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Ack Receipt of Application for Authorization to Construct & Operate Light Water Cooled & Moderated Type Nuclear Power Reactor at Proposed Site on Man Made Island
Person / Time
Site: 05000307
Issue date: 09/29/1967
From: Morris P
To: Arnebergh R
Shared Package
ML20236X260 List:
FOIA-87-712 NUDOCS 8712090107
Download: ML20236X298 (3)


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y SAN Document Room

.o LA Document Room AEC Document Room Formal SuppV


DRL Reading REG Resding RPB-3 Reading Docket No. 50-%7 Orig: FWKaras SEP 2 91967 R. S. Boyd H. Shapar, OGC L. Kornblith, CO (2)

Department of Water and Power N. Dube (5)


of the City of Los Angeles G. Page 111 North Hope Street D. Skovholt Foot Office Box 111 Tech. Reviewer Los Angeles, California 90054 bec:

J. R. Buchanan, ORNL E. E. Hall, GMR/H Attention: Mr. Roger Arnabergh J. A. Harris, PI City Attorney of the E. B. Tremmel, IP City of Los Angeles A. Wells AS&LB Centlement Us have received your application for authorization to construct 6

and operate s light water cooled and moderated type mucisar power Y

reactor at a proposed site on a man made island to be constructed..

offshore of the Bolsa Chica Beach State Park in Orange County, California. A copy of a related notice which has been ^ransmitted to the Office of the Federal Register for publication is enclosed.

Docket No. 50-307 has been assigned to this application..Please refer to this docket number in all correspondence relating to the proposed Department thit.


We will require 30 additional copies of Volume I of Part 5 in order to complete our distribution of your application. Uben you file Volume 11 of Part 5 or any future h=ts to these Voltanes, you should provide as with 70 copies.

g Sincerely yours, i,

Orighal Signed by

[eter A. Morris Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Rasetor Licensing c


F. R. Reties FoIA-S M lt cct Mr. Floyd L. Coos Orief Electrical Engineer and

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Assistant Manager n........... c /

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4 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION DOCKET NO. 50-307 DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER OF THE [ITY OF LOS ANGELES NOTICEOFFILINGOFAPPLICATIONFORCONSTRUCTI0hPERMITANDFACILITYLICENSE The Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles,111 North Hope Street, Post Office Dox 111, Loe Angeles, California, 90054, pursuant to Section 104(b) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, has filed an application, dated August 31, 1967, for authorization to construct and operate a light water cooled and moderated nuclear power reactor at a proposed site on a man made island b

to be constructed offshore of the Bolsa Chica Beach State Park in Orange County, California, located approximately 26 miles from the Civic Center of Los Angeles, California.

The proposed nuclear reactor facility is to be a part of the proposed Bolsa Island Nuclear Power and Desalting Plant. The Bolsa Island project will consist of two complete nuclear power plants supplying steam to produce approximately 1,800 megawatts (electrical) and ISO million gallons of distilled water per day. Each l.

nuclear steam supply system will be designed to produce not more than 3,400 megawatts (thermal). Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company J

(Docket No. 50-308) have filed a joint application for authorization to construct I


and operate rn essentially identical, companion single-unit nuclear power reactor L

at the same site as their parb of the Bolsc Island project.


The applicant's submittal includes only the portion of the Preliminary Safety l

1 Analysis Report containing a description of the site on whi.c'h the f acility is to be e'

l located. A description of the utilization f acility will be furnished by appropriate j




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,... application amendment, af ter bids received from equipment manuf acturers for the nuclear steam supply have been evaluated and a selection has been made.

A copy of the application is available for p'ublic inspectic", at the Commission's Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.


Etter A. Morris Peter A. Morris, Director


Division of Reactor Licensing e':

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland

~g this day of September 1967.

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