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Partially Withheld Memo Forwarding Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Investigation of Allegations Against Three Ofc of Investigations Investigators for Breaching Confidentiality, Per Bb Brink
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/07/1985
From: Connelly S
To: Asselstine, Palladino, Roberts
Shared Package
ML20235A207 List:
FOIA-86-133 NUDOCS 8707080371
Download: ML20235A248 (2)


1 January 7,1985 Informaticain this re:ctd was dO!ad in accordance niU! !?e frai;m ol McrmcEan Act, excmptions _.5%l69 MEMORANDUM FOR:

Chairman Palladino E0!A-86-133 Comissioner Roberts Comissioner Asselstine Comissioner Bernthal Op.

Comissioner Zech Cfj.,


"Sharon R. Connelly, Director 8

C.;cy Office of Inspector and Auditor 4;f;c, by N.:



ALLEGATIONS REGARDING 01 REPORT 4-84-006 - COMANCHE PEAK The attached Report of Investigation documents an Office of Inspector and Auditor (OIA) investigation of an allegation against three Office of Investigations (01) investigators.

By a letter dated May 10, 1984, Betty B.

Brink, Former Intervenor., Citizens for Fair Utility Regulation, advised the Comission that H. Brooks Griffin, Richard Herr, and Wendel E. Frost, 01 Field Office, Region IV, had breached the confidentiality of two welders whose names she had provided to Griffin, by publishing them in 01 Report #4-84-006.

Griffin denied that there had been any discussion of confidentiality for the two welders either in the August 17, 1983 or February 24, 1984 discussion with Brink. He also asserted that Brink, herself, in an April 11, 1984 conversa-tion had agreed that she had not discussed confidentiality in the February conversation with him.

Herr and Frost were not involved in the Brink con-tacts, but were merely co-authors of the 01 Report of Investigation.

Because of the one-on-one nature of the contacts between Griffin and Brink, we could not independently verify either version other than to note that we found no evidence to support a grant of confidentiality in the first place. OIA found no agency policy to delete names from investioative reports in the absence of a grant of confidentiality.


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Ms. Brink was also concerned that the NRC did not follow up to find the two welders, who she said were supposed to have information on the liners for the containment and transfer canal.

Brink said the welders thought that the welds could 90 bad in the future because of " trash in the welds." (Note that Ms. Brink told OIA that she last saw the weliers in the 1980-81 timeframe; however, she didn't give the names to 01 unti; February 24,1984.)

OIA found that the OIfice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical Review Jeam.

(TRT) at Comanche Pefk reviewed, among other inspection and investigation reports, the 01 Repor:t of Investigation #4-84-006 to determine issues /-

allegations to be pur'ued. According to the Technical Assistant to the s

. Assistant Director for Safety Assessment, NRR, who was a member of the TRT, the TRT did not pursue contact with the welders because of the non-specific nature of the information provided and the apparent traceability problems in finding the welders.

Because of these facters and the more than 400 alle-gations otherwise identified, the' TRT determined the information did not meet At tachment:

As Stated W. Dircks, ED0 (3 cys) cc:

B. Hayes, 01 Distribution:

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