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Rev 3 to Bgp 100-A13, Reactor Trip Root Cause Determination
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Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/1985
From: Eeningenburg E, Sues L, Tulon T
Shared Package
ML20129A963 List:
BGP-100-A13, NUDOCS 8506050792
Download: ML20129D081 (40)


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o BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 p

n REACTOR TRIP As ROOT CAUSE DETERMINATION 1 Referenced: BEP ESO.1 NOTE i Complete only the applicable steps BGP 100-A6 of this procedure { i l CAUTION l DO NOT INITIATE THIS PROCEDURE UNTIL THE j AFFECTED UND IS BEING MAINTAINED IN A STABLE CONDITION InitiatedbySCRE:// Cu NOTE USE Section F as an information i Time: /$ M section for reportire l Date: V"/O ~W I. A. NOTIFICATION OF THE REACTOR TRIP A STATION SUPERINTENDENT Time ard Date or HIS DESIGNEE [. dugf /,3p'f Vjp-g i % NUCLEAR STATION DIVISION DUTY OFFICER (name) E Z> Stuw&w&./G 87 S250 BYRON STATION DUTY OFFICER I (name) T /YnnM /EYT V/'a-W I lf'SYSTEMLOADDISPATCHER (name) /262>4/C&TDA/ / $b '/8-Af ~ t ] DVR # l'4-0/ rY-{,hdC i (See BAP1250-2) /hO /t>-ft[/ 'NRC location N!/II" Nv4oA/ 4 person 60ut D 0 hAr/Sx70d /V M/t?O b'o-ff OTHERS (list) include support (IM, Eit m) CT U KPPROVED l 8506050792 850517 PDR ADOCK 05000454 NOV 061984 ..8.. PDR l ]

BGP 100-A13 Rcvision 3 k ) B ( B. CONDITIONS 1 1. On SHIFT at the time of the TRIP a. SHIFT ENGINEER d MxI-i /IMMr'"A/ b. SCRE W &ab-c. SHIFT FOREMEN

4. hit. C. da04/;~st/

d. UNIT.LNSO B tioel M Enuunot e. EO (5%& ~E kvuose-2. UNIT Time and Date of Trip _/3 W /-/c-PT

3. [ Ensure all recorder charts stamped:

REACTOR TRIP Time i33r 4. UNIT Status at TRIP Date % 2 (Startup) O aso 2_1 7<< j a. MODE l 1 (Power) h ] i b. Source Range CPS ( USE NR-45 ( Intermediate Range amps. receMer S Power Range MM 5. Present UNIT Status h a. MODE b. explain v l ( 4 04 w aovec NOV 061984 i,-..m

BGP 100-A13 RGvisicn 3

. 4 C-.

FACTORS 1. Reactor TRIP w s initiated $ By the Reactor Protection System (AUTC) a. b. O naauait, from - O _enos3 _PM063 E. explain (interview UNIT NS0) v d. For manual TRIP due to failure of the automatic function, refer to TECH SPEC for reporting requirements. e. Although manual TRIP is considered ROOT CAUSE, a thorough explanation is required as to why this action was taken. r s 9 ) J A i: i: RcvEv NOV.061984 _3, (2056P) ~. ~.

BGP 100-A13 Rovision 3 .s n ~ C o FIRST OUT ANNUNCIATOR 2 Did a FIRST OUT ANNUNCIATOR light? a. h NO

proceed to step c.2.f hYES i

b. First Out Annunciator Window number //[g Window nomenclature Y W $ T W W/(y// h W / f bl '\\.) MM Trip Setpoint Coincidence 6 N " 2. es/ d c. Enter below the parameters which relate to the First Out Annunciator at the time of the trip (Use Pen Recorders). l Trios at Parameter Recorder Al& Mb h Nk /d h n ArraovED NOV 061984 <^ reneens

BGP 100-A13 RGvisicn 3' s O c d. Do the parameters listed in step 2.c. above indicate the Trip setpoint for the First Out Annunciator was reached? Q go r proceed to step C.2.f l A NA O This will indicate actuating cause of the trip, but further investigation is needed to determine root cause. e. Proceed to step C.3. f. Failure of a first out annunciator to illuminate indicates the possibility of 1). Reactor Protection Spurious Reactor Trip 2). Failure of the associated First out Annunciator 3). Reset before being confirmed. Interview the participants 4). Rod Drive System malfunction (including breakers) $). Manual Trip g. Have Unit NSO reset first out Annunciator, h. Proceed to Step C.3. .v APPROVED NOV 061984 ~ \\ enneens ~ -...

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 s 3. After a thorough review of the SEQUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER and the PLANT PROCESS COMPUTER enter all pertinent pre and post trip information below: i d) M' bud by 4DA s R sa & & @M th on f nu R "~ 7% f*cb l O APPROVED NOV 061984 renaces . ~ -. -. - - -... -.. - - - - - - -. - - -. ~. -. - - -. - - - - - -

1 BGP 100-A13 Rcvision 3 n C v 4. Were any Reactor Protection System trip Bistables tripped (lights on) prior to the Trip? Refer to Reactor Operator logs. h NO proceed to step C.s i Oves i l N. Enter the trjpped Sistables O Q) e b. Do any of the entries above relate to the First Out Annunciator (step C.2.b.)? O no = proce e to step C.s O vEs tc. Explain e s O)


_7, e,n u.,

BGP 100-A13 Rsvision 3 s c C) 5. Was the Unit in a plant transient at the time of or prior to the tr ip? V twEI NO r proceed to step C 6 YES ta. Explain 2Y~ f&k$ y W hh& ' J a p M y w ( A ') i WA ABiiw$ ail e c L.[=.M /s % g /dle ic. O p e f /s% w-s 6. Were any LCOAR procedures in progress at the time of the Trip? Ono = proceed to step C.7 hYES { Enter procedure number BOS EL/2d Do any of these LCOAR procedures relate to the trip? $ NO = proceed to step C.7. ' Oves = e 9tain below Explain b s (m 1 ( APPROVED NOV 061984 _a.

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 C /U 7. Enter Below any surveillances that were in progress at the time of the TRIP and explain significarice. NONG s 8. Do any of the surveillances listed above relate to the First Out Annunciator (step B.2)? h NO > proceed to step C.9 O YES Explain i APPROVED NOV 061984 ,.,,, ,_-..w-.. e

BGP 100-A13 R0 Vision 3 C O) y a were Any Evolutions (Maintenance, Testing, Cleaning, etc ) in 9 Progress at the time of the Trip in the following areas; Main Control Room, Remote Shutdown Panel, Aux Electric Room, Misc. Electric Equipment Room, High Pressure Turbine Enclosures, Fin Pumps? O NO NOTE CHECX Status of the S YES - SSPS cabinets at the time of the trip. . Explain all YES answers bl14/5 [M n/AA327 E y d g p ep s A L u n & A A N S W 10. Was the Unit in a Normal At Power Electrical Lineup at the time of the Trip (including DC busses _11 and _12)?. O YES r proceed to step C.11 9NO n //dwes+ dud SWW Wudy b o( KPPROVED < NOV 061984

BGP 100-A13 R:visicn 3 n C V E 11. Review the following logs and enter below any entries which relate to the First Out Annunciator a. SE/SF log j b. Center Desk log c. Affected Unit log i. d. ' Affected Unit RO logs e. EO logs f. EA logs 9 Entries which relate to the Trip (include controllers in manual). hlONd O N._) 12. STATUS OF THE ROD ORIVE (RO) SYSTEM PRIOR TO THE TRIP. a. MG SETS BOTH RUNNING hYES (powered from _33Y, _34Y) Oao hYES b. RX TRIP BRKRS BOTH CLOSED O* c. RX TRIP BYPASS BRKRS BOTH RACKED OUT hYES O= d. ALL CROM's IN A NORMAL CONFIGURATION MYES (POWER CABINETS AND LOGIC CABINET) ONO U explain all NO answers b s I,Q Im), APPROVED NOV 061984 s.o.s.R. ,,nu e s ~ _. - _

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 D. DETERMINATION D 1. SPECIFIC REACTOR TRIP M 8/UL, <;t:7 Q o - Qa. AUTO enter TRIP COINCIDENCE % W 4/ SETPOINT [*di dM. O b. maauat = proceed to step D.4 Cc. UNKNOWN 1-proceed to step D.5 2. WHY was the SETPOINT exceeded? O P'aar TRANSIENT $ EQUIPMENT FAItVRE O oracR y EXPLAIN (Be specific, include EPN, all circumstatices, and the specific actuation mechanism) 0 $4 dc k M & D d 042') f y. Aype.kar e ayht2 A 1 b s APPROVED . NOV 061984 (SAE40)

BGP 100-A13 Rsvision 3 mU D 3. PROCEED to step D.6 4. MANUAL REACTOR TRIP Investigate the following a. 1). If a FIRST OUT ANNUNCIATOR lit but the Reactor did Ng Trip, testing should be done on the Reactor Trip Breakers and the SSPS to locate possible malfunction. 2). If a FIRST OUT ANNUNCIATOR did not light after parameters exceeded the trip setpoint, the individual process channels should be tested in conjunction with the SSPS. 3). Why was the Reactor tripped MANUALLY 7 Explain (be specific, include EPN). u . f%. G C'\\ v APPROVED NOV 061984 -13, .,,ny,3

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 l 5. UNKN(Mt REACTOR TRIP Spurious Trips must be investigated to find ROOT CAUSE. Review a. all activities in progress at the time of the trip. Call in support help as required. Check for activities in areas relating to the SSPS and the Rod Drive, Rod Control System Inspect areas looking for open cabinet doors, damaged equipment, testing in progress, surveillances, etc. Improper placement of test equipment during surveillances can lead to unknown inadvertant trips. Interview persons performing surveillances at the time of the Trip. After a thorough investigation enter the findings below.

  • m*m*munum*m m* u n nu mmmmu i

NOTE U If ROOT CAUSE cannot be determined SECTION G must be completed prior to Reactor Startup. i ( l i o, 1 APPROVED NOV 061984 _g, (2056P) ~

BGP 100-A13 R visicn 3 l Om D m 6. Has CORRECTIVE action seen taken as a result of this trip? g%--- Why pg [ ,4 5Vi V-s e s-j e s u Explain (include WR numbers, surveillances, etc.) 0 /2 9Y2 /$i As GE .. 7L & ur s ,,,,, af n a/e <>../. a a b / l A fVNL - riv pcbleb we c{cle.w.:c) 4 de' N a ab >ol d.y nLy ~A. d,, w e A L,cd J.y 6?,,- \\ () aN id a Acicl es,2/ lke A-, o c., b< r v is, a o-S e x a 7fs e l e ji deb N.,.Zur,T.e,n, 6L rl(}klenen c{e s vi fi d., htNL 5b% l o ry]carc. 9 (v) ' APPROVED NOV 061984 _g_

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 tO E. ROOT CAUSE E 'v' 1 Complete this section after a thorough review of sections B, C, and D has determined and documented ROOT CAUSE. Be specific and include EPN, all circumstances and the specific actuating mechanism, w* m m u********* m u nnnw** m *w m m m m *** m m NOTE

  • If ROOT CAUSE cannot be determined SECTION G aust
  • be completed.
  • m***** *** **m * ** m m x*m *m u n
  • u m mm*w m 2.

ROOT CAUSE (include EPN numbers) xJ i d > m~ /6/ 1/'e o.<<ct A s ?- u. nc G, p. u 1. k.:n a.1 ad ci up n Ly ea cd.:ssd

w. A p

nJ d.uo +a b ~ sw 2 Li,- J,,c.yL, MTled)sbek en (O v APPMovED NOV 061984 _1g_ /So*CD)

.. _. = BGP 100-A13 RGvision 3 3. CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN (WR numbers, Surveillances, etc) ? /iV/ Y-/MV Nu2 0 /7997 - see a /L I.w) disuy k fie u + 5 ft/up, ( Z m h w.s m ) 0 L-o - a -IU 9 4 APPROVED NOV 061984 (7056P) .. - _... _ _,, -. _. _ _.... _ _ _ -... _.. _ - _ _,. _ _.., _. _ -,,.. _ _ _. _ _. - _..,. _ _. _.. _.... ~.. - _,. _ _ _ - _ _

B'GP 100-A13 R; vision 3 >) 'w m 4. SIGNIFICANCE .(DVR numbers, LCOAR, Plant limitations, reporting to agencies, etc.) J /f~Yl Y~/0 ~0V tz)ps w . a.i. ./j j .i ~ n,z w A'l"l L u ~ / A c. r k.,.i _ w e. es c.. - ;Lc/ ,4 O d O APPROVED f NOV 061984,,ne,os

4 BGP 100-A13 R0 vision 3 NOTE F. REPORT OATA If ROOT CAUSE is indeterminate j Section G must be completed. Complete this section and use when reporting as required UNIT 1

Reactor Trip at j33 7 time UNIT 2 O

_'/-v___ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ -s>f dat oa MODE 1 [ % power Q transient NO YES B 2O CPS O 4 amps O w LOST [ ! N generation TRIP AUTO MANUAL U Q st Out Annunciator eason // 603. l O R flOf AS W & G k J S4*T W e O MM [4 7 -* ROOT CAUSE = Corrective Action Significance (WR #, Surveillances) gg[ DVR # lcc-or-gr_ j O An ~7 gj g GSEP M NO OVES NRC N33 Time i notified WO-Ef Date UNIT 1h The Unit will be 2O 4O 4atu-~- pu & c is presently in mode 50 e g, 50 3 / 9' w Q conditions s ] \\- & D. A P=? R o y E o NOV 061984 1

BGP 100-A13 R;visicn 3 G. ROOT CAUSE INDETERMINATE G a ww *n ** mu*** * ** ** **u* w

  • u** * ** n n m a n n uun NOTE This section is used for Reactor Startup when
  • ROOT CAUSE can not be determined.

Use this section in conjunction with the ROOT CAUSE portion of SECTION F for reporting as required.*

          • n*m u w*uun *m u un
  • m**mmum u*m
  • H * ** * * ** *
  • H H * * ****H *** * *** IHHHHHF*H***


  • Use Section G in conjunction with G.8 - Root
  • Cause indeterminate Flowchart.

m ** m

  • m m ****** m *** m u m m **w*** m m u*

1. UNIT 1 O oate 2O Ti=e 2. An adequate investigation into ROOT CAUSE has been performed BGP 100-A13 completed Date { (Sections A-F) Time a. Concurrence: 1. Shift Engineer 2. SCRE 3. Station Superintendent by phone O in person Q 4 l ? APPROVED NOV 061984 (2056P) 1 m )

BGP 100-A13 R;visitn 3 I I G 5 3. Has willful misconsuct been excluded as a potential cause. ([)YES proceed to step G.4 Oa F list precautions that have been taken explain proceed to step G.4 s 4. Additional Short-term measures are planned to monitor performance during startup and power operation. (])YES NO - proceed to step G.5 + list b s Shift Engineer Station Supt. ([)byphone ([)inperson APPROVED NOV 061984 (2056g) B. C). fh Ft.

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 l G i i 5. The Unit Tr so was initiated by O spurious acotective instru entation I o explain I O etant transient F Specify the process variables involved and explain how close they came to Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) or Safety Limits. I APPROVED NOV 061984 _

BGP 100-A13 R0 vision 3 G R 6. Are additional investigations and/or restraints needed prior to and for startup? ([) NC go to 6.C a. b. ([)YES t List A c. SHIFT ENGINEER STATION SUPERINTENDENT ([) by phone ([) in person

d. -Date Time s

i APPROVED NOV 061984 B. O. S. R. (2056P)

SGP 100-A13 R visicn 3 G E 7. NOTE Plant Startup may begin if required Checklists *

  • are complete, required equipment is OPERABLE and analysis concludes that if an event should *
  • recur that Plant response will be in the SAFE *
  • direction.
  • n n*n n*u* ** n n u n u
  • n *u ** nnu n n* n * * **

APPROVAL FOR STARTUP a. STATION SUPERINTENDENT ([) by phone Date (]) in person Time b. AND one cI the following O operations manaser Nuclear Stations 4 ([) Div. Vice President or and General Manager of Nuclear Stations or ([) Vice President of Nuclear Operations Date Call Taken By Time (SE) APPROVED NOV 061984 (2056P) na r3 c: ca

BGP 100-A13 Revision 3 ( -flow chart rtowCHaar von sTaaTu" G WHEN ROOT CAUSE OF TRIP HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED s Shift requests permission to rOstart dhit when root cause of trip has not been determined. I Sts. Supt must agree with the shift that an adequate investigation into the root cause has been perfermed. I Has willful misconduct been No excluded as a potential cause? U Yes Precautions have been taken if willful misconduct is a o possible cause St3. Supt. must agree with the shift that adequate inspections / t sts were oerformed to re-cstrblish confidence in the safrty systems. I Supt. must agree with the se. aft that adequate additional short-term measures are planned to ' monitor performance during st rtup & power operation. I Was' the unit trip initiated by a transient or a spurious Transient _I How close to LCO or prctective instrumentation safety limit did process '~ operrtion? variables get? Not Close Spurious Close Trip 7 OK to restart unit if required checklists are cumplete, required equipment operable and analysis c:ncludes that if event should r; cur plant response will be in the sifa direction. NOTE Sta. Supt. must, agree with Rest rt re' quires approval from Sta, the shif t regardirs whether Supt. plus one of the followirq: Oper. Mgr., Div. Vice President or additional investigation ard/or restraints are 'needed Vicq President. for startup. APPROVED NOV 061984 (2056P)- B.().fE.Ft.

BGP 100-413 R3 vision 3 H H. REVIEW StationSuperint(ndentrp k $a6s 4 d' l 1. e of ROOT CAUSE or SECTION G complete l : de ~ h by SE: Time: <7 /Mg Date: l //-/2-8V 2. Review by on Shift Personnel I a. Attach all documentation gathered during the investigation, attach the DVR for the Reactor Trip and forwrd this report to the Operating ngipeer (Duty). b. SCRE .!I ffw f) A, Y /2 -W jfco i SE N/a $ Y L -

  1. 4?S V /JV7

/ ra Eng. (Outy) M/? 2 Asst. Supt. Ops. (( Tech Staff Supervisor Time and Date I. 4 1 t APPROVED (2056E) GTTW

Pea 9 34 i&h Q4 sp y-ia - s.r <.,,. ; js ;" s p n 40All /d< Xla S ER y y'k 9. M' Adu' //g,g6s ACP,1/a }< p.> pmm & u.} s//,. AH g>,. ID j s w - A./v 2 s / w >ta m b, k w // f 0.2 f%e RAIG-nox RA rs Mise gx rate *' ad.Jx ;a &J M dyay. ,9 % pwede),2-Q, b %) Wsc MK & i a fF-o A J.A & sd & -Ah W - pa~1 d< 4 4 Ay ~xy. 1% & - i.see es o.i JA.% A my.. AA ALL Ewa e s 6 e J

1 /33f c(-< a cf L n-_& +4 p :-.4 M g K L.b4 A g,,. s~ A I O R c.! & Q. [Llw O pr.+ & && A L ~3L%eA. 1 s%k.Oc), g as m %). A g a u} lsikD') ~ A Io (tc.P 0 & A% pL A A L E'y &n es 4 & /Lsk Cdl -w f cw D.en Ms f y&Q &L 4d u A M m. -. Q gL, w pJ & 2cC6 J & ' Q f. m 4. a. 4 p. n M. sj_u.% & n 2 /M-o ufLS o (.2 m & n9 9 i Y b I f (

/$oab/c 3Jiooliny bego.n iJiA4 Abe //ryen/ A?datm fresesit. A// /agic /e n /3 caere cAecke c/ a.n c/ cia r, o a s yo //ag e cAccks coere en a de - A// hrsua l ons t e fleclec) /de i conc /i b.s ejoee /e d /c ho/c/ rods frcm mcuing cbecA's a:er e also c cirr,sa re c/ /c Po eaer Co. bin e/ Ada + a. f r e.sfondec/ froper/y Jo an // gen d A / arm. .Z~/ cua s cleclcle c/ /c move sp e c iSic ro c/ banX.S ca./ appro em a / e /y 6 .s/eps and enon/or speci Ac s e le el a /a,,,,) sgna/s /A,o ugh ca + cear,en /- o,Je,.s a,, J e /fcr i lo r ep,o d u.c e 4e s y p o m.s /Le /esis in an J /A a + cau s ec) m ,o el.s-Jo d,op.

  • LLrto a h C. a.u S e s cr a rt Or es et e-e n-r cd e. r e Sine <.la.Seck 4e colle ef cle+r am d observe.

syc L re spons e. em y es I a./a rm cc s c4 Ab.v.r A e/d reds i;r p ae e //// g J exc<pf for cu e.we<en+ oro er h er'q g es er c.hea evA of s <g wsse e. 3y scifico fly g re J lha c gn 3o eC ' h t. 3 b.4ler a,. 7 M co.<c 1. ou De cs1 aere a r e e g a.nck 7 c c m -n e w p ois S A s 9,eg m o a. t =c f o g. Fu.s e s a.n s. 9 eaer seurens kna fo e e,, ja, e s.. s 17 c.L e ck eA. Yo GUo.x e t h e. Ae ct Dre p <>,ecW [.eeJo'o n s).es ea ea. ' ray e.o ; I c e n n e e.4 -eA h n e. 4 5 a.+ ie,,sry e ss 9-3o. 72c ,., /c,, / o / ne c elay i: i o<e lo ik der rup + r ecdere e cd e c a.<ren / oreter.} Al calen b'e ko&l hfop C orrrfu b ff YS L o n M < C b e Ll a-M ck. Gk. 2t<0 c.w<< u + c>r a u is e pp I, *< e +e an Ie J iene,.1Iy cdray eocAs Coe f ed o 'q, Wder norm / opar bany /h's rele -y u.> o wl eA no& be eneq'i2.ceA bw4 h p e>.> s i o i My oA a

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a. c e.

s A < A.,

a. r s L.J a

~a i, o c a s. e x u n, r ey c_ wtir be r eg Io.c ut. gf 2. S A -s n T./ m. dia -a,. +//2/.rr 4 6 4 e i 4 f s'

13, 06L.EM Loa. " 6n Hcc7 llyrinf / edda 9% kPTEL 341 t i E X X=,i x) Es~=rt h.nm fi sb Ti.jsT ~ NA NT' 7*7'/AT AM U9.4 EDT At. All.m Elet37ED iO D& ^)CT { A C . Tuvear,s Ario,o ILet>ent es OLO ECL A l.-OG I C. YiLu12.c Leo Lir. %s con o i rio a.) Coit12KNT Ot2-DCL yacxb uGM (l G' T D E D T i / ~i E.5 A 51~#r/0Na tl, 4 /'f ouA BLE GLig Et Coir.s AT 2eec C09tLEn.,ii Ar i HE 3A kE '77?15, IKo o /3 GE SHOOT)NG-- R.EucAc60 TNAr Tyis ca.rton, Ekts rch io Ga. cog C { %o;L A saoop or / A C. Acot,700AL TN DESTt GKrio2 SNocDED 72/4T Zerto Co PAE or o E D E L s. w En.e e>E,0cc 6Eue2_67ep q -n<e Lost c. CA S >o ET. wE En> Ten. Eb its s' l tx5 sc CA s1& a= t Aoo Gwecr-eo rue SL+ut caaos t= a ( A c. +- o 2Ac CA ao aer- &j rnrett.cevneG a5 Th EM. 77 tis vioo Y G7eou u hx; rWWC ADb nvE CAabc toEtt A ; r,- M SO3 v-- ReTua om ro rh E m o escwA c. s_oTL x A BD'-l 1/^o C4ebs toeer su.>> g en,steu er us s 9054 EO, 'f7tf DeG EtJT A LA (L M A EA LED 10 D-A c CAsio er. TE CActas toEnz (le1)rzmb n:> ousiwA u suorr flese--- wAs (003:1cB, vasta.rr A LAan. s snowb to / A C-. AZO 3 CA2b u)AS Q.SqLA CED g Lo iTh' M MEu) 00)E FTL4Af STORES u(24E v7 M t A ct M. j REscr AAab s svTrow o 04or:. A uMs,*ooso /0 5i'p o o'i' + GA c :< M S Dov G oc- "I n s r R:R E t st

  1. @A &

i i !!!.B Power Cabinet Schematic Modtfications l The following schematic information is in addition to that presently shown on the Reference Schematic Otagram.

  • J112-23(A) ll
  • J118-23 (A) d w

H1Z O A3GA i

  • J112-30ee-I w

1 1 4 10 8 ' *C 2 1 r-i A3c8 1 l g g

  • J115-30[

4 A2 C l [3 U l Y'" I I l l g )TOLOGIC ..-i a l I y8 - IRA 1

  • J118 30*9 5

+ cits A3GC CA8tnET e I I nC no 1 .i neur aus.- s =a g i i U ^ I I b22-;C r 5+

i. g i

"i m 22-4 0 " 4 r 5. > g-- 7g- - y h L--mp y (T322-% 3 U y 10 RMIL TO LOGIC CA51nE' ij

  • J120-22(A)

1 12


Existing connection Iy shown on the reference t schematte is deleted 'a ,y

  • Corresponding connections at noted loc,ations are not repeated.


    • Noted connections are in t 1AC and 150 cabinets only.

o,+ q O' q9 His6s avecSd 1 5.e,.. T e. X 480

e. _

i.... a 'r

D %s ho6c EM La 2.

  • 8n HR']

O rin f / d S~l~~ c lc 6 H R ArrEL SMirr E;Osia Een. hxn fisb 2'usi MANY 7WA'i~ AN UM EDT ALA(Lm Ext $750 ie loca Ecu D% soE.T l A C 5u025T)6 AT/o o REVEAGEb s A l.' oG t C-f5iLu12.c Leo L.i r. % s c o D o/ 7,o,0 Coitt2GNT Ott-DEx f cob uGM (t.G~ "TD stri~i St E.5 A' ST&tova n.v 4- /'touABLE GLt Et Coils RT '2etc COpjLE a Ar 7NE 3A ME ~7771E, /Ko ot3 LE SNccinNG-R.Eu cht.GD ~~)/AY "T4// S G~/2Rotu EkfSTEh /D G%oof C [suu noaro %en A seway h on- / A C, /Q O p t ryo r M G 13)DESTtGAT70iG 5'Not.DED 7A/MT 2 6r2.0 CO MLE Dv r SF,0 c,- G eu st <9TED q T+(e LoGtc_ o z.DELs. w Err CA S >o cr. c.o c Gr>rsa.Eb Tue Los c. CA suo ET' Aoo CNECr-EO THE SLACE CGM. CAOb5 P b n. { /iC. +- &Ac CA os toer Q ^C~A>TEtt.civA&G <>Jb Th EM. 7k/ 5 Dido 'T G7 EoE.1 L A AXf'Th'/NC A A)D TNE CA ab r t.oEx.E RETuaon To Ti>r Eiit o (uGouA u 3<.cTL AJ EXT A203 4-- A 80'-l 1l~~O C4eb5 0.)Ee E Su.)Ag 20 > R E~.> e o cuts FOM EO, "DVE~ ve.G EArr A LA (& M A FA LED iU D-A C. CAsic 57 TfE' CAROS c.O ELE (Lc'T D R O E D 'T D OD l6 i>JA L SucT-% R,ess - wAs Gosetco, ut2&} AJr A LArtn Aggs e s io / A c-. ATO3 csen Luxs ctw9atsceo cu iTh' /9 /Uru) On)E I:TaoM STears, UQ4E OT /9 L.A(t At 9LE527 Alab S Hu M W t) 0>0 D r A t.0 A s /'100ED / 6 S T' p'- o OT + GM c,<. /M SDon GoG-2D5T Eca.EW1 an'n 2,

h i 111.8 Power Cabinet Schematic Medtfications l l The following schematic inforestfon is in addf tfon to that presently shown on the Reference sche.atic Otagram. l

  • J112-23 (A)

~ f

  • J118-23 (A) d wi IEZ O A3GA l


  • J112 30 e 1

w l f~~ "h 2 1l 4 10 8 1 _ u,, i r 4 CA2

  • J115 30 3

h l l g i 1 I l l 7 2 l Y'" l yI IAA1

  • J118 30 5

cas - A3GC 8 E ! NC NO,I .l nEv7 sus e-a =s g i T (;nrsq C s22 w. "^ 1 8 T !j o = s. ], L_ y_1 %22..= " , _ _ 7,_ _ t- - - m 1r (Ts22-% g 7518-5 1f (+24V) 10 O AMIL TO LOGIC, CASINE* 1

  • J120-22(A) m AMI2 11 VIA 1AC ij M ER CA4!1 M

Entsting connection N shown on the reference ,i schematic is deleted av ~ Corresponding connections at noted lo. cations are not repeated. 5

    • Noted connections are in t 1AC and 180 cabinets only.

J '^ q'. P, + q

g q9 l

i n s a s cin't } i..., X T480% aat** i nee.. , ee,,. t .....e n -A----




kkY, B19m bon


O Commonwealth Edison DEVIATION REPORT l 3,, y, O' - 0 _=- M .Ni No. 2 -l

  • i *.E O F O E v s A TICN C0".#RE:


  • Aa7

/ r l n57tu Airt: Ea ace.T starLs a r WE r EvEN-fj 77g 7 nu [ wo0 E _ _!_ _ _ _ _. 8 0e E R ( % I _ a;en #E;LES No.

  • E5 "T~&du,u 6 A/l G m c/. kok DOZ-Av2 de d R E M a's Av X w

p/f, P0fENTIALLY $IGNIFiCANT EVENT Pte NSD DIRECfivE 4 07 ) vES 0 s r. = s - g :: x c Ne Fvo-'s O j we oEse0N5+ tt _a_ visto O A *E 2l38E4ATINGENGihEER'SCOMMENTS [ PA4f bb $f / ffkY//N/ 6A /DVeknw7% M M /AwC's c ~ j / / NON aEp;staggE E,Est NOTIFICATICN 30 OAv #E8 /t F4

  • E 3, ;N :..

CATE T4WE l / 5 OAV 9EP i i N50 0 ATE T ' %T. ANNLAL/$PE0lAL REPORT RE0ul8E3 CECO CORPCoatt NCTIFICAfl0N WOE IF A80vE N0flFICATION IS *ER 10CFR 21 A.',4, TELECOPY L E.4. 4, CE00 CORPCRATE OFFiCEA DATE ?M C 3 N ' E*ED 'Op4TTNfENGsNEEA D A T,E INvElfiGatt0N eE* Cat 6 RESCLUTICN [ A;;E8'E3 SY STafiCN 4EviEm / 4ESCLufl0N Ap*e0vt3 AND ALTMC4ilED FC4 Ol$T999Ufl0N STAis;N SwPE4sNTEN;ENT CATE C,t.03.$ 180em 13 92.t!



. 7.10. 2-l a 10-30-84 Failure DOS Fire batches (hourly & cont.)

  • FP (11 0) & b-1 7

7.10.3-la 10-30-84 00S 84-1-7192 Fire Watches (cont.) FP (CO ) LCSR y 7.10.4 -l a 10-30-84 Inc. Const. Fire Watches (cont.) FP (llalon) OOS 84-1-7230 7.ll.1-la 10-30-84 Inc. Const. Fire Watches (hourly) FP (assemblies) 3.3.9-la 10-31-84 Failure of Daily Surv. 12 hr. sampl e SX PR002 3.3.9-la 11-8-84 Failure of Daily Surv. 12 hr. sample , SX PR003 4.4-la 1-31-85 Viv. leaking by block viv. closed IRY 455A 3.3.3-la 2-06-85 Seism ic Sys. restore in 30 days (3-8-85) i n..p-f g r i o ' nVc _o m port J - h -86 m

3. 3.10- t a 2-5-65 IVA019 - no flow continue for 30 days (3-7-85) ind. (WR#

) estimate flow every 4 hrs. 3.3.9-la 3-4-85 seal replacanent 12 br. sample when releasing CPt s0 5 }hff- . s 4

r ^ E!D o a i to i ') A 1 i g C 3 ~h ':E l g U. E5 55 d k !$ 2 ii k i dd ygi q l*!gVi ll 4 x 6 am s, p a gn w a p V e m = g 3 co n E Eh 34 4 4 Y h j M [umh E t 2-s l d d M 4. a (e*

  • 8 )

o 's vt I s a 4 1 e e 4 4 A @ l a t: 88 E a s a b f 1.13.14 Q Q i t k T M ) ) k R 9 $k W lt N! 1 }

  • e i

b k (E bb c b l h E k% N i m Q 4 h k' i a e m m m m m s s E 9 9 P 9 5 s ' E b3 E U 6 8 S A s k k 9 ? I ao A A A A ch S S w 4 l g h, 4 i 9, h d h d n n n a 4 .o c s 3 m m M 9 3 en M 5 M s m K m cA e b. A, S b i n 9 2 ~2 e p-E } Q Y

  • 2 8

Y'tt a= t a a M 0 a u n w 3 t l th N $[ hb a tJ 1 F I tu o l i) E E 4$ g/, $(. $o? $ $5T g o 3 m o o. to s i, m =_ e

DEVIATION REPORT Commonwealth E.. son Ova No. o c I . ta..86 ST* LNit vtae NO. l f tTLc or CEvi ATICN OC 'RACO pas' t 3.]9tr J3St ,X T/2.//, x ca-r ve .e57tw aFFt:TCO PLANT STATy$ AT TIME OF EstNT Tcs?'N; R/ uoot. / m __ L?____ .ea. et:urst ~a. O ts G-CE5;miPTION OF EvtNT &J [Il ? y nc <.mh / 2 3 ' i(: 3-2't- ?>~ ,/ m h-f., p } 17p (. on fl Cr 4 IEA tY li!(.'l bl m $f54 l l A %w f p.z .pu & 4 . JQ c.c3 / r // !4 //W [,b. '+ Y a k Y Y (< ML ct Abw$.<t, P _ )

  • VOC i

i y v? / lk tA A-% n era.MA. &- 1Al ]& eN&n.. &e M & i [< / /* ne u_ c_4 /AL POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT tytNT PER N$0 OIRECTlyt 4 07 Yt$ N0 'crs50. T2 NAC ac0 p*oNE i MOUR M pgyg C,/ *f [ gg


' rut et spe%s i er.t% se v e ca't 2lOPERATINGENGINctm'5C0wutNTS

  1. ant p on m,- <

m a i n,.: L csu. L.~w A L - J ~ I( o ~ u d L </w s, a aAn M/m uh,la 1,5< saa a;amfA%l2M rk sh-ws o a, ,) A Jsw f$2l N La bN D/- fL> doors A/lt s,n, na's u ] NON 8t*04TatLt tutNT NOTIFICATION

  1. C 80s t a s L E /10C F # $,.),},7 30 Cay 0<.
  • EGioN ;;;

Cart TX I.. # $ Car #E*0*T Pte 10CF42 0 p60 OAIE 'iMC ] ANNyaL/SPE: AL atPon? at0ysat0 p, sF asovt NOTIFICAft0N t$ PCR to;FA21 A.I.R. 8,,,,,,,,,,,, L.E 4

  • CECO C0aP0AAf t 088 'Cta DaTE

'M ~ pettiwiNasw aEpOnt Cou*Ltito AND Rt vi tetc /4 8IN. r s 0

  • L ea f f.a AN 3 s Nit a

/ C/it INetl' ja' ON erste' 4 etl0L'.Te;N 4;;t**t? tv Station 81 'ta 4tl0Lvit0% a##40vt ANO A,'.;412t; #;8 Os$7ang.*i;% liafiCN 5.'E4sNitN;tN' Qaft C.t.CO. Italt secom 'elo

b4P'i@O.14 EVENT N0f!FICAi!0N WORK 1HEET Revi51on 3 (Ref. SAP 1250-6, Step f) Igi EVENT IIME AND IONE:J3 W A. GENERAL INFORMATION: IIRL Qt NJiltlCAliUN c5 r NRC REGION: DATE: J /.1f / ff M 0 Y .L SACK NUMBER: Byron Station: (815) 234-5441 Eat 206; Other( ) FACILITY OR ORGANIIATION: Byron Station Unit / CALLER'S NAME: 8e" A 4 C e w. 8. EVENT CLAS5!FICATION: 1. Y 40.?2 (NON-EMERGENCY) 6. GENERAL EMERGENCY 2. UNPLANNED RELEASE 7. TRANSPORTATION EVENT 3. N0flFICATION 0F UNUSUAL [ VENT 8. PHYSICAL SECURITY / SAFEGUARDS 4. ALERT 9. OTHER REQ'O SY: 30 CFR 5. SITE AREA EMERGENCY OTHER: C. PMR REACTOR EVENT: POWER PRIOR TO EVENT? / 9 % MODE AT TIME OF REPORT? / Pol (R AT TIME OF REPORT O % RESIDENT INFORMED:gYES _No TRIP?1YES _ N0 INITIATING SIGNAL? # 0 2- /t a r(f r/t ## SAFETY INJECTION OR ECCS? _ YES U NO INITIATING $IGNAL? ESF ACTUATION? _YES LN0 EXPLAIN: LCO ACTION STATEMENT? _ YES U NO LC0#: 0. tyd I DESCRIPTION /CAU$t: 7 21-uAL 7% c w.J 4 44. .5~ 6 A wt / ALn a~rm dumi lut 24-ca ZdA. X$4 L // s. /.41 of un n: dun aM w w 2 2A_ n c,.< - /M h4 A7 J &6 <m A A2Li e M +. xk. c n <r 2^C ,m WL%. . A n-L< Jk w,~J 'u.mL,m cs /4C &e cs* l'L ti v. c* ~ a t-I:l0 TUM J' c w c Li i :/V ]vL s s s lh E.L r i:22 RADI0 ACTIVE RELEASE 5? _YES LN0 QUANTIFY: 0THER MAJOR PR08LEM5? Av4 E. PLANNED ACTIONS / PRES $ RELEASE $7 A:. hm l c.1 _ .n <. a. /4 L /- w v./- A 9" 3 i F. OUTSIDE AGENCY OR PER$0NNEL N0f!FIE0 8Y LICENSEE: STATE (5) LOCAL OTHER b Dactwe f-0C O N/4edes ./



5. O. S. R.

j' 4 ;)/ yr n NucizrSt:.ti:n Commonwealth Edison ( B \\, 4450 North German Church Road L/ Byron,Ilknois 61010 April 25,1985 LTR: BYRON 85-0625 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Sir:

The enclosed Licensee Event Report from Byron Generating Station is being transmitted to you in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv) which requires a 30 day written report. This report is number 85-042-00, Docket No. 50-454. Very truly yours, Ad R. E. Querlo Station Superintendent Byron Nuclear Power Station REQ /gt


Licensee Event Report No. 85-042-00 cc: J. G. Keppler, NRC Region Ill Administrator J. liinds, NRC Resident inspector INPO Record Center CECO Distribution List i s 4

  1. 3/017 W?' :{Ti5

LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) Facility Name (1) Docket N d er (2) Page (3) Byron.-Unit 1 015101010141514 1lofl0l UII' I I Reactor Trips Due to Dropped Rods Event Date (5) LER Neer (6) Report Date (7) Other Facilities Involved (8) / / Revision Month Day Year Facility hames l Docket Nder(s) Month Day Year Year j/yj 5equential g/// f /// Nder Nder 0151010101 I I 0l3 219 815 81 5 0 1 4 12 010 014 21 5 81 5 01510101Ol I l ~ THIS REPORT 15 $UBMITTED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 10CFR OPERAMNG (Check one or more of the following) (11) 1 20.402(b) 20.405(c) X 50.73(a)(2)(iv) POWER 20.405(a)(1)(1) 50.36(c)(1) 50.73(a)(2)(v) 73.71(b) 73.71(c) 20.405(a)(1)(li) 50.36(c)(2) 50.73(a)(2)(vil) Other (Specify i LEVEL l1 l8 20.405(a)(1)(til) 50.73(a)(2)(viii)(A) Abstract below 4 ///// /,// /,/,/,/,/,'/,/,/,/,/,/////,/,/, 20.405(a)(1)(iv) 50.73(a)(2)(1) 50 73(a)(2)(viii)(B) in Text) (10) 0 50.73(a)(2)(ii) / ///j/ ffrf//'j/jffj// / ' /j/ 20.405(a)(1)(v) 50,73(a)(2)(i11) 50.73(a)(2)(x) / r// / jjffj j LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER (12) TELEPHONE NUMBER N.o D0n George, System Test Engineer Ext. 607 AREA CODE 8l115 21 31 41 -I 51 41 4' COMPLETE ONE LINE FOR EACH COMPONEN FAILURE DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT (13) CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC-REPORTABLE CAUSE SYSTEM COMPONENT MANUFAC-REPORTABLE TURER TO NPR05 TURER TO NPRDS l X AlA E[CIB10 W 11 12 10 W l l I l l l l l l l l l l l l l I SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT EXPECTED (14) Expected Month l Day l Ye $ubn.ission 8 l Yes (If yes, ccrmlete EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE) X l NO l l 1 ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e. approximately fif teen single-space typewritten lines) (16) While the Unit was operating at 18% power a reactor trip occurred due to Power Range Flux Rate High on the Encore Neutron Detectors. Investigation of the Sequence of Events Recorder showed that the four rods in Shutdown Bank A troup 1 all fell causing a high negative rate. It was believed that degradation of Control Rod power fuses and missing seismic clapps on these fuses, aggravated by the slanning of a power cabinet door was the root cause of it trip. The Unit was returned to power the following day with no further effects. However, an identical trip occurred 11 days later and more extensive troubleshooting was undertaken. A faulty circuit card in the Control Ri Drive Logic Cabinet was detennined to be the cause of th,e two trips. The card was replaced, and the rod drive system is now operating properly. T t. O l

it LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) TEXT CONTINUATION FACILITY NAME (1) DOCKET NURSER (2) LER NUMBER (6) Page (3) Year /,/f Sequential g/ Revision / W/ Ntseer /// Nunter Byron. Unit 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 41 51 4 8 l5 014l2 0 l 0 012 0F 01 TEXT on Marsh 29,1985 at 23:56 a reactor trip occurred due to a Power Range Flux Rate High Trip. The trip occurred as result of four rods from Shutdown Bank A Group 1 losing gripper coil current and falling into the core. This resulted in a high negative flux rate which tripped the unit. Again on April 10,1985 at 13:35 an identical trip occurred with the Unit at 291. Neither trip produced any safety concerns, since the unit shut down per design and no difficultles were encountered. The Rod Drive system is a standard Westinghouse system. Af ter the trip on March 29, maintenance personnel inspected the fusing in power cabinet I AC (the cabinet f rom which the rods were dropped). It was found that three of the fuses were open circuits, and there was an ontde coating on most of them which could prevent proper contact and introduce resistance. Also, the absence was noted of several stesmic clip clangs designed to secure the fuses to their holders and provide proper contact. At the same time as the trip, maintenance personnel were replacing a redundant power supply in cabinet 2AC, the cabinet adjacent to the one which dropped the rods (IAC). It was believed that when an Individual slamned the 1 AC cabinet door, that this jogged the loose fuses and caused the rods to drop. This root cause was shown to be incorrect on 4-10 when the un) again tripped from the same rods dropping. After the second trip, maintenance personnel again inspected the fusing in the power cabinets. This time nothing was found to be wrong with any fuses. Additional investigation yielded the possibility that a modification to the Rod Drive System, which allows for the dropping of a group of rods for rod drop timing, was actuating and allowing the rods to drop. As a precaution, the leads to this modification were lif ted in all five power cabinets and preparations were made to return to pcaer. During this preparation the reactor trip breakers were closed to check out the rod drive system and a failure alann came up on the power cabinet which originally dropped the rods (IAC). The failure alann was traced to a conponent failure on a control card in the Logic cabinet. This failure provided signal to a group of rods in the I AC power cabinet (the sane ones which dropped) which demands Zero current througt the gripper coils causing the rods to drop. The control card was falling intermittently prior to its final failure which is why the cause could not be found originally. ' Hence, in addition to lif ting the rod drop modification leads, the failed circuit card in the Logic cabinet was replaced. Also seismic clip clangs were properly installed on all the power fuses. The Unit was returned to power and the rod drive system is operating properly. Previous occurrences: None i s b e I (237)

~ DEVIATI O REPORT Commonwealth Edison DVR %- 06 85 105 STA UNIT YEAR No. PART I l TITLE OF DEVIATION OCCURRED ~ REACTOR TRIPS *DUE TO DROPPED RODS 4-10-85 1335 cavt v,yr 5YSTtu AFFECTED PL ANT S TA TUS AT T iut OF EvtNT B17497 ftST NG NI wo0 t _ _ _ _ _1_ _, Poet e n t _2 8_ _ _ _ _ _ ace = atottsiNo. O vts O DESCRIPi TON CF EntNT - Shutdown bank A Groun 1. rods D02 and B12 droceed initiatino a RX triD on negative rate. PC'ENTI ALLv S IGNIF IC ANT (bINT Pim N50 DistCTivt A.07 vis NC 10C r E!O. 7 2 N AC E C O PHONE O'"o'a NotiriCATics MADE g4 Hota 1425 No W. Kouba 4-10-85

tiv, ar eer,= i ni r prove-o
  • Atr Pant 2 OPE R A T ING ENG I Nt t E ' S CCuv(NT S Root cause determination investigation is in progress.

NON 8tPCafABLE titNT NOTIrICATlCN X 30 Cat atPowfa9LE/10 Cam,$Q.,7),, ALGics ;; tatt fivt (a)(2)(iv) $ DAV htPQR1 P(R tOCfR2l ANNVAL/$PEClAL R(P047 R[Quipto Ctc0 C0apoaAft NoterICAftoN unct IF ABOVE N0ftFICAtl0N IS Pte totrate A.'.p, a ttttCOPy D.P. Galle 4-12-85 1630 ~ L,t.a....05..042-00 ctC0 co=P0aAf t On icta e t ait 7:w PAtLeulNARY RtP087 CouPLt ttD AND alv ItatD T.J. Tulon 4-11-05 OPtmailNG LNGiNLL" OATE N [ 4 A (C y 5i p( a - M A C +/n d, i y At50 Luff 0N APPRost0 AND / K(( AufMORiitD FOR Di $ f p f pu fl 0N , 'D / W 5iAIiON SUP(RINf(NOt*? CA7L { 6 0,co. 00 0'?0

    • @a3 ico00cti io00

b q DEVI ATI~1 REPORT Commonwealth Edison g, g, 06-1 - 85 86 STA UNIT vtAR NO. PART fl TITLt OF Otyt AT40N OCCURRED REACTOR TRIPS DtfE TO DROPPED RODS 3-29-85 2356 catr , 97 Sv5ftM AFFECTED PLANT STATUS AT TIME OF twtNT ft3Ng RP ucct ,__1___, P0eratu_____lg_

  • n. stot t sf No.

O,ts G DESCRIPTICN CF EstNT fX trip occurred at 2356 on 3-29-85 due to PWR RNE FLUX RATE HIGH, when SBA group 1 rods dropped into the core. The IM Dept. and Tech Staf f were replacing a redundant 24 VDC power supply in power cab 2AC. The affected rods are in power cab 1AC PCitNTIALLY SIGNIFICANT tVENT PtB N$D CI9tCTivt A.07 vt$ No eccraw. 72. nc ato P<st O'"c'a NoritiCAtics MAct nnA csa No P.L. Allen 3-30-85 W s r e pese i n+ s afsviamo Fatt 2 l C P(E a t iNG L NG I Nt t r. 5 ccvvtN?5 PART Investigations are continuine into cause. Accears to be caused by nia ming ne doors on Power Cabinet LAC while IM's were workinc in rgwnr cabinnt nr. .! h a sirrf.dng of the doors jolted a fuse that appears to be degraded. NcN atPentAstt titNT NOT 4F IC AT f(N 30 CAv pfPCatARLL/ICcra,,gQ,y, etGicN ;;; cAtt T i vt' (a)(2)(iv) O $ c A' tPeaf Pt~ > ;c > ' N50 CAft fivt ] ANNUAL /$PECIAL alPCS T 8t GL. l e t D CtCO CoAP0 matt N0Tirscat10N MAct IF A90vt NOTirtCAfl0N l$ Pil8 10LFR21 A.I.R. s * **'** *

  • ffLICOPy

,,,R5-042-00 Cico CeaPoaAtt cs r icta, cAft n4 L.,t R.

  • PatLlulNA8v ht* Cat COMPLE TE D AND Rt v i t *[D T.P. joyce h31-85 CPt# AfiNG LNGINLim g, Daft

'"!'ds'c'MTTfiUd O!?h" M,8 ~.W t/Ar//# k k h b d'h 86 AJ.

  • rlwhC AufM041lt0 FOR Ot$faik 110N I
  • [TV g,g.((
    • $Clut ION A#880v t 0 AND

$ FAT 4UN SyPc h iN f thCLN

  • CATI 8.0.?O. 00.Di'0 ir0 0 #0 08.'s

' 00

(- DEVIATION REPORT Commonwealth E. son y on No-007 ij tifLC 0F Otviat:0N OCCURRE" $'$/$ ?'p ev$7tu ArrtCTto P L a,N T STATUS U f aut or tvtNT ftSTING g g/ 97 woCt..!_____,Poe[Rist. eoma REQutst No. vts sa ' d!%w M A Gm /, AA boi. J bY2 aGwa b R Eis d o ' v Ta w A ^ is;&S/2 - V , o. 10Tcs Mo P0ftNilALLY $ 8GN 5 81 CANT tytNT Pt ol N50 OsRECTivi A 01 =. u r. v g ::: g r ~e h & Fe-^ o A6st carce s'o deixAm%. 2jOPERAflNGLNGiNtta'5CowuCNTS 6: RT //Wcsi M o7 % M M /rarr6rc y / v ] NON REPORfABLE tytNT NOTIF(CAf10N 30 CAV RtP IQCF REGION Ill catt iM 2n V $ DAY RtP 10C MI 1 N50 CATL T4WC O ApsNual/SPECIAL REPORT Rtoulpt0 CtC0 ccpPORAft N0flFICAfl0N HADt IF A80vt NOTIFICAtl IS PER 10CFRif 8'I A 8............ ftLECOPY CECO CORPORAft OFFICER CAft fM L.E.R. 8,,,,,,,,,,,, s PRtLIMINARY REPORT CouPLtit0 AND RtVltet0 f CAft Op ATTNf (NGINEER 1;;vt1TIGatt0N REPORT 4 Atl0Lufl0N [ ACCEPft0 Of STAfl0N Rtvite / et$0Lufl0N APP 40vt0 AND Aufnotilt0 FOR DitTRetufl0N STAi10N SUPERINfLNDENf 047L 00 9990 ff88u 4 08 -.}}