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Core Spray Sys Insp Program -16R
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/04/1996
From: Manning W, Nademus R, Schwartz S
Shared Package
ML20134C884 List:
TR-110, NUDOCS 9610090348
Download: ML20134C885 (18)


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Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 1 of 18 1

Oyster Creek Core Spray System }

Inspection Program - 16R l I

Topical Report No. TR-110 Project No. 328382 l



Author: I4 /03 '

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' R. T. Nademus , NDE Engineer 'Date 1 Approvals: /oXt/9C ,

S.'E. Schwartz 3ystem E%ncer i)a'te

} $$tbtL<um /WS/%

W. P.' Manning , NDli/ f Manager Da'te I

'I A ,hn c 3 74Mowat /0 y l / S. J ndov' .' Man er NDIMSI 'D!te

'. S. Gi i

$ f Gatcoddf /b

'Date h> Directiir Chemistry / Material


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R. W. l{cdedir,ect y is/dm '

', Engineering liate' 1

i 9610090348 961007

PDR ADOCK 05000219 i G PDR 1

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Topical Report No. TR-110 l 1

Page 2 of I8 1

4 i

j Abstract i

During the 1996 refueling outage (16R) at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, an augmented Inspection Program was implemented on the Core Spray Sparger a

System. In addition to the augmented program, GPUN performed visual examinations

per the recommendation of the BWRVIP, (lloiling Water Reactor Vessel and Internals i Project), document BWRVIP-18, "BWR Core Spray Internals Inspection and Flaw l

i Evaluation Guidelines". The inspection scope included the in-vessel annulus piping,

sparger assemblies, and associated brackets utilizing remote visual examination and -

j supplemental air test. In accordance with the above reference document, BWRVIP-18, .

] accessible ponions of the annulus piping welds and the accessible portions of the end cap  ;

1 l

welds on the sparger assemblics were cleaned with a nylon brush and inspected to the l VIP enhanced VT-1 Technique,(1/2 mil wire resolution). Remote visual examinations ,


revealed no new indications. The air test revealed leakage reported in the previous i

outages in System 11 at the 208 degme azimuth repair clamp.

i >

1 i

i l

l I


4 Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 3 of18 i

i TAIlll? OF CONTliNTS ,

Page introduction 4 Core Spray Sparger 5 Core Spray Annulus Piping 6 3 Air"fest 6 t



Conclusions 8  :

References 9  !

Attachments i Table 1 - Core Spray Piping Inspectior. Summary Figure 1 - Core Spray Annulus Piping Azimuths Figure 2 - General Layout - Core Spray Sparger Figure 3 - Upper Piping Unit Figure 4 - Lower Piping Unit Figure 5 - Pipe Joint Configuration for Downcomers at 60 and 240 Azimuths Figure 6 - Downcomer at 60" Azimuth and Location of  ;

Weld U-3A Indications j i

' t Figure 7 - Downcomer at 240 Azimuth and Location of '

Weld L-3A Indication t


Topical Report No. TR-ilo i

t Page 4 of 18



i t

i INTRODUCTION l The Augmented Inspection for the Core Spray Sparger System was performed during the a

j 1996 refueling outage (16R). The results of the inspection reported herein meet the f requirements outlined by "Section 6.9.3.d. Uniaue Renortine Reauirements" , of the i Oyster Creek Technical Specification.


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l Topical Report No. TR-110 )

Page 5 of 18 l 1

Visual Inspection The Core Spray Spargers and Annulus piping were visually inspected utilizing the IST, ETV-1250 underwater camera with the twin 50 watt underwater lighting affixed.

Auxiliary lighting was provided as needed by acorn lights and/or area lights lowered into the vessel from the refueling bridge. Auxiliary lighting was controlled by a rheostat. This

] inspection program has exceed past inspections by conforming to the BWRVIP, Reference

6 Page 9. The video tapes were reviewed by at least two visual Level 111 individuals.

Agreement of the individuals was required to fmalize the disposition of these inspections.

Core Soray Spareers j

Accessible portions of the end cap welds on the spargers, (8 places), were cleaned using a nylon brush attached to an underwater motor. These welds were inspected utilizing the (BWRVIP) enhanced VT-1 designated as EVT-1 This technique uses a % mil wire for camera / system resolution. The remainder of the spargers were inspected to the CSVT-1 technique using a 1 mil wire for camera / system resolution, which has been performed in prior inspections, in accordance with the requirements of NRC I&E Bulletin 80-13. This outage Oyster Creek utilized the refueling bridge and a auxiliary bridge to perform these inspections. The primary means of operating the camera system was by hand held camera manipulated by ropes. The rigid pole system mounted to the refueling bridge was used when accessibility permitted. The calibration standards used for qualification of the camera system were as stated above.

The visual inspection of the Core Spray Spargers was performed as follows (Reference Figure 1 & 2):

Sparger A & C

1. Upper view - looking down on the sparger from above.
2. Front view -looking straight at the sparger.
3. Lower view - looking up at the sparger from below.
4. Nozzle view - looking below the sparger directly at the nozzles.
5. End cap welds- cleaned and EVT-1. I Sp_arger B & D
1. Upper view - looking down on the sparger from above.
2. Front view - looking straight at the sparger.
3. Nozzle view - looking below the sparger directly at the nozzles
4. End cap welds - cleaned and EVT-1.

Topical Report No. TR-i lo Page 6 of 18 Note: A lower view is not possible for Sparger B & D because of their location in the vessel.

No relevant indications were noted during the inspections or subsequent review of the video tapes.

Annulus Piping Accessible portions of the Core Spray Annulus Piping welds (Figures 3 through 7) were cleaned using a nylon brush and visual inspections performed utilizing the liVT-1 technique. All accessible portions of the piping and attachmems were visually inspected.

Inspections were performed using the ETV-1250 camera system. No new relevant indications were noted during the inspection or subsequent review of the video tapes.

Air Test Air tests were performed on the core spray system I and 11 spargers.13ecause of the configuration of the Core Spray piping, the upper spargers with downward pointing nozzles should be Giled completely with air (System II). The down leg between the reactor vessel penetration and the horizontal circumferential pipe run in the annulus is filled completely with air. All other piping will, at best, fill only partially with air orjust pass air bubbles riong its upper inside surface.

The Core Spray Sparger Systems air test was perfbrmed in accordance with GPUN Spec.

SP-1302-22-007, mv. 3. The pressure was held at approximately 68 psi as veri 6ed through GPUN I&C Department.


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Topical Report No. TR-llo '

Page 7 of 18 System 1 ( Lower Spargers)

During the performance of the air test, the core spra'y sparger system I, was inspected utilizing a hand held IST ETV-1250 camera manipulated with an attached rope from the bridge.

Core Spray Sparger System I was the first system tested. inspection of the sparger during the air test noted air bubbles coming from the nozzles. With no means ofisolating the nozzles, air escaping is normal during this examination. Inspection of the balance of the lower spargers on system I revealed no additional air leaks. 3 System II ( Upper Spargers)

During the performance of the air test, the core spray sparger system 11 was inspected utilizing a hand held IST ETV-1250 camera manipulated with an attached rope from the -


Core Spray System II, (Upper Spargers), was the .econd system inspected. In addition, the annulus piping was inspected at this stage of the air test. As pointed out during system I air test, air bubbles were also observed emitting from the sparger nozzles. Air bubbles were also observed coming from the end (204 degrees) and middle (208 degrees) of the repair clamp located between azimuth 204 - 210 degrees. No other air bubbles were observed coming from the other cight repair clamps, spargers or annulus ,

piping other than that previously noted above.


' 1 Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 8 of 18 l 1

1 Conclusions l The following are the conclusions relative to the inspection of the Core Spray System l conducted during the Oyster Creek Refueling Outage (16R):

1 0 The number of confirmed cracks in the core spray sparger systems is one (1) in system II, that being the through wall crack at 208 degrees identified and clamped in 1978 and confirmed by continuous stream of air bubbles. No change was noted from previous inspections.

O Visual inspection of the spargers and annulus piping showed various scuff marks, ,

scrapes, undercut, arc strikes, oxide deposits, (in locations that had not been I brushed), and discoloration's on the sparger surfaces. No changes from previous I inspections were noted.

O All repair clamps appear to be intact and in good condition.

O No indications that could be interpreted as crack like in appearance were noted during the examination or post examination review of the sparger assembly.

O One rounded, through wall, indication was observed in the toe of weld designated i as L-3 A. This weld is in System I of the annulus piping. Visual examination during 16R and previous air test during 15R revealed no change in this indication since it discovery in 14R. This indication was determined to be a fabrication flaw.

O Two linear indications originally observed during outage 14R in the annulus piping in system II, weld U-3A appear to be a weld past between 2 beads, as determine after cleaning. No changes and no air bubbles were observed emanating from this location during the air test.


Topical Report No. TR-110 1

Page 9 of I8 j l

l l

i References l 1 - NRC I&li 13ulletin 80-13 " Cracking in Core Spray Spargers".

2 - GPUN Procedurc 5361-NDII- 7209.46, Rev.1, " Visual lixamination of Reactor Vessel Internals".

3 - GPUN Specification Sp-1302-56-128, Rev.1, " Reactor Vessel Internals i inspection - 16R".

4 - GPUN Topical Report No. TR-098, " Oyster Creek Core Spray System inspection Program -15R".

5 - GPUN SP-13-2-22-007, Rev.3, " Core Spray Sparger Piping Air Test".

6 - 13WRVIP-18, "I3WR Core Spray Internals Inspection and Flaw livaluation Guidelines".


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Topical Report No. TR-110 -

Page 10 of 18 .



Sparrers Annulus Piping i~

Visual Ultrasonic Visual Ultrasonic Air Test Remarks 1978 1 through wall crack No indications Air release observed One repair bracket installed from 1 crack (208 at 208 (Sys. II) only)  !

1980 19 indications 16 indications 2 indications Seven repair brackets installed (Sys II) two repair !

brackets installed (Sys. I) ,

28 Total Indications (excluding 1978 indication) 1932 Video enhanced 1980 Video enhanced sisual indications. on 1980 Results identified: indication 3 cracks Results: Not a l 2 possible cracks crack on the 6x5 reducer) i 1983 No indications

  • No indications
  • No indications No indications
  • Area ofinspection limited l 7 welds inspected by repair brackets  ;

(4 of the 1980 (5 of 16-1980 indications indications ,

examined) examined)  !

1986 No indications

  • No indications
  • No indications l r

1988 No indications

  • No indications *
  • Air release ** Air release from observed from repair 196 repair bracket j brackets upper intermittent. Air release  ;

sparger from 208 repair bracket [

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Topical Report No. TR-110 . .

PageiIof18 ,

TAHLE I (Continued)


Sparcers Annulus Pipine -

Visual tiltrasonic Visual tiltrasonic Air Test Remarks 1991 No indications

  • No indications Air release observed Air release from 208 from one repair bracket repair bracket (208 ) upper sparger continuous (Sys. II) 1992 No indications
  • Initial no Air release observed Air release from 208 indications from one repair bracket repair bracket continuous (Sys. II)
      • Air release from Air release from weld Additional Visual downcommcr at 240 L-3 A is continuous 3 indications Weld L-3A has through (Sys.1)

A) I through weld hole weld hole ll) 2-linear 1994 No indications

  • No indications Air release observed Air release from 208 from repair bracket repair bracket continuous (Sys.II)

Air release from Air release from Weld downcommer at 240 , L-3 A is continuous Weld L-3 A has through (Sys. I) weld hole No change from 2 linears Note on Weld U-3 A (Sys.II) 1996 No indications * * * *No indications Air release from one Air release from 208 ,

repair clamp repair bracket (Sys. II)

No visual change to indication in U-3 A  !

(Sys.II)&L-3 A(Sys.1)  !

t Area of inspersion limited 3h apair brackets A subsequent air test confirmed that air huhbles were released from the sparger nonics hencath the 196* repair clamp ,

      • Throno,h ucid hole in neld Is-3A S3 stem I 2 linears, both in same ucid ll-3A S3 stem Il

. ~

Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 12 of 18 i

Cg pgAv Annulus PMMO AZW .

C L AT13


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Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 13 of18 Section Vie- .



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/ Upper ew


/ '

efer F g-'Ie 11

/ ^

y rL Core Spre kV

( Sperger N$zzles

/ L"'


C -. .,

Lower Soorger )

l' l

Cude Rod Braci,

/ / -

o 7 /j f \ Reactor Veneel Well Oyeter Creel, Nuclear Generating SeLion Ft w o Ib ber 2

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1 Topical Report No. TR-110

, Page 14 of 18 i



,1 i.


! W3A

44 t,


4 13 -

i 33C DE' V5 4

. s U-il ---- U~0 'I ' ' U-O yg Ur 's

' U-W U-16h' -

U-17 N



r L



150 DEG U-2 l

U-23 /

U-22 ; l U-21 -- ,/


'A u '~a '

y.20 - /

' U-19 l


Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 15 of18 LO4R PPlears (MT 242DE3 L-l L-2 .

5 L-3 L-3A L-4 fl '3e rem L-5 /_ g_gg L-15 L-6 g-g

/ L-16 A f - L-18

'i -7 L LY'

,/z' L-8 6 l 1


'30 CE3 t, L-13 k, -- L-IZ

\ -

om L-10 N i




Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 16 of 18 OYSTER CREEK CORE SPRAY SPARGER


FIELD s/4 ' WELD h


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FIGUM 5' 4

4 4 Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 17 of I8 CORE fiPRAY PIPiWG MD LD'S IMOCATION AT WELD W3A 0


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FIG R 6 1


j Topical Report No. TR-110 Page 18 of18 1

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L-5 FIGl.PE 7