MONTHYEARML20206H2221999-05-0404 May 1999 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60 That Would Allow STP Nuclear Operating Co to Apply ASME Code Case N-514 for Determining Plant Cold Overpressurization Mitigation Sys Pressure Setpoint.Commission Grants Exemption ML20195C7541998-11-0505 November 1998 Order Approving Application Re Proposed Corporate Merger of Central & South West Corp & American Electric Power Co,Inc.Commission Approves Application Re Merger Agreement Between Csw & Aep ML20155H5511998-11-0202 November 1998 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e)(4) Re Submission of Revs to UFSAR ML20195E1481998-10-0202 October 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses NPF-76 & NPF-80 Effective Immediately.Order Confirms Licensee Commitment, as Stated in Ltrs & 0604,to Complete Implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers ML20248K5051998-06-0909 June 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying License (Effective Immediately).Answer for Request for Hearing Shall Not Stay Immediate Effectiveness of Order NOC-AE-000109, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Rev to 10CFR50.55a, Industry Codes & Standards.South Texas Project Fully Endorses Comments to Be Provided by NEI1998-03-30030 March 1998 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Rev to 10CFR50.55a, Industry Codes & Standards.South Texas Project Fully Endorses Comments to Be Provided by NEI ML20137U3531997-04-0808 April 1997 Order Approving Application Re Formation of Operating Company & Transfer of Operating Authority ML20116B8871996-07-19019 July 1996 Transcript of 960719 Predecisional Enforcement Conference Re Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements at Plant TXX-9522, Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources1995-08-26026 August 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources ML20072P5441994-07-13013 July 1994 Testimony of Rl Stright Re Results of Liberty Consulting Groups Independent Review of Prudence of Mgt of STP ML20092C4031993-11-15015 November 1993 Partially Deleted Response of Hl&P to Demand for Info ML20092C3911993-11-15015 November 1993 Partially Deleted Response of Rl Balcom to Demand for Info ML20056G3351993-08-27027 August 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Review of 10CFR2.206 Process ST-HL-AE-4428, Comment Supporting Proposed Generic Communication Re Mod of TS Administrative Control Requirements for Emergency & Security Plans1993-05-0404 May 1993 Comment Supporting Proposed Generic Communication Re Mod of TS Administrative Control Requirements for Emergency & Security Plans ML20044D3311993-05-0404 May 1993 Comment Supporting Proposed Generic Communication Re Mod of TS Administrative Control Requirements for Emergency & Security Plans ML20092C5921992-07-28028 July 1992 Partially Deleted Transcript of 920728 Interview W/Dp Hall in Bay City,Tx.Pp 1-59 ST-HL-AE-4162, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR20 & 50 Re Reducing Regulatory Burden on Nuclear Licenses1992-07-22022 July 1992 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR20 & 50 Re Reducing Regulatory Burden on Nuclear Licenses ST-HL-AE-4145, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Loss of All Alternating Current Power & Draft Reg Guide 1.9,task DG-1021.Supports Rule1992-07-0606 July 1992 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Loss of All Alternating Current Power & Draft Reg Guide 1.9,task DG-1021.Supports Rule ST-HL-AE-4146, Comment Supporting Draft Reg Guide DG-1021, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of EDG Units Used as Class 1E Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants1992-07-0606 July 1992 Comment Supporting Draft Reg Guide DG-1021, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of EDG Units Used as Class 1E Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants ML20101K1131992-06-29029 June 1992 Motion for Leave to Suppl Motion to Modify or Quash Subpoenas & Supplemental Info.* OI Policy Unfair & Violative of Subpoenaed Individuals Statutory Rights & Goes Beyond Investigatory Authority.W/Certificate of Svc ML20101G2041992-06-18018 June 1992 Motion to Modify or Quash Subpoenas.* Requests Mod of Subpoenas Due to Manner in Which Ofc of Investigations Seeks to Enforce Is Unreasonable & Fails to Protect Statutory Rights of Subpoenaed Individuals.W/Certificate of Svc ML20087L3651992-04-0202 April 1992 Affidavit of Rl Balcom Re Access Authorization Program ML20087L3491992-04-0202 April 1992 Affidavit of JW Hinson Re ATI Career Training Ctr ML20087L3561992-04-0202 April 1992 Affidavit of Wj Jump Re Tj Saporito 2.206 Petition ML20087L3301992-04-0202 April 1992 Affidavit of RW Cink Re Speakout Program ML20116F2671992-02-19019 February 1992 Requests NRC to Initiate Swift & Effective Actions to Cause Licensee to Immediately Revoke All Escorted Access to Facility ML20094E9511992-02-10010 February 1992 Requests That NRC Initiate Swift & Effective Actions to Cause Licensee to Immediately Revoke All Escorted Access to Facility & to Adequately Train All Util Employees in Use of Rev 3 to Work Process Program ML20066C5041990-09-24024 September 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re NRC Fitness for Duty Program.Urges NRC Examine Rept Filed by Bay City,Tx Woman Who Was Fired from Clerical Position at Nuclear Power Plant Due to Faulty Drug Test Administered by Util ML20087H7261990-02-0808 February 1990 Partially Deleted Order (CLI-90-01) Denying Stay of Enforcement of Administrative Subpoena,Issued by NRC Staff on 891201,until NRC Has Responded to Request Under FOIA for All Records Re Concerns Re Plant from June 1986 to Present ML20006A0281990-01-0808 January 1990 J Corder Response to NRC Staff Motion to Modify Subpoena & Motion for Protective Order.* Requests Protective Order Until NRC Makes Documents Available to Corder by FOIA or Directly.W/Certificate of Svc ML20005G1431989-12-11011 December 1989 Motion to Modify Subpoena & Motion for Protective Order.* Protective Order Requested on Basis That Subpoena Will Impose Undue Financial Hardship on J Corder ML20005G1451989-12-0505 December 1989 Affidavit of Financial Hardship.* Requests NRC to Provide Funds for Investigation & Correction of Errors at Plant Due to Listed Reasons,Including Corder State of Tx Unemployment Compensation Defunct ST-HL-AE-3164, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components1989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20244C9131989-03-28028 March 1989 Transcript of 890328 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion/ Possible Vote on Full Power Ol.Pp 1-65.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20055G7801988-11-10010 November 1988 Investigative Interview of La Yandell on 881110 in Arlington,Tx.Pp 1-13.Related Info Encl ML20055G7831988-11-0909 November 1988 Investigative Interview of R Caldwell on 881109 in Arlington,Tx.Pp 1-27.Related Info Encl ML20055G7151988-11-0909 November 1988 Investigative Interview of J Kelly on 881109 in Arlington, Tx.Pp 1-35.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20055G7881988-11-0909 November 1988 Investigative Interview of AB Earnest on 881109 in Arlington,Tx.Pp 1-90.Related Info Encl ML20205T7001988-11-0101 November 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Initiation of Fitness for Duty Program at Facility.Need for Program Based on Presumption That Nuclear Power Activities Require That Personnel Be Free from Impairment of Illegal Drugs ML20151M2071988-07-25025 July 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 171 Re Fee Schedules.Principal Objection to Rules Relates to Removal of Current Ceilings on Collection of Fees DD-88-09, Decision DD-88-09 Denying 880317 Petition by Earth First, Gray Panthers of Austin,Lone Star Green,Public Citizen,South Texas Cancellation Campaign & Travis County Democratic Women Committee for Commission to Delay Util Licensing Vote1988-06-17017 June 1988 Decision DD-88-09 Denying 880317 Petition by Earth First, Gray Panthers of Austin,Lone Star Green,Public Citizen,South Texas Cancellation Campaign & Travis County Democratic Women Committee for Commission to Delay Util Licensing Vote ML20196A3701988-06-17017 June 1988 Notice of Receipt of Petition for Director'S Decision Under 10CFR2.206 & Issuance of Director'S Decision Denying Petitioners Request ML20150D1401988-03-21021 March 1988 Appeal of Director'S Decision on Southern Texas Project.* Requests That Commission Consider Appeal & Stay Licensing Decision Until Sufficient Evidence Acquired to Support Final Decision ML20148K0271988-03-21021 March 1988 Transcript of 880321 Discussion/Possible Vote on Full Power License for South Texas Nuclear Project,Unit 1 (Public Meeting) in Washington,Dc.Viewgraphs Encl.Pp 1-73 ML20150D0411988-03-17017 March 1988 Petition Of:Earth First!,Gray Panthers of Austin,Lone Star Green,Public Citizen,South Texas Cancellation Campaign, Travis County Democratic Women'S Committee.* Withholding of Issuance of License Requested ML20196H4661988-02-29029 February 1988 Receipt of Petition for Director'S Decision Under 10CFR2.206.* Gap 880126 Petition to Delay Voting on Full Power OL for Facility Until Investigation of All Allegations Completed Being Treated,Per 10CFR2.206 ML20148Q9531988-01-26026 January 1988 Petition of Gap.* Commission Should Delay Vote on Licensing of Facility Until Thorough Investigation of All Allegations Completed & Public Rept Issued.Exhibits Encl ML20237D6101987-12-16016 December 1987 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e)(3)(i),extending Submittal Date of Updated FSAR to No Later than 1 Yr After Initial Licensing of Facility ML20237C2751987-12-13013 December 1987 Directors Decision 87-20 Denying Petitioners 870529 Motion That Record in Facility Licensing Hearings Be Reopened & Fuel Loading Be Suspended Pending Resolution of Issues. Petitioner Failed to Provide Any New Evidence ML20236H3751987-10-29029 October 1987 NRC Staff Consent to Motion to Quash Subpoena Filed by E Stites.* Staff Concedes Possibility of Deficiencies in Svc of Subpoena to Stites & Therefore Does Not Oppose Motion to Quash.Certificate of Svc Encl 1999-05-04
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MONTHYEARML20195C7541998-11-0505 November 1998 Order Approving Application Re Proposed Corporate Merger of Central & South West Corp & American Electric Power Co,Inc.Commission Approves Application Re Merger Agreement Between Csw & Aep ML20195E1481998-10-0202 October 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses NPF-76 & NPF-80 Effective Immediately.Order Confirms Licensee Commitment, as Stated in Ltrs & 0604,to Complete Implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers ML20248K5051998-06-0909 June 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying License (Effective Immediately).Answer for Request for Hearing Shall Not Stay Immediate Effectiveness of Order ML20137U3531997-04-0808 April 1997 Order Approving Application Re Formation of Operating Company & Transfer of Operating Authority ML20087H7261990-02-0808 February 1990 Partially Deleted Order (CLI-90-01) Denying Stay of Enforcement of Administrative Subpoena,Issued by NRC Staff on 891201,until NRC Has Responded to Request Under FOIA for All Records Re Concerns Re Plant from June 1986 to Present ML20236E0111987-10-23023 October 1987 Order.* Grants NRC Request for Addl Time to Respond to Motion to Quash Subpoena of E Stites,Per 871008 Order. Response Should Be Filed by 871029.Served on 871023 ML20236E6741987-07-24024 July 1987 Memorandum & Order.* Intervenor,Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power,Inc,870529 Motion to Reopen Record of Facility Licensing Hearings & Request for Stay of Fuel Loading Denied.Served on 870724 ML20237K0921987-07-15015 July 1987 Memorandum & Order.* Order Denying Bp Garde Motion to Quash Subpoena & Request for Oral Argument.Appropriate Time to Assert atty-client Privilege & Work Product Doctrine When Bp Garde Testifies.Served on 870715.Reserved on 870814 ML20214S0521987-06-0404 June 1987 Order.* Directing NRC Staff & Commission to File Response to Gap 870529 Motion to Quash EDO 870520 Subpoena by 870612. Served on 870604 ML20215M9761986-10-30030 October 1986 Order Extending Time Until 861201 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-849.Served on 861031 ML20215C1971986-10-0808 October 1986 Memorandum & Order Affirming LBP-86-15 & LBP-86-29 Re Issuance of OL for Units 1 & 2.Served on 861008 ML20207E1431986-07-17017 July 1986 Order Providing Parties Opportunity to Comment on Other Party Affidavits within 10 Days of Order Svc.Served on 860718 ML20202F8671986-07-10010 July 1986 Order Discussing ASLB 860613 Partial Initial Decision in Phases II & III of OL Proceeding.No Appeal of Decision Filed.Decision Will Be Reviewed by Aslab Sua Sponte.Served on 860711 ML20206J5521986-06-23023 June 1986 Memorandum & Order Directing Applicants & Staff to Answer Questions Re Design of Nonconforming Structures to Withstand Hurricanes & Tornados,Via Affidavit by 860714.Served on 860625 ML20211E6081986-06-13013 June 1986 Order Adding,As Addendum to App C,Transcript Corrections for 851205-06 Hearing Sessions Inadvertently Omitted from App C of 860613 Partial Initial Decision.Served on 860613 ML20140G1291986-03-28028 March 1986 Seventh Prehearing Conference Order Re Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power,Inc Fourth & Fifth Motions to Reopen Phase II Record & Phase III Issues.Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled for 860506.Served on 860331 ML20137X4251986-03-0303 March 1986 Order Directing Applicant & Staff Responses to Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power,Inc 860128 Motions to Reopen Phase II Records & Compel Against Applicant,Be Delivered by 860317 & 19,respectively.Served on 860304 ML20137U8301986-02-14014 February 1986 Memorandum & Order Permitting Withdrawal of Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power,Inc,860117 Contention 3 Re Overpressurization of Westinghouse Reactors.Served on 860218 ML20151W9701986-02-10010 February 1986 Order Inviting Response by State of Tx to Fourth Motion by Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power,Inc to Reopen Phase II Record,Per 860207 Memorandum & Order.Response Requested by 860211 ML20151W8741986-02-0707 February 1986 Memorandum & Order Directing Applicants,Staff & Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power,Inc to File Positions Re Fourth Motion to Reopen Phase II Record by 860221 ML20151U0631986-02-0606 February 1986 Order Advising of Dates for NRC & Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power (Ccanp) Responses to Affidavit on Contention 4 & Testimony Re Issue C.Nrc Response Due by 860304 & Ccanp Response Due by 860318.Served on 860207 ML20137P8081985-12-0303 December 1985 Order Changing Location of 851205-06 Hearings from Univ of Houston Law School to Astro Village Hotel in Houston,Tx. Served on 851203 ML20136D9851985-11-18018 November 1985 Order Approving Schedule for Phase III of Hearing & for Conference Call on Reopened Phase II Hearing on 851121. Served on 851119 ML20138R2901985-11-14014 November 1985 Memorandum & Order Granting Intervenor 851016 Motion II to Reopen Record of Phase II & Motion to Withdraw Motion Iii. Applicant Request to Strike Motion III Denied.Served on 851115 ML20198B8221985-11-0505 November 1985 Order to Reopen Record to Admit Jordan Chronology Into Evidence as Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power Inc Exhibit 148.Motion for Board-ordered Production of Sli Rept Dismissed.Motion Denied.Served on 851106 ML20138L3591985-10-30030 October 1985 Order Granting Concerned Citizens Against Nuclear Power 851029 Request for Extension Until 851105 to File Proposed Phase II Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Addl Extensions for Parties Listed.Served on 851030 ML20133K1871985-10-17017 October 1985 Order Extending Time Until 851108 for Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power & State of Tx to Respond to Applicant 851014 Motion to Establish Phase III Schedule.Nrc May Respond by 851113.Served on 851018 ML20133J3111985-10-16016 October 1985 Order Ruling on Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power 850930 Motion for Production of Documents,To Reopen Record, for New Contention,For Discovery & for Extensions of Time. Jordan Chronology Admitted.Served on 851017 ML20133E8091985-10-0404 October 1985 Memorandum & Order Granting 2-wk Extension for Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power to File Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on Phase Ii.Served on 851007 ML20134E7121985-08-16016 August 1985 Order Establishing Schedule for Receipt of Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Laws for Phase II Hearings by Parties.Served on 850816 ML20126K9711985-07-26026 July 1985 Order Extending Time Until 850730 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-799.Served on 850726 ML20129K1731985-07-19019 July 1985 Order Extending Time Until 850726 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-799.Served on 850719 ML20128K1281985-07-0808 July 1985 Order Extending Time Until 850719 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-799.Served on 850709 ML20127L4941985-06-24024 June 1985 Memorandum & Order Re ASLB 850621 Telcon W/Applicant Denying Commissioner Roberts Appearance as Witness,Per 10CFR2.790(h).ASLB Will Issue Subpoena for Nonnrc Witnesses.Listed Info Requested by 850626.Served on 850624 ML20126M3251985-06-18018 June 1985 Order LBP-85-19 Denying Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power 850417 Motion to Reopen Phase I Record Re Competence of Util & Directing Util to Provide Records by 850703.Served on 850619 ML20126K5171985-06-17017 June 1985 Order Extending Time Until 850708 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-799.Served on 850618 ML20126K9601985-06-14014 June 1985 Errata Correcting Page 9 of 850517 Sixth Prehearing Conference Order to Read Regional Administrator Ltr of 840622 Instead of Regional Manager Ltr of 840622. Served on 850617 ML20128G8321985-05-24024 May 1985 Memorandum & Order Modifying Sixth Prehearing Conference Order to Change Ref to Finding in Paragraph 5 on Page 12 to in Quadrex Rept.Served on 850528 ML20127G2411985-05-17017 May 1985 Sixth Prehearing Conference Order Providing Further Definition of Phase II Issues.Phase II Hearings Defined & Delineated & Filing & Hearing Dates Established.Served on 850520 ML20197G6671984-06-15015 June 1984 Memorandum & Order Denying 840308 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 830714 Order Rejecting Proposed Financial Qualifications Contention.Served on 840615 ML20054M1871982-07-0808 July 1982 Order Extending Time Until 820802 for Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Pollution to File Request to Adopt Citizens for Equitable Utils Contentions & Updated Info on Status of American Bridge Contentions ML20054G2011982-06-18018 June 1982 Memorandum & Order CLI-82-9,reinstating Judge Ee Hill to Aslb.Hill Statement Does Not Provide Legally Cognizable Basis for Disqualifying Prejudice.Commissioners Gilinsky, Roberts & Ahearne Views & Asselstine Dissent Encl ML20052F5221982-05-0606 May 1982 Memorandum & Order Approving Settlement Agreements & Proposed License Conditions & Dismissing Proceeding ML20054F8831982-04-30030 April 1982 Order Extending Const Completion Dates to 871231 for Unit 1 & 891231 for Unit 2 ML20052B9891982-04-30030 April 1982 Order Canceling 820504-07 Evidentiary Hearings in Austin Tx.Future Hearings Scheduled for 820602-05,15-19,21-26 & 0706-10 ML20054C6471982-04-19019 April 1982 Order Canceling 820420-23 Evidentiary Hearings.Aslab 820415 Order Dismissing Judge Hill Subj to Review by Commission ML20054A6151982-04-13013 April 1982 Memorandum & Order Denying Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power 820309 Motion for Recusal of Judge Hill.Intervenor Advanced No Ground Which Would Lead to Recusal.Judge Hill Affiliation W/Lll Is Not Legally Disqualifying ML20042C2691982-03-26026 March 1982 Memorandum & Order Denying Citizens for Equitable Utils 820301 Motion to Require Full Disclosure & Independently Prepared Affidavits.Requested Relief Is Form of Discovery & Requirements Not Met ML20049K0781982-03-25025 March 1982 Memorandum & Order Denying Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Power 820210 Motion for Reconsideration of Schedule for Hearing Quadrex Matters.Established Schedule Will Permit More Informed Inquiry Into Matters than Intervenor Schedule CLI-81-28, Order CLI-81-28,declining Review of 810630 Vote Which Allowed Time to Review ALAB-639 to Expire.V Gilinsky,Pa Bradford,& Jf Ahearne Separate Views Encl1981-11-0404 November 1981 Order CLI-81-28,declining Review of 810630 Vote Which Allowed Time to Review ALAB-639 to Expire.V Gilinsky,Pa Bradford,& Jf Ahearne Separate Views Encl 1998-06-09
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U 7590-01-P l
l STP Nuclear Operating Company
Docket Nos. 50-498 and 499
i South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2
STP Nuclear Operating Company, (the Licensee)is the holder of Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-80, which authorizes operation of South Texas Project, Units 1 i
and 2, located in Matagorda County, TX.
The staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has been concerned that
. Thermo-Lag 330-1 fire barrier systems installed by licensees may not provide the fevel of fire endurance intended and that licensees that use Thermo-Lag 330-1 fire barriers may not be meeting regulatory requirements. During the 1992 to 1994 timeframe, the NRC staff issued Generic Letter (GL) 92-08, "Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers" and subsequent requests for additional information that requested licensees to submit plans and schedules for resolving the Thermo-Lag issue. The NRC staff has obtained and reviewed all licensees' corrective plans and schedules. The staff is concemed that some licensees may not be rnaking adequate progress toward resolving the plant-specific issues, and that some implementation schedules may be either too tenuous or too protracted. For example, several licensees informed the NRC L
9811180254 981002 P
PDR -ADOCK 05000498 P
' staff that their completion dates had slipped by 6 months to as much as 3 years. For plants that have completion action scheduled beyond 1997, the NRC staff has discussed with these licensees the progress of the licensees' corrective actions and the extent of licensee management attention regarding completion of Thermo-Lag corrective actions. South Texas 1
Project, Units 1 and 2, are two of the plants whose schedule extends beyond 1997.
Based on the information submitted by STP Nuclear Operating Company, the NRC staff has concluded that the schedules presented by STP Nuclear Operating Company are reasonabic. This conclusion is based on (1) the amount of installed Thermo-Lag, (2) the complexity of the plant-specific fire barrier configurations and issues, (3) the need to perform certain plant modifications during outages as opposed to those that can be performed while the plant is at power, and (4) integration with other significant, but unrelated issues that STP Nuclear Operating Company is addressing at its plant. In order to remove compensatory j
measures such as fire watches, it has been determined that resolution of the Thermo-Lag corrective actions by STP Nuclear Operating Company must be completed in accordance with current STP Nuclear Operating Company schedu.tes. By letter dated June 15,1998, the NRC staff notified STP Nuclear Operating Company of its plan to incorporate STP Nuclear Operating Company's schedule commitment into a requirement by issuance of an order and requested consent from the Licensee. By letter dated June 25,1998, the Licensee provided its consent to issuance of a Confirmatory Order.
The Licensee's commitment as set forth in its letter of June 25,1998, is acceptable and is necessary for the NRC to conclude that public health and safety are reasonably assured. To l
l preclude any schedule slippage and to assure public health and safety, the NRC staff has
' determined that the Licensee's commitment in its June 25,1998, letter be confirmed by this Order. The Licensee has agreed to this action. Based on the above, and the Licensee's consent, this Order is immediately effective upon issuance.
Accordingly, pursuant to sections 103,161b,1611,161o,182, and 186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 2.202 and 10 CFR Part 50, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, effective immediately, that:
STP Nuclear Operating Company shall complete final implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 fire barrier corrective actions at South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, described in the STP Nuclear Operating Company submittats to the NRC dated December 20,1995 August 26,1996, November 6,1996, and July 7,1997, as modified and summarized by the letters of April 15,1998, and June 4,1998, by the end of 1998, excluding those corrective actions which are the subject of the pending deviation request from Appendix R, Section ll.G.2.c, dated September 14,1995, as supplemented by letters dated November 6,1996, May 22,1997 August 4, 1997, and April 15,1998, for NRC staff review and approval pursuant to License Condition 2.E of a change to the approved fire protection program. A schedule for completion of any corrective actions associated with this request will be determined separately.
- - ~.~-. - - -.- - - _ - -
4 The Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, may relax or rescind, in writing, any provisions of this Confirmatory Order upon a showing by the Licensee of good cause.
Any person adversely affected by this Confirmatory Order, other than the Licensee, may request a hearing within 20 days of its issuance. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the time to request a hearing. A request for extension of time must be made in writing to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, and include a statement of good cause for the extension. Any request for a hearing shall be submitted to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attention: Chief, Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff, Washington, D.C. 20555. Copies of the hearing request shall also be sent to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555, to the Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement at the same address, to the Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV,611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Arlington, Texas,76011 and to the Licensee. If such a person requests a hearing, that person shall set forth with particularity the manner in which his/her interest is adversely affected by this Order and shall address criteria set forth in 10 CFR 2.714(d).
i If a hearing is requested by a person whose interest is adversely affected, the Commission willissue an Order designating the time and place of any such hearing. If a hearing is held, the issue to be considered at such hearing shall be whether this Confirmatory Order should be sustained.
In the absence of any request for hearing, or written approval of an extension of time in l.
which to request a hearing, the provisions specified in Section IV above shall be final 20 days i
. from the date of this Order without further order or proceedings If an extens me for requesting a hearing has been approved, the provisions specified in Section IV nal when the extension expires if a hearing request has not been receiv for hearing shall not stay the immediate effectiveness of this Order.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 2nd day of October 1998 FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION b
a' Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation