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Second Supplemental Response to Rorem Interrogatories 10,24, 37,39,40,42,53 & 60.Affidavits & Supporting Documentation Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/1985
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ML20137L528 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8509120428
Download: ML20137L538 (89)




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DMCWF/UH EDISCN CUf"PAriY I Docket Nos. 50-4Ef, l E0-457 (Braice.coc $teticr., Units 1 ari 2 )

NOC STAFF SECOND SUPPLEMEliTAL RESPONSE TO lhTERVENOR INTEF906ATORIES INTEHLCATO U _1_C Fe eccr activity under liter se by N,RC conducted by Ccnconwealth Ldiscr., its contractors anc subcontractors involving any nuclear f acility or operatien, inclucing but not limited to Braidwood, please identify ecct ceticiency, cs definec in 10 C.F.R. 5 50.55(e), which represents a s i.p.i r icort L ndwnn in an;. ortion vf the Braidnccd Quali ty Assurance Progran cendacted ir accordance with the recuire! rents o# Appendi) E to ir f.F.R. Pert EC; identify the Appendu b criteric to which it relates; cescrite in dcti'i the respects in which the deficiency reflects a nontor plianco witt- the requirerents of Apper. dix B criteria; the 10 C.F.R.

vdri E0. Apperdix A, General Lesign Criterie, to which each relates, it arg, and the respects in which it reflects noncompliance; the report iLrber ard datE, if any; thE Dbmes, titles, addresses and telephone r.une s cf Hch person respcnsible for the deficiency, its discovery, its rerortirg ccd its corrective action; a detailed descrirtion of the and its safety iniplications; and a detailed cEscriptici, cf tb cn rective cction.


The ;tdti objects ansWCring this interrogatory, s1 rice it rer,uests inforrat'or beyonc the scope of the issues raised in Intersenor's quality assurance cor.tention, er.c therefore is not necessary to o prcper decisicr.

in this proceedir.9 The interrogatory requests inferraation or Applicant activities for "eny nuclear facility cr operation, ir,cluding but not

wited to Braidwood." Information about Applicant's activities on l

8509120428 850910 PDR ADOCK 05000456 4 O PDR J

i cciear plarts other than Craidwocd sir.; ply is not relevant to this I proceedits, which curr ently futuses solely cri Braidwccd.

Only one ID C.F.R. 5 BC.5 Lie) report has been sobraitted on Braidwood a c breakdou, in a QA prograrr, No. 456/82007EE, " Breakdown in Cor tractcr 0* Prrr rco ir, that i,tr bers of Scfety Related Mechanical Equipment Irstalled Wi tnet.t f rucect.ral Control s' , reported 9/2/82. This report resulted from the .- irepect'ti,s documer4ted in NRC Irspection Report Nos. 50-456/62-05, ar. ', 4:'/f.-Ll. In the NRC rtrert viol ttions of 10 C.F.R. 50, Appenaix h Lt.ttrid V. VIII, ), XIli, M., /VI, XV!! and XVlll weie ide$ntified in tb *:eer c' Vio'c tion which is part of Intervenor's E>.bibit Ne. 3. f.o violai n r s of Aprcr nix A criteria were identified. t Th ccrrective cctions re'ated to this 1C C.F.R. 5 50.55(e) rercrt i

c ri stil' ir p'cgres: er.d ere beinc rtinitored crd reviewed by the NPC i

ttat:. Ttle s..f ety sicr ificance of the OA prograri, treakdawr. in relaticr l  :( 'to insteo-icn of safety related equipir. erit will be eveltated of ter the r ec/i s d correc'.4 ve actions ar e completed.

JhTEV< LA;0HY-24

, (a' fescr ibe in detail any and all reviews of contractor perfornonc(

ccr cutte; by cr for Commerweoith Ecisen in resper:se to the hRC tindings ref'ecttc in the February 2,1982 hotice of Viclation anc Proposed Ir resi-ticr. e+ Lisil Pet. cities, EA F2-136, the $100,000 civil penalty. flease ider : ti) any anc c11 documents which re#1ect the resuits of such reviews, incled'ns anj nontcnfermances f our.d ano ariy corrective action taker. ,

! (t} Were the3e reviews adequate? If so, please set furth any and l c!'. fdcts which demonstrate the acectacy of such reviews. If ret, pleast explain anc set forth arO and all facts which suppcrt such e/planatiur,. j 1

l l

l I


W l

1 1


(b) -The hkC Region III inspections of the reviews conducted are not }

yet complete. Ir.spections conducted to date have not revealea any problems ,

with the trethodolecy being uscG in implementing the reviews.

'hTEPOr;TDR) 37 P:t-cse cessrits in detail cr.y prograr.r. at Braidwccd and Commonwealth Edisen'; LaSailt r.tclear pler.t for the re-route of smtil bore piping, inclucir.9 particularly cn) caterial differences between the procrams now cr n tre pest. Ha; tbc NRC ever identified any deficiencies in'such a program at Er aicweed? If sc, pleese describe in detail such identificatier, and any resLcnsi ent co-rective cction. Ficese identify anj docua.ents reflecting rucn oraget.a s, deficier cies, respcnses, and corrective actions.


L e;icn !!! dces rct have the LcFalle and Ereldwood prccedures for ctr.t rc i l i r ; re-ruute of snzil bore piping available to us for ccaperisori, ana cr ErcidAC?d in:pectich r6[crts dC nct document oifferences it. this drea. Fu.s".er, cre o' the Resicn 11! insitctors who worked at Braidwood and L:fcile r3s stetec tiat LcSelle's program requircd engineering involve-ncr'. an: priu erpreval fc reroutes. Braidwood's progran coscribed in ft C Ins,t a lcn Recor+ No. 4J6/83-C9;457/E3-09, did net require the saae engirm n, invoisevent.

_I_fC_ E- k C G AT C DS ^9 hrat trave!er Lackage contrcl system for identi+yirg welding procedurer and Fat 0rlai CCnsuned for HVAC corsponents hus been impler-ented at Eraidwood?

15 such a systeri Er industry-wide standard practicei has the NRC ever identified any ceficiencies in the Braidwood HVAC prccram with regard to such a system? If so, please describe in deteil. Please identity cry documer.ts which reflect such a system, such deficiencies and any tc;ronse ur corrective action.


't ('..ER ( SUFFLEvihT )

The travtier packast centrol system implemented at Braidwood following .

i tre inspetticn accur.ented in hPC Inspection Report 83-09 is considered to be tou1 valent it. irdustej-wice standt.rc practice at this The use of

s trcveler F3 s ter. in the cuclear industry to control HVAC fabricatior atid j i r.stai u ticr has eschec over th( last severei years fror cre of no treveler v, d t e+ to th? r;. s ter. that e> 'sts today . The hRC Region III position at thi t i' c' the 93-0E ir.spectiur. was that the controis that were in c Braider ai to ensur e proper HVAC fabricaticn and insthllet1or.

5.e re - t acecuate v u out havir; the travel (r system to provide better

} ccr trc i ed crut ct a more ccr.plete docucentation padace. Tre concerns e r. : ce f,ciencie: icentifiec ty NRC Regier. 111 are aescribed in detail in



! I r ti cr, ke;; - No. 50 456/03-C9; 50-457/83 09, Secticr I!!, Paraccaph 7.

I roa r ..tcith E,isor.'s respcrse anc corrective actions are described in I

l their 'c.ters tc !J.: Region I!! cated 7/6/L4; 8/3/84; E/31/63; 3/11/85; 3;7/Ei; 4/2t/EE ell of which ore avdilltle to the public. Since the in;' c' the traveler systein r.e problerr? v.ith its ust hcVe been 1

icerinc. i.RC irisrection Repcrt 50-456/04-36; 50-45'//84-34 dccuments recent irs;ections it. this area, arc identified no problems. NRC Region

i inspect #ce cf the H'!/.C ccrrectivt actions is still ir, prcgress.

I NT E .- C ;2 TO RY _4_0 in wtri ranner, it any, did Ccaronwealth Edison apply lessors icarned with regara tc FVAC instellation tror: its LaSalle nuclear pl6ct to Praidwood?

Please describe in detail. Has the NRC ever idertified failure by Corren-wealtt Edison 10 app'y such lessons learr,ed? If so, describe such icenti-ficaticn. Please identify Er,y accuments <hich reflect these ansvers.


l l

1 e = l l


The Uc) 7, 19E4 letter of J. G. Feppler to J. J. O'Connor trans- _

n tting NkC Ecgion III Inspection Report No. 50-456/S3-C9; 50-457/83-09 -

t ated, "We ar e concernt.d that experience gained at other CECO facilitics

?rr M t lesscn: ~, earned f rert the mechanical equiprrcnt placeitent viola-t into et Lyron were ret adequattiy applied tc the Braidwcca facility".

't' s id ten ri.- of concerr was not prcr.pted by NPO identificaticn of a creci'it (cat.onneaid Edison feliure to opply LaSalle fSAC installction errer .ence te Er e idwood.

TFis a generic concerr that we frequently

' errit.. to uti.:' irs that hest nore than cr.e NRC licer.seo f acility v hen we idort if j pret,ler.s in the saae area of , activity.


,!trcoa, toe St 2'f beliens that Compor. wealth Ediscr is the only one

.N c?- usner it.c first quer+ien completely and in detail, we are aware o' mt i n s tar,c es where LaSal'.t nuclear plant experience was cpplied to Pra .ow;cd in bkiC and rela *.eu areas. These instorces ore described in th. #ci .uwins Conrendealtt Eciscr. cocurents respor. ding to the ir.spections

:ur:er.ter it toi L inspttiion Pepert f os. 50-456/83-09; 50 457/83-09:

tcce.anae dtt Edisor ictter frota D. L . Farrar, CECO, tc Bert f.evis, NFC Fegion Ili, December 21, 1983 trar. sri tting trar.sparencict used by Corr or, wealth e e ;RC er.icrcement cerference. Lee attachmer.t

  • r the le+tti titled, "C.0. Audits'.

Cearcr.waalth Ediscn letter from L. O. Cei George to J. G. hepeler, NPC Pegion 11:, July 6,1984, respondinc to f.PC Inspection Peport tio. 50-456/



.c-63-CE; SC 457/E3-09. See attachment pages 19,

-20, 21 er.d 60.  ;

lNTERROGATOPY 42 Has (creenweal th Ecison ever identified incorrect er indeteruinate p1E'rp items instelled at braidwood? If so, was such identification throu;f a sarrie inspection? Is it true that the Braidwced progran did r.ot rect. ire inderer. dent verificction of all piping components installedi Wo. ttere evar e retential for iradequate quality of ir. stalled piping

,L ch cculd rett't in tailures durinc plant operatior? If so as to any ct tnest crestioni, please describe in detali the circumstances anc t L'ai- why these problems occurrce crd what corrective actic?n has beer.

t e ke r. . 5(

  • forth any fccts which cercastrate that such corrective action no: Lten e'fectivt. Pleast identify any cucuments which reflect these d n s .ie ' '

AN5 des 'lL F r LEMET.

SaSed cr. the pctiin.inary review o' MTV activitiet by the Staff it ap;ta - that the reot nu;nbers of certair inst'alled piping compor.ents are on:.sileble at it is time; thcse items were discovered by a 100' review of concurtr'z insic1'ec curins the period cf interest (100'- of larre bore in:tt' led prior to 1/1/65; 1000 of sncil bcre installed prior to 9/6/83).

The progran ct F ra i dwcr e. curing tF1. period ed indepercent verifi-rPtico c ' piping cor. ts at tF( tine of withdrawal fror the warehcuse

'other tLer. Et the tire cf instalicticr. At the present tint the staff it not aw'me c: the instcilctior cf or.y components of inadequate quality suc!. tta; intj vould fei! to perfore their design functicn. The pipire c ra por.e r.* r 1Lat have beer removed frcrr. the pipino systens btcebse Corscr-Lealth could rict conclu! 4vely prcve that they were correct cre beinc chemically and physically tested to identi'j their specific n.ateritl type.

t appears these problers (heat nur..bers unavailable) were initiated by the prtctice of verifying heat nun,bers at tFe time of withdrawal irca rt _ varehouse ard from a lack of understanding of prccedural requirements.

The MT'l program is cssentiaily the corrective actior. associated with this prtbt em. This prcgran. is stil' under review by the staff and will bc 3ddr s t"o in a futt re inspection report.

.I_N_'_E J RtGATGn L' What pnlicie3 c r prcgra'.a are in place at Eraidwood to assure tcepliarc( wi tn the p ovisicos cf 10 C.F.R. ! 50.7 prohibitions agair.s t ciscrimlnatien? Please cescribe in detail and identify ar.) dccuments e r i t ". refle(' this answer.


ThE n k p l 1 C i. r t is the orly cr.e wno possesses all of the inforr atico to prov ice tt+ recues t t a intora.ation.

~te PPC in: W ut serit le'. that Forn t;P.C-3 " Notice te Employt es" is Los cu' :' re;uin c by 10 C.F.F . { E0.7(ei. Lhenever the Staff has ccr.ver-sar,cr< vith en picyees who ray have been er nay be discherged or discri-rir.c a . gainst for engaging it activities coverec by 10 C.F.P. 5 50.7, we r 36o (ure that ti ef uncerstard their rigFts incibcirg the requiremera af 1s L.F.P. 5 50.7'L) that thej have 30 days after an alieged violetion to initiate ar; ccn.inistrat vt proceedir,9 with the Cepartrent cf Labor.

d Iht Lta#4 konws tho; the Applicant has initiated ttu Coality First P rograr . The pur; cse of this p ceram is to provide individuals asscciated with tFe Eraidwood Project an iraependert c,roup to rect ive, revif v. cn d dct upCr issue 5 that may hdVr an adverse ef f ect on tr.e 0,uality cf the

3-g ar- Froper ir.!Ll ementetior of this program shuuld ninimize the number o# instartes of distiin inaticn ccvered by 10 C.F.R. 5 50.7


i Has any r.erber of the NLt~ (tcf f ever expr essec any dispute, distgree-r .c o t , er dissenting views or subniitted in " inspector or inspection evalue-1 tion rcpcri' (sec, Warnick dispcsition, Tr. 204) with respect to any

! ci c :3 assurur ce deficicncy or finoing about Braidwood? If sc, please

. ider :) the circur 5.tances anc persons invcived, incluoing names and actresses, ar.e identity any documerits reflecting such instances and i their re_tiutior.


'LMF ' W:'L E r'E i.7 )

lhi R0T!'CTION i

, Mt Crc.:cr r- Hir.d are u;picyed by tFe USNRL ariC can be reached t h e coi; Pu/ c r III offices in Glen Ellyn. Illincis. Peschel is no

! innje- U ;+t;r4 by tN U f. end the Staff does nct a torwcrdino I Mre:- 'cr rin.. Four Inf.pectior. Evaluatiori forms and documentati0r, 6

L;portir ti t coswer are attachtd.

i l

l UtGregur-!FF,-ll/23/02, Report No. 50-456/81-05; 50-457/P2-0E i.

l Tt: ee ccr.ceri- were idertified: (1) HVAC duct problems w1!1 be ercine" rec away so thtt construction will not Le impedeJ; (E'; e co1cerr . .

rr gar cin; cer.trete mixirg water chioride contor.t will bc aisposed of by

! en; fret irig ef for t"; and (3) "tt et construe. tion output (producticr) is i

l i first arc fr enost". kr. McGregor, Senici ies idert Irsrer. tor-0peraticns ,

i clso statec tFat he belieseo nis cor.cerns were r.ct being t'fectively (eelt with by the licensee, f

f Attached to the IEF is c toncwrittcr. response to Mr. McGrerjcr's l concerrs by his Superviscr, Mr. Payes, cated 11/23/EP and the Inspector h



-,_-tw _, _,, ., Nmm-+pgy---gre w---'---+-e_-,m _ ewriree---m-n__._ _ _ _ _ __ _ ,- __-e-W_ _ _ - _ _ _ __w .m. _

e Eu :tation Revicw Panel (IERP). Reconn.endations with a handwritten nott ce3cribing action planned signed by Mr. R. L. Spessard, Director, Divi- -

<ico of Peactor Safety, dated 12/9/CE. These oescribe Region Ill's .

inaedia:c response te Nr. McGregcr's concerns, fr McGrfccr's third ccncern about productior, being first and fore-n(it 's cre that the NRC Watches clost j to develcp assuronce that the re:uirer c tciity of ccrstructicn is not sacrificed because of pressure it neet crotrbctier scFedules. It is unusual to identify e idence that deli"ercie cetislu.. are made to by-pass QA/QC requirecents to meet t r ecuctior. sd

  • dules. Tht Braidwood Report 456/02-05; 457/02-05 identi-tut i t.s t ance r pressure to meet prc.ductior. schedules may have resulte r in Phillips Cetschow Company inst 611ing safety related equipment w i tr.t t ' p ocedurts cr other CA/QC requirements. In this case thc !$C ted s+ rirger.t er.f orcemer t t.ction resulting in o $100,000 civil penalty.

ine !N; curitirues to te sensitive tc the potertial for this to occur ar.c t, tale all rrcessary actions availtble to us to discourage this fr0m hanterirg.

Fr . FcGregur's concern about probler.s being engirtered away is not ar u n rt.oi or,e ari seinetimes expressed by other NRC inspectors. T t r> use of e .u r.eering dif resitior is an acceptable practice. This occurs because it:e actual driigri tr.orgins +er safety related natcrials and ccr.ponents 6ro frequentl y much greater than thc required norgins. Therefore, many r.coconfortrances are dispositioned based on ar. arclysis ttat shows that the componert still PEEts Gr excecd! the requireo design rircins. Region III has reviewet a large nunber of nonccnformances (ard will centinue te

i eview rore) that t. ave beei dispositioned by analysis to give us t,lt assurance thdt this is teing done properly. ~


Specifit acticos tc resolve tl.e technical issues of Mr. McGregor's ,


  • 1 r!.? two concerss cre os tol' ens:

f!AC-Duct-Problers-A10C.F.R.450.55(e) Report

'Jo. P2-C1 wcs issua' cn March 12, 1982 by a letter f r::n ~ . E. Trarm , Commonweal th Ed ison Corf any (CECc),

ic t . . Kcppler, hkC he9 icr. 111.

- Interir. reports ,

v ere suhri+ted by CECc letters cated April 2, May

.a oss su!y 23, 1982 ar.d a final report subritted on j 5(pterber 21, IE (see 6ttachirents). Conmonweal tt 's i

ir ve t tigatiot, icentifiec' deficiencit.s in duct stiffer.ers and cuct supports which $ill recuire field rccificatics,s prior to ft,el load. Rec,ico III I '

j w' . . pertoru f t ture inspections of their activit) l to f irial".y resolve thi s issue.

l 1

) Cu.c rete-Mir ir g-Water -Crilcride-Cer. tent - This ccreern 4

l Ws sent to the NRC Citice of Inspection and Enforce-1 l r u.t (IE) for review and evaluation cr July 11, IDE l

1 r. t ittter 'ron P. L. Spessard, Chief. Engir.eering Sucpor t Sectior.1, Fegion 111 to C. W. Reir.n,uth, i Assistant Director, Peactcr Construction Inspection, i

IE (attached). The issue was later transferred by IE to the Office of Nuclear Reactcr Eegulotico (hRR) for resoluticr. Region 111 and the licensee held c

um=- ,

1 l

meetire on February 17,19E3, documented 1ri a F. J.

-Jabicnski, Acting Chief Projects Section IB, Region III, Memc to File cated February 22, 1983 and * -

E. OcLglas Swartz, CECO letter to James G. Keppler, NCC Pegier. III, dated April 10, IEE4 (attached).

This issue was discussed between Region III ar.d NRR al times tc cbtain their coments. Based upcn this in'ormatict, Fegion III closed this tnresolved 1 tem i t. Irispectitn Report No. 50-456/84-19; 50-457/Et.-18.

' 7 seas trar.sraitted the information gethered ar.d was i t tifie0 that the issut was resolved in a letter frcm R. L. Spessard, Directer, Division of Engineering, h :ico III, tc E. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensir,g, NFF, dated April 27, 1964. Region III censiders this concern resolved.

'i r.cs-I E F- 1/19/83, F.eport No. 50-456/82-07; 50-457/82-07 is i . Hinds. Fecicr. III Project Inspector, documented in the referencea reccx' :,everai ceticiencier. in the CA/(C program fnr procuren.ent, receivir.9, storep , ho sekeering and fire protecticr. Seven exatcples of r.crcompliance we rn citre 4r the actice of Violatior.. Mr. Hir.cs ' concerr st6ted in the itF was that 4r the arecs irispected there seemed tc be an overall attituce n' apathy that coulu have a significont irrpact if not turned around.

I'r. Hinds' supervisor's con.nient on his concern was that sinct Conmonwealth had taken recert initiatives to strergthen site n(nogement that the nen initietives be given time to see if they alleviated his ccncerns. The

W licu sec- respendet to the t;ctice of Violation Report tio. 82-07, teking actions to prevent recurrence ci similar problems. Mr. Hinc was satisfied wi* t the licerste's actior.s responding to the Notice of Violetion and cicseo tLese issues in Report f.c. 50-456/E3-05; 50-457/83-05. At this tira Mr. Hinds totcitted encther IEF dateo 4/15/53 in which he stoted ti m i Fr belics ef hegicn III was effectively dealir.c with all safety c or.t e rm. crd be sta te r.o other corcerns. Recion 111 believes the ra
h en resolvcc.

l-esche; ?iF-Repor* kc. 50-456/02-03; 50-457/82-03 Mr. re3ct.el's, e Fegion III Feactor inspector, concerr. was that the hill i t-Getathcw Conpany (PGC) (A Mario9cr showed a lack of concern about

'ollct *g (A practdares. Peschel indicated that both the licensee and NRJ were effecti*ely dealing with his concerns. Since kr. Peschel's IEF, bo+.h tFe licensee and the N;C have incredsec their monitcr ing of PGC. Ir c ittter frur Mr. Del Geor 9t , CECO, to fir. Davis,i:PC, Regiuri 1:I, dated l'. a/C2, rnrrc..aeal th stated PGC's ci improver.:ents hac been inriem *c? inclucir.9 the establishrtent of an on-site PGC CA t'anagcr rept:1:r.s to Cerrcrate @ kerecer. The Braidwooo Constructier Assessment F rug' t c (BCAP)

  • einspected a ticnificer t quantity of work and reviewed ll ei' procedcres doc Regicr. !!! has arr;itored these activities. We belie'.c that Mr. rescLel's with QA nonageir.ent have been adequately odoresstc. L'e believe that the Ituragement wr.aknesses ho /c bett. corrected and that our inspections and the licensee corrcctive actier progran, resbits to date site the Statf reasonable assurance tFat L

. M ien significant ceficiencies dc rct exist. Region III is continuing to n.onitor correctiu active prcgrarrs that reflect on PGC work. ~

l t .

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Gregor-: EF-6/3/83, Report fe. 50 456/F3-07; 50-457/83-07 Li i l t- statirs that he believed Regior. III was effectively deeling with i.11 :afety ccr.cerns, McGregor stated thet he believed that sericus i vmb!ns existe; ir. Class 1, twc-inch and uncer piping and that ther e was

ve_ esice: m that ter'-inch anc taer piping bad certification problec s.

St.tseoent te IEF the irspections documented in Repor* fic. 50-456/

F3-N ; '2 -457/ CJ-0') iderti'ied cer.cerns and dcficiericies with safety relc

  • u. L i p i ng. hc telievc that the correc.tive actiers cescribec' ir. the

'i:er.see . rt:ror:re to this repcrt (L. O. Del Gec rge letter tc J. G. ,

i t't er i e r JLly 6,1H -), ard the BCAi' Establish t' prograrn viich when

.urplette Li'l ade:'er.iely address I;r. McGregor's concerns. Closect.t cf itse co'etins is pe.cirg r the finc,i cen.p l e t10r: cf acti0rs ,1riCludiF9 t i r.c E "o repa1,, o r,:: f.RL's inspections of these issues.

I i l

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\ ,, n t : <t NUCLE l L R E G U L..T C D s C O '.".i: ;s O *.

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N r.EAP REGULATORi C0ur!!S10?.  !




COP.u?v. EA.T' EEISC's COMPANY ) Docket Nc. 5C-456

) 50-457 (E aic acc Nu:1cer Powe Statior, )

D';*: '. drC 2



, biia- 5. Little, beirg first duly sworn do depose and state:

!.  : am emo'oyed as the Director, Braidwood Project, ir. the Divisior c' Reac te Projects. U.S. Nu: lear . Regulatory Contrissior , kegio I;;,

799 Roesevelt Rcad, Gier Ell.n , Illinois, 60137.

.  : rave :revided the supplene,:a1 answers te Interrogatories 10, 3C, 37,
C , 5 '; , a r. - 6 C . '

, y: .m g.3

,S2 .,... && ,

Willlis T. Litt e ~



Swe" t: eat sut scribed before ne trii /.pE_ day c' _ f 1985 L

dhe../re Nw. . m e:

,.  :.T 4 t. ' ' ? - E); res [ [g

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uM T I:) STATES p g oa si;.'e,

  1. 2, NUCLEAR AEGULATOAY COMM SSION 5 '. .- [ ~; af e ton th

.e i ,,, .ee.,veo . .o

-' C.t % E.L v $ ILLIN065 60137 t.
s. -


' ;'n :',GL*W E:;5C'4 C'o A' Y

. I Docket Nc. 50 456

) 50 457 E-ne : d %:' ear Pcwer Statier )

Ur.its *. and I )

_A_F'_IDAV:~ CF_ JAv.E5 W. MU::EU .-

. Ja-es 'a. *:L'fett, be *; 'irst duly sw0rr. dc dercse and state:


I ST enlejed as a Reactcr Inspector, in the Patt rials a d P-ocesses Secticn, Engi eering Bhnch, Division cf
eat:Or Sa'ety, Pecice !!!, U.S. Nuclear Regulatery Cc=i s sicr. ,

799 %:sevelt ? cad, Gler E11yr, :,t 60137.

2. Irase:osidedtheso;;!nterrogatcries2Aand
35. TFese answers a e true and :ccrect tc tre be st of c'y kncwledge, infctration and belief.
. t.


. . v% -  %.s t.h James W. MutTf t ,

Sw:-r c ar,d sutsribed before me this_hhcayof Ytr_. d 1985 a.. ,r - ,-

/ / .'{b . d r.]> -

5;1 v,- -

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My : v"ssicn Ex; ires # f/f 6.-

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  • R t .) O *. I


, L_.) ....eme.6. c. . .

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_BEF0EE THE ATOM'C SAFE l AhE' LICENSING B0*.RD lr. the Matter cf )


COMMME A'.TH EDISON COMPA*iY ) Docket No. 50-456

) 50-457 (Breidwoo: hu: lea- Power Statier )

L'ni:: ; anc 2 )


. Jarcs W. Maffett, being first duly svorn do depcse and state:
1. I ar errcleyed as a Peactor Inspector, in the Materials anc Pro: esses Sectior., Engineeriq) Brinch, Division of Reactor Sa'ety, Regior. III, U.S. Nuct tar Regulatcry Com.ission, 799 Rocsevelt Road, Glen Ell.n , Illinois, 60137

. have prodde tne supplerr.en:al answer to Interrogatory 42. These arswers are true and correct ;o the best of my knowledge, infomaticr. anc belief.

omm 0 ,

James G ffett '1 Swore tc arc sudsri e be' ore ne 4

this 9 6 cm) of 1985

-- / ,s $ $

sxer, n .u My C o'Ti E 5 ' t En.;;rt; _fJ f [

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i t ia.i ' i :, f. t u t :

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. A ,. /_ - a c .. t . . .. . m c. - . .:


Ir. the Matte- cf )

COMM0W EN Tr EDISON CO*.PAM Docket he. 50-456

) 50-457 (Breidwoodhuclear Fower Statior )

Units I and T )

AFFIDAVIT OF_10HN_M. 0 JACCBSON I, Jchn F. Ja:ctsor., being first duly sworn do depcse and state:

1. I aft em;1oyed as a Metallurgi5t, in the Waterials and Frocesses Section, Engineeri,; Branch, Division of Reactor Safety Regicie III, U.S. Nu:Icar Regulatory Corrission, 799 Rooseselt Road, Glen Elly,, Illinois, 60137.


2. I have p csidec the suppleneltal answer to Interrogatory 39.

This answe- is true and corri:t to the best of my kncwledge, i nf o rr.a t i or. arid belief.


W 3%AL Jacobson "


Swccr it ard suoscrited befo e er' trn f 6 _ cay cf . 198f

$44 IM he ta ry 'V: TIC My Comusior Excires o# 8 8d r

i l i l


gg 'M h'M:harga m w .


  • Q d

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.- -- h

- 5, . yr

1. Tacility Orcto woo Utt rov SY'n the,h vo. I nd vo2. J U .

Dates of Inspection kr;[ / f-2 3 . Ataf //-/6 _ Io,,e 27 -.JyQ [cj[3 / 2-Jo  %

Report No. , _

2 -Of . .

' ~

- " ~' ' i * '


" # X

  • j

.. ' Type (x)' .

,','R.out ine . . .

. - h

- Reactive

- "' - - ----7-"

'* ~

Special .

Reviewed by. [A /3 - - W Inspectors

/ ce,1ael 6 /H eC ag of Date M ^

Protilem: Yes No -

Dats to MIS h.

yaf n.L sc,sjh 2.

Scope of Inserxtion R oaGe . eemshho~. .w s p eck A "" A S f * 'le *oe [vs s/it-ocf -oy '

  • 4 oPN' #

, & at n bea L u i9'78. ( c,t probin ye,na.n,

3. Evaluation of Licensee Performance
1) major concerns not represented by the items (Include such things as:

of noncompliance; 2) positive observations not reflected in the report, or 3) perspective on the significance of the findings.)

1. Tkc > G od*> 2 ha v' . ne r ive J e n i k e y ve p u s e d res o h* 0s M *$ S**Weh 5 b c y/: c /u a Is. C.'rst *
  • re'h 4 ed inern 4J0 is 4La4 5 4 L wiil p#evide de k 1hvo q k. n
u. E ,v St., 4 4Le4 er il dae.+ wer L uAte k i s le s1 f La a 60 k s L
  • s *% d *'
  • m
  • h e is guh,e,r,r,n,4 a nd se 6 [t o 9 ntts ote a ss v y. 1 C 4 La s is 4se altem ts 1.rsst
  • n d i# f*'"o *'co a 5 a rn
  • ..ofAar e re mp le ef Cfco rr esf'".5 ceaSba'ia*" P r o b le m.)

4L, c e, r r r.4t s_ a ci.

a g ., o-,. s .'m . + / > *

  • 3+-.c.n.~ne. >+3i u ~ n~- en ~. p I
4. With respect to Identified Concerns, you belfeve they are:

Tes No (a) Being dealt with effectively by licensee /

L (b) Being dealt with effectively by NRC m~ a.A.~,-.+ ~ ,, ,

n.w ,.s.,


Attachment )

nJL5L10A j

1 1

e . .

l l

. l J

cx The- h/ad leslaye er 4- Q o ;,,e. k citame-lre duc$ Lootb 29 1.

in o g n acfear p& ls an a frero s#) sino // & *'"*'

,)f, yn e e 2. 'T~k.c so m e. engiM er<<sy e%4

  • w,1 gaf,;WJ .),

in I 'l 7 C -h. on s userr +le c Llorau prohiam . r x , a s m g g ,;t,,.

a nl %s s aee tle rse,f C,de,, Secd.m*12 Div..s 'en 2, /t 7'l spae,4. a L i, para. c C A 2 R 3. " TAe mirin5 waf<> including MS e rdaine d

o. s Crrs waire in a g $ ve y raies , s kH nof con 4ain mors +km

. 2 50 pp m o 4 e.k tor:J e s." Tkr.s sa ,e reque;<~r V h sIsl* d *>

commma,tN:. e ans%d..m canhed sgraDead.\m PA ? ?.32 S + L 'o an.swere sfa h, ,9 p,,1 et -Th;5 a rhele t'c nII) '*icmcors fo < c k to <!/r no 4 eerdain an u.ypor b ou nd va /-e c o>.unho f'on o4 hunds% wafev* -- +Aos Jo. e % ruoximum

  • ch lov. J e e m i, m; wing a, ter s, ,u i <xceed s 0 0 e o m ~-

A S/HE Boo'I* r " d M""'t T k:s " erg,see<'* j u d elongel +At vessaicod< 4 < -n e e m eenienee e f commmaa/M a J [ Lg. g gmt yr je sungl aj Qya,g( ,ggf, C a

  • 3 C~>ce! M e!.c a d h i M W cemshued w a<dyf ( predael. e) is s.vd a- 4 +eeno s J .

/'7^ ,

o . .

4 i

RP 1206

5. If either answer to 4. is No," provide your recornendations and rationale. -

The l.'t ens

  • e '. at bo'<n.1 ot e((e tlt v e. & < h : s tro ton s.

C U S co th s< W~~Q wspc,,s e -frm

  • WR 2 Shos,ge< ond me f.gla C n c oclc vis/skanso nd in yprL SandoQ.s wl. n a ve 'irry~"
6. Overall Inspector Assessment Since the last inspection of this type I believe the licensee's '

regulatory performance in this area has:

Improved Regressed Stayed the Same Indeterminate cm *>t e &# d n M .<'s

7. Supervisor
  • s Cot =ents [ 7 dd n &_g,,ff w buf & Wlrev,oa>/ e Yea r m Ny%

' ~'

.e va/us t sh + I y if ccy. +s . . flott Me.Gr 7W'i is &'sx .

cn. c-p , E y .- t 6a sis JD, n ec < . hy e S'r L ' r g hie w ,Yi era ~<

n ( z a c> ") w7/Ces+ exe~is. m i% pe. k aI7 ap w

+> c /d c , ht om Ne S ~k e if 6 el deQetr.:e w sc a yta t 4

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o c, F s y e n- oy ~fr,J c e- p d. w mide 4r yo x w , // r e m 2. ,

w/ /

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o\- /d n k i has j Cse d 4# 8 deus <-~ ow o ~ . /s fr e. he e-s-c 's a~ d poe ~ e .~,. a e- ' 'I 4%,da,^<A r I IC^-

'-'I/I rc~** 'e-Y' +'

4fo/v 3 S e d, Q S y

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"fcSfc. n.s e h L yee & f v v lu die n s Er Se /z WC/82-os u a e2-or 7o os c- fon [f[/)

erc/s2 -o 2 .

.s~;c uy~c A &~ z &

pa.,./m -e r -

US6/EL.) -Of If~ 1 TL s n d- L,n A t,, y x pnw, & tb Me, ,y -Ic.i yvi.c a - .T tocm sv srce ,

i aa prus ta., Lem ~ fe , i Ke. . X3 - , .s4c-- c.z 75aefigsysk.

. L + < 3. ey a sn p4 u,<?/ 2en a < ~~ s9 cy e-w< N/ tu e - e<< .c9fe c het w fx /Ce

/< < <n s < e 's f,#e se.c . r esc f. .hs n ,

R3 4 t no w daft 7 x.L A/c 6pf v e > &~ /Kc ade an 7 a9 Ke ice-r e e s r es4 % x .L wq hswA1a fed /J se ee de- d r(> s+00c

. _ _ . - 2 cleeis<% -, s 9.<brfJ c ri e c<n Yf h s ~ <- /dn e S ~sA ~ wL cr - re s /- - /t'e <>>n 4, ,75 e f6S f/e 2.-

75<'.1 f< >&f- ~

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  • Nardu 2 ce eyf , y

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-Mro's re s . A h o - a c 4seJ , $ e. <ks, O u t' . lu4 e n Genc 6a //a S e- /M&

3 2 U1 a c oyt,- ,y r- a.:r iG h < 4e ws cy L ns--c a a, ~ .

It u.u s 7% d~ 1

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/cLe A c1 ce Jc co - , if < c su . hv >

9fC b*f~ cm LU5?kh /S Qs y c c e- lnble

/~e/ 3lR c c/sse .

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/h w4 a F /v cl.:.  ;>GuvP #

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n 2d 6 wLnn y jgc ,

occ.u Y , No, h Ne< 9 h v:

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,. g w , _ . q._ -. x . :meu k _

EP 120E, IERP REC 0!!'iENDATIONS Part 1 Action Division: DPRP Recommendation:

Please provide DPRP intended action and proposed schedule for dealing with concerns 82-03. expressed Please respond inbyInspection 9/10/82. Evaluation *for Braidwood inspections 82-05 and Original signed by A. Bert Davis b.A A

IERP Signature Part 2 Action Planned by Action Division or Office:

M fn fE /%w c -4d4 u

.a..d< & L n,_ <[ene. 4M - ht a-ec 64.. h 3 h 2. , <A w.4x.du a z.2!

k-, t 1 ms.-e l m ses. m A Am m ~-<sJ'a . &r OW '

. .L . < ~ -, M Gr (n J d f CI umLJ. sur 1 6 / L - n et. l

u. , i 1 . ' o < .- /[a / /6- +. e p -c I d t _ ?[' fk /4 s Ca*$ 44 K--

., t ' ..a' a. ,,s.,- n- -~' [

  • rNa bc-r As M --u s.</ ""

c' l. 1 '

(.. .,. nr. ... . .. ..-riI su~<u - N

  • A * * ~ m' *hc~ ~

n t . at J, . .s

- Di c a a m.. Din

-; L , r,y ,-a - -< ,L; , . g[7"% 3,  %

q u,'/' A l-(< gj Mp. 1. , A e'

<. , c. / r.4%- d-~ -it 4-3 % ) ga  % lt h . T2. -c i

. e ., ) , M .s  %% - .+ w ~. .A " c /< d s w b a t I'< . - l

, ,,_ k.x dn.~ - Ar M . ~+u. ~ qA p w.' r- s k <>.r a ..-

J L kt < rk T & qw -+ (z n c. ~-w c.. e-~ . _- i ,

cv Iv r.- ~ * ' A' s c r.rc sc rr(f) . 7d-

~',5 'f ^


2;; .# ,m e_._ , em '

c ~ c~

L. R. McGregor j // , jo ,/. .' /ol tu ~,.


- < . .s\l Ec ~~<.t L ph,

-i _s Q G,

  • b >c-wm h, t.


,a twei b . GLb E-- 7v . gga.J v Jc /w (98 Date 1/n/J L I E R P~ M et" b* ,


Prcs16... ye, / nO II:STECTION EVAL 1?ATION IKO rec. g to His SEP 2 21932 -

1. Facility N e6tdo,1) /J 2 Dates-of Inspection //c.d Ot/ ?E h w / - M / 9 7' 2 '

Report No. _ $~p -s4'6 /f .D 3,:

A Ys'7, 4-D 3 Type (x) Routine ,

Reactive Special dpspf Inspectors e /

2. Scepe of Inspection fM MM d fm.QA L~ .

g pp afg y J b>

s.J4 o.>.tw ud. p & %.- g* luu~w A esqd

3. Evaluation of 1.icensee Performance (Include such things as: 1) major concerns not represented by the items of noncor.pliance; 2) positive observations not reflected in the report, or 3) perspective on the significance of the findings.)

a w % y ' w .s~w y W v D iMad O ~ d* b pm On eL4-n Na u w .ms~LE of j:~ n q w w.~ a pm + usu<t~f ' .

cm ~ ,WW-tJ- , ~4 7D A- [c CsAn(ene'L ug A' cw- CArs.e fu y .g> h,P1 uw-LiL u kas..u t1J ce

( q)

l. . Vith respect to Identified Concerns, you belitve they are:

bSIENi i Tec No 1

(a) Being dealt with effectively by licensee (b) Eeing dealt with effectively by NRC 1

At t a chment RP 1206

RP 120E 5.

If either answer to 4. is "No," provide your recomendations and rationale. -

4 Nn

' UN OA rL jd hn.~A Oww de & LafA2a L CE4 C bw t$%Qy, Wy

6. Overall Inspector Assessment Since the last inspection of this type. I believe the licensee's regulatory performance in this area has: '

Improved _ Regressed Stayed the Same Indeterminate F D  % ,=bs f L t y <A A A A

7. Supervisor's Com::sents N

e O

M lo ctor(s)

A t t a c1cen t FS 3206 -.


.g. O ,' b. . 5 1.1 320t 0 I fr6 J<] % e N IEEF RECO.'NENDATIONS Pc 5 Gkf DLTP ' Ju d y - RJJ p.}e.,,, h en T1 l~

Action Division:

" f. llC } vmp Ob p. SCN'O O 4p,vre b  % 4 h ' i'- w y n/soj e v g  : hecommendation: lc] y hww w ka.f Ple u c *-( f ' M y D AL P/4 b L s s u rt_ - FAill,'r Gedsc L e G.

                                                                           &A    1hi %ges Lec%e.s .sewsele-hed b          4 ht        Imp d " { }                                 '

Qn W UJov}d Q 3' Fr. GiCh y u 4 V' P t.t p m s.e

                                                        .           b       ,jp j    gL                 ,

IERP Signature

                                                                                                                 /0lElQ Part 2                      .

Action Planned by Action Division or Office: we on.k ad -lo re a, u % e. L A rs~ <-c 5 r tu ekso a U ~s a1 ~ re s..> M c 4 L n on cO.>plia a t e and -1. S upple m e" f th o r re vo , ~ s a.

                   ...i., ,. y He                 c. H ~ - k .. A -l c. e e. , s g , , ,, h Me pm n.,,, . e s J -                              Cc & A J y. -1,,, + e, a s y, Oc a u im p u d . e . Ja r.             71 w . il be 9 4a lec. fu A s.s r s w :. %t +ke pc ec c. ; ,m m                         4 ,-   Au bee- s+acoA*d A A , , v.. -h ,.< e e                    .

o.f b /Io.~, Q g,~ o t p j v re s , Division Directo'r so /a /st - i s cc: T. A. Maurt K. L. 1;aidu hAel/ Wll t v . 6/25/82

                           ? crr.a

t m1e eqq-  % At.s_.~

    .,                                    ' q r, i
                                           ,                             -             s' j.   ~~.    ^~~~~ '? c u ,sr s ,**    --
                }gy1Cd$ N
s. v.[ ,

L-1. .r u LCad & . _. ' y ,. ; i i W

  • Dstc - & jA L, J ISTRIBUTION i I' ~

Probicy YC.E- - ~ RA's Off2ce Director, DPRF Datt 10 E'ge- Docket File ~ C. Paperiello . J. Miller INSPECTION EVALUATION T. Maura K. Naidu

                                       .                         SECTION I     -)              Inspector gg)                     D Inspector's Divis2on Director
1. Facility My-M , L11 l ll?-

Dates cf Inspection l'2-[if-I~))$2-i 1.eport No. 4'56/ f 2 - o7 ; 4r7/t2-07 '


Type (X) Ecutine X

  • Eeactive Special Inspe : ors __7. LA . N e db5 .[r . _

Secot of Insnection

               --                         -e
               " v L' t. 4- 4 NKb a < r ( rw Wh a                                                  .

nJ..?/G M r \

5. Eve: at t er. c f Li ce ns er Ferferrance s ' : hts  ::fr. :htr.p as I; ca.icr concerns not represented by the a cts cf; 2) positive etservations not reflected in i

the rcpert, or 3) perspective en the significance of the findings.) i , L c.' c i cs c.

                                                   $ .v.+- c.) uw a              t.y .h.d <. c' qc.M m       w _i :. p p a m : m . Ow u. s ofu                                              4 , hm z) c       .x. .w:a w a ca a 4                                                 -
                                                 , pv h ' & w1 & of l                        .                                      g                       L'.             -L E   I     '

r tc. . <m. .

    'o  .         .                                        -

I l l 4. Overall Instector Assesreent Since the last inspection cf this type, I bel 2 eve the licensee's regulator performance in this area has: - Improved Regressed X Stayed the Sa:e Indeterminate Additional Inspector Comments sq hSi E fr u k E % IS e-.& W t3 E M W d-Pdq o Es% .i w y L- ,a " p%6 ck %,A w 4e ~ QL s e nt e HM s -


Inspector (s) (12gnature)

                                                                                                   / - / f- D
                                                                      - ]                    (Date)

C[Lc b .*> 7w. f f, /" S a h ,3 a , !~j% e ~ c-- ?- ,2:*v y'r~

              -,* , -       M r . . /v ./        o% ,/          Am g s c,'. .. < /   s
                                                                                                  ,,- 4c d>                        f e ejn '<       5 fEr         GWe .           . f)5. e f,x, e s s       eh     lb
             *fy -                    J fI       b.-        cf,-G~, . .L ah       & .;            E Nr-i,,      -ac G-~ ,                                                       O
5. Superviser's Ce::ent s '

d Supervisor (Sigrritdie) fpfp l ~2Clfg 4Date)' ' l i Attachten: - F.T 120f E/16/62

i t.


I INSPECTION EVALUATION SECTION II k'ith respect to Identified Concerns, you believe they are: 6. Yes No

a. Being dealt with effective by licensee X
b. Being dealt with effectively by NRC X
7. If either answer to 4. is "No," provide your recommendations and ratienale.

L- W IA.A L,0 M f A.>-- M fr- j- , me . maac es ,* a % ta_. i A 4 80%; g,g asyk wk ru , n o c.e M e % d ~ s-sc. Inspector (s) - 1-I9-I.3 (Signa'ture)

8. Supervisor's Comments
                                           / #



Superviso'r i WJ / 7o[$') JSignature) (Date) /- [ f Attachment - RP 1206 8/16/82

( , t t - - r E Gn t ,

                                      '....iu                                             ._ ,

ecc , e .

                                               ??? EDC$t vt 61 E C A:         j. (., y '       g     {     j, ,,

g 8

             /                              e. tis iuuwn u u-
                                                                                  -     -       t
        .,,,,                                                              DL.,   o-   [. %         .-l   d 6 w-
                      ,                                                             88,k p+ M.

C.Programs E. Norelius, Director, Division of Project and Residenth'/,, gc THRU: R. C. Knop, Chief, Proj ects Branch I FROM: D. W. Hayes, Chief, Section IB SUEJECT: MANAGEMEFT TRACKINC NUMBER F03043583 - INSPECTOR

       ,                      EVALUATION - BRAIDWOOD The concerns expressed by Len McGregor in his evaluation were first identi-fied by hit in January / February 1983. At my request he prepared a memo dated February 22, 1983, outlining his findings and attached the supporting                              -

documentation. This package was then the Engineering Division (Duane Danielsonk Section) for followup and resolution. The assistance request fore dated February 22, 1983, basically asked Engineering to address three issues (McGregors concerns). These werei

         .      Eas all the small bore piping that does not meet minimum code requirement for wall thickness been identified and removed?

Was a review conducted by S&L and if so was that review adequate relative to the use of about 4000-feet of small bore piping in Class I systems when it was known the piping did not fully meet all ASM1 Class I code requirements? '

         . War sieflar piping purchased and used at byron?

Engineerin; has conducted inspection relative to these issues and as I understand the last twe are resolved. The first remains open pending further action by the licensee and will be addressed in the enforcement scheduled for December 20, 1983. The tracking number is 4 56 / D-M-031. 1 _ _ _ c=

C. L. hertlius


l Engineering has discussed their findings with Mr. McGregor and he concurr that his concerns have been addressed. I view of this and the fact the unresolved-issue is being separately tracked this' iter (No. 'F03043583) ~ should be closed on the manager.ent tracking systet.

                                                     /            / ^

D. W. Hayes, Chief Section IE cc: J. Streeter L. McGregor , i W. S. Little . 1 A. E. Davis - 14 6 e i s s I i f I

i i s . . i

            ,e-                                        L'N t i t t STLit:

WuCLE Ac REGULATOR \ C O M*.* !S S I O t. I REGION 11: 5- 796 Roost vLL T mos.t q ( q. ./ ' corsattvs ittison se m September 11, 1983 - MEMOF1M E F0E: C. E. Norelius, Director, Division of Projects and Resident Programs TROM: A. Ecrt Davis, Deputy Regional Administrator SUbJECI: INSFECTION EVAEUATION (IE), BRAIDWOOD, 83-07 This IE concernt problems with two inch and under Class I piping. Supervisors comment is a 50.55e has beer, submitted and matter will be followed by RIII and SEI. I'n told the concern is that , during the long term resolution of 50.55e reports, much piping vill likely be installed with this problem. Thus, quicker action may be appropriate. May I have your comments, pleasc. R v A. Bert Davis I Deputy Regional Administrator cc: IEFJ Men.bere

L. C. McGregor l I. . C . 1,n e; i

l I i i w - y. , .i_ - , - , , -, w-

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t [ I IIE8 hembers.

                                              "DMtO LUG &3                                                                                        1 Director. D*RF (f Ra Inspection!

Inspector's Divis Dates cf Inspection: _ O k O/

  • 3" O P/ Report hc.:

( typ. (circ)e one); Reactive gg Inspector (s).

 \                  I                       -
                                                  ,                                       Special                                           ~

{ Inspectors: M / 0 y '

2. Inspectors: L J C1 The report clear?y addresses all safety concerns.

l The report does not clearly address the follouring safety concerne I at .. I

               .I I

el .

3. lespectors:

I I believe R11! is effectively dealing with all safety concerns. y See attached page l


1 de net believe R1111s effectively dealing with all safety concerns.

                                                      .the following actions te assure effective R!!! action:                                 I suggest R!!! take E
             '                          .D A M u & A a i                                                da                 a cin> / n w a                        /D AI k J7 MJ@[o                  -W       C AzM 9.dakJ-NLAn~""                       M 'A W l
          .                         .a Ucul-                            -wd ,

a I W PP um See attached pages [ Inspectors' Signah

4. Supervision: Date 6f/n/n Ifreport the or inspector that Rl!! isdoes not believe that all safety concerns are addressed not effectivel ~

dealins with al m you' position en these metters includ ng dates by. whic)l actionssafety will beconcernsLer.. grovide


caf N sw. k+ '- L

                                                                                                                           / 0 C PW. SD . $&


                                              .!> J          Rih ( S e t' 1 M a l) s'              mW               (u .de. //+ad g                                                                                                                                                  -

k _ t n is or 's t ig ra ture [C/ te te  ?-zf- ,(-2 Ce.:vrer.:t ( eten Section required te be cor[leted.) ! h l [ t rar.:t. Ct.1ef l L.r w Tac ,o. L:ri..T=-arm-Ts:.n wn nrnwn _. T e!<r ter w i m s-. a-n T urme_recrael

,. ?? : o-klt r
                         . : a:. .   ,o : m-Fet:uers I;, 19E' Mr. James L. Kepple:, Regional Aurinistrator Directorate of Inspection anc Enforcement - Region II:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Roa: Glen Ellyn, I- - 60137


Braiowoo: Station Units 1 anc 2 I&E Inspection Report Nos. 50-456/82-0 anc 50-457/82-07 . Reference (a): January 15, 1983 letter fron R. C. Knop tc L. G. DelGeorge, Dea: Mr. Keppler:

  • Mr. 3. A.

Reference (a) providec the results of an inspection conducted by Hincs on Decemoer 15-17, 1982 of activities at Braiowooc Statior.. During this inspection certain activities were found to be not in comDliance with NRC recuirements. Attachment A to this letter contains Commonwealth Edison's response to the Notice of Violation appenced to reference (s). Tc the best of my knowledge and belief the statements containec herein anc in the attachment are true and correct. In some respects tnese statements are not casec on my personal knowledge out upon information furnished by other Commonwealth Edison ano contractor employees. Such information nas been reviewee in accorcance with Company practice anc I believe it to be reliable. office. Flease accress fu;ther ouestions regarding this matter to this Very ,.uly yours



0. L. IE:!E Efre: :: o# hurleE! LiOensiD; I I,' / 3 r AttE:nUent 6

6034N [EE t i

  '.            <    .                                                                      l ATTACHMENi t Resoonse te Notice o' Violatior violation:

10 CFR 50, Apoenci> E, Criterion XIII, Handling, Storage anc Snipping states in part that, " Measures shall be established to control the hcndlin;, storage, shipping, cleaning anc preservation of material anc couipment in accorcance with work anc inspectior' instructions to prevent osmage or oeterioration." Tne Braiowooc FSAR, Cnapter 17.0, Quality Assurance, states in part:

      "Therefore, the Commonwealth Edison Topcial Report CE-1.E, Revision 7 anc all sucsequent revisions unless otherwise notec in this enapter, is tne basis for tne C.A. program at Byron /Braiowooc Station."

The Common =ealth Ecison Company Topical Report CE-1-A, " Quality Assurance Progran for Nuclear Generating Stations," Revision 22, dated November 1, 1982, Section 13, " Handling, Storage and Shipping", states " Written inst ructions f or handling, preservation, storage and snipping will be usec to specify protective conditions necessary to prevent aamage or 1eterioration of materials anc eouipment."- The Byron /Braiowooc FSAR; Appendir A - Application of NRC Regulatory Guices, Regulatory Guice 1.36, Revision 2, Section A1.36-1, Amendment 37, March 1982, states in part, "The applicant complies with this regulatory guice. Packaging shipping, receiving, storace and handling of PWR power plant eouipment are coverec by quality speci'ications baseo on ANSI NL5.2.2-1972. Example E ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.1.2, Levels of Storage, Sub-Section (1) states in part, " Level A items shall be storec unoer special conditions 1 similar tc those oescribed f or Level B items, but with auditional reovirements such as temperature anc humidity control within specifiec limits....*' Contrary tc the accve, the licensee ooes not nave ar. aceouste c:oprar tc ensure crocer monitoring anc control of temperatu:e an: namici;> c-stcrape facilities evioencec ey tne lack of temperature anc nutici;> monitcrin; an cont:c2 systems in the CE;c site sto:Ege kErenouse hJFDe! 3 assignec tt Pnilli;:-Getseno, cualifiec tt nouse eve. L c ,: Delos EEfet)

t2Ete: re:nadtE: eccioment as of ustemoe: 3, 29E;.


Responst 2 Corrective Actio- 'eker anc Results Achievec Tnermometers tnat register minimun anc maximun temperatures nave Deen orcerec anc will De installed in harehouse Number 3 to verify proper storace temoeratures. No Level A items are stored in harehouse NumDer 3. Therefore, according to ANSI N45.2.2, Section 2.7.1, no numicity control is neecec. Corrective Action Taken to Prevent Further Non-Como11ance Tne warenouseman has been instructeo to read the thermometers on a Dericci: Dasis anc recore tne temperature. All other site warehouses are being reviewed f or the installation of temperatyre monitoring cevices. Date hnen Full Comoliance Will Be Achievec Fecruary 25, 1923. Exam 0le t AN5: NL5.2.2-1972, Section 6.2.2, Cleanliness anc Housekeepinc Practices, stater in part, The storage areas shall be cleanec as recuirec to avoic tne accumulation of trash, discaroec packing materials anc other cetrimental soil." Contrary to the above, the licensee has not established adequate controls to maintain tne recuireo storace area cleanliness levels as evicencec Dy the accumulation of assorted debris observec amidst aarehouse storage racks in the Ceco site storage Warehouse Number 3 assignec to Pnillips-Getsenow to nouse safety relatec mechanical eculoment. Resconse t Corrective Action Taken anc Results Achieved l ine ceDris i r: harenouse Number 3 has been removec. COI Ective Action Iacen to Prevent IUrther hencoCDiiancE Ine ircr

  • a nce c ~ E clean warehouse was re-etonssizec tc the Pnfilius-Letscno, warenousemen anc cleanin; crews nave ceer. scnedulec tt agintsir. cles.;incee  : neoule: surveillances a:e cein; performec ty Dr.!! los-Sett:rce .

l l DEte When Full Compliance Fill Ee Achieved Fecruary 15, 19E3.

Examrir ! ANS: Nti.2.2-197;. Section 6 .1, "Reasures tc Prevent Entrance of Animals, states tnat " Measures snall be taken to prev,ent the entrance of rocents ano otne: animals into inoco: storage areas or eouipment te minimize possible contamination ano meenanical camage to storec material." Contrary te the above, tne licensee has failed to implement anc maintain a orogram to prevent the entrance of animals into the inoco: CECc site storage harenouse Number 3 assignec to Phillips-Getsenom for the storage of safety relatec eautoment as evioencec by signs of animal entrance anc neles in tne warenouse walls. Resocnse : - Corrective Action Taken anc Results Achievec Tne rippec holes in the walls were repairec anc founaation fille: pieces are being installec to prevent entrance of rocents. Corrective Action Taken to Prevent Further Noncompliance The warehouseme". were instructec to report any holes or other type openings se tnat tney coulc be repairec in a timely manner. Date When Full Comoliance Will Be Achievec February 21, 19E3. Example c ANS: ht5.2.2-1972, Section 6.2, Storage Areas, states in part, "Pericci inspections snell be performec to assure that storage areas are being maintainec in accoraance with these reovirements. Section 6.3.1, Ready Access to Stored Items, states that "All items snall oe storec in such a manner as to permit reacy access for inspection or maintenanre witnout excessive handling, to minimize risk of camage." Contrary t: tne ab:ve, tne licensee nas fallec t: im;lenent a clan or croceoure it assure access te storet items for recuiret insoections as evicencec c3 ine metno:s of sta:Rin; anc storin; of safety relatec me:nanical eceineen: c:se: vet- ir tne CEtt site storage ka:encese Namoe: 3 assignet t; Phi ' li t t -: e : s:r.oi . E E s Lo'se C Corrective Action Iaken anc ResultE ACnieVe: Store: items are bein; movec~ anc :carrancec so tnat ine) are  ! i accessible for periodic insoections. I 1 i l

                                                  .L  -

Ccrre-tive Actior Taker tc Prevent Furtner Nor.-Complianet harenousemen were instructec to maintain access to all items at all times. Date knen Full ComD11ance Will Be Achieved FeDruary 2E, 1983. Example e ANS: N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.3.4, Ioentification, states that, "All items anc their containers shall be plainly markec so that they are easily doentifiec witnout excessive handling or unnecessary opening of crates anc boxes. Contrary to the above, tne licensee has not demonstratec an effective systen of controls to prevent improper storage of unicentifieo components as evioencec Dy the presence of unmarkeo valves anc reacn rods located in the nortneast corner of CECO site storage harehouse Number 3 assigned to Phillips-Getsenow.

     .esconse e Corrective Action Taken and Results Achievec The valves, reacn roos, and small diameter wire on the woooen pallet were movec to Warehouse Number 3 from a different storage location.

The valves are being ioentified ano will be properly storec. Tne reach rocs are a type of valve handle and do not reouire ioentifi-cation to a specific valve because they can De useo on any valve of the tyDe for which they are oesignec. The small clameter wires are usec es proDes. They have been ioentifiec by the electrical contractor anc properly storec. - l Corrective Action Taken to Prevent Further Non-Compliance  ; i herehousemen were instructed to properly store anc ioentify material Es soon as it 35 brought into the warehouse. Dste knen Ful; ComDlience Will be Achievec l P a r : r. 1, 1957.

   .E.r s r : l f ANS: tot i . 2. 2 -19 7 2, Section 6.4.2, Care of Items, Sucse: tion (1)   ,

states in part, Items in storage shall have all covers, caps, plu;s or ) tner closures intact....* ) i i l

i l j

                                         . .c .

Contrars 1: :ne acove. the licensee has faile; tc estacilisn a plan 0; crograr te assure covers, caps, anc plugs or otner closures remair-inta:: for items in storage es evloen0cc oy tne absence of numerous covers, caos anc olugs or other closures observec miss'ing fron safet) relatec mernanical couloment storec in CECO site storage harehouse Number 3 assignet to Pnillips-Getschom. Resoonse ' Corrective Action Taken anc Results Achievec Covers nave been placec on tne valves anc otner components. Valve OLO A5014 nas oeen properly storeo. Gauges broken curing handling of valves are not replaceo until the valves are installed, thereby preclucing any further replacement in the event they are damagec again ourin; nandling. Corrective Action Taken to Prevent Further Non-Comoliance harenousemen were instructec to keep all valves cappec. Pnillips-Gets0 nom's surveillance of tne warehouse will also help to control this situation. - Date Wnen Full Comoliance Will Be Achievec Februar) 22, 19E3. Example c ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.2.1, Access to Storage Areas, states that " Access te storage areas shall be controlled and limited only to personnel ossignatec oy tne responsible organization. Section C.6, Storage Recoros, states, in part, " Written recoros shall De prepare: tnat in: luce such pertinent information as.... personnel aOcess.* Centrary it the 80cve, tne licensee has failed to establish a progran

 -onien provi es tne recaire: *ritten re:cros (logs) of a perscnne: access te storage f e:111:ier as evicencec by tne lacs of a writter recorcs (lo;)

or the re sirerents tc lo; cersonnel access tt tne CEcc site stcrace ksrenouse !ance: 3 Essigne tc Pnillips-Getseno, for tne str:ege t' safe:3 relt.e: rernanical e:ui;.ent.

                                                                    -  -w
                                            .i .

Resoonse c Corrective Action Taken anc Results Achievec The inspection Darty that entered the warehouse were the NRC inspector anc Commonwealtn Edison employees who are known by the warenouseman; tnerefore, they were not challenged. No people are allowec to enter the warehouse, except those that are assigned to work there. Personnel who come to reauest items must have a stores reauest anc are not allowec past the barrier are tne front coor. If it is necessary that anyone enter the warehouse, they are escorted by the warenouseman. Alsc, only authorizec personnel are. allowed to enter tne warenouse. Pnillips-Getschom will issue an instruction designating tne autnorizec personnel. Corrective Action Taken to Prevent Further Non-Comoliance The access control to all warehouses is being reviewee to ensure that only autnorizec personnel are allovec to enter our marehouses. Date when Full Compliance Will Be Achievec Maren 21, 19E3. 6034h i [


                                                                                                           ~~ ' " -

l . s,'. -,

     .                                                      UNITED ST ATE!
 .-           y c
                            .                   NUCLE AF. REGULATORY COMf, ISSION r                                 REGIOhli

p T,dff 7p noostvELT noA: I

                       .                               cLt A E LLv A. stuwoes som                                     '

January 19, l'il

                                               .c r g,,~ , L bacto: hc. 50-45e                         -

bocke; hc. 50-457 8 '"_ +'c i Commonwealth Edison Company ATTh: Mr. Cordell Eeed V2ce Fressden: Pos: Off2ce box 7e-Chicasc. IL 6069; Gentlemen: . Tnis ref ers to the routine saf ety inspection conducted by[Mr. J. M. Hinds,j Jr. of this office on Lecember 15-17, 198;, of activities at braidwood Stat 2er., Units 1 and ;, authorized by NRC Construction Percits No. CPPE-132 and he. CPPE-133 and to the discussion of our findings with Mr. R. Cosaro and others of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection. Tne enclosed copy of our inspection report identifies areas exazined curing the 2nspec:1er.. Withir. these areas, the inspectaon consisted of a selective exat: nation of procedures and representative records, observat2ons, and in-terviews with personnel. During this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in non-compliance with NRC requirements, as specified in the enclosed Appendi).. A written response is required. Ir. accordance with 10 CTE 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this le::cr, the enclosures, and your response to this letter will be placed in the Nh:'s Public bocumen Root. If this report contains any informatier. tha you (or your contractors) believe to be exemp froe d2sclosure under 10 CFE E.5ta)(4), i 2s necessary that'you (a) notify this office by tele-phone with:: ten (10) days f ro: the cate of this letter of your intention to file a request for withholding; and (b) submit withir. twenty-f2ve (25) days f roc the date ef this ie::er a vr2:t er. op.tlicatier. tc this of fice tc 5::Lhold suci. :nioreetio:.. If your recc:p of this ic tcr has bee: ce;cyet suci. that iest :har. sever. (7i day.s are ava:labit fer your review.

ean nc::f3 :h:s ef f:u prc p.i> s: t r.c: a nc. cut cs:t cry 'r.t est si -

1 : s r.c d . Crnris:(r: viti Steiser. 0.790(bTf!), any suci try ;2 ct:s e: rus:

          , 0:.:. r n. . .;: Lt.s e: ' o:ptr-         :                                     January 15. 19E:-

ts 6;ter: ar.2ed ey. a:. a f ficas :: executed by the owner of the informa:2o: w:.: :t 2centif2es tne occument or par: sought to ne withneld, and wh4cr c er.t a 2 r.> t full sta:ement of the reasons whic:. arc the bases for the cis2e sna: the ir.f orma:2or. snould be withhtId f ro pub 12c disclosure. Tnis sect 2or further requires the statement to adcress with specificity tne considera:2ons lasted 2r 10 CFE 2.790(b)(4: Tne information sough: te be withheld shall be incorporated as f ar as possible into a separate part of the affidav2t. If we do not hear f rom you in th2s regard withir. the specified periods noted above, a copy of this letter, the enclosures, and your response to this letter will be placed it. the Public Document Eco:. . Ve vil. gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspectior.. Sincerely, - gc 4 E. C. Knop, Chief Projects branch 1


1. Appendix. No::ct ,1 k c ',

of Violatier.

1. ,.

Inspectionp,eperts ' 3 he. 50-4 W/62-07(DPRP) 'c* and he. 50-455/E2-07(DPRP) 1 4 cc w/en:Is: Lou 2s C. DelGeorgt, D2 rector of Nuclear L2 censing V. I. Schlosser, Proje:: hanage: L. Cosarc Project Superintenden: ,- '. T..Gudat, Station Supe r 2r.t enden: ' D.' i /Locument Cc:.trel besi..(EIDSF he s i dt r.: Inspe::er. EII:

        ),are:.1:rps ad.. Of fice cf Asristan L::ernty Genera:
                                         ...                      ./

I. ...

           ...                             A gf      E..;.f     J n

Q .:n:s >v

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                                                                                                                    .c   , r -e , m. ,, .

Appendu NOTICI OT VIOLATIO.t Co=monwealth Ed2 son Cocpany Docket Nc. 50-45t Docke: bc. SC-457 As a result of the inspec:2on conducted on December 15-17, 198;. and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy, 47 TE 9957 (March 9, 1982), the following v2ola:2on was identified: 20 CFE 50. Appendix E, Criterio:. XII:, Handling, Storage and Shipping states in par tha . " Measures shall be established to control the handling, storage, shipping. cleaning and preserva:2on of material and equipment in accordance with work and inspection instructions to prevent damage or deterioratior.." Tne Eraidwood TSAE. Chapter 17.0, Quality Assurance, states in part:

   "Therefore, the Commonwealth Edison Topical Report CE-1-A, Revision 7 and all subsequent revisions unless otherwise noted in this chapter, is the basis for the OA program a: Eyron/Braidwood. Station."

The Commonwealth Edison Company Topical hepor: CE-1-A, " Quality Assurance Progran for Nuclear Generating Stations." Revisi,on 22 dated November 1, 198;, 4 Section 13, " Handling. Storage and Shipping," states " Written instructions for handling, preservatior., storage and shipping will be used to specify protective conditions necessary to prevent damage or deterioration of materials and equipment." The Commonwealth Edisot Company Quality Assurance Program Topical Report CE-1-A, contains in Quality Requirement (Q.E.) 2.0, a commitment to the regulatory position of kegulatory Guide 1.3E, Revision 2 which endorser the requirements of ANSI N45.2.2-1972. Tne Eyronitraidwood TSAE; Appendix A - Applicatier. of KRC Regulatory Guides, heFulatory Guide 1.3E, hevision ;, Sectior. A1.3E-1, Amendmen: 37, March 1982, states ir. part, " Tnt applicant complies with this regulatory guide. Packaging shipping, receiving, storage and handling of PVL power plant equipment art covered by quality specif2 cations based on ANS: N45.;.;-1972." i l [

Awe:.= .

c. ANE: N;;.2.;-!C';. Sectier t. . 2, Levels of Storagc, sub-section (1 states ir part. "Leve A itets shal; ce stored under special- cond5-tions similar Ic tnose descrioed for Level 1 itect, but wit'r. additiona:

recuirements sucr. as temperature and humidity control withir. specifiet 11Citi....' Contrary to the above, the licensee does not have an adequate progran te ensure proper monitoring and control of temperature and humidity of storage f acilities as evidenced by the lack of temperature and humidity monitoring and control systems in the CECO site storage warehouse humber 3 assigned tc Phillips-Getschov qualified to house Level A and belov safety relatec mechanical equipment as of Lecember 3, 1982. L. AN5! N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.2.2, Clear.liness and Housekeeping Fractices, states in part, "The storage areas shall be cleaned as required to avoid the accumulation of trash, discarded packing materials at.d other detrimental soil." Contrary to the above, the licensee has not established adequate controls to maintain the required storage area cleanliness levels as evidenced by the accumulation of assorted debris observed amidst ware-heuse storage racks in the CECO site storage warehouse Number 3 assi Fned to Phillips-Getschov to house safety rela;ed mechanical equipment.

c. ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.2.5, " Measures to Prevent Entrance of Animals, states that " Measures shall be taken to prevent the entrance of rodents and other animals into indoor storaFe areas or equipment to cinicize possible contamination and mechanical damage to stored material."

Contrary to the above, the licensee has failed to implement and main-tain a progran to prevent the entrance of animals into the indoor CECO s2te storage Karehouse humber 3 assigned to Thfllips-Getschov for the storage of safety related mechanical equipnent as evidenced by signs of anica: entrance ard holes ir. the warchouse walls.

d. ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.2, Storage Areas, states in part, "Feriodic inspections shall be perforned te assure that storage areas are'being maintained it. accordance with these recuirements."
                                                       ,            ,, - - , , .   .e

A; rend:. l 5ec t ior t .1. . . heady Access tc Stored Items. states that . "All item: snail be sterec :n sud. s manner as tc pcrmit reacy access fer inspcetto c: maintenance without excessivt handling, te minimize risk of camage.' Contrary tc the abovc, the licensee has f ailed tc impl'ement a plan or procecure to assure access to stored items for required inspections as evioenced by the methods of stacking and storing of safety related mechanical equipment observed in the CECO site storage Karehouse i [ hu=cer 3 assiFned to Phillips-Getschow.

c. ANSI N45.2.2-197;, Section 6.3.4, Identification, states that. "All items and their containers shall be plainly marked so that they are easily ioentified without excessive handling or unnecessary opening of crates and boxes. .

Contrary to the above, the licensee has not demonstrated an effective syster of controls to prevent improper storage of unidentified components l as evidenced by the presence of unmarked valves and reach rods located in the northeast corner of CECO site storage Warehouse Number 3 assigned to Phillips-Getschow. ' ANSI N45.1.2-1972, Section 6.4.0. Care of Items, Subsection (1) states l . in part, "1tems in storage shall have al? covers, caps, plugs or other closures intact...." Contrary te the above, the licensee has failed to establish a plan or progra: tc assure covers, caps, and plugs or other closures remair. intact for items in storage as evidenced by the absence of numerous covers, caps and plugs or other closures observed missing f rom safety related mechanical equipment stored in CECO site storage Karehouse humber 3 assigned to Phillips-Getschow. E. ANSI N45.2.2-1972, Section 6.2.1, Access tc Storage Areas, states that.

                  " Access te storaFe areas shall be controlled and limited only to person-nel designated by the responsible organization."

Section t.6, Storage Records, states in part, " Written records shall be preptrec thtt intlude such pertinent inferratien as.... personnel access." l i I i I ( L

i Ay : c n u - Cor.t rar:. tc t r.e abort, int 12censet has failed to establish c prograr


vhi ct. crovides the rect: ret writ t er. records (logs' of personnel access tc storage is:ilitzer as ev:cenced by the lack of a writtet record (log'. c: the recuirements to log personnel access tc. the CECO site storage barehouse humbe: ;- assigned tc Phillips-Getschow for the' storage of safety related mechanical equipment. Tr.:s is a Severity Level V violation (Supplement II). Fursu ant te. the provisions of 10 CFE 2.201, you are required to submit to this office withir. thirty days of the date of this Notice a written state-ment er explanatior. in reply, including for each iten of noncompliance: (1) corrective actior. taker. and the results achieved; (2) corrective actio:. tc be taken to avoid further noncompliance; and (3) the date w(en full coe-p12ance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to extending your response time for good cause shown.

                                                                - $9(

Januarr !C. 19E-Dated E. C. Knop, Chief' Frejects branch I f A 9 i I

i .1 hT21.1.Ai T.EG'J:.J. TOM C0t! FSID'. ~ F.EGI ON :1: hep-rts he- 45I/E;-0!(DPEP;; 45E/E2-07 (DFF.F Lo:r.e- hot . 50-45e: 50-45 Licens3s No. CPPE-132; CPPh-133 L2censee: Commonwealth Edison Company Fost Office box 767 Chicag:, IL 60690 Tacility hamt : braidwood Statior., Units 1 and Inspection At: braicwood, Il Inspect 2or. Conducted: December 15-17, 1980 d..-A- . Inspect D E liin 1 .. 'roject Inspector I N heactor Frojects IF Approved by: ,

                                                                             / /i' /85 heactor Frojects Sectior. IE              .           /

Insnectier. Summary Inspect 2cn or Lece=ber 15-17 1982 (heports No. 456/E2-07(DPRP); 457/E2-07(DPRp)T Areas Insoected: houtine unannounced safety inspection to review procure-ment; receiving; storage; implementation of housekeeping requirements; and other activities. Tne inspect 2on involved a total of 24 inspector-hours onsite by ont NK2 inspector including zero inspector-hours onsite during off-shifts. kesults: Of the five areas inspected, nc items of noncompliance were observed ir. four creas. One item of noncompliance was identified in the other area '(2nadequate prograr to control temperature and humidity in storere - Faragraph 2.a; failure tc maintair. cleanliness in storage -

   ! a ragra;/: 2.':: failure tc prevent entr ance of ar.2mais - Fcragraph 2.c; i   fatiurt tc ensur+ a. cess in st crap + - Paragraph 2.d; f ailure to centrol it; ropt .- mar',cd mater:als ::, steragt - Fsragrath 1.c; failurt tc assurt clesur(s rems : :r. t t - Fare;raph 1.f; and failurt te prov2dt vr2 :ct rc: rci c: p c r .t er.n t '. at ers   -

Faragrap: 1.g, 1

1 y...... a: a r. . -

Fersons Conta

Commonweal:t Ed:so: Cornary i l 4 *h Cosarc, Project Construction Superintencen: '

          *'.. Merwir., Project Mechanical Supervisor C. Mennecke, Lead Electrical Engineer M. Wallace, Assistant Manager of Projects. Project Manager, Erasdwood T. Sommerfield, Quality Assurance Superintendent
          *D. brow:., Quality Assurance Supervisor
          *S. Hunsader, Quality Assurance Supervisor
          *E. Martin, Quality Assurance Inspector N. Coar.. Office Supervsscr, Service E. Schleiter, Office Manager E. Edwards, Material Receiving Coordinator G. Enger , Purchasing Agen-M. Gorsk:, Quality Assurance Inspector, PCD.

I 1. Carlson, Construction Supervisor Phillies-Getschow Company . J E. hochc. Mater 2als keouer.: Cocrdinator T. Sull: tan, Ass 2stan Piping Supervisor , E. Pattersor., Karehousemar. J. Meyers, General Foreman Warehousemar. E. Dickson, Forecan Warehouseman E. beyer, Superintenden: Westinghouse - Engineering. NSSE E. hoes s Tnt 2nspector aisc contacted and interviewed other licensee end contractor personnel during the course of the inspectier..

  • Denotes personnel present a: the exit meeting.

Functions: or Progrer Areas Inspected

1. Site Frecureren: A::iv :ies - Liecnsee Tnt inspecter verif:ed thc: the licensee has icentif:cd etd sitt cer.t re::cr inve}ve d v::t tro:.urt.rtn: cc:utents and rev2evei the n:r:

currcn; CE0c s::t CA cad;; rep::: c:. e sd. centrac:e: Th+ f elica:r.; ciserv::: ens vere cadt: C :: : rte t er le 5: rn: I: : < > t . /c d:: ' uc ttr ! Ccestock, L.): Company Elec rical OA-20-E:-?' i Micway Company Coa:Ing OA-20-E;-of 6

   - -,        .,                          ,   --n                   -         ,    - . - -  , - - - - , ,   e  a.          o w -v - , , - - - , , .

I l hew u r;. G.I. Compcr. 5:ructurt. QA-20-E:-I; QA-20-E2-IC hucitar Insts.'la:2or. Compant NSSF Erectors QA-20-E2-C.' (SIS ? Friccry Internais - Phillips-Getschow Company P2pt, large and small. QA-20-82 (Code Contractor) bore. Instrumentatior. and hangers Pittsburg Testing Laboratory Independen: Testing QA-20-82-27 Pullmar. Sneet Metal Company HVAC QA-20-82-06 V.E. Va:lgren Company Masonry QA-20-E2-16 Tne inspector selected parts identified as the Digital Rod' Position Indication (DRPI) Detector Assemblies ordered by bestinghouse Electric Corporation for CECc and Phillips-Getschow (PGCo) on Purchase Order (PO) Nc. 149365 in accordance with Sargent and Lundy (S&L) Conformed Technical Specification No. 2702 and received on Material and Equipment Receiving and Inspection Report (MRK) No. 10603 froe items examined on a tour of CECO site Storage Warehouse No. 3 assigned to PGCo to determine whether equipment procurement specifications include applicable Quality Assurance (QA) and technical requirements identified. Tne following observations were made: '

a. The design parameters are compatible as specified in the licensee specification app 12 cable to this order.
b. Westinghouse (y) P. O. HM 59100 AR6KN Section III, Applicable bocuments. Section A, Design Criteris, 1.2, DRPI Systee Equipment Specification, Section 2.23 Revision 3 identifies the applicable codes and standards.
c. A review of the CECO Audit of February 24-26, 1981, repor dated March 2, 1982, T/L 270;, General Office Audit of Westinghouse PD 130531 and 149365 satisfies the requirement for CECO to audit the vendor's QA prograt.
d. Appropriate OA requirements in: Iud:nt protectioI. of the equipment aga:ns envirenarntal condi-ie:.s f er long-tert storage were verified tc be set cown in the r 0A Manual and submitted to CECO 5::t Cens:ruc::::. CA Lcpsrtmen:I Leqc:rtecr. s were jdtr. ified as
          'Te ch:.s ta: Manut' DEP:." CEC: Eyren 'Ereicwood Un: s ; and 1.

Cor.: r s t: EM-50:3 -AK35 (and c ncr3 e. Ctr :f:catt cf Cc:.f tract.u ' C:C l C: . I 407C; ested A;per: 2;. Icil fer Pr:ie:: N:. 922 2:

                                            ,                    Eer:s :c:. C . Sp r CPELDA .

ii .u .:.; :4r .t . :: d e:t re::.t the f e ; 1 c v :.:.;; (2) Material preperly ider:ified witt Fhe,: Crdt: SLC listed. (2) CO: includes certificatier statecent tc identify specific procurement reccirerents met. s v

1 i (: 1 rccurer e : - re: :re=cnts N2: mc: are 2dentif2ed by Levie 2 e: ho::cets Lwne:. applicablej


vitt. cop 2e: Included in0: app 12:- abit in th23 cast. (4 hequir er er.: te be signed by appropriate rem'oer of sup:12er 's OA fun::2o: sa isf2ed oy signatures of E "QA Engineer' anc

                         Quality Assurance hepresentat 2ve. "
f. keviewed the ABL te verify that the ABL is readily available, identifies the type of component, and qualifies the vendor te supply the material.

Ne apparent 2tems of nonco=pliance were identified. 1 Rev2ev of heceio Inspectior. Documentatior 1 7 Tne inspector selected a sample of ten (10) MRRs for review of the receip: 2nspect2o:. packages while touring the CECO site Storage Warehouse Nc. 3 assigned to Phillips-Getschov for the storage of safety related mechanical equipment. Tne selected MRRs are as follows: MRh Nc. Descrintio:. "L" Specification No. P.D. No_.. Classification 912 Feedeater 2855 203725 Non-safety hegulating Valves 2 262c E and IC" Control 2655 203725 Non-safety Valves 4 3167 feedeater Isolation 2674 203737 ASME III Valves 4416 Gate Valve 2716 803076 t.SMI III 442- 2-i and 4" Globe 279: 203723 ASMI III Control Valves 4720 E" butterfly valves 2664 803066 ASMI III 5632 ( Chett Valvt 2E57 603133 hor.-safety 63E2 Exf Ar.gie Turbint 274E 166250 hen-ssfety Ey:sts Ytives i 75c; i.ii stuft VIlvo 271! 00307- i.S'E !!! I Dt :;- LT.r : L(tec crs 17C  ;- F '- d ? S e it:-; herievei 't.s tirve SE: :: duerrim ; reu :ccn; ::n: ::::: rccrrci v(re :: c rr; . ; s:.p. v;tt. Ecct: .c: P. r t : .;r t r t :.t w:. t ti.( : ict.tified d;scre;En:ves. wht:. sp;.icallt, tre r ev2 ewe t 't ;. Ca End er engineering tc assure proper disposition; the adecuscy of precurecen-dc cur.en for acceptance of ar. iter by receiving inspection; 8 the adequacy of CC2 docuzentation including identification cf purchased  ! . I L _--n , ,. . . _ . - . - .

[ tz:er:t; r:. P: c: trocurestr.: c umc:.t. scentif:catio:. of specif:: re-ct recents mot. an: procuremen: requirements no: me: (if any . wnctnt:

ne 00; was cor::fsed ry appropria:t supplier's OA personnel; anc unetne i tre licensee has audited the supp12er 's CD: systea for valid 2ty an: i efte:::veness. ,

Applicable requ2rements related tc the MRhs listed above were performed in accorcance with applicable QA requirements. Ne apparent items of noncompliance were identif2ed.

1. Site Storage Facilities Tne inspector, accompanied by CECO and PGCo personnel, conducted a tour of Warehouse Sc. 5 assigned to Phillips-Getschow f or the storage of j safety relate: mechanical material.

The warehouse was inspected to determine the environmental storage conditions , control of access to storage areas, cleanliness and house-keeping, identification of stored items, and compliance with storage requirements specified in ANSI N45.2.2, Section 6.1.2, levels of storage, Section 6.1, storage areas, and Section 6.3, storage methods. Tne following findings were observed: -

6. During an inspection tour of the CECO site Storage Warehouse No. 5 assigned to PGCo, an interview with the PGCo warehousemer.,

including supervisors, revealed that No system exists to monitor, and control the temperature in warehouse No. 3 to prevent con-densate and corrosion by maintaining a temperature band of 40*T - to 140*T as required for facilities housing Level E items. Additionally it was also determined through interv2ews with the warehousemer. that NO syster exists to monitor and control humidity as required for items which may be stored in warehouse No. 3, which is qualified by CECO, to Level A material. Tailure to provice adequate systems to monitor and control temperature and hu:2dity is considered to be a violation of 10 CTR 50, Appendix I, Cr2terion XII: and ANSI N45.2.2-1972 and is considered to be an itet of noncompliance as described in the Appendix to the report i transtit:El letter (456/82-07-Ola, 457/82-07-01a.) .

t. Vhih touring the CECc site Storage Varehouse Nc. 3 assigned to PG0c. he inspe: or observed accumulations of discarded packaging ts crit; in:)uding wooder. packing box pieces , styrofoar fillers, cett: Landing esteric;, and asser:ed p;cs:i: s hee ps ku.; .

asserted plastic caps (closures). sof: drini tcnr. ur.iocntified vcives ar.d vtive cater: ', cigare::t and cigt: b ::1, anitt:

   ,             fecer. 1( gths of s tra; (3 ectr 2:al cable end ccht: t:sct:Icntous deir:     ar::.g the etrtheust st:: age ra:ht. T .:s fri.urt :: trir -

t a i: the :+ quired r:erage arcs :ltar.liness levt h 25 c:nriccred

:. ( t v::;c.:::. Of H CTh M . Appenda.1, Cr:a r::: :~::: tr.:

L*;5: '; '.".. -15 . cnd 25 cor.sictred to be a:. s t e: ei non:cen'.:Enu es described in the appendix tc the rep;r: transti::a2 letter (t5c /E2-C 7-0lt ; 457/E;-07-Olt) . i i

                                                                            ,,          -     -   , r., -

D u r :r:f tr.t ten: of karchcuse h;. 2 th+ measures tenen tt prevc:- anica; entrance wen examined. Trie warehousemar. reported that pes: contro; of rocents serv 2cc by extereinatso: was provided ey the Ork:r. Ex:ert:nating Company by contract or. e regular bas 2s. Evicence cf this serv 2ce was verified by toe presence of cumerous packages of becer. and other basts coservec throughout toe warenoust Animal entrance was determined, however, by the pre.sence of anima; feces in a number of areas of the storage bins. Additionally the inspector noted a number of missing foundation to wall fillers and holes rippec or torn an the warehouse walls which would allow un-controlled and unlizited access to a variety of small animal species. Failure to implement and maintain adequate measures to prevent the entrance of animals is considered to be e violatior. of 10 CFE 50, Appendix E, Criterion XIII and ANSI N45.2.2-1972 and 25 considered to be an 2 tee of noncompliance as described it. the Appendix te the report transmittal letter (456/82-07-01c; 457/82-07-01c). -

d. In one area of the PGCo Varehouse, the inspector attempted to gair: access to portions of the DRPI assemblies and MRE 2626 crates f or the purpose of verifying ready access for the periodic inspec-tions specified. Due to the methods of arrangement and stacking in this area, the attempted acces's proved futile. In this con-figurat2on routine inspections cannot be performed without excessive handling which would increase the risk of damage. Failure to provide ready access to stored items for periodic inspections is considered te be a violation of 10 CTE 50, Appendix E, Criterson XIII and ANSI N45.2.2-1972 and is considered to be an itet of noncompliance as described in the Appendix to the report transmittal letter (456/82-07-01d; 457/82-07-01d).
c. In the northwest corner of Warehouse No. 3, the inspector observed a wooden pallet upon which were piled approximately five or six what appeared to be pneumatic operated valves. In addition to the valves . their were approximately six valve reach rod assemblies and a quantity of small diameter wire. hone of these items bort the appropriate required identification markings. It was also noted that none of these items were packaged for storage or had sealing closures installed. This failure to control inadecuately doentified co:ponents ir, storage is considered to be a violatio:.

of 10 CFr SC. Appendix E, Criterion XIII and ANS: N45.2.2-197; and is considered te be en itee of nonco v11ance as described it. the appendi> to the report transeittal icttcr (456/f:-07-Ic; 47, t;-C T-h

f. Fr.ii t che:1:r.; Fari:xun N; . ' fer the cart c f : tr.s in ste.tyt.

the inst c:ter r.oted a nutos: ef brigh; coleref ;'.as;;; ty;s y;; < capt lyir.; cbrut u var:cus 9 :tzens cf the vtn heus u d :: i trarru' 1 tbrvt A r.urbe cf va vu ar.c corp:.:.cnts n re tet -

       .ifit; t: ru5:n1 ::::t::nt c:vtri, capi, piu;: :: t;u un:

LLd pc

  • r.t Cd Cu*. :: thi EcODLis Cf *ht inspe0:20!. phr y Yaivt OL2 AS014 (othe rw2se unidentified) was c'escrved ly:nt en t s : a ci.

of packing crates unpretected for storepe. The valve was no: ir. any packing case nor were the Masonelian Co.trels conteir.2n; supply and output gauges protected f ron danept. Another valve i

a cc:c : f i e: as MF.? a!2i var ocscrvei 2r e packing crate in c sic rage- tit with twc (; 0-10; ps: a2: gauge fact plates broken ou: Enc unprett ete: One of these a2r gauge faces ha: suffered extens2ve cacart. In:s failurt to provide adequate care.of stees in storaF+ 25 consacerec te be a v2clat2on of 10 CFE SC,, Appendix 1. Crater 2on X:I: and ANS: N ~ .;.2-197; and as considered an iten of noncomp12ance as described it. the appendix to the report transmittal letter (456/S lf; 457/6;-07-lf;.

g. During the tour of karehouse Nc. 3, the inspector inquired as to how the access tc the storage area of Warehouse No. 3 was controlled and limited only to personnel oesignated by PGCo. It was reported tha the warehouseman maintained surveillance in the storage area and ensured access control. Tne inspector noted, however, that during the tour of karehouse Nc. 5 none of the inspecting party was challenged by the warehouseman nor were any members requested to sign ar. access log or any other fore of access control documentation.

At the conclusion of the inspection tour of Warehouse No. 3 the inspector requested the CECO QA depa 6 ment to provide personnel access to storage area records for Warehouse No. 3 for review. CECc QA personnel reported that no personnel access to storage records were maintained and therefore none were available for rev2ew. This failure to prepare personnel access to storage area records is considered to be a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Criterion XIII and ANSI N45.2.2-1972 and is considered to be an 2ter of noncomp12ance as described in,the appendix to the report transt2ttel letter (456/82-07-lg; 457/82-07-lg) . Plant Tour The inspector walked through various areas of Units 1 and 2 to observe operations and activities in progress, to inspect the general state of cleanliness, housekeeping and adherence to fire protection rules. Ne apparent ite=s of noncompliance or deviations were observed. Exit heet2nr The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted under Persons Contacted) et the cenclusion of the inspection on December 17, 1982. The inspector summarized the purpose, scopt and the findings of the inspectier.. The 1:censee ackno.ledged the findings reported hereir.. I I 6

                                                                                                                                                            . -~
a. . .

P d"// ,

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Marc ^r. 5 . 19E2 l ' ' I' . s .

                                                                                                                                                   ..L 1"

Locket hc . SC -454 Locket bc. 50-455 _ Commonwe.alth Edison Company ATTh: Mr. Cordell Reed . Vice President . Post Office box 767 . Chicage, 11. 60690 . I4 Cent 1 ~ : Thank yon. f or your letter da h February 22, 1983, informing as of the steps you have taket to correct the w.ncompliance which we brought to

  • your attention ir. Inspection. Report No. 50-456/E2-07: 50-457/82-07 forwarded, by our letter dated January 19, 1983. We will examine these matters during',

a subsequent inspectioc. . 4 Tour cooperatior. with us is appreciated. '

                                                                                . Sigcerely,'                                                  ,
                                                                                  '.......'..~.;.                   s . . ......                                   ',
                                                                                ,    C.,E. Morelius, Director                                 ,                            .

Division of Project and , Resident Programs , cc: Lennie 1.. Farrar, Director of huclear Licensing . T. I. Schlosser, Project hinarer L. Cosarc , Project . Eui e rin t endent J. I. Gudet. Etstio: S t.:x tis.t e :. dent . l c: v/2t: d tc' 2 / 20./E 3 : D.'2./ bs e tc. en: Cont rc.1 beri. (FlDS) Lt. r i ck r. '. Int ; t ::ct , ilII ll i c.: 1 :ft t ., C'f il et cf

                /. : . t : : : '. !.; : e r:
  • C c .c;L2 j{*f.s .
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                                                                         hW-         Ikrg-         . . .           -     ..         - -            . .... .        - -             .     .

( ** R D lC . 1

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b# h , 3/' / & ., , f

                                                                                                                                                                    . .l .

534scDO~ W _aT*5 & ~~

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f, , 2 /v.

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                                                                .t.       ;' in- . :
  • t :i: e *
  • r e r:P!:< - :iat cerumir.ta; . 11 : :
                                                                .   'Ti'          . cst empGc- w r : e: .: . : a n r - tv 'Ec-07-01a: 45 7 /E'-C '-C la                                                        i:ter. <'

r: na. aceouau treg ru it tan:ter anc cont rc . terpt ra t u r-

         .Q                  t: - r,ur:c2:' :: Lareneust ;

a - k hi - r- :nst.e: cr verified that b:gh-low reading thersameters had beet I b  : r. 3 . t . 2 e c . Ir.rtruction: tc: use posted with the log, anc varenouserer f w" y g $c: recorcing temperatures or. a periodic basis. Licensee states 3Q r t r.a : r. : ieve~. I ltem: are stored ir. karehouse 3 theref ore , humidity gg t cer:rt. :: o r. required. Tr.i s iten it considered closec. g

f. i h: - c,= . : a n c e 0,5t 'E2-07-01t : 457/82-07-Olb- Inaaequate n-  : .: . . te : n.. it su rage area cieanliness levelt.
    $$(                                                                                                                                          '
    .V3                    7-               :.sne r .c             ve r:iled that the clean 12 nest level at karehouse : var
  .h p*'#

0 it: : cre : va renausemer. Lac tieer. Ins t ructed or, the importance of malt.- t a ::. : n: c a c a ra :ne s s levels, cleaning crews have been scheduled on a

 ~                         reut ne ras 2s anc scr.eduled surveillances are belDF perf ormed by A*         Pn:121rt-Getseno.                                   Inis i t en is consloered closed.

c _,* W honce:pliar.ce (456/E2-07-01c; 457/E2-07-01c): Licensee

          # .~~

le: 2ec tr t; nta:t a progran tc prevent the entrance of animals intc k a rer.06: e .

 'i% .

~- Trr :n:vetic: verified Inat the ripped holes in the valls were repaired, t our.:s t i c t i:ller pieces replaced, varehousemen were instructed tc.

       ,. ; ~             repcr. any atnornal opentn; so that they could be repairec, and commun-
a .i c: .ines we r e estab}isbec tc report openingt. This iten is con-v}.r -e -

ticeret ciesec A x. g: 6 Nan ecep12 ance U.56 / E;- 07 -01 d : 457/E2-07-01d;: Failure tc

r; i -me r.: .ta si tc arrure accest tc stored items for required inspection 1r *: e :tc r ver:flec tr.a: tne arranfement of stored items provided reac. acces: ic period:: :nrpectient and warebousemen had beer.

r.s rurter tc t.t : dE l t. requ: rec acces:- Tnis iten is considered closed.

47. . .. - -
                                                     , . . o-          i: an a 95t.'E2-Oi-Dic; 457/E2-07-010 : Inadequate
                                                    .         :rtu            st; ro; - r t c raf t .c : unident ified co=pc.nents .                                    ,
                                                        'c: s
                                                                         .ia ed tra: teasurt ha c beer. ta'.er.                  r       tc Troptrly ident2f}

r>1 r:;. u; ;: recc:;; :t tra varenouse and warenouseeer. Lad

                        .-.                             -i        ; t. : rurte:           ". : : : : t et :: considered closed.

Av - -- .  :< ..:  :.-: - ' - 65T/E;-;'-:.: Ta..ure u

                                                                                               ,t::         ..         a r. : ;.cir r er.2 : t i t.t a : . Ic-
   >           r  .


                  -:      : r. .u    ;     v-r :2c: t r.:. : ec           r nar t.e c t t . . :( c c: vc . vi               anc c u.e f            cer: :.e: :           v.aue s t o r a r- r:e a s u r n t. t bet: 2 r: : cvt - a r.                  va : er :,us er -

rac r.t t : 1 r.r t ru c t e c u n. . : r_; e :: componerc .;c : r. . t t r ; t - it :: 2 : e:

  -r; 4
                   -    c ot.r : c e r e c : acte:
      )           6.',or.c om; 11 a n c e (450/E2-01-Dig ; 457 / E _ - n -01,                                      Licensee fa;iet tc establist a progran to provice logs of pe rsonne . access tt stcrays tac:litle:.

Tnt inspecter verif2ed that adequate measure had beer taker tc control access c: personnel tc site storage facilities including a Phillips-6etseno+ Directive whiet specifies tne policy establisbec t( assure

         -       adequate contrc.1 of personnel it indoor controllec sterage areat.

vareneusemer nad beet inst ructec or. compliance vitt. tne Directiv_. 7n!! Iter 15 C ct.5 2 0e r eC closeC.

           -      Inspectior and Enforcement bulletins (IEbs , and C:rcularr 41ECs F r'oy e c t Const ruction Department Assurance Flie!

Int inspector reviewed the Project Construction Department Quality Assurance Files ot 27 IEbs and 10 IECs selected fron the current Rill Trac} printout of the Complete Listing,. The areas inspected in the aam:nistrative controls included: verification that the IEl or IE: hac beer. received by licensee manaFement, an adequate revie6 wat i - corducted to determine applicability, appropriate corrective actions 2 war plannec er taker., writter: responses vetc timel3 Includec required I r.i c rma t i o:. . Included adequate corrective actior. comm tments. manage-mera Iorwardec cop ies tc appropriate site deparementt . Information it. respense was accurate, and corrective actior: taher, was as described it the respons(. 1: var deteriined that the systen is in compliance with IF-92703 and 9;72- 7ne reject Management Site Quality Control Coordinator 2:

  *-             currently revising the systen ir. the areas of tracking anc notificaticr.

fh c: a t: 2 o:. c omplet tor. t o improve tne function 1rq anc utillratior of the

  ?f             sy s t er. .

k T. h: a; pa rer. . :tec.s cf noncom.rliance we re noted. Ope ratirq Statier Technical Staf f Filer 2-  : rape:tc: rrv:esec the (g e rat:r.6 f: 1:c: le :: t ra. f.L:-

c: in< sarr tvera3-sevcr IEbt prc . ;ous ; . c:sruis . Tr> are a.
                 ; r.: : e c t e d I r. tr.e c dc.2 r.i t t r a t i v e c c r. r c i s in;ium   a p: i s cabia.

t: . r.: e n. 110: and Ac: 20: IEl:

                 . s _: ce .e rc :: < : ;L21 t he tyrtcr :                     it   .  ::     -

c- - u s.t

                 ;.        ;:tr:c:. : u;.              I;ict hast t et: t r ici . . r :                  .     ...    ,

_;;.' 2 : . :; n. : i t s; a.s itG e ;E!: a r. . :s. r: .  ::- .

c. cat:c: has ir t: Irodu:(;. I6e: 1.:.u ... . .. 't . . .  ! : _: .

E:cer.rsnt Creu!. vbcre response tc. lEFs and c;be: requi re d oc.c u t r.u sere ra de c tc. cor:lete it.c filet int 'i e r t.u t e . 5_;f- '.: c e , r;; ( e

um e um a uma e me a m- e O s .

                                                              !!J: JTIO'. EVId DI.710;          .!! / '                  r:r c r. -::r. :

ur u m g g.:- me sun e um a amp e w a me a met a um a m a um a ma e um a um a er a me a uma a . L.A. cog;ce (A,3, Davigs 3 C t'.' b r*4 9

       .      [g-jij.          T    .~(w $ + d                  b         /.            -
                                                                                                                        *[ la t     at:lc
                                                                                                                       ; Streeter
              . t e.: c' If 04 t);r b ~ b !k                   Id!E            Report h"..         D W , D: rector (ft:

g 9.

                                                                                                             , g. c, la 2nspectaor.s . )

Inspe ctor (s ) Davasto:

   .         Ty:,( ( trcle one): Qoutine                     Reactive        Special                               c-       Directe:

g 3, l Inspe ctor (s i , Dq Inspe:te-:

  • Locket (s) rile.

g l I

1. Inspe:to-:-

The report clearly addresses all safety concerns. l l Tr.e report does not clearly address the following safety concerns- l d I 1 j

  ,i,                                                                                                                                                        >

I c4 i l

3. Inspectors ~ I believe RI!! is effectively dealing with all safety concerns. See attached pageh l lI d: not believe RI!! is effectiv'ely dealing with all safety concerns. I suggest RI!! take l


                                   ~ the following actions te assure effective Rl!! action:                                                                 [

I l l- 1 I E. l l I See attachec pages _A d 4- /k-8 3 [ Inspector:L 51gr.a ture: '%

                                                           )                                      Date

{ 4 Supe rvis t er.: If the inspe: tor does not believe that all safety concerns are addressed in the I

  • repo*t or that RI!! is not effectively dealing with all safety concerns provide
  • your posittor. on these retters including dates by which actions will be taker..

I l E 1 [ /

                              / :-              d. .. ,, . m A l-                                                                                                                                                        l g                 -                                                                                                                                      I

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h 5;perviso 's tie .etu*e /v' * / U

                                                                 /                           Date                                                      [

_Craruerente ( W.e* Se:tior. 4.15 required te te car.pleted.) e l E Eranet. Critf Date Eca m ww n m . u_ rsc rus TwTwi rtw rw r meras T sun meram s ur I wTus rimr i aan uw : as s murd l

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             ;hv                                                                                    REGloN 11:                                    "
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GLEA E .Lv N, liLINois 601:i' I ***** APR 27 19M MEM3FJJO"X 70E: L. G. Eisenhut, Director, Division of Licensing, NFJ ] FROM: E. l.. Spessard, Director, Division of Engineering, RIII

,                           SEEJECT:                         TOTAL Ciii.0 RIDE ION CONTENT IN CONCRETE - DOCEET NOS:

50-456 AND 50-457 (BRAIDWOOD) a This is te notify you of our intention to close an unresolveE iter in I Region III Inspection Report No. 50-456/76-06; 50-457/75-06 regarding l total chleride ion content in concrete at Eraidwood. Tne issue was first brought te IE's attention in a memorandue dated July 11, 197E, Spessard , te Reinmuth. Which is included as Attachment 1. Even though no written ' response to our request has ever been received, there has been consider-l' able effort expended by Region III and both the IE and hTJ staffs on this issuc. One cf those efforts was a presentation to th's Region III staff by Co :::nwealth Edison on February 17,19E3. Tne documentation of that pre-sentation, dated April 10, 1954, is included as Attach ent 2. We have i re-evaluated this issue, and based on the technical cerit of the information previded by the licensee and'our past discussions with representatives frc: h7J., we believe that this issue has been satisfactorily addressed. Tnereferc, our original request (delineated in Attachment 1) is no longcr j apprepristc, and we plan to close this unresolved iter in a future RIII 4 inspe: tion repert. l Flease contact te if you or your staff have any questions or cor:nents i regarftng thts catter. I fJ >l j

                                                                                                   /s           M A s n . -. Q i

L. L. Spessard, Directer Divisicn cf Engineering i

;                       C            V.' E 1 E;htintt*

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July ll,1971 KDORANDtH FOR: G. L'. Referuth, Aff ROI, II


WE L ., Chief, RC&IS Branch, RIII TiOh E. L Spes sard, Ct.ief ,155 C, F;6Ef Branch, RIII StVE~!: QUALIU EIQUlldXENTS F0f WAID AFI* ICE L' SED IF CON kEII PRONCTION (A/1 F30399El) The attached svne describes a problet involving Category I, prestress2d cocerete structures built or being built te Sargent & Lundy Enriceers ceterete productiet specifications. The problet involves the adequacy of litite anc' testint requirenects for chloride ict. and total solida cccten! it the concrett seteriala., be reqt. eat that thiJ tatter be revieved and evaluated, and as a titisa, we believe the fellwing should be considered:

1. For sites where concrete placement has not started or is it early stages, the F$AT be reevaluated it accordanet with the Statdard Leviev Flat (SRF). k'here appropriate, require licetate's to adhere to the SRI requirementa.
                    ;.         Tc:. the renaicint sites under tenstruction and for plante with a: 0*. , a de t e ttir.a tict, b e z.a de wh e the r or no t this tatter is a;,pli calle . For those cases vtere this r.atter is applicable, at evaluation be performed relative to the adequacy ci the eristing (ris TS) or pistnet surveillance requirecents over the desigr.

lif etise of the ef edded structural steel ateberage , the i ;te s trestitt systec c et:;etutt , and the tot building flructurt. QC j }et 9 9 5 - -=~ E. L. Spes#aard, aief lyi:reriet S q prt $cctier 1 1 . re :c:

                     }.. n- d.( 1/10/71,Ct1:srhet tc $ftstart cc v/ esc 1:                         g. C. Seidel, 7.I15             E. J. Cellagher I . A. Irr eh e r, IL                C. 1. Spencer, EV               C. E. Jctea L. T. Cs tlo ot, R.I                 L. E. Ianielset                 J. 1. tocklit C. I. FLrthy, EI!                    t, k'. Eryes
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Se pten.De : 2; , 19E: M:. Jare: ~. Kepoler , RegionE 2 Acninistrato: Dire: crett c' Inspection ant Enf e rren en: - Region III U.E. Nacisa: Regulator) Commission 799 hoosevelt Rosc Gl en E12 yr., IL 60137 5;;je::: Braiowooc Station Units I and 2 , _ HVAC SUDDolt5 NR: Docket Nos. 50-456 anc 50-457 i Re f cre nces (6): March 12, 1982, letter fron s T. R. Tramn t o J. G. Kepple r. (ct: April 2, 1982, letter f rom

1. R. Trame t o J. G. Keppler.

( ): May 13, 1962, letter fron

1. R . Tramn to J. G. Kepple r .

(c): Jul) 23, 1962, letter from 4 T. E. Trama to J. G. Keppler. De a r M: . 6epple:: inis is tt provice the _ final reoort on a 50.55(e) reportat 2 e oe 'i cient) reg 6roing the welding of HVAC ouct supports anc stiffeners si E:&lomooc. or NR2 tracking purposes this o e fi :l e r,:) is numDerec M 1.

                             ;r : e f erence (c) *e cut; E!!!'ent:1                                                 ndicatec that the adequacy of existing Citt : :.

Enc ouet supports *Es being evaulatec on a case-b)- i n E *.

  • D r t. has beer. templetec enc E numoer of fielt ro:if: itit ! til; be receirec.

itt ca: evt)ue lon consistec of octernining tne actus; out: at:st:::. , t i p .; Enc io:Etion on tne cutt , with respe : to stiffent: 1 E r. : : -: :'

                                  " -i np t t.                 Int renttion on tne stif f ener/ companion angle rtit:r:ntt using the a: tut; weign; anc locatior,.                                          Tne oesist c'     : ( :     .. f i t nt : /t or;&nion a ngle .Es e valua te: basec on knowing the ce s i pr. tarit t;)ownble reactions.                                  haere the oesign Desis allomaolet tre e>          eecer, fielt n.ocifiestions >Ill be reovirec. It was f ounc tnEt 11! i :er series cause f e!)or e of 34 t tif f eners anc 69 companior.

E n;i e s .

                                                                                                                                                   .1 I

nn n,-, . . - , . . - - , . , - - , - - - - -

      . - -      -. -              - - - - --     r- - -    . - - -                -,
         ;                 L. Le::.t:                                     .;              -

Se pt eact : ;., 19E: lne cut suoco:: evalua: ion consistt: c' e valuatin; tne actua; cesign casis f orces at tne suppor i nterna. connections. . Comparison mas n. ace to tne reoucec cesign t,esis allowables oue tc les s wele provicec than specifiec. It was f ounc tha t 26 ouet support s nave inaceounte welc capacity. Fielc modification will be perfcrmec ey accing additional welc for these cases. The necessary fielo modifications to the auct stif f eners ene ouet supports will be completec prior to fuel loac. Please socress f urther cuestions regarding this matter tc this office. Ve ry truly yours,

                                                                             /.i/p -/Ad m c ,

T. R. Tramn N: lea r Licensing. Actrinis trato In

cc: Director of Inspection anc Enf orcemen 4
 ,                              hashington, D.C.              20555 l

i [ 4 5060N 1 J

;                                                                                                                                                                                      1 l                                                                                                                                                                                      l 1
      .c  . . - . , - . _ ~ ,           -. , - -      , - , -          -

_ . - - ~ _ . c,_. . - - - - , , , - - - _ _ . , . _ . _ ~ - - - - - . . - . . - - . _


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( Commonw ea!:t Edise- . T z u g J .4 o.r t :e~. L O, +,< ,e An ers he. ~ : Su ce :e b:, '." hg , Q uc:e ,. i .~ : W - ,, (g g3 s 3a 5 22, 19E' -

                                                                                                                                                                        }_Pr : t::I PA1 STArr i
                                                                                                                                                                     ./f n       I nJalsi        i k',:     !     PAD !

R:. Jame s G. Kepple:, Regional Aon.inistrato:

                                                                                                                                                                           %           M ~

Directorate of Inspection anc Enforcement - Regior. Ill

                                                                                                                                                                     ./NM                   l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                                                                                                N" I .-

795 Roosevelt RoaC )EPEOd File Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 .


Breiowood Station Units 1 anc 2 HVAc SuoDorts NRO Dockets Nos. 50-456 and 50-457 References (a): March 12, 1982 letter fron T.R. Tramn to J. G. Kepple r. (o): April 2, 1982 letter f ron. T. R. Trame to J. G. Kepple r . (c): May 13,1982 letter, f ron

1. h . Tramn to J. C. Kepple r.

Dea: R:. Keppler: ir, braio.coc Tnis HVAC_is to ouctrevise supports the schedule an0 stif for f eners the evaluation discussec jirof welot references (s), (o), anc (c), Braiowood Deficiency 82-01 r e xisting ouct anc ouet in reference (c), we indicatec that the aceouacy of basis. supports is being evaluatec on s case-by-case 19E;. Tne evaluation was expected to De complete by ,)aly 15, This Dy Septer.ber 15, 1982. y_cIr_ is well uncermay and ~ is no, expectec to Dt complete offict. Pl ea s t accrest ouestions regarcing thit r.stter tc this

                                           .                                                         Vt :) irul) yourt,
                                                                                              % f.', % .:.~. -
                                                                                                       .             F. . T:s r furite: Li c. t. r.s i r. ; A: ;r.i. at;:

le c:: Di;ettc o f In spe tt ion a nc Er, f c;;

r. s t r. i n g t c r. , D . C . 20M!
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,             e4 C.c s* t t !!t E dis or.

bM- - c ~ s .. . . . n, s .. . es.:.::


e et. ken u . 8-cr Orn:e ban 7(- Cni:S;: 6xn Ma) 13, 195 Mr . Jame s C. Kepple r , Regional A3ministrator Directorate of Inspection anc Enforcement Region III U.S. huelear Regulatory Commission 7F9 Roosevelt Roac Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 , Sucject: Er midwooc; Station Units I and 2_. HVAC Suppor_t_L, NR Docket Nos. 50-456 anc 50-457 Referen:es (a): Ma rch 12,1982, letter f roc '

1. E.1ramri. t o J. G. Kepple r .

(o): April 2,19il2, letter f ror

1. R. Tramn to J. G. Keppler.


Dear Mr. Keppler:

This is to provice additional information regarcing ce ficien les in Pullman HVAC_ duct supports and stif feners which were anc were ciscussed in reocrtec on FeDruary 11 anc 16,1962,This report is subrittec pursuant to 10 CFR re f erence s (6) anc (b). SC.5$(e) f or Eraio,occ ceficiency 82-D1./q W/


' Des crictier. c f De ficiency HVA: Duct supports anc stiffeners f abricated by Pullman Construction In$ustries have been supplied to Braiovooc sitr. inaceouste welc ceposition at corner connections. ine er:lesec skt tch shows the weld cetails as Int specified faDricator c r. t n t is rpent ene Luncy cesign crawings.

rititte tr,t Av i v ele tyr.bcls aric v eJoec only the arrow tiet ir.stta,c cf t11 a.rounc.

pifet3 2 r_:li c a t i e nt it:ert,vrt. f r iierer c f HVI.; ou:t s t r>. coult Let; s t fi t) t : *irr : ni f:t t>tir.g g : opt r2 y cc 03 t c t r.c cou) rt criftet 22!nr cu:tr long-i t.:r s c: f t tr a n:t c.f tht: e c .:! p n e nt, . coulc tisc caust direct c6 cept t o s a f e t y t culpr or.t . o Contics;tb3t Ieosr.ctn:y inc saftt) r arpins e tist a t Ersice coc snalysis voulc be re cuira c tc hes tve r , tne

curatt)y chtracterist a etst-by- tstthe specif je saf ety irplications e f thir ct ficion:y.

W * */ l.M

      .. C. F.e;;.t:                    -   :    -

ME) 12, 19E: I

     ; cr ertive A::it-The aceous 3 cf tne existing ou: an: cu:: supports is                  -

ceing evaluatet on a case-by-case basis, melos ceterminec to be inaceouate will De repaireo to restore tne oesign d basis margins. Tne evaluation will ce completeo by .1;1 y 15, 1962. . ine f abricator nas oeen instructeo to perf orn all f uture melding ir, accorcance with the oesign orawings. - Flease accress cuestions regarcing this mat,te: to this Ve r) t r ul) yourt,


f. k ,2-T . F. . Tramn Ns: lear Licensing Asninistrato: Ir

,    cc:     Directo    of Inspection & Enforcement 410th i                                                       0 O

i t i 4

i U sl 1 bi Iit l  %/ _ i

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mA'N G ER CON N EC- 10h . N Fb I .

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th: bhIE - Ac:1 ; ;, 195: M:. James C. Kepale:, Regional Aoministrato: Directorate o' Inspection anc Enforcement - Region III U.i. NucleEr Regul& tory Commission 799 hoosevelt host Glen Ellyr., IL 6D137 Sutject: 6_rsic.coe Station Units _1 anc ; f -

                                %.55(e)          Deficiency keport 8 2 -Dls j NR; Docket hot. 50-45( anc 4D-457N heference (s):            Ma rcr. li,1952, letter f rorr T.h. Trarkn- to J. G. Keppler.                                    '

Des: M:. Leppler: T r.11 11 to provice information r.epercing apparently report-Edit ceficiencies in Pullman HVA ouet support s anc stif f eners at braiovooc. Reftrence (s) indicated that the final report on these oeficiencies woulc be celayec. It is now apparent that the finel reoc:t will De a vailable by ADril 76. 19E ._ Duct erection nat resumec casec upon L preliminary review of the cuct stiffener ev61ubtior.. Please 60 crest any cuestions rep;cing this matter to this Very t rsi) yours,

                                                            / / /ew o&' d osm 7 . F. , I..':;th:  L' cens ir ; Acrir,!!12 tit:

376 t,

                                                                           *l r :

( r. ,'

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v /r n. RChjap _4 mp

                                               %v o nee so. 7c-         .

7 p Y g;n b.. nod 6069'- - y [# j Frm:OlpAL STAFF April 10, 1984 a 3, p.C ,

                                                                                                              ..    ~~     ; - tA j_, .C
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q v Mr. James G. Kepoler t ~ i Regional Aoministrator i f.~. . U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission b; , i. Region III , ' . p , ,e 3,1 799 Roosevelt Roac Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


Braidwood Station Units 1 and 2 Open Item Concerning Total Chloride Ion Content in Concrete , NRC Docket Nos. 50-456 and 50-457 Reference (a): R. F. Helshman letter to Byron Lee, Jr. cated August 7, 1978.

Dear Mr. Keppler:

Reference (a) contains an unresolyed item number 456/78-06-03; 457/76-06-03 concerning total chloride ion content in concrete at Braiowooc Station. Specifically, the Region had concern with the impact of tne accitional enloride ion content contained in the aggregate anc seeixtures relative to the acceptability of total chloride ion content of tne mixing water usec for concrete production. Further, the Region had concerns tunnel walls. witn evidence of mineral and iron oxide depnsits on the tendon shoulc allow forThe purpose of this letter is to provide information which the Region's closure in this matter. presentation On February 17, 1983, Commonwealth Edison at the Region made an engineering concerning these topics. Tne Attachment te this letter documents our presentation and in our judgment, provices the technical casts for closing out the open item. Please address any Questions that you or your staff may have concerning this matter to this of fice. Very truly yours, . m N/ 0f d? / E. Douglas Swartz Nuclear Licensing Administrator i in t.ttachment ec: Region !!! Inspector - Braidwood ' l 6446N l t.09 I\

   ?   .      .

Attachment 1 s Braidwood Station Presentation to NRC Recion III


February 17, 1983 { Chloride Content in Concrete and

  • Evidence of Corrosion in Tendon Tunnels 1

Chloride Content in Concrete ACI Committee 201 (" Guide to Durable Concrete" ACI-201.2R-77, American Concrete Institute, 1977) has recommended, and ACI-318 and ACI-301 have adopted, a lower bound limit on chloride content

of 0.06% by weight of cement, for prestressed concrete. This value is based on the premise that the prestressing steel is in direct contact with the concrete. The prestressing steel
;         at Braidwood is contained in sheathing filled with grease for i

corrosion protection, and therefore, the 0.06% limit is not appla-cable. The ACI-201 limit for conesete exposed to chloride in service is 0.104. However, based on current inf ormation, ACI-316-E3 has adopted a 0.15% limit for concrete exposed to chloride in service. As stated in Section 4.5.( of the commentary, 'The more liberal limits were developed after consultation with ACI l Committee 201 on durability and 222 on corrosion, and are con-sidered to represent the best information available at the time of adoption". The 0.15% limit on chlorides in concrete is most applicable to Braidwood. The 0.15% limit for concrete exposed to chlorides is conserva-tive since it is intended for the worst exposure normally expec- ' ted (bridge decks or seawater exposure) where the chloride ion

!        content may exceed 19,000 ppm. The actual chloride ion content a

of the groundwater at Braidwood is less than 350 ppm.  ; l It should also be noted that the ACI limit is on water soluble chlorides. 1 Due to the difficulty in determining the amount of i chlorides which are water soluble, the total amount of chlorides present are compared to these limits. Also, some of the chlor-ider which are initially water coluble are chemically ecmbined with the hydrated cement, further reducing the chlorides avail-  : i able to induce corrosion. ' l _ Sargent & Lundy performed an analysis of the total chlorider in the concrete mix for the Containment using conservative valuct , and quantities for the constituent materials as follows: i l i i i I f

e -- - d ,%..isL =p f.:' * - ,

l. Ccmm:nw3cith Edbcn
, ., t er Naaene o a: > :aa: wm Iq. e
                  ,iv y *rAac e:- Ren io por ot . e so. W              ,     Q                    p-g                       Cn.caa: n.nos 60s9; 77 aircipn STAFF April 10, 1984                                ;g f    ,
                                                                                                   , p y] .T % #',f/

Mr. James G. Kepoler h. > Regional Aoministrator ~ .7 p-U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission bi 0_ Region III [ *] l: lie g 799 Roosevelt Roac

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 i


Braiowooo Station Units 1 and 2 Open Item Concerning Total Chlorioe Ion Content in Concrete ' NRC 00cket Nos. 50-456 and 50-457 Reference (a): R. F. Heishman letter to Byron Lee, Jr. l dated August 7, 1978. l

Dear Mr. Keppler:

Reference (a) contains an unresol,ved item number 456/78-06-03;

  • j 457/78-06-03 concerning total chloride ion content in concrete at Braio coc Station. Specifically, the Region had concern with the impact of the aeditional chlorice ion content contained in the aggregate and 5

admixtures relative to the acceptability of total chloride ion content of 1 the mixing water used for concrete production. Further, the Region had concerns witn evioence of mineral and iron oxide deposits on the tendon

'      tunnel walls. The purpose of this letter is to provide information which shoulo allow for the Region's closure in this matter.                                                          l i

On February 17, 1983, Commonwealth Edison made an engineering presentation at the Region concerning these topics. The Attachment to i this letter occuments our presentation and in our judgment, provides the 1 technical basis for closing out the open item. Please address any Questions that you or your staf f may have concerning this matter to this of fice. ,

\                                                                                                                     \

i Very truly yours, - m 0 i i Y E. Douglas Smartz eWY/ ' j i Nuclear Licensing Actinistrator i 1m l Attachment i ec: Region 111 Inspector - Braidwood i 6446N fiPR I

                                             !.t t a enr t : . .
  • S Erti6 wood Ettile!

Prer t nt Eti er te NP. ke t : or !' Februarv 2", 19 F :- Chloride Content in Concrete and. ~ l Evidence of Corrosion in Tendon Tunnelt 3 Chloride Content in Concrete a ACI Committee 201 (" Guide to Durable Concrete" ACI-201.2R-77, American Concrete Institute,1977) has recommended, and ACI-31E 4 and ACI-301 have adopted, a lower bound limit on chloride content of 0.06% by weight of cement, for prestressed conciete. Thir value it based on the premise that the prestressing steel is i in direct contact with the concrett. The prestressing steel at Braidwood is contained in sheathing filled with grease for corrosion cable. protection, and therefore, the 0.06% limit is not appli-The ACI-201 limit f or concrete exposed to chloride in service is 0.10%. However, based on current inf ormation, ACI-j 316-E3 has adopted a 0.15% limit for concrete exposed to chloride in service. As stated in Section 4.5.( of the commentary. "The i more liberal limits were developed af ter consultation with ACI Committee 201 on durability and 222 on corrosion, and are con-i sidered to represent the best information available at the time of adoption". Tne 0.15% limit on chlorides in concrete is mos applicable to Braidwood. l j The 0.15% limit for concrete exposed to chlorides is conserva-tive since it ted (bridge decks is intended for the worst exposure normally expec-or seawater exposure) where the chloride ion i content may exceed 19,000 ppm. The actual chloride ion content of the groundwater at Brai6 wood is less than 350 ppt. It should also be noted that the ACI limit is on water solubic chloridet. Due to the difficulty in determining the amount of , chlorider which are water solubit, the total amount of chlorides present art compared tc thete licitr. Also, some of the chlor-idct vhier. are initially wa ter sclutle tre cher..f cally ccmbined vitt the hydrated cenent, further r(ducing the chlorider avail-

!     a bi t te ir,cuct corrorfen.

f, t : 9 e r.t 1 1.und;. ; e r i ctr ed ar. ar.alyr i r c f t M totti ehlorider ' tr. tre cen::ctt ra fer tht C on t s ; nr e r.: us;n; cor.rervat:vt valuer End Cult.titie! f0! the 00r.r r i t ue r.t alttr!&lt at f C11Cel: i

1 rege 2 of 3

 .      .l.. Thc i                     concreto mix with the greatest water cnd c: ment contents of theused ware         sinceions, chloride   those matericls contributo th2 majority s
2. Chloride contents were less than 350 ppm during the time concrete was placed below grade level. (only concrete below is exposed to chlorides in the groundwater.) The upperbound value of 350 ppm was used in the analysis.
3. -

For admixtures, the maximum amount of chlori'de allowed by Specification F/L-2722, 14 by weight, was used whereas the actual amount determined by tests did not exceed 0.15%.

4. The chloride content of coarse and fine aggregate was not measurable (less than 1 ppm) and therefore, was taken as Ot.

As shown in Table 1, the upper bound limit on the ratio of chlor , ide content to cement is 0.0274. This is f ar belot the ACI limit of 0.151 for reinf orced concrete exposed to chlorides and even well below the 0.06% limit for prestressed concrete. The limit of 500 ppm on chloride ion in the mixing water found in Specification F/L-2722 provides control on the largest contri-butor to the total chloride content in the concrete. The AF'I 1977 edition provided for a limit of 250 ppm for water but haJ no limit on the total chloride content. in the concrete. In *.he 1980 edition summer 1980 addenda, the limit on chloride content in water ide was deleted and replaced by a limit of 400 ppm on chlor-content in the cement paste. As shown in Table 1, the chlor-ide content, using the name conservative assumptions, is 104 ppm. The specification limit on chlorides in water of 500 ppm has limited total chlorides in concrete to acceptable levelt. Iron oxide Deposits on Tendon Tunnel Walls Mr. Gallagher, after his inspection of the tendon tunnels, noted "the apparent effects of groundwater in the form of corrosion of the embedded steel (reinforcing) and by the presence of depo-sits of iron oxide on the walls of the tendon gallery", where groundwater was leaking through cracks in the walls. On August 22, 1980, a Level III ASME/ACI Nuclear Engineer Inspec-tor, examined areas in the tendon tunnel. Where the concrete was cracked and iron oxide deposite were present, concrete was removed for approximately 4 inches behind the interior face rein-forcing cteel. Examination of these areas yielded no evidence of corrosion on the reinforcing steel. In addition, no discolor-ation of concrete was found at the exposed crack approximately 4 inches behind the reinforcing cteel, thur discounting the poten-tini for corrosion of. reinforcing tteel at the exterior face of the tendon tunnel.

l Furth2rmore, during tne inspection, it was determined tnat a

   '       waterproofing system using metallic grout was used to repair cracks. Tne reddish-crown deposits occurred only at the repaired j           cracks with the rust confined to areas containing tne metallic i

grout. To minimize f uture groundwater leakage into the tendon j tunnels, these cracks have been repaired using a concrete water-i proofing' system acceptable f or saf ety related work and whier. does not contain a metallic grout. t i


0 J

[ s TABLE 1


CONSTITUENT LB/CUYD CHLORIDE RATIO CHLORIDE LB/CUYD Water = 315 X 0.00035 = 0.1102 Cement = 680 X 0.00007 = 0.0476

  • Admixtures = 2.58 X 0.01 $= 0.0256 Total Paste =

997.58 LB/CUYD Total Chlorides = 0.1836 LB/CUYD Ratio of Total Chloride to Cament == 0.1836/680 = 0.00027

                                                                     =   270 ppm
                                                                     =   0.027%

Ratio of Total Chloride to Paste = 0.1836/997.6 = 0.000184

                                                                     =   184 ppm
                                                                     =   0.0181
  • Weight of chlorides in Admixtures can be Calculated ass

($+28) = 33 TL.OZ/CUYD Air Entrainment & Water Reducing Admixtures _33 Ounces /cu.Yd. X 8.33 lbs. 128 Ounces / gallon gallon X 1.2 (spoeific gravity)

         = 2.58 LB/CUYD

I ( ( i l k) h l February 22, 1983 MEMORANDUM F0E: Region III Files FROM: F. J. Jablonski, Acting Chief, Frejects Section IB SUBJECI: MEETING WITE CECO AND S&L ABOUT CH14 RIDES IN CONCRETE AT BRAIDWOOD On February 17, 1983, a meeting was held in Region III to discuss a long standing unresolved ites 456/78-06-03 pertaining to chloride ions in concrete hatching water. The meeting was attended by the foilowing persons: , MEC _ S&L CECO C. V aliams D. Carrera C. Gray

1. Knop 1. Betsel L. Tapella F. Rawkins .

L. McGregor F. Little

1. Jablonski .

Mr. Carrera discussed S&L's understanding and disposition of the chloride p robles. Mr. McCregor presented the history of the chloride problem and background of Ceco's commitments to various codes and standards. Mr. Williams spoke for the NRC. It was concluded by the NRC members that S&L had adequate information to support their disposition of accepting the concrete 8as is"; however, S&L was requested to formally submit the infor-nation to RIII for their review. NRC requested that the upper limit of chlorides be included in the submittal. 0 s i. 4 a.. % .'.,. w Frank J. Jationski Acting Chief Frejects Section 18 cc: t. Williams R.. Knop

f. Rawline L. McCrerer V. Little J. Einds
                             .I              ..            .. .... ........        ..................!........             ...

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(* nm n e. t-wa i.non w e int n anut e tture n instru:tior manca c ne u tc 77;140E , it was oose.rvec that 1EEEO was recommenoec a! - vc iteo- fe- 4n insulatior resistance testing IEEE4 allows the apoltec moto-1: 2 500VE ; . According1insulation resistance testing to rance f roft 600VD:

                    ,1ncings wr.ict                                       3, tne licensee is nom applying 1000VD: to motor mene c:turers within this allowable range anc apparently                                                                   e meets t baseo on this review, this iten is closec.

(OFEh! res i s ta Linresolvtcn:t (5F456M3-16-12): This iterr concerned insulatior. 11:t se+ was nc; seggering betweer. conouctortesting cf electrical penet 11 e o.: i n to conouctor c' int penetra-tes tin; as reouitec 03 Cona> Instruction Panua k IP5-370. lot 11:enset reportec that they, witf conou:to to grounc testing. in f act, performed this test togetner cenou:te- witt p ounot:.. tne remaining conouctors connected (bunched) ancThis was Tnis woulc apparently satisfy both tests. howeve . it D*o:eourt licenset no' citarly reflectec cetails of the tests perf Tnt ormec.was any ob reo:eca esapeeec usec an: tc correct existing test reports to clearly reflect it resist cetails of acceptability. The licenset also agreec Fencin; a reu e. cf these modifications, this ope r. . iten remainsf o*n

                                                                                                                                                      .      o r. .

i sc r.t e n; ir concrett. Total chloriot l o t, anr suhe. tra e ' t M c,r i ot Commonwealtr. Edisor., and Region 111 HR; mrt to dis l

  ; ye>(      S M ::'it ior content in concrete at the braiowooc Statior..                                                               ,

C (; in' a:: 's ic sue at,its ciscut sec in:1ucec (1) int goserning inaustry stancarot, [) r k 1:1+ t t '.:: l i cto Largent anc Luno3 specificationt, anc (3) the specifit turrounoth; the chloriot issut at bratomooc. (, *f'gyt b u: ' t :, s r r.

                     .                   i  4 i u:;~ : t t a '                        or A:,r i ' 1(, , 19U , the licensee provicec a writter ra e ; i n;.

c:.:uw r.t in; their con:1us ioni at litt*;t. Ecse: ce t he te:hnica; therit (* oiscus sec in the F eDruary EB; r ~. ! : t ! ! ) o n t w i t t. t he inf ior, pros icet in t h4.

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