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Forwards Response to Governor Deukmejian Third Set of Interrogatories 49,50,55,56,59 & 60.Region V Has No Knowledge of NRC Design Oa Insps of Westinghouse from 1968- 1970
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1983
From: Morrill P
To: Schierling H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20209C222 List:
FOIA-86-151 NUDOCS 8609250070
Download: ML20210E671 (5)


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...j 4*o UNITED STATES 8'


,g h f nEmon v 1460 MARIA LANE,sulTE 210


&g gg WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 SEP 2.91933 h

Docket No. 50-275 and 50-323 Memorandum For:

H. Scherling, Diablo Canyon Project Manager, NRR i From:

.P. J. Morrill, Reactor Inspector, RV


Diablo Canyon Response to Governor Deukemejian's Third Set of Interogatories The purpose.of this meno is to forward a copy of our answers to interogatories number 49, 50, 55, 56, 59, and 60 regarding the referenced subject. This material was developed on September 16 and 19, 1983 and telecopied to you on September 19, 1983 as requested.

Regarding interogatories 59 and 60, I have conducted a review of the Region V records on Diablo Canyon from 1968 through 1970, and discussed the matter with staff members who inspected that facility at that time.

This review indicates that Region V has no knowledge of NRC Design Quality Assurance inspections of Westinghouse related to Diablo Canyon.

P l


. Morrill, Reactor Inspector


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

T. Bishop, RV D. Kirsch, RV A. Johnson, RV G. Knighton, NRR P. Morrill, RV 8609250070 860916 PDR FOIA HOLf1ES86-151 PDR


ENCLOSURE Philip J. Morrill Previous Related Hearina Experience i

(1) Trojan Plant 50-344, 1977, Expansion of the Spent Fuel Pool Capacity.

(2) Rancho Seco Plant 50-312, 1978, Significance of Findings Related to the NRC Performance Appraisal Examination.

(3) UCLA Research Reactor 50-142, 1981, Filed Testimony Relative to the Safety of Operation for the Extension of License.

(4) Diablo Canyon Unit 1 50-275, 1983, Construction Quality Assurance Hearings before the ASALB.

Summested Responses to Interoaatories

49. Yes 50.

(a) The facts are stated in the documents described below.

(b) NRC inspection and trip reports of the Diablo Canyon facility during 1982 and 1983, including related correspondence from the licensee.-

(c) 'A " Concerned Engineer" letter to Mr. R. DeYoung of the NRC IE office, received May 18, 1983 and the subject of a board notification dated June 29, 1983.

A letter from Mr. Flyshacker to Mr. Denton describing allegations of a concerned individual who desired to remain anonymous.

(d) N/A I

55. Yes 56.

(a) The facts are stated in the documents described below.

(b) The documents described in response to interogatory 50(b).

(c) none 4

(d) N/A 59.

The implementation of Westinghouse Design Quality Assurance was r.ot examined by Region V.

(Region V personnel believe NRR was involved in this task in the 1966-1972 time frame.

It is suggested that Messrs.

DeYoung, Stello, and Vollmer be contacted for further information).

60. N/A

t p}t; l l




Philip J. Morrill Previous related hearing expierence (1) 'rojan Plant 50-344,

1977, Expansion of the Spent Fuel Fool T



Rancho Seco Plant 50-312,

1978, 81gnitioanoe of Findings Related to the NRC Forformance Appraisal Examination.

(3) UCLA Research Reactor 50-142, 1981, Filed Testimony Relative 1

to the Safety of Operation for the Extension ofiLicense.


Diablo Canyon Unit 1 50-275,

1983, construction Quality Assurance Hearings before the ASALB.

Suggested interogatories.

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A 'Conoorned Engineer" letter ~to Mr. R. Deyoung of the NRC IE office,. received May 18, 1983 and the subject of a board notification dated June 29, 1983 A letter from Mr. Flyshacker to Mr. Denton describing allegations of a concerned individual who desired to remain anonunous (d) N/A Q (g p, d[A /kWh A-*Efa#

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k Inspections in 1982/1983 include:

r t 1.



RLCA 82-02,82-20,82-32,53-04 2

TES 82-20,82-30,82-32,83-04 REEDY---82-32 4

=2 30,83-04 sac procedures (IM;&fM A E;W



RLCA---82-02,82-20,82-32,83-04 and note 1 TES---82-20,32-30,93-04 REEDY---N/A ssM---e2-30,83-44

&andnote1t$*D1 t3-lY)

P84E B2-20,82-31 s


Implementation of procedures and coentteents M)(ggj,yptj/fp est f6$$f


RLCA 02-02,82-05,92-20,93-44 l

and note 1

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TES C2-20,83-04, C **69ff).

REEDY--N/A 84M 02-30,



an h ote 1 PSSiE B2-17,82-20s 1



Technical adequacy o" wyr work and the PSteE Internal Technical Program RLCA--82-02,92-05,82-17,82-20 and note 1 Iy 47 TES---82-20 p 43(SALP. N d y REEDY--N/

S4:W --non _Ye PG8 E-82-20{and note l '


Adequacy of plant Modifications IDVP--N/ A l

PG8 E 82-07,82-10,82-13,82-16, l

82-22,82-26,82-35,82-36, 82-39,83-02,83-05,83-06 #J-0 PJ -/r f f-j

$2-g(g4 p mg gj pz gy.pppy gy.p l

Note 1:

Include trip reports by P. Morr 11, K. Herr'ing, J. Fair dated January 15, 1982, February 3, 1982, March 2,

1982, and July 21, 1982. W f
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