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STP Electric Generating Station,Unit 1 Cycle 8 Colr
Person / Time
Site: South Texas STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1997
Shared Package
ML20217G261 List:
NUDOCS 9710090309
Download: ML20217G275 (10)


- . -

a- u.c,.m The Light company


September 1997 1



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i 9710090309 971002 PDR ADOCK 05000498 p PDR I

Core Operating Limits Report Page 1 of 10 9/19/97

The Technical Specincations affected by this report are:

1) 3/ Moderator Temperature Coef0cient Limits
2) 3/ Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit
3) 3/ Control Rod Insertion Limits
4) 3/4.2.1 AFD Limits
5) 3/4.2.2 lleat Flux Hot Channel Factor
6) 3/4.2.3 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented below.

2.1 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (Specification

2.1.1 The BOL, ARO, MTC shall be less positive than the limits shown in Figure 1. .

2.1.2 The EOL, ARO, HFP, MTC shall be less negative than 6.12 x 104 Ak/k/'F.

2.1.3 The 300 ppm, ARO, HFP, MTC shall be less negative than -5.22 x 10 4 Ak/k/*F (300 ppm Surveillance Limit),

where: BOL stands for Begi . g-of-Cycle Life, EOL stands for Ende ;yc!c L;fe, ARO stands for All Rods Out, HFP stands for Hot Full Power (100% RATED THERMAL POWER). and HFP vessel average temperature is 589 *F.

Core Operating Limits Report Page 2 of 10 9!!9/97

  • M

.. SouTil TEXAS UNIT 1 CYCLE 8 COLR SEPTEMBER 1997 l 2.2 Rod Insertion Limits (Specification and

2.2.1 The Control Rod Insertion limits are provided in Figure 2.

2.2.2 Fully withdrawn for all Control and Shutdown Banks shall be at least 249 steps withdrawn but not exceeding 259 steps withdrawn.

2.2.3 All bank. shall have the same Full Out Position (FOP).

2.3 Axial Mux Difference (Specification 3.2.1):

2.3.1 AFD limits as required by Technical Specification 3.2.1 are determined by CAOC Operations with an AFD target band of +3,12%. i 2.3.2 The AFD shall be maintained within the ACCEPTABLE OPERATION portion of Figure 3, as required by Technical Specifications.

i e

2.4 Heat Flur Hot Channel Factor (Specification 3.2.2):

, 2.4.1 FqRTP = 2.55.

2.4.2 K(Z) is provided in Figure 4.

j 2.4.3 The Fxylimits for RATED THERMAL POWER (F RTP) xy within specific core planes shall be:

i less than or equal to 2.000 for cycle burnups from BOC to 8.000 MWD /MTU and less than 1.903 for cycle burnups from 8,000 MWD /MTU to EOC for all core planes containing Bank "D" controi rods, and less than or equal to the appropriate core height dependent value from Table I for all unrodded core pisms. PF xy = 0.2.

These Fxylimits were used to confirm that the heat flux hot channel factor Fn (z) will be limited by Technical Specification 3.2.2 assuming the most limiting axial power distributions expected to result for the insertion and removal of Control Banks C and D during operation, including the accompanying variations in the axial xenon and power distributions, as described in WCAP-8385. Therefore, these Fxylimits provide assurance l I

that the initial conditions assumed in the LOCA analysis are met, along with the ECCS Core Operating Limits Report Page 3 of 10 9/19/97 i l

MY SOUT11 TEXAS UNrr ! CYCLE 8 cot.R SEPTEMBER 1997 acceptance criteria of 10CFR50.46.

Also note that the rodded and unroddedxyF limits have been reduced by the L(Z) penalty, This penalty should therefore not be applied to measured F,y values be:ng compared with these limits.

1.5 Enthalpy Rise llot Channel Factor (Specification 3.2.3):

Standard Fuel VANTAGE SH or VANTAGE + Fuel

= RTP 2.5.1 Fg 3i . g ,49, ps;RTP = 1,557, 2.5.2 PFai = 0.3. PFati = 0.3.



3.1 Letter from J. P. Sechrist (Westinghouse) to Dave Hoppes (HL&P), " Cycle 8 Core Operating Limits Report," 97TG-G-0078 (ST UB HL 1741), September 19, 1997.

3.2 NUREG 1346, Technical Specifications, South Texas Project Unit Nos. I and 2, 3.3 Letter from Mary Ann Sinwell (Westinghouse) to D. A. Leazar (HL&P), " Accumulator Water JCO," ST-WN HS-940275, August 9,1994.

Core Operating Limits Report Page 4 of 10 9/19'97

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NQh,t SOUTH TEXAS UmT 1 CYCLE 8 COLR SEPTEMBER 1997 W Figure 1 MTC versus Power Level 7.0 ~

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-3.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 Relative Power (%)


! Core Operating Limits Report Page 5 of 10 9/4/97

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my south TEXAS UNir 1 CYC1.E 8 COLR- SEPTEMBER 1997 3 r

Figure 2

' Control Rod Insertion Limits

  • Versus Power lavel -

1 1

1 i

4 i

4 (22,259). 122 step overlap

(22,257). 120 etop overl. ,  ;


260 y (21,255 n 11e step overl., y i r (21,252). 116 step overle, /  ;

l 2r (20,251)e 114 step overlap / I j

240 '

(19,249) 112 step overlap l- p  ;

j , (79,259) 122 step overlap  !


/ l / (70,257): 120 step overlap i iBAmt 3 i 220

/ , /

(77,255)e 110 stop overlap l


7 (77,252): 116 step overlap i

/ 2 (76,251): 114 step overlap

} / '

(75,249): 112 step overlap


200 40 202 ;

f f f i



/ l100,574 h

/ J num '

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J r j 40 7


b ,/


20 y' 7

/ 1-- 9 n  ?  %

0 to 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 90 100 i

RSL&TIVE poorer (4) 4 i


  • Control Bank A is already withdrawn to Full Out Position. Fully withdrawn region shall be the condition where shutdown and control banks are at a position within the interval of 2 249 and 5 259 steps withdrawn, inclusive.

Core Operatii.g Limits Report 9

  • 97 Page 6 of 10

T ghu SOUTH TEXAS UNTP 1 CYCLE 8 COLR SEPTEMBER 1997 Figure 3 AFD Limits versus Rated Dermal Power i


_ - l q 100 -

1-11.90 11,90 UNACCEPTABLE t



80 ' \ OPERATION -



2 / \



} / \ '

3 60 '


J / \



N -

-31.50 31.50 40 20 0

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Flua01fference(&l).I Core Operating Limits Report Page 7 of 10 9/4/97

.- - . .. _- -.~-. . ._=.-...-.- . _. -- . . . _ . . . - . .- - .-

v gen . south TEXAS UMT 1 CYCLE 8 COLR StrrEMBER 1997 Y 1

j '

Figure 4 K(Z)- Normalized F n (Z) versus Core Height i

1.2 N' I -

3 g.

I' (3 o.s l f

3 M 0.6 -

i C Core Elevation FQ K(Z) 0.0 ft 2.55 1.0

$ 04 -

7.0 ft 2.55 1.0 l 14.0 ft 2.350 0.925 0.2 i

4 O

0.0 7.0 14.0


I 4

4 i


i i

s 4

Core Operating Limits Repon Page 8 of 10 9

  • 97

=r- ,en, , , ,-n.

my Sotml TEXAS UNTT 1 CYCLE 8 COLR SEPTEMBER 1997 T Table 1 (Part 1 of 2)

Unrodded Fxy for Each Core Height For Burnups from BOC to 8000 MWD /MTU Core Height Unrodded Core Height Unrodded (Ft.) Fxy (Ft.) Fxy 14.000 3.294 6.800 1.838 13.800 3.034 6.600 1.833 13.600 2.773 6.400 1.823 13.400 2.513 6.200 1.815 13.200 2.301 6.000 1.807 13.000 2.145 5.800 1.802 12.800 2.066 5.600 1.801 12.600 2.007 5.400 1.800 12.400 1.%7 5.200 1.801 12.200 1.942 5.000 1.803 12.000 1.925 4.800 1.801 11.800 1.915 4.600 1.800 11.600 1.913 4.400 1.802 11.400 1.892 4.200 1.806 11.200 1.863 4.000 1.812 11.000 1.836 3.800 1.819 10.800 1.824 3.600 1.828 10.600 1.815 3.400 1.845 10.400 ~ 1.828' 3.200 1.874 10.200 1.828 3.000 1.887 10.000 1.829 2.800 1.885 9.800: 1.831 2.600 1.869 9.600 1.826 2.400 1.849 9.400 1.815 2.200 1.830 9.200 1.801 2.000 -1.828 9.000 1,790 1.800 1.834 8.800 1.780 1.600 1.852 8.600 1.776 1,400 1.870 8.400 1.774 1.200 1.901 8.200 1.773 1.000 1.948 8.000 1.773 0.8G3 2.067-7.800 1.786 0.600 2.264 7.600 1.800 0.400 2.503 7.400 1.814 0.200 2.742 l 7.200 1.827 0.000' 2.981 7.000 .1.836 Note: The above Fxy limits have been reduced by the L(Z) penalty. This penalty should therefore not be applied to measured Fxy values being compared with these limits, Core Operating Limits Report Page 9 of 10 9/4/97 I

- = . .- - - .-. - . -


'T yhe SouTil TEXAS UNrr ! CYCLE 8 COLR SEPTEMBER 1997 Table 1 (Part 2 of 2)

Unrodded Fxy for Each Core Height For Burnups from 8000 MWD /MTU to EOC Core Height Unrodded Core Height Unrodded (Ft.) Fxy (Ft.) Fxy 14.000 4.072 6.800 2.106 13.800 3.583 6.600 2.106 13.600 3.094 6.400 2.103 13.400 2.605 6.200 2.098 13.200 2.269 6.000 2.090 13.000 2.114 5.800 2.081 12.800 2.073 5.600 2.074 .

12.600 2.032 5.400 2.071 12.400 2.007 5.200 2.071 12.200 1.976 5.000 2.065 12.000 1.956 4.800 2.054 11.800 1.940 4.600 2.034 11.600 1.935 4.400 2.014 11.400 1.926 4.200 1.995 11.200 1.909 4.000 1.980 11.000 1.895 3.800 1.966 10.800 1.898 3.600 1.953 10.600 1.904 3.400 1.938 10.400 1.903 - 3.200 1.921 10.700 1.907 3.000 1.902 10.000 1.914 2.800 1.883 9.800 1.925 2.600 1,869 9.600 1.935 2.400 1.859 9.400 1.943 2.200 1.847 9.200 1.951 2,000 1.822 9.000 1.962 1.800 1.794 8.800 1.974 1.600 1.795 8.600 1.986 1.400 1.795 8.400 1.988 1.200 1.799 8.200 1.989 1.000 1.817 8.000 1.991 0.800 1.905 7.800 2.007 0.600 2.142 7.600 2.028 0.400 2.458 7.400 2.052 0.200 2,775 7.200 2.077 0.000 2.091 7.000 2.095


Note: The above Fxy limits have been reduced by the IJZ) penalty. This penalty should therefore not be applied to measured Fxy values being compared with these limits, Core Operating Limits Report Page 10 of 10 9/4/97