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Northeast Nuclear Energy Co Response to Cooperative Citizen Monitoring Network Discovery Requests of 921205 & 16.* Related Documentation Encl.W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1993
From: Repka D
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#193-13550 OLA, NUDOCS 9301220121
Download: ML20127G936 (59)



/ 255 5G2 4

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) (Spent Fual Pool Design)

(Millstone Nuclear Power Station, )

Unit No. 2) )

NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO CCHN DISCOVERY REQUESTS OF DECEMBER 5. 1992. AND DECEMBER 16. 1992 The following responds to Co-Operative Citizen's Monitoring Network's (CCMN) discovery requests dated December 5, 1992 and December 16, 1992. Northeast Nuclear Energy Company's (NNEco) responses are in the form of a) documents provided to CCHN, as listed herein; b) narrative responses to questions; and c) explanations of those areas where NNEco cannot respond to CCHN's requests as framed.F F Those areas in which NNECo herein is not responding are consistant with positions previously provided to CCMN, as documented in letters of December 18, 1992 and January 6, 1993. As noted in a letter from NNECo's counsel to the Atomic Safety end Licensing Board, dated January 7, 1993, in accordance with an agreement with CCHN NNEco has not filed tormal objections with the Board at this time. CCMN will evaluate the information that is being provided. Should CCHN renew objectionable requests, NNECo reserves the right to file formal objections on the schedule established for "second round" objections.

9301220121 930115 1' gDR ADOCK 05000336 l PDR

l t a In response to this Request, documents are being provided to CCHN and the NRC Staff as listed in Attachment 1.

In responding to Request #1, NNECo has restricted itself to

" input and output, data and programs, and all source materials and other references," limited as described below, specifically related to the criticality analysis supporting the " redesign" of the spent fuel pool authorized by Amendment 158. The NNEco criticality analysis to support the relicensing of the pool, as authorized by Amendment 158, was prepared by NNEco's contractor lloitec International (lloltec) . Other criticality analyses, such as those related to earlier configurations of the Milletone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool, are outside the scope of this proceeding.

Also, as previously discussed with CCHN, NNEco at this time is not providing copies of the lloltec analysis files for the Amendment 158 criticality calculation. These files include Holtec's model of the spent fuel pool and the direct (i.e., physical) outputs of the computer runs. Thesc files are considered to be proprietary to lloltec (i.e., confidential comme.cial information, or trade secrets). Release of these internal documents would compromise the commercial competitive position of Holtec, with potential cubstantial financial harm to the company.

Furthermore, lloltec's internal analysis files are not essential to provide the criticality calculation input parameters or summary

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I O outputs (calculated K,, values) as requested by CCNN, or to allow independent verification of the adequacy of the criticality calculations. The Holtec final report of April 1992 supporting the Amendment 158 reconfiguration is included in the documents listed above, and is being provided to CCNN. This report contains a description of the analysis technique, calculation model, computer codes used, input parameters, and output informatich (calculated K ,

values) -- all the essential information to recreate the KENO-Sa model and to complete a verification analysis. Input parameters and calculated K , values (i.e., output data) are also supplied in the Amendment 158 license amendment application materials submitted to the NRC (dated April 16, 1992, and May 7, 1992), and in the November 24, 1992 submittal to the NRC. These three documents are all included in the documents provided . to CCHN and listed-above.

The adequacy of this information to allow verification of the NNEco analysis is evidenced by the fact that the non-proprietary information provided to the NRC was sufficient for the NRC's contractor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) , to apply the public domain KENO-Sa _ (and NITAWL) coden to perform verificati<n, calculations for the Amendment 158 criticality analysis.3' 21 Information on the ORNL verification analysis has been.

provided to CCMN by the-NRC Staff _in its January.12, 1993 discovery _ response.___S.am_"NRC Responses and Objections to Cooperative Citizen's-Monitoring Netvcfk's Discovery Requests," January 12,-1993, at 11.

f o With respect to the KENO-Sa (and HITAWL) computer codes utilized in the criticality analysis, these are public domain codes published by ORNL. The codes are part of the SCALE 4 package and are available directly from ORNL or from the Radiation Shielding Information Center (an agency established to distribute codes).

(The SCALE 4 package, consisting of a 4 volume set of manuals, and tapes and a diskette with numerous standard codes, is available for approximately $400.) A copy of the title sheet for Volume II, Part 1 (the relevant portion of the manuals) is provided as Attachment 2 hereto for CCMN's reference purposes.

In addition, documentation of KENO-Sa and NITAWL is included in NUREG/CR-0200 (prepared by ORNL) . Each code is described as a separate section of the NUREG/CR report. NUREG/CR-0200 is a public domain document available to CCMN through other sources.I' For information purposes, Attachment 2 hereto also includes copies of the title pages for KENO-Sa and NITAWL documentation.

l' Moreover, as stated in the NRC Staff's January 12, 1993, response to CCMN's discovery requests, relevant portions of the NUREC/CR-0200 documentation for XENo-Sa, which includes algorithm descriptions, has already been provided to.CCMN by the Staff. Eg.a "NRC Staff Responses and objections to the Cooperative Citizen's Monitoring Network's Discovery Requests," January 12, 1993, at 11.

I EIOUEST #2 In response to this Request for documents related to Boraflex degradation and surveillance, NNEco is producing numerous documents, as referenced in Attachment 1.

REQUEST #3 As discussed in prior correspondence with CCMN, NNECo is not responding to this Request. The Request seeks to " revisit" the criticality calculations supporting a 1986 amendment authorizing raracking of the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool and a separate 1988 license amendment authorizing fuel consolidation. Both of those NRC licensing actions are distinct from Amendment 158 and outside the accpe of this proceeding. This proceeding relates only to the Amendment 158 criticality analysis for current Regions A and B of the spent fuel pool (i.e. , the Regions which utilize Boraflex) .

Under Amendment 158, fuel consolidation is not authorized for either Region A or B of the spent fuel pool.

In addition, Department of Energy documents addressing fuel consolidation are outside the possession and control of NNEco.

NNT'M could not respond to such a discovery request.

REOUEST #4 This Request first seeks "information on post 1986-rerack concentrations of boron" in the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool. Accordingly, NNECo is providing copies of weekly and periodic surveillances of spent fuel pool water boron and chemical analysin, as referenced in Attachment 1 (Bates # 001815-002535) . The included forms, Engineering Forms 21025-3 and Chemistry Forms 2002-2, represent the documented sample results from 1996 to 1992.

This Request also seeks information on " circulation problems that have occurred" in the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool, apparently during the same time period. NNEco does not believe any i

such circulation problems have occurred. Accordingly, there is r$o documentation responsive to this Request. NNEco notes that on July 6, 1992, the Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool experienced some loss of inventory. However, there were no " circulation problems" related to this event. LER 92-012-00 (dated August 5, 1992), addressing this event, is publicly available and has been previously provided to CCMN.

Finally, NNEco notes that only the Amendment 158 criticality analysis is in issue in this proceeding. Circulation of coolant is D91 relevant to a criticality analysis.


, The degree of Boraflex shrinkage, and subsequent formation of gaps, experienced in spent fuel racks is a function of cumulative radiation exposure to Boraflex panels. Accordingly, NNEco interprett this Request to seek documents related to the amount and type of radiation exposures experienced to date by the Boraflex 4

r n panels at Millstone Unit No. 2. The documents being produced are listed in Attachment 1.

In addition, this Request questions whether radiation exposure information for the M!.11 stone Unit No. 2 Boraflex panels "is estimated or measured an[d] by what methods and means." NNECo provides the following response.

In 1990, NNECo calculated the doses to date experienced by the four Boraflex coupons which had been removed from the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool. The dose experienced by each coupon as of that time was determined by calculation in the following manner.

1. The specific location and irradiation time for each coupon was determined. The specific fuel assemblies adjacent to these locations were also determined.
2. The ORIGEN 2 computer code (a standard industry code) was used to determine the radionuclide content of each specific fuel assembly identified in Step 1. Actual burnup and operating history was used. The ORIGEN 2 code provided the energy release spectrum as a function of time for the fuel assembly.
3. The results of Step 2 were then input into the QAD-psf shielding code (a standard industry code) to determine the dose iate as a function of time from each fuel assembly at the coupon location.
4. The integrated dose over time was then determined and the results provided in internal memoranda dated August 21,

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1990 (NE-90-RA-603) , and November 8, 1990_(NE-90-RA-836).

These memoranda documenting the calculated doses to the four coupons are included in the documents being provided to CCMN in response to this Request. Note that the November 8,1990 memorandum superseded the August 21, 1990 memorandum, in that refinements were made in the burnup information usod in the ORIGEN 2 code criculations.

REQUEST #6 This Request specifically addresses Region B, which the Request characterizes as the " storage area for new fuel." CCMN seeks informLtion provided to the NRC on this subject.

With respect to the " storage area for new fuel," under Amendment 158 new fuel up to an initial enrichment of 4.5 weight percent (w/o) can be stored in the spent fuel pool only in Region B.

New fuel of an enrichment lower than 3.3 w/o is allowed to be stored in Region A; however, it is currently not anticipated that NNECo will procure new fuel for Millstone Unit No. 2 at these enrichment levels.i' Region B, however, can also be used to store scent fuel. This is because fuel of the same enrichment becomes lei:is reactive as it accumulates burnup. Region B, unlike Region A, has no requirements with respect to minimum burnup, thereby allowing storage of new fuel d' New fuel can also be placed at times in the new fuel storage vault, which is outside the scope of this proceeding.


and/or any spent fuel which is below the enrichment limit of 4.5 w/o.

As discussed further below, the design analysis for criticality assumes that the pool in each region is filled, in the authorized arrangement, with the most reactive fuel allowed. That-is, in performing the limiting calculations, i. is assumed that new fuel occupies each authorized, unblocked location. In Region B, because each fourth location is blocked, this would be now fuel in a 3-out-of-4 pattern.

With respect to information provided to the NRC on fuel storage in Region B, there are no documents uniquely responsive to this Request. All information provided to the NRC on storage allowed by Amendment 158, in either Region A or Region B, has been provided in response to other Requests. This information is contained in publicly available documents and has been available to CCMN previously.

REOUEST #7 This Request again seeks all information necessary for a criticality analysis for Region A. This information is previously discussed in response to Request #1. All information necessary for performing such a - calculation is being provided in response to Request #1, as discussed above.

Request #7 goes on to suggest certain types of information CCMN apparently believes to be pertinent to such a criticality analysis.

First, in the first subrequest, CCMN seeks available data on current conditions in the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool. For CCMN's information, NNEco is including in this response a map of current storage conditions in the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool (Bates # 002904) . However, CCMN should understand that current fuel pool inventory is not the basis for the design criticality analysis for Amendment 158. Rather, the criticality analysis assumes that Regions A and B are fully loaded, in the approved configuration, with the most reactive fuel allowed. (For structural parameters, inputs are as described in the April 1992 Holtec final report included in response to Request #1 above.) In addition, the criticality analysis is based upon a highly conservative assumption regarding the condition of the Boraflex panels, rather than on actual measured Boraflex conditions. The assumptions regarding the Boraflex as modelled in the analysis are described in the April 1992 Holtec final report as well as in the application materials for Amendment 158. _

In the second subrequest, CCMN again seeks information on blackness testing and surveillances related to the Boraflex panels.

This information is provided in response to Request #2 above.

The third subrequest is, in effect, a repeat of Request #1 above. Reference should be made to the response to Request #1 above. The " assumed accuracy," or the uncertainty in the Amendment 158 criticality analysis, is specifically addressed in the April 1992 Holtec final report.

The fourth subrequest seeks information on the " radioactive isotopes generated as a measure of burnup." This Request is not clear to NNECo. In the context of the Request (seeking information necessary for a criticality calculation), the Request would appear to be for the burnup versus initial enrichment curve for Region A.

This curve is included in the license amendment application and in the Holtec final report provided in response to Request #1.

The final subrequest seeks the " flow rate and chemical composition of coolant in the pool." For purposes of the criticality analysis, flow rate is not a relevant parameter. (The criticality analysis assumes water in the pool at a fixed maximum density / minimum temperature. The assumption is conservati"s because reactivity in Regions A and B decreases as temperature or the pool increases.) With respect to chemical composition, pure water is assumed in the calculation in the absence of soluble boron. This is an extremely conservative assumption for purposes of assessing reactivity.

REQUEST #8a As discussed in previous correspondence to CCMN, NNECo objects to this Request as irrelevant and overbroad. The Request appears to relate to "high density" storage of spent fuel everywhere in the industry, with no clear limitation to Millstone Unit No. 2 or to the storage specifically authorized by Amendment 158 (which defines the scope of this proceeding). In addition, the Request appears to l


reach proposals for high density storage under development, but not now authorized at Millstone Unit No. 2 by Amendment 158. Such matters are outside the scope of this proceeding.

With respect to the high density spent fuel storage presently authorized by Amendment 158, all relevant information on how the spent fuel pool design is " intended to maintain subcritical conditions" is included in the license amendment application materials submitted to the NRC on April 16, 1992, and May 7, _1992.

NNEco cannot decipher what other " programs" for maintaining subcritical conditions CCMN might be referring to that could be within the permissible scope of this Request.

REOUEST #8b This Request is unclear. However, because Boraflex shrinkage, and subsequent formation of gaps, is a function of radiation exposure, NNECo interprets the Request to relate to the surveillance program used to assure the continuous functioning of the Boraflex panels in the racks or to detect the onset of unexpected degradation. The surveillance program for Boraflex conditions at Millstone Unit No. 2 includes: a) the scheduled measurement of surveillance coupons; and b) periodic " blackness tests" of the Boraflex in the racks.

With exposure to radiation in the pool, changes to the physical properties (i.e., shrinkage) of Boraflex cease after the Boraflex has attained a specific radiation dose (called the " Saturation Dose") estimated to be about 2 x 10" total rads. Some of the Boraflex panels in the Millstone Unit No. 2 racks have (to date) attained about 75% of the Saturation Dose. The criticality analysis for Amendment 158 conservatively assumes gaps in Boraflex panels in excess of what would be expected for Boraflex panels that have reached the Saturation Dose. However, coupon surveillance and blackness tests will continue to monitor changes in Boraflex properties to assure that the analysis remains conservative.

The authorized fuel loading for the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool is described in Amendment 158 as well as in the license amendment application. Again, the criticality analysis described therein assumes the formation of gaps in the Boraflex panels conservatively larger than that which has been observed or that might be expected to occur at the Saturation Dose. The accumulation of the radiation exposure of the Boraflex is not a significant consideration in determining " fuel loading patterne, locations or other practices." An " unexpected variance in the exposure of the neutron absorbing material" has no significance to the criticality calculation.

REOUEST #9 This Request is similar to previous Requests. It seeks the algorithms utilized, a description of runs made, and the input and output in the criticality analysis for Amendment 158. In addition, the Request asks how the programs utilized were benchmarked.

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e g The computer programs (KENO-5a and NITAWL) utilized to support the Region A and Region B criticality analysis, including the documentation and algorithms, may be obtained directly from Oak Ridge National Laboratory as discussed in response to Request #1.

In addition, algorithms for KENO-Sa are described in NUREG/CR-0200, Volume 2, Section Fil, previously provided to CCHN by the NRC Staff.I' The computer runs that were performed for NNECo for Amendment 158 are described in documents provided in response to Request #1 above. See specifically the April 1992 Holtec final report and NNECo's license amendment application submittals.

The input parameters and the output Km values for the various cases run are also provided in response to Request #1.

The benchmarking of the computer programs is described in detail in Appendix C to the April 1992 Holtec final report.

REOUEST #10 This Request questions how various factors contribute to "the overall reactivity of the spent fuel pool." NNEco addresses each of the itemized factors below. However, as a threshold matter, it is important to recognize that the design criticality calculation is not necessarily af fected by the individual conditions posited in the l' See the letter to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board from NRC Staff Counsel, dated October 20, 1992.

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Request. The criticality analysis is an integrated calculation for each region of the pool, assuming that the region is completely filled, in the authorized configuration, with fuel of the maximum permissible reactivity. The following is only a qualitative assessment of how the calculation would be affected by the individual contributions of individual fuel components stored in the pool, as posited by CCMN.

a. There are only three consolidated fuel boxes (i.e., fuel boxes storing consolidated fuel assemblies as authorized by the 1986 fuel consolidation license amendment) presently stored at Millstone Unit No. 2; all three are in Region C of the spent fuel pool. Under Amendment 158, consolidated fuel storage is restricted to Region C, which does not utilize Boraflex. The criticality analysis for Region C and the design / configuration of Region C were unaffected by Amendment 158. Consequently, Region C is outside the scope of Amendment 158 and this proceeding.

Nonetheless, the reactivity effect in Region C of three consolidated fuel boxes is insignificant given the small number of boxes involved. Likewise, the reactivity ef fect of these boxes on Regions A and B is insignificant.

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b. _ COOL's question relates to the reactivity effect of a-atypical-proposed consolidated can." The reactivity of a consolidated.. spent fuel box (or "can") is-lower than the reactivity of an intact fuel assembly, assuming - fuel .of-equivalent enrichment and burnup. That is,-consolidating the rods from two intact fuel assemblies into a consolidation box will decrease the reactivity of the -

fuel. This occurs because the water (moderator) to:

uranium ratio is decreased as a result of the consolidation process.

Again,-it is important to note that, following Amendment 158, consolidated fuel is not authorized to be-stored in either Region A or Region B of the spent fuel pool. The criticality analysis at issue in this proceeding applies only to Regions A and B, i.e., the regions utilizing Boraflex.

c. Reactivity is a function of initial enrichment and burnup.-

The most reactive fuel in the spent-fuel pool is the fuel with the-lowest burnup for-the same initial enrichment.

-(The maximum permissible reactivity is- definod, for example,_by an enrichment versus burnup= curve, which is a l- curve of equivalent reactivity.)

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As a rough approximation, it may be assumed that the

--reactivity of the fuel decreases at a rate of 1% delta-K--

for each 1000 megawatt days 'per... metric . ton of uranium. .

(MWD /MTU) of burnup. Thus, if it is assumed that'the fuel.

accumulates 15000 MWD /MTU of burnup . per operating fuel cycle, then the reactivity, relative-to a fresh, unburned

. fuel assembly, will decrease by 15%, 30%, and 45% after' one, two, and three fuel cycles, respectively.

d. Any.non-fuel bearing material that would be stored in the spent fuel pool (including such material currently in the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool) will decrease the reactivity of the spent fuel pool. 'This--decrease is not credited in the Amendment 158 design . basis. criticality analysis.

L- REQUEST #11 This Request seeks " accident- records of all previous criticality accidents, beginning'in 1945, for both commercial and

. weapons industries."

L As discussed in previous correspondence.with CCMN, NNECo is not-responding to this request in two. respects. 1First, to the extent-p the request- relates to' criticality accident consequences, the.

Request seeks- information - that is .not- germane to.~the . issue-(regarding the criticality calculation for Amendment 158) admitted-

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in this proceeding. Criticality accident consequences have been clearly ruled out of this proceeding by the Licensing Board.

Second, to the extent this Request seeks records and information related to criticality accidents generally in the weaponn industry and at other commercial facilities, the request is overbroad. The Request by its terms is not limited to spent fuel pool storage that might have some bearing on the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool. Accordingly, NNECo is not responding to the Request as it might relate to criticality accidents unrelated to spent fuel pool waste storage (e.g. , in core criticality accidents) .

Based upon informal communications with CCMN, NNECo understands that CCMN's interest apparently is not criticality accident consequences, but " operational experience" related to spent fuel pool storage that might suggest how criticality accidents mighc occur. NNECo again notes here that issues related to the adequacy of the design basis accident analysis analyzed for the Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel pool, including the nature and scope of accident scenarios analyzed, are outside the scope of this proceeding. Nonetheless, NNECo has evaluated the Request from the perspective of " operational experience" that might have some bearing on storage of fuel in spent fuel pools.

To the best of our knowledge, there have been ng criticality accidents in the United States in commercial spent fuel pools. Any data from such accidents in fuel storage at weapons facilities is

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not available to NNEco. Thus, NNECo has no inforsation responsive to the Request (limited as described above).

REOUEST #12 As discussed in previous correspondence with CCMN, this Request is entirely related to criticality accident consequences -- a matter outside the scope of this proceeding. NNECo provides no response here.

REQUESTS #13 and 15 As discussed in prior correspondence with CCMN, to the extent these Requests relate to storage of Millstone Unit No. 2 spent fuel beyond the capacity presently authorized, the Requests are beyond the scope of this proceeding. Any storage increases necessary to allow operation of the unit for its full operating life, or any proposals to change authorized storage for any other reason, are independent of Amendment 158 and irrelevant to the Amendment 158 criticality analysis here at issue. Likewise, the prior license amendment of March 1988 authorizing fuel consolidation is beyond the scope of this proceeding.

With this limitation in mind, NNECo provides the following to respond to both Request #13 and Request #15.

Millstone Unit No. 2 is currently licensed by the NRC for operation through 2015.

As currently licensed (including Amendment 158), assuming no fuel consolidation, the spent fuel pool has capacity for the following total intact fuel assemblies:

I Region A -- 224  ;

Region B -- 120 l Reaion C -- 728  ;

Total -- 1072 Region C is licensed for fuel consolidation in accordance with a March 1988 license amendment. Consolidation expands capacity to 1925 equivalent fuel assemblies. This includes 688 consolidated boxes in Region C with fuel assemblies at a ratio of two assemblies per box.

Current storage in the spent fuel pool following the recent core reload is illustrated in a fuel pool storage map (dated December 2, 1992, Bates # 002904) provided in response to Request

  1. 7. A summary of storage locations that remain available for future storage also is provided in Attachment 3 hereto.

Assuming no further fuel consolidation, and with allowance for maintaining full core discharge capability (see response to Request

  1. 14 below), the presently available storage in the poci (as authorized by Amendment 158) will last until the beginning of Cycle 13 (mid-1994). (Millstone Unit No. 2 has just started Cycle 12 operation. Cycle 12 will extend through approximately the first quarter of 1994. The Cycle 12 offload will be at least 72 assemblies. Full core discharge capacity is 217 locations.

Accordingly, Cycle 13 operation would begin without full core l

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discharge capacity with the currently licensed storage and no further consolidation.)

Consolidation as presently licensed would increase effective storage capacity as discussed above. This would allow fuel storage for operation (with allowance for full core discharge) during cycle 13 and beyond, although not necessarily to end of plant licensed life.

REOUEST #14 Northeast Utilities currently has no plans to change or cease its policy of maintaining full core offload capacity in the spent fuel pool.

The reconfiguration of the spent fuel pool authorized by Amendment 158 allows current operation of Millstone Unit No. 2 with allowance for the corporate policy of maintaining full core discharge capability.

REOUEST #16 CCHN asks under what conditions Region B may be utilized for storage of "anything" other than new fuel without first obtaining a license amendment.

The Technical Specifications for Region B specify the maximum enrichment of new fuel that is allowed to be stored. As discussed in the response to Request #10c., the reactivity of a fuel assembly is decreased as it accumulates burnup. Therefore, fuel with any-amount of burnup is currently allowed to be stored in Region _B, as e long as the enrichment limit is satisfied. Storage of burned fuel in Region B lowers the reactivity of the Region relative to the storage of new fuel of the same enrichment.

As noted above, consolidated fuel assemblies may not be stored ,

in Region B.- However, non-fuel bearing components or materials may be stored in Region B since they do not contribute positively to the reactivity of the pool.

Respectfully submitted, PD, NC hicholas S. Reynolds David A. Repka John A._MacEvoy WINSTON & STRAWN 1400 L Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20005-3502 202-371-5700 Attorneys for Northeast Nuclear Energy Company-Dated at Washington, D.C.,

this 15th day of January, 1993 l

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-33]PONSE #1 Starting Ending Document Bates No. Bates No. Date Document D3seriotion 000001 000001 04/09/92 Letter to Mark Soler (HOLTEC International):from William c. Vernetson'(Consultant) re Review of Spent Fuel Storage Rack Criticality Safety Analysis for Northeast Utilities Millstone Unit 2.

000002 000074 04/92 Report titled " Fuel Rack Analyses for Millstone Unit 2 (with Caps in the Boraflex)," prepared by Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC) for Northeast Utilities.

000075 000077 06/26/92 Letter to A.W. Cretella (Northeast Utilities) from Norton L. Shapiro (Asea Brown Boveri) re Review of ABB Criticality Analyses.

000078 000089 Undated NUREG/CR-5033; ORNL/CSD/TM-252--Report prepared for the NRC by C.V. Parks (Martin Marietta) re Summary Description of the SCALE Modular Code System.

000090 000110 01/18/79 Letter to All Power Reactor Licensees from Brian Grimes (NRC) re modifications to 1978 NRC Cuidance entitled " Review and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Storage and Handling Applications." Includes additional cover letter, and enclosure ("OT Position for. Review and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Storage and Handling Applications").

000111 000111 11/10/92 List telecopied on 11/10/92 titled " Request for Information Related to Independent criticality Calculations for-the' Keno V.a Monte Carlo Criticality Program of Region 8 of Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Pool," requesting information on material composition, dimensions, and tolerances of various components.

000112 000137 06/04/92 Letter to John-F. Opeka (Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company / Northeast Nuclear Energy Company):

from Guy S. Vissing (NRC) re Issuance of Amendment (TAC No. M83180) (changes the Millstone Unit No. 2 Technical Specifications by modifying the existing

two region spent fuel pool design to a three region configuration). (with enclosures)

[ 000138 000141 11/20/92 Letter to John F. Opeka (Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company / Northeast Nuclear Energy Company) from Guy S. Vissing (NRC) re Request for Information for Performing the criticality Analysis of the Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Pool.

Enclosurest " Request for Information Related to Independent criticality Calculations for the Keno.

V.a Monte Carlo Criticality Program of Region B of Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Pool," requesting information on material composition, dimensions, and tolerances of various componente.

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StCrting. Ending D2cument  ;

Bates No2 Bates No. Date -Doc"= ant Descriotion 1 000142 000154 04/10/92 Letter (20110-A03, Rev. 1) to George Betancourt.

(Northeast Utilities) from Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International) re Criticality Safety Analyses of the Killstone Unit 2 Spent' Fuel Storage Racks with Revised Arrangements and Postulated Gaps.- (with enclosures) 000155 000184 04/16/92 Notarized letter (B14102 ) ' to NRC f rom John F. Opeka. ,

(Northeast Nuclear Energy Company) re Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Revision '

to Technical Specifications Spent Fuel Pooi '

> Reactivity. (with enclosures) 000185 000188 05/07/92 Notarized letter (B14138) to NRC from-John F. Opeka (Northeast Nuclear Energy Company) re Millstone.

Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Proposed Revision-to Technical Specification Spent - Fuel Pool Reactivity--Correction. (with enclosures) 000189 000197 11/24/92 Letter (B14302) to NRC from John F. Opeka (Northeast Nuclear Energy Company) re Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Pool Criticality License Lmendment Response to Request for Additional Information. (with enclosures) 000198 000200 01/15/92 Lett r (NE-92-F-012) to S.I. Turner (HOLTEC International) from John R. Guerci'(Northeast Utilities) re Data for Millstone 2 Spent Fuel PoolJ Region 1 Evaluation. (with enclosure) 000201 000206 04/10/92 Safety Evaluation Number SE-MP2-92-021, Revision' No. 0; Plant Change Number 2-4-92; Plant change Title " Tech Spec Change for Spent Fuel Pool-Storage"; approved by A.E. Livolsi (Northeast-Utilities) and John R. Guerci (Northeast-Utilities).

000207 000214 03/16/92 Letter [NE-92-F-121] to S.I. Turner (HOLTEC-International) from-John R. Guerci (Northeast Utilities) re data for Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Pool Region 1 Evaluation. (with enclosures) 000215 000216 04/10/92 Telecopier cover Letter to Stan_ Turner-(HOLTCC-International) from John R.?Guerci (Northeast.

Utilities) forwarding Millstone 2 Figure 5.1, Milletone Unit 2 Batch P2 (diagram with assembly quadrant, instrument tube,-and guide __ tube information).

000217 000217 04/24/92 Letter :(NE-92-F-186) to J.R. Guerci? (Northeast -

, Utilities)'from R.J. Badon-(Northeast-Utilities) re Minimum Required Fuel Assembly Exposure as a Function of Initial Enrichment to Permit Fuel Storage in Region A of MP2 Spent-Fuel Pool.

000218 000218 04/07/92 Telecopied message to G. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from Stan Turner (HOLTEC_ International) providing the values for the burnup LLuit curve..

000219 000219 Undated Undated graph titled Burnup vs. Enrichment for MP2/ Region-1/ Region A.


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o .

Storting Ending Doewment Bates No2 Bates No. .. _ D a t g Q2gument Descriction 000220 000234 04/10/92 Telecopied snessage to G. Detancourt (Northeast Utilities) frem Stan Turner 610LTIC International) providing revision 1 of his last letter (04/10/92 letter (20110-A03 Rev. 1) to George Betancourt (Northeast Utilit us) from Stanley E. Turner (HOITEC 16ternational) re Criticality Safety Analyses of tr.a Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Storage Racks with Revised Arrangements and Postulated Gaps (with enclosures)) and attaching a copy of Dr.

William G. Vernetson's letter (04/09/92, to H.

Soler, re " Review of Spent Fuel Storage Rack Criticality Safety Analysis for Northeast Utilities Hillstone Unit 2") documenting the independent review.

EERZ2 KIN..fl Documents Addressina survel11ance counon.., Test Results Starting Ending Document Bates No. Bates No. Date Document De 'riotion 000235 000235 11/27/84 Letter to W.J. Doyle (Combustion Engineering, Inc.)

from J.D. Liwo (Bisco Products, Inc.) certifying that the material described therein meets the requirements of Purchase order 9471856-11784-1 for 1,550 Sheets of Boraflex Neutron Absorbing Material produced to specific limits, as noted.

000236 000236 11/06/84 Certificate of Compliance Final Inspection Log Sheet to C-E Power Systems from Bisco Products, Inc. (signed by Christine Klaver and David A.

Kroman) re Purchase Order 9471856-11784, Item 1, Supplement #1 at Millstone Point Unit 2 for Boraflex.

000237 000238 04/17/86 Certificate of Analysis to Andrew S. Pavlovich (Lloyd B. Cogswell Mfg. Co., Inc.) from F.R.

Klebacher (New England Testing Laboratory, Inc.) re sixteen submitted pieces of rubber sheet stock (Order No. 30167; Case No. 60325-11). (with enclosure) 000239 000241 05/07/90 Letter (PSE-90-SA-086] to J.J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeaut Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent ruel Storage Racks - Evaluation of Boraflex Surveillance Coupon Results.

000242 000243 04/22/91 Letter (EN2-91-135) to Brendan J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from John J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) re Boraflex coupon #5 Analysis Report Summary and Surveillance Program Update.

000244 000280 04/04/92 Letter to Rick C. Bonner (Northeast Utilities) from John J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) re Summary -

EPRI Boraflex Coupon Inspection Results.


03/30/92 letter to R. Lambert (EPRI),

G. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities), and J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) from K. Lindquist (Northeast Technology Corp. ) re Distribution of Report NET-x 043-M1, as well as that 03/;G/32 raport

(" Inspection Report First Inspection of EPRI coupons M1, Ha, M3 and M4 from Millstone 2"),

prepared for EPRI by Northeast Technology Corp.

000281 000331 11/10/87 Letter (KP2-87-280] to J.J. Gibson (sic.)

(Northeast Utilities) from R.C. Jacques (Combustion Engineering) re Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Rack Surveillance Capsule #2 Report.

Enclosure 10/29/87 report (70385-9351-Q-013]

titled " Examination of Spent Fuel Rack Surveillance Capsule #2 from Millstone Unit 2," prepared by J.S.

Glar. man and D.N. Palmer.(Combustion Engineering, Inc.) for Northeast Utilities (NUSCO).

~ .. . . . .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ .

Stcrting Inding D0cument Bates No. Bates Not .._ D at t__ Doc"= ant Descrintion 000332 000390 06/05/90 Letter (NMM-90-088) to R. Bonner.(Northeast Utilities) from J.S. Glaaman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) re revisions to previously issued reports on the Boraflex surveillance capsules 3 and' 4 from the Millstone Unit 2 Nuclear Plant, to correct typographical errors and include supporting documents omitted-from the original issues.

Enclosurest 05/04/90 report [70385-9351-Q-018,.

Revision 01) titled " Examination of Spent Fuel Rack Surveillance Capsule #3 from Millstone . Unit 2,"

prepared by J.S. Glaaman and D.N. Palmer (Combustion Engineering, Inc.):for Northeast Utilities-(NUSCO);

05/04/90 report [00000-EID-039,-Rev. 01) titled

" Spent Fuel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption p Test Report (Millstone Surveillance Capsule #3)," )

prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.);  !

05/04/90 report [00000-EID-075, Reis. 00) titled

" Spent Fuel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption Test Procedure," prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.);

12/18/87 Northeast Utilities - Combustion-Engineering, Inc. Work Scope / Schedule Change for Millstone Two 1988, Work Scope Change No.- 87-001-1 re Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Sample Testing Unit-2, approved by NU and CE representatives; 05/06/87 Surveillance Cover Sheet prepared by J.J.

Gibson (Northeast Utilities) re Spent Fuel Pool-Poison Coupon Surveillance System; 01/25/88 letter [MP-2-6601) to J.S. Glasman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) from John S. Keenan (Northeast Utilities) re the Examination and Storage'of Spent Fuel Pool Neutron Absorber Surveillance Coupon No. 2--Millstone 2 (with enclosures 08/18/88 letter [NU-88-095) to E.M.

McNatt (NU) from J.C. Winslow (C-E, inc.).re Examination of Spent Fuel Rack Surveillance Capsule; 08/10/98 report [70385-9351-0-018) titled

" Examination of Spent Fuel Rack Surveillance Capsule #3 from Milletone Unit 2," prepared by J.S.

Glaaman and D.N. Palmer (Combustion Engineering, Inc.) for Northeast Utilities (NUSCO).

000391 000391 06/20/89 Letter to J.S. Glaaman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) from John S. Keenan (Northeast Utilities) re the Examination of Spent Fuel Pool' Storage Rack-Boraflex Surveillance Coupon No. 3--Millstone 2.

000392 000392 06/19/89 Radiation Survey Figure No. O re Millstone Unit 2 SFP coupon (includes handwrittaa notes re dose rates and contamination levels).

e .

, Stcrting Ending D2cument

!- Bates No. Bates No. Date Document Descriotion 000393 000397 05/16/89 Invoice to Northeast Utilities from combustion Engineering, Inc. re service for the examination of one spent fuel rack surveillance coupon for Millstone Unit 2 in accordance with proposal C-E

  1. 87-606-10 dated 03/13/87.

000398 000473 06/05/90 Letter [NMM-90-0881 to R. Bonner (Northeast Utilities) from J.S. Olatman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) re revisions to previously issued reports on the Boraflex Surveillance capsules 3 and 4 from

. the Millstone Unit 2 Nuclear Plant, to correct typographical errors and include supporting documents omitted from the original issues.

Enclosurest 05/04/90 report (70385-9351-Q-031, Revision 01) titled " Examination of Spent Fuei Rack Surveillance capsule #4 from Millstone Unit 2,"

prepared by J.S. Clamman and D.N. Palmer (Combustion Engineering, Inc.) for Northeast Utilities (NUSCO);

05/04/90 report [00000-EID-075, Rev. 00) titled

" Spent Fuel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption Test Procedure," prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.);

05/04/90 report [00000-EID-056, Rev. 01] titled

" Spent Fuel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption Test Report (Millstone Surveillance Capsule #4),"

prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.);

08/30/89 letter (NMM-89-139) to Brendan J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from J.S. Clasman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) re attaching 08/30/89 report (70385-9351-Q031) titled " Examination of Spent Fuel Surveillance capsule #4 from Millstone Unit 2";

08/30/89 report (70385-9351-QO31] titled

" Examination of Spent Fuel Surveillance Capsule #4 from Millstone Unit 2," prepared by J.S. Clazman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE);

07/20/89 report (00000-EID-056, Rev. GG) titled

" Spent Fuel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption Test Report (Millstone Surveillance Capsule #4),"

prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.).

in . . .

l Sttrting Ending Document

{ Bates No. Bates No. Date Document Descrintion 000474 000554 05/02/90 Letter to Rick Bonner (Northeast Utilities) and Brendan Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from John Gibson (Northeast Utilities) re Spent ruel Pool Boraflex coupon Surveillance Program.

Enclosuragi 05/01/90 letter (PSE-SA-090-086] to J.J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) from G.N.

Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent ruel Storage Macks--Evaluation of Boraflex surveillance Coupon Results; 07/27/90 Radiation Survey Figure No. O re " Coupon" (includes handwritten notes);

07/30/90 letter (EN2-90-164] to J.S. Glasman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) from John S. Keenan (Northeast Utilities) re the Examination of Spent ruel Pool Storage Rack Boraflex surveillance Coupon No. 4--Millstone 2 (2 copies);

08/03/90 draft letter (PSE-SA-90-151] to W.E.

Hutchins (tlortheast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent ruel Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon Boraflex Degradation; 11/18/90 letter (NE-90-RA-836] to B.J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from J.L. Wheeler (Northeast Utilities) re Integrated Dose to MP-2 Spent ruel Pool Boraflex Coupons;


08/21/90 letter (NE-90-RA-603) to B.J. Duffy.

(Northeast Utilities) from J.L. Wheeler (Northeast Utilities) re Integrated Dose to MP-2 Spent ruel Pool Boraflex Coupons; 04/22/91 letter (EN-91-135) to Brendan J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from John J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) re Boraflex Coupon #5 Analysis Report Sununary and Surveillance Program Update; 03/22/91 letter (NMM-91-051] to Brendan J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from J.S. Glasman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE) re enclosing the report

" Examination of Spent ruel Rack Surveillance Coupon-

  1. 5 from Millstone Unit 2";

03/21/91 report (93890-9351-0064) titled

" Examination of Spent ruel Surveillance Capsule #5 from Millstone Unit 2," prepared by J.S. Glasman (Asea Brown Boveri; ABB CE);

10/11/90 report (00000-EID-079, Rev. 00) titled

" Spent ruel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption Test Report--Millstone Surveillance Capsule #5),"

prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.);

10/11/90 report (00000-EID-078, Rev. 00) titled

" Spent ruel Surveillance Capsule Neutron Absorption Test Procedure," prepared by D.H. Walker (Combustion Engineering, Inc.);

l l

Starting Ending Document 1g13L 122 agtta_Enz Date D.gggasnt Deaerlotion 04/22/91 letter (EN2-91-135) to Brendan J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) frora John J. Gibson (Northeast Utilities) re Boraflex coupon #5 Analysis Report Sumnary and Surveillance Program Update.

- - ~. . - - .

RESPONSE #2 Documents Related to Botaflex Dearadation at M111 stone 2 Stcrting Ending Document EllisENo. Bates No. Date Document Descrietion 000555 000555 08/07/90 Summary (presumably by Robert Borchert (Northeast-Utilities)) re Spent Fuel Pool Poison Surveillance coupon Boraflex Degradation at Millstone 2.

000556 000572 10/23/90 Letter (GFL-90-7821 to Distribution (Northeast Utilities) from R.M. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) re Closure of SSH 90-06 (MP2). (with enclosure)

Knelosurest 08/06/90 letter (PSE-SA-90-151] to Richard C. Bonner (Northeast Utilities) from G.N.

Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon Boraflex Degradation; PIR to Brendan Duffy (Northeast Utilities)-from Unit 2 PIR Report Coordinator re PIR Investigation-

-Not Reportable; 07/27/90 Plant Incident Report re SFP Poison Coupon Degradation; 07/27/90 telephone memorandum of conversation between R. Bonner, J. Parillo, G. Norm, and J.

Gibson (all of Northeast Utilities) re MP2 Spent Fuel Pool Reactivity Condition; 09/04/90 letter (PSE-SA-90-169] to T.J. Mawson from-G.N. Betancourt re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Racks--Gaps in Boraflex Poison; 08/24/90 event notification-(event number 19189) to Tom Silk from Jaycox/Sandin (Northeast Utilities) re discovery during inspection of gaps in the Boraflex poison used in the spent-fuel pool racks in two locations; 08/07/90 letter [B13605) to NRC from E.J.~Mroczka (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon--Boraflex-Degradation;-

10/01/90 letter (B13647] to NRC from C.F. Sears /-

for E.J. Mrocaka (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel . Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon--Boraflex Degradation.

000G73 000573 07/27/90 07/27/90 telephone memorandum of conversation between R. Bonner,-J. Parillo, G. Nerm. and'J.

Gibson (all of Northeast Utilities) re MP2 Spent Fuel Pool Reactivity Condition.

000574 000605 06/10/92 Letter (EN2-92-300) to Rick C. Bonner (Northeast Utilities) from John J. Gibson _ (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool-Boraflex Poison Racks.

' Enclosure Report titled " Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Poison Racks -- A Chronological-Overview."

l' l l l

e ';

Stcrting __ Ending - Document' Bates No. Bates.Not Date Doc"==nt Descriotion

'000606 000615- 07/27/90 Plant Incident Report ce SFP_ Poison Coupon Degradation..

Enclosurest 07/27/90 telephone memorandum of .

conversation between R. Bonner, J. Parillo, G.

Norm, and -J. Gibson (all of Northeast Utilities) - re .

MP2 Spent Fuel Pool Reactivity Condition; PIR 90-068, SFP Poisen Coupon Degradation;-

08/07/90 letter-(B13605] to NRC from E.J. Mroczkal (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spenti Fuel Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon--Boraflex; Degradation; 08/07/90 summary (presumably by Robert Borchert (Northeast Utilities)) re Spent Fuel = Pool Poison-Surveillance coupon Boraflex Degradation at Milletone 2; 08/Ob/SO letter (PSE-SA-90-151] to Richard C.

Bonner (Northeast Utilities) from G.N.'Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent-Fuel Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon--Boraflex Degradation.

000616 000634 03/25/92 Report (NET-040-M2] prepared for EPRI by Northeast-Technology Corp. titled " Inspection Report Millstone Unii No. 2 Boraflex Panel ' Inspections East and West Panels from Cell D-9."

000635 000637 05/01/90 Letter (PSE-SA-90-086) to J.J.'Gibson-(Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Storage Racks--Evaluation of Boraflex Surveillance Coupon Results.

000638 000640 11/15/91 Letter (SE-91-463]'to W.E.-Hutchins (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Milletone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Surveillance Testing. (with enclosure) 000641 000644 11/2C/91 Distribution cover sheet,(813979] to Millstone 2,.

J.F..Opekt,;E.A. DeBarba, and W.D.-Rombarg (all of Northeast Utilities) from W.E. Hutchins, W.R.

Koste, G. Betancourt, and J.R. Guerci (all of Northeast utilities) .

Enclosuret 11/21/91 letter (B13979] to NRC from C.F. Sears /for J.F. Opeka (Northeast Utilities): re-Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Boraflex Degradation in' Spent Fuel' Racks (TAC No.


-1.0 -


_ _ _. _. ~. . - --_

Stcrting Ending Dorunant Bates No. Bates NCi. . 7 7 L'A_.. lMgument Descrintion 000645 000650 02/11/91 Distribution cover sheet and NRC Corrospondence-Receipt and Distribution Cover Sheet (A09329) to Millstone 2, TBS, PAB, BWC, JSU, WEH, RMK, GVN, J.F. Opeka, J.A. Blaisdell, T.J. Dante, R.J.

Factora, C.H. Clemeat, J.S. Harris, R.G. Joshi, M.S. Kai, M..Kupinski, T.J. Mawson, M. Manolakis, Nuclear Records, (illegible), G. Betancourt (all.of Northeast Utilities) from E.J. Mroczka (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Boraflex Degradation in MP2 Spent Fuel Racks.

Enclosure 02/07/91 letter to E.J. Mroczka (Northeast Utilities) from Guy S. Vissing (NRC) re Boraflex Degradation in Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Racks (TAC No. 77725). _ (with enclosures safety -


000651 000653 01/04/91 Letter (A09150) to NRC from E.J. Mroczka (Northeant-Utilities) re Millstone Nuclear Power Statron, Unit No. 2 Request for Additional Information--Boraflex Degradation in Spent Fuel Pool Storage Racks (TAC No. 77726).

000654 000656 10/01/90 NRC Correspondence Sign-Off and Distribution sheet

[B13647) re MP2 Spent Fuel Racks, Boraflex Degradation, to W.I. Hutchins, W.D. Romberg, JSR, TJM, M.P. Hills, MAC (G. van-Noordonnen), R.L.

McGuinness, S.M. Oates, D. Beauchamp, P.A.

Blaisdell (all of Northeast Utilities) and G.S.

Vissing (NRC).

Enclosure 10/01/90 letter (813647] to dRC from C.F. Sears /for E.J. Mroczka (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Racks Boraflex Degradation.

000657 000650 09/07/90 Letter [EN2-90-201) to Millstone Unit 2 PORC Membera (Ncrtheast Utilities) from Rick Bonner (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Racks Boraflex Poison Degesdation, PIR's 2 68, 2-90-78.

000659 000660 09/05/90 Letter (PSE-SA-90-170) to R.C. Bonner (No'rtheast Utilities) from G.N. Eetancourt (Nortneast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Racks -

Gaps in Boraflex Poison.

000661 000662 09/04/90 Letter (PSE-SA-90-169) to T.J. Mawson (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone tnit No. 2 Spent Fuel Racks

- Gaps in Boraflex Poison.

000663 000663 08/07/90 Summary (presumably by Robert Borchert (Northeast Utilities)) re Gaps observed in the Boraflex Poison in the Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Pool Storage Racks.

000664 000666 03/18/92 Telecopier Cover Letter to G. Botancourt (North ast Utilities) from R. Borchert ' (Northeast Utilities) . -

Enclosurgi PIR 2-91-116.

Stcrting Ending Do2umont gatna No. Bates Not Date_. Doc"--at Descrintion 000667 000668 09/06/90 Letter (02810-A02) to G. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) froe Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International) re Significance of Cape observed in slackness Tests on M111 stone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Storage Racks.

000669 000671 01/04/91 Letter (A09150) to NRC from E.J. Mroczka (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2 Request for Additional Information--Soraflex Degradation in Spent Fuel lool Storage Racks (TAC No. 77726).

000672 000670 02/07/91 Letter to 5.J. Mrocska (Northeast Utilities) from Guy S. Vissing (MRC) to Borafles Degradation in Milletone 2 Spent Fuel Racks (TAC No. 77725).

(with enclosures safety evaluation) 000676 000C77 09/04/90 Letter.[?SE-SA-90-169) to T.J. Mawson (Northeast Utilities) from 0.N. Detancourt (Northeasu-Utilities) re Milletone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Racks

- Caps in Borafles Poison.

000678 000681 08/07/90 Letter (813605) to KRC from C.F. Sears /for E.J.

Mroczka (Hortheast Utilities) re Millstone Unit =No.

2 Spent Fuel Racks Poison Surveillance Coupon--

Boraflex Degradation.

000682 000685 09/04/90 Letter (PSE-S A-90-169) to -T.J. Mawson -(Northeast-Utilities) from 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Racks

- Caps in Boraflex Poison.

000686 000690 11/05/90 Portions of MP3/MP2 Inspection Report (A09140) 000691 000692 09/10/91 Letter to E.J. Krocsk4 (Northeast Utilities) from E.C. Wensinger (NRC) re Millstone Unit 1 Inspection 91-13.

Enclosuret page from 10-245/91-13.

000693 000695 12/05/91 Inspection Report . 50-336/91-28 to Northeast Utilities from Eugene M. Kelly, et al.-(NRC).

(enclosee a portion of report to Spent Fuel Pool' Boraflex Inspec'tions) 000696 000700 06/30/92 Distribution cover sheet (313939) to D.F. Clement, J.P. Ferguson, M.E. Gentry, J.S. Harrie, T.J.

' Honan, R.G. Joshi, M.P. Pearson, S.E. #cace, K.M.

Sita,_d.A. DeBarba, W.D, Romberp- c.F. Sears, LIS Information Service, NUSoo Mana (all of Northeast Utilities).

Eneiosure 02/11/92 letter (513939] to NRC from C.F. 6eare/for J.F. Opeka (Northeast Utilities) re Milletone Nuclear Power Station,-Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel-Pool Doraflex Surveillance Coupons.

12 -

1 c -.


Stcrting Ending Document Ritat_EgA Bits.s Nc. Date [LQe - nt Description 000701 000748 07/05/91 Distribution cover sheet to 0.N. Betancourt (and to Nuclear Racords, S. Chandra, J.H. Ferguson, M.

Kupinski, M.A. Ciccone, W.R. Kosta, P.M. Austin, R.H. Kacich, O.P. van Noordonnen, P. Callaghan)

(all of Northeast Utilities) re Completed Reportability Evaluation.

Enclosurg11 01/18/91 Reportability Evaluation Fons/ Operability Determinations by Northeast Utilities re Boraflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks; 01/11/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-007) to 0.P. Van Noordonnen (Northeast Utilities) from 0.N.

Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Storage Boraflex Degradation; 01/18/91 telecepter cover letter to Carl Clement (Northeast Utilities) from Tom Silko (Northeast Utilities) re whether to proceed with evaluation; Distribution and NRC Correspondence Receipt and Distribution cover sheets for letter (A09329) re Hillstone Unit No. 2 Boraflex Degradation in MP2 Spent Fuel Racks; 02/07/91 letter to E.J. Mroczka (Northeast Utilities) from Guy S. Vissing (NRC) re Boraflex Degradation in Millstone 2 Spent Fuel Racks (TAC No. 77725) (with enclosures safety evaluation);

01/28/91 letter [KP3-E-91-022) to C.H. Clement (Northeast Utilities) from J.S. Harris (Northeast Utilities) re Hillstone 3 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Reportability Evaluation; 03/26/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-041) to s. Chandra (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re MP3 Spent Fuel Racks Boraflex Poison / coupon Surveillance Specimen; 03/26/91 Substantial Safety Hazard form to Boraflex Poison Coupon Surveillance Specimen in MP3 spent fuel racks; 04/24/91 letter (CFL-91-2921 to Distribution (Northeast Utilities) from R.H. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) re closure of SSH 91-01 (MP3);

04/03/91 Substantial Safety Hazard form (MP3-91-01) re Boraflex Poison coupon Surveillance Specimen in MP3 spent fuel racks; 03/26/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-041) to S. Chandra (Northeast Utilities) from 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re MP3 Spent Fuel Racks Boraflex Poison / Coupon Surveillance Specimen;.

03/26/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-040) to R.M. Kacich I

(Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt I

(Northeast Utilities) re M111 stone Unit No. 3 Spent

Fuel Racks /Soraflex Reportability Evaluation / Determination; l


starting Ending D:cument Batse_ggA Bates No. Date _ _

Doc"==nt Description 04/25/91 REF Evaluation (NEO 2.25) cover sheet to Technical Reviewers (Northeast Utilities) from T.

silko re REF #91-02; 04/10/91 lett6r (GFL-91-253] to G.M. Betancourt  ;

(Northeast Utilities) from R.M. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) re Status of REF 91-02 (KP3),

"Botaflex/Poisor. Spent Fuel Racks";

05/22/91 letter to C.H. Clement (Northeast Utilities) from R.M. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) re Preliminary Reportability Recoornendation for REF =

  1. 91-02 (MP3), "Boraflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks";

05/10/91 Reportability Evaluation signed by A.2.

Livolsi and J.R. Guerci (Northeast Utilities);

05/08/91 report by A.S. Livoisi (Northeast Utilities) re Reactivity Contributions from Soraflex Panel Degradation; 04/30/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-061] to J.R. Guerci (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 spent Fuel Rack - noraflex Degradation; various charts re Spent Fuel Pool; 05/03/91 telephone memorandum of conversation and D.T.

between McDaniel reJ.R. Guerciof(Northeast history fuel typesUtilities)in stored Region-1 of MP3 spent fuel pool; 06/06/91 letter (PSE-5C-91-077] to R.L. McGuinness (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 Spent

-Fuel Rack - Doraflex Degradation - REF. #91-02; 06/27/91 interoffice memorandum to Carl Clement from Thomas Silko re REF #91-02 (MP3)

  • Boraflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks."


l l

e .

FJ R9EII_f2 Documents Related to Botafigs Dearadallon at M111 stone 3 Starting Ending Document Dates Not ggigg_g2A Date Document Descriotion 000749 000752 03/26/91 Letter (PSE-SC-91-041) to S. Chandra (Northeast Utilities) from G.H. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re MP3 Spent Fuel Racks - Doraflex Poison / Coupon Surveillance Specimen.

000753 000760 11/12/92 Letter (NE-92-RA-477) to R.H. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Hillstone Unit 3 Spent Fuel Racks Boraflex Degradation (with enclosure);

Eng12tgrati 04/10/91 letter (GFL-91-253) to G.N.

Detancourt (Northeast Utilities) from R.H. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) re Status of REF 91-02 (MP3),

  • Boraflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks";

03/26/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-040] to R.H. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Detancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Hillstone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Racks /Boraflex Reportability Evaluation / Determination; 09/10/91 NRC Inspction Report (a portion) re Boraflex surveillance Program (50-245/89-08-04);

06/06/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-077) to R.L. McGuinness (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Hillstone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Rack - Bormflex Degradation - REF #91-02; 12/01/91 letter (NE-92-RA-502] to R.H. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) from G.H. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Hi11 stone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Rack Boraflex Degradation."

4 .

Stcrting Ending DCeumont Mates No. Bates.No. __Date Document Description 000761 000808 07/05/91 Memo to G.N. Betancourt from T.B. Fiiko re -

Completed Reportability Evaluation (REF #91-02);

Enclosurest Reportability Evaluation Form / Operability Determinations by Northeast Utilities re Boraflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks; 01/11/91 letter (P83-SC-91-007) to G.P. Van Noordonnen (Northeast Utilities) froe G.N.

Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Storage Boraflex Degradation; 01/18/91 telecopier cover letter to. carl Clement (Northeast Utilities) from Tom 511ko (Northeast-Utilities) re whether to proceed with evaluation; Distribution and NRC Correspondence Receipt and Distribution cover sheets for letter (A09329) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Borafles Degradation in MP2-spent Fuel Racks; 02/07/91 letter to E.J. Nroczka-(Wortheast-Utilities) from Guy S. Vissing (NRC) re Boraflex Degradation in Milletone 2 Spent Fuel Racks (TAC No. 77725) (with enclosures safety evaluation);

01/28/91 letter (MP3-E-91-022) to C.H. Clement (Northeast Utilities)-from J.S.-Harris,(Northeast Utilities) re Milletone 3 Spent - Fuel _ Pool Boraflex Reportability Evaluation)


03/26/91 letter (PSE-SC-91-041) to s. Chandra (Northeast Utilities) f rom G.N. - Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re MP3 Spent Fuel Racks Boraflex Poison / Coupon Surveillance specimen; 03/26/91 substantial safety Hazard form re Bortflex Poison Coupon _ Surveillance Specimen in MP3 spent fuel racks; 04/24/91-letter (GFL-91-2921 to Distribution (Northeast -Utilities) f ron ' R.M.- Kacich- (Northeast '

Utilities) re_ Closure of.ssH 91-01 (MP3);

03/26/91 substantia 1'ssfety. Hazard form (MP3-91-01]

re Boraflex Poison Coupon Surveillance Specimen in- '

MP3 spent fuel racks; 03/26/91- letter (PSE-sc-91-041) to S. Chandra-(Northeast Utilities)- from G.N. Betancourt-(Northeast Utilities)' re MP3 spent-Fuel Racks Borafles Poison / coupon Serveillance specimen;-

03/26/91:1stter [PSE-SC-91-040) to R.M. Kacich -

'(Northeast Utilities). from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) ' re' M111 stone Unit No. 3 Spent L Fuel Racks /Borafles Reportability ,

Evaluation / Determination; L 04/25/91 REF Evaluation (NEO 2.25)' Reviewers (Northeast = Utilities)Lfrom T..

silko re REF #91-02; i


[ -~-.

e e 8ttrting In31ng Document Bates No. pates No. Data Document Description 04/10/91 letter (GFL-91-253) to 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from R.M. Kachch (Northeast Utilities) re Status of RIF 91-02 (MP3),

'Botaflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks";

05/22/91 letter to C.M. Clement (Northeast Utilities) from R.M. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) re Preliminary Reportability Recoaunendation for REF

  1. 91-02 (MP3), "Borafism/Paison Spent Fuel Racks";

05/10/91 Reportability Evaluation signed by A.E.

Livolsi and J.R. Guerci (Northeast Utilities);

05/08/91 report by A.E. Livolsi (Northeast Utilities) re Reactivity Contributions from Boraflex Panel Degradation; 04/30/91 letter [PSE-SC-91-061] to J.R. Guerci *

(Northeast Utilities) from 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 spent Fuel Rack - Boraflex Degradation; various charts re Spent Fuel Pool; 05/03/91 telephone memorandum of conversation between J.R. Guerci (Northeast Utilities) and D.T.

McDaniel re history of fuel types stored in Region 1 of MP3 spent fuel pool; 06/06/91 1stter.(PSE-8C-91-077) to R.L. McGuinness (Wortheast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Rack - Botaflex Degradation - REF. #91-02; 06/27/91 interoffice memorandum to Carl Clement from Thomas Silko re RIF #91-02 (M3)

"Boraflex/ Poison Spent Fuel Racks."

000809 000836 08/03/89 Letter to Al Elms (Northeast Utilities) from Stanley E. Turner (NUSURTEC) re Examination of Boraflex Coupons from the M111stona Unit 3 spent Fuel Pool, Enclosurest 08/03/89 report [NST-89110] by stanley E. Turner (NUSURTIC), titled " Summary Report on the Examination of ML11 stone-3 Boraflex surveillance Coupons";

Undated report (NUSURTEC PROCEDURE NO. NPP-82800-1]

prepared for Northeast Utilities by Stanley E.

Turner (NUSURTEC), titled " Procedures for Physical Properties Measurements of Boraflex Surveillance Coupons."

b c

I StOrting Inding Document Bates N2A Date Document. Description Review and Certification Log [HI-91683; 10790) for  !

000837 000859 09/04/91 document prepared for Northeast Utilities, titled I

  • Examination of Millstone-3 Boraflex Surveillance Coupons Susanary Report No. 2."

Enclosure s t. ' Examination of M111 stone-3 Boraflex l Surveillance Coupons Summary Report No. 2*;

Undated report (NUSURTEC PROCEDURE NO. NPP-82800-1]

prepared for Northeast Utilities by Stanley E. j Turner (NUSURTEC), titled " Procedures for Physical Properties Heasurements of Boraflex Surveillance Coupons.'

000860 000863 02/11/92 Letter [813939) to NRC from C.F. Sears /for J.F.

Opeka (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex Surveillance Coupons.

000864 000866 11/15/91 Letter (SE-91-463) to W.E. Hutchins (Northeast Utilities) from 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re NRC Letter to NU dated 2/7/91 Docket 50-336.

000867 000867 04/30/91 Letter (PSE-SC-91-061) to J.R. Guerci (Northeast Utilities) from 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 3 Spent Fuel Rack

- Borsflex Degradation.

000868 000870 11/12/92 Letter [NI-92-RA-477) to R.M. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) from 0.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 3 Spent Fuel Racks noraflex Degradation. (with enclosure) 000871 000871 05/27/92 Letter [11030-A02) sent via telef ax to Al Elms (Northeast Utilities) from Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International) re Preliminary Examination of the Blackness Test Data for the Millstone Unit 3 Spent ruel Pool Storage Racks.

000872 000918 07/31/92 HOLTEC International. Document Transmittal Form (11030-4) to G. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from Nancy Mouland (HOLTEC International) re Blackness Testing of-Boraflex in Selected Cells of the M111 stone-3 Spent ruel Storage Racks (document number HI-92869) (two copies).

Enclosures. 06/05/92 Spent Puol Pool map / diagram for Region 2; 06/05/92 Spent Fuel Pool map / diagram for Regions 1 and 2; 07/92 report prepared for Northeast Utilities by Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International)-[11030; HI-92869), titled " Blackness Testing of Boraflex in Selected Cells of the Millstone-3 Spent ruel-Storage Racks *;

Undated Review and certification Log for Holtec Procedure No. HPP-11030-1 --- Blackness--Testing in the Spent Fuel Pool of Millstone Unit 3 and the enclosed report.

e ,

5tcrting Ending Document Rates No. m aa No. Data Doc'a-nt Descriotion 000919 000921 11/12/92 Letter (NE-92-RA-477) to R.M. Kacich (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast .

Utilities) re M111 stone Unit 3 spent Fuel Racks Borafles Degradation. (with enclosure) c.

4 KEfr0MBE #2 ggg m ats Reinted to Blackness Testina 10 nit 2)

Starting Ending Document gates No. Egig1_ESA Date Document Descriotion 000922 000984 01/92 Report (10870; HI-91737) prepared for Northeast Utilities by Stanley E. Turner and Walter Mitchell (HOLTEC International) titled " Blackness Testing of Botaflex in Selected Region-1 Cells of the M111 stone-2 Spent ruel Storage Racks -- Second Hessurement Campaign."

000985 001018 10/90 Report (HI-90535) prepared for Northeast Utilities by Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International), titled

  • Blackness Testing of Boraflex in Selected Cells of the Spent Fuel Storage Racks of Millstone Unit 2."

001019 001025 10/15/91 Data Sheet 1 on Calibration Data re Blackness Testing; Enclotutti Data Sheet 2, Blackness Testing, " Daily Restart Log," for the period 10/15/91 - 10/23/91 .

001026 001068 10/15/91 Data Sheet 3, Blackness Testing, " Operating Log" for the period 10/15/91 - 10/24/91.

001069 001111 08/23/90 Data Sheet 3, Blackness Testing, " Operating Log" for the period 08/23/90 - 08/29/90.

001112 001124 09/06/90 Letter (02810-A01) to G. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from Stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International) re Preliminary Results of Blackness Tests on Millstone Unit 2 Spent ruel Storage Racks.

(with enclosures) 001125 001130 09/20/90 Letter (PSE-SA-90-182) to R.C. Bonner (Northeast Utilities) from G.M. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit 2 Spent ruel Racks (Region I) - Caps in Boraflex Poison. (with enclosure: 09/24/90 technical evaluation) 001131 001133 11/15/91 Letter (SE-91-463) to W.E. Hutchins (Northeast Utilities) from G.N. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent Fuel Pool

- Boraflex Surveillance Testing. (with enclosure) 001134 001150 08/20/90 Vendor Procedure Approval by NUSURTEC (NUSURTEC-1) titled " Procedures for Blackness Testing for Millstone Unit 2."

Enclosurest 08/20/90 Safety Evaluation for NUSURTEC Blackness Testing Procedure; Undated report (Procedure HPP-10870-1) prepared for Northeast Utilities' Millstone Unit 2 by HOLTEC International, titled " Procedures for Blackness Testing."

o a Stcrting En$1ng D?cument Bates Noi Bates No.- Date _ Doc"==nt Descriptio,3 .

001151 001183 08/07/92 Letter (NCC-92-369) to G. Betancourt (Northeast

  • 1 Utilities) from J.s. Glasman (Asea Brown Boveri; t

ABB CE) re Doraflex Examination.

Enclosures 08/07/92 report [TR-NCC-92-209] by -

J.S. 01aaman, titled "The Examination of Boraflex Taken f rom the Millstone Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool Poison Box D-9"; ,

t 06/10/92 report (00000-EID-115, Rev. 00) by D.H.

Walker (ASB Combustion Engineering) titled " Test Procedure f or Neutron Absorption Determination of.

Boraflex samples' (including revised pages).


'- .. . _ _ - - - ~ . . _ . . _ .

RESPONSE #2 Documents Related to Bornflex Information Mot Reinted to M111 stone 10.a. EPRI Vorknhens)

Starting Ending Document 1111s No. Butes No. Date Q2C"mant Descriotion 001184 001229 12/17/87 Report [RP-2813-4) presented by Northeast Technology Corp. for an EPRI Workshop, titled

" Assessment of Boraflex Performance in Spent Fuel Storage Racks." l 001230 01288 05/17/90 Report (RP-2813-4) presented by Northeast Technology Corp. for EPRI Workshop #4, titled "Boraflex Update." >

01289 01330 Undated Viewgraphs/ handouts re Boraflex issues (including

" Reason for Improvement," " Current Situation,

" Analysis,' and " Countermeasures");

Enclosurest 08/87 report (NST-103] prepared for Florida Power & Light Co. by Stanley E. Turner (NUSURTEC Incorporated) titled " Blackness Testing of Boraflex in Selected cells of the Turkey Point Unit 3 Spent Fuel Storage Racks";

Transcript of 09/15/87 ASLBP meeting in the matter of Florida Power.& Light Company (Turkey Point 3 &


001331 001358 Undated Viewgraphs/ handouts re Boraflex test performance, spent fuel pool radiation levels, and Boraflex irradiation; 11/87 preliminary report (NST-87-107) prepared for 81500 Products, Inc. by Stanley E.

Turner (KUSURTIC Incorporated), titled " Irradiation Tests of Boraflex."

001359 001395 11/01/88 Report (RP-2813-4) presented by Northeast Technology Corp. for EPRI Workshop titled

" Assessment of Boraflex Performance in Spent Fuel Storage Racks."

001396 001475 07/25/79 Report (748-10-1) by J.S. Anderson (Brand Industrial Services, Inc.), titled " Irradiation Study of Boraflex Neutron Shielding Natorials."

001476 001496 04/10/87 Report (NET-042-01, Revision 0) prepared for Commonwealth Edison Company by Northeast Technology Corp. titled " Preliminary Assessment of Boraflex Performance in the Quad Cities Spent Fuel Storage Racks."

001497 001515 05/28/87 Report (NET-044-1) prepared for Southern Sciences Division of Black and Veatch by Northeast l

Techno1 m Corp. titled "An Assessment of Boraflex Cap Distributione in the Quad Cities Spent Fuel.

Storage Racks,"

001516 001535 05/01/87 Viewgraphs/ handouts presented by Commonwealth Edison Company to the NRC re Summary of the High Density Fuel Rack Testing at Quad _ Cities.


Stcrting Inding Document RALRs.Hai Rates No. Date Docu--nt Descrintion i 001536 001631 06/01/87 Letter to 3. Arnetrong ( Services), G.

Betancou rt (NU), Q. Dahodwala (PSIGG), W. Dobson (PICo), M. Driscoll (Ceco), A. Fuierer (RG&E), E.

Hernandea (LP&L), 3. Isakson (NU), R. Klavon (Palisades), R. Kunita (CP&L), J. Mihalcik (Calvert Cliffs), J. Koogling (TVA), M. Smith (VIPCo), G.

Snipes (Duke), and K. W111ons (Yankee Atomic) from

  • P.J. carnier and N.P. Smith (Ceco) re High Density Spent Fuel Storage Racks; Boraflex Neutron Absorber; Enclosurest 05/05/87 letter to A. Bert Davis (NRC) from N.S. Turbak (Ceco) re Quad Cities Station Units 1 and 2 Spent Fuel Storage Racks; NRC Docket
  • Nos. 50-254 and 50-265; 04/10/87 report (NET-042-01, Revision 0) prepared for Commonwealth Edison Company by Northeast Technology Corp. titled " Preliminary Assessment of Boraflex Performance in the Quad Cities Spent Fuel Storage Racks."

001632 001661 05/20/87 Report (RP-2813-4) for EPRI Workshop titled,

" Assessment of Boraflex Forformance in Spent Fuel Storage Racks."

001662 001732 06/19/91 Report [RP-2813-4) presented by K. Lindquist (Northeast Technology Corp.) for EPRI Workshop #5, titled "Boraflex Update."

001733 001812 07/29/92 Report [RP-2813-4] presented by K. Lindquist (Northeast Technology Corp. ) for IPRI Workshop #6, titled "Boraflex Update."

001813 001814 1992 Two pages of the third' issue of 1992 of EPRI's

" Nuclear Notes," including article titled "Boraflex Performance Remains an Issue."

L -

i RESPOIISE #4 Starting Inding Document Bates No2 Bates No. Data Doc"=nt Damerintion i 001815 002535 1986-1992 Copies of weekly and periodic surveillances of  !

spent fuel pool water boron and chemical analysis .;

for 1986 through-1992 (Engineering Forr.s 21025-3  !

and chemistry Forms 2602-2).. i i

5 e

1 L

P k .~.._u-- , _.____


' Starting Ending Document Bates No. Bates No. Data Document Description 002536 002536 11/08/90 Letter (NE-90-RA-836] to B.J. Duf fy (Northeast Utilities) from J.L. Wheeler (Northeast Utilities) re Integrated Does to MP-2 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex coupons.

002537 002537 08/21/90 Letter (NE-90-RA-603) to 3.J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from J.L. Wheeler (Northeast Utilities) re Integrated Dcse to MP-2 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex coupons.

002538 002543 12/11/91 Letter (IN2-91-450) to G.N. Betancourt (Northeast  !

Utilities) from R.A. Borchert (Northeast Utilities) re spent Fuel Storage Data for HOLTEC. (with enclosure);

Enclosure 11/08/90 letter (NE-90-RA-836) to B.J.

Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from J.L. Wheeler (Northeast Utilities) re Integrated Dose to MP-2 Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex coupons; 08/21/90 letter (NE-90-RA-603) to 3.J. Duffy (Northeast Utilities) from J.L. Wheeler (Northeast Utilities) re Integrated Dose to MP-2 Spent Fuel Pool Botaflex Coupons.

002544 002552 07/26/91 Letter to John Gibson-(Northeast Utilities) from K.

Lindquist (Northeast Technology-Corp.) re formal request to remove the EPRI Botaflex surveillance Assembly from the Millstone 2 pool during September 1991.

Inclosurest charts / diagrams / matrices re Millstone Unit 2 power history, assembly history, fuel-storage modules and EPRI coupon assembly,-speist fuel poison box assembly, poison spent fuel storage-module, power distribution cycle 10, spent fuel pool (region I);-

01/16/91 information from EPRI Boraflex coupon System Log.

002553 002555 C3/05/91 Facsimile Transmission Cover Sheet to G. Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from Larry Dietrick (BISCO Products,_Inc.);

Englgaurent 02/13/91 letter to Northeast Utilities from Laurence J. Dietrick (bis 00 Products, Inc.) re

-Boraflex Neutron Absorber ~ Performance in Millstone 2 High Density spent Fuel Racks.

002556 002557 11/29/90 Letter [PSE-SC-90-021) to W.E. Hutchins (Northeast Utilities) from G.N.,Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) re Millstone Unit No. 2 Spent. Fuel-Pool  ;

- Botaflex-Degradation. i 002558 002606 10/92 Report (201107 H1-92426) prepared for Northeast Utilitiee-by Ntanley E. Turner _and Walter Mitchell--

-(HOLTEC-International), titled "Evalua* ion of-Radiation Effects on the Boraflex in Coll D9 of=

Millstone Unit 2; Part-II - Radiation Dose-Calculations."

L _

stcrting Ending Document mates No* Bates No. Date Document Description

-002607 002607 10/16/92 Letter [20110-A04) to George Betancourt (Northeast utilities) from stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International) re Density Measuremente on Samples of sorafles from Cell D9.

002608 002609 10/15/92 Letter to George Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from K. Lindquist (Northeast Technology Corp. ) re information requested, including information on calculations of the average integrated gamma"does to each of the panele in cell D9 (as discussed in NET 00's 03/25/92 inspection report (NET-043-M2),

titled 'Milletone Unit No. 2 Boraflex Panel Inspection East and West Panels from Coll D9").

002610 002659 10/29/92 HOLTEC International Document Transmittal Form (20110-4) (2 copies) to George Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from Tanya Quinones (HOLTEC International) re report (HI-92826, Rev. 0) titled

" Evaluation of Radiation Effects on the Boraflex'in cell D9 of Milletone Unit 2";

Enclosures 10/92 report (20110; HI-92826) prepared for Northeast Utilities by stanley E. Turner and Walter Mitchell (HOLTEC International), titled

" Evaluation of Radiation Effects on the Boraflex in Call D9 of Milletone Unit 2; Part I - Physical Measuremente and suemary."

002660 002835 10/29/92 Report (201107 HI-92826; Report Category AJ-presumably prepared by NOLTEC International, titled

" Evaluation of Radiation Effects on the Doraflex in~

cell D9 of-Milletone Unit'2; Patt III -


002836 002837 03/05/91 Letter (Na-91-RA-126) to Gary'Newburgh (Northeast Utilities) from S.M. Torf (Northeast. Utilities) re

' Dose Rates from Fuel 1 Assemblies Relative to sorafles coupons.

002838 002849 10/23/92 .Telecopier cover Letter to George Betancourt-

__ (Northeast - Utilities) from Scott Tripp (Northeast Utilities) re requesto.for comments on attached;:

Enclosures Undated Special Procedure (SP-92-2-12, Revision 0) re Unit 2 Poisoned Spent Fuel Pool Rack-Chemical Dosimetry Measuremente.

002850- 002854 10/21/92 Telecopier cover Letter to' scott Tripp-(Northeast Utilities) from George Betancourt-(Northeast' Utilities) re requests for comments on attached; Enclosurnet. 10/23/92 Safety Evaluation (SP-92 12, Revision 0) by George Betancourt-(Safety-Evaluation for Special Procedure SP-92-2-12,

' Revision 0). titled," spent Fuel Pool: Storage Rack Chemical Dosimetry Measurements."

1 002855- 002859' 09/29/92 Safety Evaluation (SP-92-2-12 Rev. 0) titled'

  • spentPualRackChemicalDoebtryMeasurements." ,


l StCrting Ending Document Dates No. 11111,_H24, Date _ R2Egggnt Descrietion 002860 002882 06/10/92 Letter (20110 405) to George Betancourt ( Nort hea st Utilities) from stanley E. Turner (HOLTEC International) re Composition of Material in the chemical Dosimeters; Laciosurest 06/10/92 telecopy cover sheet to George Betancourt (Northcast Utilities) from stanlof Turner (HOLTEC International);

05/13/92 telecopy cover sheet to George Betancourt (Northeast Utilities) from Stanley Turner (HOLTEC International) re chemical dosimetry and attached summary data sheet for gamma dose to Boraflex in old D9 cell; Undated Material safety Data sheet; Diagram (presumably schematic Drawing of the Test Train and the Vial, Capsule, Holder Mounting) showing pre-cut groove to remove vials, seal gasket (D-ring), welding heat absorption, inner tube sealed both ends, vial, shock absorber material, outer tube sealed on onc and and removable cap on opposite end; 03/26/91 Administrative Control Procedure Cover Sheet (ACP-QA-4.11, Rev. 0] signed by Stephen Scace re consumable Materials Control Program (encloses the procedure).

002803 0002895 Undated special Procedure (SP-92-2-12, Revision 0) re Unit 2 spent ruel Poci Poison Rack Chemical DonLmetry Haasurements.

002896 002903 Undated Excerpts from report [HPP-20110-2] (presumably by HOLTEC International) re chemical dostaater measurements purpose to determine accurately the radiation dose in a storage cell.

a .- ,

RESPONSE.fl Starting Ending Document R1113 30, Bates No __ D at t ,, Q.qgypent Descriction 002904 002904 12/02/92 Spent fuel pool map as of 12/02/92.

+ .. _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Attachment #i CCC-545 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 3Ct'atto Os va mT'N v T A E NE nGY SYSTiv$ it.C

'O' the s $ O(DA ATY(NT CC (N(RGY RSIC COMPUTER CODE COLLECTION SCALE 4 A Mccuir Code System for Performing Standardized ccm cter Analyses for Licensing Evaluation vol, !!

Part 1 Contributed by Computing and Teleceramunications Division Oak Rid 6, National 1.aboratory operated bv



Wrtin Marietta tnergy Inc. ,,


Drah NOTICE: This document contesins informa-tion of a preliminary nature. It is subject to revislou or correction and therefore does not represent a final report.


COMPUTINO AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIVISION st Oak Ridge National Laboratory Poet Omoc Box 2006 Gak Ridge, Teasemese 37431 Prspared for the Omos of Nuclear Matsdal Safety and safeguarth U. S. Naclear Regulatory th=6Laa Washingtoe.DC 20$55 Under 1steragoney Agreenseat DOE 18864293 NRC FIN Na. 5 0009 MARTIN MARIETTA ENEROY SYSTEMS,INC.

woratins the Oak Ridge Natioet! taboratory Ook Ridge Y.12 Plut Oak Ridge Osseous Diffusion Plut Paducah Osseove Diffusion Plant under Contract No. DE.AC05440R21400 for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENEROY Dra"ft

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L M. Pee $e N. F. Landen Massacript Completed: March 1983 Date Pumbab Deeensher iMe Prepared tw the Omee et Needser Manerial Safety and Safegumeds U. S. Nesteer sessistory C-Washingten. DC 20$$$

Under *- Mzy Agreseset DOE do.54 75 NRC FIN No,3 4009 Martis Martesen Emersy Syeesen los.

sparedes the o.k mMee Nedeems takerseery Oak RMes Y.13 Ptema o k Ruge cessene DWeeien Plant- Padocah Geneses Diffaeles M ander Caesroes No. DE-AC06440R11400 for the DEPAntMENT OF ENT.RGY


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  • t.

i j .:

. - ..-. . .. _ . ... = _ _ .. .. _ _.__.__. __, ,._ _ . _

e ** s Attachment #3 Millstone Unit No. 2 goent Puol Pool Status after Cycle 12 Core Load Recion A >

224 Total Region A Storage Locations 84 Stored Spent Fuel Assemblies

- 2 par Trash Cang 138 Available Region A Storage Locations Reaion B 120 Total Region B Storage Locations 8 Stored Spent Fuel Assemblies

- 1 Light Dummy Fuel Assembly 1 Heavy Dummy Fuel Assembly

- 1 B&W Trash Can 1 B&W Failed Fu61 Rod Storage Canister 1 Failed Fuel RQd Storace Grid Cace (Old G-56) 107 Available Region B Storage Locations Recion C 728 Total Region C Storage Locations 4 Locations Which Cannot Be Used 1 Damaced Location Which Cannot Be Used 723 Total Usable Region C Storage Locations 686 Stored Spent Fuel Assemblies 3 Stored Consolidated Fuel Storage Boxes

- 6 Empty Grid Cages 1 ICI Trash can 1 Westinghouse Trash can 5 Locations With consolidation Trash Cang 21 Available Region C Storage Locations 266 Total Available SFP Storage Locations

l ...,


,i, .,,i;.,



NORTilEAST llUCLEAR EllERGY CO. ) Docket No. 50-336-OLA

) (Spent Fuel Pool Design)

(Millstone Nuclear Power Station, )

Unit No. 2) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "NORTNEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY'S RESPONSE To CCMN DISCOVERY REQUESTS OF DECEMBER 5, 1992, AND DECEMBER 16, 1992" have been served on the following by deposit in the United States Mail, first class, or as indicated by an asterisk

(*), by Federal Express overnight delivery, this 15th day of January, 1993. Copies of the documents included and referenced in the discovery response have been provided only to the parties indicated by the (t) symbol.

Ivan W. Smith Charles N. Kolber Chairman Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Jerry R. Kline John T. Hull, Esq.t Administrative Judge Office of the General Counsel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Adjudicatory File Office of Commission Appellate Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Adjudication Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 16-G-16 OWFN Mail Stop EW-439 Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555

oe 's Richard M. Kacich Director, Nuclear Licensing Northeast Utilities P.O. Box 270 flartford, CT 06101 Cooperativo Citizen's Monitoring Network P.O. Box 1491 llow Itavon, CT 06506 Professor Michio Kaku Department of Physics City College of flew York _

138th Street and Convent Avenuo New York, NY 10031 Office of the Secretary Attention: Chief, Docketing and Servico Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 16-G-16 OWFN Washington, D.C. 20$55 (original + 2 copios)

Mary Ellen Marucci*t 104 Brownell Street New liaven, CT 06511

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David A. Repka '\

Counsel for Northeast Nuclear Energy Company i

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