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Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1986
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1986
From: Khazrai M, Storz L
To: Haller N
NUDOCS 8703030044
Download: ML20211Q240 (11)



- OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO. 50-346 DATE 12-11-86 COMPLETED BY Morteza Khazrai' TELEPHONE (419) 249-5000,.


~ Ext. 7290

1. Unit Name:

Davis-Besse Unit 1 Notes

2. Reporting Period: November. I986
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 2772
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 925
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 906

- 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 904

7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 860
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted,If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions.If Any:

'Ihis Month Yr.-to.Date Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 720 8,015 73,080
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 0 0.0 35,877.1
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 4.058.8
14. Hours Generator On-Line 0.0 0.0 34,371.8
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 1,732.5
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 0.0 0.0 81,297,600 .
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 00, 0.0 26,933,622
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 0.0 0.0 25,233,177
19. Unit Service Factor 0.0 0.0 47.0
20. Unit Availability Factor 0.0 0.0 49.4
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 0.0 0.0 -


22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 0.0 0.0 38.1
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 100.0 100.0 36.4
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type.D te,and Duration of Each):
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: December 4, 1986
26. Units in Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIAL ELECTRICITY [!


8703030044 PDR 061130 '

R ADOCK 05000346 PDR (9/77)


50~346 WIT Davis-Besse Unit 1 DATE 12-11-86 COMPLETED BY _Morteza Khazrai TELEPHONE 419-249-5000, Ext. 7290 MONTH November 1986 DAY AVE' RAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe Net) (MWe-Net) 1 0 g7 0 2 0 gg 0 3 0 19 0 4 0 20 0 5 0 0 21 6 0 22 0 7 0 23 0 8 0 ' 24 0 9 0 0 25 10 0 0 26 11 0 27 0 12 0 0 28 13 0 0 29 I4 0 0 30 IS 0 33 16 0 INSTRUCTIONS On this formit, list the average daily unit power levelin MWe Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.


DOCKET NO.. 50-346 UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS UNIT NAME Devin-Besse Unit 1 DATE 12-11-86 COMPLETED BY Morteza Khazrai REPORT MONTH November 1986 TELEPHONE (419) 249-5000 Ext. 7290 "u

-. 8,s "$ $ Licensee a Ein Cause & Corrective E. Il 0 E ll I! $ Event 3 4! $ 4! Action to No. Date N O5 E fi $ " Report # $.0 0' O Prevent Recurrence 55 259 e 8

7 85 06 09 F 720 A 4 LER 85-013 JK SC The unit remained shutdown following

ont'd the reactor trip on June 9, 1985.

See Operational Summary for further details.

I F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G - Instructions S: Scheduled .A-Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Entry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scram Event Report (LER) File D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continuation from (NUREG-0161)

E-Operator Training & License Examination -

Previous Month F-Administrative 5-Load Reduction G-Operational Error (Explain) 9-Other (Explain) Exhibit I - Same Source (9/77) H-Other (Explain)



NOVEMBER 1986 The unit remained shutdown the entire month of November following the reactor trip on June 9, 1985. Corrective actions and system upgrades continue.

Below are some of the major activities performed during this month:

1) Continued testing as part of the System Review and Test Program.
2) Continued Motor Operated Valves Analysis Test (MOVATS) activities.

, 3) Continued Raychem repairs and followup corrective actions.


4) All Reactor Coolant Pump work completed.
5) Drew steam bubble in pressurizer.

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1. Name of facility: Davir -rqse Unit 1

, 2. Scheduled date for neat it. ling shutdown: February 1988

3. Scheduled date ft restart following refueling: April 1988
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? If answer is yes, what in general will these be? If answer is no, has the reload fuel design and core configuration been reviewed by your Plant Safety Review Committee to determine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Ref. 10 CFR Section 50.59)'t Ans: Expect the Reload Report to require standard reload fuel design Technical Specification changes (3/4.1 Reactivity Control Systems and 3/4.2 Power Distribution Limits).
5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information: Summer, 1987
6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g.,

new or different fuci design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.

Ans: None identified to date.


7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool.

(a) 177 (b) 204 - Spent Fuel Assemblies

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

Present: 735 Increase size by: 0 (zero)

9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.

l Date: 1996 - assuming ability to unload the entire core into the l spent fuel pool is maintained.



FCR NO 84-074 SYSTEM Component Cooling Water CHANGE, TEST OR EXPERIMENT FCR 84-074 demonstrated the capabilities of the H.A.F.A. International Inc. leak measuring device and acoustic sensing equipment.

This-FCR 84-074 was closed February 21, 1986.

REASON FOR CHANGE This test is being performed to test the acoustic leak sensing equipment and' leak measuring device. .Due to repetitive failures of check valves the need for a more accurate indication of check valve degradation is needed.



This test only affected Train #1. Train #2 provided normal Component Cooling Water functions. This activity resulted in entering a 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> action statement per Technical Specification 3.7.3. An operator and an electrician were placed on standby to make Train #1 available for emergen-cy operation.

Portions of the test also required isolation of the essential headers from the nonessential headers and to be manually opened in order to perform reverse flow testing. An operator was stationed to manually close the - the event that excessive leakage is detected across the check' valve.

l With Component Cooling Water Train #2 providing normal functions and Train #1 available with operator assistance, this test did-not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

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COMPLETED FACILITY CHANGE REQUEST FCR NO.85-132 SYSTEM Containment Vessel and Penetration 4

COMPONENT Various CHANGE, TEST OR EXPERIMENT This FCR 85-132 modified the containment vessel electrical penetration by detaching junction box JB 4704 from the shield building wall by removing four (4) expansion anchors per Bechtel Letter BT-15611, 8/13/85.

This FCR 85-132 was closed October 7, 1986.

REASON FOR CHANGE This modification was incorporated due to NCR 400-82, which identified various conduits that did not have a flexible coupling installed at the building seismic joint.



The conduit support, as originally designed, assumed no load contribution from the adjacent seismic zones due to the relative displacements of buildings and dif ferences in seismic responses of buildings and conduit supports located in different seismic zones. This assumption would be valid if flexible couplings were installed on the conduits at the building seismic joints.

Engineering evaluations of the spanning of the rigid conduit across a seismic joint concluded that the existing condition did not meet long

term acceptance criteria. The anchor bolts that connect JB 4704 to the wall have a factor of safety of 1.43. However, the conduit system meets long-term operability with the bolts in place and meets all long-term operability with all bolts failed. Therefore, in order to upgrade the conduit system and prevent any failures, all four anchor bolts were i removed from JB 4704.

Based on the above, no unreviewed safety question exists.

COMPLETED FACILITY CHANGE REQUEST FCR NO 85-102' SYSTEM Auxiliary Feedwater COMPONENT N/A CHANGE, TEST OR EXPERIMENT FCR 85-102 placed tapered shims beneath the base plates of supports 6C-EBD-14-H80 and 6C-EBD-14-H90.

This FCR was closed August.:22, 1986.

REASON FOR CHANGE This FCR was being implemented due to NCR's 85-0050 and 85-0051 which required that these supports have tapered shims in order to provide bearing on the concrete surface.



The safety function of a pipe support is to provide support to a piping


l system for sustained loads, occasional loads and for thermal expansion.

The gaps behind the base plates were due to uneven concrete surfaces. The reduced bearing area reduces the factor of safety on the expansion anchors to ~ 2.84. The support in the as found conditions meets all short-term operability requirements, but required rework to meet long-term operabil-

, ity requirements.

Based on the above there would be no increase in the probability of occurrence of an accident or malfunction therefore an unreviewed safety

question does not exist.


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SYSTEM Gaseous Radioactive Waste COMPONENT 4

T25-1, T25-2, T25L3 CHANGE, TEST OR EXPERIMENT FCR 85-089 Rev (A) performed a 10CFR50.59 review to revise USAR Section 11.3

, in order to clarify the operation of the gaseous waste system.

This FCR 85-089 Rev (A) was closed July 30, 1986.

REASON FOR CHANGE This review was performed to resolve the discrepancy between station operation' and USAR assumption as described in Surveillance Report 84-73.



~ This FCR 85-089 Rev (A) revised USAR Section 11.3 to clarify the following:



'. 1. A 30-day holdup time for waste gas to decay.

2. Oxygen monitor or high oxygen alarms in the system become

{ inoperable.

I A 30-day holdup time as mentioned in USAR was used for calculation purpose to design the system component. This holdup time is based on 0.1% failed I fuel, which is very conservative. The USAR was revised to reflect this concept.

The other change made to the USAR is to provide guidance of system opera-i tions when the oxygen monitor is inoperable.

i i Based on the above changes, there is no unreviewed safety question.


e COMPLETED FACILITY CHANGE REQUEST FCR NO 80-167 SYSTEM Hangers COMPONENT PSU-1-H1 CHANGE, TEST OR EXPERIMENT FCR 80-167 changed the rear snubber in hanger PSU-1-H1 to a local reservoir.

This FCR 80-167 was closed October 28, 1986.

REASON FOR CHANGE This change made possible connection of the reservoir tubing to insure no air is trapped. In the past it was virtually impossible to connect up the reservoir tubing.



This FCR 80-167 changed the hydraulic fluid reservoir for PSU-1-H1 from remote to local. This did not effect the function of the snubber. Proper functioning enhanced because there is less opportunity to trap air in the snubber tubing. Based on the modification and results an unreviewed safety question was not involved.

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%s EDISON December 11, 1986 File: RR 2 (P-6-86-10)

Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Mr. Norman Haller, Director Office of Management and Program Analysis U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Haller:

Monthly Operating Report, November 1986 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 Enclosed are ten copies of the Monthly Operating Report for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit i for the month of November 1986.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Morteza Khazrai at (419) 249-5000 Extension 7290.

Yours truly, W

Louis F. Storz Plant Manager Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station LPS/MK/ljk Enclosures cc: Mr. James G. Keppler, w/1 Regional Administrator, Region III Mr. James M. Taylor, Director, w/2 Office of Inspection and Enforcement Mr. Paul Byron, w/l NRC Resident Inspector Nuclear Records Management LJK/002 ff7'[t g