Handwritten Memo Forwarding Draft Safety Evaluation Re Steam Line Rupture Detection & Isolation Sys.Sys Capable of Ensuring That Conditions in Reactor & Turbine Bldgs Do Not Exceed Accepted Essential Equipment Qualification EnvelopeML20205G437 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Fort Saint Vrain |
Issue date: |
03/25/1987 |
From: |
Heitner K NRC |
To: |
References |
NUDOCS 8703310456 |
Download: ML20205G437 (9) |
MONTHYEARML20212G5351999-09-27027 September 1999 Forwards Signed Original Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately)(Morrison Knudsen Corp,Cleveland,Oh) for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication.Without Encl ML20236W8131998-08-0404 August 1998 Forwards Regulatory Documents Comprising Regulatory History of Notice of Proposed RM Entitled Miscellaneous Changes to Licensing Requirements for Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel & HLW Which Amended 10CFR72 ML20202D5011997-11-28028 November 1997 Forwards Table Summarizing Contractor Costs,Staff Hours & FTEs Expended in Removing Sites from Site Decommissioning Mgt Plan & Fsv & Shoreham Nuclear Power Facilities,In Response to C Paperiello 970605 Memorandum ML20141C8691997-05-0505 May 1997 Forwards Notice for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr Re Issuance of License Amend for Psc,Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Re Redesignated Approved Decommissioning Plan, & Approved Final Radiation Survey Plan ML20136D6041997-03-0404 March 1997 Forwards Signed Original of FRN for Transmittal to Ofc of Federal Register for Publication ML20134F8951996-11-0505 November 1996 Notification of 961203 Meeting W/Public Service Co of Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Decommissioning & License Termination of Fort St Vrain ML20134G2511996-11-0505 November 1996 Forwards Notice of Forthcoming Meeting W/Psc on Decommissioning & License Termination of Fsv ML20236X0011996-09-12012 September 1996 Provides follow-up to Meeting Re Use of Natural or Depleted U in Storage Casks/Use of Neutron Absorbing Matls,In Order to Improve Basis & Shed Light on Direct Final Possibility ML20137H1331995-12-29029 December 1995 Responds to Request of 951108 for Investigative Assistance in Interviewing R Sawyer & K Zarht Re Alleged Discrimination & Wrongful Termination of Contractor Radiation Protection Technicians at Fort St Vrain,Oi Case A4-95-064 ML20137H2951995-11-21021 November 1995 Forwards Copies of Transcripts of R Sawyer & K Zarht Re Alleged Discrimination & Wrongful Termination of Contractor Radiation Protection Technicians Case A4-95-064.W/o Encls ML20136B2301995-11-17017 November 1995 Forwards Repy to NOV ML20136B1711995-08-31031 August 1995 Agrees W/Office of Enforcement Regional Approach ML20136B1831995-08-31031 August 1995 Discusses Proposed Meeting Re OI 4-95-015 ML20136B2121995-08-30030 August 1995 Confirms 950911 for OI Meeting Re OI 4-95-015 ML20136B1901995-08-30030 August 1995 Ack Receipt of Mail ML20137H2651995-08-25025 August 1995 Forwards Copy of OI Rept Where Investigation Did Substantiate That Seg Technician Deliberately Failed to Perform Response Checks in Accordance W/Procedures.W/O Encl ML20136B1661995-08-17017 August 1995 Forwards OI Rept of Investigation Re Alleged Falsification of Records.W/O Encl ML20136B2191995-08-0707 August 1995 Informs That Enforcement Action Will Be Required Re OI 4-95-015 Concerning Failure to Perform Response Checks ML20136B1581995-06-20020 June 1995 Requests That General Counsel Anlayze Rept & Determine Whether Sufficient Evidence Exists to Take EA Re Falsification of Records ML20137H2551995-06-0303 June 1995 Forwards Copy of OI Rept,Reviewing Licensee Investigation Rept & Confirmed Licensee Conclusions That Radiation Survey Records & Radiation Work Permits Falsified.W/O Encl ML20136B1471995-05-26026 May 1995 Forwards OI Rept of Investigation Re Alleged Falsification of Radiation Survey Records ML20137K0111995-04-20020 April 1995 Discusses Verbal DOJ Declination of Prosecution Re Public Svc Co of Colorado,For Plant ML20137K0611995-04-12012 April 1995 Documents Events Surrounding Discovery of Barrels Being Shipped from Plant to Richland Disposal Facility W/Different Radiation Exposure Readings than Were Listed on Shipping Manifest ML20137K0781995-04-12012 April 1995 Documents Events Surrounding Segs Placement of Problematic Radiation Protection Technician on Administrative Leave ML20137J8251994-04-14014 April 1994 Discusses Chronology of Events Since Preliminary Notification of Event or Unusual Occurrence Case 4-94-010 ML20137S2081994-03-28028 March 1994 Discusses 940325 Telcon from Listed Licensee & Contractor Personnel Re Rept of Falsified Survey Records IA-97-311, Submits Physical Security Info for Export of Unirradiated Fort St Vrain Fuel Containing high-enriched U Mixed W/Th to France for recovery,down-blending & Subsequent Use as Fuel in Research & Test Reactors.Supporting Documentation Encl1993-11-18018 November 1993 Submits Physical Security Info for Export of Unirradiated Fort St Vrain Fuel Containing high-enriched U Mixed W/Th to France for recovery,down-blending & Subsequent Use as Fuel in Research & Test Reactors.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20058B1681993-11-18018 November 1993 Notification of 931109 Meeting W/Psc in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fort St Vrain Decommissioning Status ML20198H5751993-11-18018 November 1993 Submits Physical Security Info for Export of Unirradiated Fort St Vrain Fuel Containing high-enriched U Mixed W/Th to France for recovery,down-blending & Subsequent Use as Fuel in Research & Test Reactors.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20059C2741993-10-25025 October 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931116 to Discuss Decommissioning Status of Plant ML20058N9831993-10-0606 October 1993 Notification of 931109 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md for Briefing on Status of Plant Decommissioning ML20127D3281993-01-12012 January 1993 Notification of 930128 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Brief NRC on Plant Decommissioning Status ML20127L8411992-11-27027 November 1992 Forwards Insp Plan for Facility Which P Michaud Developed for Current Fy Ending on 930930.Plan Based on Mc 2560, Decommissioning Insp Program ML20126A3141992-11-27027 November 1992 Forwards Insp Plan for Fsv,Developed for Current Fiscal Yr Ending 930930.Plan Based on Mc 2560,Decommissioning Insp Program ML20059P0831990-10-12012 October 1990 Notification of 901017 Meeting W/Nrc in Rockville,Md to Discuss Decommissioning of Facilities ML20055F7381990-07-16016 July 1990 Notification of 900725 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Status & Plans for Final Defueling & Decommissioning ML20043B1191990-05-21021 May 1990 Notification of 900531 Biweekly Meeting in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Decommissioning ML20043A0491990-05-14014 May 1990 Requests Fr Publication of Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amend to License DPR-34 & Proposed NSHC Determination & Opportunity for Hearing on 900426 Request Re Shutdown Margin Assessments for Nine or Less Fuel Regions ML20042E2251990-04-0909 April 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 900416 in Region IV Ofc Re Enforcement Conference ML20006E5831990-02-16016 February 1990 Forwards Comments on Public Svc of Colorado Response to NRC 891004 Questions Re Plant Preliminary Decommissioning Plan. Response to Question 17 Did Not Include Contingency Plan for Waste Storage If Disposal Capacity Unavailable ML19332D5561989-11-22022 November 1989 Informs of Current NRC Insp & Staffing Plans for Defueling & Decommissioning Process.Establishing Insp Oversight Group for Defueling & Decommissioning Phase Composed of Both NRR & Region IV Personnel Planned ML19325F0571989-11-0707 November 1989 Notification of 891116 Meeting W/Util in Platteville,Co to Discuss Proposed Changes in Fire Protection Requirements W/Plant Permanently Shutdown ML19324C5081989-11-0303 November 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 891130 to Discuss Recent Changes in Operator Licensing Program ML19327B9561989-11-0303 November 1989 Notification of 891130 Meeting W/Util in Region IV Ofc for Util Presentation on Licensed Operator Requalification Training During Decommissioning ML19325D7171989-10-20020 October 1989 Advises That Further Review of NRC Bulletin 89-002 for Plant Not Warranted.Since Facility Is Gas Cooled,No Anchor Darling Type Check Valves Found in Primary Sys ML19325C5651989-10-11011 October 1989 Notification of 891025 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Defueling ML20248E8301989-09-26026 September 1989 Notification of 891013 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Spent Fuel Storage.Agenda Encl ML20247J6831989-09-18018 September 1989 Forwards Comments on Facility Preliminary Decommissioning Plan,Per 890803 & 21 Memos Re Transfer of Regulatory Authority for Reactor Decommissioning ML20246F1871989-08-24024 August 1989 Summary of 890803 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Preliminary Decommissioning Plan of 890630 for Plant.Related Info,Including List of Attendees & Util Info Re Use of Tax Deduction in Calculation of Funding Requirements Encl ML20245G5541989-08-0808 August 1989 Requests Support in Conducting Review of Plant Preliminary Decommissioning Plan.Areas to Be Reviewed,Requested Reviewers & Tentative Review Schedule Encl 1999-09-27
MONTHYEARML20212G5351999-09-27027 September 1999 Forwards Signed Original Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately)(Morrison Knudsen Corp,Cleveland,Oh) for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication.Without Encl ML20236W8131998-08-0404 August 1998 Forwards Regulatory Documents Comprising Regulatory History of Notice of Proposed RM Entitled Miscellaneous Changes to Licensing Requirements for Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel & HLW Which Amended 10CFR72 ML20202D5011997-11-28028 November 1997 Forwards Table Summarizing Contractor Costs,Staff Hours & FTEs Expended in Removing Sites from Site Decommissioning Mgt Plan & Fsv & Shoreham Nuclear Power Facilities,In Response to C Paperiello 970605 Memorandum ML20149H4801997-07-24024 July 1997 Staff Requirements Memo Re SECY-97-138, Termination of Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Ol ML20141C8691997-05-0505 May 1997 Forwards Notice for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr Re Issuance of License Amend for Psc,Fort St Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Re Redesignated Approved Decommissioning Plan, & Approved Final Radiation Survey Plan ML20136D6041997-03-0404 March 1997 Forwards Signed Original of FRN for Transmittal to Ofc of Federal Register for Publication ML20134F8951996-11-0505 November 1996 Notification of 961203 Meeting W/Public Service Co of Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Decommissioning & License Termination of Fort St Vrain ML20134G2511996-11-0505 November 1996 Forwards Notice of Forthcoming Meeting W/Psc on Decommissioning & License Termination of Fsv ML20236X0011996-09-12012 September 1996 Provides follow-up to Meeting Re Use of Natural or Depleted U in Storage Casks/Use of Neutron Absorbing Matls,In Order to Improve Basis & Shed Light on Direct Final Possibility ML20137H1331995-12-29029 December 1995 Responds to Request of 951108 for Investigative Assistance in Interviewing R Sawyer & K Zarht Re Alleged Discrimination & Wrongful Termination of Contractor Radiation Protection Technicians at Fort St Vrain,Oi Case A4-95-064 ML20137H2951995-11-21021 November 1995 Forwards Copies of Transcripts of R Sawyer & K Zarht Re Alleged Discrimination & Wrongful Termination of Contractor Radiation Protection Technicians Case A4-95-064.W/o Encls ML20136B2301995-11-17017 November 1995 Forwards Repy to NOV ML20136B1711995-08-31031 August 1995 Agrees W/Office of Enforcement Regional Approach ML20136B1831995-08-31031 August 1995 Discusses Proposed Meeting Re OI 4-95-015 ML20136B1901995-08-30030 August 1995 Ack Receipt of Mail ML20136B2121995-08-30030 August 1995 Confirms 950911 for OI Meeting Re OI 4-95-015 ML20137H2651995-08-25025 August 1995 Forwards Copy of OI Rept Where Investigation Did Substantiate That Seg Technician Deliberately Failed to Perform Response Checks in Accordance W/Procedures.W/O Encl ML20136B1661995-08-17017 August 1995 Forwards OI Rept of Investigation Re Alleged Falsification of Records.W/O Encl ML20136B2191995-08-0707 August 1995 Informs That Enforcement Action Will Be Required Re OI 4-95-015 Concerning Failure to Perform Response Checks ML20136B1581995-06-20020 June 1995 Requests That General Counsel Anlayze Rept & Determine Whether Sufficient Evidence Exists to Take EA Re Falsification of Records ML20137H2551995-06-0303 June 1995 Forwards Copy of OI Rept,Reviewing Licensee Investigation Rept & Confirmed Licensee Conclusions That Radiation Survey Records & Radiation Work Permits Falsified.W/O Encl ML20136B1471995-05-26026 May 1995 Forwards OI Rept of Investigation Re Alleged Falsification of Radiation Survey Records ML20137K0111995-04-20020 April 1995 Discusses Verbal DOJ Declination of Prosecution Re Public Svc Co of Colorado,For Plant ML20137K0781995-04-12012 April 1995 Documents Events Surrounding Segs Placement of Problematic Radiation Protection Technician on Administrative Leave ML20137K0611995-04-12012 April 1995 Documents Events Surrounding Discovery of Barrels Being Shipped from Plant to Richland Disposal Facility W/Different Radiation Exposure Readings than Were Listed on Shipping Manifest ML20137J8251994-04-14014 April 1994 Discusses Chronology of Events Since Preliminary Notification of Event or Unusual Occurrence Case 4-94-010 ML20137S2081994-03-28028 March 1994 Discusses 940325 Telcon from Listed Licensee & Contractor Personnel Re Rept of Falsified Survey Records ML20059G9501994-01-19019 January 1994 Staff Requirements Memo Re SECY-93-352,Proposed Export of Fort St Vrain Unirradiated HEU Fuel Assemblies to France for Recovery & Down-Blending to LEU XSNM-2748, & SECY-93-333, Final Amend to 10CFR55 on Renewal of Licenses.. IA-97-311, Submits Physical Security Info for Export of Unirradiated Fort St Vrain Fuel Containing high-enriched U Mixed W/Th to France for recovery,down-blending & Subsequent Use as Fuel in Research & Test Reactors.Supporting Documentation Encl1993-11-18018 November 1993 Submits Physical Security Info for Export of Unirradiated Fort St Vrain Fuel Containing high-enriched U Mixed W/Th to France for recovery,down-blending & Subsequent Use as Fuel in Research & Test Reactors.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20058B1681993-11-18018 November 1993 Notification of 931109 Meeting W/Psc in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fort St Vrain Decommissioning Status ML20198H5751993-11-18018 November 1993 Submits Physical Security Info for Export of Unirradiated Fort St Vrain Fuel Containing high-enriched U Mixed W/Th to France for recovery,down-blending & Subsequent Use as Fuel in Research & Test Reactors.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20059C2741993-10-25025 October 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931116 to Discuss Decommissioning Status of Plant ML20058N9831993-10-0606 October 1993 Notification of 931109 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md for Briefing on Status of Plant Decommissioning ML20127D3281993-01-12012 January 1993 Notification of 930128 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Brief NRC on Plant Decommissioning Status ML20126A3141992-11-27027 November 1992 Forwards Insp Plan for Fsv,Developed for Current Fiscal Yr Ending 930930.Plan Based on Mc 2560,Decommissioning Insp Program ML20127L8411992-11-27027 November 1992 Forwards Insp Plan for Facility Which P Michaud Developed for Current Fy Ending on 930930.Plan Based on Mc 2560, Decommissioning Insp Program ML20059P0831990-10-12012 October 1990 Notification of 901017 Meeting W/Nrc in Rockville,Md to Discuss Decommissioning of Facilities ML20055F7381990-07-16016 July 1990 Notification of 900725 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Status & Plans for Final Defueling & Decommissioning ML20043B1191990-05-21021 May 1990 Notification of 900531 Biweekly Meeting in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Decommissioning ML20043A0491990-05-14014 May 1990 Requests Fr Publication of Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amend to License DPR-34 & Proposed NSHC Determination & Opportunity for Hearing on 900426 Request Re Shutdown Margin Assessments for Nine or Less Fuel Regions ML20042E2251990-04-0909 April 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 900416 in Region IV Ofc Re Enforcement Conference ML20006E5831990-02-16016 February 1990 Forwards Comments on Public Svc of Colorado Response to NRC 891004 Questions Re Plant Preliminary Decommissioning Plan. Response to Question 17 Did Not Include Contingency Plan for Waste Storage If Disposal Capacity Unavailable ML19332D5561989-11-22022 November 1989 Informs of Current NRC Insp & Staffing Plans for Defueling & Decommissioning Process.Establishing Insp Oversight Group for Defueling & Decommissioning Phase Composed of Both NRR & Region IV Personnel Planned ML19325F0571989-11-0707 November 1989 Notification of 891116 Meeting W/Util in Platteville,Co to Discuss Proposed Changes in Fire Protection Requirements W/Plant Permanently Shutdown ML19324C5081989-11-0303 November 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 891130 to Discuss Recent Changes in Operator Licensing Program ML19327B9561989-11-0303 November 1989 Notification of 891130 Meeting W/Util in Region IV Ofc for Util Presentation on Licensed Operator Requalification Training During Decommissioning ML19325D7171989-10-20020 October 1989 Advises That Further Review of NRC Bulletin 89-002 for Plant Not Warranted.Since Facility Is Gas Cooled,No Anchor Darling Type Check Valves Found in Primary Sys ML19325C5651989-10-11011 October 1989 Notification of 891025 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Defueling ML20248E8301989-09-26026 September 1989 Notification of 891013 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Spent Fuel Storage.Agenda Encl ML20247J6831989-09-18018 September 1989 Forwards Comments on Facility Preliminary Decommissioning Plan,Per 890803 & 21 Memos Re Transfer of Regulatory Authority for Reactor Decommissioning 1999-09-27
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AND SYSTEM DESCRIPTION By letter dated June 4,1986, Public Service Company of Colorado, the licensee for the Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station, has proposed to install a Steas.. Line Rupture Detection and Isolation System (SLRDIS) designed to detect rising temperatures in both the reactor building and turbine building which will result from postulated breaks in high energy lines and initiate mitigating actions. Upon detection of rising tempera-tures in either building, the system will 1) initiate a reactor scram,
- 2) trip the helium circulators in both primary loops,.and 3) initiate clo-sure of the valves in the secondary side high energy lines in order to isolate them. Isolation of these lines within the specified time frame prevents further escape of high energy fluid in order to preclude an en-vironmental condition which could adversely affect equipment required to bring the plant to a safe shutdown.
The SLRDIS is relatively simple in design and consists of two sensor loops in the reactor and turbine buildings, each containing four sensors. Each
BRiui sensor is a thermistor which changes resistance rapidly with increases in temperature. Each thermistor is 200 feet long and is coiled into three or four wire loops. One thermistor in each reactor building sensor loop is located near one of the four walls of the building, with a similar arrange-ment in the turbine building. Signals from one thermistor loop in the reactor building are fed into the "A" detection rack while signals from the thermistors in the second loop are fed into the "B" rack. The thermis-tors in the turbine building are arranged in a similar manner. A high energy line break of sufficient' magnitude in either the reactor or turbine building will heat the thermistors, rapidly, thereby reducing their resis-tances so that a' rate-of-rise signal will be generated causing isolation of high energy secondary side pipe lines. Simultaneously, all four helium circulators will be stopped.
Isolation will occur if the resistance of at least two of the four thermistors in two detector racks for either building are sufficiently affected by the rate of rise of the environmental tempera-ture. A signal from only one thermistor will result in a low-level pre-trip alarm and a rate of rise alarm. A signal from both the "A" and "B" detec-tion racks is required to initiate isolation valve closure. There is also a trouble alarm in the event of a thermistor short-circuit or open-circuit condition.
The SLRDIS is designed to detect and isolate breaks in the main steam, hot and cold reheat steam lines where the break flow is equal to or in excess of that equivalent to 27, of a full offset break flow.
It is expected that a break in either the condensate, auxiliary steam, or extraction steam line will not release energy in sufficient quantity to cause the SLRDIS to isolate the secondary side high energy lines.
For these line breaks, the
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fj pre-alann trip signal (135 F) will alert the operators to take necessary corrective actions manually.
Feedwater line breaks will release sufficient energy to actuate the sensors and cause a rate-of-rise trip. However, the SLRDIS system is not designed to isolate the feedwater system automatically; this must be done manually, by the operators, following the SLRDIS system actuation.
In addition, the licensee proposes to maintain functional-capability of the-temperature elements and temperature alarms of the existing Steam Pipe Rupture Detection System (SPRDS) as an additional system to alert the operator to a pipe rupture in the reactor building which may not cause the SLRDIS to react. The licensee committed to reason-ably maintain and test this instrumentation consistent with similar instru-mentation including periodic calibration (once per refueling outage, not to exceed 18 months) and corrective maintenance in a reasonable time inter-val; this instrumentation, however, will not be covered by Technical Speci-fications. SLRDIS operability is ensured by the Technical Specifications.
2.0 EVALUATION 2.1 Single Failure The staff has reviewed the capability of the SLRDIS to perfonn its function in the event of a single failure. A single thermistor can fail in an "open" or "short" condition; this will cause actuation of a trouble alarm. Alternatively, a failure of a sing's thermistor de-tection loop would change the SLRDIS actuation logic from 2-cut-of-4 m.y,_.
s BRAFT to 2-out-of-3 for initiation of the isolation signal. While this.is not desirable, the time of thermistor inoperability is limited by the Technical Specifications so as to minimize operation without a full complement of operable thermistors.
The SLRDIS detection racks themselves may fail in a manner which generates a spurious signal.
In such an event, while an alam is received, isolation of the lines monitored by the SLRDIS will not occur until a signal is received from the other rack. A single instrument bus failure will incapacitate either the "A" or "B" logic in both racks and change the sensing logic to 2-out-of-4 in each rack to 2-out-of-2. Such a condition would still permit SLRDIS actuation.
However, the technical specifications severely limit operation with half the thermistors disabled as would occur on failure of an instru-ment bus. Further, the racks are equipped with a self-test system which continuously monitors the online status of the rack, and will alann a failure upon detection. The above design features ensure that the SLRDIS function is not lost even though a signal from both racks is required for valve closure. The staff, therefore, finds that the SLRDIS design assures its proper function in the event of a single failure.
2.2 SLRDIS Actuation as a Result of Accidents other than a High Energy Line Break i
The staff performed a review to determine the impact on SLRDIS of accidents, other than a' high energy line break.
For the design basis l
.. DET maximum credible accident, in which the primary coolant (helium) is emitted from a ruptured 2-inch pipe leading to the helium purifica-tion system from the Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel (PCRV) head, the licensee determined that the SLRDIS would not be actuated, nor would this accident create a harsh environment.
For Design Basis Accident No. 2 involving a failure of both closures in the bottom head access penetration, the temperature in the reactor building may rise rapidly to 600"F, tripping the SLRDIS in the process.
The original accident analysis assumed that forced circulation cooling would be interrupted for five minutes until automatically reestablish-ed by the use of feedwater and the Pelton drives on the helium circu-lators. The licensee reanalyzed this accident to allow a delay time of 60 minutes for the operator to restart the forced circulation cooling.
The licensee also noted that a fire could activate both of the SLRDIS detection racks, resulting in isolation of the high energy steam lines i
and interruption of forced circulation cooling. Some of the valves closed by the SLRDIS are included in the Fire Detection Shutdown Sys-tem and must be reopened within 90 minutes to permit forced circula-tion cooling. The licensee stated that both the plant and the SLRDIS designs permit the reestablishment of forced circulation cooling under these circumstances.
The licensee further noted that an inadvertent trip to either SLRDIS i
detection rack as a result of hardware failure or operator error l
- . kg would satisfy only one of the two trips signals required to activate the SLRDIS.
In this case, only an alann annunciation would occur as previously discussed. During surveillance or maintenance on the final output relay trip logic, a short-circuit caused by operator error could result in an inadvertent operation of the valves in a single SLRDIS loop and subsequent tripping of the helium circulat' ors in that loop. The other primary cooling loop, however, would continue to function.
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In addition, the licensee conducted analyses to confirm that neither the building heating systems nor loss of HVAC systems would affect building temperatures in a manner which would activate the SLRDIS.
The staff, therefore, finds that the licensee has adequately consider-ed the impact of other accidents on the SLRDIS and confirmed appropri-ate operability of the system for those events.
2.3 Diagnosis of Event The staff reviewed the means available to determine the event occurr-ing in order to alert the operator to a possible SLRDIS actuation.
The licensee noted that a number of indications are provided which would aid the operator in diagnosing the particular event taking place.
If PCRV pressure is not decreasing, the event is not a pri-mary coolant leak. Shift personnel would be able to inform the con-trol room if a fire, localized steam leak or surveillance test had
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Us uiJ - g caused the SLRDIS to trip by observations in the plant. Smoke detec-tors and fire suppression system actuation would indicate the presence of a fire..The SLRDIS detection racks provide indication of the speci-fic channels and zones which have~ tripped.
Indications of only local-ized high building temperature would be a sign that a major steam leak had not occurred. The staff, therefore, finds that adequate means are available to assess the causes of SLRDIS actuations.
2.4 Effects of Water and Steam Hammer The licensee reported that a portion of the boiler feedwater system had been reanalyzed to determine the effects of closure of the isola-tion valves to both steam generator loops as a result of SLRDIS actua-tion. The licensee stated that while SLRDIS actuation may result in a fluid transient, and consequential dynamic responses in excess of manufacturer's rated loads on certain restraints, the boiler feedwater system piping pressure boundary will be adequately maintained. The staff, therefore, finds that the effects of water and steam hammer have been properly considered in the design of the SLRDIS.
Based on the above, the staff concludes that the SLRDIS meets the require-ments of General Design Criteria (GDC) 20 for design of engineering safety feature detection and actuation systems and the requirements of GDC 4 for assuring plant safety following postulated pipe breaks. Thus, the system
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I s dJ is capable of ensuring that environmental conditions within the reactor and turbine buildings will not exceed the accepted essential equipment environ-mental qualification envelope following postulated secondary side high'
-energy line breaks. The staff, therefore, finds the SLRDIS to be accept-
- able, f