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Applicant Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law in Form of Proposed Initial Decision,Part I,Ordering Issuance of Provisional OL Authorizing Fuel Loading & Low Power Startup Testing
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/19/1970
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 9211180433
Download: ML20127H197 (26)


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b UI. TIED STATES OF /JCRICA AT012C E:iEhGY CO:OHSSIO:i In the Ma'tter of )




Monticello I:aclear Generating Plant, Unit 1





June 19, 1970 9211180433 700619 PDR ADOCK 05000263 Q PDR ,

o ,

, s UNITED STATEU OF /Mr:hICA AIO:CC E 5hGl C0:011SSION in the Mnttcr of )


I!DhTFERH STATES PC'.GR CO TAITI ) Docket No. 50-263


Monticallo Uvelear Ger.erating )

Plent, Unit 1 )


1. On August 1,1066, !!orthern States Power Cerpany (epplicant) filed with the Comission an v. plication for a license to construct and operate the Monticello Duclear Gcnerating Plant with a boiling water nuclear reactor designed to operate at power levels of up to 1670 megawatts thermal.'

Follouing a review of the application, including eight amendments thereto, by the Co::cission's regulatory staff and the Advisory Comittee on Reactor s

Sarcguards (ACRS), a public hearing wc.s held bafore an Atomic Safety and .

-Licensing Board to consider-vhethsr a provicional construction permit should be issued by the-Co=is d en. There- sere no interver. ors and' the hearinF; was on uncontested proceeding. Pursuant to en order by that . Board in its Initiol-Decisien dated June 19, 1967, the CcT :.issior.'s Directer of <


1 i

i <

, w b

i heculation issu;d 5 proviciensi construction permit authorizing the l construction of the Monticello nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1, en the 4

Mississippi hiver in Wright County, Minnesota.

i 1

2. The applictat hss proceeded to cons truct the plant and l 1

) expects it to be cc:aclete and ready for fuel loading about four weeks j i following the return of the sheetettul workers to the site following i 1 j settictent of their striker / ~ In support of the applicent's request for-i j a 31cinse to load the fuel and operate the reactor at its rated power i

j level of 1670 megawatts thermel,- the applicant has sut::.itted Ameninents

$ No. 9 through 27 to the application durir.g the period of Noveraber 7,1968, N

j to May 29, 1970.

, 3 Porsvarit to a notice of he aring publishd by th: C ~nisci0n

! in the Federal Register en March 11, 1970 (35 Fed. beg. k3h4) this Atomic Safety and Licensing Bo9rd (Board) held a prehearing conference at the l Kright County Ccurthoase,-Buffalo, Minnesota on April 7, 1970. 'In response q.

to expected public interest in this proceeding the public' hearing vns j removed to the United States Federal Courthouse in St. Paul, Minnesota.


The published notice of hearing specified seven irsues for this Board to s

i i

i 1/ Tr. .133h i

s a

! .p.

i j --

u _. . ._ _...__:._.,._._._.._ . _ . . . _ . , . . _ _ . . _ _ . . . . _ , . . . , _ _ _ . , _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ .

1 9


{ con::ider at the hubrlic in d;termining whether a provision:.1 opera tit.C i

o license should be iscu'_d to the spplicant.."f i

l h

!  ?)

i The Con:..iccion's notice cf hearinl; published on March 31, 1970, at 35 Fed. L3hh, specified the follouing issues to be considered

, at the hering:


1. Whether the applicent has c..mitted to the Co:-niccion all technical intcr:ation raquired by Provisional Construction Pemit I!o. CPFh-31, the Act, and the rtiles end regulatiens i of th; Comission to ccenplete the application for the
- provinional operating license;

! 2. Whethw construction of Unit 1 h9s proctoded and there: 3c l reasonable assurance that it vill be ecmpleted in conformity

with Provisional Construction Ferd t lio CFFE-31, toe cppli-l cation, as at:nded, tha provisions of the Act and the rules.

4 and regulations of the Comission; I

i 3 Whether there is-ressonab3e o m raner. (1) that the activitics autheri ;d by th: previcietal 0;creting lic?nse een be

! conducted without endcngerirc the hcith cnd _ safety of the l public, and (ii) that such activities vill be conducted in

compliance with rulce and reculations of the Comission; l 4 Whether the applicent is technically and financially qual-ified to engege in the activitics authorized by the pro .

i visional operating license in eccordance with the rules and ,

l reculations of the Co=1ssion; i

5 Whethor the. applicant has furnished to the Co= ission proof-

! of financial protuction _in seccrdance with 10 CFR Part 140, i " Financial Protection Iicquirmeents and Indemnity Agreements",

i of the -Comission's regulatic:.s;

,! 6. Whether there is reeson3ble nssurance that Unit 1 v'ill be i ready for initial' leading uith nuclear fuel within 93 days l from the date of issuance of_ the provisional operating ~ ~ ,

license; and _

l 7. Unethcr issuance of the previsional cperatinc license under the terms nnd conditiens proposed will be inimical'to the l . ccer. mon defcnse and sccurity or to the health and safety of the public.

t -

3-9 .w-y-- g y ---

_..,A.2ag gm7.,_-i,gs.m.9, ,.9 9,q ~ gwpr%_, g e,g g.. 49MPC Y M P - ep-

  • h v T

a I .


5 h. P.ti tions for leave to int.t.rvene in thc proceed!Lc ,

a y o received frcra, cnd crented to:


a. Minnesots Environm nt91 Control Citizens

.I o

Asrociation (IGCCA):


b. Mr. Micheal Don 1 hue, a residfnt of Elk River, Minnucota (prior to the reconvening of the 4

h ,

j i

I hearing on June l'),1970, Mr. Donahue advised ,

the regulatory stuff that he vos withdrawing ac-i e

an intervenor frt.n the - proceeding);


c. Massrs.1:enneth Dru;an, Theodore Pcpin, and J


' George 3. Burnette III, cradunte studente at i

' the Minnesota.

4 4


[ 5 linite apparen~> staronents were received frcz:


a. Mrs. Celeste M. Co3 son, Cedar, Minnesota.


' b. .Mrs. Peter Krcismen, Minnenota Committee for i


' Environ:aental Infornation.


' c. .Mr. Uilliam Cunninchsm, Northern Star Chapter, 1

A Sierra Club.

d. Mr. 1)cZiel, St. P0ul Trades and Labor Assembly.

h e

! e. Mrs. Joseph Waxweiler, Albertville, Minnesota. J 4


f. Mr. Kenneth J. Fitzpatrick, City of St. . Paul, i Mrs. O. J. Janski, Lcai;uc of Womens Voters, g.

St. Paul, Minn: sots.

1 i

,1 .

-L- .

i n

4 4

s. .. J __

m ._ __ - - . _ . _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ , , ,-,...,_a,,_,,,-. _ , , , . . _ . , , ......_.,._-,,u,_..._...,..,-.,. ..;,.,., ,

, s

b. 14r. John 'lWm. , i.lhan cot,a Conaerva tiun' ydlerut J on, lloJ AJ na , Minnes o t.o . i

$. Pr. Donald W. Anirc ws , Chairman I'j nnerata Environ-mentisl Defence Council, St. Cloud, Minnesoto, i j. Nr. John recorn, Clear Air-Clear h'atc r Unlir.itcd.

K. I'.r. Fred C. I!orten, St. Paul P1: nning Board. -

1. Mrs. Psule Davis.

A limited eppcorence pursuant to 10 CFR 2.715 (c) uss (nterch by the Minnesote Pollution Control Agency.~'/

6. Public hearings were held on April 28 through Kay 1,1970,

, end June 15 through June 18, 1970, to receive the statements of the limited crp;crorc, 0.11 of tn* ci rect tes timony of thy partie.s - Lo the pi ecedin,::

t:nd substantially oil of the cross exa:dinstion of the ' parties. The public hearing uas edjourned en June 16 panding =dispositjon of tre objecticna of

.intervencrs TECCA and Dzugan et. al. to certain deletions in- re5ulatory 1

staff $nspecticn reports furnished by the Director of Eegulation in res-ponse to a Board subpcena. The deleted material vas deter::ined by the Director -of Regulation, under the provisions of 10I CFR 9.10 (c), ~ to be -


exempt from production or disclosure. W e Director of Regulation found-f that the production or dicclosure of the deleted raterial would be contr%ry -

to the }iublic interest.

2/ Tr. 333 x h/ ; ABC re. ulntory _ ctrff r< cponst to th Atoriic Sufety oni Licensin;-

Daa r d Culpoan:. 3 _ M:.y L , 1970, p . -i .


.9 l


,- . - . _ . _ .._._.,___.._.,2._____ . . - . . , , , . . - . , , , _ . _

- - - - . . - . . . - _ . = - . - . _ . _ _ - - - - . - -. .- --, . - . - . .-


1 4 .

N I 7 h informtion celetsd frca thc insp2ction reporte pursuant-l to the deter:r.instion of th: hitector cf hegulation consists of (1) na:ms-i j

cf .;n rsons, othcr thar, i. J personnel, who provided inforestion ditring the e

in:,pections; (2) r.ftrene::. to Ahc internal mmerenda, instructions, i

i: cludint, inap;ction t: chniques and meetinca; (3) refercnces to other identj ricd facilities; cnd (L) infor:etien of a prcprietary natury. ,

I Cotecory (h) dcletions constitute the very substantial portion of the 1

delettd t.aterial. Applicent, on behalf of its contractors,l the- owncrs of i
l. the proprietary date, offered to r.ake. cuch datu a' ' .i e to intervenors f IGCCA and Dzugen et. -al, for their use in cor.dactins cross exaninstion in d
the hearing subject to appropriate sofccuards to protect the proprictary l nature of the materisl.5/ ECCA and D
usan et. al. rejected the offer s

j objectirc th9t the offer did-nok provide for full disclosure to the' public oi the pi vp .i-; tm y dak.-(j Th:. scle rc=:ining at:a of crose exa~irndor.

! is that which the intervenors ICCCA snd Dzugnn et. al. r,ay wish to conduct

i or, the basis of the inspcetion reports. After notice by the. Board ths.t it 4

i would entertain a notion by applicant for authority to load fuel and I

f conduct low power startup testing, both ECCA ar. L ugn et. al. rejected the opportunity provided by the Board to conduct any cross examination j

based on the dcleted version of the inspection reports furnished by the .

i i reculstory. staff without prejudice to any subseq11ent rights >

to cc-duct 4

1 5/ Tr. 10 W - 1050 .

J-s/ - Tr'. ' 105? - 1053 4

6 4


. . . . 1

t J

4 .

4 suchcrossexnminat)on.2/ The Donrd ennounced its intention to: certify

] .

certain outstions with respect to the de3 etions by the Director cf Recu-lation to tl.e /.tomic Screty and Licensinc !.ppeal Board and/or the.

1 f

Corni ssion.$/

B. To avoid the possibility of costly initiating fuel 1

lot.dinc t r.d Icw power startup tecting .r . eding thc disposition of the i

cLjections by the intervencro ECCA and Dzutan et al. to the deletions i

in the inspection reports, applicant moved that this Board, without prejudice to the Board's censideration of the issues set forth in'the i ,

1 notice of hearin3 as-they relate'to tha proposed full power provisional l .


! operating license, order as pro:sptly. es practicable the issuance of a'

,n 4

provisional cperating' 3icense authorizing fucl loading and low power t

' startun testing at a pcuer 1cvel not to exceed five merawa.tts thenal 3

i f

and subject to the follcwing conditions:

1-(a) The reactor vessel head shall not t e in place; l

i I

(b) The license, including the technical specifiestions incor-t ~

i- porated:therein by referenc" and attached thereto-as Appendix A, shall be 4

I in the form of AEC rqulatory staff exhibit number 1 except'as amended by- .

1 4- ,

certain crrata to-the technical specificatior.s which were introduced-into -

the record,. and except thst ' ths maximum po.:sr -level set forth in Sections g

3_ ~

1 1

3A and 3E of the licence shall be five megawatts thermal, and except that.

i t

j i

d i,7] Tr.' 1322 - 13EL

$/ 'fr.1289 g, 2/ 'Tr. 13?9 L

i 4

.7-3 4

,,, ,  :. _ .. --..-.., . . - . . . . .. . . . . . . . - . . . - . - . - . . ~ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - , - . - . . . . _ - .

1 .,

t - .

't h- r.:f mnc> r to ur .:n h.nt.s 9 throv;.h 25 in scetj on 1 of the licens.- i 4

i shell'bc modified to iac,J "/xcndment Dr.bers 9 throuch 27"; and s

j ( c) Such license shall be issutd upon verification b/ the l

a Divisjon of Cor.pliance, that the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plent,

. Unit 1, is cc:tplett and reody for initial fuel loading as described in 1

the testirony introduced in support of the motion;2S/ -

Applicant also moved that the initial decision Luthorizing the 1

Issvaret of the license to load fuel sud conduct low power st rtup testing -

j' .

shall teev.n effectiva pursuarit to Section 50 57 (e) of 10 CTH part 50,

, tr.n doys oftcr its issunnec subject to:

4 l (e) The review thereof ru.d further decision by the Atomic i

a Sortty and Licensing Appcel Bosrd, upon exceptions, if sny, filed by any

. Party, tnd

{ .

(b) Such order as the Attmic Safety and Licensing. Appeal Benrd 1

i may' enter upon any such exceptions, er upon its 'own totion within M days 1

l after the issuance of such initiel decision.11/

l 1

t 9 The authority requested by the applicant-is for initial fuel


j loading und low power startup testing only. Both the fuel-loading.and the l

l Jow power startup testing will .be done in accordance with detailed uritten i


procedures and under the technical direction of-General Electric, the mcts-

'l facturcr of the reactor.R 32/

l i

e l 33/ - Tr.133h - 1337; Ir. lL33 - IL37

, 3_1,/ - Tr , 1921

.~ - I n _:

JJ;/ 1-3/6 , ;.ppunlf  ?, 55 1.2.2 and t .2 '

i- -



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e - _

4 4

  • di x ..

10, -its low pouer sttrtup tr.atir.c procrut la conduct:0 durinc 4

-4 and after _.e. loading at steerph;ric pressure uithout the r eacter vessel 4

} .

h:mJ in place, i d 'st powa h v:lc Icsc thnn five 'ics.wstt th erm91.- This I

phout of tht. startup pre run inclu ts: control red drive control and -

i j

1 withdruid ccq: 1.:c t e r *. r , i:.iti:.1 critical snl'chutio..: marg'r verifi-1 ca tions, radh tior o asurc:ncrmc3 cc.' rec range monitor perforrnnee chechs,

10 J

1 und int: t a)la tion of neutron courets.2:./

2 3

e j


11. This In!tinl Decicion, decicnated for clarificaticn oc i

4 Part 3, it concern:d solcly with -the cpplicant's' request for :- i

i opersting lictnse authoriz$ng fuel'lon'iing and lou power startup tecting.

i This Ecerd's Initibl Decision, Fert II, conecruing the epplication for a A

j' -

full power provisionel opcrating license, will not b:- developed. until t

after the conclusion of these proceeJings, I

i i




12. .Follouing issuance of +he construction permit, the applicent suLmitted i.m:ntznt Nc. 9 to the spplication which superseded'in their i.

entirety the - appliention for a construction- per: it and the previous eight' j--

1. ~

cmenCznts. Ic.cninnt IIo. () incluied the upplicant's Final Safety Analysis -

I.OPOrt (735h).Which-W d in?r3CfteT. suppl e nted by Amendnent: 10 through 27 4


j. ._

a , 4.ppent,x ..i, 6-;.2 i.

M/ Fa sh. .



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F f


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..- . - . , . --- . .- . . .. ~ - - - . . . - - - .. _.- .- .. . - .. . .

3 . -:

to the opplicstiot..-- The applicstion und thc record of the pro wding 2

I i contsin r;uch detailed 11 forn*; tion t bout the plent,.. including dats and informtion ebout the cite en ' the basis of its suitebility, the desicn-


l en] con:truction of the pinnt, qurlity assurance end quS11ty control -l 1 e

I l

. procrenc,- ancinecr:d safguarde, d2sagn fentures not fu)1y dev;1oped .)

3 l

i and evalusted St the Liu construction wEs authorized, proposed-technical l 1 \

! spcciff entienc governing operation of the plsnt, c:aercency p1'.ns, the .

1 I appliennt's technical and financial qualifications, and the plent 's tv oring a

i 4

upon the connon defense and security.

4 1

i i

' Ph nt 1 M tue.c cf +h ~

i i 13 The site of the.d4cnticello nuclear Generating Plant, l' nit 1, consists of 1325 tcres located p rticlly in Sherburne County (on the eest

bank of the 3*Lasissippi Piiver) cnd p;rti;11y in Uris;ht County-(en thc 1


! wert bank of the Kiver). Tbc pinnt is -located in Wricir.t Count y. The site is about 22 r.:iles southosat of St. Clcud (1960 population 33,815) and 30


' riles northwest of Minnespolis. The nearest residence is off-site,

! approxintel'/ 2750 feet from the p3nnt. The area surrounding the. site-1

j. 1: rinarily cgricultural. t lou population cone with -c radius of one l'

j 1

mile. $neluta s population of about 25,- The minimu:a exclusion zone radius s-f is 1600 feet.2b The plant desic;n takes into account metecrological,.

t- ,


hydrological, ground water, and soll conditions, as well as the possibility i .

i of cre dible earthquakes, wind stoms, tornadoes,andfloods.14] -

b t

i i

.j h/ Applicant's Su:ccqy of the Application for the Frovisienul Cperstin; i' I. ice nc . for tia !!.onti c' ilo Mis . Generctire plunt (i.ppli c:nt 's Eu: Lory), p. 3; Stoff-22fety r.*t.tuan on, p.



jj ".pplicunt ' n Sten ry, pr. 3-C; h ff Safety

' *

  • ion,-pp. 5-9 4

i i

t 2

1 [: -

4 m,-.,r 3_, ,w,-._,,,-me y. ...,-,,-,,.,-..-%, m

= wmm - -- -- , , , , - - , ,,~,, wrn.~---,v.m ,,,ry.y,,,,

i 1

Th *: olnplicant hd tia ted in Jun E, 1958, on envirouacntal Jh.

.rouistion monitorinc proctr. to d2t2rr.ine nnd evalu9tc the effects of .

5, i tir ple t 's operation en t h . nvirorrunt. The pro ~ra a will continue


i throur,h p]ur.t att.rty :.n:1 operution, anu includes the collection und j

A cualycu of swpl s of air, weter, soil, vegetation, r.13 h and Louatic

) life. Studies to cute hnve been conducted in-cooperation with the 4

Minnt. son lepertta t of. E alth, and the npplicent has tchen into account tL recc:.mndations of the Fich and Wildlife Cervice, U. S. Dcrartment of i

l theIntarior.1$/

1 l

1 15 'ihe nuclesr stum supply synte is e General Electric i

s boilir.; wcter : =tetor design which is identical in most features to i

, Coc.onwualth Edisor. Company's Dresden Unit 2, recently licensed by AEC for cp2rstion, nd is cimi]ar tr other operating boiling water reactore.12!


'1ne reactor is a single-cyclc, forced circulation, boiling water reactor l producin; ricom for direct use in the stecn turbine. The reactor.Will be w

fucled alth clichtly enriched uranium dicxide pellets sealed in Zircaloy



! fuel redc. Reactivity control. is provided by movable control rods and varia tle. rceirculation flou. b The prinary . containment system consisting i

4 l of a at w l drywell snd a eteel prescure suppression chamber is designed to i

l a ccomon tc the prescures bnd tcuperatures which would result from, or d

1 .

f occur ruteequent to, a' failure eouiveler.t to a double-ended, circumfer -

1 I- ential rupture of a 2cactor cool nt recirculation cystem line resulting 4


a r .

4 M / ?.pp3: cant's =:iny , p . 1 ; S tif f S u fs ty E valuati on , p . 10 ; Tr . ' 506 -

509;=Tr. 630 - 6 .' _

jl/ t.pplicant's sczery , p. 7; 0 %ff h rc ty- Evalua tior., p.11.

m 2/ 1.pplicant's Cp=.y, pp. 7-9; Sthff Safe ty Evaluation, pp.12-lb.

, . 13 . .


- = - . - . .... - . . - . . - .. ~ . - . - - ~ . - - - _ . - - . - -- .-

J-4,-' ,


. v d

[ .

Tnc primry saf; ords In thu )wc - of nector w2ter tat th. mcxi:xn rate.


' functiona of thc secondary conteirant, cor.cisting of the reacter building i' .

i en3 the- s+.andby' gas trcetmert system, cre to minimize ground level release e

t of cirbern: radioective mterialc, and to provide for controlled, filt: red, i

i c1cvatcc rclease of the reactor building atmosphere under postuleted design  ;

basic cec 5 dent conditions. Th2 reactor building provides secondtry contain-4-

l ment durig pericas ;:nen the prinry containment systen is in ser' ice, and i

i primry centairc.ent during per iols wh;n the primary containment is open.30/

i 4

! 16. In addition to the prinary end secondary contsit xnt. systems, i

. the plant has a neber of cafety features designed for' liricing the con-t 4

sequences of seeidents, including the, highly unlikely loss-of-coolent.

accidcnt. The principal safety featuros include -the emergency core ccolinc cystt:.0,b the rc ctor stannby C0 bentr+nt-syst.em,$/~aretetos pi o-l tcction system designed to at.tcmaticslly shut do :n' the reactor uhen pre-establishcd limits -are resched,4 v :! and a standby liquid control system

! which provides backup reactivity-shutdown capability in ths unlikely event c

that shutdown cannot ha accomplished by control rods alone.go!2/ Applicant's Su:ennry, pp. 3-12; Staff Safety Evalustion, pp. 22-25 I

20/ App]! cant's 'S=nry, pp.12-14; E Staff =St fety Evsludtion, pp. 25-23.


2]/ i.pplictnt's Surmry, pp.11-12; Staff Safety Evalu: tion 3 pp. 2h-25 22/~ ijppl3 cont's Su :v ry, :pp.15-16; Stiff Safety Evaluation, p. 28. D/ Applicant's Snary, p. 8; Stuff Safety- Evaluntion, p. !13 _ 1 a

  ' ' ' - ' --             t vu         sqr -yM --M M+wM eWs t' uq *T aw89 -M 4-aw- s--r k-t gm*v-+WT=#wM"y-'ew---+r              se      Y-   ev w e= te en ' N wwe e e au- <J--    t    wwi et - s r%'+*e-4      'N-vas+~ft- W>           **N *d   ww em' e m v 'n ' e w n   s-e#4
    -.--- - . . - - -.. . . - .                          - --        - _      .-.- . ~ . - . . -                  -              .. -..                 . . . ~ . -               . . - -   - - .

i 1 e 17 At the tim th.' construction permi t was issued for the 1

)                                  phnt a number of design features were identified by the staff and th'e j                                   ACT13 as crens requiring fartber infonastion to be developed and subnitted.
                                  . Thece areas are covered in the applicsnt's FSAM and the regulatory staff
hus concludcd tb spplicent has subt.itted all technical information 1

rcquired.2h/ t j ! COSSTRU0ilO:' 1:I /.CCCRD/J!CE WITH APPLICAITI'S l COIGIEUCTIGI! PEhi'lT /dC APFLICATICU ? i ! 18. The Comission's Division of Cor.pliance has followed closely 4 i j th : progress of the construction by neans of a series of on-site inspections a . and conferences with the applicant's construction personnel. As a result of l these inspections snd conferences, the regulatory ataff has concluded that 'l thoro b re,r,onable assuranct that Unit 1 ?ill be completed in conforma 1.ce I wi th Provisional Construction Permit Zo. CPr'h s1, the upplication, a f a:acnded, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the 1 . I o t t r 19 The Division of Compliance also presented testitor.y cen-I cluding that, with certain specified exceptions, all items identified'in the inspection reports as items requiring further resolution at the time i of the associated inspaction: hove since been resolved. The applicant will h i l'L @ Applicant'::- Gwandry, pp. 21-22.; Staff Safety Evaluation, p. 37.- I g Suppit=cnt-Iro._1 to Staff Gafe'y Evaluation, p. 19 . V r 4 13 - l' i. r

                                                                    .mm,e., ,g-,_%a,.y.,-,g,,,   ,, , rgy.,.,,.~%   , g ,4 4 s.ys,.     ,,,y,,7my,.yv..,,yw,m,,,,y,,y,9-.33,,,,,,                     -,9

w ts r<:qu i r d to Lak oppropr,nte hetion with r*spect to 3.ach of the speci-fi( d exct.bu ona prior tu obtaini;q, authorit? tion to optrtite at any powc.r , levi 1 witn n.n p c -t to W eh cuch ittn muy ha lequired. b ! APPL 1CA':T'S TEC5!ICS QUALIFICATI0S .

20. The epplicLnt h6c.gainv1 conciderable nucletr_ experience in the co.7truction end operation of the Pathfinder /stomic Power Tlant.

The sup;rvisory staff c.hcaen to manage opcrations at the Monticello Plant is conpend of for:urly lic nstd ret ctor optretors st the Pathfinder Plant und th: cualificationc cf the hey superviscry and proff scional persor.nel meet th; "Froposed Utandard for Selection end Trainin; of Personnel for liuelear Power Ilants",1]rtft IIo 9, July 3,1969, prepored by the American 07/ I!uclear Socict;; Stendards Co:=itteu.R , APPLICA!ff'S FIIIAI CIAL QUALIFICATI0I!S  !

21. The applicent estimeten an overage annual cost of'$8.6 ,

i:.i] lion for c ch of the first five years of operation. The record indicates. that the r.pplicant's , operating revenues will be ample to cover these costs.2_8/ 6/ Tr. 1269 - 1270. .f _ H/ Applicant'c Sw=ary, pp. 30-32; Staff safety Evaluation, pp. 51-52. , g/ Financini Qualifications of I!orthern States Power Company - Testimony of G. F. Johnson;. Staff Sai'ety Evoltation, pp. 56-57 w--. . . . , - . . . - - ...s**. - - _ , * . - - - . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .

__ _ _.._ ~ _ __ _ _ . . __ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . . ._ . - _ . 1 FIl!/J1CIAL P!;0TECTJOH AIi!) II'DEUTY lu:QUIRMGTO 4 ! 22. The applicant hsc satisfied its present .finsncial protec-

                         - tic >n rcquirmnte uner 10 CFF part 1hD of the Cennissicn's regulations by I

furnishing to the Coenicsion proof of financial protection irt the amount 1

of $1,033,000, as needed for the period fuel is stored unused on the site, t
                          -in the form of a Nuclear Energy Lisbility Insurance Association policy i                            Ho. UF-17h, and by entering into Inder.nity Agreement Ho. 3-h2 with the I                             Cornission opplicable to fuel storage.                        part Ih0 also requires that, for a limited authoritation such as that requested by applicent for initial 1

i fuel loading and low power startup power levels not exceeding five mecavatts thermal, applicant must have and meintain financial protec-tion in an unount equal to $4,500,000. The applicant has obtained letters frcra the Huclear Enercy Licbility Insurance Association and Mutual Atemic 1 f. Energy Licbility Underwriters commit!;ing to provide en 0;;;regate fin 9ncie) 1 protection of up to $82 million, the maximum amount required by'the 1 I Cor21ssion's regulations for a full power license for a facility of this i 4 size.b i i 4 CO:410H DEFENSE KD- SECURITY e

23 The activities to be conducted under the provisional oper-

! atinc license will be within the jurisdiction of the United States, and n I i ell of the directors and principal officers of the; applicant are United-t ! States citizens. The applicant-is not owned, controlled, or dominated i i 6 Finamnal Cuolificationc of Herthern Str tes Power Comp;n'j - Testimony or G. F. Johnson; Staff Safe ty Eysluation, -pp. 5f>-57 f i-s o 11 1 4

j. .

by an alien, s ' foreign corporatibn cr- a foreign goverraent. The activitics to be conducted do not involve any restricted data, but the applicant hns i ecreed to safeguard eny such dsta which might become involved in accordance 3 with the Com3ccien's reculetions. Special nuclear m9teriel for use as , i l- fuel in the proposed facility vill ba subject to Con;21ssien regulations and will be obtained from sources of supply availsble for, civilian purposes.1Q/ 1 7 REVIEW OF AFFLICATIOII EY . i i REGUIATOF.Y STAFF AND ACES I

24. Since the filing in. Kovembcr,1968, the application consistins 4

of /cenduents 9 through 27 has been under constant and thorough review and evaluation by the regulatory stuff. During the evaluation, which was con-ducted in accordance with current Commission regulatory criteria and policies, a the regulatory staff has held ntec.erous meetings with the cpplicant to discuss v and clariry the internation submitted in the unendante.c/- 1 Thc rcgulatory i, i staff made use of studies by inicpendent experts in its evaluation of such i plant safety aspects-as air diepersion of gaseous effluents (Air Tsesources v Envircreanta:1 Laboratory, Environmental Science Services Administration),o/ 1 site hydrology _(Geological Survey, U. S. Department of the Interior),E! !. ecological effects (Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior),b reactor vessel stress analysis (Teledync Materials Research),35./ f 4 , .) + i i j- y/ ' Applicant's Su mry, p. 35; Staff Safety Ev::1uatien, p. 56. 4

                              ^Q/ Staff Safety Evaluation, p. 2.

3/ Staff Safety Evaluation, - Appendix B. p M/ Staff Safety Evoluetion, Appeni!x C. ' 1; t

                              -9/ Safety Evaluation, Appstdix D.

l L/ Staff . Safe ty Evalustion,- Appcnaix E. l 4 4-i l l l r l s.- lb - f , I

                                                                      -    -     -       ~ . . - - - . - - - .

l < p .

i.  !

! ,;tructu n] it :1.:n murjirmy (IP.thLn P., -lhewinrh connultitc }:ncinoctr),b - 4 nat ui ts: seinmolvay (U. C. (Wze t arri C' odctle Survey) .b i i i

25 The /> CPS reviewed the application ond, after identifying i

sever cl items for resolution by the epplicant- und the staff cnd nuhing. , l reverL1 reccmandctions, conclude:1 in tuo reports dated Jenuary 10,-2970, i _and June 16, 1970, that the plant ccn be opercted at power levels of up to , ! 3670 mecsvatts thermal without undue risk to the health and sefety of the -

public. The items identified by the ACliS have been considered by the l

regulatory staff in its evaluation of the application and tlie applicant i 2 hos ccreed to implement the reco.=lendctions .of the ACES.2_B_/

26. The results of the regulatory staff's ~ review and evaluation
of thu application arc contained in the regulatory staff's c foty evaluation l- which has been made svailable to the public and which has been admitted into 4

i~ ! evidence in this proceeding. Tne regulatory staff concluded in its safety evaluationb that, .with respect to a provisional operating license authorizing; ! operation at power levels up to 1670 megswatts thermal, ! a. The applicant nas submitted-to the Commission all tech-t l nical information required by Provisional Construction j . .

                                  - Permit Ho. _ CFFE-31, _ the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, _. as a

l -2 ? l M / Staff Sofity Evaluation, Appendix F. g Staff Safety Evaluation, p. 7 l M/ Applicunt's Su.riry,:pp. 23-27; Staff Safety Evaluation, pp. Sh-55;

Tr. 1227 i.
j Staff Safety hveluation, pp. 60-51. s L - 17:-

L  ; g.

                                                                                                                                           .._m-Enended1( Act), and the rules and regul5tions of the
Conenission. to complete the application for the pro-visional operating license;-
b. Thc construction of Unit 1- has proceeded, and is reasonable ascurance that'it will be completed in-con-famity with Provisional Construction Femit' Eo. CPPR-31, the opplication, as cuended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and-regulations of the Commission;
c. .There is resonelle essurance (i) that the _ setivities authorized by.the provisional operating license can bc <

conducted without endangering _ the health and . safety of the public,. and (ii). that such cetivities_ will be con-ducted in' compliance with the rulcs and regulations of the Cornission;

d. The applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized by.the provisional  !

operatin6 license in accordance with the rules 1md 'regula- j tionc of the Corraission; The applicant has furnished to the Commis.iion proof of .

e. -;

financial protection in accorda ec_ d with 10 CFR Part lh0,

                                                                  " Financial Protection Eequirements ~ar.d Indemnity 1A5 ree-                           [

s' monts" of the Co mission's ~ regulations; and i

f. The issuance of the provisional operstin5 license under

the_ terms and conditions proposed will not te inimien1 to the common dcfense end security or-to the health and sefety of the putlic. i r l I'

9 W A $ The re;,ulntory stuff Llso concluded and tcstified thSt there is rusonable- ' ascurance that the pleut will be rcany for initial loadins with nuelcar fro within 93 days from the date of icsuance of the provi.cional operstin; - licence.LO/ 1 4

27. In canpliance with the 1:stional Environmental Policy Act of

! 1969, the regulatory risff introduced as Staff Exhibit IIc. 2, a document er+ titled " Statement on Environmental Considerations Relatir.g to Proposed 4 j Operatien by liorthern Ststes Power Company of the Monticello liuclear Gener-4 4 htinS Plant, Unit- 1" .b 5 4 TESTIM 0m* III SUFPORT OF MOTION FOR NJTHORIZATIO:: TO LOAD FUEL A D COUDUCI LOh' FOXER STARTUP TESTS i 20. Comoletion of the plant has been delayed'by a number of i^ labor difficulties. It is very near completion and all those portions of a 'l the plant required for fuel loading cnd low power startup testing will be

complete approximstely four wecks following the return of one craft union 1 >

nowonstrike.u2/ 1 a 29 Delays due to the regulatory process in the startup of the least 4 plant af ter it -is complete and ready for fuel loading will have at l > three major adverse effects upon I!SP and the public it serves: 4 .I 1 M/ Supplement I1o.1 to Staff Safety Evalustion, p.19 y Staff Exhibit :!o. 2.

W Tr. 133L - 1339 '

a 1 i ~4

I w . T

  • N.
'J. '16
duced reliabiJity of &ctric poser supply by reovced Cunerating margin nnd loucring of_ coal reserves in the s

Upper Midwest. 2 j 2. Increased costs to li3P and its customers in excess of 4 $1,200,000 per month. 3 Increesed detrimental effects on environmental guslity i j from electrical generation by older _ fossil-fueled plents - a . . j not presently equipped with modern emission controls. Such delays will also cause the General Electric Company to incur additional b } costs of $500,000 per month of delay. Authority to load fuel without delay j followinf completion of the Monticello Plant is needed to. ameliorate these f adverse effects.k2/ i f 30. Iior:aul post'-hearing proccdarcs, including the ' filing of - [ proposed findings end conclusions by the parties,; the preparation -and issu-4 i ance of an initial decision by the Board, and the minimum period between 5 initial decision and grenting of the license, would mean that the applicant i could not expect a license, assuming one is ordered-by.-the Board,; sooner ! than about 50 days-following reconvening and conclusion of the hearing. i With'no present schedule for reconvening the-hearing _ond the probability- - of a near term settlemant of the fsheet_netal workers' strike it is predict-c . l abic that the' present course of the proceeding would delay the startup .of. the- plant 'if the motion for authority to: load fuel ond conduct low power. ' startup testing is not granted, f L3/ Tr.13 O L - 13th; Tr.1377 - 1410 O 'O f

                                . . - - . , - -. - . . - . - .                        . _ . . . . - . - _ . _ .    -. -~ . . . .           - . - . .


                                    .                                        w l


31. Uncim]hng d te: Limony waa given in rur,ard to thu worct conceivable necident that could occur during the fuel loadinJ and low power .

1 1-i startup treting prccr=, assuming a 5 Kd(t) couilibrium core power level. . This is a control rod drop accident. Very conservative assumptions were; - ] used re]ntive to fission product relesse, transport,. and.bchavior 'within


the plant and= to the environs by way of the standby gas treatment system ). filtcrs and off-cas stock. The resultant radiological exposures et the closest site boundary es a result of this accident are less then the per-micsible annual doses for normal relesses specified in 10 CFR 20.b Th::re is also no necd to consider the possibility of a 100% core melt, as f urged by intervenor MECCA, in association with initial fuel loading and i ! low power startup testing because the core cannot melt during these activities. 1 . i !- At decoy powers associated with a power level of five megawatts thermsl, c/ { the core will not mclt even in the absence of cooling water cround it..(.u-I

32. Intervenors' contentions and testimony, as well es the areas f

I of cross examination relate principally to ~ the following areas of concern: i- ! ai Adequacy of plans to cope with on-site emergencies I ( causing off-site harm; i > b. The public health and safety as it may be affected by-i liquid and gaseous radioactive releases from the plant;

c. Nature of provisions relating to the bypass of the ARS __

i system;- l l M/- Tr. 13h5'-:13b8 l M/ _ T1. ~ 134'T I f 1

        ,                     .. -,     ..,_..,.--,,.4--,-,,-m-. ,        , _ _ , - -      _ . , _ . , . . _ , , , , - _ , .    . . , , .         -_...m..    . _ . , . - - _ . . . ..,.m-.      ., .,...:....

e 4 i '

d. Conformance of control rods to required control rod 4

scram insertion times;

e. The safety aspects of the storage, handling, and lentose of spent fuel rods; 3-i f. The validity of certain assumptions in the technical i specifications;
g. The primary coolant system and expected leaks therefrom; 4
h. The presence of ceabuctible mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen; and
i. Quality control of matcrials and workmanship.
      -     The applicant presented unchallenged testimony on the pertinence of these matters to fuel loading and low power startup testing. With respect to such metters, the record is complete and there has been no demonstra-tion that suen matters are inadequately acecmmodated by the utsign of tne I

facility, the operating plans and procedures, or by the operating license and the appended Technical Specifications; or the record shows the matter not to be in controversy; or the record shows that such matters are not relevant to the activities to be undertaken during fuel loading and low powerstartuptesting.b$/- l 3 hs/ Tr. 1348 - 1358 l r I

                                                                                   . _ _. ,     _~

a_: _ i. Y . i . i .

;_                                  =.                     .          ._                                  ~   . - _ . _          _



r s 33 Without prejudice to thic Board's consideration of the issues spcc$ fded by the Cat:ission in its _ notice of hearing as they relate j to a fu)1 po.:er provisional opersting license,-this Board concludes that,- vjth respect to the issunnec of a provisionel operating licenso cuthorizing t i fuel loading end -low poucr s tartup testing at power levels up to a maximum 1 l of five m:gawatts th(rmal without the reactor vessel head in' place: f a. The applicent has submitted to the Commission all i j technical information required by Provisionel Con- ! struction Permit No. CPPE-31, the Act, and the rules l ! and regulations of the Commission to complete the f application for the Provisionel operating i license; I l b. Ccnstruction of Unit 1 has proceeded,.and there is i reasonable assurance Lthat it will be completed, in c 4 . j conformity with Provisional Construction Permit'No, i i CPPR-31, the application, as amended, the provisions i P - l of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the l i Commission; i

c. There is r'eaconable assurence (i) that the activities f


                                                          . authorized by the provisional' operating license
                                                                                              . .                9 can be conducted without endangering the health and l

[- safety-of the public, and _(ii) lthat such activities  :

                                                                                                                                                           -1 will'be conducted in compliance _with rules-and regula-tions of the Commission; l

l- .,. l I

                                                                                                                                                        '. J

7 d . , , 4 .

  • s . . . . . . . - . . . . - - . _ . . . .

l . i. f d. The applictnt is technically and financially qualified t. ! to cucace in the activitics authorized by=the > provisional oper9 ting license in accordance with the 4 i rules and regulations of the Ccc:iscion; i

c. The applicant has furnished or will timely furnish to 4

4 the Comission proof of financici protection in accord-l 4~ ence with 10 CFR Part 140, "Finnneial Protection 4 f Requirements and Indemnity Agreements", of the Oc=nis- ,i sion's regulations; e l f. There is reasontble assurance that Unit 1 uill be ready 1

                                                       .for initial loading with nuclear fuel within 90 days i

from the date of issuance of the .provisioncl i operatin5 license; and

. g. Issusnce of the provisional operating license _

under the terms and conditions proposed will not be , i. f inimical to the ecmon . defense .and sectrity cr. to the i i health and safety of the public. t 2 ORDER !- 34. Pursuant to the Act and the Co=ission's Regulations, IT IS' i l ORDEMD that the Director of Eeculation issue to Ilorthern; States Power : .j 3  ; i ! Company a provisional operatirs license authorizing fuel loading of the Monticello nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1, end low power startup testing. at pouer levels up to a maximum of five megawatts thermal and without the - l l 4

- 2h -
1. l t ,

. 1 g


s. . . _ _ .,

i  ! 4


reactor vcso:1 place, upon verification by the Co: mission's Div-i ision of Cor.plicnce that the 1:enticc11o Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1, l is complete en1 retniy for initial fuel loading as described in the testimony l l (Tr. 1334 - 1337 and 1433 - 1h37). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED in cccordance t v14.h Section 59.57 (c) of the Cc' :ission's Eegulctions, that this Initial 1:ecision, Part I, cht:)) become effective ten days after its issuance subject. to (1) the rev3 cv thereof and further decision by the Atomic Screty ond Licensing Appet.1 Board, upon exceptions filed by any party, and (ii) such order os the Atomic Snfety and Licencing Appeal Donrd ray enter upon such , execptions mr upon its own notion within forty-five. days after the issuance of this Initihl Decision, Port I. i

 '                                                                          ATOMIC SAFITY AITD LICEI:SIID BOARD 4

John C. Geyer J 4 i

  • Eugene Greuling 4

Valentine B. Scale,, Chainnan 4 8 k j. I i l
