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Forwards Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 19 to License DPR-22 Re Reduction in Main Steam Line Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint & Reduction in Operating MCPR for 8x8 & 7x7 Fuel
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/1976
From: Baer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20128D934 List:
NUDOCS 9212070426
Download: ML20128D931 (2)


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I MAY 2 71976 1 50 - W3 Darrell G. Eisenhut, Assistant Director for-0perational Technology, D0R MONTICELLO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES j

' On April 2, 1976, the Reactor _ Safety. Branch responded to a technical l assistance request issued by ORB-2 regarding Technical Specification i

4 changes requested by Monticello. On'May 18, 1976 (more than six weeks.

j later) we were requested to concur in a package being sent to the 11-i consee. I pointed _out that we had already_ Issued a response to their

! TAR, and that no concurrence was required. Mr. Ziemann- called ~me and stated that projects had extensively rewritten-our input because of the poor-quellty of the writing. I understand the same' complaint was. voiced at the staff meeting on May 20, 1976.

Enclosed are: (1) the SER In the package prepared by projects, and (2) our response to the TAR. I have reviewed these items and make the j following observations:

i (1) The introduction section was rearranged and. reworded. I question that the revised-version represents =an improvement.

i (2) The conclusion section was replaced with the= standard wording. '

l regarding health and safety of the public and comunon defense and security. (We could conclude all of our TAR responses with

' those standard words If you wish).

(3) The major 1ty of the text of our TAR response was used,verbatin In -

- the-project package. Some sentences were reworded but I don't think the rewording aided the clarity. Several sentences were added by.

projects. These in my opinion, did improve-the SER.

(4) The' magnitude of the changes were sufficiently minor that no con-currence by you or I was really needed. In such situations, the -

project managerishould merely. confirm with the originator of our TAR that the changes were not substantive.

I would also like- to make a general, recommendation regarding the Safety: -

Evaluation Reports prepared'by the Reactor Safety Branch that respond'tol TAR's dealing with core reloads. -it appears-that, with the. assistance of ~

licensing project managers, we could develop a set of standard SER's that would be applicable to most reload cases ~. (For example, GE' supplied fuel in_ a BWR, Westinghouse supplied fuel- for a Westinghouse reactor, etc.) .

-Each of these standard SER's would be prepared'in the format needed for-the final package Issued by the Project Branches. The wording-In each y ...: - a k; p e g ., t . 9 g6. een g 1

o .. ., u n -i 4 6 m,.m,.w thes typed on.the VVDEC. In this manner'I think we could :

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- # u. s. novsRNMENT PRINTING OFFICES 1974 984=144 Form AIC 318 (Rev. 9 53) AECM 0240 9212070426 760527-PDR ADOCK 05000263; P PDR

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i j (1) Kake the overall operation of the Division of Operating Reactors i more efficient. it would no longer be necessary to have a reload SER edited, typed, and proof read separately by Operating Technology and Projects.

(2) Eliminate much of the Impact of the variation In the writing ability of Individual RSB reviewers and project managers.

4 I

(3) Avoid some of the poorer quality writeups that occur when the review schedule is shortened for any of a variety of reasons.

If you agree with my recommendation, please ask Karl Goller to assign a member of his staff to identify several SER's that could serve as candi-dates for the standard SER's.

Robert Baer, Chief Reactor Safety Branch Division of Operating Reactors


As Stated l cc V. Stello K. Goller D. Ziemann i

t DISTRIBUTION Central Files NRR Rdg.

RSB Rdg.

RBaer i Plant File l



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