ML20149F959 | |
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Site: | Seabrook ![]() |
Issue date: | 10/31/1987 |
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ML20149F881 | List: |
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YAEC-1619, NUDOCS 8802180027 | |
Download: ML20149F959 (188) | |
i 2
i 5
d' Prepared by Reviewed by
/d 9
7 Reviewed by l8 Sh 8
date l
I l
Yankee Atomic Electric Company i
Nuclear Services Division 1
1671 Worcester Road Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 8802550027 0212
PDR ADOCK 05000443 F
. ~.
This document was prepared by Yankee Atomic Electric Company
(' Yankee').
The information is believed to be ' accu.* ate and j
complete to the best of our knowledge and information.
It is t
authorized for use specifically by Yankee and New Hampshire Yankee.
With regard to any unauthorized use, neither Yarikee nor its officers, directors, agents, or employees Lasume any liability nor make any warranty or representation with,keepect to the contents of this document.
f h
- 2. tat
- 1. 9 INTRODUCTI0k.........................................
1 1.1 Hardware Introduction...........................
- 1. 2 Software Introduction...........................
- 1. 2.1 Initialization Sequence..................
3 1.2.2 Method of Data Input.....................
- 2. 0 XEYBOARD XEY ASSIGNMENTS.............................
6 2.1 For the Quick version...........................
- 2. 2 The Top Two Rows, IBM Emulator Version............b
- 2. 3 The Shifted 5th and 6th hows, IBM Emulator Vers 1on...........................
.... 7
- 2. 4 The Toggle Function Keys, IBM Emulator Vers 100.........................................
6 i
2.4.1 Alternate Path Mode......................
6 2.4.2 Rain Mode................................
9 2
2.4.3 Print All Mode...........................
- 2. 4 Undocumented Features...........................
9 d
- 3. 0 GENERAL EXAMPLE OF OUTPUT............................
11 3.1 Exampir of the Quick Version....................
- 3. 2 Exampirs of the IBM Emulator
- 4. 0 RUNNING THE P>0 GRAM..................................,30 L,
4.1 initialization, the Wuick Version...............
30 4.1.1 Starting the Quick Version...............
31 4.1.2 Data Input Sequence......................
31 4.1.3 The Wuick Version Output.................
- 4. 2 Initialization, IBM Emulator Version. *SBINIT'.. 32 4.2.1 Starting the IBM Emulator Version........
'BGN' Begin Program...............
' REP' Repeat Calculation.......... 33 i
4.2.2 Time and Date of Events..................
34 i
' TRIP' Reactor Trip Time..........
34 l
'kELEAS' Release Time.............
34 i
'ANALYS' Analys1A Time............
3b i
L r
'PROJ' Projected Duration.........
35 l
6 4.2.3 Common Meteoro1cgical Input..............
7 "WIND' Wind Speed.................
'DIRFRM' Direction From...........
35 "SOL' Solar Intensity.............
35 "STABL' Stability Class...........
36 4.2.4
' PATH' Release Pathways..................
36 Containment Release...............
36 5 Stack Release.....................
38 Main Steam Line Release........... 39 l
4.2.5 The Alternate Pathway Option, 'ALTPATH".. 40 4.2.6 Dose Projections.........................
- 4. 2. 6.1 The Default Projection,
' DIS' Single Distance Projection.. 41
'MULDIS' Multiple Distance f
41 t
5.0 PRINT ALL MODE EXAMPLES...............................
42 l
i i
I i
i l
i 1
I l
Keyboard Overlay of Assigned Keys......................A-1 B.
Program Register and Flag Usage........................B-1 C.
S BEROM4 Prog r a m 11 s tin g................................ C-1 D.
SBEROM5 Program listing................................D-1 E.
SBEROM6 Progran listing................................E-1 F.
SBEROM7 Program listing................................F-1 G.
SBEROM9 Porgram 11 sting................................ G-1 H.
Index of Program Subroutine Labels.....................M-1 I.
Gamma CHI /O Dispersion Factor Verification.............I-1
. -. -, - -. - - - - -.., -..,. - - - - -.,. ~. -, - - -, - - -, - - - - - - ~. - - - - -
- 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The HP-41CX dose projection program is a computer model that is specifically tailored to Seabrook Nuclear Power Station to predict the projected dose due to an airborne radioactive release during a nuclear accident.
This program is based on the methodology for the IBM PC microcomputer model developed by the Environmental Engineering Department of Yankee Nuclear Services Division.
The primary differences are that the HP-41CX version does not track the plume for variable meteorology and no graphics are produced.
The HP-41CX projects a radial straight line dose assessner.t based on a single release from the plant.
The calculator is expected to be a secure backup to the IBM PC model and to serve in determining 'what if' scenarios.
The model is programmed into an EPROM computer chip that is essentially permanant memory.
The program cannot be destroyed or lost, short of destroying the EPROM holder module.
Any HP-41CX calculator can be used with the EPROM module.
The output will be printed on a Hewlett Packard thermal printer designed for the HP-41 series calculator if it is attached to the calculator.
The printer should be in MANUAL mode for operation.
If no printer is available, or if the printer has lost power, the model vill display the results in its LCD display.
This documentation is intended to provide the program user with complete information on how to operate the HP-41CX calculator with the dose projection EPROM module attached.
The documentation includes the following;
- a hardware introduction
- a software introduction
- the keyboard key assignments
- general examples of output
+ running the Quick version
+ initialization for IBM Emulator version
-beginning the program
-time and date of events
-common meteorological input
-release pathways
-dose projections
- print all mode examples e test modules available for verification 1.1 Hardware Introduction The program is contained in a non-volatile memory chip (EPROM) which is socketed into the shell of a standard HP-41 j
magnetic card reader hausing. The housing clips into the top of a T
HP-41 to form en integral unit.
The program is in EPROM to prevent Icss of the program due to operator error or loss oi l
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
The EPROM's-can be reprogrammed with special equipment to allow periodic updates or features to be added to the program.
Currently the EPROM module contains 16K bytes of memory but can be expanded to the full 32X memory if necessay.
Specific information on the structure of the memory and programming the EPROMs is described in a separtate document.
Reprogramming the EPROM memory requires an intimate knowledge of the HP-41 operating system structure and should be attemp'ed only by qualified personnel.
Over the time period that the program has been developed, newly produced hardware and softvbre
has mak'e it easier to program and reprogram EPROMs for the HP-41, thus reducing the programming difficulty for the programmer.
The actual language used on the calcuator is similar to assembly language but is an order of magnitude easier to use, much less cryptic, and is very efficient, resulting in a compact code.
The language is ideally suited for a structured program based on separate modules or subroutines.
The EPROM bo:: vill work with any HP-41CX handheld calculator and will work with or without the thermal printer.
Either the standard 82143A or the HPIL 82162A thermal printers can be used with the program. With the HPIL converter or the GPIO converter, the program can also print output on a standard dot matrix printer.
With either the RS232 82164 interface or the HPIL 82973A interface card for the IBM PC, the program can be interfaced with a computer display.
(3 v'
Normally the HP-41 vill automatically turn off alter 10 minutes of inactivity to preserve the battery life.
This auto shutdown will be defeated when the program is started up for reasons described later.
Therefore the following operating times have been established to alleviate concern that the batteries will lose their charge in the middle of an emergency.
It is suggested that rechargeble batteries should not be used in the calculator because they lose these charge at the rate of 1% per day and are not suitable for long term storage.
It is recommended that alkaline batteries be used which are readily available in
'N' size at local stores, such as Radio Shack.
When the HP-41 is on, but not calculating, the batteries vill last 40 days with the EPROM box attached but only 7 days with the printer also attached.
During normal program runs, the printer batteries will last approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> from a full charge, but to conserve the printer batteries, the printer can be switched oil at the end of a run and later switched on and not affect the data in the calculator.
The calculator with the EPROM box attached can calculate for 12 days while using fresh alkaline batteries, and approximately 2 days with the printer also attached.
(If the HP-41CX bas the speed-up modification installed and is on fast speed, the current drain on the calculator will be about 70%
greater and the battery life vill be reduced about 70%).
O 1
1 YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
1.2 Software Introduction
( )\\
In the following text the symbol (
) encloses an y
assigned or normal keyboard function; one that can be executed with a keystroke.
Functions denoted as are functions that can be executed in the alpha mode, i. e.
[ shift) (ALPHA)
(ALPHA) with the function name in the blank spaces.
General referral to function labels that are not normally manually executed will be in UPPER CASE.
Text that appears as output or as a prompt in the display or on the printout will be quoted *
- 1. 2.1 Initialization Secuence If during either of the initialization sequences or during the running of the programs, the HP-41 displays ' PACKING' 'TRY AGAIN',
strange characters appear in the display or things don't work normally; the calculator memory should be completely destroyed with a NEMORY LOST.
The easiest way is to key the sequence LSTO)
[.) (C) which will force the memory lost.
The user should then restart the program by turn the HP-41
( v-)
off and on again.
If the keyboard ever becomes locked-up, hold the
down and turn the HP-41 off.
When all else fails, remove the battery module, then replace the battery module (not to be confused with replacing the batteries) which vill free up the keyboard.
The program vill beep and automatically start running vnen the calculator is turned on.
After it determines what speed mode it is in, it prompts for the user to choose which program to run.
Program 1 is the Quick algorithm version used to determine the emergency classification based on the site boundary dose rates.
Program 2 is the IBM emulator version which uses the algoritnas in the IBM microcomputer Metpac dose program.
If the user does not make the choice within 7-10 seconds it automatically starts the Quick version, assuming the user is busy during the first part of a potential emergency and that the most important i
function of the HP-41 is to make a quick determinrition of the
emergency classification.
The initialization is different for each version.
A snorter and less versatile method is used for the Quick version.
The quick version clears all registers and key assignments and j
sizes the HP-41 for 100 data registers.
If this can not be done. It i
p) does a ' MEMORY LOST' and requires the user to restart the y
calculator again. Then it assigns only three key assignments and prints the title block.
d i
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
1 n.-.
1 The IBM emulator version includes a longer initialization
[3 sequence which gives the user more flexibility when using the V
It will check the clock and prompt for resetting if it has been cleared or lost, after which the clock time and date vill be either printed or displayed.
The program then defeats the auto timeout feature of the calculator.
It will then prompt for clearing old data.
If previous runs have been completed and the data is to be retained, the user should not clear the data, otherwise it should be cleared to do a complete initialization of the HP-41.
During this procs as any programs that exist in the main memory only will be cleared.
The HP-41 data memory will be allocated and if the terrain data is not in memory, it will load the terrain elevations of the EPZ.
It will then assign the key assignments and final 11y print the title block.
1.2.2 Method of Data Input There are two types of prompts, the numeric type and the alpha type.
The Quick version uses numeric prompts to facilitate the user response.
The numeric prompts are answered by keying keyboard numbers and then entering the value with the (R/S) key.
Do not use the (ENTER ^)
Some of the inputs have default values.
'O' flag vill appear in the display for these prompts.)
Some of the inputs are checked for valid ranges, und changed to values within the allowable range or the progreim feprompts for another valid input.
The alpha prompts in the IBM Emulator version are answered by keying the buttons that have the blue letters.
The HP-41 v11).
be in the ALPHA mode for all these prompts.
The user should key in the desired word from the choices shown in the display.
The input will be checked to see if it matches any of the salid ansvers.
If the response does not match any of the required words, the prompt will be repeated.
The alpha prompts in the Quick version are answered using numbers instead of keying alpha letters.
This helps speed up the user response to the questions, especially for a person who does not use the HP-41 extensively and is not familiar with the location of the alpha keys.
An example is 'STX=1, MSL=2, CTM=3' used to determine the pathway for the release.
This type of resopnse is not used on the IBM Emulator version because the alpha input is much easier to handle and is more flexible within a large structured program.
Some of the prompts, both numeric and alpha have pre prompts that will appear on the printer, to assist the operator.
Display acrolling has been eliminated if possible.
If a printer is not attached, the pre-prompts vill show for 1 second in the display.
All the prompts are stored in sequence in the memory.
When p
repeating a run, previously entered data does not need to be d
At the prompt, in lieu of entering data, lR/SJ can be
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 l
keyed which will cause the old data to show for a pause of 1 second.
During the pause the display can be stopped with another n
I (R/S) and a new value reentered.
If no action is taken during the pause the old data vill be used.
All prompts are printed along with your data response by the printer.
Old data passed over with the (R/S) will not be re-printed.
This is the best way to determine what data has been changed from the previous runs.
Default values will always override old data in subsequent runs and will always be printed.
Time prompts should be input in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> clock time, with decimal after hours, in the format HH.MMSS.
The date prompts use MM.DDYYYY format with the decimal after the month. Note single digit days (not months; are entered 01, 02, etc.
The year need
.not be entered and will default to the current year.
Watch out for the RELEASE time and date!
These have default values of the current time and date.
Do not pass these prompts with (R/S) if you are not using real time for the analysis.
Valid dates are from 1985 to 2199.
The program is limited to the distances between, and including 0.6 miles and 12 miles from the plant.
All other distances will be forced into this range.
The offset distance, which is used in the unmonitored release mode and for doses at a discrete distance, is limited by the algorithms used in the model.
Keep in mir.d that the 99% plume width is the total width of the plume wher? the gamma dose is only 1% of that at the O'
As an example, if the plume width is only 0.33 miles, using an offset of 1 miles is stretching the accuracy of the model.
bv YAEC-1619
-S-Oct. 1987
The HP-41 has the ability tc save program subroutine labels and assign them to a keyboard position.
In this way the user has direct access to important program functions without having to spell them out to execute them.
The functions are assigned in a logical sequence on the keyboard, using keys that are not I
needed for general calculating.
The USER mode annunciator is shown in the display when the assigned keys are active.
Any key can be pressed down to see if any single keystroke function is assigned to it.
To prevent the key from operating, keep the key pressed down until NULL is seen in the display, at which time the key can be released without executing the function.
Note that multi-stroke functions vill not operate this way, but can be canceled with the (<-)
key while being prompted for the second part of the function.
An example of a multi-stroke function is (STO) 02.
For a listing of the key assignments, put the printer in TRACE mode and key (shift) [ CATALOG) 6.
If r.ot in TRACE, they will only display on HP-41.
2.1 For the Quick Version The quick version only assigns thres essential keys, which makes the initialization process faster.
These are (REPQ),
This key is used to repeat the quick program once it is finished or to restart the program in the middle of a run.
It is lost when the IBM version is started up.
Starts the longer IBM Emulator version from the Quick version.
Once the Quick version is done, the user has the option to repeat the Quick version or continue on to the longer version for a more accurate and comprehensive dose assessment projection.
Independent routine to print or display the time ano date.
Used whenever it is necessary to date-stamp the printer listing.
The Quick version does not use the clock and therefore does not automatically print the time and date on the printout when initializing.
It is up to the user to print the time and date on any of the printouts that are to be kept as final records.
Note that when using (DATSTMP) in the Quick version, the clock is never checked for proper operation as it is in the IBM Emulator version.
2.2 The Top Two Rows. IBM Emulator Version (SBINIT)
This is where the auto start begins, but can be O
manually keyed any time to restart the program.
Initialization includes a clock check, printing the current time, checking YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
l available memory, checking terrain data, setting up key assignments, and printing the current time and date,
d (BGN) Starts and prints the main title block.
It is a logical place to restart a program once the calculator is initialized. An example would be restarting the program after any one of the toggle functions is keyed; [PRTALL), (ALTPATH), or (RAIN).
(REP) Enters the program right after the title block and prints
Previously entered data can be passed with (R/S),
or new data can be entered for a new program run.
[ PATH) Once all common input data in entered, this key can be used to change the release pathway.
Note that once the pathway is changed, subsequent input data must be new data.
[ALTPATH) Used to make en alternate release path for unmonitored release pathways available during the prompt sequences.
You can toggle (ALTPATH) and reenter the program at the (PATH) key if all the meteorological data has been entered.
Further explanation of ALTPATH is found under toggle functions, section 2.3.1.
Independent routine to print or display the time and date.
Used whenever it is necessary to date stamp the printer listing.
Used to make the prompts for rain input data available.
Only affects the wet deposition rate for Iodine wash-out from the O
Explained under toggle functions in section 2.3.2.
Once the program has run to the point where it prints
' EXPOSURE TO 10 MILES', the (DIS) key may be used to determine the dose at any discrete radial distance and lateral offset from the plume centerline.
Output will end by prompting for another distance input.
(MULDIS) Entry point to print out the doses at the site coundary and every alle out to 10 miles from the plant.
Left to itself, the progre.n vill only print out the doses at the site bouncary, 2,
5, and 10 miles.
If doses are needed for all miles to le miles from the plant, stop the program after it has run enough to print the site boundary distance, and restart it with IMULDIS).
Used to print out all diagnostic and intermediate output during a run.
Also adds several input options to the program.
PRTALL is further explained under toggle functions, section 2.3.3 and with examples in section 5.0.
- 2. 3 The Shifted 5th and 6th Rova. IBM Emulator Version All these keys allow you to reenter the common data input section without having to (REP) through with (R/S).
They are in the general order that they appear in the program.
VAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
(TRIP) Enters the program prompting for the ' REACTOR: TRIP' time and date.
[RELEAS) Enters the program prompting for the release time and date.
RELEAS Has a default to the current time and date.
All data readings are assumed to have been taken at this time.
IANALYS) Enters the program prompting for the current analysis time and date to be entered if different from the release time.
This will inable the actual plume arrival time to be printed if the release has been in progress for some time and plume arrival time is needed.
If not used, the analysis time defaults to the release time.
ANALYS has a default to the current time.
Enters the program prompting for the projected duration of the release.
(WIND) Enters at the ' MET TOWER' prompting for vind speed, upper and lover tower levels.
(DIRFRM) Enters prompting for the wind direction in degrees from, upper and lover tower levels.
Enters at the prompt for solar radiation intensity.
[STABL) Enttrs prompting for the delta temperature on the met tower to det?rmine the stability class, both upper and lover.
II l
O PRTALL is ON, program vill prompt for method of input, by stability class or by delta te oetature method.
- 2. 4 Tooale Function Keys..
.:or Version I
The toggle functions for LALTPATN), [ RAIN), and (PRTALL) are incor porated to increase the versatility of the program, and enable features that are not normally used, but may be needed at some time.
All these functions operate in the toggle mode and vill stay in their toggled on or off configuration until the calculator is turned off.
(The auto-off, after 10 minutes of keyboard activity, as not in effect while running the HP-41 program.)
11 any cf the toggle functions are keyed, the main program vill have to be re-entered using an assigned key.
2.4.1 Alternate Path Mode The (ALTPATN) OH enables a prompt just before the release path prompt calling for a monitored or unmonitored release path,
' MON, UN? '.
If answered ' MON', the next prompt vill be the monitored 'CTM, STX, MSL7' release path.
If answered ' UN ", the system vill assume that readings for noble gas and iodine are to be taken in the field, away from the plant site.
It vill further prompt for the general type of release, either a ground or an (Vn) elevated release 'ELV, GND7 An elevated release is assumed to occur from an unmonitored location, equal to the height of the t
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
(Plume rise is assumed to be equal to nominal stack velocity.)
A ground release is at ground level.
The next prompt O.
will be for the location of the field data.
The location of the unmonitored field data vill be defined by the radial distance from the plant and by any lateral offset from the centerline of the plume trajectory.
The sample point will always be on the ground, even if the release is an elevated release. The user will then be prompted for the field gamma dose rate and an iodine sample. This data is used to calculate a virtual source term at the plant as if the release from the plant were known.
The gamma dose rate must be entered because this value is used to calculate the virtual source.
The iodine is optional, it is not used to determine the virtual source term.
The normal reentry point for ALTPATH is (PATH).
2.4.2 Rain Mode i
The [ RAIN) OH enables a prompt, during the MET TOWER cata sequence, asking for inches of rain per hour and the hours duration of the rain so that the iodine depletion from the plume due to wash-out can be calculated.
Note that if this toggle is ON, no rain can still be indicated by
'O' input data in response to the prompts.
When this key is togglec 0FF the duration oi the rain is set to zero.
The normal reentry point for RAIN is (STABL).
h V
2.4.3 Print All Mode The (PRTALL) ON toggle enables flag 18 which prints all intermediate output for a more detailed analysis of the run.
This is useful for checking the program against another stancard for diagnosis purposes, or for examining the details of the operation of the program.
lPRTALL) OH also enables the prompt for stability input by class or by delta temperature on the tower, i. e.
' STAB 7 CL/DT'.
'CL' enables the prompt for the stability class letter and skips the tower delta temperatures.
This feature is useful in diagnostic runs.
'DT' is the transparent default when (PRTALL) is OFF, and the prompt for the tower delta temperatures is enabled.
The normal reentry point for (PRTALL) if just starting the program would be (BGN),
otherwise the user can reenter the main program at any convenient point within the logic of the program.
Advanced users can turn (PRTALL) on or off by setting or clearing Flag 18 manually and not have to leave the program to toggle (PRTALL).
- 2. 5 Undocumented Features
.'RF' vill reset all flage to their default values.
- 1F' vill invert any flag number in the x-reg.
[STO)[.1[C] will cause p
'XEY' v111 reassign the key assignments.
If because of jumping around in the program, the output appears suspect, either restart the program at (PATH) or reinitialize the YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
calculator with ISBINIT3.
If the printing appears to be double vidth, stop the program with (R/S) and clear flag 12, then O
restart the program with (R/S).
If paper runs out in the printer and the message appears in the display, turn off the printer only, put in a new roll of thermal paper, turn the printer on to advance the paper through the guides, key the [R/S) on the HP-41 to restart the program where it stopped.
l l
l i
I YAEC-1619 Oct. 198'l l
- 3. 0 GENERAL EXAMPLE OF OUTPUT These examples show the user typical program outputs as they will print on the printer.
Three examples present the output for the Quick version and the others shows the output for the IBM Emulator version for several release paths.
The examples show that the printer records all the questions prompted by the program with all the responses returned by the user.
The output is designed to fully document the running of the program.
The general layout of the program consists of four main parts; the initialization routines, the time and environmental data, the release path with release data, and the output results for the representative distances.
The time and environmental data is always entered after initialization of the program and may be individually changed as the situation verrants.
The release path is a branch path selected by the user. Once a path is chosen tha user inputs the instrument data required by that release path.
The output part of the program defaults to the dose projections at the site boundary and at 2, 5,
and 10 miles from the plant.
Two other output modes are available. These four main parts of the program v111 be described following the examples.
3.1 Example for the Quick Version The Quick version's printout is slightly different than the IBM Emulator version in that the
'7' character is not reraoved from the numeric prompt for printing in the output.
The pre-prompts are left justifiec, and the prompts with the user response are right justified in the 24 column printer format.
Example 3.1 The following example is for a stack release using the Quick version.
The program is shown as if the HP-41CX vere first turned on.
The ' FAST SPEED' mode only applies to HP-41CX calculators that have had the speed-up hardware installed inside the case and turned on.
Any other calculator vill always show
- display shows HP-41 in faster mode.
- if ' NORMAL SPEED' appears, user can plR/S) and change the speed to fast
- 12 the option exists.
- pre prompt in display only.
' QUIK =1 IBM =2'
- user to choose program to run.
- user response is 1 for QUIK.
- display response to input.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967
- this is the title block.
- the pre-prompt appearing on printer.
- display prompt and user response.
- another pre-prompt for alpha prompt.
STK=1, MSL=2, CTM=3 1
- display question and user response.
- pre prompt.
second line of pre-prompt.
- 2. 0
- display prompt and user response.
(uCI/SEC)=? 1.0E8
- etc.
- program output title' 7.0E7 uCI/Sec HOBLE GAS
- and output results with units.
- 2. 0
- prompt and input for wind speed.
- 1. 5 ginput for lapse temperature.
- the calculated stability class.
- site whole body dose rate.
- infant default thyroid dose rate.
2 MI=5.8E1 MR/HR, BODY
- 2 miles the whole body dose rate, 6.3E1 MR/HR, THYROID
- and the default thyroid dose rate.
5 MI=1.3E1 MR/HR, BODY
- etc. at 5 miles 1.3E1 MR/HR, THYROID 10 MI=4.3E0 MR/HR, BODY
- etc. at 10 miles 4.2E0 MR/HR, THYROID
- the program determines the SITE AREA
- emergency classification basec on
- the maximum dose rates at the
- distances above.
- the program is done.
After the program is run, the user can rerun the program again by keying the (shift) (A) key whien has (REPQ) assigned to it.
All data is retained and may or may not be changed during 1
the following run.
The user also can (DATSTMP3 date and time stamp the printer output with Ishift) (F) key.
If the user vishes to proceed to the IBM emulator version, key ( A ),
1 Example 3.2 For this example, the Quick version has been restarted using
the repeat key, (REPQ).
An alternate would be to turn off the HP-41CX and turn it back on.
If thie were done, all previous YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
input data would be lost and the user would have to wait for the initialization sequence to finish before inputing new data. This
example is for a containment release.
- the pre prompt appearing on printer.
- display prompt and user response.
- another pre prompt for alpha prompt.
STX=1, MSL=2, CYM*3 2
- prompt and user numeric response.
- input steam line monitor reading.
- input steam line pressure.
- program output title, 3.6E8 uCI/Sec XOBLE GAS
- and output results with units.
LOWER (MPH)=1 S. 0
- input for lower vind speed, DELTA TEMP
LOYE9 (F)=?
- 1. 0
- input for lower lapse temperature.
- the calculated stability class.
- site whole body dose rate.
- infant default thyroid dose rate.
2 MI=6.2E1 MR/HR, BODY
- 2 miles the whole body dose rate, 4.5E2 MR/HR, THYROID
- and the default thyroid dose rate.
- etc. at 5 miles 1.1E2 MR/HR, THYROIL 10 MI=8.4E0 MR/HR, BODY sete. at 10 miles 5.8E1 MR/HR, THYROID
- the program determines the SITE AREA
- emergency classification based on
- the maximum dose rates at the
- distances above.
- the program is done.
The quick version has no input for iodine samples, but iodine to noble gas ratios of 1,64 E-04 for the stack and containment, and 0.0082 for the main steam line are used to calculate default iodine releases for use in the determination of the accident classification.
The program determines the accident classification from the site boundary whole body and infant thyroid dose rates and uses the greatest dose to determine the accident classification.
The Quick version dose rates are calculated from d11 fusion f actors for gamma cloud and particulate concentration which are stored in memory for the different atmospheric classes.
The 0.6, 2,
5, and 10 mile values are referenced from SB service request j
SSR-86-13 for the omnidirectionsi values for stability classes A
thru E, and for the vest downwind direction for classes F and G.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967 l
Example 3.3 This example is for a containment release.
The program is restarted with the [REPQ3 key.
- display prompt and user response.
- another pre-prompt for alpha prompt STK=1, MSL=2, CTM=3 3
- prompt and user numeric response.
CTM, R/HR=7 50,000.00
- containment area monitor reading.
CTM, PSIG=? 30.00
- containment preesure.
- program output title, 8.2E5 uCI/Sec NOBLE GAS
- and output results with units.
- 1. 0
- input for 1crer vind speed, DELTA TEMP
- 0. 2
- input for lower lapse temperature.
- the calculated stability class.
- site whole body dose rate.
- infant default thyroid dose rate.
2 MI=7.9E0 MR/HR, BODY
- 7 miles the whole body dose rate, 1.5El MR/HR, THYROID
- 2nd the default thyroid dose rate.
5 MI=3.5E0 MR/HR, BODY
.etc. at 5 miles 5.2E0 MR/HR, THYROID 10 MI=1.7E0 MR/HR, BODY
- etc. at 10 miles 2.2E0 MR/HR, THYROID
- the program determines the ALERT
- emergency classification based on
- the maximum dose rates at the
- distances above.
DONE Ithe program is done.
7:08 PM 10/15/1987
- user keys (DATSTMP) for date and time.
The program can be run with or without the printer.
With the printer the total time from turning on the HP-41 to the
'DONE' is about 2 minutes 50 sec. as timed for a stack release in the normal speed mode.
In the fast speed mode the time to completion is 1 minute 45 seconds.
Without the printer, the display will scroll some of the output and the total time increases to 3 minutes 10 seconds in the normal speed mode.
t YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 l
3.2 Exampleo for the IBM Emulator Version
, _h Notice that when running the emulator version, the numeric prompts in the display will be formated as
Subsequently the
is removed from the prompt and replaced with the response of the user.
The resulting string is printed left justified on the printout tape as seen below.
Prompts for alpha input retain the
and are combined with the user response for the printout.
Example 3.4 This example is for a typical stack release.
This is the only monitored elevated release path.
The program is shown as it would be when turning the HP-41 on.
- display shows HP-41 in 70% faster mode.
- if ' NORMAL SPEED' appears, user can
- [R/S) and change the speed to fast
- if the option exists.
- pre prompt in display only.
'QUIX=1 IBM =2'
- user to choose program to run.
- user response is 2.
- display response to input.
(g 7:35 PM 10/29/1986
- prints the current time and date.
- displayed only is 'CLR DTA? Y/N'
- to which user responds Y (yes).
- 11 terrain data has not been loaded i
- ' LOADING ELEV' is displayed.
- ' WAIT, KEY ASN' is then displayed as
- the key assignments are performed.
- the Seebrook title block, DOSE
- printed in bold letters.
- pre-prompt for the reactor trip.
l TIME (H.MS)=8.00
- display prompt and user time input, DATE(M.DY)=10.150000 land user date input.
- pre-prompt for the release time.
TIME (H.MS)=9.30
- the release time, DATE(M.DY)=10.151987
- and release date.
PROJ (HRS)=8.00
- projected duration of release.
- pre-prompt for the net data.
UPPER (MPH)=5.00
- upper vind speed, in sph, LOWER (MPH)=4.00
- 1over vind speed.
- vind direction pre-prompt, UPPER (DEG)=180.00
- for upper, degrees from, l
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 f
LOWER (DEG)=180.00
- and lover, degrees from.
- for stability class, O
UPPER (F)=-1.50
- upper delta temperature, F.
LOWER (F)=-1.50 sand lower delta temp, F.
spre-prompt for pathway.
- stack release chosen.
LOCA (1,3)=1
- LOCA type 1 input.
spre-prompt for stack monitor.
(uCI/cc)=2.0 3 prompt and monitor reading.
- prompt and monitor reading.
STK I-131:
- pre-prompt for stack iodine sample.
- prompt and I-131 sample data.
- title for release rate data.
C STAB CLASS 3 determined stability class.
DIST=0.6 MI sthe site boundary distance from plant 99% PLM WIDTM=0.40 MI
- calculated plume width.
- plume arrival in hours, WILL BE AT 09
- 37
- and when it will occur.
- the duration of release.
- to the whole body, DOSE RATE =3.3E1 MR/HR
- for a dose rate, DOSE =2.6E-1 REM
- gives a total dose in REM.
- to the thyroid, DOSE RATE = 1. 0E3 MR/HR
- for a dose rate.
- gives the infant dose in REM.
- etc. for 2 miles 99% PLM WIDTH =0.97 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 0.40 HRS WILL BE AT 09
- etc. for 5 miles 99% PLM WIDTHS 2.06 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 1.00 HRS WILL BE AT 10
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
DIST=10.0 MI
- etc. for 10 miles f)x
- the program is done, go to other function, or repeat calculations.
Example 3.5 In the previous example the stack release was used.
The following example is for a main steam line release at normal steam pressures that would actuate the safety relief valves.
It is assumed that the program has been initialized and all the
environmental data has been input.
The program is continued by v
keying the (PATH) key.
Note that in this path there is no opportunity for a todine sample, therefore the program vill generate a default iodine release based on the noble gas release rate.
Note that as the examples proceed, some of the input data is re-entered.
This is only f or clarity in the examples, normally the IR/S) key would be used to pass and usa the existing cata when no changes are necessary.
- enter program at (PATH) key.
- the prompt and user response for MSL.
MSL, MR/HR=5000.00
- the steam line radiation monitor.
MSL, PSIG=1,300.00 sloop steam pressure.
SRV(#1-5) LIFT
- program shows all 5 SRV's lifting.
- the noble gas release rate.
1.3E6 uCI/Sec IODINE
- the default iodine release rate.
- program determines stability class I
- output for site boundary.
l l
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967 l
- etc. for 2.0,
- 5. 0, and 10.0 miles.
Example 3.6 This next example is for the same type of steam line release
'except the pressure is below the lift points for the safety relief valves.
The lowest lift point is set at 1185 psig.
- enter program at (PATH) key.
CTM, STX, MSL7 MSL MSL, MR/HR=5,000.0 AMSL, PSIG=1,000.00
- pressure below SRV trip is input.
- is there indication of stucx valve?
- If user keys (N), NO is printed and
- the programs assumes that release must ibe from ARV.
1.3E8 uCI/Sec NOBLE GAS ;thru ARV at 1000 psig.
1.1E5 uCI/Sec IODINE
- default iodine based on noble gas.
- the output as before.
Example 3.7 In this next example the pressure in the steam line is the same, except that the operator has reason to believe that a valve is stuck and that it is the ARV.
- enter program at (PATH) key.
CTM, STX, MSL7 MSL MSL, MR/HR=5000.0 MSL, PSIG=1,000 00
- pressure is below lowest SRY setting.
STUCK VLV7 Y/N YES suser has reason to believe stuck valve
- and keys (Y).
- user suspects ARV is stuck.
1.3E8 uCI/Sec NOBLE GAS 3 release rate thru ARV at 1000 psig.
1.1E5 uCI/Sec IODINE
- default release rate.
A STAB CLASS DIST=0.6 MI sthe output as before.
YAEC-1619 Oct. Ped 7 y
- -- ~,
1 i
I O-Example 3.8 In this final release thru the steam line pathway, the operator has reason to believe that the SRV is stuck as opposed to the ARV.
- enter program at (PATH) key.
CTM, STX, MSL7 MSL MSL, MR/HR=5800.0 MSL, PSIG=1,000.00 STUCX VLV7 Y/N YES puser has reason to believe stuck valve.
- input for valve stuck open for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />,
- through the SRV.
- release rate thru SRV et 1000 psig.
- the output as before.
Example 3.9 The following examples show the path taken of the release in
from the containment building.
The first is for a normal release that occurs thru the joints and penetrations to the containment.
- enter program at (PATH) key.
- user determines a containment release.
- the secondary plenum is still negative
- pressure, indicating that the leak
- vill be directed up the stack patnvay.
- program goes to the stack pathway.
- etc. as in stack example.
(uCI/Sec)=1.0E8 l
STX I-131:
(uCI/cc)=1.0E-2 RELEASE RATE:
- the output as before.
Example 3.10 This example is the same as above except that the secondary YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 j
containment has lost its negative pressure, therefore the program f'~N precedes to assume thst leakage is governed by laminar flov h
through containment joints and penetrations, based on the design basis leakrate.
lenter program at (PATH) key CTM, STX, MSL7 CTM ENC'NEG7 Y/N N
- no negative pressure in plenum.
CTM, R/HR=90,000.00
- containment area radiation monitor.
I-131, uCI/cc=0.01
- input for 1odine sample if available.
CTM, PSIG=50.00
- input internal pressure.
- reAulting ieskege rate 8.5E0 uCI/Sec IODINE A STAB CLASS
- stability based on lower instruments.
- output for site boundary.
99% PLM WIDTH =1.11 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 0.15 HR$
- etc. for 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0 miles
Example 3.11 If the containment has excessive pressure two possibilities exist.
One, the pressure has caused a penetration failure and the containment is lost as in a class 9 accident with no control over the venting to the atmosphere.
Two, the pressure has not yet caused a failure and the user wants to determine what the consequences would be if the containment is vented through a controlled procedure.
Both these cases will be examined.
In both, the mechanism to trigger the program into the class 9 accident mode is to input a containment pressure 160 psig or greater.
The user can then input the actual pressure at the start of the venting.
The first example is an uncontrolled pressure lose thru a 6 ft diameter hole starting with 100 psig and ending at atmospheric pressure.
Jenter program at (PATH) key.
- 1ost negative pressure.
CTM, R/HR=50,000.00
- containment area radiation monitor.
'T I-131, uCI/ccs0.01
- input from iodine sample.
CTM, PSIG=160.00
- the pressure for the program to go
- into the class 9 accident mode.
l YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967 f
19:43 10/15/1987
- a beep and then the time and date.
- title message.
INIT PSIG=100.00
- pressure at rupture of containment.
- the containment vents to atmospheric.
- no control so can not direct up stack.
- the size of the rupture in it.
- the time to vent the containment.
3.5E11 uCI/Sec NOBLE GAS ;the release rate for noble gas, 2.7E6 uCI/See IODINE
- and for iodine.
A STAB CLASS DIST=0.6 MI sat the site boundary, 99% PLM WIDTH =1.11 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 0.15 HRS
- plume arrives based on vind speed.
- duration is only 4 minutes.
- resulting in a 4 min. whole body dose.
- and a 4 minute thyroid dose.
- etc. for 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0 miles Example 3.12 1his example is for a controlled vent from the containment, venting from 60 psig to 20 psig thru the normal 8 inch vent valve.
Tne hole diameter is assumed to be 8
when venting up the stack. This example shows that if an todine sample is not taken the output will give a default value based on 2% of the noble gas release rate.
- enter program at (PATH) key.
CTM, R/HR=50,000.00 I-131, uC1/cc=0.00
- no iodine sample taken.
CTM, PSIG=160.00
- the pressure to get into class 9.
19:43 10/15/1987 Itime and date printed.
- the actual starting pressure.
- the desired final pressure.
- shich will vent up the stack for par. elevated relea c.
- the calculated tire to vent.
- the release rate,
2.7E9 uCI/Sr.c HOBLE GAS
- for noble gas, YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967
2.2E7 uCI/Sec IODINE
- and for default iodine.
3 C STAB CLASS DIST=0.6 MI pat the site boundary, 99% PLM WIDTH =0.41 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 0.12 HRS WILL BE AT 09:37 FOR PROJ 5.2 HR EXP sbased on 127 minute venting time, WHOLE BODY:
DOSE RATE =6.4E3 MR/HR DOSE =3.3E1 REM presulting whole body dose rate, THYROID:
DOSE RATE =3.2E5 MR/HR DOSE =1.6E3 R (INFANT) land infant thrrold dose rate.
- etc. for 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0 miles.
Example 3.13 At times the plant instrumentation may not be operable for a release pathway, or that instrumentation may not want to be used as the source term to derive the projected dose in the EPZ.
The (ALTPATH) mode gives the operator the option to take field data and use the actual measured dose rates to determine a source O
term that can be used to project the dose to the EPZ.
In the following example the program was run normally to the release path prompt as in all the previous examples.
At this point the user determined that the stack release could not be monitored with the normal stack instrumentation.
The example shows the procedure that the user vould take to use input from field data.
- display shows HP-41 in 70% faster r> ode.
- 1f ' NORMAL SPEED' appears, user can
- [R/S) end change the speed to fast
- 11 the option exists.
spre prompt in display only.
' QUIK =1 IBM =2'
- user to choose program to run.
- user response is 2.
' OK, WAIT' 3 display response to input.
7:46 PM 10/15/1987 3 prints the current time and date.
- displayed only is 'CLR DTA7 Y/H' sto which user responds Y (yes).
- 1f terrain data has not been loaded
- ' LOADING ELEV'. is displayed.
- WAIT, KEY ASN' is then displayed as
- the key assignments are performed.
O l
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
SEABROOK sthe Seabrook title block,
sprinted in bold letters.
sinput cequence same as Example 3.1 TIME (H.MS)=10.35 DATE(M.DY)=10.150000 RELEASE:
TIME (H.MS)=12.56 DATE(M.DY)=10.151986 PROJ (HRS)=8.00 MET TOWER:
- is showing in the display, but the user
- determines that stack instrumentation
- is not operable.
- the usar keys (ALTPATH) and the HP-41 ALT PATH ON 3 responds by turning on the alternate
- path mode.
- the ALPHA key is turned off.
- user keys (PATH) to enter program.
- user takes the unmonitored pathway.
- user knows that release is elevated.
LOCA (1,3)=1
- takes default with (R/S).
- distance from plant for data reading.
- reading taken under pluee centerline.
MR/HR BODY =200.0
- the field instrument reading.
(uCI/cc I)e0.0
- no iodine sample was taken, user could
- have passed with (R/S) and printout
- would have not occured.
- et the site boundary.
- based on a virtual source term DOSE =2.2E0 REM
- at the plant.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
- etc. for 2 miles.
997 PLM WIDTH =0.58 MI
a PLM ARRIVAL, 0.40 HRS x--
- etc. for 5 miles.
- etc. for 10 miles.
'g 99% PLM WIDTH =1.56 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 2.00 HRS r
I l
- program done Example 3.14 l
At this point the user decides that the release was coming from an unmonitored ground source.
The user decides to rerun the program.
The field team was not able to locate the centerline of the plume, but based on a map they determined that they were 0.2 mile away from where the plume should be based on the prevailing vind direction.
The following example shows the steps taken.
- user enters program with (PATHJ key.
- could have usea (H/5) here.
- takes a ground release.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
LOCA (1,3)=1 staken default with (R/S).
DIST(MI)=3.5 gradial distance from plant for sample, g
t OFFSET (MI)=0.2
- the assumed offset from centerline.
MR/HR BODY =50.0
- the field dote dose rate reading.
- no iodine sample taken, use (R/S)
- the resulting output from a virtual 99% PLM VIDTH=0.56 MI
- source term at the plant.
YAEC-1619 Or, t. 198'/
(v1 DONE
- the program is done.
Example 3.13 The user can check to see if the program duplicates the field data by using the (DIS) key to get the dose rate at any specified distance from the plant and at any offset from the centerline of the plume.
This output will only do a single distance, and will not determine the plume width.
- enter program with (DIS) key.
- the prompt and user input.
OFFSET (MI)=0.2 sinput the known offset from the plume.
DOSE RATE =5.0E1 MR/HR same as the reading by field team in DOSE =4.0E-1 REM
- example 3.13.
- program returns for another distance.
Example 3.14 This example shows the sequence of restarting the program after all the time and environmental data has been previously entered.
For this run, rainfall vill be included to introduce washout of iodine and particulate from the plume.
Also, the example shows how to manually restart a specific routine not assigned to the keyboard.
suser keys (ALTPATH).
ALT PATH OFF punnonitored pathway turned off.
- user keys (RAIN).
RA:N MODE ON 3 rain option turned on.
- the program restarted at LSTABL)
' UPPER (F)=?'
suma default (R/S) here,
' LOWER (Fl=?'
sand default (R/S) here.
- input inches of rain per hour.
RAIH(NRS)=1.50 land the duration ;f rainfal.
sthe release path is (R/S)
CTM, STX, MSL? STK penter stack release.
LOCA (1,3)=1
- [R/S) for default LOCA
tuCI/cc)=2.0 linput stack sonitor date, YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
i (uCI/Sec)=1.0E8 gand stack monitor date.
STX I-131:
tuCI/cc)=1.0E-3 ginput an iodine sample.
- output for 0.6, 2. 0, 5.0 and 10.0 mi.
- to examine the wet depostion factor,
- the print all mode is turned on.
i PRTALL ON stoggle PRTALL on
- manually restart the program to obtain
- the output for 0.6, 2, 5, and 10 miles.
DIST=0.6 MI Hterr=6 Hp1m=76 SIGY=73.0 SIG2:30.7 SIGAVG=47.3 d(m)=330.6 d/SIG=7.0 uX/Qs3.788E-7 Fr=1.000E0 O
X/Q=1.697E-7 EPS=1.550E-3 Fd=9.978E-1 3 dry depocition factor, 99.78% remains.
- wet depostion factor, 92.75% remains.
DIST=2.0 LI setc. for 2, 5 and 10 mile output.
- toggle off the printall mode for next
- example.
Example 3.17 This is an example of the above program another output format.
The key (MULDIS) will give the dose projections for the site boundary and 1 to 10 miles from the plant.
All the input YAEC-1619 Oct. 190
data was retained from the above examples.
D=4.00 MI 99% PLM WIDTHS 0.86 MI YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
WILL BE AT 13:44 O
DOSE =1.3E0 R (INFANT) l D=5.00 MI 99X PLM WIDTH =0.99 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 1.00 HRS i
WILL BE AT 13:56 I
- etc. for 6.0,
- 7. 0,
- 8. 0, 9.0 ano 10.0 DOSE =8.5E-1 R (IHFANT) miles from the plant.
l i
i i
4 1
1 1
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967
i j
This section vill describe the details of operation for running the program, including the various options available to the user.
The assigned keys, shown as (
are used as points of reference as they follow the normal sequence of operating the program.
These keys are to be used as normal entry points for the extended use of the program, therefore the user should become familiar with their logical location within the program to effectively use the HP-41 dose program.
When the HP-41 is turned on, a machine code routine automatically moves the program pointer to the routine START and starts running the program.
(This is similar to using Flag 11 for auto-execution as defined by the HP Manual, except the user does not need to set the flag and program pointer.)
This mode of operation is used to eliminate keying the sequence (EXQ) (alpha)
' START' (alphal to start the program.
After the calculator has beeped at the auto-run the program vill execute HYPERT which vill determine what speed mode the HP-41 is in and display it in the screen.
When installed, a speea-up kit will enable the HP-41 to operate about 70% faster.
This mode is controlled by a pushbutton microswitch mounted in the side of the suxiliary power port.
The pushbutton switch is gently pressed with a fingernail to toggle the speed modes.
It can be performed while the program is running.
The Seabrook program consists of two independent programs, the Quick version and tne IBM Emulator version.
After checking the speed mode, the program prompts the user to choose the program to run in the form ' CHOSE PROM: QUIK =1 IBM =2'.
If the energency classification must be determined quickly, the user should choose QUlX, otherwise IBM should be keyed in.
If no action is taken by the user, the program defaults to QUlh in about 10 seconds.
4.1 Initializatian. the Qulck Version After the user keys QUIK, the program jumps to 'SBQ' to continue the initialization process.
The Quick version performs a short sequence which clears all the key assignments and data registers so that there is no chance that old data vill affect the program output.
It then sizes the data registers for 100.
If this can not be done because memory is occupied by other programs, the ' MEMORY LOST' is forced and the user must restart the program with the on switch.
Three key assignments are done, LREPQJ, ISBINIT), and (DATSTMP), and the program then prints the title block and is ready to accept data.
O YAEC-1619 Oct. 1940
~ -- -
4.1.1 Startino the Quick Version
t There is no individual key to start the Quick version.
Normally it is started and restarted with the (ON) key.
Once the QUIX version is chosen the program always clears all the previous data.
Once the program has been run as far as the title block, the program can be restarted using (shift) (REPQ) to repeat the Quick version which will not require the user to chose the QUIX version and it will not erase the previous data.
If the calculator is not used for 10 minutes it will turn off and it will need to be restarted with the (ON) key.
4.1.2 Data Inout Seouence The program vill prompt for the ' TIME AFTER SCRAM, HRS =?'.
The user should input the hours that have passed since the reactor scram or trip.
The maximum duration is 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />.
The ' RELEASE PATH STX=1, MSL=2, CTM=3' vill prompt the user to determine the plume release path, either stack, main steam line, or containment.
The user vill input the number that corresponds with the type of release.
This is input method provided to speed up the user response.
If the stack release is chosen, the program will prompt fcr the input from the vide range gas monitor in uCI/cc and uCI/SEL.
O' There are no range limits as there are in the IBM Emulator version.
The program assumes that the LOCA type is 3.
If the main steam line release is chosen, the progrma vill prompt for the radiation level in the steam line, 'MSL, MR/HR=?'.
The prompt for the steam line pressure 'MSL, PSIG=?' vill appear next.
From this the program vill pick a predetermined flow rate from the relief valves and use it to determine the release rate.
The program assumes that the LOCA type is type 1.
If the containment release is chosen, the program vill prompt for 'CTM R/HR=?',
then the internal pressure
'CTM, PSIG=?',
from which the release rate vill be determaneo.
The assumed LOCA type is 3.
Once the release rate is determined for the noble gas, the program prompts for the meteorological data depending if the release is an elevated release from the stack, or a ground
release from the steam line or the containment.
The prompts ' MET TOWER:' AND ' DELTA TEMP:' vill Anclude either the UPPER or LOWER sensors.
The stability class v111 be determined from the delta temperature.
4.1.3 The Quick version Outout OQ The program vill then determine the site boundary whole body dose rate based on preinstalled data for the diffusion factoro as 4
i YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
a function of the stability class, the wind speed and the distance from the plant.
There are two sets of diffusion h
factors, one for the gamma cloud and one for the particulate V
The 0.6, 2,
5, and le mile values are referenced from SB service request SSR-86-13 for the onmidirectional values fro stability classes A thru E,
and for the west downwind direction for classes F and G.
The noble gas release rates are used to calculate the default iodine dose rates.
The iodine to noble gas ratios of 1.64 E-04 are used for the stack and containment releases, while 0.0082 is used for the main steam line release.
The program examines all four distances for both whole body and infant thyroid dose rates and used the greatest dose to determine the accident classification.
The ratios being used now result in iodine being the determining factor in the main steam line release, while the noble gas dose rates are predominant in the stack and containment releases.
After the Quick version is done, the IBM Emulator version can be entered with the key (SBINIT).
- 4. 2 Initialization. IBM Emulator Version. 'SBINIT' After the user keys IBM, from the prompt ' QUIK =1 IBMs2'the program jumps to 'SBINIT' to continue the initialization process.
Next the program executes 'SETCLK' which checks the HP-41CX for the current date. If the date is less than the year 1905 it assumes that the clock setting has been lost and it displays
If this occurs, the user is shown the proper format for the time and is prompted to key in the current time.
If the user sees that the time shows up correct in the next verification display, [Y) for yes, should be keyeo. If the user waits for more than 10 seconds, the HP-41 assumes that the user
.i s confused and reprompts the question.
If the user sees that the time is wrong, key (N) for no, and the HP-41 re prompts again for the proper time.
The above sequence for reseting the time, vill be repeatec for resetting the date.
The format for the time and date are important and must be followed carefully.
Normally the time is entered in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time, but a quicker way is to use 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> time, with negative values for PM. Note; when entering time in the actual program, the user must use 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> time.
The program will next print or display the current time and date in 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> time as a heading.
Later, if the time and date are required, use the assigned key (DATSTMP) to date and time stamp the printout paper.
If the printer is not attached the time and date vill appear in the display. Note; the normal O
(shift) ON will not give the clock time as described in the HP b
-32' Oct. 1987
'SBINIT' is not only executed during the initialization process, but any time the user might key (SBINIT),
it is necessary to prevent inadvertent loss of previous data.
Therefore the program will always prompt the question, 'CLR DTA Y/N', after the clock check done.
(As an added precaution, the auto timeout feature of the HP-41 is disabled so that the HP-41 never turns off unless the operator turns it off.)
If the user is not sure that data is correct in the memory, or the program is being started af ter the calculator has been used for some other purpose, the user should key (Y) and all old data in registers from R00 to R99 vill be cleared to zero.
The program will clear out any extraneous progrees that may be in the user memory, and size the memory for 308 data registers, using the rest for storage of key assignments. Several variables will be loaded for later use.
The register for the last terrain height will be checked for 290 meters and if this value does not match that in register 275, the whole terrain data set will be loaded. ' WAIT 45 Sec.' vill be displayed while the terrain data is loading.
Next the key assignments will be loaded while ' WAIT, KEY ASN' is displayed.
Finally the program block title vill be printed or displayed.
If (N)is keyed to the 'CLR DTA? Y/N' prompt, no memory sizing vill be done, no terrain vill be checked, and no key assignments will be done.
The program vill jump directly to the (BGN) label and print the title block.
No data vill be added or changed in the program!
If the user waits 10 seconds without responding to the 'CLR DTA' prompt, the sequence vill default to O*
Y and the memory will be reinitialized, including clearing all old data.
4.2.1 Startino the IBM Emulator Version This is where the actual dose program starts, all previous steps are necessary to assure that the program has the proper variables installed and all the features of the HP-41 are reacy for the user.
'BGN' Becin Procram The (BGN) key starts the program by printing the title block.
It then starts prompting for the times of the sequence of events, starting with the ' SHUTDOWN: TIME (H.MS)=7'.
' REP' Repeat Calculations When the program is done, all the input data and brcnch pathe have been recorded.
The (REP) kvy allows the user to start over i
from the beginning without the
'.it le block.
The program vill j
print out ' REPEAT CALCt' indicatang that previous data nas been entered and this next run will
- 1. 9 for partially changed input O'
As the program is (R/S) through, any new data that is
entered will be printed.
Any date or path not changed will not YAEC-1619
-L3-Oct. 1987 i
. ~....
be printed. Note) the pre-prompts will still be printed.
This has the advantage of allowing the user to see exactly what has O-changed from run to run.
If a totally different set of input is required, the user should probably start over with the (BGN) key and re-enter all the data.
There should be no need for any extra scratch sheets as the printer printout will contain all the necessary information for future reference.
4.2.2 Time and Date of Events These parameters are all time related and are entered at the start of the program so that various isotopic decay times can be calculated, the plume arrival time can be calculated, and the total dose can be computed.
' TRIP' Reactor Trio Time The prompt ' REACTOR TRIP: TIME (H.MS)=?' is the time of the reactor trip, and should be entered in the proper format.
The actual notation is HH.MMSS with the time entered in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notaton.
Seconds are not really required. H.MS is a notation to remind the user to put a decimal after hours.
The next prompt will be 'DATE(M.DY)=?' for the trip date.
The proper format is required but the year is not mandatory and Ov may be left blank,
- e. g.
for October 2, 1986, key in 10.02 and R/S.
The printer vill print the year as 0000 but it is storea as 1986. If the year is entered and done improperly such as 10.21986 the HP-41 vill beep and display 'CHECX DATE MM.DDYYYY' and reprompt for the date.
Technically the program checks the last digits and in the example vill see 9860 as the year.
Any year less than 1985 or greater than the year 2199 vill cause a reprompt for the date.
Most users will elect to not key in the year, but note that the program vill not be able to detect an error if 10.2 is used for 10.02.
Therefore 10.2 vill be October 20 to the program.
This error checking is also used on the RELEASE and the ANALYSIS date inputs.
'RELEAS' Release Time The time of release prompt 'RELEAS: TIME (H.MS)=?'
'DATE(M.DY)=?' requires the time and date of the plume release.
All the requirements of the (TRIP) prompt apply except that the release has a default to the current time and date.
This default allove the user to operate the program in real time.
It is assumed that input data relayed to the program user is not significantly delayed from the initial release of the plume.
This will allow the program to determine the time of arrival for the plume to the receptor sites.
O YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
'ANALYS' Analysis Time 1
O This prompt will not normally appear unless the (PRTALL) toggle is on, or Flag 18 is set.
It can be used to update the plume arrival time for new runs of data.
The prompt ' ANALYSIS:
TIME (H.MS)=?' and 'DATE(M.DY)=7' can be keyed manually if not in the (PRTALL) mede.
The defeult mode is the current time and date.
This will leave the original release time intact for the leading edge of the plume and allow the user to update projected dose rates based on new input data.
When not used, th6 analysis i
time vill default to the same time as the release time.
'PROJ' Pro 1ected Duration The projected duration of the release is prompted for by
'PROJ (HRS)=7'.
This is the expected duration, or if a release has occured, the known duration of the release.
The duration vill default to 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> if not entered.
4.2.3 Common Meteoroloalcal Inout All the meteorology is entered at the front of the program even though only an elevated release is taking place or possibly a ground release.
This enables the program to be re-entered at the pathway point and not require the user to repeat O
meteorological input if a different path is going to be used for the release.
' WIND' Wind Speed The meteorolocical tower input prompts start with ' MET TOWER:
UPPER (MPH)=t' and ' LOWER (MPH)*?'
for the upper and lower wind speeds.
The units are miles per hour.
'DIRFRM' Direction From The direction of the wir.d prompt 'DIR FROM: UPPER (DEG)=7' ano
' LOWER (DEG)=?' requires the wind direction in compass degrees indicating the direction that the vind in coming from, not the wind vector direction.
' SOL' Soler Intensity i
The solar radiation intensity is used to adjust the nixing layer height when a seabreeze occurs from the ocean.
The prompt for 'LANGLEYS/MIHa?' vill only occur if the HP-41CX clock is between April 1st and September 30, or 11 the print all moce is on.
It will only be used if the vind is coming onshore from 22 to 173 degrees and the solar input is 0.35 langleys/ man, or greater.
I YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 1
'STABL' Stability Class The stability class of the ateosphere at the plant site is prompted for by ' DELTA TEMP: UPPER (F)=?' and ' LOWER (F)=?'.
This is the lapse rate or the delta temperature difference between the upper temperature sensors and a common lower temperature sensor.
If the (PRTALL) mode is on or Flag 18 is set, the prompt will first prompt ' STAB? CL/DT' for the Class or the Delta Temp moda.
'DT' is keyed the following prompt will be the same as above for the delta temperature, but if
'CL' is keyed the program vill prompt directly for the stability class as
'A,B,C,D,E,F,G t' to which the user vill key the desired class.
This mode is used primarly for diagnostic runs.
If the (RAIN) toggle mode is on, additional prompts for rain vill appear as ' RAIN (IN/HR)=?' for the inches of rain per hour occuring at the time of the release or the analysis time, and
' RAIN (HRS)=?' for the duration of the rain.
This mode vill cause a wet depostion of iodine particulate to be washed out of the plume.
If the plume arrival time is less than the duration of the rain, the washout time vill be the lesser of the two but not exceeding the duratien of the rain.
The maximum duration of the rain is limited by the program to the duration of the release.
' PATH' Release Pathways The release path function is used to determine the varicus release pathways for the plume. The prompt will show for pathways
'CTM, STX, MSL7 for either a containment, stack or main steam line release.
The containment release normally assumes contamination leaking from the primary containment building through seals on penetrations in the building.
The radiation levels are monitored inside the containment with the conatainment area monitor. The stack release is for all releases being directed up the stack and the radiation levels are monitored with the vide range gas monitor.
The main steam line release assumes that there has be a steam generator tube leak and the release is exiting the steam relief valves and/or the steam dump valve. Containment Release The containment release is chosen with 'CTM'.
The LOCA type is always assumed to be type 3 for fuel failure.
If the secondary containment is intact, any leakage from the primwry containment vill be vented from the secondary containment by the negative pressure maintained in the plenum.
The prompt ' ENC NEG7 Y/N'- is answered (Y) if the negative pressure is still in the enclosure.
The release in this case is directed up the stack and O
the program continues on to the stack release mode.
If the
, U answer is (H) because the negative pressure has been lost, the
'i YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
program prompts for the contineent area monitor radiation level,
'CTM, R/HR=?'.
If an iodine sample has been obtained, the results can be entered at the prompt 'I-131, uCI/cc=?'.
If data is not available, pass the prompt with (R/S) or enter 0.
Normally the pressure in the containment under accident conditions is lov enough that the structural integrety of the valls and penetrations is not impared and the only leakage vill be through the mechanical penetrations in the valls.
A more severe condition would occur during a class 9 accident where the primary containment is damaged.
In this case the leakage would be through a large hole, and the pressure in containment would drop to atmospheric conditions.
Another case would be when the pressure in containment is high enough to have the potential of a structural failure in a penetration.
A decision to vent the containment would reduce the potential for failure, but the radiation exposure off-site would increase.
The containment model can operate on all of these cases depending on how the prompt 'CTM, PSIG=?' is answered.
If the 'CTM, PSIG=?' prompt is answered with a pressure less than 160 psig, leakage is assumed only through the mechanical pentrations and the total leak rate is proport)onal to actual measured leak rates derived from containment testing.
The program continues to give the re'. ease rate for both noble gas and iodine.
If the 'CTM, PSIG=7' prompt is answered with a pressure of 160 peig or greater, the program assumes that the user wants to
model either a class 9 failure of the containment or the containment pressure is to be vented to atmosphere to reduce any potential of containment.
At this time the HP-41 vill beep and printout the current time and date and the statement 'CTM VENTING:'.
The NP-41 vill prompt for the initial pressure in the containment, 'INIT PSIG=?',
which will default to the previous pressure, i. e.
160 or greater.
This prompt is for the actual pressure in the containment, since the 160 psig is really only a flagged value in the program to direct it to the class-nine mode.
I The next prompt is for ' FINAL PSIG=?',
which is the final pressure after the containment release, either as a result of venting down to a specific pressure or a rupture of the containment.
The prompt 'UP STK7 Y/N' is used to direct the program to do either an elevated or a ground release.
It is assumed that for a structural failure the release would not be up the stack and the user would respond with (N).
If a controlled venting action was taken using the 8 inch vent line, the user would key (Y) to the prompt.
The release would then be from the stack.
The stack velocity is computed from the average mass flow up the stacx over the release period.
A release up the stack in this manner does not take into account iodine filtration.
If an todine sample was taken from Os the containment, that value is used to determine the release rate for iodine, there is no default todine for any containment YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
- _ ~ _
p If the release is not up the stack the program vill prompt for ' HOLE DIA, FT=?'.
If the loss of pressure is due to a V
structural failure, the user would input a best guess as to the mode of failure and what the equivanent hole diameter is.
An example would be mass failure of the 3 ft butterfly valves used to purge the containment prior to refueling.
The user would key in
i The program uses finite mass losses to determine the resulting pressures and the amount of release to the atmosphere.
This model is based on the assumption of dry staturated steam filling the containment at time zero and venting down in a throttling process assuming a modified irreversible adiabatic process.
The adiabatic process is modified such that there is enough decay heat in the primary system to keep the internal steam dry.
This allows a simple model with the steam properties being defined by the dry staurated steam line in a T-S diagram.
The model, while simplified, has enough accuracy to determine an approximate venting time to release the noble gases to the atmosphere.
Ary other model would complicate the data input for parameters that the user probably would not have available, such as the time history of flooding and the release of decay and sensible heat inside the containment for a 'what 11' scenario.
The amount of radiation is assumed proportional to the mass density of the steam in the containment in relation to the initial radiation level.
While the program is running, the pressure decrements vill be displayed on the HP-41.
The final vent time vill be printec and then the average release rate based on the total released invcatory of noble gas Curle;, vill be printed.
The socine vill be determined as previously cescribed.
The vent time vili replace any initially projected duration of the release and the projected doses at any distance from the plant will be simply the cose rate times the vent time, which may be quite short.
I Stack Release l
If 'STX' is the response to 'CTM, STK, MSL1' release path prompt, the program vill next prompt for the type of LOCA, either type 1 or type 3.
Only these values are acceptable, any others will cause the program to reprompt for the LOCA.
The next prompt vill be for the stack radiation monitor data '(uCI/cc)=?' and then for '(uCI/Sec)=?'.
This data has acceptable ranges and is used to determine the flow rate up the stack.
If the resulting flow rate exceeds 300,000 CFM the progree vill reprompt for the instrument readings.
For running examples, these ranges will produce a nominal flow rate.
O YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967 I
uCI/cc uCI/Sec 0.01 1.3E6
0.1 1.3E7
- 1. 0 1.3E3 la. 0 1.3E9 Next the program vill prompt for en iodine sample, 'STX I-131: (uCI/ce)=?'.
If one is available it should be input at this time.
There is no default iodine for the iodine release rate as there is in the Quick version.
Frem the above information the progras calculates the stack release rates.
4.'2.4.4 Main Steam Line Release If 'MSL' is the response to the release path, the program vill then prompt for the steam line radiation monitor, ' ?. S L,
Next there is a prompt for the LOCA type, 'LOCA (1,3)=?'.
The response to steam line pressure,
'MSL, PSIG=?',
will determine how many relief valves lift.
The first salety valve, SRV, will lift at 1185 psig and the 5th one vill lift at 1255 psig.
The atmospheric relief valve, ARY,is a pressure regulator and can be operating below 1185 psig.
It is assuseo to be always relieving at pressures above 1185 psig.
Based on the input pressure, the program vill determine how many SRV's are lif ting and print 'SRV(#1-4) LIFT' as an example for four valves O
If the pressure is below 1185 psig there is the possibility that the ARV is relieving at what ever pressure setpoint it is currently being regulated to.
There is also the possibility that any one of the relief valves has stuck open at some higher pressure and now the pressure has bled down to some value below 1185 psig.
In this case the initial pressure spike vould nave been quick and the dose contribution small compared to a longer release at a lower pressure.
Since all the valves opercte tra the sonic range when vide open, the actual release rate differences over the prebsure ranges are slight.
If the pressure is below 1185 psig the program vill prompt for ' STUCK VLV7 Y/N'.
If (Y) is indicated to a stuck valve, the program vill prompt for ' HRS STUCX=?'.
The user should use his Judgement as to the time duration that the valve has or vill be open.
This input will replace the projected duration of release prompt at the beginning of the program, which may have been a default 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.
If a relief valve is suspected stuck open the program vill prompt
This gives the user the option of picking the stuck valve or defaulting with the
11 an answer is not known at that time.
The default assumes the worst case of a stuck SHV.
The release rate for the noble gas is determined from whichever valve is stuck.
O There is no means of obtaining an iodine sample from this release path, therefore a default value of 2% (factor 0.00085) of YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967 j
the noble gas release rate is assumed.
4.2.5 The Alternate Pathway Ootion. 'ALTPATH' When the alternate path is turned on with the IALTPATH) key the program will include the option of alternate pathways when it comes to the PATH command.
This option allows for situations where the normal release paths from the plant can not be monitored, or when the dose accessment is to be based on field data.
The prompt ' PATHWAY: MON, UN7' gives the user the option of taking a monitored or an unmonitored pathway for the release.
If the monitored, MON pathway is chosen, the program vill prompt ' RELEASE PATH: CTM, STK, MSL7'.
This is the same as when the ALTPATH is off.
If the unmonitored UN pathway is chosen, the program vill display 'UNMON REL: ELV, GND7' requiring the user to judge if the unmonitored release occurred from an elevated or a ground source.
An elevated 'ELV' release is considered to be released from a source equivalent to the stack height with a stack velocity equal to the normal stack gas velocity of 12.6 m/s.
The 'GND' release is assumed on the ground.
The next prompt vill ask for radial distance the field samples are taken from the plant, 'DIST, M:=?'
and the lateral offset from the centerline of the plume
' OFFSET (MI)=?'.
The offset allcvs the field team to monitor a plume and not need to place themselves under the plume, either O,
for safety reasons or easy access.
A zero offset is assumed under the plume centerline.
The gamma dose rate at the receptor point will be prompted for,
'MR/HR BODY =t',
and the iodine concentration 'tuCI/ce) 1 7' vill be prompted.
The program vill then calculate the virtual release rate from the whole body dose rate and use it to calculate the population doses out to 10
- miles, j
4.2.6 Dese Pro 1ections j
Once the release rates have been determined by the program for the input parameters, the dose levels can begin to be determeined for various radial distances from the plant source. The Default Pro 1ections. 'QKDIS' Normally the program calculates output for four distances from the plant.
These are 0.6, 2,
5, and 10 miles, and are called for by the routine "QXDIS".
The program vill give the 93%
plume width for each distance from the plant.
This is the total width dimension of the plume that includes all nobel gas cose rates, down to 1% of the centerline dose.
The plume 'PLM ARRIVAL,' time is printed as hours duration to reach the specified mile. and the real time that the plume arrival 'WILL BE
If the analysis (ANALYS) time is later than the release YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
time such that the plume has already passed the mile distances, the program vill print that the plume arrival ' OCCURRED AT' some time.
The projected duration of the release is printed and then both the 'WHOLE BODY:' and ' THYROID ' dose rates and resulting s
doses will be printed.
The thyroid dose is calculated for infant iodine uptake.
Once the program starts to print the output for the 0 5 mile distance the user has the option of letting the program e6ntinue, or stopping the output and changing to the (DIS) or (MULDIS) outputs.
' DIS' The Sinole Distance Pro 1ection The (DIS) key brings up the prompt for 'DIST, MI=?' and then the prompt for '0FFSETtMI)=?'.
This routine is used to determine the dose rate and dose to a single point at some radial distance from the plant and at some perpendicular offset from the radial.
When the output is finished for one distance, the program will prompt for another distance.
'MULDIS' The Multiple Distance Proiection The multiple distance key (MULDIS) vill cause the rame output as the normal
- 0. 6, 2,
5, and 10 milea, but will priat all the r"'s output for 1 to 10 miles from the plant.
b oG YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
The print all mode (PRTALL) operation was discussed under the toggle key functions.
Basically it us used to examine the inner workings and intermediate ansvers as the program calculates the dose projections.
It serves as a tool for further analysis and comparison with other methods of dose projection, specifically the IBM personal computer version from which the HP-41 version is modeled.
The (PRTALL) key can be used at any tise in the program to set the toggle on or off, but requires re-entering the main program.
The various assigned keys are convenient points to reenter the progree.
If the user is f amiliar with the HP-41, flag 18 can be set by (shift) SF 18 to activate the print all mode and cleared by (shift) CF 18, in lieu of using the (PRTALL) key.
The following printout is a typical output when the print all mode is on.
Example 5.1 PRTALL CN 3 program is on and (PRTALL) is keyed.
- program started at (BGN)
SEABROOK sthe Seabrook title block, DOSE
- printed in bold letters.
- pre-prompt for trip time and date, TIME!H.MS)=12.00
- prompt and time input, DATE(h.DY)=10.190000 land date input, year not input.
TIME (H.MS)=15.48
- [k/S) for default to real time, DATE(M.DY)=10.191987
- and (R/S) for default real date.
- only prompts when PRINT ALL ON.
TIME (H.MS)=15.48
- tR/S) for real time default, DATE(M.DY)=10.191987
- and (R/S) for real default date.
PROJ (HRS)=5.00
- tH/S) for the default 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> curation.
MET TOWERt UPPER (MPH):d.00 supper tower vind speeo, LOWER (MPH)=b.00
- and lover tower vind speed.
- upper vind direction from in degreer, LOWER (DEG)=200.00 land lower direction.
LANG/ MIN =1.00
- solar intensity input, NO TIBL
- but wrong vind direction, so no TIBL.
- only prompts when PRINT ALL ON, A,B,C,D,E,F,G ?
- choosing stability class A RELEASE PATH
- using the stack pathway.
LOCA (1,3)=3 linput LOCA type for iuel failure.
ithe stack radiation monitor, tuCI/cc)=10.0 31nput data (uCI/Sec)=1.5E9
- 1nput data STK, CFM=317,850.0
- calculated stack flow rate.
O CFM > 300,000.0 swhich is unrealistic, therefore WIDE RANGE GAS MON.:
- program reprompts.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
- (R/S) good data.
- reentered correct data.
O STX, CFM=275,470.9
- calculated stack flow rate.
We=13.0 M/S 3and exit velocity in meters /sec.
STX I-131:
(uCI/cc)=1.0E-3 ginput an iodine sample data.
MED3 susing aid range loca 3 calibration.
- correlation factor calculated.
3 ell the following are calculated.
5.9E8 uCI/Sec NOBLE GAS Inoble gas release rate, 1.3E5 uCI/Sec IODINE siodine release rate.
F(t)=4.7269E0 sdose conversion factor.
W/u=5.8 stack to vind velocity ratio.
Hpr=62.3 stack plume rise above stack DIST=0.6 MI sfollowing output for site boundary.
Hterr=6 sthe terrain height in meters.
Hp1m=114 sthe total plume height.
SIGY=181.4 shorizontal dispersion std' deviation.
- vertical dispersion std' deviation.
SIGAVG=275.1 goverage used in calculation.
- plume height, used for ratio of, d/SIG=0.4
- distance from plume centerline.
- unadjusted gamma X/Q.
Fz=1.000E0 3.eflection factor.
- adjusted for wind and reflection.
EPS=2.310E-3 sepsilon on page 48 in tech. manual.
- particulate dry deposition factor.
4 Fv=1.000E0
- particulate wet deposition factor.
X/Q THY ' 245E-6 3 particulate concentration X/W.
99% PLM J1DTH=1.12 MI
- total plume width for 99% cloud dose.
- hours to plume arrival.
WILL BE AT 15:55
- real time it reachec 0.6 miles.
- 2cr b hours of exposure, WHOLE BODY
- from noble gas cloud exposure, DOSE RATE =1.9E2 Mh/Hk
- with this dose rate, DOSE =9.7E-1 REM
- produced this whole body dose.
Ifor thyroid exposure from Inhalation, i
- for this dose rate, DOSE =2.4E0 R (INFANT)
- produced this infant thyrolo dose.
- etc. for 2 miles from plant.
SIGY=538.2 I
SIGZ=720.0 SIGAVG=622.5 d(m)a117.2 d/SIG=0.2 uX/Q=7.830E-7 Fz=1.016E0 O
X/Q=3.564E-7 EPS=1.111E-3 t
YAEC-1619 Oct. Ido?
l l
Fd=9.421E-1 Fv=1.990E0 0
DIST=5.0 MI setc. f or 5 miles from plant.
i SIGY=1,231.2 SIGZa720.0 SIGAVG=941.5 d(m)=89.7 d/SIG=0.1 uX/Qs3.525E-7 Fr=1.010E0 X/Qal.596E-7 EPS=1.111E-3 O
Fd=8.834E-1 Fv=1.000E0 X/Q THY =1.425E-7 99% PLM WIDTH =3.57 M1 PLM ARRIVAL, 1.00 HR$
DIST=10.0 MI letc, for 10 elles from plant.
l Hterr=24.
t SIGY=2,302.4 SIGZa720.0 SIGAVG=1,287.5 d(m)=95.8 d/SIG=0.1 uX/Q=1.899E-7 Fz=1.012E0 X/Q=8.604E-8 O
EPS=1.111E-3 Fd=7.935E-1 YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 J
Fv=1.DeeE0 X/Q THY =6.844E-8 99X PLM VIDTH=4.86 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 2.99 HR$
i WILL BE AT 17:48
DONE 3 program run is done, printer stops.
Example 5.2
At times the vino vill be from the ocean, ano the aclar input during the daytime vill cause the mixing layer for the plume to be limited by the thermal internal boundary layer, TIBL, height.
For the previous example the vind direction is changed and the effect on the output can be seen.
- starting from the (STABL) key, DIR FROM
- to change the vind direction.
UPPER (DEG)=100.00 sinput vino from ocean, LOWER (DEG)=100.00 l
LANG/ MIN =1.00
- 1nput solar raatation.
- results in a limited mixing layer, 1
preprompt for type of release.
- snows in display, (R/S) to get 'STh' LOCA (1,3)=3
- 1nput LOCA type, (R/S) vill give type 1 WIDE RANGE GAS M0h.a
- (R/S) to use previous monitor readings.
STK, CFM*275,470.0 w0=13.0 M/S STX I-131:
- tR/S) to use the previous data.
J(t)=2.8381E-S j
- the release rate is the same.
j 1.3E5 uCI/Sec IODINE j
Ftt)=4.7269E0 W/u=5.8 l
Hpr=62.3 DIST=0.6 M1 sautput for 0.6 miles trom plant.
Hterr=6 Hp1m=114 4
Htibl=200 i
SIGY=181.4 SIGZ=167.2
- plume has been limited vertically.
l \\
SIGAVG=170.5 i
J YAEC-1619 Oct 1987 l
_= _
i d(m)=114.1 i
d/SIG=0.7 uX/Q=7.044E-6 i
j Fz=1.292E0 X/Q=4.078E-6 EPS=4.994E-3 Fd=9.715E-1 Fuel.De6E0 X/Q THYs4.779E-6 99X PLM WIDTH =0.73 MI PLM ARRIVAL, 0.12 HRS WILL BE AT 15:55 FOR PROJ 5.9 HR EXP WHOLE BODY:
DOSE RATE =5.1E2 MR/HR l dose 2.5 times greater than previous.
DOSE RATE =1.0E3 MR/HR DOSE =5.0E0 R (INFANT) 3 DIST=2.0 MI setc. for 2 miles from plant.
i 4
SIGYs538.2 SIG2.=182.3 SIGAVG=313.2 i
d(ml=89.7 d/SIG=0.3 uX/Q=2.825E-6 Fz=1.132E0 X/Qal.432E-6 EPS=4.389E-3 Fd=8.558E-1 Fv=1.000E0 X/Q THY =1.247E-6 99% PLM WIDTH =1.23 M1 PLM ARRIVAL, 0.40 HR$
1 WILL BE AT 16:12 l
DOSE =9.0E-1 REM J
l DOSE RATE =2.6E2 MR/HR j
DIST=3.0 MI setc. for 3 miles from plant.
l 1
' O 1i YAEC-1619 Oct. Ado?
I i
1 Example 5.3 This example is for the release path through the main steen line, en assumed steam generator tube rupture.
The previous time and environmental data is assumed valid and the program is started with the (PATH) key.
The steam pressure is in valid range for the safety relief valves to operate.
lenter at (DIRFRM),
UPPER (DEG)=200.00 sto change back to vind from land.
- [R/S) the solar input.
CTM, ETX, MSL7 MSL schange to steam line release.
MSL, hR/HR=5.0E3 linput the monitor reading.
- calculated conversion factor.
MSL, PSIG=1,300.00
- input the steam loop pressure.
SRV=2.520E6 cc/See, EA
- calculated flow rate for each SRV.
SRV(#1-5) LIFT sprogram determines all 5 v111 lift.
ARV=1.220E6 cc/Sec
- plus the ARY flow rate.
- gives the following release rates.
- for the noble gas, 2.0E6 uCI/Sec IODINE
- and a default iodine rate.
F(t)=7.6389E0 SIGY=153.1 at 800m
- 800 meter sigma Y for ground release.
DIST=0 6 MI Ithe output for the site boundary.
- horizontal dispersion sta' dev' SIG2=417 2
- vertical dispersion std' dev' SIG2M*417.7
- adjusted for building vake and meander SIGYM=182.5 sthe same for horizontal dispersion.
SIGAVG=276.1 ithe average used in calculations, d(m)=0.0
- plume centerline in on ground.
d/SIG=0.0 uX/Qa3.70$E-b sunadjustes gamma X/Q.
Fz=1.000E0 ino reflection on ground.
- ao]usted for wind speeo.
EPS=2.394E-3 Fd=9.862E-1 sdry deposition factor remaining.
Fv=1.000E0 Ivet deposition factor remaining.
X/Q THY =2.313E-6 3 particulate concentration X/Q.
. DOSE RATE =7.3E3 MR/HR DOSE =3.7El R (INFANT) setc. output for 2, 5,
and 10 miles.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967
Example 5.4 t
This example shows a sis 11er steam line release, except that the steam line pressure is below any SRV set point.
The operator knows that the ARV is lifting and that it is not stuck open.
CTM, STX, MSLt MSL MSL, MR/HR=5,000.0 J(t)=4.8614E2 MSL, PSIG=1,980.00
- pressure below SRV trip point 1185 psig STUCK VLVt Y/N NO
- there is no stuck valve, therefore ARV=1.222E6 cc/Sec ionly ARV is releasing VWO.
- producing the following release rates.
3.0E9 uCI/Sec NOBLE GAS 2.4E7 uCI/Sec IODINE F(t)=2.3085El Example 5.5 This case is for a containment release at pressures less than rupture, with the release passing through the seals and penetrations of the containment.
It is ausumed that the secondary containment is not functioning properly.
CTM, STK, MSLt CTM stake the containment path.
- the outer containment leaks.
CTM, R/HR=90,000.00 ithe radiation level in containment.
1-131, uCI/cc=0.01
- a sodine sample was taken CTM, PSIG=50.00
- the containment internal pressure.
- and the resulting release rates.
2.7E6 uCI/Sec HOBLE GAS 8.5E0 uCI/Sec IODINE F(t)=4.7321E0 sigY=153.1 at 800m DIST=0.6 MI
- etc. for the output data Example 5.6 This example is for the same type of containment release except that the internal pressure has become hxgh enough to have l
containment failure.
For this example the failure occurred at j
100 psig through a rupture with the equivalent diameter of 6 feet hs in Example 3.9.
Note that to enter this mode 160 psig was first entered as the internal pressure.
senter program at IPATH) key.
YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
31ost negative pressure.
(s CTM, R/HR=50,Dee.90
- containment area radiation monitor.
I-131, uCI/cc=0.01 sessume iodine sample was obtained.
CTM, PSIG=160.00 sinput this pressure for the program to sgo into the class 9 accident mode.
18:29 10/19/1987 la beep and then the time and date.
- title message INIT PSIG=160.00 31nput pressure at rupture.
FINAL PSIG=0.00 sinput pressure at end accident.
UP STX Y/N NO no control, so not up stack.
HOLE DIA,FT=6.00 linput equivalent hole diameter.
RES COEF, K = 1. 50 sharp edge hole resistance coefficient dP/P LIMIT =0.55 Isonic limit across hole.
Pi+1=89.48 PSIA
- pressure at time 1+1 vi+1=4.94
- specific volume at time i+1 dP/PAVG=0.86 sacross hole, therefore flow SONIC
- is sonic flow.
dP AVG =56.50
- pressure drop across hole Y=0.63
- dry steam net expansion factor.
VENT 17,987,658.11 LB/HR 3 allowing this much to vent.
REMAIN =547,185.98 LB steam remaining in containment.
delta TIME =0.008 HR stine after start of venting.
sum =0.008 HRS
- total venting time so far.
RELs9.78E11 uCI/Sec HG 1 release rate noble gas sus NG=2.80E7 CI sum total noble gas in curies released O
REL=5.54E6 uCI/See I
- release rate iodine sum I=1.59E2 CI
- sum total iodine in curies released.
Pi+1=69.90 PSIA spressure after next finite mass loss vi+1=6.23 dP/PAVG=0.82 SONIC dP AVG =44.11 Y=0.65 VENT 14,707,610.85 LB/HR REMAIN =433,740.38 LB delta TIME =0.008 HR sum:0.016 HRS REL=8.00E11 uCI/Sec NG sum NG=5.02E7 CI REL=4.53E6 uCI/See I sum I=2.85E2 CI Pi+1=54.56 PSIA gafter next finite mass loss I
vi+1=7.86 dP/PAVG=0.76 SONIC dP AVG =34.44 Y=0.65 VENT 11,624,454.56 LB/HR REMAIN =343,814.94 LB delts TIME =0.008 HR
i j
J i
j YAEC-1619 Oct. 1967 l
l C
sum =0.023 HRS RELs6.32E11 uCI/Sec NG
sum NG=6.79E7 CI RELs3.58E6 uCI/Sec I sum Is3.84E2 CI Pi+1=42.57 PSIA safter next finite mass loss vi+1=9.92 dP/PAVG=0.70 SONIC dP AVG =26.88 Y = 0. 65 VENT 9,151,145.89 LB/HR REMAIN =272,533.33 LB delta TIME =0.008 HR sum =0.031 HRS RELs4.98E11 uCI/Sec NG sum NG=8.18E7 CI REL=2.82E6 uCI/Sec I sum I=4.63E2 CI Pi+1=33.22 PSIA softer next finite mass loss vi+1=12.52 dP/PAVG=0.61 SONIC
- still sonic flow dP AVG =20.97 Y = 0. 65 VENT 7,200,378.04 L8/HR O
REMAIN =216,030.22 LB delta TIME =0.006 HR TIME =0.008 HR sum =0.039 HRS RELs3.92E11 uCI/See NG sum NG=9.29E7 CI REL=2.22E6 uCI/Sec I sum Is5.26E2 CI Pi+1:25.94 PSIA safter next finite mass loss vi+1:15.79 dP/PAVG=0.50
- 1ess than sonic flow now.
dP AVG =14.88 Yt e. 68 VENT 5,662,595.19 LB/HR REMAIN =171,241.65 LB delta TIME =0.008 HR TIME =0.008 HR sum =0.047 HRS REL=3.08E11 uCI/Sec NG sus NG=1.02E8 CI REL=1.74E6 uCI/Sec I sum !=5.76E2 CI Pi+1=20.27 PSIA gafter next fantte mass loss
'O vi+1=19.92 dP/PAVG=0.36 l
1 YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987 1
dP AVG =8.40 Y = 0. 77 VENT 4,285,003.84 LB/HR C4 REMAIN =135,738.89 LB delta TIME =0.008 HR i
TIME =0.008 HR sum =0.055 HRS REL=2.33E11 uCI/Sec NG sue NG=1.09E8 CI REL=1.32E6 uCI/Sec I sum Is6.15E2 CI Pi+1=15.66 PSIA
- after next finite mass lose vi+1
- 25.13 dP/PAVG=0.19 dP AVG =3.36 Y = 0. 89 VENT 2,767,387.28 LB/HR REMAIN =107,596.75 LB delta TIME =0.008 HR TIME =0.010 HR sum =0.065 HRS REL=1.51E11 uCI/Sec NG i
sum NG=1.14E8 CI statal noble gas curies released.
RELs8.53E5 uCI/Sec I sum I 6.46E2 CI stotal iodine curies released.
- 0.074 hours8.564815e-4 days <br />0.0206 hours <br />1.223545e-4 weeks <br />2.8157e-5 months <br /> total vent time RELEASE RATE
4.8E11 uCI/Sec h0BLE gab laverage release rate during venting.
2.7E6 uCI/See IODINE F(t)=4.7269E0 SIGY=153.1 at 800m DIST=0.6 M1 sete. output 1er 2, 5,
ano 10 miles I
ti O
4 YAEC-1619 Oct. 1987
Xeyboard Overlay of Assigned Keys......................A-1 i
Program Register and Flag Usage........................B-1 C.
SBEROM4 Program 11 sting................................C-1 D.
SBEROM5 *rogram listing...
............................D-1 E.
SBEROM6 Program 11 sting................................E-1 F.
SBEROM7 Program 11 sting................................F-1 I
SBEROM9 Porgree 11 sting................................G 1
1 H.
Index of Pregram Subroutine Labels.....................H-1 I.
Gasma CHI /O Dispersion Factor Verafication.............I-1 I
- i I
j 1
.i 1
l I
YAEC-1619 cet, 1337 J
J i
1 Seabrook HP.41CX Dose Projection Program
i I
I i
I i
BGk i
l 1 DATSTMP i i
i i
i i
l i
I l'
i 1,
I i
i i
i I
I i
i i
i 4...........
SF i
CF i
i l
i i
i l
i i
i i
I i
i i
i i
f I
I i
i I
I i
i 1
i I
i I
I t
i I
Upper functions are shifteo with the golc key on hP-41.
Xey assignments can be verified using the (shift) (CAT) 6 sequence.
The keys can be manually assigneo by XEW ' HEY'.
J l
l I
1 l
d YAEC.1519 A1 Oct. 1987 I
1 Disk filot SBREG.LST Catalog 2:
n:n7 Revision date: 10-13-87 4
I SEABROOK STATION HP-41 FNERGENCY DOSE PROJECTION PROGRAM REGISTER AND FLAG USAGE by Michael Krtuach Yankee Nuclear Services Division October 13, 1987 Register Usages (Registers used for more than une parameter h&ve parameters separated by & symbol.)
ROO J(t) & release rate, uC1/sec & loop counter in OUTROM Re1 loop counter in OUTROM & temp save sqrt RS2 F(t) for loca 1,2,3 R03 working vind speed, sph R04 containment pressure, psig R05 containment radiation level, R/hr R06 stack flow rate, cc/sec & dp/p', In(pala), in(psig),
in(sp.vol.) all in CTM and MSL R07 hole flow resistance, K, for CTM leak or venting R08 stability class, alpha letter R07 main steam line pressure, psig & dp venting R10 main steen line sonitor, ar/hr R11 signa y & signa ya R12 signa z & signa za R13 mixing layer height, seters R14 plume offset, miles R15 signa average R16 In signa average O
R17 d of Eanna curve R18 coef a' for gassa curve R19 coef
'b' for gaana curve R20 coef 'c' for gassa curve R21 uX/Q & uX/Q*F2 R22 register multiplication for fd R23 d/stana R24 epsilon for previous receptor in fd R25 sum of Fz reflections R26 vorking distance to receptor, siles R27 delta time, reactor trip to current time, hrs R28 Inthrs) for Jtt) & meters in si plume rise factor S 1. SRY flow,gna z & seancer factor M &
Abs /hr & fuge factor an SBJ to cet distances.
R29 LOCK type, intecer R30 Inthrs) for J(tl & Y in SRV & Fe in plume rise & compass sector in TER & steam inventory in CTM & cenos' in F2-R31 indirect address for input.
R32 WRGM uC1/cc R33 WRGM uC1/see R34 alpha counter for branch label registers R35 alpha branch label R36 al ha brsnch label R37 al ha branch label R38 al ha branch label R39 al ha branch label R40 al ha branch label R41 al ha branch label R42 previous distance in Fd R43 analysis time or current time, HMS R44 release time, HMS R45 whole body dose rate, R/hr R46 thyroid dose rate, R/hr R47 working vind direction, degrees O
R4B sua 1-131 released in venting CTM, Curies & PAG sector alpha label R49 I-131 per iba stema in CTM, uC1/lba & PAG sector radius label ii YAEC-1619 B-1 Oct. 1987
vs Dick filen S3 REG. t '.T
,j Catair,g 24 none Revision detet 1R-13.
1 R50 sum of vent time, hre & PAG vvacuation sector >
R51 lower wind direction, degrees
,,1 RS2 in(K) & Y venting & PAG shciter_gector,
- s "'
' *J' R53 upper wind direction, degrees R54 % volume loss per iteration for veuting L' PAG *tyc time,'
winter s.
R55 noble gas per Ibn steam in CT.% VC1/lbu & Pt.4,eVSG,tjsp, summer 2
R56 JtT) for C3 & PAG evac time used N
s*.s 1
R57 delta time each Ataration of venting & plume trhee1Jtimb R58 sum noble gas vented, Curiee & PAG time until exponyte s
R59 duration of release, hrs R60 I-131 release rate, uC1/sec in venting 4 PAG evac' R61 final containment pressure, psig, exposure time 1
Ni R62 sp. vol, at time i during venting t PAG,proj vhole body dose s
R63 sp. vol. at time 1+1 during's PAD ps cq thyroid dose s
l R64 I-131 seerle bomb, uCi/cc R65 concentration X/Q for thyroid
's R66 avg pressure during iteration of ventian 3' PAG p;o] whole,"
, +Sx body sheltered dose N'
N s
R67 sum lbw steam vented & sum SRV cA/sec & PAb prof thyrvyj sheltered dose
- .-.,s
R68 PAG vhole body indicated detion..
l R69 field distance & DP/P sonic 11miin venting & PAG thyroid is action index
.~, ?
-' ' - 1 R70 distance counter for QXDIS
"' /,
R71 distance 0.6 miles in QXDIO.1 0.6 mi gamma uX/Q in SBQ o"
R72 distance 2 miles in QXDIS & 0.0
- t concentration uX/Q an SB7 R73 distence 5 miles in QXDIS & 2 m1'eamma uX/Q in SBQ R74 distance 10 miles in QXDIS & 2 mixcoweentrstion uX/O in SBQ R75 5 mi genea uX/Q in SBQ & Iv for wet depositten R76 5 mi concentrat2on uX/Q in SBQ & epn11on jn aq-(20)
R77 10 mi gamra uX/Q in 580 & reacter tiap date
R78 10 mi concentration uX/Q in SBQ & I W ease dsL9 s
R79 current date R80 met lower wind speeo; ap5'
. s,g R81 met upper vind speed,' apn R82 net lower delta temp, F R83 met upper delta temp, F/
R84 terrain height of receptor, hterr, meters, R85 stack velocity, m/sec
' ^
R86 plume rise, hpr
'w R87 temporary Wo/u ratio in it?R '
l s.
R88 reflection ISG coun'er & ref4ection ia: tor Fz R89 pluet height h, feet
N R90 sigma ym from previous vake correction R91 reactor trip time, HMS R92 sigma y at 800 meters R93 delta time from release to curre,h time R94 hole diameter, ft. for venting CTh,-
s R95 duration of rain, hrs R96 rain, inches /hr
'~ s R97 solar radiation, langley / min ior sembreeze
<w R98 number of column to access the-tertain,heignt from est?;x J
R99 register counter for terrain data natrix R100 start register of terrain data metrax v
4,c to N
1 R275 end of terrain data matrix 4
i Flag Usage:
00 set for default input data set to save denominator in F2 ref'lection 01 set for stability class by input, c2 ear for stability by delta temperature & set for classification level in SBQ l
l YAEC-1619 B-2 Oct. 1 N;
l l
Dick filo:
SBREG.LST C tclog 2 nona Revision date: 10-13-87 b) sg for signy y at 800 m & set for classification level in 02 q
03 temporary set in VIRRE for return from SIGCOEF vith no plume width & met for classification level in SBQ 04 temporary set for distance less than 800 m for signa 2 05 set if plume unstable or neutral and clear if plume stable 06 set for elevated release and clear for ground release 07 set for MULDIS output and clear for single DIS cutput 08 used in MULDIS for ist distance increment 09 set for seabreeze mixing layer change & PAG set for vinter season, clear for summer season 10 PAG set for adverse weather, clear for normal weather 11 temprary used in HPR and SIGCOEF 12 double width in title block 13 not used 14 set for unmonitored field input data, clear for monitored radiation input 15 used in CLHP routine 16 used in CLHP routine 17 set for rain mode on 18 set for print all mode, clear for normal printout 19 used for internal test routines for premature exit from texted subroutines 20 set if alternate unmonitored release path available 21 used to enable or disable the printer 22 svt indicates numeric input by keyboard 23 set indicates alpha input by keyboard 29 digit flag, cleared to make integer display 32 used to indicate manual or auto 1/0 modes to printer O
l i
YAEC-1619 B-3 Oct. 1987 l
-,. _ _ _ _ - l
Dick filo: SBEROM4.LST Cateltg 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 3(V SEABROOK STATION HP-41 EMERGENCY DOSE PROJECTION PROGRAM LISTING AND COMMENTS by Michael Krabach Yankee Nuclear Services Division October 21, 1987 This progras listing is for the 4K module identified in the Cat 2 as SEABROOK 8C, it is located at page 12 (J Hex), and assigned XROM 06.
The documentation file is SBEROM4.LST.
333333E533E353533333583333333333333333333333J33J83EES$3EEEEEEEEEE This routine is the start of the input prompts for the main program.
I also is the start of repeating a run when data has been previously entered.
01LBL ' REP'
- subroutine label.
- for seabrook, VY is different.
03 'REV 10-18-87'
- current revision date.
- message in alpha.
05 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
06 CLX
- clear x-reg.
07 CF 00
- clear prompt default mode flag.
08 CF 03
- clear temporary subroutine return flag.
09 CF 19
- clear return flag for test programs.
Start of the section for the input of major parameters.
- start of section for time of events.
11 XEQ 'LnE'
- drav linn printer.
12LBL 91
- 1abei saw
's data register for repeat.
- key assignei label.
14 FIX 2
- set display 2 decimals.
15 SF 29
- turn on the separators in numberc.
- pre prompt message, 17 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
18 ' TIME (H.MS)*
- prompt message for shutdown time.
19 91
- data register assignment.
20 XEQ
- do general prompt.
21 X<07 negative time not allowed.
22 GTO 91
- if negative input, repeat the prompt.
23LBL 77
- 1abel same as data register for repeat.
24 'DATE(M.DY)*
- prompt message for date and format.
25 77
- data register assignment.
26 FIX 6
- set display f or MDY format.
27 XEQ
- do ger.eral prompt.
28 FIX 2
- restore format to normal.
29 XEQ 'YY'
- examine for legal format for date.
30LBL 44
- 1abel same as data register for repeat.
- restart point for release time.
32 ' RELEASE:'
- pre prompt messsage, 33 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
34 ' TIME (H.MS)'
- prompt message for release time.
35 XEQ 'TMR'
- store default current time and date.
36 SF 00
- set default flag.
37 44
- data register assignment.
38 XEQ
- do general prompt.
- if negative input, 40 GTO 44
- repeat the prompt.
41LBL 78
- 1abelsameasdatare$easedate.
ister for repeat.
t, 42 'DATE(M.DY;'
3 prompt message for re s
43 SF 00
- set default flag.
44 78
- data register assignment.
YAEC-1619 C-1 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 p
45 FIX 6
- decimals for date format.
ss 46 XEQ "P'
- do general prompt.
47 FIX 2
- restore decimal format.
48 XEQ "YY"
- examine for legal format for date.
49 FS' 18 lif print all mode is on, 50 GTO 'ANALYS'
- then prompt for analysis time.
51 RCL 44
- otherwise use release time, 52 STO 43
- for analysis time.
53 RCL 78
- and use relesae date, 54 STO 79
- for analysis date.
- go to projected duration input section.
The analysis time is normally the same as the release time.
It can be input from the key assignments and will be prompted for in the printall mode.
It only affects the duration of arrival of the plume to different distances, or of the PAG module la to be used.
56LBL 43
- 1abel same as data register for repeat.
- restart point for analysis time.
- pre prompt message for analysis time.
59 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
60 ' TIME (H.MS)*
- prompt message and format.
61 XEQ 'TMA'
- store default current time and date.
62 SF 00
- set default fisg.
63 43
- data register assignment.
64 XEQ
- do general prompt.
65 X<0?
- 1f negative input, 66 GTO 43
- repeat the prompt.
67LBL 79
- 1abel same as data register fur repeat, es 68 'DATE(M.DY)*
- prompt message and format.
69 SF 00 set default flag.
70 79
- data register assignment.
71 *eX 6
- set ue date format.
72.'._J "P"
- do general prompt.
73 FIX 2
- restore display to 2 decimals.
74 XEQ 'YY"
- examine for legal format for date.
75 FS?C 19
- 11 test flag set, clear it and, 76 RTH
- ena routine.
- restart point for projected hours.
78 'PROJ (HRS)*
- prompt message.
79 8
- default sor projected release duration.
80 STO 59
- save default in reg 59.
81 SF 00
- set default flag.
82 59
- data register assignment.
83 XEQ
'P' ido general prompt.
- restart point for vind data input.
85 FIX 2
- reset display to normal.
86 ' MET TOWER:'
- pre prompt message for met tower.
87 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
88 ' UPPER (MPH)*
- prompt for tower upper vind speeo.
89 81
- data register assignment.
90 XEQ
- do general prompt 91 ' LOWER (MPH)*
- prompt for tower 1over vind speed.
92 80
- data register assignment.
93 XEQ
- do general prompt.
- restart point for vind direction.
95 " DIR FROM:'
- pre-prompt message, 96 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
- prompt for tower upper degrees.
98 53
- data assignment register.
fs 99 XEQ
- do general prompt
100 ' LOWER (DEG)*
3 prompt for tower iover degrees.
\\~ /
101 51
- data register assignment.
102 XEQ
- do general prompt.
YAEC-1619 C-2 Oct. 1987
Disk filo: SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87
Routine checks the current date, if between April 1 and Sept 30 flag 09 is set to allow prompting for the solar radiation input for possible seabreeze.
Seabreeze TBILs will change the mixing layer height.
- solar input label.
FS? 18
- if print all mode $s on.
GTO 90
- jump over, don't check for current date.
RCL 79
- get current date.
- format to MMDD.YYYY INT
- format MMDD.
- April 1 in format MMDD.
- is current date April 1 or later?
SF 09 solar flag on for possible seabreeze.
- get back current date.
- 0ct. 1 in format MMDD.
- is current date Oct 1 or later?
CF 09
- turn solar flag 09 off, no seabreeze.
- 1f seabreeze date not valid, GTO 01
- exit if date not valid.
LBL 00
- entry for solar prompt.
SF 09
- turn on solar flag even if wrong date.
- pre-prompt.
- print or display it.
- prompt for langley / minute intensity.
- data register assignment.
- do general prompt.
(g RCL 97
- get solar input.
( j
- input must be >= this value for TIBL's X>Y?
- 1f solar is less than.35 langley /ein't CF 09
- seabreeze effect not possible, Determine if the onshore vind direction is between 22 and 173 degrees. If not, the seabreeze effect on the upper mixing layer height.
RCL 53
- get upper vind direction.
- onshore wind northerly limit, degrees X>Y?
- is vind direction less than 22 deg?
CF 09
- no seabreeze possible.
- get upper vind directon.
- onshore southerly limit, degrees X<Y?
- is vind direction greater than 173 oeg?
CF 09
- no seabreeze possible.
LBL 01
- cont' from nonvalid seabreeze date.
- the default mixing layer height, FS? 09
- 1f TIBL flag on, STO 13
- save default mixing layer height.
FS? 09
- 1f TIBIL flag on,
- will have sembreeze effects.
FC7 09
- 1f TIBL flag off,
'NO TIBL' gno sembreeze effects on mixing layer.
FSi 18
- 1f printall mode on?
- print or display message.
Normally the delta temperature is prompted for to determine the stability class. Only in printall mode vill the option be presented to input a direct stability class.
O) 103LBL 'STABL' v
- restart point fer stability class.
104 34
- counter form alpha branch routines..
105 STO 34
- save the ounter.
106 ' STAB 7 CL/DT'
- stability class by class or delta temp.?
YAEC-1619 C-3 Oct. 1987
Disk file: SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 O
197 FS? 18 gif in print all mode, 188 XEQ
- do prompt.
199 FC7 25
- 1f valid input not used, 110 GTO 'STABL'
- repeat the prompt.
111 FC? 18 pif not in print all mode, 112 XEQ 'DT' 3 default to delta temp mode.
113 FS? 17
- 1f rainfall input mode on, 114 XEQ 'RAINFAL'
- prompt for the rainfall.
115 GTO ' PATH'
- continue with the release path.
116LBL 'CL'
- subroutine for stabilit class input.
117 SF 01
- for manual input of sta 111ty class.
118 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G 7'
- prompt message for all classes.
119 SF 00
- set the default flag.
120 XEQ
- do general alpha prompt.
121 ASTO 08
- save the alpha character in reg 08.
122 RTN
- return subroutine.
123LBL 'DT'
- subroutine for la se rate input.
124 CF 01
- for stability by apse rate.
125 " DELTA TEMP:'
- pre prompt message for tower temp.
126 XEQ
- print or display it.
127 ' UPPER (F)*
- prompt for upper delta temp.
128 83
- data register assignment.
129 XEQ
- do general prompt.
130 ' LOWER (F)*
- prompt for lover delta temp.
131 82
- data register assignment.
132 XEQ
- do general prompt.
133 RTN
- subroutine return.
This section checks the input date to see if the date has been input if the proper tormat, ie.
If the format is wrong such when a single digit day does not have a leading zero, the user will be required to repeat the input.
This routine uses the numeric label that matches the data register assignment to direct the program pointer to the proper routine to repeat.
134LBL 'YY'
- check date format and loss of clock.
135 E2
- shift decimal to right, 136 *
- to make year a decimal number.
137 FRC
- strip off days and month.
138 E4
- shift decimal 4 places to right, 139 +
- to make integer years.
140 X=0?
- 1f no years were input, 141 GTO 01
- jump to insert clock year.
142 1985
- 1over limit for input date, 143 X>Y?
- 1f 1985 is > input date, 144 GTO 00
- jump over next test, 145 X<>Y
- svap, cet original input date.
146 2199
- upper limit for input date.
147 X>Y?
- 1f 2199 is > than input data, 148 RTN
- then return subroutine.
149LBL 00
- 1f not, 150 TONE ^
- then sound tone, 151 TONE ^
- 3again, 152 TONE 5
- and again.
153 CF 21
- disable printer.
- message to check format for date.
- append rest of message.
- view it, 157 PSE
- and pause for 158 PSE
- two seconds.
(T 159 FS? 55
- 1f printer attached,
160 SF 21
- then enable printer.
161 GTO IND 31
- go to label matching current data reg.
l YAEC-1619 C-4 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM4.LST Catalog 22 SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87
l If the ear was not input, only MM.DD was in ut, ' hen the progam takes the current year and appends it to the date for the user.
162LBL 01
- 1f year is missing, 163 SF 25
- set the error flag.
164 DATE
- get clock date 165 FC7 25
- was the clock module installed?
166 GTO IND 31
- go to label matching current data req.
167 E2
- shift decimal 2 places to right, 168 e
- to make fractional year.
169 FRC
- strip off days and month.
170 RCL IND 31
- recall date without year from input, 171 E2
- shift decimal 2 places to right, 172 +
- to make integer day and month, 173 +
- add the fractional year, 174 E2
- end shift decimal 2 places left, 175 /
- to restore proper date format.
176 STO IND 31
- save it in place of original input.
177 RTN
- return from subroutine.
If the alternate path mode is on, the user has the option of a monitored or unmonitored pathway for the release pathway.
For the unwonitored pathway the input readings will come from field data of site from the plant.
178LBL ' ALT'
- entered from 'ALTPATH' 179 ' PATiiWAY
- '
- pre prompt 180 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
181 ' MON, UN7'
- prompt message, key in choise.
182 XEQ
- do general alpha prompt.
183 GTO ' ALT'
- 1f alpha prompt failed, repeat prompt.
184LBL 'UN'
- 1nput for the unmonitored path.
185 SF 14
- set field data flag.
- pre prompt for unmonitored release.
187 XEW 'W'
- print or display it.
188 'ELV, GND?'
- prompt message, key in choise.
189 XEQ
- do general alpha prompt.
190 GTO 'UN'
- 11 alpha prompt failed, repeat prompt.
Normal entry point for the monitored pathway.
The interval between trip and release is range checked to between 0.1 and 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />.
If not in range, is automatically but in the range.
191LBL ' PATH'
- entry point for monitored pathway.
192 RCL 44
- get release time, 193 RCL 78
- get date of release, 194 XEQ "DLT'
- cale delta time, release to present.
195 STO 93
- save it.
196 RCL 91
- get trip time, 197 RCL 77
- get date of trip, 198 XEQ 'DLT'
- cale delta time, trip to present.
199 RCL 93
- get release to present delta time, 200 -
- 1nterval bewteen trip and release time.
- smallest time interval from trip.
202 X<=Y?
- 1f interval greater than
.1, OK 203 RDN
- take larger value.
204 100
- 1argest interval allowed.
205 X>Y?
- 1f interval smaller, OK 206 RDH
- take smaller value.
207 STO 27
- save range checked time interval.
208 36
- counter for alpha branch routines.
209 STO 34
- save counter.
210 FS? 20
- 11 alternate path mode on, 211 GTO ' ALT'
- prompt for the choise of paths, i
If the monitored pathway is chosen for the release path, this routine is used.
YAEC-1619 C-5 Oct. 1987
i Dick filot SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 f
212LBL ' MON'
- for a monitored release.
213 CF 14
- clear the field data flag.
- pre-prompt message.
215 XEQ "W"
- print or display it.
216 'CTM, STK, MSL7'
- prompt message key in choise.
217 XEQ
- do general alpba prompt.
218 GTO ' MON'
- 11 not valid input, repeat prompt.
END send of module.
3333355333333333355333333333333BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE This section is the start of printing the release rate and calculating the dose at various distances.
219LBL 'RE'
- 1abel for release.
Ifor seabrook station
'REV 10-8-87'
- current revision 220 SCI 1
- set i decimal scientific.
- pre-prompt.
222 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
I 223LBL 27
- 1ong reentry label.
224 CLA
- clear alpha register.
225 ARCL 00
- append the whole body release rate.
226 FC7 32
- if in AUTOIO mode, 227 '~uCI/Sec'
- use the mu symbol for u.
228 FS? 32
- if in MANIO mode, 229 '~uCI/Sec'
- use
'u' as the greek mu.
230 '~ NOBLE GAS'
- append type of release.
231 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
232 CLA
- clear alpha again.
233 ARCL 60
- append the iodine release rate.
{')N 234 FC7 32
- 1f in AUTOIO mode, 235 'uCI/Sec'
- use the mu symbol for u.
236 FS7 32
- 1f in MANIO mode, 237 '~uCI/Sec"
- use
'u' as the greex mu 238 IODINE *
- append type of release.
239 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
240 FS? 14
- 11 11 eld data mode on, 241 RTH
- end input and return.
242 GTO 00
- otherwise jump over to the F(t) calc.
If the user is in the unmonitored mode for field data, the following routines are used to set up the input parameters.
243LBL 'GND'
- for ground release, 244 CF 06
- set ground flag.
245 GTO 01
- skip.
246LBL 'ELV'
- for elevated release, 247 SF 06
- set elevated release, 248 12.8
- nominal stack velocity, m/sec 249 STO 85
- save it as default.
250LBL 01
- cont' i
251 XEQ ' LOC' linput the LOCA type.
252 XEQ ' DIS'
- go to prompt for distance from plant.
253 'MR/HR BODY"
- prompt for field data.
254 10
- data register assignment.
255 XEQ
- do general prompt.
256 FC? 32
- 1f in AUTOIO mode, 257 '(uCI/cc) I'
- use the su symbol for u.
258 FS? 32
- if in MANIO mode, 259 '(uCI/cc) I'
- use 'u' as the greek mu i
260 64
- data register assignment.
Section sets us a label from LO and the type of loca to find and YAEC-1619 C-6 Oct. 1987
Disk file:
SBEROM4.LST Catalvg 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 execute the proper dose conversion factor, F(t).
262LBL 00 263 "LO'
- first part of label, 264 FIX 0 no decimals, flag to make integer display.
265 CF 29
- clear digit 266 ARCL 29
- append the LOCA type to the label, 267 ASTO L
- alpha store in the L reg.
- execute indirect label for F(t) 269 STO 02
- save value.
270 'F(t)="
- printer message, 271 SCI 4
- set display decimals, 272 ARCL X
- append the value, 273 FS? 18 Jand if printell flag is set, 274 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
Start of routine to initialize parameters so that the dispersion coefficients can be determined for the called for distances.
These are required for either the default quick distances, QXDIS at. 6, 2,
5, or 10 miles; or for the MULDIS for all miles.6 to 10 miles; or for any single or factional distance using DIS.
First determine is the atmosphere is stable or unstable to set a flag.
275LBL 'XQ'
- routine to get the X/Q dispersion.
276 FC7 01
- 11 stability by delta temp, 277 XEQ ' STAB'
- determine the stability class from DT.
278 CLA
- clear alpha, 279 ARCL 08
- put the stabilitly class in alpha.
280 AT0X
- convert it to ASCII value in x-reg.
281 f,9
- ASCII for E stability class,
/'T 282 X>Y?
- is the class less than E, ie A,B,C,D?
283 SF 05
- set flag for unstable er neutral atmos.
284 X<=Y?
- 1f equal to E or greater, le F or G?
285 CF 05
- clear flag for atable atmosphere.
Check the lower vind speed for lower limit of 1/2 mph.
- 1over vind speed limit, 287 RCL 80
- get the lower vind speed, 288 X<=Y?
- 11 vind is less than 0.b7 289 X<>Y
- svap 290 STO 03
- save larger value to working register.
Set up working register for direction, zero plume neight, set 1st distance to 800 meters.
291 RCL 51
- get lower direction, 292 STO 47
- save in working register.
293 CLX
- clear register, to zero 294 STO 89
- plume height for ground release.
- distance of 800 meters in miles.
296 STO 26 save it for sigma y at 800 m.
If plume is elevated, the plume rise must be determined.
297 FS? 06
- 11 elevated plume, 298 XEQ 'HPR'
- then determine the plume rise.
If a ground release, the sigma y must be determined at 800 meters for use in the plume meander adjustment factor in eq. (31).
( )
299 FC7 06
- if ground release, 300 XEQ 'SIG8'
- then find sigma y at 800 m.
YAEC-1619 C-7 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK BC Revision date: 10-21-87 j
If this is an unmonitored release and the dose is determined form field readings, the virtural release rate must be determined to supply the program with a release rate to use when doing QXDIS, MULDIS, or DIS.
301 FS? 14 sif field unmonitored release, 302 XEQ 'VIRRE'
- then calc the virtual release rate.
The default distances the program determines doses for are.6, 2,
5, and le miles.
The user must initialte MULDIS or DIS from the keyboard for the other distances.
- do output only for 0.6, 2,
5, 10 miles 304LBL 'SIG8'
- routine for sigy 800 in eq.(31) pg.48 305 SF 02
- indicate with flag 2.
306 RCL 08
- get stability class, 307 XEQ IND X
- cale sigma for that class in SIGCOEF.
308 FIX 1
- display to 1 place.
309 RCL 11
- get sigma y from SIGCOEF calc, 310 STO 92
- and store it as sigy 800.
311 RTH
- return.
This routine calculates the virtual release rate that would have been released to produce the measured field whole body data.
- subroutine for virtual release.
313 RCL 69
- get the field distance from plant.
314 STO 26
- save in working distance register.
315 FS? 06
- or if field data from elevated release, 316 XEQ 'ELEV"
- then get the terrain elevation.
317 SF 03
- flag ior premature return from SIGCOEF.
318 RCL 08
- get the stability class.
- calc sigma for that class in SIGCOEF.
320 CF 03
- clear temporary exit flag.
321 SCI 1
- set display mode.
322 RCL 03
- get vind speed, 323 RCL 10
- get mr/hr dose rate, 324 +
325 RCL 02
- get F(t) 326
- 327 2.24
- conversion (mph)/(m/sec) 328 /
329 RCL 21
- get uX/Q dispersion, 330 /
331 STO 00
- virtual noble gas release rate, uul/sec.
332 RCL 64
- et thyroid uC1/cc sam 7.?????????????????????ple data.
333 E6
- 335 RCL 65
- get thyroid X/Q dispersion coef.
l 336 /
337 STO 60
- virtual thyroid release rate, uC1/sec.
- output message, 339 FS? 18
- 1f printall mode on, l
340 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
341 FS7 18
- again if in printell, 342 XEQ 27
- do prantout routine for release rates.
343 CF 14
- clear field data mode.
344 CLX
- clear x-reg. so as to, 345 STO 14
- tezero plume offset.
- end routine.
1 This routine inputs the distance and offset for unmonitored field
readins or for a dose at a specific distance and offset.
347LBL ' DIS'
- start label for new single distance.
YAEC-1619 C-8 Oct. 1987
1 Dick 1110:
Revision date: 10-21-87
- zero register, STO 24
- zero epati-1) value for fd calc.
STO 42
- 2ero dis (1-1) value for fd cale.
1 STO 22
- met fd =1, set up register multipication.
348 CF 07 set flag for single distance cale.
349 SF 03
- set temporary return flag in SIGCOEF to skip the plume width in output.
350 CF 19
- clear test routine return flag.
351 FIX 1
- set display.
352 'DIST(MI)'
- prompt for receptor distance.
353 26
- data register assignment.
354 XEQ
- do general prompt.
355 12.1
- 11mit for maximum distance.
356 X<=Y?
- if input greater or equal to 12.1 miles?
357 SF 00
- if so set temporary flag 358 X>Y?
- of if it less than 12.1 miles?
359 RDN
- get the lessor value.
- 11mit for minunum distance.
361 X>Y?
- is input less than.35 miles?
362 SF 00
- then set temporary flag.
363 X<=Y?
- 1f input greater or equal to.35 miles?
364 RDN
- then get the larger value.
365 STO 26
- save it in working register.
366 STO 69
- save it if needed for field distance.
367 FS?C 00
- 11 distance out of limits?, reset flag.
368 XEQ 04
- and show the default distance used.
369 '0FFSET(MI)'
- prompt for plume offset from centerline.
370 14
- data register assignment.
371 XEQ "P'
- do general prompt.
372 FS? 14
- 11 this is field data mode, 373 RTH
- end routine.
D This is the routine that uses the input distance or the predetermined ones to calculate the dose rates from the plume.
This routine vill run once for a single distance input or for all the distances automatically input by the routines QXDIS or MULDIS.
374LBL 50
- this is a loop label.
375 RCL 26
- get working distance.
376 FIX 2
- set display.
377 'D="
- put message in alpha, and 378 ARCL X
- append the distance.
379 '~ MI'
- append units in miles.
380 FIX 1
- set display, 381.6
- the site boundary in niles for Seabrook.
382 X=Y?
- is the current value equal to it?
383 *~(SITE BOUND)*
- append what tnis c1 stance is.
384 FC? 03 gif not in a virtural release mode, 385 XEQ "W'
- print or displayy message.
386 XEQ ' CORE'
- determine the dispersion and dose.
387 FC7 07 388 GTO ' DIS'
- 1f only for a sin 0le distance,
- return to prompt.or a new distance.
389 FS? 08
- 1f a multi distance run, mile increm't.
390 GTO 05
- ] ump to increment the distance by 1 mi.
391 1
- otherwise change 0.6 to 1 mile, 392 STO 26
- save in working register.
393 SF 08
- flag to do this change only once.
394 GTO 50
- 1oop back for next distance.
Routine to indicate that a default distance nas been used.
395LBL 04 pfor default distance if out of range.
'g 396 ' DIS LIMIT *
- nossage j
397 ARCL X imppend the max or min limit used,
\\ss 398 '~ MI USED'
- append units 399 TONE ^
- make tone.
400 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
YAEC-1619 C-9 Oct. 1987
Disk file:
SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 N-401 RTN
- end routine.
Routine to increase distance by 1 mile each loop for the MULDIS.
402LBL 05
- routine controlling MULDIS.
403 1 pl mile 404 ST+ 26
- add to existing miles in working reg.
405 10
- 1ast mile 406 RCL 26
- get next mile for loop 407 X<=Y?
- 1f less than or equal to 10 miles, 408 GTO 50
- continue with loop, 409 ADV
- otherwise advance paper, 410 STOP
- end program. Inadvertent keying vill repeat MULDIS.
This is the routine that will run the program output for each mile from the site after running the site boundary output at 0.6 miles.
The start just sets up the title block and the parameters to use label 50 for the looping.
- multiple distance routine.
412 ADV
- advance paper.
413 SF 12
- set flag for vide print.
- title message, 415 XEQ 'W"
- print or display it.
- TO 10 MILES"
- rest of title, 417 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
418 XEQ 'LNE'
- draw a line routine.
t 419 ADV
- advance paper.
- zero register,
_'N STO 24
- zero eps(1-1) value for fd calc.
I STO 42
- zero dis (1-1) value for fd calc.
1 STO 22
- set fd =1, set up register multiplcation.
420 CF 03
- clear any temporary return flag.
421 SF 07
- s e +, flag for multidistance.
422 CF 08
- clear flag to determine let increm't.
- the let distance at site boundary.
424 STO 26
- save in working register.
425 CLX
- clear register to zero 426 STO 14
- the plume offset to centerline.
427 GTO 50
- to to routine to loop thru 10 miles.
This section reserved for the future protective action guide.
- 2aro register, SiG 24
- zero eps(1-1) value for fd calc.
STO 42
- zero dis (1-1) value for fd calc.
1 STO 22
- set fd =1, set up register multipication.
429 71.073 430 STO 70 431.6 432 STO 71 433 2 434 STO 72 435 5 436 STO 73 437 10 438 STO 74 439'SF 11 440 SF 19
442 41 443 STO 34 444 XEQ "PAGWR' YAEC-1619 C-10 Oct. 1987
Dick filo: SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 i(/
445LBL 07 446 FIX 1 447 RCL IND 70 448 STO 26 449 RCL 70 450 1 451 +
452 RCL IND X 453 ADV 454 XEQ 'LNE' 455 'DIST='
456 ARCL 26 457 '~ TO
- 458 ARCL X 459 *~ MI' 460 XEQ 'W" 461 XEQ ' CORE' 462 XEQ ' EVAC" 463 ISG 70 464 GTO 07 465 ADV 466 'DONE' 467 XEQ "W' 468 STOP G10 'P AG' Start of the routine to do the quick distances for
.6, 2,
5, and 10 miles.
First the 4 distances are set up in 4 registers.
- start of quick distances.
- 2ero register, fr3 STO 24
- zero eps(1-1) value for fd calc.
STO 42
- zero dis (1-1) value for fa calc.
NJ 1
STO 22
- set fd = 1, set up register multipication.
470 71.074
- counter to accress the distance reg's.
471 STO 70
- save counter.
- 1st distance.
473 STO 71
- save it.
474 2
- 2nd distance.
475 STO 72 476 5
- 3rd distance.
477 STO 73 478 10
- 4th distance.
479 STO 74 The main loop routine that prints out the current c1 stance, and then executes the routine to actually cale tne cose rates.
The loop increments through the 4 distances ano stops.
480LBL 08
- 1oop label.
481 FIX 1
- set decimal.
482 RCL IND 70
- get distance, 483 STO 26
- and save in working register.
484 XEQ 'LNE'
- drav line on paper.
485 'DIST="
- aessage in alpha, 486 ARCL 26
- append the distance being used.
487 MI'
- append units.
488 XEQ 'W"
- print or dislay it.
489 XEQ ' CORE'
- do main routine for X/Q and dose rate.
490 ISG 70
- increment counter to next distance.
491 GTO 08
- 1oop back for another distance.
492 ADV
- advance paper.
493 'DONE'
- message to user.
494 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
(s) 495 STOP
- end program.
- 1f inadvertently keyed, repeat routine.
YAEC-1619 C-11 Oct. 1967
Disk file:
SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEAaR00X 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 I
This subroutine is the main section that determines the plume s-elevation, the dispersion coefficientu, and the dose to the current distance.
J 496LBL ' CORE' sthe core of the program.
497 FS? 06 pif elevated release.
498 XEQ 'ELEV'
- determine the plume height.
1 FS? 09 lif there is seabreeze effect.
- cale mixing layer limit from TIBL.
499 RCL 08
- get stability class letter.
- and calculate the dispersion coef.
501 XEQ "DOS'
- do the dose rates to public.
502 RTN
- end routine.
This routine draws a line across the printout paper.
503LBL 'LNE'
- 1ine label.
504 SF 12
- set for vide printing.
505 '---------- '
- the line to draw, 506 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
507 CF 12
- clear vide printing flag.
508 RTH
- end routine.
This routine prints out the plume arrival times and the cose rates at the current distance being worked on.
509LBL ' DOS'
- dose routine.
510 FIX 2
- set display.
511 RCL 26
- get the current distance, 512 RCL 03
- get the working vind speed,
("3 513 /
- cale plume travel time to receptor.
514 STO 57
- save it in HR format.
'd 515 RCL 93
- get duration, release to current tine, 516 -
- cale time to reach receptor, 517 STO 58
- and save it.
- message for plume arrival, 519 ARCL X
- append the duration to arrival, 520 '~ HHS'
- append the units, 521 FEQ 'W'
- and print or display it.
Print the expected arrival time, or the time at which it occured, for the current distance of the receptor.
522 HMS
- convert time in hours to HMS format.
523 X<=0?
- 1f time is zero or negative, 524 SF 03
- set flag 3 for reference.
525 X>0?
- but 11 time is positive, 526 CF 03
- clear the flag J.
527 RCL 43
- get the current time.
528 HMS+
- add travel time to current time.
529 24
- 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
530 X<=Y?
- 1f projected time is greater than 24 hrs.
531 -
- subtract 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
532 X>Y?
- but is not, 533 RDN
- use original time.
534 FS? 03 pif time is negative, plume has past by, 535 ' OCCURRED '
padd past tense message.
536 FC7C 03
- if timels positive, plume to come by, i
- add future tense message.
538 AT *
- append " at ',
i 539 ATIME
- format the results to alpha register.
540 XEQ 'W'
- print or dicplay it.
f ~s r
Print out the expected duration of the release used in the
541 FIX 1
- set to one decimal YAEC-1619 C-12 Oct. 1967
~...-.. -.... -.
Disk filet SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 8C Revision date: 10-21-87
(.m 542 'FOR PROJ *
- message for projected duration, 543 ARCL 59
- append the duration of release 544 HR EXP'
- append hours exposure, 545 XEQ 'W'
- snd print or display it.
Calculate the dose rate and doses for whole body gamma.
546 SCI 1
- set display to scientific.
547 RCL 00
- get the release rate, ur/hr 548 RCL 21
- get uX/QeFx 549
- 550 RCL 02
- get F(t) dose conversion factor 551 /
552 RCL 03
- get vind sFeed 553 /
554 2.24
- conversion factor sph/(m/sec) 555 e seq. (58) pg. 76 556
- message, whole body output follows.
557 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
- 1over limit of.05 mr/hr.
559 X>Y?
- is cale value less than.057 560 SF 00
- set default flag.
561 RDH
- get calculated value.
562 ' DOSE RATE =*
- message 563 FC7 00
- 11 not default, 564 ARCL X
- append the cale dose rate, 565 FS? 00
- but if default, 566
- append message, 567 '~ MR/HR'
- for both cases append units.
568 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
rg 569 E3
- convert value to REM units.
570 /
\\s) 571 STO 45
- save actual value in REM.
572 FS? 00
- was default value used?
573 ADV
- advance paper.
574 FS?C 00
- 11 default used, clear flag, 575 RTH
- end return here.
576 ' DOSE ="
- otherwise put message in alpha.
577 RCL 59
- get duration of release.
578 *
- cale the dose in Rem.
579 SCI 1
- use scientific display.
580 ARCL X
- append the dose value, 581 '~ REM'
- append units.
582 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
Calculate the dose rate and doses for thyroid.
- message, thyroid output iolievs.
584 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
585 RCL 65
- get thyroid X/Q dispersion coef.
506 RCL 60
- get thyroid release rate, 587 1.62 E3
- conversion (R/hr>/(uC1/m3) for infants.
- 589 +
590 STO 46 isave the thyroid dose rate REM /hr, 591 ' DOSE RATE ='
- message in alpha, 592 ARCL X
- append the dose rate, 593 MR/HR' sappend the units, S94 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
595 RCL 59
- get duration of release.
596 +
- cale the dose, 597 E3
- convert to REM.
598 /
599 ' DOSE ='
- message
,O 600 SCI 1
- display in scientific notation.
601 ARCL X lappend the dose, 602 R (INFANT)'
- append units, 603 XEQ 'W' sprint or display it.
604 ADV
- advance the paper.
YAEC-1619 C-13 Oct. 1987
Dick f110: SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 605 RTN
- return from subroutine.
This routine determines if a printer is attached.
If printer is attached, only prints to printer, but if printer is not addtsched, the output goes to the HP-41 display.
If in the printall mode and no printer, a pause vill occur for viewing.
606LBL 'W'
- the show alpha routine.
607 FS7 55
- if printer attached, 608 PRA
- print alpha, but don't display it.
609 FS? 55
- also then 610 RTN
- return.
- display alpha on calculator.
612 PSE
- pause for one second, 613 FS? 18
- 1f in print all mode, 614 STOP
- stop to write down the answer.
615 RTN
- return subroutine.
616 END pend of module.
This subroutine calculates the Jit) and F(t) factors using curve fit formulae as a function of the time since shutdown.
- for J(t) and F(t) factors.
- 1or seabrook 03 'REV 10-12-87*
- current reviolon date.
04LBL 'MS2'
- J(t) for main steam line release, fs 06 RCL 27
- (uC1/ce)/(mR/hr) as a function LN of time since shutdown.
STO 30
- using nested log-log polynominal.
-9.8592bL-4 07 e
-1.7786E-O 09 +
10 RCL 30 11 +
2.9578E-2 13 +
14 RCL 30 15 +
1.1521E-1 17 +
18 RCL 30 19 +
2.0224E-1 21 +
RCL 30
-3.93701 22 E^X 23 RTH 48LBL 'MED1'
- for loca 1 J(t), (uC1/sec)/ cpm 49 RCL 27 calibration factor for mid range stacx 50.156688 monitor.
51 Y^X
- using nested polynominal.
52.484361 53 +
54 RCL 27 55.0444846 g
56 Y^X
(. /
57 1.06327 58 3 59 +
YAEC-1619 C-14 Oct. 1967
Dick filot SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87
60 RCL 27 61
.109432 62 Y^X 63 -1.13927 64 +
65 +
66 RCL 27 67 -2.97564 E-4 68 Y^X 69.36067 73
- 71 +
72 1 E-3 73
- 74 RTH 75LBL 'MED3'
- for loca 3 J(t), (uC1/sec)/ cpm 76 174.69 caAibration factor for mid range stack 77 RCL 27 monitor.
78 +
- using nested polynominal.
79 1298.18 80 +
81 RCL 27 82
- 83 267.313 84 +
85 3043.32 86 RCL 27 87 +
88 53519.4 89 +
O 90 RCL 27 91 +
92 24792.6 93 +
94 /
95 1 E-3 96 +
97 RTH 98LBL 'Hil'
- 1or loca 1 J(t), tuC1/sec)/ cpm 99 RCL 27 calleration factor for nign range stacx 100.252891 monitor.
101 Y^X
- using power formula.
102.126552 103 +
104 RCL 27 105.059025 106 Y^X 107.22036 108 +
109 +
110 RCL 27 111
.0590038 112 Y^X 113.182159 114 +
115 +
116 RCL 27 117.23341 118 Y^X 119.149104 120 +
121 +
0 122 RTH 123LBL 'HI3'
- for loca 3 J(t), tuC1/sec)/ cpm 124 RCL 27 calibration factor for high range stack 125.241961 monitor.
J YAEC-1619 C-lb Oct. 19e7
Disk file:
SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 OU 126 YaX
- using power formula.
127.00857353 128 e 129 RCL 27 130.421035 131 Y^X 132 1.72777 E-4 133 e 134 +
135 RCL 27 136.241761 137 YaX 138.0019036 139
- 140 +
4 141 RCL 27 142 1.25645 143 YaX 144 8.57288 E-6 145 e 146 +
147 RTH 148LBL 'LOl'
- for loca 1 F(t), (mR/hr)/(uC1/m3) 149 RCL 27 dose conversion factor.
- using power formula.
151 YaX 152.0380 153 154 -4.583 155 +
156 RCL 27 (N
157.0665 3'
158 Y^X 159.4121 160
- 161
.6438 162 +
163 /
164 RTN LBL 'LO2 *
- main steam LOCA F(t), (mR/hr)/(uC1/m3)
RCL 27 -
dose conversion factor as function of LH time clnce shutdowm.
STO 30
- nested log-log polynomional form.
-4.7783E-3 NCL 30 9.50761E-3 RCL 30 9.7741E-2 RCL 30 1.9438E-1
RCL 30 e
1.592 E*X FTH 165LBL 'LO3'
- for loca 3 F(t), (mR/hr)/(uC1/m3) 166 RCL 27 dose conversion factor.
167 LM y
- using nested polynominal.
s YAEC-1619 C-lb Oct. 1967
Dick 1110:
SBEROM4.LST Cctolog 2: SEABROOK BC Revision date: 10-21-87 0
168 STO 30 169 -1.1145003 E-4 170 +
171 8.2159915 E-4 172 +
173 RCL 30 174 +
175 -1.2738314 E-3 176 +
177 RCL 30 178
- 179 -5.154454 E-3 180 +
181 RCL 30
.182 +
183 1.8927261 E-2 184 +
185 RCL 30 186 +
187 6.0588644 E-2 138 +
189 RCL 30 190 +
191 2.6357464 E-1 192 +
193 RCL 30 194 +
195 1.06634 196 +
197 E*X 198 RTH 199LBL ' LOW 1'
- for loca 1 J(t), (uC1/sec)/ cpm 200 RCL 27 callbration factor for low range O
201 LN stack monitor.
202 STO 30
- usar.g nestec polynominal.
203 -2.9728 E-6 204 +
205 2.07539 E-5 206 +
207 RCL 30 208 +
209 -4.1081 E-5 210 +
211 RCL 30 212 +
213 o.34347 E-5 214
215 RCL 30 216 +
217 7.24365 E-4 218 +
219 RCL 30 220 +
221 3.4314 E-2 222 +
223 1 E-6 224 +
225 RTN 226LBL ' LOW 3'
- for loca 3 J(t), (uci/sec)/ cpm 227 RCL 27 calibration factor for low range 228 LN stack monitor.
229 STO 30
- using nested polynominal.
230 1.2546 E-4 231 +
232 -7.7245 E-b 233 +
O 234 RCL 30 235 +
l 236 1.39247 E-3 YAEC-1619 C-17 Oct. 1967 t
i Dick filot SBEROM4.LST
Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 l
OQ 237 +
238 RCL 30 239
- 240 2.13974 E-2 241
242 1 E-6 243
- 244 RTH 409LBL 'C3'
- 1oca 3 J(t), (uC1/ce)/(R/hr) 410 RCL 27 dose conversion factor.
411 LN
- using a nested polynominal.
412 STO 28 413 -5.5804 E-6 414 e 415 4.009738 E-5 416 +
417 RCL 28 418
- 419 -7.38267 E-5 420 +
l 421 RCL 28 422 +
423 -2.09918 E-4 424
425 RCL 28 426 +
427 1.50948 E-3 428 +
429 RCL 28 430 +
431 2.005574 E-3 432 +
C 433 RCL 28 434 +
435 4.374179 E-e 436 +
437 RCL 28 438 +
439 2.309627 E-2 440 +
441 RTH Section for the atmospheric relief valve, ARV, ano tne saftey relief valve, SRV, to determine which valve /s are lifting or are stuck open.
245LBL 'VLV"
- valve section.
l 246 FIX 2
- display 2 places.
- 1nput main steam line pressure.
248 9
- data register assignment.
249 XEQ
- do general prompt.
250 SCI 3
- dislay scientific, 251 1185
- 1over pressure limit to open #1 relief.
I 252 RCL 09
- get input steam line pressure.
l 253 X<Y?
31s it lower than lowest SRV set point?
l 254 GTO 15
- 1f so, it may be stuck, skip over.
i 255 XEQ 'SRV'
- 11 not get SRV flow for one valve.
256 STO 67 Isave
.t in scratch.
257 RCL 09
- get input steam line pressure.
I 258 'SRV(#'
- message for nuncer et SHV 111 ting.
259 1203 31over limit to open #2 relief.
260 X>Y?
- 11 input data less then 1203 psig, 261 GTO 01
- then jump to 1 SRV open.
I 262 X<>Y
- 1f not, swap input data to x-reg.
263 1220 slower limit to open #3 re11e1.
O-264 X>Y?
- 11 input data smaller than 1220 psig, 265 GTO 02
- then jump to 2 SRV's open.
266 X<>Y saf not, swap anput data to x-reg.
267 1238
- 1over limit to open #4 relief.
i YAEC-1619 C-16 Oct. 1967
Dick filo:
Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 N_,
268 X>Y?
- if input data sasiler than 1238 psig, 269 GTO 03
- the jump to 3 SRV's open.
270 X<>Y
- 1f not, swap input data to x-reg.
271 1255
- 1over limit to open #6 relief.
272 X>Y?
lif input data smaller than 1255 psig, 273 GTO 04 Ithen jump to 4 SRV's open.
- append message that 5 relief lifting.
275 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
276 5
- number of SRV s open.
277 GTO 05
- jump to combine relief flows.
278LBL 01
- for one SRV lifting, 279 1) LIFT'
- sppend rest of message.
280 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it, 281 1
- put 1 in stack, 282 GTO 05
- and jump to end.
283LBL 02 ffor two SRV's lifting, 284
1-2) LIFT'
- append rest of message.
285 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it, 286 2
- put 2 in stack, 287 GTO 05
- and jump to end.
288LBL 03
- for three SRV's 111 ting, 289
- append rest of Message.
290 XEQ "W"
- print or display it, 291 3
- put 3 in stacx, 292 GTO 05
- and jump to end.
293LBL 04
- for four SRV's lifting, 294
- append rest of message.
295 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it,
-g 296 4
- put 4 in stack,
297LBL 05
- to combine relief flows.
298 ST* 67
- multiply single SRV by multiplier.
299 XEQ "ARV"
- get ANY flow rate.
300 RCL 67
- get total SRV flow rate.
- add for total relief capacity.
302 RTN
- end subroutine.
This section prompts tne user for the possibility oi a stucx valve occuring if there is flow indicated and the steam pressure is less than the 1st ShV lift pressure of 1185 psig.
303LBL 15
- cont if pressure is less than 1185 psig.
304 CF 00
- clear temporary flag.
305 CF 21
- temporary otsable the printer 11 used.
306 ' STUCK VLV? Y/N'
- prompt ior user, t
307 71
- keycode for Y key.
- display the prompt statement.
- check for keyboard response 310 X=0?
- 1f no key is keyed, 311 GTO 15
- then return to repeat the prompt.
312 X Y?
- 1f user keys Y key, 313 SF 00
- set temporary flag, 314 FS? 00 gif flag is set, 315 **
YES' geppend yes to message, 316 FC? 00
- 1f flag is not set, 317
- append no to message.
318 FS? 55
- if printer attached, 319 SF 21
- enable printer 320 SF 25
- set the error flag, j
321 PRA
- print the alpha register statement.
322 FS?C 00
- 1f valve is stuck, reset temporary flag, 323 GTO 06
- and skip over ARV flow rate.
324 XEQ 'ARV'
- otherwise determine the flow from the ARY 315 RTH
- and end routine.
326LBL 06
- cont label, t
YAEC-1619 C-19 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROM4.LST Catalog 2 SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87
( ~/
327 FIX 2
- set display to 2 places.
- prompt for hours valve has been open, 329 59
- data register assignment.
330 XEQ
- do general prompt.
331 SCI 3
- set scientific display..
- is it known vnich valve is stuck?
333 XEQ
- do general alpha prompt.
334 RTH
- and end routine.
- 1abel to alpha prompt.
336 XEp 'SRV'
- if not known what valve, use SRV flow.
337 RTH gend routine.
LBL 'ARV' 1.22 E6
- 85% flow rate for ARV.
358 !ARV='
- message for arv, 359 A8CL X
- append the value.
360 cc/Sec'
- append units.
361 FSt 18
- 1f printall on, 362 XEQ 'W'
- then print or display it.
363 RTH
- eng pubroutine.
364LBL 'SRV'
- start of SR7 toutine.
2.52 E6
- sonic flow for one ShV.
403 "SRY='
- 1abel into alpha, 404 ARCL X
- append value for 4, 405 '~ cc/Sec, EA'
- append units, 406 FS? 18
- 1f in printall moce?
407 XEQ 'W'
- print or display result.
408 RTN
- end subroutine.
Section to determine the flovrate thru the ARY valve. Based on the assumption that the Crane (1976) modifiec steam flov 2ornula eq.3-20, on pg.
3-4, can be used to define the flow thru the valve.
The crag valve spec sheets, 21274-6&10, gives P1/P2=1135/250 psia for delta pressure of 885 psig for 100X open valve with Cv=244.
By definition, on pg 3-4, K =
891 da4/Cv 2.
Therefore W 1891+Y*Cv/sqrt891*sqrt(DP/sp.vol.) Solving for Y at
.3876 gives Y = 0.4808 and W sp.vol.
7432 sqrt(DP/sp.vol.)
338LBL 'ARV2'
- ARY routine.
339 RCL 09
- get steam pressure.
340 14.7
- convert to psia.
341 +
342 LH
- take log for polynominal fit in PTOV.
343 STO 06
- save it.
344 XEW 'PTOV'
- and enic the sp. volure from psia.
345 STO 62
- save it.
346 RCL 09
- get pressure.
347 X<>Y
- svap 348 /
- delta P/sp.vol.
349 SQRT 350 7432
- 1891(.4808)(244)/sqrt(891)=7432 351 +
- W lbm/hr flow rate.
352 RCL 62
- get sp.vol.
353 +
ift3/hr 354 2.832 E4
- cc/ft3 355 +
356 3600
- sec/hr 357 /
- cc/sec 363 RTH lend subroutine.
Section computes the flow rate through one SRY based on steam
[s flow thur short pipe from Crane Book formula for sonic steam flow.
- version not used.
YAEC-1619 C-20 Oct. 1987
Dick filo: SBEROM4.LST l
Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8C Revision date: 10-21-87 l
l 365 RCL 09 sget pressure, psig 366 14.7
- convert to psia.
367 +
368 LN sconvert to lo save In(psia)g form for PTOV.
369 STO 86 370 XEQ 'PTOV' icale the sp. vol. from pressure.
371 STO 62 isave sp. vol.
372 'N RES COEF' sthe valve flow resistance.
373 1.884 pthe calculated K flow resistance.
374 STO 07
- save K.
375 LN stake log for KTOY.
376 STO 52 gand save in(K).
379 XEQ 'KTODP/P' salmo cale limiting DP/P' from K.
380 STO 96
- seve DP/P' as lessor value in KTOY.
377 XEQ 'KTOY' scale the Y expansion factor from K.
378 STO 38 save Y for SRV.
RCL 66 gget DP/P' 381 RCL 09
- get pressur; in steam line, 14.7 3 pressure in SRV, psia
382 e paax DP pressure acrcss valve.
383 RCL 07
- get X 384 /
385 RCL 62
- get sp. vol.
386 /
387 SQRT isort(DP/(K sp.vol.))
388 'N0Z2LE DIA'
- identifying remark.
389 4.5
- the dia in inches.
390 X'2 391
- 392 RCL 30
- Y expansion f actor 393
- 394 1891 O
395 *
- W=1891+Y+d2+ sort (DP/(K+ sp.vol.))
396 STO 28
- save Iba/hr flow out i SRV.
397 RCL 62
- s p.
- 399 2.832 E4
- conversion cc/ft3 400 +
401 3600 402 /
- q (cc/sec) = W+sp.vol.* cc/ft3 ehr/sec 408 RTH send subroutine.
442 END pend of module.
'l YAEC-1619 C-21 Oct. 1987
Yankee Nuclear Services Division October 21, 1987 This pr qr_am listing is for the 4K module identified in the Cat 2 es SEABRwK 8D, it is located at p e 13 (D Hex), and assigned XROM 07.
The documentation file is EROM5.LST.
This program is entered from the routine ' STAR /' when the user keys the IBM emulator version.
This section initial 12es the key assignments and sizes the data registers.
01LBL 'SBINIT' gentered from key or ' START'.
02 'REV 10-14-87' sthe current rev.
03 CLX
- clear the x-reg.
04 ADV sadv paper to indicate enabled.
This section checks the clock to see if it still has a valid year in it, if not when it returns from SETCLK it will have been reset.
The program then defeats the HP-41CX display time-out feature.
The current time and date are printed or displayed at the start of the program.
- is the internal clock set?
rg 06 44
- prepare x-reg for IF function.
07 FC? 44 sif flag clear, auto timeout enabled.
- \\~-
08 XEQ 'IF'
- so invert flag 44, make always 'ON'.
09 CF 12
- clear double width print flag.
10 CLA
- clear the alpha display.
11 FIX 2
- set 2 decimals.
12 CLK12
- use 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> clock for now.
- get the time.
- send it to alpha register.
15 FS7 55
- 1f printer installed, 16 '
- append spaces in alpha.
17 FS? 55
- again, if printer insta.ied, 18 GTO 01
- skip next instructins.
19 AVIEW sif printer not installed, view alpha.
20 PSE
- pause to view the time.
21 CLA
- clear display.
22LBL 01
- cont.
- get the date.
24 FIX 5 set display for time-date format.
- append date to alpha display.
26 XEQ 'W'
- display or print alpha registger.
Any flags not normally used are cleared.
If the user wants to, they can clear all data from the HP-41 if there are doubts about the data or leave it intact from a previous run.
If the data is cleared, the program v111 check the data size, check for the terrain data, and reassign the user key assignments.
27 CF 19 sclear exit points for test routines.
28 CF 03
- clear any temporary return flags.
29 CF 21 3 disable the printer.
30 'CLR DTA? Y/N' sclear existing data from memory?
- show the prompt, 32 GETKEY land wait for a keycode.
\\s /
33 CLD sclear the display.
34 41
- keycode for N key.
35 X=Y?
sis returned keycode equal to 41?
1 YAEC-1619 D-1 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROMS.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 16-21-87 O)
36 GTO 'BGN' lif true, jump to 'BGN'.
The first les registers are cleared, then if the size of the data l
block is 388 the program does not clear any more.
The registers i
above 99 contain the terrain data and should not normally be cleared.
If the size of the data block is not 3C8, the terrain has not been loaded and the HP-41 is free to size the data block.
If this can not be done, it indicates that the HP-41 has been used and has a program stored somewhere in the memory.
The only
way to resolve the problem is to erase all the memory, then resize the data block.
As a lost resort, if this can not be done, the HP-41 is forced to do a MEMORY LOST.
The user must i
then rectart the program from scratch.
- otherwise put message in alpha, 38 AVIEW pand show message.
39 FS? 55 gif printer attached.
40 SF 21
- now enable the printer.
41 SF 27
- trun on the USER mode.
- registers 0 thru 99 to be cleared.
- clear registers indicated by x-reg.
44 308
- reg data and key? assignment rega.
45 SIZE 7
- vhat is the size 46 X=Y?
- if size equal, is OK, then 47 GTO 02
- skip resizing.
48 SF 25 iset error flag for pending errors.
49 318 lall registers except 1.
50 PSIZE iresize registers.
51 FC7 25
- if no room, there are existing prgms.
- do routine to clear whole calculator.
j 53 308
- now size for data registers.
54 SF 25
- set error flag for pending errors.
- and resize rigisters.
56 FC7 25
- 11 it failed to size this time.
57 STO c
- 1ast resort, cause MEMORY LOST.
This section zeros the lume offset, and sets up the control registers for accessing t e terrain data matrix.
58LBL 02
- cont if not resized.
- plume offset, 63 CLX
- is initially cleared.
64 STO 14 isave the value.
65 11
- number of columns in terrain matrix.
66 STO 98
- and save it.
67 100.275 start and end registers for terrain.
68 STO 99
- and save it.
Usin indirect addressing the program checks the last data point in t e terrain matrix.
If it is not equal to the proper value, it calls for the program to execute the terrain loading subroutine.
71 275
- the last terrain data register, 72 RCL IND X sget data. Must indirct address over 100.
73 290 prequired value in feet in that register.
74 X/sY?
sif recalled data not equal to 290, 75 GTO 'TER'
- then load the terrain natix.
76 * *
- clear printer compressed mode f or OKI92.
This section loads all the user key assi neents if all the old data has been cleared from the memory.
or a restart in which S
the data has not been cleared, this section is skipped to save time.
i) 77LBL ' KEY' groutine for key assignments.
78 CF 21 3 disable the printer.
J YAEC-1619 D-2 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 p(m,)
79 ' WAIT, KEY ASN' smessa!einalpha.
80 AVIEW 3and v ev it.
1 81 FS7 55
- if printer is attached?
82 SF 21 3reenable the printer.
83 'SBINIT' sinitiallizina label to be assigned, 84 11 sat location 11, 85 PASN lassign it now.
86 'BGN'
- begin label, 87 12 lat locatio 12, 88 PASN
- assign it now.
89 ' REP' prepeat label, 90 13 3at location 13, 91 PASN
- assign it now.
92 ' PAG'
- protective action guide (future) 93 14 gat location 14, 94 PASN 3 assign it now.
i 95 ' PATH'
- pathway label.
96 15 sat location 15, 97.PASN 3 assign it now.
98 'ALTPATH' salternate path label, 99 21 sat location 21, 100 PASN 3 assign it now.
101 ' RAIN'
- the rain mode label, 102 22
- at location 22, 103 PASH
- assion it now.
104 ' DIS'
- single distance label, 105 23
- at location 23, 106 PASN
- assign it now.
107 'MULDIS' Inultiple distance printout label, 108 24 sat location 24, 109 PASN lassign it now.
110 'PRTALL'
- print all mode label, ps 111 25 sat location 25,
112 PASN (s
- assgin it now.
- the date stamper label, 114 -21
- at location shift 21, 115 PASN Jession it now.
116 ' TRIP'
- reactor trip label, 117 -51
- at location shift 51, 118 PASN
- assign it now.
119 'RELEAS'
- release time label, 120 -61 sat location shift 61, 121 PASN
- assign it now.
122 'ANALYS'
- analysis time label, 123 -71 sat location shift 71, 124 PASN sassign it now.
125 'PROJ'
- projected duration label, 126 -81
- at location shift 81, 127 PASN
- assign it now.
128 ' WIND'
- wind label, 129 -62
- at location shift 62, 130 PASN
- assign it now.
131 'DIRFRM'
- wind direction from label, 132 -63
- at location shift 63, 133 PASN
- assign it now.
134 'STABL'
- stability class label, 135 -64 sat location shift 64, 136 PASN passign it now.
' SOL'
- solar input,
-74 pat location shift 74, PASN sssign it now.
After initialized, the program can be started here each time it is to be run if thr title is to be printed or to reset the normal flags. This is also where the program reenters if previous data is not cleared from memory at the prcept under 'SBINIT'.
O' 137LBL 'BGN' lbegin the pro ram.
138 CLD
- clear the dis lay, 139 0 sput zero in t e x-reg and
YAEC-1619 D-3 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date 10-21-87 140 X<>F pexchen$ezerofortheseflags0-7
141 CF 09 salso c ear (vinter/ summer for PAG) 142 CF 10
- clear field data flag to site data.
144 CF 23
- clear alpha input flag.
145 FS7 55
- is the printer attached?
146 SF 21
- then make sure to enable the printer.
147 ADV
- advance the paper.
148 SF 12
- set the vide print mode.
- message to alpha, 150 XEQ 'W' 3 display or print it.
- next part of message, 152 XEQ 'W'
- display or print it.
153 ' PROJECTIONS' next part of message, 154 XEQ 'W'
'pdisplay or print it' print vidth.
155 CF 12
/ reset at the normal 156 TONE a
- make 3 quick tones.
157 TONE ^
158 TONE ^
159 GTO ' TIMES'
- jump to TIMES label.
160 END iend module.
=======.==............................................ s ns:
This routine calculates the wake and meander effect to correct the signa values for ground releases.
- wake and meandering for ground release.
- version for Seabrook, another for VY.
03 'REV 9-29-87'
- current revision.
04 RCL 11
- setup for sigma ym, using sigma y, 05 ENTER ^
06 ENTER ^
07 382
- (Ba/2 pi), Ba=2406 m^2 adj b1dg cross 7
- ec
/N 08 XEQ 'SIGM' scale sigma ym, b1dg vake correction horz
09 STO 90
- save it.
10 RCL 12
- setup for signa zu, using signa z.
11 ENTER ^
12 ENTER ^
13 474.4
- (Ba'2/2 pi), Bh=41.4m ad) b1dg height.
14 XEQ 'SIGM' icale sigma yz, b1dg vake correction vert 15 STO 12
- save it.
16 'SIGZMs'
- message to alpha, 17 ARCL X
- append sigma zu 18 FS7 18
- 1f print all flag is on.
19 XEQ 'W'
- then print or display it.
This is the lateral meandering correction under neutral and stable lapse rate conditions.
The program first determines what class stability, and jumps to the proper section.
20LBL ' MEA'
- 1ateral meandering for sigea y.
21 CLA
- clear al
- ASCII 'Hgha.
22 72 23 ARCL 08
- get stability class to alpha.
24 AT0X
- convert it to ASCII in x-reg.
i 25 MOD
- mod (72/ class)= remainder 1 to 3 where 1=G, 2=F, 3'E class.
- jump to respective routine for class.
Set up in stack the coefficients for lume meander F,justeent ad factor M.
This is done for each stabili y class C, E,
and G.
O 27 LBL 01
- for G stability class, s,j 28 6
- upper limit on M, table pg 49, 29 STO 28
- save it.
30 2.9222 ir value, table pg 49, YAEC-1619 D-4 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87
( )j f
- 32 -1.6309
- s value, table pg 49, 33 GTO 08
- calc the plume meander adj factor M.
34 LBL 82 sfor F stability class, 35 4
- upper limit on M, 36 STO 28 Isave it.
37 2.2610 3r value, 38 ENTER ^
39 -1.2619
- s value, 40 GTO 88 scale the factor M.
41 LBL 03 sfor E stability class, 42 3
- upper limit on M, 43 STO 28
- mave it.
44 1.7918
- r value, 45 ENTER ^
46 -1
- s value, 47 GTO 08
- cale the factor M.
48 LBL 04 ifor D stability class, 49 2 supper limit on M, 50 STO 28
- save it.
S1 1.1304
- r value, 52 ENTER ^
53.6309 is value.
54 GTO 08
- cale the factor M.
For the unstable classes A,
B, a t.d C, M is always =1 per eq.
k' 55 LBL 05
- for unstable classes, C,
56 LBL 06
- end B, 57 LBL 07
- and A.
58 1
- M=1 eq. (32) pg 49 59 STO 28 save it.
60 GTO 09
- 3 ump over M formula.
Calculate the factor M from the formula eq. (33) for the neutral and stable classes.
61 LBL 08
- plume meander adjustment factor M.
62 RCL 80
- get lower vind speed, mph 63 2.237
- change to e/sec 64 /
65 LN 66 +
- 68 E'X
- M=exp (selntu)+r) eg. (33) pg 49 After M is calculated the limit on M must be checked.
69 LBL 09
- continue 70 RCL 28
- get max M limit for current class, 71 X>Y?
sis limit greater than cale value?
72 RDN ithen use the smaller value.
The plume meander correction N is determeined per eq. (29),
(30), and (31).
73 1 O
74 -
- M-1 75 X<07
- is it negative?
76 CLX suse zero, YAEC-1619 D-5 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
,I Catalog 2: SEAWh00% 8D m
Revision date: 19,21-87 s'4 s.
77 FC7 04 ris distance greater than 800 meters?
,e 78 RCL 92
- get signa y at 800m.
79 FS7 04 sif distance less than 800 meters?
s i
80 RCL 11 suse just signa y.
81 +
- Ns(M-1)+ sigma eq.(21) pg 48 5
82 RCL 11
- get signa y, 83 +
- signa yes sigma y +f
- get sig y=ller?from previoue,vaka, correction,,
84 RCL 90 lis it sma 85 X<Y?
- ~
s 66 ADN suse the larger value of aigma ya*
,t 87 STO 11
- save the new sigma ym.
88 'SIGYMa' sput scesaae in alpha,'
3 append the value, flag is set, 89 ARCL X pand if print mli s,
90 FS? 18 91 XEQ 'W'
- print or disp!st it.
92 RTN
- subro'atine return,'
v y
s s
..........................................:, 6............ - 6.. s,. C.
s Section finishes the calculation of either signa )nn or n$nma rm
after eo.
(25) and (26) of page 42, and observing the stX1 hun values as computed in eq. (27) and (284.
This in for ground m
- caic building *;ke. eliketa for y 6r'z.
J 94 X<>Y
- Ba/2 pt in main rep' tine.
c, W.
95 Xa2 sc.
teigsbm=(sigma ^f,+f(Ba))*.6 97 SQRT s.
t 98 X<>Y s,
99 3
100 SQRT 101 +
- max'11mitangett3)*signe 102 X>Y?
- is it larger then-er te "clue?
O, 103 RDN sune the smaller value. _ '
104 RTH saubroutine return.'
N 103 END send module!
,'. I a s s s e n e s a s s e s s a s s e s s a s s ab.s.............
- n s e s a vis s = = s e s", ep s s e g This section determinUm the stablia ty "class !.t om the N Jta, temperature at either tha 'vpter dr', lov'er ~pensors and sto:e3 the
<il-stability letter for future, usa.
s 91 LBL ' STAB' ideteretnes the stability'cluke.
- version f or Vermont Yam <Pt>/
03 FC7 06
- if this la a ground releice'l s 04 GTO 01
- 3 ump to geqund release sett.14al This section for the upper aer.nor pair.
95 RCL 83
- get upper lepun rate for elev rt.' ease.
s 06 -1.73
- test temperature!for A stabt11+
- y.
i 07
'A' spat class in alpha l
98 X>Y?
- 11 Japse rate is less than -2.73, 99 GTO 9e
>]urp out with A.elers in alpha.
le RDh
- if not, pet oriq11.a4 lepre rs%p, 11 -1.54
- next tecw value for class'B.
12 *B'
- put class 'in alphe, overwrite prrvious.
r 13 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is Aess than -2.44,
14 GTO 00
- 1 ump out with B class.
15 RDN
- If not, get original lapse rat't,-
s 16 -1.36 inext test value.for class C.
17 *C'
- put' class in alpha, j
18 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is less than -2.15.
19 GTO 00 gjurp out with C. class, sif not, get original la j
stest value for class D.pse rate,' '
20 RDN s
.45 1
- put class in alpha, l
23 XSY?
31f lapse rate is less than
.71, 24 GTO 00
- 3urp out with D class, I
25 RDN sif not, get original lapse rate, s
YAEC-1619 D-6
1987 l
w Dick fil?: SBEROM5.LST Cat 01og 2: SEABROOK 8D j
Revision detet 10-21-87
26 1.37 stest value for class E.
\\' /
- E'
- put class in alpha, 28 X>Y7
- 11 lapse rate is less than 2.16, 29 GTO 90
- jump out with E class, 30 RDN 31f not lue for class F.pse rate.
get original la 31 3.65 stest va 32
'F' sput c16ss in alpha, 33 X>Yt sif lapse rate is less than 5.75, 34 GTO 00 sjump out with F class, 35
'G' sif not must be a G class by default.
36 GTO 90
- jump over the ground release section.
This section for the lower sensor pair.
37 LBL 01
- same thing for a ground release.
38 RCL 82
- get lover lapse rate for ground release.
39 -1.11 stest value for class A.
'A' sput class in alpha, 41 X>Y?
sif lapse rate is less than -1.73, 42 GTO 00 gjusp out with class A.
43 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
.99 stest value for c1Las B.
- put class in alpha, 46 X>Y?
sif lapse rate is less than -1.53, 47 GTO 00 ljump out with class B.
48 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
.88 stest value for class C.
- put class in alpha, 51 X>Y7 sif lapse rate is less then -1.35, 52 GTO 00
- jump out with class C.
53 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
.29 stest value for class D.
- put class in alpha, s
56 X>Yi
- 1f lapse rate is less than
.45, 57 GTO 00 gjump out with class D.
58 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
- test value for class E.
'E' sput class in alpha, 61 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is less than 1.36, 62 GTO 00
- 3usp out with class E.
63 RDN
- rocover lapse rate.
64 2.35
- test value for class F.
- put class in alpha, 66 X>Y?
sif lapse rate is less than 3.63, 67 GTO 00
- ]erp out vth class F.
- put class in alpha, 69 LBL 00
- contiue 70 ASTO 08 istore the alpha value.
- append sessage to stability class, 72 XEQ 'W'
- and print or display it.
73 RTN
- subroutine return.
74 END
- end module.
This rection determines the plume rise for a stack release.
01 LBL 'HTR'
- for elevated release, the plume rise.
92 'SEABR00K'
- version for Seabrook, different for VY.
93 'REV 10-1-87'
- current revision.
For unstable and neutral, class A,B,C,and D The wind speed can not be less than 0.5 mph.
04 ACL 53
- get upper vind direction.
05 STO 47
- save in working register.
O 06.5 slower limit for wind speed.
97 RCL 81
- get upper vind speed.
98 X<=Y7
- is speed less than.5 mph?
YAEC-1619 D-7 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST C;t0 log 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 0-09 X<>Y sif so, use the arenter value.
N 10 STO 03 isave it in working register.
Convert to m/see and determine the Wo/u ratio.
11 2.237
- conversion factor, aph/(m/sec) 12 /
13 RCL 85
- get stack velocity Wo, m/sec 14 X<>Y 15 /
- Wo/u ratio 16 STO 87
- temporary save it.
17 FIX 1 set display decimal.
18 *W/u=*
3put message in alpha, 19 ARCL X seppend the value, 20 FS? 18 sif print all flag is set, 21 XEQ *We
- then print or display it.
Wo/u ratio of less than 1.32 is assumed to be ground release in relation to the building vake entrainment.
22 1.32
- the limit for elevated release.
23 X>Y1
- is Wo/u less than limit?
24 CF 06
- set elevated flag to ground mode.
25 FS? 06 gif not changed, is otill elevated, 26 GTO 00
- continue on with the plume rise.
27 CLX
- otherwise set plume height to zero, 28 STO 89 send save it.
29 RTH sand end routine.
Determine the plume rise from eq. (10) for unstable and neutral lapse rate conditions.
O 30LBL 00
- continue for elevated releace.
31 RCL 87
- get Wo/u 32.667 33 Y^X 34 RCL 26
- get receptor distance, 35 1609 imeters per mile 36
- 37 3.57
- dia. D of SB stack in meters.
38 /
39 3 40 1/X 41 YaX 33 +
34 1.44 35
- 36 3.57
- stack dia. D 1o
- Hpr=1.44*(Wo/u)5/58-*(x/D)1/3*D 37
- 38 STO 86 save it, from eq. (10) pg.35 Do the correction factor for downwash per eq. (11).
39 1.5
- 11mit for correction factor, 40 RCL S7
- get Wo/u 41 X>Y?
sif greater than 1.5, 51 GTO 01
- then don't do correction to eq.(11), skip 52 -
- otherwise apply correct 13n factor, 53 3 54
- 55 3.57
- stack dia D for VY 56 *
- cm3*(1.5-Wo/u)*D from eq. (11) pg. 33 57 S1-86
- subtract it from eq (10)
Cspatheq k0 withth.efokkovngadusethesnakkervakue YAEC-1619 D-8 Oct. 1987
l I
Dick filo:
SBEKOM5.LST Cotolog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87
58LBL 01
- continue i
59 RCL 87 pget Wo/v 60 3 61
- 62 3.57
- stack dia for VY 63 *
- Hpr=3*(Wo/u)*D from eq. (12) pg.33 64 RCL 86 iget Hpr from eq.(10) 65 X>Y?
- compare values, 66 RDN 3and use the smaller value, 67 STO 86
- end store it.
68 FSt 05
- 1f the atmosphere unstable or neutral.
69 GTO 90
- skip the next.
For stable atmospheric cisms E, F,
and G, compare eg. (le) and (12) with eq.(13) and (14).
The ses11est value is then used for Hpr.
70 RCL 85
- get stack vel.
71 3.57
- stach dia. for SB in meters.
- 73 2 74 /
75 Xa2
- Fa=(Wo*D/2)2 from eq. (15) pg.36 76 STO 30
- save it as momentum flux parameter.
77 72
- ASCII number for H character 78 CLA
- clear the alpha, 79 ARCL 08 gapend the stability class, 80 AT0X land convert it to ASCII code in x-reg, 81 MOD
- mod (72/ class >= remainder 1 to 3 where 1=G, 2=F, and 3=L class.
- 3 ump to respective routine for class Each stability class for the unstable classes, E,
F, and G has a g
restoring acceleration S.
83 LBL 01 sfor G stability class, 84.00245
- use restoring acceleration factor, pg.34 85 GTO 04 sexit 86LBL 02
- for F stability class, 87.00175 suse this factor.
88 GTO 04
- exit 80 LBL 03
- for E stability class, 81.00087
- use this factor.
Do Hpr from eq. (13), pg 35.
82 LBL 04
- continue 83 STO 28
- save the approximate factor S.
84 RCL 30
- get Fe, eq. (15).
85 X<>Y 86 /
87.25 88 YaX 89 4 90 *
- Hpr=4*(Fm/S)gj4 from eq. (13) pg.33 Do Hpr from eq. (14), pg 35.
91 RCL 30
- get Fe, eq. (15).
101 RCL 81
- get upper wind speed, sph 102 2.237
- conversion to m/sec 103 /
l 104 /
105 3 106 1/X YAEC-1619 D-9 Oct. 1987 i
Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST C telog 2: SEABR00X 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 107 Y^X x_s/
108 RCL 28
- S factor, 109 -6 110 1/X 111 Y^X 112 *
- Hpr=1.5+(Fm/u)1/3+S-1/6 Determine the smaller of the computed values.
115 X>Y?
- compare it to eq. (13) 116 RDN Juse the smaller of the tvc, 117 RCL 86 Iget Hpr for unstable caseis, 118 X>Y?
- compare to smallest value of stable case 119 RDN suse the smaller of the two, 120 STO 86 3and save it as the final choise.
112LBL 00
- continue for unstable or neutral classes.
113 FS? 19 gif used in a test routine, 114 RTN sthen exit the subroutine.
Do not print
- the results in printall mode.
115 'N r='
iput messa e in alpha, 116 AR L X gand appen the results.
117 FS? 18
- if print all flag is set, 118 XEQ 'W'
- print or display the result.
119 RTH
- subroutine return.
This section determines the terrain height in feet as a function
-~g of the compass point and the radial distance from the plant.
The program stores the terrain in the main memory upon startup if not already stored.
129LBL 'ELEV' 130 CF 11
- reset temporary flag.
131 360
- oegrees in circle.
132 RCL 47
- get the wind direction from.
133 X)Y?
11s it greater than 3607 134 -
- find overlap.
135 180
- to change value 180 degrees, 136 +
- add to create dirction vector toward.
137 360
- degrees in circle.
138 X<=Y?
- 1f greater than or equal to 360.
139 SF 11
- set temporary flag 11.
l 140 FS? 11
- is flag set?
l 141 -
- determine the overlap of 360 degrees.
142 FC?C 11
- 1f not set, and reset, 143 RDH
- restore the direction vector.
144 22.5
- degrees in a compass point.
I 145 +
- offset the direction vector by 22.5 deg.
146 LASTX 14*/ /
- (angle +22.5)/22.5= no. of compass points 148 FIX 0
- where i=N, 2=NNE, 3=NE, 4=ENE, <
- c, 149 RND
- round to nearest integer, j
150 STO 30
- and save the compass sector.
151 1 il mile 152 RCL 26
- get the receptor distance, 153 X<=Y?
- 11 distance less than 1 mile, 154 SF 11
- set the temporary flag.
155 FS? 11 gif distance is less than 1 mile, i
- factor to get column 1 of the terrain, j
157 FC?C 11 sif equal or greater than 1 mile, 158 1.4
- factor to get column 2 of the terrain.
I 159 +
3 add the factor to the distance, i
160 RND
- and round of to nearest lateger value.
161 RCL 30
- the compass sector corresponds to rev 1.
162 X<>Y
- the distance integer is the column 3 J
YAEC-1619 D-10 Oct. 1987 1
Dick filo SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 O) access from PPC ROM pg. 274 parray(1h7+R98+(1-1)+(j-1)
- reg no.=k )
ts 163 X<> 98 164 ST-98 165 +
166 ST+ 98 167 X<> L 168 X<> 98 169 1 170 -
171 100
- the starting terrain register.
172 +
- get the terrain height in feet.
174 3.28
- conversion factor, feet / meter 175 /
176 STO 84
- save the terrain height in meters.
177 'HterrS' 3put message in alpha, 178 ARCL X
- append the value, 179 FS? 18 31f print all flag is set, 180 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
181 FS7 19 gif a test routine is being used, 182 RTH
- return to test routine.
The effective plume hei ht is determined each time from the plume rise, stack height and errain height.
- determine the new plume height.
184 RCL 86 Joet the plume rise, 185 57.9
- Seabrook stack height, 186 +
pheshs+hpr eq. (6a) pg.33 187 ENTER ^
188 ENTER ^
189 2 s,,/
190 /
ihe/2 unstable and neutral class limit.
191 X<>Y
- get he from eq. (6a) 192 RCL 84
- get terrain height, 193 -
- h=he-hterr eq. (8) pg.34 194 FC7 05 sif is a stable atmosphere.
195 GTO 05 sthen jump.
196 X<Y?
- 1or unstable or neutral class, 197 RDN
- use the larger value of eq.(6a) or (8).
198LBL 05
- continue 199 X<07 gif negative height, 200 CLX iuse zero value, 201 STO 89
- save final result.
202 'Hp1m=*
- message in alpha, 206 ARCL X
- append the helaht 207 FS? 18
- 1f print all flag,is set, 208 XEQ 'W'
- then print or display it.
209 RTH
- subroutine return.
207 END send of module.
33333333333333333333333333333333333333353555333333333333335535333 This routine is from Synergistic Design, Inc. to determine the percentage change in speed for the HP-41 when the HYPER-41 module i
is installed and activated.
04 AVIEW 05 STCP 06 XEQ 01 97 X>Yi 08 X<>Y O
09 ST-Y Q) 10 /
11 100 12
- YAEC-1619 D-11 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM5.LST C,tclog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 13 FIX 0 14 CF 29 15 CLA 16 ARCL X 17 SF 29 18 FIX 4 19 '*% FASTER' 20 AVIEW 21 STOP 22 GTO ' HYPER %"
This routine is a continuation of the above and is used to determine is the HP-41CX is is fast or normal speed.
23LBL 'HYPERT' 24 XEQ 01 25.9004 26 X>Y?
- 28 X<=Yt 29 'HORMAL SPEED
- 30 AVIEW 31 RTH 32LBL 01 33 RUNSW 34 RCLSW 35 HR 36 20 37LBL 02 38 DSE X Q
39 GTO 02 40 RDN 41 RCLSW 42 HR 43 -
44 CHS 45 RTH 46 END rend module.
E333333333333SE3333533SS3E3SSSSSESSSE3333333333833383333333333333 This routine is used to clear the entire HP-41CX calculator without incurring a MEMORY LOST which requires the user to restart the HP-41. This routine allove the program to cortinue normally after clearing out all programs and data.
It is derived from the PPC ROM routines.
- Routine name, i
02LBL 'E7'
- from PPC ROM page 136.
03 RCL c
- see example 1.
on page 136 for method.
04LBL '2D'
- PPC page 34, decode 2 bytes to decimal.
85 '+'
06 X<>
t 97 X<>
08 ASHF 09 *....
le X<>I 11 X<>\\
12 X<>
13 +++'
14 RCL [
15 INT 16 +
17 RCL \\
O 18 e 19 ST+ t 20 X<>
21 RCL J YAEC-1619 D-12 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST CCtclog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date 10-21-87 l
22 INT d
23 HMS 24 e 25 RCL 1 26 +
27 El 28 ST* (
29 +
30 X<> t lend of '2D' routine.
31 16 32 MOD 33 LASTX 34 Xa2 35
- 36 RCL (
37 +
38 CLA 39 1 tabs address of next higher register.
40 +
- start of PPC routine 'CX' 41LBL 'Ct*
- curtain finder, PPC ROM page 72.
42 RCL e 43 STO (
A' 45 X<>
46 X<>
d 47 CF 01 48 CF 02 49 CF 04 50 CF 07 51 FS?C 10 52 SF 07 53 FS?C 11 O
54 SF 09 55 FS?C 12 56 SF 10 57 FStC 13 58 SF 11 59 FS?C 14 60 SF 13 61 FS?C 15 62 SF 14 63 FS7C 16 61 SF 15 65 X<>
d 66 E38 67 /
68 INT 69 DEC 70 -
71LBL 'CU'
- PPC ROM routine curtain up, pg. 120.
72 ABS 73 RDN 74 RCL c 75 STO I 76 **'
77 11 78 X<>
79 X<>
d 80 STO 3 81LBL 00 82 RDN 83 X<> L 84 INT 85 X=0?
O 86 GTO 14 87 2 88 /
YAEC-1619 D-13 Oct. 1987
Dick file SBEROM5.LST Cctclog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 19-21-87 O
89 RCL (
90 X<>Y 91 FRC 92 Xse?
93 GTO 13 94LBL 01 95 FC?C IND Y 96 SF IND Y 97 FC7 IND Y 98 CNS 99 X>07 198 GTO 13 101 FC7 IND 7 192 CNS 193 DSE Y 104 GTO el 195LBL 13 196 DSE (
197 OTO 90 198LBL 14 109 X<>
1 110 X<F d 111 STd C 112 ABC' 113 X<>
114 X<> c 115 RDN 116 CLA 117 CLRG
- clears registers higher than those 118 RTH
- containing.END.
119 END send of module.
O 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333s This routine inverts any flag found in the x-reg.
Found in PPC ROM manual page 216.
01LBL 'IF' 02 ABS 03 24 04 +
05 STO I 06 8 07 ST/ (
08 MOD 09 RCL d 10 X<>
11 INT 12 SCI IND X 13 ARCL X 4
14 X<>Y 15 X<>
1 16 X<>
17 X<> d 18 FC7C IND 3 19 SF IND 3 20 X<> d 21 STO (
22 RDN 23 12 24 -
25 SCI IND X 26 ARCL X 27 X<>- )
28 STO d r^g 29 RDN
j 30 CLA v
31 RTN 32 END pend sodule.
YAEC-1619 D-14 Oct. 1987 1
Dick filo:
SBEROMS.LST Cetalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 19-21-87 C\\
\\- J This PPC ROM routine resets all flags to their def ault status.
PPC ROM manual page 376.
01LSL 'RF' 02 ',
83 ASTO d 84 CF 03 85 CLA 06 RTM 97 END gend module.
This routine is used to determine if the clock has failed by checking the current year against 1995.
If year is creater or equal to 1995 the clock is assumed to be OK.
If not the user is prompted to reset the clock according to the format shown in the display.
- routine to check for clock operation.
02 'REV 8-11-86' scurrent revision.
93 CF 03
- clear teaporary flag.
04 CLK24 pput clock in 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> mode.
05 DATE Iget date.
06 1 E2 move decimal right two places.
07 08 FRC 3 extract the year.
09 1 E4
- nove decimal 4 places to right.
10 *
- to get integer year.
11 1905
- assumed limiting year.
12 X<=Y?
31f year is greater or equal to year, 13 RTH
- dete is OK and return from subroutine.
14 TONE 9
- 1f not, do error tone.
- eessage in alpha.
- display it, 17 PSE
- for one second.
18LBL 01
- n loop.
- alpha message, showing proper format.
- display it.
21 PSE
- for 2 seconds.
22 PSE 23 'TIMEst'
- prompt for the current time.
- do prompt.
- 1nput the data to reset the clock time.
- get the time.
27 FIX 4 set display to include se.cnds.
28 CLA
- clear display.
29 ATIME gappend time into alpha display, 30
'~t Y/H'
- append message, 31 AVIEW 3and display it.
- wait for a keycode, 33 71
- put keycode f or Y in x-reg.
34 X/.YT sif key was not Y, 35 GTO 01
- go back to correct the input.
36LBL 02 otherwise, 37 ' FORMAT: MM.DDYY' galpha message, showing proper format.
YY' prest of message.
39 AVIEW 3 display the message, 40 PSE
- for 2 seconds.
41 PSE 42 'DATEst'
- prompt for the current date.
43 PROMPT 3do prompt.
44 SETDATE 31nput the data to reset the clock date.
5O 45 DATE
- get the date.
46 FIX 6 set display for month, day, year format.
47 CLA
- clear display.
48 ADATE pappend date into alpha display, YAEC-1619 D-15 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBERCM5.LST Cctalog 2: SEABRDOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87
[D 49
'*1 Y/N' nd messa 3apkdisplay$e,
\\s /
50 AVIEW 3an t.
- wait for keycode.
52 71 skeycode for Y, 53 X/=Y?
sif keycode returned is not for Y, 54 GTO 02
- go back to loop to correct the input.
l 55 CLD sclear the display.
56 RTN send the routine.
Default routines to store current time and date as the release or the analysis time and date.
57LBL 'TMR' subroutine for release time and date.
58 CLK24
- go to 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> clock.
- otherwise get the time, 60 STO 44 Jand save it.
61 DATE sget the date, 62 STO 78 Jand save it.
63 RTN subroutine return.
subroutine for analysis time and date.
65 CLX24
- go to 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> clock.
- otherwise get the time, 67 STO 43 land save it.
68 DATE sget the date, 69 STO 79 sand save it.
70 RTH
- subroutine return.
Routine computes the time difference between the current time and date and any time and date in the stack.
- delta time, hours from past to present.
72 RCL 79
- get the current date.
- do difference in days using X and Y.
74 X<>Y
- svap to get input time in stack.
75 RCL 43 sget current time.
76 X<>Y 3 reverse order X and Y 77 HMS-
- current time - input time.
78 HR
- change to decimal hours.
79 X<>Y svap to get delta days.
80 24
- 24 hrs / day 81 e iconvert delta days to delta hours 82 +
padd for total difference in hours.
83 RTH 3end routine.
84 END lend module.
355555888388355333333358333353333333338333335583858853338535533BS This routine de11nes the containment release path for both the normal leakage path and the venting cr class 9 accident path.
01LBL 'CTM' subroutine for containment release.
- Seabrook version.
03 'REV 10-13-87' 3 dated version.
04 ' ENC'NEGt Y/N' sis pressure negative in plenum?
05 XEQ
- do prompt, execute Y or N routines.
If the release escapes from the secondary containment, prompts occur for the interior radiation levels end an lodine sample if one is available.
It then prompts for the interior pressure.
'N' sif N do normal containment release.
07 FIX 2 set display for 2 decimal places.
08 3
- assumed LOCA 3 only, 29 STO 29 save it in register.
10 CF 06 set up for ground release.
O 11 'CTM, R/HR'
- prompt for containment radiation level, 12 05
- assigned register, 13 XEQ
'P' ido prompt.
YAEC-1619 D-16 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROMS.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 O,
FC? 32 sif in AUTOIO mode.
14 'I-131, uCI/ce' suse au symbol label, FS? 32 gif in MAKIO mode.
'I-131, uCI/ce'
- use u as au symbol.
15 64
- assigned register, 16 XEQ
'P' pdo prompt.
17 XEQ 'C3'
- calc J(ts, LOCA 3, uCi/cc/R/hr 18 STO 56 save value.
19 'CTM, PSIO'
- prompt for containment internal pressure 20 4 passigned register.
21 XEQ
- do prompt.
If the user in uts a ressure of 160 pa g or greater the pro ran assumes that t e cont inment is rupture in a class h acciden or it is to be vented to a lower pressure.
Note that 160 psig neea not be the actual pressure, it is just a signal to the program to enter this special accident mode.
22 160
- 1imiting readout for containment psig.
23 X<=Y?
31s input greater or equal to limit?
24 GTO 'CL9' pif so go to class 9 accident routine.
If the pressure is less than 160 psig, the program uses the laminar leskrate determined by the leak tests to proportionalize the leakage from the containment through penetrations,
- joints, etc.
26 RCL 04 scet containment pressure, psig 27 52 31eakrate test pressure.
28 /
3eake ratio.
29 886
- the measured lead rate from test, cc/sec
[ )/
30 *
- 1eakage proportional to pressure ratio.
31 ENTER ^
- save value in stack.
32 ENTERa idouble enter to defeat stack rolldown.
33 RCL 05
- containment radiation level, R/hr 34 '
35 RCL 56
- J(t), uC1/cc per R/hr 36 +
37 STO 20
- release = cc/sec'R/hr'uC1/cc/R/hr If an iodine saa le was taken of the interior of the containment, the program calc lates the release rate based on the same leakage rate for noble gas.
If no sample was taken the iodine release vill indicate zero.
38 X<>Y svap for leakage rate.
39 RCL 64 stodine 131 uC1/cc sample.
40 *
- 1odine leakage rate.
41 STO 60
- save value.
43 GTO 'RE' pdo release rate from containeent.
This is the start of the routine to model the containment rupture or venting.
A separate title vill be printed along with the time and date of running the model.
49LBL 'CL9'
- routine, class 9 accident and venting.
50 SF 29
- restore display index.
52 TONE ^
- make tones to alert user.
53 TONE ^
54 FIX 3
- set dispisy decimal places.
55 ADV.
- advance printer.
56 XEQ 'DATSTMP' 3do time and date stamp for printer.
- message
['T 58 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
This is the start of the prompts used to determine the interior YAEC-1619 D-17 Oct. 1987
Dirk fils:
SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 I\\
and final conditions.
l O
- prompt for containment initial pressure.
60 4 lassigned register.
61 XEQ
'P' 3do prompt.
- the desired final pressure.
63 61 passigned register.
64 XEQ
'P' 3do prompt.
If the venting is directed up the stack, the pro ram v111 calculate the plume rise later.
Here the flags are se for en elevated or a ground release.
77 CF 21
- defeat printer.
78 'UP STK? Y/N' sis vent up the stack?
79 AVIEW show prompt.
80 GETKEY scheck keys.
CLD pelear display.
81 71 skey code 71 =
'Y' 82 X=Y?
- if user keyed Y, 83 SF 06 pthen set flag for elevated release.
84 X/=Y?
- if user not keyed Y, 85 CF 06
- set flag for ground release.
86 FS7 06
- 1f Y ke{ed, 87 '~
- append yes' to alpha, 88 FC7 06
- 1f N ke{ed, 89 **
- append no' to alpha, 90 FS7 55 311 printer attached, 91 SF 21
- enable printer.
SF 25
- set error flag in case no printer.
92 PRA
- print the alpha.
FS7 06 gaf up stack, GTO 00 sekip over uncontrolled venting input.
O The resistance coefficient for the hole is assumed to be that for a short tube.
If the program needs a variable resistance coef, then this section should be altered to call the general prompt.
If venting thru stack, K is from 300 feet of 8' vent pipe, 4
butterfly valves, 10 ells, and entrance and exit losses.
Sonic wave in tube not calculated.
65 ' HOLE DIA,FT' shole size for leak or venting, 66 94
- assigned register, 67 XEQ
'P' ido prompt.
68 'RES COEF, X"
- resistance coef for hole, Crane pg A-29, 69 1.5 passume K = only entrance and exit losses.
70 STO 07
- save value.
71 '~='
gappend *=*
72 ARCL X seppend value to alpha, 73 FS? 18 gif print all flag set, 74 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
GTO 01
- skip over controlled venting input.
LBL 00 ifor venting thru 8' vent line.
- 8' piping dia.
i STO 94 le
- K= 300' pipe, 4 viv's, 10 ell's + 1.5 l
STO 07 LBL 01
- continue 75 LN
- 1og of value for polynomial fit later.
76 STO 52 Isave it.
Variouhprashters re summed for t t vakue Herethhhumming registers are zeroed.
O 93 CLX
- clear x-reg.
94 STO 48
- zero iodine released sun.
YAEC-1619 D-18 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST C-tolog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 f^
r 95 STO 50
- zero total time of venting.
96 STO 58 32ero sum of curies released.
97 STO 67
- zero sum of lbs steam vented.
98 STO 30
- zero steam inventory in containment.
The flow out the hole vill be limited b the sonic velocity within the hole.
The delta pressure is ixed by the upstream pressure and not by the downstream pressure.
During sonic flow the volume rate, not the mass rate is constant through the exit hole.
The pressure ratio is computed from a curve fit.
- cale sonic limit for pressure ratio.
166 'dP/P LIMIT ='
31abel 107 ARCL X pappend the value, 108 FS? 18 311 print all flag is set, 109 XEQ 'W' iprint or display it.
110 STO 69 Isave the sonic limit.
The specific volume of the steam is computed from the internal pressure using a curve fit.
111 RCL 04
- get containment pressure, psig 112 14.7
- atmospheric pressure 113 '
- absolute pressure in containment.
114 STO 33
- save value.
115 LN
- take loo for polynominal fit.
116 STO 06
- save value.
117 XEQ 'PTOV'
- cale specific volume of steam at psia.
118 STO 62
- save value, it'3/lbe g' g The radiation level seter is converted to curies per mass of
119 RCL 05
- containment radiation level.
120 +
121 RCL 56
- J(t), uC1/cc/R/hr 122 +
123 2.832 E4
- cc/ft'3 124 +
125 STO 55
- uC1/lbe steam The iodine sample is also converted to curies per rass of steam.
126 RCL 64
- uci/cc iodine in containment.
127 RCL 62
- vi, specific volume of steam 128 +
129 2.832 E4
- cc/ft'3 130 +
131 STO 49 luci/lba iodine 131 The pro ran uses a finite step loss of mass as it determines the flow ra es through the hole.
The etep rates tre a percentage of the remaining air / steam mixture in the containment and are a function of the pressure range the containment is being vented over.
The factor 30 is an arbitrary value and a compromise between time of calculation and accuracy of each step.
133 RCL 61
- final CTM pressure, Pi 134 14.7 135 +
sto absolute pressure.
136 RCL 04 sinitial CTM pressure, Pa j
r s*
137 14.7
138 +
- to absolute pressure.
N_ I 139 /
gratio Pf/Ps 140 1 l
i YAEC-1619 D-19 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM5.LST C;tclog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 19-21-87 4
141 X<>Y 142 -
132 30
- assumed factor.
143 *
- (1-Pf/Ps)*30= X vented each iteration.
144 STO 54
- seve vent fraction.
223 2.704 E6
- containment volume in ita3 224 RCL 62
- sp. vol. at start, ft^3/lba 225 /
- gives iba steam in containment.
STO 30 Isave inventory.
This is the start of the loop that iterates a finite mass loss from containment.
The program uses the specific volume increase as proportional to the saws loss when the steam mixture is expanding.
Once atmospheric specific volume for steam is reached the loop exits.
When venting down to some pressure above atmospheric, the program exits the loop at the end of the loop.
145LBL 25 1 start loop for iterations.
146 FIX 2 set display decimal places.
147 FS? 18
- 11 print all is set, 148 ADY
- advance printer.
149 RCL 62
- sp. vol., vi, at start of iteration.
150 RCL 54
- X volume loss during iteration.
151 %
- make X 153 +
- sp. vol., vi+1 at end of iteration.
154 26.8
- specific vol. steam at atmosperic.
155 X<>Y 156 X>Y?
- if sp. vol. greater than 26.8 ft*3/lba 157 GTO 26
- steam all vented, exit loop.
Using a curve fit, determine the pressure at the end of the iteration from the X expansion of the volume, or loss of mass.
158 STO 63
- otherwise save sp. vol. next iteration.
159 LN
- take loo for polynominal fit.
160 S70 06
- save value.
161 XEQ 'VTOP'
- find corresponding pressure, dry steam 162
- pressure for next iteration.
163 ARCL X
- append value to alpha.
164 PSIA *
- append units.
165 FS? 18
- 11 print all flag is set, 166 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
Show the epecific volume at the end of the iteration.
- sp. vol. for next iteration.
168 ARCL 63 gappend the value.
169 FS? 18 sif print all flag is set, 170 XEQ 'W' sprint or display it.
Set up pressure for the next iteration.
171 RCL 33 sget current containment pressure.
172 X<>Y
- svap registers 173 STO 33
- save Pi+1 in Pi register.
Defeat the printer and arrange the display to show the pressure at the start and end of the iteration while the program is running..
174 CF 21
- defeat printer.
175 CLA
- clear alpha.
176 ARCL Y seppend pressure Pi, 177 '-
sand some spaces, 178 ARCL X
- append the pressure Pi+1 YAEC-1619 D-20 Oct. 1987 i
Dick filo: SBEROM5.LST C;talog 2: SEABROOK BD Revision date: 18-21-87 D\\].
179 AVIEW Iview in display only.
189 FS? 55
- if printer is attached.
181 SF 21 genable printer Determine the average pressure during the iteration and use it to determine the average specific volume from a curve fit.
182 +
- take average of Pi and Pi+1.
183 2 184 /
185 STO 66 isave average pressure.
186 LN ptake 1M for polynominal fit.
187 STO B6 save value.
188 XEQ 'PTOV' pcalc average sp. vol. of iteration.
189 STO 32
- save value Determine the pressure difference ratio between the average iteration pressure and the outside atmosphere.
190 RCL 66 pget average pressure, psia 191 14.7 192 -
- delta pressure inside to outside hole.
193 RCL 66 194 /
- pressure ratio, dP/Pavg 196 'dP/PAVGs'
- 1abel 197 ARCL X seppend the value.
198 FS? 18 gif print all flag is set, 199 XEQ 'W' sprint or display it.
Determine if the pressure difference ratio scross the hole is T
greater than that during sonic flow.
If it is, the limiting i
pressure difference ratio will be the sonic limit ratio, and the flow vill be sonic.
Determine the net expansion factor for the flow.
200 RCL 69
- get sonic limit for dP/P across hole.
201 X<>Y svap register.
202 ' SONIC'
- 1abei 203 X>Y?
sis actual dP/P > sonic limit?
204 FC7 18
- and is print all flag set, (neg logic) 205 FS? 30
- dummy test for boolean AND.
206 XEQ 'W' sthen print or display it.
207 X>Y?
- 1f x-reg > y-reg, 208 RDN
- drop stack to use smaller value.
STO 06
- save dP/P to calc Y.
209 RCL 66
- get average pressure.
210 '
- dP/P'Pavg a pressure drop across hole.
211 STO 09
- save for use in WLOSS.
212 'dP AVG ='
glabel 213 ARCL X pappend the value, 214 FS? 18 gif print all flag is set, 215 XEQ 'W" sthen print or display it.
XEQ 'KTOY' net expansion factor from K and dP/P STO 52 save for flow cele.
Determine the mass rate loss from the hole using the modified Darcy formula as a function of Y, dPavg, K, vavg, and hole size.
- cale the Ibn loss steam during iteration 217 STO 28
- save it.
218 ' VENT '
- 1abel j
219 ARCL X 3 append the steam loss value, 220 LB/HR' gappend units.
l 221 FS? 18 gif print all flag is set, O
222 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
YAEC-1619 D-21 Oct. 1987
,. - - \\
Dick filot SBEROMS.LST Catclog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision detet 19 21 87
\\ ')
From the containment volume and the specific volume for steam at i
the end of the iteration, determine the remaining steam in cont ainment.
Sun the mass of steam vented during the interval to the total mass vented.
223 2.704 E6
- containment volume in it*3 224 RCL 63
- sp. vol. for vi+1, it*3/lba 225 /
poives Ibn steam remaining in containment.
227 ' REMAIN = '
- Iabel 228 ARCL X peppend value
- append units, flag is set, 229 '
LB' gif print all 230 FSt 18 231 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
RCL 30 linventory at start of iteration.
X<>Y lanount vented between vi and vi+1 234 ST+ 67 gaum it to amount already vented and, ST-30
- subtract from existing inventory.
Determine the time interval for the iteration and sum up the total time venting.
235 RCL 28
- get Ib/hr vented.
236 /
shrs to vent this iteration.
237 STO 57 1save value.
238 ST+ 50
- sua the time venting.
239 FIX 3
- set display decimal.
240 ' delta TIME ='
- 1abel 241 ARCL 57 gappend hours, 242 '~ HR'
- append units, 243 FSt 18
- if print all flag is set, 244 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
N 245 ' sum =*
31abel 246 ARCL 50
- append total hours venting, 247 '
HRS' gappend units.
248 FSt 18
- 1f print all flag is set, 249 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
Set up specific volume for next iteration.
Determine the release rate for noble gas.
If nonstandard printer is used, greek nu will be printed as u.
250 RCL 63 i sp. vol. vi+1, ft*3/lba 251 STO 62
- vi for next iteration.
252 RCL 28
- get lbm/hr loss during iteration, 253 RCL 55
- noble gas uC1/lba steam.
254 +
- uC1/hr 255 3600
- sec/hr 256 /
257 SCI 2
- scientific display, 2 places 258 'REL='
3 released 259 ARCL X seppend the value, 260 FCf 32 gif in AUTOIO mode 261 ' uCI/Sec NG' geppend au symbol label 262 FSt 32 lif in MANIO mode 263 '" uCI/Sec NG' gappend letter u as au symbol.
264 FSt 18 311 print all flag is set, 265 XEQ
'N' sprint or display it.
Sun curies noble gas released during iteration to total.
266 RCL 57 sthe time interval for vent iteration.
267 +
268 3600 E-6 O
269 *
- curies venteo during iteration.
270 ST+ 58
- sus curies to total.
271 ' sus NG='
sum of noble gas 272 ARCL 58 pappend the total curies released so f ar, j
YAEC-1619 D.22 Oct. 1987
l i
Dick filo: SBEROMS.LST Catclog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 19-21-87 b) 273 CI' sppend units.
274 FS? 18 gif print all flag is set, 275 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
Determine release rate for iodine. If no iodine saeple was taken, skip over this section.
A default iodine vill oe determined later.
Can use nonstandard printer as above.
276 RCL 28 31ba/hr lost during vent iteration.
277 RCL 49 suci/lba for iodir.e.
278 Xset gif value is zero, 279 GTO 96 skip over cele and printout.
- lif not, get uC1/hr 281 3600 262 /
3aet uC1/sec iodine released in iteration 283 'REL='
- Inbel 284 ARCL X gappend value.
285 FC7 32 gif in AUTOIO mode, 286 uCI/Sec I' gappend nu symbol to label, 287 FS7 32 sif in MANIO mode, 288 uCI/Sec I' lappend u as au symbol.
289 FS7 18 gif print all flag is set, 290 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
Sum curies of iodine released during iteration to total.
291 RCL 57 stime interval during iteration.
292 e 293 3600 E-6 294 +
- curies vented during $teration.
295 ST+ 48 sus into total registe r.
O 296 ' sum Is' 31abel 297 ARCL 48 gappend value released in iteration.
298 CI' gappend units, 299 FSt 18 11f print all flag is set, 300 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
Determine if the pressure at the end of the iteration is less than the specified final pressure during venting.
If so, exit the loop, if not then repeat the loop.
301LBL 00
- continue for no iodine release.
302 RCL 33
- starting pressure for next iteration.
303 RCL 61 ifinal pressure in containment, psig.
304 14.7 305 +
sto absolute psia, 306 X<=Y?
Its next pressure greater than end psig?
307 GTO 25 sthen go back for next steration.
This is the start of the rintout to finalize the output.
The total venting time is disp myed.
348LBL 26 gif not finalize output.
399 CLD sclear display, 319 ADV 3and advance printer.
311 RCL 50 ptotal venting time, hrs.
312 60 313 +
sto minutes.
314 FIX 2
- set display, 315 ' VENT TIME ="
slabel 316 ARCL X 3 append time, 317 MIN.'
rappend units.
318 XEQ 'W' sprint or display it.
Determine the avera e release rate for noble as from the total curies released divi ed by the total time of t e release.
YAEC-1619 D-23 Oct. 1987
Dirk filot SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision datet 10-21-87 319 E6 suC1/Ci 328 RCL 50 stotal venting time, hrs.
321 /
- E6/hre 322 3600 323 /
- E6/ seconds 324 ENTER ^
325 ENTER ^
- defeat raise stack 326 RCL 58 sum of noble oss curies released.
- 3C1*E6/secauCi7sec 328 STO 96 prelease rate NG in uCi/sec Do the same thin for iodine, but iJ the release rate is zero, execute the rou ine to determine a default release rate for iodine.
329 X<>Y cet E6/sec.
- sua isvap, dine released, 330 RCL 48 Curies.
- pget uC1/sec 332 STO 60 paave value.
333 X=0?
pif zero, 334 XEQ 01
- then cale a default iodine release rate.
335 RCL 50 sum of time to vent. hrs.
336 STO 59 luse as projected duration of release.
337 FS7 06 pif elevated release from stack, 338 XEQ 02
- cale a stack velocity for plume rise.
339 GTO 'RE' sgo to release routine.
This subroutine uses a iodine to noble gas ratio to set the default iodine release.
340LBL 01
- subroutine for default iodine.
341 RCL 00
- get noble gas release rate, 342.0082
- 1odine to noble gas ratio.
343 +
344 STO 60
- save the default iodine release rate.
345 RTH steturn from subroutine.
This subroutine determines the venting velocity p the stack 11 the containment is vented up the stack.
The reau ta are used for 1
the plume rise.
346LBL 02 1 subroutine for stack release.
347 FIX 2 iset display decimal places.
348 RCL 67 pget sum of Ibn steam vented.
349 26.8 i s p.
vol. at atmospheric pressure.
350 *
- get cubic feet vented at atmospheric.
351 RCL 50 asum of time to vent.
352 /
sit'3/ hours 353 3600 354 /
ift*3/see up stack 355 2550 scis = 153,000 cfm nominal stack flow, 356 +
3plus the vent flow.
357 35.31 lit'3/m'3 358 /
359 10.01
- ft*2/n*2 360 /
361 STO 85 poeters/sec flow up stack 362 'STX VEL *'
31abel 363 ARCL X pappend value, 364 ** M/S' gappend units, 365 FS7 18 311 print all flag is set.
366 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
367 RTH 3 return from subroutine.
Subroutine using polynominal l g fit to determine the pressure ratio across the hole.
c.urve fit to page A-22 in Crane.
YAEC-1619 D-24 Oct. 1987
i Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10 21-87 36SLBL 'XTODP/P'
- subroutine for dP/P for monic flow.
369 RCL 52 slo of X, resistance coeff.
370 -1.20932 E-2 spo ynominal curve fit, Crane pg A-22 371
- 3dP P= F(log X) 372 1.47968 E-1 l
373 +
374 RCL 52 j
- 376 4.9546 E-1 377 +
378 RTN Subroutine for pol nonional log-log fit of steam tables to determine the satura ed pressure at a saturated sp. vol.
399LBL 'VTOP' subroutine for pressure vs sp. vol.
391 RCL 66 31m of sp. vol.
392 5.64607 E-3 smIynominal curve fit, steam tables 393
- slog P=F(log v) 394 -3.80404 E-2 395 +
396 RCL 06 397
- 398 -9.826 E-1 399 +
400 RCL 06 401
- 402 6.13804 403 +
404 E^X 405 RTH i
Same type or curve fit as above but reversing the variables.
- subroutine for sp. vol. vs pressure 407 RCL 06
- 1oo pressure 408 -5.654866 E-3
- polynominal curve fit, steam tables 409
- slog vs F(log P) 410 6.533169 E-2 411 +
i 412 RCL 06 413
- 414 -1.18461 415 +
416 RCL 06 417
- i 418 6.11698 419 +
i 420 E*X 421 RTN j
To calculate the Y net expansion factor for steam as a function of the minusua dP/P.
Slope of curves from Crane A-22 for k=1.3 has been regressed to determine the slope as a function of X resistance coefficient curves.
Then the value Y can be calculated from dP/P and the slope of the known X resistance coefficient.
LBL 'XTOY' scalc Y from X 2.9793E-2 scoef. c of slope polynominal.
RCL 52 sin (X)
-2.3516E-1 scoef. b
l l
RCL 52
- 1n(X) i
7.677E-1 secef. a j
YAEC-1619 D-25 Oct. 1987 J
i i
Disk filo:
SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 oives slope a a + b(in K) + c(in K)*2
RCL 66 IIvasor dP/P value.
Ifor linear straight line of K curve.
1 X<>Y Inet expan' factor Y = 1 - slope (dP/P) 181
'Ya' 192 ARCL X lappend the value, 193 FS1 18 sif print all flag is set, 194 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
RTN Subroutine to determine the mass rate loss from a hole using the modified Darcy formula on pg 3-4 of Crane.
- subroutine for Iba steam loss.
434 RCL 99
- pressure drop across hole.
435 RCL 07
- resistance coeff for short tube.
436 /
437 RCL 32
- average sp. vol. at Pavg 438 /
439 SQRT 440 RCL 52
- Y net expansion coefficient for steam.
- 442 1891
- factor Crane pg. 3-4 443 +
444 RCL 94 shole diameter, feet.
445 12 446
- tto inches.
447 X'2 448 *
- Ws)891+ Yod'2esqrldP/(Kev)), Crane pg 3-4 g-'s 449 RTH
- see example Crane pg 4-13.
\\,,h This routine as used to time and datestamp the prantout both at the beginning of a run and at any time the user vents to document or view the time and date.
450LBL 'DATSTMP' groutine name.
451 CLA
- clear alpha register.
452 FIX 2 stormat display for minutes only.
453 TIME
- get current time, 454 ATIME sand append it into the alpha, 455
- append 2 spaces, 456 DATE
- get the current dcte, 457 FIX 5
- set display for date formet.
- and append it into the alpha reg.
459 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
460 FIX 2 3 restore the display format.
461 RTH 3end routine.
This subroutine defines the stack release path.
462LBL 'STK'
- the routine name.
kf hor a containment release there is a negative pressure ib he secondary containment, the program switches over to a stack release.
'Y' sentry from CTM with intact plenum.
464 SF 06 sindicate en elevated release.
465 XEQ ' LOC' 3do input prompt for type of LOCA.
466 FIX 1
- set one decimal for next prompt.
Os Input section for the vide range gas monitor instrument for both the uC1/cc and uC1/sec readings, YAEC-1619 D-26 Oct. 1987
Dirk 1'110: SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 O
V 467LBL 33 31abel data register, if repeated.
- WIDE RANGE GAS' 3preprompt for monitor, 469 ** MON. '
Jappend rest of prompt, 470 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
471 FC7 32 sif in auto I/O as standard printer, 472 '(uCI/cc)'
lune the au symbol for u.
473 FS? 32
- but if in manual I/O for dot matrix, 474 '(uCI/cc)*
sthen just use 'u'.for au symbol.
475 32 3 data register assignment.
476 XEQ
'P' sdo general prompt.
477 FC7 32 pagain if in AUTOIO I/0, 478 *(uCI/Sec)*
June au symbol.
479 FS? 32 gif in MANIO I/0, 488 '(uCI/Sec)'
luse 'u' for nu.
481.33 3 data rigister assignment 482 SCI 1 Iset 1 decimal in scientific display.
483 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
484 FIX 1 3 resort to single decimal display.
Convert the readings to a stack flow rate CFM.
The calculated flow rate is checked against the maximum limit of 300,000 cia.
If it exceeds it repeats the prompt.
485 RCL 32 scet uC1/cc data, 486 /
- IuC1/Sec)/(uC1/cc)=cc/Sec 4B7 STO 06 save for future.
488 2.119 E-3
- conversion cc/see per ft3/ min 489 *
- = cubic ft per min up stack.
490 'STK, CFM='
- nessage, stack velocity.
491 ARCL X
- append the CFM, 492 FS? 18 sif in printall mode, 493 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
O 494 300000
- max CFM limit allowed.
495 X<sY?
- 1f cale is greater or equal to max limit.
496 GTO 34
- do routine to indicate flow too great.
Determine the stack velocity at the exit based on the stack diameter.
497 RDH
- 11 not get original value of cfe, 498 4.72 E-5
- conversion, m/sec=cfre 4/(pie (3.57m 499 e
- 3.28ft/m)^2) m/3.20ft
- min /60sec 500 'W0='
- the symbol for stack velocity, 501 ARCL X seppend the value, 502 M/S' peppend units, 533 FS?l8 sif printell mode on, 504 XEQ 'W' sthen print or display it.
505 STO 85 save the stack velocity.
Input for iodine sample if availaole from the stack.
514 ' STK I-131:'
pproprompt for stack iodine sample.
515 XEQ 'W' sprint or display it.
516 FC7 32 311 in AUTOIO I/0, 517 '(uCI/cc)*
luse the nu symbol.
518 FS? 32 sif in MANIO I/0, 519 '(uCI/cc)'
luse the letter
520 64 pdata register assignment.
521 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
Determine the range from the uCi/cc reading and set up the respective calibration factor for the meter.
O 522 RCL 32
- get the uC1,ac data.
523 E2 shigh range ;1mit.
i 524 X<Y1 gif input greater than limit, 525 GTO 03
- jump to higt range.
YAEC-1619 D-27 Oct. 1987
Disk file SBEROMS.LST i
Catalog 2: SEABRDOK 8D Revision date: 19-21 87
-I 526 RDN
- $etbackori$1mitinal input value.
527 E.2
- over range 528 X<Y?
311 input greater than lower limit, 529 GTO 02
- jump to aid range,
- otherwise to low range.
Calfbration factor for low range on the stack WRGM.
532 ' LOW' Ifor low range, 533 2.31 E7 scal
- factor low range, cpa/(uC1/cc) 534 GTO 04
- jump over.
535LBL 02
- eont't 536 'MED' Ifor medium range, 537'l.61 E4
- cal' factor aid range, cpa/(uC1/cc) 538 GTO 04 gjump over.
539LBL 03
- cont' 540 'H1'
- for the high rahge, 541 1.19 E2
- cal' factor high range, cps /(uC1/cc) 542LBL 04
- cont' 543 RCL 32 guCi/cc 544 *
- cal' factor for range = counts / min 545 STO 07 3'save value, conters/ min for stack.
546 RCL 06 sec/sec up stack.
547 *
- ' countsemin=(ce counts)/(see min) 548 STO 90 isave valt.e.
O Make up the label from the range and the loca type so that the respective J(t) can be calculated from the proper subroutir.e.
549 FIX 0
- no decimals, 550 CF 29 sclear digit flag to make integer display, 551 ARCL 29 pappend the LOCA type to range label.
552 FS7 18 311 printall mode on, 553 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
554 AST0 L galpha store in L reg.
- execute indirect label for J(t) value.
Calculate the release rate for both the whole body gamma and the iodine if an iodine sample has been input.
556 ST' 00
- (uC1/ce)/ cpm
- (ce counts)/(see min) 557 FS? 18 gif the printall mode on, 558 XEQ 19
- then printout the J(t) value.
559 SF 29 prestore to normal decimal display.
560 RCL 64
- get the iodine sample uCi/cc.
561 RCL 06 sec/sec up stack.
562 *
- = uCi/sec iodine up stack.
563 STO 60
- save value.
564 GTO 'RE'
- go to release subroutine.
This routine defines the release path out of the mainsteam line.
565LBL 'MSL' 31abel for main steam line release.
566 CF 06 31ndicate a ground release.
567 'MSL, MR/HR' 3 prompt for monitor reading, 568 10 3 data register assignment.
The steam line uses a hybrid type loca called type 2, it is a default input.
YAEC-1619 D-28 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 V.O 570 2 stype 2 LOCA used, 571 STO 29 save it in loca reg.
Make up the label from characters MS and the loca type so that the respective J(t) can be calculated from the proper subroutine.
572 'MS' sist part of label.
573 FIX 0
- no decimals and 574 CF 29 sclear digit flag to make integer display.
i 575 ARCL 29 sappnd the loca number to the MS, 576 ASTO L 3put label in the L register, 577 XEQ IND L land do indirect address to get J(t).
578 FS7 18 gif printall mode on, 579 XEQ 19
- then printout the J(t) value.
580 STO 90 land save J(t).
581 SF 29 3 restore desplay for decimals.
Go to the secondary steam line subroutine for the data input and to determine the flow rate thru the steam relief valves.
Apply the J(t) value and the radiction Irvel to determine the release rate.
582 XEQ 'YLV' 3do the steam line input prompts.
583 RCL 00
- get J(t) 584 +
585 RCL 10
- get ar/hr from monitor.
- 587 STO 00
- save the release rate, uCi/sec.
There is a default iodine-131 to whole body ratio for the
exposure to en iodine release.
The lodine as not able to be sampled for a steam line release.
- the default iodine /whole body ratio.
589 *
- the uC1/sec iodine equivalent.
590 STO 60
- save it.
591 GTO 'RE'
- go to release subroutine.
592 RTH send of subroutine.
1 This routine is to input the loca t either type 1 or 3 for releases.ype,The main steam loca is a the stack and containment hybrid 2 between 1 and 3.
593LBL ' LOC'
- routine to input the loca type.
594 'LOCA (1,3)'
3 prompt sessage.
595 FIX 0 ino decimals.
596 CF 29 3 clear digit flag to make integer display.
597 1 Ithe default type loca.
598 STO 29
- save it as integer, 599 SF 00 gand cet flag 00 to indicate default.
i 600 29 3 data register assignment.
1 601 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
602 SF 29 3 restore display to decimal.
603 1 stest value 604 X=Y1 gif input value = test, 605 RTN send routine.
606 RDH sif not, get original value input, 607 3
- test value.
I 608 X=Y?
sif input value = test, 609 RTM pend routine, 610 TONE 9
- otherwise make tone, s
611 GTO ' LOC' land repeat the prompt.
612LBL 19 sto print, if needed.
YAEC-1619 D-29 Oct. 1987
Dick filo:
SBEROM5.LST Catalog 2: SEABRDOK 8D Revision date: 10-21-87 O
613 'J(t)='
IJ(t) dose conversion factor.
614 SCI 4 sto 4 places.
615 ARCL X lappend the value, 616 XEQ 'W' land print or display it.
617 RTH send routine.
618LPL 34 shigh stack flow rate routine.
619 TONE
- Isake tone.
620 'CFM > '
land print message,lue of 621 ARCL X Jappnd the text va 396000.
622 XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
623 GTO IND 31 3 return to routine via data register ID.
624 RTM lend routine.
625 END O
1 O
YAEC-1619 D-30 Oct. 1987
Disk file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 O
SEABROOK STATION HP-41 EMERGENCY DOSE PROJECTION PROGRAR LISTING AND COMMENTS by Nichael Krabach Yankee Nuclear Services Division October 26, 1987 This prwras listing is for the 4K module identified in the Cat 2 as SEABRMK 8E it is located at page 14 (E Hex), and assigned XROM 08.
The documentation file is SBEROM6.LST.
This routine loads the EPZ terrain elevations for all points of the compass into the main memory of the HP-41CX from 0.6 to 10 miles from the plant.
The elevations are in feet above sea level 01LBL 'TER' gloads the EPZ terrain elevations.
- version for Seabrook.
02 'REV 9-24-85' 11atest rev.
03 ' LOADING ELEV' Inessaae while terrain is loadino, 04 CF 21
- disable the printer, display only shown.
05 AVIEW 3and view it.
96 FS7 55
- if printer is attached, 07 SF 21
- enable the printer.
08 20 ifor N sector, an elevation, col 1, row 1 09 XEQ 44
- 1oad it.
10 20 gelevation for col 2, row 1, 11 XEQ 44
- 1oad it.
12 10
- etc. for the 11 columns and 16 rows.
13 XEQ 44 O,
14 60 15 XEQ 44 16 120 17 XEQ 44 18 135 19 XEQ 44 20 100 21 XEQ 44 22 106 23 XEQ 44 24 120 25 XEQ 44 26 214 27 XEQ 44 28 280 29 XEQ 44 30 20 31 XEQ 44 starting the NNE sector.
32 5 33 XEQ 44 34 10 35 XEQ 44 36 80 37 XEQ 44 38 se 39 XEQ 44 40 100 41 XEL 44 42 140 43 XEQ 44 44 109 45 XEQ 44 46 100 47 XEQ 44 48 95 49 XEQ 44 50 80 51 XEQ 44 52 20 YAEC-1619 E-1 Oct. 1987
._ w
t 4
Disk filet SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABRDOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 53 XEQ 44
- starting the NE sector.
54 5 55 XEQ 44 1
56 5 x
57 XEQ 44 54 48 59 XEQ 44 i
60 40 t
61 XEQ 44 62 40 63 XEQ 44 64 50 65 XEQ 44 66 40 67 XEQ 44 68 40 69 XEQ 44 70 30 71 XEQ 44 72 40 L
73 XEQ 44 74 20 75 XEQ 44
- starting the ENE sector.
76 5 77 XEQ 44 78 10 79 XEQ 44 80 40 81 XEQ 44
82 5 83 XEQ 44 84 0 2
85 XEQ 44 86 0 87 XEQ 44 88 0 89 XEQ 44 90 0 91 XEQ 44 92 0 93 XEQ 44 94 0 95 XEQ 41 I
96 20 1
97 XEQ 44
- starting the E sector.
98 5 99 XEQ 44 I
IJO 10 101 XEQ 44 102 5 l
103 XEQ 44 les 0 105 XEQ 44 106 0 107 XEQ 44 108 0 109 XEQ 44 j
lie 0 111 XEQ 44
112 0 j
113 XEQ 44 4
114 0 115 XEQ 44 3
116-0 117 XEQ 44 118 20 O
119 XEQ 44
- starting the ESE sector.
J 120 10 l
121 XEQ 44 122 20 123 XEQ 44 a
l YAEC-1619 E-2 Oct. 1987 i
Disk file:
Revision datet 10-26-87 124 5 125 XEQ 44 126 0 127 XEQ 44 128 9 129 XEQ 44 130 0 131 XEQ 44 132 0 133 XEQ 44 134 0 135 XEQ 44 136 0 137 XEQ 44 138 9 139 XEQ 44 140 20 141 XEQ 44
- starting the SE se-
- tor.
142 10 143 XEQ 44 144 20 145 XEQ 44 146 20 147 XEQ 44 148 0 149 XEQ 44 150 0 151 XEQ 44 l
152 0 153 XEQ 44 154 0 155 XEQ 44 J
156 0
157 XEQ 44 158 0 159 XEQ 44 i
160 0 161 XEQ 44 162 20 163 XEQ 44
- starting the SSE sector.
164 10 165 XEQ 44 166 10 i
167 XEQ 44 168 20 4
169 XEQ 44 170 10 171 XEQ 44 172 20 173 XEQ 44 174 20 175 XEQ 44 176 40 177 XEQ 44 4
178 40 179 XEQ 44 180 50 4
18' XEQ 44 182 30 183 XEQ 44 184 20 185 XEQ 44 gatarting the S sector.
186 20 187.XEQ 44 188 40 i
189 XEQ 44 190 50 191 XEQ 44 1
192 30 1
li 193 XEQ 44 194 20 l
YAEC-1619 E-3 Oct. 1987 i
T ;r~
y s
Dick fian e,geROM6. LST '
' / Catalog 2: GEABROON 8E
' Revision date: 10~26-87 r\\,
O l f 195 XEQ 44 j
- r 4
196 35 197 XEQ 44 198 60 199 XEQ 44
200 60
201 XEQ 44 s
x 202 168 203 XEQ 44 204 70 r
205 XEQ 44 206 20 v'
207 XEQ 4'
- starting SSW sector.
208 20 209 XEQ 44 210 55 211 XEQ 44 212 80 213 XEQ 44 214 50
215 XEQ 3.4 216 50 217 XEQ 44 218 110 219 XEA 44 220 100 221 XEQ 44 222 135 223 XEQ 44 224 90 225 XEQ 44 226 100 227 XEQ 44 228 20
229 XEQ 44
- stneting the SW sector.
230 40 231 XEQ 44 l
232 60 233 XEQ 44 234 170 235 XEQ 44
236 140 237 XEQ 44 238 190
239 XEQ 44 240 210 241 XEQ 44 242 239 243 XEQ 44 244 170 245 XEQ 44 246 248 247 XEQ 44 248 220 249 XEQ 44 250 20 251 XEQ 44
- starting the WSW sector.
252 40 253 XEQ 44 254 70 255 XEQ 44 256 170 257 XEQ 44 258 238 259 XEQ 44 260 331 0
261 XEQ 44 262 256 263 XEQ 44 264 319 265 XEQ 44 YAEC-1619 E-4 Oct. 1987
Disk file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 O
266 240 267 XEQ 44 268 271 269 XEQ 44 270 315 271 XEQ 44 272 20 273 XEQ 44
- starting the W sector 274 40 275 XEQ 44 276 100 277 XEQ 44 278 120 279 XEQ 44 280 220 281 XEQ 44 282 33a 283 XEQ 44 284 318 285 XEQ 44 286 280 287 XEQ 44 288 307 289 XEQ 44 290 210 291 XEQ 44 292 220 293 XEQ 44 294 20 295 XEQ 44
- starting the WNW sector.
296 40 297 XEQ 44 O'
298 60 299 XEQ 44 300 246 301 XEQ 44 302 210 303 XEQ 44 304 274 305 XEQ 44 306 265 307 XEQ 44 308 296 309 XEQ 44 310 241 1
311 XEQ 44 312 260 313 XEQ 44 314 205 315 XEQ 44 316 20 317 XEQ 44
- starting the NW sector.
318 20 319 XEQ 44 320 100 321 XEQ 44 322 100 323 XEQ 44 324 180 325 XEQ 44 326 100 327 XEQ 44 328 100 329.XEQ 44 339 100 31t XEQ 44
322 100
333 XEQ 44 334 180 335 XEQ 44 336 160 YAEC-1619 E-5 Oct. 1987
,.. - ~.. -.
Dick filo: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 C\\
k-l 337 XEQ 44 338 20 339 XEQ 44
- starting the NHW sector.
340 20 341 XEQ 44 342 60 343 XEQ 44 344 80 345 XEQ 44 346 100 347 XEQ 44 348 140 349 XEQ 44 350 160 351 XEQ 44 352 223
-353 XEQ 44 354 160 355 XEQ 44 356 210 357 XEQ 44 358 290 359 XEQ 44 360LBL 44
- subroutine to load the data into RAM.
361 STO IND 99 save data in addrress by pointer, 362 ISG 99
- increment the pointer for next data.
363 RTH
- subroutine return.
364 GTO ' KEY'
- return addreas lost an above XEQ's.
- must use GTO to return to main program.
365 EHD
- end module.
This routine determines the plume standard deviation coefficients for the calculation of sigma y and sigma 2 from eq.(22).
Internally the routine also calls for the building vake and meandering factors and finally the gamma X/Q dispersion.
The routine is entered using the stability class global labels, not the SIGCOEF label.
- cale signa coefficients.
- version for Seabrook.
03 'REV 10-26-87'
- current revision.
Depending on the stabilit class, different coefficients for sigma y and sigma z are pul ed from the from Table 3.2.2, release.g 64.
p Sigma z is also a function of distance from the itm Table 3.2.2 values for sigma z for <100m are Agnored, only leJ-1000m and >1000m are used.
- for stability class A, 05.3658
- siona y Coef a, 06 XEQ 50
- cale signa y.
07 FS? 04
- if distance less than 800 m, 08 GTO 00
- jump to different coef's for sigma z l
09 -9.6
- otherwise Coef c, 10 ENTER ^
- and Coef b, 12 ENTER ^
l 13 2.094 Jand Coef a, 14 GTO 51
- cale sigma z.
15LBL 00
- continue for sigma z at less than 800 m.
16 9.27
- Ccef c, 17 ENTER ^
O 18.00066 Jand Coef b, 19 ENTER ^
20 1.941 land Coef a, 21 GTO ul scale sigma z.
YAEC-1619 E-6 Oct. 1987
Disk file:
SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 O
'B' Ifor stability class B, do as above.
23.2751 24 XEQ 50 25 FS? 04 26 GTO 00 27 2 28 ENTER ^
29.055 30 ENTER ^
31 1.098 32 GTO 51 33LBL 00 34 3.3 J5 ENTER ^
36.038 37 ENTER ^
38 1.149 39 GTO 51 40LBL
- for stability class C, do as above.
41.2089 42 XEQ 50 43 FS? 04 44 GTO 00 45 0 46 ENTER" 47.113 48 ENTER ^
49.911 i
50 GTO 51 1
em (s_/
51LBL 00 i
52 0 l
- 54.113 55 ENTER ^
56.911 57 GTO 51 58LBL
- for stability class D, do as above.
59.1471 60 XEQ 50 61 FS? 04 62 GTO 00 63 -13 64 ENTER ^
65 1.26 66 ENTER ^
67.516 68 GTO 51 69LBL 00 70 -1.7 71 ENTER ^
72.222 73 ENTER ^
74.725 75 GTO 51 76LBL
- for stability class F, do as above.
77.1046 78 XEQ 50 79 FS? 04 80 GTO 00 O'
81 -34 82 ENTER ^
83 6.73 84 ENTER ^
85.305 YAEC-1619 E-7 Oct. 1987
Disk file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 f
86 GTO 51 87LBL 00 88 -1.3 89 ENTER ^
90.211 91 ENTER ^
92.678 93 GTO 51 94LBL
- for stability class F, do as above.
95.0722 96 XEQ 50 97 FS? 04 98 GTO 90
. 99 -48.6 100 ENTER ^
101 18.05 102 ENTER ^
103.18 104 GTO 51 105LBL 00 106
.35 107 ENTER ^
108.086 109 ENTER ^
110.74 111 GTO 51 112LBL
- for statility class G, so as above.
113.0481 0
114 XEQ 50 115 FS7 04 116 GTO 00 117 -29.2 118 ENTER ^
119 10.83 120 ENTER ^
121.18 122 GTO 51 123LBL 00 124
.21 125 ENTER ^
126.052 1
127 ENTER ^
128.74 129 GTO 51 130LBL 50
- calc sigma y.
131 FIX 1
- set decimal in displa
- put message in alpha.y.
132 'SIGY="
133 RCL 26
- get the distance to receptor.
l 134 CF 04 preset distance flag.
135.6 gequal to 800 meters.
136 X>Y?
- 1s distance less than 800 m?
137 SF 04 set the flag 138 RDN
- restore the distance.
139 1609
- meters per mile.
140 +
141 STO 28
- save the meters to rece
- Coef b for all classes,ptor.
142.9031 and Coef c=0, 143 Y^X 144 *
- sigma y=a+x^b+c 145 STO 11
- save it, O
146 ARCL X Jand append it to the alpha message.
147 FS? 02 Jis it for sigma y at 800 m?
148 at 800m' gif so append message.
149 FS? 18
- is print all flag set?
150 XEQ 'W'
- then print or display it.
YAEC-1619 E-8 Oct. 1987
1 Dick filo:
SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87
8 i
151 RTH
- subroutine return.
1 i
152LBL 51 scale sigma z.
153 FS?C 02 lif signa y was done, 154 RTH 3 return, don't do signa 2.
155 'SIGZ='
- message in alpha.
156 RCL 28
- get distance in meters.
157 X<>Y 158 Y^X 159
- 160 +
- sigma z=a+x b+c eq.(22) a RCL 13
- get the mixing layer height
- 0. 8 311mit factor
- 11mit of 0.8 + mixing height layer, 162 X>Y?
- if less than the limit, 163 RDN precover sigma z, 164 STO 12 1 store the current value in x-reg.
165 ARCL X
- append it to the alpha reg.
166 FS? 18
- if nrint all flag is set, 167 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
168 FC7 06
- if this is a ground release, 169 XEQ 'WAK+ MEA'
- do building vake and meandering factors.
170 CF 04
- reset the 800 m distance flag.
171 RCL 12
- get the signa z or signa zm, RCL 13
- get the mixing layer height
- 0. 8 311mit factor
- 11mit of 0.8 + mixing height layer,
- if less than the limit, RDH
- recover sigma zm.
172 RCL 11
- and get the sigma y or sigma ym, 173
- 174 SQRT
- sigma avgasqrt(sig y+sig z), eq(44) pg 59 C) 175 STO 15
- save it.
176 "SIGAVG='
- message in alpha, 177 ARCL X
- append the value.
178 FS7 18
- 1f print all flag set, 179 XEQ "W'
- print or display it.
180 LH
- c.mpress it for later UX/Q curves.
181 STO 16
- and save it.
182 RCL 89
- get the plume height.
183 X^2
- squart it, 184 RCL 14
- receptor offset from plume centerline.
185 1609
- meters per mile.
186 +
187 X^2
- square it, 188 +
i 189 SQRT sd=sqrt(sum of squares), eq. (45) pg 59 190 ST0 17 save it.
- message to alpha, 192 ARCL X
- append the value,
193 FS? 18
- 11 print all flag is set?
1 194 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
195 RCL 15
- get signa avg.
196 /
- d/ signa avg, l
197 STO 23
- save it.
198 'd/SIG='
- message to alpha, 199 ARCL X
- append the value, 200 FS? 18 lif print all flag is set, 201 XEQ 'W" pprint or display it.
202 XE0 'UX/Q'
- cale the gamma diffusion coefficients 203 FS? 19 lif test mode is on, 204 RTH
- end subroutine and return The vertical reflection factor Fz is calculated according to the eq.(47) on pg. 59 and eq.(20) on pg.43.
Note that in eq. ( 47),
O the term (2(2pi)^.5)/ sigma zm is also in eq. (20a) for epsilon and therefore cancels out.
The resulting formula for Fz is the aum of the series exp-(( lue of the term when j=0.h+2j+L)^2)/(2(sigma za)^2)3 for j=-2 to
all divided by the va YAEC-1619 E-9 Oct. 1987
. - = -_- -_ _.
Disk file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 O'
205LBL 'FZ'
- cale the vertical reflection factor Fz.
206 RCL 89 sget the plume height, h RCL 13
- mixing layer height.
208 X<Y?
- is h greater than 900 meters?
209 STO 89 save the limit of 900 m.
210 CLX
- otherwise clear x= reg.
211 STO 25 Jand clear current value.
212 -2.002
- counter for 2 reflections, up and down.
213 STO 88
- save the counter.
RCL 12
- get sigma zu.
RCL 13
- get the mixing layer height 0.8
- limit factor
- limit of 0.8
- mixing height layer, X>Y?
- ifsifzusingformulaeq.(20s)me zu greater or equal to limit scale and(4h)
GTO 10 If sigma zm is equal or greater than 0.8
- L, the F2 must be caluculated a different way.
Fz= signa zu esqrt(2pi)/(2La exp-(h^2/2 sigma zm^2)), eq.(74).
RCL 13
- mixing layer height.
- eps
- 1/ L, eg.(20b)
STO 76
- save 1/L for use in eq.(17) 2 PI
RCL 12
- sigma zm RCL 89
- plume height, h X^2 2
RCL 12
- sigma zm X^2
- Fz ST0 25
- save the reflection factor, F2.
GTO 11
- ] ump over LBL 10 When si zm is less than
- 0. 8 L,
calc Fz using a series f ormula. g ma 214LBL 10
- 1oop routine to cale the reflections.
215 RCL 88
- get current reflection counter.
216 INT
- take integer 217 X=0?
- if zero, 218 SF 00
- flag to save denominator, 219 RCL 13
- mixing layer height 2
- 2+L in exponent 220 *
- j 221 RCL 89
- plume height, h 222 -
223 X^2 224 RCL 12
- sigma zm 225 X^2 226 /
227 2 I
O 228 /
229 CHS 230 EaX 3exp-((-h+2jeL)^2)/(2(sigma za)^2))
231 FS?C 00 pif last loop for
- save denominator.j=0?
232 STO 30
,,9 YAEC-1619 E-10 Oct. 1987
Disk file:
S3EROM6.LST Catalog 2; SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 tN k
233 FS? 19
- if in test mode, 234 VIEW X
- view the intermediate reflections.
235 ST+ 25
- sum the reflection factors.
236 ISG 88
- increment for next reflection.
237 GTO 10
- 1oop back for next reflection.
238 RCL 25
- get sum of Fz factors.
239 SF 25 pprepare for failure.
240 RCL 30
- get Fz at j=0, 241 /
- normalize the sum of reflectons, 242 FC7 25
- if it can't be done, 243 1
- use value of 1.
LBL 11 scont label when sigma zu >= 0.8*L 244 "Fz==
- message in alpha, 245 ARCL X
- append the value, 246 FS7 18 gif print all flag is set, 247 XEQ 'W' sprint or display it.
248 STO 88 Jand save it.
250 FS7 19
- 1f in test mode, 251 RTH
- return from subroutine.
249 ST* 21
- multiply the uX/Q by reflection factor.
Change the UX/Q to X/Q to satisfy eq.(17) 252 'X/Q="
- message in alpha for gamma X/Q.
253 RCL 21
- uX/Q, 254 RCL 03
- wind speed u, 255 /
256 2.24
- conversion, sph
- X/Q=(uX/Q)+2.24/per m/sec fg 257 +
258 SCI 3
- scientific display
259 ARCL X
- append value, 260 F37 18 261 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
Determine the vertical Gaussian diaribution, epsilon in eq.(20c),
by extracting it from Fz in eq.(47), or if sigma zu >= 0.8L already have epsilon.
262 2
- solve for vertical Gaussian distribution 266 PI 267 e 268 SQRT 269 STO 01
- temporary save sqrt(2pi) 263 RCL 12 peigma zm which is never > 0.8L meters RCL 13
- get the mixing layer height
- 0. 8
- 11mit factor
- 0.8 + mixing height layer,per eq.(20b)
- if sigma zm =0.8L must have used eq.(20b)
GTO 12
- already have eps from 1/L, skip j
- get original sigma zm 2
X<>Y 264 /
32/sigzm RCL 01
- get sqrt(.
- (2e(2pi)^(pi).5))/sigzm 270 /
271 RCL 88
- Fz 272 +
j 273 RCL 30
- exp(-1/2(h/sigzm)^2) 274 +
i peps 11on from rearranged eq.(47)
I 275 STO 76
- save epsilon.
\\m, Determine the horizontal plume distribution, nu, eq.(21) pg.44.
LBL 12 scont from eps = 1/L RCL 76
- epellon YAEC-1619 E-11 Oct. 1987 w,
Dick file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 O
276 RCL 11
- for nu=((2pi)^(.5))/sigym, get sigym, s
277 /
278 RCL 01
- get sqrt(2 pi) 279 /
Determine X/Q from X/Quepsilon+nu/(v+2.24), eq.(17) pg 41.
280 RCL 03
- wind speed v=u 281 /
282 2.24 Imph per m/sec 283 *
- X/Q=eps11ononu/(ve2.24),
eq.(17) pg 41 284 STO 65 save it.
285 FS?C 11
- if in test mode TSTX/Q, 286 GTO 01
- skip dry and wet depoe.ition factors.
287 XEQ 'DDEP'
- cale the dry de ooition factor.
RCL 22 Iget the cuaulat ve Fd term.
- for dry deposition, 289 ARCL X
- append the value, 290 FS? 18
- 1f print all mode on, 291 XEQ 'W'
- then print or display it.
292 ST* 65
- deplete X/Q for dry deposition, eq.(36) 293 XEQ 'WDEP'
- cale the wet deposition factor.
- for vet deposition, 295 ARCL X
- sppend the value, 296 FS? 18
- 1f print all mode on, 297 XEQ 'W'
- then print or display it.
298 X/=0?
- if the factor is not zero, 299 ST* 65
- deplete X/Q for dry deposition, e.g. (36 )
300LBL 01
- cont label 301 RCL 65
- get depleted X/Q 302 'X/Q THY ='
- enter message in alpha, 303 ARCL X
- append the value, 304 FS? 18
- 1f print all flag set, 305 XEQ 'W'
- print or display it.
306 FIX 2 pset display decimals.
307 FS? 03
- 1f doing sigma y800, 308 RTH
- skip plume width.
Determine the plume width for 99% of the plume.
The normal curve is solved as a quadratic equation for d/ sigma using the UX/Q at the plume edge.
The proper value in the quadratic is obtained by using the (b+sqrt) term vs (b-sqrt).
309 FIX 0
- no decimals.
310 CF 29 Jand no indexes, for interger mode.
311 CLA iclear alpha register.
312 99
- the percentage plume width, 314 ARCL X
- append the value to alpha, 315 lappend percent sign.
316 100 317 X<>Y 318 -
- 100%-99%=1%
319 RCL 21 lux /Q at centerline 320 X<>Y 321 %
- 1% of uX/Q at the edge of 99% of plume.
323 RCL 18
- coef 'a' for normal sigma curve.
324 /
I1n(y/a) where y=uX/Q 325 LN 326 RCL 20 scoef 'c'for normal sigma curve.
327 e ithe sqrt term in the quadratic.
(,N) 329 X<Y?
- result can not be negative, 328 0 itest value 330 RDH puse positive value, otherwise use zero.
331 SQRT YAEC-1619 E-12 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 8E Revision date: 10-26-87
[ )
332 RCL 19
- coef "b'
for normal signa curve.
333 +
334 RCL 15
- sigava 335 *
- d = plume width to centerline.
336 2 337 *
- plume total width 338 1609
- meters per mile 339 /
3 plume width in miles.
340 SF 29 3 restore decimal index.
341 FIX 2
- sot decimal places.
342 *~PLM WIDTH =*
pappend message to alpha, 343 ARCL X pappend the value, gappend units, lay it.
344 *~ MI'
- print or disp 345 XEQ 'W' 346 FIX 1
- restort to one decimal place.
347 RTH
- subroutine return.
348LBL 'W'
- general print or display routine.
349 FS? 55 gif the printer attached, 350 PRA 3 print out alpha, do not display.
351 FS? 55 gif the printer attached, 352 RTH
- end subroutine.
353 PSE
- pause to view it if print all not on.
354 FS7 18
- is the print all flag is set, 355 STOP
- stop to write the answer.
356 RTH
- end subroutine.
357 END
- end module.
333333333333333333333E3333333333333333E333333333333333333E33333EE Determine the gamma diffusion factor.
Nested polynominals are used to determine the coef's for rarmal dispersion curves based on
The d/ sigma values are divided into 3 fx s e c t I"o n s,e x p ( x - b > 2 / C.
from 0 to 2,
from 0 to 4,
and from 4 to 10, to Q
facilitate the forcing of the curves to duplicate the gamma diffusion factor.
Verification of the curves is performed by the BASIC program GAMMALL. BAS which uses data generated by running the executable Fortran program CALCQ on the CDC computer.
For user input the CALCQ for 21 U'X/Q d/ sigma of 0.0. generates datawas generated for l
intervals of d/ sigma, This data values starting at 23 different sigma values from 5 to 2200.
The Fortran generated data is used as data in the program GAMMALL. BAS which calculates the U'X/Q for the altered normal curves.
The calculated results are compared with the Fortram generated data, from which the absolute difference and the % error are printed out.
01LBL 'UX/Q'
- game.. diffusion coefficient.
- for Seabrook.
03 'REV 7-15-86*
- current revision date.
04 RCL 23
- get d/ sigma 05 2.1 scheck d/ sigma range, 06 X>Y?
- is d/ sigma less than 2.17 d
07 GTO 52
- then jump to 0-2 d/sig section.
q 08 RDN
- 1f not get original value 09 4
- check d/ sigma less than 4,
10 X>Y?
- is d/ signa less than 47 11 GTO 54
- then jump to 0-4 d/sig section.
12 GTO 56
- otherwise is >than 4, goto 4-10 section.
13LBL 52
- determine coef's for d/sig = 0-2 range.
14 RCL 15
- get siama avg.
15 400 prange limit on sigma.
16 X<=Y?
- if sigma greater or = t; 400, 17 GTO 53
- then use different formulae for coef.
18 -2.0502129 E-2 Ifor coef
'a', nested log-log polynominal 19 RCL 16
- get In(sigavg)
21 1.1561967 E-1 22 +
YAEC-1619 E-13 Oct. 1987
Dick filo: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 23 RCL 16 24 +
25 -1.1765445 26 +
27 RCL 16 28
- 29 -5.9047603 30 +
31 E^X sentilog the result.
32 STO 18
- save coefficient a.
33 -2.3052561 E-2 Ifor coef
'b' 34 RCL 16 35 +
36 5.1894159 E-1 37 +
38 RCL 16 39 +
40 -4.7953137 41 +
42 RCL 16 43 +
44 2.3186636 El 45 +
46 RCL 16 47 +
48 -6.1838317 El 49 +
50 RCL 16 51
- 52 8.595271 El 53 +
54 RCL 16 O
55 +
56 -4.9826171 El 57 +
58 E^X
- antilog the result.
59 CHS
- invert sign 60 STO 19
- save coefficient b.
61 2.95246 E-2
- for coefficient
'c' 62 RCL 16 63 +
64 -3.8735401 E-1 65 +
66 RCL 16 67 +
68 1.2951464 69 +
70 RCL 16 71 +
72 5.4500807 E-1 73 +
74 EaX santilog the result, 75 CHS
- invert the sign, 76 STO 20
- save coefficient c.
77 GTO 58 78LBL 53
- if sigma is 400 or greater, 79 1.6053727 E-2 sfor coef.
80 RCL 16 81
- 82 -3.5920255 E-1 83 +
84 RCL 16 85
- 86 6.8638363 E-1 O
87 +
88 RCL 16 89 +
90 -7.8657785 YAEC-1619 E-14 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM6.LST C telog 2: SEABROOK BE Revision date 10-26-87 10 t
91 +
92 E*X jantilog the result, 93 STO 18 save coefficient a.
94 4.7463555 El
- for coefficient
'b' 95 RCL 16 96 +
97 -1.9630228 E3 98 +
99 RCL 16 4
- 101 3.3785589 E4 102 +
103 RCL 16 104 +
105 -3.0972811 E5 106 +
107 RCL 16 108 +
109 1.5950991 E6 110 +
111 RCL 16 112 +
113 -4.3754134 E6 114 +
115 RCL 16 116 +
117 4.9940563 E6 118 +
119 E*X
- antilog the result.
120 STO 19
- save coefficient b.
121 -1.6085514 E-2
- for coefficient "c' O
122 RCL 16 123 +
124 3.5993837 E-1 125 +
126 RCL 16 127 +
128 -2.694493 129 +
130 RCL 16 131 +
132 7.4420682 133 +
134 EaX
- antilog the result, 135 CHS
- invert the sign.
136 STO 20
- aave coefficient c.
137 GTO 58
- skip over.
1 138LBL 54
- deterine coefficients for d/nig = 0-4 139 RCL 15
- get sigma avg.
140 600 split the polynomials for solving at 600 141 X<=Y?
- is it greater or equal to sigma 6007 142 GTO 55
- then jump to routine for >= 600 sigma.
143 7.2929997 E-3
- otherwise do it for < 600 sigma.
144 RCL 16 145 +
146 -2.0558545 2-1 147 +
148 RCL 16 149 +
150 2.4355402 151 +
152 RCL 16 153 +
0 154 -1.5338512 El 155 +
156 RCL 16 157 +
YAEC-1619 E-15 Oct. 1987
Disk files SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E ile:
SBEROM6.LST Revision date: 10-26-87 g 2: SEABROOK 8E on date: 10-26-87
-v 345 E2 78 El Isave coefficient a.
937 E-3 il7 E-2 1638 E-1 204 1
1 3819 l
4 f
- save coefficient b.
1759 E-2 13211 E-1 2324 E-1 5
34866 6
- 0 smave coefficient c.
- skip over.
- polynominal if sigma is greater then 600, 379861 E-2 16 15213 E-1 16.
- 10 16 4
.9 E-16 Oct. 1987 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 s
294 X<=Y?
- if sigma greater or equal to 75, 295 GTO 54
- go to different polynominals.
l 296 5.4033322 E-7 297 RCL 15 298
- 299 -8.03236 E-5 300 +
301 RCL 15 302
- 303 8.8079508 E-4 304 +
305 RCL 15 306 +
307 -2.6729988 E-1 308 +
309 RCL 15 310
- 311 -9.1442381 312 +
313 EaX 314 STO 18
- save coefficient a.
315 -1.3852967 E-5 316 RCL 15 317 +
318 1.0022252 E-3 319 +
320 RCL 15 321 +
322 6.468012 E-1 323 +
324 RCL 15 (g
325 +
326 1.1011196 El 327 +
328 STO 19
- save coefficient b.
329 6.9745328 E-5 330 RCL 15 331 +
332 -2.0709247 E-2 333 +
334 RCL 15 335 +
336 1.5796957 337 +
338 RCL 15 339 +
340 7.9927491 El 341 +
342 STO 20 save coefficient c.
Solve the normal distribution for the approximate UX/Q value.
343LBL 58
- solve the normal distribution, 344 RCL 23 345 RCL 19 346 -
347 X^2 348 RCL 20 349 /
350 E^X 351 RCL 18 352
- suX/Q=a+expl((d/sig)-b)^2/c) 353 STO 21
- save the value.
O 354 SCI 3
- display scientific notation.
355 'uX/Q='
- put message into alpha.
356 ARCL X pappend the value, 357 FS7 18
- 1f print all mode on, YAEC-1619 E-18 Oct. 1987
Dick filo: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87
5) 358 XEQ *W'
- print or display it.
359 RTM
- end subroutine, 360 END pend of module.
3353333333333333333333333333335533333333333EU3333333333555533233E This section determines the dry deposition factor, Fd, from eq.(38), pgs 55 where the step dx is the distance from the last receptor to the current receptor.
For MULDIS, dx is first 0.6 mile, then 1 mile for each mile out to 10 miles.
For OKDIS the mile values in registers 71 - 74 are used to determine the dx between receptors.
Fd is the only term in the program that is dependent upon a previous value for an earlier receptor distance.
In DIS, the integral eq. (37) is approximated by assuming eps at 10 m is zero, which is accurate for the stable elevated releases, less accurate for unstable elevated and even less accurate for all classes of the ground releases.
This approximation for DIS will predict less fallout than what will be obtained from MULDIS or QK?IS.
For these latter routines eq.(38) is more easily solved by the relation that the end Fd is determined by Fd E Fdi
+ Fdi+1
- Fdi+2
- Fdi+3 +
which is done by register multiplication, than by integrating the integral.
- dry deposition label.
- for seabrook.
02 'REV 10-26-87'
- current revision.
RCL 26
- current distance,
- the let receptor distance, X<Y5
- if not at first loop in MULDIS of QKDIS, GTO 00
- skip resetting 0 miles epsilon.
This fits an average value of epsilon for 10 eeters to.6 miles g
that is used and averaged with the.6 mile epsilon to determine the first value of Fd.
- clear alpha register.
- get the stability class.
- convert to ASCII in the x-reg.
- coef b for power fit to eps.
Y^X 1.283E-69
- coef a i
- eps3 asASCII^b FS7 06
- if a elevated release, CLX
- eps is zero, otherwise use calc value.
STO 24
- eps to average with eps at 0.6 mi.
LBL 00
- cont label, l
03 72
- ASCII value for letter H J
04 CLA
- clear alpha register.
05 ARCL 08
- append the stability class, 06 AT0X
- put ASCII value in x-reg.
07 MOD
- nodulus 72, remainder = stability label 08 GTO IND X
- jump to proper class subroutine.
09LBL 01
- for G stability class.
10.0008 Ivalue for Vu from pg. 55 for G class.
11 GTO 08 texit l
12LBL 02
- for F stability class.
- value for Vu from pg. 55 for F class.
14 GTO 08 15LBL 03
- for E stability class.
- value for Vu from pg. 55 for E class.
17 GTO 08 Ih 18LBL 04
- for D stability class.
\\s /
- value for Vu from pg. 55 for D class.
20 GTO 08 YAEC-1619 E-19 Oct. 1987
Dick f110: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 21LBL 05
- for C stability class.
- value for Vu from pg. 55 for C class.
23 GTO 08 24LBL 06
- for B stability class.
- value for Vu from pg. 55 for B class.
26 GTO 08 27LBL 07
- for A stability class.
- value for Vu from pg. 55 for A class.
29LBL 08 scont label for Fd.
30 RCL 76
- get eps(i) at the current distance.
31 *EPS='
- message in alpha, units 1/ meters 32 ARCL X 3 append epsilon.
33 FS? 18 lif printall mode on, 34 XEQ 'W'
- print or display epsilon.
RCL 24
- previous distance epsilon.
- average epsilon between Xi and Xi+1
- Vu + avg eps.
RCL 26
- current distance, RCL 42
- previous distance,
- dx distance.
36 +
- Vu + avg eps + delta miles 37 1609
- conversion to meters 38 +
- (eps 1/m) + meters 40 CHS 41 E^X
- fd= exp-(Vu + avg eps + dx)
ST* 22
- fd= fd(1)+fd(1+1)+fd(1+2)+fd(1+3)+
RCL 76
- get current eps(1),
STO 24
- and save it as eps(1-1) for next loop.
RCL 26
- get current distance (1),
STO 42
- and save it as dis (1-1) for next loor 42 RTH Input for the amount of rain if the RAIN mode is set on, and compute the reinout rate.
- rate of rainfall, inches / hour 45 90
- data register assignment.
46 XEQ
- do general prompt 47 ' RAIN (HRS)'
- duration of rain.
48 95
- data register assignment.
49 XEQ
- do general prompt.
83 RTH
- end routine.
Determine the vet deposition due to rainfall ao eq.(40) pg.55.
- vet deposition correction.
85 RCL 26
- get distance to receptor.
86 RCL 03
- wind speed.
87 /
Jtime to receptor.
88 RCL 95
- duration of rain.
89 X>Y?
- is duration longer than time to receptor?
90 RDN
- 1f so use the lesser value for duration.
50 RCL 96
- get inches / hour of rain 25.4 Imm/ inch
- am/hr
..75 Y^X 3.8E-5
- rainout rate, lambda = 3.8E-5+R^.75, 1/sec
92 +
93 3600
- convert bra duration to oeconds.
YAEC-1619 E-20 Oct. 1987
i l
Dick file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 8E i
Revision date: 10-26-87 b
- 95 CHS 96 E"X
- fv=exp-(3600 e dt a lambdal 97 STO 75
- save fv vet deposition factor.
98 RTH gend routine.
This section determines the height of the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer (TIBL) from seabreeze.
The TIBL is calculated whenever flag 09 is set, les during April thru September, onshore wind from 22-173 degrees and solar radiation equal or greater than 0.35 Langleys/ min.
- the working vind direction from, WD.
- coastal angle from north.
- beta in eq.(35b) pg.52
- angle coastline to WD 'to direction'.
isave in stack, sin (WD+10)
RCL 26
- radius from plant in miles, Xr 1609
- miles to meters.
- radius from plant in meters, Xr
- fetch, Di= abs (Xr ' sin (WD-10))
- plant perpendicular distance to shore, DO
- DO +D1 total distance perp' to shore.
- svap to get sin (WD+10)
- total fetch = (D0+D1)/ sin (WD-10)
- term in eq.(35a) 1.79
- term in eq.(35a)
RCL 97
- solar radiation, langleys/ min SQRT 04 83.33
- term in eq.(35a)
- Htib1
- 1.79 + SQRT(D) ' SQRT(SR) + 83.33
STO 13
- save Height of TIBL, meters
- message, ARCL X
- get tabl, FS? 18
- 1f printall mode on, XEQ 'W' 3 print or display it.
- end routine.
99 END lend the module.
3E352233333333333335233333h33333333EEE33333E333333333333313E33333 Function to turn on the print all intermediate output flag 18.
The routine toggles the flag if it is on or off.
01LBL 'PRTALL' 02 FC?C 18
- 1f flag 18 off, do next, clear flag.
03 SF 18
- 1f flag off, turn on.
04 'PRTALL '
- aessage, 05 FS7 18 lif flag is on, 06 *~0N' sappend OH.
07 FC7 18 gif flag is off 08 OFF' seppend OFF.
09 AVIEW sview message 10 RTH
- end routine.
Function to set up prompts to include the option to use unmonitored release path so that field data can be input from off i
11LBL 'ALTPATH' 12 FC7C 20
- 1f flag 20 off, do next, clear flag.
13 SF 20 gif flag off, turn on.
O 14 ' ALT PATH '
- message, 15 FS? 20 gif flag is on, 16 '~0N' sappend ON.
17 FC? 20
- 11 flag is off YAEC-1619 E-21 Oct. 1987
Disk file:
SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEA 8R00X 8E Revision date: 10-26-87 OV 18 **0FF'
- append 0FF.
19 FC7 20
- also if flag is off, 20 CF 14
- turn on the field data flag.
- view message.
22 RTH
- end routine.
j Function to turn on the extra prompts if rain is occuring during i
the accident.
23LBL ' RAIN' grain label.
24 CLX
- clear x-reg 125 FC7C 17
- if flag 17 off, do next, clear flag.
26 SF 17
- if flag off, turn on.
27 ' RAIN MODE '
- message, 28 FS? 17 gif flag is on, 29
'"0N' sappend ON.
30 FC7 17
- if flag is off 31 '~0FF"
- append OFF.
- view message 33 FS? 17
- if flag is on, and raining 34 RTN
- end routine, 35 STO 75
- ctherwise clear Fw factor.
36 STO 95
- and clear rain duration.
37 RTN 38 END
- end of module.
33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 This routine is used for alpha prompts which require a sequence of alpha keys as input data.
The routine checks to see if the input data matches any of the characters in the prompt text.
If rx a match is found the program is directed to the label matching
the response.
If no match is found, the prompt is repeated (V
- routine for general alpha input.
02 SF 25 03 ISG 34
- increment alpha input counter.
- text 0 (F0H) required in al
- clear the alpha input flag.pha.
05 CF 23 06 ASTO Y
- save left 6 char of prompt message.
- shift alpha to left 6 characters, 08 ASTO 2
- save next 6 characters, 09 ASHF
- shift again, 10 ASTO T
- save next 6 characters.
11 CLA
- clear the alpha register.
- append the prompt message 13 ARCL Z
- back into the alpha register.
14 ARCL T 15LBL 19
- reentry point for bad input.
16 ADN sturn alpha on.
- do a prompt; 18 AOFF
- turn alpha off after prompt response.
19 CF 21
- disable the printer.
20 FS7 23
- 11 alpha was keyed for prompt, 21 GTO 02
- jump 22 CLA
- otherwise clear alpha.
23 ARCL IND 34 gand append any previous alpha response.
24 XEQ 'W'
- and print or display it.
25 ADN
- turn alpha on.
26 PSE
- and pause to view previous response.
- turn alpha off 28LBL 02
- if an alpha char was input.
29 FS? 55
- is the printer connected?
tO 30 SF 21
- if so, enable the printer.
31 ASTO IND 34
- and sa're the new alpha response.
32 ASTO X 3put the response in the x-reg.
33 FC7 23 311 no alpha response, t
34 GTO 20 gjump YAEC-1619 E-22 Oct. 1987
Dick fil2:
SBEROM6.LST Cctolog 2: SEABROOK 8E Revision date: 10-26-87
/N) 35 CLA
- clear the alpha response.
- append the input alpha prompt 37 ARCL Z characters back to the alpha.
- examine prompt string for string in x-reg 40 X<07
- if response is negative, 41 TONE 9
- do tone 42 X<07
- if response is negative, no match found, 43 GTO 19
- therefore go back to prompt for another.
44 FC7 55 sif no printer is connected, 45 GTO 20
- jump
- append spaces 46 '~
47 ARCL IND 34
- recall to alpha the old alpha response.
48 XEQ 'W'
- and print or display it.
49LBL 20
- cont 50 CLA
- clear the alpha register.
- and recall into alpha previous input.
52 FS?C 00 gif default flag is set, 53 RTH
- return from subroutine.
54LBL 21
- entrance point 55 ASTO L
- save the response or old data, 56 XEQ IND L
- execute routine with reponse name.
57 RTH
- return from subroutine.
58 END lend of module.
33333323233323338333333333333333333E3333333333333333EEE333E3223EE This is the general prompt routine for putting numeric input data in an assigned register.
In lieu of entering data at the prompt,
[R/S) can be keyed which will cause the old data to show for a pause of i second.
During the pause the display can be stopped O
with another [R/S) and a new value reentered.
If no action is N,,/
taken during the pause, the old data vill be used.
All prompts are printed along with the user input by the printer.
Old data passed over with the IR/S) will not be re printed.
- routine for general numerical input.
- off, in case alpha is left on by user, 03 SF 27
- and make sure USER mode is on.
- append =? to prompt message.
05 CF 22
- clear numeric input flag.
06 STO 31
- save assigned register for the input.
07 RCL IND 31
- indirect recall of any old data value.
- prompt for input.
09 CLD
- clear display so x-reg vill show.
10 FC7 22
- if numeric data not entered?
11 PSE
- pause to show the old data in x-reg.
12 FS?C 00
- 1s the Jefault flag set?
13 FS? 22
- AND was no input data entered?
14 FS? 30
- dummy test for logical 'AND*
15 GTO 00
- if both conditions are met, jump 16 STO IND 31
- otherwise save input to indirect reg.
17 FC7 22
- if no data input, 18 RTH greturn from subroutine.
19 FC7 55
- even if data input, if no printer, 20 RTH preturn from subroutine.
21LBL 00
- continue 22 63
- ASCII char for ?
- find
- ts position in the alpha reg.
24 A90T
- rotate that many ponitions to right.
I 25 AT0X
- transfer its ASCII char to x-reg.
26 RDN groll down stack.
27 CHS
- change its sign.
- rotate negative positions back, C,,i 29 RDN
- remove the postion value.
- append the input value to prompt.
31 XEQ 'W' pand print or display it.
32 RTH
- return from subroutine.
YAEC-1619 E-23 Oct. 1987 l
Dick file: SBEROM6.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 8E Revision date 10-26-87 33 END
- end of module.
O l
O YAEC-1619 E-24 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM7.LST Catclog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87
SEABROOK STATION HP-41 EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM LISTING AND COMMENTS by Michael Krabach Yankee Nuclear Services Division October 13, 1987 This program listing is for the 4K module identified in the Cat 2 as SEABROOK 7F, it is located at page 15 (F Hex), and assigned XROM 19.
The documentation file is SBEROM7.LST.
355333333333333535333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.E This section is started automatically when the HP-41CX is turned on.
See tho MCODE at the end of the listing.
- starting label.
02 CF 21
- disable the printer, only display used.
03 SF 25
- set error flag for possible error.
- determine if HP-41 fast mode turned on.
05 PSE
- pause, 06 ' CHOSE PRGM
- '
- message, 07 AVIEW
- view message, 08 PSE
- for 2 seconds, normal speed 09 PSE 10 ' QUIK =1 IBM =2'
- prompt for quick or IBM emulator version.
- show mescage 12 73
- keycode for 2 key.
- checx for key down?
14 'OK, WAIT *
- put neosage in dis play, for indication 15 AVIEW
- that program is working and view it.
16 FS? 55
- 1f printet installed 17 SF 21
- reenable the printer.
18 X=Y?
- 1f 2 key was keyed?
- go tc initialize IBM emulator version.
20 GTO 'SBQ' lotherwise jump to the quick version.
21 END
- end module
This section is entered from routine ' START' when the user keys the quick version.
This section initializes the key assignments and the registers and the size of the data register block.
01 LBL 'S80'
- entered from ' START *.
- version for seabrook.
03 'REV 2-16-87'
- current version identification date.
04 ADV
- adv paper to indicate enabled.
- clear all key assignments.
- clear all current registers.
07 100
- the required size for data registers.
08 SF 25
- set error flag for pending error.
- set the data to size 100.
- 1f flag not cleared, loss section. sizing occured, 10 FS? 25 11 GTO 01
- so jump over memory 12 ' RESTART HP41'
- if not enough memory, put in message, 13 AVIEW land display it, 14 PSE
- and pause to view.
- next message, 16 AVIEW
- display it, 17 PSE
- and pause to view.
18 CLX
- put zeros in x-reg.
19 STO c
- store zeros in status register e which will cause memory loss.
20 LRL 01
- jump entrance.
21 'REPQ'
- a label, O
22 -11
- a keycode location, 23 PASH pand assign it.
24 SF 25 Jerror flag in case SBINIT not avail.
- program label for long version YAEC-1619 F-1 Oct. 1987
Dick filo: SBEROM7.LST Cctclog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87
'\\'sj 26 11 la keycode location, 27 PASH 3and assign it.
Sr 25
- error flag in case not installed.
- the date and time stamp routine,
- keycode location, PASN sand assign it.
- clear display.
35 SF 27
- set USER flag.
36 FS? 55
- is printer connected?
37 SF 21
- then make sure it is enabled.
38 ADV ladvance paper.
39 FC7 55
- 1f no printer, 40 GTO 00
- then skip the title block for printer.
41 SF 12
- set double vide flag for printer.
- title, 43 XEQ 'WQ'
- print it.
44 CF 12
- clear double vide flag.
45 '
- second part, 46
'~Y' 47 XEQ 'WQ'
- print it.
- third part, 49 TION" 50 XEQ "WQ'
- print it.
- go to start input data.
52 LBL 00
- if no printec, use 53 'SB SITE DOSE'
- a smaller title block for display.
54 XEQ 'WQ'
- show it.
- to to start input data.
56 END
- end of module.
This section calculates all the J(t) and F(f) factors for the
(,j) various types of releases.
- subroutine for J(t) and F(t) factors 02 'SEABROOK'
- for seabrook 03 'REV 10-13-87'
- revision date
- note space after label names to make them different from long version.
04 LBL 'MS2_*
- J(t), for main steam line release.
05 RCL 27
- (uC1/ce)/(mR/hr) as a function 06 LN of time since shutdown, for main steam 07 STO 30 line monitor.
08 -9.85925E-4
- using nested log-log polynominal.
-1.7786E-3 09 +
10 RCL 30 11 '.9578E-2 12 2 13 +
14 RCL 30 15 +
16 1.1521E-1 17 +
18 RCL 30 19 +
20 2.0224E-1 21 +
RCL 30
(~T E^X
( j 23 RTH 123 LBL ' LOW 3_*
- for loca 1 Jtt), (uC1/see)/ cpm j
l YAEC-1619 F-2 Oct. 1987 l
Dick file:
SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 O
124 RCL 27 calibration factor for low range 125 LN stack monitor.
126 STO 30
- using nested polynominal.
127 1.2546 E-4 128 +
129 -7.7245 E-5 130 +
131 RCL 30 132 +
133 1.39247 E-3 134 +
135 RCL 30 136 +
137 2.13974 E-2 138 +
139 1 E-6 140 +
141 RTH 24 LBL 'MED3 *
- for loca 3 J(t),(uC1/sec)/ cpm 25 174.69 calibration factor for mid range 26 RCL 27 stack monitor.
- using nested polynomial.
- 28 1298.18 29 +
30 RCL 27 31 +
32 267.313 33 +
34 3343.32 35 RCL 27 Q
36 +
]8 53519.4 39 RCL 27 40 +
41 24792.6 42 +
43 /
44 1 E-3 45 +
46 RTN 47 LBL 'HI3_'
- for loca 3 J(t), (uCi/sec)/ cpm 48 RCL 27 calibration factor for high range 49.241961 stack monitor.
50 Y^X
- using power formula.
51.00857353 52
- 53 RCL 27 54.421035 55 Y^X 56 1.72777 E-4 57
- 58 +
59 RCL 27 60.241761 61 Y^X 62.0019036 63 +
64 +
65 RC' 27 66 1.25645 67 YaX 68 8.57288 E-6 O
69 +
70 +
71 RTH 72 LBL 'LO1_'
- 1oca 1 F(t), (mR/hr)/(uC1/m3)
YAEC-1619 F-3 Oct. 1987
_ _ _. _. ~. _
Dick filo:
SBEROM7.LST Catclog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 O(
73 RCL 27 dose conversion factor as function 74.8531 of time since shutdown.
75 Y^X
- using power formuls.
76.0380 77
- 78 -4.583 79 +
80 RCL 27 81.0665 82 Y^X 83.4121 84
- 85.6438 86 +
87 /
88 RTH 89 LBL 'LO3 *
- 1oca 3 F(t), (mR/hr)/(uCi/m3)
90 RCL 27 dose conversion factor as a function 91 LN of time since shutdown.
92 STO 30
- as nested polynominal.
93 -1.1145003 E-4 94
- 95 8.2159915 E-4 96 +
97 RCL 30 98 +
99 -1.2738314 E-3 100 +
101 RCL 30 102 +
103 -5.154454 E-3 104 +
0 105 RCL 30 106 +
107 1.8927261 E-2 108 +
109 RCL 30 110 +
111 6.0588644 E-2 112 +
113 RCL 30 114 +
115 2.6357464 E-1 116 +
117 RCL 30 118 +
119 1.06634 120 +
121 E^X 122 RTH 197 LBL 'C3 *
- 1oca 3 J(T), (uCi/ce)/(R/hr) 198 RCL 27 -
dose conversion factor.
199 LH
- using a nested polynominal.
200 STO 28 201 -5.5804 E-6 202 +
203 4.009738 E-5 204 +
205 RCL 28 206 +
207 -7.38267 E-5 208 +
209 RCL 28 210 +
211 -2.09918 E-4
212 +
213 RCL 28 214 +
215 1.50948 E-3 YAEC-1619 F-4 Oct. 1987
Dick file:
SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87
216 +
217 RCL 28 218 +
219 2.005574 E-3 220 +
221 RCL 28 222 e 223 4.374179 E-3 224 +
225 RCL 28 226 +
227 2.309627 E-2 228 +
229 RTN LBL 'LO2 '
- main steam LOCA F(t), (mR/hr)/(uCi/m3)
RCL 27 dose conversion factor as function of LN time since shutdown.
STO 30
- nested log-log polynomional form.
-4.7783E-3 RCL 30 9.50761E-2 RCL 30 9.7741E-2 RCL 30 O.o 1.9438E-1 RCL 30 1.592 E'X RTN Section for the atmospheric relief valve, ARV, and the saftey relief valve, SRV, to determine which valve /s are lifting or are stuck open.
- valve section.
- display 2 places.
- 1nput main steam line pressure.
147 9
- register pointer.
148 XEQ 'PQ*
- do prompt.
149 1185
- 1over pressure limit to open #1 relief.
RCL 09
- get input steam line pressure.
150 X<Y?
- ss it lower than lowest SRV set point?
GTO 15 lit may be stuck, skip over XEQ 'SRV '
lif not get SRV flow for one valve.
STO 67 -
- save it in scratch.
RCL 09 Joet input steam line pressure.
153 1203
- Iover limit to open #2 relief.
154 X>Y?
- if input data less than 1203 psig, 155 GTO 01
- then jump to 1 SRV open.
156 X<>Y
- if not, swap input data to x-reg.
157 1220
- 1over limit to open 43 relief.
158 X>Y?
iif input data smaller than 1220 psig, 159 GTO 02 pthen Jump to 2 SRV's open.
/N 160 X<>Y sif not, swap input data to x-re
- 1over limit to open #4 relief. g.
161 1238 162 X>Y?
- 1f input data smaller than 1238 psig, 163 GTO 03 sthen jump to 3 SRV's open.
a YAEC-1619 F-5 Oct. 1987
A Dick filo SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 w/
164 X<>Y pif not, swap input data to x-reg.
165 1255
- 1over limit to open #5 relief.
166 X>Y?
- if input data smaller than 1255 psig, 167 GTO 04
- then jump to 4 SRV's open.
- number of SRV's open GTO 05
- jump to combine relief flows.
LBL 01
- for #1 SRV lifting, 1
- multiplier GTO 05
- jump to combine relief flows.
175 LBL 02
- for #1-2 SRV lifting.
- multiplier GTO 05
- jump to combine relief flows.
185 LBL 03
- for #1-3 SRV lifting.
- multiplier GTO 05
- jurp to combine relief flows.
191 LBL 04
- for #1-4 SRV lifting.
- nultiplier LBL 05
- to combine relief flows.
ST* 67
- multiply single SRV by multiplier.
RCL 67 -
- get ARY flow rate.
- get total SRV flow rate, i
- add for total relief capacity.
- return from subroutine j
This is the stuck valve section which is used if the pressure is below the let setpoint of the SRV's.
N LBL 15
- for stuck valve.
CF 00
- clear temporary flag.
CF 21
- clear printer enable flag.
- is a valve stuck?
j 71
- keycode for
- view prompt.
- stop and wait for keyboard input.
- clear screen X=0?
- if no keyboard action, GTO 15
- 1oop back for another try.
- if returns 71 for Y, SF 00
- set temporary? flag.
FS? 00
- if flag 0 set YES'
- put yes is alpha.
FC? 00
- 1f flag not set?
- put no in alpha.
FS? 55
- is printer attached?
SF 21
- enoble it, SF 25
- set error flag in case of failure.
- print alpha answer.
FS?C 00
- 1f yes, (and clear flag)
GTO 06
- jump to determine what valve stuck.
- otherwise is just ARV lifting.
LBL 06
- coat FIX 2
- set for display 2 places
'ARV=4, SRV=5'
- vhich valve stuck?
- quick prompt to jump to proper routine.
- fer atmospheric relief.
1.22 E6 -
- the max flow rate, cc/sec, RTN O'
- for safety relief valves.
2.52 E6 -
- full flow rate per valve, cc/sec.
RTN YAEC-1619 F-6 Oct. 1987
Dick file SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 Q
- end of module.
33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 This section determines the stability class and loads the proper gamma and concentration uX/Q.
- determines stability class and uX/Q's 02 'SEABROOK' for 0.6, 2,
5, 10 mi. for seabrook.
03 'REV 6-21-86'
- the current revision.
96 FC7 06
- if this is a ground release?
07 GTO 21
- jump over to ground release section.
08 RCL 83
- get upper lapse rate for elev release.
99 -1.73
- test temperature for class A stability.
- put class in alpha.
11 X>Y?
- if lapce rate is less than -1.73, 12 GTO 22
- jump out, A class in alpha, to uX/Q's.
13 RDN
- if not, get original lapse rate.
14 -1.54
- next test value for class B.
- put class in alpha, overwrite previous.
16 X>Y?
- if lapse rate is less than -1.54 17 GTO 23
- jump out, B class in alpha, to uk/Q's.
18 RDN
- 1f not, get original lapse rate.
19 -1.36
- next test value for class C.
- put class in alpha, 21 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is less than -1.36, 22 GTO 24
- jump out, C class in alpha, to uX/Q's.
23 RDN
- 1f not, get original lapse rate.
- test value for class D.
- put class in alpha, 26 X>Y?
- 11 lapse rate is less than
.45, 27 GTO 25
- jump out, D class in alpha, to uX/Q's.
2d RDN
- 1f not, get original la
- test value for class E.pse rate.
/ 'N 29 1.37 (m,/
- E'
- put class in alpha, 31 X)Y?
- 11 lapse rate is less than 1.37, 32 GTO 26
- ] ump out, E class in alpha, to uX/Q's.
33 RDN
- 1f not, get original la
- test value for class F.pse rate.
34 3.65 35
- put class in alpha, 36 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is less than 3.65, 37 GTO 27
- jump out, F class, in alpha, to uX/Q's.
- 1f not must be a G class by default.
39 GTO 28
- jump over the ground release section.
40 LBL 21
- for a ground release.
l 41 RCL 82
- get lover lapse rate for ground release, i
42 -1.11
- test value for class A.
- put class in alpha, 44 X>Y?
- 11 lapse rate is less than -1.11, 45 GTO 29 ljump out, class A, to uX/Q's.
46 RDN 3 recover lapse rate.
- test value for class B.
- put class in alpha, 49 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is less than
.99, 50 GTO 30
- jump out, class B, to uX/Q's.
51 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
l 52
.88 stest value for class C.
- put class in alpha, 54 X>Y?
- if lapse rate is less then
.88, 55 GTO 31
- jump out, class C, to uX/Q's.
56 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
- test value for class D.
- put class in alpha, 59 X>Y?
- if lapse rate is less than
.29, 60 GTO 32
- jump out, class D, to uX/Q's, 61 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
- test value for class E.
- put class in alpha, s,
m 64 X>Y?
- 1f lapse rate is less than.89 65 GTO 33
- jump out, class E, to uX/Q's.
YAEC-1619 F-7 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM7.LST Cctolog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 O)
66 RDN
- recover lapse rate.
67 2.35 stest value for class F.
'F' sput class in alpha, 69 X>Y?
- if lapse rate is less than 2.35, 70 GTO 34
- jump out, class F, to uX/Q's.
- put class in alpha, 72 GTO 35
- jump out, class G, to uX/Q's.
This section loads the elevated release plume centerline effective gamma dose uX/Q values and the concentration uX/Q values, alternating into registers 71-78 for distances 0.6, 2,
5, and 10 miles.
73 LBL 22
- class A elevated.
74 3.55 30.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
STO 71 4.1
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q STO 72 76.811
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q STO 73
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q STO 74 78.357
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q STO 75
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q STO 76 80.191
- 10 mi gamma uX/O STO 77
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q STO 78 81 GTO 50
- urp to common exit.
82 LBL 23
- class B elevated.
(,f 83 12.3
- 0.E r1 gamma uX/Q.
STO 71 16.4
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/C STO 72 85 1.84
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q STO 73 1.97
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q STO 74 87.473
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q STO 75
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q STO 76 89.254
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q STO 77
- 10 mi concentration uX/C STO 78 90 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
91 LBL 24
- class C elevated.
92 18.7
- 0.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
STO 71 20
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q STO 72 94 4.73
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q STO 73 5.33
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q STO 74 96 1.06
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q STO 75 1.1 35 mi concentration uX/Q STO 76 98.351
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q STO 77
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q STO 78 99 GTO 50
- jump to common erxit.
YAEC-1619 F-8 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 7F Revision date: 10-13-87
\\s /
125 L9L 25 sclass D elevated.
126 23.3 30.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
127 STO 71 128 4.57 30.6 mi concentration uX/Q 129 STO 72 130 12.4 32 mi gamma uX/Q 131 STO 73 132 11.9
- 2 mi cone,entration uX/O 133 S10 74 134 4.55 35 mi gamma uX/Q 135 STO 75 136 4.79
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 137 STO 76
.138 1.84
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 139 S"if 77 140 1.s8 310 mi concentration uX/Q 141 STO 78 142 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
143 LBL 26
- class E elevated.
144 22.8
- 0.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
145 STO 71 146.255 30.6 ma concentration uX/Q 147 STO 72 148 18.9
- 2 mi garna uX/Q 149 STO 73 150 12.7
- 2 el concentration uX/Q 151 STO 74 15,~
. 07
- 5 r1 gamma uX/Q 153 STO 75 154 9.57
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 155 STO 76 f"'g 156 4.31
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 157 STO 77
(- j 158 4.54
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 159 STO 78 160 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
151 LBL 27
- class F elevated, tvand to vest) 162 23.6
- 0.6 mi gamma u'?/Q.
163 STO 71 164.000309
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q 165 STO 72 166 31
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q 167 STO 73 168 16.7
- 2 mi concentratit uX/Q 169 STO 74 170 18.5
- 5 mi gamma uX/O 171 STO 75 172 30.8
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 173 STO 76 174 9.51
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 175 STO 77 176 12.8
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 177 STO 78 178 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
179 LBL 20
- claso G elevated (vind to vest) 180 22.1
- 0.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
181 STO -,
182 r
,? 6 mi concentration uX/Q 183 r.N ei gamma uX/Q
- 84 i
185 i 3 186
- E
- i. mi concentration uX/Q 187 tic p
188 14
,3 ni gamma uX/Q j
189 STi
\\s /
190 77.2
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q
. 'c ' STO 76
' '; 29
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q YAEC-1619 F-9 Oct. 1987
Dick filo: SBEROM7.LST Catclog 2: SEABROOX 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 193 STO 77 194 32.1
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 195 STO 78 196 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
This section loads the ground release plume centerline effective gamma dose uX/G values and the concentration uX/Q values, alternating into registers 71-78 for distances 0.6, 2,
5, and 10 miles.
197 LBL 29
- class A ground.
198 3.65 30.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
199 STO 71
'200 4.15
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q
'201 STO 72
. 202.81
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q 203 STO 73 204.823 12 mi concentration uX/Q 205 STO 74 206.357
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q 207 STO 75 208.36
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 209 STO 76 210.191
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 211 STO 77 212.192 310 mi concentration uX/Q 213 STO 78 214 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
215 LBL 30
- class B ground.
216 14.2
- 0.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
217 STO 71
218 21.4
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q 219 STO 72 220 1.86
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q 221 STO 73 222 2
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q 223 STO 74 224.472
- 5 mi gamra uX/Q 225 STO 75 226.479
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 227 STO 76 228.254
- 10 mi ganma uX/C 229 STO 77 230.256
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 231 STO 78 232 GTO 50
- ] p to common exit.
233 LBL 31
- class C ground.
234 25.1 10.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
235 STO 71 236 47.9
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q 237 STO 72 238 4.89 32 mi gamma uX/Q 239 STO 73 240 5.79
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q 241 STO 74 242 1.06
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q 243 STO 75 244 1.11
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 245 STO 76 246.35
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 247 STO 77 248 3.56
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 249 STO 78 250 GTO 50
- jump to common exit.
231 3.BL 32
- class D ground.
252 38 30.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
1 253 STO 71 5
YAEC-1619 F-10 Oct. 1987 J
1 l
Dick f110:
SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 254 91
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q 255 STO 72 256 12.8
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q 257 STO 73 258 18.8 32 mi concentration uX/Q 259 STO 74 260 4.43
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q 261 STO 75 262 5.17 35 mi concentration uX/Q 263 STO 76 264 1.8
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 265 STO 77 26C 1.92 310 mi concentration uX/Q
.267 STO 78 L
268 GTO 50 gjump to common exit.
269 LBL 33 sclass E ground.
270 40.1 30.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
271 STO 71 272 99.2 30.6 mi concentration uX/Q 273 STO 72 274 18.4
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q 275 STO 73 4
276 30.6
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q 277 STO 74 278 8.16
- 5 mi gamma uX/Q 279 STO 75
-j 280 10.6
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 281 STO 76 282 3.98
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 283 SiO 77 284 4.58
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 780 STO 78 O-286 GTO 50
- aump to commen exit.
287 LBL 34
- claks F ground.
288 42
- 0.6 mi gamma uX/Q.
289 STO 71 290 107
- 0.6 mi concentration uX/Q 291 STO 72 292 24
- 2 r.1 gamma uX/Q i
295 STO 73 294 44.9
- 2 mi concentration uX/Q t
295 STO 74 296 13.4
- 5 r1 gamma uX/C i
297 STO 75 298 20
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 299 STO 76 300 7.73
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 301 STO 77 302 9.93
- 10 mi concentration uX/Q 303 STO 78 304 GTO 50
- y..ap to common evit.
305 LBL 35
- class G ground.
306 57.1
- 0.6 s.'. gamma uX/Q.
307 STO 71 308 180 30.6 mi concentratian uX/Q 309 STO 72 310 31.3
- 2 mi gamma uX/Q 311 STO 73 312 67 32 mi concentration uX/Q 313 STO 74 314 25.7 35 mi ganea uX/Q 315 STO 75 3'.6 36.2
- 5 mi concentration uX/Q 317 STO 76 O
318 13.5
- 10 mi gamma uX/Q 319 STO 77 320 20.1
- 10 Li concentration uX/Q 321 STO 78 YAEC-1619 F-11 Oc., 1987
Dick filot SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F l
Revision date: 10-13-87
322 LBL 50
- common exit point for all classes 204 ASTO 08 sput class in alpha reg in reg 08.
2t5 '~ STAB CLASS'
- append message in alpha.
206 XEQ 'WQ'
- display the stability class.
207 RTH
- subroutine return.
208 END 3end of module.
555583333333853355353333583335533EEEEESSSE3333335aSSEARSas3333 Msg This section is for repeating the program without clearing all ust a quick title block and jSBQ' prints the previous data.
.t continues with 'TIMEQ' as does.
- main routine, start of repeat function.
22 'SEABROOK' Ifor seabrook.
93 'REV 10-13-87'
- current revision.
94 ADV
- advance printer.
- nessage.
06 XEQ 'WQ' 3 display it.
07 CF 00
- clear prompt default mode flag.
This is the start of the input section after initialization and the title blocks.
- start of section for t.ce interval.
09 SF 12
- set up for vide print to 10 '----------- '
- draw a line across paper.
11 FS' 55 sonly 11 printer attached, 12 XEQ "PRA'
- print it.
13 CF 12
- clear vide flag 14 FIX 2 iset display to 2 decimals.
04 15 SF 29
- turn on the separators in numbers.
- pre prompt message.
17 XEQ 'WQ*
- print or display it.
18 ' SCRAM, 1RS*
iprompt message for Lime since scram.
19 27
- data register aJaignment.
20 XEQ 'PQ*
- do quick prompt.
- .1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> minimum limit.
22 X<=Y?
- is input greater or equal to.1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />?
23 RDH sif so, use the larger value.
24 100 1100 hours0.0127 days <br />0.306 hours <br />0.00182 weeks <br />4.1855e-4 months <br /> max limit.
25 X)Y?
sis input less than 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />?
26 RDN
- 4.1 s o, use the smaller value.
27 STO 27
- save the proper value.
Input for the release path.
Program branches from here to the respective path chosen.
- release pathway routine.
29 3S
- set alpha counter location for PATH, 30 STO 34
- dnd save it.
- pre-prompt message.
32 XEQ 'WQ'
- prir.t or display it.
33 'STK=1, MSL'; 0'
- prompt for stack or main steam line.
' TM=3' 34 XEQ 'QQ' 3do quick prompt.
- in case n>5, repeat message.
This section if for a containment release.
35 LBL 'CTM '
- cnntaini.cnt release path.
36 3
- the type of L'JCA ?.n 3.
i 37 STO 29
- cave it, i
O 38 CF 06 Iset flag for grount release.
42 *CTM, R / 4'R '
- prompt for radiation reading.
43 5 3 data register address.
1 44 XEQ 'PQ' pdo quick prompt.
39 'CTM, PSIG'
- prompt far containment pressure.
YAEC-1619 F-12 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 s_,/
40 4
- data register address.
41 XEQ 'PQ' 3do quick prompt.
45 XEQ 'C3_*
icalc the J(t) decay factor.
46 RCL 04
- get containment pressure.
47 +
48 52
- design pressure at 52 peig 49 /
50 886 3 design leak rate, cc/ sic 51 +
3adj Ieak rate to input PSIG.
52 RCL 05
- containment dose rate R/HR.
53 e pleak ratestJtt)ePSIG+886*R/HR)/52 54 STO 00
- save leak rate as the release rate.
55 1.64E.4
- fraction on iodine in release.
- Jtotal iodine in release.
57 STO 60 isave it.
58 GTO 'RE_'
- do release rate subroutine.
This section is for the stack release path.
59 LBL 'STK~*
- stack release path.
60 SF 06 iset flac for elevated release.
61 3
- this will be LOCA 3 accident.
62 STO 29
- save it.
63 FIX 1
- display 1 decimal place.
- pre prompt message, 65 XEQ 'WQ'
- print or display it, 66 "GAS MONITOR
- '
- pre prompt message, 2nd line.
67 XEQ 'WQ*
- print or display it.
160 FC7 32
- 1f in AUTOIO mods for thermal printer, 68 ' t CI/cc)*
- prompt for 1st reading.vith greek mu.
162 FS7 32
- 1f in MANIO mode, non-standard printer, 71 '(uCI/cc)*
- prompt, 2nd reading with u for greek mu.
O 69 32
- data register address.
70 XEQ 'PQ*
- do quicx prompt.
160 FC? 32
- 11 in AUTOIO mode for thermal printer, 71
'( C1/Sec)*
- prompt for 2nd reading with greek mu.
162 FS7 J2 rif in MANIO mode, non-standard printer, 71 *(uCI/Sec)*
- prompt. 2nd reading with u for greek mu.
72 33
- data register address.
73 SCI 1
- scientific notation.
74 XEQ 'PQ'
- do quick prompt.
75 F1X 1
- back to 1 decimal place.
76 RCL 32 77 /
- (uC1/secl/tuC1/cc)=cc/sec up stack 78 STO 06
- save cc/see stack release rate 79 2.119 E-3
- conversion factor, cc/sec per ft3/ min 80 *
- gives efm up stack.
81 4.72 E-5
- m/sec/cfm = 1/t(pl+3.57m*3.28ft/m>'2/4 82 *
+3.28ft/m*60sec/ min) 83 STO 85
- save stack exit velocity, Wo m/sec 84 RCL 32
- get the uCi/cc data.
E2 3 range limit for high range.
- 1f greater than this range?
GTO 03
- then jump to high range calibration.
4 RDN gget original reading back.
E-2 3 range check for monitor, X<Y7 31s input greater than this range?
GTO 02
- then jump to mid range calibration,
95 2.31 E7
- calibration factor, cpm /uC1/cc 96 GTO 04
- jurp out.
1 97 LBL 02 in.d range, O,
98 'MED' sput prefix MED in alpha, 99 1.61 E4
- ralibration factor, cpa/uC1/cc 100 GTO 04
- ]urp out.
i a
YAEC-1619 F-13 Oct. 1987
1 Dick filo SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 101 L5L 03
- high range, 102 'HI" sput prefix HI in alpha.
103 1.19 E2
- calibration factor, cpe/uCi/cc 104 LBL 04
- continue, 105 RCL 32 JuC1/cc on monitor.
166 +
- counts /minsuC1/cc
- calibration factor 107 STO 07 Isave stack counts / min on monitor.
108 RCL 06 3ec/sec 109 +
Icc/sec + cpm up stack lie STO 00 lintermediste save.
111 FIX 0 112 CF 29
- go to integer format.
113 ARCL 29 gappend loca to alpha, 114 **
- 3ap?end a space for quick version.
115 ASTO L
- save in last x for indirect address.
116 XEQ IND L 3do subroutine for proper J(t) factor.
117 ST* 00 3 release rate = J(t) + cc/sec + cpm 118 RCL 00
- get release rate for noble gas.
119 1.64E-4
- fraction for iodine release.
120 *
- total iodine released.
121 STO 60
- save it.
122 SF 29 3 restore decimal 123 GTO 'RE_*
- go to release section.
This section is for the main steam line release path.
124 LBL 'MSL
- 3 routine for main steam line release.
125 CF 06
- set flag for ground release.
126 'MSL, ML/HR'
- prompt message for mr/hr.
127 10
- data register address.
O 128 XEQ 'PQ'
- do quick prompt.
129 2
- 1oca specific to tube rupture 130 STO 29 131 "MS'
- prefix in alpha.
132 FIX 0 133 CF 29
- setup for integer display.
134 ARCL 29
- append to MS, 135 '- *
- append a space for quick version.
136 ASTO L
- put incirect address in last x.
,do subroutine for proper J(t) factor.
138 STO 00
- intermediate save.
139 SF 29
- restore decimal.
XEQ 'VLV 142 RCL 00 -
3 determine flow rate from relief valves.
- get J(t) 143 '
144 RCL 10
- the mal dose reading in er/hr 147 '
- cc/sec ' Jtt) mR/hr 148 STO 00
- save noble as release rate.
- fractionI$31/noblegasinrelacse.
149.00085 150 +
- total iodine in release.
151 STO 60
- save it.
Common section for all release paths to determine the release rate into the atmosphere.
152 LBL 'RE *
- continue 153 SCI 1
- scientific display.
- message, 1
- clear alpha, play it.
155 XEQ 'WQ*
- print or dis 156 CLA 158 '
- make space.
159 ARCL 00
, append the release rate, 160 FC7 32
- 1f in AUTOIO mode for thermal printer, O
161 CI/See"
- append message with greek au.
- ~
162 FS7 32
- 11 in MANIO mode, non-standard printer, 163 ' uCI/Sec' gappend message with u for greek mu.
NOBLE GAS' lappend noble cas.
164 XEQ 'WQ' sprint or display it.
YAEC-1619 F-14 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 165 FC7 55 gif printer not connected?
166 PSE
- pause to view.
167 'LO'
- put prefix in alpha.
168 FIX 0 169 CF 29 sgo to integer display.
170 ARCL 29
- append the type of loca, 171
- gand a space for quick version.
172 ASTO L 3put indirect address in last x, 173 XEQ IND L
- cale F(t) for loca 1 or 3.
174 STO 02
- save F(t) 175 FIX 1
- display one decimal.
This section finishes the user prompts, calling for meteorological data for whichever type of release is occuring, either a elevated or a ground.
176 ' MET TOWER:'
- pre-prompt display.
177 XEQ 'WQ'
- print or display it.
178 FS7 06 gif in elevated release mode, 179 ' UPPER (MPH)*
- prompt message, 180 FC? 06
- but if in ground release rede, 181 ' LOWER (MPH)*
- use this prompt message.
182 3
- data register address.
183 XEQ 'PQ' sdo quick prompt.
184 ' DELTA TEMP '
- pre prompt display.
185 XEQ 'WQ*
- print or display it.
186 FS? 06
- 1f in elevated release mode, 187 ' UPPER (F)"
- butprompt message, 11 in ground release mode, 188 FC? 06 189 ' LOWER (F)*
suse this prompt message.
190 FS? 06 sif elevated release, 191 83
- use this register address.
O 192 FC7 06
- 1f ground release, 193 82
- use this register address.
194 XEQ "PQ*
- do quick prompt.
- determine stability class and uX/Q.
196 SCI 1
- put display in scientific mode.
- 1ower limit for wind speed, 198 RCL 03
- get the wind speed, 199 X<=Y?
- compare and 200 X<>Y
- use the larger value.
201 STO 03
- save it.
202 RCL 71
- get gamma uX/O for 0.6 miles.
STO 21 sput in working register for genea uX/C.
203 XEQ 25
- determine the noble gas dose rate.
RCL 72
- get concentration uX/Q for 0.6 miles.
STO 65
- put in working register.
XEQ 26
- determine I-1s1 dose rate.
- SITE **
- first part of output message, j
205 XEQ 27 3 display the W.B.
and I-131 dose rates.
XEQ 'MAXFG' 3 determine classification level.
246 * --OFFSITE DOSE' stitle message.
247 *~ RATES- '
248 FS? 55 gif printer attached, 249 PRA
- print alpha message.
250 73.077 31oop counter for recovering the uX/Q.
251 STO 70 252 2.49
- factor to cet 2.,
- 10. distances.
253 STO 28
- save fuge Iactor.
This loop determines the dose rates for whole body and thyroid for the distancec 2,
5, and 10 miles from the plant.
The disances are generated by a fuge facto:
in R28.
The classification level is not deterstned at these distances.
254 LBL 14 31oop label.
255 FIX 0
- round display to en integer value.
256 RCL IND 70 31ndirect recall of gassa uX/Q, 257 XEQ 25
- determine the noble gas done rate.
YAEC-1619 F-15 Oct. 1967
t Dick filo: SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABRDOX 7F Revision date: 19-13-87 ISG 70
- increment to concentration uX/Q, IMOP on ing RCL IND 70
- indirect recal of iodine uX/Q, XEQ 26
- determine the I-131 dose rate.
258 CLA
- clear alpha.
259 ARCL 28
- get the distance factor.
260 '" mis' Jappend units.
251 SCI 1
- go to scientific mode.
202 XEQ 27 3 display the W.B.
and I-131 dose rates.
- insert XEQ 'MAXFG' here to check class-ification for all distances. Removed per T.
Beard at SB.
263 2
- multiply factor for next distance.
264 ST= 28
- do it.
265 ISG 70
- 1ncrement the cor.nter until >77.
266 GTO 14 31oop back for next distance.
This prints the classification by calling on DOF*
206 '
- title message, 207 ' TION - *
- append rest of message.
208 FS? 55
- 1f the printer is attached, 209 PRA
- print the message in alpha.
- determine max classification.
- 1f no printer, STOP
- stop for user to view.
267 'DONE'
- show 'done' when output is done.
- show it.
269 STOP
- stop here, until 270 GTO 'REPQ'
- R/S goes back for next run.
O Determines the classification based on set points determined by NUREO 0654 doeurents for whole body and tyroid. The lower sodine limits in tech spec 11etts of a factor of 3X have been removed for the 2 lower classifications.
- 2ero x-reg X<>F sclear flaas 0-7 prior to testing classes.
210 RCL 45
- get calculated whole body dose rate R/hr.
211 6 E-5
- upper W.B.
R/hr limit for *no action' 212 X<=Y?
- is cose rate less than or equal limit?
SF 01
- set flag i for first level 214 RDN
- roll down cale dose rate.
215 6 E-4
- upper W.B.
R/hr limit for ' unusual event' 216 X<*Y?
- 11 dose rate less than or equal limit?
SF 02
- set flag 2 for 2nd level.
218 RDN
- roll down cale dose rate.
- upper W.B.
R/hr limit for ' alert' 220 X<=Y?
- 1f dose rate less than or equal limit?
SF 03
- set flag 3 for 3rd level.
222 RDN
- roll down cale dose rate.
221 1
- upper W.B.
R/hr limit for ' site area" 224 X<=Y?
- 11 dose rate less than or equal limit?
i SF 04 1 set flag 4 for 4th level.
RCL 46
- get raticed thyroid 1-131 dose rate.
- 1.8 E-4, removed iodine tech spec limit.
- X<rY?
- SF 01, for ' unusual event'
- RDH 31.8 E-3, and tech spec limit,
- X<=Y?
- SF 22, for ' alert' f-
- ukperI-131R/hrlimitfor' alert' X<=Y?
31 dose rate less than or equal limit?
SF 03
- set flag 3 for 3rd level.
YAEC-1619 F-16 Oct. 1987
Dick filo SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABRDOK 7F i
Revision date: 10-13-87 RDH
- roll down cale dose rate.
5 supper I-313 R/hr limit for ' site area
- X<=Y?
sif dose rate less than or equal limit?
SF 04
- set flag 4 for 4th level.
3 RTN LBL *DOFG' natches classification to jump label.
FS? 04 gif level 4, GTO 04
- go to general.
FS? 03 gif level 3, GTO 03
- go to site area.
FS? 02 lif level 2, GTO 02
- go to alert.
FS? 01
- if level 1, GTO 01
- go to unusual event.
- otherwise there is no action taken.
229 GTO 05
- jump out at exit.
230 LBL 01
- continue, 231 ' UNUSUAL EVENT
- 3 message, 232 GTO 05
- 3 ump out.
233 LBL 02
- continue, 234 ' ALERT *
- message, i
235 GTO 05
- 3 ump out.
236 LBL 03
- continue, t
237 ' SITE AREA *
- message, 238 GTO 05
- 3 ump out.
229 LBL 04
- continue, 240 ' GENERAL *
- message, O
241 LBL 05
- continue, CLX
- clear x-reg, X<>F
- put in flag register, clear flags 0-7
742 TONE
- 243 TONE *
- give 2 tones.
I 244 XEQ 'WQ*
- print or display classifiestion.
245 ADV RTN i
Subroutines for whole body dose rate, thyroid dose rate based on t
whole body anc reutine to vlev the results.
271 LBL 2 subroutine to cale whcle body dose rate.
272 E-6
- convert data to uX/Q in 1/m 2 a
273 +
275 RCL 00
- get release for noble gas.
276 +
277 RCL 02
- get F(t) 278 /
279 RCL 03
- get vind speed.
i 280 /
281 2.24
- convarsion 2.24 m/s per sph 282 +
283 E3 284 /
- R/hr = [uX/Q'uCi/sece2.241/[ mph *F(t))
285 STO 45 save whole body dose rate.
- subroutine to cale thyroid dose rate.
- convert data to uX/Q in 1/m 2 l
a RCL 60
- relesse rate for I-131
293 1.62
- infant thyroio dose conversion fa
- tor.
- 3R/hr = uX/QeuCi.sec'1.044*2.24/ mph 287 RCL 03 sget vind speed.
.4 YAEC-1619 F-17 Oct. 1987 i
l Disk file SBEROM7.LST 1
Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 l
238 /
289 2.24
- conversion factor.
290 +
295 STO 46 save thyroid dose rate.
296 RTH 297 LBL 27
- print subroutine.
298 FC7 55 lif printer not attached, 299 XEQ 'WQ'
- view message.
300 FC7 S?
- also if rinter not attached, 301 CLA
- clear al ha.
302 RCL 45
- the whol body dose rate, R/hr E3
- factor e
sar/hr ARCL X
- put dose rate in alpha, 303 ' MR/HR, BODY' seppend units.
304 XEQ 'WQ*
sprint or display output.
305 FC? 55
- 1f no printer, 306 STOP istop to record answer.
307 '
3put offset in alpha, 308 RCL 46
- the iodine dose rate, E3
- factor
- mr/hr ARCL X
- put dose rate in alpha, 309..p. R / HR, M
- append units.
310 XEQ 'WQ'
- print or display it.
311 FC? 55
- 1f no printer, 312 STOP
- stop.
313 ADV
- advance paper.
314 RTH The general print or view depending on if printer attached.
315 LBL 'WQ*
- general print or view subroutine.
316 FS? 55 sif printer, 317 PRA
- print alpha.
318 FC7 55
- 11 no printer, 319 AVIEW ithen view display.
320 RTN The general prompt, quick verstori, for numeric input.
J 321 LBL 'PQ'
- general quick prompt J
322 AOFF
- turn of alpha mode if left on.
i 323 SF 27
- turn back on the USER flag 324
- append '? to prompt messa
- reset numeric entry
325 CF 22 326 STO 31
- save the data register address.
327 RCL IND 31
- indirect recall old data, j
328 PROMPT sde proept.
329 CLD
- clear display.
330 FC7 22 gif no data was keyed in, 331 PSE
- pause to show old data.
i 332 STO IND 31 isave whatever value in x reg.
333 FC7 55
- 11 no printer, 3
334 RTH 3 return from subroutine.
335 FC7 22
- or if no data was keyed in, i
336 RTN 3 return from subroutine.
I 337 **
- otherwise append 2 spaces, I
338 ARCL X sappend the new input, 339 ACA
- accumulate it in buffer.
340 ADV
- print it and advance printer.
341 RTH 3 return.
The general alpha input routine. Different from long version in that it works on numeric input and converts that to the respective alpha label.
YAEC-1619 F-18 Oct. 1987
M Dick filor SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 bG 342 LBL 'QQ'
- general quick alpha prompt.
343 AOFF lturn alpha off in case left on.
344 SF 27 Iturn USER mode back on in case left off.
345 ISG 34
- increment alpha imput counter.
346 CF 22
- clear the numeric entry flag.
347 RCL IND 34
- recall the previous response.
348 FIX 0 349 CF 29
- go to integer display mode.
LBL 16 350 PROMPT 3do the prompt.
6 Itest number for input.
- is input greater than or 3 6?
GTO 16 sthen return for repeat rompt RDN
- otherwise roll down, ge original input.
351 CLD sclear the display.
352 FC7 22
- 11 no keyboard response?
353 PSE
- pause to view old response.
354 STO IND 34
- and save whatever response in x-reg.
355 FC? 55 sif no printer, 356 GTO 00
- skip printing section.
357 FC? 22
- 11 no keyboard response, 358 GTO 00
- skip printing section.
- otherwise append 3 spaces, 360 ARCL X
- and append the response.
361 ACA
- put alpha in buffer.
362 ADV
- print it and advance.
i 363 LBL 00
- continue 364 GTO IND X
- go to routine below nambered in x-reg.
365 LBL 01
- convert i to stack release response.
366 'STX '
367 GTO TO 368 LBL 02
- convert 2 to main steam line release.
369 'MSL
- 370 GTO TO 371 LBL 03
- convert 3 to containment release.
372 'CTM
- 373 GTO TO 374 LBL 04
- convert 4 to auto relief valve responce.
375 'ARY
- 376 GTO TO 377 LBL 05 sconvert 5 to safety relief valve.
378 'SRY_'
379 LBL 10
- continue 380 FIX 2
- display 2 decimals.
381 SF 29
- restore radix.
'j 382 ASTO L
- put alpha response in last x.
383 XEQ IND L Igo to the subroutine in last x.
394 RTH
- end subroutine.
695 END
- end of module.
33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 This section is a listing of the M-code that is inserted in the end of a 4K rom.
It provides autostart for the HP-41 when turned on.
This code must be installed via assembler prograr such the MCED (machine code editor) function in the Zengrange cogany ZENROM ros, or the RAMWR function in the ERAMCO coepany MLDL operating system.
Both of these.tunctions allow the programmer to insert machine code directly into specified O
addresses into a 4K ran page.
This routine was origiaally 1
developcd by Jake Schwartz of Collings Wood, NJ and published in vol. 11, no.
1, pg 34, of the PPC journal issue for Jan/Feb 1964.
The following as text from the article that explains how the YAEC-1619 F-19 Oct. 1967
1 I
Disk file: SBEROM7.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 O
routine works.
'...If one needs to have a special program automatically start after each power-on, then the program pointer must be left in the correct place and flag 11 must be set before each time the calculator is turned oil.
The very first time,lly.unforturnatelyl these operations would have to be done manua A specia RbollingfROM) oint' exists in ROM which allows M-code programs (in M or E to be started automatically when the HP-41 is pvered up via the ON key. If the autostarted M-code routine was to pass control to a user code program, the autostart could effectively be achieved without having to manually position the program pointer or adjust flags.
This polling point resides at relative address F9 in ROM pages 5 through F.
When the ON key is pressed one of the first things the o eratin a
as check locations 5FF9, 6FF9, 7FF9, to EFf9 and fFFdstem does for a non-zero 10 bit word. If one is found, it is executed as an M-code instruction.
We can make this word a relative jump backwards to the location of a short routine to do the following:
(1) Cave the CPU C register.
(2) Set CPU flag 10, indicating to the OS tnat the progree pointer is in ROM.
(3) Load the ROM address of *he disited 'atuostarted' user-cede program into RAM status gister b.
(4) Set user flag 11.
(5) Push the address to return to the OS onto the CPU stack.
(6) Restore the CPU C register and return.
After the CPU returns to the oprating system and finishes polling O
the other 'FF9' locations (which are presumably zeros), contrea is returned to the user code environment which now has flag 11 set.
Thus, the desireG user code program in autostarted from t r.e position of the program pointer.
As long as the ROM /EPRCM program and polling-point word are present, the desired user code may be executed whenever the calculator is powered up.'
FFD0 268 REG =C 9/Q
- save CPU C rea to O register.
FFD1 OC8 SF 10
- set CPU flag IO (pointer in ROM).
FFD2 338 C= REG 12/b
- get RAM b register (prge pointer).
FFD3 01C PT*
- pointer to lowest 4 nybbles.
- 1 cad the starting address of user code FFD5 010 LC 0
program in EPROM.
This is the address FFD6 250 LC 9
andicated in the FAT, le the first ex-FFD7 110 LC 4
ecutable instruction.
FFDB 328 REG C 12/b
- put back RAM b register.
FFD9 3B8 C= REG 14/d
- get RAM flag 11 into nybble C.
- rotate flag 11 into nybble 0.
FFDB 358 ST:C 3 extract last 2 nybbles.
FFDC 388 SF 0
- set flag 11.
FFDD 398 C=ST sput back 2 nybbles.
protate register back again.
- put back RAM d register.
FFE0 15C PT:
6 set pointer to nybble 6.
FFE1 090 LC 2
- place operating system return address FFE2 100 LC 7
into ADDR field of CPU C register.
FFE4 110 LC 4
FFE5 170 STKsC 3 push address onto subroutine stack.
FFE6 278 C= REG 9/Q
- restore CPU C from Q register.
FFE7 15C PT=
6 Iset nybble pointer back to 6.
j FFE8 3E0 RTH 3 return to address 27F4 in oper' syster.
O FFEB 000 NOP l
FFEC 000 NOP FFED 000 NOP FFEE 000 NOP FFEF 000 NOP YAEC-1619 F-20 Oct. 1987
4 i
Dick filet SBEROH7.LST i
Catalog 2: SEABROCK 7F Revision date: 10-13-87 I
t FFF0 000 NOP FFF1 000 NOP FFF2 000 NOP FFF3 000 NOP FFF4 000 NDP FFF5 000 NOP i
-29 FFD0 spolling point jump back to FFD0 FFFA 000 NOP FFFB 000 9 j
FFFC 000 9 FFFD 000 9 i
FFFE 000 9 i
FFFF 000 CON 00 i
4 4
i i
e 1
l i
i i
I l
l i
i f
i i
i i
e i
i I
l 1
i i
1 i
i 1
1 I
l l
l YAEC-1619 F-21 Oct. 1957 l
i Disk file:
Catalog 2: SEAPROOK 7B a
Revision date: 10-24 87 i
SEABROOK STATION HP-41 EMERGENCY DOSE PROJECTION PROGRAM LISTING AND COMMENTS by Michael Krabach Yankee Nuclear Services Division October 24, 1987 This program listing is for the 4K module identified in the Cat 2 as SEABROOK 78 it is located at page 11 (B Hex), and assigned XROM 04.
The documentation file is SBEROM9.LST.
This routine is used to test the delta time between any two times, including dates.
- subroutine label.
02 'REV 1-14-86'
- current revision date.
03 FIX 2
- set 2 places in display.
- prompt et' sage, 05 91
- data register assignment, past time.
i 06 XEQ
- do general prompt.
07 FIX 6 iset format for date.
- prompt message, 09 77
- data register assignment, past date.
10 XEQ
- co general prompt.
11 FIX 2
- set format for time.
- prompt message, 13 43
- data register assignment, current time.
14 XEQ
- do general prompt.
1 15 FIX 6
- set format for date.
- prompt message, 17 79
- data register cssignment, current date.
18 XEC
'P' ado general prompt.
3 19 FIX 2 3 restore normal 2 decital places.
20 RCL 91
- get past time, into stack, 21 RCL 77
- get past date, into stack, and 22 XEQ "DLT*
- cale diff' between past and current time.
- output message, 24 ARCL X
- append the value, 25 AVIEW
- print and view it.
26 ADY
- spa
- e printer line 27 RTN
- ene routine, (R/sj (R/S) vill restart.
i 28 END
- end of module 1
Tnis routine is used to check the reflection correction factor used to adjust the gatri cht/C.
01LBL 'TSTFZ' groutine start label.
- this is just for seabrook.
4 03 'REV 10-21-87' icurrent revision date.
04 ADV
- space printer paper.
)i P.5 FIX.
- only 1 decimal place.
06 SF 19 iset test return flag.
07 SF 18
- turn on print all mode.
08 'DLM HT(M)*
- prompt message.
09 89
- data register assignment, plume height.
i 10 XE0 'PO'
- do quick ger.eral
- the maxiuum mixing height for seabrook i
STO 13
- save the mixino layer heicht.
20.FIX 1 greset loop to I decimal place.
21 'SIGZ' sprompt message, 22 12
- data register assignment, sigma
23 XEQ 'PQ'
- do general quick prompt.
j 32 FIX 9
- aet display to see all deciaal places.
J 33 XEQ 'FZ'
- do the reflection subroutine.
34 ADV 3
36 RTH send routine, (R/S) (R/5) vill restert.
1 YAEC-1619 G.1 Oct. 1987 i
Disk file:
SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7B Revision date: 10-24-87 37 END lend of module.
This rcutine is used to determine that the terrain array can be accessed properly. Single output is in meters, while the tablular output is in feet.
01LBL 'TSTELEV' Itest elevations.
02 'REV 10-24-87'
- current revision.
03 SF 18 set flag to label single distance output.
94 SF 19
- set test return flag.
06 FIX 2
- set 2 decimals.
97 CF 03
- node flag used for multiple output.
'08 1.010
- mile 1sa counter.
09 STO 28 isave mile counter 10 ' WIND FROM(DEG)'
- prompt message.
11 47
- data register assignment, vind dir.
12 XEQ 'PQ*
Ido quick prompt.
17 CF 22 sclear numeric input flag.
18LBL 01
- 1ooping label.
19 FS? 03
- 11 flag is set, 20 GTC 03
- skip over prompts, doing multiple output.
21 CF 03
- otherwise clear flag for prompt.
22 CF 21
- disable printer for message.
23 'R/S FOR 0-10'
- nessage.
24 AVIE'='
- shev it on display only.
25 FSE
- for 1 second.
26 FS? 55
- 11 printer as attached, 27 SF 21 Ire-enable the printer.
2e 'DIST'
- prompt for a distance.
29 26
- data register assignment for distancs.
30 XEQ 'PC*
- de quick prompt.
L g
31 FS?C 22
- 11 numerie input, then reset flag.
32 GTO 02
- skap title for multiple output.
33 SF 03
- cet 21ag for 1 to 10 mile output.
34 CF 18
- do not want to print 'Hterra' in ELEY.
- output column labels.
36 XEQ 'W'
- print or view it.
37LBL 03
- cont for filling out table.
38 RCL 28
- get distance.aunter, 39 INT
- take just inte
- ;er value, 40 STO 26
- save next distance in verking register.
41LBL 02
- cont label for 1 to 10 mile output 42 XEQ 'ELEV'
- get the elev. (meters) for direction anc cas.
43 CLA
- clear alpha.
44 FIX 2
- set 2 decimals.
45 FC? 03
- 11 only one distance?
46 GTO 01 sloop back for next prompt for distance.
47 ARCL 26
- otherwise append the distance to alpla, 48 "
- and append some spaces, RCL 84
- and append the terrain height, meters.
. 28
- convert meters
- ,o feet.
50 XEQ 'W' gand print or display it.
51 ISG 28 gincrement the mile counter.
52 GTO 03 3and loop back for next calculation.
53 ADV
- when done, space printer.
54 CF 18
- clear print all flag.
55 CF 19
- clear test flag 56 CF 03
- clear mode flag.
57.RTH 3end routine, (R/SJ (R/S3 vill restart.
58 END
- end of module.
This routine is used as a printall mode in the PAG routine.
i YAEC-1619 G-2 Oct. 1987
Disk file:
SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7B Revision date: 10-24-87 bs#
03 ' EVAC TIME =*
04 ARCL 56 05 HRS'
06 XEQ 'W' 07 ' HRS TO '
08 ARCL IND 70 09 '" mis' le ARCL 57 11 XEQ 'W' 12 ' HRS UMTIL EXPs' 13 ARCL 58 14 XEQ 'W' 15 'EXP TIME ='
16 ARCL 60 17 HRS' 18 XEQ 'W' 19 ' EVAC EXP TIMES
- 20 ARCL 61 21 ** HRS' 22 XEQ 'W' 23 ' EVAC THYR ='
24 ARCL 64 25 '" REM' 26 XEQ 'W' 27 ' EVAC WHL BODY
28 ARCL 65 29 REM' 30 XEQ 'W" 31 'PROJ THY ='
32 ARCL 61 33 '
REM' 34 XEQ 'W' O
35 'PROJ BODY ='
36 ARCL 62 37 REM' 38 XEQ 'w' 39 ' SHELTER THYa' 40 ARCL 67 41 ** REM' 42 XEQ 'W' 43 ' SHELTER BODYe*
i 44 ARCL 66 45 ** REM' 46 XEQ 'W' 47 RTN 48 END This routine is used to check the stack plume rise. It sets up l
vhether plume is stable or unstable.
01LBL 'TSTHPR" stest plume rise label.
- specific to seabrook.
93 'REV 11-7-36'
- current revision.
04 ADV iskip line on printer
.05 SF 19 set test return flag B6 SF 06 3 plume rise only in elevated release.
97 34 pset up al ha counter.
08 STO 34 savae alp a counter.
09 ' UPPER MPH' sprompt message.
10 81
- data reg. assianment, upper vind c;ced 11 XEQ 'PQ' 3do quick prospE.
12 ' STACK M/S'
- prompt message.
13 6 3 data rea, assignaent, stack velocity 14 XEQ 'PQ' 3do quicE prompt.
I 15 STO 85 galso save stack vel. in normal reg.
l O
- starting distance.
17 STO 26
- save distance.
18 CF 21 3 disable the printer 11 attached.
- pre prompt 20 AVIEW
- show at in the display only.
YAEC-1619 G-3 Oct. 1967 j
Disk file SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABR0rX 78 Revision date: 10-14-87 i
21 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G t' spromktforclass
22 SF 00
- set lag to save data, but not execute.
23 XEQ
- oo regular alpha prompt 24 ASTO 08 isave the alpha data, stability class 25 ARCL 08
- get current class into alpha, 26 AT0X pand put ASCII value into x-reg.
27 69
- ASCII value for E 28 X>Y?
sif in ut less than E class 29 SF 05
- then ave neutral or unstable plume.
30 X<sY?
sif input greater or equal to E, 31 CF 05 sthen have stable plume.
32 XEQ 'HPR'
- determine the plume rise.
33 'Hpr=*
- output message, 34 ARCL X lappend the pluma rise, 35 ** METERS' sappend units.
36 PRA sprint the alpha register.
37 CF 19 3 clear the test flag.
38 RTN 3end of subroutine 39 GTO 'TSTHPR' 3R/S to repeat the program.
40 RTN
- end subroutine.
41 END send of module.
This test generates the gamma uX/Q from the double curve fit subroutines and the concentration X/Q diffusion factors from the adjusted gamma X/Q. The test return flags 19 and 03, control the premature exit from the subroutines being tested so that only specific parameters are tested. For gound releases, the prompt for wind speed is ONLY used for the M correction in eq.(33).
To determine the unadjusted gamma uX/Q, the vind speed used in the test routine is 2.24 mph, equal to 1 m/sec.
Then X/Q is equal to uX/Q.
For a tabular format the flag 18 should be off.
If flag
N 18 is set to printout the intermediate signa values, the output
((j will not be tabularized.
If flag 10 is set the dr the concentration uX/Q.y deposition vill be included to calculate 01LBL 'TSTX/Q' itest chi /q factors
'SEABROOK' ifor seabrook.
02 'REV 10-25-87'
- current r 0 <1sion.
- outpat requires a printer.
04 ADV
- advance line on printer.
OS 34
- alpha counter.
06 STO 34
- save alpha counter.
- mixing height limit, STO 13 isave mixing height limit.
07 CF 10
- reset for no wet and dry depocition 28 CF 11
- clear temporary exit flag from F2.
09 CF 18 greset printall mode.
10 CF 21
- disable printer temporarl 11 SF 19
- turn on test return flog.y.
12 'FOR SIGMA: SF18' Ifor printout of sigma values.
13 AVIEW 3put it only in the display.
14 STOP stop to view it. R/S to restart.
15 'FOR DEP: SF10'
- to include vet and dry deposition.
16 AVIEW pput it only in the display.
- stop to view it. R/S to restart.
18 SF 21
- reenable the printer.
19 CF 02
- clear flag for sig800 meters.
20 ' START MILE' sinput prompt.
21 71 3 data register for starting miles.
22 XEQ 'PQ'
- do the quick prompt.
- input prompt.
24 72
- data register for ending miles.
25 XEQ 'PQ" ido the quick prompt.
- input prompt.
27 94 3 data register for incremental elles O
- do the quick prompt.
29 ' FLUME H(M)'
sinput prompt tor plume height.
30 89
- data register for plume height.
31 XEQ 'PQ'
- do the quick prompt.
32 SF 06 sot flag for elevated release.
YAEC-1619 04 oct. 1987
Disk file: SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 78 Revision date: 10-24-87 33 X/=0?
- if plume height is not zero, 34 GTO el
- skip over next prompt.
35 CF 06 gif zero is ground plume, clear flag.
36 ' INCL WAK+ MEA' increen message, 37 PRA ljust print it.
38 ' WIND, MPH' linput prompt, vind speed only for ground.
39 80 3 data register for lower wind speed.
40 XEQ 'PQ' ido the quick prompt.
41LBL 91
- cont label.
42 2.24 32.24 sph = 1 meters per sec 43 STO 03
- save 1 sph s
- clear x-reg. peed to normalize uCHI/Q.
44 CLX 45 STO 14
- save no plume offset.
46 'ALL, CLASS?'
linput prompt.
47 XEQ
- execute the input subroutine.
- for all classes, do the following.
'A' l'A' stability class 50 XEQ 14 sexecute setup routine.
'B' setc.
52 XEQ 14 lete.
'C' 54 XEQ 14 55
'D' 56 XEQ 14 57
'E' 58 XEQ 14 59
'F' 60 XEQ 14 61
'G' 62 XEQ 14 O>
63 CF 15
- clear the test return flag.
64 CF 10
- restore to normal status.
65 CF 11
- restore to normal status.
- 1f Just one class needed, 68 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G ?'
- 1nput prompt string.
69 A0H
- turn on alpha for input, 70 PROMPT
- show the prompt message and stop.
- turn off alpha after input.
72 XEQ 14
- execute the main test routine.
- when done prompt for another class.
74LBL 14
- set up class and title block routine.
75 ADV
- printer paper advance 76 ASTO 08
- save alpha stability class.
77 STAB CLASS' lappend the messace, 78 SF 12 iset vide print flag, 79 AVIEW pand display and print header.
83 CF 12
- clear the vide print flag.
81 FS7 06
- 11 an elevated release, 82 GTO 10 isk1p over doing sigy at 800 meters 83.4972 3800 meters =.4972 miles 84 STO 26
- save it for sigy800 85 SF 02 set flag to do aust sigy 86 XEQ IND 08 3do the SIGCOEF Zor specific class 87 RCL 11
- get the sigma at 800 meters 88 STO 92 gand save sigy800.
89LBL 10
- cont label.
- unity
.STO 22
- reset Fd.
- set to.6 miles for let loop 91 STO 26 isave in working register.
STO 42
- set for Fd in lat loop as d(1-1)
92 ' MILE con ux/Q
- table title block, 93 *~ gam uX/Q' great of title.
94 FC7 18 411 flag cleared, 1
95 PRA
- print table title YAEC-1619 G-5 Oct. 1987
Dick filot SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 7B Revision date: 10-24-87
96 XEQ 15 3do the main test routine.
97 RTH 3R/S will make it continue beyond 10 miles 98LBL 15 Imain test routine.
99 FIX 1
- only ont decimal place.
100 CLA
- clear out the alpha register.
101 FC7 18
- 1f doing the table, no print all code.
102 GTO 11
- skip next units.
103 ARCL 26
- get the current distance.
104 MILES' lappend units, 105 XEQ 'W' sand print or view it.
196LBL 11
- cont label.
107 XEQ IND 08
- do signa for stability class 108 STO 95 leave uX/Q, v/o Fz, in temporary register.
109 CF 19
- clear the test return flag 110 FC7 10
- if flag 10 not set, 111 SF 11 Iset flag to skip ary and wet deposition.
112 SF 03
- set flag to exit at X/Q THY cale.
113 XEQ 'FZ'
- do the reflection factor.
114 CF 03 3 reset flag for normal operation 115 SF 19 sput the test return flag on.
115 CLA
- clear the alpha reg.
117 F1X 1
- set one decimal place, 118 ARCL 26
- append the distance, 119
- >pppend spaces, 120 SCI 3 sst to 3 scientific place 6 121 ARCL X
- append the concentration uk/Q 122 **
- append more spaces, 123 ARCL 95
- append the gamma uX/Q 124 FC7 18 311 print al. mode not on, 125 PRA
- print out the table row.
RCL 26
- get currant distance, O
- cistanu for end of ist loop, X/*Y?
- 12 not equal, is not end of ist loop.
OTO 01
- theretore skip over, otherwise RCL 71
- 1nitialize. starting distance 2nd loop.
STO 26
- save to working register.
GTO 02
- skip to avoid increment on 2nd loop.
LBL 21
- cont' 126 RCL 72
- get end distance.
127 RCL 26
- get current distance.
128 RCL 94
- get incremental distance.
129 +
- add for the new distance.
130 X>Y?
- is it larger than end distance.
131 GTO 00
- 11 so exit, 132 STO 26
- otherwise save as new distance.
LBL 02 scont' 133 FS7 18
- 11 in printall mode, 134 ADV
- advance the paper 135 GTO 15 land loop back for next distance.
136LBL 00
- cont label.
137 RCL 71
- get starting distance.
138 FIX 1 1 set one decimal 139 STO 26 1save in working register.
140 RTN Jgo back for next stability class.
141 END lend of module.
This routine checks the curve fitting routines for the J(t) and F(t) factors. The time increment can be linear or logarithemic.
if a log increment is used the program will prompt for a factor to increase the starting time with.
A value between.3 and.6 is suitable for a starting point l
- test Jtt) and F(t) factors.
02 'SEABROOK' ifor seabrook only 03 'REV 2-29-87'
- current revision i
I YAEC-1619 G+6 Oct. 1987 f
Disk files SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2 SEABROOK 7B Revision date: 10-24-87 0
04 ' REQ PRINTER' la printer is required for output.
05 SF 19 set test return flag.
96 SF 21 genable printer incase diskbled.
97 CF 00
- reset flag 08 ADV 3 advance the paper.
99 ' START (HRS)*
Ithe starting input time.
10 1
- data register for starting hours.
11 XEQ 'PQ' 3do the quick prompt.
12 'END(HRS)*
31nput the ending hours.
13 4
- data register for ending hours.
14 XEQ 'PQ' 3do the quick prompt.
15 'LN INC? Y/N'
- 1og increment for time steps?
16 AVIEW sview message
'17 71 s keycode for Y.
- check for key input.
19 CLD
- clear the display.
20 X=Y?
shus user keyed the Y key?
21 SF 00 gif so set flag 00 22 'INC' 3part of message, 23 FS7 00
- if logarithemic increment, 24 '-(FACTOR)*
3 append ' factor' to alpha, 25 FC7 00
- 11 11nera increment, 26 '~tHRS)*
- appand ' hours' to alpha.
27 3 3 data register for time increment.
28 XEQ 'PQ' 3do the quick prompt for factor or hours.
29 RCL 01
- get starting time, 30 FIX 1 1 set one decimal place.
31 STO 27
- save the starting time in working reg.
32 ADV
- advance the printer paper.
- heeder on printout for long version.
- print it and view it.
35 ADV
- advance the paper again.
36 *C3' stnis and the following are the routines 37 XEQ 14
- that are being tested.
38 'MS2' 39 XEQ 14 40 ' LOW 1' 41 XEQ 14 42 ' LOW 3' 43 XEQ 14 44 'MEDi' 45 XEQ 14 46 'MED3' 47 XEQ 14 L
48 'HI1' 49 XEQ 14 50 *H13' 51 XEQ 14 52 'LOl' 53 XEQ 14 54 'LO2' 4
55 XEQ 14 56 'LO3' 57 XEQ 14 58 ADV
- advance the paper.
ihesder for testing the quick version 60 AVIEW 3 print and view it.
61 ADV
- advance the paper.
62 'C3 *
- this and the following are the routines
63.XEQ 14
- that are being tested.
64 'MS2
- 65 XEQ 14 O
66 ' LOW 3 '
67 XEQ 14 68 'MED3 '
t 69 XEQ 14 l
70 'HI3
- YAEC-1619 G-7 Oct. 198/
Dick file SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7B l
Revision date: 10-24-87 i
71 XEQ 14 72 'LO1
- i 73 XEQ 14 74 'LO2 '
i 75 XEQ 14 76 'LO3
- I 77 XEQ 14 78 CF Se
- reset the log /lin flag.
79 CF 19
- clear the test return flag.
80 RTN lend the routine.
4 81LBL 14 set up title block.
1 82 SF 12 set flag for double width header.
83 AVIEW lorint and view it.
3 1
84 CF 12 Inlear the double width header.
4 85 ASTO 90 3put alpha label for routine into reg 00.
86 ' HRS JtT)&F(T)*
Itable header 87 PRA 3 print the alpha header l
88 XEQ 15 3 execute the main test subroutine.
89 RTN
- end subroutine r
90LBL 15
- main test subroutine.
91 FIX 3
- set one decimal.
92 XEQ IND 00 grun the subroutine label stored in reg 20 t
j 93 CLA
- clear the alpha reg 94 ARCL 27 3 recall the working time, hrs 95
sappend spaces, j
96 SCI 3
- set scientific to 3 places.
97 ARCL X lappend the curve fit output.
98 PRA
- print the alpha register.
99 RCL 04
- get the ending hours.
100 RCL 27
- get the current hours, 101 RCL 03
- get increment or log facter 102 FC7 00
- 1f clear, l
103 GTO 01
- skip over.
104 X<>Y
- otherwise swap to get current nours, 105 LN stake log (time;,
106 +
3 add to factor, i
107 E'X
- exptinttimel+ factor;
198LBL 01
- cont label.
109 FC? 00
- 11 linear increment, 1
110 +
- add increment to curlent time.
111 X>Y7
- 1f new time is greater than er.d time, 112 GTO 23 skip to end routine.
113 STO 27
- otherwise save time f or next loop.
114 GTO 15 sand loop back for next calculation.
115LBL 00
- cont label if ending.
116 RCL 01
- get starting time, t
117 FIX 1
- reset display, i
118 STO 27 gand save for next J(t) or F(t) equation 119 ADV
- advance the paper.
120 RTN send subroutine l
i This routine is used to test the curve fit routines that are used
to calculate uX/Q values.
Both CRVCOEF and PLMwDT require that j
the TSTSIG be run first.
The program also assigns TSTSIG to the key
4 t
01LBL 'TSTSIG' stest the sigma curve fits.
02 'REV 10-25-86'
- current revision.
4 j
- clear all key assignments.
64 'CRVCOEF' icurve coeff key assignment.
05 14 3 assigned to key 14.
j (
! assign it.
- plume width key assig.) ment.
4 l
88 15
- assigned to key 15.
YAEC-1619 G-8 Oct. 1987 I
_, _.._ _ _. _ J
Dick f110:
SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2 SEABROOX 7B Revision date 10-24-87 09 PASN sessign it.
10 ADY ladvance the printer paper.
- restart program key assignment.
12 11
- to key 11, 13 PASN 3 assign it.
14 FIX 2
- set 2 decimals in display.
15 ' SIGMA'
- prompt messageIor signa input.
16 15 3 data register 17 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
18 LN Itake log of signa, 19 STO 16 Jand save in(sigma) 20 ' START d/sig'
- input starting d/ sigma.
21 71 3 data register starting d/ sigma.
22 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
23 STO 23 salso save d/ signa in working register.
24 'END d/sig'
- input ending d/sigan.
25 72 3 data register ending d/ sigma.
26 XEQ
- do general prompt.
27 'INC d/sig' 31nput incremental d/ sigma.
28 94 3 data register for inc d/ sigma.
29 XEQ
- do general prompt.
30 XEQ 'UX/Q'
- do gamma diffusion factor.
31 SCI 9
- eet scientific 9 places.
- put into alpha, 33 ARCL 18
- append the value of coeff A, 34 AVIEW
- view it.
- put into alpha, 36 ARCL 19
- append the value of coeff B, 37 AVIEW
- view it.
- put into alpha, 39 ARCL 20
- append the value of coeff C, 40 AVIEW
- view it.
41 ADY sadvance paper.
O 42 'd/sig UX/Q' sheader for table.
44LBL 10
- 1oop label, 45 XEQ C
- for uX/Q from normal curve.
46 RCL 72
- get ending d/ sigma.
47 RCL 94
- get incremental d/ sigma.
48 RCL 23
- get s'.arting d/ sigma.
49 *
- next d/ signa value.
50 STO 23
- save d/sioma in working register.
51 X<=Y7
- is new value lees than ending value?
52 GTO 10
- then loop back for next run.
- otherwise stop 54LBL C
- subroutine to cale normal curve.
55 CLA
- clear alpha register.
56 FIX 2
- set 2 decimals in dispiny.
57 ARCL 23
- append the working distance, 58
- append some spaces, This section is the same as LBL 58 in the program subroutine
'UX/Q' in SBEROM6 page.
59 RCL 23 gget the current distance 60 RCL 19 scoef b 61 -
62 X'2 63 RCL 20
- coef c i
61 /
65 E*X 66-RCL 18 scoef a 67 *
- uX/Qua*expl(td/sig)-b)*2/c) 68 STO 21
- cave the value.
J 69 SCI 4 iset the display.
l 70 ARCL X 3 append the results.
71 PRA Jand print to printer.
i 72 RTH 3end subroutine.
1 YAEC-1619 G.9 oct. 1987
Disk file:
SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOX 7B Revision date: 10-24-87 OV (PLMWDT) can be used to determine the width of the plume for any uX/Q diffusion factor at any % plume width.
This is used to examine the ranges of accuracy of the curve fits which decrease for larger % plume widths.
73LBL 'PLMWDT' splume width label.
74 CF 21 3 disable printer.
75 'D0 PLM WDTH' smessag 76 AVIEW gin dis lay only, 77 PSE 3 pause o view.
78 FS7 55 sif printer attached?
79 SF 21 genable printer again.
88 SCI 4 Iset scientific 4 places.
81 'UX/Q'
- input prompt, 82 21
- data register for ux/q 83 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
84 FIX 1
- set display places 85 '%PLM WIDTH *
- input prompt for what plume width %,
86 22
- data register for % plume width.
87 XEQ
- do general prompt.
88 100 31004 This section 18 the same as the plume width section, at the end of subroutine 'UX/Q',
after LBL 01.
89 X<>Y
- svap stack, 90 -
- to get 100% - input %
91 R"L 21
- get current uX/Q at centerline 92 XOY
- svap stack, O
93 %
- take percent of uX/Q.
94 STO 22
- X of ux/Q at the edge of plume.
95 RCL 18
- ccet "a' for normal sigma evrve.
96 /
97 LN
- 1nty/a) where y*uX/Q 98 RCL 20 scoef 'c'for normal sigma curve.
- sthe sqrt term in the quadratic.
100 0 itest value 101 X<Y?
- result can not ce negative, 102 RDN guse positive value, otherwise use zero.
103 SQRT 104 RCL 19
- coef
'b' for normal sigra curve.
105 +
- d/sigavg'b+sqrtic'tinty/a)))
106 FIX 2
- sigavg 107 'd/sigavg
- where d ' plume width to centerline.
108 ARCL X
- append the d/sig, 109 AVIEW
- and view it.
110 RCL 15
- get sigma average.
111 +
112 'd(M)=*
- get d factor in d/sigavg 113 ARCL X seppend to alpha, i
114 AVIEW 3and view it.
115 2
- since d is only centerline to edge, 116 *
- plume total width
- 2d 117 1609
- meters per elle 118 /
119 ' TOTAL Ws'
- plume width in miles.
120 ARCL X 3 append valve, 121 MI' pappend units.
122 AVIEW 3and view it.
123 STOP 3end of routine, but 124-GTO 'PLMWDT'
- R/S to restart for new test.
'CRVCOEF' is used to alter the coefficents
'c' and t
determine their effect on the uX/Q values for various d/stgaa values.
(CRVCOEF) is assigned to key
- D*
when the program is first run.
YAEC-1619 G-10 Oct. 1987
Disk file SBEROH9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 7B Revision date: 10-24-87 125LBL 'CRVCOEF"
- 1abel curve coefficients.
126 CF 21 3 disable printer.
127 ' INPUT A,B,C' inessage in alpha.
- display it.
130 FS7 55 sif printer attached, 131 SF 21 senable printer.
'A' linput prompt for coef a, 133 18 3 data reg for coef a, 134 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
'B' sinput prompt for coef b, 136 19
- data reg for coef b, 137 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
'C' linput prompt for coef c.
139 20
- data rag for coef c, 140 XEQ
'P' pdo general
'141 'd/sig' 31nputprompkroeptfor d/sig value, 142 23
- data reg for d/sig, 143 XEQ
'P' 3do general prompt.
144 ADV 145 'd/sig UX/Q' sheader for table, 146 PRA sprint header.
147 XEQ C scale uX/Q from normal curve.
248 STOP lend routine, but 149 GTO 'CRVCOEF'
- R/S to repeat test.
150 END lend of module.
This routine as used to verify the classification in the quick version.
This routine originally tested a series of input dose rates for the most serious one to base the classification on.
Currently it only used the site boundary to determine the classification.
The lines marked
- are therefore used.
01LBL *TSTCLS' Itest emergency classificaton.
02 'hEV 10-23-67'
- current revision 03 ADV 3 advance paper.
04 0
- clear flaga 0-7 05 X<>F
+06LBL 00 07
- input prompt, OB 45 3 data register for body mr/hr, 09 XEQ 'PQ*
- do quick prompt.
10 E3
- mr to rem factor s
11 FS7 22
- 12 numeric data input?
i 12 ST/ 45
- convert ar/hr to r/hr in data register.
13 'I131, MR/HR' sanput prompt, 14 46
- data register for todine, pr/hr 15 XEQ 'PQ' 3do quick prompt.
16 E3 ser to rem factor 17 FS? 22
- 11 numeric data input?
1 18 ST/ 46
- convert ar/hr to r/hr in data register.
- determine the classification subroutine.
+20 'MORE? Y/N'
+22 71
+24 CLD l
+25 X'Y?
+16 GTO 20 27 *
- message 28 ** TION--
- 3 append rest of message 29 XEQ 'WQ*
3do quick print, j
- match classification to jump label 31 CF 21
- disable printer, O
32 'R/S TO CONT' 3 display only, 33 AVIEW svaev at.
34 STOP gend test 35 FSt 55 gif printer attached, 36 SF 21
- enable printer.
YAEC-1619 G-11 Oct. 1967 1
Disk file:
SBEROM9.LST Catalog 2: SEABROOK 78 Revision date: 10-24-87 O
- go back for another test.
38 RTN gend of routine.
39 END pend of module.
i This code is used to download the ERANCO 4K RAM pages to the h 11 loop so that it can be transmitted to the minicomputer or processing by the BASIC code 'GOINTEL. BAS'.
The BASIC program produces the Intel hex format that the EPROM programmer can use.
Program '0UTROM' vill work for all user including programs with synthetic instructions and non programs, standard characters.
It only sends the ASCII address and 10 bit hex number to the minicomputer in the format AAAACCC.
It takes rou a 4K page f rom the ERAMCO RAM box.ghly 45 minutesIf a speedup to download module is installed in your HP-41, it will take about 25 minutes.
.It will produce a image file about 36K on a microcomputer.
01 LBL '0UTROM' 3 program generates format AAAACCC 02 'REV 9-2-86' 03 ' REQ ESMLDL-OS'
- requires eranco MLDL operating system.
06 CF 15
- set printout to manual mode.
07 CF 16 08 SF 21 sturn on print enable.
- manual I/O to non standard printer.
10 1
- set for ist device on hpil loop.
- select this device 1.
12 1.512
- inner nested counter for 4k page.
13 STO 00
- save it.
14 1.008
- outer counter 8'512=4096 bytes 15 STO 01
- save it.
16 AON
- turn on alpha display, 17 'WHAT PAGE?'
- prompt for 4K page in hex format.
- turn of alpha display.
20 48
- ASCII for 0 21 XTOA gappend three O*s to hex page, 22 XTOA
- to get first address to download.
23 XTCA 24 COD
- code address in alpha to binary in x-reg 25 RUNSW
- start the stopvatch.
26LBL 01
- start the loop.
- disassemble x-reg to y-reg, increment x 28 X<>Y
- swap disassemble in y to x-rea 29 DECOD
- decode to get alpaa, output alpha.
30 X<>Y gget back next address for disassemble.
31 ISG 00
- 1ncrement nested counter, 32 GTO 01 sloop back until counter = 513 33 1.512
- reset nested counter.
34 STO 00 35 RDH gget back the RAM address.
36 ISG 01
- 1ncrement outer counter, 37 GTO 01 gloop back until counter = 9 40 RTH
- stop program.
41 END O
YAEC-1619 G-12 Oct. 1987 l
IRREX OF PROGRAM SUBROUTINE LABELS a E-6 alt C-5 eitpath E-21 annlys C-2 arv C-29 F erv2 C-2h
-6 b E-7 bgn D-3 c E-7 et D-13 c3 C-18,F-4 c1 C-4 c19 D-17 c1hp D-12 core C-12
cts D-16, F-12 cu D-13 d E-7 detstep D-26 ddep E-19 dirfra C-2 die C-8 dit D-16 dofg F-17 dos C-12 dt C-4 e E-7 i
elev D-10 elv C-6 f E-8 fz E-10 g E-8 gnd C-6 hil C-15 h13 C-15, F-3 hpr D-7 hyperX D-11 hypert D-12 if D-14 jft C-14 jftq F-2 key 0-2 ktodp D-25 ktoy D-25 Ine C-12 lol C-16, F-3 lo2 C-16, F-5 lo3 C-16, F-4 i
loc D-29 lovl C-17, F-2 lov3 C 17, F-2 maxfg F-16 nee D-4 medi C-14 med3 C-15, F-3 mon C-6 es2 C-14, F-2 mal D-28, F-14 auldio C-19 n D-16 noht D-11 pag C-10 path C-5 l
pathq F-12 1
pq F-18 proj C-2 prtell E-21 4
ptov D-25 j
p E-23 qkdis C-11 YAEC-1619 H-1 Oct. 1987 l
q E-22 qq F-19 reinfal E-29 O
rain E-22 releas C-1 rep C-1 re C-6 rem F-12 rf D-15 shinit D-1 abq F-1 setelk D-15 sig8 C-8 4
sagcoef E-6 sian D-6 sol C-3 arv C-29, F-6 arv2 C-20 stabi C-3 stab D-6 stabq F-7 start F-1 atk D-26,F-13 ter E-1 tibi E-20 timeq F-12 times C-1 tea D-16 tar D-16 trip C-1 un C-5 ux/q E-13 virre C-8 viv C-18, F-5 vtop D-25 vek+ men D-4 O
vdep E-20 wind C-2 v C-14, E-13 vloss D-26 vq F-18 xq C-7 yy C-4 y D-26 liO I
j YAEC-1619 H-2 Oct. 1987 i
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 O
Program listing to verify the multip/Qle polynominal curve fit ting routine to produce the gamma chi dispersion factors. The original data is stored in disk data files labeled sigxxxx.all.
'I',#1, 140 WHILE NOT EOF (1) 150 INPUT #1,X,Y 160 M(1,N)=X 170 M(2,H)=Y 180 N=H+1 190 WEND 200 N=N-1 210 DIM F(5,N) 220 FOR I=1 TO N 230 F(1,I)=M(1,I): REM D/ SIGMA l (
240 F(2,I)=M(2,I): REM UX/Q
250 PRINT F(1,1),F(2,1) 260 NEXT I 270 PRINT ' TOTAL DATA POINTS = *;N 280 CLOSE #1 290 DEFDBL A,B,C,X 300 DEFINT I N 310 DIM T(4,k) 320 READ S 330 PRINTf2, 'FOR SIGMA 0F ';S 340 PRINTf2, 350 FOR I=1 TO N 360 X=(F(1,I))
370 IF X>41 THEN GOSUB 910 380 IF X>2! AND X<=41 THEN GOSUB 760 390 IF X<=21 THEN GOSUB 610 400 IF A=0 THEN 450 410 T(2,1)=A'EXP(iX-B)^2/C) 420 T(3 I)=F(2,1)-T(2,1) 430 IF k(2,1)=0 THEN 450 440 T(4,1)=100'(T(2,I)-F(2,I))/F(2,1) 450 NEXT I 460 PRINT 82,
'N'; TAB (7);'D/SIG'; TAB (15);'UX/Q'; TAB (30);' CALC UX/Q'; TAB (45);
- 470 PRINT #2, 480 FOR Is1 TO N 490 PRINTf2, I; TAB (5);F(1,I); TAB (14);F(2,1); TAB (29);T(2,I); TAB (44);T(3,1);
TAB (59);T(4,I) 500 NEXT I 510 PRINT #2,: PRINT 82 :PRINTf2,: PRINT 82,sPRINTf2, 520 ERASE MtERASE FikRASE T 530 GOTO 70 540 DATA 'SIG0005.ALL',5,'SIGR310.ALL*,10,'SIG0015.ALL*,15,'SIG0020.ALL',20 550 DATA 'SIG0025.ALL',25,'SIG0035.ALL*,35,'SIG0045.ALL'b'5,'SIG0075.ALL',75 4
N 560 DATA 'SIG0150.ALL',150,'SIG0200.ALL',200,'SIG0300.Al
,300, s
'SIG0400.ALL*,400 570 DATA 'SIG0500.ALL',500,'SIG0600.ALL*,600,'SIG0700.ALL',700,
'SIG0800.ALL*,800 580 DATA 'SIG0900.ALL*,900,'SIG1000.ALL',1000,'SIG1200.ALL',1200, 4
YAEC-1619 I-1 Oct. 1987 6
.. - -.. ~..
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619
'SIG1500.ALL',1500 590 DATA 'SIG1800.ALL',1800,'SIG2000.ALL*,2000,'SIG2200.ALL',2200 595 CLOSE #2, 600 END 610 REM FOR D/ SIGMA VALUES FROM 0.0 TO 2.0 620 LX= LOG (S) 630 IF S>=400 GOTO 690 640 A=((.0205021+LX+.115619)+LX-1.17654)+LX-5.90476 650 Baf((((.0230526*LX+.518942)+LX-4.79531)+LX+23.1866)*LX-61.8383)*LX+
85.9527)*LX-49.8262 660 C=((.0295246#+LX.38735401#)*LX+1.2951464#)*LX+.5450080700000015#
670 Ba-EXP(B) 680 GOTO 730 690 A=((.0160537+LX.359202).LX+.686383)+LX-7.86578 700 B=(((((47.463555#*LX-1963.0228#) LX+33785.589#)+LX-397281.1#) LX+
710 C=((.0160855+LX+.359938)*LX-2.69449)*LX+7.44206 720 B=EXP(B) 730 A=EXP(A) 740 C=-EXP(C) 750 RETURN 760 REM FOR D/ SIGMA VALUES FROM 0.0 TO 4.0 770 LX= LOG (S) 780 IF S>=600 GOTO 840 790 A=(((((.007293*LX.206585)+LX+2.43554)*LX-15.3385)*LX+54.5285)*LX-105.673)+LX+80.6138 800 Bat (((-3.94619E-03+LX+.0574894)*LX.372166)+LX+1.38172)*LX-3.99898 *LX+
7.90214 810 C=(((.0115127+LX.161332).LX+.874723)+LX-3.30848)+LX+9.06712 820 C=-EXP(C) 830 GOTO 860 840 A=(((((.0433799+LX+.980152)+LX-2.16139)+LX-121.694)*LX+1391.32)*
0 LX-6018.3)+LX+9498.88 850 B=((((-33.9869028*LX+1197.899#)*LX-16868.6788)*LX+118631.6#)*LX-416652.63#)*LX+584635.238 860 C=((((-4.495990000000037D-16*b+2.93508E-12)*S-7.26699000000022D-09)*S.
8.541944800000011D-06)*S-4.83264E-03)+S+3.12939 s
870 C=-C 880 A=EXP(A) 890 Ba-EXP(B) 900 RETURN 910 REM FOR D/ SIGMA VALUES FROM 4.0 TO 10.0 920 IF S)45 THEN A=0: RETURN 930 A=(((5.403332200000013D-07+S-8.03236E-05)*S+8.807950800000014D-04i S-
.26729988#)*S-9.14424 940 A=EXP(A) 950 B=((.000013852967#*S+.00100222528)*S+.646801218)*S+11.0111968 960 C=tt.000069745326#*S.0207093478)*S+1.5797,*s+79.9275 970 RETURN h
I l
YAEC-1619 I-2 Oct. 1967
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
.0005033 5.06676E-04
.670701 2
.0005033 5.05239E-04
.385191 3
.0005033 5.03368E-04
.0134966 4
.0004972 5.01068E-04
.778007 5
.0004929 4.98345E-04
-5.44544E-06 1.10478 6
.0004896 4.95207E-04
-5.60662E-06 1.14514 7
.0004869 4.9166E-04
.977593 8
.0004847 4.87714E-04
.62188 9
.0004827 4.8338E-04
.140828 10
.000481 4.78667E-04 2.33261E-06
.484951 11
.0004795 4.73589E-04 5.91099E-06
-1.23274 12
.0004768 4.68157E-04 8.64282E-06
-1.81267 13
.0004719 4.62385E-04 9.51463E-06
-2.01624 14
.0004653 4.56288E-04 9.0122E-06
-1.93686 15
.0004b7b 4.49879E-04 7.62072E-06
-1.66573 16
.0004489 4.43175E-04 5.72475E-06
-1.27528 17
.0004397 4.36192E-04 3.50844E-06
.797916 18
.0004301 4.28945E-04 1.15519E-06
.268586 19
.0004204 4.21452E-04
.250221 20
.0004105 4.1373E-04
.786817 21 1
.000401 4.05796E-04
-4.79637E-06 1.1961 0
- 1. 2
.0003637 3.72303E-04
-8.60292E-06 2.36539 23
- 1. 4
.000328 3.36855E-04
-8.85461E 06 2.69958 24
- 1. 6
.0002953 3.0057E-04
-5.2703E-06 1.78473 25
- 1. 8
.0002e39 2.644est-e4
.22311b 26 2
.0002374 2.29523E-04 7.87714E-06
-3.31809 27
- 2. 2
.000215 2.15385E-04
.17924e 28
- 2. 4
.0001958 1.97475E-04
.855501 29
- 2. 6
.0001788 1.80991E-04
-2.19075E-06 1.22525 30
- 2. 8
.0001639 1.65822E-04
-1.92189E-06 1.1726 31 3
.0001512 1.51871E-04
.443776 32
- 3. 2
.0001402 1.39044E-04 1.15648E-06
.824882 33
- 3. 4
.0001306 1.27255E-04 3.34511E-06
-2.56134 34
- 3. 6
.0001222 1.16423E-04 5.77655E-06
-4.7271s 35
- 3. 8
.000114P 1.06476E-04 8.22368E-06
-7.16973 36 4
.0001081 9.73443E-05 1.07557E-Ob
-9.94976 37 5 8.345E-05 7.60145E-05 7.4355E 06
-8.9101J 38
- 5. 5 7.488E-05 6.85552E-05 6.32477E-06
-8.44652 39 6 6.779E-05 b.21629E-Ob 5.60706E-06
-e.2712; 40
- 6. 5 6.178E-05 5.67269E-05 5.05309E-06
-8.17917 41 7 5.662E-05 5.20468E-05 4.57324E-06
-8.07708 42
- 7. 5 5.222E-05 4.8027E-05 4.19303E-06
-8.02954 43 8 4.835E-05 4.45722E-05 3.77785E-06
-7.81354 44
- 8. 5
.0000449 4.16034E-05 3.29661E-06
-7.34211 45 9 4.181E-05 3.90554E-05 2.75462E-06
-6.58842 46
- 9. 5 3.904E-05 3.6874E-05 2.16603E-06
-5.54824 47 10 3.658E-05 3.50143E-05 1.56567E-06
-4.28013 l
.0002559 2.58191E-04
.895250 2
.00025b9 2.57024E-04
.439264 YAEC-1619 I-3 Oct. 1987
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 3
.0002545 2.55658E-04
.455049 4
.0002537 2.54096E-04
.156234 5
.0002532 2.52342E-04 8.57573E-07
.338694 6
.0002528 2.50401E-04 2.39949E-06
.949167 7.
.0002523 2.48275E-04 4.02494E-06
-1.5953 8
.0002505 2.45971E-04 4.52891E-06
-1.80795 9
.0002478 2.43494E-04 4.30618E-06
-1.73776 10
.0002446 2.40849E-04 3.7509E-06
-1.53348 11
.5 0002416 2.38043E-04 3.5572E-06
-1.47235 12
.0002393 2.35081E-04 4.2187E-06
-1.76293 13
.00023E2 2.31971E-04 4.22874E-06
-1.79032 14
.0002326 2.2872E-04 3.88041E-06
-1.66828 15
.0002285 2.25333E-04 3.16667E-06
-1.38585 16
.0002242 2.2182E-04 2.08002E-06
-1.06156 17
.0002197 2.18187E-04 1.51301E-06
.688669 18
.0002157 2.14442E-04 1.25788E-06
.583163 19
.0002116 2.10593E-04 1.00677E-06
.475791 20
.0002073 2.06648E-04 6.5178E-07
.314414 21 1
.0002028 2.02615E-04 1.84824E-07
.0911361 27
- 1. 2
.000184 1.85765E-04
.959169 23
- 1. 4
.0001657 1.68153E-04
-2.45262E-06 1.48016 24
- 1. 6
.0001489 1.50277E-04
.924697 25
- 1. 8
.0001336 1.32596E-04 1.00439E-06
.751787 26 2
.0001195 1.15509E-04 3.99134E-06
-3.34003 27
- 2. 2
.0001075 1.17157E-04
-9.65721E-06 8.98345 28
- 2. 4 9.714E-05 1.06935E-04
-9.79452E-06 10.0829 29
- 2. 6 8.818E-05 9.75121E-05
-9.33206E-06 10.583 30
- 2. 8 8.019E-05 8.88357E-05
-8.54572E-06 10.7815 31 3 7.336E-05 8.08555E 05
-7.4955E-06 10.2174 32
- 3. 2 6.746E-05 7.35224E-05
-6.06242E-06 8.98668 33
- 3. 4 6.233E-05 6.67916E-05
-4.46163E-06 7.15808 34
- 3. 6 5.782E-05 6.06197E-05
-2.7997E-06 4.84209 O
- 3. 8 5.385E-05 5.49663E-05
-1.11633E-06 2.07304 36 4 5.031E-e5 4.97932E-05 5.168E 07
-1.02723 37
- 4. 5 4.296E-05 4.6194E-05
-3.23396E-06 7.52784 38 5
.000037s 4.02903E 05
-2.9903E-06 8.01666 39
- 5. 5 3.276E-05 3.53291E-05
-2.56913E-06 7.84227 40 6 2.898E-05 3.11445E-05
-2.16454E-06 7.46908 41
- 6. 5 2.584E-05 2.76025E-05
-1.76245E-06 6.82062 42 7 2.317E-05 2.45941E-05
-1.42409E-06 6.14625 43
- 7. 5 2.086E-05 2.20308E-05
-1.17081E-06 5.61269 44 8 1.884E-05 1.96402E-05
-1.00025E-06 5.30916 45
- 8. 5 1.709E-05 1.79631E-05
- 5. lee 65 46 9 1.554E-e5 1.633e5E e5
-8.1e493E-e7 5.21553 47
- 9. 5 1.415E-05 1.49623E-05
-8.12296E-07 5.74061 48 10 1.292E 05 1.37652E-Ob
.0001708 1.73625E-04
-2.82467E-06 1.65379 2
.0001705 1.72904E-04
-2.40441E-06 1.41021 3
.0001701 1.72045E-04
-1.9446E-06 1.14321 4
.0001699 1.71047E-04
. 6753Fi 5
.0001697 1.69915E-04
.126774 6
.0001688 1.68651E-04 1.49375E-07
.0884925 7
.0001674 1.67257E-04 1.42973E-07
.0854078 8
.0001662 1.65738E-04 4.62387E-07
.278211 9
.0001649 1.64096E-04 6.03993E-07
.487564 Os 10
.0001631 1.62336E-04 7.63816E-07
.468311 11
.0001609 1.60462E-04 4.37663E-07
.27201 12.55
.0001587 1.58479E-0$
.139394 13
.0001569 1.5639E-04 5.09797E-07
.324919 14
.0001547 1.54201E-04 4.98621E-07
.322315 YAEC-1619 I-4 Oct. 1987
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 15
.0001521 1.51917E-04 1.8267E-07
.120099 16
.0001493 1.49503E-04
.162907 17
.0001463 1.4708tE-04
.536133 18
.0001435 1.44545E-04
.729026 19
.0001408 1.41934E-04
.805533 20
.0001379 1.39254E-04
.98189 21 1
.0401349 1.36511E-04
-1.61138E-06 1.1945 22
- 1. 2
.0001222 1.25031E-04
-2.83071E-06 2.31646 23
- 1. 4
.0001098 1.13008E-04
-3.20817E-06 2.92183 24
- 1. 6 9.821E-05 1.00797E-04
-2.58722E-06 2.63438 25
- 1. 8 8.746E-05 8.87223E-05
-1.26227E-06 1.44325 26 2 7.787E-05 7.70659E-05 8.04102E-07
-1.03262 27
- 2. 4 6.237E-05 6.43657E-05
- 1. 99565E-06 3.19969 28
- 2. 8 5.056E-05 5.26397E-05
-2.07971E-06 4.11335 29
- 3. 2 4.185E-05 4.27822E-05
-9.32239E-07 2.22757 30
- 3. 6
.0000352 3.45544E-05 6.45556E-07
-1.83397 31 4 3.005E-05 2.77355E-05 2.31451E-06
-7.70221 32
- 4. 5 2.512E-05 2.77956E-05
-2.67563E-06 10.6514 33 5 2.128E-05 2.36215E-05
-2.34145E-06 11.0031 34 6 1.575E-05 1.73195E-05
-1.56946E-06 9.96484 35 7 1.196E-05 1.29574E-05
-9.97382E-07 8.33931 36 8 9.248E-06 9.89138E-06
-6.43382E-07 6.95699 37 9 7.231E-06 7.70464E-06
-4.73638E-07 6.55011 38 10 5.712E-06 6.12356E-06
.000:274 1.29718E 04
-2.31832E-06 1.81972 2
.0001272 1.29202E-04
-2.00197E-06 1,57387 3
.000127 1.28575E-04
-1.57503E-06 1.24018 4
.0001269 1.27839E-04
.740384 5
.0001263 1.26996E-04
.551291 6
.0001255 1.26049E-04
.437114 7
.0001249 1.24998E-04
.07861e 8
.0001238 1.23849E-04
.0392361 9
.0001225 1.22602E-04
.0831694 10
.0001214 1.21262E-04 1.38425E-07
.0001201 1.19831E-04 2.69043E-07
.224016 12
.0001184 1.18314E-04 8.64166E-08
.072987 13
.0001166 1.16713E-04
.0970646 14
.0001149 1.15034E-04
.1163be 15 7
.0001131 1.13279E-04
.158405 16
.0001112 1.11454E-04
.228185 17
.0001091 1.09562E-04
.423279 18
.0001068 1.07608E-04
.756277 19
.0001045 1.05596E-04
-1.09597E-06 1.0467e 20
.0001023 1.03531E-04
-1.23119E-06 1.20351 21 1
.0001001 1.01418E-04
-1.31793E-06 1.31661 22
- 1. 2 9.055E-05 9.25736E-05
-2.02355E-06 2.23473 23
- 1. 4 8.101E-05 8.33251E-05
-2.31506E-06 2.85774 24
- 1. 6 7.203E-05 7.39573E-05
-1.92724E-06 2.67561 25
- 1. 8 6.379E-05 6.47295E-05
-9.3953E-07 1.47285 26 2 5.635E-05 5.58651E-05 4.84906E-07
.860526 27
- 2. 2 4.995E-05 5.09492E-05
-9.99196E-07 2.00039 28
- 2. 4 4.439E-05 4.58283E-05
-1.43831E-06 3.24016 29
- 2. 6 3.952E-05 4.11318E-05
-1.61176E-06 4.0763b 1
- 2. 3 3.537E-05 3.68355E-05
-1.46554E-06 4.14345 1
31 3 3.181E-05 3.29158E-05
-1.10576E-06 3.47613 O
- 3. 2 2.873E-05 2.93486E-05
-6.1858E-07 2.15306 33
- 3. 4 2.605E-05 2.61106E-05
.232572 34
- 3. 6 2.372E-05 2.31789E-Ob 5.41111E-07
-2.28124 35
- 3. 8 2.166E-05 2.05313E-05 1.12872E-06
-5.2111 36 4 1.985E-05 1.81462E-05 1.70377E-06
-8.58324 YAEC-1619 I-5 Oct. 1987 J
Dick filos GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 37
- 4. 5 1.619E-05 1.77184E-05
-1.52836E-06 9.44014 4
38 5 1.336E-05 1.46854E-05
-1,32541E-06 9.92076 39
- 5. 5 1.117E-05 1.22304E-05
-1.0604E-06 9.49332 40 6 9.401E-06 1.0235E-05
-8.33994E-07 8.87133 l
- 6. 5 7.954E-06 8.60652E-06
-6.52515E 07 8.20361 42 7 6.777E-06 7.27206E-06
-4.95058E-07 7.30498 43
- 7. 5 5.793E-06 6.1742E-06
-3.81195E-07 6.58026 44 8 4.963E-06 5.2674E-06
-3.04401E-07 6.1334 4
- 8. 5 4.269E-06 4.51548E-06
-2.46476E-07 5.77362 46 9 3.684E-06 3.88958E-06
-2.05579E-07 5.58033 47
- 9. 5 3.182E-06 3.36662E-06
-1.84616E-07 5.80189 48 10 2.753E-06 2.92804E-06
.0001009 1.02652E-04
-1.75221E-06 1.73658 2
.0001008 1.02251E-04
-1.45063E-06 1.43912 3
.0001007 1.01756E-04
-1.05622E-06 1.04888 4
.0001005 1.0117E-04
.667021 5
.2 9.998E-05 1.00495E-04
.51479 y
.25 9.952E 05 9.9731E-05
.21202 t
.3 9.874E-05 9.88814E-05
.14322 8
.000098 9.79482E-05 5.17684E-08
.0528249 r
.4 9.713E-35 9.6934E-05 1.96043E-07
.201836 10
.45 9.601E-05 9.58413E-05 1.68729E-07
.175742 O
.5 9.474E-05 9.46731E-05 6.69097E-08
.0706246 i
.55 9.369E-05 9.34325E-05 2.57489E-07
.274831 13
.6 9.238E-Ot 9.21227E-05 2.57263E 07
.2784e4 14
.65 9.087E-05 9.07472E-Ob 1.22847E-07
.13bly 15
.7 8.924E-05 8.93093E-05
.0776108 16
.75 8.766E-05 8.78127E-05
.17423 17
.8 8.613E-05 8.62613E-05
.152404 i
.85 8.443E-05 8.46587E-05
.27087J 4
.9 8.262E 05 8.30089E-05
.47070s 20
.95 8.073E-05 8.13158E-05
.725667 21 1
7.878E-05 7.95835E-05
-8.03469E-07 1.01989 22
- 1. 2 7.122E-05 7.23416E-05
-1 1216E-06 1.57484 23
- 1. 4 6.343E-05 6.47905E-05
-1.36051E-06 2.1449 i
- 1. 6 5.606E-05 5.71732E-05
-1.11324E-06 1.9858 t
- 1. 8 4.932E-05 4.97087E-05
.788089 26 2 4.322E-05 4.25824E-05 6.37629E-07
-1.47bJ1 27
- 2. 2 3.791E-05 3.904E-05
-1.13003E-06 2.98083 28
- 2. 4 3.337E-05 3.48345E-Ob
-1.46453E-06 4.388/)
- 2. 6 2.945E-05 3.09937E-05
-1.54373E-06 5.24185 30
- 2. 8 2.608E-05 2.7498E-05
-1.41801E-06 5.43715 31 3 2.322E-05 2.43272E-05
-1.10719E-06 4.76824 32
- 3. 2 2.076E-05 2.14609E-05
-7.00875E-07 3.37608 i
- 3. 4 1,866E-05 1.88785E-05
-2.1847E-07 1.17079 34
- 3. 6 1.683E-05 1.65596E-05 2.70436E-07
- 3. 8 1.522E-05 1.44842E-05 7.35765E-07
36 4 1.381E-05 1.2633E-05 1.17701E-06
-8,52286 37
- 4. 5 1.099E-05 1.16143E-05
-6.24303E-07 5.68064 38 5 8.854E-06 9.39233E-06
-5.38326E-07 6.08004
- 5. 5 7.207E-06 7.63081E-06
-4.23807E-07 5.800b i
40 6 5.912E-06 6.22858E-06
-3.16575E-07 5.35479 41
- 6. 5 4.87E-06 5.10769E-06
-2.3768SE-07 4.88061 42 7 4.039E-06 4.20804E-06
-1.69037E-07 4.18513 43
- 7. 5 3.36E-06 3.483E-06
-1.22995E-07 3.6605b 44 8 2.801E-06 2.89631E-06
-9.53048E-08 3.40253 O
- 8. 5 2.345E-06 2.41967E-06
-7.46693E-08 3.18419 46 9 1.969E-06 2.03089E-06
-6.18852E-08 3.14298 47
- 9. 5 1.654E-06 1.71251E-06
-5.85124E-08 3.53763 48 10 1.392E-06 1.45078E-06
-5.87774E-08 4.22251 i
i YAEC-1619 I-6 Oct. 1987
Disk files GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
0 7.015E-05 7.09878E-05
-8.37798E-07 1.19429 2
.05 7.011E-05 7.07167E-05
.865414 3
.1 7.006E-05 7.03742E-05
.448521 4
.15 6.983E-05 6.99613E-05
.188041 5
.2 6.951E-05 6.94792E-05 3.07628E-08
.0442566 6
.25 6.911E-05 6.89295E-05 1.80531E-07
.261223 7
.3 6.862E-05 6.83137E-05 3.96332E-07
.446418 8
.35 6.796E-05 6.76337E-05 3.26282E-07
.480111 9
.4 6.736E-05 6.68916E-05 4.6839E-07
.695353 10
.45 6.659E-05 6.60896E-05 5.0044E-07
.751525 11
.5 6.568E-05 6.52299E-05 4.50062E-07
.685234 12
.55 6.482E-05 6.43153E-05 5.04762E-07
.778714 13
.6 6.388E-05 6.33481E-05 5.31894E-07
.832646 14
.0000628 6.23313E-05 4.68688E-07
.746319 15
.7 6.163E-05 6.12677E-05 3.62292E-07
.58785 16
.75 6.045E-05 6.01603E-05 2.8971E-07
.479256 17
.8 5.933E-05 5.90121E-05 3.17908E-07
.535831 18
.85 5.808E-05 5.78262E-05 2.5376E-07
.436915 19
.9 5.676E-05 5.66059E-05 1.54098E-07
.27149 20.95 5.538E-05 5.53543E-05 2.5706E-08
.0464174 21 1 5.396E-05 5.40747E-05
.21246 O
- 1. 2 4.847E-05 4.87407E-05
.558479 23
- 1. 4
.0000428 4.32151E-05
.969785 24
- 1. 6 3.745E-05 3.76696E-05
.640333 25
- 1. 8
.0000325 3.23339E-05 1.66096E-07
.511063 26 2 2.807E-05 2.72859E-05 7.84145E-07
-2.79353 27
- 2. 2 2.425E-05 2.50915E-05
-8.41464E-07 3.46996 28
- 2. 4 2.095E-05 2.20246E 05
-1.07455E-06 5.12913 29
- 2. 6 1.813E-Ob 1.92518E-05
-1.12176E-06 6.18732 30
- 2. 8 1.576E-05 1.67577E-05
-9.97734E-07 6.3308 31 3 1.375E-05 1.45259E-05
-7.75897E-07 5.64289 32
- 3. 2 1.205E-05 1.25387E-05
-4.88689E-07 4.05551 33
- 3. 4
.000010e 1.07781E-05
-1.78131E-07 1.6e046 34
- 3. 6 9.353E-06 9.22608E 06 1.26921E-07
-1.35701 i
- 3. 8 8.286E-06 7.86452E-Oe 4.21483E-07
-5.08669 36 4 7.374E-06 6.67591E-06 6.98091E-07
- 4. 5 5.555E-06 5.06707E-06 4.8793E-07
-8.78362 i
38 5 4.245E-06 3.90022E-06 3.44785E-07
-8.12213 39
- 5. 5 3.273E-06 3.01541E-06 2.57586E-07
-7.87002 40 6 2.54E-06 2.34168E-06 1.98317E-07
-7.80774 41
- 6. 5 1.986E-06 1.82657E-06 1.59435E-07
-8.02794 42 7 1.557E-06 1.43108E-06 1.25918E-07
-8.08722 i
- 7. 5 1.226E-06 1.12621E-06 9.97908E-08
-8.13954 l
44 8 9.692E-07 8.90224E-07 7.89766E-08
-8.14863 45
- 8. 5 7.671E-07 7.0681E-07 6.02902E-08
-7.8595 46 9 6.086E-07 5.63677E-07 4.49234E-08
-7,38143 l
- 9. 5 4.849E-07 4.51526E-07 3.33742E-08
-6.88269 48 10 3.865E-07 3.63295E-07 2.32049E-08
-6.00386 t
0 5.276E-05 5.31004E-05
.645169 YAEC-1619 I-7 Oct. 1967
Disk files GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 0
\\ss 2
.05 5.275E-05 5.29046E-05
.293025 3
.1 5.267E-05 5.26502E-05 1.98379E-08
.0376645 4
.0000525 5.2338E-05 1.61977E 07
.308528 5
.2 5.225E-05 5.19692E-05 2.80827E-07
.537467 6
.25 5.191E-05 5.15449E-05 3.65137E-07
.703403 7
.3 5.152E-05 5.19665E-05 4.53532E-07
.880303 8
.35 5.105E-05 5.05356E-05 5.1441E-07
-1.00766 9
.4 5.046E-05 4.9954E-05 5.06047E-07
-1.00287 10
.45 4.991E-05 4.93234E-05 5.86566E-07
-1.17525 11
.5 4.923E-05 4.86461E-05 5.83932E-07
-1.18613 12
.55 4.846E-05 4.7924E-05 5.35983E-07
-1.19603 13
.6 4.771E-05 4.71596E-05 5.50444E-07
-1.15373 14
.65 4.691E-05 4.63551E-05 5.54941E-07
-1.18299 15
.7 4.601E-05 4.5513E-05 4.96995E-07
-1.08019 16
.75 4.505E-05
- 4. 4636E-05 4.14027E-07
.91904 17
.8 4.408E-05 4.37266E-05 3.5343E-07
.801791 18
- 1. 48 5 4.315E-05 4.27875E-05 3.62506E-07
.840108 19
.9 4.214E-05 4.18215E-05 3.18534E-07
.755895 20
.95 4.108E-05 4.08313E-05 2.48747E-07
.605518 21 1 3.998E-05 3.98196E-05 1.60388E-07
.40117 22
- 1. 2 3.564E-05 3.56143E-05 2.56914E-08
.0720859 23
- 1. 4 3.119E-05 3.42844E-05
.302656 24
- 1. 6 2.705E-05 2.69903E-05 5.97447E-08
.220eco 25
- 1. 8 2.319E 05 2.28698E-05 3.20213E-07
-1.38082 26 2 1.977E-Ob 1.90324E-05 7.37626E-07
-3.73104 27
- 2. 2 1.681E-05 1.73032E-05
-4.93155E-07 2.9337 28
- 2. 4 1.427E-05 1.49436E-05
-6.73582E-07 4.72027 29
- 2. 6 1.212E-05 1.28342E-05
-7.14207E-07 5.8928 30
- 2. 8 1.032E-05 1.09615E-05
-6.41467E-07 6.21576 31 3 8.823E-06 9.31007E-06
-4.87074E-07 5.52051 32
- 3. 2 7.563E-06 7.86363E-06
-3.0063E-07 3.97501 33
- 3. 4 6.506E-06 6.60508E-06
-9.90831E-08 1.52295 O
- 3. 6 5.616E-06 5.5172E-06 9.87993E-08
-1.75925 35
- 3. 8 4.87E-06 4.58294E-06 2.87064E-07
-5.89454 36 4 4.236E 06 3.78577E-06 4.50229E-07
-10.62e6 37
- 4. 5 3.016E-02 2.20545E-ce 8.1055E-07
-26.875 38 5 2.183E-ee 1.61266E-06 5.70319E-07
- 5. 5 1.591E-ee 1.18435E-e6 4.e6653E-e7
40 6 1.171E-06 8.73561E-07 2.97437E-07
-25.4003 41
- 6. 5 8.657E-07 6.47127E-07 2.18573E-07
-25.2481 a
42 7 6.421E-07 4.81463E-07 1.60637E-07
-25.0174 43
- 7. 5 4.792E 07 3.5976eE-07 1.19432E 07
-24.9232 44 8 3.579E-07 2.69997E-07 8.79026E-08
-24.5606 45
- 8. 5 2.679E-07 2.03507E-07 6.43928E-06
-24.0361 46 9 2.016E-07 1.54057E-07 4.75429E-08
-23.562e 47
- 9. 5 1.517E-07 1.17128E-07 3.45716E-08
-22.7695 46 10 1.142E-07 8.94389E-06 2.47611E-06
0 2.807E-05 2.80494E-05 2.05928E-08
.0733622 2
.05 2.806E-05 2.79602E-05 9.98152E-Oe
.355?21 3
.000028 2.7833E-05 1.67E-07
.596427 4
.15 2.789E-05 2.76684E-05 2.21618E-07
.794616 l
.2 2.774E-05 2.7467E-05 2.72999E-07
.984136 6
.25 2.753E-05 2.72297E-05 3.0033E-07
-1.09092 7
.3 2.729E-05 2.69573E-05 3.32653E-07
-1.21896 8
.35 2.699E-05 2.66511E-05 3.38874E-07
-1.25555 O
.4 2.666E-05 2.63122E-05 3.67762E-07
-1.37842 10
.0000263 2.5942E-05 3.57983E-07
-1.36115 11
.5 2.591E-05 2.55419E-05 3.681E-07
-1.420e9 12
.55 2.548E-05 2.51135E-05 3.66541E-07
-1.438b4 i
.6 2.499E-05 2.46583E-05 3.31682E-07
-1.32726 YAEC-1619 1-e Oct. Ise?
Dick filo GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 t
Appendix to YAEC-1619 14
.65 2.449E-05 2.41782E-05 3.11788E-07
-1.27312 15
.7 2.399E-05 2.36749E-05 3.15082E-07
-1.31339 16
.75 2.344E-05 2.31503E 05 2.89705E-07
-1.23594 17
.8 2.285E-05 2.26062E-05 2.43766E-07
-1.06681 18
.85 2.226E-05 2.20447E-05 2.15328E-07
.967333 19
.9 2.169E-05 2.14676E-05 2.22432E-07
-1.0255 20
.95 2.197E-05 2.08769E-05 1.93117E-07
.916548 21 1 2.043E-05 2.02746E-05 1.55405E-07
.760672 22
- 1. 2 1.786E-05 1.77883E-05 7.16718E-08
.401298 23
- 1. 4 1.527E-05 1.52678E-05 2.17187E-09
.0142231 24
- 1. 6 1.288E-05 1.28197E-05 6.0285E-08
.468051 25
- 1. 8 1.067E 05 1.05302E-05 1.39753E-07
-1.30977 26 2 8.751E-06 8.46171E-06 2.89292E-07
-3.30582 27
- 2. 2 7.105E-06 7.27527E-06
-1.70269E-07 2.39646 i
28. 2. 4 5.737E-06 6.00266E-06
-2.65661E-07 4.63065 29
- 2. 6 4.616E-06 4.9046E-06
-2.88595E-07 6.25207 1
30 2.8 3.707E-06 3.9685E-06
-2.61499E-07 7.05418 31 3 2.977E-06 3.17991E 06
-2.02907E 07 6.81581 32
- 3. 2 2.393E-06 2.52329E-06
-1.30286E-07 5.44446 33
- 3. 4 1.928E-06 1.98282E-06
-5.48205E-08 2.84339 34
- 3. 6 1.558E-06 1.54299E-06 1.5006E-08
.963157 35
- 3. 8 1.262E-06 1.18908E-06 7.29234E-08
-5.7784 36 4 1.024E-06 9.07445E-07 1.16555E-07
-11.3823 37
- 4. 5 6.171E-07 0
0 0
38 5 3.76E-07 0
0 0
- 5. 5 2.325E-07 0
0 0
40 6 1.444E-07 0
0 0
- 6. 5 9.048E-06 0
0 e
42 7 5.683E-08 0
0 0
- 7. 5 3.579E-06 0
0 0
44 8 J.268E-08 0
0 0
- 8. 5
'.436E-08 0
0 0
46 9 9.115E-09 0
0 e
0 47
- 9. 5 5.814E-09 0
0 0
r 48 10 3.705E 09 0
0 0
% Ehh0h 1
0 1.028E-05 1.03674E-05
.850254 2
.05 1.028E 05 1.03442E-05
.624169 3
.1 1.026E-Ob 1.03025E-Ob
.41373s 4
.15 1.022E-05 1.0242SE-05
.220103 5
.2 1.016E-05 1.01646E-Ob
.045331d 6
.25 1.007E-05 1.00692E-05 7.97627E-10
-7.92082E-03 7
.3 9.964E-06 9.95679E-06 7.20684E-09
.0723288 8
.35 9.842E-06 9.82797E-06 1.40353E-C3
.142606 9
.4 9.694E-06 9.68339E-06 1.06083E-08
.109432 10
.45 9.538E-06 9.52382E-06 1.41781E-08
.148649 11
.5 9.359E-06 9.35007E-06 8.93215E-09
.0954391 12
.55 9.164E-06 9.16301E-06 9.92259E-10
.0108278 13
.6 8.967E-06 8.96357E-06 3.42607E-09
-l 14
.65 8.746E-26 8.75274E-06
.0770772 l
15 7
8.513E-36 8.53153E-Oo
.217646 16
.75 8.286E-06 8.30098E-06
.180735 17
.8 8.039E-06 8.06216E-06
.28811 18
.85 7.778E 06 7.81616E-06
.490645 1
.9-7.521E-0E 7.56407E-06
.572646 l
.95 7.266E-06 7.30697E-06
.563809 21 1
6.997E-06 7.04593E-06
.699363 O
- 1. 2 5.915E-06 5.98332E-06
-6.83194E-08 1.15502 23 1.4 4.851E-06 4.93699E-06
-8.59932E-08 1.77269 24
- 1. 6 3.883E-06 3.95822E-06
-7.52157E-08 1.93705 25
- 1. 8 3.03E-0(
-5.35652E-08 1.76783 YAEC-1619 I-9 Oct. 1987
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619
26 2 2.306E-06 2.33412E-06
-2.81214E-08 1.21949 1
- 2. 2 1.722E-06 1.83074E-06
-1.08736E-07 6.31454 28
- 2. 4 1.261E-06 1.3783E-06
-1.17298E-07 9.30198 29
- 2. 6 9.087E 97 1.01764E-06
-1.08945E-07 11.9891 30
- 2. 8 6.471E-07 7.36859E-07
-8.97592E-08 13.871 31 3 4.552E-07 5.23249E-07
-6.80493E-08 14.9493 32
- 3. 2 3.177E-07 3.64392E-07
-4.66918E-08 14.6968 33
- 3. 4 2.204E-07 2.48865E-07
-2.84652E-08 12.9152 34
- 3. 6 1.522E-07 1.66685E-07
-1.44848E-08 9.51693 35
- 3. 8 1.048E-07 1.09487E-07
-4.68697E-09 4.4723 36 4 7.212E-08 7.05284E-08 1.59158E-09
-2.20685 37
- 4. 5 2.83E-08 0
0 0
38 5 1.121E-08 0
0 0
- 5. 5 4.491E-09 0
0 0
40 6 1.819E-09 0
0 0
- 6. 5 7.441E-10 0
0 0
42 7 3.07E-10 0
0 0
- 7. 5
's. 266E-10 0
0 0
44 8 b.284E-11 0
0 0
- 8. 5 2.196E-11 0
0 0
46 9 f,156E-12 0
0 0
- 9. 5 J 835E-12 0
0 0
48 10 1 602E 12 0
0 0
0 6.42EE 06 6.b0e94E-et
-8.69395E-08 1.3537e 2
.2 6.345E-06 6.38474E 06
.62634 3
.4 6.034E-Od 6.0672eE 06
.55147 4
.6 5.548E-06 5.58549E 06
.675834 5
.8 4.93E-06 4.98135E-06
-5.13483E-08 1.04155 6
1 4.244E-06 4.3037eE-06
-5.97747E-Ce 1.40845 7'
- 1. 2 3.541E-06 3.60221E-06
-6.12145E-08 1.72873 8
- 1. 4 2.864E-06 2.92084E-06
-5.68352E 08 1.98447 9
- 1. 6 2.239E-06 2.29436E 06
-5.53616E-08 2.47261 l
- 1. 8 1.703E-06 1.74596E-06
-4.29595E-08 2.52258 j
t 11 2 1.26E-06 1.28713E-06
-2.71335E-08 2.15345 12
- 2. 2 9.051E-07 9.63199E-07
-5.80988E 08 6.41904 13
- 2. 4 6.352E-07 6.92367E-07
-5.71673E-08 8.99986 14
- 2. 6 4.355E-07 4.85482E-07
-4.99818E-08 11.4769 15
- 2. 8 2.916E 07 3.32066E-07
-4.04664E 08 13.8774 16 3 1.926E-07 2.21561E 07
-2.89607E-06 15.0367 17
- 3. 2 1.248E-07 1.44204E-07
-1.94037E-08 15.5479 le
- 3. 4 7.981E-08 9.15536E-08
-1.17435E-08 14.7444 19
- 3. 6 5.055E-08 5.6701E-08
-6.15098E-09 12.1681 20
- 3. 8 3.172E-08 3.42547E-08
-2.5347E-09 7.99085 21 4 1.977E-08 2.01868E-08
-4.16799E-10 2.10824 22
- 4. 5 5.968E-09 0
0 0
l 23 5 1.786E-09 0
0 0
t 24
- 5. 5 5.361E-10 0
0 0
1 25 6 1.635E-10 0
0 0
l 26
- 6. 5 5.011E-11 0
0 0
i 27 7 1.563E-11 0
0 0
- 7. 5 4.874E-12 0
0 0
4 l'
29 8 1.528E-12 0
0 0
- 8. 5 4.808E-13 0
0 0
31 9 1.508E-13 0
0 0
- 9. 5 4.773E-14 0
0 0
33 10 1.509E-14 0
0 0
l YAEC-1619 1+10 Oct. Ide7 i
I Dick filo GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
0 3.155E-06 3.18052E-06
.868982 2
.2 3.114E-06 3.12119E-06
.230871 3
.4 2.95E-06 2.95577E-06
.195634 4
.6 2.692E-06 2.70116E-06
.340385 5
.8 2.371E-06 2.3821E-06
.468173 6
1 2.015E-06 2.02721E-06
.605943 7
- 1. 2 1.655E-06 1.66482E-06
.593136 8
- 1. 4 1.312E-06 1.31936E 06
.560982 9
- 1. 6 1.003E-06 1.009E-06
.597825 10
- 1. 8 7.391E-07 7.44638E-07
.749239 11 2 5.293E-07 5.3031E-07
.190806 12
- 2. 2 3.637E-07 3.65346E-07
.452536 13
- 2. 4 2.444E-07 2.45991E-07
.651002 14
- 2. 6 1.575E-07 1.60337E-07
-2.83697E-09 1.80125 15
- 2. 8 9.937E-08 1.01169E-07
-1.79899E-09 1.81039 16 3 6.055E-08 6.1796E-08
-1.24595E-09 2.05772 17
- 3. 2 3.583E-08 3.65403E-Oe
-7.10312E-10 1.98245 18
- 3. 4 2.082E-08 2.09163E-08
.462348 19
- 3. 6 1.173E-08 1.15903E-08 1.3967E-10
-1.1907 20
- 3. 8 6.463E-09 6.21735E-09 2.45653E-10
-3.80092 21 4 3.506E-09 3.22861E-09 2.77394E-10
-7.91199 22
- 4. 5 7.011E-10 0
0 0
23 5 1.298E-10 0
0 0
- 5. 5 2.186E-11 0
0 0
25 6 3.629E-12 0
0 0
0 26
- 6. 5 6.226E-13 0
0 0
27 7 1.079E-13 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1.925E-14 0
0 0
29 8 3.434E-15 0
0 0
- e. $
5.159E-16 e
0 0
31 9 7.635E-17 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1.684E-17 0
0 0
33 10 5.11E-18 0
0 0
FOR SIGMA 0F 400 i
% ERhun 1
0 1., 85 4 E- 06 1.85983E-06
.314325 2
.2 1.829E-06 1.82534E-06 3.66117E-09
.200173 3
.4 1.728E-06 1.72566E-06 2.33752E-09
.135273 4
.6 1.571E-06 1.57148E-06
.0307917 5
.8 1.377E-06 1.3785E-06
.108651 6
1 1.164E-06 1.16478E-06
.0667568 i
- 1. 2 9.476E-07 9.48029E-07
.045272 8
- 1. 4 7.415E-07 7.43262E-07
.237684 9
- 1. 6 5.608E-07 5.61312E-07
.0912455 I
- 1. 8 4.092E-07 4.08327E-07 8.73058E-10
.213357 11 2 2.858E-07 2.86123E-07
.11311 12
- 2. 2 1.944E-07 1.839E-07 1.05005E-08
-5.40147 13
- 2. 4 1.264E-07 1.19473E-07 6.92727E-09
-5.48043 14
- 2. 6' 8.001E-08 7.48264E-08 5.18359E-09
-6.47868 15
- 2. 8 4.833E-0v 4.51792E-08 3.15084E-09
-6.51943 O
16 3 2.864E-Oo 2.62977E-08 2.34226E-09
-8.17829 17
- 3. 2 1.621E-08 1.47569E-48 1.45307E-09
-8.96402 18
- 3. 4 8.921E-09 7.98311E-09 9.37894E-10
-10.5133 a
- 3. 6 4.769E-09 4.16337E-09 6.05629E-10
-12.6943 20
- 3. 8 2.451E-09 2.09322E 09 3.57776E-10
-14.5971 1
YAEC-1619 I-11 Oct. 1987
.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -
Disk file GAMMALL, BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 21 4 1.241E-09 1.01457E-09 2.26425E-10
-18.2454 22
- 4. 5 1.951E-10 0
0 0
23 5 2.454E-11 0
0 0
- 5. 5 2.663E-12 0
0 0
25 6 2.636E-13 0
0 0
- 6. 5 2.421E-14 0
0 0
27 7 2.224E-15 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1.472E-16 0
0 0
29 8 1.317E-17 0
0 0
- 8. 5 2.816E-18 0
0 0
31 9 1.349E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
% ERROh 1
0 1.214E-06 1.21606E-06
.169893 2
.2 1.197E 06 1.19301E-06 3.98529E-09
.33294 3
.4 1.129E-e6 1.12646E-06 2.54136E-09
.225098 4
.6 1.024E-Ot.
1.02368E-06 3.1946E-10
.0311973 5
.8 8.96E-07 8.95351E-07 6.49379E-10
.0724754 6
1 7.546E-07 7.53705E-07 8.94829E-10
.11858J 7
- 1. 2 6.116E-07 6.10646E-07 9.53889E-10
.155966 8
- 1. 4 4.768E-07 4.76165E-07 6.35083E-10
.133197 O
- 1. 6 3.568E-07 3.57359E-07
.156614 10
- 1. 8 2.584E-07 2.58126E 07 2.74071E-10
.106064 11 2 1.8E-07 1.7944et-67 5.5212E-le
.306733 12
- 2. 2 1.201E-07 1.1487E-07 5.23021E-09
-4.35488 13
- 2. 4 7.783E-0e 7.3700bE-08 4.12952E-09
-5.30582 14
- 2. 6 4.812E-08 4.55142E-08 2.60581E-09
-5.41523 15
- 2. 8 2.896E-06 2.70542E-08 1.90577E-09
-6.58068 16 3 1.666E 06 1.547e7E 08 1.18128E-Os
-7.090bl 17
- 3. 2 9.294E-09 8.52406E 09 7.69938E-10
-8.28425 18
- 3. 4 5.02E-09 4.o1824E-09 5.01757E-10
-9.9951b 19
- 3. 6 2.579E-09 2.30518E-09 2.73823E-10
-10.6174 20
- 3. 8 1.309E-09 1.13201E-09 1.7699E-10
-13.521 21 4 6.327E-le 5.Jbeb7E-le 9.76335E-11
-15.4312 22
- 4. 5 8.399E-11 0
0 0
23 5 8.314E-12 0
0 0
- 5. 5 6.622E-13 0
0 0
25 6 3.303E-14 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1.5J1E-li 0
0 0
27 7 6.731E-17 0
0 0
- 7. 5 5.674E-16 0
0 0
29 8 1.648E-18 0
0 0
- 8. 5 1.025E-18 0
0 0
31 9 1E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
0 8.538E-07 8.55559E-07
.20600v 2
.2 8.416E-07 8.39125E-07 2.47474E-09
.294051 3
.4 7.935E-07 7.91694E-07 1.80614E-09
.227617 YAEC-1619 I-12 Oct. 1987
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 U
.6 7.191E-07 7.18525E-07 5.75369E-10
.0800124 5
.8 6.27BE-07 6.27306E-07 4.93856E-10
.0786645 6
1 5.277E-07 5.26831E-07 8.69079E-10
.164692 7
- 1. 2 4.265E-07 4.25615E-07 8.85251E-10
.207562 8
- 1. 4 3.315E-07 3.30762E-07 7.37856E-10
.222581 9
- 1. 6 2.473E-07 2.47268E-07 3.16902E-11
.0128145 10
- 1. 8 1.78E-07 1.77818E-07 1.8224E-10
.102382 11 2 1.235E-07 1.23009E-07 4.91468E-10
.39795 12
- 2. 2 8.178E-08 7.39846E-08 7.79539E-09
-9.53214 13
- 2. 4 5.269E-08 4.74469E-08 5.24307E-09
-9.95079 14
- 2. 6 3.227E-08 2.92804E-08 2.98962E-09
-9.26439 15
- 2. 8 1.929E-08 1.73879E-08 1.9021E-09
-9.86053 16 3 1.095E 08 9.93618E-09 1.01382E-09
-9.25865 17
- 3. 2 6.095E-09 5.46378E-09 G.31225E-10
-10.3564 18
- 3. 4 3.226E-09 2.89113E-09 3.34869E-10
-10.3803 19 3.6 1.634E-09 1.47213E-09 1.61873E-10
-9.90655 20
- 3. 8 8.097E-10 7.21313E-10 8.83873E-11
-10.9161 21 4 3.769E-10 3.40099E-10 3.68015E-11
-9.76425 22
- 4. 5 4.979E-11 0
0 0
23 5 4.133E-12 0
0 0
- 5. 5 2.128E-13 0
0 0
25 6 4.83E-15 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1.678E-16 0
0 0
27 7 6.353E-18 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1.022E-18 0
0 0
29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
l 31 9 1E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
0 6.324E-07 6.33837E-07
.227275 2
.2 6.233E-07 6.21557E-07 1.74327E-09
.279685 3
.4 5.874E-07 5.86124E-07 1.27585E-09
.217203 4
.6 5.321E-07 5.31501E-07 5.98618E-10
.112b01 5
.8 4.636E-07 4.63474E-07 1.26306E-10
.0272446 6
1 3.893E-07 3.88644E-07 6.56343E-10
7 1.2 3.142E-07 3.13389E-07 8.10701E-10
.25e021 8
- 1. 4 2.436E-07 2.43009E-07 5.90916E-10
9 1.6 1.813E-07 1.81204E-07 9.64491E-11
.es319ec 10
- 1. 8 1.303E-07 1.29932E-07 3.6772E-10
.28221 11 2 9.003E-08 8.95928E-08 4.37204E-10
.48b62 12
- 2. 2 5.949E-08 5.36739E-08 5.81615E-09
-9.77669 13 2.4 3.814E-08 3.43369E-08 3.8031E-09
-9.97143 14 2.6 2.327E-08 2.11332E-08 2.13684E-09
-9.18282 15
- 2. 8 1.383E-08 1.25133E-08 1.31666E-39
-9.52073 16 3 7.811E-09 7.1283E-09 6.82701E-10
-8.7???a 17
- 3. 2 4.303E-09 3.90665E-09 3.96351E-10
-9.2.le3 l
- 3. 4 2.259E-09 2.05981E-09 1.99192E-10
-8.81771 19
- 3. 6 1.141E-09 1.04485E-09 9.61491E-11
- 3. 8 5.675E-10 5.09902E-10 5.75982E-11
-10.1495 21 4 2.622E-10 2.394E-10 2.28E-11
-8.69567 22 4.5 3.463E-11 0
0 0
23 5 2.153E-12 0
0 0
- 5. 5 6.961E-14 0
0 0
25 6 7.977E-16 0
0 0
- 6. 5 2.381E-17 0
0 0
27 7 1.764E-18 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
YAE6-1619 I-13 Oct. 1987
Disk files GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 31 9 LE-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
0 4.868E-07 4.87974E-07
.241071 2
.2 4.797E-07 4.78464E-07 1.236E-09
.257662 3
.4 4.52E-07 4.51033E-07 9.67418E-10
.214031 4
.6 4.092E-07 4.08764E-07 4.36074E-10
.106568 5
.8 3.566E-07 3.56158E-07 4.4173E-10
.123873 6
1 2.988E-07 2.983458-07 4.54634E-10
-.152153 7
- 1. 2 2.409E-07 2.40271E-07 6.28944E-10
.261081 8
1.4 1.865E-07 1.86033E-07 4.67224E-10
.250523 9
- 1. 6 1.391E-07 1.38479E-07 6.21228E-10
.446605 10 1.6 9.982E 06 9.91021E-08
-7.1789E 10
.719184 11 2
6.867E-08 6.81849E-08 4.85059E-10
.7063e3 12
- 2. 2 4.547E-08 4.06015E-08 4.8685E-09
-10.7071 13
- 2. 4 2.902E-08 2.59137E-08 3.10633E-09
-10.7041 14
- 2. 6 1.772E-08 1.59106E-08 1.80944E-09
-10.2113 15
- 2. 8 1.047E-08 9.39748E-09 1.07252E-09
-10.2436 16 3 5.914E-09 5.33957E-09 5.7443E-10
-9.71306 17
- 3. 2 3.223E-09 2.91858E-09 3.04425E-10
-9.4454 18
- 3. 4 1.693E-09 1.53463E-09 1.58368E-10
-9.35428 O
- 3. 6 8.468E-10 7.76262E-10 7.05385E-11
-8.33001 20
- 3. 8 4.291E-10 3.7773E-10 5.13705E-11
-11.9717 21 4 2.008E-le 1.76817E-10 2.39833E-11
-11.9439 22
- 4. 5 2.777E-11 0
0 0
23 5 1.335E-12 0
0 0
- 5. 5 2.427E-14 0
0 0
25 6 9.078E-17 0
0 0
- 6. 5 2.769E 16 0
0 0
4 27 7 1.329E-16 0
0 0
28 7.5 1E-18 0
0 0
29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
31 9 IE-16 e
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-lo 0
0 0
0 3.86E-07 3.87016E-07
.263085 2
.2 3.804E-07 3.79443E-07 9.57101E-10
.251604 l
.4 3.583E-07 3.57603E-07 6.97355E-10
.194629 4
.6 3.242E-07 3.2396E-07 2.40107E-10
.0740613 5
.8 2.825E-07 2.6211E 07 3.90344E-10
.138175 6
1 2.366E-07 2.36146E-07 4.53824E-10
.191811 7
- 1. 2 '
1.904E-07 1.90012E-07 3.88411E-10
.203997 8
- 1. 4 1.474E-07 1.46966E-07 4.34469E-10
.2947sb 9
1.6 1.097E-07 1.09266E-07 4.33545E-10
.39521 O
- 1. 8 7.045E-06 7.80899E-08 3.6011E-10
.459031 11 2 5.38E-08 5.36462E-08 1.53833E-10
.285934 12
- 2. 2 3.567E-08 3.18093E-08 3.86066E-09
-10.8233 13
- 2. 4 2.257E-08 2.02621E-08 2.30789E-09
-10.22bb i
YAEC-1619 I-14 Oct. 1987
Disk file GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619
- 2. 6 1.384E-08 1.24154E-08 1.42456E-09
-10.2931 15
- 2. 8 8.092E-09 7.31789E-09 7.74107E-10
-9.56632 16 3 4.592E-09 4.14913E-09 4.42868E-10
-9.64435 17
- 3. 2 2.474E-09 2.26295E-09 2.11045E-10
-8.53053 18
- 3. 4 1.308E-09 1.18725E-09 1.20754E-10
-9.23198 l
- 3. 6 6.538E-10 5.99176E-10 5.46243E-11
-8.3549 20
- 3. 8 3.243E-10 2.90879E-10 3.34205E-11
-10.3054 21 4 1.587E-10 1.35838E-10 2.26624E-11
-14.4061 22
- 4. 5 1.76E-11 0
0 0
23 5 8.229E-13 0
0 0
- 5. 5 1.194E-14 0
0 0
25 6 4.56E-17 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
27 7 1E-18 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
i 30
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
31 5
1E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
FOR SIGMA 0F 1000 1
% ERR 0k 1
0 3.135E-07 3.14306E-07
.257028 Os 2
.2 3.089E-07 3.08138E-07 7.6173E-10
.246594 3
.4 2.91E-07 2.90352E-07 6.47532E-10
.22252 4
.6 2.633E-07 4.62961E-07 3.3e645E-le
. 12es1e b
.6 2.2dE-07 J 269E e7 1.00457E-10
.043Ec70 6
1 1.919E-07 1.91507E-07 3.93058E-10
.204824 7
- 1. 2 1.545E-07 1.53996E-07 5.03547E-10
.325921 J
- 1. 4 1.195E-07 1.19021E-07 4.79041E-10
.400871 i
- 1. 6 8.871E-Oe 8.64143E-06 2.95692E-10
.33332b t
- 1. 8 6.328E-06 6.31261E-08 1.53975E-10
.243323 11 2 4.356E-08 4.33193E-08 2.40753E-10
.552693 12
- 2. 2 2.873E-06 2.54604E-08 3.2696E-09
-11.3604 13
- 2. 4 1.821E-06 1.61956E-08 2.01442E-09
-11.e621 14
- 2. 6 1.113E 0e 9.90923E-09 1.22078E-09
-10.bce; 15
- 2. 8 6.507E-09 5.83168E-09 6.75323E-10
-10.37e4 16 3 3.668E-09 3.3011E 09 3.66904E-10
-10.002e 17
- 3. 2 1.985E-09 1.79736E-09 1.87643E-10
- 3. 4 1.038E-09 9.4128EE-10 9.67145E-11
-9.3173b 19
- 3. 6 5.366E-lo 4.7415bE-10 6.24454E-11
-11.637e 4
- 3. 8 2.559E-10 2.29736E-10 2.61636E-11
-10.2242 21 4 1.26E-10 1.07066E-10 1.89345E-11
-15.0273 22
- 4. 5 1.218E-11 0
0 0
l 23 5 5.005E-13 0
0 0
i 24
- 5. 5 3.067E-15 0
0 0
25 6 3.235E-17 0
0 0
l 26
- 6. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
1 27 7 1E-18 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
31 9 1E-18 0
0 0
l 32
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
i i
1 YAEC-1619 I-15 Oct. 1987
Disk file GAPMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 FOR SIGMA 0F 1200 N
0 2.185E-07 2.18971E-07
.215426 2
.2 2.152E-07 2.14658E-07 5.41718E-10
.251728 3
.4 2.027E-07 2.02224L-07 4.75993E-10
.234826 4
.6 1.834E-07 1.8308E-07 3.19943E-10
.174451 5
.8 1.594E-07 1.59284E-07 1.15762E-10
.0726234 6
1 1.335E-07 1.33177E-07 3.23439E-10
.242276 7
- 1. 2 1.073E-07 1.07006E-07 2.94477E-10
.274443 8
- 1. 4 8.295E-08 8.26243E-08 3.25684E-10
.392627 9
- 1. 6 6.158E-08 6.13102E-08 2.69786E-10
.438107 10
- 1. 8 4.384E-08 4.37201E-08 1.19869E-10
.273423 11 2 3.009E-08 2.99608E-08 1.29219E-10
.429443 12
- 2. 2 1.987E-08 1.73716E-08 2.49837E-09
-12.5736 13
- 2. 4 1.252E-08 1.10201E-08 1.49993E-09
-11.9803 14
- 2. 6 7.659E-09 6.72207E-09 9.36931E-10
-12.2331 15
- 2. 8 4.451E-09 3.94272E-09 5.0828E-10
-11.4194 16 3 2.515E-09 2.22364E-09 2.91364E-10
-11.5851 17
- 3. 2 1.352E-09 1.20589E-09 1.46114E-10
-10.8072 18
- 3. 4 7.222E-10 6.28817E-10 9.33834E-11
-12.9304 19
- 3. 6 3.61E-10 3.15294E-10 4.5706E 11
-12.6609 20
- 3. 8 1.75E-10 1.52014E-10 2.29862E-11
-13.135 21 4 8.274E-11 7.04733E-11 1.22667E-11
-14.8256 22
- 4. 5 8.452E-12 0
0 0
23 5 2.368E-13 0
0 0
- 5. 5 1.333E-15 0
0 0
25 6 6.137E 16 0
0 0
- 6. 5 IE-le 0
0 0
27 7 1E-18 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
0 29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
- 8. 5 IE-18 0
0 0
31 9 1E-18 e
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 e
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
% ERR 0h 1
0 1.402E-07 1.4047bE 07
.1970b7 2
.2 1.381E-07 1.37702E-07 3.98288E-10
.288405 3
.4 1.301E-07 1.29702E-07 3.97577E-10
.3055v3 4
.6 1.176E-07 1.1739E-07 2.10456E-10
.178959 5
.8 1.023E-07 1.0209E-07 2.09965E-10
.205245 6
1 8.554E-08 8.5312E-08 2.28056E-10
.266607 7
- 1. 2 6.87E-08 6.85029E-08 1.97119E-10
.286927 8
- 1. 4 5.304E-08 5.28543E-08 1.85676E-10
.350067 9
- 1. 6 3.937E-08 3.91854E-08 1.84581E-10
.468837 10
- 1. 8 2.81E-08 2.79152E-08 1.84766E-10 65753 11 2 1.924E-08 1.91087E-08 1.31333E-10
.682605 12
- 2. 2 1.264E-08 1.07375E-08 1.90251E-09
-15.0515 13
- 2. 4 8.02E-09 6.77844E-09 1.24156E-09
-15.4808 14
- 2. 6 4.849E-09 4.11286E-09 7.36144E-10
-15.1813 15
- 2. 8 2.848E-09 2.39852E-09 4.49478E-10
-1b.7822 16 3 1.588E-09 1.34441E-09 2.43593E-10
-15.3396 17
- 3. 2 '
8.675E-10 7.24275E-10 1.43225E-10
-16.5101 18
- 3. 4 4.461E-10 3.75029E-10 7.10715E-11
-15.9317 O
- 3. 6 2.24E-10 1.86643E-10 3.73571E-11
-16.6773 20
- 3. 8 1.058E-10 8.92781E-11 1.65219E-11
-15.bl62 21 4 4.977E-11 4.10455E-11 8.72452E-12
-17.5297 22
- 4. 5 5.419E-12 0
0 0
23 5 1.663E 13 0
0 0
YAEC-1619 I-16 Oct. 1987
t I
D1:;k filo: GAMMALL. BAS I
Program Rev.
19-15-87 l
4 Appendix to YAEC-1619 1
t v
- 5. 5 7.641E-17 0
0 0
25 6 1E-18 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
t 27 7 1E-18 0
0 0
f 28
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
i 29 8 1.042E-18 9
9 9
I 1
- 8. 5 1.119E-18 0
9 8
31 9 1.197E-18 0
0 8
- 9. 5 1.276E-18 0
0 0
I 33 10 1.356E-18 0
0 0
i i
f N
i i
1 0
9.75E-08 9.76884E-08
.1SJ268 r
.2 9.605E-06 9.57b55E-08 2.94556E-10
.32e6ed i
.4 9.049E-08 9.0183E-05 3.06997E-10
.339261 4
.6 8.18E-08 8.16069E-08 1.93126E-10
.236095 5
.8 7.115E-08 7.09528E-08 1.97225E-10
.277197 6
1 5.944E-08 5.92725E-08 1.67539E-10
.281862 7
- 1. 2 4.775E 08 4.75748E-08 1.75159E-10
.366826 8
1.4 3.685E-08 3.66896E-08 1.60433E-10
.435369 j
- 1. 6 2.732E 08 2.71862E-08 1.33815E-le
.489805 i
i 10 1.8 1.949E-08 1.93551E 08 1.34911E-10
11 2 1.336E-08 1.32398E-08 1.20167E-10
+.899453 L
i 12
- 2. 2 8.777E 09 7.48122E-09 1.29579E-09
-14.7634 13
- 2. 4 5.552E-09 4.73428E-09 8.17724E-10
-14.7285 I
- 2. 6 3.379E-09 2.80061E-03 4.98187E-10
-14.7436 l
- 2. 8 1.967E-09 1.6856E-09 2.81396E 10
-14.3056 l
16 3 1.107E-09 9.48366E-10 1.58635E-10
-14.3301 17
- 3. 2 5.948E-10 5.13068E-10 8.1732SE-11
-13.7412 18
- 3. 4 3.102E-10 2.66903E-10 4.32968E-11
-13.9577 i
- 3. 6 1.549E-10 1.3351E-10 2.13904E-11
-13.6092 20
- 3. 8 7.385E-11 6.42169E-11 9.63311E-12
-13.0442 21 4 3.872E 11 2.97c07E-11 9.01934E-12
-23.2937 22
- 4. 5 b.015E-12 0
0 0
23 5 4.761E-14 0
0 0
i i
- 5. 5 1.111E 17 0
0 0
25 6 1.324E-16 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
f 27 7 1E-16 0
0 0
I i
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
29 8 1E-18 e
e e
i 30
- 8. 5 1E-16 0
0 0
I 31 9 1E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
I 33 le 1E-18 0
0 0
0 7.903E-08 7.91923E-0B
.205323 i
i 2
.2 7.784E-06 7.76236E-Ou 2.16375E-10
.277973 l
.4 7.332E-08 7.31016E-08 2.18364E-10 297823 I
.6 6.63E-08 6.61428E 06 1.5721bE 10
.23712o i
.8 5.762E-08 5.7499E-06 1.21066E-10
.210111 j
6 1
4.817E-08 4.80241E-08 1.45892E-10
.302869 i
i s
r YAEC-1619 I-17 Oct. 1987
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Disk files GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 7
- 1. 2 3.867E-08 3.85373E-08 1.32712E-10
.34319 8
- 1. 4 2.984E-08 2.97115E-08 1.2848E-10
.430564 9
- 1. 6 2.212E-08 2.20085E-08 1.11488E-10
.504013 10
- 1. 8 1.577E-08 1.56631E-08 1.66859E-10
.677607 11 2 1.078E-08 1.071E-08 7.00151E-11
.649491 12
- 2. 2 7.079E-09 6.17779E-09 9.01216E-10
-12.7308 13
- 2. 4 4.485E-09 3.92793E-09 5.5707E-10
-12.4207 14
- 2. 6 2.711E-09 2.40277E-09 3.08235E-10
-11.3698 15
- 2. 8 1.588E-09 1.41408E-09 1.73918E-10
-10.952 16 3 8.862E-10 8.00674E-10 8.55265E-11
-9.65092 17
- 3. 2 4.791E-10 4.36166E-10 4.29344E-11
-8.96147 18 3.4 2.464E-10 2.28593E-10 1.78068E-11
-7.2268 19
- 3. 6 1.273E-10 1.15264E-10 1.20361E-11
-9.45492 20 3.8 6.011E-11 5.59162E-11 4.19378E-12
-6.97685 21 4 3.257E-11 2.60976E-11 6.47244E-12
-19.8724 22
- 4. 5 1.894E-12 0
0 0
23 5 1.24E-14 0
0 0
- 5. 5 9.512E-16 0
0 0
25 6 1.119E-16 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1.563E-17 0
0 0
27 7 2.526E 18 0
0 0
- 7. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
29 6 1E-lu 0
0 0
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
31 9 1E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
0 6.534E-ce 6.55e5E-08
.252561 2
.2 6.435E CS 6.42061E 08 1.4392E-10
.222653 3
.4 6.064E-ee e.04617E-ee 1.78268E-10
.29397e 4
.6 5.48E 0S 5.47001E-06 9.98988E-11
.182297 5
.6 4.764E-0e 4.75443E-08 9.56817E-11
.20ee43 6
1 3.982E-Oe 3.97e2t-e8 1.2ee25E-te
.296396 7
- 1. 2 3.2E-08 3.18514F-08 1.48589E-10
.46434 8
- 1. 4 2.469E-06 2.4549eE-06 1.40194E-10
.567 ele 9
- 1. 6 1.83E-06 1.8179E-08 1.20982E-10
.661106 i
- 1. 8 1.302E 06 1.29329E-Oo 8.70957E-11
. 66693c i
11 2 8.90$E-e9 6.63943E-09 6.55662E-11
.7362EE 12
- 2. 2 5.86bE-09 5.05161E-09 8.1639E-10
-13.912e 13
- 2. 4 3.702E-09 3.20224E-09 4.99765E-10
-13.4999 14
- 2. 6 2.24BE-09 1.95211E-09 2.95891E-10
-13.1624 15
- 2. 8 1.313E-09 1.14441E-09 1.62588E-10
-12.8399 16 3 7.342E-10 6.45189E-10 8.90111E-11
-12.1235 17
- 3. 2 3.95E-10 3.498E-10 4.52006E-11
-11.4432 18
- 3. 4 2.041E-10 1.82381E-10 2.17194E-11
-10.6416 19
- 3. 6 1.057E-10 9.14461E-11 1.42539E-11
-13.4853 20
- 3. 8 5.47E-11 4.40941E-11 1.0606E-11
-19.3893 21 4 2.371E-11 2.04466E-11 3.26344E-12
-13.764 22
- 4. 5 1.437E-12 0
0 0
23 5 1.035E-13 0
0 0
- 5. 5 9.516E-15 0
0 0
25 6 1.077E-15 0
0 0
- 6. 5 1.45E-16 0
0 0
27 7 2.267E-17 0
0 0
- 7. 5 4.027E-18 0
0 0
0 29 8 1E-18 0
0 0
l 30
- 8. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
31 9 1E-18 0
0 0
- 9. 5 1E-18 0
0 0
33 10 1E-18 0
0 0
YAEC-1619 I-18 Oct. 1987
i Dick filet GAMMALL. BAS Program Rev.
10-15-87 Appendix to YAEC-1619 i
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