ! 1 > l j i 038/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Steam Generator Blowdown j System. l 038/205/01/01/000 -- Perf orm blowdown of the Ster.m Generators.  !

   '038/206/01/01/200 -- (DELETE) Perf orm high level blowdown of the Steam Generators.

038/007/01/01/200 -- Monitor the Steam Generator Blowdown System. , 4 Number of, tasks in this survey 4 I 9 l 4 4 ag l l l i l l

 *                        '                                PAGE 35 0F 90                        s SED - Eurvey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation
        ~                                            Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #009: MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM SYSTEM Perf orm a lineup o f the Main and Reheat Steam i
        ,,009/001/01/01/000 -- System.

039/002/01/01/000 -- Warmup and pressurize main steam lines

          --039/005/01/01/000 --

Perform a moisture separator reheater cold start. 039/004/01/01/200 -- Perform a moisture separator reheater hot start.

           "039/005/01/01/000 -- Operate High Pressure Drain Traps.

239/006/01/01/000 -- Operate Low Pressure Drain Traps. 039/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor reheater operation. f 039/00B/01/01/000 -- Dump steam through the Atmospheric Dump Valves 039/009/01/01/000 -- Monitor'the Main and Reheat Steam System. I 039/010/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Main and Reheat Steam System. I 209/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Operate the steam line f ailure logic Number of tasks in this survey: 11 4 S I


0 PAGE 36 0F 90 s SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 5'.rvey sheet #041: (Delete) TURBINE BYPASS CONTROL SYSTEM Energite the Turbine Bypass Control 041/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) System. 041/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Shift to alternate channel (power supply) of ICS Monitor the Reactor Regulating Control "041/003/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) System Shif t to/f rom various modes of Steam Dump 941/004/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Control (DELETE) Operate the Steam Dump / Turbine Bypass 941/005/01/01/000 -- Control System in various modes.  ! De-energize the Steam Dump / Turbine Bypass 041/006/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Control System. ! l Number of tasks in this survey 6 l l l l l i i ( . 1 Im 9


PAGE 37 0F 90 , SEO - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Dates- 01-17-1986 l Eurvey sheet #042: AUXILIARY STEAM SYSTEM  ! I _j

          ,,042/001/01/01/000 -- Perform lineups on the Auxiliary Steam System,                   1 1

B42/002/01/01/000 -- Start up the Auxiliary Steam System. 1 942/000/01/01/000 -- Monitor Auxiliary, Steam System operation 042/004/01/01/000 -- Prov'ide auxiliary steam to operating loads

           '~B42/005/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Auxiliary Steam System an 942/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recogni=e and mitigate the effects of l                                     auxiliary steam supply f ailure i           '

1 l l Number of tasks in this survey 6 l a ! 4 l l


r i l I 1 5

             ..                                                                                    l I

1 PAGE 38 0F 90


SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation l


Print Date: 01-17-1986- l l Survey sheet #040: EXTRACTION STEAM SYSTEM J 1-d 043/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Extraction Steam System 343/002/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Extraction Steam System operation 04~/005/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Remove Extraction Steam f rom High Pressurs Heaters. j I-I sumber of tasks in this survey: 3 ee l l i i I 4 t l .

             -                                                                       i l

I l I  :

i l

\ i

      '                                                                                                                           PAGE 39 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date 01-17-1986                                                                                         ,


        ,044/001/01/01/000 - Startup ' Auxiliary Steam Boiler.

344/202/01/01/000 - Monitor Auxiliary Steam Boiler operation. iler.

        ? N4/203/01/01/000 - Shutdown the Auxiliary Steam Bo l
        '044/090/CS/01/000 -- ( ADD') Recognize and mitigate the eHects of 'an                                                                                                                                                         j onsite oil spill                                                                                                       I Number of tasks in this surveys 4 j

l 44 4 l -. - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -_. _ . . - - _ . _ _ _ - . - . . . - - -_ _-_- ____ ..___ - -- _ -._____..-- _-_ -____-- - - --. _ __ - a

! I PAGE 40 0F 90 l SEL - Survey Sheet Editer / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1996 Eurvey sheet 4t045: MAIN TURBINE-GENERATOR 045/001/01/01/000 -- Perform lineups of the Main Turbine Generator. l 345/001/02/01/000 -- Perform overspeed trip and backup overspeed , trip i test of the Turbine-Generator. 045/002/01/01/000 -- Start up the Turbine to rated speed. l 345/002/02/01/000 -- Perform turbine auto stop functional test. I 345/000/01/01/000 -- Perform Generator Excitation. l 045/004/01/01/000 -- Operate Generator Voltage Regulator. , 345/004/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm turbine + valve f reedom test. i 045/005/01/01/000 -- Synchronize Turbine Generator with output grid et minimum load. 345/006/01/01/000 -- Increase load on the Turbine Generator. l 045/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Turbine Generator. 345/010/01/01/000 -- Unload Turbine Generator electrically to minimum - load. l 345/011/01/01/000 -- Secure generator output and excitation. 045/012/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Turbine Generator. 345/013/01/01/000 -- Operate the Turbine Turning Gear. 945/014/03/01/000 -- Operate the Turbine Bearing Lif t Oil Pumps. Number of tasks in this survey: 15


l 1 I l

PACE 41'0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #046: GLAND SEAL STEAM SYSTEM

       ,046/201/01/01/000 -- Perf orm a lineup of Gland Seal Steam System.

346/002/01/01/000 -- Start up the Gland Seal Steam System. 046/005/01/01/000 -- Operate Gland Steam Exhausters 046/006/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Gland Seal Steam System.

    '~346/207/01/01/200 -- Monitor the Gland Seal Steam System.

046/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the effects of a loss of Gland Seal Steam System

      . Number of tasks in this survey    6 e

a i

PAGE 42 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet' Editor / General Physics Corporation

  • Frint Datet- 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet 44047: MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR LUBE DIL SYSTEM I
                .-                                                                                                                                                                 )

i Lube Oil

                 ',047/201/O'1/01/000 --System,                                                                         Perform lineups of the Main Turb ne Start Test.
                   .347/001/02/01/000 - Perf orm Lubricating 011 Pumps Auto r>347/002/01/01/000 -- Start up the Main Turbine Lube Oil System.

047/005/01/01/000 - Monitor Turbine Lube Oil System Operation. 347/004/01/01/000 - (DELETE) Operate Lube Oil Coolers. 047/005/01/01/000 - (DELETE) Operate Oil Storage Tank Heating. 347/006/01/01/000 - Shutdown the' Main Turbine Lube Oil Gystem. 047/090/05/01/000 - (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the eff ects of a loss of the Turbine Lube Oil System 347/091/05/01/000 - (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the eff ects of an onsite oil spill Number of tasks in this surveyt 9 1 l l l I l I e s-I L__________m_________._______________ __.____ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

  • PAGE 43 Dr 90 l

l SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 l Eurvey sheet #048: MAIN TURBINE ELECTRD-HYDRAULIC CONTROL (EHC) SYSTEM j ' .,048/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Electro-hydraulic Control l Hydraulic Power Unit. 4

           .348/202/01/01/000 -- (DA FTE) Fill the Hydraulic Power Unit when                 i shutdown                                               l "348/003/01/01/000 -- Start up the EHC Hydraulic Power Unit.                         l 048/204/01/01/000 -- Operate EHC Hydraulic Pumps.

D40/005/01/01/000 -- Shift EHC Hydraulic Coolers. l 048/006/01/01/000 -- Operate Polishing'Fiiters (f uller earth filters) .- I a 348/008/01/01/000 -- Fill the Hydraulic Power Unit Reservoir during normal operations. 048/010/01/01/000 -- Charge accumulators during operation. k 348/011/01/01/000 -- Monitor Electro-Hydraulic Control Hydraulic Unit I l operation. 348/012/01/01/000 -- Adjust Turbine load limits. 048/013/01/0,1/000 -- Operate the Turbine Governor Test Mechanism. 348/014/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the EHC Hydraulic Power Unit. l l 348/015/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Discharge Hydraulic Fluid while shutdown.  ! l Number of tasks in this survey 13 l l 1 1 l i e l l . I I i l l l l l I

PAGE 44 0F 90 a SED - Survey Sheet Editor / ~ General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 1

       ' Survey sheet #250: SEAL DIL SYSTEM
                                                                                                                -l 050/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups on the Seal Oil System.

350/002/01/01/000 -- Fill the Seal Oil System. t 050/003/01/01/000 -- Startup Seal Oil System. , 1 250/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor Seal Oil System operation. i

    '?50/005/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Seal. Oil System.

050/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the effects of a . Generator Oil System f ailure , 1 Number of tasks in this survey 6 i 4 4 l I 6 d

  • 1
                                                                                                                .I l

4 l i i J l 1 1 j

 +        t PAGE 45 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / Generali. Physics Corporation                                                   .l
   '                                           Print Datet 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #051: EXHAUST HOOD SPRAY' SYSTEM-                                                                          'l 051/001/01/01/000 -- Line up the Exhaust Hood Spray System.                                                          ,.

Monitor Control Spray Flow. 051/002/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Exhaust Hood Spray System. 051/003/01/01/000 - 3 Number of tasks in this survey 4 1 c


l I y l I W a. l



f: } PAGE 46 0F 9n SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation

      '                                     Print Date: 01-17-1986
      .$arvey sheet ac5;           MAIN GENERATOR HYDROGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE SYSTEM i

Perform lineups of the Gentirator Gas System. l

       ,052/001/01/01/000 --

b2/002/01/01/000 -- Remove air f rom the generator with CO2. 952/003/01/01/000 -- Remove CO2 f rom the generator with hydrogen. I d50/004/01/01/000 -- Make up hydrogen to the generator. i 252/005/01/01/000 -- Remove hydrogen from the generat'or with CO2.. 252/006/01/01/200 -- Remove CD2 f rom Main Generator with air. 332/007/01/01/002 -- Operate hydorgen gas dryer for regeneration.

    '                                                                                        \
  • l 052/208/01/01/000 -- Monitor Generator Gas System operat on.

i i1 umber of tasks in this survey B 1 l e bd 6 9 O e l l 1 1 I 4 6 O +


PAGE 47 0F 90 SEL - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation

   '                                     Print Date: 01-17-1986
J"vsv sheet #250: (Delete) STATOR COOLING WATER SYSTEM 053/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform lineups of the Stator Water Cooling System.

350/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Startup the Stator Water Cooling System. 050/000/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Fill and Vent the Stator Cooling Water Syst,em s50/004/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Monitor the Stator Water Cooling System. 150/005/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Shutdown Stator Water Cooling System. Jumb er of tasks in this survey 5


l O ! l l s i e f O

PAGE 48 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #c54: GENERATOR BUS DUCT COOLING SYSTEM 254/001/01/01/000 -' Lineup the Generator Bus Duct Cooling System.for operati on. S54/202/01/01/000 -- Perf orm a start up of the Generator Bus Duct -l Cooling System. ' 934/003/01/01/000 -- Monitor Operations of.the Generator Bus Duct Cooling System. e54/204/01/01/000 -- Shif t to alternate cooling system. 934/205/01/01/030 -- Shut down the Generator Bus Duct Cooling' System. 4-Jumber of tasks in this survey: 5 l l l .


k O d e e a 9 1 __ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ . _ . . __ _ ._. m_._ _ _ _. . . _ ...___ _ _ _ . _ . - ____.___.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _

PAGE 49 0F 90 c. 2 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / Genera 1' Physics Corporation

  • Print Date: 01-17-1986 Sbrvey sheet #055: CONDENSER AIR EJECTOR SYSTEM i i

i Perf orm line ups of the Condenser Air Ejector 055/201/01/01/000 -- System.- 955/203/01/01/000 --- Conduct Condenser Air Leakage Check. Condenser Air Ejector System  ; 355/204/01/01/000 -- Monitor the operation. . 1 655/006/01/01/000 -- Operate the Condenser Vacuum Breaker. 1 f S55/009/01/01/000 -- Operate the Hogg '". Jets. - f 055/011/01/01/000 -- Operate Steam Jet Air ~ Ejectors. I l Li l 6

       , Number of tasks in this survey:

s e d ( N l 1 I i e t

                                                                                                                         <1 9
                **                                    e 4 .


                                                                                                                        .J 4

4 l f L  ;

 .             .                                                PAGE 50 0F 90 l
                                      ' SED - Survey Sheet-Editor '/ General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet M056: CONDENSATE SYSTEM l

056/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups on Condensate System. 1


256/200/01/01/000 -- Fill the Condensate Storage Tank. 336/200/01/01/060 - De-merate Condensate System przer to startup. 056/004/01/01/000 -- Fill the cundenser hotwell. 356/005/01/01/000 -- Fill the Condensate System. 036/006/01/01/000 -- Place the Condensate System in cleanup operation - 2S6/207/01/01/000 -- Startup the Condensate System. 056/011/01/01/000 -- Manually operate the Condensate Hotwell Makeup f i and Dump System. 056/012/01/01/000 -- Monitor Condensate System operation. 336/013/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Condensate System. , l 036/014/01/51/000 -- Operate the Low Pressure Heaters. ] 3T.6/015/01/01/000 -- Operate the High Pressure Heaters. 056/016/01/01/200 -- (DA FTE) Operate the Intermediate Pressure' Heaters

   ,B56/017/01/01/000 -- Operate the Condensate Pump and Air Ejector Recirculation Subsystem.

056/018/01/01/000 -- Operate th:2 Condensate Recirculation System (clean up flow). 256/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recogni=e and mitigate the ef f ects of a loss of condenser vacuum Number of tasks in this survey: 16 f l l e 1 l E -- J

           '          '                                   PACE 5' 0F 00                         1 l

SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 J'fvey sheet #257: CONDENSATE POLISHERS DEMINERALIZED SYSTEM i Perform lineups of Condensate Polishers 057/001/01/01/000 -- Domineralizer l System. , l l 157/002/01/01/000 -- Place a Condensate Polishers Domineralizer in l service, 057/003/01/01/000 -- Monitor Condensate Polishers Demineralized i l operation. 157/004/01/01/000 -- Perf orm an automatic regeneration cycle, l j 757/005/01/01/000 -- Operate Condensate Polishers Domineralizer j System Bypass.

  • l 057/006/01/01/000 -- Shut down a Condensate Polishers Demineralized. 1 l

q 257/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm a manual regeneration \ I Transf er regeneration chemicals f rom storage 057/091/01/01/000 -- (ADD) tanks to day tanks

                    $57/092/01/01/000 -- (ADD)

Discharge spent resin from domineralizer 05*'/093/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Add new resin to domineralizers l l 4 umber of tasks in this surveys 10 1 1 i 1 I i l l u

PAGE 52 CF.90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1956 5a vey sheet #259: MAIN FEEDWATER SYSTEM i 059/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm initial lineup of the Main Feedwater j System. 557/002/01/01/000 -- Fill the Main Feedwater (FW) System. ) 059/003/01/01/000 -- Startup the Main Feedwater System. j l d59/004/01/01/000 -- Operpte' Main Feedwater Pumps in dif f erent combinations.

    ^59/005/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate the Feedwater Regul ating System in manual and automatic modes.      Pump.      .

059/006/01/01/000 -- Operate / test Main Feed Pump Lube Oil l 359/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor Main Feedwater System operations. I 059/008/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate the Feed Pump Seal Leakof f  ! Collection Subsystem.

     $59/009/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Main Feedwater System.                    l S59/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm Main Feedwater System cleanup 059/091/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Drain the Feedwater System                       I 359/092/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Isolate High Pressure Feedwtare Heaters           l I

059/093/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Bypass High Pressure Feedwater Heaters . 359/094/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Operate heater drain pumps a  ! 059/095/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Reccqnize and mitigate the eff ects of l feedwater heater tube rupture Number of tasks in this survey: 15 9 I i I L

3 PAGE 53 0F 90 SED - Eurvey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation l Print Date: 01-17-1986 1 l survey sheet #060 (Delete) FEEDWATER HEATER VENT AND DRAIN SYSTEM 060/001/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm lineups of the Feedwater Heater l Vent and Drain System. 360/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Start the Feedwater Heater Vent and Drain System D60/004/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Operate a Heater Drain Pump. 360/005/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Monitor Feedwater Heater Vent and Drain


System operation. l 360/006/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Shutdown the Feedwater Heater Vent and Drain System. Number of tasks in this survey 5 1 l l l h

l PAGE 54 0F 90. SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 1 i.mvey sheet 4061: AUX 1L1ARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM

   '061/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of Auxiliary Feedwater System.
    '361/201/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm Auxiliary Feedwater System               l operability demonstration. .                          {

061/002/01/01/000 -- Fill and vent the Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFW).. 261/000/01/01/000 -- Start up the Auxiliary Feedwater System. 361/000/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perform Auxiliary Feedwater Automatic ActuationLTest. 061/004/01/01/000 -- Feed Steam Generators with Auxiliary Feedwater .- j I System. 361/005/01/01/000 -- Dperate Motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps. l J 061/005/02/01/000 -- '(DELETE) Perform S/G Auxiliary Feed Pump Flow Capacity Test. 361/206/01/01/000 -- Operate Turbine-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump { ! 061/007/01/01/000 -- Shif t Auxiliary Feed Pump Suetion. lJ 361/007/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm exercise of Auxiliary Feedwater ] MOVs test 361/209/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Auxiliary Feedwater System. f ' 061/010/01/01/000 -- Drain Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) Pump Turbine and Steam Supply Header. l 361/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Supply power to the motor operated Auxiliary l Feedwater pumps from the Emerg. Diesel Generators 061/091/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Reset Turbine Auxiliary Feedwater pump overspeed trip 1 Number of tasks in this survey: 15 l J i i


  • PAGF 55 0F 90 SED - Survey Sneet Editor / General Physics Corporation l

Print Date: 01-17-1986 l Eu vey sheet 4062: A: ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 062/001/01/01/000 -- Lineup the AC Electrical Distribution System. . 362/002/01/01/000 -- Shift Auxiliary Buses between the Unit Auxiliary Transf ormer and the Startup Transf ormer. 062/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor the AC Electrical Distribution System. 062/005/01/01/000 -- De-e,nergize a Motor Control Center Bus. f 362/006/01/01/000 -- Restore e Motor Control Center Bus. I l 062/006/02/01/000 -- Perf orm AC Breaker Lineup Verification. 1


f 362/007/31/01/000 -- De-energi=e a Saf eguards (4160 V Vital) bus 062/00B/01/01/000 -- Restore a Safeguards Bus to service


062/00B/02/01/000 -- (DrtFTE) Perform operation of circuit breakers. ! 062/009/01/01/000 -- Backf eed Unit Auxiliary Transf ormer from main transmission switchboard (main TG links removed).

    '362/010/01/01/000 -- Rack out a 4BOV Bus Lead Breaker.

062/011/01/01/000 -- Rack in a 4BOV Bus Load Breaker. 062/012/01/01/000 -- Rack out a 6.9 KV Bus Breaker. - 362/013/01/01/000 -- Rack in a 6;9 KV Bus Breaker 062/014/01/01/000 -- Transfer a Vital (120V) /Instrvnent Power Supply. 362/015/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Opm ate a Vital Motor-Generatbr set. 062/016/01/01/000 -- Operate station lighting. 062/017/01/01/000 -- Perf orm Ground Isolation. j 062/018/01/01/000 -- Isolate (DOBs) the Transmission Oil Control Breakers 062/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the ef f ects of a loss of an electrical bus or motor control center j Number of tasks in this surveyt 20


PAGE 56 0F 90 l SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Datet 01-17-1986 i

    -Eurvey sheet #060 DC ELECTRICAL DISTR:BUTION SYSTEM                              )
j. J l l 060/001/01/01/000'-- Startup a battery charger.

363/003/01/01/000 -- Start up and shift a battery charger. 063/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor the DC Electrical Distribution System (battery, chargers, distribution & power panels) . 'I 06~/205/01/01/000 -- Monitor DC Electrical System f or grounds. 363/006/01/01/000 -- Energice DC switchboards. 065/007/01/01/000 -- De-energi:e DC switchboards. . 360/006/01/01/000 -- Energi:e DC equipment. , l 065/009/01/01/000 -- De-energize DC equipment. 1 063/010/01/01/000 -- Secure a battery charger. 4 amber of tasks in this survey 9 l l l l l l I-4 i 1 l

l PAGE 57 OF 90 4


SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Pnysics Corporation j Print Date: 01-17-1986 su vey sheet 4064: EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR 064/001/01/01/000 --' Perf orm e lineup of the Diesel Generator System. , i 564/002/01/01/000 -- Start a Diesel Generator. 064/000/01/01/000 -- Parallel and load the Diesel Generator. 364/000/02/01/000 -- Perform Emergency Diesel Generator-(EDG) load tests. j 364/004/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Die;e1 Generator. j 064/005/01/01/000 -- Unload the Diesel Generator. 364/006/01/01/000 -- Shut down Emergency Diesel Generator. 064/007/01/01/000 -- Transfer f uel oil from main storage tanks to f various system tanks. 364/208/01/01/000 -- Operate the Diesel Starting Air Compressor. l 364/209/01/01/000 -- (DA FTE) Restart a Diesel Generator with an Aautomatic Start Signal present. 364/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Locally start the Diesel Generator i I 364/091/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Locally shutdown the Diesel Generator j 064/092/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Fill the Emergency Diesel Generator storage { tanks an l 364/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the eff ects of 4 onsite oil spill Number of tasks in this survey: 14 I  ! l l 1 o l

i , , PACE'58 nF 90 l SEL - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #067: ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACING SYSTEM


l l l l 067/001/01/01/000 -- Energize Freeze Protection Heat Tracing. 367/002/01/01/000 -- De-energize the Freeze Protection Heat Tracing System. l 067/003/01/01/000 -- Energize Boric Acid Heat Tracing System. 267/004/01/01/000 -- De-energize Boric Acid Heat Tracing System. i 367/005/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Heat Tracing System. f 067/090/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the ef f ects of Boric Acid Heat Tracing System trouble j Number of tasks in this survey 6 I l I l 4 9

l l ~~ PAGE 59 0F 90 o


SED - Eurvey Sheet Editor / . General Physics Corporation 5 l ' Print Date: 01-17-1986 3'trvey sheet #069: LIQUID RAD WASTE SYSTEM i 068/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Liquid Rad Waste System. l' 968/002/01/01/000 -- Perf orm transf er operations from a Liquid Rad Waste Hold-up/ Receiver Tank. l 068/004/01/01/000 -- Perf orm transf er operations f rom Reactor Coolant I Drain / Pressurizer' Relief Tank. 368/005/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Liquid Rad Waste System. 766/006/01/01/000 -- Start up the Boric Acid Evaporator. 06B/007/01/01/000 -- Transfer Boric Acid Evaporator concentrates , 36B/003/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Boric Acid Evaporator l j 9 umber of tasks in this surveys 7 l l i I i l l l l

l PAGE 60 0F 90

 . 4 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation                                                   l Print Date: 01-17-1986                                                                 l E-vey sheet #069: LIQUID RAD WASTE SYSTEM (MISCELLANEOUS WASTE)                                                        l l

l 069/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of Miscellaneous (Aerated) Waste System. 069/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Line up a Reactor Coolant Drain Tank f or l operation. l 069/004/01/01/000 -- Perform transfer operations from sumps / tanks to Waste Holdup / Miscellaneous Waste Tank. 069/005/01/01/000 -- Proc'ess the contents of the Waste Holdup / Receiver 1 Tank. 0:9/007/01/01/000 -- Perf orm transf er operations between Miscellaneous Waste System k the Liquid Rad Waste System. 069/00B/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm an authoriced discharge / release. from a Waste Monitor Tank. 069/010/01/01/000 -- Monitor the Miscellaneous Waste System (Aerated or Clean Waste System). 069/011/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Flush the Liquid Waste Discharge Header. 069/012/01/01/000 -- Start up the Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator. 369/013/01/01/000 -- Transf er Waste Evaporator concentrate to the Solid Waste Disposal System. 069/014/01/01/000 -- Shut down the Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator.


Number,of tasks in this survey: 11 l l l O h

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q 4 PACE 61 0F 90 i< SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation  ; Print Date: 01-17-1986 l Survey sheet #2712 WASTE GAS' DISPOSAL SYSTEM I 071/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Waste Gas Disposal System. 071/002/01/01/000 -- Start up the Waste Gas System. 071/003/01/01/000 -- Shift Waste Gas System Compressors. 071/004/01/01/000 -- Shif t Waste Gas Decay Tanks. j 071/006/01/01/000 --- Conduct Authoriced Waste Gas Release. 071/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor Waste Gas Disposal System operation. l l 071/00B/01/01/000 -- Purge the Waste Gas Surge Tank and compressors, l l 071/209/01/01/000 -- Purge Waste Gas Decay Tanks during normal ) operation, i 071/011/01/01/000 -- Recover f rom automatic termination of gas release due to Process Radiation Monitoring System Alarm. 1 071/012/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Waste Sam System. I t l I Number of tasks in this survey 10 i l J t l

  • 1 PAGE 62 0F 90
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l' SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #c70: AREA RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM 070/001/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Area Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Functional test. 072/002/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Control Room High , Radiation Functional test. 072/003/02/01/000 -- Perf orm the Area Radiation Monitoring Equipment check.- C72/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Monitor Area Radiation Monitoring monitors l , l i I l l i


l Number of tasks in this survey 4 I i 1 i j 6 4


 .    ,                                  PAGE 63 0F 90 i

SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Pnysics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #075: PROCESS RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM 1 l 070/001/01/01/000 - Perf orm lineups of. Gaseous and Liquid Process Radiation Monitoring System. 073/001/02/01/000 - (DELETE) Perform Process Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Functional Check. 370/002/01/01/000 - Operate the Process Radiation Monitors.


070/000/02/01/000 - (DELETE) Perf orm Process Radiation Monitoring l Equipment Check. ) 070/DCO/01/01/000 -- Monitor Pro =ess Radiation Monitoring System. 1 j Number of tasks in this survey: 5 9-l l l


  • PAGE 64 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 E.'.rvey sheet #074 (Delete) SECONDARY EQUIPMENT CLOSED CYCLE COOLING SYSTEM (DELITE) Perform lineups of the Secondary 074/001/01/01/000 -- Equ'Apment Closed Cycle Cooling System.

Fill and Vent the Secondary Equipment  ; 074/002/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Closed Cycle Cooling System. C74/203/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Start up the system. 1 074/006/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Determine System leak rate. f? C74 /007 /01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Monitor operating system. J Drain the Secondary Equipment Closed . 074/009/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Cycle Coolin,g System f or maintenance. Number of tasks in this survey 6 I l k l 1 1 l l I

 '   '                                    PAGE 65 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #075: CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM l

875/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of Circulating Water System. 375/002/01/01/000 -- Start up the Circulation Water System. Circulating Water System Operation. T75/003/01/01/000 -- Monitor C75/004/01/01/000 -- (DEL'ETE) Operate the Water Box Priming Subsystem. 375/005/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Monitor Water Box Priming Eubsystem operation C75/009/01/01/000 -- Startup and shutdown the tower bypass f or f ree:e. protection. Monitor tower bypass f or f ree e protection. 3%5/010/01/01/000 -- 075/011/01/01/000 -- (DELETE) Shutdown the De-icing Subsystem. 375/012/01/01/000 -- Operate Circulating Water Pumps in different combinations. 375/013/01/01/000 -- Isolate a Water Box. I 075/014/01/01/000 -- Restore flow to a Water Box. 375/015/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Circulating Water System. l 075/021/01/01/000 -- Operate Cooling Tower Blowdown Subsystem. l 375/022/01/01/200 -- Operate Circulating Basin Makeup Subsystem. 075/025/01/01/000 -- Operate the Main Circulating Water Chemical Control Subsystem Number of tasks in this survey: 15 G l i

PAGE 66 AF 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1996 Survey sheet 6076: SERVICE WATER SYSTEM i 076/001/01/01/000 -- Perf orm lineups of the Service Water System. 976/202/01/01/000 -- Fill and Vent Service Water System (SWS). i 076/003/01/01/000 -- Start the Service Wat%~ System (SWS). 076/004/C1/01/200'-- Monitor the Service Water System. Z76/005101/01/000 -- Doerate Service Water Pumps in various combinations. j 076/007/01/01/000 -- Isolate Service Water f rom individual components. 276/00S/01/01/000 -- Shutdown the Service Water System. 076/009/01/01/000 -- Drain the Service Water System. l 376/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Backwash the service water filters l Number of tasks in this surveys 9 I i



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PAGE 67 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editer. / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet'#078: INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM 07B/001/01/01/200 -- Perf orm lineups of the Instrument Air System.

l. E7B/202/01/01/200 -- Start up the, Instrument Air System.

07B/203/01/01/200 -- Monitor Instrument Air System. C7B/004/01/01/000 -- (DELITE) Shift Instrument Air compressors. L7B/205/01/01/000 -- Operate system air dryers.- 1 078/206/01/01/200 -- Shutdown the . instrument' Air System. i l 37B/007/01/01/200 -- Initiate backup- supply f or Instrument Air System.  ! l Number of tasks in this surveys 7 ' ) b i i l 2 i i I i o


                                                             -PAGE 68 0F 90                                                                                i i

I 1 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation i Print Date: 01-17-1986 i i Survey sheet #079: SERVICE AIR SYSTEM  !. a j 079/001/01/01/200 -- Perf orm lineups of Service Air System.  :


379/002/01/01/200 - Start up ' a Service Air Compressor. l 7

   'D79/003/01/01/000 - Monitor Service Air System (SAS) operation.

679/004/01/01/200 - Shutdown a Service Air compressor. i Recognize. and mitigate the eff ects of a loss l B79/090/05/01/000 - (ADD) of Plant Air System .1 i Qumber of tasks in this survey: 5 l I 1 l e l

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      >       -                                                                                                             PAGE 69 0F 90 l

i i SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation ' Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey. sheet #0B0: CHLORINATION SYSTEM I 090/201/01/01/000 - Start up the Chlorination System. 980/002/01/01/200 - Monitor the Chlorination System. 080/003/01/01/200 - Shutdown the Chlorination System. I 1 tamber of tasks in this surveys 3 l l I ! i i 2 I j l I t i l. e e_----____-__- - _ - . _ - - _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - -- _ _ - - - _ - - - _. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ - - . .- -. .

                            -    _,                                           y PAGE 70 0F 90 l

BED - Survey Sheet Editor / Seneral Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 i Burvey' sheet #081 ' HYDROGEN (H2) GAS STORAGE SYSTEM  ! i 081/201/01/01/200 -- Monitor Hydrogen Storage System operations. 381/002/01/01/200 -- Ehift hydrogen banks. 981/003/01/01/200 -- Line up multiple flow paths of Hydrogen. 031/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD)' Fill the' Hydrogen Storage Tanks i l Number of tasks in this survey 4 I l b I i l ' l l l l l l l l l l l l, l i' i i i

                                                                              -I i
                                                                                                                                   . . . 2- .                                   1 PAGE 71 OF 90 EED;- Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 i

l Eu vey sheet #092: NITROGEN (N2) SYSTEM. l I 082/001/01/01/000 - Perf orm lineup of Nitrogen System.


382/B22/21/21/ EBB - Monitor Nitrogen System operatione. 3B2/2O3/01/01/000 - Charge nitrogen blanks. Number of tasks in this survey 3 . 9 9 e , J r i-


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PAGE 72 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor /. Seneral Physics Corporation Print Datet- 01-17-1986 5arvey sheet *0B0 PLANT COMPUTER. 063/001/01/01/200 -- Use the Plant Computer. 283/090/01/01/200 -- (ADD) Call up various plant parameters on the computer 380/091/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Power up the plant computer 0E0/090/01/01/000 -- ( ADDi Reset the plant computer I l

  • Idumber of tasks in this survey 4 l



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f - l l l . . PAGE 73 0F 90 -- EED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation

  • Print Date: 01-17-1986 I Eurvey sheet #084: SEISMIC MONITORING SYSTEM i

I 084/001/01/01/000 - Monitor Seismic Monitoring equipment operation. , l l l Qumber of tasks in this surveys 1

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  • PAGE 74 0F 90 l

SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print'Date: 01-17-1986 l l

        > Survey cheet #085: COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 085/201/01/01/200.-- Opacht.e                 the Intra-Plant. Communicate ons System (includens public address) .

085/202/01/01/200 - Operate ' the commercial' of f-site telephone. I 085/200/02/01/0N0 - Perf orm. Site Evacuation Alarm Test. BB5/0C/01/01/000 - (DELETE) Operate the Reactor Building Communications System. l 085/006/01/01/000 - Operate the NRC Hot Line. 085/209/01/01/000 - Operate the two-way radio. 085/010/01/01/000 - Operate . the Sound-powered Phone System. 085/011/01/01/200 -- Operate the Evacuation Alarm 085/012/01/01/000 - Operate the Radio Telephone Communications System. Jumber of tasks in this survey 9 s O e t 0

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t PAGE 75 0F 90-A. ,,g u , SED - Eurvey Sheet . Editor- / General- Physi cs Corperati on  ! 1 Print Datwa 01-17-1986 l 6pvey sheet #086: FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM a-1

                                                                                                                                                                   .1 086/001/01/01/000 - Perf orm lineup of Fire Protection Systems 386/202/01/01/000 -- Fill Liquid Fire Protection System with water 086/00~/Ri>01./000 - Place Fire Protection Systems in Standby.

u 386/004/01/01/000 - (DELETE) Operate Fire Protection equipment to ~

                                                         '                             combat a fire.                                                              .I 3B6/005/0i/01/000 - Monitor the Fire Protection Systems                                                                                            I

OB6/WO6/b1/01/000 - (DELETE) Monitor personnel enter,ing and. exiting CO2 Protected Areas BB6/0D7/01/01/000 - Operate the Fire Detection / Alarm equipment'.

t OB6/00B/ti/01/000 -- Shutdown the Fire Protection Systems i ,

386/009/21/01/200. - Drein,the Fire Prosection Eystem.

                                                                                               '          *i 096/090/01/01/000 -- (ADD) ,. Fill the CO2 Ft. e Protection System with water m
                                                                                                                            / A s

b A .h. t Number of tasks,in this survey: le

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  -               --                                PAGE 76 0F 90                                                                      1 SED,- Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986                                                                    ,

l Eurvey sheet #098: PLANT VENTILATION SYSTEM . J 088/001/01/01/000 -- Shif t ventilation lineups f or various modes. OBB/003/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) Perf orm Control Room Emergency  ; j Ventilation Test 09B/204/01/01/000 -- Operate Ventilation Fans. 09B/005/01/t11/000 -- Operate Air Conditioning Chiller Units. l 09B/206/01/01/000 -- Operate Ventilation Heating units. l l 088/007/01/01/000 -- Monitor operation of Heating, Ventil ation, and I l air conditioning units. l OBB/00B/01/I:1/000 -- Shif t f rom normal Control' Room Ventilation to Emergency Ventilation and back. 088/209/01/01/000 -- Establish Emergency Ventilation f or switch group rooms. Number of tasks in this survey B i t I l 1 1 l l l 4 l'

c__.-________ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - ! .} PAGE 77 OF 90 SED. - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation i Print Date: 01-17-1986 l survey sheet #103: CONTAINMENT SYSTEM-

                                                                                            '1 1

103/002/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Containment Integrity Verification, 1 j 103/004/02/01/000 - (DELETE) Perform Containment Isolation Valve Test 'l 123/090/01/01/000 - (ADD) Monitor Containment Building parameters l Mumber of tasks in this survey 3 1 1 . i l J i l' i i t l l 1 l i i ( l i l ( I

PAGE 78 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Edit'or / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eu"vey sheet #1152 MISCELLANEOUS


115/001/02/01/000 -- (DELETE) during normalConduct " Remote operation" Indicators valve testing.inaccessible 15/003/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Indicator Lamp _ replacement. 115/004/02/01/200 - (DELETE) Prepare Radiation Work Permit. 415/D05/02/01/000 - Rotate (shift) Operating Equipment.

     .15/206/02/01/000 -- Prepare Work Request.

115/207/02/01/000 -- Perf orm retests f ollowing . equipment maintenance. .

     !15/209/02/01/000 -- Perf     orm Temperature and Vibration Chechs in.

Saf ety-rel ated pumps.


115/012/02/01/000 -- Perf orm valve testing during cold shutdown. (15/013/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Cycling of Remotely Operated Valves.

      '15/014/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Valve Operability test.


      .15/015/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Check Valve Operability Verification.
15/016/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Ref ueling Cycle Valve Position Indicator Test.
     '115/017/02/01/000 -- Perf orm Locked Valve verification.

L15/090/02/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm surveillance testing Aumber of tasks in this survey: 14 (-

4 L. v PAGE 79 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Dates. 01-17-1986 iarvey sheet #119: ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS 119/001/03/01/000 -- Change recorder chart paper and Ank. 119/002/03/01/000 -- Operate the Security Keylock System. 119/003/03/01/000 -- Conduct shif t and relief turnover.  ; 119/004/05/01/000 -- Conduct replacement training of juniors. 119/005/0~/01/000 -- Report Saf ety Limit violations and Reportable Occurrences. 119/006/03/01/000 -- Maintain required logs, records,' charts, . printouts and status boards. 119/207/03/01/000 -- Review operating logs f or trends and out-of-specification conditions. 119/00B/05/01/000 -- Communicate with the system-dispatcher concerning  ; Generator Information. la9/009/03/01/000 -- Report abnormal parameters or conditions. i 119/010/03/01/000 -- Apply Radiation and' Contamination. Saf ety Procedures. 3 119/011/03/01/000 -- Apply first-aid principles and procedures. 119/012/03/01/200 -- Conduct Equipment-Tagouts (Equipment Clearance and Switching). 119/013/03/01/200 -- Recommend revisions to Operating Procedures. i 119/015/03/01/000 -- Apply Technical Specification requirements. f 119/017/05/01/000 -- Maintain cleanliness of responsible areas / equipment. 119/018/03/01/000 -- Operate portable Radiation Monitoring equipment. 119/019/03/01/000 -- Direct Equir. ment Attendants / Power Plant Helpers in  ; the perf orm(Ace of their duties. , Number of tasks in this survey: 17 1 1 i i i i f 2 j l

      ' -   '                                       PAGE 80 0F 90 SEL - Survey. Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #150: (Add) INTEGRATED CONTROL SYSTEM L

l 1~0/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Shift the Integrated Control System (ICS)

                                  . power supply a30/202/01/01/200 -- (ADD) Operate the ICS in automatic 130/205/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Operate each station "Ontrolled by ICS in hand 100/004/01/01/000 -- ( ADD') Adjust steam header pressure setpoint 100/005/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Adjust Tavg setpoint-130/006/01/01/000 -- automatic (ADD) Shifoperation t 'all ICS stations from hand to 1~0/007/01/01/000 -- hand (ADD)   Shift all ICS stations f rom automatic to operation 130/208/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Set l ow l oad , high load and rate limits on the ICS.

130/209/01/01/200 -- (ADD) . Operate the ICS with various RCP-combination. 130/010/01/01/200 -- (ADD) Monitor ICS operation 130/011/01/01/200 -- (ADD) Operate the ICS in track Number of this survey 13 1 l t

1 i

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EED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physi cs Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #101: (Add) PLANT COOLING WATER AND RESERVOIR SYSTEM 101/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perform lineups of the Plant Cooling Water I and Reservoir System (PCW) l 101/001/04/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize and mitigate the ef f ects of a loss j l of Plant Cooling Water flow l 101/002/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Startup the PCW system l i 101/000/01/01/000 -- ( ADD') Pump water from canal to the site reservoir l l 101/004/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Place the site reservoir on recirculation 101/005/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Supply Site Water Supply System from the . site reservoir 101/006/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Startup the Site Water Supply System 101/007/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Shutdown the PCW system 101/00B/01/01/200 -- (ADD) Shutdown the Site Water Supply System 101/209/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Isolate various PCW cooled heat exchangers f or maintenance , Jumber of tasks in this survey: 10 l l 4

                                                                                   -PAGE 82 0F 90 EED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physi cs ' Corporati on Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet 4102: (Add) NUCLEAR SERVICE RAW WATER SYSTEM 1

Perf orm lineups of the Nuclear Service Raw 102/201/01/01/Ob0 ---(ADD) Water System (NSRW) 102/002/01/01/000 - (ADD) Startup the NSRW system 1 2/003/01/01/000 - (ADD) Perf orm cleanup filter operations on the spray ponds 100/004/01/01/000 ~~ (ADD) Add chemicals to the NSRW system 1 2/005/01/01/200 - (ADD) Monitor NSRW system operation . 100/006/01/01/000 - (ADD) Shutdown the NSRW system 152/007/01/01/000 - (ADD) Drain the NSRW system


Perf orm c'old weather operations of the spray 100/00B/01/01/000 -- (ADD) ponds Jumber of tasks in this survey: 9 l l l I I

q l l PAGE 83 0.F 90  ! 1 SED. - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation 1 Print Date: 01-17-1996 Burvey sheet #103: (Add) NUCLEAR SERVICE COOLING WATER SYSTEM '! l I


100/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perform lineups of the Nuclear Service  ; i' Cooling Water System (NSCW) l Startup the NSCW system 103/002/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Monitor the NSCW system operation - 150/000/01/01/200 -- (ADD) Maintain NSCW chemistry control I 1~~/004/01/01/000 -- ( ADD) 103/005/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Shutdown the NSCW system ! 1~0/006/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Drain the NSCW system . Number of tasks in this survey: 6 <! i i . , ! i (

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PAGE 84-QF.90 i SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation J Print Date: 01-17-1986 6'..r v e y sheet #134: (Add) WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM l 134/001/02/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm lineups of the Waste Water Disposal- , j System l L34/002/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Startup the Waste Water Disposal System 134/003/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Monitor the Waste Water Disposal System operation ' l'4/004/01/01/000 -- ( ADD') Adjust pH of Regenerant Holdup Tanks 134/005/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Treat a Regenerant Holdup Tank f or hydra ine 134/006/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Drain Regenerant Holdup Tanks . 1~4/007/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Shift Retention Basins I 134/008/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Drain Retention Basins 134/009/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Adjust the chemistry of the Retention Basins 134/010/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Drain the chemical tank and diesel oil tank * , areas

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' 134/011/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Drain the Auxiliary Boiler sump l Number of tasks in this survey: 11 i O l I

l f PAGE'85'0F' 90- \ 1 EED - Survey Sheet Editor / . Sener al Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey. sheet #105: (Add) DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 155/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm lineups of the Domestic Water Supply System 105/002/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Startup the Domestic Water Supply System 105/000/01/01/000 -- (ADb) Shif t domestic water supply from Domestic l Water Supply System to Plant Service Water l 1 J l Number of tasks in this survey 3 1


l 1 4 m


PAGE 86'0F'90 ') SED - Survey Sheet Editor ' / General _ Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #136: (Add) SAFETY PARAMETER DISPLAY SYSTEM 136/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Operate the Safety Parameter Display System-

   - Number of tasks in this surveys 1 i

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J PAGE 87 0F 90 1 J EED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #157: (Add) EMERGENOY OPERATIONS 1 J I 1;7/001/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize the conditions requiring a manual ] reactor trip

                   '.57/202/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize a reactor trip Determine Reactor Coolant System pressure-
                   *57/000/05/01/000 -- (ADD) temperature relationships 137/004/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Verif y parameters using alternate instrumentation                                      f L~7/005/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Control Reactor Coolant System pressure           '

during casualty conditions 1~7/006/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Control Reactor Coolant System temperature - l during casualty conditions 107/007/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Re-establish f orced flow af ter natural i circul ati on 137/008/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize a loss-of-coolant accident 137/009/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Determine if an DTSG tube leak exists l Recognize the conditions which allow manual 157/010/05/01/000 -- (ADD)

                                             - def eat of Saf ety Features Systems 157/011/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize the indications of RCS voiding 157/012/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Analyze indications to determine that an emergency / abnormal plant condition exists, l

Qumber of tasks in this survey: 12 I I l l 3


a 4

l PAGE 88 OF 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation ' Print Date: 01-17-1986 Survey sheet #135: (Add) DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 155/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Perf orm lineups of the Domestic Water Supply System 135/002/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Startup the-Domestic Water Supply System 105/003/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Shift domestic water supply from Domestic j Water Supply System to Plant Service Water Number of tasi:s in this survey: 3 1 i l l l l t J l 4

i l l PAGE 89 0F 90 k SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation ' Print Date: 01-17-1986 ! Eurvey sheet *t 156 : (Add) SAFETY PARAMETER DISPLAY SYSTEM 156/001/01/01/000 -- (ADD) Operate the Safety Parameter Display System l l Number of tasks in this surveys 1 1 1 l l 4 4

PAGE 90 0F 90 SED - Survey Sheet Editor / General Physics Corporation Print Date: 01-17-1986 Eurvey sheet #107: (Add) EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 107/001/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize the conditions requiring a manual reactor trip

   '37/002/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize a reactor trip-
   *07/000/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Determine Reactor Coolant System pressure-temperature relationships 107/004/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Verify parameters using alternate instrumentation LO7/005/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Control Reactor Coolant System pressure during casualty conditions 107/006/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Control Reactor Coolant System temperature -

during casualty conditions 107/007/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Re-establish forced flow after natural circul ati on 137/008/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize a loss-of-coolant accident 107/009/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Determine if an DTSG tube leak exists ' 107/010/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recognize the conditions which allow manual ' defeat of Safety Features Systems 137/011/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Recogni:e the indications of RCS voiding

     .37/012/05/01/000 -- (ADD) Analyze indications to determine that an emergency / abnormal plant condition exists Jumber of tasks in this survey: 12 l

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