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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20212H20327 September 1999Forwards Operator Licensing Exams Administered at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant During Wk of 990823.Encl Consists of Facility Submitted Outline & Initial Exam Submittal
ML20216G42227 September 1999Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-263/99-301 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered During Wk of 990823 at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
ML20212F54623 September 1999Notification of 991004 Meeting with Utils in Rockville,Md to Update Status of Nuclear Mgt Company & Provide Details of Member Licensees Impending License Transfer Applications & Operating Agreement
ML20211G97030 August 1999Notification of 990909 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Issues That May Result from Ongoing Merger Activities Between NSP & New Century Energies
ML20137H5048 April 1999Informs That Licensee Requesting Listed Changes to Boilerplate Distribution Lists Used by NRR for Docketed Info.Add Site General Manager to Both Prairie Island & Monticello Lists
ML20202H6671 February 1999Notification of 990223 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Need for TR on Util Analytical Methods Used for Other NRC Licensees,Epri Schedule for Completion of CPM3/ Coretran Analysis Topical & Util Transition Plan
ML20202H6321 February 1999Notification of 990224 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implications of Util Recently Extended Commitment for Plant ITS Submittal,Nrc Initiative Toward risk-informed TSs & Interfacing ITS Conversion with Other Activities
ML20154R36919 October 1998Notification of 981029 Meeting with Listed Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Consortium of Utils
ML20206S65218 August 1998Informs That During 980708-10 ACRS 454th Meeting,Several Matters Were Discussed & Listed Repts & Letters Completed. Executive Director Also Authorized to Transmit Noted MemosFire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
ML20236U78524 July 1998Informs That During 453rd & 454th Meetings of ACRS on 980603-05 & 0708-10,NRC Reviewed GE Nuclear Energy Program Associated W/Extended Power Uprates for Operating BWRs & Application for NSP for Power Level Increase for MNGPProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
NUREG-1635, Informs That During 453rd Meeting on 980603-05,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Repts & Ltr7 July 1998Informs That During 453rd Meeting on 980603-05,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Repts & LtrFire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Power Uprate
Water hammer
ML20249A80415 June 1998Notification of 980630 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Related to Conversion to Improved Std TSs for Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
ML20248D70826 May 1998Notification of 980604 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed License Amend Supporting Monticello Power Uprate Program
ML20216C39311 May 1998Notification of 980521 Meeting W/Northern States Power Co & GE in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Staff Review of Proposed Power Uprate Program for Plant
ML20217F25620 March 1998Notification of 980330 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Licensee Response to Staff Request for Addl Info on Licensee Uprate Program.Meeting Will Be Held in Rockville,Md
ML20198Q18813 January 1998Forwards Nonproprietary Version of Montecello & Cooper Trip Rept to PDR
ML20198N02512 January 1998Discusses 971215-16 NRR Audit of Monticello Strainer Test. Tests Were Established to Develop Data for Strainer Design Installed in NPP
ML20198G19123 December 1997Notification of 980107 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Conversion to Improved STS for Plants
ML20198R49527 October 1997Notifies of 971030 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Operability Determinations for Sys & Components w/limited-scope Weld Insps & Licensee Plans for Submitting Formal Relief Requests Per 10CFR50.55a(g)(5)(iv)
ML20216F9715 September 1997Notification of 970911 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Current Issues Re Environ Qualification of Equipment at Plant
ML20210T1373 September 1997Notification of 970910 Meeting W/Ge & Southern Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Boiling Water Reactor Power Uprate Program
ML20138J7675 February 1997Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Written Operator Licenseing Exam on 970409. Ltr W/Copy to Chief,Operator Licensing Branch Must Be Submitted to Listed Address in Order to Register PersonnelGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20129B60318 October 1996Notification of 961105 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Contents of NSP License Amend Request Supporting Plant Power Upgrade Program
NUREG-1299, Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl29 June 1994Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl
ML20134B50613 April 1994Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted
ML20059H58924 January 1994Notification of 940202 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Implementation of Rwl Mod as Required by NRC Bulletin 93-003
ML20057B47215 September 1993Notification of 930929 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Installation of Water Level Monitoring Instrumentation at Plant
ML20056E4575 August 1993Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant
ML20127K66820 November 1992Undated Memo Discussing Status of Field Erected Reactor Vessel Fabrication Review
ML20055D57927 June 1990Requests Position on Allowability of Radios or Tape Players in Control Room of Nonpower Reactors
ML20155G7437 June 1988Forwards F Miraglia 880527 Memo for Review & Requests Proposed Priorities for Actions on Project Manager Rept by C.O.B. 880609
ML20154Q16627 May 1988Discusses Updating Project Managers Rept (Pmr) in Accordance W/New Priority Ranking Sys.Mods Have Been Made So That Pmr Will Now Accept New Priority Data.Old Priority Data Will Be Deleted During Wk of 880530.Sample Data Format Encl
ML20148A75714 March 1988Forwards Project Directorate III-1 Slides for 880317 Briefing of Executive Team.Slides Marked P Primary Slides Directorate Plans to Show.Other Slides Backup for Possible RefStress corrosion cracking
ML20236P74513 November 1987Reviews Latest Performance Indicators to Determine Whether Indicators Can Be Used to Ascertain Quality Performance.Five of Six Plants Achieving Very Good Quality Performance While One Plant Achieving Good Quality PerformanceMissed surveillance
ML20211N79619 February 1987Requests Consideration of Encl Util 861223 Request That 860228 Application for Extension of Duration of Licenses DPR-57 & NPF-5 Be Given Higher Review Priority.Util Requests Completion of Review by 870331
ML20214C68617 November 1986Forwards List of Missing SALP Evaluation Forms (0516B). Requests Review of Files to Locate Missing Forms.Recognizing That RP 0516B Issued in Mar 1986,request Applies Only to Repts Issued After Mar 1986
ML20210T3792 October 1986Notification of 861017 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Issues Affecting Operating Reactors & NRC
ML20211N8311 October 1986Proposes Listed Schedule for Completion of Reviews of OLs Extensions for Listed Facilities Based on Low Priority of Effort.Plant Sys Branch Will Coordinate Responses & Recipients Will Be Provided W/Integrated Plant SERs
ML20203H27428 July 1986Forwards,For Review,Latest Update of SALP Ratings
ML20206F16421 June 1986Requests That Evaluations of Licensee Responses to Encl IE Bulletin 86-001 Re Min Flow Logic Problems That Could Disable RHR Pumps Not Be Closed Until Temporary Instruction for Guidance Issued
ML20211E5136 June 1986Discusses Inputs for SALP 6 Assessment for Dec 1984 - Mar 1986,due on 860618.Inputs Should Be Typed on 5520 Sys & Remain on Sys Until SALP Board Meeting Held.Listing of Insps Conducted During Assessment Period Encl
ML20155F19410 April 1986Summarizes Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-11 on 860407 Re Events Since 860331.List of Attendees,Discussion of Events,Status of Assignments & Assigned Completion Dates for Items Encl.Response Requested for Incomplete Assignments
ML20151Q97529 January 1986Requests Identification of Div Contact for Regional Insp Team Leaders to Arrange NRR Alternative Shutdown & Fire Protection Reviewer Technical Assistance on region-based post-fire Safe Shutdown Insps.Schedule of Insps SubmittedSafe Shutdown
ML20198G2005 November 1985Recommends Issuance of IE Info Notice Re Possible LOCA at High/Low Pressure Interface After Fire Damage Occurs in Control Room.Problem Discovered During Fire Protection re-review
ML20087A8315 March 1984Forwards Monticello Nuclear Power Plant Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Evaluation & Monticello Nuclear Power Plant Full-Scale Joint Emergency Exercise on 830223, Final Rept
ML20207L34930 November 1983Advises That Scheme Described in Licensee 830929 Request for Extension of Date for Complying w/10CFR50.54 Unsatisfactory. Mods May Result in Shift Supervisor Spending Less Time in Control room.Davis-Besse Proposal Also Unacceptable
ML20058G60513 July 1982Forwards Draft Ltr Clarifying Confusion During LANL 820706-09 Site Visit to Collect Data for Vital Area Analysis Program.Concerns Re Releasing of Data Resolved.Future Visits Will Be Endowed W/Official Imprimatur
ML20148F10524 October 1978Forwards Memos Re Recent Problems in Pipe Support Base Plate design.(ANO:7811020332,7811020336, & 7811020343.)Flow Induced Vibration
ML20148G22724 October 1978Forwards 780929 Memo Re Results of Recent Fire Protec Res Test Conducted at Underwriters Lab. (See ANO: 7810050359, 7810050373.)
ML20125A4051 September 1978Responds to Bajwa 780831 Request for Review of Nonradiological Ets.Several Critical Inconsistencies Still Exist Between Fes Findings & ETS