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Rev 3 to Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program Description
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Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/01/1986
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ML20212B771 List:
NUDOCS 8612290405
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't Revision 3 12/01/86 4 I

8612290405 B61219 PDP ADOCK 05000302 V PDR 12C-i i

_ - ____.-~ , ___.. . _ , , , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . , , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ , - - _ __ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ , - _


1. I n t r o d u c t i o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . 12C-1
2. Definitions............................................... 12C-2
3. 0bjectives................................................ 12C-3 4 Annual R equ al i fi c at i on Ev a l u at i on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-3 4.1 Annu al W ri tt en Exami nat i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-3 4.1.1 Written Examination Content................ 12C-3 4.1.2 Wri t t en Exami nat i on Prep arati on. . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-3 4.1.3 Written Examination Grading C ri te ri a . . . . . . . 12C-3 4.1.4 Exam Results............................... 12C-4 4.1.5 Exam Attendance............................ 12C-4 4.2 Syst emati c Obs erv ati on and Ev al u ati on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-4 4.2.1 Semiannual Evaluations..................... 12C-4
5. P re -Pl a n n ed L ec t u re S e r i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-5 5.1 Pre-Planned Lecture Series Topics.................... 12C-5 5.2 Pre-Pl anned Lecture Seri es Top ic Sel ecti on. . . . . . . . . . 12C-6 5.3 P re-Pl anned Lect u re Seri es Sch edul e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-6 5.4 Pre-Planned Lecture Series Attendance................ 12C-6 5.5 P re-Pl anned Lec t u re Se ri es Ev al u at i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-7
6. Skills Training a n d Ev a l u a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-7 6.1 Reactivity Manipulations and Plant Ev ol u ti on s . . . . . . . . 12C-8 6.2 Simulator Exercises................................. 12C-10 6.3 O p e r a t i o n a l R ev i e w s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C - 10 l 40 6.3.1 Qu a rt e rly P roced u re Rev i ew s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C- 11 6.3.2 Feedback.................................. 12C-12 12C-ii


7. P r o g r a m E x em p t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C - 12 7.1 Backup Licensees.................................... 12C-12 7.2 R0 Licen s ees i n Upg rad e Trai ni ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12C-13
8. Reactivation of License.................................. 12C-14 y(

8.1 Lapse of License.................................... 12C-14 8.2 Accelerated Requalification Training Requirement.... 12C-15

9. Reports and Records...................................... 12C-15 9.1 Reports............................................. 12C-15 9.2 Records............................................. 12C-16 10 P r o g r am R e v i s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C - 17 12 C -i i i
1. INTRODUCTION The goal of the Licensed Operator Requalification Program is to maintai n CR-3 plant safety and enhance reliability by mai ntain-ing a high level of skill and knowledge in licensed senior operators and licensed operators. The Licensed Operator Requal-ification Training Program meets the requi rements of 10 CFR 55 Appendix A, ANSI N18.1 (1971), applicable portions of NUREG 0737, and FPC commitments.

The CR-3 Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program is sufficiently broad in scope to review a reas of knowledge neces-s a ry for safe plant operation and is flexible enough to add ress applicable recent operating experience and operational changes.

As experience is gained by CR-3 personnel and the nuclear i ndu s t ry as a wh ol e , and as equipment mal fu nc ti on s and human errors occur, the lessons learned from these events will, as applicable to CR-3, and as the final reports of the events are av ail abl e , be factored into the on-going t rai ni ng . Just as an individual's ev al u at i on results can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, so can the operating experiences of the nuclea r indu st ry point out st rengths and deficiencies which need to be addressed in the t raining prog ram evolution.

The Licensed Operator Requal i fi c ati on Training Prog ram will provide the necessary operating experience feedback to licensed personnel so that proficiency may be enhanced and operational saf ety mai ntai ned.

The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program described in this document is implemented utilizing three i nt er rel at ed parts:

1) Annual Examination and Performance Evaluations
2) Pre-Planned Lecture Series
3) Skills Training and Evaluation Each program part is described separately. The Licensed Operator Requalification T rai ni ng P rog ram is conducted on a cyclic basis so that all p rog ram requirements are completed for each licensee in a p e ri od not to exceed two years. Successive requalification p rog rams are conducted on a schedule enabling a continuing prog ram to exist.

The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Prog ram is estab-lished with fixed performance standards and sp ec i f i ed rem edi a l training or accelerated requalification training requi remen ts in the event of deficiencies. The traini ng materials , performance results, and records a re maintained in a full) auditable manner for the program and for each licensee.


l The content of the Program is based on NRC requirements, FPC commitments, quiz and examination results, CR-3 operating exper-ience, and significant indu st ry operati ng experi ences.

2. DEFINITIONS Remedial Training - Special training for licensed operators who h av e demonstrated areas of weakness in the Licensed Operator Requalification Training Prog ram. This training is specifically structured to provide training to improve knowledge and skills areas identified as deficient.

Accelerated Requalification Training - Training conducted in an intensified manner so as to upg rade the licensed operator to acceptable standards and return him to licensed operator duties.

Backup Licensee - Any individual who maintains an active Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator license for the pu rpose of providing backup capability to the operating staff.

7 Licensed Operator - Any individual who possesses an operator's or senior operator's license pursuant to Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 55, " Ope rator's Li censes."

Licensed Personnel - All personnel who poss ess an operator's l license or senior operator's license.

Significant Reactivity Change - Addition and/or deletion of core reactivity such that nuclear inst rumentati on responds or would have responded had no corrective action taken place.

Simulator - A training device that reproduces the general operating characteristics of CR-3 and with arrangements of i nst rument ati on and controls similar to CR-3. The Power Safety International Simulator meets the requirements of this definition.

Contact Hour of Inst ructi on - A one-hour period of t rai ni ng in which the course instructor or the app rop ri at e supervisor in on-the-job t rai ni ng phases is present or readily available for i ns t ruc ti ng or assisting the trainee. One hour devoted to any of the following activities is c on si d e red an i nst ructi onal hour under this definition: p rog ramm ed learning, supervised self-study, lectures, seminars, discussions, p robl em-s ol v i ng ses-sions, quizzes, ex ami na t i on s , on -t h e-j ob t rai ni ng , laboratory exercises, and simul ati on exercises.

12C-2 i

3. OBJECTIVES The Licensed Operator Requalification T rai ni ng Program objec-tives are:
1) Maintain CR-3 operational safety and enhance reliability.
2) Assure that licensed personnel maintain the high level- of skill and knowledge required to accomplish routine and emergency duties.
3) Establish a system for evaluating and documenting licensed personnel proficiency and competency.
4. ANNUAL REQUALIFICATION EVALUATIONS In order to determine each licensed individual's knowledge of topics covered in the Licensed Operator Requalification Program, and to provide a basis for determining areas in which ret rai ni ng is needed, annual requalification evaluations will be given and will consist of a written examination and semiannual performance ev a l u at i on .

4.1 Annual Written Examination A written examination in similar content to an NRC examina-tion will be administered annually to all licensed operators. Licensed operators will take the same level of annual examination appropriate f or their NRC license.

4.1.1 Written Examination Content The written examination will test the subject matter requirements of 10 CFR 55 Appendix A and will be lf conducted under conditions similar to NRC examinations.

4.1.2 Written Examination Preparation The written examination will be prepared and graded by members of the training staff or consultants in ah accordance with written procedures.

4.1.3 Written Examination Grading C ri t e ri a Acceptable performance on the annual examination is as follows:

a. 70% in each individual c ateg o ry ,
b. 80% overall.


'i, An individual receiving scores lower than these acceptable performance standards .will be removed from licensed duties and placed in an accelerated requalification t raining prog ram custom designed f or that individual to st reng th en the operator's weak-nesses. Af ter completion of the accelerated requal-ification training program, the individual will receive .another written annual requalification examination in those categories previously scoring less than the above requirements. When the examinee has successfully passed the re-ex am i nat i on , the licensed operator will be returned to licensed duty status.

4.1.4 Exam Results The results of the annual examination will be used to identi fy individual weak areas for any necessary training, and generally weak areas to be emphasized _

in the next year's lecture series.

4.1.5 Exam Attendance All licensed operators must take an annual written exam with the following exceptions:

4 a) No more than two persons who are re sp on si bl e for exam preparation and g rading may be excused from the exam. The same personnel may not be excused from the exam for two consecutive years,

' b) A licensed operator (RO) is exempt while participating in SR0 upg rade t raining.

c) A licensed senior operator (SRO) is exempt du ri ng the six-month p e ri od following success-ful SR0 upgrade examination.

4.2 Systematic Observation and Evaluation Systematic observation and evaluation of the performance and competency of licensed individuals will be made, by appropriately qualified personnel and will include evalua-tion of actions taken during actual or simulated abnormal and emergency conditions.

4.2.1 Annual Evaluations A written evaluation of the performance and competency of each licensed individual will be i

i conducted annually. These evaluations will be based l2 1

on periodic observation of the licensee's re sp on s e 12C-4

to simulated and/or actual, normal, abnormal, and emergency plant conditions. Marginal or unsatisfac-tory performance will re sul t in remedial or acceler- jp ated requalification t rai ni ng in the necessary areas.

5. PRE-PLANNED LECTURE SERIES The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program 1:'.c l u d e s pre-planned lecture sessions conducted on a regular and continu-ing basis. The lecture sessions include Review Lectures as well as_Special T rai ni ng or items not falling under a standard head-ing (LERs, TAPS, SERs, SOERs, etc.).

5.1 Pre-Planned Lecture Series Topics Lecture Series topics include the following:

1) Principles / Theory of Nuclear Power Plant Operation.

2). Fu nd ame n t al s / Theo ry of Thermodynamics, Heat Transf er and Fluid Flow

3) General and Specific Plant Operating Character-

. istics including Features of Facility Design (This may be covered as part of system lectures).

4) Plant Inst rumentation and Control Systems
5) Plant Protection Systems
6) Engineered Safety Features Systems
7) Radiation Control and Safety l3
8) Fuel Handling and Core Parameters
9) Normal, Abnormal, and Emergency Operating Procedures
10) Technical Specifications
11) Applicable Portions of 10 CFR (10CFR20, 50, 55)
12) Recognition and Mitigation of Core Damage including Small Break LOCA
13) Interrelationships of Waste Systems and Reactor Coolant Systems ,

i 1


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14) Special training to cover facility design changes, procedure changes, license changes, 4 industry events, and operational feedback.

5.2 Pre-Planned Lecture Series topic Cov erage The content (or specific items presented under each topic) presented in the lecture sessions meets the requi rements of 10CFR55 Appendix A and reflects st reng th s and deficiencies identified by the. annual e xami n ati on and plant operating performance.

The Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program has sufficient flexibility to provide training and information to the operators pertinent to plant safety that originates both within Florida Power Corporation Nuclear Operations and external to FPC. Pertinent information is determined, evaluated, and appropriately incorporated into the t raining program by procedure. Some examples of this type of train-ing to date follows:

a. Recognition ard mitigation of core damage (now a standard topic).
b. Response to NNI and ICS f ailu res (now incorporated into NNI and ICS Lesson Plans).
c. Sequence of events that led to the CR-3 transient of 02/26/80.
d. Recognition and response to void formation du ri ng natural circulation cooldown (now a part of Mitigation of Core Damage).

5.3 Pre-Planned Lecture Series Schedule i

! The pre-planned lecture series is scheduled such that all topics identified in Section 5.1 above are cov e red ev e ry two yea rs. The lecture series is conducted on a continuing basis and involves a minimum of 40 contact hours of instruction each year for each licensed operator.

Unanticipated outages or events may necessitate changing the schedule; however, there is adequate flexibility to accommodate such changes.

5.4 Pre-Planned Lecture Series Attendance All licensed personnel will attend all lectures, subject to the following exemptions:


a) Licensed personnel scoring 80% or above on individual categories of the annual written examination may be exempted (v i a training waivers per approved proce- g dures) from attending lectures on topics rel ated to that category which are given in the following year.

However, each licensee will attend at least 40 contact hours of instruction per year, b) Attendance will be recorded and any absences will be l$

made up during the current annual requalification cycle. Licensed individuals missing all presentations of a lecture will make up the lectures through comple-tion of remedial training. No more than 50% of the required lectures will be completed through self-study.

c) A licensed R0 is exempt from preplanned lecture series attendance while irrticipating in SR0 upg rade 11 training.

5.5 Pre-Planned Lecture Series Evaluation The trainees' knowledge will be avaluated as follows:

5.5.1 After lectures (usually once per week), trainees will be administered a lecture exam. This exam will contain questions related to the material cov e red in the lecture.

NOTE: Exams need not be given following lectures contained in the special training category

( e.g . , LERs , T APs , etc . )

5.5.2 Exams will be evaluated and a g rade determined for each trainee. A performance standard of 80% on exams is established. Any t rai nee receiving less than 80% on a lecture exam will receive remedial training including another exam (written or oral) on that material.


In order to maintain an acceptable level of skills and familiar-ity associated with the CR-3 plant systems , cont rol , and opera-tional procedures, each licensed operator will participate in the following activities:


1) Reactivity Manipulations and Plant Evolutions.
2) Simulator Exercises.
3) Operational Reviews (this includes all on-the-j ob t rai ni ng l@

items from: 10 CFR 55, Appendix A, 3.b , c and d , and NUREG 0737 requi rements, except for 1) and 2) above).


6.1 Reactivity Manipulations and Plant Evolutions Licensed operators will actually mani pul at e the controls while licensed senior operators will. either manipulate the controls or directly supervise manipulation of the controls by a licensed operator or a trainee. Those manipulations not performed on CR-3 will be performed on a simulat or.

6.1.1 The following control manipulations are acceptable (per clarification to NUREG-0737, Denton letter 03/28/80, Enclosure 4) for meeting the 10 reactivity control manipulations requi red by Appendix "A",

paragraph 3 (a) of 10 CFR 55 The starred (*) items below shall be performed on an annual basis; all other items will be perf ormed every two years.

Each licensed individual shall perform or partici-pate in a combination of significant reactivity changes and cont rol manipulations based on the availability of the CR-3 plant to support such evolutions. The activities which are not performed on the CR-3 plant will be perf ormed on a simulator.

  • a. Plant or reactor startup to include a range that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticeable and a heatup rate is established.
  • b. Manual control of steam generator and/or feed-water during startup and shutdown.
  • c. Any significant (g reater than 10%) power changes in manual rod control.
  • d. Loss of coolant, including:
1) Significant OTSG tube leaks.
2) Leaks inside and outside p rim a ry containment.
3) Large and small leaks, including leak rate d et e rmi nat i on .
4) Saturated RCS response.
  • e. Loss of RC flow / natural circulation.
  • f. Loss of all feedwater (normal and emergency ).
g. Plant shutdown.





h. Significant boration and/or dilution du ri ng power operation.
1. Any reactor power change of 10% or g reater where the load change is performed with a major control system in manual.

J. Loss of inst rument air.

k. Loss of el ect ri cal power and/or deg raded power sources.
1. Loss of decay heat remov a l .
m. Loss of nuclear services cooling or loss of nuclear services cooling to an individual component.
n. Loss of main feedwater or emergency feedwater.
o. Loss of an RPS channel.
p. Asymmet ric or dropped rod.
q. Conditions requiring emergency boration,
r. Fuel clad failure or high RCS activity.
s. Turbine trip or load rej ec t i on ,
t. Malfunctioning of automatic cont rol systems which affect reactivity.
u. Malfunction of RC p res su re or volume control systems.
v. Reactor trip.
w. Main steam line break inside or outside containment.
x. Nuclear inst rumentation f ailures.

4 12C-9

y. Loss of condenser vacuum. 46
z. Inability to drive control rods.

6.1.2 Any licensed operator d emon s t rati ng overall 4E u ns at i s f act o ry performance during the reactivity manipulations in 6.1.1 above will be placed in accelerated requalification. training and evaluated _

until he has demonstrated satisf actory performance.

6.2 Simulator Exercises Each licensed operator will utilize a nucl ea r plant simulator on an annual basis. This p rog ram will be five days in length and will consist of the following:

a. Normal , a bnormal , and eme rg ency pl ant operations with emphasis on emergency operation and other inf requently performed ev ol u ti on s as determined app rop ri at e (e.g.,

stati on blackout, TAP t ransients , etc. ).

b. Lectures.
c. Self-study.

Simulator Inst ructors or FPC Instructors will document all operations performed, evaluate each operator and send a written report to the Operations Training Supervisor.

I Licensed personnel evaluated to be overall unsatisfactory l )F

! in simulator training performance will be removed from t

licensed duties, placed in accelerated requalification training, and reexamined f or satisf actory perf ormance prior to returning to duty.

I i 6.3 Operational Review l4F In addition to reactivity manipulations, it is essential to individual and crew readiness that emphasis be periodically given to vital plant information on alarm settings, safety limits, abnormal condition symptoms, limiting conditions for operations, operating sequences, emergency immed i at e action steps, and other pl ant-re l at ed information on a ,

timely basis. i t


Likewise, it is essential that each licensed operator peri-

' odi cally . demonst rate .s ati sf act ory understanding of appro-

.p ri at e apparatus and mechanisms, and . knows the normal, abnormal and emergency . ope rati ng procedures in the area (s) for which licensed.

  • 6.3.1 Quarterly Procedure Reviews At the. begi nning of ~ each quarter, the Operations Training. Supervisor will review the P0QAM for any new EPs or APs issued du ri ng the . previous quarter, and include the new EPs and APs in the next proce-dures review sheet.

The 0perations Training Supervisor will, at the beginning of each quarter, provide a l i st of p roce-dures to review and operational evolutions to be performed or walked through. These activities are 4 designed such that all items identified below in

, a re reviewed at l east annually. If any of '

i the procedures are actually performed, the quarterly

! review requi rements will' be satisfied for all operatcrs p a rti ci p at i ng in the performance of that item. These items will be documented as an on-the-job performance item and reviewed and signed by the j Shift Supervisor, i Topics covered on the quarterly review forms.

including any personal deficiencies, 'will be I documented. All licensed personnel will review the 9:

information listed below annually: i


a. Major operating procedures for start-up, heatup, power ~ operations, shut- p ,

down and cooldown including p rec au-j tions, limitations, and setpoints. .

b. Si g ni fi c a nt abnormal procedures. M [
c. All emergency procedu res.
d. Applicable Radiation Protection procedures.

! i f e. Applicable Emergency Plan Implement- ["

J ing Procedures.

i I

12C-11 2

$._~____.__ _ - . . _ , _ , _ _ _ . -__ _ _ _ . . _ , _ _ . . . . _ . _ - . . . _ , - . . _ . . . . , _ . _ . _ . _ . , ~.__, _ _ . _ _ ,

f.. -Changes in plant design, p roc edu re s and facility license (If cov e red in preplanned Lecture Series du ri ng the l$

Quarter they -need not be repeated d u ri ng the quarterly on-shift reviews).

4 9 In-plant equipment clearance and switching orders.

h. CR-3 Accident Prevention Manual (selected parts applicable to Operators).
1. Technical specifications.


j. Related nuclear i ndu st ry operating experience if not covered du ri ng pre-pl anned lectures.
k. Major, applicable administrative procedures, conditions, l imi t ati ons , 4 and precautions.
1. Major operational ev ol u ti on s if not covered by p rocedu re reviews.

6.3.2 Feedback l7 p

Feedback of applicable i n d u st ry operating e xp e ri -

ence, originating within CR-3 and outside, is i nst rumental to operational proficiency. This occurs continually in. on-the-j ob t rai ning as well as periodically in the lecture sessions part of the training program.

The process by which information is evaluated and appropriately incorporated into t rai ni ng p rog rams ,

including requalification training , is controlled by procedure.

7. PROGRAM EXEMPTIONS 7.1 Backup L i c e n s e e_s_

7.1.1 Backup licensees are re spon si bl e for the same requi rements as other licensed operators f or mainte-nance of thei r license with the exception of actual on-shift operations time. It is recog ni zed , how-ever, that the normal duties of some backup 12C-12

l licensees may preclude the need for some of the specific requalification t rai ni ng during the cycle (e.g., a licensed I&C Supervisor may reasonably be exempted from Plant Instrumentation and Control i Systems lectures). The Backup Licensee may be exempted for specific lectures; such exemption will be documented per the Training Waiver procedure.

7.1.2 4

Backup licensees will spend time on-shif t for main-tenance of license proficiency performing the licensed duties at the level of the license held as follows:

a. Backup Licensees assigned to the CR-3 site, owne r-cont roll ed area, and the Nuclear Opera-tions Training Center will spend one eight-hour shift every four months on an operating shif t.
b. All other Backup Licensees will spend five eight-hour shifts ev e ry four months on an operating shift.

7.1.3 While on shift, Backup Licensees will assume the -

responsibilities of the position in eme rg e ncy or -

abnormal conditions, and normal plant evolutions.

Backup licensees will be considered actively and extensively engaged in licensed duties if they are currently enrolled in the licensed operator requali- 4 fication prog ram and have successfully completed all assigned requalification t ra i n i ng activities in tne ~

most recent prog ram cycle.

7.2 R0 Licensees in Upgrade Training y

7.2.1 Those licensed reactor operators (RO's) who are enrolled in the Replacement Operator T_rai n i n g Program as SR0 upg rade candidates will be considered exempt from the following requalification t rai ni ng program parts. .

a. Requalification p rog ram preplanned lecture series attendance (satisfied by upg rade train-ing lecturas). ~
b. Time-on-shift performing the functions of the license (satisfied by time-on-shi f t in training for SRO, provided no more than four months elapse between the last R0 watch and beginning of SR0 on-shift t rai ni ng , or end of SR0 on-shift training and resumption of license duties).

12C-13 1

c. Annual written R0 requalification exam (if it is administered during participation or prior to notification by NRC of exam results),


d. Simulator training (satisfied by upg rade train-ing simulator training).

7.2.2 If prior to successful completion the licensee is removed from the SR0 license program for any reason (academic, personal, health, etc.), the licensee shall not perform any licensed duties until appro-priate accelerated requalification training is com-pleted. This training will be based on a review of materials presented in SR0 class that were completed satisfactorily versus what was covered during the licensee's requalification training p rog ram class during the same time frame. The significant dif-ferences will be remediated.

7.2.3 If the licensee successfully completes the SR0 class but fails the NRC exam, the licensee shall not per-form 11 censed duties until the licensee either completes accelerated requalification training and passes an FPC-administered written exam similar in level of difficulty and content to an annual R0 exam, or completes remedial training and subsequent-ly passes the NRC SR0 exam.

7.2.4 The licensee must participate in assigned requalifi-cation training during the time between the NRC exam and notification of pass or f ailure of the exam.

8. REACTIVATION OF LICENSE 8.1 Lapse of License A licensee who has not been actively performing the func- $

tions of an operator or a senior operator for a period of four months or longer shall not perform licensed duties until the Vice President, Nuclear Operations (VPN0) certi-fies to the NRC that the individual has s at i s f act o ry tech-nical knowledge and understanding of f acility operation and administration. Following c ompl et i on of an appropriate g

,r accelerated requalification p rog ram as defined in Section p- 8.2 bel ow, and notification to the NRC via the certifica-tion letter, the licensed person may be returned to licensed duties.


12C-14 1

8.2 Accelerated Requalification Training R equi rem ent The licensee must satisfactorily complete an Accelerated Requalification Training Prog ram consisting of all or portions of the following steps as necessary. The steps to be completed will be based on a review by the Training Supervisor with concurrence of the Training Manager and Operations Superintendent and will be procedurally controlled.

a. Satisfactorily complete one or more tests which cover the material -in the preplanned lecture series that was missed (if any) during the time of non-participation;
b. Review and/or- discuss with a Nuclear Operations Instructor or designated SR0/SS all s af ety-rel ated procedure and plant changes which have occurred during the non-participation p e ri od ;
c. Spend five eight-hour shifts on-shift under instruc-tion participating in plant activities at the level of the license held; and
d. Participate _in a Simulator Training Prog ram if g reater than ni ne months has passed since the person was at the simulator for training.
9. REPORTS AND RECORDS 9.1 Reports 4
a. Quarterly, the Shift Supervisors will submit to the Operations T rai ni ng Supervisor the Quarterly Review Records for personnel assigned to his shift. This record will include procedures reviewed and other on-shift activities completed. g/ 7
b. Annually, an evaluation of the performance and each g competency of licensed operator and backup licensee will be submitted to the Operations Superin-tendent and Training Supervisor. Any corrective f

t rai ni ng required will be listed. C/

, c. Annually, an evaluation will be made of the re qu al i -

fication t rai ni ng c ompl eted . It will identify licensed operators and backup licensees that partici-pated, exam grades topics covered in the lectures, an evaluation of program effectiveness, and recommenda-ti ons f or prog ram improvement and t rai ni ng needed dur-ing the next annual cycle.


d. Prior to the license renewal date, the Training Manager will review the licensee's requalification training checklist and support documentation for com-jg pl eti on of t rai ni ng requi reme nt s . Based on this evaluation, he will make recommendations for license renewal or additional t rai ni ng before license renew-al. If additional training is required to be com-pleted by the renewal date, this not ati on will be included in the application for license renewal . The recommendation, or qualified recommendation, is for-warded to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations, for certification for license renewal.

9.2 Records pp The following requalification records will be maintained for each licensee for the current requalification cycle and will be retained for the lifetime of the plant:

9.2.1 Lecture Series Records

1. Attendance.
2. Lecture content.
3. Lecture exam questions, individual answer sheets, and grading keys.

4 Remedial training given.

5. Training waivers for personnel exempted from attendance of lecture sessions.

9.2.2 Annual Written Examination and Performance Evalua-tions

1. Examination questions and grading key.
2. Individual answer sheets and worksheets.
3. Results of performance evaluations and docu-mentation of additional t rai ning admi nistered.
4. Training Waivers for personnel exempted from taking the exam.


l e

9.2.3 On-the-Job Training M1

1) Number and type of reactivity changes performed on CR-3 or simulator.
2) Number-and type of maj or pl a nt evolutions per-formed on CR-3 or simulator.
3) Ev al u at i on s made of the licensee's simulator performance.

4)- Results of additional training conducted.

5) Quarterly Review Records. 7
10. PROGRAM REVISION FPC will not, except as specifically authorized by the Commis-sion, make a change in the approved Licensed Operator Requalifi-cation Training Program by which the scope, time allotted for the program, or frequency in conducting different parts of the p rog ram is decreased.

10 12C-17