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Informs That Region III Ofc Reviewed Proposed Environ TS App B to License DPR-22.Comments Encl
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1978
From: Liza Cunningham
To: Bajwa S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20128A873 List:
NUDOCS 9212030482
Download: ML20128A868 (3)




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i Satwent Singh Bajwa, Project Manager HEMOP#tDtM FOR: Environmental Projects Branch 2 j DSE, NRR t L. J. Cunningham, FFM51. IE TR0ll: t


PROPOSED APPENDIX 8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ,e MONTICELLO v g Qq Our Region !!! Office has reviewed tim Prowsed Environmental - ' i Technical Specifications Append 17. B to FadThy Operating License DPR-22. Connents are enclosed. t L. J. Cunningham Division of Fuel Facilities and Material Safety Inspection Office of Inspection and Enforcement


As stated .

CONTACT: L. K. Cohen .

J. P. Stohr 49-28188 773150387 I l

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J. P. Stohr, R.I A, B. Davis, R. III d [r b

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Comments on Proposed Technical Specifications - Monticello

1. Draf t Appendix B Proposed Technical Specifications Page 1 - Add the following definitions:

Monthly: Once during each calendar month at in[ervals of 30 days plus or minus 6 days.

Quarterly: Once during each successive three month 4 period of the calendar year, counting from January 1, at intervals of 13 weeks plus or minus 14 days.

Semimonthly: Twice during each calendar month at intervals of 15 days plus or minus 4 days.

Page 6, Section 3.1.1, Specification - Add the following to the' first

  • paragraph:

The following parameters are to be measured monthly:

(Use the list on the first page of the Program

  • Description Document)

Basir, - Delete the following from the first paragraph:

Parameters such . . . Sulfates.

Page 7, Section 3.1.2 Specification - Add to the paragraph:'

Creel studies shall be conducted to determine esti-mates of' angler pressure and harvest. These studies shall be. conducted in accordance with the appropriate schedule of the Program Description-Document.

Page 11, Section 5.3.2 - Define " periodic audits": . . . in a finite time but no less frequent than annually.

Page 12, Section 5.4.2,= paragraph 2, sentence 2.- As discussed with you previously, the Region disagree; with ". . .

without prior f4RC review" . . .

Page 13, Section 5.5.1 ". . . by Aug 1 of each year." does not -

seem timely. With the program as small as this is-

"by April 1.of each year" would seem more appropriate.

Section 5.5.2, sentence 2 ". . . in a timely manner."

should be replaced with a statement that is specific in time or consistent with tiPDES reporting requirement.


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11. Draf t Proaram Description Document Water Quality - Specify a ' uniform depth for each station, j Temperature Surveys - Change ~"once every three months" to quar,terly. .

j Electrofishing Surveys - paragraph 3 - Are the paired shocking '

runs for the entire shoreline of each Sector? If not, a definite.

length run should be specified for consistency.

Seining Studies - change bimonthly to semimonthly.

- paragraph 3 - Are all captured fish voucner  :

specimens? If not, what 15 the criteria?

Reporting - August i does not seem timely. See comment re Page 13 Section 5.5.1.

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