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Responds to Bajwa 780831 Request for Review of Nonradiological Ets.Several Critical Inconsistencies Still Exist Between Fes Findings & ETS
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/1978
From: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Regan W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7809070012
Download: ML20125A405 (2)




.s SEP 1 1978 Docket No. 50-263 r)9,,

3 MD10RANDUM FOR: William H. Regan, Jr., Chief Environmental Projects Branch 2. DSE FRCH: George Lear, Chief Envirotunantal Spscialists Branch, DSE SUMECTs PROPOSED EINIRONKP JIAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (ETS) FOR HONTICELLO NUCLEAR CENERATIUC PLANT FIJ5r HAME: Honticello Nuclear Generating Plant RESPONSIBLE BRANCHES Ep-2, ESB PROJECT HAHACER: S. Bajwa REVIEW STATUS Continuing On August 31, 1978, we received frora S. Bajwa the licensee's proposed non-radiological environmental technical specifications for Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant for our review. In a memorandtsa from D. Crimes to Voss A. Moore dated July 13, 1978, regarding an earlier draf t of these ETS, it was pointed out that there were several critical inconsistencies between the FES findings and the proposed ETS. We have looked at the latest proposal and find that these inconsistencies still exist. We cannot mako a judgemont on the acceptability of these ETS and, in particular, the inconsistencies, without an environmental inspact appraissi (CIA) of the proposed action, including the inconsistencies.

10 CFR 51.5, paragraph C.3, provides NRC with the regulatory authority to require applicants for permits, licennes, and orders, and acendmants thereto, to submit such information to the Commission as may be useful in preparation of an environmental impact apprainal. We, therefore, request that Enclosure I to the July 13, 1978, annorandum, which describes the inconsistencies and outlines some problems with then, be transmitted to the licensee and that ha be required to respond to them. This information vill provide the basis for preparing NRC's envirotunental impact appraisal for this action. We will schedule complation of our review when t.his infornation has been obtained, 7eueous h

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, s f William 11. Regan, Jr. SEP 1 1979 This review was perfonned by Walt Pasciak of the Environmental Specialists Branch. '

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  • g eorge G 14ar, Chief - _


Enviroussental Specialiats Branch--

Division of Site Safety and -

Environmental Analysis , .

ces H. Ernst '

B. Crimes *

! E. Adansa:a i R. Bevan i  !!. Berkson i J. Lehr

S. Bajwa l S. Lentis j R. Samorth 1 T. Cait.

W. Pasciak I


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