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Summary of Personnel Monitoring Ending 921231 & Work & Job Function Exposure Tabulation - 1992 Rept
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1992
From: Burski R
W3F193-0116, W3F193-116, NUDOCS 9303020306
Download: ML20034F128 (3)



M ENTERGY ET"s """ " '""'

KAra LA 73E Tot [O.5 723 677:

R. F. Burski

$.i t

i-1 6;tr' i W3F193-0116 A4.05 QA February 24, 1993 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38 Personnel Monitoring Reports Gentlemen:

Attached are the following 1992 personnel monitoring annual reports submitted pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR20.407(a)(2) and (b) and Technical Specification

1. - Summary of Personnel Monitoring ending December 31, 1992.
2. - Work and Job Function Exposure Tabulation - 1992 Report.

Should you have any questions on the monitoring reports, please contact C.J. Thomas at (504) 729-6531.

Very truly yours, f.ff,/ 4 s

sk. h


irc or, Nuclear Safety



RFB/CJT/ssf Attachments cc:

J.L. Milhoan (NRC Region IV), D.L. Wigginton (NRC-NRR),

N.S. Reynolds, R.B. McGehee, J.T. Wheelock (INPO Records Center), NRC Resident Inspectors Office


9303020306 921231 PDR ADOCK 05000382 R

PDR h'


summary _ of personnel monitoring ending dec. 31, 1992

entergy operations, inc.

waterfor.d 3 ses killona,. louisiana 70066 i

Is-3824-101 (la)

I npf-38 (nrc) docket # 50-382 F

i estimated whole body number of exposure range individuals in


(rems) each range.

.1201 no measurable exposure r'

607 measurable exposure less than 0.1 O.1 to 0.25 351 172 0.25 to 0.50 0.50 to 0.75 47 22 0.75 to 1

14 i

1 to 2

i O

2 to 3

0 3

to 4

O 4

to 5

l 0

5 to 6

6 to 7


.l t

0 7

to 8

8 to 9

O r

9 to 10 0

0 10 to 11 0

11 to 12 12 to 12+

0 t

total number of personel monitored 2414 I




t E

I i

f l

t i



  1. 6,


Entergy Operations, Inc.

page 1 y

i 9

___.._______~____ ___________________________________

Entergy perations, Inc.

Waterfor 3 SES Killona, Louisiana 70066 l

i license: 1s-3824-101 (la) license: npf-38 (nrc)

I license: docket # 50-382 technical specification end of year report 1992

  1. personnel (>100 mrem) total man-rem work & job function station utility contrct station utility contrct reactor operations & surveillance maintenance & construction 1

0 2


.000 1.419 operations 33 0

34 9.135

.000 14.555 health physics & lab 15 0

61 3.654

.000 14.847 supervisory & office staff 2

0 0



.142 engineering staff 5

0 8


.000 2.083 i

routine plant maintenance maintenance & construction 40 0

249 12.142

.000 77.382 operations 2

0 15


.000 4.293 health physics & lab 2

0 0


.000 1.175 supervisory & office staff 2

0 0



.007 l

engineering staff 0

0 0



.085 inservice inspection maintenance & construction 0

0 2



.751 operations 0

0 3



.928 health physics & lab 2

0 0



.076 supervisory & office staf f 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 1

0 3




special plant maintenance maintenance & construction 18 0

16 6.509

.000 7.455 operations 1

0 7


.000 1.816 health physics & lab 0

0 2



.826 supervisory & office staff 2

0 0



.000 engineering staff 0

0 7


.000 2.218 wast e processing maintenance 6 construction 2

0 0



.387 operations 8

0 63 2.769

.000 17.960 t

health physics & lab 0

0 3


.000 1.036 supervisory & office staff 0

0 0



.000 2

engineering staff 0

0 0



.085 refueling i

maintenance & construction 3

0 11


.000 5.674 operations 4

0 17


.000 6.584 i

health physics & lab 1

0 10


.000 2.612 supervisory & of fice st af f 0

0 0



.000 engineering staff 1

0 0



.096 totals maintenance & construction 50 0

273 20.917

.000 93.069 operations 45 0

119 13.751

.000 46.136 health physics & lab 19 0

73 5.654

.000 20.572 supervisory & of fice staff 2

0 0



.149 i

engineering staff 7

0 14 2.348

.000 5.217 c

grand totals 123 0

479 45.237

.000 165.143

